SUGAR WEATHER Cnno: 4.05 per lb., 181.00 Thar, mln., 70. por too. liar., 8. m., 30.07. BocU: 13b. 7 'Ail. cwt., Wind, 12m., 12 N.B. 198.00 por ton. me mvm Star Rnln, 24h., 8 a. m., traca. Telephone 2365 Star Business office The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory second edition. VOL. XX TWELVE PAQE3. HONOLULU, HAWAII, MONDAY, MAY 6. 1912. TWELVE PAGES. NO 627 t


j 1

Special Cable To The Star. " WACUIMPTAM ft VI H TT1 : U jlL. C j Y?l vv ojuiiiivs i uiij lvicay u. i nc iiiiiiuuly ui uie ueoate Finance Lommil-- i tee have decided to report a substitute for the free sugar bill with 25 to arte 1 o g 1 gg mi a n TO mittee are considering reporting a reduction of about ten percent. J. A. Breckons. UAK MANY KILLED Was Fruitfly EFACES A 1 a A IN RAILROAD Brought Here SG EMERY ADOUt rmy A CATASTROPHE It appears thaUthe shock reported at Hllo on Sunday week was severely felt on tho Kau coast as well. (Associated Press Cables to the Star.) The quake was distinctly felt aboard aneuvers HATTIESDERG, Miss., May 6. A special carrying Confederate voter- - or nns to to Macon (Ga.) reunion (he steamer Kilauca, lying at Honu-- I Texts tho has been wrecked here. Ten passcngeis nnd four of tho crow were killed nnd forty Injured. apo, and from that vessel was wit- Intent upon tracing tho origin of fore tho customs examiner. Ho As announced in. tho Star early In the extensive maneuvers mapped out tho Mediterranean fly in tho Hawaiian) declared that ho was convinced that nessed tho raro sight of a portion of April, the National Guard ot Hawaii for tho year. Nothing but the most IN BARBAROUS MEXICO. iBlands, Prof. H. H. Severln of thej Mr. Swezey, who afterward handled the land scenery being precipitated will not take part In the regular army cordial feeling exists between the na WASHINGTON, May G. Three hundred Chinese, fearful of being ColleKo of Hawaii has secured a nu ni tho colony for the H. S. P. A., took Into the sea by tho-quak- as If It hail iuncuvers this year but will hold a tlonal guard and tho army. Wo shall massacred by the Mexicans havo been granted permission temporarily, to interesting ter of facts connected every precaution and that no respon- lH-e- blown out by a heavy blast of separate encampment of live days' go Into camp for a period not to cx enter' Eagle Pass, an American town. In at-tac- with the Introduction of the neat sibility can attach to him. . dynamite. duration .durlngwhlch the guardsmen ceed flvo days and perform maneuver . TUCSON, May 6. Ono thousand rebels have been repulsed in an it country- - expects -pnb' nhis which ho Inorderto fix the date when the "i was talking with tho mate at the will ""receive a'' course of maneuver work as planned by tho crmy board on Mocorato, Sonora, Ono hundred Tvero killed. The Federals lost connec- Ush when his lebors in this colony imported from Australia ar- time," Purser Logan of the Kilauea training as mapped out by tho army having It in charge. In this wny we three killed and forty de.iertcd. 1 are completed. by w tion rived here, Prof. Severln called at- said last night, "when we felt tho officers. shall benefit the training and nt MAZATLAN, May G. Tho U. S. army transport Buford has arrived Sovorin declared thi Professor tention to the Hawaiian Fores or and deck trembling under our feet, Adjutant General John 'W. Jonci, in the same time will not bo put to tho uero to laue American reiugees. ah is iranquu. - i while morning that while as yet ho has not Agriculturist of August 1909 with th at tho same moment a deep rumbling command of the national guard, expense incidental to the protracted presence In Held would the absolute proof that the extract of a report in that pub'icttlon round was heard. rather amused this morning at thej service tho which other POLITICS ON BOTH SIDES. of the fly is due to the colony Import- attempt cif morning paper to make wise be necessary." G. made by Kotinsky to the Hoard of '"What's that?' I asked the mate the DALLAS, Tex., May Rooflevoltcrs and Taft men dispute posses- ed from Australia in 1909, yet the fact a mystery of the failure of the guard At department headquarters this Agriculture on July 7, 1909, which rnd he replied that it was likely the sion on the Republican side of tho primary test and Wilson is tho apparent that the first f'y was discovered just to participate In the maneuvers. morning, It was stated that ofllcir.1 reads as follows: flemen starting the boilers. But just victor on the Democratic side. a year from the date tho shipment was "There is nothing mysterious about notification had been received from BALTIMORE, May 0. Tho vote of Maryland in the State primaries 1b "We received on the 21th a eolony then we happened to look toward the landed makes tho circumstances sus- tho matter," he said. "Wo simply felt the war department somo weeks ago heavy. ot fruit fly parasites from the entomo- shore, where wo siw a mass of debris picious. this year that wo could not spare tho to the effect that the guard would not WALLA AVALLA, May G. Wilton and Clark dispute the control of tho logist of West Australia, who, on his rumbling from tho bluff Into the sea, If the fly originated from this ship- monoy or the time to take part In (Continued on Pago Five.) Washington convention. way to tho Orient, took it with him nuking a cloud of dust. Tho ragged ment, Prof. Soverin said ho believed SAN FRANCISCO, May G. Sena tor Boverldgo and Glfford Pinchot to Sydney where he placed it in care crest of the bluff that overlooks the it ivas due to the failure of Jacob will stump o on the S. S. have arrived here and th stato for Roosevelt. Ktotlnsky, at that time superintendent of the butcher board ocean there had been shaken down Aorangi. All posslb'e precautions by entomology the Commissioners the quake." .of for to prevent any of RAIN ADDS TO FLOOD. TTJ Agriculture, to the proper pre- have been taken of take Tax Appeal NEW ORLEANS, May G. Heavy rains hero today, with tho river boat- opened the box con- the host flics escaping here. cautions, when he ing upon the levees, bns disheartened thousands who aro at work trying to taining the fly. on Its arrival here be-- (Continued on page Fourl Crazy Auto strengthen tho great embankments of tho Mississippi. Motorboat.i aro run- ning about rescuing people from tho housetops. It Is conceded that many ESTATE HELPING HILO have .perished In the floods. BISHOP Claims About NEW ORLEANS, May G. Portions of eighteen parishes of Louldnna Hits Soldier are inundated. RECLAMATION SAYS SOUTHWORTH THE AMERICANA'S COOK. SAN FRANCISCO, May G. Tho cook of tho Americana has been Last night about 10 o'clock Private to four years' Imprisonment for killing the captain. Green of the marine corps wo.3 run $8,000,000 County Engineer Southworth, of Ha-vsl- l, will help out a lot. There will be a down by an automobile near Richards STRIKE MAY SPREAD. do work block is returning to Hllo tomorrow systematic effort to the and Alakea streets, , CHICAGO, May G.' --The freight strlko now operating here may spread. will be much better i irorning In the Mauna Kca. He !s by block, which The car Is described as being of a thoro. veil satisfied with tho progress made than doing bits here and dark color with seven scats, It was Morning Cable Report on page Two. shipshape now, and tho AH tho figures In regard to tho ap W. C. Creek (Makawoll), $1150; on tho work he came down ti seo Things are going at n high rato of .3 peed when and $2600. about, ana declares that there will work can be gone-ahea-d with it struck Green, who was considerably peals of corporations, as well as ot made." P. G. Correa (Makaweli). $0550; Boon bo a great deal done In the way Borne showing can be bruised and had a suit of clothes spoil- private concerns that consider that JOINT much filling to bo $7085. EXPOSmON COMMITCE or reclamation in Hllo. There will bo ed. assessments the Increased of tholr $3,409,176. Total "The Bishop Estate is cooperating done and new roads, drainage canals Aftor knocking Green down no at- Total returned, will have to bo in- properties aro not correct, aro pow assessed, $1,463,297. Difference, in every way with us," said Mr. r.nd other. features tempt was mado to stop the car AT PROPOSAL Southworth this morning, "and that stalled. which speeded up" Alakea street. available, and this morning Treasurer LS WOO A drunken party of roysterers were Conkling gavo out the figures that Third Taxation Division Hawaii. in the automobile, which carried no aro printed below. Hakalau Plantation Company Re- lights. $2,000,-00- 0. LOOKS AS IF TAYLOR It will bo noticed that flvo appeals turned, $1,500,000; assessed, la $250,000 an extravagant sum for represented, the Joint commltteo will, ILL good Auto x This would bo a caso for como from Maul and Molokal, twenty-si- Hawaii to spend In advertising herself probably report tho fact to Its parent Ofllcer Chilton to got busy on. from Hawaii and four from Kauai Pnauhnu Sugar Plantation Com Et San Francisco's big show In 1915? bodies, with tho recommendation that GET PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE and Nlihau. Oahu's Hsrhos already pany, $1,400,000; $1,600,000. This Joint commltteo of tho Chnm-be- i tho Legislature boasked to appropri- licon published, and It Is sufficient to Kalopa Agricultural Company, Ltd., of Commerce and of tho Mer- ate not to exceed $100,000 for the pur- Has Penchant stato that this Island claims, through $50,000; $64,350.- - chants' Association is inclined to pose. many agents, that 11,137,000 too much Woha Agricultural Company, Ltd., think so, nnd feel that tho mombors As will bo remembered, tho Joint has committee, referred to, camo in- That James T. Taylor, M. Am. Soc. In speaking of his ability, it may has been asscd. $50,000; $03,700. of tho Hawnlian commaslon which Just n monu- Tho total, which all tho appellants Company, tho matter In hand, and tho advisory to being as the result ot n r.ppoal C. E., will bo named to succeed Mars-to- bo said that fully one hundred Kahaupu Agricultural For uicide niombers, up of promlnont made by tho Hawaiian commissioners Campbell as superintendent ot ments of engineering endeavor aro ot tho group claim as being In excess Ltd'., $4,178.40; ,$5,G80. made amount now living In tho Golden for money to carry on tholr work, public works before Governor Frear credited to his skill in California, of tho of assessments their Tropic Agricultural Company, Ltd., Gato city, nro unduly cnthualnstic on ponding tho meeting of tho Legisla- mainland, Is the decla- Mexico and Hawaii as a result of concerns should carry, comes to $18,000; $25,000. loaves for tho the subject. ture. Whon tho 1911 Logtslnturo pro- if thirty-fiv- e busy years. Ho re- $7,8G8,473. This amount, If conceded, Sugar Company, $1,500,000; friends, who assort that has but JC. to pencil-- Hllo ration of his J. Rico seems havo a Ono thing which tho commltteo has vided for tho commission, it' was wth they reason to bellevo that tho cently completed an engagement as would rcduco tho Increased assess- $1,850,000. have , ant for attempting to commit suicide. pretty definitely determined upon, Is tho oxpoctatlon that only preliminary engineer Rail-wn- y ments of tho group to about' D. & A. I). Sprcckols, $14,050; given to Taylor. chief of tho Hawaiian J. rnls-hi- f position will bo Ho to his sev- that It will not recommend tho r. attors would be nocossary to consid- Company, Ltd. has trldd cut throat $13,000,000. $48,585. Tho Republican central committee of any funds nt all prior to tho er, nnd thnt nny appropriation needed eral times and on one occasion he Tho full figures nnd names of tho Upa nnd Tnmar Upa, $2000; nnd tho Hawaiian Engineers' Associa- His Professional Record. Sam mooting of tho Loglslaturo In regular ml&ht como from tho 1913 body of be- badly. parties Intorosted follow: tion havo ondorsed Taylor's candi- Mr. Taylor's professional record scratched himself rather $4000. sefslon, noxt Fobnmry. In fact tho lawmakers. Not ovetl postage r.tnmp I Division Maul Evan-gollo- dacy and havo boon urging his ap- gan in July, 1S77. From thon until Early this morning ho hnd troublo Second Taxation and Tho Hoard of tho Hawaiian committee is taking.nothlng for grant- monoy was provldod for tho commis- Molokal. pointment to tho place. Novombor of 1879 ho was an assist- with his wifo in tho Ah Nln block on Association, $4000; $18,885. ed, and consequently purposes tiklws sion. Recently tho San Francisco ex- Ranch Company Re- Taylor Is a wldoly known engineer, ant In tho engineering department of jLIllhn street, and grabbing a knife Halcnknla Ponahakwnl Coffco Company, Ltd., a postcard voto very shortly to as- position authorities havo been n broad gauged man unidentified with tho Southorn Pacific Coast Knllroad started to saw at his windpipe turned, $150,000; assessed, $200,000. $71,402; $73,900. certain whothor tho people ot Hawaii Hnwall to mnko known what Sugar Company, $3,250,-00- $18,-70- nny prejudices, familiar with condi- in charge of tunnol and construction Tho weapon was takon out ot his Wnlluku Mrs. Victoria Ward, $10,100; really want to tnko any part In tho tho proposos doing in the way of nn tions In tho Islands, and with a largo work. Then successively ho filled hand by nn onlookor and Rico told to $4,250,000. I'anama-Pnclfl- o Exposition In 1915. exhibit, In order thnt a sultDble plnco pre- O. $147G; Hhowa thirty-tw- o engagements go to bed and sloop it off, which, W. Alkon (Makawoll), Honokna Sugar Company, $800,000; If tho voto thnt tho pooplo may be assigned In tho planning professional and personal for tho United " her (Continued on page four.) sumably, ho did, $2712. (Continued on Pago Flvo.) protty ggnornlly approve of bolng (Continued on rage Eight,) TWO TIIR HAWAIIAN STAR. MONDAY, MAY fi, 1912. THE HAWAIIAN STAR Lurllno, from 8. F. for Mon., Mny DAILY SISMI-WHEKL- Makurn, at Sydney from Hon,, April 13. Dally published ovory afternoon (except Sunday) by tho Hawaiian Star Shipping And News Waterfront Mnnchurla Hon. at Yokohama from 125-13- Newspaper Association, Ltd., 1 Merchant 8trcot April 7. Tho Dlx Is on Pugot Sound. Maramn, at Vancouver, from Hon., Entered at thu Postofflco at Honolulu as sccond-alas- s mall matter. IONSTER OIL TANKER BUIL Driftwood Tho Thomas loft Hon. for 8. F., MJ 1 May 4. Maverick, at Hon, from 8. F Mny 5. SUBSCRIPTION KATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANGB. . , Tho Shorldan Is in San Francisco. Mexican, from Hon. for Island ports, Tho Intor-Islan- d April 24, Dally, anywhero .75 Tho Logan, from San Francisco for in tho Islands, per month I Kaual portB - rlvod. Manila, sailed from Honolulu April 15 Mlssourlan, from Hllo Dally, anywhero In the Islands, threo monthB 2.00 Standard Oil Orders Two Vessels Si for Sallna uuiiiiuB'Tunnging uuu nags or sugar Tho Sherman Is In San Francisco. Cruz, April 19. Dally, anywhero In tho Islands, six months 4.00 as her main cargo. Sho reports hav- PROJECTED ARRIVAL8. Mongolia, Dally, anywhero In tho Islands, ono year 8.00 beria From Orient Many Vessels In from Hon. tor Yokohama, ing mado tho trip through choppy Siberia, April 16. Dally, to foreign countries, ono year 12.00 for San Francisco, today. Lurline seas and strong winds. Lurllno, from San May 8oml-WeekI- anywhoro In tho Islands, one year 2.00 And Out Here Wednesday Francisco, Nile, at Yokohama from Hon., April Llvo stock and sugar 8. Soml-Weekl- y to Foreign countries, ono year 3.00 comprised tho 20. Advertising rates supplied upon request. main portion of tho Inter-Islnn- d Buyo Maru, from Yokohama, May Nippon Maru, from Hon. for Yoko 481 una ny Word comes bv tho Standard Oil minor, accompanied Mrs. steamer Mlknhala's pnrrn hama, April 23. L. D. TIMMONS MANAGER nit . uv. Company's tanker Maverick that uro returning nomo auer wnen sho arrived hero from. Persia, from San May Porsln, ot S. Business Office telephone, 23C5; postofflco box, 366. Maul and Francisco, F. from Hon., April pulled out today, bound for Rich- - ui0 uneni. .Molokal ports. Tho sugar 24. v 11 . totaled tirn miinnor. 'i' u . Dinn m . mond, that tho company has placed iJlv,U( ifct 000 h anu tt n A. T. Rhnrirlnn. trvnrx Qnn Prometheus, at Makateo, from Hon., and Mrs lnrougn passon- - an ordor for tho largest oil tanker made up of twenty head of cattle, ono Francisco, May 12. April 15. gers en route to Europe," , . ... o Santa afloat under the American flag, and 'T uuiou mm iorcy-iiv- pigs. China, from Yokohama, May 14. Maria, at Gavlota from Hon., W. A. Gillespie, In charge of one of March 29' Oceanic Steamship Company that tho new vessel, which Is to bo Coming from Kaual tho steamer W. Wllhelmlna, from San Francisco, .....Hr.vtuufuiU IUUIO. ID 1,1 Villi n Santa Rita, from Hon. ailed the Richmond, will be placed - Ha" brought 5500 bags of sugar. May 14. for Port Siberia In r Harford, May 2. In commission at tho end of this ..f..i Pur8er Akau ot tho stcamer Kinau Korea, from San Francisco, May 10. around tho world tourist party Shlnyo Maru, Hon, Sierra Schedule year. Sho is to havo every modern tho Allowing sugar Sierra, from San Francisco, Mny 17. from for S. F.. L. Nemerv. nnrnmnnnimi !,v at rePrta awaiting April 30. csAva b. r. ARRIVE HON. LEAVE HON. ARRIVE B. r. improvement will Manchuria, from Yokohama, built into her and NCrnery , is en route to Lima, Peru. snlPment n Kaual: K. S. M., 850 May 21. Shlntsu Maru, at Eureka, from Hon. bo tho In oil carrying ves- - K-- K- - B- 1700 ! last word Mr. Nemery Is an official in Bel- - sacks: - MB., 52,776; MAY 11 MAY 17 MAY 1 MAY 7 tho May 3. sels. ' clan consular HPrvIrn nrl hna l.nnn K. P., 13,398: V. K., 750:: M. A. K Honolulan, from San Francisco, May ffUNfl 1 JUNH 7 MAY 22 MAY 28 21. St Kllda, from Hon. for Eureka, Tho Richmond will bo used for the stationed at Manila. P I. Hp will 38,331; K. S. Co., 2800. and L. P.. May 2. IUNB 22 JUNE 28 JUNE 12 JUNE 18 Makura, trade along tho west coast, but it Is useume official duties upon arrival at 2".000 from Auckland, May 21. Siberia, JULY 3 JULY Marama, at Hon. from Yokohama. not likely that sho will come to Ho-- hit new post. ' Returning from a special trip to from Victoria, May 22. Mny 6. Shlnyo Com- - Hollis - Maru, from San Francisco, RATES from Honolulu to Ban Francisco: First Glass, f(S; Round Trip, nolulu until tho Standard Oil Wilbur, for many years secre- Kahulul the steamer Mauna Koa Sierra, from Hon. for S. F Mar - wry May 24. jlH. Family Room, extra. pany erects larger tanks. Tho capac- of tho Dayton, Ohio, Y. M. C. A., mado port yesterday morning. Sho 1. ity an(1 a member Chlyo Maru, from Yokohama, May Forty-Eig- prior to of tho new vessel will be between of the International brought three passengers, who mado Tenyo Maru from Hon. for Reservations will not bo held later than hours 28. Yoko 50,000 60,000 committee who for the last two years hama, April 30. EM advertised sailing Urns unless tickets are paid for la full. and barrels. the round trip. Sho will leave for her - Siberia, from In addition to this enormous well 1:as "een engaged In the work of build- usual run to Hllo tomorrow morning San Francisco, May Virginian, at 8allna Cruz from Hl ing up - 31. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO another vessel with a tonnage of an organization at Kobe, Ja- as usual. lo, April 23. '8 returning home to recover j PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Wllhelmlna, ST., f" about 2500 tons will bo constructed llan' Bound for Mahukona and ports tho from Hon. for S. Irom u,nes Mr-- hM done U. S. A. T. Thomas, for April 24 for tho refined oil trade,, and when wllbur steamer Helene is at tho berth for Portland. b"u" ur'enl uul rccenuj tomorrow. w. F. Herrin. at Hnn fmm completed will include Honolulu in V. , dispatch tomorrow at noon. nni r & Ltd. contracted nuyo Maru, 0, C Brewer Co., double pneumonia. for Valparaiso, May 10. Bay, May I her run. it- j I Tho American-Hawaiia- n steamer GENERAL AGENTS. K. Kltamura, of the Melji Sugar Siberia, for San Francisco, May 7. Zealandia, from Hon. for Sydney No name has been given as yet to , Columbian was at Kahulul when tho Mill, Formosa, is hero to place an or Persia, for Yokohama, May 11 April 25. the second tanker, and sho is not ox-- irii..t.i. paSSCO, ttCCOrOlng der With tho Hor,oll Trnn WnrVa 10 II W U. 8. A. T. Sheridan, for Manila. Sailing Vessels. pected to bo finished until after tho handed ,n by Pursor His company deals exclusively wlth.port French. May 12. Alert, schr. at Hon. from. Grays Richmond. will ' The maU Sho have a carrying the works here, being of the opinion for the Coast BhuM China, Harbor, April 28. Canadian-Australi- Go for San Francisco, May 14. an Royal Mail capacity of between 25,000 and 30,000 i Ieave b steamer Steamship that they turn out tho best milliner Siberia, which Lurllno, for San Francisco, May 14, A. B. Johnson, from Hon. for Sound barrels. Is scheduled to get away - machinery. this after- Korea, for Yokohama, May 16. ports, April 17. noon 5 SIBERIA IN AND OUT. MAKE ROUND TRIP. at o'clock. Manchuria, for 8an Francisco, May A. F. Coates, schr. at Port Town-- Btoamera ot the above line running In connection with the CANADIAN-PACIFI- C Reporting a good trip from the Ori Tho Siberia passenger list con- - The steamer Nile Is reported at 21. send from Kahulul, Mar. 26. COMPANY, Vancouver, B. an Sydney, ent tho Pacific Mail ' Kobe by the Siberia Albert, bk., RAILWAY between C, liner Siberia tains the names of many people who that arrived from Makura, for Victoria, May 21. at Port Townsend, from V. S. W and calling at Victoria, B. Honolulu and Auckland, N. Z. reached port early this morning en tne urlont ma Napoopoo, April 18. C are en route to Europe from the Orl-- j m?S. Wllhelmlna, for San Francisco, May FOR VANCOUVER. route to San Ha-Mr- Alice" FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. Francisco. She came ent. Included In this list Mr. Witn a11 her salIs 8et tne bark 22. Cooke, from Hon. for Sound alongsldo are and 0. . UURAMA MAY IS S. S. MAKURA .HAY SI the Alakea dock shortly wail left the Satur-A-. March 29. A. W. Appleby, T. B. H. Cox, H. railroad dock on Sierra, for San Francisco, May 22. B. S, MAKURA JUNH 19 S. S. ZEALANDIA JUNE 18 before nine o'clock. Tho Siberia l,ny " Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert af'moon and cleared the port Marama, for Sydney, May Andrew Welch, bk from 8. F. for B. 8. ZBAIiANDIA JULY 17 S. S. MARAMA JULY 16 brings a big crowd of passengers of 22. Goode. Mrs. B. A. nnrf Ml n Miite llnder her own I)0Wer- - This is tho Shlnyo Maru, for Yokohama," Apr" ?r 8. S. MARAMA AUO. 14 whom about a dozen, exclusive of the May M, tlm that of that sort 24. "f'Aurora, schr., at Columbia River. Asiatlcc, aro stopping off here. Mrs. Lyon Moore and maid, Miss ?rSt hub ueen seen ior some timo past. Tne Chlyo from Kahulul, April 19. Altogether the Siberia will add to M. Lyon Moore, O. Cafllkin, Miss R, Maru, for San Francisco, May CALLING AT 8UVA. FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. vessel got out without any mishap. Blakeley, schr., the population of the town by 132 Van Zipp, H. Mertz, Captain R. II. 28. from Iqulque, for The ship Edward Sewall clears to- Apr11 i --a sou's, flfty nine of whom aro Japan- - Crake, W. Pennyman, P. V. Ryan, Honolulan, for San FranciBco, May Hn"' 3.' morrow for the coast. She Vib been 29. Camano, schr. at Port Ludlow, ese, eleven Chinese and .glxty-tw-o Fili A. E. Ellis, Miss K. Glebel, Miss E. from Co., taking on sugar as ballast. Hon., March 7. Theo. H Davies & Ltd., Ge'l Agents pinos. In her through nr 124 Opferman, C. Von list Dewall, E. A. Thfi Vflpllf Unwnll la nvnflitiail THE MAILS. first-clas- s, in Cecilia Sudden, schr., Grays twenty-tw-o second and 202 from Ucken and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lauso port IN. Asiatic passengers. c1ear bound for Ul0 co,8t ear. Harbor, for ,Kahului, April 10. ana daughter, V. A. Taylor, A. C this From San Francisco, per She brings her usual complement of afternoon. Lurline, Cumberland from Hon. for Newcas Churchill, F. Uhler, D. J. Donne 8' Steamship Co, about 6000 tons of general cargo of Tho Standard Oil company's tank-!Ma- y tie, Aus., April 2. Pacific Mail KAsstNQtRS ARRIVED. From Australia, per which about 1000 will bo dropped off er Maverick got away for Richmond Makura.' Mav Defender, schr., at S. F., from Ha-- Per S. S. Siberia from tho Orient 21. na, hero. There is a great falling off in today after discharging her cargo March 30. A. A. Hlrschlen, Tv. Steamers ot the above company will call at Honolulu and leave this the silk shipments this trip. Miss Tolmie, Mrs. here. From Vancouver, per Marama, May Edward Sewall, ship, at Hon. from C. A. Brt on or about the dates mentioned below: The liner will leave tho Alakea dock Broadwater, Miss Gertrude The Associated Oil company's tank 22. 8. F., April 21. Clapp, For the Orient: For San Francisco. at five o'clock this afternoon bound Mrs. R. T. S. Durston, Miss K. or W. F. Herrin came into port thi-- - From Yokohama, per China, May 14. Eldorado, schr., at Hon. from Jun-- 23 nd in, . 8. PERSIA MAY 11 S. S. KOREA APR. for San Frane'.sco and take fifty pas- Fitch, K. KUamura, Mrs. Lyon Mooro morning and started to discharge lie-a- OUT. April 20. 16 MAY 7 . M. S. S. KOREA MAY S. S. SIBERIA sengers from here. maid, Miss Lyon Moore, Mr. and cargo. Sho pulls out tomorrow morn-Mrs- To San Francisco, per Siberia, to- Erskine Phelps, ship, from Hon. 31 CHINA MAY 14 dis-Pe- day. wt 8. S. SIBERIA MAY 8. 8. At Nagasaki the second engineer, S. J. Sill. ing for Kahulul where she will r for Philadelphia, Feb. 16. S. MAMNCHURIA MAY 21 Elfrelda, 8. James Bullock, signed off and a gen- stmr. Kinau, from Kauai ports, charge the rest. She reports meet- - To Yokohama, per Persia, May 11 ship, at Newcastle, from Will call at Manila. To Hon" AprI1 14 eral promotion was mado from the May 5. Mrs. G. K. Lowell, C. W. Man- - "U ver' rough weather two days out) Australia, per Marama, May 22. To E- K- - lower crades. The vacancy will be ley, Miss R. Gillman, G. Kanatani, G from the coast. Vancouver, per Makura, May 2t. - Wood, schr., at Grays For general information apply, to filled on the vessel's arrival at San N. Wilcox, Francis Gay, wife and two Tlle Inter-Islan- d steamer Helcnr Str. Maverick from Port San Luis, bor from Hllo Anril WHO'S WHO IN SIBERIA. servants; Mrs. Spauldlng, Miss Dever-- letves at noon tomorrow for Mahu- - 5. Falls of Clyde, ship, at Grays Har-- H. Hackfeld & Co., Agents John A. Britton, head of tho San ill, C. E. Haynes, Mrs. M. Ah Sin and ,tona Kawalhao and Kukaiau. Str. Siberia, from Orient, May 6. bor, from Hon., April 22. re- American-Hawaiia- n Francisco Gas and Electric' Co., is infant, Rev. Takeda, Mrs. R. H. Whit- - Tne steamer Str. W. F. Herrin from Oevlntn. Flaurenco Ward, schr., at Hon. from May G. turning to San Francisco In tho Si tington, W. Bergstrom, H. Barck, Max Alaskan is due from Seattle on Sun- - Midway, Jan. 15. beria, having gone out to Yokohama Greenbaugh, C. M. Symonds, A. Hane- - ,lny morning. She brings the enrgo Bk. James Johnton from Port Town-sen- F. M. Slade, schr., at Grays Har May Matson Navigation Cos Schedule, 1912 In tho Mongolia last voyage, arriv- berg, A. H. Rice, Rev. J. M. Lydgalo, shipped out of New York by tho Call 6. bor, from Hon., Jan. 6. DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN SAN FRANCI8CO AND HONOLULU. ing in Yokohama the day the Siberia C. B. Ripley, Hee Fat, Young Chong, farnlan that left there March 16 and 8HIPPING IN PORT. Foohng Suey, bk., from Hon. for, &all for San Francisco. Mahukona, May 3. Arrive from 8an Francisco. sailed from that port. Mr. Britto"n Chung Insoo, Mrs. Takeda, A. S. Dow- - jy 'he Hawaiian that left March 22. (Government Vessels.) S. 8. LURLINE MAY 8 8. 8. LURLINE MAY 14 H. Hackfeld, ship, from Hamburg vas hero before as second lieutenant r.ey, C. B. Beebe, T. J. Fitzpatrick. U. 8. N. tug Navajo rrco l HONOLULAN MAY 29 Mr 8. 8. WILHELMINA MAY 14 S. S. in tho 2nd U. S. V. Engineers, arriv Per stmr. Mlkahala, from Maui and ARRIVALS, land, July 20, for Hon., March 24. 11 S. S. HONOLULAN MAY 21 LURLINE JUNE Not-Iey- Hawaii, bktne, Hon. a ing In 1898. Molokal ports, Mny 5.-- W. , May 5. U. S. L. H. T. Kukui, April 12. at from Junln. 6 S. JUNE 19 April 20. 8. 8. LURLINE JUNE WILHELMINA Alex. Schroeder, representative of Mrs. Keanu, Henry, Alapai, Miss Bk. James Johnson, from Port (Mercaant Vessels.) 8. 8. WILHELMINA JUNE 11 ) Herzegln Cecile, ship, the Cunard lino at Trlest, accompan M. Sato, Mrs. W. R. Howell, S. I. Hub- - Townsend, a. m. N. Castle, from Makatca. March at Newcastle, from Hon., Feb. 27. ied by Mrs. Schroeder, Is a through bard, M. Smith, J. J. Dias, W. J. Coop-- ! Str. Maverick, from Port San Pedro, 22. S. S. Hyades sails from Seattle for Honolulu direct on or about May 11. Helene, schr., Hon., passenger. er, J. Alder, T. J. Meyer, H R. Hitch- - a. m. Flaurence Ward, Midway Island. from for Sound, April 19. R. B. Gregory, accompanied by cock, H. D. Bower, Y. Sato, Mrs. F. L. Str. Kinau, from Kaual ports, a. m. Hawaii, from Junln, April 20. ' Honoipu, Mrs. Gregory, daughter and friends Gibson and maid, Wm. Knott and wife, Edward Sowall, from San Francisco, schr., from Columbia Riv- CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., str. Mauna Kea, from Maul, a. m. GENERAL AQENT8. nre returning home. Mr.- Gregory Is Dr. H. Hayes. April 21. er for Honoipu, Aprjl 5. str Mlkahala, from Maui and Mo- - Irmgard, ot tho head of one of Chicago's larg- Per stmr. Mauna Kea, from Kahulul, bktne., from Mahukona, Jor jokal, a. m. S. F., April 29. est music houses. May 5.- -J. Hughes, James W. Robert- - G Hall( from KiuaJ fc m Inca, American-Hawaiia- W. G. Hlbbard, member of tho firm son, A C. schr., from Newcastle, for n Wheeler. slber, from Where Vessels Are Steamship Co. Chi- - st orf Hon., March 23. bf Hlbbard, Spencer & Bartlett, HERE- - JAME.! JHNS0N. to San Francisco. John Ena, ship, at Hllo, from S. F cago, accompanied by Mrs. Hlbbard, wuii i,Hi,uuu reet or lumner on Steamers. FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantopec, every elxth day. gtr w F. Herrin, from Gavlota, April 23. In en routo to tho mainland. board consigned to thls'port tho Alaskan, from rrelght received at all times at the Company's Wharf, 41st Street, South birk'a Seattle and Tacomu, Jane L Stanford, bktne., at Ofays W. A. Stringer, a San Franisco James Johnson arrived off port yester lor Hon., May 3. Brooklyn. 24. 1 OTHER PORTS. Harbor, from Hon., March clubman and capitalist, Is returning to day from Mukllteo. She has been Arizonan, at Sallna Cruz from Hllo. FROM 8EATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: Str. Nippon Maru, James Johnson, bk., at Hon., from San Francisco, after having toured slnco April 10 making; the trip and at Yokohama, April 11. 8. S. ARIZONAN TO SAIL ABOUT MAY 14 port Townsend, May 6. the Orient will wait ot May 4. Buyo 8. S. VIRGINIAN TO SAIL ABOUT MAY 25 outside until ,the return' Maru, from Hon. for Yoko Kllkltat, bktne. from Port GamBTe, Mrs. I. A. McCormaek, tho wife of the tug Intrepid Ka- DEPARTURES. S. 8. MISSOURIAN TO SAIL ABOUT JUNE 5 which left for lama, Feb. 20. for Hllo, April 11. one of the prominent officials of tho hulul on Saturday lighter May 5. ror further information apply to with a from China, at Yokohama from Hon. Mar Marlon Chilcott, ship, from Hon. for New York Central R. R., accompanied Pearl harbor In tow. OTHER PORTS. 29. H. HACKFELD A CO, LTD, Agents, Honolulu, Gavlota, April 21. by her daughter, Mls3 Grace McCor- OIL TANKER IN. Ship Wm. P. Frye for Honolulu, MORSE, General Freight Agent Chlyo Maru at YoUoliama from M. Turner, schr., at Grays Harbor, a t. maek, are returning to America, com- Th from San Francisco, May 4. Standard Oil tanker Maverick Hon. April J2. from Hon., April 11. pleting a trip around tho world. bringing 500,000 barrels, of light oUs S. S. Persia for Honolulu, from, San Columbian, from Hon. for Island Mary E. Foster, schr., at Port Town-sen- d Chas. M. G. G. Averlll, Wm. Swift arrived yesterday morning from Francisco, 1:20 p. m May 4. ports, May 3. from Hon., April 18. J. Gray and Dr. F. H. Clark are re- i Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Francisco, She will discharge and get Str. Hyades, from San Francisco Crown of Arragon, from San I'odro Mary WInkleman, bktne., at Eureka, turning to America. Mr. Swift has sway either this afternoon or early for Seattle, May 4. for S. F., April 17. from Hon., April 27. extensive Interests In tho Philippine tomorrow morning. INTER-ISLAN- SAILINGS. Enterprise, from Hilo for S. F. Melrose, schr., at Port Townsend, Steamers ot the above Company will call at and leave Honolulu oa or Islands. LURLINE WEDNESDAY MORNING. For Hawaii April 26. April 22. about the dates mentioned below: Port via Maul. from Mahukona, F. E. Scott, a well known Chicago & Cooke I.-- Castle have received a Mauna Kea. I. 8. N. Co.. every Glacier, from Hon. for Manila MUriel, schr., from S. F., for Hffno-ip- man, Si- FOR THE ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: railroad is returning In tho wireless from the steamer Lurllno Tuesday. April 19. April 23. 8. SHINYO 24 beria, having made tho round voyage stating Inter-Islan- 8. MARU MAY 8. 8 CHIYO MARU MAY 28 that the vessel will arrlvo Ulauaine, d S N Co., Harpalion, from Hon. for Newcas Nuuanu, bk., in distress at Falkland on ship. 8. S. CHIYO MARU JUNE 21 8. 8. NIPPOON MARU.... JUNE 18 the from tho coast and will dock at tho very Friday. . tie, Aus., April 27. Inlands, Nov. 18. S. S. NIPPON MARU.... '...JULY 12 S. 8. TENYO MARU JUNE 25 R. J. Tobln, representative of tho Hackfeld wharf on Wednesday morn For Maul, via Molokal. HUonlan, from Hon. for Island ports, Prosper, schr., at Wallapa HarBor, S. TENYO CHIYO Singer Sewing Machine company's ing. 8. MARU JULY 18S. S. MARU JULY 16 f Mlkahala every Tuesday. May 1. from Hon., March 28. through pas- 'Calls at Manila omitting call at Shanghai. Oriental business, Is a She was 10C6 miles oft at eight For Kauai Porta Honolulan from Hon. for S. F. Ma Repeat, schr., from Tacoma, for senger. o'clock last night rind running W. Q. Hall, I..L 8. K. Co, every 1. Hon.. April 27. accompanied Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Agents J. A. Vaness, by Mrs. through smooth seas. Everyone was hursflay. Hongkong Maru, from Hon. for Yo R. P. RIthet, bk., from Mahukona, Vcness and Miss M. Vaness, aro re- well gn board. Kinau,1 I.-- I. 8. N. Co., every Tuesday. kohama, April 15. for S. F.. April 18. turning to San Francisco. They are Sho reports tho following list: 'For For Kona and KaO Ports. Hyades, from Kaanapall, for S. F.. Robert Lowers, schr., from Port well known Washington State poo-pi- e. Honolulu, 55 6 steer- - Kllauea, I.-I- . 8. N Co.. WHEN THE cabin passengers, alternate April 20. Gamble, for Hon., April 23. pge passengers, 404 bigs mall, 143 Tuesdays and Fridays. Klyo Maru, from Hon. for S. Ame Robert Searlcs, schr., at' Hllo, from UNION-PACIFI- TRANSFER CO. E. A. Gowran, accompanied by Mrs. pks. W. F. matter, 3549 tons cargo, TRAN8PORT 8ERVICE. ilea, March 19. April 20 HANDLE YOUR BAGGAGE GETS ON RIGHT Everett IT THE Gowran, is en route to San Francisco. 10 automobiles. For Kahulul. pas The Buford Is in San Francisco. Korea, from Hon. for S. F., Apri' S. C. Allen, bktne., from Hon., for ' STEAMER. Mr. Gowran Is a prominent Minneapo- eongers, C35 tons cargo. Tho Warren Is on duty In tho Phi- 22 Puget Sound, April 12. Office King St., next Young Had. Telepnones 1874 and 1875. lis capitalist. lippine Islands. Lansing, at Port San Luis, from S. N. Castle, bktne., at Hon., from Chas. Silverson, Minneapolis capital- - Flno Job I'nntrtix. Btar Office. The Crook Is In San Francisco. Hllo, May 2. Makatea, March 23. THH HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, MAY f, 1912. THREE

nlngs pitched, by Lota 4, A. Dmha 5; I'lln, off Iitn 7, off A. lwlm 7. I'm-plros- , llushnell.Uettonoourt. Tlmo of Classifised 1 Advertisement 1 gnme, hour and 21! minutes. Sturs AII.H.nil.SH.PO.A. K. One Cent Per Word. Five Cents Per Line. IN Schtiman. 2bc ..4 1 0 0 3 1 0 I? n.. LI M S AVDCR W Reeve, ss 4 2 2 0 3 0 1 Per Lino, Ono Week, 30 conU; Two Weeks, 40 cents; Ono Month, SHUWtJIJIJIJUUJJUU(-JLJIJU- 1 00 No chargo Sumner, If 3 2 2 0 1 0 cents. for ads under head Wanted." Vvwnrinrm--...... l - - - - - ... "Situation Joy, 3b 5 1 2 0 1 2 3 Kentnor, cf 5 0 0 0 0 l 0 AUTO SERVICE. JEWELERS. McCarthy Hawaiis and Stars Klbboy, p 5 0 0 0 0 4 0 Johnny round-thc-islan- Two more paBSoneors for W. C. Jow-ele- r. NnBCltncnto, rf . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luke watchmaker and tour. Auto Livery. Phone Repairing. 1022 HoopII, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ts'uuanu Btrfct 1326. " Was Too Classy Take First Games Prossor, lb 1 1 1 2 6 0 1 FURNISHED ROOM8. Wlnne, e 4 2 0 0 13 1 0 DELMONICO HOTEL. For now machines and quick serv- Marcalllno, 2b .. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Furnished rooms, mosquito ...wof, ice try Oahu Auto Stand. Phone 3848. lights, cen- Of Totals 37 9 7 2 27 11 S electric hot and cold batl.o, For Young Caples League Season trally located. Moderate prices. 130 Nuuanu auto stand. Two six Asahl AD.R.DH.Sn.PO.A. 13. Beretania street seat Cadillac earn. Lowest rates Georgo Ingle, pounder who has boxed several good Tho big leaguo baseball season wqb Lota, p 2. 0 Asahl, 3b Two rooniB suitable housekeep- Johnny McCarthy and Phono 3196. Beretania near Nuuuuu. for both ot San Francisco, made their goes In Honolulu. successfully launched at tho Athletic A. Desha, p 3 0 Murakami, c . . . ing. 73 South lleretanla St. Phone Wilier off with a dash Park yesterday afternoon In tho pres- - YamaBihro, . . 1325. bow to a local tight crowd at the started rf Royal laz- Hawaiian Garage, most on Saturday night and both while Ingle went about his job m ence of a goodly crowd. Totals 40 11 9 4 27 14 6 Sakalno, ss Nicely rooms. AH in town. Best chauffeurs. Tel- furnished modern made good. ily as a metsenger boy taking tin Im- Tho ball was opened by Mayor Fern Noda, 2b J. A. C. AB.R.BH.SB.PO.A. E. ephone 1910. conveniences, $2.50 up. Queen Hotel, McCarthy trounced Young Caplea portant letter to the steamer. He Charllo Chllllngworth, did Moriyama, and who Chllllngworth ss, 4 1 1 0 2 6 1 Nuuanu uvenue. up displayed a peculiar defonse which, eo heartily that his seconds threw a diverting pitch and hit stunt. T. Moriyama, rf--c 5 Markham, 3b ... 4 2 2 0 3 4 0 Trip around Island. $4.75 person. Furnished rooms ana tho isponge at' the end of the sixth while not particularly attractive, is way suites for Tho to the fans' happiness had Hampton, If Kurisakl, If .... 3 Special undoubtedly effective. Wilier could rate. Sllva's Auto Stand. , light housekeeping. Central location. round. been paved by a parade of players ...3111110 Nlshi, cf 2 Ingle walloped Soldier Wilier Into do nothing against It. Franco, 2b ... 5 2 2 0 2 0 0 Phono 1179. The Metropole. and officials of tho league, headed by KoJIma, cf 2 submission in the third round. In the second Inglo chopped a hard Walker, cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 the marine band, from town to tho Hayashi, lb .... 5 Now ROOMS AND BOARD. curtain-raise- r be- one to of tho neck and Notley, 4 0 0 Packard for rent Tho was a farco the back rf 10 - d,atnon(1 10 E. M. . oom win or wim- tween WahllanI and a human turtle planted a stiff right on tho kidneys.. Bruns, 2b 3 1 0 0 12 0 1 Wood, Young Auto Stand.1 " Arfat-- The game resulted In tho Ha- - 37 8 C Ph n 9R11 .out uouru. xurms reasunauie. i'flono Wilier tried to rush Ingle but the first 1 G Totals 9 27 17 6 named Mcltltchle. The bout was Brito, c 4 0 0 2 1 1308. 628 Beretania avenue. walls beating the Japanese, 11 to S. Score by Innings: slopped In tho third round after the alter never gave an inch of ground Clarke, p 2 0 0 0 0 4 2 native boy had driven McRltchle Into during the bout. In tho second game the Stars de- Stars. Honolulu Auto Stand. Phono 2999. FOR RENT. his In the third round Ingle let himself feated the Asahis, 9 to 8. Runs 1 0 O'O 2 0 6 0 0 Best rent cars. Reasonable ratoa. Furnished cottage, with board, priv- tho furthermost corner of shell Totals 33 8 8 1 27 16 7 9 and crawled in after him as a ferret out a bit and showed something ap- Tho ball was of an interesting, even Base hits 2 ate bath. 1345 Emma Street. Score by Innings: 0202010 WANTED. follows a rabbit into Its burrow. proaching class. He swung hard to If somewhat ragged nature. Aiahls. 07 ' Hawaiis. ' The house was a fair one. Both the neck and landed just whero he Tho Hawaiis, champions of last sea- Runs 2 Young man between seventeen and FOR SALE. strangers wanted to. Wilier clinched and Ingle Runs 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 0001022 18 twenty years ago. McCarthy and Inglo wero son, started tho season auspiciously U Base hits 0 0 6 of Call at office of LA FLOR DE INTAL. i 0010122 here and had to bo taken, to a consld drove to the kidneys. Wilier went Daso hits ..2 1 0 0 Hawaiian Electric Company. The mildest cigar with a win. 10 1139 Summary Three-bas- e hit, Sumner; Manila on tho count. Fltx-patrlc- erable extent, on trust. Considering down for the , J A c-- markot. For by k The Asahis, newcomers in tho Sen-- left on bases, Stars 8, Asahi 10; first sale all dealers. that the principals were in four in Inglo led with his left and landed 5 0 0 0- lor league, showed In their game with Runs 3 0.0 0 0 8 base on errors, 5, WHERE TO EAT. Bros., Agents. stances mallhlnls the turnout wta a lightly on tho face. Wilier went Into Stars Asahl C; dou- - the Stars thoy are entitled to the Baae nIts 4 1 02 0 1 0 0 bio plays, Home Cooking and a Clean Place flattering one to the promoter. a clinch and Ingle jolted his right to that 08 Nlshi to Noda; hit by Diamonds and jewelry bought, sold place to they havo admit- Summary Two-bas- e hits, Chllllng- pitcher. to Eat. Central Cafe. Opp. Fire Sta- exchanged. From now on the San Franciscans tho kidneys in such earnest fashion which been Reeve, Sumner; struck out, and Bargains in musical worth, Brito, Franco, A. Desha, 2; tion. should draw well. They will moet all .that tho game soldier went down and ted. by C. Moriyama 1, T. Moriyama 4, Instruments. J. Carlo, Fort street sacrifice hits, Markham, D. comers at their between now out. Next Sunday an Improvement in Desha; Kibbey 16; bases on called ballB. off . left on bases, 7, A. C. Get Fat at the Shop. . Every- Cocoanut plants and September 1, and will if noces Ingle Is only eighteen years of ago tho brand of ball played will undoubt- Hawaii J. 5; C. Moriyama 2, T. Moriyama 3, Kib- Sweet for sale. Samoan first base on errors, 5, A. body's Doing It. Hotel variety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue sary concede that1 matches and If he keeps on In the way he Is edly bo shown. Yesterday the error Hawaii J. bey 9; wild pitches, T. Moriyama 2, street be In C. 3; double plays, En l, Kauai. I may be made, in reasonable quantl going will heard of connection total of the four toams amounted to Klbboy 1; passed halls, Murakami 1, bigger game twenty-four- , Hamauku-Dreler- ; by Manhattan Cafe, 79 ties, of course. with much than Wilier which must be a record hit pitcher, c. Moriyama 2; innings pitched, by Hotel street. Open hydraulic Mike Paton refereed tho main event before very long. ; Hampton; struck out, by 5, by all night. Five barber chairs for for local league games. Clarke Moriyama 5; T. Moriyama 4; hits, off Cleanliness and and did so to every one's satisfaction The Main Event. - 1, by A. 2; quick service. ele. Apply Pacheco's Barber Shop. Barney Joy, 3; Hayashi, 3; Web- I'ta Desha bases on C. Moriyama 6, T. Moriyama 4 Urn- - Tho applause which greeted his intro Johnny McCarthy got a tremendous ung, 3; walker, z, ana Clarke, 2, """ 'i t.iumo o, L,oia a. pires, Bushnell and Chllllngworth. Houso and lot, corner Kalmukl and duction was evidence of his good hand on being Introduced. Young uy NOTICE. were tne principal offenders. uuaua i; who, uiarko; m Time of game, 2 hours 11 Seventh Avenue. Newly built, excel- standing with local ring-goers- .. Caples was also well received. minutes. Barney Joy was there with the big lent marine view. $200.00 cash, bal- Giles was third man in tho Cap'es won handed a largo bouquet Jack M. Mclnerny Ltd. wish to Inform ance on monthly Installments of $30. ring preliminaries of and white carnations, a token stick as usual, getting a couple of in the two and red the public that Mr. A. Halff Is no long- A snap. Apply H. Rosenborg. good wishes from some fair ad- hits. RANSPACIFIC YA T HAWAII showed that he thoroughly under- of er in their employ. stood his mirer. Hyman Raphaer'for the J. A. C. was duties. Honolulu, May 3rd, 1912. LOST. Tho arrangements were good and He made a little speech In which he ul mil once, scoreu lour runs, muuo i A cold watch in town. Flndor there were no long waits between stated that he had won the d a baBO hit, stole three bases and had nleaao STARTS ON LONG TRIP TODAY return to office acts. amateur championship of Buffalo and four put-out- s chalked up against his Star and receive lib McRltchle vs. WahllanI. had won all three of his professional name. eral roward. acknowledged The yncht Hawaii, Captain Stroud, Biorkman's WahllanI went after his man from fights .since then. Ho Judging from yesterday's play the be needed to overhaul, equip and stock Pass book 45G2. Finder return to the gong and landed with left and that his opponent had It on him In league teams look to bo very ovenlv ""' aau i- - nor ior tne up and down trips. If The Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. was going today. goes ' The .soldier started to cover perlenco but stated that he balanced and a season of Interesting She to take part In tho now sails bo not ordered 1800 will bo h'ad. Gymnasium REAL ESTATE. up and would not fight. Tho native to give the crowd the best he ball should result. Transpacific yacht race starting from knocked off this estimate. re-- 1C02. "Pratt" 101 Stangenwald Build- - rained blows on him and when, In This sportsmanlike little talk San Pcdro n- - Hawaiis vs. J. A. C. . Juno It Is understood $1200 that abut has 139 Ing. sponse to jeering calls from the evoked loud applause. The Hawaii baa sailed In two beon m,o Merchant Street. Hawnils AD.R.BH.SB.PO.A. E. Riilmnriwi w r,,.i.u14 U swing, first j HVi i I IV., crowd to fight, he essayed a It Cap'es forced matters in the Transpacific races, losing one of En Sue, cf 5 1 4 , The yacht was given a trial crulso Phone 2747. Bargains In on went a mile wide and McRltchle spun round. He kept McCarthy on the years Real Estate, D. Desha, If 4 0 1 them. Two ago she won. When yesterday nftornoon, the guests being round like a teetotum. j move and landed a couple of times shore, plains and bills. Tele. she lost tho Lurllne was tho victor. Second round saw McRltchle still on the neck. McCarthy displayed a Mclntyre, df, . . . . 5 0 2 members of the yacht club and their will well-nigh- 3b 5 2 2 This race be the fourth over doing the turtle act. WahllanI had t perfect defence, however, Meyers, friends. For some reason or other vital Importance will bo brought up SITUATION WANTED. him scared seiwelesB. Ho thought and half a dozen dangerous blows Hamauku, 2b ... 5 2 1 the long course. Invitations were not extended to for discussion. Graduate male nurse wants ca that the native was a cannibal and wero deft'y stopped by his glove. Dreler, lb 5 10 Tho yacht has been thoroughly members of the press to participate invalid. Special In massage and h J 0 overhauled and Is said to be as good in the cruise. As things turned out, At the recent Kamehameha Prep, therapy. Address "Y," care of N had killed him. The native swiped aggressive. McCarthy was biding his Webllng, as .... 4 2 as ever. the members of the press are very meet Weston Dower broke the Prep, Star office straight-- ! .simply feeling his and swung and hooked and time, however, and Raphael, c 1 4' It was estimated that $3500 would well satisfied that they did not go. record for the polo vault, clearing tho punched so vigorously ho broke j man out. Now and again he eight six By intelligent young that would! That, however, is another story which bar at feet, inches. man, who hat opponents barricade, cMp to or face but so had years experience through his one the wind may yet bo told. soveral In office, through sheer persistency and the! far had done no material damage. as well as In oil branches of planta- GEORGE INGLE WILL BOX BEN Very little deflnle news regarding Fishermen along the yester- latter went to his corner a very tired In the third Caples was boring In day found the too strong to per- tion work, with best recommenda- tho race has been obtained from tho men. just the same as ever. He couldn't mit of successful operations against tions. Address G. B., this office. Coast end. Thcro aro Bald to Tho soldier couldn't or wouldn't get McCarthy where he wanted him, bo flvo tne finny tribe. entries in sight, fight a lick in tho third. He bunny-hugge- d however, for all his rushing. DE HELLO ON FIRST OF JUNE but the probability EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Is Tel-pho- turkey-trotte- d Wahl- to give way, how- that tho entries will be Japanese Emplymenv. oMco. and with The Irishman had limited to UI1 OUllllUil 111 111U lULVIBUUUlUBllUj lanI to a choice selection of popular ever, before Caples' attack and was three, the Hawaii, Lurllne and Nat-tros- baseball league Punahou defeated the 36C5, Ito, Beretania street moar tunes whistled by the audience. pretty busy defending hiro,self in this Posslblo starters are tho Sear-faro- r Kams, 11 to 0. Punchbowl. WahllanI put a couplo of jolts to round. and the Marian. The South the. commissary which McRltchle evi- In the fourth Caples shot his bo't. Coast Yacht Club also talks about Berkeley won tho Pacific Coast In- Y. S. KONQ. dently forgot in his Intense care to Ho put every ounce of energy into his entering a schooner. tercollegiate field and track meet International Employ wont Bureau, protect his good looks, and tho sol- attack but could make no impression The Lurllno will bo sailed by Cap- from Oregon and Stanford, 1039 Bethel St. Phone 3871. dier withered like a blossom on a hot on McCarthy who, toward tho end of tain Lew B. Harris, victor In two of sidewalk. the round, began to fight back with tho three races sailed. In the Goat Leaguo yoBtorday tho LACES AND FANCY WORK. Tho refereo and Chief McDuffle bleeding a vim and soon had his men Tho Nattroso will bo entered by Honolulu Cracker Co. defeated the C. Salvo's lact store. Irish. Clunoy shared honors for stopping tho bout and nose. Caples went to Armenian laces and various from mouth tho Royal Victoria Yacht Club and Y. A. by tho score of 28 to 2. and other which without exception, was tho h'.s corner at the closo of the round European fancy goods. sailed by E. P. Nash. Fort. St near wbrot ever pulled off in Honolulu, not very man. J Beretania. a tired Tho In tho Plantation league yesterday g Seafarer represents tho San even excepting that go Tho fifth saw Caples going. Mc- Walanao defeated AIca, 16 to 1. The Copeland Mlko al-- Francisco Yacht Club and Is said to betweon Soldiers and Carthy kept right after him and Waipahu-Ew- a gamo was called off. MERCHANT TAILOR. be a fast schooner. Werthy which was perpetrated in tho though Caples made a desperate stand This gamo closed tho flrst series. Tho Pioneer, earner Beretania and same ring two moons ago. cgainst his attack tho flesh, taxed to Tho Marian belongs to tho Corin- o Fort Sts. Phono 3125. Clothes cleaned, v McRltchle showed up well in his the limit by tho exertions of the open-trainin- thian Yacht Club of San Francisco Don't forget to enter for ono of tho pressed and dyed. Work called for and was well backed by the jnK round, could not respond to tho and won tho ocean race from San four races to bo decided on Juno 11 and delivered. Fprt Ruger men to win. His showing rajy cau. Franclscq to Santa Cruz last season. over tho Hnlelwa course. There will was, to hLs backers, inexplicable. In tho aIxth Capim was simp'y lead-Ingl- e If sho starts her skippor will be Ed. be good prizes for everybody. DRUGS. vs. Wilier. ing a forlorn hope. Ho had no chance Van Bergen. Hawaiian Drug Company, Ltd., 42 Georgo Ingle, gainer of two deel- - o winning unless by means of a Tho crow of tho Hawaii will bo: Hotel street Phono 331C. Barber slons over Ben do Mollo, was well re- - Iucky punch It would have had fo and Ted Center, flrst mato; Fred Fre- SAINTS WILL supplies, toilet articles, photographic celved when ho entered Uio ring, bo have boen n mghty lucky ono at that. supplies, etc. Phono orders receive - dericks, second mate; W. O'Brien, E. was Wilier, tho Fort Shatter 135- McCarthy gave him an awful lacing prmpt T. Stacker, Jnmcs Blalstlell, Robt. attention. In this round tho Buffalo boy, but Columbus Sims, cabin boy; gamo as a pebble, kept on coming TOU NOTICE. Joseph Lulo, cook; and two sailors. back for more. Subscribers not receiving the Ha- ATHLETIC PARK Well, bore's luck, boys; and may At the end of the sixth round Ca- waiian Star regularly or promptly will you bring tho Hawaii homo winner or There is somo talk of forming a St ples' seconds would not allow him to confer a favor by telephoning 2365. Baseball For Sunday tho race as far as from to Hllo! Louis baseball team in Kauai. continue longer nnd Caples walked hero Tho idea of making up this team is MAY 12. over to McCarthy'.! corner and shook TIRES REPAIRED. to give the Kaualans a good gamo of hands with him. Honolulu Vulcanizing Works on Aa baseball on the Fourth of July. J. A. C. vs. STARS. This was as It should have been. SPORTORIF T kca street Is now prepared to mako 1:30 The Saints will chnllcnge a picked 3:30 P. A. C. vs. HAWAII. Caples convinced the crowd that ho repair to any size tire for any vehicle. Is a good, gamo boxer and a good team from all around Kauai. Prices reasonable and quick delivery. Tho St; Louis team will consist of sportsman. Ho was simply Baseball Captain Noah has seats center of grand left those players the Reserved for that's all there was to It. Kamchameha. who have attended NEW MILLINERY. can be booked at E stand and wings Had Caples gono about his work college". Blackshear, Harrison block, corner O. & Son's Sporting Department, The best players of the Kauai Hall moro warily In the opening rounds he A. Spencer Is acting captain of tHo of Fort street nnd Boretnnla. Now King street) up to ono p. (entranco might havo lasted longer but It Is ex- Ivam baseball squad. Leaguo aro St. Louis boys. This col- stock, latest styles, reasonable prices. xa after one p. m., at M. A. Gunst tremely probable that McCarthy was lege has turned out more good play- & King and Fort. Ha- Co., fighting under wraps all the time and This afternoon at tho Athletic Perk ers than any other school In the CABINET MAKER.' "the shorter waiian Islands. could havo ended battlo in l at 11:30 the Kama play tlio Salnt.s. "Little" John Rodrlgwes, cabinet- 35c 25a line-u- p Prices 50c, and order had ho seen fit to to do. o Tho of tho team for Kauai maker. PIcturo framing and furniture McCarthy made a good Impression In the Grammar Leaguo today the will bo as follows: repairing. Stringed instruments re , Okaaa: on the fans. He showed undoubtod Kams play tho Normals at Maklkl. Jos. Fassoth, c, (capt); John Hon-an- paired. Miller and Punchbowl. class and preserved a quiet business I -o- - p; Wood, lb; Eddlo Honnn, 2b; Forcegrowth like demeanor In tho ring which mado ) Tho annual meeting of the Hono- - P. Kalbaum, 3b; A. Fornandoz, ss; CREDIT FOR MEN. him many friends. ! lulu Cricket Club will bo hold In tho J. B. Fernandez, (mgr), cf; J. A little down and a little each pay WILL DO IT. He will probably box In Honolulu rooic.s of tho Thlstlo Club tomorrow If; Theo. Pacheco, rf. Subs: day will keep you well dressed. Tho opponent at tho end of June with an night at 7:30. A full attendance of Chris Kuhlmann, A. Perrcz and Modol, Fort Street, next to the Con yot to be selected. GEORGE INGLE. members is requested as business of vent FOtm THE HAWAIIAN STAH, MONDAY, MAY 6, 11)12.

soundings and map of Honolulu liar- - colony. Ho has told mo that ho did LAUNDRY bor; dredging out of channel 200 HAWAIIAN STAR foot not ovon rolcaso tho parasites. As ho W.E88ENQER BOY PHONE 1801 THE wldo, 3G foct deep, C4.000 cubic yards. Is an entomologist of tho widest THE BOW WOWS Location and PARCEL DELIVERY. Published cvory afternoon (oxcopt Sunday) by tho Howallnn Star construction of porlcnco It Is a certainty that he Walhcb canal for Hawaiian - HewBpapor Association, Lta., 8tar Dulldlng, Merchant Btrogt, Honolulu. Commor- mado no mistake. By WALT MASON. clal & Sugar Comnanv. We Deliver the Goods .EDITOR WALTER O. 8MITH. 8ugar Company, West Maul; capacity, ' brought hero In Infected fruit and tho A K AHA AAA 1 i . . . i ,i . 1912 iu.uuu.uuu in rw Anitn.vtiiM I'liinnv rrnm...... Aiititrii in in ft if v. MONDAY. .MAY 6, Our cotmtry'fc headed for the dump, we see her finish clearly; uuiinna umiinon "The Store for Good Cloth, hours; length, appro Imatofy, cloven not navo ha anything to do with It thus orators-,-' upon "the stump, assure us most sincerely, the granu miles. i but at tho samo- - tlrao It would appear SITUATION. onr-dad- iKfirn THE GUBERNATORIAL old maxims of are mostly all , forgotten ; we're merely here ' 'Pnniinii.Hni. Ar trr-ii- -i. . i that It is entirely hoflfllhlft. hncallftft to get the seadsi ,and all our ways are rotten. And when our fathers wVUHV. ui..iyii ui ivmutv Clllliu, com " ' DIIVu 5 TOODBrO has a decision plotcd In ot lnp of Precautionary mensurea, 'What is the matter with the Governorship? Why played the game they heard the same old story; bur government Was Juhq, 1907; total cost, $180,-- 1 ex- th,lt fly 1,8 the appointment or the reappointment of our Territorial Halt and .lame, that was conceived in glory. Their fathers heiird the 000 Private prattled: 'examinations tho frult "ost hns orleln LIMITED. about 11,0 winch at first held " - from Building. K ecutive been so lonR delayed? The Kuhio charges same-Ol- bunk .while yet the land was youthful ; alarmists dealt in ver- ot various Irrigation projects in Call- - , ""'P"?- T0CCWa Elks' trai ; and the wish the reappointment up have been sufficiently answered bal junk more eloqucnt than truthful. It was the same in ancient fornla; delegate from Hawaiian gov . . Hawaii to have another of the responsible Republican elements of Greece and Egypt too, I'm thinking; alarmists howled for the police to fifteenth national irriga- DOLL3 long since registered. Still reappoint- can't tcml of Frcar has been and said the state was sinking. And so the prophet of despair tion' congress at Sacramento, Col, and PRnM Trtvl A Kin is seeking it instead with any chance of suc- say HELEN MIGUEL ment hangs fire. Nobody get me much excited, let him rear up and paw the air and the tho seventeenth national irrigation ' cess. Mr. Shingle has accepted the verdict of the primaries m good land is blighted; let him conduct his holy war to better our condition, congress to consider him at Spokane, Wash. when Mr. McClcllan wanted the President and show -- we're headed for the bow wows demnition; I've HAWAII A 80UTH SEAS faith, and us that of His offices are located In Stonuen- - for the place he got no backing but Kuhio's and, of course, was turned heard that hoary yarn too much that sort of language bosh is; so wald building, Honolulu. He is a SAW A BEAR f n CURIO CO. I'll dig round to beat the Dutch, and nlant my spuds and squashes. prominent dWIGovcrnor Frcar's term expired early in December last. That member of tho Hawaiian YOUNO BUILDING, Copyright, 1912, by George Matthew Xdams. WALT MASON. Engineering Association. was five months ago. The effort to supplant him began to make itself In the pollco court this morning hold-ov- er May visablc seven months ago. Frcar is now a mere and the Be Delayed. Ycmoflhlro Jr. and Tanaka wero fined in heaven's name has the territorial militia to situation is one which he docs not deserve to bear and which he must carrying guns. What, That a superintendent or nubile $3 and costB each for throwing rub- distinctly recall, a little while back, that these be a very patient man indeed to tolerate without protest. do with guns? We works will bo nppointed some time to- - bish on the street. accommodate the regulars and set an The only explanation we have heard is one which harks back to expert politicians went out to fore Tuesday, May 14, Is thought to bo Cramer, drunk, forfeited ball. INJURED? example to them, and came back, every mother's son of them, with t strong probability. the President's political manager who, in taking that position, required Still Governor Kealal alias Kahukulalo was fined Yos, lamed ankles, some had galled insteps and some he never expected to U, io ki all appointments and reappointments be made at his instance for sore feet. Some had 'icar stated this afternoon that tho $3 and costs for being drunk. that toes, the United States never as much as sent around failed to take out a political effect. His business as political manager, was to get as many had inflamed and appointment was not absolutely suro Andrew Bright was sent to the reef anything to take its place. a consequence delegates as he could. Hawaii had six. Kuhio claimed them and a bottle of liniment or of As to be mado before ho leaves for tho for ten days for vagrancy. Taft weeks afterwafds, walked in the fashion of wanted to trade with them; but in the primaries Kuhio's party was the militia for Faljstaff's mainland. Caesar Freltn.3 hts been arrested Standard Accident It is well that our political defenders have set their feet beaten, though the Taft League which won, permitted Kuhio himself conscripts. "If the now superintendent la nat for assault and battery. down firmly as the recollection of their past stone-bruis- es will allow Miguel, Policy to join the delegation to Chicago. At once Kuhio claimed to have as appointed before Tuesday, May 14, Helen better known as political manager was in a and will not budge from their stated duties. It is their business to sappose "Helen, There With th'e Goods," camo carried the dav for Taft, though Taft's the appointment will havo to Before you sail, why not do thi win in stay right at home and not to leave it except in case of invasion. Wc I to tho station and complained that a position to know better. Opinion here would have justified Taft wait till return to Honolulu." thing and get Bomo real protecti ml the people want them here and Value them so even the ex- large brown was following reappointing Frcar the next day, not only because he deserved a sec- much that On It being pointed out that, In that bear her. istence of an enormous public debt will not keep up from expending bno arrlved a naclc STANDARD PR08PECTI ond term but because he headed the chosen Taft delegation to Chicago. case, Marston Campbell would be out ln nnd wa8 locled money on a fine armory for them; which, we trust, will be duly sup- UP till sober. Why flic further delay? Perhaps Taft's manager wants to make of office, and there would bo no sue-- . plied with lounges, hammocks, easy chairs, ice-crea- m parlors, luau sure of the votes before doing the fair thing in return. Perhaps he cessor appointed, tho oGvernor re- Insurance Department for Taft, but, in facilities, political literature and a fishing privilege. HAWAIIAN LODGE NO. 21, F. A. wants to hold off and not only make sure of them marked that there were several meth A. M. should not be nominated, hold them to help defeat ods by which tho office bo case the latter Editor Star: Reference has been made In your paper to a could car Nevertheless the con- on. Hawaiian Roosevelt? Of that we can only conjecture. national g law as applying to the boycotting by ried dition here, especially among President Taft's loyal' friends and sup- the ladles of Honolulu in the purchase of goods advertised on Land Commissioner Tucker was a ; for no administration, uncertainty the billboards so prominently displayed ony,our streets. What rnlln. .1. i . kT porters is one that is insupportable luu Buve.uui una morning. mn a r u i t no can keep '. is this law? I doubt very much If there Is such a law. C. P. ' thebe wit.t. htatuii clogging its every movement, can do its best and loyalty and he discussed several land mat-- its reasonable hopes and wishes are so continu- ""ting of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21. Company, at fever heat when Boycott is defined by the authorities as combination of ters with the nMn,iv. f objects of it. a many ouge room, masonic Limited of ously thwarted by the to cause a loss to others, against their will, to withdraw from him Territory un 922 FORT 8TBJTST. their beneficial business intercourse, through threats that, unless those Saturday afternoon the covornor mma a . mmK,,n AN UNDIGNIFIED SPECTACLE. others do so, the many will cause similar loss to them; an organized 7 Zr tlT b,aC.k 8and Ma" 6' 1912' at effort to exclude a person from business relations with others by per- Lunalllo one ,.,. , ., of the man A question of personal veracity between an suasion, intimidation, and other acts which tend to violence, and there- has a license to take sand from! is enough, mDera U Ocea.- - FOR United States and the President of the United States bad by coerce him through fear of resulting injury, to submit to dictation the place, and as the license does not'. " "T.U "aB?. RENT in nearly House but when it expresses itself on a public platform the terms in tiie management of his affairs; a between expire for some time to come, noth-- , Three Bedrooms Kai- combination persons to , eternally IT"!. mukI of the lie direct, it becomes a reproacli to our state of civilization, the suspend or discontinue dealings or patronage with another person In ran h dn Furnished $50 per or iZ C ; By order of the W. M. month. members of the 17 11- more so when the high personages concerned arc perhaps because of refusal to comply with a request of him or them." tenuea, nowever, to grant no more - v n ' House - same party, were once personal friends and are both exemplars of The illegality of a boycott is not fixed by Federal censes to cart away sand. The slta of ' Three Bod rooms Ma- imagine statute, wc under- the higher education and social state of the land. One cannot stand, but by the common law relating to conspiracy, in do We sand pit may be valuable later on. ..,' f75 per agreeing to month. such a condition in old world politics. Mr. Balfour, while leader of what is unlawful, or to do what, is as residential lots may be sold In IMPORTED lawful in itself by illegal methods. the FLANNEL SUITINGS, House the Conservatives of England, would have felt himself dispossessed tract. . .. Manoa Two Bedroom Hign Quality ot Tailoring of the title of gentleman if he had ever assailed Mr. Asquith in terms Perhaps those American for Men Furnished $50 per month. soldiers along the Rio Grande whom Cottage . like those applied by Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Taft ; and even in the heat Mexicans shoot at may choose to return the fire. and Women. Kallhl and Kalani Av-enu- e of Reichstag debates we do not recall the time that the lie was passed Five Rooms, Unfurnish- we followed the politics of WAS FRUITFLY ed $20 per between actual leaders of parties. If have There is no better campany anywhere than Roosevelt's Ananias J. E. month. Europe with any care we are right in thinking that the discussions Rocha Cottage Young Street Two club. (Continued between the leaders are. those of principles instead of persons, least from Pago One.) Elite Bldg. Hotel St, Bedrooms Furnished $36 "In anticipation g of all about each other. ' And if one had sat in the government with of tho possible com-in- per month. the other and afterwards parted, as was the case when Mr. Chamber of theto Interesting insects, Dr.. Perkins Bishop lain and Mr. Gladstone took opposite sides after being in union, there secured the consent of the' Trust Co., Ltd. H. S. would have been no betrayal of things they did in the cabinet, whether LITTLE INTERVIEWS P. A. to with us andj Bethel Street. detailed Mr. Swezey, they disagreed about them at the time or not. As for rulers of na- one of their able

rs staff, io attend to this To him' tions, or rulers and ex-rule- a state of formal courtesy is never work. broken. Between King George and Kaiser Wilhclm no great love, A. C. WHEELER Maul looks all man I over know walked a mile be tho colony was entrusted to breed and even of kindred, is supposed to exist; but it would be impossible to right and the new Klhcl wharf will be rore breakfast every 'morning. He make the most of. Because the HOUSES FOR RENT. original Furnished-Tanta- them, even in of war between their nations, of bandying a great improvement when flnlshedY ,' never had any trouble' with his dlges hoit of these pcrasltes was lus, think of a state congeneric charges of He did and I didn t, and unsinuatmg direct falsehoods. E. P. mWIN The only way fof'a tlon or anything elsd. Tho trouble with our own melon fly 3 R B 4o.00 and therefore man to keen In clean clothes hcrcXte with folks nowadays ls that they closer related than the; Kaimuki, 8th Ave, S R. B. 40.00 Australian fruit fly Kalmuki, to wear washable fabrics, llko White haven't got the gumption to walk. better results arc: 11th Ave., 2 B R 25.00 CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM OF TERRITORIAL AFFAIRS. hoped for." Kalla duck. MARSTON CAMPBELL Any conv Road, 2 B R 25.00 "This extract from Kotlnsky's report on Kinau St., 3 B R Even a cuspry perusal of the Field Report on the administrative GEORGE MacKINLAY The moun- plaints regarding kerosene oil should "Running Howard time" 65.0o shows conclusively when tho co'ony the highest praise Gulick Ave., 2 B R organization of the City and County of Honolulu will show that the tain trails are good walking nowadays, be registered at the public works of the "old 25.00 from Australia reached here," said man " can give. The new How- Kinau St., 3 B R inefficiencies of our local government are not altogether attributable r.nd tho stroll up Tantalus Is well fice No kerosene shall bo sold or 60.00 - Prof. Severln. "Now on June 21, 1910, ard Special Railroad Dial has Walkiki, 35.00 to the shortcomings of the city fathers. The question of government worth taking. , ubed within the Territory of Hawaii 2BR a year later, D. T. Ful'away, U. S. numerals for every minute from i Kahala Beach, 1 B R and with us is largely a question of cause and effect. Our governmental PURSER HUNT (Siberia) Welnd unless the samo shall show a flas'i experimental rgent here, found tne to 6o around the dial. A glance sleeping porch 105.00 n fine trip all the way from Yoko- test of not less than 115 degrees system has resulted from an evolution entirely different from the Fahr first specimen of the fruit fly. He be- tells the number of minutes past Unfurnished principles of government to be found in other communities. Wc have hama and look for a good one toVSan enheit. lieves it flow into his insectaryi This the hour. Waipio, 3 B R $12.00 been compelled to build down rather than build up our civic adminis- Francisco. FIGHT PROMOTER AYRES Let us liow you t!i Howard Watch. Tho circumstance of the time Is suspicious I'llcQjUed by Wilder Ave., 6. B R K. KITAMURA (Formosa) 1 am next a primed ticket $35 to (ISO. 50.00 trative conditions. It will be readily seen that any recommendations time bunch of fly newspaper when considering the responsibility of Wilder Ave., 4 B R here to buy milling machinery for'tlfo 20.00 to be of material benefit to our local government must of necessity be men ring in a lot of symphony concert the Importation from Australia in, Pua Lano, 2 B R MeijI Wo1 find (l. B. Vieira & go, 17.09 in to a thorough of the Sugar mill at Formosa. t.ckets on my j J. considered relation understanding principles door keepers, there' Btarting the pest here. Fort St., 3BR 22.60 which rule in the larger governing that tho best milling machinery fs going to be and procedure powers of the trouble. Why, those box "As a result of my investigations I King St., 2 B R 22.50 view be turned out Jn Honolulu. JEWELERS Territory. A similar of the case would appear to the motive ers of mine wanted mo to come across learned that Kotinsky did not take tho King St., 2 B R 20.00 which actuates the the Territorial Departments in a A. HUME FORD For the first tlmo $2 per hcadsof courting with for each one of the ballv proper precautions when opening tho 113 Hotel Alewa Heights, 2 B R.... 20.00 offi- in Hawaii the Is beginning to Street constructive criticism of the Territorial administration. A public heat things, and I almost ha,d another figh box containing the colony at tho Lunalllo St.. 3 B R 32.60 cial who mo. 1 no longer has nothing to conceal and who wishes to serve the public affect can walk over cn my hands. wharf." merely retiring to an office Waiake Rd., 2 B R 30.00 is the first to see that it is to his interest and the public's the mountains around the Island W. Pllkoi 1 interest to and H. McINERNY Tho committee there and closing the door. I tried to Very Latest Styles ln tho Best Qual- St., B R 12.OO make known his Department. with my off not get head the facts and needs of Such officials hat and a of business men, who have the matter Escertain the name of the customs in- ity of Shoos. Kalmuki, Maunaloa Ave., not only court investigation, but ache. Elm & are always ready to expedite re nf raising funds for the Panama-Pac- i spector who opened the shipment, but Birch Sts., 3 B R.. 25.00 searches which lead to the devising of remedies through changes of JOHNNY MCCARTHY I think the fic Exposition in hand, believes that Collector Stackable tells mo no record Manufacturer's 2 B R 27.50 system. A constructive report on the Territorial government would rileo of KaimukI lots very reasonable the San Francisco boosters are undulv was kept of the name, as the shipment TRENT TRUST CO, Ltd. not only add greatly to the value of the report already made on the considering their desirability. I live enthusiastic when they tell us did not appear on the manifest. j City that and County of Honolulu, but would furnish reliable information out Twin Peaks way in San Francisco Hawaii will havo to take some little "I am convinced that Mr. Swezey Shoe Co. to all those who take a deep interest in and a the future welfare of the lot round there can't be bought out of way corner in the big show un- took every precaution in handling the 1051 Fort Street. Islands. With this information we to hand, can then follow up the for less than $700 and nothing- to less we get our site selected now. The Henry good educational work until something definite is done to improve speak of at that. committee will methods. sound tho sentiment Waterhouse JACK GIBSON Honolulu should be of the community on the matter of HIGH CLASS Trust the racing center of the islands. ('Tho asking tho legislature to appropriate A PROBLEM people are and money Is jhere. OF ENGINEERING. . here tho. bmoney for the project at its regular Upholstery and Drapery Work Some day a race trac'k will boiv em- session next winter. If tho people is close In It getting to the time when the snows about the head- bodied an amusement park enter- want tho show wo shall still have two U. HOPP mCQ.XLtd. waters of the Mississippi and Missouri should be melted and when the prise and tho promoters will make1' fl years in which to erect a building flood great ought to abate. But in the meantime an engineering prob- lot of money. ;,., nnd I don't believe we shall to HOUSE8OR RENT. lem have of the first importance has been raised; for a condition that "POP" O'BRIEN The healthiest take a back seat either. 'Furnished. almost annually renders tens of thousands of people homeless and Manoa Valley. 2 Bedrooms .... 7k submerges a region as large as some od-wor- ld kingdoms, Ing and is not one constructing tho plantation Ninth & Pahoa ave., 2 Bedroomi 4o!oi which a country as rich and ingenious as the United States can PUBLIC WORKS railroad. tolerate. We must look forward to a peril which be may much Other Engagements. Unfurnished. greater than the annual freshet; for if such an inundation may come (Continued rrom Tnge One.)' Since then ho of melting snows, what of one which should combine that cause at has been engaged by States government, the Kekaha Artesian St., 3 B R the sources of the great rivers with a season of torrential rains in the various railroad Sugar Company, tho FUMIGATE $30i00 Mississippi valley itself? companies, cities and municipalities. Walalua Agricultural Company. the Beretanla St., 3 Bedroom .... 27.58 Lunalllo St., 3 It is a pity that the configuration of Ho made topographical surveys, Wahiawa Settlement, the" Kona Sugar SER- Bedrooms .. .. $5. 00 the country will not easily THAT SICK ROOM OR YOUR Lunalllo permit the surplus irrigation systems and water Company, the Sugar St., 3BR 30.00 waters of the Missouri and Mississippi to be carried Haiku Cynpany, VANTS' QUARTERS. 1266 semi-ari- Matlock Ave., 2 Bedrooms 27.60 by canals into the d parts of the west and impounded for hot WQrks,. measured water supplies andV I'aia Plantation and tho Kahulul Bail- - Judd St.. 3 B R KAnft weather use. If fifty per sent of the water that goes to waste in the filled many positions as consulting or road Company, in planing and con With?, a "D. P, Formdldoheyiio Fuml-gato- r. Kalakaua Ave., 4 Bedroomi-....- . -- 40.01 Gulf of Mexico through one river, could be distributed where it is superintending engineer. His knowl constructing frrigatlpn and railroad Absolutely Manoa Valley, 2 Bedrooms 45.M needed, the United States would have millions more acres of farming edge of the water supply of tho Lbs systems,. besides efficient, .... making reports on Maklkl St.. 3 B IT 35,00 land in the public domain. But between the river and the deserts are Angeles river and San Fernando the water to clothing and metal. One is suffi- the suply for Wailuku, Kahulul Kallhl Rd & Beckley St., 4 B R mountain ranges ; and it would cost 35.00 far less to relieve the situation by Basin caused him to be called in 189b and Lahaina, ho having been consult- cient tor a room 10x12x8 feeL Nonpareil building an artificial parallel of the Mississippi river and Beretanla, 2 B R 22.50 from near the as' an expert In court in a case involv- ing engineer in charge con- junction 'of the Missouri with it to of tho the gulf than to. follow out any ing tho water supply for the city struction PRICE 35 CENTS EACH. other practicable method of relief. of of the Wailuku and Kahulul Los Angeles. In June, 1898, ho re- water works. Surveys and plans for signed as engineer a THE MILITIA AND ITS DUTIES. of the various water supply for Kamehameha companies with which ho was en- Schools wero mado, also for tho Pa- Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd The Hawaiian militia will gaged, in order to locato In tho Ha- cific Heights water system, Honolulu, WIRELESS not maneuver this year with the FORT AND waiian Islands. His largo en- Oahu. HOTEL 8TREET8. ittjuiaia, .laving iurcauy aiicnaed tnc primaries ana having ahead of first gagement here was messages for ships at sea received up it hard county campaigns. To drill also would be to ask too much of aa chief engineer Tho following aro extracts from his human nature. It is a curious nimmi;nn timf of tho Honolulu Sugar Company, de- JHEREXALL to eleven every night Telephono ' - ...v mm. wiv. minim,.:i:.v 1IUV11IU HIV: rofesslonal record for late years: rough work of our Territorial politics signing its system of irrigation, con- to do, should also spend time, Surveyed Harbor. STORE 1574. tviiiv.ii mc tuu structing a portion thereof, - iui lamina jam, in tramping around the back country and locat- 1904 January to July, survey Flno Job Printing, Star Office, TMU HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912. nvie

ILIOOTOOC MYSTERY APPEAL I.lhiTn Jon Company, $3,200, LANDLUBBERS GET THEIR FILL STOCK EXCHANGE TAX ; A 000 $3 3V t " LOR Totall&oiurnod, $9,032,240, Total (Continued Pago One.) (Contlnuod Pago One.) "om from Difference, $!, OF YACHTING FOR ONE TIME Monday, May C. 296,000, 7 IV" participate In thp manouvors. It was $1,350,000. town 1'lan Co 32.50 33 00 'YWhole Group. also stated that participation to not Olaa Sugar Company, Ltd., $2,250, Haw Agrl Co .... 350.00 Oahu dSCTcncet $1,137,007. Tho yacht Hawaii wont out on a tain Stroud and membcrB of his crew compulaory and that, as far ob tho nnn. trnnn.nnn. prevailing suf- Hawn C & S Co... 13.75 46.00 Maul mttcrenco, $1,054,121. trial spin beyond Diamond Head Yes- Tero afflicted with tho department tho only reason Howl Mill & Plantatldn' Company, llnwn Sug Co 46.A0 difference, $4,382,345. with a choice fering, but thoy kept manfully nt for tho Intention not to participate t .Hawaii terday afternoon Hohomu Sug Co.. 165.00 Ltd., $800,000; '$l,300,u00. dffferencp, work pulling on tho topcb between When we or Kauai $1,295,000. o'( supBts on board who as- SUg . 14 tno lac available funds. innd potation Company , Ltd., Honokaa 0; :l 1.37 31.0214 ' Total difference, '$7,868,473. seafaring Hbtku Plan 200; 00 It was pointed out that whllo tho'oooj ' $43,000; pired to tasto of, life. When Thero wna much praise for the Co.... I ' Sug Co 21.00 government makeB an appropriation Eetkio iTotiri Hind, trustee, tho Hawaii-returne- to tho wharf aft- yacht and her trim nppcaranco bero Hutch m Kahuku Plan 19.50 repair to aid In covering tho expenses of thol.1200. g3875 er several hours on tho deep, she sho left tho wharf on her trip, When Co.. national guard during joint manou-- l " McBrydo Sug Co. . 0.12 U 9.25 WnJakoa M, Company, $1(12B,ooO; brought back a bunch of haggard men tho guests returned tho vera, tho amount Is not sufficient, to! who feebly murmured "Never again" 'woro: "Onco Is enough," "I Oahu Sug Co 28.75 29.00 ",660,00- - THE THEATERS your Insure tho soldier sufficient pay fori . as thoy landed and called for applica- wouldn't take a trip 'like you fellows Onomea Sug Co.. 50.00 51.00 Watch Hnmakua Mill Company. $1,000,000; Bug loBt time and It ha. always, been nec tion blanks in order that they might arc going to mnko for all the money Olaa Co 7.75 7.87 essary for the atate or territory to.1'400'000- - Pauuhr.u Sug Co.. 24.37 25.00 join tho "Indoof Yacht club." In tho world;" "Mo for the Indoor It will keep correct time. Much add to tho pay. The N,ul Mnl & Plantation Company, Pp.clflc Bug Mill,. 150.00 federal allow "The BIJou Has Big Vaudeville BIN. may have been a nice little Jaunt, Yacht club and a cruise around the nnco for prlvato Is fifty cents $400,000; $540,000. It Pala Plan Co 200.00 thought and care Is given every a tut Tho Honolulu Amusement Co. have but thpso on board, with tho exception rool tnblo In tho future." per diem which Is not sufficient. Konn Development Company, Ltd., Pioneer Mill 35.25 35.50 decided to run the Empire theater as of two or three, persons, took no in- The yacht behaved very nicely, Co.. movement Intrusted to our car. Tho government fund is not avail-- $09,690; $175,000- - Walalua ARrl Co . 181.00 132.00 rin moving picture house terest In it after they had been out though, according to tho two or three Our watchmakers are thorough ablo for the use of the guard unless Hawaii Railroad Company, M S N Co . 370.00 West tind havo transferred the vaudeville bait an hour. They were not oven old salts who were not affected by certain requirements havo been ad- - T,td. $25,173: S38.970, Haw Elec Co 200.00 mechanics of many years ex- tho BIJou, making tho lat-ter'- s interested as to whether they were the presence of somo sixteen suffer- hered to. Tho companies must con-- j talent to II R T & L Co ... 125.00 Panullo Agricultural Company, Ltd., program very one safely once more or went to mnl mar cooped In very perience. wuo a nttractlvo landed ers from do II B & L 130.00 uiiu a curiam numuer oi men $26,603, $47,525. COm.... i.-- ..- -. Is tho Intention of the manage- the bottom. Hugo waves washed over close quavers. If tho yacht had be- It Mutual Tel Co.... 19.00 19.50 Wc tolcrnto no guesswork uU6, Humuula Sheep Station Company, vaude-vlll- on the here. a,MUvSu ment to make the BIJou a big them but they lay unmindful haved badly thero would probably Oahu R & L Co 170.00 105.000- - eyes full of mis-cr- tragedies slon by picking up anyone wishing to.70'0001, and motion picture house with deck, peering with havo been several deep sea Hilo R R Com.... 9.50 Sugar Company. $380,137.74; night- vasty deep. Cap ro. Then thor arn other technical Kohala three or more vaudeville turns Into tho Even to relate. Hon B & M Co... 19.75 $575,000. TH'nwf ly, while the Empire will be made ft Hawn Pine 41.00 42.00 tier and Its missions by Mrs. J. D. Co.... of tho local guard that alt have been Total returned, $11,628,825.14. Total feature film theater. Tanjong Olok Rub. 37.00 40.00 Bijou Marques; while a letter from its capi- uvea up to, and tiie organization is assessed, $16,011,170. uinerenco Tonight's program at tho will TAKES Pahang Rub Co. . . , 20.50 21.50 ?v tal city, Canton, will be read by Mrs. H. F Wichman debarred from attendance solely be- -' : consist of Efflo, tho mind reader, PI Hon B &. M 50s pd 9.75 10.25 382,345. Mooro. 1 cause of the lack of territorial funds Baylo nnd Patsy, singers and danc- W. L. Cal Beet Sug 6s... 100.00 Fourth Taxation Division Hawaii A cordial Invitation to tills meet- and time required for tho now extend- ers and tho Walsteln Trio. Hon Gas Co 6s ... 100.00 & Co., Ltd. and ftllhau. ing extended to all ladles includ- UP BOWLING ed maneuvers. Efflo, tho mind model, will give tests is Hawn C & S 5s.. 104.00 Gay & Robinson (Makawell) Re-- our of her telepathic powers In answering ing strangers In midst Hilo R II 6s 100.00 LEADING JEWELERS. 982,240; assessed, $1,102,240. A three-lln- e "want ad." In theturned' questions and giving names of absent Hllo R R Ex 6s .. 94.25 93.00 I Sugar Company, $4,000,-co- st "Classified" page of The Star will Hawaiian relatives or friends. Baylo and Patsv Maui News: Pala Is going ahead Honokaa Sug Cs . . 103.50 only 90 cents a week. Can you.G00: $4,625,000. will be seen In original songs and SYMPHONY PROGRAM by leaps and bounds. The latest pro- H R T & L 6s 107.00 beat It? Koloa Sugar Company, $850,000; tnlkalogucs, while the Wnlstein Trio posed addition, which will add much Kauai Ry Ob 100.00 will give exhibitions of skating, dnr-irif- ; to tho attractiveness of that place, Kohala Ditch 6s .. 100.00 Jas. W. Pratt as as fancy. All musically inclined folk in Ho Installing bowl- McBryde Sug 6s . 99;75 100.25 well Besides those is tho of an ileal Estate, Insurance, Loans Nego- aits four Interesting pictures will br nolulu are looking forward to an hour ing alley. Ever elnce tho alloys woro Mutual Tel Co.... 103.50 tiated. shown. or two of rar enjoyment In the sym Installed at Puuneno tho Pala people O U & L Co 5b... 103.00 At The Liberty. phony society concert which takes havo been longing for an alloy of Oahu Sug 5s 103.00 "PRATT," 125 Merchant 8t Trusses, even- Olaa Sug 6a 97.50 Suspensories, iThe Old, Old Story" fa the name place at tho Empire tomorrow their own. Though many of them are new AI Is go- ing. program Is one which will Pacific Sug 6s 103.50 of a playlet that Hallett The members of the Puuneno Club, still it ing to put on at the Liberty this even- ability the local musicians Pioneer Mill 6s . . 100.00 100.25 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS show tho of Is a long ride from Pala to Puunene, ing. skill of Mr. Carl Miltner, Walalua Agrl 5s 102.50 tnd also the and thoy get very Httlo chance to do Crutches, Jockey Straps Ceolle, Eldrldge and Carr in a new tho It Is as follows: Natoinas Con. 6s . 93.75 director. any manage- Will Marshal, world's soci- effective rolling. Tho C. C. Cuakha stunt and Overture! Nabucodbnosor Verdi complete ment of tho Maul Agricultural Com- ety entertainer, will tho Symphony (D Major) . .Haydn Second pany has taken tho matter up, and 78 Merchant St. Phone 3593. olio, and there will be a completo Adagio Allegro before many months wo will sco tho RECORDS change of pictures. Andante Pala people enjoying their own bowl- Mlnuetto MISSIONS. ing alleys, WOMAN'S BOARD OF Allegro Splrltoao and also swimming pool. The Woman's Board of Missions This will mako six ajleys on Maul, BY BOARD Sugar 3.9825c Violin Concerto, No. 1 Op. 16, De Ber- - meeting praise will hold Its yearly for iot and wo can them arrango tourna- nnd offering tomorrow afternoon at Beets, I3, A New Line of Goods Mr. Carl Miltner ments, and develop more talent 534d 2 30 o'clock In the chapel of Central Adieu, forets Jeanno d Arc (Reclt. SANTA MONICA, California, May Union church. If the ladles will give and Aria) Tschaikowsky 5. Two world's records havo been At Reasonable Prices with their offering a note expressive Henry WaierfiR Trust Miss Edith Rosslyn Collais STOCK SALES big auto races here. of heart thoughts, In words of their smashed in tho Two Hungarian Dances Brahms Company. cwn, Scripture, or of others, It will Tetzlaff, driving a Flat car won the of Accompanist, Mrs. L. Tenney Peck. Members Honolulu Stock and Bond contribute to the Interest of this ser-Uc- e 303-mil- e free-for-al- l, averaging 69.50 Exchange. of thanksgiving. Between Boards ?5000 Hl'o Ex. to, miles an hour, which Is a worlds' rec SALE OF KUKAIAU. FORT AND MERCHANT ST. The opening service will be 'n 94.50; ?6000 do., 94.50; 10 Walalua, ord for medium cars. Do Palmn drove

of tho 1138 151-nill- cbtrge of Mrs. MacKenzle, the Boavd'rf Tho formal transfer 131.50; 230 Hon B. & M. Co., 20.00; a Mecer in tho e race, aver missionary among the Chinese. A shares of stock In tjie Kukalau plan 16 Oahu Sug. Co., 29.00; 34 do., 29.00. aging 69.54 miles an hour, which Is class of little girls from tho Bereta tation owned by Albert Horner to; Session Sales 12 Mutual Tel. Co., also a world's record. Royal H. Davies & Company took free-for-a- ll 101-raiI- o Come in and look them over. I'ia street mission will sing one of Theo. , 19.12; $100 Hilo Ex. 6s. 94.50; In tho annual their songs. place Saturday, thus completing tho ?1000 do., 94.50; 6 Oahu Sug. Co., race the Maxwell car set a new Amer- Believing that tho women of the purchase of the plantation. The sale 29.00; 17 do. 29.00; 20 do. 29.00; 7 do. ican record by doing the distance In C -- thirty-seve- n Insurance was 13 10 C. & S. and church will all be Interested In the the result of tho decision of tho 29.00; do. 29.00; Haw one hour, minutes Leading Fire Company of the W( field to which our coming Central Supremo Court after a hard legal fight Co., 45; 10 do. 45.00. fifty-seve- n seconds. your a c I'nlon missionary goes the topic for confirming tho right of Robert Hor- Sugar Quotations 96 dog. Centri- Despite tho furious driving there Place business with HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. the day's study will be: "An Afte'r ner to sell his 1262 shares to Davies fugals, 4.05; 88 deg. Analysis Beets, were no accidents. pany that knows how to face a ci noon In Kwantung Province of & Company, without tho consent of Parity 4.87. the 13s. 5?'td. and Is In a position to do bo. Hotel Street opp. Bethel Street China." The geography of tho pro his brother Albert. Tho talcing over vinco will be described by Miss Ruth of the latter's stock thus puts Davies A "Classified Ad" In the Star will THE MOOSE HAD Losses Paid, $222,951,358. Shaw, its people by Mrs. P. C. Damon, S: Company In completo ownership of bring results when all other expedl-ent- s lib Industries by Miss Mary Alcxan the property. fall. C, Brewer 5fc Co., L,td. ft GRAND OUIG General Agents, Territory of Hawaii. Harry Armltage. H. Cusbmaa Carter, Samuel A. Walker. Sports, dancing and soda-po- p reign' ed supremo yesterday at Pearl City Harry Armitage & Go, navlllon. where twelvo carloads of Up Loyal of Moose LIMITED. Clean members of the Order nnd their friends held forth all day iStoclc and Bonds from ten o"clocl: In the morning to seven In tho evening. BROKERS They wero a Joyous bunch and they Member Honolulu Stock and Boad of Exchange. of - had a Joyful time If the volume 25a I03- NWALD BLDG. noiso which echoed over tho waters of P. O. Box C83. Telephone 2101. Pearl Harbor and vibrated through Cable and Wireless' Address: tho nlr back to Honolulu itsolf could "Armltage." lm onnstilnred nn Indication of the Paper kind of time emnant Wall still few real es- hd. Cable Address "uuisenberg," Honolulu ML m There are a Soapbox Barron was muEter of cere' monies and directed tho social actl tate bargains in Honolulu if you vltles of tho day which ranged from E. G. Duisenberg races to dancing. There was children's Stock and Bond Broker. a big baseball garao played in tho it is MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND know whereJo find them and afternoon during which tho Hawaiian Hand played to urge on tho playo--s BOND EXCHANGE. Lots business do this. Here is to their utmost. 76 Merchant St., opposite Bishop A 00m our to picnlcers returned homo late Tho Co.'b BanK, Honolulu. To be sold at 50c per room and upward. In tho evening. one: Telephone 3013. P. O. Box 322. wall-pape- Choice selections of the finest rs ACGIDEN T "Patronize Home Industry." made. lots sufficient Put up in to cover OVER TWO ACRES Home insuianGB Go SAND-BAGGIN- walls G the and ceilings of rooms varying in of Hawaii, Limited. of land, improved with fruits and 3529. 96 King size from 8' x 10' to 20' x 24' a Telephone St .flowers, also fiiie, .garden, with a Early yesterday morning J. Q. Shel- don, whllo wandering about tho Iwllol James F. Morgan "1 1 :.. Blockade considerably, tho worse for neglect this opportunity. Sale Begiris 1st Til V "i'T booe, foil backward and struck the Don't May back of his head against a rock, hus HANDSOME HOUSE tainlng a nasty scalp wound and be- Stock and ing temporarily knocked out Bond Brpker a man had Tho report spread that Member of Honolulu Stock and Bond of Seven rooms and lanai. $350. been sand-bagge- d nnd robbed but the Exchange. facts of tho matter nro ns stated Stock nnd Bond Orders lecelve & down, balance monthly payments. above. prompt attention. Lewers to Queen's Cooke, Ltd Sheldon was taken Information furnished relative to ll STOCKS AND BONDS. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Tho will of a widow mny mean a Phone 1B72. p. O. Box 694. 177 So. Kings St. CALL US UP wedding. A sympathetic man usually sympn If you have "wants," let them be tlilzos with hlmsolf more thnn with known In the "Classified" pane of Tho others. Star. We will do the rest.

fl i mi Mil imp flf B TMIt HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1012.

served and muoh onjoyod by nil pros-on- t mon of Mollryde nn 1 Hnnapopo frlomln. 'mm m A Sofa Cushion Those who enjoyed Captain Lea-vltt'- s Music was furn lip 1510- - hospitality, wore tho Misses Ja- ilq orchestvn. Anion: iresont for net Hnstlo, Mnblo Hnstlo,Mary Mill- wcro Mr. and Mrs. w, Ir. and er, Marlon Hnstlo, Messrs. Hocndahl, Mrs. Ilrodle, Mrs. Mors itlife Vtsses Derby Lovoland, Palmcston and Dil- Mablo Hnstlo, Leona iue, Nora Every Month lingham. Hartley, Janet Hustle, ry Miller. Marlon Hnstlo, Marlo'k)jAndcrson, new Idea In tho fancy-wor- k Sjl fcl A brand Messrs H. Molor, Miller, i(Plllor, Dll lino; designs for each Ono of tho most enjoyable social llngham, Loveland, Rath, Derby, Pal month nro stamped and tinted, ovCer the teacups. events of this .week was tho danco meston, Lcavltt, Roondahl Need and showing a verso lnterwovpn Society Editor. given at tho club house by tho youn? ham. , Telephone 2799. with tho month's flower and sot ooooooooooooooooo with that month's Jowol, O CALLING DAYS FOR HONO- - O LULU. How The Alexander House Mondays: Punahou, Collego 75c Each Hills, Manoa, Maklkl. Tuesdays: Walklkl, Knplo-lan-l Gymnasium Is Conducted Park, Kalmukl, Palolo. POWDER EHLER Wednesdays: Nuuanu, Pun-nu- l, Pacific Heights. First and Absolutely Pure (Special Correspondence of the Star.) shall ho on Nuu- turned at seven o'clock. Tho only baking powder Third Wednesdays above s WAILUKU, May some-week- In caso tho gymnasium is not used anu Drldge. Second and Fourth i. For mutlo from Royal Ctapo on these nights by eight o'clock, tho The charge is often made that business and professional life Is Wednesdays below Bridge. prat the gymnasium committee Sroam of Tartar lights shall bo con- women to he home-maker- Tho downfall of the homo Is blamed Fourth Wednesday, Pacific of tho Alexander House, together with turned out nnd No Alum, No lime Phosphate who earns living fined to the bowling alley and pool upon woman's Invasion or business, and the woman her Heights. Alowa Heights, First those most deeply Interested in tn at as having lost all tasto for tho domestic sphere. room. is looked askance and Third Wednesdays. welfare of this splendid Institution in If you look Into the matter a little deeply, are these charges true? Young ladles shall have the use of ' But Thursdays: Tho Plains. Th wis widow can see through a Walluku, have been In consultation gymnasium f Arn't there some things underneath the surface of this change In woman's Fridays: Hotels and town. the floor on tho after- K. j x j over tho details of management of man as easily as an girl can life that are worth considering? Fourth Friday, Shatter. noons of Monday, Wednesday and innocent Fort classes, wom- LAN8INQ, Distributor. woman who spends her days in a store or office or mak- hours for tho men and Friday. Before championship games, eee through a window pane. NELSON B. Does not the First Friday, Fort Ruger. en, ing exhausting round of professional calls appreciate a home more than and work for the children. however, they shall bo allowed In ad- an Saturdays: Kallhl. Third and Up ap- to within a short time the chil- two evenings a tho woman who lives at homo day In and out? Has she not the same Saturdays, Kamehamo-li- a dition not over week Fourth dren have been In tho habit of attend- preciation of it that the business man has? for practice, and .r.'ch other times as Schools. ing the Alexander House Settlement And like the business man, she knows after a day of hard work, what can be nrranged for by tho business ooooooooooooooooo In the evenings, being In classes and la most wanted in a home. Few things open a woman's eyes to the reaj manager of the gymnasium, subject playing games in the two front rooms essentials of a home liko returning to it at night exhausted from a day's J. S. Donnghho, Miss Dorothy Efflnger, to ratification by tho committee. FROM AUSTRALIA Miss of the Settlement House proper. After work In the world. She appreciates, as no home woman can, what It means Miss Eleanor Efflnger, and Personal and' Social. tho curfew law was In operation In to find order and comfort and cheer and rest waiting her. To step from Rachel Churchill. ar- Maul, the children could no longer W. P. Koch of St. Paul, Minn., The butter we havs just received from Australia, the rab- the rushing, wearing world of work Into a haven of peace where there is on Maui week to take Tho ladies of the faculty of the come to evening clwjses, so their work rived last bits that came fro n New Zealand and the fish from the no unkind word, where every taste and wish of the worker have been con- chargo of the Pioneer store In Wal College of Hawaii gave a garden party was transferred entirely to tho after old United States, fill with Ideas of what Is sidered, is to find a home in its truest sense. And nobody comprehends young man, and intends the brain on Saturday at the home of Mrs. E. noon classes In the gymnasium, and Iuku. He is a this belter than tho business woman. The woman who has never had an grocery In Wal- good to eat . J. McCarthy on Young and Pllkol their hours are indicated In the ap- to push the business , experience in the business world cannot understand how much this means. streets, for the wives of tho Profossom pended schedule. luku for all Its worth. And if you know thorough-goin- g business women, you will find that the college. color for The work for the children in the E. Herrlck Brown and son, both or majority of them have turned their room or two rooms, as the case may of the Tho scheme pink and green future as In tho past will be entirely Honolulu, were passengers in tho be, Into as near a resemblance of a home as they can get. They have tho decorations was the effect was carried out with under the management of the Alex Claudlne this morning. They come to Metropolitan Meat Market made their apartments as cozy and comfortable and home-lik- e as possible. and green ferra, and each ander Hoiwo Settlement head worker. taking up They have pictures and flowers and dainty curtains, and possibly a little pink roses and Maul with an intention of nf the. ladies was presented with a The hours have been so arranged that homestead lands In the Pauwela tract, HEILBRON AND LOUIS, Propr's. tea-tabl- e and chafing dish. The domestic instinct in them has expressed May filled with violets and the hoys can come-t- tho gymnasium, opportunity settling on itself as much as it can. It hasn't died out. basket Whero tho of Telephone 3445. Tho hostesses for and under the direction of tho head And not only does a business woman or professional woman appre- maidenhair fern. the land Js so favorabIe. were Mtos Lee, Miss worker will have classes either under p ciate a home, but her business experience has given her the ability to tho nfternoon nev- - Henry Judd returned this Green, Miss Chlpman, uer or unuer ;ue outness manager 01 manage a home. Aud by a business woman Is meant the capable woman Orvls. MUs morning ,n the Claudlne. He has tviibo Yonder, and MIbs Shaw; their tho institution. It is expected thatj ,,e6n ,n Honolulu slnco Tnesday work who handles whatever may he her work thoroughly. The careless, thought Bryan, guests were Mrs. Gilmore, Mr.3. these classes will be larger than ever ing with tho committee on Sunday less girl who half perforins her duties, and whose mind is on something I Dillingham, Mrs. Donaghho, Mrs. hfifnro. other than her tasks will make no more of a success of housework than Mrs. school matters relating to his new po Mrs. MacCaughey, Miss Book The work for the men and women, she does of anything else. Cut tho capable business woman will bring to Ballou, sition as Sunday school superintend- Young, Mrs. Keller, Mm. And and the young men who are members,' the task of managing a home, executive ability and big grasp of things. er. Mrs. ent under the Hawaiian Board of Mis- McTaggart, Mrs. Kraus3, will be confined entirely to tho gym She can see the whole at a glance and quickly decide how tho various parts rews, Mrs. sions. Orvls and Mrs. Cousens. nasium committee, which Js made up must fit into it. She goes at housekeeping in a businesslike way. She is Mrs. A rather good sized list of ethlca' of of five Walluku citizens, who have the not Lound by Jt & and religious hooks was added to th traditions or conventions, but goes about her work in the direction of all of the work for the. most way to accomplish Jones entertained ft library by purchase Rev. R. B efficient the end desired. She would run a house Miss Helen men and women who desire to loin. a of thorough-goin- g Saturday at her In tho same fashion that she would run a department. number of friends At present the membership of tho Dodge through the Maul Aid Assoc ' She would cut out poor pre- Mr. Dodge Clau useless work and tools. She would look at the job home In Nuuanu. Among those men totals over fifty, and the com- tlon. returned in the ahead of her with an eye trained by modern business methods. And in her Lent were Miss Dorothy Wood, Miss plete dine. Muslin Underwear ' enrollment of adult.i Is over hands, housekeeping would become a different proposition from what it has Uuth Anderson, Miss Ruth boper. seventy. It Is expected that the mem Fred Butler and wife were the past. been in the Miss Thelma Murphy, Miss Marian bership will soon reach the hundred Euests of W. O. Aiken on a trip up So Instoad of or professional But-fo- r that business life spoiling a woman for Chapin, Miss Eloise Wlchman, Miss mark. Each member Is working hard Haleakala this past week. Mr. the domestic sphere, it rsally makes her better fitted for it, if singing sho cares Maud Jones, Miss Laura Low, Miss other members. The dues are so ler waB at Lahaina the to take it up. And it is the trained business or professional woman who ot tho week, conducting sir-ther- e Carol Low, Miss Clorlnda Low, Miss that it is expected that ler Part will lift housekeeping to a level where much if not all of Its old-tim- e drudg- vices on Friday evening and on Sun- Marearet Jones and Miss Catherine will be no difficulty in keeping ery and monotony will be left behind. up tho to a hundred day evening at the Lahalnaluna schoo' Jones. enrollment. each year. Splendid provision la for boys. He will leave on Montlav & made for J Kau-naslu- j - Dodge Now SOCIAL NEWS OF THE DAY. table centerpiece. transients, who will find at the gym- ,wlth Rev. R. B. and L. B. On Covers were laid for Mr. Mrs. John A. Palmer en The niracGment Is announced of Air. and Mi-- ' Wllllnm n T n- - and one of the best bowling alleys mehelwa for East Maul. The partv T Po1 at tne Court' Miss Florence Towse, the eldest' and Mrs. Adams, Miss Kauffman, Miss terta,ned nt a 8UPner In the Territory. will start from Walluku early on Mon Hono-'TJek- evening. A large AT daughter of Mr. Ed. Towse of Mr. F. M. Hatch and Mrs. Hyde- - land on Saturday The following abstract of portions day, holding their first services a lulu, and Mr. Benjamin Ernest John-- Smith. basket of fruit filled the of the of the constitution and s of the Keokca and Ulupalakua, then on n son of Grand Island, Nebraska, Miss , J & table. The color scheme for the deco will further explain its na-- day will bo present at tho installa Towse is a graduate of the McKinley Mrs. L. M. Smith, Miss Bernlce rations was red and green. Covers ble: tion of Rev. Louis Mitchell at the High School, and for tho past three Smith, Miss Shirley Faitcr and Mr. were laid for Dr. and Mrs. Frear, Mr. This institution is located on land Kaupo church, returning to Walluku years has been a student of tho Uni- William Edwin Rapson of Kahuku nnd Mrs. McPhearson. Mr. and Mrs. donated by the Walluku Sugar Com- - Friday In time so that Mr. and Mrs versity of Colorado. Mr. Johnson is spent the week end In town. ArmRtrnmr. Mrs. Scott. Miss Mac- - pany to tho Board of Hawaiian Evan-- Butler can take tho Mauna Kea. for gellcal a graduate of the University of Indi- & & Jt Carthy, Mrs. Alice Brown, Mr. and Association. This board, in Honolulu ana and Is connected with Union turn, unuer agreement with the Wai-- . the Miss Miriam Clarke was hostess at Mra. Bates. Mrs. L. C. Abies, Mr. Wil- - Mrs. Jarley's wax works will draw Pacific railway Grand Island, Ne-- a . iuku bugar company, leased tho land at surprise "shower" on Saturday for ... M nd M Paimer. a big crowd next Friday night at the braska. to tne Maul Aid Association, which iuiBs jjons uiruier wno is 10 oeconie t t Town Hall In Walluku. (C th bride of Mr. LetHe Clarke In Juno. " Association elected the building nnd Dillingham " - Miss Clarke's homo attractively1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter is legally responsible for all obllga-- The reception given for Misvi Erlck- wa.i Walk-Ov- ar Dr. and Mrs. Adams moioreu tlons until the debt is paid. BoOtMlOp son at the home of Mrs. B. F. Billing-j- " decorated with red carnations and and stopping Tho permanent ham on Saturday was largely attended mallo. To each of the gifts presented around the island yesterday, commltteo consists PANTHEON BLOCK by the new as well as the old residents 'Miss GIrdler was attached a rnyrao at Haleiwa for luncheon. of R. B. Dodge, N. B. Penhal ow, C. E. HOTEL STREET. or Honolulu! Receiving with Mrs. 'and the reading of tho sparkles of( Myers, O. J. Whitehead and D. T Among Carey. The necretary-treasure- r of the Dillingham were tho guest of honor wit caused much ainusement. Mr Cu8nman Carter was host at a JACOBSON BROS., Girdler, y Maul Aid Association shall be the and Mrs. W. A. liowen. Mrs. Alonzo 'those present were Miss Doris motQr j)arty around the l8ind yester-Gartle- Proprietors. Girdler, Mrs. B. O. permanent chairman; tho manager ot assisted by a number ot young Mrs. Charles h(g g()eats wjro Mr gam Walk. sev-- Clarke, Mrs. R. B. RIetow, Mrs. Henry ' the Walluku Sugar Company, or his ladies terved refreshments to the Walker Mr J. O. Car-ra- l JU8T OPENED hundred peop'o who called during Ginaca, Miro Ida Elswortli, Mrs. Ber- - representative, shall be the second tor and Mr. GreenwelL any tho afternoon. Igor, Miss Margaret Omsted, Mrs. W. member; in case member resigns & & I Greenwell, Miss Florence Winter, Miss or removo from Walluku, his place j Dodge, D. Tenney, Mrs. Hyde-Smit- h .-- Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. E. on the committee ahal be filled,by tho BostonCafe Mrs. was hostess at a Susan Clark, Miss Shirley Foster, Mrs. R. R. Els- - Noonan, Miss Wllhelmina Ten-Walki- ki Maul Aid Association. dinner last evening at her home at nelen BIJOU ENTRANCE. An artistic arrangement ot worth. Miss Margaret Clarke, Miss uey nnd Mr Vernon Tenney spent tho There shall be a business manager . . mr.. V a ri .11,1, Hr.. . Day and Night Servlca. yellow crysanthemums formed tho Bernlce famiin, mto. u m. diuuu, i weekend at Haleiwa, of the gymnasium, who shall have - general oversight of all the affairs of a w Cable Address "Takapu, HonoluH showing tho gymnasium floor, dressing room, We are some of the New Tlephone 1676. P. O. Box tti Kauai Notes tho committee for all work for Rflults, est designs in Pattern Hats just rer and to 'the head worker of the Alex V. TAKAKUWA. Commission Merchant and Usnutu g Island: Mrs. A. Wilcox was ander House Settlement for all the ceived from N. Y. Next week begin-in- Garden turers' Agent. Japanese ProTinlOb ot renowned pol work of children. IBEGINNING MONDAY I hostess at ono her and General Merchandise MONDAY MAY 6 will luncheons at her spacious homo last Tho business manager shall have we sell charge Nuuanu Street, near King BS Friday afternoon the occasion belns of the classes for boys In tho some very exclusive designs in Gage 0 in lmnnr of Mrs. Francis Gay. Tho afternoons under the direction of tho head of Alexander decorations wero most exquisite boln5 worker the PATTERN HATS ranging in price quality Alpaca all colors Un very pleasingly arranged, the color Settlement. Fine Tho dues for adult male members con-tin- e tchemo of pink predominating. Thosa from $5 to $20.00 we will also thall bo $10 a year In advance, or $1 who Bat at luncheon wore Mrs. Fran excelled for Bathing suits and skirts a month In advance. our sale of $3.00 $3.50 $5.00 ciii Gay, Mrs. Jas. Spalding, Mrs. San The dues for ladles shall bo $5 a dow, Mrs. C. H. Wilcox, Mrs. Hans year In advance, or 50 cents a month Isenberg, Mrs. F. L. Putnam, Mrs. hats. Watch our Window for bar-- per yd In advance. i 38 Wide regular 75c Rico, Mrs. Rufus Spalding, . Charles All children shall be admitted to Mrs. G. N. Wilcox, Mrs. Arthur Rice. tho gymnasium floor, dressing room, gams. Special 50 . j Mrs. A. S. Wilcox and Miss Kaul Wil shower rooma and swimming cox. Jank j upon such terms as tho head worker of tho Alexander House Settlement yd . Henry C. Brown, had 44 Wide regular $1.00 per Mr. and Mr?. shall decide. Friday, Mr. for dinner guests last and Any complaints or suggestions from Mr. Mrs, Special 70 Mrs. C. B. Hofgaard and and members ohall bo put into writing, You Bon Ton T. Brandt. Stop HatShop signed by the member, and submitted can tt fciS to tho commltteo, who will carefully falling hair and cure Roiling scalp 11 Capt. Lcavltt entertained a few of consider nil such communications. you uso a little of hU friends at an Informal danco l?st The gymnasium shall be open every PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER. Glub Stables Block Fort Street N. S Sachs' Dry Goods Co. Monday night, tho ovor ready phono-prap- evening from seven to ton, except This well known remedy is olllca furnishing mustc for dancing. on Saturday and Sunday. clous and immediate relief follows thi During tho evening Mr. Roendahl who On Sunday tho hours shall bo from first application. Directions on ovory Mrs. E. Davis, Prop. is an accomplished musician rendered two p. m. to Ave p. m. bottle. - b ' Fort Street Opposite ire btation choice selections on tho piano. At Tho apparatus In the gymna.-iiu- Sold by all Druggists and at I midnight (which came far too soon) shall be down and in position on Wed- PACHECO'S BAKBER SHOP. I coffeo, sandwiches and cakes wero nesday and Friday nights. Tho lights Fort street.

in inpi 1 n .IMr- - iwwiHv, THIS HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, MAY r. 1012. BVHK Do You Want a Downtown Store Site? There is a Big Demand for Store Locations in the Center of the Retail Business Section near the Hotels, Steamship Offices and on Main Car Lines.

: : : FOR RENT: The ORPHEUM, SAVOY, PARK and EMPIRE THEATERS Each one is oh an Ideal Retail Store Site. This is an Opportunity which should not be Loft Sight Of. Every Merchant Wants a Store Close to Fort Street. Two of the Sites are Juft The Places for Auto Garages. Can't Be Beat. Think it Over. Better See Us Quickly. Apply at Office, The Orpheum Theater nATiimri i rn nan ff GOLF AND TENNIS. tho center. The word is derived from BY AUTHORITY , hA DORMANT St The placo for recreation and a quiet the old Frenc- h- pome-amber- signify- nohtLLth nAu ailroad and Homestead time Is Haleiwa. Tho golf links are ing amber-apple- , amber here being proposals will bo received by Scaled nc good as any in the country, the used In the sense of nmbergrVi and the Loan Fund Commission of tho wind from tho sea constantly blows in not the amber of which beads and A TO City County of up to OPENING Development Maui BROUGHT LIFE and Honolulu and the view of tho country adds to the mouthpieces of pipes, are made. on Saturday, May 1 welvc O'clock noon ot tho attractions of the place. There iii The pomanders In the daya of Henry 18, 1912, for the construction of Fifty-fiv-e a tennis court, as well, and the best VIII. and Elizabeth ot England wore With every table engaged ahead to twenty-f- Several cases of ancient vintago thousand, five hundred and gold, Ivory, (By a Staff Correspondent.) and Will J. Cooper, of Honolulu are bwlmming beach on this island; no mado of glani, silver or accommodato thoao desiring to give have been resurrected from the (lies our and three-tenth- s lineal feet and were Kencrnlly hung PAIA, Maul, May 4. Development hero today looking over their lots. coral, no broken bottles. Tho table enamel from parties, tho Itathakeller in th6 of tho United States district court 05,524.3') or tea, and fifty-tw- o hun- many short chains. Tuor content varied dinner work east of here is brisk with the All of these gentlemen have begun at Haleiwa attracts tourists who opened Saturday placed calendar dredths miles of highway, designated widely, but mu&k, lavender, roses, am- Young Hotel was extension of tho Kahulul Railroad to improving their lots and expect to and upoji tho for lcavo satisfied and well pleased with' may up. p.3 Section Two of tho Oahu Belt bergris, f!ovj. mace and night with mirth and good cheer. Haiku, construction of tho county belt have about ten acres of pines planted action which wind them At what they havo seen and with their! nu'Wft 100 present Road, and extending from tho end of stornx vnr- among the nioa ?aal There were over persons read, and tho work being done by tho before fall. Mr. James and Mr. Krau83 least ono of them is no less than six entertainment Tho management of, the present macadamized road in Wal-olu- a Inr'-d- l ;. The pomander illustrat- at 6:30 when the doors opened, and on Government tract expect to houses very years old, this being tho caso of th hotel has an automobilo in the' new settlers the build shortb Waianae-uka- , ed M a . 17. Ger- District, through rent servico and guests herv' u :ii from that hour until o'clock the Hoffschlaeger & Co. versus the secure it for - just beyond Haiku. A large of and to move their families over in, w und Walpio Districts, to tho macad- ridea through mado probably ir o cen- tables were crowded with gay diners. employed various en- July. man bark Paul Isenberg. tho country where tho men Is on these Juno or Klpapa Gulch, in tury. occa- amized road at tho Pino aro growing yellow on The menu prepared for the terprises, and it is said that labor Is Word has been received from J. W. This, which is an action to recover their 1 District of Walpio, City and County plants. CONFIDENCE WELL FOUNDED. sion by Manager Rudolph Hoyden- - nt a premium just at present Saucr, of Coachella, California, ad- damages alleged to have been re- of Honolulu. ';ho implicit confidence many relch was all that could be desired, Railroad Being Pushed. vising that he will be here in August ceived by goods shipped to tho plain- that Proposals shall bo on forms fur- pe plo havo In Chamborlain's Colic, and the program of entertainment' Contractor A. A. Wilson has four with his family, by which time he will tiff, was filed In 1906. Saturday morn- DO YOU KNOW WHAT nished by the Commission. Ch ilera and Diarrhoea Remedy is provided seemed to sharpen the appe- gangs at work on tho grade of tho have clpsed his business on 'the coast ing it was continued on tho calendar A POMANDER IS? Kach bidder shall state In his pro- foinded on their experience in tho tites of tho guests. railroad between here and Haiku and Mr. Saucr is a professional small to June 24 for further hearing. posal: What is a pomander? Originally it I , ust of that remedy and their knowl-edf- o Tho early hours of the dinner were expects to have his part of this llvp farmer, and as made good in the Im-- Another old case Is that of J. M. wc3 a mixture of aromatic substances, (1). A specific sum for wnlch ho of tho many remarkable cures of miles extension done within a few perlal Valley country of Southern Cali- D. Spreck- - carried about to counteract bad somowhat formal, but after Haul's Little and others versus J. will furnish all labor, tools and mate- dysentery months. road is expected to bo in fornia, but he Is leaving there to es smells; by the early part colic, diarrhoea and that it Hawaiian Troubadours had sung The els Brothers Company a claim for rial, except as specified to bo furnish- - but of the operation by the first of the year to cape the severely hot climate. When sixteenth century it had come to has effected. For sale by all dealers. "Everybody's Doing It" a few times, salvage on the tug Fearless that Borne td by the City and County of Hono-year- mean' pineapple cannery he was in February was great- tho case In which perfumes Benson, Smith ft Co., agents for formality was dispensed with. The the at Haiku, from here he ago did business in theso lulu, necessary, to completo tho work such orj point surveyed ly impressed with the lot he drew in which it has been spe-slnc- o guests Joined In tho choruses of the waters. The case has been pending in accordance with the plans and I across the the new homesteads. being usually shaped like oranges or various popular songs with a vim and about two miles farther October of 1907. This morning ciflcations. Pauwela and Kuiaha gulches, through Mallko Gulch Soon Open. apples and having four, five or six; the hours that passed were carefree. an order was 'issued that briefs in (2). Tho dato upon which he wIP I Fino Job Printing, Stir Office. the recently opened government The roau between here and Hniku, divisions opening out on hinges from Among the other than tho the caso be filed by next Saturday, j npree to havo tho work completed. artists homesteads. which has been closed for several Troubadours who helped to add to Tho case of Paul Martin versus! The Commission, in detcrmlnlnt; The survey for this last section has weeks at Maliko Gulch where a now .Tnhn Viillfirtnn. Mm Amerl. which bid Is the lowest will consider tho gayety wero John P. Itogers, Is stat- grade is being constructed, will bo nmstfir of been finally determined, and It the difference In timer of promised basso; Will Marshall, society enter- open again for by tho middle can bark Fort George, an action for ed on good authority that tho road traffic completion stated in the bids at the tainer; Frank Anderson, pianist, and Immediately following next week. At this time Conti actor wages, and that ot tho same plaintiff will bo built the of rate of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each Mr. Domingo, violinist. After the de- complet- versus the bark, a suit for Injuries al- completion of tho section now being Wilson will practically have dny. Mar- parture of the musicians to All other built. According to tho-- survey, the ed his big job of rebuilding tho sec- leged to havo been received by t Proposals shall bo in a sealed envoi engagements, persons pres- 3, 4, 9 6. Maui tin while working on tho vessel, wero different road will cut lots No. and tion of the belt road from Pal'i, Sccre-.tar- , ope addressed to T. H. Petrlo, to play sing and some miles eastward along the called up and set for hearing beforo ent volunteered and A station will probably be built at the ten of the Loan Fund Commission keep things moving, and as a result terminal near the county road Just be- - coast The grading of the Mallko sec- Judge Dole on next Wednesday. l City and County of Honolulu, Room got 6. tion has been tho biggest part of tho A prosequi waa by yp rybody acquainted and the afc jond Lot No. nolle .entered the 61 Young Building, Honolulu, and large Homesteaders Getting Busy. Job. The cast side was completed ear- attorneys for the government In tho fair was transformed into a l lalnly marked on tho outside "Pro- up home- ly fall, and It Is tho west side of Georg family gathering. The settlers- who took last caso Bertram of Kauai, posal for the construction of Section 1200-acr- e Pauwela-Kui-nh- a is now receiving attention. A Although the Rathskeller Is tn the steads on tho that who was charged with violation of 2. Oahu Belt Road." already large shovel is doing tho work of basement, the natural location of tract in February aro the White Slave Act. Ail proposals shall be accomplished showing. mem about one men, In this par these popular Institutions, the system making a Most of the hundred In the matter of Frank Sullivan by a certified check for a sum equal Settlement Asso- section. of ventilation was so perfect that It bers of tho yndsay ticular versus the American ship Edward to five per cent of the tender. plow- When completed of tho hard (5) was cooler there than above. This ciation have already cleared and all Sewall, an action for damages for Plans, specifications and forms of a portion of their grade from Pala to beyond tho Kui- added to handsome fittings and the ed considerable Injuries received by Sullivan whlio tenders can bo had on application to lands and some have already planted aha gulch will have been reduced to excellent service and cuisine secured ho was a sailor aboard tho vessel, it the Engineer of tho Commission, H pines. Several of the members of the a maximum of about six per cent, many enthusiastic compliments for was stipulated among tho attorneys Stuart Johnson, Room 61 Young Build California Association, most of whom making this ono of the best pieces of Manager Heydenrelch. in tho case that Judge Dole shall visit ing, Honolulu. did' not live on Maui, have moved up- road in tho Territory. engaged the ship and make an inspection ot A deposit or Ten (?10.e0) Dollars Thoso who tables for the on their lots others will do so and HONOLULU CRICKET CLUB. her. It was also stipulated that Drs. will bo required for each set of plans opening night wero Mr. and Mrs. during the coming summer. - specifications taken. RIggs, K. van Harblngen, Fred Mac-farlan- Herbert and Marshall examine Sulll- and Herrick Brown, one of tho Wahiawa The annual meeting of this club ANDREW ADAMS, Frank Thompson, M. Grune, son, Gilbert, arriv- van, on behalf of tho libellees, with a rloneers, and his will be held at tho rooms of tho Scot- Chairman, Loan Fund Commission, Mrs. W. Macfarlane, Messrs. Qlade, morning with several view to ascertaining tho nature and ed hero this tish Thistle Club, Nos. 51 and 52, City and County of Honolulu. Paxton, Crandell, Guild, BJorkmann, equipment for improving seriousness of his injuries. .Further horses and Alexander Young building, on Tues- Holloway, Rosenberg, Lewin, Arnold, his land. Ho will go upon his prop- depositions in the case will be taken day, May 7, 1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Fumlcnte any sick room or servants C. G. Dartlett, McAvoy, D. G. von erly at once. Owen Starkey, a set- next Monday. A full attendance of members Is re- quarters with a D. P. Formaldeheydo Dam, Stewart, Gray, A. Spitzer, Bax- tler from California, has been living quested. Fumlgator from Benson, Smith and ter. C. D. Wright, Hall, G. R. Humph- - on his land for some time, and has a The "Classified Ad paue of The JAMES H. FIDDES, It Co., Ltd., corner of Hotel and Fort rey, C. C. von Hamra, Miss Johnson, portion of It cleared and plowed. 8tar is the people's "want" forum. Secretary. will bring results every time. streets. H. Kohler, Wm. Knight, newspapers. C. C. James and Prof. F. G. Krauss.

JFree Delivery every week to Ewa and all houses on the road to Ewa, including the

Peninsula. Om "Pay-a-Little-at-a-Tim- e" plan applies to customers living on this route, as well as those in the city. CJThe largest and most complete stock of furni- ture we have ever carried which is saying a great deal.

'ft??:!;": ?MBm WfcwW , ran Jlgr . Coyne Furniture Company Alexander Young Building iitaiiT TMIt HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912.

DOY8 WANTED. I bolt road. Iloforo tlio edict was Bright boys tiro wanted to carry tlio company had gono to much SUMMER SGHOO DISEASES AMONG tlio Star. flood worm. Apply Star expense In proparlng for tho work. Li business offlco, 125-13- 1 Merohnnt Dnnforth Joy Coonradt, nu Adver- street. tiser preBBiiinn, died at Pnumnlu, Kou-lnulo- JULY on Saturday aVtcmoon, of tub- STARTS THE MIGRANTS Have you tried tho flno, and WEATHER. fresh CHANGE TONIGHT. THE He was thirty-fiv- e years erculosis. crisp soda crackers that are manufac- old and leaves a wife and II chil- This morning Superintendent Pope, ocal Office, I J. 8. Weatner Bureau. tured dally at il dren, together with his mother. Tlio of tho public department, I.. Honolulu, T. H., May 6, 1912. Instruction Dr. Pratt, president of the board funeral will tako placo at K. of P. issued notices of the opening of the health, morning , C n. tu.; 8 a. tn.; JO of stated this that hall, under tho auspices of the l'y-thla- summer BChool torm of 1912. The nyi- - Love's Bakery ? m.. and niornlnis minimum: thore aro sixty-seve- n cases of measles, CECILE, " and Eagles, at 3:30 this after tern Is much appreciated by teachers 72, 75, 77, 78, 70. mumps and other lnfantllo diseases Thoy aro on salo at all grocery noon. n8 it gives them a chance of requir Absolute among tho newly arrived immigrants stores. Try them now and you will Buionictor leaning. For the past two weeks, lovers of ing an advanced education that will (grains per foot); reh- who nro on Quarantine Island. There never want any othor. cuuic Kipling have had n'n opportunity to enable them to obtain higher grades humidity dew point at 8 are also two cases of diphtheria on ire and fenst tholr eyes on the works of tho to teach In tho schools. Tho notice . ro the Island. Mastor of the Short Story" now bo- - follows. s G7, 58, 5.333. 30.07, Ing exhibited by tho Crossroads "A summer school for teachors of Two hundred Immigrants will bo 6 . Wlud veloclt) and direction at Bookstore in tho maknl show win tho public schools will bo conducted released today some time, and as they 10 m., noon: a. m.: a. and dow. Wholo sets and odd volumes, by the department of public Instruction have not been in contact with tho 12NE, 12 NE. 13E, 8E, comprising everything ever wrltton by at the Normal school In Honolulu. sick people, they will probably bo 24 ending 8 Rainfall during nours the English author, are represented in This school will bo In sesslbn for a shipped off to tho plantations in a a. m., trace i$V7 tho window, from which tho works of period of four weeks, opening July very short time. Total wthtf movement during 24 every author except Kipling have been 8, end clc.ilng August 2. Tho regular Tho president of the board of health ending noon, 254 miles'. hours at barred. Tho display will bo continued teachers' examinations will be Jeld is very ploosed with tho reports that B. STOCKMAN, '(ho WM. for some tlmo. August 5, G, 7. Tho object of came in on Saturdny and Sunday Section Director. purpose of Im- I Dustless Cloths and Mops school will be for tho from the othor islands. Everything proving the teaching force. 1 is running on well and tho rat cam- No tuition fee will be charged. All unsani-;- ELDRED, NEWS IN A NUTSHELL HE BEGGED paign on Hawaii is doing an Immense Eliminate the dust from your home it is j 10 teachers in tho employ of tho de amount of good. vtary and danergous. "aragraphs That Give Condensed partment or persons who may have Inspector Molokal By using dustless dust cloths and mops you do AND CARR News of the Day. been employed as teachers may bo Knott of is in with - BE ARRESTED admitted. Candidates must bo over town, nnd he reports all well on away the scattering of bacteria. The dust par- eighteen years of age. Those expect windward Molokal. The Inspector are picked up by our dustless dusters and held An Absolute Novelty. Weeitly Call, $2.50 Atlas Geography, ing to attend should present their will remain in town for n few days. until washed out. WHITE-HOPE- S i RAGTIME. Tweedle. Saturday and Sunday were Interest' names to the department for reglstra-- , The health exhibit, which is still at Dolls from Toyland! Another Comedy Success Anothor ing In police circles. tlon as early as possible. Regular tho Central Grammar School, is open Puppy Pippins. Artistic Triumph. in A soldier named Farmer tried to attendance and thorough work Is ex- to the public, nnd everybody' inter- i rooms with hot ABSOLUTELY Elegantly furnisned commit suicide by jumping into Nuu pected throughout the entire term. ested in the matter is invited to drop md cold baths at Hotel Arlington. cnu by ; A Character Perfection ttream but was pulled out an The school wl'.l be conducted very In and sec tho exhibition. : Tho Colonial Is the hotel with theJ "ITALIAN PADRONE." obliging policeman. much along tho Unci of that of laBt RELIABLE THE In things lcputation for elegance all Lelaloha got tanked up and had an year. Those teachers who completed Al H. & Co. Tho James S. Guild Company is argument with another about a watch. a part of the work last year may con- Dustless Dust Cloths . .25c and 50c oa. Haflett holding a sale of hardwood goods this He came to the police station in KULA PIPE LINE and tinue the work this year. Dustless Dusters . 25c week. sisted on being locked up. term of the next school Appearanco of . The fall First Mops . For tho best made rubber stamps The police put hlm out and told year will begin September 1C, 1912. Ductless Floor .50c, 75c, $1.00 o to Co., Ltd. They Wall, Nichols him to go home and behave himself. Mr. Charles E. King has been select- JOB TO HOWELL Dustless Floor Polishers $1,50 Will Marshall nako them. He wiv3 so Insistent, however, that he ed as director In charge. Other mem- Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A. J1. was eventually arrested In order to will probably be Popular Society Entertainer, Patron bers of the faculty We show only a, few of thoso articles In our will hold a' stated meeting this even get nu ot ins pestering. Marshall, Mr. Ray- Ued by America's Most Elite Families. Miss Melsner, Mrs. display window therefore when next in the atore ing at seven-thirty- . When he tobered up he was mighty mond, Mr. Bairos, Mr. Baldwin and It' was announced this morning by A HIGH ACT. ask to bo shown tho full line. Window envelopes'nt Hawaiian Star anxious to get out of tho cell In which Mrs. Tucker. of public works office. No addressing necessary in ho had been detained and then the Subjects to be reviewed In summer that the Maul commissioners had somling out bills, etc. police gave him a dose of his own school: English Grammar, Litera- awarded the contract for tho' con- W. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd. NEW PICTURES. Tho Hawaiian women's political or medicine and kept him in custody till ture, Expreroion Work; Mathematics struction of the Kula pipe line exten- ganization will form branches in all breakfast' time. Arithmetic, Algebra, Goemetry; His- 53-5- 7 King St., Honolulu. 55 sion to Hugh Howell for the sum of tho precincts of this island. tory; Geography; Elementary Science $17,215. Physiology, Sanitation, Nature Bijou Theater For a messenger boy that keeps The extension Is from Waikamoi Lis shut, phono 1801. Study; Music Methods of Teaching mouth Terr! JOINT EXPOSITION to Puohokamoa and is a very impor- Messenger and School Supervision. torial Service, agents tant piece of work. The conditions MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Young laundry. It is anticipated that many teachers themselves of tho opportun- of the contract aro. forwarded to the Federal ourt Holds The Metropolitan Meat Is . will tvail Market (Continued from Pige One) superintendent of public works, and offering some superior, ity of attending the summer school. THIS WEEK'S BILL butter from of the grounds. Also tho commls they Include, among the specifications, Australia and fish from tho mainland, doners have been called upon to have tho construction of trails along tho Telephone to 3445. v ssion Aboard Ship Waldstein Trio (lans prepared, for which they havo pipe line route. Over four hundred feet of tho new JAPANE5 no money to pay; and various other EJE paved. Is HAVE YOU SEEN 'EM. Hanalci wharf is now completed and One trail, which is to bo items of incidental expense amount to 550 the work Is very satisfactory to the extend feet, and will cross the The United States district court was ped with paptain Quick as an able ing to some $500, It is said, have been Waikamoi - stream and end at flume morning teaman and who has since developed public works department.- borne by the members themselves, HACK this tiansformed into a real- line east of Waikamoi. ' into a much more able lawyer. The Dr. McLennan has returned and re- The commercial bodies were asked to LOSUIS ly, truly admiralty court a marine Part of tho' trail will be cleared for plaintiff is a sailor, Sullivan! sumed practice. Office, King Btreet, come to tho front with a pledge for court, Indeed, for all the surround- Frank opposite Advertiser office. 10 hackman( had his five feet below and fifteen feet above. who was Injured during the voyage Bayle & Patsy Hours, sufficient money to see the big project Aoki, a Japanese, ings were nautical, even tho Judicial to 12, 2 fo 4. 6 to 7. early, yesterday morn- Tho trail line Is to bo cleared of all and who claims damages of Captain Popular through, trusting that the. next Legla hack kidnapped 'Featuring No bushes and ferns, larger trees solemnity being punctuated every halr Quick because tho latter would not award has been made regard luturo will make good the pledge ing, a, but the Songs. ing 'Ao hour by tho ringing of a ship's bell. put tho ship about and go to Sari the board of health building nt through appropriation. ' Ho left his rig standing outside tho that not menace the safety of the Hilo. Tho At four bells this morning Judge Francisco to obtain medical aid when bids are still a little high, W. H. Mclnerny, secretary of tho Hoffman chop houjp whilo he went line, through possibly falling on it, and now specifications may Dole, accompanied by all the court the plaintiff was Injured, as ho claims; have to joint committee, stated tnis morning inside to' get a blto, and can bo left standing. ' oillcers, the attorneys and the plain- ' ho made out The necessary bonds for the con- by tho breaking ot faulty tackle. that as soon as possible an expre out found that the. hack had disap- tiff and defendant In the sulto"f Fran;t Judge Cooper says he resigned his struction of tho pipe line have been The witnesses; too, were all sailori s'on of opinion as to the desirability peared. versus Captain "EFFIE" membership both on the College and Sullivan Quick and the who hitched their trousers, spoke In of taking part In the exposition will Aoki went at top speed to the po- filed, and the work will go nhead at tho American ship Edward Sev,ll, left sea-term- s and smelled strongly of Park boards two weeks ago, feel- be secured by .postcards sent out to woe. once. lice station and told his tale of tho sacred precincts of the federal navy plug Mind Reader ing that ho could not do Justice to his representative men throughout tho and tar for they were all The reserves were called out and court offices, hied them to the dusty tars. court work. Territory. He further stated that the tho hack was found in the Iwllei dis- vaterfront and went aboard tho ship. reason The adjourned meeting of news- committee felt anything liko The for the court's goln? that trict being leisurely driven around by NEWS E There Judge Dole was Installed in paper men to consider tho organiza- S25O.O0O would be extravagant At T aboard the vessel was that the case of one J. Sherman, who was placed un- the captain's seat. Overhead ?rung the plaintiff Is upon tion of a press club will bo held at nny rate the people will probably not largely based tho der arrest, but who later on made the cabin lamp and echoed the tramV condition ship's .Q.YeeHopftGo the Public Service rooms, King street, Lo asked to express an opinion us to of tho tackle, and as peace with Aoki the Jehu. of sailors busy with their nautical at 7:30 this evening. the amount spent. financial AFFECT PRICES neither tho court nor the attorney tor that Bhould be duties. Through the portholes came Better get some of black sand "We feel," Mclnerny, tho defendant Is supposed to know VOo Meat Market that said Mr. "that the smell of the sea adulterated by from the hn difference between the main brace and and Honolulu Construction and San Francisco people and our wn - Reports from Washington on Satur- the- peculiar odor that sometimes galley, Draying Co., In the Robinson build representatives In that city are un SCHOOL the cook's it was thought wise GI5' day to the effect that the Senate makes the harbor malodorous. The' to hold hearing ing, Queen street, and use It with the duly enthusiastic in this matter, and the aboard ship where Importers Finance Minority Committee was clerk of the court used the mess ta- such soli where you have plants. that there Is no crying heed mak little differences could easily bo Telephone 3451. of likely to ble as a desk, leaving one of tho An adjourned meeting ing a recommend a reduction in end pointed out of members selection of a site at once. I table-clot- TENDERS OPENED the sugar tariff amounting to 33 3 j red h to the busy stenograph- The Edward Sewall Is of tho press, for the organization of m or the opinion that we shall stl'l dated to sail LEADING HAT CLEANERS. per cent, and the elimination of tho er who was struggling to delineate In tomorrow It was necessary get a press club, will ho held at the rooms have plenty of time to get n good lo- and to ot hen-trac- k hieroglyphics the confusing the depositions of 'No. 20 Beretanla St., near Nuuanu of tho Public Service Association, cation and to erect a building, after Today at noon tho bids for the con- Dutch standard color and the differ- the various nauti- on nautical terms that assailed his cars. cal witnesses, as in all probability-mos- t All kinds of Hats Cleaned and King street, at 7:30 Monday evening. tho legislature has had time to pass struction of tho new Girls' Industrial ential refined, seems to have been styles of very generally opin- Even the attorney for tho plalntfff of them will bo scattered over Blocked. We sell the latest Tho Kona Tobacco Company Is con oc the matter. ' School at MollIIH, wore opened In tho in line with the was a sailor, he being Mr. Little, ono tho Soven Seas by "Porto Hlco, Panama and Felt Hats. "As to the amount should be public firms ten- ions of holders of local sugar stocks. tho time the caso sidering tho manufacture of its prod- that works office.. Five - 'All work guaranteed. Called for and curiosity of the "millionaire tramps" who ship- actually comes to trial. uct into cigars at homo, as Manager spent, the great state of New York dered for tho work, but one concern Some was evinced this - delivered on short notice. Price Is morning as to what Daniels has been unablo to got tho said to be going, to spend $750,000. which did not put in a certified check tho effect of tho " It doesn't seem to mo that Hawaii news would be on tho market, but as FELIX TURRO, Specialist. desired price for the tobacco on tho to cover tho necessary amount will should be xpected to spend a third far as can be seen tho effect was nil. Honolulu, T. H mainland. probably be dropped from consider- as much In order to do her part Prices S TN I The Honolulu Amusement Company ation. Should this happen, Freltas remain firm and sales light. PERSONS THE NEWS tbout $100,000 should be sufficient "Pnon 3184. F. J. McLoughltn will try to dispose of its three Idle and Fernandez aro the lowest bid- Holders don't want to sell, and buy- The committee l taking up the mat- ers won't pay much abovo tho HONOLULU FORGE CO. theaters tho Orpheutn, Park and Sa-vc- y ders, with a tender' of $15,820 for tho current ter of securing, If possible, an appre- - A. H. RICE arrived from Kauai yes- position General Ship and Machine Black and possibly also tho Empire, whole job. . prices. This is- tho position that has as physician of the Eleelo Springs ciation from the federal government terday. Hospital. He omlthllng. Tools and mad which Is running, and concentrate" all Bidding on each cottage separately, maintained for the past two weeks. has been succeeded tnd repaired. Estimates given on for our building, th Bafr.e as was by Us enterprise on tho BIJou. and upon the aa whole, the Oahu was tho stock most in evi- Dr. Waterhouso. Garden Island. Fire Escapes. made for the Territorial a the Seat- work a 211 near HIlo Is to have the tuberculosis hos- dence this morning, bringing tho es- C. B. RIPLEY returned yesterday Queen St., Atakea. tle exposition two years ago." tenders were as follow: 4 Honolulu, T. H. pital for which Dr. L. price 29 M. BRA3CH will leave, shortly for a L. Sexton has Honolulu Planing Mill, $5080, $11,-28-0, tablished of flat. Between morning from Kauai. been working five months' trip through the hard. J. F. Hackfeld $16,860; H. P. Bertelmann, $6172, boards 10 shares of Waialua advanced states consent to have his donation of $2500. 50 cents, bringing 250 and Europe, combining business $12,236, $18,135;- H. K. De Fries, 131; shares REV. J. M. LYDGATE came over originally offered for an isolation HAWAII IS OFF Browery with pleasure. He will bo accom- OPERA HOUSE ward $5687, $11,324, $17,011; A, P. McDon- of was also reported as from Kauai in tho Kinau. In Hilo hospital, to be transferred for panied by Mrs. Brasch, ald, $5300, $11,000, $15,00; Freltas & bringing par in a street sale. Hilo the building of the tuberculosis In- 1912. Fernandez, $5288, $10,576, $15,826. Railroad Extension 6s at 94 aro hav- TUESDAY, MAY 4, stitution. H. L. LYOMand Mrs. Lyon will leave n. C. 8WAIN has made a report to FOR THE RACE The time set by tho public works ing a mn of popularity, four sales be- Over a thousand people attended ing for tho mainland this week. tho Merchants' Association to tho 'I ONLY. department Is 100 days for tho first recorded asgregating $13,000. ' ONE. WEEK the services in the Bijou theater last effect that sanitary conditions in night, cottage, 120 days "tor the second cot- Inaugurating tho interchurch Under a strong trado breeze, tho DR. H. HAYES arrived in the Mlka-hal- the Aala, block aro Just as bad oa tage, or 130 days for the two cottages, In tho matter of tho Honry Water-hous-e reaeratlon movement. Tho MacWaL-tor- s yacht Hawaii winged her way out tho from Maul and Molokal. when investigated year. Trust Company, Ltd., versus last quartet of Boston led tho sing- channel this afternoon, having left tho as one contract. John D. Paris, which was decided ing, and William E. Thomas of tho last F- BROS. Oceanic wharf at 2:35. SENATOR A. F. JUDD will sail for - E. SCOTT, ono of tho biggest HUGO sumo week by Judge Cooper and his jury company preached, his subject Captain Stroud said on leaving he " ticket agents In Chicago, AMERICAN MINSTRELS in the Coast in tho Siberia tomorrow. dropped GREATER being "The Secret of a Great Life." expected to reach Pedro in HAEHAE DID favor of tho plaintiff, tho defendant ' San from UP , off hero this morning from tho Tho MacWatters quartet will slni? 21 to 23 days. has filed a bond of $100 on a motion MR. and MRS. FRANCIS GAY ar- steamer Siberia. Ho is being Colored Artists 36 tonight at the Palama Settlement gym About 300 people, whom CO per for a new trial and on exceptions. E. 36 of rived from Kauai yesterday, morn- shown round atnd entertained by liaslum, tho proceeds being to help cont wore ladles, were present to sec II. Paris Is also on tho bond. With Their Own Military Band AND WIFE ing. President W. H. Hoogs of tho Ha- pay their expenses to tho Orlont. tho representative of Hawaii in the IN t waii Promotion Committee. they go to Hilo, returning on transpacific raco off. Three hearty Judge Robinson did not hold court CHARLES G. BARTLETT, manager Faturday. They sang yostorday a cheers were given to hor as-sh- pass- Lato yesterday afternoon Robert this .morning, boing called upon to sit browery, MRS T. S. DURSTON, daughter the prison services, as woll as nt tho ed out I'liclme, while undor tho Influonco of on tho supromo bench. of tho will leave in tho a ot Street Parade Daily Secretary union mooting last night. llauor, started to wrangle with Mnrla OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Siberia for tho Coast, 1 II. P. Wood of the Hawaii Mlyun. to" Promotion Cqmmltteo, arrived this ijalo begins Thursday A. M., It Is possible that A man Inserted a "Classified Ad." In band', came 'tho roscuo of his wife Seat ' (Jnglnoorlng Company will not submit lately,, Tho lady nnsworod-zbao- nnd Hae-La- end was severely COLONEL SIDLEY, who, passed, mornh'g,.rQm the Orlont in tho S. headquarter Promotion The Star received an answer clubbed by Haaha'n May 9th at in- S. without nn appeal to tho courts, to and closed the desired deal In less . smote hor, In itho fnco with a for his pains; through in tho Thomas, Is tho SIborin. Sho is going to bo here ' e tho abrogation of its contract with than hour after the paper left, the brick, making ia nasty cut over her Charges of'nssault and battory nU! ventor of tho Sibley army- - tont. j for-som- tlmo, and has left hor hus- ' " 'I tho Oahu loan fund conitnlsslon for office, Star "Classified" ads. bring right eye'. assault with a' weapon havo boon! t band back' In tho Straits Settle- Comntittoo. Prices 2fic, 50c, 75c, $1.00 building; tho Wahlawa section of tlfe quick results. Cornollo Mlyun,. the womanV hus- - l lacod against Haehno. DR. OSBORN has roslgnod.' from tho ments. ' ,

His. . I' , i t . ' - t " -- - mk. V...... W, i ... . ." ). -i i' v.- 'V lilt 1. 1 A tomtun SECOND SECTION


T HO 5 UPON T HQUSANDS PHILIPPINE ISLANDS BUDGET j mam erams OF TREES ADDED TO FORESTS (From Manila Flies to April 14.) J casual-Midget- KOHALA, May 1. (The Kohala j Last Sunday was a day of .) A Dr. ties. Ah Wan, employed In Alna's MANILA, April 9. PatBengors on; the outoomo o! tho plan, r.B to what a cousin of Tomas A'monte, a former number of friends of 1 and Mrs. Cowan took possession or Btorc, Kapaau, was thrown from his OF HAWAII: FEDERAL AID the automobiles running yesterday posts won 4 be abandoned. member of the Assembly. The Naval 8tatlons. the Manse at Kohala, last Friday carriage in Halawa gulch, by tho n Veteran Missionary Dead. morning between Camp One and Dagu-pa- evening, spread a supper In the breaking of a wheel, and bo badly April 13. Still another evidence April 7. Uev. Alexander M. Darley, and saw two Japanese of euporlor and dining room, In honor of the thirtieth as to need the doctor. A grand-nnnlvcrsi- that the navy department has sdmc-'- . one 0f the most learned and zealous hurt intelligent wedding night, j daughter of Moku, Makapala, fell Ralph S. Hosmer, spuerlntendent of slopes of the hills above its cane appearance and military thing In view in the Immediate future - of western American Presbyterian of their nt mango forestry, In his report for April to fields, back of Walluku. Tho notable bearing equipped with a large camera with reference to the Cavlte nd Olon-- . missionaries, passed away at his H. L. Achilles acted as spokesman In fiom a tree and It was thought thing with para-- In graceful wordB, was broken. At Hawl two tho board of agriculture and forestry, here is tho excellent start which tripod, notebooks and other gapo naval stations is tha fact that, home, 605 Nozaleda, this morning at presenting to them her back - both ironwood and eucalyptus seed- phernalla and accompanied with a B. gifts appropriate to a "pearl wedding" , Porto Hicans became festive and ono gives the following seedling near Admiral Charles T. Moore, 4;20, after a lingering Illness. Ho list of j nngs, piantea .out over a year ago, mpino cargauor. Tney were travel-- Yevba seventy-tw- o - to tho "bride" a golden crescent carved the other's ribs. Dr. Bond's trees distributed from the forestry formerly in command of the vytB years old. The fun- are making on tho bare, eroding ing leisurely on foot with coats oft training In San Fn.n-,era- l brooch mounting nineteen pearls, and nuto Its "keep." division nurseries during 1911. Buena station will bo private and takes placo earnej elopes, especially on the south side and rcsemblepd nothing bo much as , "groom" gold stlck-pl- n set-- 1 Prom tho Government Nursery, Ho. cltco bay, has been drdered to tho from tho residence at Ave o'clock. to tho a Mrs. Grose arrived last Saturday of Iao Valloy. This In work high surveyors or sketches at work. The pcan, ' nolulu. of Philippines to, take command of the Alexander M. Darley was born In ting a beautiful solitaire morning, and is staying for a tlma value which cannot but repay tho camera was even fastened to Its Hegular distribution: Bcod box- stations. St. Louis, Mo., February 2, 1840. Hei After this delightful surprise a bulk with hor daughter at the seminary. In company pod. ' in years to come. Tho pair were several miles - In es, 195,250; 'n transplant boxes, 23,-61- Admiral Mooro will arrive in Manila waB married to Anno Gow of Wash- ier package was handed them, with but later she will, bd entertained In addition to the strictly protective from the nearest pueblo and ware' s. Pot plants, 29,533. A a7 nnd wl take oyer WwInBton Pa.( In 187l. Ho was ordain-bolt- the Intimation that as they would not-- tome of our hospitable Kohala Mr. Penhallow Is doing evidently engaged in making a sketch! - Special Plantation orders: In seed also w rnmmnnd ,mmriintMv rtovinn- ort n minister nf th Proahvtnrlnn er have another pearl wedding, their homes. considerable planting of algaroba and map of tho road from Dagupan i to entire! boxeB, 338,000; In transplant boxes, Commnnder c. M Kah8, tho prefjent church and devoted aImoat h,B wcii.wlBhers intended to stock them j. T. Dassel birthday tVin nlitnxt nr. rTinn nrwl In nhntnirrn nhln tr I had a party mirnlvntna with nt uinni. inmn i . 11,006. The total at Honolulu was nnmmnnrlnnt whn hna linnn In nnm. mlnlHtrv tn mlpilnnnrv wnrlf In Hnlrv. intni.i.. ...uu nnntt.11Wtn(. In tho vunv .i j .. . .. a wood p.anta- - bridges other, landmarks of use fuel supply, for the and f- - 'slope. was" Th7 biuky kVgo - 687,396 seedlings. obou! rado and tho Pacific He s pr- joung he ZZt uuu. i n.uu nees were pianieu io map-mui- ZVZZZ From the Hllo nursery, 12,104; teen monUM Commander Fahs will tho pioneer of Presbyterlanlsm west ed to bo a tin of 'pearl-bearin- blue lar. at Walluku In 1911. immediately reached, . ..., . Homestead, Kauai, nursery, 11,239 The conclusion ,.n.t.V' nt tm,i,, in hi.tnn. by every prssenger point oysters. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pau, of Hanaula In the almost in the ua naoto-Tinr- ho. The. grand total Is 610,739 seedlings. Koolau District. nUnnAVU .ui V, tht wnrlf nf ihrw Mitirrh hna hnen Japan- ICUUt ff MLIU "III " " The couple who sat at the head of Chlneso Camp, gave a most enjoyable I automobile train was that the Colo-- I Following are excerpts frpm Mr. "Next spent several days In the i to shore duty by the department referred to as the Balboa of "orange-bloom- " ese belonged to that goodly company the table, couldn't banquet on April 28, at the Halawa Hosmer's report: Koolau district carefully going over .... Hear Admiral Moore will be tho rado have been much happier thirty years Chinese Society, "From April 23 to April 30 I was tho forest planting work now In pro-- i we M.nuuB Buua nrst flag offlcer to command the Cavlte Bandits Rob Church. gaged In mak ng maps and drawings ago. The whole ovenlng was a "lovely E. T. Conant entertained a few on the Island of Maui, engaged in irrPRft nlnnfr thn flllnh avatnma nnn. 0onRtrto Btatlong In Beveral April 12. On tho evening of Thur.s ridSCB. End forts dream." friends at dinner, at his homo making inspection plant- trolled by tho Alexander & ot tho roadf' Porta j8 tne omccr of flag day a party of Boven bandits arm at an of forest Baldwin years and nr8t iast Hoea, on 01 lne 1 "mj ; WAIOHINU. Sunday evening. Mr. Con ing In Territory Interetto. This planting, nl"i,i""1"' lo . to comand ed with revolvers and bolos. mado a localities in which the for the most y Tank to be ordered the ' i be' no - F. J. LIndeman made his farewell nnt, assisted by W. Alston, made tho has a more or less distinct Interest. part on Government land, Is being dou, fr Bm1 P"r"! after attaining that-ran- which the raid on. the convento of Candaba, Bu- vow, posmmy lu nS. trip as traveling salesman for Hack- - time pass pleasantly guests, Tree Planting at Walluku. done Jointly by tho Hawaiian Commer- - .a batls of a belief among naval officers lacan, at the time almost all the peo for the plan' fold & Co. week. Ho goes to the Lui Kntnoa, a "At Walluku I arranged with Mr. H. clal & Sugar Company and the Maui iInlnS Jons "ou1tra,,"t,0 on duty at Cavlto that the department pie In tho town were taking part in last former cowboy of The a vacation May 1, and Piiuhue B. Penhallow, manager of the Wailukit Agrlcultilral Company, under a plan F, ' Is verge of some definite action tho religious procession being held In Coast for about ranch, has left hlB position I fflaKShln) on tho enr Cnllfornla y. Sugar Company, details in regard 'to drawn up by me, autumn The xni of a permanent naval tho nearby streets. on his return will locate In Honolulu and is now plowing his parents' last Colorado, first dlvl in the matter planting a portion of the Gov "Under General Mr. South Dakota and PilUpp.nes. Tho raid began as half p:vn eight. dead lands. tho of the direction of Paclflr fleerVnder the Nation for the ur w i , slon of the Wo understand that T. C. Wills, tlio Dr. n. S. Norrls, well-know- n ernment land at Pollpoll, .set apart r,, Fire Devastates Town. Finding the door of the convento open tho mand of Rear Admiral Souther popular merchant, has about chemist - last year aa a part of the West Maul of Mr. W. B. Saffery. Since October and I,r,,e8t, wlth the Pahala from tho H. S. P. A. Experl- at O ongapo from Hono. Sevcnty-fiv- e .houses were burned thf f"1 ' forest reserve. I also had a general last some 14,000 trees have been set nd. arrived procestlon, the baud of thieves" enter- closed out his stock of goods at that ment Station, Is in Kohala making veoterday afternoon, according las I Friday morning, In the town of Wal- ...x lulu place and win leave ror Honolulu - tests at an the mills. look at .the planting which the uui, principally eucuiypius, 01 speciea T.nn-nti- ed. The mother of tho parish priest .nnttnr1 Pnvlrn Inft T.ti'.nfnnn ------nrnvltion nnil firm. luku Sugar Company has been carry- that have flhown by exinsrlence to do io auv.ce made an attempt to resist them but about May 15. Halawa school nns discarded all Ita amounting to "7 ? ' nieht Se P200.000 The - ing on In its private lands on the lower (Continued on page twelvi-.-) was struck over the head and rterl- - Dr. Thompson has been in the em old desks. Tho new desks make the - bouses deLtroyed were amone the ,bert The vmsel arrived in excellent con- oug ploy of Senator Hewitt, on tho latter's rooms look pleasant, having or In the town. Hundreds of people are dltion. encountered little d( chicken ranch since April 15. We con- - Our roads positively now nomea wum arc but words no bad weather In their lone trin wiuioui aim buuciiub ob- - - 1 The members of the band broke elder the Senator (un) lucky in tall us. Wo will x in m t in I tViA InnV rf fr f devote the next week cupboards.! the servces of the doctor. .,.to finding a suitable set of ta T : i flre tamed itself ? ? words THE FUTURE OF THE Oo' Z will adequately will come to Manila an ea describe our at , but the by ' i ,,, ,n1rni,i a'arm raised tho shrieks rlence in the raising of chickens. main thoroughfares. ior a long siay. ,,i " n( hn ,n,,,rm, ronM,0rt th n a h ",JU,CU "u,,m" - we nus U10 n h of ih m InRtrnotionsn0from the manacer of the l"u "P- wwoninu mercnani. k. nr. waniwa had misfortune to v,l blow ln of the - Wb new store and coffee shop about lose one Philippine waters take ad- - factory, hurried to the town with crd frtnt, ichurcl1- of his white team, last week, JAPANESE IN HAWAII Tn alarm .a among vantage exceptional What rice and 'other-foo- Aupplles ho completed. It Is a fine building and It caught Its, foot among tho rocks. of the facilities tlle people In tho Procession, In could tecure. Other assistance was and. ,vln i,0 a biB addition to Waiohlnu. nt Honolpu, and was thrown, and did By Theodore Richards, M. A., Managing Editor of "The Friend," offered by Manila bay and hold their ther hatte to seek shelter from some regular spring target practice. Pre- - secured from tho towns around auout. 'vie aunuuu, who naa ms uui reuuvur. Honolulu. unKnwn aangor, they broKo up me going on for Valuable was rendered broken when the Volcano Stables auto Wo wonder If any other Island com narationa have been assistant ceremonies and overturned some of practice Olongapo by the Americana who happened to ue truck capsized below Naalehu, a few munity runs two Sunday-schoo- l auto-wco- iWAWWMVWA'iWWWiiWAWWAWmWiWi the at the .station the lumens In thfi iirn"r5Blnn. .v.. 1.. .1 - 1 .. It It,.) n norl Iharo nnrl n.--j n rPRlll! nl tnfilr PITOrlS " ago, returned from tho hospital mobiles? Union church Brief History. wo cany a very great .1... " - T. , Sunday school disparity, D.v ' " i"" A number of -neonlo rushed Into the" ...... Z. .. . 1868 as Dr. haB r- - of the Pacific fleet would the to save lire, several 00. people ana weu. no ounrawaui .iuin yet una Airs. Mcuougaii eacn runB an It was In that tho first shipload but Clark shown In hla . visit f'llIIV 111 III If! NI'M WII1II IIIO (!;II1MH report children who had been abandoned in nnd gets nround with difficulty, but ho nuto to pick up pupils having no of Japaneso was hi ought to Hawaii to cent to tho Bureau of Labor, islands. of tho shrieks. This caused the out- - - un . 1. 1 . . . im nviitnmortr-- wnrn fnvnn Trntn noinir thlnkn lie will lie nil O. K. In tho nf y j uuituuiuim mu vury niucn inoro neany April 01 tne ..... neir Kninwinni ' supp-- labor for the plantations a li. 'ine nrst aivision Iawg tQ mtfeQ tjiejr cacaiie( Ono has ,.,...... and ' ur .... Alnce been and tho consta-- l ;ier" largo number of this body was ubse- - WflgnorlS prospecting tOT School ,s,'nS,a nI" yeurs of age tnere be!ng Callorn,0i gouth Dakota and Co"o- - The Settles Arrive nn,l Jnn.n.nn, nnllnn nr. parish School rOOm. liutmiy remrnea so j fifty-fiv- e tnat in issj tnere rough y. per cent, males and rado. dropped anchor off Sangley Mr. G. A. Settle, Mrs. Sett'o and tllc tracks of tho others. ""1 ""-,-' fa, nuiuu una orucrca n fZoU was said to bo only Japanese! forty-fiv- e per cent, females the Tuesday flvo Co. It is an even net now on who will ivoving-pictur- e outfit, with electric fifteen last Point afternoon at Master William Settle have returned Petroleum Claims on the nlantatlons In n tnlnl nnmlmrl vear. whllR for tho entire .Tannnpttn nVlnnk. nnd immndlatelv hecan tak- - in XTnnlln fnr nn Inrtoflnlfo nlnv Tliir. pet water to tho arid lands of Kau light. 9' 11111 of over 10,000 laborers. In 1881 therol population it is still under normal, ing on fresh provisions preparatory lng their absence from the Philip- - "AG,UI' AJ!rl1 rAtetll?.,8Ufc' nrst! or tnrf 'am0UB Knu DItcn There Is room for a good carpenter were nearly 1000 brought on ono ves- about seventy males to thirty femalos. to a four day stay on tho target range pines they have made a tour of tho ul "u"" o" '1". uo. Or tWO In tho district. Thn nlnnfn. of the division of mines, bureau ot sel, including 159 women arid 108 chil- This Increase In females will account which has been laid out for them along world visiting, Washington, D. C. New PAAUHAU. tlons have about every avMlnble man. science, and on the roeommendatlon, dren. It. was at this time that the also for the very great increase .in the barren coast between Cerregldor Orleans, and Texr.i. Mr. Settle locat-- 0n tho ovenlng of Saturday, April nnd oven they haven't enough of Dr Paul C. Freer director of formal application was made to the children during tho past decade and Sublc Bay. cd for duty at Hono'.ulu H. T. for near-- 20. tho Jtev. Mr. Cullen, of Paaullo, U seems that tho Mediterranean fir science, Secretary Dear. C Worcester, , Japaneso government by Hawaii-a- n among an so Yestefiday morning Bear Admiral y two years. While in the Islands held a 80rvlce tho cf has got pretty isl- - the the Japanete, incre?no np- - much around the departmcnt of ho interior, has boardlng-houso- . sugar interests backed by tho Ha- great that one-quart- of the entlro Southerland went ashore with his before Mrs. Sett'.o represented the the There was a fair Gnds. In spite of all the Inspector proved the of a topographic waiian government to supply labor for Japaneso population is native born itaff and Inspected the Cavlte naval "Woman's National Press Association" mrtlts aUendanco and mm A)tkon ,od tho brlck8 Th survey of the Tayabas peninsula , plantation purposes. The agreoment and It Is conservatively estimated station, after which the California as its vice president and held tho !nRinB on tho u Mr Cu,. Bweetened which is to be i ndertaken at once entered into gave the Japanese gov- thit In another census period ful'y and South Dakota got underway for Eame office In Honolulu, where she ,en.B ,ntenUon 0 hm & M&r Sfir. trees, which the fly will remain- - V'C ernment ample hold upon the Hawaii- one-hal- f of the Japanese population the target fields, tho Colorado waa 0n tho staff of tho two leading 80 th obliging Tayatos nhiBiiU arf'ca enough to make his an government for the care or Its sub- will be native born.. As the entire lng at anchor until late yesterday dallles, the Hawaiian Star and the n(jxt ono w,n MheJ( ftt ? o.clock on f E , hundred petroleum placer , . ., , jects. An opportunity money Immigrant class of Japanese afternoon taking on stores. Mrs. Settle has a wide sovoral to make adult Advertiser. develop-- j Understnnd tlmt one of ur claims. A small amount of "TpalSr Ih A.,n-.or.- ' In a foreign country and return with came to Hawaii In the prime ot llfo.J Tho California and South Dakota reputation as a writer In the States f J. teachers Is likely work has been done in this dls- - mJ:P" "1 ' , , 7" to "step off" soon. a compentcy, proved so rate very slight so upon arrival at the range began lay-- tne ,ji0 racnt popular in tho death has been and ln Eaat. na8 Deen tho ! v....,.w is sums luumi wo nno a - ir"-- to det.o'-mia- tho pn'se ich of o.l tnat certain bachelor has fur- Japan, that 28,000 men applied for the natural Increase ln this one lng range buoys and putting them in correspondent of Tho Army and Navy cneciting up tno tax re- - that paying but before work ir.iand income pished a house for his slstcri o practice of. ln f.uan'.itis, ' M a 11 tmm I I . . . . . passage in the year 1886. Before 1896 va-r- ln ten years was nearly 16,000 shape for regular spring journal for many years. She has f IA1 tl cm n nnilm nnttnnwn n ...... if n scrlcns aa'.i'ro can b done n J u an tno talk about better roads the Japanese government time of fleet. . "i'""" interested notwithstanding that at the the written also for tho magazines. with the books from which they were only serves to tho ether, wo i topographic and geological survey fan shall Itself directly In immigration pol- report more adult. When these same vessels visited of Officials this the last Governor's I Arrest compiled. Ho spent some time here desirable. Roon favor "Tho County of Kohnla," icy, patslng a law in year safe- had left the country than Manila In 1909, accompanied by. the j A warrant for tho that Japanese arrest of Carroll on Monday and then proceeded on his with itsown revenuo for its own guarding Immigrant fam- I Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Ijamb Dr. Freer III. the and his bod eoro. West n from tno jUBtice of the peace (way towards. Hllo. roads. ily In Japan by requiring a certain An interesting fact that bears upon Washington and they held tho first of Puert0 princesa, Palawan, Is in the BAGUIO, April 12. Dr. Paul c,i Tennis Is looking up again, and . HAMAKUA. Bursty and then sprang up surety cor- tho Oriental situation on tho main-- day end night battle practice under nandi, 0f tho chief ot the secret ser- - Freer, director of the bureau ' thcro was a - oulto Catherine at tho emi- years 1902 now mado by tho navy Xle- wm 111 may Mr. and Beapsted, porations which were practically Jand, Ib that between the of tho rules vc3i and he served on Mr. Lamb science, Is dangerously and ground on SundaVi Somo of thc p,ay. Mrs. of Butte, moving targets at ...... grant companies These have been and 1905 about 19,000 Orientals had( partment, firing at nt 0 0'c'.ock this morning, have to undergo nn operation for h ,.rGakfaat Montana, who aro with the JanBena of emi- main--! range. Salvo firing, which had ' ,, Kapulena, undertaking the whole matter of left Hawaii for the American long Tho cnar;e on which Mr. Lamb will stomach trouble. ft,n ,.. TOn. -- ,,ntj visited Honokaa village last gration receiving trans- was very largo--, regular feature of target arrested, April 13.--Dr. Richard P. over since, land and this number not .been a h0 is that of malversation MANILA. contInually tn, dUBk Tuesday for the first time. They took portation money from both tho Ha- practice beforo that time, and tho ad- - fundB, Manila Dagu o In ly Japanese ot j,uuiic gyowlng out ot tho Strong leaves for this, mm U)o WaHoIo lM Holmes' storo, the bank, and lunch- waiian planters and from the expec- It must be admitted that In general, vanced fire control syttems worked autidor's Investlgatlan of his admin- - morning, nuviui, iltoivcu a ic'ch'"1" ed at tho club bouso. After a well- - - tant Japanese laborers as well, duo tho effect of plantation life unon tho out by fleet ordinance and fire con- Oration of tho Iwahlb pnal colony. latt night that his Bervices would be ' spent day In tho town, they footed for - a L to tho competition for opportunities Japanese has not been beneficial to trol officers tested for tho first time- American Killed by Bandits, required ahould an operation be neces f nwnk v,uj;oh.v.U uilll UIU thrown Into tho sen, but they all were their destination, declaring that ther to go. Tho maximum of Japanese on, morals and man-- with highly satisfactory results. 10. An named, n sary. Homing them ln matters of ' April American Dr. Oilman is nimseu picked up had enjoyed their visit very much. was 1904 speedy) probable tho practice held Immediately none tho worse for their plantations ln ner8 Their expectation of a n is that ard Hall nnd j,ls puiplno wife have In. readlncrs to leave The transportation of fruit and veg along tho same lines trip. about 32,000, which constituted about Return to their own homes has maSe thlB year will bo bcen murdered by bandits in the should ho bo needed. etables in tho mall stages has been 1909, with new- - KOHALA. per cent, of the ontlro labor, them content with very poor quarters as tho practice of tio rJo of mp(ii Laganay, Camarines, and stopped by the ot ves- - board health. was also shown' Are control nnd salvo kidnap-abou- n-- wnn mentioned as lwo maBls lrom Bome wrecKea on the plantations. This ln many cases, and they have est devices for their child nine years of ago, t T?r0r infnlv Samuel Pupuhl has been getting tho the number in 1908 from which opposition to Improve them firing that have been worked out cd possible successor of Dr. Wiley.i llrlfted Jn Keokea Bay near Nlu-chi- ( Me the fl nnmcs and occupations and residents has been a fall to 28,-- plantation managers would. Army Circles Perturbed. j chemistry, U.;l- - One landed near tho swimming number there even when TnQ crmo was committed on tho ot the bureau of n this district, for the directory. flOO in 1910. There has been no as-- hnve been Wjjng to aestet them. It j April 11. As the days go by and no n,ght of tho 30th o( last month, the S. department of agriculture. pool ana ono landed at Kapanaia. POHAKUPUKA. alsted Immigration from Japan .slnco ilaB been crcat aurprlEo' and shock .announcement 1b made from Division .annnrent nurnoso being robbery. The Catholic mission has taken about 1908. to their countrymen to find how in- - headquarters ot the details of tho HaU wa8 mortaUy wounded in tho WHY COLDS ARE DANGEROUS. Kate Gazeralra, a little girl of nine Christian Androws and family have , Pohaku-puk- a. As to total Japanese population in different the laborers on the planta-- pan for the reorganization of the BtruEg0 wuu the bandits, receiving Do you know that of all the minor years, from her parents. She was moved their headquarters to Hawaii at census periods It was in tlons had become to the ordinary! Division, Army officers and retldents a Bevero wound in tho right aide, ailments colds are by far the most sent to Honolulu, on Friday, where aho isnfi. 22.000: ln 1900. 56,000; In 1910. amenities of life In marked contrast 0f posts which aro apt to be affected mH wif0 Was killed outright. dangerous? It Ib not the cold Itself will for by tho Bisters of tho MIbb Margaret Mncy, assistant do- - 1 nnauy nearly 80,000. Tho discrepancy 0 their former habits ln Japan. This, ,v whatever plan uouirniui j jjaU managed to send a meEBago you need to fear, but tho seri- convent. teacher at tho Pohaku puka school, has - that tween thews two sets of figures, mak- - wa8 natural tnough: Ihnr'wnrfi In Ha-- j cd upon are taking places on uiu uu- to Goa to Dr. Bentley who nt once ous dUcasea that it otten leads to. The Makapala School has received been making frequent visits to the ior womcu aim wan to maKo money una men io ku. xious. seni. 'notified Lieutenant Yance of the con- - known as germ itn batch of library books. They aro Oamerons at Maulua. lne due allowanco ,. Most of these are .... . - n n ft frnndlv.- I . J ...111.. Aa nne.1 months, ever - stone-crushe- r tn 0-- cnilaren, leavtm iuu i". u UQlnu aua enjoy ii on Njrecm'j v"" For t'jo past throe tnt.llIarv and the Justice of the peace diseases. Pneumonia and. consump- J being eagerly read. Tho at Maulua. Is be employed con announcement from nmt.r of Japnacse men Sble. It should bo sala In this since tho first Q Goa Tne constabulary detachment tlon nre among them. Why not take Nlulll Is building more new cottages ing moved to Laupahoehoe. - regiment? out-wer- e In other tfmn plantation work, sucn nectlon, however, cftt ditorts orlgl- Washing that certain wont ,n modiato pursuit of the Chamberlain's Cough Itemely and for new laborers. Ono Is located near Itov. Father Idesbald, of Kukalau, or MIb-th- e for Colon'al eb is enumerated In the Bulletin natlng ln the Hawaiian Board of to be designated jaWB anQ BUcceedod ln wounding and cure your cold while you, con? For Makapala School. Tho principal hopes paid Pohakupuka, Honomu nnd Hllo a were being Bureau of Labor under the head Bjona nave rcsuited jn a greater pride service, and that plans capturng tho leader. salo by all dealers. Benson, Smith that laborers other than Filipinos will visit on April 16. On his return he AiiririiHurui Professional by tho application in tho i nn - nt Pursuits. in nnnearancea. as shown formulated for j Qn th0 following day Hall web & Co, Agents for Hawaii. bo located there. Bpont tho night at tho Ignaclo's. Serv-- of the . . Service, Domestic and Personal I pjantlng of treei, nnd the beautifying Innlnes alon; the general lines TahaCo and from thence to Miss Mary Perry, a graduato of our We aro kill- - now sure of the railway sta- Transportation and whhh was O . . Ice, Trade and wt room8 and quarters. This rchemo Daraga where ho succumbed to his ll4l...fjt.jn j . SHMU Girls' School - Oldr fldSBIUCU ilUO, GOBI Unc of sovoral years ago, will tion at Ninole, as It has been bo an- Pur- by Hay uiu, iuerv , and' Mechanical TOont naB beon cordially seconded ed with tli. rist of the ,njurlcB a word, or five centi a line, cneaper receive her certificate from tho dress by speculation w'ofl nounced the 'railroad people. Won't - Plantation managements. has beni more or less Tho chlld rcc0verod and turn eults. , than writing letters, and far more making department of ICamehameha this bo the opportune time to agitate In matter of aex, there was In (Continued in Next Ibbuo.) among thoso directly concerned wuu , . to F D Scot Srni Han wafj the Schools next June. (Continued on page olovem )

-- ii ni mill iiif l(iiiigtii rtfli Mjiil" ii fir TUN TUB HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY. MAY fl, 1012. We Ask MAGAZINES FREEiWITH STAR SYMPHONY "WHY FAVOR THE CURFEW FOR MEN CONCERT UY THE .COUGH?" From and after today any now sulworlbor (or old subscriber on HONOLULU SYMPHONY SOCIETY lMt'.ibuiR Gnzottv Times: The I'ln- - the day, so to apeak, mid they netunlly will bo given, as n bonus, olthor ono of the impors or magazines clnnntl woman who at a teinperancol delink' themselves Into tlu belief tbnt named below for ono year. u there Is no Joy unite so comparable union meeting advorated curfew fori This very desirable proposal will bo upon for ton weeks only. EMPIRE men. and declared thai they ought to with a few houra stolon from tho flro- THEATRE The dnlly Hnwnllon Star is $8.00 per year, delivered anywhore In tho bo compullcd "to net off the slreotH" side and sleep In the company of real Tuesday Evening, Islands. , May 7th. by nine o'clock, unless they had a or Imaginary good fellowship. They In Soloists-M- iss Edith Rosslyn Col- - valid excuse, will be laughed out of do not necessarily go to the bad, but ordering, give complete nddroia, with street and number If In cities; Reserved seats $1.00, 75c and 50c. and name magazine paper nis, Mr. Carl Mlltner. countenance of course. Hut she Ib nollhor do they tend toward an ele or deslrod as a bonus. n0w on sale at tho box offlco of the Any following Accompanist Mrs. L. Tcnney not far wrong nt that. Staying outl vation of moral standards. In almost ono of the publications will be given FREE for one year Peck.Orphoum Theatre, Hotel street. with Tho of $8.00 being pnld J. What is good for my cough? o' nights Is an Insidious malady. It every Instance, however, the practice Star, tho annual rate In ndvanco: A. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. r.ttacks nil Boris of men. One may' creates domestic dlflcord, for tho sim- Arco Weekly, America, Aniorlcnn Homm & Gardens. Automobile, Book- catch It unconsciously and become a ple reason that the male species Is man, Churchman, Elite Styles, Forest and Stream, Forum, Far East Review Q. How long has it been used? confirmed victim of It before realizing not to be trusted implicitly when be (Manila), Htbbert Journal, Houte Beautiful, House and Garaen, Journal of A. Seventy years. Its limitless danger.?. And the worst Is outside the zone of that intluenco United States Artillery Association, Journal of United States Cavalry As- sociation, National Geographic, Motor Age, Outing, Q. Do doctors of It Is thnt neither domestic nor any 'which ho'ds tho homo to be a little Scientific American endorse it? more nnd a little nearer to (new), Suburban Life, Smart Sot, San Francisco Argonaut, San Francisco USE A. If not,we other kind of science has yet been sacred would not make it. able to discover or devlso a sure cure heaven thnn any other .section of News Letter, San Francisco Bulletin (G days), San Francisco Call (Sun- Q. Do you publish the formula? for It. It Is a disease as old ns the God's foodstool. There's the rub! It day), San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday), San Francisco Examiner (Sun- day), (6 A. Yes. On every bottle. world this habit of staying out too Is not so much what a man does San Francisco Post Issues), United States Tobacco Journal, Van- late f.t night. when he stays out late provided ho ity Fair. Q. Any alcohol in it? A man's home may be ever so com- is clean and decent in his conduct ' Adventure, Air Craft, Alaska-Yuko- n Magazine, Army and Navy Maga- A. Not a single drop. fortable, and his family circle the but what he losr.s in the associations zine, Art and Progress, American Legal News, American Magazine, Alns-leo'- s abiding place of virtue and content- and environments of tho piece he Magazine, Blue Book, Breeder's Gazette, Baseball Magazine, Benzl-gor'- a Q. How may I learn more this? oi ment, but once he Is good nnd proper- calls home. Just the same, there Is Magazine, Business Philosopher Christian Endeavor World, Camera, THE KING OF A. Ask your doctor. He knows. ly bitten by the stayln-ou- t germ there only one Individual more Irritating Casscll's Little Folks, Designer (two years). Delineator, Electrician and Is Httlo hope for him unless his wife, than the man who Is seldom home, or Mechtnlc, Everyday Housekeeping (two years). Etude (for music lovers), COOKING COMPOUNDS Ayer's Cherry Pectoral or some other gentle soul to whom ho who Is too often out late, and that Is Everybody's Magazine, Electflo Journal, Elementary School Teacher, Edu- yields allegiance, Is sufficiently strong the fellow who hangs around the cational Foundations, Field nnd Stream, Financial Review, Green Book Al- A. is much - Wfd by Dr. 1. C, Ayer L Co.. Ull. Mm.. U. S, minded to take him In hand while the hoiwe all tho time. So there bum, Garden Magazine, Good Health, Hampton Columbian, Housekeeper, ailment Is In Its Incipient .stages. With to be said on both sides of the nine Mcnunl Training, Medical Review of Reviews, Modern Prlscllla (two Ask your Grocer for It. some men night is the finest pnrt of o'clock curfew question. years),. McClure's Magazine, Metropolitan Magazine, Musician, New Idea (2 yrs.), New Story Magazine, Outer's Book, Out West, Outdoor Life, Over- Now O pen land Monthly, People's Ideal Fiction, Photo Era, Pearton's Magazine, Physical Morning Cable Report Culture, Popular Electricity, Pacific Monthly, Popular Educator, Primary (Continued from Page One.) Education, Photographic Times, Red Book, Sunnyside, Short Stories, South- land Magazine, Sunset Magazine, School Arts Book, Shield's Magazine, SUNRISE ORLEANS, La., May G. With more than ono hundred thousand Speaker, Smith's Magazine, Southern Tobacco Journal, Strand Magazine, NEW San Weekly it men, women and children driven from their homes throughout tho state, .Francisco Chronicle, Touring, Twentieth Century Magazine, HELPS THE FLOWERS RESTAURANT Violinist, Wide World Magazine, Woman's Home Companion, Yachting, with tho sugar plantations in fifteen of the parishes seriously damaged if Young's Magazine, Young People's Weekly (two years), Technical World, Potash Is needed In the soil as a plant i MEAL8 20c and 25c not ruined by the floods, this city finds itself facing ono of tho most tre- food. Dr. Wilcox finds that School News and Practical Educator Home Needlework (two years). immense quantities tHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURI mendously grave situations since tho Civil War. At least a dozen lives of it Is In the black sand we sell. Why' don't All Story Magazine, American Baby, American Bee Journal, American you lost within tho last few days by tho rise in the river. use it on your lawn? have been Boy, American Hen Magazine (two years), American Home Journal, Ameri- tfuuanua Street', off Chaplain Lan continually bringing in refugees until now New Orleans is Boats aro can Machinist (monthly), American Motherhood, American Motorist, humanity. portion packed with a vast crowd of destltuto The lower of American Educator, American Poult y Journal (two years), American Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. tho city is flooded. Tho old French town 1b flooded for the most part and Poultry World (two years), American Primary Teacher (two years), Ameri- uomnson Square Is several feet under water, and the historic buildings there huh un. QnMn streot DURINO YOUR ABSENCE Jackson can School Board Journal, American Weekly, Argosy, Automobile Mechan- FROM THE ISLANDS we are aro threatened. ics, Auto Dealer and Repairer (new) Book News Monthly, Boston Cooking prepared to manage your estate At Baton Rouge, the capital of tho state, the river is rising fast and School, Boy's Magazine, Boy's World, Building Age, Business Journal, Ce- and look after your interests much of tho country between this and that city is under water. ment and Engineering News (new), Camera Craft (new), Child Lore, Chll-dren- 's here. You will find It greatly Frantic efforts are being made to protect the levees north of tho city, Magazine, "Dental Review, Dog Journal, Engineering Review, Clean to your advantage to place the and all classes of people are working. Mayor Martin Berhman has received ings in Bee Culture, Gregg Writer, Handicraft, Hoard's Dairyman, Humor management of your affairs many telegrams offering assistance, but so far has declined all aid. ist, History Teachers Magazine, Inl nd Poultry Journal (two years), In- ternational, Items of Interest, Kindergarten Review, Ladies' World (two with a responsible concern. The prediction of a further rise in tho river has resulted in an exodus years), Kennel Review, Lace and Embroidery Review, Legal Adviser, Little Come and See Us as to Terms. of the women and children from the city, the trains bound for Louisville Folks (new), Locomotive Engineers' Journal, McCall's Magazine (two FINE ORIENTAL being with passengers. Many GOODS and Nashville crowded washouts aro years), Modern Electrics, Mothers' Magazine (two years), Motorcycle Illus- Original Designs Large Assortment Crepe and Embroideries, trated, Motor Field, Munsey's, Musical Observer, National Poultry (two Kimonos, Carved Ivory, PASO, May 5. The Brassware, Vases, Carved Furniture, etc., EL Texas, Mormon settlement at Colonla. Diaz has years), National Sportsman, New York Times Book Review, New York etc. BISHOP & CO. been attacked and looted by Mexican rebels. American citizens in the col- World ), Pathfinder, Philistine, Pictorial Review, Pickings from ony were forced to organize themselves for resistance. Hastily arming Puck, Poultry, Poultry Keeper (two years), Poultry Culture (two years), Limited they repulsed the rebels and drove them from the scene of the looting. Poultry Review, Practical Engineer, Profitable Poultry (two years), Pri- The Japanese Bazaar May 5. Alger mary Plans, Library, Quarterly, Railroad Man's Magazine, Re- MAZATLAN, Mexico, Consul has requested permission Puck Puck FORT STREET Weekly Call, near Convent Bethel Street. from the Immigration authorities at Washington to admit 400 Chinese from liable Poultry Journal (two years), San Francisco Studio, tho vicinity of Mazatlan, fearing a repetition of tho Torreon massacre by Succctsful Poultry Journal (two years), Table Talk, Teachers' Journal, the Mexican rebels. Ten Story Book, World's Chronicle, Woman's Work, Writer; Architect, Builder and Contractor; Automobile Topics, Baby, Blacksmith and Wheel- EMMELUTH & CO., LTD. So acute is the feeling of lnsccurity hero two banks havo for- that wright (new), Business and Bookkeeper, Concrete, Commoner, Cosmopoli- warded $1,900,000 in gold and securities safety. to San Francisco for tan, Cincinnati Enquirer (weekly), Correct English, Dental Era, Current TORREON, Mexico, May 4. Tho rouol army, numbering 7000, have de- Events, Farm and Ranch, Farm Implement.!, Amateur Sportsman, American Plumbers and Sheet Metal Workers army feated Madero's in battle hero, with General Orozco leading tho reb- Agriculturist, American Motor News, Association Alen, Black Cat, Crescen- STOVES AND RANGES. els, Gomex has assumed the provisjonai 'presidency of tho revolutionary do, Concrete Age, Cooking Club Magazine, Gas Engine, Good Housekeeping, republic. ' ' ' Health, Health Culture, Harper's Bazar, Judge Library, Judgo Quarterly, Phone 8067. Cor. King and Bishop St. ;EL PASO, Texas, May C Private Baker, one of the American sol- Motor Print, National Mqnthly, New York Times Weekly Financial Re- FIGURED TO MATCH IN TWO-TONE- diers now patrolling the Mexican bo(ieri Was shot and seriously wounded view, Opportunity, Motor Boating, Railroad Men, School Exchange, School Century, School Education, Sunday School Times, School Music (two yesterday afternoon by two Mexicans concealed across tho river. He was Sizes 18x36, 21x46, 27x64, 30x60, 36x72 64x90, 6x9, 8x10, 9x11. SOLAR HEATER years), Toot-To- News, Magazine, hurried to a local hospital. The bandits escaped. Ono of them afterward American Motor Uncle Remus Home Colors, Green, Red, Blue and Browa Today, Magazine. rill Bare you money. Call and see murdered J. D. Harvey, an American colonist, in cold blood. World Watson's '. operation. one In DALLAS, Texas, May 5. Incomplete returns from the state primaries Advertising and Selling, American Art News, Art and Decoration. Carpenter and ACETYLENE LIGHT & AGENCY held here yesterday give Taft thirty-eigh- t delegates to the state conven American Chess Bulletin, American Forestry, American "COYNE FURNITURE CO., Ltd. Builder, American Engineer and Railroad Journal, American Journal of A COMPANY. tion against thirty-seve- n for Roosevejt. BISHOP ST. NurBlng, American Lawn Tennis, Current Literature, Cycle and Auto ) Bnataee avenue, off South EL The Democratic vote gives Wilson 206 delegates, Harmon eighty-thre- e Trade Journal, Dress, Editorial Review, Fra Magazine, Grit, Horso Breeder and Clark twenty-five- . Many precincts are to bo still heard from. (new), Horseless Age, Independent, Journal of Education, Keith's Magazine, Bay. May G. In a de- OYSTER statement issued yesterday Roosevelt LIppincott's Magazine, Legal News, Musical Age, New York Observer I never Pau ka Hana clares that "Taft knows that sald, as ho claims I have, that the an- (new), Pacific Rural Press, Recreation, Railway and Locomotive Engin- titrust act should be repealed," and reiterated his former statement that eering, Review of Reviews, Survey (new), Sporting Life, Sporting News. "Mr. Taft, when secretary,, knew nnd repeatedly approved of jny attitude System (with books), St. Nicholas (now), Tobacco (new), Tobacco Leaf, In the matter of the Harvester trust. He specifically approved of my Top Notch Magazine, Toilettes, Trained Nurse, Travel, Trotter and Pacer, HA8 NO RIVAL IN SOAP. course in that matter." World's Work, Youth's Companion. DENNISON'S CREPE TISSUE RHINECLIFF-ON-HUDSO- N, Y., May fi. The body of Colonel John loaaaonoaDaaoD Jacob Astor, one of the victims of th Titanic horror, was burled hero yes- Address: 9 GUNTHEB'S terday. The HawaiianStar, Honolulu O Celebrated Chicago WASHINGTON, May 6. President Taft and many other friends of the In exquisite shades and colors. A very late Major Archibald Butt, yesterday participated in a memorial service. CANDIES spoke highly tho large shipment has been opened. a PALM CAFE. The President of moral nnd mental qualities of his aide, just a Hotel, near Fort. who was drowned In the sinking of the White Star liner Titanic. After tho services the President took the train for Cincinnati, where he will be- inaoonoa0oooa gin a three-da- y campaign In Ohio. CLOSING OUT SALE OF MENS' HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY, Ltd. ROME. Italy, May 6. Dispatches from Rhodes yesterday announced Alex. Young Building. Casflefc Cooks, that an Italian fleot bombarded that city and after a shell fire lasting sev- FURNISHINGS eral hours, during which the ships themselves suffered heavily, forced the This department of our business will bo discontinued, bo, while uurrss Turks to capitulate. the goods last, will be sold regardless of price. Honolulu T NEW YORK, May 5. Ten thousand suffragettes paraded Fifth avenue yesterday. Grand dames of wealth trudged shoulder to shoulder with their K. 1SOSHIMA less fortunate but no less militant sisters. Con-missio- Shipping and n LINCOLN, Neb., May 6. Moreley, one of the five bandits who broke 80 S. KING STREET, between Nuuanu and Bethel. jail some weeks ago, under the leadership of March, was convicted Satur- Merch&sati day of murder in shooting lown a guard, and will be sentenced soon. The SUGAR FACTORS and GENERAL jury recommended a life term. ANOTHER REDUCTION IN8URANCE AGENT8. Representing in every particular and recommends THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR Ewa Plantation Co. that tho court approve them. In the price of Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. As guardians of the estate of the INTER STATE Kohala 8ugar Co. first named minors, the guardians sJSMifiS Fore Door Touring Car. Apokaa Sugar Mill Co. IN THE COURTS charge themselves with $39,955, of MODEL 405 Passenger, Fulton Iron Works, of 8L Louis which $24,467.51 was Income derived MODEL 41 4 Passenger Demi lonneau. Centrifugals. 42 all with the splendid new Tungsten Lamps Western's from dividends, stocks and bonds, MODEL Roadster type Babc6ck & Wilcox Boilers. Leong Keo Sin, administrator of the and ask to bo allowed $21,211.76, the en bloc motor, Ayi in. hore. 5 in. stroke; 40 H.P. $2700 Green's Fuel Economizer. Leong deceased, has amount expended. As guardians of MODEL 50 7 Passenger. I' ore Door Touring Car. Matson Navigation Co. estate of Nam,, Rudolph, they charge themselves MODEL 51 4 Passenger, Demi Tonneau. of I New England Mutual Life Insurance filed his final accounts in the probate with Puts them within the reach all $40,016.80 MODEL 52 Roadster type all with the new "T" head Company, of Boston. court He charges himself with re- end ask to be allowed 5 50 Co. ceipts totaling $3951.70, and asks to $21,235.60. Of tho receipts during the in. bore, 6 in. stroke motor; H.P $3700 ..Aetna Insurance .. " users of electric light. National Flro Insurance Co. bo allowed expenditures in the sum year, $24,504.39 was Income from divi- ' GEO. W. MOORE "balance of dends, stocks and bonds. Citizen's Insurance Co. Hortforo of $127.75, leaving a cash Telephone 1902. Demonstrator and Selling. Agent. Fire Insurance Co. $3823.95 to be distributed to the S. F. Chillingworth baa been ap The Londor Assurance Corporation heirs. pointed by Judgo Whitney tempor- Job Batchelor, as master, has filed ary administrator of the estate of for damages for alleged breach of week, but that at the end of ono his reports on the third annual ac- Joseph R. Mills, deceased. contract, was decided by Judge week sho was discharged and paid The Hawaiian Electric Co., Consolidated Soda Water counts of Mrs Virginia R, Isenberg Tho "ghost walked" in tho federal Cooper for tho defendants. Tho plain- only $35. Is Absolutely Pure and E. G. Dulsenberg, guardians of court Saturday and everybody Is tiff claimed that she had been brought LIMITED the estates of Alexander Hackfeld flush and happy. from Chicago by Wlso and Milton un- Oroen stamps are as good as gold Isenberg and Rudolph Alexander Isen- The case of Roso Leo Tyler versus der contract to perform at a local rben you buy at the stores, Don't TELEPHONE 1171. berg. He finds both accounts correct Hen Wise and Kate Milton, a suit theater for twelvo weeks at $35 per forget to ask for them.


INTER-ISLAN- rue YoKonama Snecie Bank James D l. mt LIMITED. Offers HEAD OFFICE., YOKOHAMA. some line lots near tho ear Pago line At 1'alamn at h bargain, also (Continued From Nine) Capital Subscribed ....Yen 48,000,01 the balmy aea-brai- for a postofllco there, also? ICrnltal Paid Un Van JMMIVii home of the lato Ad mlrBl 1,eck,ey A"UR MrB. Frnnk Vlelra, of NInolo, has Reserved Fund Yen 17,500,000 at Mar,n0 again gone to IIIlo, as her mother is THE SUITITORIUM til In bed. General banking business transact KURTISTOWN. ed. Savings account tor $1 and up CheeYouShinBo Henry Gorlach, who for a number wards. of years has been employed on Olaa Flro and burglar proof vaults, with plantation, la preparing to tnko his Safe Doposit Boxes for rent at J pat ALSO KNOWN A8 THE family to the former home In Ohio, WHY? rear and upwards. thero to to remain permanently. Thoy Trunks and cases to be kept oi leuvo about tho last of May. Because we are the only custody at moderate rates. Tho Olaa "House Of Amusement" Particulars to bo applied for. Ltoiy news If. a mammoth affair, and wis formally YU AKAI, Manager. CONFIDENCE opened on Saturday evening, April 13, by an entertainment given by some Dry Cleaning Shop Honolulu Office, Dethol and Merchant of tho "Gaiety" people. Tho hall was Streets. THE LEADING CHINESE NWB "comfortably filled." Tel. 2421 and 1694. P. O. Box 1(1 PAPER IN HAWAII. A thouand people Is its capacity, on the islands. y; The efforts we have made to "DUXBAK" LEATHER BELTING Ten Pare. and It is expected to satisfy all de- The Paper supply a pure rich milk, and for the Chinese Trade. mands for amusement for some time is absolutely 'Waterproof the fluccess that has attended to come for tho big plantation. Because we do the work as it is done vppn these efforts, has given Tho Misses Porter have elected to and Weatherproof PAPER All kinds Wrapping Papera and a feeling of security to all livo In our thriving town, having moved to their home hero a short time Catton, Neill & Co,, Ltd. Twines, Printing and Writing Papera. usera of our milk. on the coast. Sole Agents. ago. Wo are glad to welcome these 4MERICAN-HAWAIA- PAPER A family Second and South Sts., Honolulu. Every dairy contributing to charming ladles, as also the of business. 8UPPLY CO., LTD. this Association Is kept In a Wm. Thrum. Tho Thrums havo built Because we know our a beautiful country home near the Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. perfect sanitary condition and Furneaux place. 5UD CiPQ KW'JCK EO, 110 Phone 1410. Geo. G. Guild, Gen. Met. the Territorial Veterinarian cer- Mr. and Mrs. John Watt, Kathleen Because we want YOUR trade. tifies to the health of every Watt and Miss Emma Porter spent Wright-Hustac- cow. Sunday at the Volcano House. e one Charles Benton, at time book LIMITED. keeper at the Young Hotel, has come CHINESE NEWSPAPER Phono 1148. to Kurtlstown and expects to make PUBLISHING AND j Why Cor. King and Bte. , South his fortuno In the chicken business That's JOB PRINTING. Successor to If knowledge of poultry and attention Alapai near Hotel Street W. W. to business mean anything Mr. Denton WRIGHT & CO, Ltd. iu sure to succeed. Phone 3350 for the Auto. also PAPAALOA. Honolulu V. CP, cor. of Smith and Hotel Sta Kellogg & Dempsey On April 21, at Papaaloa Catholic Auto, church, a Filipino baby was christen Motor and Carriage Repairing. Painting, Trimming. Dairynjen's ed, after the services; and as the child Horseshoeing. was being taken out of tho church, Men of the- - Fleet and Tourlata. firecrackers were fired, and an or The best place In Honolulu to buj Association chestra in waiting furnished music to by falling over a sixty-foo- t bank of SCHOOLS. Jade and CMnoie Jewelry of all kinds. If Yoa Wish To Adver- escort It homo. PROGRESSIVE cut. The horse Is badly Hana-pep- e HOTEL AND SMITH tise In Newspapers Henry Ah Wong, of Laupahoehoe, the railroad HANAPEPE, April 29. Tho GOON II 8TREET8 Telephone 1542. bruised. Aajwhu at Anytime Call on or writ! has bought one of the Kihalanl home school recently purchased a Co- Last week the Honomu school yard E C. Dahc's AdYcrtlslne steads. lumbia graphaphono and a number Mas flooded with water so that ducks' Agency Tho Koreans havo closed the doors AT OPERA HOUSE 114 Sanaome A flumo crossing the of records which aro being used in St, San Francisco. of their church at Kapehu to the could swim. COOK WITH THE school leaked. Principal V. A. school children. Hence a majority of lot tho opening exorcises, calisthenics, Carvalho Manager Pullar, who Residents of Honolulu will have the the children havo to attend tho Laupa notified flag and other drills. The money was WONG WONGCO. Immediately sent a gang of men to dig opportunity of attending an hoehoe school again, while the min gotten through sale of wood a drain. tho negro minstrel show on the ority go to tho Pohakupuka school. I BDlueis comractors which grow on tho school grounds. fourteenth of this month when Hugo ami Is time county was AHUALOA. The Colonial It that the build Bros.' Greater American Minstrels ar- ing a schoolhouse at Kapehu. Sunday, April 21, was a day of fes- At the recent election held in A modern down town hotel Office, Maunake St.' rive from tho eight-da- y tivals and enjoyment to tho youngsters Coast for an equipped with every conveni- HOMESTEAD LANDS. school, In tho establishment stay tho FIRE INSURANCE of Ahualoa. A feast was given by Mr. at Hawaiian Opera House. ence known to guests. Tho Advertisement has been made of the of "county government," the follow- In to xexxxxxxxxxoxxxc Lino DIas, who is at present a luna on addition tho regular minstrel charges are in proportion to various homestead and residence lands ing officers were elected: supervis- show, troupe carries a iTLAB ASSURANCE COMPANY OF 8TEINWAY & 80N8 AND Honokaa plantation. The Hamakua the number tho excellence of the accom- on the details of which the Governor ors Waimea side, Sakal Dembo and of vaudeville artists each and every LONDON. OTHER PIANOS. band was engaged from 3 p. m. to C ' NEW YORK modations, cuisine and aorv-Ico- . and Land Commissioner Joshua D. Hidio Naito; Koloa, Tal Heo and one of which Is heralded to bo head-line- r UNDERWRITERS' THAYER PIANO CO. p. m filling the air with its delight- a Tucker have been working for some large, in particular AGENCY. 1 Kit TTntnl flhuuf Dhmi. 1 l Maile Hastle; supervisor at his branch of tho UU .ly.Dt MM WW A UUUB ..1., past. ful music. Manuel Nobrlga and Frank PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON MISS JOHNSON time Edith Uroilie; clerk,-Kocha- Wataso; theatrical profestlon. In tho number TUNING GUARANTEED. g Freltas, of tho same place, added INSURANCE COMPANY. On the Island of Hawaii, one block are Included Brown and Hodges, sing- Emma above Vineyard. some nice selections of coon songs, sheriff, Chang Lun; deputy sheriff St 5XXXXXXXXXSXXXM 1,8 at Hakalau-lki- , in tho district 6T ing cartoonists; Ed Tolliver, mono- - and for every ono of them they were Waimea, Ah Bun; Koloa, Louis. tub B. F. Dliilngfiam company, .Ltd. IMMACULATE LINEN. South Hilo, and more is at Wood Val loglst; Maxwell, comedy cyclist; Hap well nnnlauded bv the audience. Volume 1, No. 1 of "March and can bo depended on if laundered by ley and Kaunamano, In tho district py Young, the. Baton Wizard; Qualli General Agents for Hawaii. Joe Santos, expert enrpenter and April,' an artistically gotten up the of Kau. The land of Hawaii is all Clark, tho trlple-tongue- d cornetlst; fourth Floor, Stangenwald Building JCvB baritone player, expects to leave to thirty-si- x magazine, cane land, while on this island It Is page published Pearl Moppln, hoop roller, FOR join and Miss divided tho Hawaiian band. by the Waimea school, tho first maga- Lea Clark, who between cane and nineapple has achlovcd tho Bridge and Beach Stoves ior French Laundry Tho cano at Ahualoa homesteads ever published on Kauai, is be- 6oa plantings and dry lands suitable for zine lilcknnmo of "Tho Girl Who Sings To Hnnivcrsa ry r Wood. J. Abadle, Prop. poultry and algaroba. doesn't thrive at all as It used to. fore us. It Is full to the brim of Beat tho Band." sole 777 King 1491 Portuguese stopped Quick Meal Blue Flam. Oil Btovea. St Phone The usual citizenship requirements Tho havo raising fascinating stories and able discus- But tho hit of the entertainment is cane entirely are leaving NOW ON Perfection OH Stoves. apply, and the lots may up and for tho sions on tho important topics of tho said to be the Texas Tommy Four, a bo taken plantations. Giant Burner Gasoline Stovea. by homestead lease, special home- day, and contains besides many two- - quartet carefully trained in tho mys- The oranges were affected by REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS IK stead agreement, right of purchase the color illustrations by a real artist. teries of tho Texas Tommy Dance. EMMELUTH CO., LTD. heavy showers which visited our lo- ILL LINES OF HATS FOR MEN lease, or cash freehold lease. The Waimea school children aro These four will interpret the famous cality they are falling to tho iND WOMEN. The Wood Valley lands. Including and whirl of Barbary Coast In a way that bank: ground, bruised. thirty-fou- r ,eiw'K would turn a "Freiberg's" patron OP lots, are slightly larger ap- tno so I LIBRARY FOR KOLOA servatlon trips with teachers green with envy. Alexander & portionments, ranging from ten to vory to 9 o LIHUE, April 30. An informal wel1 that tIley work et Tho entire troupe is composed of nnnn hihi soventy-tw- o acres and running up to meeting of reading 'community Perfect attendanco of the entire room negroes, most talented of raco Baldwin $1150 In appraised the of tho tho LIUITBD. LIMITBD ft valuation. There 1,1 NUUANU ST. NEAR HOTEL. Koloa was held at Dr. Waterhouse's. for the week order to Ba,n tho that could bo found; their costumes 5 are twelve lots In Kaunamano, aver-agin- g $ privilege. There was a lively sceno said bo gorgeous, money 19 & Koloa, on Tuesday ovening to organ- are Jo has 1 . . about forty acres in area with - -- tr n, or n. in grade IV last week when ono of lavishly spent on scenic ar- SERVICE- DISPATCH j ihuo a. ft, ueuera an average appraised ize a Library Association. been Sugar n 1 value of about flrnillt-- nnA TrtivaAi,Ba rtv n Its members was punished for appar- rangements by tho promoters, and, Factors .luiviei uuduii u J1000. The lands of tho fourth land It was decided to minister to tho COMMISSION MERCHANTS available throughout the world. In remaining away with Its own hand and orchestra, tho division in Puna, needs of tho reading public along ent deliberation and D South and North entertainment will undoubtedly bo tho the lines of the Lihue library, with from school one day and thus spoil- Western INSURANCE AGENTS, Hilo and Hamakua are divided into ing best of Its kind .that has been given fifty-tw- o an machinery the record. C lots, varying from nine to little as possible, in tho Islands for somo time. C good books being tho main thing. The Waimea school children havo Cable Transfers sixteen acres in area and from $700 AGENTS FOB c Dr. begun a plan to keep tho streets to ?920 in appraised value. Watorhouso was unanimously Only a a three-lin- e Pacific AT D fifteen cents day for elected president E. C. Wag- neater, especially thoso near the K valla Commercial A Sogsg D PAAUILO. and Miss "Classified Ad." in The Star. 2 D It you happen to meet an auto pn ner nearly everything elso. Tho school. Every Friday at o'clock Think of it! RAILWAY THE Lowest Rates Haiku Sngar Company. & three wheels, surely It must bo Mr. books will bo kept In tho hospital in tho hoys sally forth in quost of rub-th- e FEATHER Fata Plantation. Pacheco's. It now has ono foot In a care of Miss Wagner, whoso hish, which Is gathered up and UYI SWUK MOIt Hani Agricultural CompaaS, plaster cast, opposlto Miss Halna'a obliging courtesy will do much to ex- - burned. Thus thoy aro learning not RIVER THE LATEST Hawaiian Bugar Company. home. to throw papers on tho ( tend their usefulness. By way of streets, and lAM0Ni ROUTE Kafcuku Plantation CompaaH, Popular Fiction Mrs. A. It. Askew was ill last Fri- dues, thero will bo a $5 initiation feo incidentally sotting an excellent VELVET McBryde Sucar Company. ' day, grown-ups- . For particulars, pa8sengrs or freight, Every steamer brings us the newest but she had her appetite back by an annual fee of $1. amplo for tho Eahuku Plantation Compaayj next morning. books. Books will bo delivered regularly to Tho pupils In grade IV are working Canal Railway Company. During no mi conuTS A. B. Easter vacation somo whlto the members at their homes. Garden very earnestly to earn money with Kauai Blectrlo Company. Arleigh & Co., Ltd. creatures ventured our Into school Island. which to buy records for tholr now Kvery housekeeper should inquire Fred L. Waldrqn, Ltd. Hoaolua Ranch. Hotel near Port. jard to look at the garden. Thoy Haiku & Packing CompaEft DIPHTHERIA ON KAUAI. phonograph. Already $1.55 has been into the merits of our Fruit tasted the vegetables and found them 816 Fort Street Fruit ft Land Company. . , KEALIA, April 29. Two moro secured and tho list indicates tho va-- so fine that they could not avoid eat- Diamond Velvet Castors" ZEAVE cases of diphtheria havo broken out rious ways-- in which tho amount has ing them all. Thoy didn't bother any- FRATERNAL MEETING 8. Just received ex Sierra latest in body to conduct them through. hero this week, one being a woman been earned, from hoeing cano, chop-livin- g We have at last found a castor which linen tailored suits, white coats and OLAA. In the mill camps, and tho Ping wood, washing, ironing, to real we can absolutely guarantee not to mar C. Brewer & Co., HONOLULU LODGE NO. CIS, lingerie gowns. F. Rosa, a well known man of Olaa, other a child who lives in one of tho like going dinnerless or scratch the finest floors. LIMITED. B. P. O. ELKS. Rooms who took a trip to Portugal a year mauka camp. Both aro of a mild and giving up tho pleasure of a mov-for- Meets In their hall on King street Indisptntable to that YOUNG HOTEL, ago, returned on tho Wilhelmlna. and as a quarantine waa lng picture show, near Fort, every Friday evening, vis who own heavy furni- Fire and Marine Tho Eight Mil tennis players went promptly established thero is no fear(- AT KEALIA. iting Brothers are cordially Invited to-- FRE8HET ture, became of I he little n Ira up to Keaau to play. of spread. Tho houso where tho wwat.ta oa Insurance Agencies attend. IfflUIOI Ki 4rii ti, effort required to move it. fl HONOMU. woman patient lives is tho same in which occurred last week caused tho ' A. E. MURPHY, E. R. V. iuirul A. Carvalho, principal of Honomu which another caso appeared more riVOP H. DUNSHEE, Sec'y. to belch forth an enormmin These Castors are so LIMITED. school, and Miss Jennie Gasper, as- than a year ago. Tho present case is Royal Insurance of nmount of water lilies which, during finely constructed that C. Llvrpfc sistant school teacher, made a trip on supposed to germ bo tho work of a tho dry season, accumulated on tho they will last a life- Lnden Aaauranca Corporation, HONOLULU LODGE, NO. 800, Sugar Factors S. KurltanPs auto to and 4eWbBBgm Onomea who happened to bo out calling when oil L. O. O. M. AND tack. water's surface. time, require no Commercial Union Aisuranco Co. ) tho fumlgators fumed. Garden pre--i London. Will meet In Odd I Having in mind tho flood of two ingthereby Fellows' BulldlnK. Tho Honomu school Is packed with I Island. venting the rugs, Fort street, near King, every Friday now pupils, like sardines. Tho children years ago, which camo near destroy- - oattlsh Union and National Imom LANTANA BLIGHT PEST. carpets and floors nco Co. of Edinburgh. evening at 7:30 p. m. Visiting broth-er- a havo to sit on tho floor. An extra ng tho briJg0 ns a result of tho lm. KAPAA, April 29.-S-mall farmers from becoming cordially Invited to attend. room Is badly needed. pnct of the drlft of vegetation, Head Caledonia Insurant Co. of Kdl of tho homesteads tract becoming stained with grease or oil. burgh. AMBROSE J. WIRTZ, Tho manager of Kwong Hong Yuen aro Luna Hund,ey gathered about fifty of Dictator. OFFICERS AND DIRX0T0R8 Free from iqueah and noUe. Store, of Honomu, will leave for Hong- amrraeu over mo iaci inai mo ongni hlo mn nm, wh fh nf innnmn tmorlcan and Foreign Marine B. A. JACOBSON, Secretary. which has destroyed 'tho anca lass B. V. BUhop . .. . .Preildcal kong, China. Ho will sell all his prop- lantana has fives and great hooks attached to Made in Standard sizes. Co. Oee. H. Robertaoa...ra.. attacked their vegetable gardens and KAHN SYSTEM OF REINFORCED ' erty. Wo are sorry to loso him and long wire cables, succeeded, after We con show you all wc have said, Vlce-Proildc- Ifamager his vote. Ho had managed his store in Bomo Instances corn fields havo strenuous CONCRETE . North M. . .Trtaiuroi hours of efforts, in saving and more, if you will call on us. Bowers' Merchant Patrol "toaard.J Ivers ...... ,,,. .Becrotary well for many years. His idea Is to also been invaded. As thero aro no tho bridge. Cup Bars, Rib Metal, Hy, Rib, Ttlb-Lat- R- - And Confidential Agency Oalt .Auditor go to Hongkong and erects store, and pines yet growing in this section, It Set Waterproof Coating. Carter.. Director buy somo lands. is not known whether or not thcyi $1.00 a Reliable Watchmen Furnished. HONOLULU IRON WORKS S ?'CMka .Director also Tho beat nve,tment today is tho CO. Oooke Dlrectti Joso Souza, of Honomu, tho pack-mul- o will bo free from tho blight. Gardon "Classified" page of The Star. It la Phono 1051. P. O, Box 184 Honolulu. A. Gartley ....'...."....Director luna, almost lost his big horso, Island. a certain dividend naver. J HOPP&CO., Ltd City Headquarters, CJub Stablea. Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912. atr: which 8180 woro glvon nway gratis. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE or nny Judgment entered thoroon. Front sup- BY VIGOROUS OLD AGE FORESTS OF HAWAII the .stock raised with labor AUTHORITY FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, TER- IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, 1 have plied by plantation corpora- ruddy-cheeke- and other RITORY OF HAWAII. HOLDING my affixed Brcn youth Is not more bonutlful thnn the mnturo vigor ol hereunto set hand nd the tions he hnd received orders for and Sealed proposals will he received liy TERMS IN THE CITY healthy old This, however, Is not go AND sent of said Circuit Court, this 11th ate. seen often as It should he. partly (Continued from Page Nine.) supplied tho Loan Fund Commission or the City beonuse many peiaons mlstakonly supposo l.t"C3 plants. COUNTY OF HONOLULU day of April, 1912. that woaknoss and are well In tho wot and exposed locations nnd County of Honolulu up to Twelvo Inseparable from ripe maturity of years. TERRITORY OF HAWAII, by Mars-- (Seal) J. A. DOMINIS, where tho planting hrs to bo done. Try a "Classified Ad." In The Sta O'clock Noon of Saturday, Muy 18, Yet In the majority of oases enfeebled old porsoiiB require nothing but ton Campbell, Superintendent ot Pub- Clerk ot the Circuit Court of the Hint In to 1912, for tho construction Twenty-Si- x the simple, natural "It encotirnglng nolo that the next week. Three lines, tlx days, only of lic Works, Plaintiff nnd Petitioner, vs. Circuit. treatment afforded by every Thousand, native Hawaiian forest shows 90 cents. Thrco Hundred Fifty GOO WAN HOY, ET At,., Defendants ALEXANDER LINDSAY, JR., recovery. has ap- Eight (20,358.7) lin- Indication of Thoro and 8ovcn Tenths and Respondents; Emlnonfe Domain. Attorney Oonoral, and Steams' Wine of Cod Liver boon no not back slnco the ear feet of highway designated as Extract parently Wyandotte Term 8umrr.tns. E. VT. SUTTON, prow again and un- Section One of Road, which acts by increasing the trees started to the Oahu Belt Deputy Attor-- - appetite, aiding digestion and putting moro Iron Die aroat Wasbli.i; oofla, nre : Attorney General dergrowth of certain desirable klndB nnd oxtendlng from the North end of THE TERRITO'i" .F HAWAII into the blood. It has nolthor tho tasto nor smell of cod llror oil, but is as Hospitals the Home. ney for Petitioner. In evidence now and Wain-hol- e TO THE HIGH SHElUil" OF THE pleasant to tho tnsto as a suporlor table wine. It Is as valuable to old per- is considerably more tho Heela Rice Fields to the year ago when I visited Cheaper than Pearllne. Bridge, In TERRITORY OF HAWAII or his sons as to young ones and many of Us most remarkable effects beoo than It was a tho District of NOTICE OF SALE OF GENERAL SANITARY BTEAM LAUNDRY Deputy; the Sheriff of the City and Koolau. City nnd County of Honolulu. SIT-UAT- achieved with the nged. Get It at your druggists and be sure you got LEASE OF PUBLIC LAND E Planting at Kallllll. Phone 197s. Proposals County of Honolulu or his Deputy: STEARNS' tho gonuloo. Forest 'shall bo on forma fur- AT KAPAA, ISLAND OF Knllua I stop- YOU ARE COMMANDED to sum- "On my return from nished by tho Commission. KAUAI. ped for a day with Mr. Waldomnr mon Goo Wan Hoy; Enoch JohuBon, Each blddor shall state In his pro- At 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May Hanncwtnd at Kallllll, partlculraly to Kamaka Stlllman: Rose Mclnerny, posal: 25, - tho planting wife E. A. Mclnerny; E. A. Mcln- 1912,- at the front door to the arrange with him about (1) A specific sum for which ho of forest erny; Ontal; George D. Robin- Capitol Building, Honolulu, there will of a portion of tho Maknwno Pinectar will furnish all mate- Carl labor. tools and land. This son; George T. Robinson; J. A. Ma-goo- be sold at public auction unaer Part reserve, a Government rials, except as specified to bo fur- being under an agree- LUlkalant: Thomas Lalakca; V, Land Act of 1835, Sections 278-28- 5 work Is done Sold Everywhere nished by the City and County of Ho- two years ago with Rose K. Alau; Lum Chan; Chins Inclusive, Rovlsed Laws or Hawaii, a ment made Borne nolulu, necessary to comploto the work Company where- Kwau Khl; Wong Lcong; Harry Doo general lease of that certain tract or The World's the Maul Agricultural m accordance .with the plaiiB spe in return and Society, a land lying betwen the Kapaa Home- Used Exclusively by by trees are being planted Regal cifications. loo; Japanese Benevolent Standard for the right to remove dead wood. are mado on tho latestShoesLondon, Paris corporation; W. O. Smith, S. M. Da- stead Tract and the land leased to (2) The date upon which ho will tho Makee Sugar 98 ol World's Creameries On the fee slmplo lands belonging and New York Custom Lasts. mon, E. Faxon Bishop, Albert F. Judd Company, nnd con- agree to have tho work completed. - Agricultural Co. at Kal- un- taining an area of 390.3- acres, more to the Maui QUARTER SIZES. The Commission, in determining and Alfred W. Carter, Trustees Ten years ago there were a dozen different makes of Mr. Hnnnestad hr.i this winter der tho will of tho Estato ot Boi or less. lllll. which bid is tho lowest will and To-da- y 170,000 teedllng Regcil consider Upset rental, ? 1,618.00 per annum; creamery or factory separators in use. over 98 per planted out about King ShoeKingStore nlce Pauahl Bishop, deceased; John and Bethel. and Bethel tho difference in time of promised semi-annuall- y of the world's creameries use De Laval separators trees. Unusually cold weather has re- Doe, Mary Roe; Jano Blue, and John payable In advance cent completion stated In the bids at the tarded the growth of trees all over; Black, unknown owners and claim- Term of lease, ten (10) years from exclusively. rule of Twenty Dollars (J20.00) for but with the coming of the warm ants, defendants and respondents, In May 25, 1912. When it comes to buying why not profit by the ex Coftee each day. a separator months the trees set out will grow Kona case they shall file written nnswer This lease is sold upon the express of advise you Proposals shall be In enve- perience the crcamcryman, which qualifies him to rapidly For several years now the Berrlrt and Qrouad a scalrd within twenty days after service here- condition that tho lessee shall plant lope T. H. correctly. Maui Agricultural Company has plant Retail and Wholesale. addressed to Petrle. Secre- of to ho and appear before the said 50.0acres In pineapples tho first year; tary of the ed 100 acres of forest a year Loan Fund Commission, Circuit Court at tho term thereof 50.0 acres the second year, and by He knows which separator will give you the best service and about HAWAIIAN COFFEE CO.. City at Kalliill, principally eucalyptus glo- and County of Honolulu, Room pending immediately after the expira- the end of the third year have 200.0 be the most economical for you to buy. That's M47 Pmlth, near Pauahl St. Tel. 13i f.i Young Building, bulus, and E. robusta, and nJpaneso Honolulu, and tion of twenty days after Bervlce here- acres In pineapples; and by tie end of why 98 per cent of the world's creameries use the plainly marked on the "Pro- year cedar. For tho most part tho trees outside of: provided, however. If no-ter- be the second shall have construct- Laval exclusively. posal for the De are .set 5x5 feet, or 1750 to tho aero, Construction of Section ponding at such time, than to be and ed a pineapple cannery capable of BUGOLEUM 1, Oahu Ther can be no better recom thus making a close stand. The pur- Belt Road." appear before tho said Circuit Court taking care ot a product of 500.0 acres All proposals bo for Laval pose is to produce timber and wood. The Leading Disinfectant, Peodoi shall accompanied at tho next succeeding term thereof, of pineapples. mendation the De by A fine forest Is being produced. nt, Germicide, Insecticide and Antl a certified chock for a sum equal to wit, tho January 1913 Term there Reservations regarding iand requir- than the fact that the men to five per Other Forest Planting Projects. cent (5) of the tender. of, to bo holden City Coun- ed for reclamation, homestead or pub- urlir. mntn iYtt cpnflffltinn nf Easiest eptlc for all purposes. at tho and "Of other tree plalnting projects speculations and forms of ty of Honolulu on Monday, the 13th lic purposes will bo embodied in this milk De to turn. Aim. rERNANDbZ e PON. can HSSI a business use the in progress on Government land I am tenders be had on application to day of January next at 10 o'clock lcaso. . y5? easiest to tho Engineer, Laval to the practical glad to report that the planting on of the Commission, H. a. m., to Bhow cause why the claim Purchaser to pay cost of advertis- i .1 wash, skims r fl TREAS-URE- Stuart Johnson, Room CI Young Build- exclusion or an otner the cleanest the Kohala Mountain abovo Waimea IN THE OFFICh OF THE of the Territory of Hawaii, plaintiff, ing. A. ing, Honolulu. maps makes. They know lasts the longest village Is going ahead well. Mr. OF THE TERRITORY should not be awarded to It pursu- For and further particulars,, reports very few A deposit apply ofllce'of Commission- from W. Carter that but OF HAWAII, HONOLULU, of Ten Dollars ($10.00) ant to tho tenor of its annexed Peti- at the the SOONER OR LATER Indeed of the trees planted last year OAHU. will bo required on each set of plana tion. And have you then' thero this er of Public Lands, Capitol Building, re YOU WILL BUY A died during the winter. Tho area in lie Dissolution of THE JUDD and specifications taken. Writ with full return of your pro Honolulu. quired to be planted is now practically BUILDING COMPANY, LIMITED, ANDREW ADAMS, ccedlngs thereon. JOSHUA D. TUCKER, Is DE LAVAL completed, but the Parker Ranch an Hawaiian Corporation. Chairman, Loan Fund Commission, WITNESS the Honorable Presiding Commissioner ot Public Lands. extending 'continuing the work by the WHEREAS, THE JUDD BUILDING City and County of Honolulu. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Honolulu, April 19, 1912. .own b'ock of planted forest over its COMPANY, LIMITED, a corporation First Circuit, at Honolulu aforesaid, Cts April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 24. adjoining fee simple lands. duly organized and existing under and SEALED PROPOSALS. this lGth day of February, 1912. tree planting contract Eo O. Son, Ltd. "Under tho by virtue of the laws of tne Territory SEALED PROPOSALS will bo re- (Seal) (Sgd.) J. A. DOMINIS, & C. C. Owen, recently made Hall by with Mr. of Hawaii, has, pursuant to law in ceived the Territorial Board of Clerk. HuntV Quality for Pupukea, Oahu, the first install juch cases made and provided, duly Harbor Commissioners until 2 P. M. of Territory of Hawaii, ) Agents for Territory of Hawaii ment of trees went out early in April. died In tho office of the Treasurer of Wednesday, May 29, 1912, for DREDG- - )ss Fruits These are to be used as a windbreak the Territory of Hawaii, a petition for NG and THE CONSTRUCTION OF rty and County of Honolulu. ) The kind that Is NOT on the edge of the gulch adjoining the dissolution und dlslncorporation of WHARF AND FILL IN KUHIO BAY I. J. A. DOMINIS, Clerk of the Cir- J. M. LEVY & COM : Distributors. area to bo planted In pineapple and together HILO HARBOR, TERRITORY Ol Court u the said corporation, with cuit of the First Judicial Cir- later with trees. re- HAWAII. Territory 2 tho certificate thereto annexed as cuit. of Hawaii, do hereby "Under tho provisions of Govern quired by law. All tenders to be on blanks fur- - certify that tho foregoing is a full 21 mont leases requiring such work, tree NOW. THEREFORE, nutlce la here nlshed by tho Board of Harbor Com-- ' and correct copy of the original F Cosil mlssloners planting Is going stetnly forwavd on by 'given to any and all persons that summons in the case of Territory of Poverty 2 Up- Plans, specifications Government land at Kukaiau and have been or are now interested In and blank) Hawaii, by Marston Campbell, Sup- Best Grades Always On Hand forms per Paauhau, Hawaii, and at Kula. any manner whatsoever in the said of proposal are on file in the erintendent of Public Works vs. Gon t office of and Maul. From all three of htese places jorporatlon, and to all creditors there- tho Superintendent of Public Wan Hoy, et al., as "the same ap 2 Works, Capitol Building, satisfactory reports have recea'ly of, and any persons having claim Honolulu; pears of record and on file In the of and at office come in. ieainst said corporation, that objec the of D. S. Bowman, flee of the Clerk of said Court. Concrete Brick Crushed year Agent of the Department Public Want "Thts the demand from planta- tions to the granting of said petition of I 'further certify that the petition Works, Hllo, Hawaii. tion companies for seedling trees has for dissolution and dlslncorporation prays the condemnation for use as a The Board of Harbor Commission 2 continued later into the spring than must be filed In this office on or public highway of the foil' wing de Do not enter the home where a Rock and Sand is usual. Several considerable ers reserves the right to reject any ordois twelve o'clock noon, May 17, scribed land, situate In the City and Savings Account has been a were piaced In April. or all bids and to award the work In 1912, any person persons County of Honolulu, Territory of Ha and that or whole or In part. part of tho dally life. Experimental Work. desiring to be heard must bo In at. waii, to wit: MARSTON CAMPBELL, Open a Savings Account to-- "Throi ph cou "et,y of Ho i. A n tendance at the office of the under- Beginning at a point in the south Chairman, Board of Harbor Commis- property day de- Soua (cravurro, Crnsul for Port.u?ai signed, In the Executive Building, Ho- west line of KuakJnl Street, and make systematic sioners. which point Hustace-Pec- LID. tl'o dlvif.'cn of i'rcriy revived some nolulu aforesaid, at twelve o'clock is Azimuth 318 46' 677.26 posits of some part' of your k Go. l Honolulu, April 25, 1912. feet from time ago cuttings of basket willow. noon of said day, to show cause, If the line between the Gov earnings. r propa-jate- experi-menta- l ernment Phone 2295 63 Queen Street j) These vf-- at tho any, why said petition should not be Street Survey Monument on SEALED TENDERS. Lillha aidon '): Maiklkl', nnd granted. Street at the northeast corner of School in April enough shoots wore cut to Dated, Honolulu, T. H., March 11, Street and the monument SEALED TENDERS will bo re abovo Kuakinl opposite Kuna- - make a half dozen good sized baskets 1912. Street, BANK of HAWAII. Ltd. celved by the Superintendent of Pub wal Lane, which survey Is seven- and hampers. This work was done bv D. L. CONKLING, line Portuguese lie Works until 12 m. ot Thursday, teen feet (17) offset from the new Capital and 8urplu, See It Bears TRADE MARK in Red a laborer skilled In Treasurer. Territory of Hawaii. That etry. May 9, 1912, for furnishing labor, ma- south-eas- t property line of Lillha There are no cuttings ready into 11 10 OK Ai- - 1 R IB ?. $1,200,000. terials, tools, machinery and equip- Street, thence running by true azi Dustless-Duste- r 25c for distribution as yet, but next year Cloths, each 29, May 6, 13. necessary WOOD- a considerable number of persons can ment to construct A muth and distances as follows: HOVMRD Dustless-Duste- r Floor Broom Covers, be supplied. EN TRESTLE BRIDGE AND AP 1. 47 10' 544.2 feet In a straight April 8 OFFICE ,D. Q. M., Honolulu, PROACHES AT KAWAILOA-LELE- , 35c each. "Official notification has just been lino to a point, thence: In a 1912. Certain buildings, heretofore KAILUA, OAHU, T. H. received from the Federal, Forest Ser- curved line to the left having a CK0-0CC- 0 v Dustless Floor Mops, with pol-isho- occupied by Dowsett Company, Ltd. ooo vice. Washington, that for the fiscal Plans, .specifications and blank radius of 920.0 feet; UITOK et al, situated on Schofleld Barracks forms of proposal are on file in the 2. 42 "bear- MAY'S OLD KONA handle, fl. period from July 1, 1912 to June 30, 39' 144.63 feet direct COFFEE, Military Reservation, are offered for office of Superintendent of Pub 1913. he turn of $500 has been alloted the ing and distance, thence; Best In the Market sale by U. S. Sealed proposals in 11c Building, Honolulu, 3. for continuing experimental tree plant- Works, Capitol 38 .09' in a straight HENRY MAY & CO. triplicate for purchase of Bame re- Superintendent Public meet ing In Hawaii. Allotments from the The of line to a point thence: In a curved Phone 1271. James Guild Company ceived until 10 a. m. May 8, 1912. Fur- Works reserves the right to reject line to right, having BLOCK, KING ST. 3591 forest service have now been received the a radius COLLINS' TELEPHONE ther Information upon request, Clyf-far- any for several years. At first all the and all tenders. . of 875.0 feet; 0X0XX000 Game, D. Q. M. MARSTON CAMPBELL, money was spent In planting temper- 4. 44" 29' 193.04 feet direct bearing Cts April 8 ,9, 10, 11, My C, 7. Superintendent ot Public Works. ate zono conifers on the higher moun- and distance, thence; Honolulu, April 29, 1912. 5. tains. Many of tho results here, as 50" 49' 131.47 feet to a point in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE north-eas- EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS IN HANDSOME was to expected were negative, tho t property line of GREYS bo OF BEFORE FIRST CIRCUIT, TERRITORY NOTICE. School Street which point is azi- tBngWrt and American Weaves, but on the showing made Mr. H. S Uade to yqnr order viOt fit aa4 HAWAII AT CHAMBERS IN During my from Terri- muth 322 768.5 feet from unequalled. Graves, the Federal foreser, says in absence the 29' trl PROBATE. car- government survey a letter dated April 4, 1912: 'The re- tory, Mr. Charles P. Osborne will the street line taking a policy ot life Insur- In the Matter of the Estate of ROB-ER- T on W. ports show that careful and thorough rv on my undertaking business as Lillha Street, thence; ance in any other company W. AHANA 62 South King Street FRASER, Junior, Deceased. 6. 322 work has been done and that suc- usual. 45' 50.0 feet along the north ask to see the ON READING AND FILING tho pe- property cessful methods of reforestratlon Tho embalming branch will con- east lino of School of Bishop Company, Lim- adapted to the various sites where tition Trust tinue to bo carried on by two expert Street and across Frog Lane to a ited, an Hawaiian corporation, alleg- point, thence; CONTRACT tests are in progress will undoubtedly encod assistants whoso specialty is ing Robert Fraser, Junior, a resi- first-clas-s 7. 230 49' 133.0 a be developed. I am much pleased with that shipping cases, and work feet in straight to the dent domiciled In the County lino to a point, the showing mado and tho results of and as scorcB of letters on file testify. thence: In a of Aberdeen, Scotland, died testato at H. H. WILLIAMS. curved line to the left, having a NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL which you have accomplished with the 20th Corro de Pasco, Peru, on tho day Honolulu, April 24, 1912. , radius of 925.0 feet; Anniversary Sale expenditure of forest service funds LIFE INSURANCE COM- of property 8. 224 of September, 1911, leaving 29' 204.07 feet for developing reforestratlon methods direct bear In the Territory of Hawaii necessary ing and distance, thence; adapted to Hawaii.' NOTICE. PANY OF BOSTON, MASS. to be administered upon, and praying 9. 218" .09' 120.02 feet In a straight , "Last year a plantation of certain that Letters of Ancillary Administra- line to a point, thence: In 'a species of eucalyptus new to Hawaii, Notice is hereby given that Lau compare many Millinery tion with tho Will nnnexed issue to curved lino to tho right having a aad the considered to be of economic value, Choy has sold all his Interest In tho It' tho said Bishop Trust Company, Lira-lte- radius of 870.0 feet; offers with those was started In Nuuanu Valloy with a firm of Wing Tal & Co. to the under- ol other companies. part of the money. signed. 10. 222 39' 136.77 feet direct bear IS ORDERED that Monday, the ing and "Coaslderlng that the Forest service IT HU LOOK 3AU. distance, thence; Millinery and Men's Hats 1912, nlno o'clock 11. appropriations were very materially 27th day of May, at 227 10' 642.9 feet In a straight hereby appointed for cut this year by Congress, the fact A. M. be and is RELIEF FOR 8UFFERER8. lino to a point in the south west Castle Cooke. hearing petition In tho Court property & that tho allotment for Hawaii was said Stubborn attacks of dysentery which line ot Kuakinl, Street, This sale is not for the purpose of disposing of odds and ends, this- Court a Honolulu afore- thence; LIMITED continued Is significant of the im- Room of defy other treatment yield promptly place all per- asaeral Agofe but will enable our patrons to realize a handsome saving on any portance that is attached to this tpyo said, at which time and to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and 12, 138" 46' 50.0 fact along the south appear show of work by the Forest Service. For sons concerned' may and Diarrhoea Remedy. It always gives west property line of Kuakinl article selected from our large and carefully assorted stock. coming period It Is proposed to cause, if nny they have, why said relief. For sale by all dealers. Ben Street to the point of beginning; the 8INQ expend the Forest Service money In petition should not be granted. son, Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii, Containing an area of 66,787.0 Y. WO CO. continuing the work on tho high moun By the Court: squaro feet. Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Ete, tains and In extending the Eucalyptus JOHN MARCALLINO, This paper has frequent Inquiries AH persons having any Interest In Butter 35o lb.; Fresh Dried Fruits. Clerk. cottages rent or purchase, sought Plantation In Nuuanu." about for the land to bo condemned are 1186-118- 8 Nuuanu Street K. Uyeda, Nurseryman's Report. Honolulu, April 22, 1912. furnished rooms and desirable board nereuy warnea mat unless tney ap- HaughB, forest nurseryman, HOLMES, STANLEY & OLSON, Ing places. .If you have either, let the pear at said Court on or Au Telephone 1084. Box 111 near Hotel. David before Nuuanu Street reportB that In April 12,155 plants Attorneys for Petitioner. fact be known In The Star's "Class! gust 5th, 1912, they will be forever were distributed from the nursery, of 4ts April 22, 29, May 6, 13. fled" page. barred from contesting said petition Fine Job Printing, Star Office.