SUGAR WEATHER Cnno: 4.05 per lb., 181.00 Thar, mln., 70. por too. liar., 8. m., 30.07. BocU: 13b. 7 'Ail. cwt., Wind, 12m., 12 N.B. 198.00 por ton. me mvm Star Rnln, 24h., 8 a. m., traca. Telephone 2365 Star Business office The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory second edition. VOL. XX TWELVE PAQE3. HONOLULU, HAWAII, MONDAY, MAY 6. 1912. TWELVE PAGES. NO 627 t j j 1 Special Cable To The Star. " WACUIMPTAM ft VI H TT1 : U jlL. C j Y?l vv ojuiiiivs i uiij lvicay u. i nc iiiiiiuuly ui uie ueoate Finance Lommil-- i tee have decided to report a substitute for the free sugar bill with 25 to arte 1 o g 1 gg mi a n TO mittee are considering reporting a reduction of about ten percent. J. A. Breckons. UAK MANY KILLED Was Fruitfly EFACES A 1 a A IN RAILROAD Brought Here SG EMERY ADOUt rmy A CATASTROPHE It appears thaUthe shock reported at Hllo on Sunday week was severely felt on tho Kau coast as well. (Associated Press Cables to the Star.) The quake was distinctly felt aboard aneuvers HATTIESDERG, Miss., May 6. A special carrying Confederate voter- - or nns to to Macon (Ga.) reunion (he steamer Kilauca, lying at Honu-- I Texts tho has been wrecked here. Ten passcngeis nnd four of tho crow were killed nnd forty Injured. apo, and from that vessel was wit- Intent upon tracing tho origin of fore tho customs examiner. Ho As announced in. tho Star early In the extensive maneuvers mapped out tho Mediterranean fly in tho Hawaiian) declared that ho was convinced that nessed tho raro sight of a portion of April, the National Guard ot Hawaii for tho year. Nothing but the most IN BARBAROUS MEXICO. iBlands, Prof. H. H. Severln of thej Mr. Swezey, who afterward handled the land scenery being precipitated will not take part In the regular army cordial feeling exists between the na WASHINGTON, May G. Three hundred Chinese, fearful of being ColleKo of Hawaii has secured a nu ni tho colony for the H. S. P. A., took Into the sea by tho-quak- as If It hail iuncuvers this year but will hold a tlonal guard and tho army. Wo shall massacred by the Mexicans havo been granted permission temporarily, to interesting ter of facts connected every precaution and that no respon- lH-e- blown out by a heavy blast of separate encampment of live days' go Into camp for a period not to cx enter' Eagle Pass, an American town. In at-tac- with the Introduction of the neat sibility can attach to him. dynamite. duration .durlngwhlch the guardsmen ceed flvo days and perform maneuver . TUCSON, May 6. Ono thousand rebels have been repulsed in an it country- - expects -pnb' nhis which ho Inorderto fix the date when the "i was talking with tho mate at the will ""receive a'' course of maneuver work as planned by tho crmy board on Mocorato, Sonora, Ono hundred Tvero killed. The Federals lost connec- Ush when his lebors in this colony imported from Australia ar- time," Purser Logan of the Kilauea training as mapped out by tho army having It in charge. In this wny we three killed and forty de.iertcd. 1 are completed. by w tion rived here, Prof. Severln called at- said last night, "when we felt tho officers. shall benefit the training and nt MAZATLAN, May G. Tho U. S. army transport Buford has arrived Sovorin declared thi Professor tention to the Hawaiian Fores or and deck trembling under our feet, Adjutant General John 'W. Jonci, in the same time will not bo put to tho uero to laue American reiugees. ah is iranquu. - i while wr.sj morning that while as yet ho has not Agriculturist of August 1909 with th at tho same moment a deep rumbling command of the national guard, expense incidental to the protracted presence In Held would the absolute proof that the extract of a report in that pub'icttlon round was heard. rather amused this morning at thej service tho which other POLITICS ON BOTH SIDES. of the fly is due to the colony Import- attempt cif morning paper to make wise be necessary." G. made by Kotinsky to the Hoard of '"What's that?' I asked the mate the DALLAS, Tex., May Rooflevoltcrs and Taft men dispute posses- ed from Australia in 1909, yet the fact a mystery of the failure of the guard At department headquarters this Agriculture on July 7, 1909, which rnd he replied that it was likely the sion on the Republican side of tho primary test and Wilson is tho apparent that the first f'y was discovered just to participate In the maneuvers. morning, It was stated that ofllcir.1 reads as follows: flemen starting the boilers. But just victor on the Democratic side. a year from the date tho shipment was "There is nothing mysterious about notification had been received from BALTIMORE, May 0. Tho vote of Maryland in the State primaries 1b "We received on the 21th a eolony then we happened to look toward the landed makes tho circumstances sus- tho matter," he said. "Wo simply felt the war department somo weeks ago heavy. ot fruit fly parasites from the entomo- shore, where wo siw a mass of debris picious. this year that wo could not spare tho to the effect that the guard would not WALLA AVALLA, May G. Wilton and Clark dispute the control of tho logist of West Australia, who, on his rumbling from tho bluff Into the sea, If the fly originated from this ship- monoy or the time to take part In (Continued on Pago Five.) Washington convention. way to tho Orient, took it with him nuking a cloud of dust. Tho ragged ment, Prof. Soverin said ho believed SAN FRANCISCO, May G. Sena tor Boverldgo and Glfford Pinchot to Sydney where he placed it in care crest of the bluff that overlooks the it ivas due to the failure of Jacob will stump o on the S. S. have arrived here and th stato for Roosevelt. Ktotlnsky, at that time superintendent of the butcher board ocean there had been shaken down Aorangi. All posslb'e precautions by entomology the Commissioners the quake." .of for to prevent any of RAIN ADDS TO FLOOD. TTJ Agriculture, to the proper pre- have been taken of take Tax Appeal NEW ORLEANS, May G. Heavy rains hero today, with tho river boat- opened the box con- the host flics escaping here. cautions, when he ing upon the levees, bns disheartened thousands who aro at work trying to taining the fly. on Its arrival here be-- (Continued on page Fourl Crazy Auto strengthen tho great embankments of tho Mississippi. Motorboat.i aro run- ning about rescuing people from tho housetops. It Is conceded that many ESTATE HELPING HILO have .perished In the floods. BISHOP Claims About NEW ORLEANS, May G. Portions of eighteen parishes of Louldnna Hits Soldier are inundated. RECLAMATION SAYS SOUTHWORTH THE AMERICANA'S COOK. SAN FRANCISCO, May G. Tho cook of tho Americana has been Last night about 10 o'clock Private to four years' Imprisonment for killing the captain. Green of the marine corps wo.3 run $8,000,000 County Engineer Southworth, of Ha-vsl- l, will help out a lot. There will be a down by an automobile near Richards STRIKE MAY SPREAD. do work block is returning to Hllo tomorrow systematic effort to the and Alakea streets, , CHICAGO, May G.' --The freight strlko now operating here may spread. will be much better i irorning In the Mauna Kca. He !s by block, which The car Is described as being of a thoro. veil satisfied with tho progress made than doing bits here and dark color with seven scats, It was Morning Cable Report on page Two. shipshape now, and tho AH tho figures In regard to tho ap W. C. Creek (Makawoll), $1150; on tho work he came down ti seo Things are going at n high rato of .3 peed when and $2600. about, ana declares that there will work can be gone-ahea-d with it struck Green, who was considerably peals of corporations, as well as ot made." P. G. Correa (Makaweli). $0550; Boon bo a great deal done In the way Borne showing can be bruised and had a suit of clothes spoil- private concerns that consider that JOINT much filling to bo $7085. EXPOSmON COMMITCE or reclamation in Hllo. There will bo ed. assessments the Increased of tholr $3,409,176. Total "The Bishop Estate is cooperating done and new roads, drainage canals Aftor knocking Green down no at- Total returned, will have to bo in- properties aro not correct, aro pow assessed, $1,463,297. Difference, in every way with us," said Mr. r.nd other. features tempt was mado to stop the car AT PROPOSAL Southworth this morning, "and that stalled. which speeded up" Alakea street. available, and this morning Treasurer LS WOO A drunken party of roysterers were Conkling gavo out the figures that Third Taxation Division Hawaii. in the automobile, which carried no aro printed below. Hakalau Plantation Company Re- lights. $2,000,-00- 0. LOOKS AS IF TAYLOR It will bo noticed that flvo appeals turned, $1,500,000; assessed, la $250,000 an extravagant sum for represented, the Joint commltteo will, ILL good Auto x This would bo a caso for como from Maul and Molokal, twenty-si- Hawaii to spend In advertising herself probably report tho fact to Its parent Ofllcer Chilton to got busy on.
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