Annual Report 2018 — Boskalis
ANNUAL REPORT 2018 — BOSKALIS ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT 2018 REPORT 2018 KEY FIGURES (in EUR million, unless stated otherwise) 2018 2017 Revenue 2,570 2,343 Order book 4,292 3,495 EBITDA 353.6* 436.6 Net result from joint ventures and associates 28.4* 31.0 Depreciation and amortization 234.6 251.6 Operating result 119.0* 185.0 Extraordinary charges 519.5 0.0 EBIT -400.5 185.0 Net profit adjusted for extraordinary charges after tax 82.8 150.5 Net profit (loss) -435.9 150.5 Net group profit (loss) -433.7 150.4 Cash flow 319.5* 402.0 Shareholders’ equity 2,544 3,023 RATIOS (IN PERCENTAGES) EBIT as % of revenue 4.6* 7.9 Return on capital employed 2.9* 4.8 Return on equity 3.0* 4.9 Solvency 56.1 62.6 S S RE FIGURES PER SHARE (IN EUR) RE U U G Profit 0.63* 1.15 I G I F F Dividend 0.50 1.00 Y Y E E Cash flow 2.41* 3.07 K NON-FINANCIAL INDICATORS Employees including associated companies 11,345 10,732 Employees in Boskalis majority owned entities 5,912 5,772 Ratio women/men within Boskalis’ majority owned entities 12/88 10/90 Number of nationalities within Boskalis’ majority owned entities 68 64 Lost Time Injuries (LTI) 10 9 Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) 0.05 0.06 Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) 0.40 0.55 Strategic suppliers: percentage spend covered by Supplier Code of Conduct 70 81 CO2 emissions scope 1+2 (MT (‘000)) 1,180 1,223 Please refer to the glossary for definitions of the terms used S I * Excluding extraordinary charges L A SK BO – 8 1 0 7 RT 2 O EP LAG 201 R S VER UAL R NN JAA A REVENUE (in EUR million) NET PROFIT (in
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