Hawai`i Space Flight Laboratory University of Hawai`i at Mānoa Putting Rockets and Satellites into Orbit January 11, 2016 Director: Dr. Luke Flynn Contact Info: Email:
[email protected] Phone: 808-956-3138 (Hawaii Space Grant) Web Site: http://www.hsfl.hawaii.edu Outline Why are Small Sats Relevant: Economics of Small Space Missions How did We Get There: Building to the ORS-4 Mission HSFL Mission Schedule and Future Plans Acknowledgment: This talk is given on behalf of the HSFL, HSGC, and HIGP staff who helped to make the ORS-4 Mission a possibility. Property of HSFL 2 Demand for “Space” In less than 60 years of space flight, the world has launched about 6500 satellites to space of which about 1000 are still operating… In the next 5 years, 3 companies (SpaceX/Google: 4000, OneWeb: 900, Samsung: 6000) will attempt to launch almost 11,000 small satellites….. They plan upgrades on 18-month cycles… Demand for space launch and small sats has shifted from Government to commercial groups. Property of HSFL 3 A View of the Launcher Market circa 2020 Market Launch Services Trend Market Size* Traditional Commercial Payload Type 2013-2020 2020 Primary Players Disruptors Large Satellites Flat $2.5B • Arianespace (Ariane 5) • SpaceX (FH) (> 4,000 kg) (20-25 sats) • ILS (Proton) • Commercial GEO Comm • Sea Launch (Zenit 3) • US Gov’t • ULA (Atlas V, Delta IV) Medium Satellites Flat $800M • Arianespace (Soyuz 2) • SpaceX (F9) (~ 1,500 – 4,000 kg) (~ 10 sats) • ILS (Angara-new) • Stratolauncher • Commercial GEO Comm • ULA (Atlas V, Delta II