The Defendant (Autumn, 2020)
The DEFENDANT Newsletter of the Australian Chesterton Society Vol. 27 No. 2 Autumn 2020 Issue No. 105 ‘I have found that humanity is not Chesterton incidentally engaged, but eternally and in Isolation systematically engaged, in throwing gold into the gutter and diamonds into by Karl Schmude the sea. ; therefore I In an article on the BBC website, Worklife have imagined that the (18 April 2020), the British journalist main business of man, Hephzibah Anderson explored how the however humble, is life of a hermit might shed light on the defence. I have conceived isolation experienced by so many during the A young Chesterton alone in a garden that a defendant is chiefly coronavirus. required when worldlings He then compares the yearning to be She cited a Chesterton essay, “The Case left alone to the experience of sleep. He despise the world - that for Hermits”, in which he reflected on the highlights how inescapable is our human a counsel for the defence purpose and significance of solitude. It need for sleep, and that if we cannot have would not have been out appeared in his last book of essays, The it, we go mad. “It is also a fact,” he adds, of place in the terrible day Well and the Shallows (1935). ‘that if men do not have solitude, they go when the sun was mad.” darkened over Calvary Born and brought up in London, Chesterton knew the importance of sociability and We may be inclined to dismiss – and even and Man was rejected of communal interaction amid the bustle of to denigrate as lunatic - those who wish men.’ a large city.
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