Con Gression.Al Record-Senate
1902. CON GRESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE. Benefic:.ia.l As.sociatian No. 18, Baltimore, Md., in opposition to By Mr_ TRAYER.: Petition .of Amalgamated Sheet Metal Honse bill :0777, amending the copyright law-to the Committee Worlrers' Union No.184,Steam. Engineers' Union No. 78, Worces on Patan.ts. ter, Mass.; Granite Cutters' National Union, of Milford, Mass.; By ~Ir. SIBLEY. Petition of the Journeymen Barbers' Inter Plate Printers' Union No. 3, of Boston, and Paint-ers and Decora national Union No. 124., of .Bradf<>rd, Pa.. 1 favoring a reenactment of tors' Union No, 41~, of Spencer, Mass., fav01ing extension of the the Chinese-.e.xclUBion law-to the Committee on Forci,gn Affairs. Cb.inese-exe1usion act-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Also. petitions of Journeymen Tail.ors1 Union of America No. By lfr. THOMAS -of Iowa: Resolution of Division No. 268, Or 57, of Franklin, Pa., fa"\:oring the construction of war vessels in der of Railroad Conductors, Marion, Iowa; Bmtherhood of Rail the· Government navy-yards-to theCommi~Lee on Naval Affairs. road Trainmen of Waterloo, Iowa, favoring bill to limit pGwer Also resolutions of Erie Branch of Pattern Makers, of M.old of Fed.ernl c011rts in. granting injtmdions in trade disputes-to ers' Union No. 220, and of Jomneymen Tailors' Union of Amer the Committee on the Judiciary. ica No. 57, of Franklin, Pa., favoring tb.e prohibition of immi Also, resolution of Division No. 216, Order of Railroad Con grants other than wives and children who .can not read-to the ductors, of Ottumw.a~ Iowa, advocating the reenactment of the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization.
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