Clinical Psychological Science: Then And
CPXXXX10.1177/2167702616673363LilienfeldThen and Now 673363research-article2016 Editorial Clinical Psychological Science 2017, Vol. 5(1) 3 –13 Clinical Psychological Science: © The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permissions: Then and Now DOI: 10.1177/2167702616673363 Scott O. Lilienfeld Department of Psychology, Emory University In case you were wondering (and in case you weren’t), open to work drawn from a variety of subdisciplines the title of this article possesses a double meaning: It within basic psychological science, including physiologi- refers to both the Association for Psychological Science cal, evolutionary, comparative, cognitive, developmental, (APS) journal Clinical Psychological Science (CPS), of social, vocational, personality, cross-cultural, and mathe- which I am the new Editor, and to the field of clinical matical psychology, as well as from scientific disciplines psychological science at large. In this editorial, I examine that fall outside the traditional borders of psychological where our journal has been and where it is headed over science, including genetics, neuroscience, economics, the next several years, using past and ongoing develop- business, sociology, anthropology, microbiology, medi- ments in our field as context. Along the way, I will share cine, nursing, computer science, linguistics, and public my, at times, heterodox views of the field and explain health. Secondarily, CPS’s mission is translational, as we where I see CPS fitting into the broader domain of clini- aim to bridge the often yawning gap between basic and cal psychological science. In particular, I highlight CPS’s applied science relevant to clinical problems. long-standing emphases as well as a few novel ones.
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