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11-4-1949 Spectator 1949-11-04 Editors of The pS ectator

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. DON'T PARK DON'T PARK INFRONT OF IN FRONT OF SEATTLE UNIV ERS IT Y THE CLINICS ! Spectator THE CLINICS! Volume XVII "■«<8B»»= SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1949 No.3 KISS' COMEDY OPENS SATURDAY Women's Guild Variety Show Lincoln Sedan Offered as Prize in 'Jenny' to Present Drive for Student Union Building Opens Nov. 21 planned Brings Novelist SU students this week facilities. It is to con- Many New Faces By MARY EILEEN WAGNER The annual Seattle Univer- started a campaign to raise vert the cafeteria into a ball- , distinguished Scottish novelist, was sity variety show, sponsored funds for the construction of room for student dances. By 808 LUCID scheduled to make his first appearance in the Northwest by the Music Department,.is a Student Union building. Tentative plans call for Saturday night, Nov. 5, the curtain will ring up on this last night, speakingon "How To Write a Best Seller," at the scheduled for November 21 All friends of the Univer- erecting the much-needed Stu- year's initial performance of the Seattle University Drama Women's Century Club. It was the second of a series of and 22 at Providence Hospital sity desiring to sell tickets or dent Union on the campus Guild. The play, to be presented in the Little Theatre Nov. lectures sponsored by the Seattle University Women's Guild. Auditorium. The curtain will purchase them may contact across Tenth Avenue from the 5 to 11, is the ever-popular "Jenny Kissed Me." Marshall first attracted the at- go up at 8:15 p.m. and admis- Hal Wales. Tickets will be on Liberal Arts building. The cast is studded with newcomers. The title role ia new tention of Americans with sion will be 50 cents. sale until the Homecoming Prize to be awarded in con- to be playedby a talented Malachy's Miracle," proceeds from the af- Ball in January. freshman, Janice Sheehan. "Father The nection with the students' Key published in 1931, and an in- fair will go towards the fund The structure willhouse the fund-raising drive is a new The other leads are: success both in for augmenting the Music De- offices, cafe- Lincoln automobile. It will be Packard as Father Moynihan, stant book and student body Fitzgeraldish" dramatic form. Two later nov- partment. teria, lounges, student co-op, displayed all over the state the "Barry — "The World, the Flesh Father Daniel J. Reidy will meeting during drive. pastor; Ralph Corning, an- els rooms and recreation the newcomer, Michael, and Father Smith" and "Ves- be faculty director,assistedby other as — were select- Tom Morris. Mr. Gus Man- a harried school inspector pers in Vienna" complicated ed by the Book-of-the-Month kertz will produce and direct whose plight is From Hall to Hall by his love for Jenny. Club. the show. Some of the talent By BOSKO featured will be the Univer- MADELYN Lola Hoelsken, an experi- "Vespers in Vienna," the interpre- of sity Workshop Band, a 17- Now that each hall has Sarazin gave its first hall enced actress whose story of the rehabilitation very fine,will World piece dance band; University elected its officers, its contri- party this quarter. Despite tation is always Vienna after the Second play the pastor's housekeeper, War, has been adapted by A Capella Choir of 75 voices; bution to the social whirl at banshee yells and goblin cap- - - 18 feet of Harmony, trio of SU isbeginning to take shape. ers, the scavenger hunt and Mrs. Deazy. Metro Goldwyn Mayer in The other members of the the title men in close harmony; Patri- Both new and old halls are dance went on to a great suc- movie form under cast include: Marie Alene as "" soon to be cia Bown, a musical master- busy with plans for teas, open cess. Dolly Johnson,hallprexy piece ; Jensen, parties many from Tacoma, and Mary Mary,Ruth Cheshire as Har- showing in Seattle Theaters. Sheridan and as houses, and in- Mar-* Jo, Trudy BRUCE MARSHALL Lang Syne; bridge garet Raftis from Spokane ry,Doris Cockrill as Mr.Marshallhas also written Scottish as Auld formal sessions. Priscilla, Babs panto- acquaint hall chairmen of the affair. Van Dusen as "Yellow Tapers for Paris,"and Paul Martin,master of To the new were Jane, mime, Kiiby other, Patton as Bob Rademan "ToEveryMana Penny." The and Jack and residents with each PACKARD Parkside, Pain Students Offered (We sponsored open KEY. as Owen Kirby latter will be on sale soon. Killed 'Em in Port An- Mitchell Hall a coco An house for all the Parkside, geles) Pain, guys party Sunday given as Mr. Diana Brown In aninterview withtheRev. two from cola at Goff Hall women residents was Stains, Kend- hunger. Tuesday by as Miss Mary Daniel Lord, S.J., some years Course on Alcohol Ken Woods will be the afternoon. Invitations were last afternoon the actress, of ceremonies. Carolyn and Nevin girls from Bordeaux Hall un- rick,another very line ago,Marshall deploredthelack master sent to Philosophy Club Mary of the Angels; Anyone wishing to enter Halls, and to officers and der the chairmanship of Win- as Sister of realism in Catholic litera- Next and Gloria Gibbs as Shirley ture. Since that time, he has Quarter the show need only form an house mothers of the remain- nie McCarten and Meme A special symposium on al- TomMorris halls. Dacey. This informal gather- Monday Tirabossi. presented a true to life por- act and contact as ing " * * Meets This Summer the small coholism will be sponsored by soon as possible. Tickets will ing provided a chance for the 7, trait of the Next Monday,Nov. at its group produced two very suc- the Seattle University psy- be sold at the door and in the 'Twas on a spooky Hallo- out-of-towners to meet andbe- fortnightly meeting, andits members that brought during regular cessful productions in"AllMy chology department main hall of the LA building. ween night last Monday when come acquainted. the Philosophy Club will make to Catholic literature a reputa- winter quarter. Sons," by Arthur Miller; and tion for adroit, realistic inter- appointments of topics for "John Loves Mary," by Nor- pretation. It will feature ten guest pendingactivities. A minimum social man Krasna. These twoshows lecturers discussing and of 42 speakers are vitally groups Mr. Marshall, a convert to psychological aspects of the were done with small Catholicism, born inEdin- Opera Guild Opens Firefly Production Deer 9 needed for theproposedactivi- the smaller enrollment was problem. quarter. due to burgh in1899 andeducatedat ties of this of the Summer period. Academy Thelectures willbe Tuesday dody hits, and the St. Andrew's and mornings To Direct The student should be Both were the age 16, and Thursday at Stern reminded that only those stu- Guild is expected to repeat Glenalmund. At of during of having greatly 8:10 o'clock most dents who have taken or in- with "Jenny." been influenced quarter. will be open by writing, especially the They Extravaganza tend to take any philosophy in Tickets are on sale in the Catholic and free to any student desir- the classic of Cardinal Gib- The forthcoming Opera their course of studies are main hall of the Liberal Arts bons, "The Faith of Our ing to audit. Psychology ma- eligiblefor membership inthe Buildingor maybe purchased, jors, and others with permis- ikiild production of "Firefly", Fathers,"he was receivedinto scheduled to open December club. Everyone who can fulfill if desired, at the door. sion, may attend as part of a either these qualifications the Church. con- 9 for a two-night stand,is well of At St. Andrew's and Edin- two-credit seminar to be is asked to attend the meeting by Royce.They under way. burgh Universities, Marshall ducted Father Monday evenin»' at S o'clock McMahonHeading studied classic and modem will meet Tuesdays andThurs- Under the very capable di- in room 320. days to discuss the lectures. Stern, languages for his bachelor of rection of Mr. Gustave Membership in is Lecturers will include Dr. by Roger Elliott, the club Out-of-Towners; commerce and master of arts assisted Mr. established by Fred Lemere, Dr. Paul O'Hol- expected an- attendance at degrees. the show is to be meetinj-s laren, Police Sergt. A. Ross, long an ii.i no wayi con- During World War I, he other of the line of suc- any Dances Are Slated Dr. Walter L. Voegtlin, chief cesses produced by the Opera cerned . ih .ixs of na- served with the Third Royal ture. Th" only contribution The representative council Irish Fusileers. Six days be- of staff, and Mr. Shadel, the Guild. recently of with w'.K-h the club is con- of the Scots Club fore the Armistice, he was operator Shadel Sanitar- The leads have been an- electedofficers the coming ium. A full list will be posted cerned i' freely stimulated in- for wounded, taken prisoner, and nounced by Mr. Stern as fol- tellectual contributions. school year. They are : subsequently lost a leg. While later. Small, Zwirn, President, ; VELMA HARRINGTON lows:Al Joe Bill BILL KIRBY meeting, Jack McMahon still in the hospital, Marshall Those wishing to register Kirby.Dick Galbraith,Tommy At next Monday's President.Betty ; Gerry Labrecque will give a Vice- Simich completed his first novel. for credit must do so on their Morris, Florine Ross, Jeanne Secretary-Treasurer, Ellen Psy- After his discharge,he became regular winter quarter regis- Marie McAteer, Gloria Torlai, short talk on "Freudian O'Keefe; Historian, Mary Tolo in Honor choanalysis" and a discussion a chartered accountant,a pro- tration.If not"psychology ma- Jim Hughes Edits and Velma Harrington. Theresa Charvet, and Report- fession which he practiced in pors they must have Father of the topic will follow. Announcements for sale of er, Ginger Dorn. Paris from 1926untiltwodays Royce'spermission. State Labor Paper Of'Sadie'Tonight Father Kelly is the Moder- before the German of tickets will be published as invasion Jim T.Hughes, Seattle Uni- arrangements are The annual Sadie Hawkins' ator. Paris in1940 soon as Tolo presentedby Silver Scroll, versity senior, was recently made by Bill Galbraith,Opera Crawley To Judge This "out-of-towners" Club Joining the army again, women's honorary, willbe held it's second Phi Tau Alpha editor of the business manager. —which celebrates Marshall became a subaltern appointed Wash- tonight at the Spanish Ball- School Contest birthday on Sunday, October in the Royal Army Pay Corps, ington State Labor News, of- room at the Olympic Hotel. Hi — formed by Chuck New Name of The Seattle Chamber of 30 was a Captain in British Intelli- ficial newspaper for theAmer- The Gentlemen of Rhythm Schuler, now president of the gence,and finally a lieutenant ican Federation of Labor in Plans Under Way will furnish the music. Commerce yesterday named of Gregory Crawley,head of the student body. The purpose colonel in the Displaced Per- Education Club the state. Chairmen JackieKniess and this organization is to help Divisions of the Allied Seattle U speech department, sons The Education Club, headed Hughes has been a long- For Memorial Lucille Hemnes announced those from other cities and Commission for Austria. has that, as in past years, the af- as one of the judges for its become better by Bernard Bergman, time member of The Specta- high Speak states to ac- Univer- fair will be strictly tolo. The school "I for De- quainted with all of the stu- voted to make Seattle tor. His first position was in To Fr.Peronteau mocracy" contest. sity the state's sixth member 1946 as a columnist. The fol- women are to buy the tickets, dents of Seattle University of the Future Teachers of In a spiritual drive of only arrange for transportation Representatives of Seattle and with the school itself. Ostolaze Heads lowing year Hughes was ap- ODea and public high America.The club's new name In1947 two days last week, students and take care of refreshments Prep, The Scots sponsor dances pointed feature editor. schools will compete at the is Phi Tau Alpha,Greek letter he was named sports editor, a saved enoughmoney to build a after the dance. on everyother Sunday inBuhr Mendel Clubbers initials for F.T.A. shrine in memory of our re- Date dresses and business Chamber's auditorium the that start about 7:30 and end jobhe held thepast two years. night of November 14. Bill Ostolaze,a junior,is the At the organization meet- Hughes column cently deceased Fr. Howard suits will be acceptable attire about 10. The main event on initiated the Peronteau, new president of the Mendel ing, William Wehman, past "Brave Talk," which was the S.J. for the dance, and there will the Scots' social calendar is Club. Quarter initiations for president of the Seattle Paci- mouthpiece for his many con- Work is to start this month be no corsages. Students are requested the Easter Formal. Lastyear, the student scientists were fic College F.T.A. group, told troversial sports articles. on the shrine dedicated to Our Publicity ishandled byShir- not to park their machines this affair was given at the Thursday. The club of aims and activities. leyHollahan and Ellen Nicker- Nile Country Club, with the scheduled its The job pub- Lady of Fatima. It will be lo- in front of nearbyclinics,so ulso plans a banquet later in Future Teachersof America is Hughes' new is to son; tickets, Barbara Ray; and Gentlemen of Rhythm provid- lish local and state activities cated in the southwestern cor- that arthritic patients the year. affiliated with the National ner of the campus back of the programs, Irene Williams and taxicabs with patients may ing the music. officers of the club, Education Associationand the of AFLlabornews. The Wash- Mary Kendrick; decorations, Membership cards are now Other has Libeval Arts building. drive in. The doctors are which is designed to foster Washington Education Asso- ington StateLabor News a Agnes Remmes. on sale for 25 cents, and may circulationof 100,000. It was on this spot that the very much concerned about fellowship among pre-medical "ciation. this.If students are cooper- be obtained from the officers students,are: Officers serving with Berg- "Although credit was not original statue of Our Lady of COLHECON CLUB or members of the representa- Fatima stood last May. ative in this matter one- Dave Williamson,vicepresi- man include Kenneth Camp- given for service while work- The Colhecon Club will hold hour parking restrictions tive council. Non-members dent; Noreen Nicholas, secre- bell, vice president; Claire Su- ing on The Spectator, the ex- Norman Fox, of John W. its next meeting next Tues- will not be introduced. A may take part in the activities tary-treasurer;Keith Walters, guro, secretary, and Howard perience was invaluable,"said Maloney,Inc., will be the arch- day at 8 p.m., in the Clothing word to the wise! of the club, but are charged a sergeant-at-arms. Hendry, treasurer. Hughes. itect. Lab, 910 Boylston Aye. small fee. THE SPECTATOR Friday, November 4,(1949 The SPECTATOR Review: MEMBER of the NORTHWEST INTER- " COLLEGIATE PRESS CONFERENCE. about a saint Shirley Hollohair ""\ —COi Official publication of the ,^x */. Associated Students of Se- MARTIN, by Eddie Doherty. New Each station finds Martin drawn **-=rz*±.-TT— f nttle University, rubllshed on Wednesday, fortnightly, York: Sheed & Ward.214 pp. $2.50. closer to Calvary. As a small boy who 4^—*-=B?ff^(BStSßfti^-^.='* durlnjjthe school year. KdU '=lyillKal= torlal mid llusliiess Offices Miracle men may run rampant over found it desparately hard to be poor and " Street, ==iSJnd= >9l=r . lt( >

APOLOGY Art Club Plans Many Negro Leader IKs to Meet Through an inadverent Faculty Recitals oversight the names of Flays Oregon some of our contributors Begin Activities for This Year Robeson In were omitted from the To Oct.16 Extending a warm welcome and consequently emerge dis- Seattle's Adult Educational Four men will represent the masthead this issue. We Inter- The Rev. Daniel J. Reidy, to the myriad of new faces couraged imperfectionists. Evening School speakers lev- Wigwam chapter at the apologize for this error and S.J., has announced that the before her, President Peggy While on the subject of Pi- eled both barrels at the Negro collegiate Knights' regional promise a correction in the Linfield College, Music Department will spon- Lynn opened the first official casso, Mr. Peck, instructor in question this week, with two convention at next issue. sponsor and a series of monthly meetingof theclub on Oct. 11. life art and charcoal drawing, lectures on inter-racial prob- McMinnville,Ore., Nov.11 recitals, starting Oct. 26. lems. 12. The delegates are Bill Mary Ellen Kenyon was ap- eloquently defended modern The recitals, a move toward pointed chairman of the dance art, citing it as symbolic and A. Philip Randolph, nation- Grommesch, duke; Clint Hat- ally Negro trup, recorder pro tern; Jack Forming a get-together attitude be- to be sponsored during the the result of inspiration drawn known leader, Pitzer students, spokeTuesday eveningon"Ne- Simpson, and Jim Erikson. tween faculty and year, and the committee in frommany sources. will be presentedby one mem- charge of the Homecomingex- Conversation soon turned to groes Will Fight AgainstRus- Also attending will be Bill sia." Mrs. Irene Miller, exec- Guppy, regional national vi- Capella Group ber of the faculty and one hibit was formed, consisting commercial art,on which sub- A music student. one utive secretary of the Seattle ceroy; and Jack Pain, royal The first of Dorothy Nord, Sheila Ly- ject the questions seemed to Under the direction of Mr. will feature John Sundsten, ons, and Kathy Sullivan. Sun- be ceaseless. Open, lucrative Civic Unity Committee, lec- scribe. Regional policies for the Carl Pitzer, noted Northwest famous concert pianist. Mr. day, Oct. 16, was the date set fields in this line are those of tured last night on race seg- conductor, Seattle U.s first forthcoming national conven- Sundsten has given concerts for the first field trip. A reg- fashion illustration and greet- regation in Seattle. capella being Bozeman, Mont., will a choir is now in such cities as Stockholm, ular activity of the Club,these ing card design. Fields that Mr. Randolph repudiated tion at formed. Paul Robeson's statement that be Expansion Helsinki, Oslo, Copenhagen, trips or "get-togethers" fur- need impetusand afreshsurge formulated. Approximately fifty stud- York, American Negroes will never A. PHILIP RANDOLPH work being done by the indi- New Chicago, and Los nish the members a chance to of life center chiefly in news- ents meet each Monday and Angeles. He is a staff artist travel to some private home paperillustration and cartoon- fight against Russia. He is vidual chapters w-ill be dis- founder and international cussed. Wednesday at 7:30 for two with the Seattle Symphony or scenic spot to sketch nature ing. According to Mr. Peck, hours' practice in room 601 in Orchestra. another — colorful good cartooning is kept alive president of the first all-Negro Two Elected by Students who have filed and one a the basement of the Savidge Voice selections pre- snatch of "ailists'life." only in the "New Yorker" union, the Brotherhood of membership applications are will be Sleeping Car Porters and Margin being notified of their accept- building. sented by Miss Jeanne Marie Hastening to arrive at the magazine. One-Vote According to Mr.Pitzer this The queries continued. It Maids, and instigator of much ance or rejection. Those ac- McAteer, star of last year's featured climax of the eve- Pat Sloan and Rosalind Ross mixed chorus was formed be- "H.M.S. Pinafore." She will was commercial "this" and civil rights legislation. Col- cepted will be put through a ning, President Lynn con- won their election in the pledge cause of thedemand for asim- be accompanied on the piano business portion of commercial "that." Finally, Mrs. Miller's talk was the Club the hard way— by three-week informal cluded the second in a series of 10 lec- hecon periodbefore the formal initi- ilar group at SU and because by Miss Pat Brown. the meeting with the an- after the interrogative bom- one vote apiece. knowledge, somewhat, tures on inter-racial relations ation and banquet Saturday, of the satisfaction The program, to be held in nouncement that a 20per cent bardment abated Pat is the newly elected sec- and enjoyment for the student Mr. Peck heaved a philosophi- offeredby the eveningdivision Nov.19. loom 601 of the new Warren discount on all purchases at retary and Rosalind is treas- in such an activity. West Building, will be from 3 would cal sigh and spoke plainly and every Wednesday night, 7:30- Recent chapter appoint- the Seattle Art Supply urer of the Home Economics social At present the choir is prac- to 4 p.m. All students, their frankly to the overly practical- 9:30 p.m.. The initial talk, on They op- ments areDick Gardner, henceforth be afforded mem- club. nosedout their chairman; Troup and tising religious hymns, Negro parents and friends, are in- minded aspirants. He asked "Human Rights," was given gathering Bert bers of the club. ponents by 10 votes pledge ; spirituals, and a lullaby. Mr. vited to attend. one question, and said much by the Rev. Howard J. Peron- from possible 19, at Jack Simpson, masters The remainder of the eve- teau, each a Schultz, program Pitzer stated that although it The program will be: in it that can be applied to all S.J. meetinginthe Cloth- Jim chair- ning saw the attendants spell- may arranged the club's takes at least six or seven Piano: Ballade in G minor, types of art: Enrollment be Lab,Tuesday evening,Oct. man. bound,by Mr.Peck, of Cornish through the registrar. ing months to build a good vocal Grieg: John Sundstrom. School,andMr.Guy Anderson, "With competition as it is 11. group, he hopesby today, just hard Christmas Voice: Jeanne Marie Mc- painter and commercial artist. it's as to be- Sue Larkin, president, ap- to present some type of pro- Ateer, come a commercial artist as selections. Accompa- In answering the rapid-fire pointed the following chair- Wanta Cooky? gram, andtohaveset aims and nist, Pat Brown. questions of the student ar- it is to be a good painter. If Three Classes for the quarter: refresh- Come and get it! ideas for the chorus. the chances equal, then men Piano: Etude enforme de tists, the two gentlemen ex- are ments,BeverlyJudd;program, Grandma's cookies were Membership is still open to Valse, where does your heart lie?" St. Saens; Romance, pounded many principles and Elect Officers Barbara Klingele; publicity, good, but SU's wizards of fry- all music lovers wishingapart Schumann; Prelude in A mi- theories. Thursday, Oct. 6, the Asso- Olive Charbonneau and Sheila ing pan and oven are out to in any of the four sections: nor, Debussy: John Sund- Of these, the most empha- ciatedStudents of SeattleUni- Preston, withRosie Grossiand prove that theirs are even soprano, alto, tenor or bass. strom. sized point was that academic Out-of-Town versity held their annual class Pat Ash, alternates. better. The only requirements are a training is absolutely neces- elections. officers for "All girls interested in The Colhecon Club is having love of music and ability at The new tomorrow, sary. The beginning artist HallResidents the coming scholastic year home economics are invited a cookie sale Oct. reading notes. Those inter- HILL TOP should cover a thorough life to come to the next meeting," 21. The home economics girls ested are urged to attend the BEAUTY SHOP out-of-doors, are: study of the the Seniors: Hal WTales, presi- saidMiss Eunice Martin,mod- themselves will bake the cook- next practice Monday,October Elect Officers through - portrait, and still-life. In the dent ;Walt Webster, vice pres- erator. ies and sell them the 24. Two credit hours for each 1018 Madison MAin 8718 words of Mr. Anderson, "Too Seattle University's six ident; Jackie Kniess, secre- Plans for the Fall quarter, halls from 8 a.m. as long as quarter are given. many young artists try to women residence halls for out- tary; Steve Touhy, treasurer. announced by Vice President they last. start where Picasso left off," of-town coeds elected their of- Juniors: Bill Galbraith, Agnes Remmes, include two Pat Hoover,chairman of the FREEDOMOF SPEECH major event, ficers for the coming year this president; Jerry McGill, vice events: a cookie sale said that the cookies That which lets you go week. president; Esther McJennet, and a Christmas party for a will be sold, six in a bag, for ahead and talk even when you JOHN SUGA needy Students Model Bordeaux Hall elected Rose secretary; Doris Cockerill, family. 10 cents a bag. don't know —what you're talk- Brusati, Junior sociology treasurer. ing about. Oskaloosa Tri- The Popcorn Man Latest Styles of major from Butte, Mont., as Sophomores: Tom Carroll, bune-Press. president; Bette Lou Rensch, president; Eileen Kelly, vice *"**- Shears -HJL-T'lll 111 l^»lPaste-T IT Pot111 I—^MW and major ■ Campus Wear Sophomore education president ; Julie Dennehey, Michigan State College of- "Men," says TrueMagazine, DEPRESSION— Hard times from Yakima, as vice presi- secretary; Virginia Connelly, horse-shoeing. "have decisive opinions in which we lose our dollars fers a course in about regain By MADELYN BOSKO dent; Leslie Jones, English treasurer. Nine students are enrolled un- automobiles, liquor, sports and our sense. Looking major Helena, Mont., QJffr From the first practical from as der scholarships provided by goods and clothes." for outfit the last secretary;and MargaretFrei- the Horse and Mule Associa- And about women? flfejfr school to mann, secretarial — HILL TOP dreamy formal, the fourth Sophomore tion of America. Open Road. " Gift science major from Tieton, Miss VizetellyIII Jlf#" annual style show sponsored " Sixteen per BARBER SHOP Wash., as treasurer. Miss Nazleh Vizetelly, dean cent of those in Bargains? by the Women Virginia is the home of the "Who's Who 1018 Associated Campion elected Co- of the School of Nursing, who in America" are Madison MAin 8718 of SeattleUniversity Hall migratory Byrd. college Students rinne Richley,Senior sociology underwent an operation for A " not graduates.* Drop In at the in the ballroom of the Wil- Mont.,pres- ruptured appendix several Hotel, Tuesday night, major fromButte, sonian ; Butte coed, weeks ago, is convalescing in There was a little dachshund Fordham announces courses displayed styles for the well- ident and another Thesis Typing a Specialty Warren, the of- Columbus Hospital. Patricia once, leading to the Master of Fine BROADWAY collegestudent. Some- Jean Ann to 30 Cents a Page dressed president; Kaye Meintel,clinical coordinator,is So long he had no notion; Arts degree,requiring a novel thing this year fice of vice General Typing new wasadded Junior handling the departmentuntil The time it took from head to or series of newspaperarticles BOOKSTORE by appearance of both men Klingele, education — floO Words, or Seven Pages, $1.00 the major Yakima, the dean is able to return. foot as thesis. America. A mixed from as secre- MICHAEL P. SCHULLER (lit the Science Bldir.) and women models. tary-treasurer. The SPECTATOR joins To register emotion. " audience of near capacity en- KEnnood 4077 Caroline Hall elected Betty with the student bodyin wish- And so it was that when his Couldn't they charge off for thusiastically viewed each en- ingMiss Vizetelly a speedyre- face those Washington, D.C., 5 per ap- Mcßride, Senior home econom- The Latest and Best semble with murmured covery and return to her of- Was filled with tears and centers as Capital loss? proval. ics major from Ottumwa, " in lowa, as president; Hilaire fice. sadness, Compliments of With the capable commen- His little tail kept waggingon The modern "Yellow Peril" Emblematic Jewelry Torlai, Fenton, from Phoenixville, tary of Gloria the stu- ; Money doesn't talk; it goes Because of previous glad- seems to have a streak of Red. PAT'S A Selection modeled Pa., as vicepresident and Jan — BAR B.Q. Complete of dents fashionable Olympia, Wash., without saying. ness. Anon. —Pathfinder. Rings, Pins, styles that would be appropri- Barker, from 1118 Twelfth Aye. Keys and secretary-treasurer. ate for school, career, sports, Belt Buckles Goff Hall elected Joanne or social events. Co-chairmen Your Hoel- Miller, Sophomore pre-major Ellen O'Keefe and Lola ; Dollar ' sken deserve a host of compli- from Olympia, president ? Kathleen Finegan, Freshman CLIPPER SERVICE Goes ! ments for their efficient plan- ning and direction. Another pre-major from Omak, vice Across the Street fromSchool Further $3^&s Pat Bone president ;and Rosemary Con- at the vote of thanks is due nell, QUALITY PETROLEUM C^!ls piano selections. Freshmanpre-majorfrom BOOKSTORE for her ,Ore., secretary- PRODUCTS An amusing skit, depicting Portland as "actual" styles here at Seattle treasurer. University, which was nar- Mitchell Hall elected Mary Agnes Remnes, pro- Lengacher, of Portland, Ore., rated by president; vided a humorous interlude. to the office of latest in the fash- Betty Dhanens, Junior medi- 3re&hmen! The very from Vancou- were displayed cal tech. major bring ion world ver, Wash., vice president; We wish to to your attention the FIVE outstanding i'urough the courtesy of the as features of the of Mast, Klopfenstein, Barbara Klingele, Senior di- firms Yakima, and Mills and Malan. An out- etetics major from as SU CAMPUS SPORTS JACKETS standing new style note for secretary-treasurer. Dolly 1. New low price, $11.95 (complete) daytime wear was the popular Siira/in Hall elected Johnson,Senior from Tacoma, 2. Ideal all virgin wool sportswear wool jersey dress. The ever- 3. Official style for SU Campus faithful cashmere sweater and as president; Mary Margaret Raftes, of Spokane, as vice 4. An SU advertisement wool skirt were again high- 5. Immediate delivery lighted this year. Satin and president;Joan Berry,of Ta- decidedly coma, as secretary; and Mary taffeta were the fa- Merriman, Orders Taken Vets Hall, Room 1369 vorites for date dresses. The Margaret of Spo- preferred choice in men's at- kane, as treasurer. tire leaned toward double- breasted tweed or gabardine NOTEOF OPTIMISM suits. "Sooner orlater the average The coed models were Shir- high school student will get ley Hunter, Kate Kelly, Dolly around to thinking about the 5-Point Cleaners Johnson, Jackie Haw, Joanne 'why' of a lot of things."— F. Broadway Drummey, Shirley Hollahan, E. Brooker, U.S. Office of Ed- 1112 Pat Schwaegler, Grace Visen- i^THROUGH YOUR | ucation division chief. tine, Patty Moore, Lola Dale, Nextdoor to Chieftain Fountain and Elsie Visentine. CLASSIFIED AD The male models were Bill COMMUNITY CHEST Always Look Your Best — Stay Galbraith, NICE DOUBLE ROOM for two Well-Dressed BobCodd, LenTwe- girls or boys. Next to Caroline ten, and Gordie Dove. Hall. Ga. 4943.