Attack His with the Rom May 9
SUOAR WEATHER II Cnno: 3.98Co por lb., Thor. mln., 67. 170.70 ior ton. liar., 8 a. in., 30.12. Hoots: 13b. cwt, $05,20 Rain, 24b., 8 n. m., trace por ton. tmn Star Wind, 12m., 10 N.E. Telephone 2365 Star Business Office The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. VOL. XX TWELVE PAGE8. HONOLULU, HAWAII , THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912. TWELVE PAQE8, NO. 6274. BIG STRIKE OF GOLD NUGGETS MADE ON THE KOYUKUK RIVER Money For FISH Defendin GEN. GOMEZ IS WILL NOT UNDER GUARD RESIG in AT JUA Auditor Fisher vigorously denied ock the rumor that he was going to re- (Associated Prets Cables to the 8tar.) sign position Territory, Attack his with the rom May 9. r WASHINGTON, General Gomez, who lately declared himself and declared that it was his intention the provisional president of Mexico, has been captured and Is a prisoner to hang on till the last 'n the custom houso at Juarez, unde: a heavy guard. (Special Cablegram to the Star.) By H. M. AYRES. into two forces, called tho "Blues" "I have no idea who could have ESCALON, May 9. General Oroa co has marched southward but nothing'! (Telephoned to the Star.) and the "Reds." Tho "Blues" con- started such a rumor," said Mr. of moment has happened. 9.-- p. WASHINGTON, May The Naval Fisher. "I am still here and I intend, SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, 2:30 sist of the Fifth Cavalry less one m 9. Army maneuvers inci- to stay." May' squadron, .the Second Infantry less A LOS ANGELES TRAGEDY.
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