December 1950
7TH MARINE REGIMENT - HISTORICAL DIARY - AUGUST 1950 - DECEMBER 1950 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2281 CD: 22 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 Korean War Project USMC-08300001 DECLASSIFIED - I 0680/946 Al2 Ser _Q.056-5.t FEB 21 1951 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG, lstMarDiv 1 tr to CMC, aer 0021-51 of 8 Feb 1961 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps SubJ: Historical Diaries, 7th Marines; period August - November 1950 1. Forwarded. .1.0()()';'8 c/e~~.... J. C. BURGER COLONEL, U. S. MARINE CORPS Copy to: CHIEF OF STAFF ' CG, lstMarDi v • ....... - DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-08300002 DECLASSIFIED pi;~ ~-. :._- ·-:::::~~--"'""'~--:;;·;-:p;...ii.,-:-_*jil"'·--....-=- .... ----!,.o.l-.,--~-. I'll 41-1/ldJ Ser 058-51 28 "ebru<>ry 19 51 FIRST ::::nc·::!S:'].!El!T on 7thl4ar Historical Diary for December 1950, ltr ser 505 of 17 Feb 1951 From: Comr.~anding Gener:cl, lst Marine Division, FMF To: Commsnde_nt of the Marine Corps Yia: Comm<e.n• Generr\l, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Saoj: His toricc.l DiarJ' for Decenber 1950 2. Tl1e secu:·ity classification o:' this e:ldorsement is rell!ovecl ,.r~1ea tetc.ched :"rom the bEtsic le~ter. ~~- H. S. \;'.~SETH De~>ut;r Chief of Staff far Administration :'.,.• '•.
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