Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 11-4-1949 Spectator 1949-11-04 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1949-11-04" (1949). The Spectator. 393. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/393 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. DON'T PARK DON'T PARK INFRONT OF IN FRONT OF SEATTLE UNIV ERS IT Y THE CLINICS ! Spectator THE CLINICS! Volume XVII "■«<8B»»= SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1949 No.3 KISS' COMEDY OPENS SATURDAY Women's Guild Variety Show Lincoln Sedan Offered as Prize in 'Jenny' to Present Drive for Student Union Building Opens Nov. 21 planned Brings Novelist SU students this week facilities. It is to con- Many New Faces By MARY EILEEN WAGNER The annual Seattle Univer- started a campaign to raise vert the cafeteria into a ball- Bruce Marshall, distinguished Scottish novelist, was sity variety show, sponsored funds for the construction of room for student dances. By 808 LUCID scheduled to make his first appearance in the Northwest by the Music Department,.is a Student Union building. Tentative plans call for Saturday night, Nov. 5, the curtain will ring up on this last night, speakingon "How To Write a Best Seller," at the scheduled for November 21 All friends of the Univer- erecting the much-needed Stu- year's initial performance of the Seattle University Drama Women's Century Club. It was the second of a series of and 22 at Providence Hospital sity desiring to sell tickets or dent Union on the campus Guild. The play, to be presented in the Little Theatre Nov. lectures sponsored by the Seattle University Women's Guild. Auditorium. The curtain will purchase them may contact across Tenth Avenue from the 5 to 11, is the ever-popular "Jenny Kissed Me." Marshall first attracted the at- go up at 8:15 p.m. and admis- Hal Wales. Tickets will be on Liberal Arts building. The cast is studded with newcomers. The title role ia new tention of Americans with sion will be 50 cents. sale until the Homecoming Prize to be awarded in con- to be playedby a talented Malachy's Miracle," proceeds from the af- Ball in January. freshman, Janice Sheehan. "Father The nection with the students' Key published in 1931, and an in- fair will go towards the fund The structure willhouse the fund-raising drive is a new The other leads are: success both in for augmenting the Music De- offices, cafe- Lincoln automobile. It will be Packard as Father Moynihan, stant book and student body Fitzgeraldish" dramatic form. Two later nov- partment. teria, lounges, student co-op, displayed all over the state the "Barry — "The World, the Flesh Father Daniel J. Reidy will meeting during drive. pastor; Ralph Corning, an- els rooms and recreation the newcomer, Michael, and Father Smith" and "Ves- be faculty director,assistedby other as — were select- Tom Morris. Mr. Gus Man- a harried school inspector pers in Vienna" complicated ed by the Book-of-the-Month kertz will produce and direct whose plight is From Hall to Hall by his love for Jenny. Club. the show. Some of the talent By BOSKO featured will be the Univer- MADELYN Lola Hoelsken, an experi- "Vespers in Vienna," the interpre- of sity Workshop Band, a 17- Now that each hall has Sarazin gave its first hall enced actress whose story of the rehabilitation very fine,will World piece dance band; University elected its officers, its contri- party this quarter. Despite tation is always Vienna after the Second play the pastor's housekeeper, War, has been adapted by A Capella Choir of 75 voices; bution to the social whirl at banshee yells and goblin cap- - - 18 feet of Harmony, trio of SU isbeginning to take shape. ers, the scavenger hunt and Mrs. Deazy. Metro Goldwyn Mayer in The other members of the the title men in close harmony; Patri- Both new and old halls are dance went on to a great suc- movie form under cast include: Marie Alene as "The Red Danube" soon to be cia Bown, a musical master- busy with plans for teas, open cess. Dolly Johnson,hallprexy piece ; Jensen, parties many from Tacoma, and Mary Mary,Ruth Cheshire as Har- showing in Seattle Theaters. Sheridan and as houses, and in- Mar-* Jo, Trudy BRUCE MARSHALL Lang Syne; bridge garet Raftis from Spokane ry,Doris Cockrill as Mr.Marshallhas also written Scottish as Auld formal sessions. Priscilla, Babs panto- acquaint hall chairmen of the affair. Van Dusen as "Yellow Tapers for Paris,"and Paul Martin,master of To the new were Jane, mime, Kiiby other, Patton as Bob Rademan "ToEveryMana Penny." The and Jack and residents with each PACKARD Parkside, Pain Students Offered (We sponsored open KEY. as Owen Kirby latter will be on sale soon. Killed 'Em in Port An- Mitchell Hall a coco An house for all the Parkside, geles) Pain, guys party Sunday given as Mr. Diana Brown In aninterview withtheRev. two from cola at Goff Hall women residents was Stains, Kend- hunger. Tuesday by as Miss Mary Daniel Lord, S.J., some years Course on Alcohol Ken Woods will be the afternoon. Invitations were last afternoon the actress, of ceremonies. Carolyn and Nevin girls from Bordeaux Hall un- rick,another very line ago,Marshall deploredthelack master sent to Philosophy Club Mary of the Angels; Anyone wishing to enter Halls, and to officers and der the chairmanship of Win- as Sister of realism in Catholic litera- Next and Gloria Gibbs as Shirley ture. Since that time, he has Quarter the show need only form an house mothers of the remain- nie McCarten and Meme A special symposium on al- TomMorris halls. Dacey. This informal gather- Monday Tirabossi. presented a true to life por- act and contact as ing " * * Meets This Summer the small coholism will be sponsored by soon as possible. Tickets will ing provided a chance for the 7, trait of the Catholic Church Next Monday,Nov. at its group produced two very suc- the Seattle University psy- be sold at the door and in the 'Twas on a spooky Hallo- out-of-towners to meet andbe- fortnightly meeting, andits members that brought during regular cessful productions in"AllMy chology department main hall of the LA building. ween night last Monday when come acquainted. the Philosophy Club will make to Catholic literature a reputa- winter quarter. Sons," by Arthur Miller; and tion for adroit, realistic inter- appointments of topics for "John Loves Mary," by Nor- pretation. It will feature ten guest pendingactivities. A minimum social man Krasna. These twoshows lecturers discussing and of 42 speakers are vitally groups Mr. Marshall, a convert to psychological aspects of the were done with small Catholicism, born inEdin- Opera Guild Opens Firefly Production Deer 9 needed for theproposedactivi- the smaller enrollment was problem. quarter. due to burgh in1899 andeducatedat ties of this of the Summer period. Academy Thelectures willbe Tuesday dody hits, and the St. Andrew's and mornings To Direct The student should be Both were the age 16, and Thursday at Stern reminded that only those stu- Guild is expected to repeat Glenalmund. At of during of having greatly 8:10 o'clock most dents who have taken or in- with "Jenny." been influenced quarter. will be open by writing, especially the They Extravaganza tend to take any philosophy in Tickets are on sale in the Catholic and free to any student desir- the classic of Cardinal Gib- The forthcoming Opera their course of studies are main hall of the Liberal Arts bons, "The Faith of Our ing to audit. Psychology ma- eligiblefor membership inthe Buildingor maybe purchased, jors, and others with permis- ikiild production of "Firefly", Fathers,"he was receivedinto scheduled to open December club. Everyone who can fulfill if desired, at the door. sion, may attend as part of a either these qualifications the Church. con- 9 for a two-night stand,is well of At St. Andrew's and Edin- two-credit seminar to be is asked to attend the meeting by Royce.They under way. burgh Universities, Marshall ducted Father Monday evenin»' at S o'clock McMahonHeading studied classic and modem will meet Tuesdays andThurs- Under the very capable di- in room 320. days to discuss the lectures. Stern, languages for his bachelor of rection of Mr. Gustave Membership in is Lecturers will include Dr. by Roger Elliott, the club Out-of-Towners; commerce and master of arts assisted Mr. established by Fred Lemere, Dr. Paul O'Hol- expected an- attendance at degrees. the show is to be meetinj-s laren, Police Sergt. A. Ross, long an ii.i no wayi con- During World War I, he other of the line of suc- any Dances Are Slated Dr. Walter L. Voegtlin, chief cesses produced by the Opera cerned . ih .ixs of na- served with the Third Royal ture. Th" only contribution The representative council Irish Fusileers. Six days be- of staff, and Mr. Shadel, the Guild. recently of with w'.K-h the club is con- of the Scots Club fore the Armistice, he was operator Shadel Sanitar- The leads have been an- electedofficers the coming ium. A full list will be posted cerned i' freely stimulated in- for wounded, taken prisoner, and nounced by Mr. Stern as fol- tellectual contributions. school year. They are : subsequently lost a leg. While later. Small, Zwirn, President, ; VELMA HARRINGTON lows:Al Joe Bill BILL KIRBY meeting, Jack McMahon still in the hospital, Marshall Those wishing to register Kirby.Dick Galbraith,Tommy At next Monday's President.Betty ; Gerry Labrecque will give a Vice- Simich completed his first novel.
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