Saint Rafka Maronite Catholics of the East in the Upstate! 1215 S. Highway 14, Greer, SC 29650 864.469.9119
[email protected] Saint Rafka Maronite Church is a Catholic Parish of the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, NY, Most Rev. Gregory John Mansour, Bishop, 109 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, 718.237.9913. July 8, 2018
[email protected] Rev. Bartholomew Leon, Administrator,
[email protected] Pastor’s Advisory Council Ramiz Askar, 8th Sunday of Pentecost Marlene Saad Secretary Richard Sleiman, Chairman This Sunday we continue to celebrate Paul Sleiman, Linda Wickett, Pentecost with the season’s eighth Sunday. Eight Jack Yacu weeks and counting until the Feast of the Holy Finance Committee Cross (Sept. 14) is a large amount of time devoted George Azan, Joseph Chebeir, Chairman Tony Sleiman, Paula Howard-Casby to one event. The Holy Trinity is the subject of this time, and specifically the Person of the Holy Spirit, Administration for a thousand weeks would be insufficient to speak of His great mystery that the Church has Richard, Wickett, Financial Secretary been writing about continually for the last 2000 years. Where does one even begin? Joseph Chebeir, Scott Herr, Administrative Assistants to the Pastor It’s difficult to decide where one begins to speak about an infinite being, so as humans it easier to pick the point of our beginning of interaction with the Spirit. Genesis tells us that God “formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Gen.