Usafalmanac ■ Major Commands a Major Command Is a Subdivision of the Air Force Assigned a Major Part of the Air Force Mission and Directly Subordinate to Hq
USAFAlmanac ■ Major Commands A major command is a subdivision of the Air Force assigned a major part of the Air Force mission and directly subordinate to Hq. USAF. In general, there are two types of major commands: functional and geographical. Air Combat Command Headquarters Langley AFB, Va. Established June 1, 1992 ACC Commander Gen. Hal M. Hornburg MISSIONS Major operations PERSONNEL Operate USAF bombers (active Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan); (as of Sept. 30, 2003) and ANG and AFRC gained); Iraqi Freedom (Iraq); Noble Eagle Active duty 93,115 USAF’s CONUS-based (active and (US) Officers 13,094 gained) fighter and attack, recon- Major training exercises Enlisted 80,021 naissance, battle management, and Air Warrior and AW II; Amalgam Reserve components 54,459 command and control aircraft and Warrior; Baltops; Blue Advance; ANG 45,469 intelligence and surveillance sys- Blue Flag; Bright Star; Cooperative AFRC 8,990 tems Zenith; Eagle Flag; Fuertas Civilian 9,690 Organize, train, equip, and Defensas; Global Guardian; Initial Total 157,264 maintain combat-ready forces for Link; Internal Look; Joint Task rapid deployment and employment Force Exercise; Linked Seas; to meet the challenges of peace- Maple Flag; New Horizons; North- time air sovereignty and wartime air ern Viking; Red Flag; Roving defense Sands; Rugged Arch; Strong Re- Provide combat airpower to solve America’s warfighting commands (Central, European, Northern, Pa- cific, and Southern); nuclear, con- ventional, and information operations forces to STRATCOM; air defense forces to NORAD COROLLARY MISSIONS Monitor and intercept illegal drug traffic Test new combat equipment FORCE STRUCTURE Three numbered air forces: 8th, USAF photo by MSgt.
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