
MARCH 6, 1961 IN TWO SECTIONS SECTION TWO Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents William Wyler’s production of “BEN-HUR” starring • Haya Harareet • • Hugh Griffith • Martha Scott • with Cathy O’Donnell • Sam Jaffe • Screen Play by Karl Tunberg • Music by Miklos Rozsa • Produced by Sam Zimbalist.


Continuing its success story with current and coming attractions like these!

...and this is only the beginning!

"GO NAKED IN THE WORLD” c ( 'KSX'i "THE Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA • ANTHONY FRANCIOSA • in An Areola Production “GO SPINSTER” • • — Metrocolor) NAKED IN THE WORLD” with Luana Patten Will Kuluva Philip Ober ( CinemaScope John Kellogg • Nancy R. Pollock • Tracey Roberts • Screen Play by Ranald Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pre- MacDougall • Based on the Book by Tom T. Chamales • Directed by sents SHIRLEY MacLAINE Ranald MacDougall • Produced by Aaron Rosenberg. JACK HAWKINS in A Julian Blaustein Production “SPINSTER" with Nobu McCarthy • Screen Play by Ben Maddow • Based on the Novel by Sylvia Ashton- Warner • Directed by Charles Walters.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents David O. Selznick's Production of Margaret Mitchell’s Story of the Old South "GONE WITH THE WIND” starring • OLIVIA deHAVILLAND • A Selznick International Picture • Screen Play by • Music by Directed by Victor Fleming

Technicolor ’) "GORGO ( Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents “GORGO” star- ring Bill Travers • William Sylvester • Vincent "THE SECRET PARTNER” Winter • Bruce Seton • Joseph O'Conor • Martin Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents Benson • Barry Keegan • Dervis Ward • Christopher HAYA HARAREET in “THE SECRET PARTNER” with Rhodes • Screen Play by John Loring and Daniel • Screen Play by David Pursall and Jack Seddon Hyatt • Directed by Eugene Lourie • Executive Directed by • Produced by . Producers Frank King and Maurice King. :

Jl n


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents ’s “CIMARRON” starring • MARIA SCHELL • • ARTHUR O’CONNELL • • Mercedes McCambridge co-starring Vic Morrow • Robert Keith • Charles McGraw • with Henry (Harry) Morgan • David Opatoshu • Aline MacMahon • Darvas • Edgar Buchanan • Screen Play by Arnold Schulman Based on the Novel by Edna Ferber • Directed by • Produced by Edmund Grainger

"FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE” — • presents a Julian Blaustein pro- ( CinemaScope Metrocolor ) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer duction “THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE” starring GLENN FORD • INGRID THULIN • • PAUL HENREID PAUL LUKAS • • LEE J. COBB • Based on the Novel by Blasco Vincente Ibanez * Screen Play by Robert Ardrey • Produced by Julian Blaustein • Directed by .

"MUTINY ON —THE BOUNTY” (Camera 65 Metrocolor ) 1 letro-Goldwy n-Mayer presents

[I REVOR HOWARD in an Areola production “MUTINY ON

I HE BOUNTY” with Hugh Griffith • Tim Sealy • Keith McCon- "KING OF KINGS’ t ) ’ *11 • Based on trilogy of novels (Men Against The Sea; Mutiny Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents Samuel Bronston’s production “KING OF KINGS” co-starring Jeffrey • i i the Bounty; Pitcairn Island) by Charles Nordhoff and James Hunter Siobhan McKenna • JJurd Hatfield • Ron Randell • Viveca Lindfors • Rita Gam • Carmen I' orman Hall • Screen Play by Eric Ambler • Produced by Aaron Sevilla • Brigid Bazlen • Rip Tom •'lHarry Guardino • Frank Thring • Robert Ryan as John The Baptist Rosenberg • Directed by Sir . Screen Play by • Directed by . i i

'ft T\ePu&EE -cS,


> ' ' -K ir


o n t n t A 1


Many Changes Are Envisaged for 1961 . . . . 9

R *s ! British and Foreign Films In Big Year .... 16

I The All-American Favorites of 1960 . . . 19 0 :jx:

Grosses—Ratings at the Boxoffice 30

'60 M Cooperative Campaigns Spurred in . . 43

Boxoffice Salutes Ten Top Newcomers . . . 44

E See Revitalization of Short Subjects in 1961 56

Blue Ribbon Winners of 1959-60 60 T Blue Ribbon Winners of Past Years . 73 E Blue Ribbon Honor Roll Call . 74 Producers of the 1959-60 Hit Films 78

R Directors of the Season's Big Hits . 82

Roster of the National Screen Council . 86

British Production—A Review and Preview . 91

Britain's Top Ten Boxoffice Hits . . . . 94

Alphabetical Index and Review Digest . 125 I

Feature Index of the 1959-60 Releases . 133 Published by Associated Publications, Inc., as a section of BOXOFFICE at 825 Van Brunt Blvd., City 24, Mo. Ben Shlyen, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief; Don- old M. Mersereau, Associate Publisher and Looking Ahead at Coming Features 155 General Manager; Nathon Cohen, Executive Editor; Al Steen, Eastern Editor; Jesse Shlyen, Managing Editor; E. S. Nelson, Velma West Sykes, Marje Sweeney, As- sociate Editors; Ivan Spear, Shorts Index of the 1959-60 Releases 183 Editor. Eastern Office, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, 20, N. Y. Central Of- fice, 920 North Michigan Ave., , III. Office, 6404 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood 28, Calif. 20th Produces In Quality and Quantity For The Entire World! mm mm 'meg’wm FOR 1961 BOXOFFICE









• FRECKLES (Color) • WALK TALL (Color)


In Preparation


ROBERT L. LIPPERT Executive Producer


BAROMETER Section By AL STEEN decision, only a handful of states of- practices and amending the consent fered threats of possible censorship decrees, after the production project has OU’VE heard about Monday morn- legislation, but now, Chicago-type or- been launched. With Sol Schwartz’s of Thea- ing quarterbacks—the football dinances could mushroom. Exhibition resignation as president RKO enthusiasts who gather around on and the most ardent opponents of cen- tres to become an executive of Columbia Mondays to discuss the previous Satur- sorship among laymen appear to be of Pictures, he automatically abdicated his day’s grid games and toss out their the opinion that the only way to avoid role as ACE chairman, a post to which his opinions as to how the plays should censorship is to remove the cause of its he had been elected shortly before have been called. But you don’t hear necessity. And that is to lower the boom resignation. A successor had not been much about Friday morning quarter- on violence and sex in picture themes selected at press time. It is true that if backs for obvious reasons. plus a stricter adherence to the purposes ACE is successful in helping to relieve of the Production Code. It is a pretty the product shortage, it will have made DIFFICULT YEAR TO FORECAST safe prediction that something along a big contribution. But it will have to As a Monday morning quarterback those lines will be accomplished this do more to justify its existence as a year. The trend will be to convince the service to exhibitors on other matters for the , it would be easy public and the legislators, state, city and and fulfill the purposes for which it to rake 1960 over the coals and point out what was done and what should national, that the industry has become was founded. The industry is looking to have been done. But anybody who conscious of the needs for firmer self- ACE for action this year. thinks he can be a Friday morning regulation and that from now on, WORK IS CUT OUT FOR COMPO quarterback for the current year in censorship by law will be unnecessary. That plan is in the formative stage. It this business is more than a genius be- The Council of Motion Picture Organ- in 1961 cause 1961 shapes up as more of an has a good chance of maturing izations has a busy year and its work enigma than almost any year in recent because, if it doesn’t, past censorship already is cut out for it. It will concern industry history. laws will look tame in comparison. itself with censorship, the wages and hours legislation, press relations and Why? Well, let’s take a look at the BATTLE OF ALLIED FACTIONS the so-called Ben Marcus business- drawing board. What’s with exhibitor organizations? building plan among other projects. We can start off with pay . It would take more than an amateur This year will see the start of produc- With Telemeter fairly well entrenched crystal ball-gazer or even a Saturday tion by Pathe -America, a TOA-spon- in a Toronto suburb and the formation morning quarterback to foresee the sit- sored project designed to place more of the British syndicate to launch the uation as it might be at the yearend. pictures on the market. The first pic- medium in , the company has We can eliminate Theatre Owners of ture, “The Deadly Companions,” already laid the groundwork for the U. S. debut America in this commentary because is in work and more are to follow. Some in Little Rock, Ark., and, at this writing, there appears to be no problem in that skeptics thought the plan never would negotiations have started with the camp. But the year started off with the get off the ground, but in less than six Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. for once all-powerful Allied States Ass’n months after it first was discussed, the the use of its lines. And the Federal still hanging on the ropes, split by cameras were rolling. Communications Commission has given rebels and loyalists. At press time, the Zenith Radio Co. and RKO-General While Pathe-America’s contribution rebels were seeking to set up a new the go-ahead signal for a test of their might be considered only a drop in the organization, while the loyalists were Phonevision over-the-air system in bucket, it could be a mighty big drop. Hartford, Conn. fighting to keep the association intact. The Hollywood production forecast for Will there be a third national exhibitor the year companies, that Meanwhile, exhibition, through the —from major association if the rebels carry their Joint Committee Against Pay TV, has out is—does not go beyond 175 pictures, threat? Or would it be a regional organ- far less than theatre requirements. started to bombard Congressmen with ization as a starter? Both sides are There have been promises of more but pleas for support and for bills calling exhibitors have their for the outlawing of pay television of vulnerable to overtures from TOA but it doubts. is doubtful if any kind, whether by cable or by air. that organization would On the technical side, the only inno- make the first move, even though there vation on the horizon is 20th Century- BITTER LOBBYING MANEUVERS have been some underground rumblings Fox’s Grandeur 70 in which the com- What does this all add up to? A two- that something was cooking between pany is releasing “The King and I.” prong drive by each faction for Con- TOA and Allied and/or some of the This improvement on the original gressional and public favor and probably latter’s units. On the other hand, the Grandeur process of 1929-30, plus the one of the bitterest lobbying maneuvers new Allied regime under Marshall Fine development of wide-film, widescreen that Washington has seen in a long and Milton appears determined in more recent years, could have an im- time. Exhibition, through the Joint to write a new chapter in Allied history pact and increase the number of thea- tres now equipped for wide-film pres- Committee, has done a commendable with constructive new policies. job, but, remember, the side entations. other has The present status and future of the barely started yet. It has millions to American Congress of Exhibitors are ALL OLD POTENTIALS spend for lobbying and advertising its PRESENT riddles at the moment. ACE has been a story to the public. Neither side has the This new year has all the potentials target for criticism among some ex- advantage yet, despite 22,000,000 op- of past years. It will only be a matter hibitors because its ponents’ signatures. There can be no of apparent lack of of taking advantage of the potentials accomplishments. Friday morning quarterbacking on this Many of its projects and striving to stay on an even keel. were aside all-important issue. And, if exhibitors put in order to concentrate Most exhibitors are resigned to the fact want to fight it and lick it, they are on the establishment of a structure for that they can’t keep the post- 1948 li- going to have to carry the ball alone. the financing, and possible production, braries away from television, a night- Distribution and production have too of motion pictures. S. H. Fabian, its marish thought a year ago. first retired the post much at stake to take sides. chairman, from Without being optimistic or pessi- after considerable getting plan How about censorship in 1961? Well, work the mistic, it stands to reason that this will that is an issue on which all segments under way. The prospectus go to new year will be exactly what exhibitors the soon. of the industry agree. It’s going to be a SEC make of it. They will stand or fall by tough fight, especially in view of the The question is whether ACE will the opportunities offered. But, like U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in the have the time and manpower to go every year in this business, it will be Chicago Times Film case. Prior to the ahead with its other aims, such as trade exciting.

BOXOFFICE 9 By IVAN SPEAR the long-standing, must-see lists of mil- about the possibility of having “El Cid” lions of theatre patrons who, for geo- debut on a roadshow basis. If this be- HEN, back in 1933, the late, graphical or economic limitations, were comes an actuality, it will be the first great Franklin D. Roosevelt as- unable to patronize them while they time that an AA picture will be so W to presidency of a were two-a-day, metropolitan dis- it reported, cended the on gloxified; and might be depressed , he assured a play. They include such titans of enter- parenthetically, that AA will distribute frightened and harassed citizenry that tainment as ’s “The Ala- “El Cid” only in the Western Hemis- it had nothing to fear but fear itself. mo,” ’s “Exodus,” both phei-e. It was produced in Spain by A somewhat comparable admonition being distributed by ; Samuel Bi'onston for his own produc- might be directed at a slightly confused ’s “Pepe,” which bears the tion company, starring Charlton Hes- motion picture industry as concerns its Columbia x-eleasing label; Dore Schax-y’s ton, and helmed by 1961 prospects, if—and it is a signifi- “Sunrise at Campobello,” a Warner Anthony Mann. Photographed in Tech- cantly big IF—those who produce, dis- Bros.’s picture; ’ “Spar- nicolor and Super Technirama 70, the tribute and exhibit film fare remember tacus,” being distxibuted by Universal- screenplay was penned by Philip Yor- and dedicate themselves anew to the International; and “Can-Can,” being dan. proposition that the theatrical screen released by 20th Century-Fox. There is is still the backbone of the trade. Ob- even a possibility—pei-haps a remote OTHER HARD-TICKET ENTRIES viously the immediate problem bearing one — that Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer’s Other forthcoming features that on this remembrance and dedication is mighty “Ben-Hur” may be available in might conceivably be slated for hard- for the manufacturers of features to in- a few selected regular-run situations ticket treatment for 20th Century-Fox’s tensify their efforts to supply the na- ex-e ’61 comes to an end. “Cleopatra,” which Walter Wanger is tion’s movie theatres with material that And to magnify the average exhibi- set to produce abroad in DeLuxe Color cannot be pirated tele- or imitated by tor’s good break is the certainty that and Todd-AO, with Joseph Mankiewicz vision. - chores, and Eliza- thei'e ai e to be fewer roadshow attrac- handling megaphone and Peter tions rolling off of Hollywood’s assembly beth Taylor, Stephen Boyd MANY FACTORS TO CONSIDER Finch toplined; Columbia’s “The Guns lines during 1961. Several blueprinted There are so many factors that enter of Navarone,” in Eastman Color lensed pictures give every promise of being as into the makeup of the aforementioned in by producer , good and as big as some that wei’e given “if” that it renders more difficult than who also wrote the screenplay based on the hard-ticket treatment, but the rash usual the annual chore of trying to the novel by Alistair MacLean. J. Lee of roadshows is undisputedly on the de- prognosticate, with a reasonable degree Thompson directed actors Gregox-y Peck, cline. That’s probably because some of accuracy, what is to be available by and . producers and distributors were finan- way of product to run-o’-mill theatre eagerness to While it cei’tainly will not be com- operators. One indication probably can cially damaged by their pleted — much less released — during be embraced from scratch, namely, the get aboard the reserved-seat, increased- 1961, no roundup of forthcoming road- assumption that Hollywood will produce taxiffs bandwagon which was permitted shows would be complete without men- few, if any, more pictures for conven- to roll at a precedential and overall- tion of producer - director George tional distribution during 1961 than it revenue-threatening speed during 1960. Stevens’ “The Greatest Story Ever did in 1960. An entire article of this HARD-TICKET PICTURES celluloid version of the type could be devoted to the wind- Told,” which life Christ is still in its fonnative straws—all of which have been pre- True, there will be some hard-ticket of 20th Century- viously reported—that justify such an entries in the 1961 pi’oduct lineup, but stages but about which assumption. they will be relatively limited. Candi- Fox, which will distribute the pi’omised dates for the exalted approach include colossus, is already beating the tocsin. A BREAK FOR EXHIBITORS remakes by MGM of a pair of memor- Stevens will produce and direct the Despite which probable status quo of able and highly-profitable hit of yester- mastodon in color, possibly in the film fabrication, theatre operators are year. They are “Mutiny on the Bounty” Todd-AO process, from a screenplay by in line for at least one break. Many of and “Four Horsemen of the Apoca- Ivan Moffat. the most costly productions of the past lypse.” The former will star Marlon two in FILMS — some cases three—years should Brando, Trevor Howard and Hugh MORE RELIGIOUS be available for regular bookings and other Griffith, and is being produced by There will be a sprinkling of runs during the year just getting un- Aaron Rosenberg in color and Ultra- religious pictures. Among them Mighty derway. These are the mastodons of , directed by Sir Caxol Reed Metro’s “King of Kings,” another Sam- budgets and casts that spent varied and written by Eric Ambler and Charles uel Bi'onston Productions, three years in portions of 1960 and early 1961 as Lederer for the screen from the novel preparation and filming. The spectacle roadshow attractions and, resultantly, by James Norman Hall and Charles stars , Siobhan McKen- have been available to theatres in com- Nordhoff. “Horsemen,” in Cinemascope na, Hurd Hatfield, Viveca Lindfors, Rita paratively few cities. Many, if not all, color, stars Glenn Ford, Ingrid and Robert Ryan in a screenplay of them will and Gam hit the conventional ex- by Thulin, Charles Boyer, Paul Lukas, written by Philip Yoi'dan, dii'ected hibition trail some time during 1961 Paul Henreid. Nicholas Ray and produced by Bronston and their universal availability could Yvette Mimieux and will produce and Vin- Technirama 70 process and color. well prove a substantial element in Julian Blaustein in direct from a scx-een- Pax-amount has “Dear and Glorious alleviating the product shortage that cente Minnelli Ardrey and John Gay, Physician” (the inspiring story of St. bedeviled many showmen during 1960. play by Robert famous classic by Vincent Luke), which Henry Blanke will pro- Moreover, they are articles of proven based on the duce. Eugene Vale has wxitten the money-gamering potentialities, inten- Blasco Ibanez. on page 12) sively publicized and automatically on At Allied Artists there is much talk (Continued



Directed by Produced by Eugene Frenke and Music by Ernest Gold

A Brynaprod, S. A. Production

A Universal-International release —

Production Outlook ducer Julian Blaustein will put “Lady produced in . James Webb is L.” before the cameras for MGM, star- writing the screen treatment of this '61 Impressive for ring Gina Lollobrigida and . massive, action-filled drama accenting The Romain Gary yarn, scripted by America’s expansion westward. (Continued from page 10) Robert Anderson, will be megged by COMPARATIVELY FEW WESTERNS screenplay based on the Taylor Cald- and treats with a great well book. English lady whose past is definitely Once the entree of any product meal shady. planned and served by Hollywood, sage- THE CENSORSHIP THREAT That doesn’t mean that all-is-sweet- brush has been reduced to the status of Upon how black become the threat- ness-and-light themes are being entire- a canape—albeit what little remains of ening clouds of renewed and heightened ly discarded. At ’s studio, it is expensively and impressively pre- censorship—at many legislative and re- where nothing but wholesomeness pared. In other words, there are to be ligious levels—will depend on Holly- grows, they have completed for Buena comparatively few westerns. But those wood's ability to supply the theatrical Vista release “The Absent Minded Pro- that are on the drawing boards are screen with material which cannot be fessor,” toplining Fred MacMurray. biggies with a capital B. This is re- channeled into video. Such material Nancy Olson and . Disney flective of a situation that has obtained might be classified as the four “S’s” produced in association with , for the past several years during which sin, sex, sensationalism and spectacle. who also penned the screenplay from periods the magi of theatrical film The first three are barred from televi- Samuel W. Taylor’s story. Robert Stev- manufacture have wisely decided to be- sion because they might offend the enson directed. And Associated Pro- queath the low-budget and/or series hoss tender eyes and ears of the young fry ducers, Inc. (that’s the outfit headed opera to the fumbling, repetitious of television producers. who are wont to turn on the living room by Robert L. Lippert and whose size- hands And how those hands have gripped such modest idiot-boxes the moment they have fin- able output is distributed by 20th boots-and-saddles stories. Witness “Wa- ished their dinners. Spectacle is ruled Century-Fox) will remake such irre- gon Train,” “Have Gun, Will Travel,” out because the postage-stamp size of proachable yarns as “The Little Shep- “Cheyenne,” “Wanted, Dead or Alive,” TV screens cannot possibly do it full herd of Kingdom Come” and “Tess of “The Outlaws,” etc., ad infinitum and justice. the Storm Country”—both in color. The former, produced by in ad nauseaum. Grouping together the sin, sex and Maury Dexter Cinemascope, was directed In order to qualify for today’s theat- sensationalism, there is promise that by Andrew V. McLaglen from rical screen, a western must definitely the production capital will go as far as Barre Lyndon’s screenplay. be king-size. For example, there’s it can in view of the above-mentioned Jimmie Rodgers is starred. MGM’s remake of “Cimarron,” star- mentoring threats. The patronage and THE ‘SIMON-PURE’ VARIETY ring Glenn Ford and Maria Schell, popularity accorded adult pictures of Others that have no chance of at- produced by Edmund Grainger in 1960—such as MGM’s “Butterfield 8,” tracting censorial lightning from any Cinemascope and Metrocolor, and and “Go Naked in the World”; Para- quarter include “Tammy, Tell Me True,” helmed by Anthony Mann. Sure, that mount’s “The World of Suzie Wong,” - starrer which giant of the great open space already is 20th Century-Fox’s “” Ross Hunter is producing for Universal- in limited exhibition, but for all prac- and Warner Bros.’ “Girl of the Night”— International, in color. Harry Keller di- tical purposes it can be considered part in itself is sufficient reason for the rects. Then there’s Metro’s “The Won- of 1961’s product lineup. Incidentally, film-fabricators to give all possible ders of Aladdin,” an - “Cimarron” was seriously considered as consideration to features that treat with International-Lux Films’ production in still another roadshow attraction, but it prostitution, adultery, implied incest, Eastman Color being produced in was finally decided to accord it ortho- narcotics and other subjects that but a by (Joseph E. Levine and directed by dox release treatment. Just a morsel of few short years ago were rigidly ver- Henry Levin. Donald O’Connor, Noelle additional evidence that distribution boten by the Production Code. Adam and Michelle Mercier star. brass realizes that in 1960 it went a ON ADULTS-ONLY THEMES Looming largely on the spectacle bit overboard on two-a-day policy. In any event, there are several pic- front is producer-director Roger Cor- OTHERS IN WESTERN MODE tures on the 1961 agenda that are prob- man’s “Atlas,” being touted as the first able to attract for-adult-only ratings. million-dollar picture of , Then there is “One-Eyed Jacks,” At 20th Century-Fox, producer Jerry Corman’s own company. It was filmed which Paramount will bring to market. Wald finally got around to making “Re- in Greece, stars Michael Forest, Frank It was produced by Frank P. Rosen- turn to Peyton Place,” in Cinemascope Wolff and Barboura Morris, produced- berg for Pennebaker Productions, di- and Color, which stars Carol Lynley, directed by Corman from an original rected by Marlon Brando, who also , Robert Sterling and screenplay by Charles B. Griffith, and, starred along with Karl Malden, Katy . Jose Ferrer directed of course, is in color and Vistascope. Jurado and Pina Pellicer. It was lensed in VistaVision Technicolor. Colum- from a script by and Ron It should be remembered that many and bia is Together,” Alexander, based on Grace Metalious’ of the other photoplays herein listed readying “Two Rode tome. Under Universal-International’s also will be in widescreen and color and - star- rer, produced and releasing banner is “The Grass Is that many of them will have their which Stan Shpetner directed. Frank Nugent Greener,” toplining , De- respective spectacular sequences, al- the screenplay based on Will borah Kerr, and Robert though pageantry is not to be con- wrote Cook’s Saturday Evening Post yarn, Mitchum in Hugh and Margaret Wil- sidered their No. 1 appeal. “Commanche Captive.” As one of the liams’ screen treatment of their sensa- Other proposed ventures which will two commitments on Hecht-Hill-Lancas- tional London stageplay. have accented spectacle as their forte ter’s United Artists slate, the independ- produced and directed for Grandon include United Artists’ “Hawaii,” based ent outfit is preparing “The Way Productions. on James A. Michener’s novel depicting West,” based on a novel by A. B. Guth- To be filmed by The Mirisch Co. for the colorful evolution of the Islands rie jr., as a big budget western opus; United Artists’ release is John O’Hara’s over several generations. To be lensed and Stanley Kramer may ready his best seller anent a sex-oriented wom- by the Mirisch Co., will “Invitation to a Gunfighter” for 1961. an, “A Rage to Live.” Wendell Mayes produce and direct from a screenplay has written the script for producer Wal- by . “How the West Was Another item that once was piled high ter Mirisch. Out Culver City way, pro- Won” is on the agenda at MGM, to be (Continued on page 14)



Directed by ROBERT ]\^ULLIGAN


Associate Producer HENRY WILLSON

A 7 PICTURES CORPORATION . RAOUL WALSH ENTERPRISES, INC. PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL -INTERNATIONAL RELEASE Production Outlook tion. Gordon produced and directed No annual lineup would be complete from his own original story for which without a smattering of biographical Impressive for '61 Bernard Schoenfeld gets script credit. features. In fact, it appears that in 1961 That old staple, the science-fiction (.Continued from page 12) such subjects will constitute a slightly drama will be in evidence again, al- higher percentage than usual. There is in the film capital's smorgasbord and though probably not as plentiful as in Allied Artists’ “Operation Eichmann,” which apparently will be in short sup- former years. The paucity is, perhaps treating with the life of Nazi butcher ply in the upcoming months is the time- attributable to the fact that what was Adolf Eichmann, who will be portrayed honored musical. Outstanding among Buck Roger-ish just a short time ago is by . Others in the those promised is “The West Side now in or on the edge of established cast are Ruta Lee and Donald Buka. Story,” which the Mirisch Co. has made science. Resultantly, the concocters of Samuel Bischoff and David Diamond for United Artists. Starring Natalie sci-fi screen fare have to be more coproduced and R. G. Springsteen di- Wood, , Russ Tamblyn fantastically imaginative than ever be- rected from Philip Yordan’s screenplay. and Rita Moreno, pro- fore. Nonetheless, American Interna- “The Hoodlum Priest,” starring Don duced and codirected with Jerome Rob- tional Pictures has come up with “Kon- Murray in the story of Father Dismas bins. wrote the screen- ga,” an original screenplay by Herman Clark, Catholic priest, will be released play for the musical-drama which was Cohen and Aben Kandel, produced by by United Artists. Irvin Tiershner di- lensed in Panavision 70 and is slated Cohen and directed by John Lemont. rected the Murray-Wood independent for roadshow presentation later this year. It stars , Margo Johns, production. Also from UA will come Jess Conrad and Claire Gordon in “Birdman of Alcatraz,” dealing with BIG MUSICALS ON WAY SpectaMation and color. AIP also will the saga of life-prisoner Robert Stroud. Twentieth Century-Fox is preparing bring forth “Reptilicus,” an original produced and John the screen version of “Sound of Music,” yarn by Sidney Pink, who also pro- Frankenheimer directed with Burt Lan- Broadway hit of last year, and Warner duced and directed from a screenplay caster starred as Stroud. In preparation Bros, should complete “Music Man,” he copenned with lb Melchoir. The at Columbia is “Lawrence of Arabia,” which Morton Da Costa will produce- opus anent prehistoric monsters stars slated to star Marlon Brando as T. E. direct starring Robert Preston, Shirley Carl Ottosen, Ann Smyrner and Bodil Lawrence, the man who helped form Jones and Hermione Gingold. Marion Miller. the history of English-speaking peoples Hargrove penned the screenplay from of the world. And, of course, there is MORE IN SCIENCE-FICTION Meredith Willson’s stage hit. “Flower the earlier mentioned “Cleopatra” from The Filmgroup organization Drum Song,” another recent Broadway will re- 20th-Fox, with as the lease “Creature From the smash, will be brought to movie patrons Haunted Sea,” famous Queen of Egypt. with a cast headed by Universal-International, with Nancy by Betsey Jones- Moreland, Antony Carbone Kwan and starred. Ross and Ed- ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING ward Wain. Roger Hunter will produce and Corman produced The foregoing paragraphs, because of and directed from an original screen direct the Joseph Fields script based on space limitations, list only a portion of story by Charles B. Griffith. the novel by C. Y. Lee. Shirley MacLaine In this sec- the pictures slated for 1961 production. tion is not to be omitted “Voyage to and Jack London will topline another A more complete catalog is to be the Bottom of the Sea,” musical biggie, “Irma La Douce,” which which Irwin found in the Looking Ahead section ap- Allen produced-directed for 20th-Fox The Mirisch Co. will make for United pearing elsewhere in this issue. release, starring , Joan Artists release. will pro- But from this highlights resume may Fontaine, and Peter duce, direct and cowrite the screenplay be gleaned the information that Holly- Lorre. It’s in Cinemascope and De Luxe with I. A. L. Diamond. wood will continue to make pictures Color, based on an original yarn by for the theatrical screen, albeit in FOR GOOSE PIMPLE TRADE Allen. Another offering that will under- smaller numbers than during past years take to look into an illusory future is There is to be a fair-to-middlin’ when theatres were not confronted with “Atlantis, The Lost Continent,” which supply of goose pimples. For American as much competition from other enter- produced and helmed for International Pictures, tainment media—television, sports or MGM release. It stars Joyce Taylor and has produced and directed “The Pit and where are your erstwhile customers the Pendulum,” in Panavision and col- Anthony Hall in an original screen- spending their time and shekels these or, starring , , play by Dan Mainwaring, and it re- days? and Luana Anders, from ceived Technicolor and Cinemascope The symposium illustrates also that a story by Edgar Allen Poe. Other forth- treatment. Presented in a process called the literary sources for films will be coming ventures of the spine-freezing Mystimation will be Joseph E. Levine’s usual variety include “The Devil’s Partner,” “The Fabulous World of ,” about the same and as varied as a horror yarn which Charles Rondeau which Warner Bros, will distribute. Le- —original screenplays, novels old and produced-directed for The Filmgroup, vine produced for his Embassy Pictures new, stage hits, etc. The product short- Inc., starring Edwin Nelson, Jean Alli- Corp., and the film will utilize live age being what it is, no one is going to son and Edgar Buchanan. In prepara- action, animation and lithography. be too choosey about filmplays’ geneses. tion at Paramount is the eerie Victoria Holt tome, “Mistress of Mellyn,” which Henry Blanke will produce and for which Eleanore Griffin has written the Additional Production Data— screenplay. Then for Columbia release, has produced and Stars, Story Themes, Producers, Directors helmed “Homicidal,” a chilling Robb White original screenplay in which Jean Are Detailed in the Arless and Glen Corbett are toplined. Along the same line of horror fare, Bert I. Gordon Productions has completed LOOKING AHEAD SECTION “St. George and the Seven Curses,” starring Basil Rathbone and Estelle —Starting On Page 1 55 Winwood, for United Artists distribu-

14 BAROMETER Section !



BritiJi and ddoreign ddilmd Jdn Big lyjear

By FRANK LEYENDECKER which is just getting started in its key making Hollywood films. The 30-year- city runs but looks like another British old German version of “The Three- FTER a steady rise for British and comedy hit, and “,” penny Opera” was also brought back by foreign pictures in the art thea- also a Columbia release. Unlike the Brandon Films to play many art houses tres, as well as in many regular Sellers-Terry-Thomas pictures, these on the strength of the current off- this situations in the U. S. during 1959, last-named British comedies lack star Broadway hit. Soviet pictures gained type of product really had a banner year names. headway because of the U. S. and in 1960. Sevei-al British-made dramas also U.S.S.R. reciprocal agreement which The number of theatres showing scored in U. S. art theatres, particularly saw “The Ci’anes Are Flying,” “,” British, French, Italian, Swedish and Sir ’s “The Entertain- “The Idiot” and the current MGM re- German pictures has increased greatly, er,” “Expresso Bongo,” starring Lau- lease, “Don Quixote,” playing many art to the extent that “there are at least rence Harvey, and “Tiger Bay,” starring houses. “Ballad of a Soldier,” an out- 800 of them all over the U. S. today Horst Buchholtz, all Continental re- side Soviet picture distributed by Kings- playing foreign films at least a major leases, Lopert’s “Tunes of Glory,” with ley International, has been widely ac- portion of their operating time,” ac- Guinness and , two top Brit- claimed and is expected to play many cording to Albert Floersheimer jr., in ish names, in addition to the surprise art house dates in 1981. charge of public relations for the Thea- thriller, “Village of the Damned,” an The first Argentine -made feature to tre Owners of America in a recent ar- MGM release, which played saturation be shown in America, “End of Inno- ticle in Showbill. New York art theatre bookings. cence,” the Indian “The World of Apu,” program. The past year also saw a score the Japanese “Ikiru,” all of which re- FILMS GAIN of Italian costume spectacles, several FRENCH ceived critical acclaim from New York starring Steve “Hercules” Reeves of the Not far behind the British films, as newspaper critics, and the Greek-made bulging muscles, dubbed into English by regards playing time in the U. S., were (but largely in English) “Never on major distributors and booked into cir- the French pictures, which always play Sunday” were the other foreign films cuit houses across the country. These the art theatres and are rarely dubbed which attracted attention during 1960. pictures usually bypassed first runs but into English. “Hiroshima, Mon Amour,” In addition to the aforementioned were great successes with the youngsters distributed by Daniel Frankel’s Zenith “Breathless,” other important French and male fans in saturation bookings. International, not only won the Joseph films scheduled to open early in 1961 Burstyn Award and was named “Best include: ’s “Le Verite” NAMED AMONG TEN BEST Foreign Picture” by the New York Film (The Truth) and “Modigliani of Also for the first time, the newspaper Critics but was on every New York Montparnasse,” starring Gerard Philipe critics on the New York dailies included newspaper’s “Best Ten” list, except for and Lilli Palmer, while the two Ger- several foreign-language pictures in the two which did not list foreign pic- man pictures, “The Spessart Inn,” one their “Best Ten” lists. Kate Cameron tures, the Mirror and the World Tele- of Germany’s most successful films of of the News and Rose Pelswick each gram. Other French pictures which at- recent years, starring Lilo Pulver and named foreign pictures in their lists, tracted attention during 1960 were: Carlos Thompson, and “The Bridge,” while Paul V. Beckley of the Herald “The Cousins,” “Rue de Paris,” “The shown at many European festivals, will Tribune and Archer Winsten of the Love Game,” “The Chasers” and two also open shortly. And they will just as Post included only two Hollywood pic- new Brigitte Bardot films, Columbia’s likely play in Des Moines, Phoenix, tures, “” and the in- “Babette Goes to War” and “Come Buffalo and Kansas City art houses as in dependently-made “The Savage Eye,” Dance With Me,” distributed by Kings- the New York or class spots. and Jerry Wald’s “Sons and Lovers,” ley, both of which were available in made in England, and Fred Zinneman’s French and English-dubbed versions. ONE HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL “The Sundowners,” filmed in Australia. Shortly to open is the much -discussed film- This was the poorest showing ever for “Breathless,” starring the American Some time in the spring, U. S. Hollywood productions. The others on Jean Seberg, which has been acclaimed goers will get their first look at one of Beckley’s and Winsten’s lists were either in France. the most widely discussed and contro- French, British, Swedish, Russian, Ital- versial films produced in Italy in recent ian, Japanese or Indian—quite a con- MANY ARE DUBBED years. It is “La Dolce Vita,” which glomeration of tongues. Except for the many English-dubbed Federico Fellini directed from his own sociological drama de- British pictures on U. S. sci’eens adventure spectacles, the only impor- screenplay, a decadent society showed another increase, mainly be- tant Italian pictures shown in the U. S. scribing life in Rome’s eyes of a degenerate cause of , the comedian were Rossellini’s “General della Rovere” as seen through the some re- who was represented by “The Mouse and “The Big Deal,” but these both re- reporter. As the story involves scandals in Rome, and That Roared,” “I'm All Right, Jack,” ceived favorable reviews. Sweden’s con- cent high-level handled in both distributed nationally by Columbia tribution to the U. S. screens were all the episodes are generally the picture has created a Pictures, “The Battle of the Sexes,” dis- from the acclaimed Ingmar Bergman, bold detail, official and church protest tributed by Continental, and “Man in his latest, “The Virgin Spring,” which storm of Although a number of a Cocked Hat,” distributed by Show was also on the majority of “Best Ten” but to no avail. distributors, over Corporation. Other British comedies lists, and his earlier pictures, “A Lesson independent U. S. which played many regular dates were in Love” and “Dreams” (circa 1954-55). past months, announced they had ob- “, Nurse,” which has chalked German films held steady during tained distribution rights to the film, up the longest runs for any British 1960, mainly because of “Rosemary,” the final and reportedly official pact with Astor Pictures comedy in the U. S. during 1980 in all which chalked up long runs in the art has been signed the principal cities and is expected to houses and was later dubbed and played Corp. gross $1,000,000 < considered fabulous many regular situations. Other German- Again, quoting Floersheimer’s article for a modest-budget British picture language pictures included “The Rest Is in Showbill: “Yes, Sweden’s Bergman which had already paid off its produc- Silence,” a modern version of the is coming to Main Street, along with tion cost in England “” story; “Confess, Dr. Corda” Italy’s Sica, England’s Guinness and ) , according to de Governor Films, the U. S. distributor; and several older features starring Lilli France’s Bardot. A revolution? True, “Carry On, Constable,” the sequel, Palmer and Maria Schell, both now but one that is bound to be interesting.”

16 BAROMETER Section 1


' • m

\ 1

A Jk

i y Sf


...ask the men who knew her!


• Production- An AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL Picture from the novel by ROBIN MAUGHAM Directed by ROBERT SIODMAK A MINTER-SIODMAK Nationwide Poll Names Screen's Who's Who


Exhibitors, Press and Public Film Groups Make Selections POPULHRITV

JL All. Amencan

By VELMA WEST SYKES THE WINNERS OR THE third successive year, Male Female F Cary Grant has won first place among the top male stars in 1. CARY GRANT 1. BOXOFFICE'S annual poll for the 2. 2. ELIZABETH TAYLOR All-American Screen Favorites. 3. 3. SHIRLEY MacLAINE Leading the feminine contingent is 4. TONY CURTIS 4. Doris Day, who has been advancing 5. 5. steadily from her first naming to this 6. 6. select circle in 1951. The others 7. 7. AUDREY HEPBURN chosen by a cross-section of public 8. JOHN WAYNE 8. groups and theatremen are listed in 9. KIRK DOUGLAS 9. the adjoining column. There have 10. GLENN FORD 10. INGRID BERGMAN been some changes in positions in 11. 11. the past year and some new names 12. 12. SANDRA DEE have been added, particularly to the list of male stars, but the long-stand- ing favorites still hold the majority. The steady advance of Doris from a not been too active in the current Securing the honor for the first singing and dancing star, to a dra- year, this carry-over of popular ap- time are Sandra Dee, Jack Lemmon, matic actress of stature has been peal is often noted. Hudson's new- Tony Curtis and Robert Mitchum, all notable. She has been teamed with found skill with the comedy situa- of whom have been in the runner-up successful male actors, surrounded tions of "Pillow Talk" gave him a ranks during the past several years. by lavish productions and dressed whole new category of fans and a in fabulous gowns, all of which ac- resultant continued high regard as As so much of the popularity of coutrements have contributed to the evidenced by his strong position this stars is contingent upon the boxof- accolade she has now received. year. fice success of their films, it is not surprising that there have been sev- The sure craftsmanship of Jack Introduced in the Hitchcock thrill- eral notable "drop-outs” among the Lemmon's comedy brought about his er-comedy, "The Trouble With top favorites, some over a long almost phenomenal rise to second Harry," Shirley MacLaine has been period, in recent years. Either they place in the male ranks this year, busy almost continuously ever since appeared in no new pictures during from that of no mention among the and her career received tremendous the current season or the vehicles top winners of last year. "Some Like impetus by the interpretation of her and the roles they portrayed did not It Hot," which he and Tony Curtis role in “Some Came Running." With meet with wide favor. made with Marilyn Monroe, cata- two successful films to her credit in pulted all three of these stars to high 1960, "Can-Can” and the hilarious In the case of Cary Grant, topping positions of popularity, "The Apartment" made with Jack the poll for the third straight year, while "The Wackiest Ship in the Army" and Lemmon, she has now risen from the great popularity of his last two seventh place last year to third place pictures, "North by Northwest” and "The Apartment" brought about the final feminine stars this season. "Operation Petticoat,” both running surge in Lemmon's instance. among to large grosses during 1960, assured In fourth place last year, Elizabeth In fourth place, Debbie Reynolds his maintenance of the highest pub- Taylor, who had topped the poll in falls from first place last year, but lic approval, which has been 1958, now climbs to second place Tony Curtis, who was not among the strongly evidenced at the nation's after her two pictures which were winners last year, demonstrates boxoffices. winners at the boxoffice, namely, great strides in the race for popu- Last larity. Debbie, even though a few Doris Day, who had reached sec- "Suddenly, Summer” and "But- terfield 8." notches lower this year, has strong ond place among the feminine stars a hold on the affections of moviegoers in the poll the last two years, re- With no major release since "Pil- as shown by her successful films, "It ceived tremendous impetus from the low Talk,” Rock Hudson who was Started With a Kiss," "The Gazebo” success of "Pillow Talk,” which was top man on the poll in 1957, and sec- and "The Rat Race." As for Curtis, followed by two additional winners ond last year, is still a strong con- after the record-breaking "Some Like at the boxoffice, "Please Don't Eat tender in the third place bracket this the Daisies" and "Midnight Lace." year. Even in cases where a star has (Continued on page 23)




t All-American Screen The hardy perennial, Frank Sin- In spite of the fact her last picture atra, riding high on two boxoffice released here was "The Inn of the Favorites for 1960 bonanzas, achieves a sixth place Sixth Happiness," Ingrid Bergman

(Continued from page 19) rating this year as opposed to ninth still wins a position, tenth, on this in last year's poll in a return toward year's poll. The recurring upsurges It Hot," he went on to comedy por- fourth place which he held in 1957. in her popular appeal coincide with trayals in "Operation Petticoat" with With "Can-Can" early in '60 and releases of her new films. Cary Grant, "Who Was That Lady?" "Ocean's 11," later, he continues and "The Rat Race," and the heavier Kim Novak, who headed the ag- with his boxoffice success and again role in "Spartacus," which schedule gregation of women stars in 1957, proves his personal popularity. of steady activity brought him into but dropped to ninth place last year, the ranks of the winners. A star whose popularity as shown now maintains her position in the in the poll seems to reflect not only upper twelve by ranking eleventh Joanne Woodward, in fifth place the boxoffice grosses of her films, with one film to her credit, "Strang- among the women stars this year, continues a steady advance through but also the sympathetic appeal of ers When We Meet." the particular roles she plays, is sound dramatic performances in With three films of major stature, Audrey Hepburn. She was in tenth "The Fugitive Kind" and "From the "Home From the Hill," "The Night Terrace" which have brought her place in 1958 and fifth the year be- Fighters" and “The Sundowners," from eighth place in 1958 and sixth fore, eighth in 1959 and in 1960 she Robert Mitchum gains a place in 1959. Her Academy Award win- is in sixth place. Her role in "The among the winners at the eleventh Story" ning role in "The Three Faces of Nun's had great sympathetic level. Eve" first brought her into the ranks appeal. Dee, to of stars to be reckoned with and her Sandra a newcomer the William Holden has, for several progress since has been only what winning circle, achieves a "first" in years now, kept a place among the might have been expected from so the popularity poll by making twelfth top-ranking male stars, this year auspicious a beginning. place in the listing, while "old- placing seventh with the success of timer" Jerry Lewis continues among Yul Brynner's popularity graph as "The World of Suzie Wong" adding the toppers, albeit a notch below his recorded in the poll would seem to to the carry-over he power has con- eleventh position last year. of dimensions. be one seesaw From sistently shown. Last year found him third place in 1958, to tenth place The All-American Screen Favorites in fourth place and the two preced- in 1959, he rises again, to fifth this Poll is conducted by sending ballots ing years he came in second. year. Four films of varying boxoffice listing the eligible stars to the fol- Marilyn Monroe, eleventh success are the result of an ex- ranking lowing individuals and groups: tremely heavy schedule, "Solomon woman star last year, has moved up and Sheba," "Once More, With Feel- to eighth place in 1960, perhaps 1 . Motion picture editors of newspapers and magazines. ing," “The Magnificent Seven" and more due to the smash hit, "Some 2. Theatres—circuits and independents in both an excursion into comedy,” "Sur- Like It Hot" of the preceding season, large cities and small towns. prise Package.” than to the current film, "Let's Make 3. The working press comprising domestic, for- eign and radio correspondents. Sixth place on the distaff side finds Love." This brings her even with the 4. Radio and TV commentators. Deborah Kerr one place lower than great western star, John Wayne, whose long record of successful films 5. National Screen Council members, who each last year, although it may well be month select the film most suitable for family that her current film with Robert culminated this year in his own pro- entertainment to be given the BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon Award. The Council is composed of duction of Mitchum, "The Sundowners," will be "The Alamo." His role in motion picture editors, radio film commentators the stimulus for a better rating in the "North to Alaska," a hilarious “north- and representatives of better films councils, women's clubs, civic and educational organi- season to come. western," added its weight to the zations. overall summary of his popular strength.

THE RUNNERS-UP: Susan Hayward drops from third THE RUNNERS-UP:

(Listed in Order of Highest Number of place on last year's poll to ninth this (Listed in Order iof Highest Number of Votes Received) year. Her last two films have been Votes Received) MALE "Woman Obsessed" and "The Mar- FEMALE Marlon Brando Laurence Olivier riage-Go-Round," the latter coming too late in the season to have been Charlton Heston Dean Martin able to add to her popular following. David Niven Jean Simmons Kirk Douglas, who did not appear James Stewart among the top winners in the 1959 Clark Gable (deceased) Shelley Winters poll, again enters the lists, on this Tony Randall occasion in ninth place, due no Sophia Loren Ralph Bellamy doubt to the success of his two most Lana Turner Laurence Harvey recent films, "Strangers When We Dorothy McGuire Pat Boone Meet" and the spectacle, "Sparta- Tuesday Weld cus." Presley drop Stephen Boyd A from his last year's rank- Mitzi Gaynor Shirley Jones ing is registered by Glenn Ford, Harry Belafonte Maria Schell third then and now tenth. However, Lee J. Cobb Brigitte Bardot Betsy Palmer in the opinion of most critics, his fine Maurice Chevalier performance in the current "Cimar- Olivia de Havilland ron" will give great support to an Gina Lollobrigida Maureen O'Hara upward climb during the coming season.





Productions, Inc.


"Song Without End"

"Cry For Happy"

28 BAROMETER Section mm


whose creative genius

has given the

world film

that have amassed

seventeen ,

announces the

motion picture destined to be

one of the greats of

all time



based on the T. E. Lawrence classic,

“The Seven Pillars of Wisdom”.

Directed by Academy Award winner .

To be released by

Columbia Pictures. %

Going before the cameras early in 1961.

&&1 maafg mass# Picture Records at the Nation’s Roxoffices GROSSES Vhe

(These Grossed 150% or More) ‘Hit’ 117 Features in Class Operation Petticoat (U-I) 293 Psycho (Para) 290 ++Swiss Family Robinson, The (BV) 275 Scoring 120% or More (UA) 265 (20th-Fox) 265 HE grossing record of features released in OOn the Beach (UA) .259 T the 1959-60 season closely parallels that Suddenly, Last Summer (Col) 249 of the previous year, thus holding the gains H Butterfield 8 (MGM) 238 then recorded. Overall, the films scoring in ^Please Don't Eat the Daisies (MGM) 230 ^Ocean's (WB) .226 the hit class (120 per cent of average business 11 Apartment, The (UA) 222 or more) registered a total of 117, just two ftG.I. (Para) 214 under the previous season. But it is two more MF.B.L Story, The (WB) 203 than were recorded in the year before that- Never So Few (MGM) 201 Breaking this into various brackets, a gain was Elmer Gantry (UA) .195 in of films that hit per made the number 250 ^Journey to the Center of the Earth (20th-Fox) 195 cent and over. There were six in this top cate- Mouse That Roared, The (Col) 195 gory, including which the 200 per cent and over OToby Tyler (BV) 195 bracket showed a total of 14, which is just one Anatomy of a Murder (Col) 193 under the high mark made in '58-'59. And this Portrait in Black (U-I) 189 leveling of gains previously made carries Summer Place, A (WB) 186 through the total number of releases that Bellboy, The (Para) 185 grossed average or better, 214 against 218. House of Usher (AIP) 185 From the Terrace (20th-Fox) .184 The past season was distinguished for Hell to Eternity (AA) .184 another reason: There were more roadshow Sons and Lovers (20th-Fox) 184 current in productions than any year in history. Goliath and the Barbarians (AIP) 182 As our calculations take into account only pro- Sink the Bismarck! (20th-Fox) 182 duct that is in general release, the super-films ttMidnight Lace (U-I) 180 are not listed. However, they merit special ttl'm All Right, Jack (Col) 175 mention due to their high quality and the ^Pollyanna (BV) 176 prestige they have given to the industry. These Carry On, Nurse (Governor) 175 roadshow attractions comprise "The Alamo," ++Song Without End (Col) 175 It Started With a Kiss (MGM) .174 Ben-Hur," "Can-Can," "Exodus," "Porgy and -I+Stranqers When We Meet (Col) 167 Bess" and "Spartacus-" They all have attracted Home From the Hill (MGM) 167 high-volume patronage. Rat Race, The (Para) 165 The top mark for a regular release in the OLost World, The (20th-Fox) .165 past season was scored by "Operation Petti- Visit to a Small Planet (Para) 161 coat," with "Psycho" a close second, followed Our Man in (Col) .160 by "Swiss Family Robinson" and "Solomon and School for Scoundrels (Cont'l) 160 Tingler, The (Col) 160 Sheba." It is noteworthy that these and other Bramble Bush, The (WB) .159 top hits differ widely as to types of pictures. ++A11 the Young Men (Col) 157 The entire gamut of variety in entertainment Best of Everything, The (20th-Fox) 154 is ranged by these attractions, with a sub- Who Was That Lady? (Col) 154 stantial number in the "family" classification, Yellowstone Kelly (WB) 154 ten having Blue Ribbon won BOXOFFICE Hercules Unchained (WB) 152 for their Awards family entertainment value. Gazebo, The (MGM) 151

There were a number of surprises—pictures on a Summer's Day (Kingsley-Union) . 150 faring better than had been anticipated; and disappointments—those that did reasonably well above average, but did not quite come up (These Grossed 140% or More) to expectations. And, as in every season, there Time Machine, The (MGM) 149 was a sprinkling of "sleepers" and "gimmick” Unforgiven, The (UA) 148

pictures that scored pleasingly. It Started in (Para) 148 As for the top company credits, Columbia -f+Magnificent Seven, The (UA) 146 They Came to Cordura (Col) 145 led with 19 hits; 20th-Fox was next with 18; 13 Ghosts (Col) 145 Warner Bros, had 15; United Artists 12; Para- Middle of the Night (Col) 144 mount ten; MGM nine, Universal six; American- International five; and Buena Vista five. Among -H- Pre-Release miscellaneous companies there were 14 hits, © in combination package several of which were foreign-made- Blue Ribbon Award

30 BAROMETER Section mmmm | 5 1 in First Duns • Outstanding Hits What The) Did Key Cities From Which Averages Were Computed: Baltimore Cincinnati Indianapolis Milwaukee Omaha Boston Kansas City Minneapolis Portland Buffalo Los Angeles New Haven Chicago Detroit Memphis New York Seattle And intermediate cities and typical small town situations.

Miracle, The (WB) 144 Come Dance With Me (Kingsley-Union) 144 204 Features Out of 316 Sign of the Gladiator (AIP) 143 Cremes Are Flying, The (WB) 143 Time of Desire, The (lanus) 141 Do Average or Better Bells Are Ringing (MGM) 140 —A— Adventures of (These Grossed 130% or More) Huckleberry Finn, The (MGM) Ill Jungle Cat (BV) 139 All the Fine Young Cannibals (MGM) 110 Carry On, Sergeant (Governor) 138 Let's Make Love (20th-Fox) 138 ++A11 the Young Men (Col) 157 Story of Ruth, The (20th-Fox) 138 Li'l Abner (Para) 138 Amazing Mr. Teas, The (Rad Prods) * Cash McCall (WB) 137 Angry Red Planet, The (AIP) 137 Amazing Transparent Man, The (AIP) 91 Man in a Cocked Hat (Show Corp.) 137 Anatomy of a Murder (Col) 193 t+Let No Man Write My Epitaph (Col) 135 t+Inherit the Wind (UA) 135 Angry Red Planet, The (AIP) 137 4+Girl of the Night (WB) 135 Happy Anniversary (UA) 135 Apartment, The (UA) 222 yt+High Time (20th-Fox) 134 * Tall Story (WB) 134 Attack of the Jungle Women (Barjul Int'l).... Third Man on the Mountain (BV) 132 Atomic Submarine (AA) 107 I Passed for White (AA) 131 Sapphire (U-I) 131 Career (Para) 130 1+Dark at the Top of the Stairs (WB) 130 —B—

Babette Goes to War (Col) Ill

(These Grossed 120% or More) Battle in Outer Space (Col) 118

Lake (Col) 129 Swan Battle of the Coral Sea (Col) 108 But Not For Me (Para) 129 Purple Gang, The (AA) 128 Battle of the Sexes, The (Cont'l) 125 ^Subterraneans, The (MGM) 128 39 Steps, The (20th-Fox) 127 (Filmgroup) 109 When Comedy Was King (20th-Fox) 127 Snow Queen (U-I) 126 Because They're Young (Col) 116 Battle of the Sexes, The (Cont'l) 125 Fugitive Kind, The (UA) 125 Behind the Great Wall (Cont'l) * Masters of the Congo Jungle (20th-Fox) 125 Once More, With Feeling (Col) 125 Bellboy, The (Para) 175 Mating Urge, The (Citation) 124 Bells Are Ringing (MGM) 140 y Sunrise at Campobello (WB) 124 Touch of Larceny, A (Para) 123 Beloved Infidel (20th-Fox) 121 Macumba Love (UA) 123 Crack in the Mirror (20th-Fox) 123 Best of Everything, The (20th-Fox) 154 Gene Krupa Story, The (Col) 122 * Crowded Sky, The (WB) 122 Between Time and Eternity (U-I) HCaptain's Table, The (20th-Fox) 122 Expresso Bongo (Cont'l) 122 Bewildered Youth (D&F) 120 For Members Only (Kingsley-Union) 122 Beloved Infidel (20th-Fox) 121 Beyond the Time Barrier (AIP) 101 Woman Like Satan, A (UA) 121 Seven Thieves (20th-Fox) 121 Big Night, The (Para) 100 H Surprise Package (Col) 121 Mating Time, The (Kingsley-Union) 121 Blitzkrieg (Cont'l) 106 Circus of Horrors (AIP) 121 Blood and Steel (20th-Fox) 106 Dinosaurusl (U-I) 121 Gallant Hours, The (UA) 120 * Bloody Brood (AA) Hannibal (WB) 120 Have Rocket, Will Travel (Col) 120 Bluebeard's Ten Honeymoons (AA) 94 yLast Angry Man, The (Col) 120 Oscar Wilde (Four City Ent.) 120 Wild River (20th-Fox) 120 EDITOR'S NOTE: 100% is average or normal business. Bewildered Youth (D & F Corp.) 120 Denotes insufficient roports for computation.


Picture (grosses

Bobbikins (20th-Fox) 106 Dinosaurus! (U-I) 121

Boy and the Pirates, The (UA) 94 Dog of Flanders, A (20th-Fox) 109

Bramble Bush, The (WB) 159 Dog's Best Friend, A (UA) 99

t+Breath of Scandal, A (Para) 101 Brides of Dracula (U-I) 118 —E—

Broth of a Boy (Kingsley Union) 107 Edge of Eternity (Col) 101

©Bucklet of Blood, A (AIP) 113 Electronic Monster, The (Col) 96

But Not for Me (Para) 129 Elmer Gantry (UA) 195

++Butterfield 8 (MGM) 238 Expresso Bongo (Cont'l) 122

—C— —F— Cage of Evil (UA) 97 ^FBI Story, The (WB) 203 Caltiki, The Immortal Monster (AA) * Female Fiends (Cinema Associates) * ++Captain's Table, The (20th-Fox) 122 Five Bold Women (Citation) 97 Career (Para) 130 Five Branded Women (Para) 106 Career Girl (Astor) * Five Gates to Hell (20th-Fox) 113 (Governor) Carry On, Nurse 175 Flame Over (20th-Fox) 100 Sergeant (Governor) 138 Carry On, Flying Fontaines, The (Col) 97

Cash McCall (WB) 137 For Members Only (Kingsley-Union) 122 Meeting (Para) Chance 108 For the First Time (MGM) 109 Chartroose Caboose, The (U-I) * For the Love of Mike (20th-Fox) 100 Circus of Horrors (AIP) 121 4-D Man (U-I) 98 Circus Stars (Para) 92 Four Desperate Men (Cont'l) * College Confidential (U-I) 101 Four Fast Guns (U-I) 98

Comanche Station (Col) 98 Freckles (20th-Fox) 98 Come Back, Africa (Carillon) * From the Terrace (20th-Fox) 184

Come Dance With Me (Kingsley-Union) 144 Fugitive Kind, The 125

^Conspiracy of Hearts (Para) Ill Cossacks (U-I) 101 —G Counterplot (UA) 93 Gallant Hours, The (UA) 120

Cover Girl Killer! (Fanfare) * Gangster Story (RCIP) *

Crack in the Mirror (20th-Fox) 123 Gazebo, The (MGM) 151

Cranes Are Flying, The (WB) 152 Gene Krupa Story, The (Col) 122

Crime and Punishment U.S.A. (AA) 105 ++G. I- Blues (Para) 214

Crimson Kimono, The (Colo) 95 ©Giant Gila Monster, The (AIP) 118 Leeches, The (AIP) * Crowded Sky, The (WB) 122 ©Giant * * Girl in Lover's Lane, The (Filmgroup) Cuban Regel Girls (Joseph Brenner) ++Girl of the Night (WB) 135 —D— Girl's Town (MGM) 101 Goal! (Casino) * ++Dark at the Top of the Stairs (WB) 130 Goddess of Love (20th-Fox) * Day They Robbed the Bank of England, The (MGM) 104 Goliath and the Barbarians (AIP) 182

32 BAROMETER Section

BOXOFFICE 33 Performance ...!

and a Promise!


Green Carnation (Warwick) * Jazz on a Summer's Day (Kingsley-Union)....150

* Grisbi (Valiant) (Inter-Continent) 97

Gunfighters of Abilene (UA) 100 ^Journey to the Center of the Earth (20th-Fox) 195 Guns of the Timberland (WB) 98 Juke Box Racket (Joseph Brenner) * —H— Jungle Cat (BV) 139

Hannibal (WB) ! 120 —K— Happy Anniversary (UA) 135 Kidnapped (BV) 112 Have Rocket, Will Travel (Col) 120 ©Killer Shrews, The (AIP) 118 Head of a Tyrant (U-I) 92 Killers of Kilimanjaro (Col) 90 Hell Bent for Leather (U-I) 96 Kiss for a Killer, A (Valiant) * Hell to Eternity (AA) 184

Heller in Pink Tights (Para) 102 —L— Hercules Unchained (WB) 152

* ^Last Angry Man, The (Col) 120 Hideout in the Sun (Astor) Last Days of Pompeii, The (UA 105 High Powered Rifle, The (20th-Fox) 98 Last Voyage, The (MGM) Ill High School Big Shot (Filmgroup) 96 Leech Woman, The (U-I) 101 ^++High Time (20th-Fox) 134 Legend of Tom Dooley (Col) 101 ^Home From the Hill (MGM) 167 ++Let No Man Write My Epitaph (Col) 135 Hound Dog Man (20th-Fox) 108 Let's Make Love (20th-Fox) 138 House of the Seven Hawks (MGM) 96 Libel (MGM) 95 House of Intrigue, The (AA) 97 Li'l Abner (Para) 138 House of Usher (AIP) 185 Look Back in Anger (WB) 106 Hypnotic Eye, The (AA) 101 ^Lost World, The (20th-Fox) 165 —I— Lov® Specialist, The (Medallion) 101

I Passed for White (AA) 131

Ice Palace (WB) 119 —M—

ttpm All Right, Jack (Col) 175 Ma Barker's Killer Brood (Filmservice) 104

Incredible Petrified World (Governor) * Macumba Love (UA) 123

^Inherit the Wind (UA) 135 ++Magnificent Seven, The (UA) 146

In the Wake of a Stranger (Para) 98 Man in a Cocked Hat (ShowCrop.) 137

* It Happened in Broad Daylight (Cont'l) Man on a String (Col) 113

* It Happened in Rome (Lopert) Man Who Understood Women, The (20th-Fox) 103 It Started in Naples (Para) 148 * Man Who Wagged His Tail, The (Cont'l).... It Started With a Kiss (MGM) 174 * * Man Who Wouldn't Talk, The (ShowCrop.).. It's a Wonderful World (Joseph Brenner).... Masters of the Congo Jungle (20th-Fox) 125

Mating Time, The (Kingsley-Union) 121

Jack the Ripper (Para) 114 Mating Urge, The (Citation) 134

* Jailbreakers, The (AIP) Michael Strogoff (Cont'l) Ill

Jayhawkers, The (Para) 98 Middle of the Night (Col) 144

BAROMETER Section 36 -


The Mission that Became a Fortress hru UA The Fortress that Became a Shrine 1

picture (jrodded

^Midnight Lace (U-I) l&O Portrait in Black (U-I) 189

Miracle, The (WB) 144 Power Among Men (Louis de Rochemont).... *

Miracle in Soho (Lopert) Pretty Boy Floyd (Cont'l) 108

Missiles From Hell (NYA) Prime Time, The (Essanjay) *

Model for Murder (Cinema Associates) Prisoner of the Volga (Para) 101

Morals Squad, The (Col) 113 Private Property (Citation) 106

Mountain Road, The (Col) 113 Psycho (Para) 290 Mouse That Roared, The (Col) 195 Pusher, The (UA) 87 Murder, Inc. (20th-Fox) 110 Purple Gang, The (AA) 128 Music Box Kid, The (UA) 110 —R— N— — Rat Race, The (Para) 165 Naked and the Wicked, The Raymie (AA) * (William Mishkin) Rebel Girls (Luzon) 98 Natchez Trace (Panorama)....

Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, The (WB) 1 1 Never So Few (MGM) 201 Rookie, The (20th-Fox) 87 Next to No Time (Show Corp.) * Rosemary (F-A-W) 127 Night Fighters, The (UA) 94

Night of Love (Howco) *

Noose for a Gunman (UA) 99 Sapphire (U-I) 131 Nude in a White Car (Trans-Lux) 118 Savage Eye, The (Trans-Lux —O— and Kingsley Int'l) * Scavengers, The (Valiant) 98 «Ocean's 11 (WB) 226 Scent of Mystery (Michael Todd jr.) Odds Against Tomorrow (UA) 115 School for Love (NTA) * Territory (UA) 104 School for Scoundrels (Cont'l) 160 ^On the Beach (UA) 259 Sergeant Rutledge (WB) 100 Once More, With Feeling (Col) 125 Seven Thieves (20th-Fox) 121 One Foot in Hell (20th-Fox) 113 Seven Ways From Sundown (U-I) 99 1,001 Arabian Nights (Col) 112 Sex Kittens Go to College (AA) 93 Operation (20th-Fox) 101 Sign of the Gladiator (AIP) 143 Operation Petticoat (U-I) 293 Sign of Zorro, The (BV) 87 Oscar Wilde (Four City) : 120

* Sin and Desire (Atlantis) * Othello (U-I) Sink the Bismarck! (20th-Fox) 182 Our Man in Havana (Col) 160 Ski Troop Attack (Filmgroup) 95

—P— Snow Queen, The (U-I) 126

Pay or Die (AA) 116 Solomon and Sheba (UA) 265

Platinum High School (MGM) 95 ++Song Without End (Col) 175

^Please Don't Eat the Daisies (MGM) 230 Sons and Lovers (20th-Fox) 184

* Poacher's Daughter, The (Show Corp.) S. O. S. Pacific (U-I) 100

^Pollyanna (BV) 176 South Pacific (20th-Fox) 265






Squad Car (20th-Fox) 96 Time Machine, The (MGM) 149

Story of Ruth, The (20th-Fox) 138 Time of Desire, The (Janus) 141

Story on Page One, The (20th-Fox) 118 Tingler, The (Col) 160

"'Strangers When We Meet (Col) 167 ^Toby Tyler (BV) 195

Stranglers of Bombay (Col) 96 Too Soon to Love (U-I) 93

Studs Lonigan (UA) 110 Tormented, The (AA) *

^Subterraneans, The (MGM) 128 Touch of Larceny, A (Para) 123

Subway in the Sky (UA) 97 Trapped in Tangiers (20th-Fox) 98

Suddenly, Last Summer (Col) 249 Tread Softly Stranger (Bentley) 102

Summer Place, A (WB) 186 (20th-Fox) 98

^Sunrise at Campobello (WB) 124 12 to the Moon (Col) 107

t+Surprise Package (Col) 121

Swan Lake (Col) 129 —U—

“Swiss Family Robinson (BV) 275 Unforgiven, The (UA) 148

Sword and the Cross, The (Valiant) 97 —V—

—T— Valley of the Redwoods (20th-Fox)

Take a Giant Step (UA) 92 (UA) 100

Tall Story (WB) 134 Virgin Island F-A-W) 99

Tarzan, (MGM) 100 Visit to a Small Planet (Para) 161

Tarzan the Magnificent (Para) 101

T-Bird Gang (Filmgroup) 96 Wake Me When It's Over (20th-Fox) 116 ©Teenage Zombies (Governor) * Walk Like a Dragon (Para) 99 Terror Is a Man (Valiant) 97 * Walk Tall (20th-Fox) That Kind of Woman (Para) 109 Walking Target (UA) 100 They Came to Cordura (Col) 145 Warrior and the Slave Girl, The (Col) 115 Third Man on the Mountain (BV) 132 Wasp Woman, The (Filmgroup) 110 Third Voice, The (20th-Fox) 95 When Comedy Was King (20th-Fox) 127 13 Fighting Men (20th-Fox) 106 Who Was That Lady? (Col) 154 13 Ghosts (Col) 145 Why Must I Die? (AIP) 101

—30— (WB) 96 1 * Wicked Go to Hell* The (Fanfare) 30 Foot Bride of Rock, The (Col) 87 * Candy Wild Ride, The Filmgroup)

39 Steps, The (20th-Fox) 127 Wild River (20th-Fox) 120 This Rebel Breed 101 (WB) Wind Cannot Read (20th-Fox) 101 Threat, (WB) The 95 Woman Like Satan, A (UA) 121

to Kill 97 Three Came (UA) Wreck of the Mary Deare, The (MGM) 118 Three Murderesses (20th-Fox) 91

Thunder in Carolina (Howco) 116 —Y—

Tiger Bay (Cont'l) * Yellowstone Kelly (WB) 154

Timbuktu (UA) 98 Yesterday's Enemy (Col) 100

Time Bomb (AA) * Young Jesse James (20th-Fox) 91

40 BAROMETER Section '





A Jerry Lewis Television Production - -- . Your name came up during this chalk talk

Many ideas to serve our customers better are born on blackboards. We constantly review our basics, constantly strive to improve our techniques. Only in this way can we continue to offer you superior quality and service in color motion picture production. Forty-five years of experience mean the kind of dependability that saves you time and money. TECHNICOLOR® CORPORATION Sales Department Motion Picture Division ,


Technicolor is a registered trademark era tive Cda tripci icj nS Spurred in 60 Cdoop By HUGH FRAZE had spent $150,000 during 1960 in co- of Glasgow, Forrest Pruett and Grace operative business-building. Heading Severson of Wolf Point, Wayne Fugere - “The public is more entertainment this group are Woodrow Praught, presi- of Scobey, Myron Bean of Plentywood, conscious than ever before. But it must dent of the United Detroit Theatres; and occasionally the Snyders of Willis- be sold and sold hard—super promotion Milton H. London, head of Allied Thea- ton. on every picture is the only answer to tres of Michigan; Adolph Goldberg of Circuits, which always have main- empty seats.” Community Theatres; William Wets- tained advertising-exploitation offices man of Wisper & Wetsman, and Alden to pep up and assist their theatre HIS quotation appeared in one ot Smith, executive vice-president of staffers, strengthened their cooperation T the very first issues of Boxoffice Cooperative Theatres of Michigan. They with managers on the grassroots level Showmandiser in 1960. They are reported an average expenditure of during the year. The upper-echelon the words of Art Sills, manager of the $4,000 on 37 pictures during 1960, di- executives increasingly are getting into Capitol Theatre in Jackson, Mich., of vided as follows: 52 per cent on radio, the act! the Butterfield circuit. cent on newspaper ads and 22 26 per PROVIDE IDEAS Later in the year, a report by Nyman on television spots. CIRCUITS Kessler, longtime manager for Stanley Theatre owners and managers in the Ed Hyman, vice-president of Ameri- Warner Theatres at Bayonne, N. J., be- Baltimore and Annapolis areas conduct- can Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres, gins with these words: ed a month-long “October Is Gala put out a 52-page brochure, “Proven “Showmanship improves in quality Movie Month” campaign, arranged un- Profit-Making Ideas,” collected from and volume in response to added com- der the sponsorship of the Allied Mo- managers of his northern division the- petition and new demands coming from tion Picture Theatre Owners of Mary- atres. This contained detailed pro- within the industry.” land. Forty-five theatres shared the grams on how to increase revenue And in the very last issue of the year cost (radio, television, trailers, pennants through Theatre Rentals, Special Mid- is this: and ads) and shared the benefit of such night Shows, Holiday Goodwill Package “That little extra promotion often stunts as “Penny Day”—one admission Sales, Concessions and Miscellaneous means a little extra in the boxoffice for a cent with purchase of a regular Profit-Making Ideas. Most of these till.” admission ticket. Gov. J. Millard Tawes money ideas were published in Box- Showmandiser. WIDE RANGE EFFORT and Mayor Harold Grady helped draw office attention to the event by issuing procla- Then AB-PT also provided its show- In between these quotations, in the mations. men with the Markley Plan, which more than 200 pages of photos and de- Fifty exhibitors in the lower Michigan gives a detailed formula for realizing scriptions of promotions by theatremen and northern region joined to- maximum results on every picture and producer-distributor publicists and gether at Toledo and got the ball roll- campaign. promotion managers, is a montage ing on a plan for cooperative promotion, RKO Theatres supplied its New York of industry merchandising skills and under the initiative of A1 Boudouris of district theatre forces another booklet policies, stimulating in its indication of Theatre Operating Co., at that time of proven profit-makers, “217 Ideas on the tireless determination theatre and operating six drive-in theatres in the How to Sell.” film men everywhere are dedicating to area. Trans- Theatres, headquartered doing a better job of selling motion at Dallas, came up with something new pictures. AIDED BY ORGANIZATIONS in the way of manager-showmanship The montage of showmen in action Allied Independent Theatre Owners incentives. Its managers now receive through 1960, the 52 issues of Boxoffice of Wisconsin extended its prestige and 25 per cent of profits above house nut, Showmandiser, also offers a flash of assistance to members in the Milwau- even on kiddy and special shows. excitement here and there as they re- kee area in a joint promotion of “Visit National Theatres & Television came veal a fresh adaptation of an old pro- to a Small Planet.” Tieups were made up with a list of “Top Summer Promo- motion or the execution of a new idea. with the Civil Air Patrol, radio station tions,” a reference booklet of ideas Standing out in the 1960 picture are WOKY and shopping centers. Similar tested and proven for their worth. This significant gains in cooperative effort. cooperation was effected on “A Dog of circuit also arranged for circuit-wide Several exhibitor associations, both Al- Flanders” in the southern area. promotion of Fall Fashion Shows in the lied and Theatre Owners of America Uniting on selected bookings for more Summer, starting them in July. Mats affiliates, got behind business-building than a year is the Great Plains Busi- and a complete brochure of suggestions programs: groups of theatremen joined ness Builder’s Ass’n, organized early in on how to put over “It’s Holiday-Time distributors in joint sectional newspaper 1959 at the suggestion of Harry Greene, in Theatreland” was pushed by the and radio-television campaigns on spe- general manager of Welworth Theatres NT&T head office for the yearend in cific pictures, and there were a number of Minneapolis. This group brings to- cooperation with newspaper amusement of broad area promotions involving gether theatremen in seven states; first, sections. several states in which exhibitor-dis- increase their merchandising know- to ALSO ASSIST tributor groups carried out saturation how through showmanship clinics, and PRODUCERS preselling programs. second, to provide cooperative satura- Producer-distributor cooperation is tion campaigns on selected “two-legged” reflected in the pages of Showmandiser COOPERATIVE TREND pictures. by the increased number of reports on In the following paragraphs are ex- In Montana, Chris Gorder of the Fort gala premieres attended by stars and amples of this new evidence of a trend Theatre at Poplar, and a group of Hollywood personalities, and by national toward unity in merchandising the small-town exhibitors in the northeast merchandise tieups. For example. Unit- theatre and its product, a trend which part of the state, achieved record ed Artists could boast eight national is exciting in its possibilities. The de- grosses as a result of area booking and merchandising tieups on “The Boy and velopment suggests that all segments of television promotion of selected pic- the Pirates,” ranging from Cocoa the industry are facing up to the fact tures, including “For the Love of Mike,” Marsh to Fleer’s Bubble Gum. that individual, uncorrelated advertis- which broke a 14-year-old record; “Ten Among other national assists that ing and promotion is no longer doing Who Dared”; “Freckles” and “Walk come to mind are the Movie Certificates the job that must be done to keep the Tall”; “Tess of the Storm Country”; promotion for “Ocean’s 11” and the theatre seats filled. “The 3 Worlds of Gulliver”; “The Little Quaker Oats package coupons for In Detroit, an informal organization Shepherd of Kingdom Come,” and “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies” by MGM. of circuit and independent theatremen, “Can-Can.” Bursting on the theatre scene during known as the Metropolitan Exhibitors Others in this joint effort were Bob 1960 for many theatre managers was of Detroit, figured up recently that it Suckstorff, Sidney, Mont., Bill Larcombe (Continued on page 48)

BOXOFFICE 43 SLSUULJLSLSLSLSULSULSUULSLSULJLJLSLSLSLSLaJLSULSL^ One of Warner Bros.’ discoveries in the studio’s 1959 nation-wide search for new personalities, Troy first proved himself worthy of notice in a leading BOXOFFICE SALUTES role in “A Summer Place,” the picture that shot him onto the lists of top teen- agers’ favorites. He snagged a costar- ring spot in “The Crowded Sky” and then was cast in a big dramatic role in TEN TOP “Parrish” and in his latest, “Susan Slade.” Television fans know him for many top roles and the studio current- ly has him dividing his time between

features and the starring chores on its NEWCOMERS popular new “Surfside 6” series.



After making an auspicious film de- Recently signed to a seven-year, one- but in Warner Bros.’ “Guns of the picture-a-year contract by 20th-Fox, Timberlands,’’ 21 - year - old Avalon this youngster proved his claim to film copped one of the plum roles of the year stardom with “Hound Dog Man,” “High by snaring a starring spot in “The Time” and “North to Alaska.” His next Alamo.” Currently, he is starring in release will be “Love in a Goldfish “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” for Bowl” for Paramount. Born in Philadel- 20th-Fox, splicing his feature film work phia, Pa., the 18-year-old first hit the with night club and personal appear- top with several million-seller record- ance dates throughout the country. ings exclusive pact. Born in , Pa., he scored in under an Chancellor the million sales brackets with his ex- His current hit is “You Know You Be- clusive Chancellor recordings, among long to Somebody Else.” Both films them “Venus” and the album, “Swing- and records are boosted by a 50,000 ing On a Rainbow.” member fan club. DIANA DARRIN Equally at home in motion pictures,

television or recordings, Diana Darrin is a triple talent who so delighted pro- ducer Robert L. Lippert in “The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come” that he signed her to a new three-picture pact. This Easter she will be seen as guest star of Allied Artists’ “,” while her record, “All Accordin’,” for the Magnet

label is jetting to hit prominence. A recruit from off-Broadway plays, she first appeared in 15 comedy shorts for Jules White at Columbia and in “Marty,” “Bachelor Party,” “The Bold and the Brave,” among other features.

44 BAROMETER Section JULIET PROWSE A dancer who scored a sensation in her first motion picture, a starring role in 20th-Fox’s “Can-Can,” Juliet came to Hollywood by way of India, South Africa and England, where she was born, raised and educated, respectively. In London, she was featured in various ballet companies and stage musicals, but she reached fame recently with the starring roles in “G.I. Blues,” “The Fiercest Heart” and “The Right Ap- proach” on the screen. A striking red- head, she photographs perfectly for color films and has been spotlighted on several TV spectaculars. RICK NELSON JEREMY SLATE

- Already firmly ensconced in television With 12 years of x adio and television costar of the popular series, work on his family’s popular shows be- as CBS “The Aquanauts,” Jeremy recently got hind him, Rick proved to be a veteran his first major break in feature motion performer in his first major motion pictures with a top role in the Para- picture, Warner Bros.’ “Rio Bravo.” It mount release, “G.I. Blues.” Critical won him critical acclaim and major ex- praise and numerous offers from film hibitor interest, both of which are being producers greeted his performance, giv- repeated in his current Columbia re- ing him a strong foothold in the me- lease, “The Wackiest Ship in the Army.” dium. Versatile as an actor as well as top teenage singing idol, the 20-year- A in his personal life, he has been a sail- his credit old has seven gold records to or, radio announcer and publicist and and draws capacity crowds in every per- came to Hollywood after a top Broad- sonal appearance. His latest Imperial way role in “Look Homeward, Angel.” record hit is “You Are the Only One.” He’s a veteran of top TV roles, as well.


It took the title role in the 20th-Fox release, “The Little Shepherd of King- dom Come,” to bring this popular Rou- lette recording star to feature films, but the three studio term pact offers that followed indicate a long and happy ca- reer in the field. Jimmie first hit prom- inence with a smash recording of “Honeycomb,” the first of a dozen major hit singles and nine big-selling albums. Television claimed him as guest on all the top shows, as well as star of his own. In features, he hopes to do westerns or films with American history back- grounds. GEORGE PEPPARD TUESDAY WELD At Tuesday has already become A “veteran” of important roles in 17, legend. Hit- pictures like “End As a Man” and “Pork something of a Hollywood Chop Hill,” Peppard really exploded on ting films and television with a pub- the filmland scene with a starring role licity bang, she was a Deb Star at 15 in MGM’s “Home Fi'om the Hill.” He and drew top attention from the followed it with “The Subterraneans,” young fans even before she had half a then moved to Paramount to costar with dozen film exposures. Her big feature Audrey Hepburn in the upcoming re- break came in “The Five Pennies,” lease, “Breakfast At Tiffany’s.” Born in followed by top roles in “Because Detroit, he is the son of a former opera They’re Young” and “Rally Round the singer and spent several years playing Flag.” Now, she is standing in “High a variety of stage and television roles Time,” “Wild in the Country” “Re- before coming to Hollywood, among and them Broadway stints in “The Pleasure turn to Peyton Place.” Her major tele- of His Company” and “Girls of Sum- vision credits include a regular role on mer.” the popular “Dobie Gillis” series.

BOXOFFICE 45 Diana Darrin

Current Productions:

"Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come" (AIP-20th-Fox)

"Dondi" (Allied Artists)

Recording contract with Magnet label

(Jay Colonna, President) " In release: "All Accordin'

More than 30 TV credits

Publicity Representatives: The Brandy Company


"G. I. Blues"-—Paramount

Starring in

"The Aquanauts"

for the CBS Television network

Representation by MCA



and the Fort Worth Press, the theatre till 6 a.m., when the girls were taken Cooperative Campaigns puts up 20 passes daily for six days, home after a breakfast of rolls and Spurred in '60 each good for a double admission. The coffee. Counselors of Future Business Press scatters 20 names each day in its Leaders of America, a high school club want ad section, and uses a banner such of girl students in the commercial ( Continued from page 43) as, “There Are No Strangers in the classes, served as chaperons and sup-

Press Classified Ads . . . But Find Your plied the list of those who were to at- in the Listings Win 2 Free tend, approximately 210. the hard-ticket attraction promotion. Name and Tickets to See ‘Strangers When We Another unique promotion during This type of booking and promotion, Meet’ the Hollywood Theatre, etc. 1960 a Long Is contest, used on a limited scale in former years, at was “How Up” In addition, the theatre gets a 2-col., staged by Loew’s publicists in Miami spread to all the major cities and down 4-inch daily for a mat on the film. Beach in advance of “The Bellboy” at to the smaller centers during 1960. space deal is used when the film is right Loew’s new 170th Street Theatre. A Boxoffice Showmandiser supplied its The for it. celebration by a nearby shopping cen- readers with full details on how to han- was responsible for ter the handle for the unusual dle this innovation through “The Hard- The horror drama was promotion gimmick, which at stunt. All disc jockeys from par- Ticket Operation How It Works,” writ- a new WCKR first misgivings ticipated in a foot race. the next ten by Harold Meyers, in charge of was regarded with by On have at times night the winner was hoisted in a sta- group sales for the Famous Players Ca- many showmen. Producers admitted tion 50 feet in the air for a stay nadian Corp., and Michael King, man- recommended that no one be wagon the last ten of film, of at least 11 days during the run of ager of the FPC flagship in Toronto, during minutes a it Bellboy.” deejay broadcasted the Imperial. but remained for “The The six hours daily from his perch An idea which was especially helpful to extend this limitation to the whole at least run on his “Psycho.” Pinkerton opera- above the theatre’s street sign and, at to individual theatre operators during the station checked the year was the radio station-sponsored tives in uniforms stood beside entrance least once an hour, signs in first-run openings which read, what the deejay was doing. screening or opening. Ed Linder set it “Positively Admitted After the Both television and radio people in up this way in his campaign for “Col- No One film area were invited to esti- lege Confidential,” a film with teenage Showing of ‘Psycho’ Starts.” The the Miami of the grossers of the days and hours the appeal which he figured would interest became one best mate how many year. jockey would stay up. The win- a radio station. Linder manages the WCKR ner an expense-paid trip to Nas- Gopher Theatre at Minneapolis. WDGY won NOVEL HORROR SELL sau and $450 worth of gifts promoted advertised that it was hosting the the shopping center stores. Nat- screening and asked listeners to write Another distinction went to a horror from urally, the stores featured big sales in for their tickets. (If a larger response film in 1960. “Brides of Dracula” was during the stunt. is wanted, listeners are asked to phone accorded full world-premiere treatment. Unusual tieups and promotions: in their names and addresses and tick- Richard Lightman, Malco Theatres ex- Florida Citrus cartoon matinees in five ets are mailed) . WDGY broadcast ten ecutive at Memphis, Tenn., Watson circuit theatres in Birmingham, spots a day for five days in advance. Davis, advertising manager, and Elton Waters’ the Florida Linder reported the early-bird preview Holland, manager of the Malco Theatre Ala., were sponsored by commission. An empty citrus was a “tremendous” success. there, gave this picture the works with Citrus admission. promotion resurrected from “the golden fruit bag was the price of Birthday Silver TIEUPS WITH OTHER MEDIA age of ballyhoo.” For a Washington’s Dollar at the Temple Theatre in “Horror is boxoffice,” com- Party Manager King planned his preview of Lightman mented. “Scare, but don’t offend; Temple City, Calif., Manager Stoddard “Pollyanna” on a large scale, and the as sponsors frighten, not paralyze.” Gumaer lined up 36 stores radio station tieup was only one of the featured The three used an oldtime hearse, for the gigantic matinee, which means to get a large response. The disc them 340 werewolf cubs, pet bats, spiders, arma- oodles of prizes, among jockeys of all stations were pleased to dollars. dillos, Fang-Up elixir and a full-fledged silver broadcast invitations to a preview of an stage show. “Hokum,” they conceded, “outstanding movie” to their listeners, “BICYCLES” AUDIENCE “but it’s the kind of that en- who were asked to write in for their hokum abled all tickets. us to break existing records At one time bicycling of prints was with the picture.” In addition, King sent out invitations, common, but “bicycling” of an audience Theatremen who enjoy corn were in most of them RSVP, to press folk, radio, is a rare, and as far as we know, a 1960 their heyday when they booked “Li’l VIP, group sales contacts, and by trailer innovation. Bill Butler did it between Abner.” The storerooms of and lobby display. When replies were re- sheriffs’ the Turnage and Reita Theatres in offices in many small towns were raided ceived, names were checked off the list Washington, N. C. He had promoted a by happy they and replies sent. The preview was showmen as rounded up horror-science stage-screen show with moonshine stills, old- scheduled at 7:30 p.m., after regular whisky jugs and considerable hokum at the Turnage, but fashioned rifles build “Li’l show patrons had been cleared. About to Abner” when a larger-than-anticipated crowd 1,000 attended. front-of-theatre displays, with a few turned up, Butler took over the Reita Dogpatch characters in. Leo Young, manager of the Orpheum thrown across the street, also a Stewart & and bicycled his Theatre in Sioux City, Iowa, promoted SUMMER KIDDY SHOWS Everett operation, seven valuable doorprizes to pull 600 audiences women (and six men) to a morning Ray Niles and Cliff Knoll, Minne- Louis M. Sosna, longtime exhibitor of screening of “The Dark at the Top of sota Amusement Co. managers in Moberly, Mo., came up with a brainchild the Stairs.” Sioux Falls, S. D., wanted to line up a he dubbed “Cent-O-Vision,” for the Sol Sorkin, RKO Keith Theatre, really big kiddy movies summer series, double purpose of testing out “nickel- Syracuse, N. Y., got Dick Lawrence, the and had tried unsuccessfully several odeon” prices and getting some mid- emcee of a morning show on WNDR to years to obtain a sponsor able to bring week business at his State Theatre. He “host” a screening for the same picture, in the youngsters in droves. Turn-downs believes television is not to blame for to broadcast 65 spots in two days. Some were received from the Ass’n of Uni- all the ills of the small-town exhibitor; 511 showed up, 490 of them women. versity Women, and the Boy and Girl instead admission prices have gone up In an effort to achieve broader and Scouts until they contacted the Trades out of reach of the masses. So to get his deeper coverage at lower cost, Wayne and Labor Council. The latter approved prices, at least on two days (Wednesday Smith of Pontiac, Mich., dropped direct a tieup which called for the council and Thursday) down so everyone could mail and turned to giant-size multiple- auxiliary to sell series tickets at $1 for afford to attend the State, Sosna lined color ads in the newspaper, large a 25 per cent commission. up 20 merchants for $5 a week each to enough to serve as heralds. Manager Knoll also came up with an sponsor Cent-O-Vision. Each merchant A classified ad-theatre pass tieup was “exclusive,” an all-night all-girl slum- received 50 guest tickets (his theatre one of the cheapest space producers ber party, which he arranged in advance seats just 1,000), which entitles the noted during the year. As worked out of “Wake Me When It’s Over.” Yes, showgoer to 25 cents admission on those by Manager LeRoy Ramsey of the the theatre doors were kept locked from days. The merchants were signed up for Hollywood Theatre, Fort Worth, Tex., 12 midnight, when the party started, 52 weeks.


Based upon Leo Katcher's sensational novel







THESE 4 and many more.. . from ALLIED ARTISTS! (

50 BAROMETER Section BOXOFFICE 51 ante5 —



BAROMETER Section BOXOFFICE 53 with appreciation,




BOXOFFICE 55 By NATHAN COHEN the public. Schools, too, are good cus- popularity. The exhibitor with an eye tomers for the travel pictures. for the unusual will discover a good va- P until a comparatively few years Paramount, Columbia, Warner Bros., riety of subjects available in the release ago, a program without a short Disney, 20th Century-Fox and Universal lineups of the smaller independent dis- subject wasn’t a program. Some are among the companies announcing tributors. Union Film Distributors, companies curtailed or eliminated their new travel subjects for the season, in which releases Kingsley International production of the short films for eco- addition to the independent distributor, product, is offering four “different” nomic reasons and so an upcoming gen- Lester A. Schoenfeld, who specializes in subjects in “The Case of the Mukkinese eration was deprived of the enjoyment travel shorts. Almost any one of the Battle Horn” and “The Running, Jump- which its elders took for granted when subjects is suitable for tieups with travel ing and Standing Still Film,” which they went to a motion picture theatre. agencies, affording exhibitors excellent feature Peter Sellers, and “The Violin- Now, perhaps, that old bugaboo of films opportunities to gain additional pro- ist” and “Day of the Painter,” both of —television—has whetted the appetite motion outlets for their programs. Sub- which have won honors at film festi- for more short subjects and producers jects deal with both winter and summer vals. Schoenfeld, in addition to travel are waking up to the fact that they are vacation spots, which will enable thea- subjects, also is releasing “Giuseppina,” short-changing the customers when a tremen to book and promote the travel an import dealing with a day in the program doesn’t have a one- or two- film on a year-around basis. life of a little girl, and “Chairmaker and reeler. the Boys,” also an import. “Pull My At 20th Century-Fox, the “Assign- Daisy,” a subject on the Beatnik philos- ment” series is to be continued. Such INCREASES UNDER WAY ophy, released by the independent G- titles as “Assignment Japan,” “Assign- A revitalization of short subjects is String Productions, is another subject ment Philippines” and “Assignment seen for 1961. Paramount, for one, has which has played the art-house circuit Argentina” have been popular subjects taken a new look at the situation, fol- during the year. in the last several years, and new areas lowing an exhaustive study of the Altogether, exhibitors will have more to be explored in this series are Turkey market and its potentials. In association than 250 shorts from which to select and Australia. Universal is adding two with Sports Illustrated, a program of their 1961 “spice of the program,” new two-reel travel subjects to its six subjects was mapped out, covering slightly more than was available last schedule in 1961, while Disney will have various phases of sport interest, one of year. Significant, however, is the fact several in the “People and Places” which, “A Sport Is Born,” was described that the number of reprints and reissues series as three-reelers. Paramount has by the Balaban & Katz booking execu- will be substantially less. Paramount, announced four “Travelramas,” to be tives as ‘‘one of the greatest shorts ever for example, which frequently has had produced in widesci'een and color. As in seen.” A new concept of the travelog as many as 20 reissue cartoons in its “Carnival in Quebec,” a 1959-60 re- was created in the production of “Car- lineup will have only eight in 1961. In lease, the company’s travel pictures will nival in Quebec” and more are in work. Universal’s lineup of 36 shorts, only six be based on a family trip, with the view- The cartoon studio has been modernized Walter Lantz Woody Woodpeckers re- er invited to come along as if he were in order to bring fresh new animated issues have been cataloged, more than part of the family. characters to the theatre. offset by an output of 19 new color The Warner travels will be in the drawing Universal, too, will increase its shorts Cartunes from the Lantz “World-wide Adventure Specials,” with program in 1961, boosting the output of boards. And while Columbia is con- three two-reelers scheduled, and in the the Walter Lantz cartoons by one-third. tinuing its policy of reissuing a sub- company’s one-reel specials. Places to The company this year will give greater stantial number of its most popular be visited include Hawaii, Taxco in series, attention to its travel pictures, coming shorts subjects in the live -action Mexico, the Riviera and the Alpines, out with two new two-reel specials and the company will place at least 30 new among others. Columbia has scheduled year. eight one-reelers, all in color, which al- subjects in its lineup for the three travel features in color, the first ready have received acclaim from ex- All of which promises to make 1961 of which was filmed in Hong Kong. hibitors and the public alike. a year in which the alert exhibitor, With the exception of one company, The off-beat short subjects which searching for added punch and variety started to get a foothold in will find them in the distributors—major and independ- convention- to his programs, ent—are moving toward an expansion al theatres last year, and which have abundance in the shorts charts of the been a mainstay of the art houses for independent film dis- in the shorts field, using 1961 as the established and some time, springboard into more intensified pro- show signs of finding greater tributors. duction in the following years.

MORE TRAVEL SUBJECTS Although comedy has been the back- bone of most shorts programs in the past, the travel picture is moving in fast. The appeal of this type of material has increased in recent years since the subject matter generally treats of far- away, exotic places which most people have a keen desire to visit and enjoy seeing in color on the screen. With more and more Americans traveling overseas every year, they thrill to the opportun- ity of revisiting many lands in the thea- tre. Indications are that the film com- panies will increase their travel film output in order to meet the demands of

56 BAROMETER Section Fox West Coast Theatres Corporation

Fox Intermountain Theatres, Inc.

Fox Midwest Theatres, Inc.

Evergreen State Amusement Corporation

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada

Affiliated, with the A.F.L.-C.l.O.

Representing Craftsmen Employed in Production, Distribution and Exhibition in the Entertainment Field

RICHARD F. WALSH Suite 1900 HARLAND HOLMDEN International President 1270 Avenue of the Americas General Secretary-Treasurer New York 20, N. Y.







is awarded eack montk ky tke National Screen

Council to tke picture wkick, in tke opinion of

its memkers, comkines kotk outstanding merit as

a motion picture and wkolesome entertainment

for tke entire family. Tke National Screen Coun-

cil, now in its twenty-nintk year, is comprised of

motion picture editors, radio and TV commentators

and representatives of ketter film and motion pic- ture councils and of civic, educational and exkik- itor organizations. (From September 1959 through August 1960)

September The Devil's Disciple .United Artists

October... The FBI Story .Warner Bros.

November.. The Big Fisherman .Buena Vista

December.. The Last Angry Man .Columbia

January Joumey to the Center of the Earth 20th Century Fox

February... On the Beach .United Artists

March Toby Tyler .Buena Vista

April. Please Don't Eat the Daisies .MGM

May Conspiracy of Hearts Paramount

June The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn .MGM

July Pollyanna .Buena Vista

August.... The Lost World .20th Century-Fox The Cast

Anthony Anderson. Burt Lancaster Richard Dudgeon.... Kirk Douglas General Burgoyne... Laurence Olivier Judith Anderson Janette Scott Mrs. Dudgeon Eva LeGallienne Major Swindon Harry Andrews Lawyer Hawkins Basil Sydney British Sergeant George Rose Christopher Dudgeon Neil McCallum

Rev. Maindeck Parshotter..Mervyn Johns William David Horne

Production Staff

Produced by Harold Hecht Directed by Screenplay by John Dighton, Roland Kibbee Based on the Play by

(By Arrangement with The Estate of

Gabriel Pascal ) Director of Photography Jack Hildyard, B.S.C. Music by Richard Rodney Bennett Music Director ..John Hollingsworth Camera Operator... Gerald Fischer Supervising Editor.. Alan Osbiston Sound Recording Leslie Hammond The FBI Story


A Warner Bros. Production

The Cast

Chip Hardesty James Stewart Lucy Hardesty Vera Miles Sam Crandall Murray Hamilton George Crandall Larry Pennell Jack Graham Nick Adams Jennie (adult) Diane Jergens Anna Sage Jean Willes Ann (adult) Joyce Taylor Mario Victor Millan Harry Dakins Parley Baer McCutcheon Fay Roope

U. S. Marshal Ed Prentiss Medicine Salesman Robert Gist Mike (adult) Buzz Martin Casket Salesman Kenneth Mayer

Production Staff

Produced and Directed by.. Mervyn LeRoy Screenplay by Robert L. Breen, John Twist From the Book by Don Whitehead Director of Photography , A.S.C. Art Director John Beckman Film Editor Philip W. Anderson Music by Max Steiner Orchestrations by Murray Cutter Sound by M. A. Merrick Costumes Designed by Adele Palmer Set Decorator Ralph Hurst Makeup Supervisor.. ..Gordon Bau, S.M.A. Assistant Directors David Silver, Gil Kissel

w%mm 62 BAROMETER Section A

The Big Fisherman

A Buena Vista Production

The Cast

Simon Peter Howard Keel Fara Voldi Herodias Martha Hyer Herod-Antipas Herbert Lom Deran Ray Stricklyn Arnon David Ben-Zadok... Alexander Scourby Hannah John the Baptist.... Jay Barney Rennah ...Charlotte Fletcher Zendi Mark Dana Andrew Rhodes Reason Menicus Henry Brandon John Brian Hutton James Thomas Troupe

Production Staff

Produced by Rowland V. Lee Directed by Prank Borzage Screenplay by , Rowland V. Lee Photographed by Lee Garmes, A.S.C. Production Design John Decuir Music Composed by.. lbert Hay Malotte Music Supervision Joseph Gershenson Orchestrations by David Tamkin Associate Producer Eric G. Stacey Editorial Supervision. .Paul Weatherwax, A.C.E. Associate Editors William Andrews, Arnold Schwarzwald


BOXOFFICE 63 The Last Angry Man

A Columbia Production

The Cast

Dr. Sam Abelman Paul Muni Woodrow Wilson Thrasher..David Wayne Anne Thrasher Betsy Palmer Dr. Max Vogel Luther Adler Myron Malkin Joby Baker Alice Taggart Joanna Moore Sarah Abelman Nancy R. Pollock Josh Quincy Billy Dee Williams Mrs. Quincy Claudia McNeil Lyman Gattling Robert F. Simon Ben Loomer Dan Tobin Nobody Home Godfrey Cambridge Lee Roy David Winters Miss Bannahan Helen Chapman Jack Vickery Paul Langton Wood Thrasher, jr Charles Herbert

Production Staff

Producer Fred Kohlmar Director Daniel Mann Screenplay (based on his novel) by Gerald Green Adaptation Richard Murphy Assistant Director Irving Moore Music Composed by George Dunning Conducted by Morris Stoloff Director of Photography , A.S.C. Art Director Carl Anderson Film Editor Charles Nelson, A.C.E. Set Decorator William Kiernan Gowns by Jean Louis Make-up Supervision Clay Campbell, S.M.A. Hair Styles by Helen Hunt Recording Supervisor John Livadary Sound by Harry Mills Orchestration by Arthur Morton

64 BAROMETER Section Journey to the Center of the Earth

A 20th Century-Fox Production

Alec McEwen Pat Boone Prof. Oliver Linderibrook .... Carla Arlene Dahl Jenny Diane Baker Count Saknussemm Thayer David Hans Peter Ronson Groom Robert Adler Dean Alan Napier Prof. Boyle Alex Finlayson Paisley Ben Wright Kirsty Mary Brady Chancellor Frederick Halliday Rector Alan Caiillou

Production Staff Produced by Directed by Henry Levin Screenplay by Walter Reisch, Charles Brackett Based on the novel by Jules Verne Songs Conducted by Lionel Newman Associate Ken Darby Music Bernard Herrmann Director of Photography Leo Tover, A.S.C. Art Directors Lyle R. Wheeler, Franz Bachelein, Herman A. Blumenthal Set Decorations Walter M. Scott, Joseph Kish Special Photographic Effects L. B. Abbott, A.S.C. James B. Gordon, A.S.C. Emil Kosa, jr. Film Editors Stuart Gilmore, A.C.E., Jack W. Holmes Costumes Designed by David Folkes Makeup by Ben Nye Hair styles by Helen Turpin, C.H.S. Assistant Director Hal Herman Technical Advisers Lincoln Barnett, Peter Ronson Sound Bernard Freericks, Warren B. Delaplain Color Consultant Leonard Doss

BOXOFFICE 65 On the Beach

The Cast

Dwight Towers Gregory Peck Moira Davidson Ava Gardner Julian Osborn Fred Astaire Peter Holmes Anthony Perkins Mary Holmes Donna Anderson Admiral Bridie John Tate Lieutenant Hosgood Loda Brooks Farrel Guy Doleman Swain John Meillon Sundstrom Harp McGuire Benson Ken Wayne Davis Richard Meikle Ackerman Joe McCormick Davidson Lou Vernon Froude Basil Buller-Murphy Port Man Paddy Moran Dr. Forster Kevin Brennan Salvation Army Captain John Casson Morgan Grant Taylor

Production Staff

Producer-Director Stanley Kramer Screenplay by From the novel by Nevil Shute Production Design Rudolph Sternad Photographed by Giuseppe Rotunno Music by Ernest Gold Art Director Fernando Carrere Production Manager Clem Beauchamp Assistant Director Ivan Volkman Technical Advisor Vice-Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, U.S.N. (Ret.) Film Editor.. ..Frederic Knudtson. A.C.E. Sound Engineer Hans Wetzel Camera Operator Ross Wood Sound Effects Walter Elliott Special Effects Lee Zavitz Auto Race Photography. ...Daniel Fapp, A.S.C. Wardrobe Joe King Makeup John O’Gorman, Frank Prehoda Hair Stylist Jane Shugrue

66 BAROMETER Section Toby


The Cast

Toby Tyler Kevin Corcoran Ben Cotter Henry Calvin Sam Treat Gene Sheldon Harry Tapper Bob Sweeney Col. Sam Castle Richard Eastham Jim Weaver

Mademoiselle Jeanette .... Barbara Beaird Monsieur Ajax Dennis Joel Aunt Olive Edith Evanson Uncle Daniel Tom Fadden Bandleader Ollie Wallace and Mr. Stubbs as Himself

Production Staff

Producer Walt Disney Director Charles Barton Screenplay by Bill Walsh, Lillie Hayward Based on book, "Toby Tyler” by James Otis Kaler Associate Producer Bill Walsh Director of Photography William Snyder, A.S.C. Music Buddy Baker Orchestration Walter Sheets Song: "Biddle-Dee-Dee” Diane Lampert, Richard Loring Art Directors Carroll Clark, Stan Jolley

Assistant Director .... Arthur J. Vitarelli Film Editor Stanley Johnson, A.C.E. Special Effects Ub Iwerks, A.S.C.

BOXOFFICE 67 1 Please Don't Eat the Daisies

A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Production

The Cast

Kate Mackay Doris Day

Lawrence (Larry) Mackay .. David Niven Deborah Vaughn

Mrs. Suzie Robinson .. Spring Byington Alfred North Richard Haydn Maggie Patsy Kelly Joe Positano Jack Weston Rev. Dr. McQuarry John Harding Mona James Margaret Lindsay Mary Smith Carmen Phillips Mrs. Hunter Mary Patton David Mackay Charles Herbert Gabriel Mackay Stanley Livingston George Mackay Flip Mark Adam Mackay Baby Gellert

Production Staff

Producer Joe Pasternak Director Charles Walters Associate Producer Screenplay by Isobel Lennart Based on the book by Jean Kerr Color by Metrocolor

68 BAROMETER Section Conspiracy of Hearts

The Cast

Mother Katharine Lilli Palmer

Sister Mitya Sylvia Syms

Sister Gerta Yvonne Mitchell

Major Spoletti Ronald Lewis

Colonel Horsten Albert Lieven

Lieut. Schmidt Peter Arne

Sister Tia Nora Swinburne

Father Desmaines .... Michael Goodliffe

Sister Constance Megs Jenkins

The Rabbi

Sister Honoria Jenny Laird

Petrelli George Coulouris

Sister Elisaveta Phyllis Neilson-Terry Anna Rebecca Dignam Joseph Joseph Cuby

Production Staff

Producer Betty E. Box


Screenplay by Robert Presnell jr. Editor Alfred Roome MAY Cameraman Ernest Steward WINNER Music by Lavagnino

BOXOFFICE Huckleberry Finn

The Cast

The King Tony Randall Huckleberry Finn Eddie Hodges Jim Archie Moore Joanna Patty McCormack Pap Neville Brand The Duke Mickey Shaughnessy

Sheriff’s wife Judy Canova Mr. Carmody Mary Jane Sherry Jackson Lion Tamer Capt. Sellers Finlay Currie

Widow Douglas .. Josephine Hutchinson Grangerford Man Parley Baer Slave Catcher John Carradine Sheriff Royal Dano River Boat Singer Dolores Hawkins Barber Slave catcher Dean Stanton

Production Staff

Producer Samuel Goldwyn jr. Director Screenplay by James Lee Based on the original novel by Color by Metrocolor


70 BAROMETER Section Pollyarma

The Cast

Aunt Polly Jane Wyman Dr. Edmond Chilton Reverend Paul Ford Karl Malden Nancy Furman Nancy Olson Mr. Pendergast Mayor Karl Warren Donald Crisp Mrs. Snow Agnes Moorehead Jimmy Bean Kevin Corcoran Pollyanna George Dodds James Drury Tillie Lagerlof Reta Shaw Mrs. Paul Ford Leora Dana Mrs. Amelia Tarbell Annie Seymour Ben Tarbell Edward Platt Angelica Mary Grace Canfield Mildred Snow Jenny Egan

Production Staff Producer Walt Disney Directed and Screenplay by David Swift Based on the Novel by Eleanor H. Porter Associate Producer George Golitzin Director of Photography Russell Harlan, A.S.C. Music Orchestration Franklyn Marks Art Direction Carroll Clark, Robert Clatworthy Matte Artist Sequence Consultant Don DaGradi Assistant Director Joseph Behm Dialogue Coach Leon Charles Set Decoration Emile Kuri, Fred MacLean Film Editor Frank Gross, A.C.E. Special Effects Ub Iwerks, A.S.C. Music Editor Evelyn Kennedy Costumes Designed by Walter Plunkett Costumers Chuck Keehen, Gertrude Casey Make-Up Pat McNalley Hair Stylist Ruth Sandifer Sound Supervisor Robert O. Cook Sound Dean Thomas

BOXOFFICE 71 The Lost World

The Cast

Lord Roxton Jennifer Holmes Jill St. John Ed Malone David Hedison Professor Challenger Gomez Fernando Lamas

Professor Summerlee .... Richard Haydn David Ray Stricklyn Costa Jay Novello Native Girl Vitina Marcus Burton White Ian Wolfe Stuart Holmes John Graham Prof. Waldron Colin Campbell

Production Staff

Produced and Directed by Screenplay by Irwin Allen, Charles Bennett From a Story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Music by .... Bert Shefter, Director of Photography Winton Hoch, A.S.C. Art Direction Duncan Cramer, Walter M. Simonds Set Decorations Walter M. Scott, Joseph Kish, John Sturtevant Special Photographic Effects L. B. Abbott, A.S.C., James B. Gordon, A.S.C. Emil Kosa jr. ,

Film Editor .... Hugh S. Fowler, A.C.E. Assistant Director Ad Schaumer Technical Adviser Henry E. Lester Costumes Designed by Paul Zastupnevich Makeup by Ben Nye Hair styles by Helen Turpin, C.H.S. Effects Technician Willis O’Brien Production Illustrator Maurice Zuberano Sound E. Clayton Ward, Harry M. Leonard Orchestration Howard Jackson, Sid Cuttner

I mmmmm 72 BAROMETER Section el mon lyUinnerd oj? the f-^ast 25 ljjecir3

Riviero 20th-Fox (In seasonal order, September through August) Tales of 20th-Fox On the George Washington Slept Here ... .Warner Bros. The Frogmen 20th-Fox Yankee Doodle Dandy Warner Bros. Alice in Wonderland RKO Radio Star Spangled Rhythm Paramount 1934 - 35 Pride of the Yankees RKO Radio 1951 - 52 One Night of Love Columbia Random Harvest MGM Judge Priest Fox The More the Merrier Columbia Captain Horatio Hornblower Warner Bros. White Parade Fox Canteen United Artists Angels in the Outfield MGM American in Paris Flirtation Walk First National The Human Comedy MGM An MGM A Christmas Carol United Artists David Copperfield MGM This Is the Army Warner Bros. I'll in Bros. Little Colonel Fox See You My Dreams Warner Room for One More Warner Bros. Roberta RKO Radio 1943 - 44 Naughty Marietta MGM The African Queen United Artists So Proudly We Hail Paramount With a Song in Heart G-Men Warner Bros. My 20th-Fox Thank Your Lucky Stars - Warner Bros. The Informer The Pride of St. Louis 20th-Fox RKO Radio Guadalcanal Diary 20th-Fox Love Me Forever Columbia Belles on Their Toes 20th-Fox MGM Alice Adams Radio The Greatest Show on Earth Paramount RKO Destination Warner Bros. - Tokyo The Story of Warner Bros. Madame Curie .MGM 1935 - 36 A Guy Named Joe MGM Top Hot RKO Radio See Here, Private Hargrove MGM 1952 - 53 O'Shoughnessy's Boy MGM For Whom the Bell Tolls- Paramount The Merry Widow MGM Mutiny on the Bounty MGM The White Cliffs of Dover MGM The Miracle of Fatima Warner Bros. Ah, Wilderness! MGM The Story of Dr. Wassell Paramount Because You're Mine MGM A Tale of Two Cities MGM Going My Way Paramount Plymouth Adventure MGM Story of Louis Pasteur Warner Bros. Stars and Stripes Forever 20th-Fox The Country Doctor 20th-Fox 1944 - 45 Peter Pan RKO-Disney Mr. Deeds Goes to Town Columbia The Stars Are Singing Paramount The Seventh Cross MGM Universal Hans Christian Andersen RKO-Goldwyn Arsenic and Old Lace Warner Bros. San Francisco Titanic 20th-Fox MGM Since You Went Away United Artists The White Angel Warner Bros. A Queen Is Crowned Universal-Int'l-Rank Mrs. Parkington MGM The Green Pastures Warner Bros. Lili MGM Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo MGM Shane Paromount The Keys of the Kingdom 20th-Fox 1936 - 37 A Tree Grows in 20th-Fox The Last of the Mohicans United Artists National Velvet MGM 1953 - 54 A Midsummer Night's Dream Warner Bros. The Enchanted Cottage RKO Radio Roman Holiday Paramount Charge of the Light Brigade Warner Bros. The Clock MGM The Robe 20th-Fox Valley of Decision Winterset RKO Radio MGM Warner Bros. Wilson 20th-Fox The Plainsman Paramount How to Marry a Millionaire 20th-Fox - Maid of Salem Paramount Knights of the Round Table MGM Maytime MGM 1945 46 Universal-lnt'l Romeo and Juliet MGM Story of G.l. Joe United Artists The Long, Long Trailer MGM The Prince and the Pauper Warner Bros. Rose Marie MGM Captains Courageous Our Vines Have Tender Grapes MGM MGM The House on 92nd Street 20th-Fox MGM Wee Willie Winkle 20th-Fox United Artists Three Coins in the Fountain 20th-Fox The Good Earth MGM Spellbound The Bells of St. Mary's RKO Radio The High and the Mighty Warner Bros. - The Lost Weekend Paramount Magnificent Obsession Universal-lnt'l 1937 38 Tomorrow Is Forever RKO Radio Lost Horizon Columbio Trunk Warner Bros. 1954-55 The Life of Emile Zola Warner Bros. Dragonwyck 20th-Fox The Firefly MGM Two Sisters From Boston MGM Seven Brides for Seven Brothers MGM Tovarich Warner Bros. The Green Years MGM Brigadoon MGM Wells Fargo Paramount Anna and the King of Siam 20th-Fox White Christmas Paramount - The Little Kidnappers Rank-UA Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. . . .RKO Radio Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 20th-Fox 1946 47 There's No Business Like Show Business. ,20th-Fox In Old Chicago 20th-Fox The Bridges at Toko-Ri Paramount Caesar and Cleopatra United Artists Adventures of Robin Hood Warner Bros. The Long Gray Line Columbia Holiday Three Wise Fools MGM A Man Called Peter 20th-Fox Columbia Radio Finds Sister Kenny RKO Daddy Love Andy Hardy MGM Paramount Long Legs 20th-Fox Alexander's Ragtime Band 20th-Fox Blue Skies Strategic Air Command Paramount The Jolson Story Columbia The Seven Little Foys Paramount RKO Radio Mister Roberts Warner Bros. 1938 - 39 The Beginning or the End MGM Boys Town MGM It Happened in Brooklyn MGM Farmer's Daughter Radio You Can't Taka It With You Columbia The RKO 1955 - 56 Citadel The Yearling MGM The MGM The McConnell Story Warner Bros. Christmas Carol Miracle on 34th Street 20th-Fox A MGM The African Lion Buena Vista Sweethearts Welcome Stranger Paramount MGM My Sister Eileen Columbia Gunga Din Radio RKO Good Morning, Miss Dove 20th-Fox Pygmalion MGM - 1947 48 Guys and Dolls Wuthering Heights United Artists MGM The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer .... RKO Radio The Benny Story Universal-lnt'l Union Pacific Paramount Goodman The Unfinished Dance MGM Carousel Young Mr. Lincoln 20th-Fox 20th-Fox Secret Life of Walter Mitty RKO Radio On Borrowed Time The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit 20th-Fox MGM Where There's Life Paramount Stanley and Livingstone 20th-Fox The Swan MGM My Wild Irish Rose Warner Bros. The Man Who Knew Too Much Paramount Cass Timberlane MGM The King and I 20th-Fox 1939 - 40 's Wife RKO Radio The Eddy Duchin Story Columbio The Wizard of Oz MGM I Remember Mama RKO Radio Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Columbia State of the Union MGM Drums Along the Mohawk 20th-Fox Green Grass of 20th-Fox 1956 - 57 Gulliver's Travels Paramount Easter Parade MGM Paramount The Best Years of Our Lives RKO Radio The Great Victor Herbert Paramount The Solid Gold Cadillac Columbia Pinocchio RKO Radio Friendly Persuasion Allied Artists Edison Young Tom MGM 1948 - 49 Oklahoma! 20th-Fox Rebecco United Artists The Babe Ruth Story Monogram The Ten Commandments Paramount Edison, the Man MGM The Rainmaker Paramount The Mortal Storm MGM Apartment for Peggy 20th-Fox Johnny Belinda Warner Bros. Battle Hymn Universal-lnt'l All This, and Heaven Too Warner Bros. The Three Musketeers The Spirit of St. Louis Warner Bros. Pride and Prejudice MGM MGM The Snake Pit 20th-Fox Boy on a Dolphin 20th-Fox The Boy With Green Hair RKO Radio Gunfight at the O.K. Corral Paramount 1940 41 RKO Radio Tammy and the Bachelor Universal-lnt'l The Howards of Virginia Columbia Take Me Out to the Ball Game MGM An Affair to Remember 20th-Fox The Great Dictator United Artists Little Women MGM Northwest Mounted Police Paramount MGM - Tin Pan Alley 20th-Fox The Stratton Story MGM 1957 58 Philadelphia Story MGM Look for the Silver Lining Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Virginia Paramount Man of a Thousand Faces ...... Universal-lnt'l Les Girls The Lady Eve Paramount 1949 - 50 MGM Men of Boys Town MGM April Love 20th-Fox Come to the Stable 20th-Fox That Hamilton Woman! United Artists Sayonara Warner Bros. I Was a Male War Bride 20fh-Fox I Wanted Wings Paramount Old Yeller Buena Vista Ichabod and Mr. Toad RKO Radio Caught in the Draft Paramount Witness for the Prosecution United Artists Adam's Rib MGM Blossoms in the Dust MGM The Bridge on the River Kwai Columbia On the Town MGM The Young Lions 20th-Fox All the King's Men Columbia This Happy Feeling 1941 42 Twelve O'clock High 20th-Fox Universal-lnt'l No Time for Sergeants Bros. Cinderella RKO Radio Warner Citizen Kone RKO Radio The Matchmaker Paramount Sergeant York Warner Bros. Cheaper by the Dozen 20th-Fox One Foot in Heaven Warner Bros. The Jackie Robinson Story United Artists H. M. Pulham, Esq MGM Father of the Bride MGM 1958 - 59 RKO Radio How Green Was My Valley 20th-Fox The Reluctant Debutante MGM MGM Warner Bros. Be To Be or Not to United Artists 1950 - 51 The Last Hurrah Columbia Fantasia RKO Radio Louisa Universal-lnt'l Gigi MGM Tortilla Flat MGM Fancy Pants Paramount The Inn of the Sixth Happiness 20th-Fox They All Kissed the Bride Columbia Mister 880 20th-Fox The Old Man and the Sea Warner Bros. This Above All 20th-Fox King Solomon's Mines The Mating Game The Pied Piper 20th-Fox MGM MGM Harvey Universal-lnt'l The Shaggy Dog Buena Vista Kim MGM South Pacific 20th-Fox 1942 43 MGM It Happened to Jone Columbia Mrs. Miniver MGM Father's Little Dividend MGM The Big Circus Allied Artists The Major and the Minor Paramount The Great Caruso MGM The Diary of Anne Frank 20thJFox = EL m„n Mono, RJt Catt === I960 Are Herein Cited Recipients of Two or More Awards From March 1932, Through August Charles Walters Frank Lovejoy Gale Sondergaard Casey Robinson Billy Wilder Paul Lucos 3 Awards Barton MacLane Gloria Stewart 4 Awards Producers 3 Awards Eddie Anderson Gordon MacRae Gene Tierney Charles Brackett Robert Arthur Hugh Marlowe Lana Turner Sidney Buohman Alfred Hitchcock Lew Ayres Alan Marshal Lucille Watson Philip Dunne William Bendix Virginia Weidler Howard Estabrook Awards Robert Z. Leonard 14 Sidney Blackmer Myron McCormick Pandro S. Berman Henry Levin Lauritz Melchior 2 Awards Nunnally Johnson Walt Disney Luske Hamilton Ward Bond Burgess Meredith Elizabeth Allan Marshal I 10 Awards George Charles Boyer Gary Merrill Judith Anderson Henry Blanke Felix Bressart Cameron Mitchell Heather Angel William Ludwtg George Sidney Mahin 9 Awards Robert Mitohum John Lee 2 Awards Jack Carson Dennis Morgan Binnie Barnes Paul Osborn Hoi B. Wallis George Abbott Fred Clark Alan Mowbray Barbara Bates Billy Wilder Lee J. Cobb Jules Munshin Anne Baxter 7 Awards John Payne Engel Jackie Cooper 3 Awards Samuel G. William Powell Samuel Goldwyn Charles Barton Joseph Cotten Louise Beavers Charles Bennett Tay Garnett Robert Preston Blondell Brodney David O. Selznick Hume Cronyn Joan Oscar Hunt Stromberg Alfred E. Green Tom Drake Ann Blyth Hugo Butler Jimmy Durante Michael Rennie Madeleine Carroll Myles Connolly 6 Awards Joshua Logan Nelson Eddy Gilbert Roland Joan Caulfield Franklin Sidney Joseph L. Mankiewicz Joseph Sobildkraut John Dighton Joe Pasternak Anthony Mann Barry Fitzgerald Basil Sydney Rosemary Clooney Lulien Josephson Sol. C. Siegel Leo McCarey Preston Foster Don Taylor Arlene Dahl Jesse L. Lasky jr. Danny Thomas 5 Awards John Robertson Billy Gilbert Jane Darwell Beirne Lay jr. Robson Marshall Thompson Davis Arthur Homblow jr Mark Thomas Gomez Bette Isobel Lennart Rudy Vallee Mervyn LeRoy Alfred Sontell Jack Haley Laraine Day Joseph L. Mankiewicz Macgowan Victor Saville Murray Hamilton Jane Murfin Kenneth George Stevens Rex Harrison Geraldine Fitzgerald Walter Reisch Lewis Seiler Fooh Rose Dorryl F. Zanuck Van Heflin Nina Jack Ian Hunter Ed Wynn Ava Gardner Alon Scott 4 Awards John Sturges Jeffrey Hunter Arthur Sheekmon Robert Arthur Jackie Jenkins Charles Brackett Allan Jones Kathryn Grayson Dolton Trurnbo John Considine jr. Actresses W. Raoul Walsh Sara Haden Harry Tugend Ross Hunter William A. Wellman Curt Jurgens Audrey Hepburn Joseph L. Mankiewicz 2 Awards Robert Wise Howard Keel Judy Holliday George Abbott Fred Zinnemonn Cecil Kellaway 9 Awards Celeste Holm Katharine Hepburn Irwin Allen 3 Awards Patric Knowles Robert Ardrey Capra Frank Alexander Knox 8 Awards Martha Hyer John Tucker Bottle Jock Cummings Fernando Lamas Spring Byington Rita Johnson Sally Benson Louis F. Edelman Actors Burt Lancaster Agnes Moorehead Shirley Jones Dewitt Bodeen Bryan Foy Kelly Jack Lemmon 7 Awards Grace Richard L. Breen Leland Hayward Frank McHugh June Allyson Deborah Kerr Betty Comden Bernard H. Hyman 19 Awards Lamarr Adolph Menjou Hedy M arc Connelly Fred Kohlmar Spencer Tracy Leigh Dickie Moore Greer Garson Vivien Williom Conselman Louis D. Lighton 12 Awards Jack Oakie Jane Wyman Aline MacMahon William Perlberg Donald Crisp Anthony Perkins Mary Mortin Frank Davis Aaron Rosenberg 6 Awards J omes Stewart Edward G. Robinson Edwards Arthur Blake Sam Spiegel John Saxon Jean Marilyn Monroe Bradbury Foote Jerry Wald 10 Awards Beulah Bondi Coburn Nancy Olson Fredric M. Frank Charles Gladys Cooper Barbara O'Neil 2 Awards Cary Grant Melvin Frank George Abbott Luana Patten Freeman Awards MacDonald Everett Irwin Allen 9 Franahot Tone Jeanette Jean Peters Cooper McGuire Irving Asher Gory Henry Travers Dorothy Jane Powell Ivon Goff Peck Rogers Robert Bossier Gregory Ginger Marjorie Rambeau Adolph Green Shirley Temple Cl ore nee Brown 8 Awards Monty Woolley Anne Revere Eleartore Griffin Merian C. Cooper Fred Astaire 5 Awards John Michael Hayes Rosalind Russell Stanley Donen Mickey Rooney 2 Awards Ingrid Bergman Lillie Hayword Simmons Orville O. Dull Awards Billie Burke Jean 7 Smith Luoien Hubbard Steve Allen Doris Day Alexis Elizabeth Hill Randy Stuart Nunnolly Johnson Bing Crosby Olivia de Hovilland Jessica Tandy Paul Jones Van Johnson Scotty Beckett Maureen O'Sullivan Dorothy Kingsley Edwin K. Knopf Basil Rathbone Bruce Bennett Awards Horry Kurnitz Albert Lewin 4 Beverly Tyler George Tobias Pat Boone Astor Ernest Lehman David Lewis Mary Vera-Ellen Keenan Wynn Eddie Brocken Fay Bainter Alan Le May Samuel Marx Brando Ruth Warrick Anita Loos Awards Marlon Leslie Caron Leo McCarey 6 Esther Williams Jon Lustig Henry Fonda Harriet Parsons James Brown Shelley Winters Borre Lyndon Sir Cedric Hardwicke Paulette Goddard Winwood William H. Pine Yul Brynner Estelle Aeneas Mackenzie Signe Hasso Everett Riskin Edgar Buchanan Natalie Wood Ben Markson Ruth Hussey A. L. Rockett Buttons Sara Y. Mason Laurence Olivier Red Elsa Lanahester Frank Ross John Meehan Henry O'Neill Carey Seton I. Miller Walter Pidgeon Phil Joan Leslie Writers Louise Frank Nugent Vincent Price Anita O'Hanlon Hoagy Carmichael Loy James Willard Robertson Myrno Stories) Osborn Directors Leo Carrillo Margaret O'Brien (Original Paul 5 Awards Norman Panama Leo G. Carroll Martha Scott Charles Bickford 3 Awards Ernest Pascal Bob Hope Robert Considine John Patrick 1 1 Awards Dan Dailey Elizabeth Taylor Horton George S. Kaufman Mervyn LeRoy Don Defore Fay Wray Miohener Demarest James A. Ben Roberts 9 Awards William Fredric March Derek 2 Awards Stanley Roberts Henry Koster John Joel McCrea Kirk Douglas 3 Awards Charles Bennett George Seaton 8 Awards Roddy McDowall Melvyn Douglas Ernestine Gilbreth Carey Clorence Brown Lloyd Nolan Robert Douglas Edna Ferber R. C. Sheriff John Ford Claude Rains Charles Drake C. S. Forester Tess Slesinger Henry King Akim Tamiroff Alice Faye Paul Gallico Leonard Spigelgass 7 Awards Clifton Webb Frank B. Gilbreth jr. Jo Swerling George Cukor Henry Wilcoxon Reginald Gardiner Betty Garrett Otto Horbach Dwight Taylor Gaynor Michael Curtiz 4 Awards Leo Genn Mitzi Ben Hecht Karl Tunberg Vincente Minnelli Mischa Auer Stewart Granger Fay Holden John Twist George Stevens Alec Guinness Marsha Hunt Margaret London Anthony Veiller Jones Lerner Ray Collins Jennifer Alan Jay Bill Walsh Heston Veronica Lake Leo McCarey George Wells 6 Awards Kevin Corcoran Ghorlton Homolka Dorothy Lomour Dore Schary Butler Brian Donlevy Oscar David Janet Leigh Phil Strong Bobby Driscoll John Howard Richard Haydn Rock Hudson Marjorie Main Ralph Wheelin' ght Walter Lang Virginia Mayo Companies William Holden Danny Kaye Una Merkel (Screenplays) S Awards Sam Jaffe 7 Awards Dieterle Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 93 William Fred MacMurray Dean J agger Mary Nash Albert Hackett .... 64 Stanley Donen Ray Millond Victor Jory Mildred Natwick 20th Century-Fox Frances Goodrich Bros 43 William Keighley Paul Muni Maureen O'Hara Warner 6 Awards Paramount 39 William Wyler David Niven Bert Lahr Debra Paget Helen Deutsch Radio 35 4 Awards Pat O'Brien Richard Lone Betsy Palmer RKO Donna Reed Henry Ephron Columbia 21 Frank Borzage Reginold Owen Glenn Longan Phoebe Ephron Debbie Reynolds United Artists 20 Clyde Geronimi Dick Powell Charles Laughton Talbot Jennings Ritter Universal 16 Alexander Hall Frank Sinatra Oscor Levant Thelma 5 Awards Buena Vista 6 Litvak David Wayne Herbert Lorn Flora Robson Anatole Valentine Davies Allied Artists (Mono). 4 James Whitmore Ann Rutherford W. J. GERMAN, Inc

Agent for the Sale and Distribution of EASTMAN



Jane Street 6040 North Pulaski Road 6677 Santa Monica Blvd.

• Jr' • Fort Lee Chicago 46 Hollywood 38



76 BAROMETER Section Robert Mitchum


The Power Behind the Scenes


PRODUCERS Unsung Heroes Who Make or Break the Pictures

19 WaL 43 oj Reason’s (J3ia'Lf .3ilmd

J^LTHOUGH the publishers’ lists have times of free-lance production, that “Portrait in Black” for Universal- been flooded recently with “how- producers with the greatest number of International dealt with melodramatic to” books, no author yet seems to have top hits produced for only one company stories. been each. Blanke’s “Cash McCall” and “Ice sure enough of himself to write Of the one-winner group, one must one entitled: Hit Palace,” both from best-selling, realistic “How to Make a Mo- single out Robert Arthur for his de- tion Picture.” Yet, if anyone is quali- novels, are far removed from his “Mir- lightful spoof of the military, “Opera- fied to write such a book it should be acle” and its mystic theme difficult to tion Petticoat”; Hall Bartlett for his Jerry with four top hits to his translate on the screen. Wald courageous "All the Young Men”; Sam- credit this season, or Walt Disney, Producers with two hits each to their uel G. Engel for his careful handling Henry Blanke and Hal Wallis, each credit this past season numbered 15, of a religious theme in “The Story of credited with three. Since Disney was which is one less than was the case in Ruth”; Boris D. Kaylin for putting an executive producer of two (the more the previous year. Including the three inspirational note into the otherwise pressbooks credit William H. Anderson who had three hits each and the one sordid drama, “Let No Man Write My as producer of both “The Third on Man with four, this makes a total of 19 Epitaph”; Robert Montgomery for the the Mountain” and of “Swiss Family producers who made 43 of the season’s excellence of “The Gallant Hours” as a Robinson,” an early 1960-61 release), he big films. Long familiar names of suc- tribute; Peter Rogers for the comic was actively at the helm for five. cessful producers are on the list, of subtlety of “Carry On, Nurse”; Dore Should any one of these producers be course, but many new ones have been Schary for the depth and moving asked how to make a hit film, it is added. Also, several are credited with poignancy of "Sunrise at Campobello,” probable that he would be at a loss to direction as well as production. which he also wrote; and for the enter- give an exact formula, because even his prise that paid off when Robert Young- Stanley Kramer was both producer own pictures vary widely in theme, star son put together “When Comedy Was and director for his two, “Inherit the power and production methods. Perhaps King.” Wind” and “On the Beach,” both for Jerry Wald’s four come the closest to United Artists. To handle such serious One can’t mention them all, of following a promotional pattern, since themes in an entertaining fashion was course, but many others are worthy of they deal primarily with emotional a directorial feat helped by having citation for some special quality. There problems. Love—romantic, filial, mater- solid star power to work with in both are no two alike nor are they equally nal, illicit—it runs the gamut in his pictures-—Spencer Tracy, Fredric March good on all counts. But these are the four films, only one of which is a com- and Gene Kelly in the monkey trial edy in which he has the potent talents pictures which the public gave more film and no less than four majors in of Marilyn Monroe, Tony Randall and than average approval at the boxoffice. the Nevil Shute grim warning to war- the new French star, Yves Montand. All And the men who made them are in- mongers—Fred Astaire, Gregory Peck of his hits are released by 20th-Fox. dustry giants in their field because of Ava Gardner and Anthony Perkins. Hal Wallis’ three this year were for their skill.—V.W.S. William Castle not only produced but Paramount, as usual, and from the high also directed two hits, “13 Ghosts” and drama of “Career” to the wacky antics “The Tingler” for Columbia, which fol- credited with 1959-60 hit of Jerry Lewis in “Visit to a Small Producers lowed a similar pattern—the thriller Planet” is quite a jump. This writer was films are listed below: type with gimmicks built in. on the set when Wallis was making a Four Winners later one “G.I. Blues.” Momentarily, Roger Corman also produced and di- JERRY WALD: Beloved Infidel he was supervising a Life photographer rected two hits, “Bucket of Blood” and (20th-Fox); The Best of Every- thing (20fh-Fox); Let's Make taking publicity of Juliet “The House of Usher” for American shots Prowse, Love (20th-Fox); Sons and Lovers of who stars with popular, gyrating Elvis International. Aimed for that part (20th-Fox). Presley. the public that likes hair-raising thrill- ers, horror was the principal ingredient. Walt Disney’s three for Buena Vista Three Winners The latter, based on the Edgar Allan include two made from fairly old books HENRY BLANKE: Cash McCall Poe tale was translated for the screen (WB); Ice Palace (WB); The Mir- (“Pollyanna” and “Toby Tyler”) and a acle (WB). with considerable skill in bringing out True Life Adventure (“Jungle Cat”) of its more somber aspects, with Vincent WALT DISNEY: Jungle Cat (BV); feature length. As usual, Disney has Pollyanna (BV); Toby Tyler (BV). Price as the chilling star. aimed his efforts toward attracting the HAL WALLIS: Career (Para); -H family trade. This is a field which Dis- Other producers of two hits whose G. I. Blues (Para); Visit to a ney has consistently made pay off and product invites special mention include Small Planet (Para). he remains free from censorship prob- Arthur Freed for his gay “Bells Are lems by avoiding situations and dialog Ringing”; Michael Garrison for his Two Winners about which there might be question. grim but pertinent and often comic WILLIAM H. ANDERSON: -B-Swiss The reputation which he has established family drama, “The Dark at the Top of Family Robinson (BV); Third Man on the Mountain (BV). along this line is one which has also the Stairs”; William Goetz for his im- reflected credit on the industry as a pressive rendition of “Song Without ROBERT BAKER: Jock the Ripper (Para); The Poacher's Daugh- whole. -H- End”; Edmund Grainger for his elo- ter. (Show Corp.) Henry Blanke’s three hits are all for quent “Home From the Hill”; Ross Bros. It is significant, in these pair, Warner Hunter’s “Midnight Lace” and ++ Pre-release. ROY BOULTING: # I'm All right, GUILDO BRIGNONE: Sign of the WILLIAM KIRBY: Oscar Wilde HARRY ROMM: Have Rocket, Will Jock (Col); Man in a Cocked Gladiator (AIP). (Four City Enterprises). Travel (Col). Hat (Show Corp.) HAL E. CHESTER: School for Scoun- FRED KOHLMAR: The Last Angry LOUIS de ROCHEMONT: Man on a BETTY E. BOX: Conspiracy of drels (Cont'l). Man (Col) String (Col). Hearts (Para); The 39 Steps (20th-Fox). GENE CORMAN: The Giant Leeches NORMAN KRASNA: Who Was That JACK ROSE: It Started in Naples (AIP). Lady? (Col). (Para). CHARLES BRACKETT: Journey to the Center of the Earth (20th- FRANCIS COSNA: Come Dance MERVYN LeROY: The FBI STORY AARON ROSENBERG: It Started (Kingsley-Union). Kiss Fox); -|-f High Time (20th-Fox). With Me (WB). With a (MGM).

WILLIAM CASTLE: 13 Ghosts MONJA DANISCHEWSKY: The Bat- IRVING LEVIN: Hell to Eternity MAX J. ROSENBERG: f) Girl of the (Col); The Tingler (Col). tle of the Sexes (Cont'l). (AA). night (WB).

ROGER CORMAN: Bucket of Blood DELMER DAVES: A Summer Place JERRY LEWIS: The Bellboy (Para). EMIMMO SALVI: Goliath and the (AIP); House of Usher (A IP). (WB). Barbarians (AIP). JOSHUA LOGAN: Tall Story (WB). STANLEY DONEN: Surprise Sunrise at Cam- ARTHUR FREED: Bells Are Ringing +f DORE SCHARY:ff I Package (Col). The Angry Red pobello (MGM); ff The Subterraneans NORMAN MAURER: (WB). (MGM). Planet (AIP). SAMUEL G. ENGEL: The Story of • > WALTER SHENSON: The Mouse Ruth (20th-Fox). MICHAEL GARRISON: The Crowded MARTIN MELCHER: f) Midnight That Roared (Col). Lace (U-l). Sky (WB); The Dork at the Top ROBERT FABER: The Snow Queen of the Stairs (WB). RICHARD A. SHEPHERD: The (U-l). : Ocean's 11 Fugitive Kind (UA). (WB). WILLIAM GOMEZ: +|- Song Without RALPH FIELDS: Happy Annivers- End (Col); They Came to Car- BERNARD SMITH: Elmer Gantry ary (UA). ROBERT MONTGOMERY: The Gal- dura (Col). (UA). lant Hours (UA). I FOWLEY: Love DOUGLAS Macumba SPERLING: The Bramble EDMUND GRAINGER: Home From (UA). MILTON GEORGE PAL: The Time Machine Bush (WB). the Hill (MGM); Never So Few (MGM). (MGM). IVAN FOXWELL: A Touch of Lar- SAM SPIEGEL: Suddenly, Last ceny (Para). NORMAN PANAMA: Li'l Abner ROSS HUNTER: Midnight Lace Summer (Col). ff (Para). (U-l); Portrait in Black (U-l). MARCELLO GIROSI: A Breath ff STURGES: The Magnifi- of Scandal (Para). LESLIE PARKYN: Circus of Hor- JOHN ff STANLEY KRAMER: Inherit the cent Seven (UA). rors (AIP). Wind (UA); On the Beach (UA). CHRISTINE GOUZE-HENAL: A Woman Like Satan (UA). LINDSLEY PARSONS: The Purple TOMOYUKI TANAKA: Battle in WILLIAM PERLBERG: But for (Col). Not Gang (AA). Outer Space Me (Para); The Rat Race (Para). : Expresso Bongo (Cont'l). JOE PASTERNAK: Please Don't Eet BRUNO VAILATI: Hercules Un- GEORGE SEATON: But Not For Me The Daisies (MGM). chained (WB). (Para); The Rat Race (Para). GASTON HAKIM: Michael Strogoff (Cont'l). SID PINK: The Angry Red Planet PHILIP A. WAXMAN: The Gene (AIP). Krupa Story (Col). One Winner JACK HARRIS: Dinosaurus (U-l). IRWIN ALLEN: The Lost World OTTAVIO POGGI: Hannibal (WB). LAWRENCE WEINGARTEN: The (20th-Fox). JOHN HAWKESWORTH: Tiger Bay Gazebo (MGM). (Cont'l). : 4+ A Breath of ROBERT ARTHUR: Operation Pet- Scandal (Para). FRED M. WILCOX: I Passed for ticoat (U-l). : The Unforgiven (UA). White (AA). OTTO PREMINGER: Anatomy of BURT BALABAN: Murder, Inc. ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho a Murder (Col). BILLY WILDER: The Apartment (20th-Fox). (Para). (UA). RICHARD QUINE: Strangers When HALL BARTLETT: All the Young JOSEPH JANNI: The Captain's We Meet (Col). RICHARD WILSON: Pay or Die Men (Col). Table (20th-Fox). (AA). CAROL REED: Our Man in Ha- INGMAR BERGMAN: The Time of MARTIN JUROW: The Fugitive Kina vana (Col). JULIAN WINTLE: Circus of Hor- Desire (Janus). (UA). rors (AIP). MICHAEL RELPH: Sapphire (U-l). PANDRO S. BERMAN: Butterfield GEORGE JUSTIN: Middle of the ROBERT WISE: Odds Against To- 8 (MGM). Night (Col). TED RICHMOND: Solomon and morrow (UA). Sheba (UA). SIDNEY BOEHM: One Foot in Hell BORIS D. KAPLAN: Let No Man ff MARK ROBSON: From the Terrace ROBERT YOUNGSON: When Com- (20th-Fox). Write My Epitaph (Col). (20th-Fox). edy Was King (20th-Fox).

JOHN BOULTING: Man in a Cocked : Wild River (20th- PETER ROGERS: Carry On, Nurse DARRYL F. ZANUCK: Crack in the Hat (Show Corp.). Fox). (Governor). Mirror (20th-Fox). wmmmmmmmmmmmmm: h, 'f

T .T*. . 6 '\. 80 BAROMETER Section Production Completed "THE GUNS OF NAYARONE” A Carl Foreman Production

In Preparation "THE EXECUTIONERS’’ A Melville Production

(Sy Bartlett, Producer)

In Preparation "THEY’RE A WEIRD MOB’’ A Melville Production (Gregory Peck, Director) The Guiding Hands of the Bigger Hits


DIRECTORS They Co-ordinate the Showmanship Ingredients

14 &&irect 28 Dop 3 9- 6 0

J^LTHOUGH producers often have as ’s two hits, “Happy An- Those directors responsible for only many as three or four top hit pic- niversary” for United Artists and “Mid- one hit this season nevertheless con- tures during a season, it is unusual for night Lace” for Universal, are both tributed some memorable films. To directors to have more than two. This sophisticated but one is a romantic mention only a few, there was Jack 1959-60 season 14 directors have two comedy whereas the other has more Arnold’s “The Mouse That Roared,” hits to their credit, compared to 16 for dramatic intensity. In both he has Hall Bartlett’s “All the Young Men,” the previous year. And of those 14, polished stars to work with, the first Charles Barton’s “Toby Tyler,” Henry Delbert Mann, George Marshall, Vin- with suave David Niven and lively Mitzi Brandt’s and Henry Sielmann’s “Mas- cente Minnelli, John Sturges and Nor- Gaynor, the second with the assured ters of the Congo Jungle,” Richard man Taurog each had two hits last sea- aplomb of Rex Harrison and the at- Brooks’ “Elmer Gantry,” Vincent J. son. All are veteran directors who seem tractive Doris Day, plus John Gavin and Donehue’s “Sunrise at Campobello,” to have learned how to guage the public . Stanley Donen’s “Surprise Package,” taste in films so as to keep that girl in Any star should be happy to work John Huston’s “The Unforgiven,” Henry the boxoffice booth busy passing out under Vincente Minnelli’s capable di- Koster’s “,” Joseph colored pasteboard bits. Mankiewicz’s rection and his two hits for MGM for “Suddenly, Last Summer,” Ken Annakin’s two for Walt Disney, the season show his versatile range. Lewis Milestone’s “Ocean’s 11,” George Pal’s Machine,” Carol Reed’s “Third Man on the Mountain” and “Bells Are Ringing” made the most of “The Time “Swiss Family Robinson” are both ad- comedy team Judy Holliday and Dean “Our Man in Havana,” Melville Shavel- venture films with appeal for whole Martin in romantic fashion while son’s “It Started in Naples,” David Swift’s “Pollyanna,” and Gerald Thom- family audiences. That they are also “Home From the Hill” is one of those as’ “Carry On, Nurse.” boxoffice builders is proof that family rare films that runs the gamut of hu- pictures not only build good will but man emotions but has a happy ending An impressive list, isn’t it? One might can be good business as well. which seems logical and fitting for all even paraphrase the abandoned slogan so that it now reads, “Movies Are More Light-hearted entertainment got two those involved. The well-known talents Varied Than Ever.” Certainly directors splendid additions with ’ of Robert Mitchum and Eleanor Parker are exploring new angles to incite the “High Time” (20th-Fox) and “Opera- are ably supported in it by two com- tion parative newcomers, George Peppard public interest. When a picture attains Petticoat” (U-I) . Of course, it was the status of a top hit, it is for some helpful to have Bing Crosby starring and . special quality that has been woven into in the first and Cary Grant in the lat- Joseph Pevney’s two hits for Warner it by inspired direction.—V.W.S. ter picture—two stars with assured box- Bros, are widely different and call for office appeal. widely different piloting. with 1959-60 Daniel Mann handled an inspirational and Natalie Wood in “Cash McCall” in- Directors credited hit films theme well in his “The Last Angry terpret the Cameron Hawley theme are listed below: Man” for Columbia, with such strong effectively; Dana Andrews, Rhonda Two Winners stars as Paul Muni to interpret the Fleming and Efrem Zimbalist jr. supply KEN ANNAKIN: Third Man on the in rugged individualist who chose to con- suspenseful moments “The Crowded Mountain (BV); Swiss Family tinue practicing in an area of encroach- Sky.” Robinson (BV). ing slums and David Wayne. In “But- It was the chore of John Sturges to WILLIAM CASTLE: 13 Ghosts (Col); The Tingler (Col). terfield 8” for MGM, Mann gave direct Yul Brynner in a spectacular O’Hara’s sordid story of a call girl new type of action role in “The Mag- ROGER CORMAN: Bucket of Blood (AIR); The House of Usher (AIP). poignancy, with skillful direction of nificent Seven” for United Artists. His Elizabeth Taylor’s and Laurence Har- other hit, “Never So Few,” was also an BLAKE EDWARDS: ++ High Time vey’s talents. action picture for which he had stars (20th-Fox); Operation Petticoat (U-I). Delbert Mann mixed heavy drama, Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida and romance Paul Henreid. STANLEY KRAMER: ++ Inherit the and some humor in his two, Wind (UA); On the Beach (UA). “The Dark at the Top of the Stairs” After his success in directing the for Warner Bros, DANIEL MANN: ++ Butterfield 8 and “Middle of the amusing antics of Jerry Lewis in “Visit (MGM); The Last Angry Man Night” for Columbia. The first added to a Small Planet,” Norman Taurog Col). stature to Robert Preston’s star power, took on service -released to DELBERT MANN: ++ The Dark at with Dorothy McGuire, Angela Lans- make “G.I. Blues,” with the added star the Top of Stairs (WB); Middle of the Night (Col). bury and while Kim Novak power of that lovely new import, Juliet and Fredric March shared honors in Prowse. Both his hits are Paramount GEORGE MARSHALL: The Gazebo the Columbia (MGM); It Started With a Kiss release. pictures. (MGM). George Marshall did not have to While Ralph Thomas’ “Conspiracy of DAVID MILLER: Happy Anniversary change stars in his had two hits for MGM Hearts,” released by Paramount, (UA); -H- Midnight Lace (U-I). but it was a change of pace from “The more star appeal in Lilli Palmer, VINCENTE MINNELLI: Bells Are Gazebo” to “It Started With a Kiss,” Yvonne Mitchell and Ronald Lewis, it Ringing (MGM); Home From the both excellent vehicles to display the was not as much of a boxoffice success Hill (MGM). talents of Glenn Ford and Debbie Rey- as his adventurous “The 39 Steps,” with


JOSEPH PEVNEY: Cash McCall ROGER CORMAN: The House of ELIA KAZAN: Wild River (20th- RICHARD QUINE: Strangers When (WB); The Crowded Sky (WB). USHER (AIP). Fox). We Meet (Col).

JOHN STURGIS: ++ The Magnificent MICHAEL CURTIZ: ++ A Breath of HENRY KING: Beloved Infidel IRVING RAPPER: The Miracle (WB). Seven (UA); Never So Few Scandal (Para). (20th-Fox). (MGM). GREGORY RATOFF: Oscar Wilde DELMER DAVES: A Summer Place HENRY KOSTER: The Story of (Four City Enterprises). ||

NORMAN TAUROG: ++ G. I . Blues (WB). Ruth (20th-Fox). (Para); Visit to a Small Planet CAROL REED: Our Man in Havana (Para). BASIL DEARDEN: Sapphire (U-l). BERNARD L. KOWALSKI: The (Col). !| Giant Leeches (AIP). RALPH THOMAS: Conspiracy of JEFFREY DELL: Man in a Cocked DAVID LOWELL RICH: Have Rocket Hearts (Para); The 39 Steps Hat (Show Corp.), WALTER LANG: But No for Me Will Travel (Col. (20th-Fox). (Para). VINCENT J. DONEHUE: Sunrise MARK ROBSON: From the Terrace at Cempobello (WB). PHILIP (20th-Fox). LEACOCK: ++ Let No Man || One Winner Write My Epitaph (Col). STANLEY DONEN: Surprise STUART ROSENBERG: Murder, Inc. IRWIN ALLEN: The Lost World -ff Package (Col). JACK LEE: The Captain's (20th-Fox). (20th-Fox). ff- Table || (20th-Fox). GORDON DOUGLAS: Yellowstone : They Came to |i JOSEPH ANTHONY: Career (Para). Kelly (WB). J. Lee-Thompson: Tiger Bay Corduro (Col). %?. •>y. (Cont'l). JACK ARNOLO: The Mouse That JULIEN DUVIVIER: A Woman Like MELVILLE SHAVELSON: It Started Roared (Col). Satan (UA). MERVYN LeROY: The FBI Story in Naples (Para). || (WB). ROBERT BAKER: Jack the Ripper : Crack in the : Ice Palace (Para). Mirror (20th-Fox). HENRY LEVIN: Journey to the (WB). || Center of the Earth (20th-Fox). DOUGLAS H BURT BALABAN: Murder, Inc. FOWLEY: Macumba Love GEORGE SIDNEY: Who Was That >:$ (UA). JERRY LEWIS: The Bellboy (Para). Lady? (Col). (20th-Fox). 1 PIETRO FRANCISCI: Hercules Un- JOSHUA Tall Masters of the HALL BARTLETT: All the Young LOGAN: Story (WB). HENRY SIELMANN: & chained (WB). Men (Col). Congo Jungle (20th-Fox). : The Fugitive Kind §8 MELVIN FRANK: Li 'I Abner (Para). (UA). DAVID SWIFT: Pollyanna (BV). m CHARLES BARTON: Toby Tyler (BV). CARMINE GALLONE: Michael Stro- RANALD MacDOUGALL: +f The GERALD THOMAS: Carry, On, goff (Cont'l). Subterraneans (MGM). Nurse (Governor). MONTY BERMAN: Jack the Ripper 1 (Para). VITTORIO MUSY GLORI: Sign of JOSEPH MANKIEWICZ: Suddenly, ANDRE de TOTH: Man on a Strong the Gladiator (AIP). Last Summer (Col). (Col). MICHEL BOISRON'D: Come Dance 1 With Me (Kingsley-Union). MICHAEL GORDON: Portrait in FRANK McDONALD: The Purple EDGAR G . ULMER : Hannibal (WB), Black (U-l). Gang (AA). 1 JOHN BOULTING: f) I'm All Right, CHARLES VIDOR: f) Song With- Jack (Col). VAL GUEST: Expresso Bongo IB MELCHIOR: The Angry Red 1 out End (Col). (Conti). Planet (AIP). i ROY BOULTING: Man in a Cocked KING VIDOR: Solomon and Sheba Hat (Show Corp.). ROBERT HAMER: School for Scoun- LEWIS MILESTONE: Ocean's 11 drels (Cont'l). (WB). (UA). HENRY BRANDT: Masters n of the GUY CHARLES WALTERS: Please Don't Congo Jungle (20th-Fox). HAMILTON: A Touch of Lar- ROBERT MONTGOMERY: The Gal- ceny (Para). lant Hours (UA). Eat the Daisies (MGM). ;!*: : Elmer Gantry SIDNEY HAYERS: Circus of Har- DON WEIS: (UA). ROBERT MULLIGAN: The Rat Race ors (AIP). (Para). CARLO CAMPOGALLIANI: Goliath ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho JEAN NEGULESCO: The Best of FRED M. WILCOX: I Passed for |j and the Barbarians (AIP). (Para). Everything (20th-Fox). White (AA). ;| JACK : Sons and Lovers EGIL HOLMSEN: The Time of De- GEORGE PAL: The Time Machine BILLY WILDER: The Apartment (20th-Fox). sire (Janus). (UA). (MGM). || JOSEPH CATES: Girl -R of the INOSHIRO HONDA: Battle in Outer : The Bramble RICHARD WILSON: Pay or Die Night (WB). Space (Col). Bush (WB). (AA). | JAMES B. CLARK: One Foot in JOHN HUSTON: The Unforgiven GEORGE POLLOCK: The Poacher's ROBERT WISE: Odds Against To- Hell (20th-Fox). (UA). Daughter (Show Corp.). morrow (UA). Si;

CHARLES CRITCHTON: The Battle PHIL KARLSON: Hell to Eternity OTTO PREMINGER: Anatomy of a IRWIN S. YEAWORTH JR.: Dino- of the Sexes (Cont'l). (AA). Murder (Col). saurus (U-l). -S; M




Natal Serna Council Bine Ribbon Winners

Members of the National Screen Council select the picture Membership in the National Screen Council comes under each month to receive the BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon Award. four classifications: Editors of newspapers and magazines, radio This is done by mail. A list of the current releases is sent on and TV commentators, members of film councils, social, civic, a post card ballot for marking and returning by a specified and educational groups and of exhibitor organizations. The date. The picture receiving the most votes receives the Council and the Award it selects have a threefold purpose. Award, and Honorable Mention is given those that so impressed BOXOFFICE sponsors them to encourage the production of mo- the members as to receive a sizable number of votes. A space tion pictures with appeal to the mass of regular patrons of all on the ballot for comment has resulted in an interesting ages, to foster a greater public appreciation of the more whole- exchange of opinion on a page devoted to the Council's some type of motion picture entertainment, and to stabilize appraisal of pictures. motion picture attendance on a higher average level. VELMA WEST SYKES, Chairman


MARJORY L. ADAMS, Boston Globe MARIE HAMILTON, Film & TV Music, New York WARREN C. RAITT, Lewistown (Mont.) News

WAYNE ALLEN, Springfield (III.) Journol Register P. WALTER HANAN, Binghamton (N.Y.) Press C. W. RATLIFF, Lubbock (Tex.) Avalanche-Journal H. VIGGO ANDERSEN, Hortford Courarvt ARNOLD HEDERMAN, Jackson (Miss.) Daily Clarion BERT REISFELD, Hollywood correspondent German and Ledger Scandinavian press STAN ANDERSON, Cleveland Press MRS. AUDREY HEIDINGSFELDER, Port Arthur (Tex.) JULIA RISHEL, Tarentum (Pa.) Valley Daily News NEVART APIKIAN, Syracuse (N.Y.) Post Standard News JIMMY ROBINSON, Albany (Ga.) Herald GRACE L. BARNETT, Freeport (111.) Journal Standard Journal, RUTH HENDERSON, Daily Kennebec Augusta AGNES E. ROCKWOOD, Bennington (Vt.) Banner BILL BARR, Tampa (Fla.) Tribune (Me.) SUE ROGERS, Grand Ropids Herald EVE BARTLETT, Public Relations Counselor, San An- GLENN HIMEBAUGH, Canton (Ohio) Repository tonio FRANK ROSSITER, Savannah (Ga.) Morning News PAUL HOCHULI, Houston Press KAY BATES, BOXOFFICE correspondent, Phoenix FRED H. RUSSELL, Bridgeport (Conn.) Post & Telegram ELINOR HUGHES, ROBERT BATTLE, Nashville Banner CHARLES G. SAMPAS, Lowell (Mass.) Sun FRANK JACOBSON, Key West Citizen JOHN BEAUFORT, Christion Science Monitor RUSS SCHOCH, Des Moines Register & Tribune ARCH W. JARRELL, Grand Island (Neb.) Daily Inde- FRED BEERS, Perry (Okla.) Journal ROBERT SCHWARZ, Hollywood correspondent foreign pendent. press AMALIA DE BITTERLIN, Hollywood Cor- MENDEZ WILL JONES, Minneapolis Tribune respondent, Panamanian Newspapers LUCILLE M. SCOTT, Atlonta Daily World A. S. KANY, Dayton Journal-Herald LOUIS V. BLAY, Steubenville (Ohio) Herald Star WILLIAM E. SEIFERT JR., Spartanburg (S.C.) Journal (N.C.) Tribune B. J. SKELTON, Clarksdale (Miss.) Press Register GEORGE BOURKE, Miami (Fla.) Herald EARL C. KELLEY, Concord editor HELEN C. BOWER, Detroit Free Press HERB KELLY, Miami Daily News IVAN SPEAR, BOXOFFICE Hollywood ALAN GREY BRANIGAN, Newark Evening News PAINE KNICKERBOCKER, San Francisco Chronicle JIMMY STARR, Los Angeles Herald & Express Era J.) ELSTON BROOKS, Fort Worth Star-Telegram HERBERT B. KRONE, Lancaster (Pa.) New ADOLPH J. STERN, Camden (N. Courier-Post Sun Telegraph MILDRED STOCKARD, Houston Chronicle HOWARD C. BROWN, Hollywood correspondent, KARL KRUG, Pittsburgh "Movie Life" (Australia) VIRGIL D. LANGDON, Tacoma News Tribune R. J. SULLIVAN, Sioux City Journol PAUL M. BRUNN, columnist, Florida Sun, Miami HERBERT L. LARSON, Portlond Oregonion MARY X. SULLIVAN, Boston Sunday Advertiser Beach JAMES LEE, Worcester (Mass.) Gazette BRADFORD F. SWAN, Providence Journal (Tex.) Statesman JOHN BUSTIN, Austin American- LEO LERMAN, Mademoiselle Mogazine BYRON G. TAFT, Yankton (S.D.) Press and Dakotan HAROLD L. CAIL, Portland (Me.) Press Herald- R. E. LEWIS, Topeka Journal LARRY TAJIRI, Denver Post Express JOHN LONGINOTTI, Hot Springs (Ark.) Sentinel- R. K. TINDALL, Shenandoah (Iowa) Evening Sentinel GOWAN H. CALDWELL, Winston-Salem (N.C.) Journal Record WARNER TWYFORD, Norfolk Virginian-Pilot RAYMOND LOWERY, Raleigh (N. C.) News and Ob- LILY MAY CALDWELL, Birmingham News-Age-Herald BARBARA UDELL, Beloit (Wis.) Daily News server KATE CAMERON, New York News WILLARD L. UNDERWOOD, Wichita Falls (Tex.) Times W. H. LYTTLETON, Peoria (III.) Journal-Star & Record News VIVIAN Press Register CANNON, Mobile Rockford (HI.) Morning Stor RUTH MARSHALL, LESLIE A. WAHL, Saginaw (Mich.) News VANCE CHANDLER, Authenticated News Service, MILDRED MARTIN, Philadephia Inquirer Hollywood HARRY WARNER JR., Hagerstown (Md.) Morning JUNE MARTINEAU, Solt Loke Tribune Herald INGRID and LEONARD CLAIRMONT, Hollywood cor- NAZIH MASSAAD, Hollywood Pictorial Magazine MACK WEBB, Durham (N.C.) Sun respondents, Swedish press JUDGE J. MAY, Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville T. H. WENNING, Newsweek PAUL DE SAINTE COLOMBE, Hollywood correspondent JEANNETTE MAZURKI, Glendale (Calif.) News Press WEST, Savannah Evening Press Paris and Montreal publications JIM DON LEE McCULTY, Clarksburg (W. Va.) Exponent ALLEN M. WIDEM, Hartford (Conn.) Times THERESA LOEB CONE, Oakland Tribune TED F. McDANIEL, Emporia (Kas.) Gazette PHIL WILLCOX, Parents' Magazine BOBBIE CONRAD, Winchester (Vo.) Evening Stor DAVE MclNTYRE, San Diego Evening Tribune ALTON WILLIAMS, Richmond (Va.) News-Leader ALTON COOK, New York World-Telegram LEONARD MENDLOWITZ, Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph DICK WILLIAMS, Los Angeles Mirror CARL E. COOPER, Kansas City Star LOUISE MERRILL, Asheville (N.C.) Citizen-Times EMERY WISTER, Charlotte (N.C.) News HENRY DECKER, Frederick (Md.) News-Post EDWIN MILLER, Seventeen Magazine JEAN YOTHERS, Orlando Sentinel-Star (Mich.) Daily Tribune AMADO E. DINO, Hollywood correspondent Manila LYNN S. MILLER, Royal Oak MICHAEL ZANDAN, Springfield (Mass.) Free Press Post-Herald MALCOLM MILLER, Knoxville (Tenn.) Journal DON DORNBROOK, Milwaukee Journal G. E. MITCHELL, Dayton Daily News JIM DOWNING, Tulsa Tribune KASPAR MONAHAN, Pittsburgh Press CLYDE D. MOORE, Ohio State Journal, Columbus and TV COMMENTATORS ALBAN A. DUBE, Fall River (Mass.) Herald News RADIO MOVIE EDITOR, St. Petersburg (Flo.) Times LOUIS A. ECKL, Florence (Ala.) Times WILLIAM J. ADAMS, WHEC-TV, Rochester, N. Y. IRIS L. MYERS, Wollo Wolla Union-Bulletin RUTH ELGUTTER, Toledo Times BENJAMIN BARTZOFF, WVOM, Boston SIM MYERS, New Orleans Times-Picayune ELAYNE BYBEE, KID, Idaho Falls HARRY H. EVANS, Fomily Circle Mogazine MARK NICHOLS, Coronet Magazine, New York GLENN CONDON, KMRG, Tulsa GENE FRETZ, Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock VIC NIELSEN, Phoenix Gazette JOHN R. COOPER, WWW, Grafton, W. Va. JOE FITZ GERALD, Nebraska State Journal & Star, PAUL L. NOREM, Forgo (N. D.) Forum JANE DALTON, WSPA, Spartanburg, S.C. Lincoln BILL NORTON, Long Beach Independent Press- LEO HIGHAM, KID, Idaho Falls LESTER CLARK GIFFORD, Hickory (N. Daily Record Telegram C.) Key Mesa (Ariz.) Tribune FRANK JACOBSON, WKIZ, West JOHN M. GORDON, Springfield JACK ONG, (Mass.) Union Philadelphia Republican RAY OVIATT, Toledo Blade ROBERT LAURENCE, WIP, Deseret News JAY MONSEN, KSUB, Cedar City, RALPH GREEN, Sioux Falls (S.D.) Argus-Leader HOWARD PEARSON, PRESTON, Portland, Me. PECK, Charleston (S.C.) News & Courier ART FRANK GROSJEAN, Shreveport TOM Journal R. SHANK, WJJL, Niagara Foils DONALD H. PECKENPAUGH, Gary (Ind.) Post-Tri- DOROTHY BILL HAGAN, Chattanooga News-Free Press bune GEORGE STUMP, KCMO, Kansas City, Mo.

JACK HAMILTON, Look Magazine, DOMINIC PEPP, Watertown (N.Y.) Daily Times I. M. TAYLOR, WEBQ, Harrisburg, III.


MRS. A. E. ANDERSON, G.F.W.C., Wadena, Minn. MRS. PAUL GEBHART, Cleveland Cinema Club MRS. JOHN B. SAMMEL, I.F.C.A., Parkersburg, W. Va.

MRS. W. H. ANDREWS, Brooklyn Cnl. N. E. Women MRS. HAROLD L. GEE, Woman's City Club, Berkeley, MRS. R. H. SASS, Sheboygan (Wis.) BFC Calif. MRS. HENRY AUGUSTINE, Sheboygan BFC MRS. CARL M. SAUER, Woman's Dep't Club, Indian- CHRISTINE SMITH GILLIAM, Atlanta (Ga.) censor apolis MRS. RICHARD G. AUSPITZER, I.F.C.A, Long Island, N. Y. MRS. ELMORE GODFREY JR., P.T.A., G.F.W.C., Knox- MRS. KURT W. SCHMIDT, Indianapolis NSC group ville, Tenn. MRS. LESLIE T. BARCO, Greater St. Louis BFC MRS. BERT J. SEXSON, Indionapolis NSC Group W. HOWARD BATESON, Coordinator of Public MRS. SHIRLEY GUNNELS, G.F.W.C., Fowler, Ind. MRS. WAYNE F. SHAW, U.S. Daughters of 1812, Schools, Dubuque, Iowa JOHN W. HARDEN, director public relations, Burling- Lawrence, Kas. VIRGINIA M. BEARD, curator of films, Cleveland ton Mills, Greensboro, N. C. MRS. HARRY E. SIBLEY, Louisville BFC public library MRS. WILLIAM L. HATCH, San Francisco MP & TV MRS. WILLIAM B. SMITH, Memphis BFC DENNIS BECKER, Motion Picture Appreciation Ass'n, Council Kansas City MRS. SPEARMAN, G.F.W.C., Edmond, MRS. NAN M. HAWLEY, Kansas City (Mo.) Athen- CRAWFORD Okla. DR. CAMPTON BELL, chairman Division Fine Arts, aeum University of Denver MRS. S. F. SPRENGEL, Sheboygan BFC MRS. FRED HIRE, Fort Wayne (Ind.) Indorsers of MRS. CHARLES R. BELTZ, Grosse Pointe MP & TV Photoplays MRS. FREDERIC H. STEELE, G.F.W.C., Huntington, Pa. Council MRS. J. B. HOFFMAN, Indiana Indorsers of Photo- MRS. C. M. STEWART, Lincoln (Neb.) BFC MRS. J. K. BERETTA, G.F.W.C., San Antonio plays, Indianapolis MRS. EDWARD G. STOMEL, M.P. Preview Group, Phil- ROSEMARY BEYMER, Art Director, Kansas City (Mo.) MRS. HARRY T. JARVIS, pres. Greoter Detroit MPC adelphia public schools RUTH JEFFRIES, author, Kansas City, Mo. MRS. WILLIAM STUTE, Indiana Indorsers of Photo- MRS. M. B. BRAY, San Francisco MP & TV Council plays, Fort Wayne MRS. ARTHUR D. KERWIN, Greater Detroit MPC MRS. W. W. BREWER, G.F.W.C., Omar, W. Vo. ELLA M. SULLIVAN, I.F.C.A., Brooklyn, N. Y. MRS. HAROLD E. KERWIN, Greater New Bedford MRS. C. R. BUCKERIDGE, president Sheboygan BFC (Mass.) BFC MRS. W. G. SULLIVAN, Greater Cleveland MPC

MRS. WILLIAM A. BURK, pres. So. Calif. MPC, Los MRS. KARL KING, Dean of Women, Tompa (Fla.) MRS. RUSSELL M. SURVANT, G.F.W.C., Indianapolis Angeles University MRS. G. H. SUTCLIFFE, Brooklyn (N.Y.) MPC MRS. E. L. BURNETT, Indianapolis NSC group MRS. KARL KURTH, Greater St. Louis BFC MRS. T. W. SWARTZ, A.A.U.W., Cloremont, Calif. MRS. A. F. BURT, G.F.W.C., Greater St. Louis BFC MRS. HERBERT F. LAWRENCE, Cleveland PTA MRS. E. P. SWISHER, Cleveland Cinema Club MRS. F. ALLEN BURT, Past Nat'l MP Chairman of MARJORIE G. LAWRENCE, Masonic Home, Spring- DAR, Brookline, Moss. field, Mo. MRS. W. J. TAIT, Morin County (Calif.) MPC MRS. VOLNEY W. TAYLOR, G.F.W.C., San Antonio MRS. ROBERT CARLETON, I.F.C.A., Palisade, N. J. MRS. THOMAS LEONARD, New York BFC MRS. G. THOMAS, Detroit Ministers' Wives' MRS. EDWARD F. CARRAN, G.F.W.C., Lakewood, Ohio MRS. LEROY LEWIS, Larchmont-Momoroneck (N.Y.) ALMA MPC Allionce MRS. B. C. CHRISTOPHER, Campfire Girls Council, Berkeley (Calif.) Kansas City, Mo. MRS. BERNARD LIEBERMAN, Oak Ridge (Tenn.) MRS. ALBERT TODT, MPC A.A.U.W. MARGARET G. TWYMAN, MPAA Community Rela- ELSIE CLANAHAN, G.F.W.C., Mount Dora, Fla. MRS. HARRY MacDONALD, Staten Island BFC tions, New York KENNETH CLARK, VP of MPAA, Washington, D.C. MRS. E. ROBERT MANNING, I.F.C.A., Jackson Heights, MRS. E. C. WAKELAM, Indiana Historical Council, LILLIAN COHEN, Nat'l Conference Christians and N. Y. Indianapolis , New York City JOSEPH F. MARRON, Retired Librarian, Jackson- MAY WILLIAMS WARD, Author, Wellington, Kas. MRS. VIRGINIA ROLLWAGE COLLIER, MP & TV ville, Fla. WHITE, G.F.W.C., Russell, Kas. Council, District of Columbia MRS. FAGAN ELLIS L. McALLISTER, Ogden (Utah) BFC MRS. MAX M. WILLIAMS, Federation of MPC, Royal MRS. JULIAN S. COLYER, Larchmont-Mamaroneck MPC MRS. JOHN J. McCarthy, Fond du Lac BFC Oak, Mich. MRS. P. E. WILLIS, chairman western division pre- MRS. C. W. CONRAD, Cleveland Cinema Club MRS. M. C. McGAHERAN, G.F.W.C., Owatonna, Minn. view committee, G.F.W.C., Glendale, Calif. DELLA MRS. J. J. COWAN, Knoxville, Tenn., BFC McMYLER, Chairman Cleveland MPC MRS. K. C. WILSON, San Francisco MP & TV Council MRS. EMORY W. COWLEY, Indianapolis NSC Group INEZ MERZ, Indianapolis NSC group MRS. JACK WINDHEIM, Lorchmont-Mamaroneck CAROL COX, Cinema Study Club, Denver MRS. CARL A. MEYER, Milwaukee BFC (N. Y.) MPC MRS. MRS. PAUL H. CRANE, Harrison (N.Y.) MPC CHARLES G. MILLER, Greater Seattle MPC MRS. MILDRED W. MILLER, East Bay MP & TV KATHLEEN CROWLEY, advisor, community recreation, EXHIBITOR ASS'N REPRESENTATIVES Waterbury, Conn. Council HARRY C. ARTHUR JR., Southern Calif. TOA, Los MRS. W. HAYDEN MILLER, Pres. Motion Picture MRS. SAMUEL B. CUTHBERT, Masonic Home, Eliz- Angeles abethtown, Pa. Advisory & Reviewing Board, San Antonio CARL BUERMELE, Detroit General Theatres MRS. JOHN H. DAILINGER, Larchmont-Mamaroneck TAYLOR M. MILLS, MPAA, New York J. CLARKE, Majestic Theatre, Providence, (N.Y.) MPC ALBERT MRS. E. H. MONTGOMERY, Indianapolis NSC Group R. I. MAGDALEN DALLOZ, Jacksonville (Fla.) MPC MRS. LEROY MONTGOMERY, D.A.R., Norwalk, Conn. A. B. COVEY, Alabama Theatres Ass'n, Montgomery MRS. WILLIAM DALTON, I.F.C.A., Avon, N. J. MRS. A. L. MURRAY, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Long HORACE DENNING, Dixie Drive-In Theatres, Jackson- Beach, Calif. ville, Fla. J. COLEMAN DANIEL JR., Spartanburg, S. C., Com- munity Theatres, Dallas Theatre group MISS ELISABETH MURRAY, Teachers Ass'n, Long EDDIE ERICKSON, Frontier MRS. ARTHUR B. DAVIS, Springfield (Mass.) MPC Beach. Calif. MARSHALL FINE, Cleveland Associated Theatres GASPARINI, Albuquerque Theatres CLEO DAWSON, Hallmark Pictures, Lexington, Ky. MRS. W. LASHLEY NELSON JR., President, Fed. of LOU MPC, Upper Darby, Pa. MARVIN GOLDMAN, Metropolitan Washington (D.C.) MRS. LAWRENCE DELAY, Springfield (Mass.) MPC MRS. HELEN M. NETHERTON, Concord (Calif.) MP & Theatre Owners MRS. J. R. DeMAIN, Greater Youngstown (Ohio) MPC TV Council FRANK HENSON, Missouri-lllinois TOA

BERNADETTE DOLAN, I.F.C.A., Brooklyn MRS. JOSEPH E. NICHOLS, Pres. San Francisco GEORGE HITCH, Springfield (III.) Theatre Ass'n MP & TV Council, Portola Valley, Calif. MRS. W. B. DURST, Better Films Board, Sacramento ROBERT E. HOSSE, Crescent Amusement Co., MRS. WILLIAM W. NOLAN, I.F.C.A., New York City Nashville MRS. DEAN GRAY EDWARDS, Federation of MPC, East Orange, N. J. MRS. GERTRUDE E. NOWAK, Sacramento BF Board THOMAS LAM, Lorn Amusement Co., Rome, Ga. BEVERLY MILLER, UTO of Heart of America, Kansas MRS. HENRY ERTELT, G.F.W.C., New Haven MRS. RALPH E. OESPER, Cincinnati MPC City PROFESSOR SAWYER FALK, Drama Department, MRS. CECIL F. ORMOND, Marin County (Colif.) MPC MAURICE MILLER, TOA of Syracuse (N.Y.) University PECK, Adult Education, Cleveland CORDA C. F. MOTLEY, of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City CHUCK FISHER, Motion Picture Appreciation Ass'n, UTO Kansas City MRS. JOHN B. PEW, Local Clubs, Kansas City, Mo. ALBERT M. PICKUS, President TOA, New York City MRS. MARJORIE POLLOCK, Sacramento Film Board MRS. W. ROBERT FLEMING, Indiana Indorsers of JOHN P. RECHER, Allied MPTO of Md., Baltimore Photoplays, Fort Wayne LAURA E. RAY, Indianapolis NSC Group PAUL A. ROTH, Virginia MPTO, Silver Spring, Md. S. FORSTER, ANNA JOYCE REARDON, Women's College, Greens- EMMA Women's Chamber of Commerce, FRED SOUTTAR, MPA of Kansas City Censor Board, Little Rock boro, N. C. BEATRICE STRATFORD, TOA, Newport MRS. EDWARD J. REILLY, Not'l Ch„ D.A.R., Gorden MRS. BERNARD A. FOSTER, Spartanburg (S.C.) MPC News, Va. City, N. Y. MRS. TEMPLE FRAKER, G.F.W.C., Knoxville, Tenn. J. H. THOMPSON, TOA of Georgia, Hawkinsville MRS. L. O. REUNING, Presbyterian Women's Aux- MRS. CLAUDE FRANKLIN, NSC group, Indianapolis iliary, New Orleans BEN WALDMAN, Texas Drive-In TOA, Dallas MRS. ELI FREYDBERG, National Board of Review, MRS. EDWARD J. RILEY, San Francisco MPC and GEORGE H. WILKINSON, MPTO, Wallingford, Conn. Harrison, N. Y. Federation of MPC MILDRED WREN, Independent TOA of Arkansas, BARBARA B. FRISCH, Staten Island BFC MRS. NATHANIEL ROUSE, Staten Island BFC Little Rock

BOXOFFICE 87 Joseph Pevney

Mitzi Green Hope Enterprises, Inc.


FABIAN Currently Appearing in CHANCELLOR RECORDING STAR Soon to Be Seen in

"HIGH TIME" Currently Appearing in 20th Century-Fox's "LOVE IN A GOLDFISH BOWL" 20th Century-Fox Production "NORTH TO ALASKA Jurow-Shepherd Prod. (Paramount)



! REVIEW i m AND • rimiw


" THE TOP TEN I HITS OF 1960 aanc^Lncf ZJrend in (Idritidli Cdiinemcuzoincf

By ANTHONY GRUNER Rank release; the British Lion comedy ward with greater daring and drive in with Peter Sellers, “Two-Way Stretch,” 1961. HE BRITISH production industry produced by Aston Smedley and directed Certainly, the production lineups of witnessed many paradoxical situa- T by ; the Bertram Ostrer com- the various companies indicated the tions during 1960. On the one hand, edy for Renown release, “Dentist in the great worldwide boxoffice potential of British films did better and made more Chair”; the Hugh Stewart comedy for the vast majority of the proposed sub- money at the boxoffice; on the other, Rank release, “Follow a Star”; the As- jects. admissions to the cinemas dropped to a sociated British picture, “School for How are the companies fixed for prod- new low of slightly more than 500 mil- Scoundrels,” produced by Hal Chester uct in 1961? Without exception all Brit- lion compared with 1,000 million in 1950. and, finally, but not necessarily in the ish distributors will be releasing as many The three outstanding boxoffice pictures tenth position came the Dimitri de pictures in America and throughout the were all British, yet with production Grunwald production for 20th-Fox re- world during this year as they did last costs mounting higher each month al- lease, “The Millionairess,” which be- year. Some will do better than that. most all distributors required supple- cause it was released late in the year mentary foreign product to equal their could not be accounted a complete 1960 Anglo Amalgamated, for example, will earning during the previous year. Cine- production. Judging by prerelease fig- have almost double their number of mas closed at the rate of ten a week. ures, however, “The Millionairess” may English first-feature pictures available Yet a picture that caught the imagina- even beat the “” gross for release during this year compared tion of the masses could earn as much as before it has completed its nationwide with last. Associated British-Pathe £450,000 in its entire run. Analyzing the success of British already have four subjects lined up to release plus the monies accruing from pictures, one notes the trend towards be fully financed by the Group and at the Eady Fund. Even the wettest Sum- comedy and straightforward adventure. least a further four now being con- mer and Autumn on record could not The public and the exhibitors noted sidered. British Lion, through their as- bring the patrons in if the picture were the changing trend in cinemagoing taste sociation with Bryanston and Britannia averagely good, and corresponding tele- and preferences and this was further vision had no chance against the pic- exemplified by the production line-up ture with all-around family entertain- of the companies for 1961. Here the em- ment ingredients. phasis is on comedy, adventure and Summing up the situation, one could thrillers. However, 1960 will be noted as state that the basic problem facing the the year in which practically all British British industry in 1961 is the contradic- production companies were able to en- tion between the popularity of British joy successes in America. films as a whole and the continued de- Anglo Amalgamated scored with its cline in boxoffice attendances through- comedy, “Carry On, Nurse” and its out the country. thriller, “Circus of Horrors”; Lion In- Most British producers were, on the ternational did fine business with “I’m whole, fortunate with their pictures dur- All Right, Jack,” “The Man in a ing the past year. Apart from a few Cocked Hat” and “The Angry Silence.” Sir Michael Balcon Maxwell Setton spectacular Hollywood films like “Psy- The Rank Organization reached a deal cho,” “Operation Petticoat,” “Pillow whereby a number of top features were Talk,” “It Started in Naples,” “The Five distributed by 20th-Fox and many of Films, while not increasing the number Pennies” and “The Unforgiven,” the them enjoyed higher grosses than any of features for world release plans to dis- most consistent boxoffice pictures came Rank picture has known for many years. tribute the same number as they did last from British companies or British pro- Hammer, of course, continued to provide year which was then a record for that boxoffice duction subsidiaries. solid contributions to the U.S. company. Bryanston, formed less than in the of such pictures as “The Of the ten most popular British pic- shape 18 months ago, sponsored six features Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll,” “The Brides tures of the year, Number 1 was the and will provide at least the same num- of Dracula,” “Hell Is a City,” and its Rank--Ralph Thomas comedy, ber plus a number of supporting films. lineup for 1961 indicates that this year’s “Doctor in Love,” followed by the John Regal Films, with four features to their grosses would probably be a record for Brabourne production for 20th Century- credit, announce their intention of mak- even this successful company. Associated Fox, “Sink the Bismarck!” with the ing at least six and possibly eight dur- British learned that their comedy, the Peter Rogers production for Anglo Amal- ing the year. Hal Chester production of “School for gamated, “Carry On, Constable” enjoy- Scoundrels,” did equally good business Hammer have stepped up their al- ing third position. Then came the Rank in art theatres as well as a number of location of eight pictures a year and film, “Conspiracy of Hearts,” produced downtown situations. More and more may now make as many as 12. This, in by Betty Box and directed by Thomas; British producers were negotiating with itself, is a unique production record for the Allied Film Makers picture, “League American distribution companies for re- first features from an independent pro- of Gentlemen,” produced by Basil Dear- leases of their pictures during the year. duction company in the British indus- den and directed by Michael Relph for This process will be accelerated in 1961. try. On the other hand, many producers The Rank Organization, in spite of still appeared to be unaware of the rumors to the contrary, have stepped up enormous potentials of the American their production with seven features to market. Failures in previous years had be made between now and June by the given them a boxoffice inferiority com- Betty Box-Ralph Thomas team, Allied plex and this, in turn, inhibited their Film Makers and other independent pro- showmanship when it came to present- ducers. Regal, who sank considerable ing and promoting their pictures to the capital into production last year will see U.S. industry. It is possible that many the benefits with four major subjects for of these faint-hearts will be encouraged release and a further six lined up for by the successes of such companies as production during the ensuing year. Re- Anglo Amalgamated, Hammer, Rank nown have three major features for 1961, Betty Box Ralph Thomas and Lion International and to go for- the same production quota as in 1960.

Section 92 BAROMETER ;

Twentieth-Fox will make at least ten directed by Cyril Living, One Dead,” drama, with Bill subjects and MGM eight in Britain. Frank el; “The Travers and Virginia McKenna; ‘The Thus, company by company, here is Sundowners,” out- Gypsum Flower,” drama; “The Rent the product lineup for 1961, including door drama, with Siege,” a drama; both films which have been completed Deborah Kerr and “The Stoppable Man,” drama; “Pull and those committed for production: Robert Mitchum Up the Ladder,” comedy; “That Un- produced by Gerry certain Feeling,” comedy; “Heavens ANGLO AMALGAMATED Blattner, directed Above,” comedy, with Peter Sellers and by Fred Zinne- . “No Kidding,” comedy, with Leslie mann; “School for Phillips and Geraldine McEwan, pro- Scoundrels,” BRITISH LION duced by Peter Rogers, directed by Ger- comedy, with In Association With Britannia ald Thomas: a Terr y-Thomas, of Orlac,” thriller thriller, “The Con- “The Hands with produced by Hal crete Jungle,” with Mel Ferrer, produced by Steven Pallos, Chester and directed by Robert Hamer. Stanley Baker, directed by Edmond Greville; “Nearly produced by Jack Four other subjects are in prepara- a Nasty Accident,” air force comedy, Greenwood and tion: “Tamahine” from the novel by produced by Bertram Ostrer and di- directed by Joe Thelma Niklous with ; a rected by . Losey; “Konga,” new comedy, with Tony Hancock; “Op- Subjects in preparation: “The Daffo- spectacular thrill- eration Cheesecake,” an original comedy dil Mystery,” drama, and “The Day the and the Earth Caught on Fire,” science-fiction er, produced by second Charlie Drake subject Herman Cohen, under his Associated British contract. drama. directed by John BRITISH LION Lemont; “Carry LION INTERNATIONAL In Association With Bryanston Films Peter Rogers On, Regardless,” “I’m All Right, Jack,” comedy with “Saturday Night, Sunday Morning,” comedy, produced Ian Carmichael, Peter Sellers and Terry- industrial drama with , Gerald by Peter Rogers and directed by Thomas, produced by Roy Boulting, di- produced by Harry Salzman and di- Thomas: “The Frightened City,” crime rected by John rected by Karel thriller, with John Gregson, produced Boulting; “Man in Reisz; “Spare the and directed by John Lemont and a Cocked Hat,” Rod,” comedy- Leigh Vance; “Payroll,” thriller with comedy, with drama, with Max by Julian Win- Michael Craig, produced Terry - Thomas Bygraves, pro- tie, directed by Sydney Haynes: “On and Peter Sellers, duced by Victor Ben the Fiddle,” comedy, produced by produced by John Lynden, directed directed Don Chaffey; Fisz and by Boulting, directed by Leslie Norman; "Wives Galore,” comedy, produced by by Jeffrey Dell “The Boy Who Jack Asher, directed by Bob Bob and and Roy Boulting; Stole a Million,” Asher; “The Happy Bard,” comedy, pro- “Left, Right and comedy - drama, Ger- duced by Peter Rogers, directed by Centre,” comedy, produced by ald Thomas; “Dentist on the Job,” with Ian Carmich- George Brown and comedy, with , pro- Victor Hoare ael and Alastair directed by “The Iron duced by Bertie Ostrer; Sim, produced by Charles Crichton; Technicolor, pro- Maiden,” comedy, in and Sidney Gilliat, di- “Double Bunk,” comedy, with Ian Peter Rogers and directed by duced by rected by Sidney Gilliat; “The Angry Carmichael, produced by George H. Gerald Thomas; “Carry On, Yank,” Silence,” drama, with Richard Atten- Brown, directed by C. M. Pennington produced by Peter Rogers and comedy, borough and , produced by Richards; “The Entertainer,” modern directed by Gerald Thomas; “Holiday and Bryan drama, with Sir Laurence Olivier, pro- adventure drama, produced by Camp,” Forbes, directed by Guy Green; “A duced by , directed by Julian Wintle and Leslie Parkyn and French Mistress,” comedy, produced by ; “The Battle of the directed by Sydney Meyers; “The John Boulting, directed by Roy Boult- Sexes,” comedy, with Peter Sellers, di- Patriots,” modern drama, produced by ing; “Two-Way Stretch,” comedy, with rected by Monja Danischewsky; “Light John Brabourne and directed by Lewis Peter Sellers, produced by M. Smedley Up the Sky”; army comedy, with Ian Gilbert; “Heart of a Circus,” circus Aston and directed by Robert Day; Carmichael, produced and directed by story in Technicolor, produced by Julian “Blitz on Britain,” feature-length ; “Cone of Silence,” avia- Wintle and Leslie Parkyn. documentary, produced by Harry Booth tion drama, with Peter Cushing, pro- Further feature properties purchased and directed by Roy Simpson, with duced by Aubrey Baring, directed by include, “Carry On, London”; “Carry commentary by Alastair Cooke Charles Frend. On, Farmer,” “The Black Belt,” “The “Honeymoon,” a spectacular dance-ad- Of the six subjects Bryanston will Great Spinoza,” “Something About a venture story, with Anthony Steele, pro- make in 1961, the first is “A Taste of Sailor,” “A Fool in Fleet Street,” “Rais- duced and directed by ; Honey,” based on the ing the Wind,” “Critic on Ice” and “Black Tights,” ballet spectacular, with play which Tony Richardson will direct “Dawn of D-Day.” Cyd Charisse and Zizi Jeanmaire, pro- for Woodfall Productions. duced by Joe Kaufman, directed by ASSOCIATED BRITISH ; “The Night We Sprang BUTCHERS “Lord of the Desert,” comedy, with a Leak,” farce, produced by Brian Rix “Trouble With Eve,” comedy, pro- Charlie Drake, produced by Gordon and Darcy Conyers, directed by Darcy duced by Tom Blakeley and directed by Scott and directed by John Paddy Car- Conyers; “Suspect,” espionage thriller, Francis Searle; “The Breaking Point,” stairs; “Hand in Hand,” child drama, with Tony Britton, produced and di- drama, produced by Peter Lambert, di- produced by Helen Winston, directed by rected by John and Roy Boulting; rected by Lance Comfort; “The Gentle Philip Leacock; “The Long and the “Gorgo,” science-fiction thriller, with Trap,” drama, produced by Jack Par- Short and the Tall,” wartime story, with Bill Travers produced by t he King sons and directed by Charles Saunders; Laurence Harvey and , Brothers, directed by Gene Laurie; “The “The Hand,” drama, produced by Bill produced by Sir Michael Balcon and di- World in My Pocket,” gangster drama, Luckwell and directed by Henry Cass; rected by Leslie Norman; “The Rebel,” a with , produced by Dr. “The Man Who Couldn’t Walk,” drama, comedy with Tony Hancock and George Greuter and directed by Alvin Rakoff; produced by Jock McGregor and Unesh Sanders, produced by W. A. Whittaker “The Pure Hell of St. Trinians,” com- Mallik and directed by Henry Cass; and directed by Robert Day; “Don’t edy, produced by Sidney Gilliat, and “Rag Doll,” produced by Tom Blakeley Bother to Knock,” comedy, with Richard directed by Frank Launder. and directed by Lance Comfort. Todd, produced by Frank Godwin and Other subjects in preparation: “Two (Continued on page 104)


Carole Lesley, as the pretty new receptionist, invites Michael Craig to call her Kitten, in this scene from the Betty Box comedy for Rank Film Distributors.


A Betty E. Box-Ralph Thomas Production for Rank Release

The Cast Production Staff

Dr. Richard Hare Michael Craig Producer Betty E. Box Director Ralph Thomas Dr. Nicola Barrington Virginia Maskell Screenplay Nicholas Phipps Dr. Tony Burke From the Novel by Richard Gordon

; Assistant Director Stanley Hosgood : x Sir Lancelot Spratt James Robertson Justice Camera Operator James Bawden Sound Editor Don Sharpe Kitten Strudick Carole Lesley Sound Recordists .... Dudley Messenger and Gordon K. McCallum Wildewinde Reginald Beckwith Makeup George Blackler Dr. Clive Cardew Nicholas Phipps Set Dresser Arthur Taksen Hairdressing Pearl Orton Leonora Liz Fraser Costume Designer Yvonne Caffin Dawn Continuity Gladys Goldsmith Editor Alfred Roome Lady Spratt Ambrosine Phillpotts Art Director Maurice Carter Professor MacRitchie Irene Handl Production Manager Charles Orme Director Photography Dr. Hinxman of Ernest Steward, B.S.C. Sally Nightingale Moira Redmond Music Composed and Directed by Bruce Montgomery Harold Green Ronnie Stevens Title Song by Ken Hare S Mrs. Tadwich Fenella Fielding Sung by Richard Allan I 1

94 BAROMETER Section Dana Wynter offers a comforting word to Kenneth More, to ease the strain of responsibility in his hunt for the Bismarck, in the 20th Century-Fox release.

SINK THE BISMARCK! A John Brabourne Production for 20th Century-Fox

The Cast Production Staff Captain Shepard Kenneth More Producer John Brabourne Anne Davis Dana Wynter Director Lewis Gilbert Screen Story Screenplay Captain Lindemann Carl Mohner & (based on a story by C. S. First Sea Lord Laurence Naismith Forester) Edmund H. North Music Composed by Clifton Parker A . C . N.S Geoffrey Keen Conducted by Muir Mathieson Admiral Lutjens Karel Stepanek Director of Photography Christopher Challis, B.S.C. Commander in Chief (King George V ) Michael Hordern Art Director Arthur Lawson Editor Peter Hunt Commander Richards Maurice Denham Production Manager Edward Joseph Captain Banister Michael Goodliffe Assistant Director Jack Causey Camera Operator Austin Dempster Captain (Prince Wales ) of Sound Mixers Dudley Messenger Esmond Knight Red Law Signals Officer Jack Watling Editor Win Ryder Continuity Shirley Barnes Captain (King George V ) Jack Gwillam Set Dresser Arthur Taksen Captain (Ark Royal ) Mark Dignam Casting Director Nora Roberts Makeup W. T. Partleton Captain ( Suffolk ) Ernest Clark Hairdressing Ivy Emmerton Captain ( Sheffield ) John Horsley Special Effects Unit Supervisors

Captain ( 1 st Destroyer ) .... Peter Burton Howard Lydecker Bill Warrington First Workman Sydney Tafler Cameraman Sheets Kelly Captain ( Hood ) John Stuart Unit Manager Richard Goodwin Camera Operator Jack Welch Admiral ( Hood ) Walter Hudd Technical Adviser Able Seaman Brown Sean Barrett Lt. Cmdr. Peter Peake, R.N. (Rtd.) BOXOFFICE 95 BRITISH TOP TEN



i I


The constables stand inspection in another of the “Carry On” series which Peter Rogers produced for release by Anglo Amalgamated Film Distributors.

I n CARRY ON, CONSTABLE An Anglo Amalgamated Production


The Cast Production Staff Sergeant Wilkins Sidney James Producer Peter Rogers Inspector Mills Eric Barker Director Gerald Thomas Constable Constable .... Kenneth Connor Constable Gorse Charley Hawtrey Screenplay by Norman Hudis Sergeant Laura Moon .... Hattie Jacques Constable Potter Leslie Phillips From Idea by Brock Williams Policewoman Passworthy Joan Sims m Constable Benson .... Photographed by Ted Scaife Sally Barry Shirley Eaton Editor John Shirley m Constable Thurston Cyril Chamberlain m Mrs. May Jean Hickson Music by Bruce Montgomery Distraught Woman Irene Handl Herbert Hall Terence Longdon Policewoman Harrison Jill Adams I 1st Crook Freddie Mills i Store Manager Brian Oulton I Criminal Type Victor Maddern Matt Michael Balfour Honoria Diana Aubrey 1st Shop Assistant Mary Law Young Woman Dorinda Stevens

96 BAROMETER Section The Pied Piper, modern version—a long file of refuge children follows an Italian guard to a transit camp in the Betty Box production released by Rank.


A Betty E. Box-Ralph Thomas Production for Rank Release

The Cast Production Staff

Mother Katharine Lilli Palmer Producer Betty Box Director Ralph Thomas Sister Mitya Sylvia Syms Screenplay Robert Presnell jr. Sister Gerta Yvonne Mitchell Assistant Director Stanley Hosgood Major Spoletti Ronald Lewis Camera Operator James Bawden Editor Don Sharpe Colonel Horsten Albert Lieven Sound Sound Recordists .... John W. Mitchell Lt. Schmidt Peter Arne and Gordon K. McCallum Sister Tia Norah Swineburne Makeup Edward Knight Continuity Gladys Goldsmith Father Desmaines .... Michael Goodliffe Editor Alfred Roome Sister Constance Megs Jenkins Art Director Alex Vetchinsky The Rabbi David Kossoff Production Manager R. Denis Holt Italian Adviser Giorgio Zambon Sister Honoria Jenny Laird Set Dresser Arthur Taksen Petrelli George Coulouris Costume Designer Yvonne Caffin Sister Elisaveta Phyllis Neilson-Terry Director of Photography Ernest Steward, B.S.C. Anna Rebecca Dignam Music Composed by .. Angelo Lavagnino Joseph Joseph Cuby Conducted by Muir Mathieson






! 1

A million-pound robbery is being engineered here by Roger Livesay, and Jack Hawkins on unsuspecting Gerald Mohr, left, in the Rank release.

THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN An Allied Film Makers Production for Rank Release


The Cast Production Staff i Hyde Producer Michael Relph Race Director Basil Dearden Mycroft Screenplay Lexy Richard Attenborough Assistant Director George Pollard Camera Operator H. A. R. Thomson Porthill Bryan Forbes Sound Editor Harry Miller Stevens Kieron Moore Sound Recordists E. G. Daniels Bunny Warren .... Robert Coote Bill Daniels Rupert Makeup Harry Frampton Peggy Melissa Stribling Hairdressing Barbara Ritchie Weaver Set Dresser Arthur Taksen ii Elizabeth Nannette Newman Continuity Penny Daniels Editor John Guthridge C. S. M Peter Proud Wylie Art Director Production Manager Charles Orme Hilda Photography Molly Weaver Director of Arthur Ibbotson Captain Saunders Gerald Harper :ss Music Composed and Directed by Grogan Philip Green i 1SS:

98 BAROMETER Section )



Bernard, Cribbins, David Lodge and Peter Sellers break out of prison for one night to pull “the perfect crime" in the British Lion International comedy.


1 TWO-WAY STRETCH A British Lion Production

; ; : x •::x The Cast Production Staff

Dodger Lane Peter Sellers Produced by M. Smedley Aston The ‘rev’ Basil Fowler (Soapy) Directed by Robert Day Wilfrid Hyde White Original Story & Screenplay by Jelly Knight David Lodge John Warren and Len Heath Lennie Price Bernard Cribbins Additional Dialog by Commander Horatio Bennet, R.N. (ret’d)

(The Governor) .... Maurice Denham Director of Photography Mrs. Price (Lennie’s Mum Irene Handl Geoffrey Faithfull Ethel Liz Fraser Production Supervisor Harold Buck Warder Jenkins George Woodbridge Art Director John Box Warder George Cyril Chamberlain Film Editor Bert Rule Warder Charlie Edwin Brown Music Composed & Conducted by The Lawyer John Glyn-Jones Ken Jones Miss Pringle Beryl Reid Sound Recordists Paddy Cunningham Miss Meakin Noel Hood and Maurice Askew Miss Prescott Myrette Morven Unit Manager Jacques De Lane Lea Colonel Arkwright Rev. Butterworth Walter Hudd Assistant Director Kip Gowans Woman in Pub Olga Dickie Camera Operator Frank Drake Dustman Joe Gibbons Dubbing Editor Ted Mason The Captain John Wood Continuity Lee Turner Police Superintendent Robert James Roy Rosotti Solicitor Eynon Evans Makeup Jimmy Evans Tailor Hairdresser Joyce James

BOXOFFICE 99 g; Bob Monkhouse, Kenneth Connor and Eric Barker comprise the team of comedians who frolic in the Renown Pictures International comedy release.

DENTIST IN THE CHAIR A Bertram Ostrer Production for Renown Release

The Cast Production Staff David Cookson Bob Monkhouse Produced by Bertram Ostrer

Peggy Travers Peggy Cummins Directed by Don Chaffey I Sam Field Kenneth Connor Screenplay by Val Guest The Dean Eric Barker Adapted from the book “Dentist in Brian Dexter Ronnie Stevens the Chair” by Matthew Finch Michaels Vincent Ball Additional scenes by .... Bob Monkhouse Ethel Eleanor Summerfield and George Wadmore Mr. Watling Reginald Beckwith Director of Photography Reginald Wyer Inspector Richardson .. Stuart Saunders Art Director Bill Andrews Dentist Ian Wallace Miss Brent Peggy Simpson Production Manager Albert Becket Lucy Jean St. Clair Editor Bill Lenny Maggie Rosie Lee Music Composed and Directed by

Woman in Surgery .. Charlotte Mitchel Ken Jones


Norman Wisdom, left, plays the role of a singer whose voice is “stolen” by a trick and lifted to fame without his knowing it in this Rank release.


A J. Arthur Rank Film Production for Rank Release


The Cast Production Staff

Norman Truscott .... Produced by Hugh Stewart Directed by Robert Asher Judy June Laverick Original Screenplay by Jack Davies, Vernon Carew Jerry Desmonde Henry Blyth and Norman Wisdom Photography Jack Asher Dymphna Dobson ... Hattie Jacques Art Director Maurice Carter Editor Roger Cherrill Dr . Chatterway Richard Wattis Production Manager Charles Orme

Harold Franklin .... Eddie Leslie Assistant Director Bert Batt Camera Operator David Harcourt Birkett .. Continuity Splinters Deason Pendlebury Sydney Tafler Costume Designer Anthony Mendleson Set Dresser Vernon Dixon

Lady Finchington . Fenella Fielding Makeup George Blackler The General Charles Heslop Sound Editor Harry Miller Sound Recordists C. C. Stevens Stage Manager Joe Melia and Gordon K. McCallum Violinist Ron Moody Music by Philip Green



I I S3


Ian Carmichael isn’t at all happy about the attention his girl Janette Scott is getting from Terry-Thomas in the Hal E. Chester film for Associated British.

SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDRELS A Guardsman Films Production for Associated British Pictures

The Cast Production Staff

Executive Producer Hal E. Chester &:

: : : Henry Palfrey Ian Carmichael Associate Producer Douglas Rankin : : : Director Robert Hamer I Raymond Delauney Terry-Thomas Based on the Novels Gamemanship, 1 Oneupmanship, Lifemanship Mrs. S. Potter Alastair Sim by Stephen Potter Screenplay by Patricia Moyes April Smith Janette Scott Hal E. Chester Director Photography Dunstan Dennis Price of Erwin Hillier, B.S.C. i Dudley Peter Jones Production Manager L. C. Rudkin Art Director Terence Verity Gloatbridge Edward Chapman Film Editor Richard Best Casting Director Robert Lennard I Head Waiter John Le Mesurier Scenario Editor Frederick Gotfurt Assistant Director Basil Rabin Mrs. Stringer Irene Handl Camera Operator Herbert Smith 1



The doctor, Peter Sellers, tells Sophia Loren her bedside manner doesn’t phase him in this scene from the De Grunwald production released by 20th Century-Fox.

THE MILLIONAIRESS A Dimitri de Grunwald Production for 20th Century-Fox Release

The Cast Production Staff Epifania Sophia Loren Produced by Richard Rouve Doctor Kabir & Parerga Peter Sellers Directed by Anthony Asquith Sagamore Alastair Sim Screenplay by Based on the play “The Millionairess” Joe by Bernard Shaw, Adrian Dennis Price Adapted by Riccardo Aragno Conducted by Alastair Gary Raymond Music Composed and Georges van Parys Fish Curer Alfie Bass Director of Photography Jack Hildyard, B.S.C. Mrs . Joe Miriam Karlin Art Director Harry White Professor Noel Purcell Editor Polly Virginia Vernon Recording Supervisor A. W. Watkins Sound Recordist Gerry Fisher 1 st Secretary Basil Hoskins Dresses by Pierre Balmain Nurse Diana Coupland Production Designer Paul Sheriff Production Administrator Leonard Urry President Willoughby Goddard In Charge of Production Roy Parkinson Muriel Pauline Jameson Assistant Director Frank Hollands Butler Graham Stark Camera Operator Gerry Fisher Continuity June Faithfull Whelk Seller Wally Patch Makeup Dave Aylott Gloria Tempe Adam Hairdresser Sarah Beber Wardrobe Supervisor Felix Evans 2 nd Secretary Gordon Sterne Sound Editor Alastair McIntyre Corelli Charles Hill Dubbing Mixer J. B. Smith Portraits by Olga Lehmann Mrs . Willoughby .... Eleanor Summerfield Set Dresser Pamela Cornell Tommy True Davy Kaye Lenses by Bausch & Lomb

BOXOFFICE 103 1 . ;

Changing Trend in British Cinemagoing

(Continued from page 93)

Butchers has four subjects set for immediate production. Provisional titles; “Bomb in the High Street,” “Staple Girls,” “Kick Back,” and “Crosstrap.” was formed less than two years EROS At Eros Films, 17 productions are on the year’s schedule, in- ago . . and already eight cluding 11 British-produced pictures, four American, one Italian and one Yugoslavian. Most impressive production scheduled is a five top features and supporting Biblical spectacle, “Cain and Abel,” to be filmed in Technirama completed 70 and Technicolor, with an international cast. Three other pic- features have been tures are scheduled to be made on the same large scale, in Technirama 70 and Technicolor—“The Long Ships,” an ad- its banner. under venture drama; “Oliver Cromwell,” a historical spectacle, and “The Hellions,” starring Anne Aubrey and James Booth. Other films on the Eros schedule include: “Johnny Nobody,” thriller, filmed in Warwickscope, starring Nigel Patrick, Aldo Ray, Yvonne Mitchell, William Bendix and Cyril Cusack; “His and Hers,” comedy, starring Terry-Thomas, Janette Scott, Wilfrid Hyde White, Nicole Maurey, Kenneth Connor, Joan Sims, Colin Gorden and Kenneth Williams; “Cat and Mouse,” a crime drama, films already released in starring Lee Patterson and Anne Sears; “Lies My Father Told Me,” drama, starring Betsy Blair, Harry Brogan and Terry the USA:— Raven; “Middle of Nowhere,” drama, with John Cassavetes, Eliz-

i i abeth Sellars and David Farrar; “Rip Van Winkle,” comedy, The Battle of the Sexes starring Jamie Uys; and “Ticket to Paradise,” romantic comedy,

- , (Continental Distributing) i i _i , . pj starring Patricia Dainton and Emrys Jones. i ne tmeriamer (Continental Distributing) HAMMER 1 The Boy who stole a Million’’ “Brides of Dracula,” thriller, with Peter Cushing, produced (Paramount) by Anthony Hinds and directed by Terence Fisher; “Terror of the Tongs,” adventure drama, with Richard Basehart, produced by Kenneth Hyman and directed by Anthony Bushell; “Visa to Can- ton,” with Ronald Lewis and Ann Todd, produced and directed by Michael Carreras R “The Full Treatment,” modem drama, pro- duced and directed by Val Guest; “Sword films heading your way:— of Sherwood Forest,” outdoor adventure, < t with Richard Greene, produced by Sidney Saturday Night and Cole and Richard Greene, and directed by Terence Fisher; “Curse of the Werewolf,” Sunday Morning (Continental Distributing) costume thriller, produced by Anthony 1 Hinds and directed by Terence Fisher; A Taste of Honey” (Continental Distributing) James Cameras “Taste of Fear,” modem thriller, produced by Jimmy Sangster and directed by Seth “Double Bunk (Lion International) Holt; “Weekend With Lulu,” comedy, produced by Ted Lloyd and directed by John Paddy Carstairs. “Spare the Rod (Lion International) Nine other productions in preparation: “Watch It, Sailor!,” comedy, produced by Maurice Cowan and directed by Wolf Rilla; “Light Up the Sky (Lion International) “The Maniac,” thriller, produced by Anthony Hinds and directed by Robert Day; “One More River,” action drama, produced by Michael Cameras and directed by Val Guest; “Quatermass and the Pit,” thriller, produced by Anthony Hinds; “The Brutal Land,” outdoor thriller, produced by Michael Carreras; “The Children of Light” (provisional title), produced by Anthony Hinds,- “Blood River,” pirate drama; “The Big Wheel,” thriller, produced by Jimmy Sangster; “The Phantom of the Opera,” is a co-operative of thriller, produced by Anthony Hinds; “The Amorous Prawn,” comedy, “The Whites Grew Pale” (provisional title), drama, eleven leading independent produced by Michael Carreras; “Build Us a Dam,” drama, pro- duced by Michael Cameras. British producers RANK with Sir Michael Balcon “The League of Gentlemen,” comedy- thriller, with Jack Hawkins, produced as Chairman and by Michael Relph and directed by Basil Dearden; “Make Mine Mink,” comedy, with Maxwell Setton as Terry-Thomas, produced by Hugh Stewart and directed by Robert Asher; “Doctor in Managing Director. Love,” comedy, in Eastman Color, with Michael Craig, produced by Betty Box and directed by Ralph Thomas; “Never Let Go,”

(Independent Artists) , a drama, with Richard Todd, produced by Peter de Sarigny and directed by John Guillermin; comedy, with “Man in the Moon,” a space John Davis Kenneth More, produced by Michael Relph (Continued on page 122-D)

BAROMETER Section 104


Nat Cohen (right) and Stuart Levy, the men

behind the success of Anglo Amalgamated

Distributors Limited.



HERE may not have been a lot to laugh about in 1960, but In Panama, “Carry On, Nurse” ended a six-day run at the T millions of cinemagoers took the opportunity to do so when- Lux Cinema with the highest gross shown since the theatre began ever the opportunity presented itself. And, in nearly 40 countries showing British films, while in Australia the picture produced

from London to Tokyo, West to Los Angeles, the British such a volume of business that its run was extended from one comedy they preferred was “Carry On, Nurse.” to 16 weeks in Perth alone.

In Tokyo, it smashed records in strong competition from The film, a modest affair in black and white, lasts 87 min- spectacular Hollywood features including the MGM-Joe Levine utes, cost less than £100,000 to make and was without a single presentation, “The Giant of Marathon.” international star in its roster.

"Carry On, Nurse”* was the highest grosser of any film in Long Runs Throughout the U. S. Great Britain during 1959, and gained the unique distinction When “Carry On, Nurse” reached the States most wiseacres for a British comedy of having broken records in every country imagined that this would be the end of the success story. The

and almost every situation it played throughout 1959 and 1960. U.S. boxoffice and exhibitors, however, told a different story:

The film stayed 29 weeks at the 600-seater Empire, Denver, then

a further run at the downtown Luxe 1,270-seater ten months Breaks Records Around the Globe De ; at the Crest, Los Angeles, then on to nine additional theatres

In Canada, Ed Lynn, manager of Sydney Strand, Toronto, spread over the greater Los Angeles area, 14 weeks at Dallas, the

declared : “The finest comedy to play in my theatre for 15 years.” longest run for any British comedy. In Singapore the important Shaw Circuit cabled: “Net collection In Milwaukee, it played at the Downer Theatre for a record breaks house record to become highest daily take”; in Copen- run of nine weeks, providing the exhibitor with a record gross hagen, Anglo’s Danish agent wrote: “This was brilliant boxoffice for the house and then moved over to the Times Theatre, playing cure for Copenhagen summer heat and enjoyed record attend- an additional five weeks. ances everywhere.” In New Orleans, it completed 13 weeks at the Peacock

From India, the following report was sent to Anglo’s Lon- Theatre, a record for the house.

don office: “An utterly hilarious comedy from the first shot to “Nurse” has now already enjoyed the longest run ever the last crammed to overflowing with rambunctious fun in accorded regular price attractions for a British Comedv. between.” (Continued on page 110)

106 BAROMETER Section Lv. JH&k.


A scene from the Peter Rogers saucy production starring Ted

Ray, Jeah , Leslie Phillips and Joan Sims, also starring

Julia Lockwood, Tim Seely and guest star Charles Hawtrey. Pro-

duced by Peter Rogers. Directed by Gerald Thomas. Original screenplay by Norman Hudis.


The fun is fast and furious in this Peter Rogers production which

stars Sidney James, Kenneth Connor, Charles Howtrev, Joan Sims,

Kenneth Williams, Bill Owen ond Lit Fraser Produced by Peter

Rogers. Directed by Gerald Thomas. Screenplay by Norman Hudis. CARRY ON CONSTABLE

Peter Rogers' uproarious comedy stars Sidney James, Eric Barker,

Kenneth Connor, Kenneth Williams, Leslie Phillips, Joan Sims,

Hattie Jacques and Shirley Eaton. Produced by Peter Rogers. Di rocted by Gerald Thomas. Screenplay by Norman Hudis.

WATCH YOUR STERN NO KIDDING Peter Rogers' comedy about the British Navy stars Kenneth Con-

This Peter Rogers lighthearted production stars Leslie Phillips, nor, Eric Barker, Leslie Phillips, Joan Sims, Noel Purcell, Hattie

Geraldine McEwan, Julia Lockwood ond Noel Purcell. Produced by Jacques with and Eric Sykes, and guest star Sid-

Peter Rogers. Directed by Gerald Thomas. Screenplay by Nor- ney James. Produced by Peter Rogers. Directed by Gerald Thomas. man Hudis and , Screenplay b Alon Hackney and Vivian A. Cox A PETER ROGERS Production CARRY ON NURSE

Shirley Eaton, Charles Hawtrey, Terence Longdon, Leslie Phillips,

Susan Stephen, Kenneth Connor, Hattie Jacques, Bill Owen, Joan Sims Kenneth Williams. Guest star Wilfrid Hyde White.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis

Distributed by GOVERNOR FILMS, INC., New York 22.


Sidney James, Joan Sims, Charles Hawtrey, Hattie Jacques, Kenneth Connor, Eric Barker, Leslie Phillips, Kenneth Williams.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis

Distributed by GOVERNOR FILMS, INC., New York 22.


Kenneth Connor, Leslie Phillips, Kenneth Williams, Rosalind Knight,

Charles Hawtrey, Joan Sims, Hattie Jacques, Cyril Chamberlain, Ted Ray.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis

Distributed by GOVERNOR FILMS, INC., New York 22.

' •• ;


William Hartnell, Shirley Eaton, , Kenneth Connor,

Bob Monkhouse, Eric Barker, Bill Owen.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis

Distributed by GOVERNOR FILMS, INC., New York 22.


Ted Ray, Leslie Phillips, Jean Kent, Joan Sims, also starring Julia Lockwood, Tim Seeley and guest star Charles Hawtrey.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis

Distributed by .


Kenneth Connor, Eric Barker, Leslie Phillips, Joan Sims, Noel Purcell, Hattie Jacques with Spike Milligan, Eric Sykes. Guest star Sydney James.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis

Contact GORDON FILMS, INC., 120 West 57th Street, New York 19.


Leslie Phillips, Geraldine McEwan, Julia Lockwood, Noel Purcell, with Irene Handl, Joan Hickson, June Jago.

Produced by Peter Rogers Directed by Gerald Thomas Screenplay by Norman Hudis and Robin Estridge

Contact GORDON FILMS, INC., 120 West 57th Street, New York 19.



Anton Diffring, Erica Remberg, Yvonne Monlaur.

Associate Producer Norman Priggen Directed by Sidney Hayers Original Screenplay by George Baxt

Distributed by AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURES, Hollywood 28. m Bll i 8m


Carl Boehm, Moira Shearer, Anna Massey, Maxine Audley.

An original story and screenplay by Leo Marks Photography in Eastman Colour

Produced and Directed by MICHAEL POWELL

Contact GORDON FILMS, INC., 120 West 57th Street, New York 19.


Stanley Baker, also starring Margit Saad, Sam Wanamaker, Gregoire Aslan.

Produced by Jack Greenwood Directed by Joseph Losey Screenplay by Alun Owen Music composed and conducted by Johnny Dankworth with his orchestra. Contact GORDON FILMS, INC., 120 West 57th Street, New York 19.

U.S. Representative: RICHARD GORDON, Gordon Films, Inc. London, England 120 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y. Telephone PLAZA 7-9390-1-2. Cables GORDONFILM, NEW YORK. THE ANGLO AMALGAMATED STORY production deal with Julian Wintle and Leslie Parkyn who are now committed to a five-picture-a-year deal with Anglo. (Continued from page 106) In Wardour Street, however, the big turning point in Anglo’s fortune came in 1957 with the Peter Rogers production So great was the interest in the picture that Anglo flew of “The Tommy Steele Story,” made on a low budget, directed actress Shirley Eaton, who starred in ‘"Carry On, Nurse,'' to the by Gerald Thomas and scripted by Norman Hudis. The feature States for a week of intense promotional publicity which included was so successful that a sequel was made, “The Duke Wore large-scale radio and television exposure, meetings with exhib- Jeans,” starring Steele again. The “Steele Story” led to the itors and the press. It was the culmination of the most successful formation of an export department headed by Phil Jacobs which year of business in the ten-year history of the company. has become one of the most flourishing sides of Anglo’s opera- tions. Since 1957 alone, business has increased by 500 per cent Variety of Production Sources of Anglo turnover and last year at least a third of Anglo’s busi- The international industry significance of Anglo Amalga- ness came from the world sales of the company’s product. mated was not just limited to its successful relations with Peter Today, Anglo is the largest British independent distributor Rogers and his productions which have made him one of the and the third largest in the business. Only Columbia with 18 most sought-after producers in the business. The company did British, 27 American and 17 foreign features and Fox with equally well with their coproductions like “Horrors of the Black 13 British and 30 American features would release more pictures Museum,” produced by Herman Cohen in association with the than Anglo this year, a total of 22 British and 15 American fea- American International Pictures organization; “Circus of Hor- tures, including eight one-hour featurettes. Moreover, no renter rors,” produced by Independent Artists-Julian Wintle and Leslie has shown such a remarkable increase in available British first- Parkvn, a Technicolor picture which secured big boxoffice feature films over the last ten years. grosses in Britain and throughout Europe; “Peeping Tom,” the

Michael Powell film which enjoyed even bigger business in Volume and Profits Multiply

Europe than it did in Britain, and “The Concrete Jungle,” one Figures in 1950-51 reveal Anglo had two U.S. films on their of the most authoritative gangster pictures, with Stanley Baker, books and not a single British first or second feature. By 1952, produced by Jack Greenwood of Merton Park Studios and they had one British film, four U.S. films; 1953—six British, directed by Joseph Losey. three American; 1954—nine British, four American; 1955— 11 Yet Anglo’s success in Britain arrived during a year when British, seven American. 1956—seven British, 11 American; attendances had reached a new low of 400 million and when 1957—ten British, 11 American; 1958—ten British, 15 Ameri- boxoffice receipts for many outstanding Hollywood features can; 1959—15 British, 12 American; 1960— 18 British, nine were very poor and when ten cinemas in Britain were closing American. 1961 —22 British, 15 American. each week. All this in the face of the abolition of the Entertain- Simultaneously, there has been the same sharp rise in Anglo ments Tax and the wettest Summer and Winter that the country profits as the accompanying graph indicates. Formed in 1950, had known for 50 years. hy 1952, Anglo’s profits were 197 per cent over the previous Wardour Street oldtimers agree that 1960 had been a black year; by 1954, it had risen 343 per cent. Two years later in year for the trade and that the situation would probably get 1956, it was 597 per cent; by 1958, the figure was 998 per cent in 1961. But in the worse no company were employes more con- and by the end of 1960, it reached the astonishing percentage of fident about the future than the 150 men and women belonging 2,666 per cent. to Anglo. The trading figures for last year showed an estimated busi- Whether oldtimers or newcomers, they —were all influenced ness world wide turnover of £2,000,000. In 1961, and by the Wardour Street legends about Anglo spectacular indus- (Continued on page 112) try progress.

Began With Hal Roach Reissues

In 1950, the story was far different. Nat Cohen and Stuart Levy, a couple of exhibitors, secured some Hal Roach reissues and a few documentaries and decided to go into the distributing business. This was a year of the beginning of the big slump in attendances when the Chancellor was being faced with terri- fied exhibitors throughout the country calling for relief and producers who had suddenly found that the means of making pictures at a profit had somehow vanished from the British industry. A year later, Anglo had embarked on its own produc- tion —a second feature called “Assassin for Hire,” made at

Merton Park Studios. It was the beginning of a new relationship with Merton Park which has continued up to date, with Anglo now owning a considerable share in that studio.

Two years later, the company made its first feature, “Sleep- ing Tiger,” with . This was followed by a new 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960


From the Best Selling Novel by JAMES BARLOW

Produced by JOHN BRABOURNE Directed by LEWIS GILBERT The team who made 'SINK THE BISMARCK!

As topical as tomorrow's Headlines THE

FRIGHTENED A Julian Wintle-Leslie Parkyn Production CITY PAYROLL



Never since "King Kong" such mighty excitement!

PETER ROGERS Production KONGA Eastman Colour & SpectaMaticn THE HAPPY Produced by HERMAN COHEN Produced by Directed by PETER ROGERS JOHN LEMONT Directed by GERALD Distributed by THOMAS AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL

ANGLO AMALGAMATED FILM DISTRIBUTORS, LTD. Hammer House 113-117 Wardour Street London, W.l. England —

THE ANGLO AMALGAMATED STORY public. Today, the American exhibitor has an opportunity in a lifetime. Apart from the big spectacular productions and the (.Continued from page 110) exploitation films, there is a dire shortage of Hollywood product.

It has been proved that the good British product is more success- Stuart Levy anticipate that they will easily surpass the £2,500,- ful than any other film being released in America. Whereas a 000 mark. From nine small rooms in Hammer House (rented U.S. exhibitor could previously rely on Hollywood, he now has a from Anglo s good friend, production wizard Jimmy Carreras) second source of supply. We have to fight hard to get exhibitors Anglo now possesses nine suites of offices including three floors to take a film like “Carry On, Nurse,” although it will make at at Hammer House and the remainder distributed in other parts least $3 million in world grosses and not less than $1.25 million of V ardour Street. The company now bulges at the seams. From in America. Our new line-up of comedies and thrillers should a staff of six, Anglo now employs over 350 top personnel in- make it easier to get the sales in the States. In other words, I cluding, under Alan Kean, general manager, some of the best believe that 1961 will be our biggest year in U.S. business.” salesmen and exploiteers in the business.

Developed Unknowns Into Stars Lessons Learned in Growth

What, then, is the quality of the Anglo success story? All What are the lessons that Anglo Amalgamated has learned Anglo’s pictures, financed by themselves 100 per cent, make in the last five years? Says Nat Cohen: “To take it steady. We because all their subjects are tailored to the needs of ex- have climbed slowly but surely; to listen to the pulse of public money throughout the world. All their product taste, not to rush in for anything but to rush in when the subject hibitors in Britain and spends per film on is important enough. In other words, we realize we have to keep is promoted extensively. Anglo more money commercials, posters and promotion feeding exhibitors, but not with just any film. This won’t fill newspaper advertising, TV in the business. theatres. We feel that the way we approach a subject is im- than most companies portant. While Anglo stars were relatively unknown actors and ten years ago, today they are household names in “We don’t make a film for a specific country. We make it actresses throughout the world. for our exhibitor customers wherever they may be. Our average Britain and their reputation is growing Phillips, Charles Hawtrey, Kenneth Connor, of successes is probably the highest in Great Britain. We feel People like Leslie all of whom have we are more progressive than the average company. We like to Kenneth Williams, Joan Sims, Shirley Eaton— British comedy to give new people a chance. We attempt to put more on the screen. worked in “Carry On, Sergeant,” the first the globe, except behind We try to be elastic with budgets. It is not the cost of a picture enjoy success in almost every country on

that counts; it’s the story; its entertainment value and the way it the Iron Curtain.

is promoted. But, if the subject requires a big star or a big by Customers budget, we stick to it. We have created a successful trend in Highly Regarded British comedy pictures. We have now established our comedy Anglo has one further “secret” weapon. In an industry films throughout the world and through all parts of the U.S.A. where successes are becoming harder to find and where jealousy

Our success in America, apart from the basic quality of our is always around the corner, it seems to be one of the few com- productions, comes through encouraging people who distribute panies without a single enemy. No renter is more popular with for Anglo over there. We don’t just rely on the major com- theatre owners in the United Kingdom than the one controlled panies, but we select small companies who will get behind a by the Messrs. Cohen and Levy. A few months ago, in a full-page picture and promote it for all it is worth. We have found that color advertisement paid for by Associated British Pictures

it’s not the size of the company, but the people in it and, if you Corp., the following tribute was paid to Anglo:

find the right people, it’s a good policy to go with them all the “The achievements of Nat Cohen and Stuart Levy have way. thrilled the industry. They have displayed the magic touch of boxoffice—have delivered hit after hit to appreciative exhibitors Believe In Smaller Companies throughout the world. They carry their success with a modesty is smaller will con- “Our experience that the companies that has endeared them to all who have enjoyed the warmth of centrate and so that is why we more on pushing your product their friendship. It is with pleasure and admiration that Asso- are still tend to offer our films to smaller firms. There many ciated British pay tribute to them both and say—Nat and Stuart distributors among the majors who don’t go out sufficiently to . . . Carry On!” exploit their pictures in a big way and allow some of their Without doubt this is just what they intend to do in 1961 major pictures to be released almost cold. There are also some with enthusiasm, gusto and showmanship. exhibitors who are not prepared to get behind their product

and practice showmanship. Anglo is a showmanship company

and we believe that this quality is one of the most important ‘"Carry On, Niurse" was the second in the series of comedies, the first features, factors of our success. We want to see Anglo films played in "Carry On, Sergeant" released by Anglo film Distributors (two later On, Constable" and the soon to be seen "Carry more and more American theatres, large or small. "Carry On, Teacher," "Carry British actor comedians Leslie On, Regardless." It contained the same cast of — Charles Hawtrey and Kenneth Williams and the same “If all U.S. exhibitors will give us a fair chance, we believe Phillips, Kenneth Connor, Gerald Thomas and production team—scriptwriter Norman Hudis, director they can make money for themselves as well as Anglo. But first successful independent pro- producer Peter Rogers, who is currently the most joined the board of Anglo. they have to exploit our pictures and help sell them to the ducer in Great Britain and who has since


Peter Rogers' laugh-packed production of Army life stars Wil- This Peter Rogers' laughter-raiser stars Kenneth Connor, Charles liam Hartnell, Bob Monkhouse, Shirley Eaton, Eric Barker, Dora Hawtrey, Leslie Phillips, Joan Sims, Kenneth Williams, Hattie Bryan, Bill Owen, Kenneth Connor. Produced by Peter Rogers. Jacques, Rosalind Knight and Ted Ray. Produced by Peter Rogers. Directed by Gerald Thomas. Screenplay by Norman Hudis. Directed by Gerald Thomas. Original screenplay by Norman Hudis.

w flL,

j mm -iM* L y JIB??

PAYROLL As topical as tomorrow's headlines, this powerfully authentic drama stars Michael Craig, Francoise Prevost, Billie Whitelaw CARRY ON NURSE ond William Lucas. A Julian Wintle-Leslic Parkyn production. Peter Rogers' world record breaking comedy stars Shirle Eaton, Directed by Sidney Hayers. Produced by Normon Priggen. Screen- Kenneth Connor, Charles Hawtrey. Hattie Jacques, Terence Long- play by George Baxt, don, Bill Owen, Leslie Phillips, Joan Sims, Susan Stephen, Ken- neth Williams and guest star Wilfrid Hyde White. Produced by Peter Rogers. Directed by Gerald Thomas. Screenplay by Nor- man Hudis. PEEPING TOM CIRCUS OF HORRORS

Produced and directed by Michael Powell, this fascinating picture Sudden death lurks behind the gaiety and excitement of the Cir

bares the mind of a psychopathic killer. Filmed in Eastman Col- cus in this Julian Wintle-Leslie Parkyn Eastman Colour produc

our, it stars Carl Boehm, Moira Shearer, Anna Massey and Maxine tion starring Anton Diffring, Erika Remberg and Yvonne Mon

Audley. Original story and screenplay by Leo Marks. lour. Directed by Sidney Hayers. Screenplay by George Baxt.

CONCRETE JUNGLE KONGA This, the toughest picture ever mode in Britain, exposes the crim- A mighty gorilla, over a hundred feet tall, ter- inal underground which operates inside and outside British prisons rorizes London in Herman Cohen's impressive Starring Stanley Baker, Margit Saad, Sam Wanamaker and production filmed in Eastman Colour and Specta- Gregoire Aslan. Produced by Jock Greenwood. Directed by Joseph Mation, starring Michael Gough, Margo Johns, Losey Screenplay by Alun Owen. Music composed and con- Jess Conrad and Claire Gordon. Based on an or- ducted by Johnny Dankworth with his orchestra. iginal story and screenplay by Herman Cohen and Aben Kandel. Directed by John Lemont. DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD BY


TIME TO REMEMBER (39 S hour episodes) TOMMY THE TOREADOR TORCHY (52 i hour episodes) Starring TOMMY STEELE and with SIDNEY JAMES technicolor HABATALES (65 eight minute films) SANDS OF THE DESERT THE FLYING DOCTOR (39 i-hour episodes) PATROL (39 i-hour episodes) Starring CHARLIE DRAKE co-starring AFRICAN

PETER ARNE with SARAH BRANCH DIAL 999 (39 i-hour episodes) BETH ROGAN-RAYMOND HUNTLEY technicolor MANTOVANI (39 i-hour episodes)


THE REBEL POLICE SURGEON (13 episodes) withTONY HANCOCK, GEORGE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME (13 I-hour episodes) SANDERS, , MARGIT SAAD, IRENE HANDL. Feature Films EASTMAN COLOUR Educational Films Short features THE LONG AND THE SHORT Documentaries AND THE TALL Pathe News Library with LAURENCE HARVEY. RICHARD TODD London Playhouse . Armchair Theatre



as 1960’ s biggest attraction at

the British boxoffice and proved by gross receipts as the biggest moneymaker of the year.

DISTRIBUTED in the USA by GOVERNOR FILMS INC. 509 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y.

P.S. to Betty and Ralph

You know it — we know it — but the rumour has now spread that PETER FINCH in your latest “

will be the No. 1 hit for 1961 and were not just talking about the British market! Governor Films Inc.


two great film making families for scoring 2 out of 3

of the top moneymakers

in Britain for 1960

BETTY E. BOX (Mrs. Peter Rogers) for producing


PETER ROGERS for producing

Camon Ctotsfabfe XV,

RALPH THOMAS for directing D«dbn* I9VE

and his brother GERALD THOMAS for directing

Carta0ft Cwtsfable V **_7 O

Current Releases Coming Along I'M ALL RIGHT JACK (Columbia Pictures Corporation) TWO-WAY STRETCH MAN IN A COCKED HAT (Show Corporation of America) BLACK TIGHTS BLITZ ON BRITAIN LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE ( bcg r ims) HONEYMOON THE ANGRY SILENCE (Vitalite Films Corporation) THE RISK


In association with Bryanston Films In association with Bryanston Films


CONE OF SILENCE ( Company) DOUBLE BUNK LION INTERNATIONAL FILMS OF LONDON LONDON ADDRESS: Broadwick House, Broadwick Street, London, W.l. Telephone No: GER 0224 Cable Address: Lionint, London AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVE: 1501 Broadway, New York 36 Telephone No: Lackawanna 4-3351 Cable Address: Lionfilm, New York Michael B Bromhead. Esq . Suite 1900, n



starring SOPHIA PETER R0RRM antl ETo¥oEIR


—United Press International

Now In Production




20th MARCH 1961


Complete coverage of events in British

Film Industry is presented in bright and

informative style in "The Daily Cinema."

For up-to-the-minute news and down-to-

earth facts of the British scene, get your-

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Your Questions Answered


This volume of over 500 pages is a

must for all engaged in the Film and TV industries. Out Soon.

The Encyclopedia of British Show Business

120 BAROMETER Section Associated British


michael is disapproving as Terry-Thomas fawns over Ian's new girl friend, Janette Scott, in a comedy based on the tech- nique of winning games without actually

cheating. Produced by Hal E. Chester, with the direction by Robert Hamer

THE TALL AND THE LONG AND THE - RW* . > SHORT. Based on a hit play dealing with v ' \ HR t lip' V i U fey /! a dramatic incident in the Malayan i Vi mki kMil jungle in World War II, and the impact

i i W : r <^Wm of constant strain on fighting men. Starred are Richard Todd, Laurence Harvey and Richard Harris. Sir Michael Balcon produced, Leslie Norman directed.

DON'T BOTHER TO KNOCK. Richard Todd plays a travel THE REBEL. A clerk who rebels against monotonous rou- agent who becomes romantically involved with too many tine turns to the Bohemian life of the Paris art colony in

girls in a comedy which he made for his newly formed this comedy which introduces Tony Hancock, British radio company. Starred with him are Nicole Maurey, Elke Som- and TV personality. Starred also are , mer, June Thornburn, Judith Anderson. Frank Godwin Paul Massie, Margit Saad, Gregoire Aslan, Dennis Price,

produced for Richard Todd-Haileywood Films and Cyril . The producer is W. A. Whittaker, the

Frankel directed. The film is in CinemaScope and color. director Robert Day. A breezy comedy filmed in color.

BOXOFFICE 121 B i i t i s h Lion

BLACK TIGHTS. In Super-Technirama 70 and Technicolor, and created for road-

show presentation, is "Black Tights," starring three top ballerinas—Moira Shearer from Britain, Cyd Charisse from Hollywood and Jeanmaire from France, along with Roland Petit and his dance team, and introduced by Maurice Cheva-

lier. This is a Joseph Kaufman production, with the direction by Terence Young.

SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY MORNING. A powerful story of a young man who lives for just two days of every week, and who prefers not to make his Saturday night girl his Sunday morning wife. Starred are Albert Finney, Shirley Anne Field and Rachel Roberts. The film

is a Woodfall production, produced by Harry Saltzman, directed by Karel Reisz.

DOUBLE BUNK. A comedy based on the problems THE PURE HELL OF ST. TRINIANS. The girls of

of a young couple whose marriage is almost cap- St. Trinians are back, devastating as always. This sized by the difficulties of beginning their life one begins with the school being burned down. oboard a boat. Ian Carmichael and Janette Scott The stars are Cecil Parker, George Cole, Eric

play the newlyweds. The producer is George H. Barker, Joyce Grenfell, Irene Handl, Liz Fraser, Brown, the director C. M. Pennington-Richards. Thorley Walters. The comedy was produced by Sidney Gilliat and was directed by Frank Launder.

122 BAROMETER Section A

Hammer Films

THE CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF. A macabre yarn, in the best of Hammer's tradition, set in the late 18th Century, about a male child bom under the hideous curse of being half man, half wolf. The stars are Clifford Evans, Yvonne Romoin, . Produced by Anthony Hinds, and directed by SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST. Rich- Terence Fisher, with Michael Carreras executive producer. Filmed in color. ard Greene plays the role of Notting- ham's battling outlaw in a swashbuck-

ling tale. Peter Cushing is the scheming sheriff. Filmed in Ireland, produced by Sidney Cole, directed by Terence Fisher. Photographed in Megascope and color.


Bob Monkhouse (left) is joined by Leslie Phillips as they get the treatment from some of the girls in this hijinks comedy. Ted Lloyd produced, with John Pad- dy Carstairs the director.

VISA TO CANTON. Rich- THE TERROR OF THE TONGS. Based on ard Basehart shoots it out a drive 50 years ago to destroy a Tong with a Red agent in a Far organization. Stars , East thriller about an Al- Yvonne Manlaur, Geoffrey Toone. Pro- lied plane brought down in duced by Kenneth Hyman; Anthony Nel- Chinese territory. Produced son Keys, associate producer, with An- and directed by Michael thony Bushnell at helm. Carreras, Anthony Nelson directorial Keys associate producer.

THE FULL TREATMENT. A "new study in suspense," with an adult approach, starring Claude Dauphin, Ronald Lewis, Diane Cilen-

to. Written, directed and produced by Val Guest,

and filmed in Megascope. TASTE OF FEAR. Ann Todd, Susan Stras- berg, Ronald Lewis star in a "new kind of a thriller." Written and produced by Jimmy Songster, directed by Seth Holt.

BOXOFFICE 122- Rank Film Dislr’s

MAN IN THE MOON. Starring Kenneth

More and Shirley Anne Field, this is a comedy about William Blood (the role played by More) and how, unbeknown to

himself, he is being groomed to become the first man on the moon. The picture was produced by Michael Relph and

directed by Basil Dearden, and is an Al-

lied Film Makers production, its second for release by Rank Film Distributors.

NO LOVE FOR JOHNNIE. A comedy about the loves, frustrations and ambitions of an MP, a role played by

Peter Finch, who is shown here with Mary Peach. Starred also: Sterling Hol- loway, ,

Billie Whitelaw. The picture was produced by Betty Box, directed by Ralph Thomas, and filmed in CinemaScope.

THE SINGER NOT THE SONG. Drama in a remote Mexican town, involving a Catholic priest, a bandit and his girl. Dirk Bogarde plays the bandit, John Mills the priest, Mylene Demongeot the girl. The film was produced and di- rected by Roy Baker, with Jack Hanbury as the asso- ciate producer. Filmed in CinemaScope and in color.

VERY IMPORTANT PER- SON. Set in wartimes. A brilliant radar scientist played by James Robertson

Justice, at the rear right, is inadvertently sucked out of a bomber over Germany THE BULLDOG BREED. A laugh-packed story and into the hands of the about the misadventures of an engaging little man enemy. A Julian Wintle- who joins the Navy and finds himself being trained Leslie Parkyn production, to become the first man in outer space. Norman directed by Ken Annakin. Wisdom (in shorts) ploys the role. Here, in his zeal to rescue a "man overboard," he pushes the admiral and captain over the ship's side. Hugh Stewart produced and Robert Asher directed.

122-B BAROMETER Section Regal Films


THE TREASURE OF . A swashbuckler starring Rory FURY AT SMUGGLER'S BAY. The story of smugglers and in Calhoun, John Gregson, Patricia Bredin, Peter Arne and Gianna highwaymen the West Country at the turn of the 18th Century Canale, in which two camps fight for stolen treasures. Above, Patricia provides a dramatic for a Bredin resists ; below, Calhoun and Arne duel to the death. theme drama starring Peter Cushing, John Fraser, Michele Produced and directed by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman, a Mercier, Bernard Lee and June Thornburn. Mid-Century Film Production. Produced in Dyaliscope and color. Produced and directed by John Gil.ing. In the photo above, Michele Mercier and John Fraser are shown in one of the ten- der love scenes. Below, the King's men in a smashing attack on the smugglers. The

picture was filmed in Dyaliscope and color.

THE HELLFIRE CLUB. The eerie mystery of "human sacrifice," and swordman- ship are dominant in this Regency drama starring Keith Michell, Peter Arne, Kai Fischer and . Produced, directed and photographed by Robert

S. Baker and Monty Ber- man. Dyaliscope and color.


Changing Trend in rector John Guillerman; “Operation Michael Green; "The Secret of Monte Snatch,” adventure-comedy; and a com- Cristo,” with Rory Calhoun, adventure British Cinemagoing edy to be produced by Hugh Stewart. drama, produced and directed by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman. 'Continued from page 104) REGAL For 1961, the company has in prepa- “Jack the Ripper,” drama, produced ration “One Exciting Night,” “Journey and directed by Basil Dearden; “The and directed by Robert S. Baker and Into Fear,” “Jungle Street,” “Man in with Dirk Singer Not the Song," drama, Monty Berman; “Mania,” drama, with the Iron Mask” and “Bengal Lancers.” Bogarde and John Mills, produced and directed by Roy Baker; "The Bulldog RENOWN Breed,” a Norman Wisdom comedy, produced by Hugh Stewart, directed by “The Rough and the Smooth,” sex drama, Robert Asher; “No Love for Johnnie,” produced by George Minter and directed a drama starring Peter Finch, produced by Robert Siodmak; “Dentist in the by Betty Box, director Ralph Thomas; Chair,” “Der Rosenkavalier,” an opera with comedy, produced Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, produced and by Bertram Os- directed by Dr. Paul Czinner; “Flame trer, directed by in the Streets,” a drama with John Don C h a f f e y “Beat Girl,” Mills, produced and directed by Roy teen- age drama, pro- Baker; “Very Important Person” (In- duced by George dependent Artists), comedy - thriller, Michael Greene Willoughby and produced by Julian Wintle and Leslie Joseph Vegoda directed by Ed- Parkyn and directed by Ken Annakin. Peter Cushing, produced and directed mond Greville. During the first half of 1961, the by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman; During 1961, the company are planning to make: “Boy “The Siege of Sidney Street,” with Don- company will pro- Barrett” (provisional title), a drama, ald Sinden, produced and directed by duce “Cheap At George Minter produced by Michael Relph and directed Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman; the Price,” a com- by Basil Dearden; “Whistle Down the “This Other Eden,” Irish drama, pro- edy; “C-O Doctor,” another medical- Wind,” drama, to be produced by Rich- duced by Alec C. Snowden and directed profession comedy, telling of the mis- ard Attenborough and Bryan Forbes; by Muriel Box. adventures of a Harley Street specialist “No, My Darling Daughter” (provisional Regal will also release during 1961: “The Fifth Season of Love,” a fantastic title), romantic comedy, producer Betty “The Hellfire Club,” with Keith saga of the 16th and 17th centuries. Box and director Ralph Thomas; “All Mitchell, drama, produced and directed Finally, another Minter subject, “The Night Long,” a drama, to be directed by by Robert S. Baker and Monty Ber- Liberty Man,” will be produced in about Basil Dearden; “The Innocent Gun- man; “Fury At Smugglers Bay,” drama, 18 months time since it is to be pre- man,” a comedy thriller with Peter Sell- produced and directed by John Gilling— sented on the West End stage in the ers, producer Peter de Sarigny and di- executive producers Joe Vegoda and near future.





122-D BAROMETER Section

The president of , at work in his office t

Alphabetical Index of Features and

An Interpretive Analysis of Lay and Tradepress Reviews. The Plus and Minus Signs Indicate the Degree of Merit Only; Audience Classification Is Not Rated. For Essential Data See FEATURE INDEX and LOOKING AHEAD Departments. Symbol (J denotes BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon Award Winner. Photography: © Color; © CinemaScope; ® VistaVision; © Super- scope; Noturama; Regalscope; Technirama. ® (§) © REUIEUI DIGEST

ff Very Good; + Good; ± Fair; — Poor; = Very Poor. In the summary ff is rated 2 pluses. = as 2 minuses.

>» V) on I/I or “c “n CP ^ >, £ 3 o "re E CJ re o ai “vs P o _ >» re o >* rz Q «/> o P It E P W w ? •Si _ O 'n o ^ o E a. E II E E > jp* — !t; £ Sr — 11 E 3 g o re lZ X cc CL S = 3 c7i CO xa: > X cc a. S to

A ©Can-Can (131) Todd-AO Musical . 20th- Fox ff + + ff ff + ff n+

©Captain’s Table, The Comedy 20th-Fox 2+2 {^©Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, (90) ff ff ff ff + + 11+1- -4- The (107) © Folk Comedy MGM + ff ff ff ff + ll+l- Carry On, Nurse (89) Farce Comedy . . Governor ff ff ff ff + + ff 12+

. Chance . . . . . ©Alamo. The (162) Todd-AO Hist’l Drama . UA ff + + ff ff ff ff 12+ Meeting (96) Mvstery Drama Para ff + + ff ff + 9+

-f- — ©Chartroose Caboose . ©All the Fine Young Cannibals (122) © Drama. MGM ff 2± ff rh + 8+3- (75) Pana.ision, Comedy . U-l + + + 3+

All the Young Men (86) Drama Col + + + + + + + 7+ Chasers, The (75) France; Eng. titles, Dr. . . . . Hakim + ff + — — 4+2-

— ©Cimarron . . . . . ©And Quiet Flows the Don (109) USSR; Eng. titles UA + + ff ff + 8+2- (140) © Frontier Drama MGM ff ff ff ff ff + 11+

— . . . . Angel Wore Red, The (99) Drama MGM — + 2±2 6+6- ^©CinderFella (88) Comedy Para ff + ff + ff 9+1-

©Angry Island (90) © Japan; ©Circus of Horrors (89) © Horror Drama. . AIP ff ff + ff + 8+ Eng. titles, Dr Bentley ff 5+1- + + ©Circus Stars (67) Anamorphic; Documentary . . Para + ff + 2+2 ff 7+1- ©Angry Red Planet, The (94) Science-Fiction. AIP -f- 4+1- + + + College Confidential (90) Melodrama U-l — 2+2 — 2+4— Angry Silence, The (95) Drama Valiant 14+ ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ©Comanche Station (74) © Western Col + + ±2 + + + + 7+1- Apartment. The (125) Comedy- Drama Panavision UA ff ff ff ff ff ff 13+ Come Back, + Africa (90) Documentary Drama Rogosin ff + ff 5+ Aren't Wonderful? titles, We (108) Germany; Eng. ^Come Dance With Me! (90) Comedv-Mystery Comedy-Drama Film Alliance Corp ff 4+ + + France; Eng. -dubbed Kingsley-Union + + + 2+2 + 6+2- As the Sea Rages (74) Drama .Col 2±2 ± — 5+3- + + + ^Conspiracy of Hearts (113) Drama. . . . Para ff ff ff ff ff ff 13+1- 2+2 Atomic Submarine, The (73) Science-Fiction. . . . . AA — - ± 4+4- ©Cossacks, The SDectacle . . . . — + + (85) Drama .u-i ±2 ff + 2+2 7+5- Cousins, The France; titles; (112) Eng. Drama F-A-W + + — ff 4+1- B ©Crowded Sky, The (105) Air Drama WB + + + + + + 5+

©Babette Goes to War (100) France; Eng.- Crack in the Mirror 2+2 © (97) © Murder Drama. .20th-Fox ff ff ff ff + ff 12+1- dubbed (also available with Eng. titles) Comedy .Col + ff + ff + ff + 10+ ©Battle in Outer Space (90) Tohoscope, Japan; Eng- D dubbed, Science-Fiction Col + + + 2± ± 7+4— ©Dark at the Top of the Stairs, The (124) Dr. WB f|- -H- ff ff ff + ff 13+ Battle of Blood Island (67) Drama Filmgroup — — 2+2 1+3- Day They Robbed the Bank of England, Battle of the Sexes, The (88) Comedy. .Continental ff + + ff + ff 10+1- The (84) Dr MGM + ± ± + ff -+ + 9+1— Beast From Haunted Cave (65) Horror Dr. .. Filmgroup — + + 2+1- Desire in the Dust (105) © Drama 20th-Fox ff + ± + ± ± + 8+3— Because They’re Young (102) Comedy-Drama. . . Col 2+2 + + + + + + 7+1- ©Dinosaurus (85) © Science- Fiction U-l + + + ff + + — 7+1— Bellboy, The (72) Farce Comedy Para ff ± 2+2 ± 8+3— + + + Dog. a Mouse and a Sputnik, A (90) ©Belles and Ballets (92) France; ballet .... Excelsior ± 4+1— + f). Comedy, France; Eng. -dubbed F-A-W + — ± + 3+2— Ringing ©Bells Are . (127) © Musical Comedy MGM ++ +++ ff ++ 13+ ©Dog of Flanders, + A (97) Children’s Classic 20th-Fox ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14-f ©Between Time and Eternity (85) Germany; Eng.- Dog's Best Friend, A (70) Drama UA+ ± — + ± ± &+4 dubbed, Romantic Drama U-l 2+2 ± + ± 5+4- Dreams (86) Drama, Sweden; Eng. titles Janus ff ff ff + + 8+ Beyond the Time Barrier (75) Science-Fiction .... AIP ± -4- -4- H- ± 6+6-

Big Chief, The (98) France; Eng. titles Farce Comedy Continental + ff + ff + 7+ E Eig Night, The (74) Action Drama Para + + + 4+1- Electronic Monster, The (72) Col = ± ± ± — + ± 5+8— ©Black Orpheus (95) Brazil; Eng titles ©Elmer Gantry (145) Drama UA ff ff -ff ff ff ff ff 14+ Drama with Music Lopert -ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14+ End of Innocence (74) Drama, Argentina; Blood and Steel (63) Action Drama 20th-Fox © + + + + dt 7+3— Eng. titles Kingsley-lnt'l + +2+ Bluebeard’s Ten Honeymoons (92) Murder Drama. . AA + — - + ± 5+5— Enemy General, The (75) Drama Col ff — + + + + ± 7+2— Bobbikins (90) Comedy 20th-Fox -f- © + ± + + + 6+2— Entertainer. The (97) Drama Continental + ff + ff ff + ± I0f]_ ©Boy and the Pirates, The (83) Perceptovision ©Esther and the King Bib. Dr (109) © 20th-Fox + ± ± + ± ± ff 8+3— Adventure Comedy UA + + + ff 7+ + + ©Exodus (212) Super-Panavision 70, Drama.... UA ff ff ff ff ff ff ff i4_f Boy Who Stole a Million. The (64) Expresso Bongo (108) Comedy with Comedy Drama Music. .Continental + + + ff + ± s+l— Para +- + + ff + + s+ + ©Bramble Bush, The Drama (93) WB -+ ± + ff ff + ff H+1- ©Breath of Scandal, A (98) Costume Comedy.. Para + ±2 ± + + 6+3- F

©Brides of Dracula, The Horror Drama , (85) .U-I +f ff + ff + ff ± 11+1- Facts of Life, The (103) Comedy UA + ff ff ff ff + 10+ Brink of Life (82) Sweden; Eng. titles, Drama ..SR + + 2+ ©Fast and Sexy (99) © Romantic Comedy .... Col + + ± + + + ± 7+2— Broth of a Boy (77) Comedy Kingsley-Union + + 2+ Five Branded Women (106) Drama Para ©Butterfield Drama ff + + ff _ + _f s+l— 8 (109) © MGM ff ff + ff + + ± 10+1- ©Flame Over India (130) Adventure Drama 20th-Fox © ff ff + ff + ff ff 12+ ©Flaming Star (101) © Outdoor Drama . . . .20th-Fox c + ff + ff ff + g_f ©Flute and the Arrow. The (78) Documentary Drama, Cage of Evil (70) Crime Drama 2+2 UA + + _ - 5+3- India; English narration Janus + + + ff ff H+ 7+ Caltiki, the Immortal Monster (76) Science F’n AA ± + — — 2+3— ©For the Love of Mike (87) Outdoor Dr.. ,20th-Fox © ff ff + tf ff ff 11+ BOXOFFICE 125 (

126 BAROMETER Section A Schary Production


Written an d Produced

Dore Sell ary

Distributed by Warner Bros.

BOXOFFICE 127 44 Very Good; — Good; — Fair; — Poor; = Very Poor. In the summary 4+ is rated 2 pluses, = as 2 minuses.

4. >. i/l •a T3 re O OJ CD re o “c 're s “e £• E & § S3 1 & E u 're § fc z re re -O (/> o > JO s Q H E H "re S3 _ 03 ? 'Z o ^ o > >. _OJ £ "Z o ^ O E X x- Li 5 |I E X CL E |i IA ro O * lA b £ E = 5 £ 63 re S re S o re re re o 8= 1- oc QJ xtr Li. itr Q- ^ oc| 1- oc h- Q > i— Q CO X > u. X oc Q- 2

400 Blows, The (98) Drama. France: K

Eng. titles . . . Zenith -H- 4+ 44 44 s+ -4- 2+2 Key Witness (81) Melodrama MGM 4- 4- 4- 4- 84-1- ©Freckles (84) © Outdoor Drama . .20th-Fox + + + + 4- 64-1- © 44 + 2+ ©Kidnapped (97) Adventure Drama ... BV 4- 4- -4- 4- 4- 94-1- ©From the Terrace (144) © Drama . . 20th-Fox ++ 4+ 44 44 4- H4-2- 44 44 -4- 2+2 ©Killers of Killimanjaro (91) Adv. Drama. Col 4- 4- 4- 74-2- Fugitive Kind. The (119) Drama Para ft- 44 44 44 4- H4-2- © 44


Gallant Hours, The (116) Biographical Dr.. UA 4- 44 4- 44 2+2 44 44 11+1- ©Last Days of Pomoeii, The (103) Super Totalscope. 2+2 2+2 ©G.l. Blues (104) Comedy with Songs . . . . Para 4- 4- 44 4- 4- 8+2— Historical Drama (Eng. -dubbed) UA + + 44 2*2 — 4- 7+3- ©Giant of Marathon. The (92) Dyaliscope ©Last Voyage, The (91) Sea Drama . MGM |4 44 44 44 44 44 4- 13+ 2+ 2+2 Spectacle Drama . . . MGM 4- 44 4- 44 + 9+2- ©, The (71) Melodrama Filmgroup + — 1+1- Girl of the Night (S3) Drama WB 4- 2± 4- 4- ± ± 8+3— 44 .+. Leech Woman, The (77) Horror Drama U-l + 44 + 2+ 6+4— ©Goliath and the Dragon (90) Colorscope ©Legions of the Nile (91) © Action Spectacle Drama AIP 4- 4- 4- 3+ Spectacle -i- _ _ — - 20th- Fox 2+7- ©Grass Is Greener. The (105) Comedy . U-l 4- 44 + 44 + 44 9+1- © 2+2 Let No Man Write My Epitaph (106) Drama. . . Col 44 + 44 + + 44 10+1- ©Green Carnation. The (128) © Dr. (was ©Let's Make Love (118) © Comedy 20th-Fox 4f 44 44 44 4- 44 44 13+ “The Trials of Oscar Wilde”) . . . Warwick 44 4- 44 44 4- 44 44 12+ ^©Lost World. The Adv. Dr 20th-Fox -4- -4- (98) © + 44 + 44 + 9+2- Gunfighters of Abilene (67) Western UA 4- 2+2 2+ 2+ 6+5-

-4- ©Guns of the Timberland (91) Outdoor Drama WB 4- H- 4- 2+ 4- 6+3-


©Macumba Love (86) Horror UA + — 2+2 2+2 ± — 2+2 5+6— Hand in Hand (75) Drama . . . Col + 44 44 44 44 44 114- ©Magnificent Seven, The (128) Panavision, ©Hannibal (103) Supercinescope. Outdoor Drama UA 44 44 44 44 + + 44 12+ Historical Drama . WB 4- ± + + + + 6+1- Hh Man in a Cocked Hat (87) Comedy. . Showcorporation + 44 + ± 44 7+1- ©Head of a Tvrant (70) Totalscope, Drama. . U-l + + + ± 5+2- Man on a String (92) Spy Drama Col + 2+2 2+2 44 — + + 7+3- ©Heaven on Earth (84) Documentary Drama.. JB-SR + ± + + + 5+1- Marie-Octobre (88) Drama, France; Eng. titles Lopert + 2+2 2+2 44 5+2- ©Hell Bent for Leather (SO) © Outdoor Drama. U-l + 44 + 44 + 9+2— 2+2 ©Marriage-Go-Round, The (99) © Comedy. . 20th-Fox + + 44 44 + 8+1- Hell Is a City (96) Action Drama . Col + 44 + 4- 44 + + 9+ ©Masters of the Congo Jungle (88) © Hell to Eternity (132) Drama . . . AA 44 44 44 44 44 + + 12+ Documentary with narration . 20th-Fox + 44 + + 44 7+ 2+2 ©Heller in Pink Tights (100) Comedy Western . Para + 44 + + 44 R 10+1- Mating Time (95) Comedy Kingsley-Union + 2+2 + 3+1- 2+2 ©Hercules Unchained (101) © Adv. Drama . . .WB + 4- 4- 44 ± + 8+2- ©Michael Strogoff (115) © Adv. (Eng.-dubbed) Cnt’l + + 2+ + 2+2 44 7+2- 2+2 ©Herod the Great (93) © Spectacle Drama . . AA + + 4+2- ©Midnight Lace (108) Suspense Drama . . . U-l 44 + + 44 44 44 44 12+ 2+22 Heroes Die Young (76) Melodrama . . .AA + 2+1- Mountain Road, The (102) Drama Col 44 2+2 2+2 44 — + 44 9+3- — 2+2 2+ 2+2 — High-Powered Rifle. The (60) Action Drama 20th-Fox 2t 4+6- - Murder, Inc. (103) Melodrama ,20th- Fox + + 2+2 + + 44 9+3- t;©High Time (103) © Comedy with Music 20th-Fox + + + 44 44 + + 9+ 2+2 Music Box Kid. The (74) Crime Drama . . UA + + + + — — 5+3- Hiroshima. Mon Amour (88) Drama. French- My Dog, Buddy (76) Drama Col + 2+2 2+2 + — 2+z 5+4- Japanese; Eng. titles Zenith 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+

©Home From the Hill (150) © Drama MGM 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+

©House of Usher, The (85) © Horror Drama. . . AIP + + 4- 44 44 44 44 11+

Hypnotic Eye, The (77) Horror Drama . . AA 44 2±2 4- + + 7+2- N

Never on Sunday (97) Comedy Lopert 44 44 + 44 + + + 10+

I 2+2 2+2 ©Next to No Time (93) Comedy . . . . Showcorporation + + 4+2-

Night Fighters. The (85) Drama . . . . UA + + + 6+ 1 Aim at the Stars (107) Biographical Drama Col + 44 + + + + 44 9+ + + +

2+ 2+2 2+2 ©Nights of Lucretia Borgia, The (108) 1 Passed for White (91) Drama . . AA + ±2 4- 4- 7+4- Totalscope, Historical Drama Col 2+2 2+2 7+2- 2+ + + + + + ©Ice Palace (143) Drama . .WB + 44 44 44 4- + 10+1- 2+2 2+2 (69) Western . . UA + ± + + 6+3- ©Idiot, The (122) Dostoievsky classic; ©North to Alaska (122) Comedy 20th-Fox ± + 44 44 + 44 10+1- Eng. -dubbed 20th-Fox + 4- + 4- 44 6+2- © + Nude in a White Car Mystery, Ikiru (To Live) (140) Drama, Japan: (87) France; Enn. -dubbed Trans- Lux -4- + + ± 4+2- Eng. titles Brandon + + + 44 44 7+ I'm All Right. Jack (105) Comedy ...Col +4 + 44 4- + 44 44 11+

Inherit the Wind (126) Drama . . .UA 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+

©It Started in Naples (100) Comedy . . Para ± 4- 10+1- ® f4 44 44 + + O It Happened in Broad Daylight (97) Drama Cont’l + 44 44 + + 7+4- 2+ 2+2 . . 11+1- In the Wake of a Stranger (69) Mystery . . Para + + 2±2 4+4— ©Ocean’s 11 (128) © Comedy-Drama WB 44 44 + 44 44 + (67) Western UA 2+2 + — 2+2 ± — 4+5-

©Once More, With Feeling (92) Comedy . . . Col + + 44 44 44 + 44 11+

J ©One Foot in Hell (89) © Outdoor Drama . 20th-Fox + + + + + + + 7+ -4- Operation Amsterdam (94) Drama 20th-Fox 44 2+2 44 44 9+3- 2+2 Jack the Ripper (85) Horror Drama . . Para + + 44 4- 4- + 8+1- Oscar Wilde (96) Period Drama Four City Ent + 44 + 44 4- 44 44 11+ -4- 2+2 (96) Drama with Music . . Col 4- 4+2- © + Ostrich Has Two Eggs (89) Comedy. -4- ©Jazz on a Summer’s Day (85) Mus. Doc.. . Union 2+2 6+1- . 44 + 44 France; Eng. titles . Janus + + + + 5+1-

Jet Over the Atlantic (95) Action Drama . . SR + 2+1- ©Othello (108) Shakespearean Drama; -4- 2+2 2+: 2+2 Eng.-dubbed U-l 10+1- ©Journey to the Lost City (95) Adv. Dr . AIP + — + 6+5— USSR; 44 + + 44 + ++

Havana Comedy-Drama . Col ± 10+1- ©Jungle Cat (70) True-Life Adventure. 8V + 4- 4- 44 44 44 44 11+ Our Man in (107) © 44 + + 44 + 44

128 BAROMETER Section — minuses. 44 Very Good; 4- Good: — Fair; — Poor: — Very Poor. In the summary 44 is rated 2 pluses, as 2 VI •a o M T3 O OJ >» OJ «J OJ V 13 o "^.5 E 3 u V,.£ E >» TO A o £ >» Q 1-5 ro fa O SE M E £ at E P "S >* OJ ti O o Is >% Ol o z% E o S _ X B E E c a. X t E «/> m o 5 a> rc 3 o ro S’ C3 O S oj ni 3 = § 5 CD X cc lZ xcc x 2E Z O ts> x Q CD X X > ii. X X x S Z Q V) P X h- O > P L

Tall Story (91) Comedy WB 44 44 + 9+1- Pay or Die (110) Crime Drama . . . AA + 44 44 44 + + 44 12+ + + + 8+1- ©Picnic on the Grass (91) Comedy, ©Tarzan the Magnificent (88) Adv. Dr. . Para + + 44 + + +

France; Eng. titles . Kingsley Int'l 44 44 9+1- 7+1- + + + + ©Ten Who Dared (92) Adventure Drama . BV 4- + ± + + 44 (93) Drama... MGM -4- — + + + + 6+3- 8+1- Third Voice, The (80) © Drama . 20lh-Fox + 44 44 + + 4j>©Please Don't Eat the Daisies (11) © Comedy MGM 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+ - -4- 5+5— 13 Fighting Men (69) © Action Dr . 20th -Fox ± + Please Turn Over (86) Farce Comedy Col + 44 44 + 44 + 9+ 13 Ghosts (88) Horror Comedy Col 44 + -±2 + 44 + + 9+1- Plunderers, The (94) Adv. Drama . . . AA + + + + + 5+ -±_ 8+1- ©39 Steps. The (95) © Suspense Dr . 20th-Fox 44 + + + + + Poacher's Daughter, The (74) Comedy. . Showcorporation + + + 44 -4 + 7+ This Rebal Breed (93) Drama WB + ± + + ±2 + 7+3- ^©Pollyanna (134) Comedy-Drama BV 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+ ±_ -4- — -4- Threat. The (66) Melodrama WB — 2+2 5+5- . . — + ©Portrait in Black (11) Drama . U-l 4+ + 44 7+4- 7+4- Pretty Boy Floyd (96) Crime Drama .... Continental + + + 5+2- (70) Drama UA ~T + + Prime Time, The (76) Drama .... Essen jay-SR -f- = 2+4- Three-Penny Opera, The (113) Drama with Music,

©Prisoner of the Volga (102) Totalscope Germany; Eng. titles . Brandon + + + 4+1- — -4- Cost. Spectacle; Eng. -dubbed Para + + + + 6+3- ©3 Worlds of Gulliver, The (100) Fantasy Col + + 44 44 44 + 9+

Private Property (79) Drama Citation 6 1- 2+2 + + + + + + ©Thunder in Carolina (92) Action Dr. . Howco Int'l + ±2 + 4+2- Psycho (109) Suspense melodrama Para 44- 44 44 44 44 44 13+ + Tiger Bay (105) Suspense Drama Dontinental 44 44 44 44 44 10+ Purple Gang, The (83) Crime Drama AA + 44 44 44 + ±2 ± 10+2- ©Time Machine, The (103) Science-F’n Classic MGM 44 44 44 44 + + 44 12+ -4- Pusher, The (82) Crime Drama UA — + 44 + 8+4- ^©Toby Tyler (96) Adventure Comedy bv 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+ •4- Hh -4- Too Soon to Love (85) Drama U-l - + + 6+5- R Tormented (75) Horror-Suspense Drama AA + + 2+ -4- Larceny, Comedy-Drama. Para 9+1- ©Rat Race, The (105) Comedy .... Para 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+ Touch of A (93) + + 44 + + 44 Raymie (73) Drama AA + + + + 5+ Trapped in Tangier (77) Supercinescope, + — . 20th-Fox = = = = 1+10- Rest Is Silence. The (106) Modem adaptation of Crime Drama ± -4- Hh . - "Hamlet” Germany; Eng. titles ....F-A-W 3+3- Twelve Hours to Kill (83) © Crime Drama 2Cth-Fox + 6+6- -+- Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, The Cr. 8+1- -4- H- (101) WB + + 44 + + + 12 to the Moon (74) Science-Fiction Col ±2 + — ± 6+6-

©Royal Ballet (131) Ballet . Rank-Lopert 44 44 44 44 + 9+ Rosemary (105) Drama, Germany; Eng. -dubbed .. F-A-W + 44 + + 44 7+ Rue de Paris (90) Melodr. France; Eng. titles Lopert + 44 + + 6+1- U

Under Ten Flags (92) Sea Drama ... Para + + 4- + ± 4- 44 8+1 S ©Unforgiven, The (125) Panavision, ©Santa Claus (94) Fantasy with Music; Mexican- Western Drama UA 44 44 44 44 + 44 44 13+

made; Eng. -dubbed. . . . K. Gordon Murray-SR ± ± + + 5+3- Savage Eye, The (67) Semi- documentary Trans-Lux-Kingsley -4- 9+1- (4 44 44 44 V ©Savage Innocents, The (110) © Drama . . . Para 44 44 + 44 44 + 10+ ±2 Valley of the Redwoods (92) Drama.. . 20th-Fox + 4- + 6+1- ©Scent of Mystery (125) Todd Process. Mys.. .Todd + 44 44 + 44 8+ © + +

Village the Damned Horror Drama . . MGM 10+ School for Scoundrels (94) Comedy Continental + 44 44 44 + + + 10+ of (78) + 44 + + 44 44 + -4- -+- -4- Island Comedy-Drama . . . . . F-A-W 4+3- ©Secret of the Purple Reef, The (80) © Dr . 20th -Fox ± + + 8+3- ©Virgin (84) © + © (99) Stereovision Virgin Spring, The (88) Drama; -+- Action Drama 20th -Fox it + + + 7+4- Sweden; Eng. titles . . .Janus + 44 + 44 44 44 11+ ©Sergeant Rutledge (11) Drama WB ++ 44 + 44 + 44 44 12+ Visit to a Small Planet (85) Comedy . . . . Para + + + + 44 + + 8+

©Seven Thieves (102) © Crime Drama . 20th-Fox 44 44 44 44 + 44 44 13+ ©Seven Ways From Sundown (87) Western U-l + 44 + + + + 7+ H- . — — Sex Kittens Go to College (93) Comedy. AA + 2+3- w Shakedown, The (91) Action Drama .... U-l + + + — 3+1- ©Wackiest Ship in the Army, The (99) Comedy Col + 44 44 6+1- Sign of Zorro, The (91) Adv. Drama BV + + 2+ © ©Wake Me When It's Over (126) Comedy. 20th-Fox 44 44 44 10+ Sink the Bismarck! (97) © War Drama . . . 20th-Fox ff + 44 44 + 44 + 11+ © + + + + Ski Troop Attack (65) Action Dr Filmgroup -+- + 3+2- Walk Like a Dragon (95) Drama .... Para 44 + + + + + + 8+ -+- ©Solomon and Sheba (139) Super Technirama-70; ©Walk Tall (66) © Western .20th- Fox Hh + + 6+4- Biblical Spectacle UA + + + 44 + .44 + 9+ Walking Target (74) Drama UA + + ± 4+2- ©Song Without End (142) © Biog. Dr Col 44 44 44 44 44 44 13+1- Wasp Woman, The (66) Science-Fiction. . . . Filmgroup + + 3+1- Sons and Lovers (103) © Drama .20th- Fox 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+ When Comedy Was King (81) Documentary. . 20th-Fox + + + 44 + + + 8+ S.O.S. Pacific (92) Action Drama U-l 44 44 + -4 + ± 8+1- ©Where the Boys Are (99) Comedy-Drama. . MGM 4f 44 44 44 44 + 11+ ©Spartacus (189) Super Technirama-70 © Where the Hot Wind Blows (120) Drama; Adventure Spectacle U-l 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+

Franco-ltalian made; Eng. -dubbed . . MGM — 6+2- Spring Affair (69) Comedy Bagnall & Assoc.-SR ± -4- 2+2- + + + + + -+- Who Was That Lady? (116) Comedy Col 44 44 9+ Squad Car (60) Melodrama . 20th-Fox = — 1+4- + + + + + ±2 . . — Why Must 1 Die? (86) Melodrama AIP — 3+3- Stop! Look! and Laugh! (78) Slapstick Comedy. .. Col + + + + + + 6+ 4f

©Story of Ruth, The (131) © Biblical Dr.. . 20th-Fcx 44 44 -4 44 44 44 + 12+ ©Wild River (115) © Drama . 20th-Fox 4f 44 44 44 + + 44 12+

Page . Story on One. The (122) © Drama... 20th -Fox + + + 44 44 44 10+1- ©Wind Cannot Read, The (107) Dr ,20th- Fox + 44 44 44 44 44 12+1- ©Strangers When We Meet Drama Col (117) © + 44 + 44 44 44 ll+l- ©Wizard of Baghdad, The (92) © Comedy. ,20th- Fox + + + 5+2- Stranglers of Bombay (81) © Adv. Drama Col + -4 6+2- +- + + ©Woman Like Satan, A (86) © Drama...... Lopert 2+2- Studs Lonigan (103) Drama UA 44 + 44 44 + 9+2- World of Apu. The (103) Drama . Harrison 44 44 44 44 44 44 + 13+ ©Subterraneans, The (89) © Drama MGM + -4- + 6+4- ©World of Suzie Wong, The (129) Drama .... Para 44 44 44 44 + + 44 12+ ©Sundowners, The (133) Drama WB 44 44 14+ 44 44 44 44 44 ©Would-Be Gentlemen, The (95) Farce;

^©Sunrise at Camoobello (143) Drama . WB 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 14+ France; Eng. titles Kingsley-Union -+- -*- 4+ 5+2- -4- -4- + Surprise Package (100) Comedy Col 44 + ± 44 + 9+3- ©Swan Lake (81) Ballet Film Col 44 44 + 44 ± 44 44 12+1- ©Swiss Family Robinson (126) Panavision XYZ Adventure Classic BV 44 + 44 44 44 44 12+1- ©Sword and the Dragon, The (S3) Folklore. Valiant + + 2+ Young Jesse James (73) © Drama 20th-Fox ± + — + ± + ± 6+4—

BOXOFFICE 129 130 BAROMETER Section Yul Brynner


Ashley-Steiner, Inc., Agency 449 South Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, Calif.


VICE-PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF PRODUCTION Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer A Complete Production Record for the Year

Essential Data on 1959-60 Releases FEATURE inDEK

©ANGRY RED PLANET, THE. 501 (83). . Feb. 24 Allied Artists Science-Fiction Melodrama. The horrifying experi- ences of four persons who take off in a rocket (November 1, 1959 through September 25, 1960) Explanatory on the first visit to Mars by Earth humans. They THE. 5918. Nov. '59 ATOMIC SUBMARINE, .(73) 29, are greeted with hostility arid attacked by strange Science-Fiction Drama. When several American Statistical and summary data creatures. Gerald Mohr, Nora Hayden, Les Tre- mysteriously in the Arctic submarines ore sunk mayne. Jack Kruschen. Director: lb Melchior. Sino lanes. scientists disasters to feature releases arranged al- sea Navy trace the on Production. (Cinemagic.)—(Sino Prods, released this underwater flying saucer from another planet, an phabetically companies. nationally on a roadshow basis Nov. 1959, before and ultimately succeed in destroying the seem- by AIP took it over.) ingly indestructible craft. Arthur Franz, Dick PRODUCTION NUMBER follows Foran, , Joi Lansing, Tom Conway, BEYOND THE TIME BARRIER . 505 (80) ... July 13 Paul Dubov. Director: Spencer G. Bennet. Gorham title. Science-Fiction Melodroma. An Air Force pilot Production. crashes through the Time Barrier and finds him- RUNNING TIME in parentheses. self in a strange world of the future, 2024 A.D., BLUEBEARD'S TEN HON EYMOONS . 6002 . . (92) Apr. inhabited by survivors of a nuclear plague since Melodrama. Filmed in Europe. Based on the no- RELEASE DATE at end of title 1971. He finally escapes back to 1960, reports his torious career of Henri Landru, the infamous experiences and the danger of the atom to Frenchman who died on the guillotine for the line is 1960 unless otherwise stated. civilization. Robert Clarke, Darlene Tompkins, murders of 10 wealthy women to gain favor with Arianne Arden, Vladimir Sokoloff, Stephen Bekassy. a worthless mistress. George Sanders, Corinne Cal- TYPE of picture in boldface. Director: Edgar G. Ulmer. vet, Jean Kent, , George Coulouris. Director: W. Lee Wilder. PROJECTION SYSTEMS, such BUCKET OF BLOOD, A 407 (65) Oct. 31, '59 Horror Comedy. A mad, would-be sculptor wants VistaVision, CALTIKI, THE IMMORTAL MONSTER 600

. . 591 9 . . Jan. story of U.S. Marine hero, Guy Gabaldon, who PURPLE GANG, THE (83) destroys it with explosives. Don Sullivan, Lisa liquor-smuggling activ- captured single-handed some 2,000 Japanese pris- Melodrama. Based on the Simone, Fred Graham, Shug Fisher, Jerry Cart- ities that terrorized the city oners during the fighting on Saipan and Tinian in of the infamous gang wright. Director: Ray Kellogg. McLendon Radio of Detroit during Prohibition days. The mob kills release with "The World War II, for which he received the Silver Star Piets. Production. (Dual package wife of a police citation. Jeffrey Hunter, David Janssen, Vic Da- a cop and murders the pregnant Killer Shrews ") lieutenant before finally being brought to bay. mone, Patricia Owens, Richard Eyer, John Larch, '59 Blake, Elaine Edwards, Marc GIANT LEECHES, THE. 409 (62) Oct. 31, Sessue Hayakawa. Director: Phil Karlson. Atlantic Barry Sullivan, Robert Cavell, Director: Frank McDonald, Horror Melodrama. A series of mysterious murders Piets. Production. Jody Lawrance. Lindsley Parsons Production. in the Florida Everglade swamps is eventually traced to monstrous giant leeches that reside in ©HOUSE OF INTRIGUE, THE. 5912 .6006. July 3 RAYMIE. (72) caverns at the bottom of the swamps. Dynamiting (94) Nov. 15, '59 Adventure Drama. Story of a young boy who destroys the weird water creatures forever. Ken Drama. (Italian-made, with English-dubbed dialog.) dreams of landing a giant barracuda and makes Clark, Yvette Vickers, Jan Shepard, Michael Em- From H. J. Giskes' novel, "London Calling North his dream a reality, thereby proving to all con- met. Director: Bernard L. Kowalski. (Dual package Pole." In World War II, the Gestapo in Holland cerned that with faith and courage all things are release with "Bucket of Blood.") breaks up a British spy ring, ond through a fluke possible. David Ladd, Julie Adams, , manages to continue using the successful system Charles Winninger, . Director: Frank ©GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS. 406 '59 so that all British supplies fall into German hands. McDonald. A. C. Lyles Production. (90) Dec. 30, Curt Jurgens, Dawn Addams, Folco Lulli, Dario Spectacle Drama. (Italian-made, with English- SEX KITTENS GO TO COLLEGE . 6003 . . (94) Aug. 21 Michaelis, Rene Deltgen, Albert Lieven. Director: dialog.) Filmed in Italy and Yugoslavia. Comedy. A glamor girl and former tassel-dancer is dubbed Duilio Coletti. (CinemaScope.) hordes invaded northern Italy hired, sight unseen, by THINKO, a giant electronic When the barbarian in the 6th century, a young giant, who became HYPNOTIC EYE, THE 6001 .. (77) Jan. 24 brain, to head a college science department. She known as Goliath because of his tremendous feats, baffled series of throws the campus into an uproar but eventually Suspense Drama. Police ore by a his people. Steve proves that beauty can also have brains. Mamie rises to successfully avenge self-mutilation cases involving beautiful girls. A Carlo Van Doren, Tuesday Weld, Mijanou Bardot, Mickey Reeves, Chelo Alonso, Bruce Cabot. Director: detective, aided by his sweetheart, traces the in- 1 Campogalliani. Standard Product'-- of Italy. cidents to a hypnotist whose embittered femme Shaughnessy, Louis Nye, Pamela Mason. Director: (Totalscope.) assistant, horribly disfigured herself, uses her Albert Zugsmith. Albert Zugsmith Production, for hypnotic powers to destroy beautiful women. The his Photoplay Associates. ©HOUSE OF USHER. .502. (85) July 20 film introduces HypnoMagic, a screen technique TORMENTED 6010 .(75) Sept. 25 Horror Melodrama. From Edgar Allan Poe's 19th involving audience participation. Jacques Bergerac, Drama. Deals with a man responsible for a girl's century classic tale, "The Fall of the House of Allison Hayes, Marcia Henderson, , death and the torment he goes through when she Usher," which depicts the terrifying experiences Ferdinand W. Demara. Director: George Blair. returns as a ghost to haunt him as he prepares of a young man who visits his fiancee at the to wed another. He is driven to murder and a mansion she shares with her evil brother. Vincent

I 6005 . (91) Mar. 20 PASSED FOR WHITE tragic death. Richard Carlson, Juli Reding, Susan Price, , Myrna Fahey, Harry Ellerbe. passes for white, Drama. A beautiful Negress, who Gordon, Lugene Sanders, Joe Turkel. Director: Director: Roger Corman. Roger Corman Produc- marries into a wealthy and socially prominent fam- Bert I. Gordon. tion. (CinemaScope.) ily in the East. After the birth of her still-born baby, her duplicity is revealed and she returns to JAILBREAKERS, THE. 408 (64) June 1 her own people in Los Angeles. Sonya Wilde, James American International Melodrama. Three escaped convicts search for hid- Franciscus, Pat Michon, Isabelle Cooley, Lon Bal- den loot in a ghost town and ultimately find it, (September 23, 1959 through August 24, 1960) lantyne. Director: Fred M. Wilcox. Fred M. Wilcox only to meet their downfall when they quarrel Enterprises Production. AMAZING TRANSPARENT MAN, THE. 506 among themselves. Robert Hutton, Mary Castle, (60) July 13 Michael O'Connell, Gabe Delutri. Director: Alexan- PAY OR DIE .6004. .(Ill) July 24 Science-Fiction Melodrama. A safecracker's escape der Grasshoff. Melodrama. The true story of Lieut. Joseph Pet- from prison is mysteriously arranged by a master Nov. 28, '59 rosino. New York police detective who launched spy who uses the criminal in a fantastic experi- KILLER SHREWS, THE. .410. (69) scien- the fight against the Mafia in this country, which mental plan to create a transparent army in war- Horror Melodrama. The breeding scheme of tiny Blarina took him to , the "Black Hand" organization's fare. The plot backfires when the convict uses tists experimenting with the normally headquarters, where he was assassinated in 1909. his invisibility to rob a bank. Marguerite Chapman, shrews on a remote West Indies island, backfires Ernest Borgnine, Zohra Lampert, Alan Austin. Douglas Kennedy, James Griffith, Ivan Triesault. when the ravenous shrews grow and, escaping from Director: Richard Wilson. Director: Edgar G. Ulmer. their cages, become man-eating mutants. A sea

BOXOFFICE 133 134 BAROMETER Section BOXOFFICE 135 Charrier, captain, bringing supplies to the island, rescues British. Brigitte Bardot, Jacques Hannes light when his work becomes the subject of a Ronald Howard, Francis national series. the remaining members. James Best, Ingrid Goude, Messemer, Yves Vincent, TV Paul Muni, David Wayne, Betsy Director: Christian-Jaque. Raoul J. Levy Palmer, Luther Adler, Claudia McNeil, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Al- Blanche. Joby Baker. available in fredo DeSoto. Director: Ray Kellogg. McLendon Production. (CinemaScope)—{Also Director: Daniel Mann. Fred Kohlmar Production. (Dual package release French-language version with English titles.) Radio Piets. Production. LEGEND OF TOM DOOLEY, THE. 403. .(79). July '59 with "The Giant Gila Monster.") ©BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE. 430 . (90) June Outdoor Drama. Confederate officer Tom Dooley ©SIGN OF THE GLADIATOR 403. (84) Sept. 23, '59 Science-Fiction Drama. (Japanese-made, with Eng- stages an ambush, unaware the war has ended, Spectacle Drome. (Italian-made, with English- lish-dubbed dialog.) World scientists gather in which makes him a murderer. His sweetheart flees dubbed dialog.) Queen Zenobia of Palmyra suc- Tokyo to unite against an interplanetary attack with him, after he has escaped, but in a fight cessfully resists the rule of Rome, but ultimately by outer-space creatures who use the moon as with another suitor who intercepts them, the girl is defeated by Roman legions in a spectacular and their advance base. Earthmen counter-attack with is killed and Dooley recaptured. Michael London, bloody battle, led by a Roman warrior. Because of fighter-rockets and finally succeed in repulsing Jo Morrow, Jack Honan, Ken Lynch. Director: Ted his love, she is spared, and the two are reunited. the enemy spacemen. Ryo Ikebe, Kyoko Anzai, Post. Shpetner Production. , Chelo Alonso, , Jac- Leonard Stanford, Harold Conway, George Whyman, MAN ON A STRING. .426. .(92) May ques Sernas, Folco Lulli. Director: Vittorio Musy Elise Richter. Director: Inoshiro Honda. Toho Pro- Drama. Based on the espionage experiences of Glori. Glomer Film Production. (CinemaScope.) duction. (Tohoscope.) Boris Morros, American film producer, as told in

I 22 . . '59 WHY MUST DIE?. .504 (86) June BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA 41 1 (87) . . Nov. his book, "My Ten Years as a Counterspy." The Melodrama. Portrays the lives of two girls, one a War Drama. The story is more directly concerned film depicts how Morros risked his life to ferret singer, the other a safe cracker, and details their with the mission that paved the way for the out Soviet secrets for the U.S. while posing as a tragic paths to the electric chair, though one girl eventual success of the World War II historic U.S. Russian spy. Ernest Borgnine, Kerwin Mathews, is innocent. Debra Paget, , Bert Freed, naval battle against the Japanese, than with the , Alexander Scourby, Glenn Cor- Juli Reding, Lionel Ames. Director: Roy Del Ruth. actual battle itself. Cliff Robertson, Gia Scala, bett. Director: Andre de Toth. Louis de Rochemont Viscount-Terry Moore Production. Teru Shimada, Patricia Cutts, Rian Garrick. Direc- Production, for RD-DR Prods. tor: Paul Morningside Production. Wendkos. '59 . . . 1 (REISSUES) MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 402 . (1 8) July BECAUSE THEY'RE YOUNG . 424 .. (1 02) Apr. Drama. A middle-aged widower and successful © 107 . (83) Aug. 24 Comedy Drama. From John Farris' novel, "Harrison business man falls in love with a young divorcee. Outdoor Drama. Lloyd Bridges, Joan Taylor, Lance High," about a new high school teacher whose Their respective families object to a marriage, but Fuller. Director: Roger Corman. penchant for going overboard to help students after several estrangements, they decide to marry ©THUNDER OVER HAWAII (Formerly with their personal problems, causes him to fall and face the future together. Kim Novak, Fredric into temporary disfavor with the principal. Dick Dekker, Glenda Farrell, Martin Bal- . Albert "") . 1 21 . (68) May 11 March, Melodrama. Richard Denning, , Clark, , Tuesday Weld, Victoria sam, , Lee Phillips. Director: Delbert Lisa Montell, Leslie Bradley, Jonathan Haze. Direc- Shaw, Warren Berlinger, Roberta Shore. Director: Mann. Sudan Production. tor; Roger Cormon. Paul Wendkos. Drexel Production. MOUNTAIN ROAD, THE. 429 (102) June in China during World War II, and ©COMANCHE STATION . . 422 . . (74) Mar. Drama. Set Buena Vista Outdoor Drama. While searching for his long-lost concerns the hardships encountered by eight American demolition experts and their leader, who (November, 1959 through October, 1960) wife, a prisoner of the Comanches, a man rescues another white woman and has some narrow es- are charged with thwarting the advance of the ©JUNGLE CAT. 0092 (70) Oct. capes with a reward-hungry gunslinger as he es- Japanese by blowing up bridges, roads and vil- True-Life Adventure. Filmed in the Amazon jun- corts her back to her blind, disabled husband. lages. James Stewart, Lisa Lu, Glenn Corbett, gles of Brazil. Depicts wild animal and bird life Randolph Scott, Nancy Gates, Skip Homeier, Claude , Frank Silvera, James Best. Director: there, focusing attention on the jaguar, lord Akins, Richard Rust. Director: . Daniel Mann. William Goetz Production. beast of the area, with sequences showing jaguars Renown Production. (CinemaScope.) '59 . Nov. fighting crocodiles, a deadly boa constrictor and ©MOUSE THAT ROARED, THE. 409 (85) '59 Comedy. British-made. A tiny, mythical principal- capture of a wild peccary. Narrator: Winston Hib- CRIMSON KIMONO, THE . . 407 . . (82) Oct. Fenwick, declares war on ler. Director: James Algar. Walt Disney Production. Drama. Two Korean wartime buddies, one a Nisei, ity, the Grand Duchy of solving are a detective team on the Los Angeles police the U.S., hoping to lose as a means of ©KIDNAPPED .108 .(97) Apr. wins. Peter department. They are assigned to a murder case, its economic plight—and unexpectedly Adventure Drama. Filmed in Scotland and England. Kossoff, which leads them into L.A.'s Little Tokyo, a Sellers, Jean Seberg, Leo McKern, David From 's classic tale of on Highroad triangular romantic situation and an inter-racial MacDonald Parke. Director: Jack Arnold. 1 8th century Scots youth who is kidnapped by a issue. , Glenn Corbett, James Shigeta, Production. scheming uncle and sent into potential slavery Anna Lee, Paul Dubov. Director: Samuel Fuller, aboard a brigantine to keep him from claiming a ©ONCE MORE, WITH FEELING . . 421 .. (92) .... Feb. Globe Enterprises Production. rightful inheritance. Peter Finch, James MacArthur, Comedy Drama. The beautiful, long-suffering wife becomes fed Bernard Lee, Niall MacGinnis, Finlay Currie. Direc- ©EDGE OF ETERNITY. 414 (80) Dec. '59 of a tempermental concert conductor sponsors tor: Robert Stevenson. Walt Disney Presentation. Outdoor Drama. Several mysterious murders near up with placating her husband's orchestra and walks out on him. A series of madcap merri- ©©POLLYANNA 111 (134) July the Grand Canyon stir a western town and its ment follows as he attempts to win her back. Yul Comedy Drama. From Eleanor H. Porter's classic deputy sheriff to action. Discovery of a gold mine solution Brynner, , Gregory Ratoff, Geoffrey book series for young girls, set in the early 1900s, theft plan leads to a of vhe murders. Toone, Maxwell Shaw, Mervyn Johns. Director: revolving around a 13-year-old orphan girl whose , Victoria Shaw, Mickey Shaughnessy, Stanley Donen. Stanley Donen Production. "glad" ideas accomplish wonders for herself and Edgar Buchanan, Rian Garrick. Director: Donald Siegel. Thunderbird Production. (CinemaScope.) '59 . . . Dec. those around her. Jane Wyman, Richard Egan, ©1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS 41 5 . (76) Karl the near- Malden, Nancy Olson, Hayley Mills, Adolphe ELECTRONIC MONSTER, THE 428 (72) May Animated Cartoon Fantasy. Mr. Magoo, Kevin shorts, is Menjou, Corcoron. Director: David Swift. Horror Melodrama. Based on novel, "The Man Who sighted cartoon star of many Columbia Walt Disney Production. the colorful realms Couldn't Sleep," by Charles Eric Maine. An Ameri- transported, via a daydream, to of Arabian Nights fantasy, and meets up with SIGN OF ZORRO, THE 0090 .. (90) June can insurance investigator, checking into the death Aladdin and his magic lamp and the Wicked Adventure Drama. Story of the masked avenger, of a handsome film star, finds clues leading to a Wazir. Voices of: Jim Backus, Kathryn Grant, Zorro, legendary character of Johnston psychiatric clinic run by two quack doctors who McCulley's Hickman, Hans Conried. Director: Jack stories of early California days, who rode and use an electrical brain wave-controlling device Dwayne Kinney. UPA Production. fought only to protect his helpless neighbors to transmit "prefabricated" dreams. Rod Cameron, Edwards, Peter tiling. against the savage tryanny of a military com- Mary Murphy, Meredith OUR MAN IN HAVANA .420 (112) Mar. mandant. Guy Williams, Henry Calvin, Gene Shel- Director: Montgomery Tully. Comedy Drama. 6-ritish-made. The undercover ac- don, Romney Brent, Britt Lomond, John Dehner. vacuum cleaner salesman in , ©FLYING FONTAINES, THE. 416 .(84). Dec. '59 tivities of a Directors: Norman Foster, Lewis R. Foster. Walt serves as a British agent. He concocts false Drama. A star aerialist, in love with his beautiful who Disney Production. reports to impress his superiors, and has the secret assistant, mokes himself unpopular with the girl the Cuban police and agents of other his attitude. near service, ©THIRD MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN . 0091 and his co-workers because of A powers, completely confused. Alec Guinness, Burl (105) Nov. '59 tragedy on the high wire brings him to his senses, Ives, Maureen O'Hara, , Noel Coward, Adventure Drama. Filmed in Switzerland. From and wins him his girl. Michael Callan, Evy Norlund, , Jo Morrow. Director: Carol Reed. James Ramsey Ullman's novel, "Banner in the Joan Evans, Rian Garrick, Joe de Santis, Jeanne (CinemaScope.) Sky," which tells of the initial conquest of the Manet. Director: . Clover Produc- famous Motterhorn by a young man with a burn- tion. ©PORGY AND BESS. .6666 (138) Feb. ing desire to fulfill the dream of his father before Drama. (For special roadshow engage- GENE KRUPA STORY, THE. 419 (101) Jan. Musical him. Michael Rennie, James MacArthur, Janet pre-released Dec. '59.) With music by Drama With Music. Biopic of the famous jazz ments only; Munro, James Donald, Herbert Lorn, Laurence Gershwin, this depicts the loves and lives drummer of the 1930s who, at the height of his George Naismith. Director: Ken Annakin. Walt Disney inhabitants of Catfish Row in a poor career, was arrested for possession of marijuana of Negro Produciton. of the South in the early 1900s, centering and blacklisted by the top bands, but ultimately section around a cripple's love affair with an easily ©TOBY TYLER. 104 .(96) Feb. made a successful comeback. , Susan 4 swayed woman. , Dorothy Dandridge, Circus Comedy. Story of a runaway orphan boy Kahner, James Darren, Susan Oliver, Red Nichols, Sammy Davis jr., Pearl Bailey. Director: Otto who joins a traveling circus caravan, and his Bobby Troup. Director: Don Weis. Philip A. Wax- Preminger. Samuel Goldwyn Production. (Todd-AO) adventures among the canvas-topped world of man Production.

performers, animals and roustabouts. Kevin Cor- OF BOMBAY, THE 427 (81 ) . . May HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL 404 (76) Aug. '59 STRANGLERS coran, Henry Calvin, Gene Sheldon, Bob Sweeney, British-made. A wave of mass murders Comedy. The zany adventures of three handymen Melodrama. Richard Easthom, "Mr. Stubbs" (the chimpanzee). British East India in the early 19th century, at a missile plant who find themselves unwilling sweeps Director: Charles Barton. Walt Disney Production. work of a secret religious cult called Thuggees, passengers in an unwitting flight to the planet the murdered by strangulation more than a mil- Venus in a rocket, and are hailed as heroes on who in the name of Kali, goddess of de- return. Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe De Rita, lion people Columbia their Allan Cuthbertson, Andrew Jerome Cowan, Anna-Lisa, Bob Colbert. Director: struction. Guy Rolfe, (July, 1959 through June, 1960) George Pastell, Jan Holden. Director: David Lowell Rich. Cruickshank, '59 Film Production. (Cinema- ANATOMY OF A MURDER 401 (161) . July Terence Fisher. Hammer Drama. Small town attorney brilliantly defends an ©KILLERS OF KILIMANJARO 425 .. (91 ) May Scope.) British-made; filmed in Africa. army lieutenant accused of killing a man who Adventure Drama. Jan. SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER . 417 .. (1 14) allegedly had attacked his wife. He wins an ac- Depicts the struggles of an engineer to complete Drama. From Tennessee Williams’ play about a quittal for his client, a thorough-going heel, who the first railroad in Eastern Africa, in the face mother's efforts to preserve her dead son's good then runs out on his fee. James Stewart, Lee of opposition by a powerful Arab slave trader who name at the expense of her niece who was sent Remick, Ben Gazzara, Arthur O'Connell, Eve Arden, wants to build a competing road for transporting to a mental institution to keep the true facts of Kathryn Grant, Joseph N. Welch. Director: Otto the slaves. Robert Taylor, Anne Aubrey, Anthony the son's death hidden. A kindly surgeon helps Preminger. Newley, Gregoire Aslan, Allan Cuthbertson. Direc- girl and proves her "hallucinations" are fact. tor: Richard Thorpe. Warwick Production. (Cinema- the Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Montgomery ©BABETTE GOES TO WAR 423. .(103) Apr. Scope.) Comedy. (French-made, with English-dubbed dialog.) Clift, Mercedes McCambridge, Albert Dekker. Di- . . '59 . 41 0 . (1 00) Nov. Spiegel Pro- A French farm girl gets mixed up with the Allied ©LAST ANGRY MAN, THE rector: Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Sam evacuation at Dunkirk, and somehow finds herself Drama. From Gerald Green's novel of a dedicated duction. for years had served both poor involved in espionage with the French underground 45 Feb. in Brooklyn tenement ©SWAN LAKE . 470 . (81 ) in England. She is troined and returned to France families and hoodlums the Ballet Film. (Russian-made, with English narration.) to help kidnap a German general wanted by the section, then suddenly finds himself in the lime-

BAROMETER Section 136 . 1 01 Oct. '59 Filmed during an actual stage performance in HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT . (70) 16, DAY THEY ROBBED THE BANK OF ENGLAND, Moscow of the immortal Tschaikowsky ballet, this Melodrama. A brilliant but naive high school senior THE. 19 (85) July 21 with rating turns to satisfy tells the story of the enchanted princess and the a genius crime to the Melodrama. British-made. An American adventurer, romantic prince, who are eventually reunited when avaricious desires of the campus vamp. He plans hired to help a group of Irish patriots raise funds the prince frees his beloved from the spell of and executes a million dollar robbery which awes for their Home Rule fight against the British, Black Bird, the evil magician. (Released under the even the underworld, but ends in tragedy. Tom evolves a fantastic plot to burglarize the Bank of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Cultural Film Exchange Agreement.) Pittman, Virginia Aldridge, Howard Viet, Malcolm England and steal Her Majesty's supply of gold Maya Plisetskaya, Nicolai Fadeyechev, Vladimir Atterbury, Stanley Adams. Director: Joel Rapp. bullion. Aldo Ray, Elizabeth Sellars, Peter O'Toole, Levashev, the Bolshoi Ballet Company. Director: Sparta Production. (Dual package release with Hugh Griffith, Kieron Moore, Albert Sharpe. Di- Z. Tulubyeva. "T-Bird Gang.") rector: John Guillermin. Summit Film Production.

'59 ©LAST ON EARTH, THE . 109 . . WOMAN CORDURA . 408 . (1 23) Oct. '59 ©THEY CAME TO . . . Sept. 18, ©FOR THE FIRST TIME 2 . (97) Drama. Based on the Mexican expedition of 1916 (71) Aug. 5 Drama With Songs. Italo-German co-production. Melodrama. The battle for survival of the last when a major is assigned the task of finding The romantic story of a temperamental, self- examples of outstanding heroism for possible Con- three people on earth—a New York gambler, his centered American tenor whose deep love for a flighty wife and their attorney. trio gressional Medal of Honor awards. During the The had suc- deaf Italian girl changes his life and hers, when cessfully eluded American police and arrived in trek with his charges, the hardships encountered it awakens a dormant feeling in him of admira- Puerto Rico, are character revealing for all. Gary Cooper, Rita only to find that the atom has tion for someone else. Mario Lanza, , Hayworth, Van Heflin, , , destroyed the rest of the world. Antony Carbone, Kurt Kasznar, Johanna von Koczian, Hans Sohn- Betsy Michael Callan, Dick York. Director: Robert Rossen. Jones-Moreland, Edward Wain. Director: ker. Director: Rudolph Mote. Corona Production. Goetz-Baroda Production. (CinemaScope.) Roger Corman. Roger Corman Production. (Dual (Technirama.) package release with "The Little Shop of Horrors.") 30 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK, THE. .405 GAZEBO, THE. 10 (102) . Jan. 29 ..Aug. '59 LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, THE. .. (73) 110 Mystery Comedy. Based on the Broadway stage Comedy. The wacky adventures of a small town (70) Aug. 5 hit, in which a top TV mystery writer buries a dead rubbish collector and amateur inventor, who runs Horror Comedy. How a nondescript flower shop man under his gazebo. Comedy and mystery ore into hilarious complications when his girl gets clerk acquires both fame and revenge when he blended into the hilarious situations that follow. of his machines and is turned discovers a hybrid plant will grow to feet caught in one that 10 Glenn Ford, Debbie Reynolds, Carl Reiner, John Costello, Dorothy Provine, Gale high, by feeding on blood. into a giant. Lou human Jonathan Haze, McGiver, Herman the Pigeon. Director: George Conlin. Director: Sidney Miller. Jackie Joseph, Welles, Dick Miller, Gordon, Jimmy Mel Myrtle Marshall. Avon Production (CinemaScope.) D.R.B. Production. (Amazoscope.) Vail. Director: Roger Corman. Roger Corman Pro- duction. (Dual package release with "The Last . . 1 . . . .406 Oct. '59 ©GIANT OF MARATHON, THE 5 . (88) June 3 TINGLER, THE. .(80) Woman on Earth.") Horror Melodrama. A doctor, attempting to prove Dramatic Spectacle. (Italian-made, with English- dubbed dialog.) Set in ancient Greece, and tells the effects of intense fear when not relieved by SKI TROOP ATTACK. . 105 .(65) Apr. 8 screaming, performs a post-mortem operation, War Drama. Story of the events of the Battle of the story of the famed Greek Olympic champion aided by 100 other Olympic giants, succeeds which releases a monster called the Tingler. the Bulge, in which an American ski patrol is who, Persian invaders. Through a special screen process, the Tingler trapped behind enemy lines and forced to battle in saving his country from the Daniela Rocca, escapes into the audience. Vincent Price, Judith its way to a strategic bridge. Michael Forest, , Mylene Demongeot, Evelyn, Darryl Hickman, Patricia Cutts. Director: , Wally Campo, Richard Sinatra, Sheila Ivo Garrani, Philippe Hersent. Director: Jacques Production. (Dyali- William Castle. William Castle Production. (Per- Carol. Director: Roger Corman. Roger Corman Tourneur. Titanus-Galatea-Lux cepto.) Production. (Dual package release with "Battle of scope.) Blood Island.") '59 12 TO THE MOON 431 (74) June GIRLS TOWN 4 . (90) Oct. 9, Science-Fiction Melodrama. A story of 12 dedi- '59 Melodrama. Deals with today's wild and wayward T-BIRD GANG 102 . (72) Oct. 16, cated men and women from around the globe, Melodrama. Story of the sadistic mastermind be- juveniles, and life in Girls Town for young of- who make a successful rocketship landing on the hind a criminal youth syndicate and a young man fenders, which is presided over by nuns. Tells the Moon. Tells of their experiences with unseen, who, seeking to avenge his father's death, joins the story of one girl inmate who is ultimately hostile Moon beings before being spared to return the gang while secretly cooperating with the police. exonerated when her innocence is proved. Mamie to Earth. Ken Clark, Anthony Dexter, Tom Conway, Ed Nelson, John Brinkley, Pat George, Beach Van Doren, Mel Torme, Ray Anthony, Maggie Michi Kobi, Anna-Lisa. Director: David Bradley. Dickerson, Tony Miller. Director: Richard Harberger. Hayes, Paul Anka, Cathy Crosby, Gigi Perreau, Elinor Donahue, Gloria Talbott, and guest stars. ©WARRIOR AND THE SLAVE GIRL, THE. 413 (Dual package release with "High School Big Shot.") Director: Charles Haas. Albert Zugsmith Produc- (89) Nov. '59 „ tion. Spectacle Drama. (Italian-made, with English- WASP WOMAN, THE 103. (66) Oct. 30, '59 dubbed dialog.) The adventures of a Roman Horror Melodrama. A woman, seeking to restore ©HOME FROM THE HILL. .12 (150) Mar. 18 Tribune who is sent to Armenia to put down a her fading beauty, allows a pseudo-scientist to use Drama. The dramatic story of a powerful but gladiator revolt, and later helps the leader of his wasp serum on her. As her beauty returns, her divided Texas family, a youthful love affair, and the revolt to crush the wicked Armenian princess personality changes, and she turns into a "wasp the emotional conflicts and small town attitudes and her foreign mercenaries and save the throne. woman" and a nocturnal murderess. Susan Cabot, resulting from the father's relationship toward an , Georges Marchal, Ettore Fred Eisley, Barboura Morris, Michael Marks, Wil- illegitimate son, all of which eventually destroy Manni, Rafael Calvo. Director: Vittorio Cottafavi liam Roerick. Director: Roger Corman. (Dual pack- the fcmily and its power. Robert Mitchum, Eleanor (Supercinescope.) age release with "Beast From Haunted Cave.") Parker, George Peppard, George Hamilton, Luana Patten, Everett Sloane. Director: Vincente Min- WHO WAS THAT LADY’. .418 .. (1 15) Feb. WILD RIDE, THE. .108 .(63) June 17 nelli. Sol C. Siegel Production. (CinemaScope.) Comedy. From the Broadway hit, "Who Was That Melodrama. Story of a wild hot-rodder whose reck- Lady I Saw You With?" A chemistry professor, lessness has caused the death of several persons. HOUSE OF THE SEVEN HAWKS, THE. 6 whose wife catches him kissing a coed, concocts In a drag race victory celebration with his best (92) Nov. 6, '59 a story about being an undercover agent chasing friend's girl, the friend is killed in an accident Mystery Drama. British-made. Based on Victor spies. The wife takes him so seriously that they while giving chase, and police finally close in on Canning's novel, "The House of the Seven Flies," become involved with real FBI men and spies. the hor-rodder. , Georgianna Carter, and deals with hidden diamonds stolen by the Tony Curtis, Dean Martin, Janet Leigh, James Robert Bean. Director: Harvey Berman. (Dual Nazis in World War II and now sought by both Whitmore, John Mclntire, Barbara Nichols. Direc- package release with "The Girl in Lovers' Lane.") the Dutch and the Germans. An American becomes tor: George Sidney. Ansark-George Sidney Produc- involved when his boat is hired to sail to a Dutch tion. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer port. Robert Taylor, Nicole Maurey, Linda Chris- tian, , David Kossoff. Director: EN . 41 . '59 YESTERDAY'S EM Y 2 . (95) Nov. (September 4, 1959 through August 18, 1960) War Drama. British-made. This tells of a captain Richard Thorpe. David E. Rose Production. ^©ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN, and his British troops in World War II who take '59 ©IT STARTED WITH A KISS. .1 . (104). Sept. 4, over an enemy-held village in Burma. His tactics THE. .16 (107) June 17 Comedy. Filmed in Spain. An Air Force sergeant in obtaining information are turned against him Comedy Drama. A remake of the Mark Twain wins a fabulous cor-of-tcmorrow in a raffle and when the Japanese recapture the village. Stanley classic, which recounts the adventures of Huckle- marries the girl who sold him the ticket. He is Baker, Guy Rolfe, Leo McKern, Gordon Jackson, berry Finn and a runaway slave as they sail down shipped off to Spain, and bride and car follow, David Oxley. Director: Val Guest. the Mississippi on a raft, meeting up with various Hammer Film causing a near international situation on the base. Production. (Megascope.) river characters and a traveling circus. Tony Ran- Glenn Ford, Debbie Reynolds, Eva Gabor, Gustavo dall, Patty McCormack, Neville Brand, Eddie Clark. Director: George Marshall. Areola Hodges, Archie Moore, Mickey Shaughnessy. Direc- Rojo, Fred Production. (CinemaScope.) Filmgroup tor: Michael Curtiz. Samuel Goldwyn jr. Produc- (October 16, 1959 through August 5, 1960) tion. (CinemaScope.) ©LAST VOYAGE, THE . . 1 1 . . (91 ) Feb. 19 BATTLE OF BLOOD ISLAND .. 106 .. (67) .... Apr. 8 ©ALL THE FINE YOUNG CANNIBALS. 20 Drama. Filmed partly in Japan. Story of an old War Drama. Filmed in the Caribbean. How two (122) Aug. 18 luxury liner that disintegrates in mid-ocean, and sole American survivors, left on a desolate South Drama. Based on novel, "The Bixby Girls," by the dramatic rescue by the ship's captain and Pacific island following an Allied invasion at Rosamond Marshall. Depicts the struggle of four crew of its 1 ,500 passengers. The yarn focuses on World War M's end, keep alive under almost im- young people whose paths cross in their search for the plight of a young husband whose wife is possible conditions before they are finally dis- happiness, but whose selfishness brings them to trapped in her cabin. Robert Stack, Dorothy Ma- covered and rescued. Richard Devon, Ron Ken- the brink of tragedy. Natalie Wood, Robert Wag- lone, George Sanders, Edmond O'Brien, Tammy nedy. Director: Joel Rapp. (Dual package release ner, , George Hamilton, Pearl Bailey. Marihugh. Director: Andrew L. Stone. Andrew and with "Ski Virginia Stone Production. Troop Attack.") Director: Michael Anderson. Pandro S. Berman Production, for Avon Pictures. (CinemaScope.) BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE. 104 LIBEL. .5. (100) Oct. 23, '59 (65) Oct. 30, '59 ©BELLS ARE RINGING. 17 (127) July 4 Drama. British-made. Presents a sensational court- Melodrama. Gangsters invade a skiing resort with Musical. From the Broadway stage hit about a room trial, in which a British Lord is accused of plans to rob a gold mine. The gangster's girl switchboard operator for a telephone answering being an impostor by a Canadian he had known friend escapes with the guide during a blizzard, service, who takes a personal interest in her in a German prison camp during World War II. and the crooks follow them as they hide in a customers' affairs, and finds herself involved in a Evidence piles up against the Lord until he cave inhabited by a "lengedary" beast, which series of amusing complications, one a romantic remembers one point, which clears him. Olivia de attacks and kills the gangsters. Michael Forest, one. Judy Holliday, Dean Martin, Fred Clark, Eddie Havilland, Dirk Bogarde, , Wilfrid Sheila Carol, Frank Wolff, Richard Sinatra, Wally Foy jr., Jean Stapleton, Frank Gorshin. Director: Hyde-White, Paul Massie. Director: Anthony As- Campo. Director: Monte Heilman. Roger Corman Vincente Minnelli. Arthur Freed Production. (Cine- quith. Anatole de Grunwald Production. Production. (Dual package release with "The Wasp maScope.) Woman.") ©NEVER SO FEW, .8. .(124) Jan. 1 ©BEN-HUR .60. .(212) Special— Nov. 18, '59 War Drama. Filmed in Burma. The torrid romance GIRL IN LOVERS' LANE, THE. .107. (78) June 17 Biblical Drama. (For special engagements only.) of an American captain and a beautiful refugee Melodrama. Story of a much-misunderstood young Filmed in Italy. A remake of the 1926 , he meets in Calcutta while commanding 600 man who gropes his way to understanding and from General Lew Wallace's classic novel of pagan Kachin guerrillas in the North Burmese jungles maturity only after a pretty young girl is attacked Rome in the early days of Christianity, with the during World War II. Depicts his heroism in and murdered by a town simpleton. Brett Halsey, famed chariot race sequence, in which Ben-Hur avenging a Gl massacre. Frank Sinatra, Gina Joyce Meadows, Lowell Brown, Jack Elam, Emile emerges the victor over the treacherous Messala. Lollobrigida, Peter Lawford, Steve McQueen, Rich- Meyer. Director: Charles R. Rondeau. Robert Roark Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Haya Harareet, ard Johnson, Paul Henreid, Brian Donlevy, Dean Production. (Dual package release with "The Wild Stephen Boyd, Hugh Griffith, Martha Scott. Direc- Jones. Director: John Sturges. Canterbury Pro- Ride.") tor: William Wyler. (MGM Camera 65.) duction. (CinemaScope.)


PLATINUM HIGH SCHOOL 1 4 .. (93) Moy 13 ^CONSPIRACY OF HEARTS . . 591 9 .. (11 3) Apr. the man to police. Gordon Scott, Jock Mahoney, Drama. A father investigates on his own the Drama. British-made; filmed in Italy. Deals with Betta St. John, John Carradine, Alexandra Stewart. mysterious accidental death of his son at an the rescue operations by a group of Italian nuns Director: Robert Day. Sy Weintraub-Harvey Hayu- exclusive boys' military school attended by neor- during World War II who help Jewish refugee tin Production. incorrigible boys from broken, wealthy homes. He children escape from a Nazi concentration camp '59 THAT KIND OF WOMAN . 5901 .. (92) Sept. exposing the in northern Italy. Lilli Palmer, Sylvia nearly gets killed himself before Syms, Yvonne Drama. Story of a "good-time girl," with a wealthy faculty Mitchell, Ronald Lewis, Albert Lieven, Peter school's crooked heads. Mickey Rooney, Arne. boy friend, who meets and falls in love with a Director: Ralph Thomas. Terry Moore, Dan Duryea, Yvette Mimieux, Con- J. Arthur Rank Produc- young paratrooper bound for overseas. She finds tion. way Twitty. Director: Charles Haas. Albert Zug- she has to make a choice between love and se- smith Production. FIVE BRANDED WOMEN . 591 6 .. (101 ) May curity. Sophia Loren, Tab Hunter, ,

^©PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES . 13 Drama. Italian-made. Five Jugoslavian girls who Barbara Nichols, Keenan Wynn, George Sanders. (111) Apr. 15 fraternized with Nazi soldiers in the German Army Director: Sidney Lumet. Ponti-Girosi Production. of Occupation during II, Comedy. Based on Jean Kerr's hilarious book on World War are shorn TOUCH OF LARCENY, A .5911.. (93) Jan. of family life, dealing with a Broadway drama critic, their hair and evicted from the town. Saved Comedy Drama. British-made. A landbourtd British his wife and their four mischievous sons, and the by a group of male partisans, they fight along- Admiralty commander, whose weakness is pretty complications that arise when they leave side the men against the enemy invaders. Van Man- women, actually falls for a girl who turns out to hattan for life in the suburbs. Doris Day, David Heflin, Silvana Vera Miles, Barbara Mangano, be his friend's fiancee. He concocts a fantastic Janis Paige, Spring Byington, Bel Geddes, , Basehart, Niven, Richard Richard scheme to disappear with some secret files and Haydn. Director: Charles Walters. Euterpe Produc- Harry Guardino, Steve Forrest, Alex Nicol. Director: later, when proved innocent of treason, sues the . Dino tion. (CinemaScope.) De Laurentiis Production. newspapers for slander. James Mason, Vera Miles, '59 ©TARZAN, THE APE MAN . . 3 . . (82) . . Oct. 16, ©HELLER IN PINK TIGHTS .. 591 5 .. (1 00) Mar. George Sanders, Robert Flemyng, Horry Andrews, Adventure Melodrama. The jungle adventures of a Comedy Western. A traveling theatrical troupe's Duncan Lamont. Director: Guy Hamilton. Ivon girl who accompanies her father on a safari to adventures in the old West. The beautiful star of Foxwell Production. find the Elephants Graveyard and the ivory wealth the show falls for a handsome gunman, bur VISIT TO A SMALL PLAN ET . . 591 7 . . (85) ..Apr. it holds. Saved by Tarzan from wild beasts and eventually is reunited with the show's owner, who Comedy. The antics of an impish outer spaceman cannibals, she stays to become his mate. Denny has loved her all along. Sophia Loren, Anthony who visits earth, but mistakenly believes he has Miller, Barnes, Joanna Cesare Danova, Robert Quinn, Steve Forrest, Margaret O'Brien, Eileen arrived during the Civil War. Dressed for that Douglas. Director: Joseph Newman. Heckart. Director: George Cukor. Ponti-Girosi Pro- period, he appears ot a masquerade party, is taken duction. ©TIME MACHINE, THE . . 9 . . (103) Aug. 4 for one of the guests, and becomes involved in a Science-Fiction Earl Drama. Filmed in England. From IN THE WAKE OF A STRANGER .. 5920 .. (69) . . Apr. series of hilarious complications. Jerry Lewis, H. G. Wells' book about a young British inventor Mystery Melodrama. British-made. A seaman on Holliman, Joan Blackman, Fred Clark, . of 1900 who perfects a time machine which takes shore leave becomes innocently involved in a Director: Norman Taurog. Hal Wallis Production. him through the fourth dimension to 802,701 murder and the disappearance of the corpse. But WALK LIKE A DRAGON . 5922 .. (95) June A.D., with brief stops to witness three world wars, he and a young school teacher, who was also at Outdoor Drama. Set in San Francisco in the 1870s, before going 1914, 1940 and 1966, on to the the murder scene, eventually track down the real story deals with the conflict between an American strange civilization of the future. Taylor, Rod Alan killers. Tony Wright, Shirley Eaton, Danny Green, and a Chinese man, both in love with an Oriental Young, Yvette Mimieux, Sebastian Cabot, Tom Harry H. Corbett, Willoughby Goddard. Director: slave girl. To end the violent fued that develops, Helmore. Director: George Pal. George Pal Pro- Film David Eady. Crescent Production. the girl marries her countryman. , Nobu duction. James Shigeta, Mel Torme, Josephine ©IT STARTED IN N APLES . . 5927 . . (1 00) Aug. McCarthy, ©WRECK OF THE MARY DEARE, THE . Comedy With Music. Filmed in Italy. An American Hutchinson. Director: James Clavell. '59 (104) Dec. 4, lawyer goes to Capri, where he tries to bring back Mystery Drama. Filmed in England. A Court of to America his orphaned nephew, a tough 9-year- (REISSUES) Inquiry investigates the mystery surrounding a old whose young aunt opposes the move. When ©BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI, THE . . R5906 . . (103). . Jan. wrecked freighter and its one survivor. The latter, she finally accedes, he finds he loves her and all War Dramo. William Holden, , Fredric to establish his innocence, explores the hold of three are united. Clark Gable, Sophia Loren, Vit- March, Mickey Rooney. Director: Mark Robson. the sunken ship, and gets evidence of murder by torio de Sica, Marietto, Paolo Carlini. Director: Perlberg-Seaton Production. an employe of the ship's owners. Gary Cooper, Melville Shavelson. Shavelson-Rose Production. . . . Jan. COUNTRY GIRL, THE. . R5905 . .(104) Charlton Heston, , Emlyn Wil- (VistaVision.) Drama. Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, William Holden, liams, Virginia Cecil Parker, Alexander Knox, Mc- Ross. Director: George Seaton. Perlberg- RIPPER. 5910 . (85) Feb. Anthony Director: Michael Blaustein- JACK THE Kenna. Anderson. Seaton Production. Baroda Production. (CinemaScope.) Murder Mystery. (One sequence in color.) Brmsh- made. A new version of the "Ripper" murders. Set ©GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, THE. .R5918 (REISSUES) in East London at the turn of the century, siory (152) May Wilde, JAILHOUSE ROCK 806 (96) Mar. 11 concerns a series of baffling knife murders of Drama With Music. Betty Hutton, Cornel prostitutes, with leading to con- Gloria Grahame, Drama. Elvis Presley, Judy Tyler, Mickey Shaugh- clues suspects Charlton Heston, Dorothy Lamour, nessy. , Jennifer Holden. Director: Rich- nected with a nearby hospital. Lee Patterson, Eddie James Stewart. Director: Cecil B. DeMille. Cecil B. ard Thorpe. Avon Production. (CinemaScope.) Byrne, Betty McDowall, Ewen Solon. Directors: DeMille Production. Robert S. Baker, Monty Berman. Joseph E. Levine '59 ©SAMSON AND DELILAH .. R5902 .. (120) . .Sept. Presentation and a Mid-Century Film Production. Biblical Spectacle. , Victor Mature, Paramount ©JAYHAWKERS, THE. .5904. .(100) Oct. '59 George Sanders, Angela Lansbury, Henry Wilcoxon. (September, 1959 through August, 1960) Outdoor Drama. Set in Kansas in turbulent pre- Director: Cecil B. DeMille. Cecil B. DeMille Produc- BELLBOY, THE. .5924. .(72) July Civil War days, the story concerns a prison escapee tion. breaks up the notorious Jayhawker gang Comedy. Set in Miami Beach at a luxurious resort who ©ULYSSES. R5909. (80) Nov. '59 responsible for his wife's death, winning a state hotel, the central character is bellboy Jerry Lewis, Costume Drama. Kirk Douglas, Silvana Mangano, for and pretty French widow. who plays his role in pantomime—that of a pardon himself a Anthony Quinn, Rossana Podesta. Director: Mario , , Nicole Maurey, Henry blundering bellhop who makes every mistake in Camerini. Ponti-De Laurentiis Production; a Lux Silva. Director: Melvin Frank. Panama-Frank Pro- the book, and more. Jerry Lewis, Alex Gerry, Bob Film. Clayton, Sonny Sands, and guest stars. Director: duction. (VistaVision.) Jerry Lewis. Jerry Lewis Production. ©LI'L ABNER. .5908. (114) Dec. '59 Musical. Based Al Capp's famed comic strip 20th Century-Fox BIG NIGHT, THE . .5912. .(74) Feb. on September, 1960) Melodrama. A teenage boy and girl find a locked and the Broadway stage hit. Dogpatch, declared (October, 1959 through briefcase thrown from a car being pursued by "unnecessary" by the U. S. Government, is threat- ©BELOVED INFIDEL. .936-5. .(123). Nov. '59 police. They become dangerously involved as both ened with extinction when Washington decides to Biographical Drama. From columnist Sheilah Gra- the robber and police search for the case, which make it a bomb testing area, but Mammy Yokum ham's autobiography, which highlights her ill- contains a $200,000 bank haul. Randy Sparks, saves the day with her "Yokumberry health tonic," fated romance with novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald, Venetia Stevenson, Dick Foran, Jesse White, Dick made from a tree found only in her yard. Peter whose dissipations lead to his early death. Gregory Contino. Director: Sidney Salkow. Maycliff Pro- Palmer, Leslie Parrish, , Howard St. Peck, Deborah Kerr, Eddie Albert, Philip Ober. Mel- duction. John, Julie Newmar, . Director: Director: Henry King. Jerry Wald Production. (Vista- '59 vin Frank. Panama-Frank Production. (CinemaScope.) BUT NOT FOR ME . 5903 . . (1 05) Oct. Vision.) Comedy. Story of a May-December romance be- ©BEST OF EVERYTHING, THE. .931-6 tween a middle-aged, dynamic theatrical producer ©PRISONER OF THE VOLGA. .5921 . .(82) May 0ct - 59 ( 121 ) and his secretary whom he stars in his new play. Historical Drama. (Italian-made, with English- Drama. From a novel by Rona Jaffe, the film is cavalry Patiently waiting on the sidelines is the producer's dubbed dialog.) The adventures of a young a series of vignettes involving several New York ex-wife, who understands his foibles and still loves officer in feudal Russia who flees from a murder career girls who work for a publishing firm, and him. Clark Gable, , Lilli Palmer, Lee frame-up by a rascally general and is befriended depicts their lives, loves and disillusionments. Hope J. Cobb, , Thomas Gomez. Director: by three Volga boatmen and a peasant girl. He Lange, Stephen Boyd, Suzy Parker, Martha Hyer, Walter Lang. Perlberg-Seaton Production. ultimately is exonerated and returns to his regi- Robert Evans, Louis Jourdan, Joan Crawford. Di- '59 ment. , , Dawn Addams, rector: Jean Negulesco. Jerry Wald Production. CAREER . .5907 . (105) Nov. , Gert Froebe. Director: W. Tout- Drama. Based on James Lee's off-Broadway play, (CinemaScope.) jansky. Transmonde-Fides Production. (Totalscope.) '59 this tells the story of a dedicated stage actor, BLOOD AND STEEL. .937-3. (63) Dee. mis- . Seabees his struggles and heartaches, including two un- PSYCHO . .5926 .(109) Aug. War Drama. Story of a condemned successful marriages, before finding fame on Melodrama. A murder mystery revolving around a sion on Gizo island in the South Pacific in 1943. Broadway. Dean Martin, Anthony Franciosa, Caro- girl who absconds with $40,000 and her subse- Tells of the first advancing and island-hopping of lyn Jones, Shirley MacLaine, Joan Blackman, Robert quent encounter with the youthful proprietor of the wartime construction force, shown in actual Middleton. Director: Joseph Anthony. Hal Wallis an isolated motel who is under the influence ot combat. John Lupton, , Brett Halsey, Production. an insane mother. Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, James Edwards, John Brinkley. Director: Bernard Leigh, Martin Balsam, John Producers Production. CHANCE MEETING. .5914. .(94) Mar. John Gavin, Janet L. Kowalski. Associated Mystery Melodrama. British-made. Based on Leigh Mclntire. Director: Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitch- (Regalscope.) Production. Howard's novel, "Blind Date," the film starts with cock BOBBIKINS 004-2. (89) June a murder, for which a Dutch artist is accused, ©RAT RACE, THE. 5923.. (105) July Comedy. British-made. A "talking," 18-month-old and then tells in flashback of the events leading Comedy Drama. From 's play about baby gives his dad stock market tips that make up to a surprise climax. Hardy Kruger, Stanley two naive people, an ambitious boy and girl who him rich. The wealth only brings about a rifl Baker, Micheline Presle, Robert Flemying. Director: arrive in Manhattan in quest of that one big between the baby's folks, but he succeeds in Joseph Losey. Julian Wintle-Leslie Parkyn Pro- break, but only find disillusionment and heart- reuniting them, then goes back to being a normal duction for Sydney Box Associates. break. They meet, eventually fall in love, and little boy again. Shirley Jones, Max Bygraves, Robert ©CIRCUS STARS 5913. (61) Feb. decide to take their chances together. Tony Curtis, Steven Stocker, Barbara Shelley. Director: Documentary. (Russian-made, with English-dubbed Debbie Reynolds, Jack Oakie, Kay Medford, Don Day. (CinemaScope.) narration.) U.S.-U.S.S.R. Cultural Film Exchange Rickies. Director: Robert Mulligan. Perlberg-Seaton ©CAN-CAN. 041 -4.. (131) Special Agreement. Stars the world famous Russian Production. Musical. (For roadshow engagements only.) From clown, Popov; with a variety of trained animals, ©TARZAN THE MAGN IFICENT .. 5925 .. (88) ... July the -Abe Burrows Broadway hit musi- trick horsemanship, aerial acrobatics, juggling Jungle Melodrama. Filmed in Africa. Tarzan is cal. Story concerns the attempts of 19th century and other circus acts. Oleg Popov, Karandash, taking a murderer to a police post, and is trailed Parisian reformers to ban the can-can dance in Bubnov Brothers, Baghestan "Chovkra" tight-rope through the jungle by 's father and a Montmartre cafe, and a romantic triangle that walkers, Vladimir Durov, Alexander Serzh, Vladi- two brothers. Tells of Tarzan's adventures and develops between the pretty cafe owner, her lawyer mir Deveiko. Director: L. Kristy. (CinemaScope.) narrow escapes en route before finally delivering boy friend and the ban-wielding judge. Frank

BOXOFFICE 139 140 BAROMETER Section With deep appreciation

Frank Sinatra

BOXOFFICE Sinatra, Shirley MacLaine, Maurice Chevalier, Louis being satirized in an off-Broadway revue. He goes and Mexico. Vici Raaf Paul Bryar, Don Marlowe, Jourdan, Juliet Prowse, Morcel Dalio. Director: to see what it's all about and mistakenly gets cast Lyn Moore. Director: Ea Leftwich. Futuramic Pro- Wolter Lang. Suffolk-Cummings Production. (Todd- to play himself, but goes along with the idea duction. when he spots the femme star, in whom he be- AO.) ©STORY OF RUTH, THE. 021-6 (132) June comes interested. Marilyn Monroe, Yves Montand, CRACK IN THE MIRROR 01 8-2 .. (97) May Biblical Drama. From the biblical story of Ruth, Tony Randall, Frankie Vaughan, Wilfrid Hyde Melodrama. Filmed in France. Based on a French which portrays her pagan upbringing, her first White. Director: George Cukor. Jerry Wald Produc- novel, "Drama in the Mirror," by Marcel Haed- love for a Judean whom she marries on his death- tion. (CinemaScope.) rich. Set in Paris, and presents a double triangle, bed, devotion to her mother-in-law, her courageous each on a different social level, in both of which U©LOST WORLD THE 026-5 . (96) July fight for acceptance among her husband's people, an older man is betrayed and one of them killed Adventure Drama. The hair-raising adventures of and the romantic conflict in her love for Boaz. by a wife who has taken a young lover. Orsor a London zoology professor who leads an expedi- Stuart Whitman, Tom Tryon, Peggy Wood, Viveca Welles, Juliette Greco, , Alexan- tion to South America to view a lost continent Lindfors, Jeff Morrow, Elana Eden. Director: Henry der Knox, Catherine Lacy. Director: Richard still in its Dinosaur Age which he had accidentally Koster. Samuel G. Engel Production. (Cinema- Fleischer. Darryl F. Zanuck Production. (Cinema- discovered on a previous exploration trip. Michael Scope.) Scope.) Rennie, Jill St. John, David Hedison, Claude Rains, STORY . .001 -8 . PAGE ONE, THE . (1 Jan. Fernando Lamas. Director: Irwin Allen. Irwin Allen ON 23) ©DOG OF FLANDERS, A 011-7 . (96) Mar. Drama. illicit affair Production. (CinemaScope.) An love by a woman married Drama. Filmed in Holland and Belgium. The story to a brutal police officer leads to a courtroom of a young boy and his grandfather who live out- ©MAN WHO UNDERSTOOD WOMEN, THE drama in which the two lovers are on trial for '59 side Antwerp in Belgium. During deliveries on the 919-1 . (105) Oct. the slaying of the husband. Rita Hayworth, An- grandfather's milk route, they find a sick, stray Drama. An award-winning film producer who mar- thony Franciosa, Gig Young, Mildred Dunnock, dog and nurse it back to health. David Ladd, ries a promising starlet he adores, spends so much Hugh Griffith. Director: Clifford Odets. Jerry Wald Donald Crisp, Theodore Bikel, "Petrasche," the time furthering her career that their marriage is Production. (CinemaScope.) Wonder Dog. Director: James B. Clark. (Cinema- never consummated. When she falls in love with .006-7. Scope.) a handsome Frenchman while on film location, THIRD VOICE, THE. .(79) Feb. the producer becomes violently jealous. Leslie Drama. The step-by-step plotting of the "perfect FIVE GATES . . 932-4 '59 TO HELL .. (98) Oct. crime" by the jilted mistress of a financial tycoon Drama. Sovage Red guerrillas capture a Red Cross Caron, Henry Fonda, Cesare Danova, Myron Mc- Cormick, Marcel Dalio, . Director: and a man whose resemblance to the tycoon paves field hospital in Indo-China. Tells of the heroism the way for a cleverly-contrived impersonation of the small hospital staff in the face kid- Nunnally Johnson. (CinemaScope.) of and a giant swindle. The killers are caught and naping, torture, rape and murder. Only two of the ©MASTERS OF THE CONGO JUNGLE. .012-5 exposed in a surprise climax. Edmond O'Brien, group survive. Dolores Michaels, Patricia Owens, (88) __ Apr. Julie London, Laraine Day, Olga San Juan. Direc- Neville Scott, Brand, Ken Nobu McCarthy. Direc- Jungle Documentary. Filmed in the Belgian Congo, tor: Hubert Cornfield. (CinemaScope.) tor: James Clavell. (Cinemascope.) and is a photographic history of the Belgian 13 FIGHTING MEN . . 01 3-3 . . (69) Apr. Congo's equatorial jungle life. Shows the human ©FLAME OVER IN DIA . . 01 7-4 . . (1 30) May Action Drama. Set at close of Civil War, in which Adventure Drama. British-made; filmed in Indio. and animal jungle dwellers as they are today a 13-man Union cavalry patrol, returning with British title is "North West Frontier." British before civilization makes its inevitable changes. A $49,000 in Government gold which they are pro- Captain rescues a five-year-old Hindu prince and Narrators: Orson Welles, William Warfield. Direc- tecting, has to battle it out with an evil Con- his American governess, and together they flee tors: Heinz Sielmann, Henry Brandt. Belgian Inter- federate officer and his band who want the gold. before a Moslem rebellion. The boy's is national Scientific Foundation Presentation. (Cine- father Grant Williams, Brad Dexter, Carole Mathews, killed, and it becomes the duty of the Captain maScope.) Robert Dix, Richard Garland. Director: Harry to protect the child on whose life depends the .031-5. MURDER INC.. (99) .. July Gerstad. Associated Producers Production. (Cinema- fate of India. Kenneth More, , Melodrama. Deals with a vicious murder-for-hire Scope.) Herbert Lorn, Wilfrid Hyde White, I. S. Johar. syndicate that terrorized the East in the '30s. An Director: J. ©39 STEPS, THE 032-3.. (95) Lee Thompson. J. Arthur Rank Pro- innocent man is trapped into doing the bidding of Aug. duction. (CinemaScope.) Mystery Melodrama. British-made. Remake of the syndicate, but finally is able to give testimony a 1935 British film, dealing with the ©FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE. .030-7. .(84) Aug. for the state which sends the top gangsters to the adventures of a Londoner who becomes involved with spies Drama. Story of a little Indian orphan lad who chair. Stuart Whitman, May Britt, Henry Morgan, and murder when he innocently befriends dreams of becoming a doctor, two priests who . Directors: Burt Balaban, Stuart Rosen- a woman agent. Kenneth More, Taina Elg, dream of a new church, and a quarter horse the berg. (CinemaScope.) Brenda de Banzie, Barry Jones, James Hayter. boy nurses back to health, which Director: Ralph Thomas. becomes a ©ONE FOOT IN HELL. .029-9 (90) Aug. record-breaking racehorse J. Arthur Rank Production. and makes both dreams Outdoor Drama. The story of a man who carefully come true. Richard Basehart, Stu Erwin, Arthur formulates and embarks upon a diabolical plan of ©THREE MURDERESSES .007-5. (96) Feb. Shields, , Danny Bravo. Director: George Comedy Drama. (French-made, with vengeance against a town which he believes is English-dubbed Sherman. Shergari Corp. Production. (CinemaScope.) dialog.) girls, responsible for his wife's death. Alan Ladd, Don Three all in love with the same ©FRECKLES. .043-0. (84) Sept. Murray, Dan O'Herlihy, Dolores Michaels, Barry handsome, two-timing playboy, plot to poison him. At the Drama. From Gene Stratton Porter's novel of a Coe. Director: James B. Clark. (CinemaScope.) end, the hero marries one of the three in courageous, 20-year-old orphan the prison chapel as the other girls watch from boy with a missing OPERATION AMSTERDAM. .015-8. .(105) June left hand who "single-handedly" protects forest behind bars. Alain Delon, Mylene Demongeot, a Melodrama. British-made. Teils how a Brtiish In- besieged by timber outlaws, of Pascale Petit, Jacqueline Sassard, Noel Roquevert, and his love for telligence agent and a pair of diamond merchants the beautiful Chris. Martin West, Carol Christen- Andre Luguet. Director: Michael Baisrand. Paul carry out a mission of getting a fortune in indus- sen, Jack Lambert, Steven Peck, Roy Barcroft. Graetz Production. (French-language version titled, trial diamonds out of Amsterdam just after the Director: Andrew V. McLaglen. Associated "Women Are Weak," was released by NTA Pic- Pro- Nazis have invaded Holland. Peter Finch, Eva ducers Production. (CinemaScope.) tures for the 19o8-59 season.) Bartok, Tony Britton, Alexander Knox, Malcolm TRAPPED IN ©FROM THE TERRACE. 028-1 . .(144). July—Special Keen. Director: Michael McCarthy. J. Arthur Rank TANGIERS .027-3. (74) July Drama. From John O'Hara's novel of family con- Production. Mystery Melodrama. (Italian-made, with English- flict, tempestuous romance, greed dubbed dialog.) An American secret service and infidelity ROOKIE, THE. 003-4. .(86) Jan. agent among members of a third-generation mainline goes to Tangiers to crack an international nar- Comedy. The misadventures of a young man who fomily. Traces the story of a young man cotics ring. He falls in love with a girl and dis- who insists on being inducted into the Army. Through leaves his parents' home of dissension only to covers that, unknown to her, her foster father a mistake he is accepted on V-J Day, and an marry a selfish society girl who finds herself a actually is leader of the ring. Edmund Purdom, entire army camp is kept open for his training lover while he is busy building a successful busi- Genevieve Page, Gino Cervi, Jose Guardiola. Direc- alone. , Pete Marshall, Julie New- ness career. Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, tor: Riccardo Freda. (CinemaScope.) mar, Jerry Lester. Director: George O'Hanlon. Myrna Loy, , Leon Ames, Patrick O'Neal, TWELVE HOURS KILL .. 022-4. Associated Producers Production. (CinemaScope.) TO . (83) June Felix Aylmer. Director: Robson. Mark (Cinema- Melodrama. A young Greek visitor to New York Scope.) SEVEN THIEVES. 002-6 (102) Jon. who accidentally witnesses a gangland killing, is Melodrama. Set in modern Cannes, the story de- HIGH POWERED RIFLE, THE .. 038-0 .. (60) July pursued by the killers to a small tails an elaborate plan successfully carried out town hideout. Action Drama. A story that deals with bookmak- When finally captured, the killers by seven persons to rob the vault of the Monte expose a crooked ing, narcotics and the repeated attempts at mur- police captain on the big city force Carlo casino. Two members then have a change who is in der of a private eye who is on the trail of a big cahoots with the criminals. Nico Minardos, of heart and force the others to return the Barbara dope ring. Willard Parker, Allison Hayes, Dan Sim- Eden, Grant Richards Russ Conway, money. Edward G. Robinson, Rod Steiger, Joan Art Baker. mons, Shirley O'Hara, John Holland. Director: Director: Edward L. Cahn. Associated Producers Collins, Eli Wollach, Alexander Scourby. Director: Moury Dexter. Capri Production. Production. (CinemaScope.) . Sydney Boehm Production.

©HOUND-DOG MAN . 933-2. .(87) Nov. '59 (CinemaScope.) VALLEY OF THE REDWOODS. 016-6 (63) May Comedy Drama. backwoods Melodrama. A story of two young SINK THE BISMARCK!. .005-9 .(97) Feb. Set in a California lumber camp, story brothers who hate doing chores centers around home, but War Drama. British-made. Depicts the events lead- around an ingenious plan engineered by idolize their shiftless, happy-go-lucky neighbor two men and a who ing up to and including the British fleet's destruc- woman to steal the lumber mill takes them on a fishing and hunting payroll. But the "perfect hits jaunt. An tion of the German battleship, Bismarck, in the crime" a snag and incident awakens all of them to a more responsible fails. John Hudson, Lynn Bernay, Ed Nelson, early days of World War II. Kenneth More, Dana outlook on life Fabian, Michael Carol Lynley, Stuart Whit- Wynter, Carl Mohner, Laurence Naismith, Geoffrey Forest, Robert Shayne. Director: William man, Arthur O'Connell, Dodie N. Witney. Associated Stevens. Director: Keen. Director: Lewis Gilbert. John Brabourne Producers Production. (Cine- Don Siegel. Jerry Wald Production. (CinemaScope.) Production. (CinemaScope.) maScope.)

©IDIOT, .020-8. . THE. IT'S 01 0-9 . .(122) Aug. SONS AND LOVERS. .035-6. (103) Aug. ©WAKE ME WHEN OVER .. (126) . Apr. Drama. (Russian-made, with English-dubbed dialog.) Drama. Filmed in England. From D. H. Lawrence's Comedy. An ex-GI is accidentally recalled to Air Adapted from Dostoevski's classic novel of the novel about a young talented amateur artist tied Force duty and shipped off to a drab island base Czarist ero. A Russian nobleman offers a dowry to his mother's apron strings, who tries to under- in the South Pacific. With the help of the com- to marry his off former mistress to someone else. stand life through two love affairs, both disap- manding officer and the men, he builds a resort The girl throws over all her suitors, including a pointing. After his mother's death, he goes on hotel and turns the island into a vacation para- Russian prince who has fallen in love with her, to to study art, as she had wished. Trevor Howard, dise. Ernie Kovacs, Margo Moore, Jack Warden, denounce her life of luxury and sin to face an Dean Stockwell, Wendy Hiller, Mary Ure, Heather Nobu McCarthy, Dick Shawn, . Direc- uncertain future with another man. J. Borisova, Sears. Director: Jack Cardiff. Jerry Wald Produc- tor: Mervyn Le Roy. Mervyn Le Roy Production. Y. Yakolev, N. Podgorny, L. Parkhomenko, R. tion. (CinemaScope.) (CinemaScope.) Maximova. Director: Ivan Pyriev. Mosfilm Produc- PACIFIC. .023-2. (151) Mar. ©WALK TALL . . 042-2 . . (60) Sept. tion. (U.S.-U.S.S.R. Cultural Film ©SOUTH Exchange Agree- Outdoor Drama. In which a U.S. Cavalry captain ment.) Musical Drama. (Regular release; CinemaScope version.) Filmed in Hawaii. From James A. Mich- is sent on a lone mission to capture and bring Q©JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH ener's book ond based on the Rodgers and Ham- back for trial a renegade Army officer who has 934-0 .(129) Dee. '59 merstein musical, story tells of the romance be- been killing and scalping Indians for bounty money. Science-Fiction Drama. A college professor leods tween a young Navy nurse and a Frenchman in Willard Parker, Joyce Meadows, Kent Taylor. Di- an expedition to seek a buried city in the depths Hawaii during the war with Japan. Rossano Brazzi, rector: Maury Dexter. Associated Producers Pro- of the earth, which they find after many adven- Mitzi Gaynor, John Kerr, France Nuyen, Ray duction. (CinemaScope.) tures. On their return, the travelers are beset by Walston, Juanita Hall. Director: Joshua Logan. WHEN COMEDY WAS KING 008-3 (81) Mar. mammoth subterranean prehistoric animals. Pot Magna Production. Compilation. A compilation of shorts and comedy Boone, James Mason, Arlene Dahl, Diane Baker. clips favorites of yesteryear toplining SQUAD CAR . 044-8 (60) Sept. from film Director: Henry Levin. (CinemaScope.) Melodramo. Story of the activities of a squad car many of the screen's all-time comedy greats. murder Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Laurel and Hardy, ©LET'S MAKE LOVE . 034-9 (118) . Sept.—Special detective who solves a baffling and rounds Gloria Comedy With Music. A billionaire learns he is up a counterfeiting ring operating out of Arizona Wallace Beery, Swanson, Keystone Kops, and

142 BAROMETER Section others. Norroted by Dwight Weist. Produced and Woodward, , Victory Jory. Direc- ©SOLOMON AND SHEBA 6005 (139) Jan. written by Robert Youngson. tor: Sidney Lumet. Jurow-Shepherd-Pennebaker Biblical Spectacle. Filmed in Spain. Sheba visits Production. to destroy King Solomon but, instead, they ©WILD RIVER. .009-1 . .(110) June fall in love and though at first rejected by the Drama. Set in the initial days of the Tennessee GALLANT HOURS, THE . 601 4 . (1 1 5) May Israelites following the Egyptian raid on Israel Valley Authority, story centers around the heart- Biographical Drama. Story of the famed U. S. and destruction of the Temple, Sheba is later breaking job of a young government official in Naval hero of World War II, Admiral William F. accepted as Gina evicting an 80-year-old Southern matriarch from Halsey, and his historic role in the bitter fighting Solomon's Queen. Yul Brynner, Lollobrigida, George Sanders, Marisa Pavan, David her beloved Tennessee home to make way for the on Guadacanal in 1942. James Cagney, Dennis Farrar. Director: King Pre- TVA dam project. Montgomery Clift, Lee Remick, Weaver, Ward Costello, Richard Jaeckel, Les Tre- Vidor. sentation, and (Super Jo Van Fleet, Albert Salmi, Jay C. Flippen. Direc- mayne, Robert Burton. Director: Robert Montgom- a King Vidor Production. Technirama tor: Elia Kazan. (CinemaScope.) ery. Cagney-Montgomery Production. 70.) STUDS LONIGAN. 6019 (95) Sept. 4-1 . . . ©WIND CANNOT READ, THE 01 . (1 07) Mar. GUNFIGHTERS OF ABILENE 6004 (67) Jan. Drama. Based on James T. Farrell's novel Drama. British-made. The tragic love story of a Western Drama. A man sets out to find his miss- about the emotional problems of an Irish-American boy British pilot and a Japanese girl who meet and ing brother, accused of absconding with $68,000 growing up in Chicago during the roaring '20s, marry in India. Ordered back to the front, the and learns the brother was murdered. He tracks who straightens out his problems when he finally pilot is captured and tortured by the Japanese, down the killer, proves he also had stolen the faces up to his responsibilities in life. Christopher but escapes and returns to find his wife dying money, and clears his brother's name. Buster Knight, Dick Foran, Venetia Stevenson, Jay C. from a brain operation. The title is from a Japa- Crabbe, Barton MacLane, Judith Ames, Eugenia Flippen, Frank Gorshin. Director: Irving Lerner. nese poem. Dirk Bogarde, Yoko Tani, John Fraser, Paul. Director: Edward L. Cahn. Vogue Piets. Longridge Enterprises Production. Ronald Lewis. Director: Ralph Thomas. J. Arthur Presentation. SUBWAY IN THE SKY .5929 Nov. '59 Rank Production. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 6001 (81) Dec. '59 (85) Melodrama. British-made. Set in post-war Germany YOUNG JESSE JAMES. 033-1 .(73) Aug. Comedy. The domestic complications that develop during the American occupation, plot deals with Western Drama. Set at close of Civil War, the when a slightly tipsy husband, celebrating his 13th an American, accused of murder and narcotics film starts off with Jesse James as a teenager wedding anniversary, reveals that he and his wife peddling, who hides from police in an attempt to witnessing the hanging of his stepfather by Union had had pre-marital relations. The situation wor- gain evidence to clear himself. He is captured but soldiers. He joins Quantrill's raiders and begins his sens when their daughter innocently blabs the eventually the real murderer is unmasked. Van life of crime and violence as a trigger-happy out- family scandal on a children's panel show. David Johnson, Hildegarde Neff, Albert Lieven, Cec law. Ray Stricklyn, Willard Parker, Merry Anders, Niven, Mitzi Gaynor, Carl Reiner, Loring Smith, Linder. Director: Muriel Box. Robert Dix, Emile Meyer. Director: William Clax- Monique Van Vooren. Director. David Miller. Fields ton. Associated Producers Production. (Cinema- Production. 6008 .. (100) Feb. Scope.) Drama. From the Broadway stage play by Louis ©LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, THE 6020 . . (1 03) . . July Peterson, which tells the story of a Negro youth's Spectacle Drama. (Italian-made, with English- first struggles with adolescence and his place in a (REISSUES) dubbed dialog.) Set against the destruction of the white man's world. Johnny Nash, Estelle Hemsley, ©DAVID 024-0 .(116) wicked city of Pompeii by the eruption of Mt. AND BATHSHEBA. May Frederick O'Neal, Ruby Dee. Director: Philip Lea- Biblical Drama. Vesuvius, the story centers around a Roman Cen- Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, cock. Sheila Production for Hecht-Hill-Lancaster. Raymond Massey, Kieron Moore. Director: Henry turion, in love with a Christian girl, who fights THREE KILL. Apr. F. King. Darryl F. Zanuck Production. gladiators and lions to win her. Steve Reeves, CAME TO 6009. (70) Anne Marie Baumann, Cristina Kauffman, Barbara Melodrama. The story of an attempted political Carroll, . Director: Mario Bonnard. assassination of a visiting premier in Los Angeles, United Artists Cineproduzioni - Procusa - Transocean Production. and how the plot is thwarted by Secret Service agents a man whose family is being held (October, 1959 through September, 1960) (Supertotalscope.) and by hostage by the killers. Cameron Mitchell, John ©MACUMBA LOVE. 6016 (86) June ©AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON Russion Lupton, Steve Brodie, Lyn Thomas. Director: Ed- Horror Melodrama. Made in Brazil. An author (107) June ward L. Cahn. Premium Piets. Presentation. Drama. (Russian-language, with English titles.) writing a book exposing voodoo practices in the TIMBUKTU 5912. (91) Oct. '59 Based on novel by Mikhail Sholokhov, and tells Brazilian jungle, becomes dangerously involved Drama. A World War II story of intrigue and the story of illicit romance and cuckoldry, cen- with the high priestess of a murderous voodoo violence, set in the French Sudan. An American tered around a young Cossack caught up in the cult, and is rescued in nick of time by native gun-runner acts as a go-between to the French stirring events of Russia just prior to and immedi- police. Walter Reed, Ziva Rodann, William Well- Emir, jr., June Wilkinson. Director: Douglas Fowley. commandant, the independence-seeking and ately following World War I. Ellina Bystritskaya, man the peace-loving Arab leader. Victor Mature, Pyotr Glebov, Zinaida Kirienko, Danilo Ilchenko. MUSIC BOX KID, THE 6015 (74) June Yvonne De Carlo, George Dolenz, John Dehner, Director: Sergei Gerasimov. (Soxexport Film under Melodrama. Depicts the criminal career of a 21- Marcia Henderson, Robert Clarke. Director: Jacques the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Cultural Film Exchange Agree- year-old hoodlum of the '20s, from his rise as a Tourneur. Imperial Piets. Presentation. ment.) small-time crook to a power-mad underworld execu- tioner. Hated and feared even by the gangsters ©UNFORGIVEN, THE 6010 (120) Apr. APARTMENT, THE 601 7 . . (125) July themselves, his life in volley of police Western Drama. Filmed in Mexico. Set in post- Comedy Drama. The hilarious events that unfold ends a Foster, Patten, Rich- Civil War days, and is the story of two closely when an ambitious young insurance clerk, secretly bullets. Ronald Luana Grant ards, Seevn. Director: Edward L. Cahn. united families who become involved in a feud in love with the elevator girl, lets his philandering Johnny Piets. Presentation. and with savage Kiowa Indians who seek to re- superiors use his bachelor apartment as a trysting Premium claim as their own the adopted daughter of one place to meet their respective girl friends, then NIGHT FIGHTERS, THE 6025 (88) Sept. of the families. Burt Lancaster, Audrey Hepburn, learns the elevator girl is one of the back-street Drama. Filmed in Ireland. Set in Ireland in 1940, Audie Murphy, John Saxon, Charles Bickford, Lil- sweethearts. Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, Fred when Nazi Germany began invadinq Europe and lian Gish, Albert Salmi. Director: John Huston. MacMurray, Ray Walston, Edie Adams. Director: Irish patriots were trying to expell the British from James Production, for Hecht-Hill-Lancaster. (Pana- Billy Wilder. Mirisch Co. Presentation. (Panavision.) northern Ireland. Depicts the upheaval and terror- ism that followed. Robert Mitchum, Anne Heywood, vision.) ©BOY AND THE PIRATES, THE. .6011 .(82). . Apr. Dan O'Herlihy, Cyril Cusack. Richard Harris. Direc- VICE RAID 6002 .(71) Jan. Adventure Comedy. Re-enacts the dream of an tor: Toy Garnett. D.R.M. -Raymond Stross Produc- Melodrama. Tells how a determined police ser- 11 -year-old youngster about his adventures as a tion. geant on the vice squad who, with the help of an cabin on Blackboard's pirate ship, his friend- boy embittered call girl, ultimately smashes a vicious ship with a little girl he rescues from a Dutch NOOSE FOR A GUNMAN .. 601 3 . . (69) May syndicate of party girl racketeers. Mamie Van Western. How a reformed gunslinger wins over a ship, and tells how the two children outwit the Doren, , Brad Dexter, Barry At- treasure Charles Herbert, hostile town when he saves the townspeople from pirates with a fake map. water, Carol Nugent. Director: Edward L. Cahn. Murvyn Vye, Joseph Turkel, Paul an infamous bandit gang and exposes the unsus- Susan Gordon, Imperial Piets. Presentation. is in Guilfoyle. Director: Bert I. Gordon. Bert I. Gordon pected land baron who league with the crooks. .5936. Oct. '59 Production. (Perceptovision.) , Barton MacLane. Lyn Thomas, Ted de ©WONDERFUL COUNTRY, THE. (96) Corsia. Leo Gordon Harrv Carev jr. Director: Ed- Outdoor Drama. Filmed in Mexico. Based on Tom CAGE OF EVIL 6018 (70) July ward L. Cahn. Premium Piets. Presentation. Lea's novel of an American soldier-of-fortune who Melodrama. An embittered cop, assigned to a becomes involved in a Mexico-Texas border dis- ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW 5938 (95) Nov. '59 jewel-robbery case, falls for the thief's girl friend, pute at the turn of the century, finds romance Drama. An ex-policeman masterminds a bank rob- and goes along with her in a plot to murder the a beautiful widow, and eventually returns to bery with two accomplices, a white man and a with crook and flee the country with the gems. Ron U.S. to clear his name. Robert Mitchum, Julie Negro, which misfires because of racial antagon- the Foster, Pat Blair, Harp McGuire. Director: Edward London, Gary Merrill, Pedro Armendariz, Jack ism by one of the trio, culminating in a tragic L. Cahn. Zenith Piets. Presentation. Oakie, Albert Dekker, Charles McGraw. Director: explosion and an ironical climax. Harry Belafonte, '59 Robert Parrish. D.R.M. Production. COUNTERPLOT 5934 .(76) Oct. Robert Ryon, Shelley Winters. Ed Begley, Gloria Melodrama. An American fugitive from justice Grahame. Director: Robert Wise. Harbel Produc- in conducts a feverish search for a murderer tion. Puerto Rico to clear himself of the false charge, Universal-International TERRITORY. 6007. .(67) Mar. and finds his efforts temporarily blocked by a OKLAHOMA (November, 1959 through October, 1960) Outdoor Drama. In which a prosecuting attorney crooked lawyer and the murderer himself. Forrest ©BETWEEN TIME AND ETERNITY. .6021 .(85). Sept. Tucker, Allison Hayes, Gerald Milton, Jackie who had convicted an Indian chief for murder, after public pressure learns Drama. (German-made, with English-dubbed dia- Wayne, Richard Vernie. Director: Kurt Neumann. reopens the case and the chief was framed by a conniving railroad log.) Story concerns the wife of a doctor who J. Harold Odell Production. agent. Turning defense attorney, he unmasks the learns she has an incurable disease and decides Jan. DOG'S BEST FRIEND, A .5937 . (70) real culprits and clears the innocent chief. Bill to take a final fling at happiness, and a handsome Drama. A lonely, unhappy boy cares for an in- Williams. Gloria Talbott, Ted de Corsia, Walter fisherman who plans to swindle the wealthy woman jured dog he finds with a pistol by its side, Sande, Grant Richards. Director: Edward L. Cahn. but falls in love with her. Lilli Palmer, Carlos unaware that the gun is evidence in a murder Premium Piets. Presentation. Thompson, Willy Birgel, Ellen Schwiers. Director: case. The sheriff thinks the dog is the killer but Arthur Maria Rabenalt. New Terra Production. OON THE BEACH. 6003 (133) Feb. the real killer is caught when he tries to get the Drama. Largely filmed in Australia, From Nevil ©BRIDES OF DRACULA, THE. . 6013 .. (85). .. .June gun, and all ends happily. Bill Williams, Marcia ~ Shute's novel, set in Australia, which tells of the Horror Melodrama. British-made. A woman un- Henderson, , Charles Cooper, Dean reactions of a small group of nuclear war sur- knowingly frees a young vampire from his chains, Stanton. Director: Edward L. Cahn. Premium Piets. vivors, who know they are doomed to die by an and he terrorizes the district with his "brides," Presentation. approaching radioactive cloud which has already girls he has bitten and turned into vampires. A ©ELMER GANTRY. .6023. .(145) Aug. depopulated the rest of the world's inhabitants. scientist finally corners the vampire in an old mill Drama. Based on Sinclair Lewis's controversial Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, Anthony and destroys him. Peter Cushing, Freda Jackson, novel of the late '20s, which exposes the private Perkins, Donna Anderson. Director: Stanley Kramer. Martita Hunt, Yvonne Monlaur, David Peel. Direc- life and morals of a religious charlatan. Burt Lan- Stanley Kramer Production. tor: Terence Fisher. Hammer Film Production. caster, Jean Simmons, Dean Jagger, Arthur Ken- PUSHER, THE. .6006. .(81).. Jan. ©CHARTROOSE CABOOSE. .6019 (76) Aug. nedy, Shirley Jones, Patti Page. Director: Richard Melodrama. An underworld narcotics pusher operat- Comedy. The tale of a retired railroad conductor Brooks. ing in the Harlem district of Manhattan ultimately living in a painted caboose and several people FUGITIVE KIND, THE 6012. (119) May is exposed following a pair of murders, with the who suddenly come into his life whom he helps Drama. Based on Tennessee Williams' play, "Or- trail leading to the killer when a cop on the case and who later help him. They include an eloping pheus Descending." The wife of an ailing Missis- learns his daughter is a dope addict and traces young couple, a runaway boy, and a hobo who sippi storekeeper falls in love with an itinerant her source of supplies. Kathy Carlyle, Douglas F. is really an eccentric millionaire. Molly Bee, Ben musician, a man much younger than herself, then Rodgers, Felice Orlandi, , Sara Cooper, Edgar Buchanan, Slim Pickens, Mike Mc- finds she has to compete with a young girl for Aman, Sloan Simpson. Director: Gene Milford. Gene Greevey. Director: William "Red" Reynolds. Red- his love. Marlon Brando, Anna Magnani, Joanne Milford-Sidney Katz Production. Bill Production. (Panavision.)

BOXOFFICE 143 144 BAROMETER Section BOXOFFICE 145 wife are attracted each other. Francis Lederer, COLLEGE CONFIDENTIAL 6018 (91) Aug. captures a notorious outlaw, and the two become to in the Greta Thyssen, Richard Derr. Director: Gerry de Melodrama. A young college professor embarks on friends on the return trip to prison. But kill outlaw when Leon. Lynn-Romero Production. a survey of the moral aspects of the students, end, the Ranger is forced to the Barry which sets off a local uproar by press and public he makes a prison break. Audie Murphy, Teddy when someone spikes the punch and runs in an Sullivan, Venetia Stevenson, John Mclntire, Warner Bros. off-color reel on some movies the prof is showing. Rooney. Director: Harry Keller. Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Walter Winchell, ©SNOW QUEEN, THE 6011. (70) Apr. (September 3, 1959 through August 13, 1960) Momie Van Doren, Mickey Shaughnessy. Director: Animated Cartoon Fantasy. (Russian-made, with ©BRAMBLE BUSH, THE 909 (103) Feb. 13 Albert Zugsmith. Albert Zugsmith Production. English-dubbed dialog.) From a Hans Christian Drama. Based on the best-selling novel by Charles

©COSSACKS, THE. 6012. (85) .. May Andersen fairy tale, which recounts the adven- Mergendahl, this is a frank narrative of the under- Historical Drama. (Italian-made, with English- tures of a very young girl as she sets out to rescue the-surface activities of several people in a small dubbed dialog.) Set in the mid-19th century, a her little playmate from the evil spell of the town, including the touchy subject of euthanasia. lengendary Circassian chief who relentlessly wages Snow Queen, who has turned his heart to ice. , Barbara Rush, Jack Carson, Angie war against Czar Alexander II, ultimately brings Voices of: Sandra Dee, Tommy Kirk, Patty Mc- Dickinson, James Dunn, Henry Jones. Director: tragedy to his son and his country because of his Cormack. Art Linkletter (in prologue). Producer: Daniel Petrie. United States Production. unwillingness to admit defeat. Edmund Purdom, Robert Faber. ©CASH MECALL .908 (102) Jan. 23 John Drew Barrymore, Giorgia Moll, Pierre Brice, July S.O.S. PACIFIC . 6017 . (92) Drama. From Cameron Hawley's novel of a young Massimo Girotti. Director: Giorgio Rivalta. Van- Action Drama. British-made. Depicts the character- and powerful business tycoon whose ideas of high guard Film Production. (Totalscope.) revealing actions of eight frightened human beings finance change when he falls in love and ulti- ©DINOSAURUS!. 6016 (83) July threatened by hydrogen bomb destruction when mately settles down to being a one-company man, Science-Fiction Melodrama. A construction engi- their plane is forced down during a thunderstorm and liking it. James Garner, Natalie Wood, Nina neer, while doing some blasting for a new harbor and they land on a deserted island which is being Foch, Dean Jagger, E. G. Marshall, Henry Jones. on an isolated tropical island, accidentally re- used for an atom bomb test. Eddie Constantine, Director: Joseph Pevney. leases two 60-ton prehistoric monsters from the Pier Angeli, Richard Attenborough, Jchn Gregson, CRANES ARE FLYING, THE Russian 940 depths of the ocean. Springing back to life, the Eva Bortok. Director: Guy Green, Sidney Box Nov. 14, '59 monsters terrorize the islanders until the engineer Associates Production. (95) finally succeeds in destroying them. Ward Ramsey Drama. (Russian-language, with English titles.) Special Kristina Hanson, Paul Lukather, Gregg Martell. ©SPARTACUS . 6070 (196) Oct.— Shown under the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Cultural Exchange Spectacle Drama. (For roadshow engagements only.) Agreement. Two lovers are torn aoart by the Director: Irvin S. Yeaworth jr. Fairview Production (CinemaScope.) Story of a slave warrior who leads a gladiator events of World War II, and the girl's subsequent rebellion against the imperial dictatorship of the marriage to another proves failure. Still hoping '59 a .6001 . Nov. ©4D MAN. .(85) Roman empire in the last century before the birth for her lover's return, she finally plans a new Science-Fiction Melodrama. research scientist A of Christ. Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean future for herself. Tatyana Samoilova, Alexei and, out goes berserk over a blighted romance Simmons, Tony Curtis, Charles Laughton. Peter Batalov, Vasily Merkuryev, Alexander Shvorin. of revenge, dimensional that uses his fourth power Ustinov, John Gavin. Director: Stanlev Kubrick. Director: Mikhail Kalatozov. Mosfilm Production. allows him to pass through solid walls, and all Bryna Production. (Super Techn : rama 70.) living things are at his mercy. Robert Lansing, OOFBI STORY, THE. 903 (149) Oct. 10, '59 Lee Merriweather, James Congdon, Robert Strauss, TOO SOON TO LOVE 6009 (85) Mar. Documentary Drama. From Don Whitehead's book in Edward Stehli. Director: Irvin S. Yeaworth jr. Fair- Drama. A story of two teenagers love and the about the FBI, using March of Time style to view Production. problems they face when the girl becomes pregnant re-create headline news stories of the '30s. Story and the youth in desperation turns to robbery to opens in 1924 and follows the growth of the FOUR FAST GUNS. 6007 . (73) Feb. raise the money needed for an abortion. Jennifer organization through the activities in the life of Western. The boss of a small western town hires West, Richard Evans, Warren Parker, Jack Nichol- an FBI agent and his family. James Stewart, Vera four notorious gunmen, one by one, to kill the son, Jacqueline Schwab. Director: Richard Rush Miles, Murray Hamilton, Dia"e Jergens. Larry Pen- local sheriff (town tamer), but is finally killed by Dynasty Film Corp. Presentation. nell, Nick Adams. Director: Mervyn LeRoy. Mervyn one of his own hired guns. James Craig, Martha LeRoy Production. Vickers, Edgar Buchanan, Brett Halsey, Paul Rich- (REISSUES) ards. Director: William J. Hole jr. Phoenix Film ©GUNS OF THE TIMBERLAND 911 (91). Mar. 5 Production. (Unirama.) ©GLENN MILLER STORY, THE 6010 (116) Mar. Outdoor Drama. A saga of the logging camps, Biographical Musical. James Stewart, June Allyson, with many of the tried-and-true ingredients of a ©HEAD OF A TYRANT 6008 . (70) Apr. Historical Spectacle. (Italo-French co-produotion, Charles Drake, George Tobias, Henry Morgan, Gene standard western used to tell the story of the with English-dubbed dialog.) When the pagan As- Krupa, Louis Armstrong. Director: Anthony Mann. fight of ranchers to prevent disastrous logging syrian general, Holophernes, and his bloodthirsty operations near their land. Alan Ladd, Jeanne troops invade the peace-loving city of Bethulie, Crain, Gilbert Roland, Frankie Avalon. Director: Valiant D. Jaguar Production. a beautiful native girl falls in love with him, but Robert Webb. in the end beheads him to save her people. (October, 1959 through April, 1960) ©HANNIBAL. .918 .(103) June 18 Massimo Girotti, Isabelle Corey, Renato Baldini, DEFEND MY LOVE Italian (88) Oct. '59 Historical Drama. (Italian-made, with English- Yvette Masson. Director: Fernando Cerchio. (Total- Drama. (Italian-language, with English titles.) A dubbed dialog.) A spectacle based on the invasion scope.) resurrected newspaper scandal almost wrecks the via the Alps of Hannibal, the Carthaginian gen- life of a happily married woman, her husband eral. Romance enters when the general falls in ©HELL BENT FOR LEATHER 6006 . . (82) Feb. Western. In which a dishonest marshal tries to pin and children, when a failing newspaper attempts love with the daughter of a Roman senator, a a killing on an innocent man in order to get the to increase its circulation by reviving Iona-forgot- fact, however, which does not deter him from credit for solving an important crime. Audie Mur- ten scandals. Martine Carol, fighting and defeating the Roman Legion. Victor phy, Felicia Farr, Stephen McNally, Robert Middle- Gabriele Ferzetti, Charles Vanel. Director: Vincent Mature, Rita Gam, Gabriele Ferzetti, Milly Vitale. ton, Rod Fulton, Jan Merlin. Director: George Sherman. Titanus Production. Director: Edgar C. Ulmer. (Supercinescope.) Sherman. (CinemaScope.) . Feb. GRISBI . (83) ©HERCULES UNCHAINED 920 (97) July 23 English-dubbed version. . . Melodrama. (French-made; English- LEECH WOMAN, THE 6014 . (77) June Spectacle Drama. (Italian-made, with Horror Melodrama. A doctor goes to Africa to learn Released in France in 1953 as "Touchez Pas au dubbed dialog.) The fabulous adventures of the the secret of rejuvenation from a savage tribe, Grisbi .") The title, "Grisbi," means "the loot," mightiest man who ever lived, as he and his bride intending to use his wife, whom he hates, as n and story deals with the hidden loot from a large accompanied by Ulysses, are returning to Thebes. guinea pin. Instead, he dies, she returns to America bank robbery which two rival gangs try to hijack They finally arrive in Thebes to find it besieged and commits several murders to secure the male from each other. Jean Gabin, Rene Dary, Jeanne by Polinice and the mercenary armed forces and hormones necessary for perpetual youth. Coleen Moreau, Paul Fronkeur, Dora Doll. . succeed in defeating them. Steve Reeves, Sylva Gray, Grant Williams, Gloria Talbott, Phillip Terry. Director: Jacques Becker. (UMPO released the Koscina, Sylvia Lopez, Primo Camera. Director Director: Edward Dein. French-language version for the 1958-59 season.) Pietro Francisci. Lux-Galatea, Lux de France Pro- duction, and a Joseph E. Levine Presentation. ©OPERATION PETTICOAT . 6003 (120) Jan. KISS FOR A KILLER, A (105) Feb. Comedy. A U. S. submarine rescues five stranded Melodrama. (French-made; English-dubbed version.) (Dyaliscope.) Army nurses from a Pacific island during World Based on a James Hadley Chase novel, plot deals ©ICE PALACE. 919 .(143) July 2 War II. With five women in the cramped quarters with a handsome young bank clerk who marries Drama. Based on Edna Ferber's best-selling novel her of the sub, things begin to happen. Caiy Grant, a wealthy widow, but falls under the spell of which pays tribute to the pioneer builders of the Curtis, Joan Merrill, together, they plan Tony O'Brien, Dina Gene pretty, young secretary and, 49th state. The story covers a 40-year span dur- Evans, Arthur Henri Vidal, Mylene O'Connell. Director: Blake Edwards. the older woman's murder. ing which the main characters love, quarrel, grow Granart Production. Alfred Adam, Simone Demonaeot, Isa Miranda, old and finally reconcile as Alaska wins statehood. Speva Film Pro- ©OTHELLO 6005 ..(100) Feb. Bach. Director: Henri Verneuil. Richard Burton, Robert Ryan, Carolyn Jones, released the French-languaae ver- Drama. (Russian-made, with English-dubbed dia- duction. (UMPO Martha Hyer, Jim Backus, . Director: sion for the 1958-59 season, under the title of log.) Made in 1955, this presents Shakespeare's Vincent Sherman. "What Price Murder?") immortol classic of o happy marriage that comes IN ANGER 902 (99) Sept. 26, '59 '59 LOOK BACK to a tragic end through the treachery of a schem- SCAVENGERS, THE (79) Dec. Drama. British-made. From 's Broad- ing orderly despises the respected Othello. An ex- who Melodrama. U.S. -Filipino co-production. way and London stage hit. Portrays a sullen, rest- Sergei Bondarchuk, Irina Skobtseva, Andrei Popov, trails his missing, estranged wife to cruel smuggler less, sadistic husband who is selfish and Vlodimir Soshalsky. Director: Sergei Yutkevich. is addict involved in Macao to find she a drug toward his pregnant wife. He abandons her for Mosfilm Production. (CinemaScope.)—'(Distributed some strange way with stolen bonds belonging to another woman, but ultimately realizes his love under U.S.-U.S.S.R. ultimately the Cultural Film Exchange the Chinese Nationalist Government. He for his wife and the two are reunited. Richard Agreement.) solves the mystery, but his wife kills the man Burton, , Mary Ure, Dame , ©PORTRAIT IN BLACK. 6015 .(113) July responsible for her degradation and then commits Gary Raymond. Director: Tony Richardson. Wood- suicide. Vince Edwards, Carol Ohmart, Vic Diaz, Mystery Drama. Story concerns a woman and her fall Production. Tamar Benamy, Efren Reyes, John Wallace. Direc- doctor lover who kill her ailing husband, then '59 Production. THE. .907. .(121) Dec. 26, become obsessed with the feor of being suspected tor: John Cromwell. Lynn-Romero ©MIRACLE, Drama. Screen version of the stage spectacle of by several persons, which leads to a second mur- ©SWORD AND THE CROSS, THE. (87) Apr. the '20s, in which a Madonna statue steps from der. In a surprise climax the loose ends are knitted with English- Spectacle Drama. ( Italian-made, of a its pedestal to take on the convent duties together and justice prevails. Lana Turner, An- dubbed dialog.) The persecution of early Christians wayward nun who has fled with her lover. When thony Quinn, Sandra Dee, John Saxon, Richard in the Roman era, when corrupt politicians used the nun returns, the town prospers again as the Basehart, Lloyd Nolan, Ray Walston, Virginia Grey. Christians to cover their crimes. Highlight scenes statue goes back in its place. Carroll Baker, Roger Director: Michael Gordon. Ross Hunter Production. market auction, Roman court include the slave Moore, Walter Slezak, Katina Paxinou, Vittorio battle in the Roman senate, the wild chariot ©SAPPHIRE. .6002. .(92) Nov. *59 orgy, Gassman. Director: Irving Rapper. (Techmrama.) Mystery Melodrama. British-made. Story with a flight, and the mass crucifixion. Gianna Maria Aug 13 Allasia, A. Luisa . . surprise climax as Scotlond Yard investigates the Canale, Jorge Mistral, Marisa Q©OCEAN'S 11 .921 .(128) Pavese. Director: Guido tongue-in-cheek robbery murder of a beautiful London music student named Peluffo, Ruben Rojo, Luigi Comedy Melodrama. A Brignone. Cines Yago Production. (CinemaScope.) against fabulous back- Sopphire, who is revealed as part-colored, and yarn filmed '59 grounds, in which a gambler and war veteran pregnant by an aspiring young white architect TERROR IS A MAN (89) Dee. of his scattered army buddies to assist who becomes a prime suspect. Nigel Patrick Horror Melodrama. Filmed in the Philippines. A gathers ten wholesale holdup of five gambling casinos. Yvonne Mitchell, Michael Craig, Paul Massie, story of the horrible experiences of a shipwrecked in the Dean Martin, Sammy Davis jr., Bernard Miles. Director: Basil Dearden. J. Arthur onto an island, where he finds a Frank Sinatra, man who drifts Dickinson, Richard Conte, assistant conducting torturous ex- Peter Lawford, Angie Ronk Production. doctor and his Milestone. Dorchester panther into a . Director: Lewis ©SEVEN WAYS FROM SUNDOWN 6020 (86). Sept. periments in an effort to turn a The man and the doctor's beautiful Production. (Panavision.) Western. A young Texas Ranger tracks down and human being. BAROMETER Section 146 —

RISE AND FALL OF LEGS DIAMOND, THE. .910 BATTLE OF THE SEXES, THE Roquevert, Paul Frankeur. Director: Michel Bois- (101) Feb. 27 (88) Cont'l Dist'b'g June rond. (Also available in French-language version, Crime Melodrama. A retelling of the career of the Comedy. British-made. Based on "The Catbird with English titles.) notorious gangster-killer. Legs Diamond, tied to a Seat" by James Thurber. The son and heir to a CONSPIRACY OF HEARTS (British-made)—see Para- romance with a night club entertainer, though Scottish kilts firm arrives with an efficient Ameri- mount essentially the story of his murderous but ill-fated can female who proceeds to get rid of antiquated COSSACKS, THE (Italian-made; English-dubbed dia- attempt to take over the crime empire of Arnold office methods to the dismay of the elderly office log) see Universal-International Rothstein. Ray Danton, Karen Steele, Elaine Ste- workers, who in turn set about to sabotage the — wart, Jesse White. Director: Budd Boetticher United new-fangled ideas. Peter Sellers, Robert Morley, COVER GIRL KILLER!. (61) Fanfare Films States Production. Constance Cummings. Director: Charles Crichton. Melodrama. British-made. A vicious killer spe- Bryanston Production. cializes in girls who have appeared on covers of ©SERGEANT RUTLEDGE . .917 .. (1 1 1 ) May 28 sergeant, in a girlie magazines. Scotland Yard tracks down the Drama. Negro . A crack all-Negro . Dist'b'g ©BEHIND THE GREAT WALL . (98) Cont'l killer who turns out to be a perverted reformer. cavalry outfit which served in the west following Travel Documentary. This is the AromaRama pro- Harry H. Corbett, Felicity Young, Spencer Teakle. the Civil War, is accused of rape and murder. He duction which wafts out scents to the theatre Director: Terry Bishop. is later defended by his white commander who audience. The film itself is a prize-winning travelog proves him innocent. Jeffrey Hunter, Constance of contemporary life in China. Narrated by Chet CUBAN REBEL GIRLS. Towers, Billie Burke, , Juano Hernan- Huntley. Director: Carlo Lizzani. Astro Cinema- (66) Joseph Brenner Associates . . Jan. dez. Director: John Ford. John Ford Production. tografica Production. (Totalscope; AromaRama.) Semidocumentary Drama. Cuban-made. The late '59 Note: This is available without Errol Flynn's last film, made in Cuba during the ©SUMMER PLACE, A 905 . (130) Nov. 28, now AromaRama. star's real-life adventures with Castro's rebels in Drama. In which the illicit affair of porents en- BETWEEN TIME AND ETERNITY (German-made; the 1959 revolution. The filmed action shows how tangles the lives of two young people in love, English-dubbed dialog)—see Universal-International whose romance nearly goes on the rocks because a shipment of contraband arms is smuggled to BEWILDERED YOUTH . (80) D&F Corp. hills. Flynn, Beverly of the emotions aroused within the two sets of the Cuban warriors in the Errol Drama. (German-made, with English-dubbed dia- parents. Richard Egan, Dorothy McGuire, Sandra Aadland, John McKay, Jackie Jackler, Marie Ed- log.) Deals with the subject of homosexuality. Barry Dee, Arthur Kennedy, Troy Donahue. Director: mund. Director: Barry Mahon. Produced by Tells in flashback the story of a mother's pitiful Delmer Daves. Mahon. eft oil: lo rescue rer son from his coterie of DAY THEY ROBBED THE BANK OF ENGLAND, THE TALL STORY. .914. (91) Apr. 16 effeminate companions. Paula Wessely, Chris- ( British-made)—see Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Comedy. Based on the hit Broadway play of the tian Wolff, Ingrid Stenn, Paul Dahlke, Hans Niel-

is . Dist'b'g Apr. same title, this about the trials of a college son. Director: Frank Winterstein. (Released 1958- EXPRESSO BONGO . (108) Continental basketball star who almost falls victim to a bribe 59 season in German-language version with Eng- Musical Comedy. British-made. A press agent builds to lose him to throw a game, flunks an exam in order to lish titles, under the title of "The Third Sex.") up his teenage singing discovery only disqualify himself, but manages to disentangle to a scheming actress. In his despair, he turns to BLITZKRIEG . . (93) Cont'l Dist'b'g . . Jan. himself from his difficulties in time to win the building up his devoted girl friend as a movie Documentary. (German-made, with English narra- all-important game. Anthony Perkins, Jane Fonda, star. Laurence Harvey, Sylvia Syms, Yolande Don- tion.) An authentic documentary on World War II Ray Walston, Marc Connelly. Director: Joshua lan, Cliff Richard. Director: Val Guest. (Dyali- battles, showing Hitler and his generals planning Logan. Mansfield Production. scope.) war, sieges of Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow,

—30 . 904 . (96) Nov. '59 Cinema Associates Apr. — 7, and the destructive German Wehnmacht at its FEMALE FIENDS (71) Drama. city-wide search for lost child novel "Puzzle A a opens worst. Edited bv G. Jonas and B. Stegemann. Melodrama. British-made. From the old wounds in a hard-boiled editor's private life, for Fiends." A young American in France is found BOBBIKINS (British-made)—see 20th Century-Fox and both he and others around him are helped by unconscious by the roadside. The accident and his

. Dist'b'g Jan. by being part of the tense period. Jack Webb, William BREAKOUT . (99) Cont'l subsequent loss of memory are seized upon Conrad, David Nelson, Whitney Blake, Louise Lori- War Drama. British-made. Based on an actual three unscrupulous women and a man who try to mer, James Bell. Director: Jack Webb. Mark VII World War II incident, this deals with the planning use him to gain an inheritance. Lex Barker, Carole Production. and carrying out of a mass breakout from a Mathews, Lisa Gastoni, Nora Swinburne, Peter prisoner-of-war camp in Italy. Richard Todd, Mich- Director: Montgomery Tully. THIS REBEL BREED . . 912 .. (93) Mar. 19 Dyneley. Bernard Lee, Richard Attenborough. Drama. A violent and hard-hitting expose of teen- ael Wilding, ©FIVE BOLD WOMEN. (82) Citation Films Director: Don Chaffey. age gangland warfare and race prejudice, in which Western. A Texas marshal is transferring five two young police officers are assigned to crack BRIDES OF DRACULA, THE (British-made)—see Uni women convicts to a new prison. During the jour- the gangs by posing as students. A search for a versal-lnternational ney, he falls in love with one of the prisoners gangland killer and a dope pusher motivates the whose "bad man" husband attempts a rescue, but BROTH OF A BOY (77) Kingsley-Union . . Jan. plot. Rita Moreno, Mark Damon, Gerald Mohr, Jay ensuing Indian Comedy. Irish-made. A television producer arrives girl and husband are killed in an Novello. Director: Richard L. Bare. girl dies en route. Jeff Mor- in a little Irish village to do a program about a attack, and another Williams, Irish THREAT, THE. .913. .(66) Mar. 26 crusty old poacher who claims to be 110 years row, Merry Anders, Jim Ross, Guinn Lucita Blain. Director: Melodrama. A hard-as-nails police detective, in old. only to find the townsfolk aqainst the telecast, McCalla, Kathy Marlowe, Production. self-defense, kills a notorious mobster, and be- and the old poacher and his 80-year-old son off Jorge Lopez-Portillo. Jim Ross comes the target of revenge-seeking gangsters, as on a poaching expedition. All is well at the finish FLAME OVER INDIA (British-made)—see 20th Cen- well as the object of a search by fellow officers when the poachers, arrested and on trial, are tury-Fox who believe him to be the killer of still another acquitted with the aid of the TV man, and the Kingsley-Union ©FOR MEMBERS ONLY . (85) man. Robert Knapp, Linda Lawson, Lisabeth Hush, show goes on. Barry Fitzgerald, June Thorburn, Novelty. British-made. A wealthy young woman in- Mary Castle, James Seay. Director: Charles R. Tony Wright, Harry Brogan. Director: George herits her grandfather's nudist camp, and sets out Rondeau. Pollock. to sell the property, falls in love with the director, ©YELLOWSTONE KELLY .. 901 .. (91) ... .Sept. 5, '59 CALTIKI, THE IMMORTAL MONSTER (Mexican- and eventually becomes a nudist herself- Brian Outdoor Drama. Set in 1876, story tells of the made; English-dubbed dialog)—see Allied Artists Cobby, Shelley Martin, Ellen Newberg. Director: legendary exploits of Yellowstone Kelly, famed ©CAREER GIRL (61) Astor Piets. Ramsey Harrington. Indian scout and trapper, and a beautiful Indian Drama. British-made. An English beautv journeys STORY (68) RCIP girl with whom he falls in love. Clint Walker, GANGSTER to Hollywood, and eventually reaches stardom, as gangster kills two detectives taking Edward "Kookie" Byrnes, John Russell, Ray Danton, Melodrama. A well as joining a nudist colony. June Wilkinson. crime syndicate seeks to Andra Martin. Director: Gordon Douglas. him to prison, and a CARRY ON, NURSE (89) Governor Films hire him. He accepts the offer, leavinq a girl There's_ a (REISSUES) Comedy. British-made. A reporter, boxer, physicist, who offers him work in an orchard. army colonel and half-dozen others from various double-cross by the syndicate and the FBI moves ©BATTLE CRY 916 (148) May 7 Carol Grace, walks of life are thrown toaether in a hospital in for the kill. , Drama. Van Heflin, Nancy Olson, Aldo Ray, James find themselves subjected annoy- Bruce McFarlan. Director: Walter Matthau. Whitmore, Mona Freeman, Tab Hunter, Dorothy ward and to the ances and pleasures provided life among bed- (Italian-made; English- Malone. Director: Raoul Walsh. (CinemaScope.) by GIANT OF MARATHON, THE pans, thermometers and pretty nurses. Kenneth dubbed dialog) see Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer BOY AND THE LAUGHING DOG, THE — Connor, Hattie Jacques, Shirley Eaton, Wilfrid Exch. (Foremrly "Goodbye, My Lady"). .906 GOAL!.. (61) Casino Film Hyde White. Director: Gerald Thomas. Anglo Documentary. (German-made, with English narra- (91) Dec. 19, '59 Production. Amalgamated film dealing with the World's Drama. Walter Brennan, Phil Harris, Brandon de tion.) A sports CARRY ON, SERGEANT (88) Governor Films Games conducted in 1958 at Wilde, Sidney Poitier. Director: William A. Well- Soccer Championship Comedy. British-made. Based nn a novel, "The Bull where 16 teams man. Batjac Production. Stockholm's Rasunda Stadium, Boys," by R. F. Delderfield. Tale of a half-dozen took to the field, with the Brazilian team garner- STORY, 821 . Apr. ©NUN'S THE .(151) 9 ill-assorted civilians, drafted into England's peace- ing first-place accolades. Drama. (A repeat.) Audrey Hepburn, Peter Finch, time Army service, who fumble and bumble their GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS (Italian-made; Dame Edith Bvans, Dame Peggy Ashcroft, Dean through camp maneuvers, but eventually way English-dubbed dialog) —see American International Jagger, Mildred Dunnock. Director: Fred Zinne- make a good showing so their platoon sergeant "The Trials mann. can retire with honors. William Hartnell. Bob Monk- ©GREEN CARNATION, THE (Formerly ©SAYONARA. .915. (147) May 7 house, Shirley Eaton, Eric Barker, Dora Bryan. of Oscar Wilde") .. (1 28) on John Furnell's play, Drama. Marlon Brando, Patricia Owens, Red But- Director: Gerald Thomas. Anglo Amalgamated Drama. British-made. Based Presents a study of the tons, Miiko Taka, Ricardo Montalban, Martha Production. "The Stringed Lute." delves more deeply into Scott, Miyoshi Urneki, James Garner. Director: character of Wilde and CHANCE MEETING (British-made)—see Paramount Also Joshua Logan. (Technirama.) his private life with his wife and family. CIRCUS OF HORRORS (British-made)—see American presents the famous libel suit trial which resulted International in Wilde's being tried on a morals charge and Mitchell, James Miscellaneous CIRCUS STARS (Russian-made; English-dubbed nar- sent to prison. Peter Finch, Yvonne Mason, Nigel Patrick, Lionel Jeffries, John Fraser. (English-Language Films) ration)—see Paramount Director: . (Super Technirama 70.) COME BACK, AFRICA (90) Carillon Piets. ©AMAZING MR. TEAS, THE . (70) Pad Prods. GRISBI (French-made; English-dubbed dialog) —see Novelty. A dental lab messenger mentally un- Social Drama. Filmed in South Africa. Captures a Valiant dresses every woman he meets. He finally checks mood of social challenge on the part of the with a psychiatrist—and ends up mentally un- modern-day South African Negro, as seen through HANNIBAL (Italian-made; English-dubbed dialog) dressing her, too. (Cast and director credits not the eyes of a Zululander forced to leave his see Warner Bros. available.) Pete DeCanza-Russ Meyer Production. farm by famine to work in the gold mines and HEAD OF A TYRANT (Italo-French made; English- (Released through states rights distributors.) thence to Johannesburg's slum ghetto, where he dubbed dialog)—see Universal-International and his family meet with more hardships and ©ATTACK OF THE JUNGLE Italian-made; English- WOMEN tragedy. Director: Lionel Rogosin. Produced by HERCULES UNCHAINED { Barjul Int'l (72) __ Lionel Rogosin. dubbed dialog)—see Warner Bros. Documentary Drama. Deals with the building of ©COME DANCE WITH ME! ("Voulez-Vous Denser ©HIDEOUT IN THE SUN (72) Astor July a road through the Panamanian jungle, connecting Nudist Melodrama. Two brothers hold up a small- South efforts Avec Moi") . . (90) Kingsley-Union America and North America, and the town bank, and while making their getaway take of a group of explorers sent by the officials to Mystery Comedy. (French-made, with English- cover in what they believe is a Florida country placate hostile, savage notives. Director: Joseph dubbed dialog.) The pretty, young wife of a dentist becomes suspicious of her husband's en- club, but which, instead, turns out to be a nudist R. Juliano. Produced by A. R. Milton. Earl Bauer, rollment in a dancing class with an attractive older colony. Greg Conrad, Dolores Carlos, BABETTE GOES TO WAR (French-made; English- Carol Little. Director: Lazarus L. Wolk. Wica woman. The latter is murdered, and the wife, to dubbed dialog)-—see Columbia save her accused husband, turns detective, taking Piets. Production. BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE (Japanese-made; English- a job as dancing instructor to solve the mystery. HOUSE OF INTRIGUE, THE (Italian-made; English- dubbed dialog)—see Columbia Brigitte Bardot, Henri Vidal, Dawn Addams, Noel dubbed dialog)—see Allied Artists

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Elizabeth Taylor

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HOUSE OF THE SEVEN HAWKS, THE (British-made)— on a Scottish island where women are scarce, is OPERATION AMSTERDAM (British-made)—see 20th see Metro-Go Idwyn-Mayer sent to the mainland to seek a bride, and runs Century-Fox into a series of hilarious adventures. Bill Travers, IDIOT, THE (Russian-made; English-dubbed dialog)— OSCAR WILDE. .(96) Films-Around-the-World Fiona Clyne, George Cole, Dilys Laye, Alex Mac- see 20th Century-Fox Drama. British-made. Film biography of the fam- kenzie, Gordon Jackson. Director: Frank Launder. IN THE WAKE OF A STRANGER (British-made) ous author-playwright. Story opens with Wilde at Frank Launder-Sidney Gilliat Production. see Paramount the height of his fame, then depicts the strong INCREDIBLE PETRIFIED WORLD, THE ©MATING URGE, THE . (76) Citation Films attachment between himself and Lord Alfred Doug- (70) Governor Films.. Apr. Documentary. Presents love customs as portrayed las, his libel suit against Marquis of Queensberry, which loses, Underseas Melodrama. A research professor, while by various races and tribes in strange lands, in- he and his final imprisonment from cluding Africa, India, Bali, which he emerges broken man. testing his new diving bell, becomes trapped with Malaya, Ceylon, New a Robert Morley, his crew when a cable snaps, and the group finds Hebrides and New Guinea. Narrator: Art Gilmore. Phyllis Calvert, Sir Ralph Richardson, John Neville, Produced by Howard C. Brown Richard F. Dennis Price, Alexander Knox. Director: Gregory itself in a strange new world in which it can and Ratoff. Vantage Production. survive. Tells of their adventures in underwater Morean. (CinemaScope.) living before being rescued. John Carradine, Phyllis ©MICHAEL STROGOFF OTHELLO (Russian-made; English-dubbed dialog) Coates, Robert Clarke. Director: Jerry Warren. see Universal-International (115) Continental Dist'b'g . . June (Dual package release with "Teenage Zombies.") Spectacle Drama. (Franco-ltalian-Yugoslavian co- OUR MAN IN HAVANA (British-made)—see Released nationally through states rights dis- production, with English-dubbed dialog.) Set in Columbia tributors. 19th century Russia, during the Tartar uprisings, POACHER'S DAUGHTER, THE IT HAPPENED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT this Jules Verne classic tells of the harrowing (74) Show Corp. of Amer. journey of a Russian officer (97) . through enemy-con- Cont'l Dist'b'g Sept. Comedy. Irish-made. Based on an Irish classic, "The Drama. trolled territory to deliver a message from the (German-made, with English-dubbed dia- New Gossoon," and set in rural Ireland, the story log.) The body of a little girl is in Czar. Curt Jurgens, Genevieve Page, Henri Nassiet, found the concerns an irresponsible lad who is loved by an Sylvie, Sylvia Koscina, woods, and a local police inspector vows to find the Marshal Tito's Yugoslavian old poacher's pretty young daughter, and her murderer. Cavalry. Director: Gallone. He uses the little daughter of his house- Carmine Gaston Hakim crafty feminine campaigning to win him from a bait Presentation, keeper as to attract the man suspected of produced by Modern Films. (Cinema- kitchen maid. Julie Harris, Tim Seely, Harry being Scope.) the killer. Heinz Ruhman, , Brogan, Maire Kean, Eddie Golden. Director: Michel Simon, Gert Frobe, Maria Rosa Salgado. ©MIRACLE IN SOHO .(98) Lopert Films George Pollock. Director: Ladislao Vajda. Praesens-Film Produc- Comedy Drama. An Italian girl falls deeply in tion. ©POWER AMONG MEN love with a "road repair Casanova," who gives her (90) Louis de Rochemont Associates ©IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD the usual brush-off treatment he accords all Documentary. (Partly in color.) Shows the work of (89). ...Joseph Brenner Associates women. She prays for a miracle and when a water the United Nations in various countries of the Musical Comedy Drama. British-made. trials main breaks, he returns to repair it, and the The two world—as it helps to rebuild a small village in and tribulations are reunited. of two young song-writers in their John Gregson, Belinda Lee, Cyril Italy, as it aids the people of Haiti with their precarious climb to show business heights. They Cusack, Peter 1 1 ling, Rosalie Crutchley. Director: crops, constructs a hydroelectric station and an become a sensation when they get a French singer Julian Amyes. J. Arthur Rank Production. aluminum plant in British Columbia, Canada, and to record their song, then play it backwards. My- solves a bee problem in Norway. Commentator: MISSILES FROM HELL . (82) NTA Piets. lene Demongeot, Terence Morgan, George Cole, Drama. British-made. A Polish native on the Allied Laurence Harvey. Directors: Thorold Dickinson, Ted Heath, James Hayter. side returns to his couni ry out of fear of Nazi J. C. Sheers. Produced by Thorold Dickinson for JACK THE RIPPER (British-made)—see Paramount reprisal against his family and friends. Sent to the United Nations. ©JAZZ ON A SUMMER'S DAY a labor camp, he learns enough about Nazi war PRETTY BOY FLOYD (96) Cont'l Dist'b'g .. Jan. developments to pass the valuable information on (85) . .... Union Film Distrs. Melodrama. Story of the career of the notorious Musical Documentary. Photographed and recorded to the British by trusted couriers. Michael Rennie, gangster of the '30s, and the FBI's "most wanted" at the 1959 Newport Jazz Festival to provide Patricia Medina, M illy Vitale, iDavid Knight. Pro- man for some time. The elusive killer is finally a succession of songs and musical numbers by duced by John Bash. cornered and shot down at the age of 34. John top artists in the field. Louis Armstrong, Mahalia MODEL FOR MURDER .(75) Cinema Associates Ericson, Joan Harvey, Roy Fant, Barry Newman, Director: J. Leder. Jackson, Gerry Mulligan, , Anita Melodrama. British^made. A young girl employe of Carl York, Effie Afton. Herbert O'Day. Director: Bert Stern. an expensive dress salon and her Navy officer boy Le Sac Production.

friend Essanjay . JET OVER THE ATLANTIC help to solve the murder of a model and PRIME TIME, THE . (76) Films. May (95) Inter Continent Rel. Org. .Jan. the theft of expensive jewelry, on loan to the Melodrama. Locally produced in Chicago, the film Action Drama. Filmed in Mexico. Several dramas shop, which is worn bv the models. Keith Andes, concerns a 17-year-old girl who runs away from in the lives of assorted passengers unfold on a Hazel Court, Michael Gough, Julia Arnall, Patricia a qood home atmosphere in pursuit of "kicks" and jet airliner flying from to New York Jessel. Director: Terry Bishop. (Released through while police and family search for her, she is carrying a gas bomb which has been set to ex- states rights distributors.) learning about Chicago's seamy side and the plode. A convicted murderer, beatnik set. Jo Ann LeCompte, Frank Roche, James whose innocence MORALS SQUAD (57). . . Joseph Brenner Associates Brooks, Gronwald. Director: Gordon Weisen- is later established, safely lands the plane. Guy Melodrama. Tells how big-city, vice squad detec- Ray born. Mid-Continent Films Production. (Released Madison, Virginia Mayo, , Ilona Massey, tives move in on a huge "call girl" racket and through states rights distributors.) Venetia Stevenson, George Macready. Director: eventually succeed in smashing the ring, with the . help of a policewoman who turns "call girl" to PRISONER OF THE VOLGA (Italian-made; English- JUKE BOX RACKET. .(62). Joseph Brenner Associates gain the evidence needed. Bob O'Connell, Beverly dubbed dialog)—see Paramount Melodrama. A story of organized mob inroads Bennett, Vince Marcellino, Jeri Archer. PRIVATE PROPERTY. (79) Citation Films into the American juke box industry, in which MOUSE THAT ROARED, THE (British-made)—see Drama. A frank narrative concerning two beatnik- five teenagers come to the rescue of their long- Columbia type characters who plot the seduction of a sex- time storekeeper friend who is being intimidated more forceful of the NAKED THE WICKED, THE starved housewife, with the by goons bent on installing their own juke box. AND two promising the other his first sex partner. (90) William Mishkin Steve Karmen, Arlene Corwin, Lou Anne Lee, Bev- Quarrels lead to the eventual slaying of the pair. Melodrama. (Italian-made, with English-dubbed erly Nazarow, Seymour Cassel, William DePrato. Corey Allen, , Kate Manx, Robert dialog.) Intrigue in young Produced by Jim Geallis and George Barris. the concert world. A Wark, Jerome Cowan. Director: Leslie Stevens. singer is accused of jewel theft and becomes the KILLERS OF KILIMANJARO (British-made) see Co- Luzon Rel. Co. — pawn in a for affections REBEL GIRLS . (70) lumbia battle her between a blackmailer and her lawyer. Carla Del Poggio, Drama. Philippine-made. Story of the eventually KISS FOR A KILLER, A (French-made; English-dubbed Frank Latimore, Gabriele Ferzetti. Director: Guido successful Philippine Army campaign to rid the dialog)—see Valiant Brignone. countryside of the festering breed of Communist- inspired "Huk" troops and their leaders. Eddie del LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, THE (Italian-made; Eng- NATCHEZ TRACE (80) Panorama Piets. Mar and native Philippine cast. (Released through lish-dubbed dialog) see United Artists — Melodrama. Based on early 19th century records states rights distributors.) LOOK BACK IN ANGER (British-made)—see Warner of the infamous "gentleman bandit of the Natchez . . Films-Around-the-World May Bros. Trace," whose murders, rapes and slave-stealings ROSEMARY (105) Drama. (German-made, with English-dubbed dia- terrorized is ©LOVE SPECIALIST, .. (1 ... Medallion the South. He finally overcome when THE 04) Piets. log.) Based on the true story of Rosemary Nitri- Comedy Drama. his gang of 400 runs into an irate posse of towns- (Italian-made; English-dubbed. Re- bitt, mysterious murder in 1957 created folk. Zachary Scott, William Campbell, Marcia whose leased in Italy in 1958 as "The Girl and the international scandal. The film traces her Henderson, Kenne Duncan, Ann Kelly. Director: an Palio.") A girl from Texas wins a quiz show trip career from prostitute to a position of power as to Italy, Alan Crosland jr. (Released through states rights where she finds romance with a penniless mistress to industrialists, and keeper of a hidden prince distributors.) who wants to marry an heiress. They fall in tape recorder in her boudoir. Nadja Tiller, Peter love, without realizing that neither has a cent. ©NEXT TO NO TIME. (93). . . Show Corp. of Amer. Van Eyck, Jo Herbst, Mario Adorf, Horst Frank. , Vittorio Gassman, Bruce Cabot, Franca Comedy. British-made. Based on the fanciful pre- Director: Rolf Thiele. (Also available in German- Valeri. Director: Luigi Zampa. (Technirama.) mise that a shy engineer can become a bold, language version, with English titles.) MA BARKER'S KILLER BROOD suave man after downing a strong drink during SAPPHIRE (British-made)—see Universal-International (89) Filmservice Dist'b'g June the hour when the ship's clock is stopped each Melodrama. The story of M a Barker and her midnight of an Atlantic crossing. He wins an SAVAGE EYE, THE Kingsley Int'l.. July equally vicious progeny, who sprang up out of American actress, engineers a major business deal (67) Trans-Lux and desperate groping of a Oklahoma in the '30s to start a nationwide trail with a financial wizard. Kenneth More, Betsy Documentary Drama. The panoramic background of crime and murder that ended in death at a Drake, Roland Culver. Director: Henry Cornelius. new divorcee, against the of a modern American city, as she attempts to luxurious Florida hideout. Lurene Tuttle, Tris NIGHT OF LOVE (93) Howco Int'l life. near-fatal car acci- Coffin, Paul Dubov, Nelson Leigh, Myrna Dell. adjust to her changed A Melodrama. (Frenoh-made, with English-dubbed look Director: Bill Karn. dent forcefully convinces her that she must Screen Classics Production. dialog.) Set in the last days of World War II in at life more objectively. Barbara Baxley, Herschel MAN IN A COCKED HAT. .(87) Show Corp. of Amer. Nazi-occupied territory, the main story line con- Bernardi, Jean Hidey, Elizabeth Zemach. Narrator: Comedy. British-made. A spoof of the natives-are- cerns a crippled brother's treachery toward his Gary Merrill. Directors: Sidney Meyers, Ben Mad- restless theme, in which a bumbling ambassador gifted pianist brother, and at the end is un- dow, Joseph Strick. is sent to a far-off island to prevent a civil war, masked as a Nazi counter-espionage agent work- and manages to project himself into an endless ing to bring death to the ostensibly touring pianist. ©SCENT OF MYSTERY (125) Michael Todd jr. chain of difficulties. Terry-Thomas, Peter Sellers, Brigitte Bardot, Pierre Cressay, Lucia Bose, George Comedy Mystery. Filmed in Spain The adventures Luciana Paoluzzi. Directors: Roy Boulting, Jeffrey Albertazi. Director: Mario Bonnard. Gaston Hakim of an Englishman visiting in Spain, who tries to Dell. Boulting Bros. Production. Presentation of a Hollywood International Produc- track down an American tourist girl he believes being MAN WHO WOULDN'T TALK, THE tion. is in danger, the only clue to her identity While chasing the (97) Show Corp. of Amer. a "Scent of Mystery" perfume. NUDE IN A WHITE CAR . (87) Trans-Lux girl, the plotters are chasing him with a shotgun. Drama. British-made. A courtroom drama, centered Mystery Drama. (French-made, with English-dubbed , Elizabeth Taylor, Peter Lorre, on the triol of a man accused of murdering his dialog.) unemployed TV actor, walking on a An Paul Lukas, Beverly Bentley, Mary Laura Wood. wife, but uncble to tell the truth because he is lonely road, is picked up by a blonde who em- Director: Jack Cardiff. Michael Todd jr. Produc- under a solemn promise to withhold vital secret braces him passionately, then orders him out of tion. (Smell-O-Vision; Todd Process.) information. , Anthony Quayle, Zso the car. Tracing the license, he winds up at a NTA Piets. Zsa Zsa Gabor, Patrick Allen. Director: Herbert villa occupied by two sisters and the intrigue is SCHOOL FOR LOVE . (76) Wilcox. supplied through his efforts to learn which of Drama. (French-made, with English-dubbed dialog.) fall in love ©MATING TIME (Formerly "The Bridal Path") the two is "the nude in a white car." Marina Two sisters studying at a conservatory (95) Kingsley-Union. Mar. Vlady, Robert Hossein, Odile Versois, Henri Cre- with the same professor, a married man—a situa- Comedy. British-made. An eligible bachelor living mieux. Director: Robert Hossein. tion which resolves itself when one falls in love

150 BAROMETER Section whose with a younger chap, the other becomes a suc- WICKED GO TO HELL, THE .. (74) .... Fanfare Films rogues who kidnap a brattish youngster for them, and cessful concert artist and the married man goes Melodrama. (French-made, with English-dubbed dia- mischievous antics prove too much log.) escaping in the parents to take back to his wife. Brigitte Bardot, Jean Marais, Two convicts hide out a lonely they end up offering to pay Mischa Auer. seaside cabin, where they kill the boy friend-artist him back. , Gino Cervi, Papouf, Noelle SCOUNDRELS of a fetching wench in whom they have become Norman. Director: Henri Verneuil. SCHOOL FOR interested. As they vie for her attentions, she Cont'l Dist'b'g ..July ©BLACK ORPHEUS ("Orfeu Negro"). Portuguese (94) successfully schemes to bring them to their death. with an inferiority (95) Lopert Films. . Jan. Comedy. British-made. A chap Marina Vlady, Henri Vidal, Serge Reggiani, Robert to a school to learn how to win Drama With Music. (French-made, with Portuguese complex goes Hossein. Director: Robert Hossein. Realities Inter- turns his bag of dialog.) Filmed in Brazil. Based on the play by without actual cheating, then national Films Presentation. tricks on a variety of previous tormentors. Ian Brazilian poet, Vinitius de Moraes, story is set Carmichael, Terry-Thomas, Alcstair Sim, Janette WIND CANNOT READ, THE (British-made)-—see 20th in a modern Rio de Janeiro carnival, where a Scott, Dennis Price. Director: Robert Hamer. Century-Fox Negro ccuple meet and fall in love, and relive in Orpheus and Eurydice. SIGN OF THE GLADIATOR (Italian-made; English- ©WOMAN LIKE SATAN, A. .(86). .Lopert Films. Jan. 24 hours the tragic story of Marpessa Dawn, Breno Mello, and a non-profes- dubbed dialog)—see Amencan International Drama. (Franco-ltalian made, with English-dubbed dialog.) Set in Spain, a wealthy young man be- sional cast of Brazilian Negroes. Director: Marcel SIN DESIRE.. (77) Atlantis Films AND comes so enamored of a seductive young French Camus. Melodrama. (French-made, with English-dubbed dia- girl that he gives up a devoted wife, his social BRINK OF LIFE. Swedish. .(82) Ajay Films log.) A girl singer-dancer wiih a burning ambition position and respectability, and suffers all sorts of Drama. Swedish title is "Nara Livet." Set in a for fame and fortune by any means, becomes the indignities she forces him to undergo before she maternity ward, the film acquaints the viewer in mistress of a deep-sea diver who is injured when accepts him. Brigitte Bardot, Antonio Vilar, Dario fashion with the tragedies which he takes on a dangerous assignment to meet her deeply-probing Moreno. Director: Julien Duvivier. Gray-D.E.A.R. expectant mothers. Eva money demands. She leaves him for a wealthy befall two of three of the Films Co-production. Dahlbeck, Ingrid Thulin, Bibi Andersson, Barbro man, and rest of plot is motivated by his long Ornas, von Sydow. Director: Ingmar wait for revenge. Francoise Arnoul, Andre LeGall, YESTERDAY'S ENEMY (British-made)—see Columbia Hiort of Max Tonefilm Production. Aime Clariond, Raymond Cordy. Director: Willy Bergman. Nordisk

Rozier. (Also available in French-language version CAMINO DEL MAR ("The Rood to Evil") . . Spanish with English titles.) Foreign Language (87) Clasa-Mohme SINK THE BISMARCK! (British-made)—see 20th Cen- (All have English subtitles unless otherwise stated. Drama. (Mexican-made; no English titles.) A ne- tury-Fox Foreign dialog indicated after film title.) glected wife seeks companionship with a handsome young man who turns out to be a thief, and he SNOW QUEEN, THE (Russian-made; English-dubbed ©AN EYE FOR AN EYE ("Oeil Pour Oeil") uses her as bait in a variety of unsavory inci- Universal-International (97)French.. (93) Manhattan Films dialog)—see Luisa Peluffo, Silvestre, Jose refuses to see a patient at dents. Ana Armando Interna- Drama. A doctor who I S.O.S. PACIFIC (British-made)—see Universal Baviera. Director: Miguel Delgado. his home is accused by her husband of causing her tional eventual death, and becomes the victim of a CARMEN COMES HOME .. Japanese STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY, THE (British-made)—see vicious reprisal by the crazed husband. Curt Jur- (85) Brandon Films Columbia gens, Folco Lulli, Lea Padovani, Pascale Audret, Comedy Drama. A pretty Tokyo striptease dancer SUBWAY IN THE SKY (British-made)—see United Dario Moreno. Director: Andre Cayatte. (Vista- returns to her native village, where she manages Artists Vision.) to shock her parents and the villagers with her I city ways, then puts on a benefit strip act for SWAN LAKE (Russian-made; English narration) see ANATOMY OF LOVE .. Italian — returning to the big city. Columbia Kassler Films.. Oct. '59 local charities before Hideko Takamine, Toshiko Kobayashi, Takeshi Episodic Film. Italian title is "Tempi Nostri" (Our SWORD AND THE CROSS, THE ( Italian-made; English- Shuji Sano. Director: Keisuke Kinoshita. Times). A sequel to the episodic film, "Times Gone Sakamoto, dubbed dialog)—see Valiant Production. By," this also presents a series of five vignettes Shochiku TEENAGE ZOMBIES .. (73) Governor Films . Apr comprised of the following: THE BABY: A poverty CHASERS, THE. French .(73). Gaston Hakim Prods. Horror Melodrama. Several teenagers, while ex- stricken couple who cannot abandon their child. Drama. One night of love in Paris. Two handsome ploring an island, fall into the hands of a mad Lea Padovani, . THE HAND young men journey through the city searching for woman medico, who tries to turn them into zom- OF PROVIDENCE: A woman bent on suicide is an acceptable "pickup" and find pleasant adven- bies in a sadistic experiment to enslave the world's jolted to her senses by an incident. Michel Simon, tures with a variety of gals. Jacques Charrier, population. The youngsters are saved and the evil Sylvie. ON LOCATION: An aging actor and actress Belinda Lee, Dany Robin, Nicole Berger, Dany woman exposed. Don Sullivan, Katherine Victor, meet on a movie set after many years and find Carrel, Anouk. Aimee. Director: Pierre Mocky. Lis- Steve Conte. Director: Jerry Warren. (Dual package happiness and romance. Vittorio de Sica, Elias bon Films Production. release with "The Incredible Petrified World.'') Re- Cegam. THE AMOROUS BUS DRIVER: A bus driver Paradis") leased nationally through states rights distributors. CHILDREN OF PARADISE ("Les Enfants du ignores schedules and routes as he pursues a French. (162) Ajay Films. . May 39 STEPS, THE (British-made) see 20th Century-Fox — romance. Vittorio de Sica, Maria Fiore, Eduardo Drama. From Balzac's classic story of a sordid, THREE MURDERESSES (French-made; English-dubbed de Filippo. THE CAMERA: A young man tries to unhappy romance, set against a background of dialog)—see 20th Century-Fox impress a pretty girl with a borrowed camera. peepshows, taverns and street theatres of Paris in Toto, Sophia Loren. Director: Alessandro Blasetti. 1840s. Jean-Louis Barrault, Arletty, Pierre ©THUNDER IN CAROLIN A . . (92) . . Howco lnt'I..July the Lux Films Production. Drama. Story deals with two friends whose stock Brasseur, Marcel Herrand, Maria Casares, Pierre car racing activities create marital problems, and AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON (Russian)—see United Renoir. Director: Marcel Came. (Originally re- finally ends in their competing against each other Artists leased in the U.S. in 1947 by Tricolore Films.) almost to the death in the big race. Rory Cal- ©ANGRY ISLAND. Japanese CRANES ARE FLYING, THE (Russian)—see Warner houn, Alan Hale, Connie Hines, John Gentry. Di- (90) Bentley Films Bros. rector: Paul Helmick. Darlington Films Production. Drama. A story based on the enslavement of ©DANCING HEART, THE ("Das Tanzende Herz") TIGER BAY.. (105) Continental Dist'b'g .. July Japanese boys by island fishermen, told through German. (91) Casino Film Exch. Drama. British-made. A 12-year-old girl witnesses the lives of seven boys who are sold by their Ballet Film. The beautiful daughter of a court a murder, is pursued by the murderer who gains parents. Kazuo Suzuki, Yasuo Tsuchiya, Terumi mechanic comes to the 11th hour rescue of her her confidence but who eventually is so won over Futagi. Director: Seiji Hisamatsu. Masafumi Soga father's long-anticipated scheme to create a danc- by her charm that he is tricked into capture by Production. (CinemaScope.) ing puppet by substituting for the experiment in the police. John Mills, Horst Buohholz, Hayley AREN'T WE WONDERFUL,. German an audience for a duke and a romantically in- Mills, Yvonne Mitchell. Director: J. Lee Thompson. she throws over to wed her (108) Film Representations .. Feb. clined banker, whom Julian Wintle-Lesiie Parkyn Production, for Kueckelmann, Gunnar J. Comedy Drama. (With English titles and English favorite soldier. Gertrud Arthur Rank. Hoerbiger, Herta Staal, and top narration.) A former top Nazi rises to a high Moeller, Paul ballet stars. Director: Wolfgang Liebeneier. TIME OF DESIRE, THE. (86) Janus Films position among blackmarketeers and is exposed Drama. (Swedish-made, with English-dubbed dia- by a one-time schoolmate who, having spent the DAY WILL COME, THE ('Es Kommt Ein Tag") log.) Two motherless teenage daughters of a vil- war years in Denmark, returns as a crusading German. .(92) Casino Film Exch. lage horse-dealer, because of their isolated exist- editor. Johanna von Koczian, Robert Graf, Hans- Drama. The romance of a French girl and a Ger- ence, are labeled Lesbians by the town. A fellow, jorg Felmy. Director: Kurt Hoffman. man soldier during the Franco-Prussian war that with on a dare, seduces one of the sisters and she be- AUNT FROM CHICAGO, THE. Greek was doomed to end in tragedy. Plot deals comes pregnant. The father of the soldier's attempts to hide from the girl's ill the sisters then (90) Greek Motion Piets. realizes he has been neglectful mother the news that he had killed her son in as a parent and Comedy. A woman returns from Chicago to Athens changes his ways. Barbro Larsson, battle. Dieter Borsche, Maria Schell, Lil Dagover, Margaretha for the express purpose of finding husbands for Lowler, George Fant, Birger Moisten. Herbert Huebner, Gustav Knuth. Director: Rudolph Director: Egil her four nieces. Through her aggressive, some- (Originally released in 1952 by Lux Films.) Holmsen. Europa Film Production. (Swedish-lan- times unorthodox, methods, on behalf of her Jugert. guage version, with English titles, released 1957-58 nieces, she's paired off herself. Georgia Vassiliadou, DEFEND MY LOVE (Italian) —see Valiant season.) Orestis Makris, Nitsa Zafrirau. Director: Alekos DREAMS. .Swedish. .(86) Janus Films TOUCH of LARCENY, A (British-made) see Paramount Sakerlarios. Finos Films of Athens Production. Drama. A model agency owner tries to renew her TRAPPED IN TANGIERS (Italian-made; English- ©BEGGAR STUDENT, THE ("Der Bettlestudent") affair with a married ex-lover, while her prettiest then meets an dubbed dialog)—see 20th Century-Fox German.. (97) Casino Film Exch. model breaks off with her fiance, aging consul who gratifies her every desire for a ©TREAD SOFTLY, STRANGER Operetta. Based on Carl Mi Mocker's operetta of long-ago , concerning two Polish traveling day. Both affairs end in disillusionment and the (85) Bentley Films.. Oct. '59 students who turn highwaymen for a moment and two women resume their workaday careers. Eva Drama. British-made. Set in a steel town, do an impersonation job to "get even" with the Dahlbeck, Gunnar Bjornstrand, Harriet Andersson, plot deals with two brothers whose association with occupying troops in Krakow. Gerhard Riedmann, Ulf Palme. Director: Ingmar Bergman. \ a beautiful, gold-digging girl they both love, leads Waltraut Haas, Elma Karlowa, Gunther Philipp, ANGEL. . Japanese .. (102) . . Brandon Films to robbery and murder, and closes with a surprise DRUNKEN Gustav Knuth. (Superscope in 1945 after the war, and concerns ending. Diana Dors, George Baker, Terence Morgan, 235.) Drama. Set a derelict doctor who runs a small clinic and, Patrick Allen, Jane Griffiths. Director: Gordon ©BELLES AND BALLETS .. French despite his weakness for the bottle, tries to help Parry. George Minter Presentation. (Released (92) Excelsior Piets. people both as a doctor and a counselor. Depicts through states rights distributors.) Ballet Film. Features six sequences performed by patient who will not heed ballet students at a rehearsal studio, which are: his clash with a TB TRIALS OF OSCAR WILDE, THE (see "The Green Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, "Recreation," a youthful dance; "The Belle and his advice. Carnation" this classification.) Reizaburo Yamamoto. Director: Her Feather Scarf," a comedia del arte on tiptoes; Michiyo Kogure, . Toho Production. ©VIRGIN ISLAND "Symphony for a Lonely Man," a desperate quest

(84) Films-Around-the-World . .Mar. for solitude in a machine era; "Hats," a mimi- ©EL CASO DE UNA ADOLESCENTE ("The Case of an

Comedy Drama. British-made. Set in the Caribbean, cry; "The Stranger," the rousing adventure of an Adolescent"). . Spanish .. (100) Clasa-Mohme story centers around an American writer-beach- imprisoned young woman and her rescuer, and Drama. (No English titles.) Shows how adolescents, comber and a British girl on a cruise, who meet, "The Lovers of the River Seine," a bittersweet tale whose parents are too busy for them, but allow fall in love, get married and set up housekeeping of two lovers in Paris. Maurice Bejart, Michele them excessive liberties to make up for the lack on a deserted island. Their mutual love and cour- Seigneuret, and stars of the Ballet de L'Etoile- of warmth in their home life, can become real age see them through various hardships and prob- Paris. Director: Louis Cuny. Hermes Film Pre- social problems. Martha Mijares, Raul Farrell, lems. John Cassavetes, Sidney Poitier, Virginia sentation. Carlos Lopez Moctezuma, Lucy Gallardo. Director: Maskell, Colin Gordon, Isabel Dean, Ruby Dee. E. G. Muriel. Corsa Production. BIG CHIEF, THE ("Le Grand Chef") . . French Director: Pat Jackson. (98) Cont'l Dist'b'g .. June END OF INNOCENCE Spanish . (74). Kingsley Int'l WARRIOR AND THE SLAVE GIRL, THE (Italian- Comedy Farce. Based on an O. Henry short story, Drama. (Argentine-made.) The story of a frus- made; English-dubbed dialog)—see Columbia "The Ransom of Red Chief," about a pair of trated young girl, brought up very strict, whose

BOXOFFICE 151 Zjhanb

Kirk Douglas


Congratulate RICHARD CONTE

his award-winning

performances in

"They Came to Cordura"

(Columbia Pictures)


Selected among the top five performances of the year

by the film buyers of the motion picture industry in

their annual poll.

"Ocean's 11"

(Warner Bros.)


BOXOFFICE 153 first taste of romance has a marked effect on They meet up with their boss and humorous com- escape. Benjiro Okochi, Kenichi Enomoto, Hart- her life. Elsa Daniel, Lautaro Murua, Guillermi plications arise when they decide to get even with shiro Iwai, Susumu Fujita, Takashi Shimura, Masa- Battaglia, Berta Ortegosa. Director: Leopoldo Torre him. Vittorio de Sica, Peppino De Filippo, Isabelle yuki Mori. Director: Akira Kurosawa. Toho Pro- Nilsson. Corey, Myriam Bru, Nadia Gray. Director: Mario duction. Camerini. ESPOSAS IN FI ELES ("Unfaithful Wives") NO MORALS. . French . .(77) William Mishkin Spanish .. (76) Classa-Mohme HOUSE ON THE WATERFRONT, THE French Melodrama. The story of a girl who turns to Drama. (Mexican-made; no English titles.) A trio (90) Union Films prostitution for her livelihood while still seeking of escapades by wives who seek diversion through Melodrama. (Released in France in 1955 as "Port the true love of her life. When her gangster illicit romances, and whose adventures, started on of Desire.") The captain of a salvage boat becomes "protector" goes to jail, she takes up with another a light-hearted note, turn to grim realism. Co- the protector of a young girl who has come to hoodlum, but the first one breaks out of prison lumba Dominguez, Chula Prieto, Lilia del Valle. Marseilles to search for a missing sister, and in and shoots down the new boy friend, which leaves Director: Jose Diaz Morales. Calderon Production. his mission to raise a ship belonging to a white the girl still yearning for love. Jeanne Moreau, FLYING CLASSROOM, THE German slaver finds the body of the missing sister. Jean Philippe Lemaire, Roger Pierre, Robert Dalban. Gabin, Henri Vidal, i92) Casino Film Exeh. Andree Debar. Director: Ed- Director: Andre Pergament. (Colososcopic process. T. Drama. Based on a novel Erich mond Greville. Elysee Film Production. by Kaestner. An POSSESSORS, THE . French understanding headmaster of a German boarding '59 HUMAN CONDITION, THE . . Japanese (90) Lopert Films.. Sept. school for boys tells a junior class about his long, (138) Brandon Films Drama. Based on French novel, "Les Grandes Fa- lost friend who had disappeared. The boys find Drama. The story of Japan during the first days milies," and released in France under that title. A the friend, living as a hermit, and reunite the of its invasion of Manchuria in 1943, and its war- clash between two generations of a wealthy, two men. Paul Dahlke, Heliane Beie, Paul Klinger, time role. Tatsuya Nakadai, Michiyo Aratama, socially prominent family—a domineering father Enrich Ponto, Bruno Huebner. Director: Kurt Hoff- Chikage Awashima. Director: Masaki Kobayashi. and a son who decides to be on his own. Facing man. Carlton Film Production. Shochiku Production. financial ruin, the son panics and commits suicide; 400 BLOWS, THE ("Les Quatre Cents Coups") the father again takes command and recoups the IKIRU ("To Live") . . Japanese . (140) . . Brandon Films family fortune. Jean Gabin, Jean Desailly, Pierre French . (91) Zenith Int'I. Nov. '59 Drama. Set in modern-day Japan and tells the Drama. Based on a true-life story, and shot in Brasseur, Bernard Blier, Annie Ducaux. Director: the story of a man doomed with an incurable cancer streets of Paris, the film depicts the emotional Denys de la Patelliere. Filmsonor Intermondia who spends the last months of his life recapturing problems of an insecure youngster who keeps Production. his lost youth and building a new park project for getting into trouble because his indifferent MAN, THE. Japanese parents his community. Takashi Shimura, Miki Odagiri, ©RIKISHA do not understand the adolescent mind. Cory Film Corp. Jean- Nobu Kaneko, Kamatari Fujiwara, Minosuke Ya- (105) Pierre Leaud, Patrick Auffay, Claire Maurier, With Comedy. The wistful tale of a poor, Al- mada, Shinichi Himori. Director: Akira Kurosawa Drama bert Remy, Guy Decomble. Director: Francois Truf- Toho Production. illiterate rickshaw driver, who devotes 20 loyal faut. (Cinemascope.)—(Also available in English- and unselfish years to one family, which does not dubbed version.) IVAN THE TERRIBLE (PART II).. Russian fully appreciate him or realize his sacrifices until (87) Janus Films it is too late. Toshiro Mifune, Hideko Takamine, GLASS TOWER, THE .. German .. (104) .... Ellis Films Historical Drama. (Partly in color.) Hiroshi Akutagawa. Director: Hiroshi Inagaki. Toho Drama. A retired actress and wife of a wealthy, The second part of Sergei Eisenstein's classic portrayal of Production. (Tohoscope.) middle-aged industrialist, who keeps her in a Ivan IV, set in Czarist Russia in the 1600s, luxurious glass penthouse, falls in love with a and ©SANS FAMILLE. .French released in the U. for the first time. handsome playwright who persuades her to return S. Nikolai (100) United Mot. Piet. Org. to the stage. Out of revenge, the husband com- Cherkasov, Serafima Birman, Piotr Kadochnikov, Drama. Franco-ltalian co-production. The story of Mikhail Zharov. Director: Sergei Eisenstein. mits suicide, making his wife appear guilty of a child who was kidnapped as a baby and sup- murder. Lilli Palmer, Peter Van Eyck, O. E. Hasse, posedly killed so his uncle could gain an in- LESSON IN LOVE, A . . Swedish . . (95) .... Janus Films Brigitte Homey, Hans heritance. Tells of the boy's adventures at seven Messemer. Director: Harold Comedy Drama. Released in Sweden in 1954, the Braun. traveling entertainer, ultimate story deals with a gynecologist and his pretty wife, with a the arrest of his uncle, and the boy's reunion with his real marriage is beginning break ©HATIKVAH . to after ('The Hope") . Hebrew whose 15 mother. Joel Flateau, Pierre Brasseur, Gino Cervi, Leo Fuld years. Flashbacks tell of the couple's early happi- i?®) Bernard Blier, Raymond Bussieres, Maurice Teynac. Drama. Israeli-made. Set in 1928, story ness and events leading up to their present predica- tells of Director: Andre Michel. the struggles of a group of Yemen Jews, fleeing ment. Eva Dahlbeck, Gunnar Bjornstrand, Harriet DIE .. Italian . Piets. from persecution and oppression, to reach Israel. Andersson, Ake Gronberg. Director: Ingmar Berg- SEE NAPLES AND .. (80) .Crown Shoshana Damari, Shai K. Ophir, Elan Obedia, man. Svensk Filmindustri Production. Drama. A young wife and mother is suddenly con- Amos Arikha, Sadia Damari. Director: Nuri fronted by an old beau, who proceeds to blackmail Habib! LOVERS, THE ("Les .. French Habib Film Production. Amants") her into drug peddling. When he kidnaps her (90) Zenith Int'I. Nov. '59 HIROSHIMA, little boy, she kills him. Gianna Maria Canale, MON AMOUR French Melodrama. Modern film version of a 19th century Renato Baldini, Claudio Villa, Vittorio Sanipoli. Zenith Inti novel, "Point de Lendemain." The neglected wife Drama. Director: Riccardo Freda. Independent Producers Set in the Hiroshima of today, the story of a newspaper publisher moves cbout in an arti- Ass'n Presentation. revolves around a French movie actress and her ficial, sophisticated world. She meets and falls in SEXPOT. French. William Mishkin Japanese lover. The past begins to crowd the love with a young archeologist and the two go off .(93) Melodrama. The story of an on-the-loose girl and present as the woman recalls an earlier unhappy together. Jeanne Moreau, Jean-Marc Bory, Alain love her attraction to three men, one a corrupt fellow affair she had at 1 8 with a German soldier, Cuny, Judith Magre. Director: Louis Malle. (Dyali- uses people, the second, a wealthy weakling and he recalls the Hiroshima bombing. Emmanu- scope.) who who foots the bills for the first two, and the el le Riva, Eiji Okada, Bernard Fresson, Stella Dassas. Director: Alain Resnais. MEN WHO TREAD ON THE TIGER'S TAIL, THE third, a factory foreman who falls under her spell

Japanese . . (60) Brandon Films but turns out to be the man she loves. Magali - HOLIDAY ISLAND. Italian .. (1 05) .. Brandon Films Comedy Drama. An adaptation of a famous Japa- Noel, Philippe Lemaire, Christian Marquand, Ge- Comedy. Franco-ltalian co-production. The camera nese Kabuki play, with a 12th century Japanese rard Blain, Robert Dalban. Director: Mick Roussel. follows several vacationers as they take the boat setting and a new character part added. During a from SHE(92)WAS LIKE A WILD CHRYSANTHEMUM Naples to the small resort island of Ischia. civil war, a lord must flee the country; enroute In the Japanese. .(100) Brandon Films group are four young men who had lost to another land, his party picks up a common their jobs Drama. A 73-year-old man returns to his birth- and pooled their money for the trip. porter proves instrumental in who effecting their place and, in flashbacks, relives bittersweet mem- ories of his youth. Shinji Tanaka, Chishu Ryu, Horuko Sugimura. Director: Keisuke Kinoshita.

©SOCIOS PARA LA AVENTURA . . Spanish (91) Clasa-Mohme Drama. (No English titles.) Filmed in Buenos Aires. A young woman, stranded in the city, seeks em- DON'T BE PENNY WISE ployment to earn fare for a trip home, and takes a job in a mansion rented by gangsters. She es- capes to acquaintances in a harbor boat where a scheme is cooked up for her to marry a dying painter, then collect his insurance. Ana Luisa AND SOUND FOOLISH! Peluffo, Ramon Gay, Alberto de Mendoza. Direc- tor: Miguel Morayta.

TAILOR'S MAID, THE . Italian '59 A sound system is either right or Trans-Lux Dist'b'g . . Oct. wrong. Comedy. (Released in Italy as "Fathers and Sons.") Tells of incidents in the lives of various families. One episode deals with a fashionable tailor with a roving who straightens out his teenage To be right, it eye requires regular inspection by the most daughter's romance; another tells of a childless couple who adopt a child after taking core of a skillful personnel. young nephew they grow to love. Vittorio de Sica, Marcello Mastroianni, Marisa Merlini, Ruggero Marchi, Lorella De Luca. Director: Mario Monicelli. (Cinemascope.) ALTEC SERVICE sound engineers have this skill. Thou- ©WOULD-BE GENTLEMAN, THE ("Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme") . French. .(95) Kingsley-Union Comedy Satire. First of a series of the Comedie sands of exhibitors use them to keep their sound Francaise. Set in 1 7th century France, a wealthy, retired tradesman, one of the nouveau riche, whose lovely wife and daughter do not favor his systems right. ideas of grandeur, tries to break into high society and only succeeds in making a fool of himself. Louis Seigner, Michelene Boudet, Jean Meyer, Andree de Chauveron, Georges Chamarat. Director: WHY DON'T YOU! Jean Meyer.

YOUNG HAVE NO TIME, THE . Danish (95) Kingsley-Union Drama. Based on novel, "Young Love," by Jo- hannes Allen. Presents a psychological study of wayward children of wealthy, middle-class par- ALTEC SERVICE COMPANY ents, who over-indulge their youngsters to make up for the love and security that is lacking in 161 Sixth the home. Ghita Norby, Frits Helmuth, Anne Avenue New York 13, N.Y. Werner Thomsen, Jorn Jeppesen. Director: Johannes Allen. Dansk Film Production.

154 BAROMETER Section New Season Current and Coming Features

Essential Data on Films: In Release from Beginning of Each Company's Season Through December 1960; Com-

pleted or in Production for Release After January 1, 1961.

Title, Cast and Other Changes Will Be Published in the Feature Chart and the News Section of BOXOFFICE. LOOKinG AHEAD (For 1959-60 Releases, See Feature Index, Page 133.)

the adventurers and beauties of two worlds brought head, Brad Dexter. Executive Producer: Scott R. Allied Artists together in an atmosphere of tong wars, intrigue Dunlap. Producer: Frank Gruber. Director: Joe New- and mystery. man. Original (novel): Frank Gruber. Screenplay (November through December 1960) Frank Gruber. HEROD THE GREAT (Droma). Stars: Edmund Purdom, CRASH BOAT (War Drama). Stars: Not set. Producer: • A girl is missing for 22 years, and the drama Sylvia Lopez, Sandra Milo, Alberto Lupo. Producer: Lindsley Parsons. Director: Not set. Original Screen- of those years is revealed through the role played Bigazzi. Director: Arnaldo Genoino. play: Jack DeWitt, Herbert Caesar, Gian Paolo Warren by a noted investigator who specializes in finding Douglas. Screenplay: Arnaldo Genoino. missing heirs. • Herod, King of Judea at the time of Christ's « Based on the heroics of the Navy's rescue craft birth, is returned to his throne in an arrangement which searched for downed fliers in the South UNARMED IN PARADISE (Romantic Drama). Stars: whereby he is to rule under Roman supervision. Pacific in World War II. Maria Schell, George Peppard. Producer: Stuart He wrongly suspects his wife of being unfaithful, Millar. Director: Not set. Original (novel): Ellen and she is stoned to death as an adulteress. In DONDI (Family Comedy). Stars: David Kory, David Marsh. Janssen, Patti Page, Winchell, Totalscope and Color. Dec. 1960. Walter Mickey • A story of love on the Paris Left Bank, in- Robert Strauss, Pro- Shaughnessy, Arnold Stang. volving an American girl and a man she meets Stars: Director: PLUNDERERS, THE (Adventure Drama). Jeff ducers: Albert Zugsmith, Gus Edson. Al- in the free world of modern amour. In Color. Chandler, John Saxon, Dolores Hart, Marsha Hunt, bert Zugsmith. Original (comic strip): Gus Edson, Jay C. Flippen. Producers: Scott R. Dunlap, Joseph Irwin Hasen. Screenplay: Albert Zugsmith, Gus Pevney (August Productions). Director: Joseph Edson. Barbash. Pevney. Original Screenplay: Robert • Based on a widely syndicated comic strip, this American International • Four young saddle tramps move into a de- is the story of an orphan boy who is adopted by cadent western town and take over. A one-armed American soldiers behind the Iron Curtain. (September through December 1960) rancher, the only man who could handle the situa- GOLIATH AND THE DRAGON (Costume Spectacle). tion, refuses to intervene until one of the tramps EL CID (Spectacle Drama). Stars: Charlton Heston, Stars: Mark Forest, Broderick Crawford, Eleonora makes a pass at his girlfriend. Nov. 1960. Sophia Loren. Producer: Samuel Bronston (Samuel Ruffo. Producer: Achille Piazzi. Director: Vittorio Bronston Prods.), in association with Philip Yor- Cottafavi. Screenplay: Marco Piccolo, Archibald UNFAITHFULS, THE (Melodrama). Stars: Gina Lollo- dan. Director: Anthony Mann. Zounds jr. brigida. May Britt, Carlo Romano, Pierre Cressoy, • Filmed in Spain. The story of Spain's great • Italian-made. Set in the lond of Thebes, where Marina Vlady. Producers: , Carlo 11th Century Christian hero who freed Christendom the struggle for the control of the kingdom of Monicello, Steno. Ponti. Directors: Mario and ’his country from the Moorish invaders. In Goliath involves battles with a dragon, elephant • Italian-made. An industrialist hires an agency Super Technirama 70 and Color. and centaur, the love of a slave girl for Goliath's to obtain compromising evidence on his wife, so brother, and the Herculean strength of the giant he can divorce her and marry a young manne- GEORGE RAFT STORY, THE (Biographical Drama). Goliath which overpowers all. In CinemaScope and quin, an act whioh involves a former sweetheart, Stars: Not set. Producer: Ben Schwalb. Screenplay: Color. Nov. 1960. theft and blackmail in high society and eventual Crane Wilbur. murder. Nov. 1960. • Taken from the Saturday Evening Post's serial- JOURNEY TO THE LOST CITY (Adventure Drama). ization of the movie star's life, the story moves Stars: Debra Paget, Paul Christian, Walter Reyer, Paluzzi. Producer: . Director: Coming from the Roaring Twenties to the current scene. Luciana Fritz lang. Original Story: . ARMORED COMMAND (War Drama). Stars: Howard LOOK IN ANY WINDOW (Drama). Stars: Paul Anka, • German-made. An American en route to a for- Keel, , Earl Holliman. Producer: Ron Ruth Roman, Alex Nicol, Gigi Perreau, Carole gotten city in India rescues a dancer from an W. Alcorn. Director: Byron Haskin. Original Screen- Mathews. Producers: William Alland, Laurence E. attacking tiger and accompanies her to the country play: Ron W. Alcorn. Mascott. Director: William Alland. Screenplay: where she has been ordered to dance for the • Story of a modern Mata Hori, an espionage Laurence E. Mascott. maharajah. When it is learned the American has agent who infiltrated a U.S. battle zone and almost • The effect on teenagers brought about by the seen her dance within the sacred confines, efforts brought disaster to an ormored force in the Vos- marital difficulties and infidelities of their parents, to punish him project a series of adventures. In ages Mountains of France. including the problem of the "peeping Tom." Totalscope and Color. Oct. 1960. BIG BANKROLL, THE (Drama). Stars: David Janssen, OPERATION EICHMANN (Suspense Drama). Stars: Coming Dionne Foster, Jack Carson, Dan O'Herilhy, Joseph Werner Klemperer, Ruta Lee, Donald Buka. Pro- Schildkraut, Mickey Shaughnessy, Keenan Wynn, ducers: Samuel Bischoff, David Diamond. Director: BLACK SUNDAY (Horror). Stars: Barbara Steele, John Diana Dors, William Demarest, Mickey Rooney. R. G. Springsteen. Screenplay: Lewis Copley. Richardson. Producer: Massimo de Rita. Director: Producers: Samuel Bischoff, David Diamond. Di- Gogol. Screenplay: • A story based on a current front-page story, Mario Bava. Original: Nokolaj rector: Joseph Newman. Original (book): M Leo the career of Hitler's chief executioner, Adolf Ennio de Concini, Mario Serandrel. Katcher. Screenplay: Jo Swerling. Eichmann, and the relentless hunt to find the man • Italian-made. An evil whioh has lain dormant • The life and times of the famous king of in the postwar era and his final capture. for a hundred years is unleashed on the descend- gamblers, Arnold Rothstein, the man who is be- ants of an ill-fated princess. lieved to have fixed the 1919 World Series. RECKLESS, PRIDE OF THE MARINES (War Drama). Stars: Not set. Producer: Lester A. Sansom. Direc- HAND, THE (Drama). Stars: Derek Bond, Ronald BIG WAVE, THE (Drama). Stars: Sessue Hayakcrwa, tor: Francis D. Lyon. Original (book): Lt. Col. Leigh Hunt, Reed de Rouen, . Pro- Ichizo-ltami. Producer: Pearl S. Buck, Tad Daniel- Andrew Geer. Screenplay: Elwood Ullman. ducer: Bill Luckwell. Director: Henry Cass. Original ewski (Stratton Prods). Director: Tad Danielewski. Hilton. • Story of a racehorse whose heroic deeds in Screenplay: Ray Cooney, Tony Original (book): Pearl S. Buck. Screenplay: Pearl battle won a Marine citation and the rank of • A British officer who gave in to the Japanese S. Buck, Tad Danielewski. sergeant in the Corps. is constantly reminded of it by one of his men • Filmed in Japan as a coproduction with Toho and finally resorts to murder to silence him. Co., this adaptation of a Pearl S. Buck novel is REPRIEVE (Biographical Drama). Stars: Not set. Pro- the story of village fishermen and their families ducer: Ronald Lubin. Director: Millard Kaufman. KONGA (Science-Fiction). Stars: Michael Gough, caught in the destructive path of a tidal wave. Original (book): John Resko. Screenplay: Millard Margo Johns, Jess Conrad, Claire Gordon. Producer: Kaufman. Herman Cohen. Director: John Lemont. Original BILLY BUDD (Sea Drama). Stars: , Kandel, Herman Cohen. • The true story of John Resko, a man con- Screenplay: Aben Robert Ryan. Producer: Ronald Lubin. Director: demned to death and given a reprieve 20 minutes • A botany professor returns from Africa bringing Peter Ustinov. Original (novel): Herman Melville. before the hour of execution, and his life in with him a rapid growth serum whioh he uses on Screenplay: Peter Ustinov. prison and eventual rehabilitation. a chimpanzee who assumes tremendous propor- • The famous sea classic, set aboard a British tions and terrorizes London. In SpectaMation and ship in Lord Nelson's day, dealing with the feuds 79 PARK AVENUE (Drama). Stars: Not set. Producer: Color. among men and officers, treachery, murder, mu- Harold Robbins. Director: Not set. Original (novel): tiny and the hanging of legendary Billy Budd. Harold Robbins. Screenplay: Not set. MASTER OF THE WORLD (Adventure Drama). Stars: , Henry Hull, Mary • About the girls who make Manhattan's "gold Vincent Price, BRIDGE, THE (War Drama). Producer: Jochen Severin David Frankham. Producer: James H. coast" their hunting ground, where "79 Park Webster, (Fono-Film). Director: Bernard Wicki. Original Nicholson. Director: William Witney. Original Avenue" is the address of a so-called model (book): Manfred Gregor. Screenplay: Bernard Wicki, Verne. Screenplay: . agency, whose private phone connects clients with (story): Jules Michael Mansfield, Korl-Wilhelm Vivier. the most desirable numbers in town. In Color. • The story of one man's misguided efforts to • German-made coproduction. A group of adoles- bring about world peace through the use of cents in the closing days of World War II defend STREETS OF MONTMARTRE (Drama). Stars: Not set. superior weapons. In CinemaScope, Dynamagic. a German village. The story deals with this de- Producer: Not set. Director: Not set. Original fense, their relations with the females of the (books): John Storm, Stephen and Ethel Longstreet. PIT AND THE PENDULUM, THE (Drama). Stars: village and their induction into bloody warfare. Vincent Price, John Kerr, Barbara Steele, Luana • The life of Suzanne Valodon, fabulous French Anders. Producer-Director: Roger Corman. Original model, friend of Toulouse-Lautrec and Degas, and CONFESSIONS OF OPIUM EATER (Drama). Stors: (story): Edgar Allan Poe. Screenplay: Richard AN mother of painter Maurice Utrillo, based on the Linda Ho. Producer: Albert Zugsmith. Director: Al- books, "The Valadon Drama" and "Man of Mont- Matheson. bert Zugsmith. Ordinal (novel): Thomas De Quincey. martre." • A young man journeys to Spain to investigate Screenplay: Robert Hill. the death of his sister and discovers mystery and • The Thomas De Quincey classic updated to TWENTY PLUS TWO (Suspense Drama). Stors: David terror left over from the Inquisition. In Panavision the 1920s, set in San Francisco's Chinatown, with Janssen, Jeanne Crain, Dina Merrill, Agnes Moore- and Color.

BOXOFFICE 155 PORTRAIT OF A SINNER (Droma). Stars: Nadja MOON PILOT (Space Drama). Stars: Tom Tryon, Prods.). Director: J. Lee Thompson. Original Screen- Tiller, Tony Britton, William Bendix, Natasha Brian Keith. Producers: Walt Disney, Bill Anderson. play: Jay Dratler. Parry. Producer: Minter. Associate Producer: Ron Miller. Director: James George Director: Robert • Based on the career of the rocket scientist von Siodmak. Original (novel): Robin Screen- Neilson. Original (story): Robert Buckner. Screen- Maugham. Braun, his role within the Nazi war machine ond ploy: Audrey Erskine Lindop, play: Maurice Tombragel. Dudley Leslie. his decision, along with other scientists, to go with • A mysterious young woman destroys one man, • The story of what happened to an Air Force the Americans in preference to the Russians. loses the love of another—all for a love which captain chosen to be our pioneer in outer space, Oct. 1960. will eventually destroy her. and his experiments and adventures which blaze the way to re-entry and pave the way for space I'M ALL RIGHT, JACK (Comedy). Stars: Ian Car- travel. A girl sent by the moon people OPERATION CAMEL (Comedy): Stars: Nora Hayden, reveals to michael, Sellers, Terry-Thomas, Margaret him Peter Carl Ottosen, Louis Renard. Producer: Henrik the secrets of the solar system. In Color. Rutherford, Richard Attenborough. Producer: Roy Dandberg. Director: Sven Methlin. Screenplay: Bob Boulting. Director: John Boulting. Screenplay: John Methling. NIKKI, WILD DOG OF THE NORTH (Wilderness Boulting. Drama). Stars: Jean Coutu, Emile Genest, • Treats with the misadventures of a group of Uriel • British-made. A son of wealth, a flop in man- Luff, Robert Rivard, wonder dog Nikki and bear Danish recruits during their basic training and agement, is installed as an incognito "worker" in cub Neewa. Producer: eventual duties as part of the United Nations (for Walt an uncle's factory. His eagerness for hard work Disney Prods.). Directors: Don Haldane, Jack Couf- Patrol on the Gaza Strip. ires the shop steward, and the plant strikes—thus fer. Original (novel): Oliver Curwood. Screenplay: upsetting a scheme between two industrialists to Not set. REPTILICUS (Science-Fiction). Stars: Carl Ottosen, share in an illegal contract. Oct. 1960. • Filmed in Anne Smyrner, Bodi Miller. Producer-Direcor: the Canadian Rockies country, this is the story of Sidney Pink. Original: Sidney Pink. Screenplay: a lost Malemute in a wilderness JAZZ BOAT (Drama With Music). Stars: Anthony lb Melchoir, Sidney Pink. ruled by rugged trappers by day and wolf packs Newley, Anne Aubrey, Bernie Winters. Producer: by night, the dog's bitter battle for survival and , R. Broccoli (Warwick). Direc- • A prehistoric monster is Albert discovered and re- final reuniting with its master. In Color. turns to life to terrorize Denmark. tor: Ken Hughes. Screenplay: Ken Hughes, John Antrobus. ONE HUNDRED AND ONE DALMATIANS (Cartoon TWO FACES OF DR. • British-made. In an effort to be a big shot, a JEKYLL (Drama). Stars: Paul Feature). Producer: Walt Disney. Production Super- Massie, Dawn young man lets himself be known as "The Cat," Addoms, Christopher Lee. Producer: visor: Ken Peterson. Directors: Wolfgang Reither- Michael Carreras. Director: gets mixed up with a gang of petty criminals and, Terence Fisher. Original man, Hamilton S. Luske, Clyde Geronimi. Original (story): Robert Louis in escaping from a robbery, hides out on jazz boat Stevenson. Screenplay: Wolf (novel): Dodie Smith. Screenplay: Bill Mankowitz. Peet. filled with teenagers. Dee. 1960. • A tale about two dogs that track down and • British-made. Dr. Jekyll works on separating the vanquish a woman who kidnaps Dalmatians for the LET NO MAN WRITE MY EPITAPH (Drama). Stars: two natures of man and succeeds in his experi- fur coats they make. The climax comes in a Burl Ives, Shelley Winters, James Darren, Jean ments, creating Mr. Hyde, who eventually destroys countryside chase as all free dogs rally to the Seberg, Ella Fitzgerald, Ricardo Montalban. Pro- them both. In Megascope and Color. rescue of 101 captured Dalmatians. In Color. ducer: Boris D. Kaplan. Director: Philip Leacock. Original (novel): Willard Motley. Screenplay: Robert PARENT TRAP (Comedy). Stars: Hayley Mills, Mau- Presnell jr. reen Brian O'Hara, Keith, Joanna Barnes, Charles • A youth, product of Chicago's seamy district, Buena Vista Ruggles, Una Merkel. Producer: Walt Disney. Asso- is helped to escape his sordid surroundings by a (November through December 1960) ciate Producer: George Golitzin. Director: David mother who becomes a prostitute to care for him, Swift. Original (novel): Erich Kastner. Screenplay: a whisky-soaked ex-judge and other neighborhood SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON (Adventure Drama). David Swift. Stars: derelicts. The boy is on the way to concert star- John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, Janet Munro, Tommy • Based on the novel "Das Doppelte Lottchen." dom when he sets out to avenge a dope pusher Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Cecil Parker. Producer: Wil- Identical teenage twin girls meet for the first time who hooked his mother. Nov. 1960. liam Anderson. Director: Ken Annakin. Original at a camp and hatch a plot to bring their father (novel): Johann Wyss. Screenplay: Lowell S. and mother together again. Each Hawley. has been brought MY DOG, BUDDY (Drama). Stars: Travis Lemmond, up by one of the parents. They trade places and Ken Curtis, London. Producer: Ken Curtis. • Filmed in the British West Indies, this is the eventually bring about a permanent reunion. In A.R.B.-McLendon Prods. Director: Ray Kellogg. classic story of a Swiss family which devises a Color. Screenplay: Ray Kellogg. plan for survival after being marooned in the South Seas. In Color. Dec. 1960. • A 1 0-year-old boy and his dog are in an ac- cident, and separated. The 'boy is taken to a hospital and the dog searches through the country- TEN WHO DARED (Adventure Drama). Columbia Stars: Brian side looking for him, is mistaken for a show dog Keith, , James Drury, R. G. Armstrong. (July through December 1960) and entered in competition, and finally is re- Producer: Walt Disney. Associate Producer: James united with the young master. Aug. 1960. Algar. Director: William Beaudine. Original (per- ALL THE YOUNG MEN (Droma). Stars: Alan Ladd, sonal journal): Major John Wesley Powell. Sidney Poitier, James Darren, Mart Sahl. Producer- NIGHTS OF BORGIA, (Drama). Stars. Director-Original Screenploy: Hall Bartlett. LUCRETIA THE • The saga of the conquest of the , based Belinda Lee, Jacques Sernas, Michele Mercier, on the is journals of Major John Wesley Powell, the • A platoon of Marines ambushed during the Franco Fabrizi. Director: Sergia Grieco. Screenplay: one-armed scientist who guided an expedition Korean War, and the dying commanding officer Mario Caiano, Aldo Segri. down the uncharted Colorado River in 1869 In puts a Negro sergeant in charge, over a white • Italian-made. A young swordsman rescues the Color. Nov. 1960. officer—creating problems of prejudice as well as military. Sept. 1960. daughter of a warrior leading a revolt against the Borgias, and Lucretia Borgia makes every Coming jealous effort to wreck the romance. As one of AS SEA (Drama). Cliff THE RAGES Maria Schell, her lovers and the swordsman meet in a duel to ABSENT MINDED PROFESSOR, THE (Comedy). Stars: Robertson, Mitchell. Producer: Carl Cameron Szo- the death, she turns to another romance. In Total- Fred MacMurray, Nancy Olson, Keenan Wynn, koll Film Prods.). Director: (With Michael Arthur scope and Color. Aug. 1960. Tommy Kirk. Producer: Walt Disney. Associate Horst Haechler. Original (novel): Werner Helwig. Producer: Bill Walsh. Director: Robert Stevenson. Screenplay: Jeffrey Dell, Jo Eisinger. Original (story): Sornuel W. Taylor. PLEASE TURN OVER (Comedy). Stars: Ted Ray, Jean Screenplay: • Filmed in Greece. Based on the bitter rivalry Bill Walsh. Kent, Leslie Phillips. Producer: Peter Rogers. Direc- between the net fishermen of Kalymnos and the tor: Gerald Thomas. Original (play): Basil Thomas. • The wacky experiments of a college science dynamiters of nearby Kuluri, ruled by a one-eyed Screenplay: Norman Hudis. teacher lead to his discovery of an antigravitational tyrant, and the love of a fisherman and a young • British-made. Based on a hit London play, substance. He replaces the engine in his ancient girl in the opposite comps. Sept. 1960. Model-T with the gravity-defying material and "Book-of-the-Month," this deals with a teenage flies off to Washington, D. girl who writes a best-seller in which she presents C., causing a national ENEMY GENERAL, THE (Drama). Stars: Van Johnson, crisis. her father as having an affair with his secretary, Jean Pierre Aumont, Dany Carrel. Producer: Sam her mother in love with a bachelor and her maiden Katzman (Clover Prods.). Director: George Sher- aunt as a drunkard, and they begin to believe BABES IN TOYLAND (Musical). Stars: Ray Bolger, man. Original and Screenplay: Lou Morheim, what they read. Dec. 1960. Tommy Sonds, Ed Wynn, Henry Colvin, Gene Shel- Oliver Crawford. don. Producer: Walt Disney. Director: Jack Dono- • An OSS officer in occupied France, working END (Drama With Music). Dirk hue. Original (operetta): Victor Herbert. Screenplay: SONG WITHOUT with the resistance movement, is faced with the Patricia Not set. Bogarde, Capucine, Genevieve Page, Mori- decision of whether to kill a German general to son. Producer: William Goetz. Directors: Charles • First live-action musical by Disney, this is an avenge the death of his girl or smuggle him out Vidor, George Cukor. Screenplay: Oscar Millard. updated version of the Victor Hrebert operetta, of the country and take him to England for • Based on the life of Franz Liszt, the famous using the original score plus addition of new interrogation. Sept. 1960. composer-pianist, and his love for a Russian prin- orchestrations, lyrics and libretto, and featuring cess married to a nobleman refuses to give hundreds of mechanical and animated toys appear- who FAST AND SEXY (Romantic Comedy). Stars: Gina turns over her wealth. ing with the humans. In Color. her a divorce unless she Lollobrigida, , Vittorio de Sica. Pro- The Vatican eventually refuses to sanction the Skofic. Director: Reginald Denham. ducer: Milko divorce, and Liszt enters a monastery. In Cinema- E. Margadonna, Dino Risi. BON VOYAGE (Comedy Droma). Stars: Fred Mac- Original (story): M. Scope and Color. Oct. 1960. Murray. Producer: Wolt Disney. Director: James Screenplay: E. M. Margadonna, Luciana Corda, Neilson. Original (novel): Joseph Hayes. Screen- Joseph Stefano. STOP! LOOK! AND LAUGH! (Comedy). The Three play: Bill Walsh. • Filmed in Italy. A wealthy widow returns to Stooges, Paul Winohell. Producer: Harry Romm. • The sophisticated story of a typical family her native Italian village, and immediately be- • Paul Winohell, ventriloquist, and two of his which saves for years to make a European trip, comes the object of attention of every eligible dummy characters engage in some horseplay to the local Don Juan, a blacksmith. where mother meets a Paris dandy, and is swept bachelor, except introduce bits and pieces of a dozen or so of top off her feet; daughter and son find teenage lovers, In Technicolor and Technirama. Sept. 1960. two-reelers made by . July 1960. and the son is involved in mischief. They finally turn homeward, much wiser and content with HELL IS A CITY (Action Drama). Stars: Stanley STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET (Drama). Stars: Kim normalcy. Baker, John Crawford, Billie Whitelaw. Producer: Novak, Kirk Douglas, Ernie Kovacs, Barbara Rush, Michael Carreras (Hammer Films). Director: Val Walter Matthau. Producer: Richard Quine. Direc- Original (novel): Maurice Procter. Screen- CASTAWAYS, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: Hayley Guest. tor: Richard Quine. Original (novel) and Screenplay: Mills. Producer: Walt Disney. Associate Producer: play: Val Guest. Evan Hunter. Hugh Attwooll. Director: Robert Stevenson. Original • British-made. A detective inspector moves after • A -lonely housewife and a staid and conven- (book, Jules Ve r ne. Screenplay: Lowell S. Hawley. a notorious jewel thief, wanted for both robbery tional neighbor fall in love and hold many clandes- but • Based on the novel "Captain John's Children." and murder, and nabs him only after a tine meetings. When another neighbor attempts to a gabled in Earthquakes, floods, mountain-climbing and storms battle-to-death atop roof the heart of force his attentions on the man's wife, there is a 1960. mark the path across the continents of a young Manchester. Nov. sorry realization of the unpleasantness which girl and her brother in their search for their cast- arises out of infidelity. In Color. July 1960.

away father, after finding a bottle containing I AIM AT THE STARS (Drama). Stars: Curt Jurgens, virtually illegible information about his where- Gia Scala, Victoria Shaw, James Daley, Herbert SURPRISE PACKAGE (Comedy). Stars: Yul Brynner, abouts. In Color. Lorn. Producer: Charles H. Schneer (Morningside Noel Coward, Mitzi Gaynor. Producer: Stanley

156 BAROMETER Section Donen. Director: Stanley Donen. Original (novel): HAND IN HAND (Drama). Stars: Loretta Parry, Hood and his men, with swordplay all through Art Buchwald. Screenplay: Harry Kurnitz. Philip Needs, John Gregson, Dame Sybil Thorndike, Sherwood Forest and its environs. In Megascope Finlay Currie. Producer: Helen Winston. Director: Color. • A deported tax-evading gangster is exiled to a and Greek island where a gang of thugs scheme to Philip Leacock. Original (story): Leopold Atlas, Sidney rob him of a million dollars he doesn't have, and Harmon. Screenplay: Diana Morgan. TASTE OF FEAR (Drama). Stars: , an exiled monarch seeks to sell him a million- • Two eight-year-olds solve the problems that Ronald Lewis, Ann Todd, Christopher Lee. Producer: dollar crown, which the ex-thug prefers to steal. arise between them with wisdom and understand- Jimmy Songster (Hammer Films). Director: Seth Nov. 1960. ing, particularly as they learn about each other's Holt. Screenplay: Jimmy Songster. religions—Catholic and Judaism. • Britislvmade. An offbeat suspense thriller about 13 GHOSTS (Horror Comedy). Stars: Charles Hebert, a beautiful young girl who becomes involved in a Milner, Rosemary DeCamp. Jo Morrow, Martin HOMICIDAL (Drama). Stars: Glenn Corbett, Patricia macabre plot that backfires on the conspirators. Producer: William Castle. Director: William Castle. Breslin, Jean Arles, Alan Bunce. Producer: William Screenplay: Robb White. Castle. Director: William Castle. Screenplay: Robb TERROR OF THEi TONGS (Drama). Stars: Christopher impoverished an- • When the young son of an White. Lee, Yvonne Monlaur, Geoffrey Toone. Producer: thropologist makes a wish for a house filled with • A mystery chiller about a pharmacist who is Kenneth Hyman (Hammer Films). Director: Anthony ancient castle as fine furniture, an comes an instrumental in solving a homicidal situation. Bushell. answer. Here, for two nights the family lives With an audience-participot ion gimmick. amidst on unearthly collection of ghosts. July • British-made. A grim tale of terror-inspiring 1960. tong wars in Hong Kong. LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (Historical Drama). Stars: Peter Producer: THREE WORLDS OF GULLIVER, THE (Fantasy). Stars: O'Toole. Sam Spiegel. Director: TREATMENT, THE (Drama). Stars: Claude Dauphin, Kerwin Mathews, Jo Morrow, June Thorburn. Pro- David Lean. Original (book): T. E. Lawrence. Diane Cilento, Ronald Lewis, Fcancoise Rosay. Pro- ducer: Charles H. Schneer (Morningside Prods.). • Based on T. E. Lawrence's "Pillars of Wisdom," ducer: Val Guest. Director: Val Guest. Original Director: Jack Sher. Original (novel): Jonathan which tells of the notable adventures of Colonel (novel): Ronald Scott Thorn. Screenplay: Val Guest,

Swift. Screenplay: Arthur Ross. Lawrence in the Near East in World War I and Ronald Scott Thorn. • An adaptation of the famous novel about the immediate years following. In Color. • British-made. Based on the novel, "The Full Gulliver's adventures with the tiny people of Treatment," this is an offbeat suspense story about Lilliput and the giants of Brobdingnag, set against MAD-DOG COLL (Drama). Stars: John Chandler, the gruelling experience of a young couple honey- a romance between Gulliver and a young girl who Kay Doubleday, Brooke Hayward. Producer: Ed- mooning on the Riviera. also finds herself in the strange land. In Super- ward Schreiber (Thalia Prods.). Director: Burt Balaban. Original: Dynamation and Color. Dec. 1960. Leo Liberman. Screenplay: Ed- TRY, TRY AGAIN (Comedy). Stars: Jack Lemmon, ward Schreiber. Debbie Reynolds. Producer: Robert Cohn. Director: Coming • Based on the life of the notorious gangster of Michael Gordon. Original Soreenplay: Winston Mil- the roaring Twenties, Vincent Coll, and the efforts ler. CARTHAGE IN FLAMES (Drama Spectacle): Stars. of York police to wipe out rule. New mob • A sophisticated comedy about the trials and Anne Heywood, Jose Saurez. Producer: Guido Luz- tribulations and gay adventures of a young mar- zato (Lux Films). Director: Carmine Gallone. Origi- ALIVE (Science-Fiction). MOST DANGEROUS MAN ried couple. nal (book): Emilio Salgari. Screenplay: Carmine Stars: Ron Randell, Debra Paget, Elaine Stewart. Gallone, Ennio di Corvcini, Duccio Tessari. Producer: , (Bogeaus Prods.). Di- UNDERWORLD, U.S. (Drama. Stars: Cliff Robertson, rector: Allan Dwan. Original (story): Philip Rock, A. • Italian-made. A young Carthaginian helps unite Dolores Dorn, Beatrice Kay. Producer-Director- his people in defense of their doomed city against Michael Pate. Screenplay: Philip Rock, James Lei- Original Screenplay: Samuel Fuller (Globe Prods.). Roman attack. A Roman maiden sacrifices her life cester. • melodrama based on crime in the U.S. A. to- because of her love for him. In Technirama and • A science-fiction thriller based on a story A day, presenting the case history of a criminal Technicolor. about an escaped convict who is engulfed in an record from childhood to the violent end of a atomic blast and survives, but is transformed into career. CRY FOR HAPPY (Comedy). Stars: Glenn Ford, Don- a man of steel. ald O'Connor, Miiko Taka, Miyoshi Umeki. Pro- ducer: William Goetz (William Goetz Prods.). Direc- SHIP IN THE ARMY, THE (Comedy). MYSTERIOUS ISLAND (Drama). Stars: Michael Craig, WACKIEST tor: George Marshall. Original (novel): George , John Lund. Joan Greenwood, Michael Callan. Producer: Stars: Jack Lemmon, Campbell. Screenplay: Irving Brecher. Producer: Fred Kohlmar. Director: Richard Murphy. Charles H. Schneer (Morningside Prods.). Director: Screenplay: Richard Murphy. • Four U.S. Navy men in Japan take over a Cyril Endfield. Original (novel): Jules Verne. Screen- Geisha house and fall in love with the inhabitants. play: Raphael Hayes. • An oddball Naval officer with a wacky crew In CinemaScope end Color. are involved in a series of hilarious and un- • Filmed in SuperDynamation, this is a screen Navy-like goings on while on duty in the Pacific. adaptation of a Jules Verne fantasy translated DEVIL AT 4 O'CLOCK (Drama). Stars: Spencer Tracy, and Color. realism. In CinemaScope Frank Sinatra. Producer: Fred Kohlmar (Mervyn into modern Director: Le- LeRoy-Fred Kohlmar Prods.). Mervyn EMPRESS, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: NOTORIOUS LANDLADY, THE (Comedy). Stars: Jack WARRIOR Roy. Original (novel): Max Catto. Screenplay: Liam Kerwin Mathews, Tina Louise. ‘Producer: Gianni Lemmon. Producer: Fred Kohlmar. Director: Richard O'Brien. Hecht Lucari (Documento Film). Director: Pietro Quine. Original (story): Margery Sharpe. Screen- • Filmed in Hawaii. An Irish priest and three Francisci. Screenplay: Ennio de Concini, Pietro play: Roger MacDougall. convicts on a small island in the Pacific risk their Francisci, Luciano Martino (English translation by lives to save a colony of leper children from a • A young American diplomatic employe rents Paddy Manning O'Brien). volcanic eruption. an apartment from a demure English girl, then • Italian-made. An adventure epic set against discovers she is suspected of having murdered her the background of revolution, retelling the ancient husband, all of which results in a series of comedy FIVE FINGER EXERCISE (.Drama). Stars: Rosalind story of Sappho, Venus of Lesbos, and Phaon, for situations. Russell, Laurence Harvey. Producer: Frederick Bris- whom she had the great passion. In CinemaScope son (Sonnis Corp. Prods.). Director: Daniel Mann. and Color. Original (play): Peter Schaffer. Screenplay: Albert OPERATION TERROR (Drama). Stars: Lee Remick. Producer: Blake Edwards. Director: Blake Edwards. Hackett, Frances Goodrich Hackett. LULU, A (Comedy). Stars: Bob Screenplay: Mildred and Gordon Gordon. WEEKEND WITH • Screen adaptation of a play picked by the Monkhouse, Leslie Philips, Shirley Eaton. Producer: • A vicious criminal stages a campaign of terror critics as the best import of 1 960, about a young Hammer Films. Director: John Paddy Carstairs. in order to force a pretty young bank teller into German tutor who lives with a family and how he British^made. A young man, his girlfriend and an act of embezzlement. • affects the household. her mother run into hilarious adventures with French officials and gendarmes. Richord FIVE GOLDEN HOURS (Satire-Comedy). Stars: Ernie PASSPORT TO CHINA (Melodrama). Stars: Kovacs, Cyd Charisse, George Sanders. Producer: Basehart, Athene Seyler, Lisa Gastone. Producer: Michael Mario Zomipi (Mario Zampi Prods.). Director: Mario Michael Carreras (Hammer Films). Director: Zampi. Screenplay: Haris Wilhelm. Carreras. Screenplay: Gordon Wellesley. Continental • Filmed in Italy and the Alps, this is the satiri- • British-made. A Hong Kong travel agent be- ENTERTAINER, THE (Drama). Stars: Laurence Olivier, cal story of a confidence man who preys on comes involved in undercover activities in Red Joan Plowright, Brenda De Banzie. Producer: Harry wealthy widows. China, after a Western plane is "decoyed" off Saltzman. Director: Tony Richardson. course inside Chinese territory. In Color. • British-made. A picturizotion of John Osborne's GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN (Comedy). Stars: James bitter, sordid drama of cheap vaudevillians and Darren, Michael Callan, Reggy Cass, Deborah PEPE (Comedy With Music). Stars: Cantinflas and their drab and illicit love affairs. Walley. Producer: Jerry Bresler (Bresler Prods.). guest stars. Producer: George Sidney (Posa Int'l 'Director: Paul Kendkos. Screenplay: Ruth Brooks Prods.). Director: George Sidney. Original (play): FOUR DESPERATE MEN (Drama). Stars: Aldo Ray, Flippen (based on characters created by Fred L. Bus-Pekete. Screenstory: Leonard Spigelgas, Heather Sears, Neil McCallum. Producer: Michael Kohlmar). Sonya Levien. Screenplay: Dorothy Kingsley, Claude Balcon. Director: Harry Watt. • Filmed in Hawaii, this is a sequel to the popu- Binyon. • Filmed in Australia. Three convicts making a lar "Gidget" which had a California setting, and • Taken from the stage play "Broadway Magic," daring escape, take refuge on a harbor island in has to do with teenage antics on the Hawaiian this finds a Mexican ranch hand following his Sydney, from which point they defy police to get beaches. In CinemaScope and Color. beloved white horse—sold to an on-the-skids them. Hollywood director—(through entertainment land, Vittorio GREENGAGE SUMMER, THE (Drama). Stars: Kenneth never aware of the fact that the various personal- GENERAL DELLA ROVERE (War Drama). de More, Danielle Darrieux, Susannah York. Producer: ities he meets are world-famous individuals. In Sica, Hans Messemer, Sandra Milo, Anne Verdon. Rossellini. Victor Saville. Director: Lewis Gilbert. Original CinemaScope and Color. Producer: Morris Ergos. Director: Roberto Fabri, Irvdro (novel): Rumer Godden. Soreenplay: Howard Koch. Screenplay: Sergio Amidei, Diego Montanelli. • A story of four children spending their summer RAISIN IN THE SUN, A (Drama). Stars: Sidney production. well-dressed middle- holiday in France, who become deeply involved in Poitier, Claudia McNeil, Ruby Dee, Diana Sands. • Italo-French A aged gambler extorts money from impoverished the passions and intrigues of adult life when their Producers: , 'Philip Rose (for Paman- Italians on the promise he will get their im- mother becomes ill. Doris Prods.). Director: Daniel Petrie. Original (play): Lorraine Hansberry. Screenplay: Lorraine prisoned relatives released. Later he is forced to Hansberry. do undercover work by a German colonel, while GUNS OF NAVARONE (Adventure Drama). Stars: posing as a prisoner himself. Gregory Peok, David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Anth- • An adaptation of the first play written by a ony Quayle, James Darren, Gia Scala. Producer: Negro playwright to be produced on Broadway— GREAT WALL, THE (Documentary). Producer: Leon- grandmother's of a better life for Carl Foreman (Highroad Prods.). Director: J. Lee about a dream ardo Bonzi. Director: Carlo Lizzoni. Screenplay: Thompson. Original (novel): Alistair MacLean. her family, and her son's development into a man. Ennio De Concini. Screenplay: Carl Foreman. • Filmed in China. Originally this was released SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST (Adventure Drama). • Filmed in Rhodes and Greece, the drama is as "Behind the Great Wall," in AromaRama, Stars: Greene, Peter Cushing. Producers: based on the heroism of five men who are charged Richard which wafted various fragrances into the audi- Sidney Cole, Richard Greene (Hammer Films). Di- with the seemingly impossible task of destroying torium. It is now released as a straight docu- rector: Terence Fisher. Screenplay: Hackney. a battery of guns so that 2,000 Allied soldiers may Alan mentary report on China today, with Chet Huntley be saved. In Color. • British-made. A new run of adventures for Robin doing the narration. In Totalscope and Color.

BOXOFFICE 157 Areola Pictures

Aaron Rosenberg


“Go Naked in the World” (MGM)

In Production:

“Mutiny on the Bounty” (MGM)




For Columbia

158 BAROMETER Section BEVERLY HILLS NEW YORK CITY 250 North Canon Drive 40 East 49th St. Beverly Hills, Calif. New York City, N.Y. CRestview 5-4581 PLaza 9-6272



PARIS 9, Rue de Marignan Paris 8, France BALZAC 12-17


HANDS OF ORLAC, THE (Horror Drama). Stars: Mel Francis, Jim Hutton, Barbara Nichols. Producer: Ferrer, Dony Carrel, Christopher Lee, Felix Aylmer, Filmqroup Joe Pasternak (Euterpe Productions). Director: Steven Henry Levin. Original (novel): Glendon Sworthout. Basil Sydney, Sir Donald Wolfit. Producers: (November through December 1960) Polios, Donald Taylor. Director: Edmond T. Gre- Screenplay: George Wells. ville. DATE BAIT (Melodrama). Stars: Gary Clark, Mario • The story of college students who eoch yeor • British-made. When a famous pianist has his Ryan, Richard Gering. Producer: O'Dale Ireland. invade Florida during spring vacation time and, hands brutally maimed in a plone crash, an Director: O'Dale Ireland. Screenplay: Robert Slaven, free from parental and classroom restraint, engage opertaion is performed in which the skin of a Ethelmae Page. in a constant round of hi-jinks, mostly harmless, notorious strangler is grafted on his. Obsessed by • A teenage couple, determined to wed without but some vicious. Plot revolves around the ac- the idea that his hands are now those of a parental approval, runs into a jealous ex-lover and tivities of four girls who make the trip to be murderer, the pianist is further shaken when a his dope-crazed brother who ore determined to "where the boys ore," and what they encounter night club magician persuades him to commit halt the marriage. at the end of the trail. In CinemaScope and Metro- crimes. color. Dec. 1960 (Pre-release). HIGH SCHOOL CAESAR (Melodrama). Stars: John (Circus Drama). Stars: Gerhard Ried- HIPPODROME Ashley, Gary Vinson, Lowell Brown. Producer: WHERE THE HOT WIND BLOWS (Melodrama). Stors: man, Willy Birgel, Margit Nunke, Ljuba Welitsch. O'Dale Ireland. Director: O'Dale Ireland. Screen- Gina Lollobrigida, Pierre Brasseur, Marcello Mas- Producer: Arthur Maria Robenalt (Sascha Film- play: Ethelmae Page, Robert Slaven. troianni, Melina Mercouri, Yves Montand. Pro- Lux Film). Director: Arthur Maria Rabenolt. Origi- ducer: Jacques Bar (Joseph E. Levine Presentation). (novel): Heinrich Seiler. • A wealthy teenager, unable to buy popularity, nal Director: Jules Dassin. Original (novel): Roger organizes the school to "sell protection." • German-made. Based on the novel, "Men Should Vailland. Screenplay: Jules Dassin. Be This Way." young trapeze artist who joins A • Franco-ltalian mode; English-dubbed. Based on a famous circus troupe is attracted to a tiger Coming Roger Vailland's novel, "The Law." The story trainer, but the love is not reciprocated. After ATLAS (Action Drama). Stars: Michael Forest, Frank mixes violence, passion and intrigue in presenting many dangers and disasters, the trainer realizes Wolff, Borboura Morris. Producer: Roger Corman. a tale centered on the effects of a cruel Sicilian he loves the girl. In Color. Director: Roger Corman. Original Screenplay: game, la loi (the low), on several inhabitants of Charles B. Griffith. a small fishing village dominated by a ruthless MAKE MINE MINK (Comedy). Stars: Terry-Thomas, gang leader. Nov. 1960. Athene Seyler, Hattie Jacques, Elspeth Duxbury. • A story based on the mythological adventures Producer: Hugh Stewart (Rank). Director: Robert of the original strong man of the world, Atlas. Asher. Screenplay: Michael Pertwee. In Vitascope and Color. Coming • British-made. Based on a London stage hit, ADA (Drama). Stars: Susan Hayward, Dean Martin, "Breath of Spring," this deals with a group of CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA (Science-Fic- Ralph Meeker. Producer: Lawrence Weingarten, amateur thieves who steal furs in order to con- tion). Stars: Betsy Jones-Moreland, Anthony Car- for Avon Productions. Director: Daniel Mann. tribute the proceeds to charity—in Robin Hood bone, Edward Wain. Producer: Roger Corman. Di- style. rector: Roger Corman. Original Screenplay: Charles Original (novel): Wirt Williams. Screenplay: Wil- B. Griffith. liam Driskill. MAN WHO WAGGED HIS TAIL, THE (Comedy). Stars: • A group of youngsters escape from Cuba, after • Based on Wirt Williams' novel, "Ada Dallas." Peter Ustinov, Pablito Calvo. Director: Ladislo having robbed the national treasury, and are Story of a beautiful woman's drive for success Vajda. overtaken by a deep sea monster. and power and the men involved in her life, set • Spanish-made, with dubbed English dialog. The against today's political scene. story deals with an itinerant beggar who befriends DEVIL'S PARTNER, THE (Horror Melodrama). Stars: a small boy and his "shaggy dog." Edwin Nelson, Jean Allison, Edgar Buchanan. Pro- ALL FALL DOWN (Drama). Stars: Not set. Producer: ducer: Charles Rondeau. Director: Charles Rondeau. MARK, THE (Drama). Stars: Maria Schell, Stuart . Director: Not set. Original (novel): Whitman, Rod Steiger. Producers: Raymond Stress, • An old man is given supernatural powers by James Leo Herlihy. Screenplay: William Inge. . Director: the devil and is thus able to assume any shape Guy Green. • The first screenplay assignment for the play- • Filmed in or size in order to carry out his Satanic desires. Ireland. A young man who has been wright, William Inge, and the film will have an brought up under domination of his mother and all-star cast. sisters is unable to face the world and, after PIRATE OF THE BLACKHAWK (Action Drama). Stars: abducting but not harming a little girl, is sent to Gerald Landry, Mijanou Bardot. Director: Sergio prison. The prison psychiatrist arranges to get a Grieco. ATLANTIS, THE LOST CONTINENT (Science-Fiction job for him, he meets a fine young widow, but • Filmed in Europe. The noble leader of a town Drama). Stars: Anthony Hall, Joyce Taylor, John his past catches up with him. In CinemaScope. captures a pirate ship and uses it to overthrow Dali, Bill Smith. Producer- Director: George Pal, the tyrant of his city. In Vitascope and Color. for his George Pal Productions. Original Screenplay: MODIGLIANI OF MONTPARNASSE (Drama). Stars: Daniel Mainwaring. Gerard Philipe, 'Lilli Palmer, Anouk Aimee, Lea • The story of a mysterious civilization which is Padovani. Producer: Franco London Film-Astra- said to have vanished into the sea. Tells about the Pallavicini. Director: Jacques Becker. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer peoples who once lived on this lost continent, their • French-made. The tragic life of the dissolute (September through December 1960) amazingly advanced civilization and its lasting artist, Modigliani, including his many love affairs, effects on the modern world. In Metrocolor. with a young student, a prostitute and his well- ANGEL WORE RED, THE (Drama). Stars: Ava Gard- to-do mistress, who encourages his vices. ner, Dirk Bogarde, Joseph Cotten, Vittorio de Sica. IN PARADISE (Comedy). Stars: Hope. Producer: Geoffredo Lombardo, for Titanus-Spec- BACHELOR Bob Producer: Ted Richmond. Director: George Marshall. SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY MORNING tator Productions. Director: Nunnally Johnson. Original (novel): Vera Caspary. Screenplay: Hal (Drama). Stars: Albert Finney, Shirley Ann Field. Original (novel): Bruce Marshall. Screenplay: Nun- Producer: Tony Richardson. Director: Korl Reiz. nally Johnson. Kanter. Original (novel): • Story revolves around the hilarious plight of a Allen Sillitoe. Screenplay: Allan • Produced in Italy. Based on Bruce Marshall's Sillitoe. bachelor-author living in a suburban housing novel, "The Fair Bride." Set during the Spanish lone development surrounded by eager, conniving and • British-made. A handsome but worthless young Civil War in 1936, when the Loyalists turned predatory females. man has an affair with his Saturday night girl against the , a priest forsakes his friend, but later refuses to make her his Sunday faith for the outside world and a cabaret enter- morning wife. tainer, but eventually returns to his faith. Sept. BRIDGE TO THE SUN (Biographical Drama). Stars: 1960. Carroll Baker, James Shigeta, James Yagi. Pro- THE LONG, THE SHORT AND THE TALL (War ducer: Jacques Bar. Director: Etienne Perier. Origi- Drama). Stars Laurence Harvey, Richard Todd, BUTTERFIELD 8 (Drama). Stars: Elizabeth Taylor, nal (novel): Gwendolyn Terasaki. Screenplay: Richard Harris, Ronald Fraser. Producer: Michael Laurence Harvey, Eddie Fisher, Dina Merrill. Pro- Charles Kaufman. Balcon. Director: Leslie Norman. Original (play): ducer: Pandro S. Berman, for his Ber- Pandro S. • Filmed largely in Japan. Based on the auto- Willis Hall. Screenplay: Wolf Mankowitz. Productions. Director: Daniel Original man Mann. biographical novel by Gwen Terasaki, a girl from • British-made. In World War II, a seven-man (novel): John O'Hara. Screenplay: , Tennessee, and tells of her marriage to a Japa- British potrol is sweating out a storm in an aban- John Michael Hayes. nese diplomat during World War II hostilities doned mine in Japanese-held territory. They take • The story of a beautiful but loose woman who a marriage that survived the tests of hardship, war a Japanese prisoner, but in fighting among them- is intimate with innumerable men. Strangely and conflicting national loyalties. selves, the enemy learns of their position all and enough, an affair she has with a married man, but two are wiped out. develops into a true and turbulent love which CIMARRON (Drama). Stars: Glenn Ford, Maria Schell, threatens to ruin numerous lives, and is ultimately Anne Baxter, Arthur O'Connell, Russ Tamblyn. resolved when she dies in an automobile accident. Producer: Edmund Grainger. Director: Anthony In CinemaScope and Metrocolor. Nov. 1960. Embassy Mann. Original (novel): Edna Ferber. Screenplay: Arnold Sohulmon. THE PIRATE Metro-Goldwyn- KEY WITNESS (Melodrama). Stars Jeffrey Hunter, MORGAN ... See • Based on Edna Ferber's classic novel about the Mayer , . Producer: Kathryn great land rush of 1 889 when the Government Hereford. A Pandro S. Berman Production for Avon opened the Oklahoma Territory to settlers. Tells THIEF OF BAGHDAD ... See Metro-Goldwyn- Pictures. Director: Phil Karlson. Original (novel): the story of Yancey Cravat who brings his young Mayer Frank Kane. Screenplay: Alfred Brenner, Sidney bride to this wild, new country, and traces their Michaels. TWO WOMEN (Drama). Stars: Vittorio de Sica, life together through four turbulent decades, dur- Sophia Loren, Raf Vallone, Jean-Paul Belmondo. • A man witnesses a teenage gang killing, and ing which time the viewer sees a wilderness grow Producers: Carlo Ponti, Morcello Girosi. Director: he and his family are subjected to all sorts of into a thriving city. In CinemaScope and Metro- George Cukor. Original (novel): Alberto . hoodlum terrorism and retaliation to keep him from color. Screenplay: Vittorio de Sica, Cesare Zavattini. testifying in court against them. Police finally rescue the family and capture the gang. In Cine- • Based on Moravia best-seller about the con- THE (Spectacle Drama). Stars: maScope. Oct. 1960. COLOSSUS OF RHODES, flict between a mother and her daughter during Rory Calhoun, Lea Massari. Director: Sergio Leone. World War II. (To be released in U.S. in Italian battle between the language with English subtitles.) SUBTERRANEANS, THE (Musical Drama). Stars: Leslie • A story of the historic invading Phoe- Caron, George Peppard, Janice Rule. Producer: people of ancient Rhodes and the nicians. In CinemaScope and Color. SODOM AND GOMORRAH (Drama). Stars: Stewart Arthur Freed, for his Arthur Freed Productions. Granger, Piere Arvgeli, Stanley Baker. Producer: Director: Ranald MacDougall. Original (novel): Joseph E. Levine, George Jessel (Titanus-Embassy- Jack Kerouac. Screenplay: Ranald MacDougall. FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE, THE Pothe Consortium Production). Director: Robert • Based on Jack Kerouac's novel about San Fran- (Drama). Stars: Glenn Ford, Ingrid Thulin, Charles Aldrich. cisco's beat generation of jazz-happy Bohemians. Boyer, Lee J. Cobb, Paul Henreid, Yvette Mimieux. Director: Vincente Min- • Filmed in Italy and Middle East. A spectacle A free-loving French girl falls in love with the Producer: Julian Blaustein. Vicente Blasco Ibanez. based on the Biblical story. In Color. poet-saint of the beatniks, and becomes pregnant nelli. Original (classic): before she decides to settle down. In CinemaScope Screenplay: Robert Ardrey, John Gay. WHERE THE HOT WIND BLOWS ... See Metro- and Metrocolor. Sept. 1960. • Remake of the 1921 silent film starring Ru- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer dolph Valentino, with the general story basically WONDERS OF ALADDIN ... See Metro-Goldwyn- WHERE THE BOYS ARE (Comedy). Stars: Dolores the same as the original Ibanez classic, but up- II. Moyer Hart, George Hamilton, Yvette Mimieux, Connie dated from World War I to World War


starring in his first motion picture


(API-20th Century-Fox)

Exclusive Roulette Recording Artist

Current Release: title song,

"The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come"

Representation Personal Management General Artists Corp. Gabbe, Lutz, Heller & Loeb

Connie De Nave Public Relations



BOXOFFICE 161 David Miller


In Release: Completed: "Happy Anniversary" (UA) "Back Street" (U-I) "Midnight Lace" (U-I)

In Preparation: "The Brave Cowboy"

(Kirk Douglas-Bryna-U-I)


In Release: "The Great Impostor"

Completed: "Come September"

In Preparation:

"The Spiral Road"

"A Gathering of Eagles" "One Arabian Night" "Asherden"

162 BAROMETER Section 4 d3est lAJidhed




BOXOFFICE 163 GO NAKED IN THE WORLD (Drama). Stars: Gina of novels, "Men Against the Sea," "Mutiny on the Reyna, George Coulouris. Producer: George H. Lollobrigida, Anthony Franciosa, Ernest Borgnine, Bounty" and "Pitcairn Island," by Charles Nord- Brown. Director: Charles Crichton. Original Screen- Luana Patten. Producer: Aaron Rosenberg (Areola hoff and James Norman Hall. Being filmed in play: Niels West-Larsen. r eductions). Director: Ranald MacDougall. Origi- Tahiti and in the South Seas, with many scenes nal • Filmed in Spain. A 12-year-old bank messenger, (novel): Tom Chamales. Screenplay: Ranald aboard replica ship, a of the three-masted sailing "borrows" a million pesetas to help his father pay MacDougall. H.M.S. Bounty. In Ultra Panavision-70 and Color. for taxi repairs. Remorseful, he tries to return the • Film version of the novel by Tom Chamales money, only to find the way blocked by a gang of about a war veteran returning to his San Francisco RING OF FIRE (Suspense Drama). Stars: David Jans- thieves who also want the loot. Sept. 1960. family and becoming involved in a dramatic love sen, Joyce Taylor, Frank Gorshin. Producer-Director- affair. In CinemaScope and Metrocolor. Screenplay: Andrew Stone. BREATH OF SCANDAL, A (Comedy). Stors: Sophia • Story of a manhunt, filmed on location in Loren, John Gavin, Maurice Chevalier, Angela GORGO (Adventure Drama). Stars: Bill Travers, Wil- Oregon and Washington, climaxed by a spectacular Lonsbury. Producer: Carlo Ponti, Marcello Girosi. liam Sylvester, Vincent Winter. Producers: Franklin forest fire. In CinemaScope and Color. Director: Michael Curtiz. Original (play): Ferenc and Maurice King. Director: Eugene Lourie. Original Molnar. Screenplay: Sidney Howard. Story: Daniel Hyatt, Eugene Lourie. Screenplay SECRET PARTNER, THE (Mystery Melodrama). Stars: • Based on Molnar's play "Olympia." Filmed in John Loring, Daniel Hyatt. Stewart Granger, Haya Harareet. Producer: Mich- Europe, this has a setting in pre-World War I, • Filmed in England, and is an adventure story ael Relph. Director: Basil Deorden. Screenplay: and concerns a gay Austrian princess who upsets of a prehistoric monster that attacks and virtually David Pursall, Jack Seddon. court routine with her daring escapades, including destroys modern-day London to rescue its offspring • British-made. A melodramatic story mixing sex persuading a handsome young American to spend from captivity. In CinemaScope and Color. and suspense, by the makers of "Sapphire." a weekend with her. Nov. 1960. CINDERFELLA (Comedy). Stars: Jerry Lewis, Anna GREEN HELMET, THE (Action Drama). Stars: SPINSTER (Drama). Stars: Shirley MacLaine, Laurence Bill Maria Alberghetti, Judith Anderson, Ed Wynn, Travers, Nancy' Walter. Producer: Charles Vetter. Harvey, Jack Hawkins, Nobu McCarthy, Hugh Count Basie. Producer: Jerry Lewis. Director: Frank Director: Michael Farlong. Screenplay: . Griffith. Producer: Julian Blaustein. Director: Tashlin. Original Screenplay: Frank Tashlin. Charles Walters. Original (novel): Sylvia Ashton- • Filmed in England. A dramatic thriller about auto racing. Warner. Soreenplay: Ben Maddow. • A twist on the classic Cinderella story, in which a rioh man's son is ill-treated by a stepmother • Story of a rural New Zealand school teacher and her two sons, and it is the princess who loved by three men. Based on Sylvia Ashton- HONEYMOON MACHINE (Comedy). Stars: Steve Mc- searches for the young man who lost his slippers. Queen. Producer: Warner's novel written from her own experiences Lawrence Weingorten, for Avon In Color. Dec. 1960. in children. Productions. Director: Richard Thorpe. Original teaching Maori (play): Lorenzo Semple jr. Screenplay: George Wells. Stars: Heflin, SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH (Drama). Stars: Not set. UNDER TEN FLAGS (War Drama). Van • Based on the hilarious Broadway comedy hit. Mylene Demongeot, John Eric- Producer: Pandro S. Berman, for Avon Productions. Charles Laughton, The Golden Fleecing," and story Laurentiis. concerns an Director: Richard Brooks. Original (play): Tennessee son, Alex Nicol. Producer: Dino De electronic brain designed to track missiles from Williams. Screenplay: Richard Brooks. Director: Duilio Coletti. Original (book): Admiral a Navy cruiser. The life of a young lieutenant Bernhard Rogge. becomes complicated • Based on Tennessee Williams' successful Broad- when the machine is used crew of play, aging actress falls in love • Based on the true adventures of the by him for purposes not intended by its creators. way about an who with a young man and the complications that a German surface raider in World War II which sank 22 Allied vessels in a 655-day voyage. Sept. HOW THE WEST WAS WON (Adventure arise when he falls in love with a younger woman. Drama). 1960. Stars: Not set. Producer: Not set. Director- Not The plot is supposed to be symbolic of the set. Screenplay: James Webb. ephemeral quality of youth. G.l. BLUES (Musical). Stars: Elvis Presley, Juliet • A gigantic panorama of America's exciting Prowse, Robert Ivers. Producer: Hal Wallis. Direc- push Westward. Covers major episodes dealing TARTARS, THE (Spectacle Drama). Stors: Victor with tor: Norman Taurog. Original Screenplay: Edmund the settling of the West, with songs Mature, Orson Welles. Producer: Mimmo Salvi, for and ballads Beloin, Henry Garson. of the period. In Cinerama. Lux Films. Director: Richard Thorpe. his musical • Italian-made. The epic story of the 13th cen- • A tank gunner makes a bet with can persuade a pretty night club INVASION QUARTET tury barbaric Tartars, who swept out of Asia intent buddies that he (Comedy Romance). Stars: Bill singer to spend a night with him. He falls in love Trovers, Spike on the destruction of Western civilization, and Milligan. Producer: Ronald Kinnoch. with her and she with him—until he finds out Director: Ray Lewis. were turned back at the gates of Europe. In Total- Screenplay: Jack Trevor Story, she has been the tool in a wager. Nov. 1960. John Briley. scope and Color. • British-made. A comedy romance about the Coming British Armed Forces. THIEF OF BAGHDAD, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: Steve Reeves, Giorgia Moll. Producers: Joseph E. ALL IN A NIGHT'S WORK (Romantic Comedy). Stors: Levine, G. Lombardo. Director: Arthur Lubin. Shirley MacLaine, Dean Martin. Producer: Hal JUMBO (Musical). Stars: Not set. Producer: Joe • Italian-made. An exotic tale of the Arabian Wallis. Director: Joseph Anthony. Screenplay: Sid- Pasternak, for Euterpe Productions. Director: Nights, recreating the famous thief and his fabu- ney Sheldon, Edmund Beloin, Maurice Richlin. Charles Walters. Screenplay: Irving Rovetch, Har- lous adventures. In Color. riet Frank jr. • A pretty research assistant for a giant publish- ing empire is suspected of a blackmail plot in- • Based on Billy Rose's 1936 Broadway musical THUNDER OF DRUMS, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: volving her recently deceased boss. In Color. hit, and will feature circus acts from around the set. Producer: Robert J. Enders. Director: world. Not Richard Thorpe. Original Story and Screenplay: APPOINTMENT IN ZAHRAIN (Drama). Stars: Not Bellah. James Warner set. Producer: Edward Dmytryk. Director: Edward KING OF KINGS (Spectacle Drama). Stars: Jeffrey • An action adventure story of the U.S. Cavalry Dmytryk. Original (novel): Michael Barrett. Screen- Hunter, Robert Ryan, Siobhan McKenna, Hurd in the 1870s. Deals with a remote place in Arizona play: Richard Matheson. Hatfield, Ron Randell, Viveca Lindfors, Rita Gam. and a young officer's fight to preserve himself Producer: Samuel Bronston. • Set in an oil-rich Arab state, this is the story Director: Nicholas Ray. against a life-and-death struggle with Apache Original Screenplay: Philip Yordan. of the flight of a group of condemned prisoners Indian raiders. toward freedom, involving a gang of cutthroat • Filmed in Spain, Italy and the Holy Land. A Arabs, an English spy, an ambulance nurse and story based on the life and times of Christ. In TWO WEEKS IN ANOTHER TOWN (Drama). Stars: a young U.S. oilman. Super Technirama-70 and Technicolor. Not set. Producer: John Houseman. Director: Vin- cente Minnelli. Original (novel): . Screen- BLOOD AND ROSES (Drama). Stars: Mel Ferrer, Elsa LADY L. (Droma). Stars: Gina Lollobrigida, Tony play: Charles Schnee. Martinelli, Annette Vadim. Producer: Raymond Curtis. Producer: Julian Blaustein. Director: George • Based on the best-selling novel by Irwin Shaw. Eger. Director: Roger Vadim. Original (novel): Cukor. Original (novel): Romain Gary. Screenplay: Sheridan LeFanu. Screenplay: Roger Vadim, Claude Robert Anderson. VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED (Science-Fiction Drama). Brule, Claude Martin. • Based on the Romain Gary novel, and tells the Stars: George Sanders, Barbara Shelley, Michael • Italian-made. A beautiful young girl is vic- story of a great lady who on her 80th birthday Gwynn. Producer: Ronald Kinnoch. Director: Wolf timized by a centuries-old vampire legend asso- recalls her life past encompassing romance, ad- Rilla. Original (novel): John Wyndham. Screenplay: ciated with her family. In Technirama and Color. venture and intrigue. , Wolf Rilla, George Barclay. • British-made. Based on John Wyndham's novel, BLUE HAWAII (Musical Comedy). Stars: Elvis Pres- LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA, A (Drama). Stars: Rossano "The Midwich Cuckoos," and is the fantastic story ley, Juliet Prowse. Producer: Hal Wallis. Director: Brazzi, Olivia de Havilland. Producer: Arthur Freed. of beautiful, golden-haired children, born to the Norman Taurog. Screenplay: Not set. Director: Guy Green. Original (novel): Elizabeth inhabitants of a small village following a female • The stars, producer and director of "G.l. Blues" Spencer. Screenplay: Julius Epstein. grow up with superna- mysterious blackout, who are re-united in a musical comedy filmed on loca- telepathy but evil intent. • Set in Italy, this tells the story of a mother's tural powers of mental tion in Hawaii. In Color. unusual dramatic problem when her beautiful The little monsters plot to annihilate the entire daughter village and almost succeed. meets an Italian boy and the two fall in BLUEPRINT FOR ROBBERY (Action Drama). Stars: love despite the language barrier. Wilkie, Romo Vincent, GRIMM, J. Pat O'Malley, Robert WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS Robert Gist. Producer: Bryan Foy. Director: Jerry Stars: set. Pro- MAGIC BOY (Feature-length Animated Cartoon). THE (Biographical Drama). Not Hopper. Screenplay: Irwin Winehouse, A. Sanford Charles Toei Production. ducer-Director: George Pal. Screenplay: Wolf. Beaumont. • Based on an old and noble Japanese fable and • The famous million-dollar Brink's robbery of lives the devoted brothers depicts the adventures of a little boy who uses • Deals with the of some years ago forms the basis for this tale of magic to defeat the forces of evil. In CinemaScope who authored the immortal Grimm Fairy Tales, and the a I most-perfect crime. and Color. incorporates several of their top yarns. BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S (Romantic Comedy). (Fantasy). Stars: Don- MORGAN THE PIRATE (Adventure Drama). Stars: WONDERS OF ALADDIN, THE Stars: Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Steve Reeves, Valerie Lagrange. Producer: Lux ald O'Connor, Vittorio de Sica, Noelle Adam. Neal, Mickey Rooney. Producers: Martin Jurow, E. Levine, P. G. Gurgo-Salici Films Production; Joseph E. Levine Presentation. Producers: Joseph Richard Shepherd. Director: Blake Edwards. Origi- E. Co-production). Director: Andre de Toth. (Lux Films and Joseph Levine nal (novel): . Screenplay: George Director: Henry Levin. • Italian-made. Swashbuckling adventures of Axelrod. in Italy. The magic lamp lights up Henry Morgan, greatest pirate of them all. In • Produced • The story of New York playgirl Holly Golightly colorful retelling of the story of beggar Dyaliscope and Color. the the and the many men in her life, adapted from Tru- boy who becomes a king. In Color. man Capote's New Yorker Story. In Color. MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY (Adventure Droma). Stors: Marlon Brando, Trevor Howard, Hugh Grif- DEAR AND GLORIOUS PHYSICIAN (Droma). Stars: fith. Producer: Aaron Rosenberg (Areola Produc- Paramount Not set. Producer: Henry Blanke. Director: Not set. tions). Director: Sir Carol Reed. Original (three Original (novel): Taylor Caldwell. Screenplay: Not (September through 1960) novels): Charles Nordhoff, Jomes Norman Hall. December set. Screenplay: Eric Ambler, Charles Lederer. BOY WHO STOLE A MILLION, A (Comedy Drama). • Based on the best-selling novel, this is the • A sea adventure spectacular based on a trilogy Stars: Virgilio Texera, Marianne Benet, Maurice story of the life of Saint Luke, his early life as



Now Shooting: "THE YOUNG DOCTORS" United Artists

In Release: "HELL TO ETERNITY" Allied Artists





in SpectaMation and Eastman Color



In Preparation: Current Release: "STATE FAIR" "HIGH TIME" "BLUE DENIM BABY"


In Preparation:

'The Phantom Planet"

166 BAROMETER Section Now in Release: The Shocker of the Year!


Executive Producer . . . Richard B. Duckett Produced by Richard Bernstein Screenplay by Bernstein and George W. Waters

Directed by ROY DEL RUTH

An American-International Release

Shooting In Spain: ATLANTIC ATTACK Color & Scope


Legal Counsel: Bernard Lippman Associate: Gabriel de Caesar

In Preparation:

Robert Louis Stevenson’s “THE SUICIDE CLUB’’ (Color and Scope I

“BEACHHEAD IN HELL” (Color and Scope)


8272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.


Color by Technicolor

Produced by

%altesi jHcwitty


BOXOFFICE 167 of one the ancient world's greatest physicians MY SIX LOVES (Comedy). Stars: Debbie Reynolds. Corp.). Director: J. Lee-Thompson. Original (novel): and his love for the beautiful daughter of his Producer: Not set. Director: Not set. Original Christopher London. Screenplay: Christopher Lon- wealthy patron. In Color. (novel): Peter V. K. Funk. Screenplay: John Fante. don, T. J. Morrison. • A musical comedy star adopts six youngsters • British-made Based on the novel, DECISION AT "Ice Cold DELPHI (Drama). Stors: Not set. Pro- orphaned through an automobile accident. In in Alex." The plot deals with an ambulance crew ducer: Hal Wallis. Director: set. Not Original Color. trapped on the Sahara in World War II, and the novel): Helen Maclnnes. Screenplay Helen Mac- trek from Tobruk to Alexandria the commander, Innes. — NIGHT WITHOUT END (Drama). Stars: Debbie Rey- two nurses and a fellow who turns out to be a nolds, Lilli Palmer. • Based on the best-selling novel, this is a modern Producers: William Perlberg, German spy. Nov. 1960. suspense adventure story set in Athens and Rome. George Seaton. Director: Not set. Original (novel): Alistair MacLean. Screenplay: Eric Ambler. In Color. DESIRE IN THE DUST (Drama). Stars: , • Filmed in Greenland. The story of the mysterious Martha Hyer, Joan Bennett, Ken Scott. Producer: COUNTERFEIT TRAITOR, THE (Drama). Stars: Wil- crash of a British airliner near a geological station William F. Claxton (Associated Producers). Direc- liam Holden, Lilli Palmer, Hugh Griffith. Producers: on the Greenland Ice Cap, during the 1958 Geo- tor: William F. Claxton. Original (novel): Horry William Perlberg, George Seaton. Director: George physical year. In Color. Whittington. Screenplay: Charles Lang. Seaton. Original (novel): Alexander Klein. Screen- • The daughter of a plantation owner, in a night ON THE DOUBLE (Comedy). Stors: Danny Kaye, Dana play: George Seaton. of drunkeness, runs over her brother, and a share- Wynter, Margaret Rutherford, Diana Dors. Pro- • The true story of Eric Erickson, an cropper who is in love with her takes the blame. American- ducers: Melville Shavelson, Jack Rose. Director: bcrn Swedish businessman After six years in jail, he returns, finds her mar- who was one of the Melville Shavelson. Screenplay: Melville Shavelson, Allies' top espionage agents ried, continues the affair, leading to intense legal during World War II, Jack Rose. whose exploits are related in Alexander Klein's involvement. In CinemaScope. Oct. 1960. best-seller. In Color. • An American Gl impersonates a top British general in the mysterious World War II maneuver ESTHER (Biblical Drama). known as "Operation Dead Pigeon," involving a AND THE KING Stars: FOXHOLE IN CAIRO (Espionage Drama). Stars: Richard Collins, Sergio Fantoni, James meeting with Hitler. In Color. Egan, Joan Denis Robertson Justice, Peter Van Eyck, Albert Lieven. O'Dea. Producer: Raoul Walsh. Director: Raoul Producers: Steven Pallas, Donald Taylor. Direc- ONE-EYED JACKS (Adventure Drama). Stars: Marlon Walsh. Original Screenplay: Raoul Walsh, Michael tor: John Moxey. Original (novel): Leonard Mosley. Brando, Karl Malden, Pina Pellicer, Katy Jurado. Elkins. Screenplay: Leonard Mosley, Donald Taylor. Producer: Frank P. Rosenberg. Director: Marlon • Based on the Book of Esther. The King of • British-made The true story of a Nazi spy Brando. Original (novel): Charles Neider. Screen- Persia calls in all the maidens of the land to pick plot which, if successful, would have enabled Field play: Guy Trosper, Carlo Fiore, Colder Willingham. a queen, who turns out to be Esther, a Jewess, a Marshal Rommel to win the Battle of El Alamein. turn of events which creates endless palace intrigue • Two outlaws rob a bank and one is imprisoned because the other abandons him in a moment of and revolt. In CinemaScope and Color. Dec. 1960. GIRL NAMED TAMIKO, A (Drama). Stars: Laurence cowardice. They meet five years later when the Harvey. Producer: Hal Wallis. Director: Not set. escaped prisoner finds his former partner has FLAMING STAR (Drama). Stars: Elvis Presley, Bar- Original (novel): Ronald Kirkbride. Screenplay: started a new life as a small town sheriff. In bara Eden, Steve Forrest, Dolores Del Rio, John Edword Anhalt. Vistovision and Color. Mclntire. Producer: David Weisbart. Director: Don Siegel. Original (novel): Clair Huffaker. Screenplay: • To be filmed in Japan, this is the story of a PLEASURE HIS young Russo-Chinese whose plans to become a OF COMPANY, THE (Comedy). Stars: Nunnally Johnson. Fred Astaire, Debbie Reynolds, Lilli Palmer, U.S. citizen by marrying an American are foiled Tab • A half-breed son returns with his white half- Hunter. Producers: William Perlberg, George Sea- when he falls in love with a Japanese girl. In brother to the family ranch, to find some of the Color. ton. Director: George Seaton: Original (play): ranchers slaughtered by Indians, bringing down the Samuel Taylor, Cornelia Otis Skinner. Screenplay: wrath of the white settlers, and confronting the Samuel Taylor. GIRLS OF SUMMER (Dra>ma). Stars: Anthony Fran- youth with some critical problems to solve—to ciosa, Lizobeth Scott, Dolores Hart, Rod Lauren. • Based on the Broadway stage hit, this is the stay with the White or the Redmen. In Cinema- story of an international Producer: Hal Wallis. Director: Not set. Originai playboy who returns to Scope and Color. Dec. 1960. (play): N. Richard Nash. Screenplay: N. Richard his ex-wife's home and tries to spirit his daughter Nash. away from her stodgy San Francisco background, GODDESS OF LOVE, THE (Spectacle Drama). Stors: as her wedding day approaches. In Color. • Adaptation of the Broadway play, which was Belinda Lee, Jacques Sernas, Massimo Girotti. Pro- written by the author of "The Rainmaker," and ducer: Gian Pauolo Bigazzi. Director: Victor von deals with the love of two sisters for the same SAVAGE INNOCENTS, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: Tourjansky. man. In Color. Anthony Quinn, Yoko Tani. Producer: Maleno Male- • Italian-made. A love affair between a soldier notti (Magic Films). Director; Nicholas Ray. Origi- and a young shepherdess, set against the war nal (novel): Hans Ruesch. Screenplay: Nicholas HATARI! (Adventure Drama). Stars: John between the Macedonians and Greeks. The girl, Wayne Ray. Hardy Kruger, Red Buttons, Elsa Martinelli, Gerard posing for a sculptor as Aphrodite, is the key gain a Blain. Producer: Howard Hawks. Director: Howard • Filmed in the Arctic wastes of Canada, this is figure in enabling the Macedonians to Hawks. Screenplay: . the story of the conflict arising out of an Eskimo victory. In CinemaScope and Color. Nov. 1960. couple's contact with the white man's civilization, • The story of a group of adventure-seekers who revealing many of the Eskimos' strange customs Stars: Bing Crosby, Nicole capture wild animals in Africa for sale to the HIGH TIME (Comedy). and morals. In Technirama 70 and Color. Fabian. Producer: Charles world's zoos, and their adventures in the African Maurey, Tuesday Weld, Veldt. In Color. Brackett. Director: Blake Edwards. Original Story: SUMMER AND SMOKE (Drama). Stars: Laurence Har- Garson Kanin. Screenplay: Tom Waldman, Frank vey, , Rita Moreno. Producer: Hal Waldman. HELL IS FOR HEROES (Drama). Stars: Bobby Darin, Wallis. Director: Peter Glenville. Original (play): Bob Newhart, Fess Parker, Horry Guardino. Pro- • A 50-year-old businessman goes back to college Tennessee Williams. Screenplay: . ducer: . Director: Robert Pirosh. to relive a youth he missed, and his involvements Screenplay: Robert Pirosh. • The story of the tragic love affair of a minis- with the youngsters and a more mature figure, a ter's spinsterish daughter and a rakish young lady instructor. In CinemaScope and Color. Oct. • The story of a World War II combat division doctor, who also carries on a carnal love affair 1960. ordered to maintain an indefensible position, by the author of "Battleground." with the daughter of a gambling casino owner. In Color. LEGIONS OF THE NILE (Action Drama). Stars: , Ettore Manni, Georges Marchal, Conrado IRON MEN, THE (Drama). Stars: Sidney Poitier. TOO LATE BLUES (Drama). Stars Bobby Darin, Stella Sanmartin. Producers: Virgilio De Blasi, Italo Zin- Producer: Martin Poll. Director: Peter Glenville. Stevens. Producer: John Cassavetes. Director: John garelli (Alexandra Prods.). Director: Vittorio Cot- Original (story): Bruce Elliot. Screenplay: Bruce Vittorio Cottafavi, Giorgio Crist- Elliott. Cassavetes. Screenplay: Richard Carr. tafavi. Screenplay: Ennio Concini. 1 1 De • A story of young people in the musical world. a ini, Arnaldo Marrosu, • To be filmed in Italy, "The Iron Men" is based • Italian-made. An adaptation of the Cleopatra on experiences of the famous U.S. 99th Pursuit and Mark Anthony affair, including the battle of Squadron, whose members, with the exception of STORY, THE (Drama). Stars. the Roman Legions against the Egyptians and a complement of ground officers, were all Negroes. Not set. Producer: Hugh French. Director: Not set. Original (autobiography): Winston Churchill. Screen- the intriguing loves of the principal characters and associates. In CinemaScope arkl Color. Dec. LADIES' play: C. S. Forester. MAN, THE (Comedy). Stars: Jerry Lewis, 1960. Helen Traubel, Pat Stanley, George Raft, Diana • An epic production based on the early life Dors. Producer: Jerry Lewis. Director: Jerry Lewis. of Sir Winston Churchill. In Color. Screenplay: Jerry Lewis. NORTH TO ALASKA (Comedy Drama). Stars: John Wayne, Stewart Granger, Ernie Kovacs, Fabian, • The slory of the only male employee in a WORLD OF SUZIE WONG, THE (Drama). Stars: Wil- Capucine. Producer: Henry Hathaway. Director: Hollywood boarding house for women. As a mama's liam Holden, , Sylvia Syms, Michael Henry Hathaway. Original (play): Laszlo Fodor. boy, he is constantly Wilding. Producer: . Director: Richard fleeing beautiful women. In Mahin, Color. Quine. Original (novel): Richard Mason. Screen- Screenplay: Martin Rackin, John Lee play: John Patrick. Claude Binyon. • A spoof of Alaskan adventure stories. One of LOVE IN A GOLDFISH BOWL (Comedy Drama). Stars: • Filmed in Hong Kong. The best-selling novel, three partners in a Klondike goldstrike decides Tommy Sands, Fabian, , Toby Michaels. adapted as a Broadway play by John Osborne, deals that someone else should go to the States to Producers: Martin Jurow, Richard Shepherd. with a strange love affair of an angelic Chinese Direc- bring back his bride, resulting in some merry tor: Jack Sher. Original (story): Irene Kamp. Screen- prostitute and an American painter and depicts the mixups. In Color. Nov. 1960. play: Jack Sher. problems which face them and adjustments that must be made. In Color. • The adventures of two impressionable teenagers who spend an Easter vacation together unbeknown SECRET OF THE PURPLE REEF, THE (Drama). Stars: to their parents. In Color. Jeff Richards, Morgia Dean, Peter Falk. Producer: Gene Corman. Director: William N. Witney. Screen- 20th Century-Fox play: Gene Corman, Harold Yablonsky. MISTRESS OF MELLYN (Drama). Stars: Audrey Hep- (October through December in the Caribbean, the story deals with burn. Producer: Henry Blanke. Director: Not set. 1960) • Filmed Original the destruction of a mail and fishing boat, and (novel): Victoria Holt. Screenplay: Eleanore CAPTAIN'S TABLE, THE (Comedy). Stars: John Greg- Griffin. efforts to reach the survivors on a reef, in face son, Peggy Cummins, Nadia Gray. Producer: Jack of armed opposition by the gang which had • romantic suspense A story originally serialized Janni (Rank Organization). Director: Jack Lee. wrecked the vessel. In CinemaScope and Color. in Ladies' The Home Journal and a current best- Original (novel): Richard Gordon. Screenplay: John Oct. 1960. seller published by Doubleday. In Color. Whiting, Bryan Forbes, Nicholas Phipps. • A skipper of cargo vessels is made captain of MY GEISHA (Comedy). Stars: Shirley SEPTEMBER STORM (Action Drama). Stars: Joanne MacLaine, Yves a luxury liner, finds himself hating the assign- Montand, Stevens, Robert Strauss, Asher Dann. , Edward G. Robinson. ment, and running a gamut of difficulties with Dru, Mark Producer: Steve Porker. Director: Producer: Edward L. Alperson. Director: Byron Jack Cardiff. guests and crew. In Color. Oct. 1960. Screenplay: Norman Krasna. Haskin. Original Story: Steve Fisher. Screenplay: Burnett. • A Hollywood stor disguises herself as a geisha DESERT ATTACK (War Drama). Stars: John Mills, W. R. girl to win the leading role in a film her director- Sylvia Syms, Anthony Quayle, Harry Andrews. Pro- • Filmed in Majorca, this deals with a hunt for husband is making in Japon. In Color. ducer: W. A. Whittaker (Associated British Piet. sunken gold coins, in which a yacht is illegally




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170 BAROMETER Section P

for the operation, and dissension between DOUBLE TROUBLE (Comedy). used Stars: Tommy Noonan • Adventures of a Marine platoon with its tough lands ail in the hands of the coast Pete Marshall, the operators Barbara Eden. Producer- Jack Lee- sergeant, on and off the battlefield. guard. In Stereovision (3-D), Cinemascope and wood. Director: Charles Barton. Original Screenplay Color Oct. 1960. Jameson Brewer. MARRIAGE-GO-ROUND, THE (Comedy). Stars: Susan • About a guy who always starts things he never Hayward, James Mason, Julie Newmar. Producer: COUNTRY (Melodrama). Stars: finishes, TESS OF THE STORM except a song which be finally completes Leslie Stevens. Director: Walter Lang. Original Ging, Lee Philips, Wallace Ford. Baker, Jack . rove to Diane t? himself that he really is capable of (play): Leslie Stevens. Screenplay: Leslie Stevens. Director: Paul Guil- Producer: Everett Chambers. finishing a job. In CinemaScope and Color. • An adaptation of the hit play which deals with foyle. Original (novel): Grace Miller White. Screen- the marital problems which arise between a college play: Charles Lang. FERRY TO HONG KONG (Adventure Drama). Stars- professor ond his wife when a Swedish sexpot between the son and daughter of Curt Jurgens, Sylvia • A romance Syms, O-rson Welles. Pro- visits the home and proposes that the professor sire family forces, in which the bitterness is ducer: George opposing Maynard, for Rank (Lewis Gilbert her child. In CinemaScope ond Color. sells farm- generated when one fomily innocently Prods.). Director: Lewis Gilbert. Original (novel): pollutes a land to a chemical company which Simon Kent. Screenplay: Lewis Gilbert, Vernon stream on which the farmers depend for water. Harris. MILLIONAIRESS, THE (Comedy). Stars: Sophia Loren, Color. Nov. 1960. Peter Sellers, Alastair Sim, Dennis Price, Vittorio In CinemaScope ond • Filmed in Hong Kong. The story of a man with- de Sica. Producer: Pierre Rouve (Dimitri de Grun- out a country, a piece of human wreckage, shunted wald Prods.). Director: Anthony Asquith. Original WIZARD OF BAGHDAD, THE (Comedy Fantasy). Stars: back and forth on a boat between Hong Kong Barry Coe. Producer: (play): George Bernard Shaw. Screenplay: Wolf Dick Shawn, Diane Baker, and Macao, who finds a chance to prove himself Original: Mankowitz. . Director: George Sherman. aboard the old disreputable hulk. In CinemaScope Samuel Newman. Screenplay: Jesse Lasky jr., Pat and Color. • British-made. A "millionairess" sets her cap for Silver. a poor but dedicated Indian doctor who runs a child clinic in the slums of London. In CinemaScope • A down-and-out geni gets his big chance to FIERCEST HEART, THE (Drama). Stars: Juliet Prowse, and Color. shine as Wizard of the city, and promptly reduces Stuart Whitman, Ken Scott, Stanley Baker, Ray- everything to comic chaos. In CinemaScope and mond Massey, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Rafer ’ John- Color Dec. 1960. son. Producer: George Sherman. Director: George MISTY (Drama). Stars: David Ladd, Arthur O'Connell, Sherman. Original (novel): Stuart Cloete. Screen- Anne Seymour, Pam Smith. Producer: Robert Rad- play: Edmund North. nitz. Director: James B. Clark. Screenplay: Ted Coming Sherdeman. • Filmed in South Africa. The story of aid given ALL HANDS ON DECK (Comedy With Music). Stars: the Dutch Boers by the British military in their • Two children and their efforts to obtain a wild Pat Boone, Buddy Hackett, Dennis O'Keefe, Bar- trek through Africa to find a homeland in 1837. pony. In CinemaScope and Color. bara Eden. Producer: Oscar Brodney. Director: In CinemaScope and Color. Norman Taurog. Original (book): Jay Sommers. (Comedy Drama). Stars: Le- Screenplay: Jay Sommers. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (Religious Drama). Stars: Brad- ticia Roman, John Richardson, Robert Stevens, • A young Naval officer runs into every con- ford Dillman, Dolores Hart, Stuart Whitman, Steve Rafer Johnson. Producer: Sam Katzman. Director: ceivable type of red tape in his desperate efforts Forrest, Finlay Currie, Cecil Kellaway. Producers: Robert Webb. Original (story): Mel Levy. Screen- to get a leave of absence to marry his girl. In Plato Skouras, Spyros S. Skouras jr. (Triton Corp.). play: Jesse Lasky jr., Pat Silver. CinemaScope and Color. Director: Michael Curtiz. Original (novel): Louis • A privateer expedition attempts to conquer the DeWohl. Screenplay: Eugene Vale. notorious pirate Henry Morgan. BATTLE OF BLOODY BEACH (War Drama). Stars: • Based on the novel "The Joyous Beggar," and Dolores Michaels, Gary Crosby. filmed in Italy. The life story Audie Murphy, of St. Francis of QUEEN'S GUARD, THE (Drama). Stars: Raymond (Associated Pro- Assisi, the patron Producer: Richard Maibaum saint of love and gentleness Massey, Daniel Massey, Robert Stephens, Ursula ducers Prod.). Director: Herbert Coleman. Screen- and founder of the Franciscan Order. In Cinema- Jeans. Producer: Michael Powell (Imperial Films play: Richard Maibaum. Scope and Color. Prod.). Director: Michael Powell. Original Screen- • The Philippines during the Japanese occupa- play: Roger Milnar (based on an idea by Simon is HEELS (Drama). tion, during which a businessman who trapped HIGH Stars: Carol Lynley, Ken Scott. Harcourt Smith). on the island joins an underground group to fight Producer: Jerry Wald. Director: Robert Parrish. behind the story of the Buckingham the invaders. In CinemaScope. Original (play): Garson Kanin. Screenplay: Daniel • A scenes Fuchs. Palace Guard. In CinemaScope and Color. BIG GAMBLE, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: Juliette • The loves and trials of a young taxi dancer, Greco, David Wayne, Dame Sybil Thorndike, Greg- which was a hit Broadway play some years ago. RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE (Drama). Stars: Coroi ory Ratoff. Producer: Darryl Zanuck. Director: In CinemaScope and Color. Lynley, Jeff Chandler, Eleanor Porker, Mary Astor, Richard Fleischer. Original Screenplay: Irwin Shaw. Tuesday Weld, Lucianna Paluzzi, Brett Halsey, Robert Sterling. Producer: Jerry Wald. Director: • Filmed in Europe and Africa, this is the story HUSTLER, THE (Drama). Stars: Paul Newman, Piper of an ex-Irish seaman, his Corsican bride and his Laurie, George C. Scott, . Producer: Jose Ferrer. Original (novel): Grace Metalious. meek bankclerk cousin who move into the African Robert Rossen. Director: Robert Rossen. Original Screenplay: Harry Brown. Ivory coast to establish a trucking venture. In (novel): Walter Tevis. Screenplay: Robert Rossen. • The small town revisited, with the conflicts of Color. its inhabitants again dramatized through the eyes CinemaScope and • Deals with the adventures of a fellow who is a shark with the cue and pool table. of a young writer. In CinemaScope and Color. BIG SHOW, THE (Circus Drama). Stars: Esther Wil- liams, Cliff Robertson, Robert Vaughan, David LION OF SPARTA (Drama). Stars: Richard Egan, RIGHT APPROACH, THE (Musical Drama). Stars: Nelson. Producer: Robert Radnitz, for Associated Diane Baker, Julie Newmar, Barry Coe, David Far- Frankie Vaughan, Juliet Prowse, Gary Crosby, Producers. Director: James B. Clark. Original rar, Anna Synodinow. Producer: George St. George. Martha Hyer, Jane Withers, Ken Scott. Producer: Screenplay: Ted Sherdeman. Director: Rudolph Mate. Oscar Brodney. Director: David Butler. Original in (play): Garson Kanin. Screenplay: Michael and • Filmed Copenhagen and Munich, this deals • Filmed in Freece, this is based on the famed Kanin. with a dominating father who heads a family which battle of Thermopylae, when a small band of Fay owns a circus in Munich. In CinemaScope and Greek defenders guarded the Pass against the Per- • A variation on the "What Makes Sammy Run" Color. sians. In CinemaScope and Color. theme. This follows the ruthless rise of a young singer to the top of his profession. In CinemaScope CANADIANS, THE (Drama). Stars: Robert Ryan, LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME, THE and Color. Teresa Stratas, Torin Thatcher, John Dehner. Pro- (Drama). Stars: Jimmie Rodgers, Chill Wills, Luana ducer: Herman Webber. Director: . Patten, Linda Hutchings. Producer: Maurice Dex- SANCTUARY (Drama). Stars: Lee Remick, Yves Mon- Screenplay: Burt Original Kennedy. ter. Director: Andrew McLaglen. Original (novel): tand, Bradford Dillman. Producer: Richard Zanuck. • Filmed in Canada. Adventure in the Far North John Fox jr. Director: Tony Richardson. Original (novel): William with the Royal Northwest Mounted Police. In • The classic tale about the mountain lad who Faulkner. Screenplay: James Poe. CinemaScope and Color. goes through college, finds himself torn between • High living, excitement and erotic thrills in two cultures, distinguishes himself as a soldier the South, dealing with a girl who feels no re- CIRCLE OF DECEPTION (Drama). Stars: Suzy Parker, in the Civil War and finally chooses the North as sponsibility for herself or others and becomes in- Bradford Dillman. Producer: Thomas A. Morahan his home. In CinemaScope and Color. volved in an illicit affair and murder. In Cinema- (J. Arthur Rank Prod.). Director: Jack Lee. Original Scope. Screenplay: , Robert Musel. LONG ROPE, THE (Drama). Stars: Alan Hale jr., Hugh • British-made. A tale of spy activity involving Marlowe, Lisa Montell, Robert Wilke. Producer: SILENT CALL, THE (Melodrama). Stars: , the British secret service in World War II, keyed to Margia Dean, for Associated Producers. Director: David McLean, Roger Mobley. Producer: Leonard the amount of endurance a human can bear William Witney. Original Screenplay: Robert A. Schwartz, for Associated Producers. Director: under the stress of interrogation by the enemy. In Hamner. John Bushelman. Screenplay: Tom Maruzzi. CinemaScope and Color. • The early days of justice in the West when a • The true story of a boy and his dog who are federal judge traveled from town to town to con- reunited after the dog is left behind when the CLEOPATRA (Spectacle Drama). Stars: Elizabeth Tay- duct trials. In CinemaScope. family moves from Reno to Los Angeles. In lor, Peter Finch, Stephen Boyd, Harry Andrews. CinemaScope. Producer: Walter Wanger. Director: Joseph L. Man- LOVES OF SALAMMBO (Drama). Stars: Edmund Pur- kiewicz. Original (novel): Carlo Maria Franzero. dom, Jacques Sernas, Jeanne Valerie. Producer: SNIPER'S RIDGE (War Drama). Stars: Jack Ging, Screenplay: Lawrence Durrell, Nigel Balchin. Fides-Stella Films. Director: Sergio Grieco. Original Stanley Clements, John Goddard, Doug Hender- • Filmed in England, Israel, Egypt. The ageless (novel): Gustav Flaubert. son, Gabe Castle. Producer: John Bushelman, for story of Cleopatra, Caesar, and Marc Anthony and • Italian-made. Based on Flaubert's classic novel, Associated Producers. Director: John Bushelman. their rivalries and loves. In Todd-AO and Color. "Salammbo," a barbaric story of love and war in Original Screenplay: Tom Maruzzi. ancient Carthage. • Action in the days before the cease-fire in the DAYS OF THRILLS AND LAUGHTER (Compilation). Korean War, in which a captain who can't forget cowardice under fire, is Producer: Robert Youngson. MADISON AVENUE (Drama). Stars: Dana Andrews, that he once showed of young • The producer of "The Golden Age of Comedy" Jeanne Crain, Eleanor Parker, Eddie Albert. Pro- saved from death by the heroism a In CinemaScope. and "When Comedy Was King" turns to the early ducer: Milton Pickman. Director: Bruce Humber- private. serials, from the last-second escapes from the stone. Original (novel): Jeremy Kirk. Screenplay: oncoming locomotive to the cliff hanging in "The Frank Fenton. SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE STOOGES (Comedy). Perils of Pauline." • Based on the novel "The Build-Up Boys," which Stars: Carol Heiss, Patricia Medina, The Three provides a first-hand look at New York's advertis- Stooges. Producer: Charles Wick. Director: Walter Lang. DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES (Drama). Stars: Jack ing business and the men who run it. In Cinema- Lemmon, Lee Remick. Producer: Martin Manulis. Scope and Color. • A comedy of Three Stooges antics in which Director: Blake Edwards. Original (TV play): J. P. Carol Heiss, Olympic skating champion, becomes Miller. Screenplay: J. P. Miller. involved. In CinemaScope and Color. MARINES, LET'S GO (Drama). Stars: Tom Tryon, • A film adaptation of a hit television drama David Hedison, Barbara Stuart. Producer: Raoul which concerns itself with alcoholism in the lives Walsh. Director: Raoul Walsh. Screenplay: John STATE FAIR (Musical). Stars: Pat Boone, Arthur God- of a young married couple. Twist. frey. Producer: Charles Brackett. Director: Walter

BOXOFFICE 171 Lang. Original (novel): Phil Stong. Screenplay: prison, becomes a walking target, with both the rector: . Original (novel): Francoise Richard Rogers, Ernest Lehman. law and his hoodlum pals seeking the hidden loot Sagan. Screenplay: Samuel Taylor. • Second remake of a hit of the 1930s, to which they know he has stashed away. Oct. 1960. • Filming in Europe. Based on the French novel, music was added in the 1940s and is being re- "Aimez Vous Brahms?" A modern story set in tained with added melodies in the —dealing Coming Paris, in which the central character, a mature with a trip to the Iowa State Fair, the competition woman, must choose between two lovers, one older for the blue ribbon in the prize hog competition, ALAMO, THE (Historical Drama). Stars: John Wayne. and one younger than herself. and young love. In Todd-AO and Color. Richard Widmark, Laurence Harvey, (guest star). Producer-Director: John Wayne, HOODLUM PRIEST, THE (Biographical Drama). Stars: T0PA2E (Comedy). Stars: Peter Sellers. Producer: for his . Original Screenplay: , Cindi Woods. Producers: Walter Wood, Pierre Rouve. Director: Peter Sellers. Original . Don Murray (Murray-Wood Productions). Director: (play): Morcel Pagnol. Screenplay: Pierre Rouve. • Story of the immortal defense of the historical Irvin Kershner. Original Screenplay: Joseph Lon- mission fortress, in which a group of American Deer. • This is Seller's first effort at directing as well don, Don frontiersmen fought to the death to free as acting in a film. The picture deals with a timid Texas • Based on the true story of a St. Louis Jesuit from Mexican control. In Todd-AO and Techni- French schoolmaster who believes that honesty is priest. Father Charles Dismas Clark, who has de- color. the best policy, until he turns into an unscrupu- voted his life to the rehabilitation of convicts. lous businessman. (Biographical BIRDMAN OF ALCATRAZ Drama;. JACK THE GIANT KILLER (Fantasy Drama). Stars: Karl TRAPP FAMILY, THE (Drama). Stars: Ruth Leuwerik, Stars: Burt Lancaster, Malden, Thelma Rit- Kerwin Mathews, Judi Meredith, Torin Thatcher. ter, Betty Field. Producer: Hans Holt, Joseph Meinrad, Maria Holst. Producer: Harold Hecht (Hecht- Producer: Edward Small, for his Edward Small Pro- Wolfgang Reinhardt. Director: Wolfgang Lieben- Hill-Larvcaster Productions). Director: John Frank- ductions. Director: Nathan Juron. einer. Screenplay: George Hurdalek. enheimer. Original (book): Thomas E. Gaddis. Screenplay: Guy Trosper. • Based on the children's fable favorite about the • Filmed in Bavaria, this is the story of the fa- boy who killed the giant, gained his wealth and ous Trapp Family Singers whose exploits form • Based on the true story of Robert Stroud, o lived happily ever after. In Technicolor. the story line for the current Broadway musical life-termer who has been in prison since 1909, where he became a world-renowned authority on "Sound of Music." In Color. (Drama). Stars: birds. JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Marlene TURN OF THE SCREW (Drama). Stars: Deborah Kerr. Dietrich, Judy Garland, Maxmilian Schell, Mont- BY LOVE POSSESSED (Drama). Stars: Producer: . Director: Jack Clayton. Lana Turner, gomery Clift. Producer-Director: Stanley Kramer, Efrem Zimbalist jr., jr., Original (novel): Henry James. George Ham- for his Stanley Kramer Productions. Original Screen- ilton, Susan Kohner. Producer: Walter Mirisch the novel play: . • Based on by the noted American (Mirisch Co. -Seven Arts Co-production). Director: Ameri- novelist, and a recent stage adaptation which be- John Sturges. Original (novel): James Gould Coz- • The inner conflicts and problems of an came a Broadway hit, which tells the story of o zens. Screenplay: Charles Schnee. can judge selected by the War Department to pre- young governess and her two charges, both demon- side at the Nuremberg trial of Nazi judges, who possessed children. In CinemaScope. • A story that deals with the many aspects of are being tried as war criminals, in post-World love, as seen through the eyes of a successful War II. Various witnesses and victims of Nazi attorney to whom friends and clients VOYAGE THE OF THE terrorism appear in court to testify. TO BOTTOM SEA (Science- come with their problems. He becomes deeply Fiction). Stars: Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fontaine, involved with the troubles of others, and dis- Barbara Eden, Peter Lorre, Sterling, Frankie TIME I ARCHIE, THE (Comedy). Stars: Robert tressing situations of his own when he has an af- LAST SAW Avalon. Producer: Irwin Allen. Director: Irwin Allen. Robert Mitchum, Jack Webb, Martha Hyer, France fair with the wife of his law partner. In Pana- Original Screenplay: Irwin Allen, Nuyen. Producer-Director: Jack (Mark VII, Charles Bennett. vision and Eastman Color. Webb • The producer of "The Lost World" extends his Ltd.-Manzanita-Talbot Productions). Original fantasies Screenplay: William Bowers. to the underseas world. In CinemaScope DECOY (Melodrama). Stars: Jack Hogan, June Ken- experiences of Air and Color. ney, John Baer, Gregg Palmer. Producer: Gene Cor- • Based on the hilarious two buddies. man, for Edward Small's Harvard Films. Director: Force privates who ore WILD IN THE COUNTRY (Drama With Songs). Stars: William Witney. Original Story: Gene Corman. Elvis Presley, Hope Lange, Tuesday Weld, Millie Screenplay: Leo Gordon. MINOTAUR, THE (Spectacle Drama). Stars: Bob Ma- Perkins, John Ireland. Producer: Jerry Wdld. Di- thias, Rosanna Schiaffino. Producer: Rudy Solmsen • A story based on industrial espionage and the rector: Philip Dunne. Screenplay: Clifford Odets. (Agliani-Mordini-llliria Productions). Director: Mario theft of commercial secrets. • A brilliant high school boy falls in love with Bonnard. a woman psychologist ten years his senior. In Filmed in Italy. Based the legend of the EXODUS (Drama). Stars: Paul Newman, Eva Marie • on CinemaScope and Color. Minotaur of Crete, half-man and half-bull, to Saint, Ralph Richardson, Peter Lawford, Lee J. which sacrifices of virgins and youths are Cobb, Sal Mineo, John Derek, Hugh Griffith. Pro- human made. mythical Theseus finally slays the ducer-Director: Otto Preminger. Original (novel): The monster. In Totalscope and Eastman Color. United Artists Leon M. Uris. Screenplay: Dalton Trumbo. • Filmed in Israel and on Cyprus. Set just prior (October through December 1960) MISFITS, THE (Drama). Stars: Clark Goble, Marilyn to and immediately following Israel's establish- Monroe, Montgomery Clift, , Eli Wal- FACTS OF LIFE, THE (Comedy Drama). Stars: Bob ment as a nation, and tells the story of the heroic lach. Producer: Frank E. Taylor, for Seven Arts Hope, Lucille Ball, Ruth Russey, Don DeFore, Louis Israeli underground leader who spirits a group of Productions. Director: John Huston. Original Screen- Nye. Producer: Norman Panama (Panama ond Jewish refugees out of British internment camps play: . Frank Production, for H-L-P Prods.). Director: on Cyprus and illegally takes them to Israel aboard Melvin Frank. Original Screenplay: Norman Pana- a tramp steamer named Exodus. An American • Story of a young divorcee and her romances ma, Melvin Frank. nurse who becomes involved with the movement with three cowboys, who all fall for her, but one falls in love with the freedom fighter. In Super is her favorite. Sensitive to violence, she is horri- • Story of two married (but not to each other) Panavision 70, with Todd-AO six-channel stereo- fied at the apparent cruelty involved in the members of a country club set who fall in love, phonic sound; and Technicolor. roundup of a herd of wild horses. When her Num- and keep getting involved deeper as they try to ber One cowboy frees the captured beasts, all is keep their illicit romance secret. Dec. 1960. a plan marriage. FIVE GUNS TO TOMBSTONE (Western). Stars: forgiven and they James Brown, Della Sharman. Producer: Robert INHERIT THE WIND (Drama). Stars: Spencer Tracy, E. Kent, for Zenith Pictures. Director: Edward L. NAKED EDGE, THE (Suspense Drama). Stars: Gary Fredric March, Gene Kelly, Dick York, Donna An- Cahn. Original Story: Arthur Orloff. Screenplay: Cooper, Deborah Kerr, Hermione Gingold, Eric derson, Florence Eldridge. Producer-Director: Richard Sohayer, Jack DeWitt. Portman. Producers: George Glass, Walter Seltzer, Stanley Kramer. Original (play): Jerome Lawrence, for Pennebaker-Baroda Productions. Director: Robert E. Lee. Screenplay: Nathan E. Douglas, • A reformed gunfighter, framed into joining his Michael Anderson. Original (novel): Max Ehrlich. Harold Jacob Smith. outlaw brother's gang, goes along with them in Screenplay: Stefano. their plans to hijack another gang planning the Joseph • Based on the sensational Scopes evolution trial stick-up of a Wells Fargo gold shipment, plotting • Filmed in England. Based on Max Ehrlich's in 1925 of a young science teacher in Tennessee meanwhile with the law to ambush the desper- novel, "First Train to Babylon." A long lost letter who violated a state law by teaching Darwin's adoes. delayed in transit makes the recipient a suspect theory of evolution. The famed Clarence Darrow in an unsolved murder case. ond Williom Jennings Bryan were rivol attorneys in the world-famous case. Nov. 1960. (Outdoor Droma). Stars: Jim Davis, Nancy Hadley, Ken Mayer. Producer: Rob- (War Drama). Stars: Miiko ert E. Kent, for Zenith Pictures. Director: Edward Taka, , Norman Alden. Producer: Robert MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, THE (Outdoor Drama). Stars: L. Cahn. Original Story: George Bruce. Screenplay: E. Kent, for Zenith Pictures. Director: Edward L. Yul Brynner, Eli Walloch, Steve Horst McQueen, Owen Harris. Cahn. Screenplay: Orville H. Hampton. Buchholz, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughan. Pro- ducer-Director: John Sturges, for Mirisch-Alpha • A frontier scout, leading a wagon train into • Concerns an episode during World War II in Productions. Screenplay: William Roberts. California, does not know that Mexico has de- the jungles of Burma. clared war on the United States, and soon finds • Filmed in Mexico. Adapted from the prize-win- that once friendly Mexicans have joined up with ning Japanese film, PARIS BLUES (Drama With Music). Stars: Paul New- "The Seven Samurai," and the Modoc Indians. He winds up fighting both transposed man, Joanne Woodward, Sidney Poitier, Louis to a modern setting. Story centers Indians and the Mexican army. around the peace-loving inhabitants of a small Armstrong. Producer: Sam Shaw, for Pennebaker Mexican village who rebel against the periodic Productions. Director: Martin Ritt. Original (novel): GAMBLER WORE A GUN, THE (Outdoor Drama), raids of the bandit, Calvera, arid hire seven deadly Harold Flender. Screenplay: Jack Sher, Irene Kamp. Stars: Jim Davis, Merry Anders. Producer: Robert gunfighters to protect them. In Panavision and • Filming in Paris and London. Based on Harold E. Kent, for Zenith Pictures. Director: Edward L. De Luxe Color. Oct. 1960. Flender's novel about two American jazz musicians Kahn. Screenplay: Owen Harris. in Paris, who form a jazz band which becomes • A professional gambler buys a ranch, then dis- , THE (Action Drama). Stars. a favorite of jazz devotees and visitors to the Left covers the seller was murdered before the deed James Brown, Merry Anders, Barry Kelley, Mil- Bank. In Technicolor. was recorded. The gambler outwits the outlaws who ton Frome. Producer: Robert E. Kent, for Zenith hold the property. Pictures. Director: Edward L. Cahn. Original Screen- ROCKETFULL OF MIRACLES (Comedy Melodrama). play: Orville Hompton. Stars: Glenn Ford, Bette Davis, Hope Lange. Pro- GERONIMO (Drama). Stars: Chuck Connors. Producers: ducer-Director: Frank Capra (Fronton Productions). • Story of a rookie cop and a half-wild German Jules Levey, Arthur Gardner (Gromercy Piets. Pro- Original Story: Damon Runyon. Screenplay: Hal Shepherd dog who are sent to a police dog train- ductions). Director: Arnold Laven. Original Story Kanter. ing school, then assigned to a case involving an and Screenplay: Pat Fielder. arson gang, which the man-dog team succeeds in • Based on a Damon Runyon short story, "Ma- • Setting of story is the Mexican-American bor- copturing. Dec. 1960. La Gimp," and is a remake of "Lady for a der between Arizona and Sonora, around 1883. dame Day," based on the same Runyon short story which Based on fact and legend of the famed Indian Capra directed for Columbia in 1932. In Color. WALKING TARGET (Melodrama). Stars: Joan leoder who fought for freedom and individuality Evans, Ron Foster, Merry Anders. Producer: Robert against overwhelming odds. In Color. E. Kent, for Zenith Pictures. Director: Edward L. REVOLT OF THE SLAVES (Historical Drama). Stars: Cahn. Original Screenplay: Stephen Kandel. GOODBYE AGAIN (Drama). Stars: Ingrid Bergman, Rhonda Fleming, Lang Jeffries. Producer: Paolo • Story of a convict who, on his release from Yves Montand, Anthony Perkins. Producer-Di- Moffa (Ambrosiana Film Productions). Director:

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April Release


Heath Production-U-I

In Production :


Stanley Kramer-UA

BOXOFFICE 173 Benito Molasommo. Original (novel): Cardinal woman in love with a married man, forced to live son of the Russian ambassador and the daughter Wiseman. Screenplay: Daniel Mainworing. in the "back street" of his life. In Color. of an American in a tiny kingdom tucked away • Filming in Italy. Based on the classic novel, somewhere on the European continent. In Color. Fcbiola," and is a spectacle drama set in ancient CAPE FEAR (Suspense Drama). Stars: Gregory Peck, Rome. Polly Bergen. Producer: Sy Bartlett. (Melville SECRET WAYS, THE (Spy Thriller). Stors: Richard Wid- Prods.). Director: J. Lee Thompson. Original (novel): mark, Sonja Ziemann. Producer: Richard Widmark. SEASON OF PASSION (Formerly "Summer of the Jchn B. MacDonald. Screenplay: James Webb. Director: Phil Korlson. Original (book): Alistair 17fh Doll"). (Drama)). Stars: Ernest Borgnine, Anne • The story of a man's revenge on another who MacLean. Screenplay: Jean Hazelwood. Baxter, John Mills, Angela Lansbury, Vincent Ball. had helped convict him on a rape charge. In • Filmed in Europe. An American adventurer Producer-Director: Leslie Norman. Original (play): Color. stays on in Europe after World War II and becomes Ray Lawler. Screenplay: John Dighton. a spy for hire behind the Iron Curtain. In Cine- • Filmed in Australia. From Ray Lawler's Broad- COME SEPTEMBER (Romantic Comedy). Stars: Rock mascope. way and London play, and story of two migratory Hudson, Gina Lollobrigida, Sandra Dee, Bobby

cane workers who for 1 6 years have gone to Darin. Producer: Robert Arthur (Seven Piets. Corp. SHADOW OF THE CAT (Horror Drama). Stars: An- Sydney, Australia, during their layoff months to Prod.). Director: Robert Mulligan. Original Screen- drew Morell, Barbara Shelley, Conrad Phillips. v sit illicitly with two women. During the fateful play: Stanley Shapiro, Maurice Richlin. Producer: John Pennington. Director: John Gilling. 17th summer, the foursome begins to disintegrate • Filmed in Italy. An American playboy discovers • A British-made horror tale. when one of the girls, meanwhile, has married, one of his palatial Continental homes has been and the pressures of age, finances and personal used as a tourist hotel during his absence—and he SHAKEDOWN, THE (Drama). Stars: Terence Morgan, guilt begin to mar the once-happy quartet. finds an attractive and sultry beauty on the Hazel Court, Donald Pleasance, Bill Owen, Robert premises to keep him interested. In Color. Beatty. Producer: Norman Williams (Ethiro Prod.). SOMETHING WILD (Drama). Stars: Carroll Baker, Director: John Lemont. Screenplay: Leigh Vance. Ralph Meeker, Mildred Dunnock. Producer: George CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF (Horror Drama). Stars: • British-made. A vice king, just out of jail, Justin, for Prometheus Enterprises. Director: Jack Clifford Evans, Yvonne Romaine, Oliver Reed. turns to a new racket of blackmailing amateur Garfein. Original (novel): Alex Karmel. Screenplay: Producer: Anthony Hinds (Hammer Film Prod.). photographers seeking models. A police woman in Jack Garfein, Alex Karmel. Director: Terence Fisher. Screenplay: John Elder. disguise wins the blackmailer's confidence, then • The story of a girl overcome by violence and • British-made. A male child is born under a exposes him. loneliness in the city, who ultimately finds love. curse and grows up into a creature half man and half wolf. SIXTH MAN, THE (War Drama). Stars: Tony Curtis, TOWN WITHOUT PITY (Drama). Stars: Kirk Douglas, James Franciscus, Bruce Bennett, Edmund Hashim, Gregory Walcott. Producer: Sy Bartlett. Director: Christina Kaufmann. Producer-Director: Gottfried DAY OF THE GUN (Outdoor Drama). Stars: Rock William Bradford Reinhardt (Mirisch Co. -Gloria Films Co-production). Hudson, Kirk Douglas, Dorothy Malone, Joseph Delbert Mann. Original (book): Huie. Screenplay: . Original (novel): Manfred Gregor. Screenplay: Cotten, Carol Lynley, Neville Brand. Producers: Eugene Monfred Gregor. Frenke, Edward Lewis (Bryna Prod. S. A • The story of Ira Hayes, the Indian who was Prod.). Director: flag • Filming in Germany and France. Story of an Robert Aldrich. Original (novel): one of the six men who hoisted the American Vechel army lawyer assigned to defend four GIs accused Howard. on Iwo Jima, and his eventual failure to cope with his position as a hero. of raping a young German girl. • Filmed in Mexico. Based on the fierce rivalry of three men for the love of a woman—her much- older WEST SIDE STORY (Musical Drama). Stars: Natalie husband, a lawman with whom she once SPARTACUS (Historical Spectacle). Stars: Kirk Doug- Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, Rita Mo- had been in love and a man wanted for murder— las, Laurence Olivier, Peter Ustinov, Tony Curtis, reno, George Chakiris. Producer: Robert Wise, for during a difficult journey through Mexico to Texas. Jean Simmons, Charles Laughton, John Gavin. Mirisch Co.-Seven Arts. Directors: Robert Wise, In Color. Producer: Edward Lewis (Bryna Prod.). Director Jerome Robbins. Original (play): Arthur Laurents. . Original (novel): . Screenplay: Dalton Trumbo. Screenplay: Ernest Lehman. FLOWER DRUM SONG (Musical). Stars: Nancy Kwan, gladiator Spartacus • Based on the Broadway musical hit. A modern James Shigeta. Producer: Ross Hunter. Director: • A story based on the great Romeo and Juliet tale, with the opposing two Henry Koster. Original (book): C. Y. Lee, (musical): who led a revolt of the slaves against the Roman families seen as white and Puerto Rican races on Rodgers and Ham-merstein, Joseph Fields. Screen- Legions in the century before the birth of Christ, slave girls. In New York's West Side. In Panavision and East- play: Joseph Fields. and of his love for one of the Technirama 70 and Color. Special. man Color. • A cinema version of a story which was a suc- cess both as a novel and musical comedy, set in TELL ME TRUE (Romantic Comedy). Stars: San Francisco's Chinatown TAMMY YOUNG DOCTORS, THE (Drama). Stars: Fredric and dealing with the Sandra Dee, John Gavin. Producer: Ross Hunter Dick Clark, Gazzara, Eddie Albert, conflicts between old traditions March, Ben and the new, es- (Ross Hunter Prod.). Director: Harry Keller. Or- Ina Balin. Producers: Stuart Millar, pecially as they concern young love. Lawrence Tur- iginal (book): Cid Ricketts. Screenplay: Oscar man (Drexel-Miller-Turman Productions). Director: Brodney. Phil Karlson. Original (novel): Arthur Hailey. GRASS IS GREENER, THE (Comedy). Stars: Cary Grant, • A sequel to "Tammy and the Bachelor," in Screenplay: Joseph Hayes. Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum, Jean Simmons. which Tammy goes to college and falls in love novel, "Final Diagnosis," Producer: • Based on by Arthur Stanley Donen. Director: Stanley Donen with a young college instructor. In Color. Hailey. Romance and drama unfold in a big (Grandon Prods.). Original (play): Hugh and Mar- city hospital where two generations of doctors, garet Williams. Screenplay: Hugh and Margaret TOMBOY AND THE CHAMP (Drama). Stars: Candy with two different schools of thought, clash with Williams. Moore, Jess Kilpatrick, Jesse White, Champy, the each other over conflicting opinions. • An earl and his lady turn their ancestral home Angus. Producers: Tommy Reynolds, William Light- into a tourist attraction, and when an American foot. Director: Francis D. Lyon. Original (story): YOUNG SAVAGES, THE (Drama). Stars: Burt Lan- oilman visits the place he falls in love with the Tommy Reynolds, William Lightfoot. Screenplay: caster, Shelley Winters, Dina Merrill. Producer: countess and she with him. Into this scene comes Virginia Huffaker. Pat Duggan, for Hecht-Hill-Lancaster Productions. an old flame of the earl and she seeks to console • A little ranch girl, after winning a calf at the Director: Jchn Frankenheimer. Original (novel): him. In Technirama and Technicolor. county fair, enters it in the state fair. She doesn't Evan Hunter. win, later contacts polio but recovers and learns • A slum-born dstrict attorney battles street GREAT IMPOSTOR, The (Drama). Stars: Tony Curtis, to walk by walking her calf to prepare for the in gang, a quest for justice, following a murder Edmond O'Brien, Arthur O'Connell, Gary Merrill, next show. In Color. involving juvenile gangs on New York's East Raymond Massey, Karl Malden, Joan Blackman. Michael Craig, Side. Producer: Robert Arthur. Director: Robert Mulligan. TROUBLE IN THE SKY (Drama). Stars: George Original (book): Robert Crichton. Screenplay: Liam Peter Cushing, Bernard Lee, Elizabeth Seal, O'Brien. Sanders, Andre Morell. Producer: Aubrey Baring, for Bryanston Prods. Director: Charles Frend. Origi- • Based on the incredible Universal-International real-life impersonations nal (novel): David Beaty. Screenplay: Robert of Ferdinand Demara jr., who, among other mis- Westerby. (November through December 1960) adventures, successfully posed as a surgeon, Latin in England as of instructor, prison warden and a Trappist monk. • British-made. Released "Cone MIDNIGHT LACE (Suspense Drama). Stars: Doris Day, Silence." Story of an investigation that is made Rex Harrison, John Gavin, Myrna Loy, Roddy Mc- following the airline crash of a jet transport plane, LOVER, Dowall. Producers: Ross Hunter, Martin Melcher. COME BACK (Romantic Comedy). Stars: Rock in which the pilot was killed and posthumously Director: David Miller. Original (play): Janet Green. Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall, Edie Adams, charged with negligence. The dead flyer's daughter Screenplay: Ben Roberts, Ivan Goff. Jack Oakie. Producers: Robert Arthur, Martin Mel- never gives up until she gets the evidence needed cher, Stanley Shapiro (Seven • A beautiful, carefree American heiress, happily Pictures-Nob Hili- to clear her father's name. Arwin Prod.). Director: Delbert Mann. Screenplay: morried to an Englishman, is driven to near in- Stanley Shapiro, Paul Henning. sanity by a series of mysterious filth-laden tele- phone calls threatening her life. Subsequent events • The tale of two people in the advertising busi- Valiant show that the threats are more than the ma- ness who engage in a feud which eventually turns chinations of a moronic crank. In Color. Nov. 1960. into a romance. In Color. ANGRY SILENCE, THE (Drama). Stors: Pier Angeli, Richard Attenborough, Michael Craig. Producers: Attenborough, Bryan Forbes (Beaver PRIVATE LIVES OF ADAM AND EVE, THE (Farce- PHARAOH'S WOMAN (Historical Spectacle). Stars: Richard Green. Original (story): Rich- Fantasy). Stars: Mickey Rooney, , Linda Cristal, John Drew Barrymore. Producer: W. Films). Director: Guy Gregson. Screenplay: Bryan Forbes. Fay Spain, Mel Torme, Tuesday Weld, Cecil Kel- Tourjanski (Vanguard Films of Rome Prod.). Di- ard laway, Paul Anka, Marty Milner. Producer: Red rector: Giorgio Rivalta. • British-made. A union agitator arrives at an Doff. (Red Doff Prods.). Directors: Albert Zug- industrial plant and stirs up trouble. The lone • Italian-made. Love, adventure and historical smith., Mickey Rooney. Screenplay: Robert Hill. is silent treatment, and it is spectacle in ancient Egypt. In Color. holdout given the son • A group of young disturbed romantics, on the only after hoodlums do bodily harm to his righted. to Reno, is stranded in a church by a flash that wrongs are way POSSE FROM HELL (Outdoor Drama). Stars: Audie flood, where the young people proceed to dream Murphy, John Saxon, Zohra Lampert, Ward Ram- IT TAKES A THIEF (Crime Drama). Stars: Jayne about the Garden of Eden and the drama of the sey. Producer: Gordon Kay. Director: Herbert Cole- Mansfield, Anthony Quayle, Carl Mohner, Barbara first couple, the serpent and the apple. In Black man. Original (book): Clair Huffaker. Screenplay: Mullen. Producer: John Temple-Smith. Director: and White and Color. Dec. 1960. Clair Huffaker. John Gilling. • Story of a fighting U. S. marshal who tracks • British-made. A glamorous female leader of a Coming down four escaped murderers who have kidnapped crime gang in London is the brains behind a a woman and hold her as a hostage. In Color. daring robberies. BACK STREET (Drama). Stars: Susan Hayward, John series of Gavin, Vera Miles, Charles Drake, Virgina Grey, (). Stars: Peter Cushing, June Reginald Gardiner, Tammy Morihugh. Producer: ROMANOFF AND JULIET (Romantic Drama). Stars: MANIA Laverick, Donald Pleasance, George Rose, Billie Ross Hunter (Ross Hunter-Carrollton Prod.). Di- Sandra Dee, John Govin, Peter Ustinov, Akim Whitelaw. Producers: Robert S. Baker, Monty Ber- rector: David Miller. Original (novel): Fanny Hurst. Tamiroff. Producer: Peter Ustinov. Director: Peter man. Director: John Gilling. Original Screenplay: Screenplay: Eleanore Griffin, William Ludwig. Ustinov. Original (play): Peter Ustinov. Screenplay: Peter Ustinov. John Gilling. • The second remake of a classic American novel dealing with the • British-made. Based on the real-life story of which first came to the screen in 1932, about a • Filmed in Italy. A love story


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Dr. Robert Knox in 19th Century England, a man DEVIL IN BUCKS COUNTY, THE (Drama). Stars: Si- Joseph Pevney. Original Screenplay: Howard who headed a gang of grove robbers selling bodies mone Signoret. Producer: James Woolf. Director: Browne. to medical schools, and finally who was forced to Peter Glenville. Original (novel): Edmund Schiddel. • A biography of Dutch Schultz, notorious gang- murder to insure his supply. Screenplay: James Poe. ster of the prohibition era, and his fight for gang • A story set in suburbia dealing with tangled control involving Legs Diamond and Mad Dog Coll. SWORD AND THE DRAGON, THE (Fantasy). Stars: passions in wealthy Bucks county. Boris Andreyev, Andrei Abrikosov, Nina Medve- SPRING OF MRS. STONE, THE (Droma). deva. Producer: Alexander Ptushko. Director: ROMAN Alex- DISTANT TRUMPET, (Drama). Stars: Laurence ander Ptushko. A Stars: Vivien Leigh, , Lotte Lenya, Horvey. Producer: James Woolf. Director: Jack Jill St. John. Producer: Louis de Rochemont (Seven • Russian-made. Based on Russian legends, this Clayton. Original (novel): Paul Horgan. Screenplay: Arts Prod.). Director: Jose Quintero. Original deals with the repeated attacks on a village by Alan LeMay. (novel): Tennessee Williams. Screenplay: Gavin the vicious Tugar hordes commanded by the evil • A panoramic story of the Arizona country, Lambert. Kalin, and the eventual destruction of the invaders shortly after the Civil War. • Filmed in England. A not-too-successful actress by Ilya Murometz, after he receives the Magic gives career for with a succession Sword of Invinsor. In Color. up her romance FANNY (Drama). Stars: Leslie Caron, Maurice Cheva- of young gigolos in Rome. Based on Tennessee lier, Charles Boyer, Horst Buchholz, Baccaloni. Pro- Williams' only novel. In Color. YOUNG ONE, THE (Drama). Stars: Zachary Scott, ducer: Joshua Logan (Mansfield Prod.). Director: Bernie Hamilton, Key Meersman. Producer: George Joshua Logan. Original (stories): Marcel Pagnol, SAMAR (Adventure Drama). Stars: George Mont- F. Werker. Director: Luis Bunuel. Screenplay: Luis (play): S. N. Behrman, Joshua Logan. Screenplay: Bunuel, H. B. Addis. gomery, Gilbert Roland, Ziva Rodann. Producer: Julius J. Epstein. George Montgomery. Director: George Montgomery. • Mexican-made. A young Negro, fleeing from a • filmed in France. A trio of short stories, which • Filmed in the Philippines. An action drama. false charge of raping a white woman, lands on formed the basis of a hit New York musical drama, a lonely island inhabited only by a game warden provide the substance for the plot. A Marseilles and a 14-year-old girl, and becomes involved SINS OF RACHEL CADE (Drama). Stars: Peter Finch, in waterfront cafe proprietor objects to his daughter's a growing friendship with the girl, the rape of Angie Dickinson, , Juano Hernandez, affection for a young man of the city, and picks the girl by the warden and intervention of a Errol John, Woody Strode. Producer: Henry Blanke. an older to play role lover, after friendly preacher. man the of the Director: Gordon Douglas. Original (novel): Charles the younger fellow goes to sea and the girl finds Mercer. Screenplay: , herself in difficulty. In Color. e The adventures of a pretty young nurse in the

Belgian Congo, set in pre-World War I Africa. In FEVER IN THE BLOOD, (Drama). Warner Bros. A Stars: Efrem Color. Zimbalist jr., Angie Dickinson, , Her- (September through December 1960) bert Marshall, Jack Kelly, Ray Danton. Producer: SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS (Drama). Stars: Natalie CROWDED SKY, THE (Drama). Stars: Dana Andrews, Roy Huggins. Director: Vincent Sherman. Original (novel): William Pearson. Screenplay: Harry Kleiner, Wood, Warren Beatty, Pat Hingle, Audrey Christie. Rhonda Fleming, Efrem Zimbalist jr., John Kerr, Producer: Elia Kazan. Director: Elia Kazan. Original , Keenan Roy Huggins. Wynn. Producer: Michael Screenplay: William Inge. Garrison. Director: Joseph Pevney. Original (novel): • Political corruption and judicial conniving in- Hank Searls. Screenplay: Charles Schnee. volving an ambitious district attorney, a senator • A drama of young love in the midwest, carry- ing the romance of a young couple from the early • A Navy pilot and an airliner pilot with an eye on the presidency, and an incor- crash in into depression years. In Color. ruptable judge, all of whom try to make capital 1920s the midair. One is killed immediately. The airliner is murder. miraculously brought to the ground, but in out of a the STEEL flight the backgrounds of many of the passengers, CLAW, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: George Montgomery, Charito Luna, Carmen Austen, Ben as well as the pilots, are revealed in flashback GOLD OF THE SEVEN SAINTS (Outdoor Drama). Perez. Producer: George Montgomery (Ponderay technique. Sept. 1960. Stars: Clint Walker, Roger Moore, Leticia Roman, Prod.). Director: George Montgomery. Screenplay: Chill Wills, Robert Middleton. Producer: Leonard George Montgomery, Ferde Grofe jr., Malvin Wald. DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS, THE (Drama). Freeman. Director: Gordon Douglas. Original (novel): Stars: Robert Preston, Dorothy McGuire, Eve Ar- Steve Frazee. Screenplay: Leigh Brackett, Leonard • Filmed in the Philippines. A Marine captain den, Angela Lansbury, Shirley Knight. Producer: Freeman. carries out a dangerous mission with the aid of Michael Garrison. Director: Delbert Mann. Origi- Philippine gaerrillas. In Color. • An adventure drama of hard-fighting men who nal (play): William Inge. Screenplay: Irving find gold. Two young fur trappers strike gold, Rovetch, Harriet Frank jr. struggle to keep it on a trip through the desert SUSAN SLADE (Drama). Stars: Troy Donahue, Connie • Family life in Oklahoma in the early 1920s, in- while being pursued by thieves. In Warnerscope Stevens, Dorothy McGuire, Lloyd Nolan, Brian volving a husband who is unhappy about his wife's and Color. Aherne. Producer: Delmer Daves. Director: Delmer frigidity and her over-attachment to her chil- Daves. Original (novel): Doris Hume. Screenplay: dren, and the conflicts which arise through his in- Delmer Daves. terest in a neighboring widow. In Color. Oct. 1960. GYPSY (Musical). Stars: Rosalind Russell. Producer: Mervyn LeRoy. Director: Mervyn LeRoy. Original • Deals with a crisis in the life of a young college girl who is romantically involved with three men, GIRL OF THE NIGHT (Drama). Stars: (musical): Arthur Laurents, based on a book by Anne Francis, and her unfortunate first real love affair. In Color. Lloyd Nolan, John Kerr, Kay Medford. Producer: Gypsy Rose Lee. Screenplay: Leonard Spigelgass. Max J. Rosenberg. Director: Joseph Cates. Origi- • A showbusiness story of a backstage mother WHITE WARRIOR, THE (Adventure Drama). Stars: nal (book): Dr. Harold Greenwald. Screenplay: and her on-stage daughters, Gypsy Rose Lee and Steve Reeves, Georgia Moll. Director: Richard Ted Berkman, Raphael Blau. June Havoc. In 70mm and Color. Freda. Original (novel): . Screenplay: • Based on social a and psychoanalytical study, Gino DeSanctis, Akos Tolney. this drama examines the life and problems of a LAS VEGAS FILE (Crime Drama). Stars: Not set. Pro- lady of the • Italian-made. A great warrior leads the wild evening Oct. 1960. ducer: Jules Schermer. Director: set. Original Not Caucasian tribes against subjugation by the Rus- Screenplay: Robert Shaw. SUNRISE AT CAMPOBELLO (Biographical Drama). sian Czar. In Color. Stars: Ralph Bellamy, Greer Garson, Hume Cronyn, • Based on files of the sheriff's and police offi- in this is expansion of the Jean Hagen, Ann Shoemaker. Producer: Dore ces Las Vegas, an network series "Las Vegas File" which War- Schary. Director: Dore Schary. Original (play): ABC Dore Schary. Screenplay: Dore Schary. ner Bros, has been producing for television. Miscellaneous • The life of Franklin D. Roosevelt from the at- A DOG, A MOUSE AND A SPUTNIK (Comedy). Stars: tack of polio which felled him in 1921 until the MAJORITY OF ONE, A (Comedy Drama). Stars: Rosa- Noel Noel, Denise Grey, Darry Cowl, Mischa Auer. day he discarded his crutches and walked the lind Russell, Alec Guinness. Producer: Mervyn Le- Producer: Louise De Masure. Director: Jean Dre- few steps to the platform to nominate Alfred E. Roy. Director: Mervyn LeRoy. Original (play): ville. Distributor: Films-Around-the-World. Leonard Spigelgass. Screenplay: Leonard Spigelgass. Smith for the presidency in 1924. In Color. Nov. « French-made, with English-dubbed dialog. A 1960. • From the stage success based on the unlikely Frenchman refuses to give up a dog and a white romance of an elderly Jewish lady and a Japanese mouse which fall from a Russian sputnik into his SUNDOWNERS, THE (Drama). Stars: Robert Mitchum, industrialist and the even more unlikely premise garden, and involves his and the Soviet govern- Deborah Kerr, Peter Ustinov, . Dina that what they do involves the relationship of the ment in a series of unlikely diplomatic sequences. Merrill. Producer: T. L. Blattner (Highland Prods.). United States and Japan. Director: Fred Zinnemann. Original (novel): Jon AMAZING MR. CALLAGHAN, THE (Mystery Comedy). Cleary. Screenplay: Isabel Lennart. MAY THIS HOUSE BE SAFE FROM TIGERS (Comedy Stars: Tony Wright, Lysiane Rey, Colette Ripert, • Filmed in Australia. The story of a family in Drama.) Stars: Not set. Producer: Not set. Director: Yorick Rayon. Producer: Willy Rozier. Director: the “out-back" country in Australia in the early Frank Tashlin. Original (book): Alexander King. Willy Rozier. Distributor: Atlantis Films-States 1920s, built around the sheep raisers and their Screenplay: Frank Tashlin. Rights. trials, the fighting and feuding and the strength • The reminiscences of the noted artist-racon- • Filmed in France. A private investigator for a of one woman in building her family. In Color Dec. 1960. teur, Alex King, who is best known for his appear- London insurance company clears up a boat sabo- ances on the Jack Paar show. tage and murder mystery on the . Coming MUSIC MAN, THE (Musical). Stars: Robert Preston, ANNA'S SIN (Drama). Stars: Ben E. Johnson, Anna ACT ONE (Biographical Drama). Stars: Not set. Pro- Shirley Jones, Buddy Hackett, Paul Ford, Hermione Vita, Paul Muller. Producer: Giaguaro Film. Di- ducer: Joshua Logan. Director: Joshua Logan. Or- Gingold. Producer: Morton Da Costa. Director: rector: Camillo Mastrocinque. Distributor: Atlantis iginal (book): . Screenplay: George Axel- Morton Da Costa. Original (musical): Meredith Will- Films-States Rights. rod. son. Screenplay: Marion Hargrove, Meredith Will- • Italian^made. A distinguished Negro American son. • Based on the early career of the noted play- ! actor and an Italian girl fall in love in Rome. The wright Moss Hart, his struggles to become a writer • From Meredith Willson's big Broadway hit, girl's unscrupulous guardian tries to break up the and his orrivol as a top dramatist. about a traveling music man who brings music affair by blackmailing the actor and resorting to and romance to a small Iowa town, circa 1912. In murder. CLAUDELLE INGUSH (Drama). Stars: Diane McBaine, 70mm and 35mm and Color. Arthur Kennedy, Constance Ford, Will Hutchins. ANOTHER SKY (Melodrama). Stars: Victoria Grayson, Producer: Leonard Freeman. Director: Gordon PARRISH (Drama). Stars: Claudette Colbert, Karl Catherine Lacey, Lee Montague. Producer: Aymer Douglas. Original (novel): Erskine Caldwell. Screen- Malden, Dean Jagger, , Diane Mc- Maxwell, for Minotaur Productions. Director: Ga- play: Mel Dinelli. Bain, Troy Donahue. Producer: Delmer Daves. Di- vin Lambert. Screenplay: . Dis- • The odvenfures of a promiscuous Georgia farm rector: Delmer Daves. Original (novel): Mildred tributor: Edward Harrison. girl. Savage. Screenplay: Delmer Daves. • British-made. A young girl working as a com- • Based on a best-selling novel about Connecticut panion to an older woman in North Africa falls COUCH, THE (Drama). Stars: Grant Williams, Shirley tobacco farmers and the tobacco industry in that in love with a worthless musician, is deserted by Knight. Producer: Owen Crump. Director: Owen state. In Technicolor. him, runs out of money, finally allows herself to Crump. Original (story): Owen Crump, Blake Ed- be taken as a wife by a village man. wards. Screenplay: Robert Bloch. PORTRAIT OF A MOBSTER (Action Drama). Stars: • A thrill drama dealing with a psychopathic killer Vic Morrow, Leslie Parrish, Ray Danton, Joe Galli- BALLAD OF A SOLDIER (Drama). Russian, with Eng- who terrorizes a city. son, . Producer: Don Weiss. Director: lish-dubbed dialog —See Foreign Language

176 BAROMETER Section BEHIND THE MASK (Drama) Stars: Michael Red- grave, Tony Britton, Carl Mohner, Vanessa Red- grave. Producer: Sergei Nolbandov. Director: Brian Desmond Hurst. Distributor: Show Corporation. • British-made. A young surgeon, in love with the daughter of a noted traditionalist head sur- geon, takes over when the older man has a mo- mentary blackout during a critical heart opera- tion.

CAPE CANAVERAL MONSTER (Horror Drama). Stars: Not set. Producer: Phil Tucker. Distributor: Ster- ling World Distributors-States Rights. • Two creatures from outer space land at the Cape Canaveral base, where they attempt to de- stroy the operation, and kidnap beings for sci- entific study on their own planet.

CARRY ON, CONSTABLE (Comedy). Stars: Kenneth Connor, Charles Hawtrey, Hattie Jacques. Pro- ducer: Peter Rogers, for Anglo Amalgamated Pro- ductions. Director: Gerald Thomas. Screeplay: Nor- man Hudis. Distributor: Governor Films.

• British-made. An unlikely collection of cops is recruited to help out in an emergency, with the result that the entire precinct is disrupted, the mayor's wife is arrested for shoplifting and a gang of thieves is unwittingly assisted in a rob- bery.

CARRY ON, TEACHER (Comedy). Stars: Ted Ray, Kenneth Connor, Joan Sims, Kenneth Williams. Producer: Peter Rogers, for Anglo Amalgamated Productions. Director: Gerald Thomas. Original Screenplay: Norman Hudis. Distributor: Governor Films. • British-made. Antics in the classroom, in the style of the previous "Carry On" pictures.

CODE OF SILENCE (Melodrama). Stars: Terry Becker, Elisa Loti, Bruno VeSota. Producer: Berj Hagopian Director: Mel Welles. Distributor: Sterling World Distributors-States Rights. • A former criminal-turned-writer in a sleepy Mexican town finds himself wanted as a witness in o congressional crime investigation and as a prospectve murder victim by the gangster who is to be investigated.

COLD WIND IN AUGUST, A (Drama). Stors: Lola Albright, Scott Marlowe, Jose DeSantis. Producer: Phillip Hazelton, for Troy Films. Director: Alex- ander Singer. Distributor: Aidart Pictures. • A 17-year-old boy learns about life and love

BOXOFFICE 177 from a striptease dancer, until he discovers what a semidocumentary feature about a little known Producers: Harry Smith, Larry Smith. Director: her profession is. tribe living in the jungle regions of India. In Fred Hudson. Distributor: Kroger Babb, KBA At- Color. tractions. CONSTANTINE THE GREAT (Spectacle Drama). Stars: • Based on Rudyard Kipling's poem "The Ladies." Cornel Wilde, Belinda Lee. Producer: Felice Fe- 48 HOURS TO LIVE (Melodrama). Stars: Anthony Tommy Atkins, a British playboy, joins the foreign liciom, for Ionia Films. Director: Lionello de Fe- Steel, Ingemar Johansson, Marlies Behrens. Pro- legion, falls in love with a girl at every stop—of lice. Distributor: Beaver-Champion Attractions. ducer: Eddie Rubin. Director: Peter Bourne. Dis- oil races and color. In Color. • Italian-made. Filmed in Italy and Jugoslavia, tributor: Cinema Associates-States Rights. the story is based on the life of Constantine who, • European-made. A foreign correspondent comes LA DOLCE VITA (Drama). Stars: Marcello Mastroi- m the Fourth Century, was converted to Christian- to the rescue of a famous missile expert held anni, Anita Ekberg, Yvonne Furneaux. Producers: ity and became ruler of the East and the West by an international band of nuclear thieves. Guiseppe Amato. Director: Federico Fellini. Screen- and set up a new capital in Constantinople. In play: Federico Fellini. Totalscope and Color. FRENCH MISTRESS, A (Farce-Comedy). Stars: Cecil • Italian-made. A sociological drama describing Parker, James Robertson Justice, Agnes Laurent. life in Rome's decadent society as seen through CRAZY FOR LOVE (Comedy). Stars: Bourvil, Brigitte Producer: Boulting Bros. Producer: John Boulting. the eyes of a degenerate reporter, showing the 6ardot, Noel Roquevert. Producer: Walter Rupp. Director: Roy Boulting. Screenplay: Roy Boulting. modern sins of society, including those of the Director: Jean Boyer. Distributor: Ellis Films. Distributor: Films-Around-the-World. idle rich, literary freaks and sex deviates. In • French-made with English-dubbed dialog. Bar- • British-made. A pretty young French teacher Totalscope and Color. dot's first film—dealing with a country bumpkin arrives at a boys school, and becomes such a who can inherit the town if he gets a high school disruptive element that the situation is investi- LAST REBEL, THE (Action Drama). Stars: Carlos diploma, and his luckless efforts to win Bardot. gated by the board of governors. Thompson, Ariadne Welter, Rudy Acosta. Pro- ducer: Miguel Contreras Torres. Director: Miguel DAVID AND GOLIATH (Adventure Spectacle). Stars: GET OUTTA TOWN (Action Drama). Stars: Doug Wil- Contreras Torres. Screenplay: Miguel Contreras Orson Welles, Eleonora Rossi-Drago, Massimo Ser- son, Jeanne Baird, Tony Louis. Producer: Douglas Torres. Distributor: Sterling World Distributors- rato, Pierre Cressoy. Producer: Emmino Salvi. Di- Wilson, Charles Davis. Director: Charles Davis. States Rights. rector: Richard Pottier, Ferdinando Baldi. Distribu- Original Screenplay: Bob Wehling. Distributor: • California's legendary outlaw, Joaquin Murrieta, tor: Beaver-Champion. Sterling World Distributars-States Rights. vows to seek the death of those who murdered • Italian-made. A freely adapted version of the • When a man arrives in town to avenge the his wife and brother in a story which traces the Biblical story about young David, the shepherd's death of a kid brother, he not only faces mur- life of this character in early history. In Cinema- son who slays the giant Goliath, and later be- derous gangsters and a hostile mother, but learns Scope and Color. comes king of Israel. In Totalscope and Color. that the brother had been involved in designing a time used in a gangster assassination. bomb LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTER (Comedy). Stars: Ian DEADLY COMPANIONS (Drama). Stars: Maureen In CinemaScope. Carmichael, Alastair Sim, Patricia Bredin. Pro- O'Hara, , Brian Keith, Chill Wills. ducers: Frank Launder, Sidney Gilliat. Director: Producer: Charles B. FitzSimmons. Director: Sam GOOD GIRLS BEWARE (Melodrama). Stars: Robert Sidney Gilliat. Distributor: BCG Films-States Rights. Peckinpah. Distributor: Pathe-America. Hossein, Antonella Lualdi, Michele Cordoue. Pro- • British-made. A spoof of British electioneering ducer: Robert Dorfmann. Director: Yves Allegret. • Based on a novel by A. S. Fleischman, "Yellow- and fun-poking at the practice of converting an- Distributor: UMPO. leg," this is set in the post-Civil War years and cestral homes into tourist amusement centers. is the story of three desperate men and a de- • French-made, with English-dubbed dialog. A fiant fallen woman who are thrown together in young hoodlum released from prison plots to take Stars: Maria Gracia, Hugh the backwash of the war and who become re- over control of a crime syndicate, and is forced LITTLE ANGEL (Drama). Rodrigues. Director: luctant companions on a trek to bury the woman's to kidnap a young woman who is witness to a Downs. Producer: Roberto child. murder he has committed. Roberto Rodrigues. Distributor: K. Gordon Murray Prods. (Comedy). Stars: Bob GIRL IN ROOM 13 (Drama). Stars: Brian Donlevy, • The happy adventures of a child of the country- Monkhouse, Kenneth Connor, Eric Barker, Peggy Andrea Bayard, Elizabeth Howard. Producer: Marc side, her communion with nature and world Cummins. Producer: George Minter. Director: Don Frederic. Director: Richard Cunha. Screenplay: H. around her, and the unfolding of a child's bud- her fellowman. In Color. Chaffey. Distributor: Ajay Films. E. Barrie, Richard Cunha. Distributor: Astor Piets. ding faith in God and • British-made. The wild-and-wacky adventures of • A private eye uncovers a counterfeiting ring a group of students and the patients who suffer which leads to the exposure of murder and the LONG HOUSE, THE (Semi-Documentary). Producer: from their amateur efforts in a London dental business of love in an international setting. In Run Run Shaw. Distributor: Manhattan Films In- school. Color. ternational. • Filmed in North Borneo and Sarawak. Depicts DIANA (Drama). Stars: Ana Luisa Peluffo. Producer: HALF-PINT, THE (Melodrama). Stars: Tommy Black- the life of Dayak head hunters and their strange William Calderon. Director: Tito Davison. Screen- man, Pat Goldin, Ray Corel!. Producer: Erven rites and customs, set against a romance between play: Julio Aleandro. Distributor: Gordon Murray Jourdan. Director: Erven Jourdan. Screenplay: Er- a native girl and a British official. Prods. ven Jourdan. Distributor: Sterling World Distribu- tors-States Rights. • The story of a woman torn between her de- MACISTE, THE GIANT (Drama). Stars: Chelo Alonso, sire to be a perfect wife to her invalid husband boy, a • The story of a runaway a chimp and Vira Silenti, Federico Ranchi, Angelo Zanalli. Pro- to the artist loves. In Color. and a woman she friendly hobo. ducer: Ermanno Donati, Luigi Carpentieri. Di- rector: Carlo Campogalliani. Distributor: Major DOCTOR IN LOVE (Comedy). Stars: Michael Craig, HEAD THAT WOULDN'T DIE, THE (Science-Fiction). Prods. Leslie Phillips, James Robertson Justice, Virginia Di- Stars: Virginia Leith. Producer: Rex Carlton. • Italian-made. Based on the feats of a legendary Maskell. Producer: Betty Box, for Rank Organiza- Dis- rector: Joe Green. Screenplay: Joe Green. giant of a man, Maciste, who used his strength tion. Director: Ralph Thomas. Distributor: Gov- Distributors-States Rights. tributor: Sterling World for battle against evil. In Totalscope and Color. ernor Films. • A scientist attempts to transfer the head of • British-made. The misadventures of two young his sweetheart who died in an automobile ac- MAGDALENA (Drama). Stars: Sabina, Willy Birgel, doctors with the opposite sex, in which it is cident to the body of another woman who re- Renate Ewert, Helmut Schmid. Producer: Name pointed up that there is no cure for love. sembles her. not available. Director: Lee Kresel. Distributor: Bu-hawk Corp. ENCHANTING SHADOW (Drama With Music). Stars: HEAT OF THE SUMMER, THE (Drama). Stars: Pa- German-made. A young girl falls in love with Loh Tih, Chao Lei, Margaret Tong Jo-Ching. Pro- tricia Karim, Yane Barry, Michael Bardinet. Di- • disreputable artist, poses in the nude for him, ducer: Run Run Shaw. Director: Li Han-Hsiang. rector: Louis Felix. Distributor: Manhattan Films a on to a life of ruin. Screervploy: Wang Tueh-Ting. Distributor: Man- International. is jilted and moves hattan Films Int'l. • French-made. A Parisian writer inherits a vine- • Filmed in the Orient. A young scholar spends yard in the south of France, and becomes the MISSILE TO THE MOON (Science-Fiction). Stars: Mi- a night in a haunted temple, and falls in love target of two village girls, one who wants to go chael Whelan, Richard Travis, K. T. Stevens, Cathy with a beautiful girl who turns out to be a ghost to Paris and be his mistress and the other who Downs, Peter Coe, Betty Lynn. Producers: Marc —an enchanting shadow. In Color. wants to settle down as a village wife. Frederic, George Foley. Screenplay: H. E. Barrie, Vincent Forte. Distributor: Astor Piets. ship EUROPEAN NIGHTS (Musical). Stars: Domenico Mo- HEAVEN ON EARTH (Documentary Drama). Stars: • A scientist illegally takes off in a space into service. dugno, Carmen Sevilla, Channing Pollock. Pro- Barbara Florian, Gabriele Tinti. Producers: Dominick after pressing two escaped prisoners in the ducer: Fabio Jegher. Director: Alessandro Blasetti. Franco, Fulvio Lucisano. Director: Robert Spaf- He finds his girl friend and an associate flight the others continue Distributor: Joseph Burstyn Releasing Corp. -States ford. Distributor: Film Enterprises. ship. He is killed in but Rights. • Italian-made, with English-dubbed dialog. A on to the moon. • A kaleidoscope of European capitals at night, tour through Rome and the Vatican, with a subplot with Henry Morgan os the guide on a tour of providing romantic interests between an American MORE DEADLY THAN THE MALE (Suspense Drama) Paris, Rome, London and other cities to see some girl and a handsome young Italian. In Color. Stars: Jeremy White, John Mahoney, Ann Davy, of the Continent's top entertainers. In Color. Edna Dore. Producer: Una Prods. Director: Robert B. Bucknell. Distributor. Lester A. Schoenfeld. HOME IS THE HERO (Drama). Stars: Arthur Kennedy, FILM PARADE, THE (Semi-documentary). Producer: Walter Maoken, Eileen Crowe and Abbey Theatre • An American, visiting in England, falls in love Distributor: Sterling World leads him J. Stuart Blackton. Players. Producers: Robert S. Baker, Monty with a ruthless young housewife who Distributors-Stotes Rights. Berman. Director: . Distributor: Show into a series of murders. • A cavalcade of motion pictures from the first Corporation. through Melina movies shown in 1896 at Bial's Music Hall, • Irish-made. A belligerant Irishman, jailed for NEVER ON SUNDAY (Comedy Drama). Stars: Finch, S. Producer: the days of John Bunny and Flora W. five years because of accidental manslaughter, Mercouri, Jules Dassin, George Foundas. era. Dassin. Screen- Hart, Valentino, the serials to the Talkie returns to his family, to find that his wife, son Melina Film Prods. Director: Jules and daughter resent him and have made a life play: Jules Dassin. Distributor: Lopert Films. visiting Greece, FLAME OF AFRICA (Documentary Drama). Stars: of their own. • Filmed in Greece. An American, the Tatelibi Zulu, Zizwezonke Mithewa, Tolake Zuma. meets a prostitute and decides she symbolizes Producer: Albert O'Conner. Director: T. V. Bulpin. fall of ancient Greece. He asks her to abandon KILL ME TOMORROW (Melodrama). Stars: Pat O'- concentrate Original: T. V. Bulpin. Screenplay: A. W. Rcrw- her way of life for a fortnight, and to Brien, , Tommy Steele, George Cou- country, con- linson. Cavalcade Picts.-States Rights. on the philosophy and history of her Distributor: Producer: Francis Searle. Distributor: Tudor- louris. vinced this will change her way of life. It doesn't. • Story of Shoka, the Zulu king and his rise to States Rights. power. drink and is • British-made. A reporter turns to PRICE OF SILENCE (Melodrama). Stars: Gordon Jock- the publisher of his paper. accused of murdering son, June Thorburn, Maya Koumani. Producer: FLUTE AND THE ARROW, THE (Documentary Drama). publisher's daughter turns sleuth and un- The Maurice J. Wilson. Director: Montgomery Tully. Stors: Ginju Riga, Chendru, Tengru Shikari. Pro- covers the real killer. Distributor: Exclusive Int'l-States Rights. ducer: Arne Sucksdorf. Director: Arne Sucksdorf. tries to go straight, Distributor: Janus Films. KIPLING'S WOMEN (Comedy Drama). Stars: Felix • British-made. An ex-convict finds Gordon. is threatened with blackmail by an old crony, • Arne Sucksdorf, the Swedish filmmaker, tackles DeCola, Margie Frisco, Robin Bliss, Lisa

BAROMETER Section 178 himself faced wifh a murder charge and the ire of a woman scorned, and is finally cleared by an alert police.

PRIMITIVE PARADISE (Exploitation Film). Stars: Na- tives of Dutch and New Guinea. Producer-Director: Lewis Cotlow. Distributor: Excelsior Piets. Corp. • A trip to Dutch Guinea and Papua and Austral- ian New Guinea to visit with the Stone Age na- tives. In Color. PRISONERS OF THE CONGO (Action Drama). Stars: Georges Marchal, Francoise Rosquin, Andrew Cla- veau, Nadine Alari. Producer: Willy Rozier. Di- rector: Willy Rozier. Distributor: Atlantis Films- States Rights. • Filmed in the Congo. Five survivors of a plane crash face the ordeal of fighting their way back to civilization. In Color. RITUAL OF LOVE, THE (Documentary). Producer: Les Films Du Centaure, Noria Films. Director: Luciano Emmer. Distributor: Pacemaker-States Rights. • French-made with English narration. Footage from seven expeditions to the Amazon, India, Cameroons, South Vietnam and other far-off places, looking into love rituals and customs. In Color.

ROYAL BALLET (Ballet). Stars: Dame Margot Fon- teyn, Michael Somes, Royal Opera Corps de Bal- let. Producer: Dr. Paul Czinner. Director: Dr. Paul Czinner. Distributor: Lopert Films. • English-made. The famous English ballet in (An institution known throughout the excerpts from Tsohaikovsky's "Swan Lake," ' Stravinsky's "The Firebird" and Henze's "Ondine. Color. In world for its presentation of outstand- RUNAWAY (Melodrama). Stars: Ludwig Salem, Marge Andrews, Stuart Stoddard. Producer: Elliott H. Kone. Director: Elliott H. Kone. Screenplay: Joseph ing motion pictures and stage shows Caldwell. Distributor: Group 9. • A teenager, failing to get parental affection, turns to petty thievery. A much-chastened father notable for their good taste, beauty and mother finally discover their failures.

SAND CASTLE (Drama). Stars: Barry Cardwell, Ma- belle Nash, Charles Rydell, Alec Wilder. Producer: Jerome Hill. Director: Jerome Hill. Distributor: Louis de Rochemont. • New young players in a story filmed at La- guna Beach, Cailf., with a special musical score by Alec Wilder.

SANTA CLAUS (Drama). Stars: Jose Elias Moreno. Producer: William Calderon. Director: Rene Cor- dona. Screenplay: Rene Cordona. Distributor: K. Gordon Prods. • The triumph of good over evil, in the Christ’ mas story about Santa Claus. In Color.

SHADOWS (Drama). Stars: Hugh Hurd, Lelia Goldoni, Ben Carruthers, Anthony Ray. Producer: John Cas- savetes. Director: John Cassavetes. Distributor: Lion International. (U. S. distributor not set). • Produced without a written script, with actors improvising as the film progressed, this tells the story of three members of a Manhattan Negro family, two brothers and their light-skinned sister —and the problems which beset them in their re- lationships with both white and Negro companions.

SHE WALKS BY NIGHT (Melodrama). Stars: Belinda Lee, Walter Rilla, Paul Dahlke. Producer: Rudolf Jugert. Director: J. Joachim Bartsch. Distributor: Woolner-States Rights. • British-made. Based on the fantastic career of a German fraulein who becomes an internationally known courtesan who grants her favors only to important public figures and industrialists, plays one against the other, and finally meets death by murder.

SIN ALLEY (Drama). Stars: Brigitte Bruan, lb Mos- sin, Ghita Norby. Producers: Palle Kjaerulff- Schmidt, Robert Saaskin. Distributor: Manhattan Films International. • Danish-made. A teenage small-town boy arrives in Copenhagen looking for a job, where ne falls into the hands of a gang of extortionists Who use "him to blackmail wealthy sex deviates.

SIN OF MONA KENT, THE (Melodrama). Stars: Sandra Donat, Vic Ramos, Gil Br-andson, Allan Frank, Joy Violette, Sam Alfredo. Producer: Charles J. Hundt. Director: Charles J. Hundt. Original Scrsenplay: Dick Brighton. Distributor: Astor Piets. • The story of one of the many girls who come to New York in search of a theatrical co r eer, told through the eyes of TV personality Johnny Olsen and through men who most influence her life.

SPRING AFFAIR (Comedy). Stars: Lindsay Workman, Merry Anders, Yvonne White. Producer: Bernard Ray. Director: Bernard Ray. Distributor: Bagnall & Associates. • A mild-mannered bookkeeper married to a nagging wife, longs for an affair with one of the pretty models who pose for artwork in the agency in which he is employed. He gets pretty involved, but it turns out to be a dream sequence.


SUNDAY'S REBEL (Drama). Stars: Not set. Original ries on a love affair with an American girl who LOVE AND THE FRENCHWOMAN (Seven-Episode Screenplay: Joseph R. Juliano. Distributor: Sterling works for the Paris edition of the Herald-Tri- Drama). French, with English titles. Stars: Martine World Distributors-States Rights. bune, in a film directed by one of the New Wave Carol, Jean-Paul Belmonde, Dany Robin, Paul • An 18-year-old boy rebels against God on the directors. Meurisse, Annie Giradet. Directors: Henri Decoin, Sabbath Day, and accepts the seemingly more Jean Delannoy, Rene Claire, Christian-Jaque. Dis- attractive life of the evil elements in a small CONFESS, DR. CORDA (Drama). German, with English tributor: Kingsley-Union. town. In CinemaScope. titles. Stars: Hardy Kruger, Elizabeth Mueller, Hans e Based on a survey on the sex life of French Neilsen. Producer: Arthur Browner. Director: Josef women, a la the Kinsey Report in the U.S., with 3 BRIDES FOR 3 BEAUX (Comedy). Stars: Jorn Jep- Von Baky. Distributor: President Films. each of seven episodes directed by a top director. pesen, Judy Gringer, Erik They divided into No. Childhood; 2, Adoles- Axel Bang. Producer: • Based on an actual Berlin murder case, the are 1, Balling. Director: Gobriel Axel. Distributor: At- cence; 3, Virginity; Marriage; 5, Adultery; suspense in the story is predicated on the fact 4, lantis Films-States Rights. Divorce; The Woman Alone. that the audience is aware of the innocence of 6, 7, • Three boys from an island love three girls a young physician on whom police are trying to from another island, whose fathers are feuding, pin a sex killing. LOVE GAME, THE (Drama). French, with English but the young lovers manage to find ways of titles. Stars: Jean-Pierre Cassel, Genevieve Cluny, overcoming parental differences. COUNTERFEIT COIN (Comedy Drama). Greek, with Jean-Louis Maury. Producer: Claude Chabrol. Di- Films- English titles. Stars: Vasalis Logothedtides, Ilya rector: Philippe de Broca. Distributor: TOUCH OF THE FLESH, THE (Melodrama). Stars: Livkou. Producer: Anzervous Films-A.E.K.E. Piets. Around-the-World. Jeanne Rainer, Ted Marshall, Charles Martin. Pro- Director: George Tzavellos. Distributor: Atlantis • An unmarried couple share a flat and an an- ducer: R John Hugh. Distributor: Amity Films- Films. tique business. When the man balks at the idea States Rights. • To please a scheming blonde, a middle-aged of marriage, the woman is tempted to accept the • The richest girl in town has an affair with an silversmith contrives a fake coin, which manages marriage offer of a neighbor. She doesn't. orphan-raised young man, which involves a preg- to unite a prostitute and a "blind" beggar, bring nancy, trumped-up arrest charges, and a tragic some joy and adventures into the lives of several MARIE-OCTOBRE (Drama). French, with English titles. ending. other Athenians. Stars: Danielle Darrieux, Serge Reggiani, Bernard Blier. Producer: Lucien Viard. Director: Julien TUNES OF GLORY (Drama). Stars: Alec Guinness, John EASIEST PROFESSION, THE (Comedy). French, with Duvivier. Distributor: Lopert Films. Mills, Dennis Price, Susannah York. Producer: Colin English titles. Stars: Fernandel, Ginette Leclerc. are Lesslie. Director: Ronald Neame. Distributor: Lo- • Members of a wartime resistance movement Producer: Fides Ernest Rupp. Director: Jean Boyer. pert Films. reunited after 1 5 years to uncover the identity of Distributor: Hermes Films. a traitor who had betrayed them. • British-made. A story of Scottish barracks life • The town's professisnal loafer augments his in peacetime, set against the conflicting per- unemployment compensation by performing a host sonalities and ambitions of a deposed up-from- MONTPARNASSE 19 (Biographical Drama). French, of errands—unknown to the authorities—and it the-ranks commander and the new "spit-and- with English titles. Stars: -Lilli Palmer, Gerard is his misfortune to -bring his savings to the bank polish" aristocrat who takes over. In Color. Phil ipe, Anouk Aimee, Lea Padovani. Director: just when the poor boxes in the town's churches Continental Dist'b'g. have been robbed. Jacques Becker. Distributor: TWO-WAY STRETCH (Comedy). Stars: Peter Sellers, • The life story of the famous painter Modigliani, Wilfrid Hyde White, Irene Handl, Bernard Crib- 20th Century artist, his life and loves. ELEVATOR TO THE (Drama). French, with bins, David Lodge, Liz Fraser, Maurice Denham. GALLOWS English titles. Stars: Jeanne Ro:iet. Producer: M. Smedley. Director: Robert Day. Dis- Moreau, Maurice Director: Louis EGGS, THE (Comedy). French, tributor: Show Corp. Malle. Distributor: Times Films. OSTRICH HAS TWO with English titles. Stars: Pierre Fresnay, Simone • A man commits the perfect crime, but is sub- • British-made. A trio of jailbirds break out of sequently Renant, Georges Poujouly. Producer: Robert Ver- jail condemned for another one of which he for one night and then sneak back in to pull la Patelliere. Distributor: is innocent. laise. Director: Denys de the perfect crime—-and furnish the perfect alibi. Janus Films. • A broadly satirical comedy of French family life LIVES GAMBLING SAMURAI, THE (Drama). Ja-panese-lan- WASTED AND BIRTH OF TWINS (Drama). with stress laid on homosexuality and illicit love. Stars: Etchika Chouteau. Producer: Ayres d'Aguiar. quage. Stars: Toshiro Mifune, Michiyo Aratama, Director: Leonide Moguy. Distributor: K. Gordon Daisuke Kato, Kumi Mitzuno. Director: Senkichi Murray Prods. Taniguchi. Distributor: Toho International. PICNIC ON THE GRASS (Comedy). French, with Eng- lish titles. Stars: Paul Meurisse, Catherine Rouvel, • Drama of unwed mothers, with a Cesarean • The story of an invincible sumarai who is a Sardou, Ingrid Nordine. Producer: Jean birth sequence. In Color. homeless wanderer. In Tohosco-pe and Color. Fernand Renoir. Director: . Distributor: Kingsley- Union. WEDDINGS AND BABIES (Drama) Stars: Viveca GIRL OF THE MOON, THE (Drama). German, with world-famous biologist and a scout mistress Lindfors, John Myhers, Chiarina Barile. Producer: English titles. Stars: Clous Holm, Eva-lngeborg • A picnic celebrate their betrothal, when Morris Engel. Director: Morris Engel. Distributor: Schotz, Werner Hinz, and introducing Mario Emo. attend a to affair the biologist Morris Engel. Director: Gustav Ueicky. Distributor: Casino Films. a -high wind disrupts the and and a farmer's daughter are kidnapped by a group • A one-man job by Morris Engel, filmed on the • Based on a famous novel by the Swedish novel- of camera enthusiasts—all in Mack Sennett style. streets of New York principally, about the drawn- ist, Selma Lagerloff about the noor country of out love affair of a photographer and his model- Sweden. In Color. assistant. PORT OF DESIRE (Melodrama). French, with English titles. Stars: Kildegarde Neff, Daniel Gelin, Jean KHOVANSCHINA (Grand Opera). Russian, with Eng- Lefebvre. Producer: Films-Universe-Pathe Cinema. WILD RAPTURE (Documentary). Producer: Jack Rie- lish titles. Stars: Mark Reizen, Alexei Krivchenya, Director: Yves Allegret. Distributor: Kingsley- ger. Director: Jacques Dupont. Distributor: Exclusive Vladimir Petrov, with the Moscow Bolshoi Opera Union. Piets. Chorus and Ballet. Distributor: Artkino. • Filmed in Germany. This concerns a sailor and • A group of young French scientists photograph concerning • The Moussourgsky opera the 17th his fleeting romance with a prostitute, who he a record of equatorial tribes in Africa, well as Century Russian populace revolt against the Boy- regards highly because of aid she gave him as animal life. Narrated Robert St. John and by ars. In Color. during his prisoner-cf-war days. Ray Morgan. Italian, LADY DOCTOR, THE (Comedy). with English REST IS SILENCE, THE (Melodrama) German, with Vittorio titles. Stars: Abbe Lane, de Sica, Toto. Di- English titles. Stars: Hardy Kruger, Peter Van Foreign Language rector: C. Mastrodnque. Eyck, Ingrid Andree. Producer: Helmut Kautner. • A pretty German woman doctor marries an Director: Helmut Kautner. Distributor: Films- ASHES AND DIAMONDS (Drama). Polish, with Eng- Italian lawyer and discovers that in Italy she is Aro u nd-the-Wor Id lish titles. Stars: Zbigniev Cybulski, Ewa Krzy- courting danger as well as disfavor in visiting male • A modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare's zanowska. Director: Andrzej Wajda. Distributor: patients in their homes. "Hamlet," in which an American returns to Ger- Janus Films. many for information about his murdered father • Set in Poland in 1945. An anti-Communist is L'AVVENTURA (Drama). Italian, v/ith English titles. and uses a "Hamlet"-like reenactment of the kill- assigned to murder a Communist leader, but kills Stars: Monica Vitti. Producer: Cir.o del Duca. Di- ing to smoke out the murderer. two innocent persons instead. Fighting his con- rector: Michel Angelo Antonioni. Distributor: Janus science, he later succeeds in his mission, but is Films. RUE DE PARIS (Drama). French, with English titles. himself slain the police. by • A girl falls in love and forgives the infidel- Stars: Jean Gabin, Claude Brasseur, Roger Dumas, ities of a man weaker than herself. Ma-ie-Jose Nat. Director: Denys de la Patelliere. BALLAD OF A SOLDIER (Drama). Russian, with Eng- Distributor: Lopert Films. lish titles. Stars: Vladimir Ivashov, Shanna Prok- LE VENT SE LEVE (Drama). French, with English • A returned World War II veteran brings up his horenko,Antonina Maximova, Nikolai Kruchkov. titles. Stars: Curt Jurgens, Mylene Demonqeot. wife's illegitimate son in order to avoid any hint Director: Gigori Chukhrai. Distributor: Kingsley- Director: Yves Ciampi. Distributor: Medallion Piets. of a scandal, with initial antagonism toward the International Union. to affec- • Based -,n the real-life maritime hijacking in boy eventually turning admiration and • An idyllic story of a young soldier and his which * captain masterminds the hijacking but tion. the efforts to get home to see his mother during does Qr> about-face at the last minute and saves war, in which the vagaries and inanities are mir- vessel. rored in his experiences. SECRETS OF WOMEN (Three-Part Drama). Swedish, with English titles. Stars: Anita Bjork, Eva Dahl- LILEYA (Ballet). Russian, with English titles. Stars: betk, Maj-Britt Nilsson, Gunnar Bjornstrand. Di- BERNADETTE OF LOURDES JReligious Drama). French, Yevgenia Yershova, Robert Vizi-renko-Klyavin. Pro- rector: Ingmar Bergman. Distributor: Janus Films. with English titles. Stars: Daniele Ajoret. Producer: ducers. Vakhtang Vronsky, Vasili Lapoknysh. Dis- r Darewe- • he first U.S. release of a 1952 Bergman film, George De La Grandiere. Director: Robert tributor: Artkino. Distributor: Janus Films. his first comedy. • The Shevchenko Opera and Ballet of Kiev in a • Based on the life of St. Bernadette. ballet based on writings of Ukranian poet Taras SENTENCE, THE (-Drama). French, with English titles. Shevchenko, having to do with a lustful prince who Stars: Marina Vlady, Robert Hossein, Roger Hanin. BIG DEAL ON MADONNA STREET, THE (Comedy). attempts to separate a pair of young lovers. In Director: Jean Valere. Distributor: Lopert Films. Italian, with English titles. Stars: Vittorio Gass- Color. man, Marcello Mastroianni, Toto, Claudia Cardin- • Four members of a resistance group, who kill ale. Producers: Franco Cristaldi, Lux Films. Di- LIVES AND LOVES OF MOZART, THE (Melodrama a brutal German colonel, are sentenced to die, but Distributor: UMPO. they have hopes that their jailers will flee before rector: Mario Monicelli. With Music). German with English titles. Stars: the Allied forces. • A slapstick look at an assortment of burglars. Oscar Werner, Johanna Matz, Gertrud Kuckelmann. Producer: Cosmopol Prods. Director: Karl Hartl. BREATHLESS (Droma). French, with Engluh titles. distributor: Sam Baker Associates. SPESSART INN (Comedy Operetta). German, with Eng- Stars Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo. Director: « The Mozart story from his early years to his lish titles. Stars: Lilo Pulver, Carlos Thompson. Jean-Luc Goddard. Distributor: Films-Around-the- dVath, set against a background of his operatic Director: Kurt Hoffman. Distributor: Casino Films. World. aid symphonic music performed by the • A young countess is captured by a robber band, • A juvenile-type, crime-planning gangster car- State Opera and Vienna Philharmonic. In Color. but she disguises herself as a tramp and reaches

BAROMETER Section 180 / her father's Spessart castle. The robber captain, however, is not fooled and reveals he is really on Italian count. In Color.

THREE TREASURES, THE (Drama). Japanese, with English titles. Stars: Toshiro Mifune, Yoko Tsu- kasa, Kyoko Kagawa, Misa Uehara, Akiro Kubo. Producers: Sanezumi Fujimoto, Ryuze Kikushima, BEST WISHES for Toho. Director: Hiroshi Inagaki. Distributor: toho Co. • A tale set in the Japanese mythology and based on three Japanese treasure symbols—a mir- ror (representing mercy and justice), beads (wisdom of mankind), and a sword (signifying valor). In TO ALL Tohoscope and Color. TRUTH, THE (Drama). French, with English titles. Stars: Brigitte Bardot, Marie-Jose Nat, Paul Meu- risse, Charles Vanel, Louis Seigner. Director: Henri- Georges Clouzot. Distributor: Kingsley-Union. • A courtroom drama, based on an actual news story, in which a young woman is on trial for From killing her lover. In a series of flashbacks, the many facets of the truth are presented through the eyes of the accused, the judge, and as it is presented by her attorney.

VIOLENT SUMMER (Drama). Italian, with English titles. Stars: Eleonora Rossi-Drago, Jean Louise Trintignant, Jacqueline Sassord. Director: Valerio Zurlini. Distributor: Films-Around-the-World. • The son of a Fascist dignitary in Italy in 1943 Schine Showmen falls in love with an older woman, widow of a naval hero and mother of a four-year-old son. After a passionate love affair, during which they flee from approaching Allied forces, he sends her back to Italy.

VIRGIN SPRING, THE (Drama). Swedish, with English titles. Stars: Max von Sydow, Birgitta Petterson, Avel Duberg. Producer: Svenskindustri Prods. Di- rector: Ingmar Bergman. Distributor: Janus Films. SCHINE CIRCUIT, INC. • Based on a 1 4th Century Swedish legend, this deals with the rape and murder of a young girl by two goatherds who later unwittingly ask shelter at her father's farm, where the mother recognizes GLOVERSVILLE, N.Y. the robe they offer to sell as that of her daughter.

VOYAGE IN A BALLOON (Comedy Drama). French, with English titles. Stars: Pascal Lamorisse, Andre Gille. Director: Albert Lamorisse. Distributor: Lo- pert Films. • A suspenseful adventure story of an eccentric inventor and his whimsical grandson as they float off in a homemade balloon over the French coun- tryside.

WORLD OF APU, THE (Drama). Stars: Soumitra Chat- terjee, Sarmila Tagore. Producer: . Director: Satjajit Ray. Distributor: Edward Harri- son. • India-made. This final installment in the trilogy which began with "Pather Panchali" and "Apara- jito" deals with the adult Apu, his struggle to survive and his eventual bittersweet marriage to a young niece faced with disgrace when the bride- groom is found at the last moment to be mentally



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Film Weekly

with the LOCAL

Impact “Little Fellers" That Do a Big Job

Detailed Information on All Releases SHORTS II1DEH for the 1959-60 Season

4602 . Animal Cracker Circus .... Sept. '59 . (7) 10, Buena Vista 4603 Bringing Up Mother. (7) Oct. 8, '59 CARTOON SPECIALS Explanatory 4604 . Glee Worms (7) Nov. 12, '59

. '59 (Technicolor) 4605 .The Tell Tale Heart . (8) Nov. 26, '59 4606 Little Match Girl..(8'/2 ) Dec. 17, (28) Statistical and summary data on 4607. The Man on the Flying Trapeze. (7). Jan. 7 How mathematics is applied to the arts and 4608 Rocky Road to . the season's short subjects listed Ruin (8) Jan. 28 sciences of every day life, with Donald Duck acting 4609 Pete Hothead (7) Feb. 25 as Mr. Average Man. Walt Disney Production. 4610 Lo, the alphabetically under company Poor Buffalo .. (6

461 . . size makes him the target for rebuffs and insults. otherwise stated. 3 Fudget's Budget .(7) May 5 One day a mouse stampedes the elephant herd, 4614 Blackboard Review.. (7) June 9 4615 Ballet Oop (7l/ July 7 and Goliath II winds up a hero when he battles PRODUCTION NUMBER immedi- 2 ) and defeats the rodent. Walt Disney Production. ately follows title, except on those COMEDY FAVORITES How to Have an Accident at Work (7) (Reissues) (Donald Duck). Walt Disney Production. listed in numerical order by pro- 4431 . . Fraidy Cat .(16) Oct. 22, '59 Noah's Ark (20) duction number first. (Joe Besser) Tells through songs and narration the story of 4432. The Chomp Steps Out. .(16 Vi ) Nov. 19, '59 Noah and the building of his ark. Walt Disney RUNNING TIME (in parentheses) (Max Baer and Slapsie Max Rosenbloom) Production. 4433 . Dizzy Yardstick (161/ Dec. 24, '59 follows production number, or title. 2 ) (Joe Besser) LIVE-ACTION SPECIALS and SOUND 4434 . Innocently Guilty.. (16) Jon. 28 (Technicolor) PROJECTION (Bert Wheeler)

4435 . . Rootin' Tootin' . . . . . Eyes in Outer Space (26) SYSTEM are standard, unless Tenderfeet . (16) Mar. 10 (Max Baer and Max Rosenbloom) Deals with the use of rockets in weather control, otherwise Stated- with a graphic description of the battle against 4436 Wedding Yells. .(16) June 23 destructive hurricanes. Symbol © denotes color pho- (Eddie Foy) Gala Day at (25) tography. FILM NOVELTIES A trip through Disneyland when it was first opened (Reissues) in 1954. Seen are the unusual rides and enter- '59 tainments offered, and there is a parade with folk 4851 Sitka Sue..(10l/2 ) Sept. 17, .. (Vera Vague) dances and music. Walt Disney Production. 051 05 . Beach Picnic (7) (Donald Duck and Pluto) Hound That Thought He Was a Raccoon, The. .(45) 4352 . This Is Versailles ..( 1 0'/2 ) Jon. 21 05106 for A raccoon hound who was befriended by a mother Three Breakfast (7) (A camera tour of the 700-room castle.) (Chip 'n' Dale and Donald Duck) raccoon, is restored to his hunter-owner, but re- 4353 . . Beyond the Frontier .. (1 0) Mar. 10 05 107 . Water Babies (7) fuses to join the other hound dogs in their raccoon (Musical Fantasy) (The fabulous Northwest Territory of Canada.) hunts and barks to warn his little friends when 05108 Lend a Paw the hunters are near. Narrator: Rex Allen. Walt (7) 4854 Community Sings, Series 13, No. 6 Disney Production. (Mickey Mouse and Pluto) (91/j) July 7 05109. The Legend of Coyote Rock (7) (Dick Liebert and The Song Spinners: "My Blue Islands of the Sea (28) (Pluto) Heaven," "Moonlight Bay," "In a Little Spanish Life on various tiny, remote islands of the sea 05110. African Diary (7) Town," "," "Why Don't We where no human habitation exists, only rare forms (Goofy) Do This More Often?" of wildlife. 05111 Old Sequoia (7) (Donald Duck) Mysteries of the Deep (24| LOOPY DE LOOP 05112 Sea Salts Explores the beauty and mysteries of the under- (7) (Color Cartoons) (Donald Duck) seas kingdom, its animal and plant life, the won- 4701 ..Wolf Hounded. (7) Nov. 5, '59 ders of reproduction and means for survival. 4702.. Little Bo Bopped .. (6) Dec. 3, '59 Nature's Strangest Creatures (17) Columbia 4756..4703. Tale of a Wolf..(6>/2 ) Mar. 3 4704 Life With Loopy (6i/ 7 ASSORTED FAVORITES 2 ) Apr. PEOPLE AND PLACES 4705 . Creepy Time Pal (6'/ May 19 (Reissues) 2 ) (Technicolor) 4706 Snoopy Loopy. .(6'/2 ) June 16 4421 Super Wolf.. (16) Sept. 17, '59 4707. The Do ,(6l/ July Ama Girls Good Wolf. 2 ) 14 (29) (Hugh Herbert) A camera tour of the Japanese fishing village of 4422 A Fool and His Honey .. (16). ... Nov. 5, '59 Ama, showing the daily life of the natives, and MR. MAGOO REISSUES (Wally Vernon and Eddie Quillan) (Technicolor) the life and manner of the beautiful, graceful 6 '59 4423. Hooked and Rooked. . ( 1 . . . Dec. 10, Ama maidens. Walt Disney Production. 1/2 ) '59 (Cinema- (Andy Clyde) 4751 Ragtime Bear.. (7) Sept. 3, scope) 4752. Spellbound Hound. .(7) Oct. 1, '59 4424 Trouble In-Laws .. (1 6) Feb. 11 4753 . Trouble Indemnity .. (6'/ ) Nov. '59 Cruise of the Eagle, The (18) (Hugh Herbert) 2 5, '59 4754. Bongled Bungalo (6'/2 ) Dee. 3, Shows a group of Coast Guardsmen on their final, 4425. Blonde Atom Bomb . (17) Apr. 28 4755 . The Barefaced Flatfoot .(7) Feb. 4 rigorous 1 0-week training course aboard the ship, (Andy Clyde) Fuddy Duddy Buddy.. (7) Apr. 14 "The Eagle," in the Northern Seos. Walt Disney 4426 Heebie Gee-Gees .. (1 6'/j) May 26

4757 , Grizzly Production. (CinemaScope) (Wally Vernon and Eddie Quillan) The Golfer.. (7) May 12 4758 ..Sloppy Jalopy.. (7) July 14 Danube, The (27) CANDID MICROPHONE (Reissues) Portrait of a great river. (CinemaScope) (With Allen Funt) SPECIAL ©Golden Fish, The.. (20) Nov. '59 Grand Canyon (30) 4551 . Candid Microphone, Series 6, No. 4 4601 Eastman Color Featurette. Completely musical with no dialog or narration. 4555..(10) Sept. 10, '59 (French-made.) Com- pletely without dialog, this depicts the story of Ferde Grofe's "Grand Canyon Suite," conducted Allen (Funt takes over behind the counter in a a boy, his goldfish and canary, and a black alley cat by Frederick Stark, is played as scene shots of the sporting goods store. that brings a near-tragedy to his pets. A winner Canyon are shown, along with its wildlife. (Cinema- 4552. Candid Microphone, Series 6, No. 5 Scope) of the International Critics Prize at the 1959 (10) Jan. 14 . Guitar musical background. Japan (28) Funt handles three bewildered customers in a Director: Edmond Sechan. Jacques-Yves Cousteau Shows the home life of Japanese families; and cigarette lighter repair shop. Production. the growth and progress of the country to its 4553. Candid Microphone, Series 1, No. 1 present position among the nations of the world. (11) Feb. 11 SPECIAL COLOR FEATURETTES (CinemaScope) "Barber" Funt waits on customers; he also clerks '59 ©Wonderful Gibraltar. .4441 . .(18). ... Nov. 12, in an airline ticket office. Seven Cities of Antarctica (28) Eastman Color. The camera visits the Rock of The mission of Task Force 43, "Operation Deep- 4554 Candid Microphone, Series 1, No. 2 Gibraltar, where glimpses are seen of its famed :l0l/ Barbary ape colony, an annual service at Trafalgar freeze," to build seven cities for science against 2 ) Mar. 17 the formidable barriers of the South Pole. (Cinema- Funt's day first as watchmaker, then as owner of Cemetery and traditional Ceremony of the Key Scope) a car needing repairs. presented with British pomp and ceremony, and the Latin flavor of its fiery Spanish dancers. Nar- Candid Microphone, Series No. 3 WALT DISNEY CARTOONS Reissues) 1, rator: Larry Cross. (11) Aug. 5 (Technicolor) Funt poses as a cosmetics clerk, on indignant lock- ©Wonders of Ontario . . 4442 . . (1 7'/2 ) Mar. 31 05101 Pluto's Housewarming (7) smith customer, and as a man with an unusual Eastman Color. A camera tour of the historic and 05102 . The Fox Hunt (7) upholstery job. picturesque province of Canada, with visits to (Donald Duck and Goofy) Niagara Falls, the city of Toronto, the fabulous FAVORITES (Reissues) 05103. Bone Bandit (7) COLOR Canadian National Exhibition, historic Marty's (Technicolor Cartoons) (Pluto) Shrine, and other points of interest. Features voice 05104 Mickey Down Under (7) Gerald McBcing-Boing's Symphony of Bill Hayes, with Judy Johnson, Clay Warnick , Pluto) '59 (Mickey Mouse and (7>/2 ) Sept. 17, Singers. Narrator: George Jessel. t


STOOGE COMEDIES JEEPERS AND CREEPERS 5001-TERRYTOON CINEMASCOPES (Reissues) (Color Cartoons) (Color) in '59 4401. .Up Daisy's Penthouse. Oct. J1 9-1. . Boss Is 5002- (16>/z). 15, The Always Right . (7) Jan. 3. .Hide and Go Sidney. (7) Jan. 4402 ..Booty and the Beast .. (1 .... Oct. 15, '59 J19-2. .Trouble Date.. 6Vi) (6) Mar. 5003-(Technicolor) 4403 .. Loose Loot.. (16) Nov. '59 J19-3..Busy Buddies.. 19, (6) June 1 . .The Misunderstood Giant . (7) Feb.

4404 . Tricky Dicks '59 . (16) Nov. 19, J19-4 .. Scouting for Trouble.. (6) Sept. 5004-(Technicolor) 4405. . Rip, Sew and Stitch . (17) Feb. 4 . . Footle's Picnic . MODERN MADCAPS 9 . (7) Mar. 4406. Bubble Trouble. (I 6 V2 ) Apr. 14 5005-(Technicolor) (Color Cartoons) 2- 4407 . Goof on the Roof .. (1 61 ) May 19 /2 5006-7.. The Famous Ride. (7) Apr. 4408 . Spooks . .(16) July 21 M19-l..Mike the Masquerader .. (6) Jan. (Technicolor) M19-2. . Fiddle Faddle..(7) Feb. 5007-4.. Tusk Tusk.. (7) May Dime to THRILLS OF MUSIC M19-3..From Dime . (7) Mar. (Technicolor) 9-4 5008- (Reissues) Ml .. Trigger Treat.. (6) Apr. 2 .. Hearts and Glowers.. (7) June M19-5. The Shoe Must Go On (6) June 4951 . Jerry Wald and Orchestra 5009-(Technicolor) 9-6 . . Ml Electronica . . (6 Aug. (IOI/2 ) Sept. 24, '59 0.. The Wayward Hat . (7) July Ml 9-7 . . Shootin' Stars . (With Stan Fisher and The Mack Triplets) (6) Aug. 5010-(Technicolor) M19-8. . Disguise the Limit.. (6) Sept. 8 . The Littlest Bully . (7) Aug. . . '59 4952 Machito and Orchestra .. (1 0'/i) . Dec. 17, 5011- (The Rhumba King) NOVELTOONS (Technicolor)

6 . (Color) Two Ton Boby Sitter. .(7) Sept. 4953 Les Elgart and Orchestra .. (10) Feb. 18 (Technicolor) iWith Joe Jean Rogers, Terry Parker and Hal P19-l..Be Mice to Cats.. (7) Feb. 4.. Tin Pan Alley Cat . 6 ) ..Oct. Winters) (Skat and Skit) (De Luxe Color)

PI 9-2 . . Monkey Doodles . . (6) Apr. 4954 . 2. House of Ray McKinley and Orchestra .. (9 Vi) • May 12 Hashmoto. .(7) Nov. 9-3 Silly (With Teddy Norman and Chris Adams) P 1 . . Science.. (6) May 5031-(De Luxe Color) P19-4..Peck Your Own Home.. (6) May 5032- 5033-501 0 .. Daniel Boone Jr. ..(7) Dec. WORLD OF SPORTS PI 9-5. .Counter Attack . (6) Aug. (De Luxe Color) P19-6. .Turning the Fables.. (6) Aug. Battling Big Bass .. 4805 .. (10) June 9 PI 9-7.. Fine Feathered Fiend. (6) Sept. TERRYTOON TOPPERS (Reissues) Sammy Snead is shown at Florida's famous Lake PI 9-8. . Planet Mouseola . . (6) Oct. (Technicolor) Okeechobee, where he proves that he is as smart 5021- a fisherman as he is a golfer. CHAMPIONS (Reissues) 1.. How to Relax.. (7) Feb. (Technicolor) 5022-8. The Helpless Hippo. (7) Apr. Greatest Show on Wafer . . 4803 .. (10) Feb. 4 '59 6. .Nonsense Newsreel. .(7) June Filmed in Canada and features champion water El 9-1.. Let's Stalk Spinach.. (7) Sept. '59 5023- skiers, speed boat pilots, water acrobats, and the E19-2.. Punch and Judo.. (6) Sept. '59 TERRYTOON 2-D'S E19-3 . . Popeye's Poppy . (7) Sept. one and only Ski-Fly-Boy world champion. All Ratios El 9-4.. Lunch With a Punch.. (7) Sept. '59 Holiday 91 (Color) for Champions. 4806. .( /2 ) Aug. 4 El 9-5 .. Swimmer Take All.. (7) Sept. '59 5025- of 1 . Champions various sports, including trapshoot- El 9-6. . Friend or Phony.. '59 Thousand Smile Checkup . (7) Jan. (7) Sept. 5026- ing, tournament tennis, diving and golf, are shown Technicolor. (Heckle and Jeckle)

. at Sulphur Springs in 9 .Aesop's Fable Tiger . White West Virginia. Champ —The King . (7) . . Mar. players are Sebe Seybold, Kathy Rawls, Paul Hahn, 20th Century-Fox Technicolor. Peter Thompson, Slammin' Sammy Snead. MOVIETONE CINEMASCOPES 7 . . Mint Men . . (7) May (De Luxe Color) De Luxe Color. (Heckle and Jeckle) Swinging Down the Lanes . . 4804 .. (9) Mar. 24 5024 5 .. Trapeze Pleeze..(7) July Bowling with topnotcher Billy Welo, plus Dick Assignment Japan. .7004-5. .(9) Mar. De Luxe Color. Weber, Pat McBride and Frank glimpse of modern Tokyo, its night life, build- Clause, all of A 2.. Deep Seo Doodle. (7) Oct. whom demonstrate their incredible skill. ings, et cetera, with contrasting shots of old Japan De Luxe Color. as seen in an ancient children's festival. 0 .. Stunt Men . 6 Tee Marvels. 4802. .(9) Nov. 12, '59 ( ) Nov. Assignment Philippines. .7006-0. .(9) An exhibition on the fairway by Paul Hahn, trick June De Luxe Color. shot artist who uses trick clubs, ond Mrs. Frank Shots of modern Manila and the extensive re- building there since the war. covers various Stranahan, wife of a former amateur golf cham- Also sports activities and industries. pion, who uses regular clubs. Universal-International Assignment Thailand. .7009-4. (10) Oct. Wheeling Wizards. .4801. .(9l/ '59 2 ) Sept. 3, A travelog on Thailand, with emphasis on the COLOR PARADE Lou Testa, world champion roller skater, and architectural beauty of its temples and buildings. Ageless others, give an exhibition of their talents on the Artistry. 4075 ..(9) Apr. 20 Assignment Turkey. .7011-0. .(9) Dec. Shows the influence of Bervevenuto Cellini rooftop skating rink of Hess' department store in on Allentown, Pa. A travelog showing the picturesque cities and modern handicrafting of fine metals ond ceramics towns of Turkey, including the modern port city in Italy, as well as ort objects. Also shown are of Istanbul and a visit to the sultan's palace, as glimpses of famous tourist spots, including the well as customs of today and influences of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Me tro-Goldwyn-Mayer past. Fragrant Harbor .. 4073 .. (9) Jan. 26 2-8 GOLD MEDAL REPRINT CARTOONS Down the Road .. 701 .. (1 0) Dec. Features the British colony of Hong Kong and pictorial (Technicolor) A background of America the Beautiful, its many picturesque aspects, including the water- For any size screen up to 1.75-1 ratio. as Lowell Thomas takes us on a trip through the folk who live on tiny sampans, native markets, et desert and wilderness, through mountains and W-161..Just Ducky 7 cetera, plus a side trip to Macao, city of intrigue, ( ) plains, et cetera—-''down (Tom and Jerry) the road" to the very smuggling and gambling. soul of America. W-162..Two Little Indians (7) Golden Peninsula . . 4076 .. (9) June 1 (Tom and Jerry) Exercise Little Bear .. 7007-8 .. (9) Aug. Examples of Oriental art, including golden pago- W-163. .Life With Tom 8 How the U.S. Army troins its soldiers in Alaska, ( ) das, are shown in this subject about Burma and (Tom and Jerry) both in the matter of self-preservation and fight- its intensely nationalistic people of Buddhist faith. W-l 64 .. Puppy Tale (7) ing in thot country's ice and snow climate. (Tom and Jerry) Golfing With Sam Snead .. 7003-7 .. (9) Aug. Hi Colorado. .4074. .(9) Mar. 9 W-l 65.. Posse Cat (7) The camera follows the famous golfer on the Scenic wonders of Colorado, with shots of the (Tom and Jerry) Boca Raton golf course in Florida as he gives a Grand Canyon, "Garden of the Gods," Pike's Peak,

W-1 66 . . Hic-Cup Pup Springs' health resort, of ( 6 ) few demonstrations and pointers of the game. Colorado and shots (Tom and Jerry) the U.S. Air Force Academy. (CinemaScope) Jibs ond Spinnakers .. 7005-2 .. (8) May W-167 .. Little School Mouse (7) '59 Shots of the boating races held annually at New Honorable Myrtle . . 4072 .. (9) Dec. 15, (Tom and Jerry) York's Larchmont Yacht Club, highlighting a sud- A camera tour of Tokyo, with shots of lovely girl W-168..Baby Butch ( 8 ) den squall thot comes up unexpectedly. guides, the city's traffic, the sport of baseball (Tom and Jerry) and Tokyo's Fifth Avenue. Narrated by film and W-169.. Three Little Pups Navy Angels. . 7002-9. . (8) Feb. (7) radio comedian Arnold Stang. (Tex Avery) The U.S. Navy gives a flight demonstration from

W-l 70. Drag-Along Pensacola, Fla., as they go through plane maneu- Irish in Me, The. .4071 . (9) Nov. '59 Droopy ( 8 ) 3, (Tex Avery) vers. A girl traveler visits the Emerald Isle and views

W-l 71 . Billy its scenic wonders and historic spots. She tours Boy ( 6 ) Sampans to Safety .. 7008-6 .. (9) Sept. (Tex Avery) Documentary on a condition, peculiar even to this Dublin, County Limerick, County Tipperary, sees W-l 72 .. Homesteader Droopy the Blarney Stone, the Rock of Cashel other ( 8 ) age, that exists on the border between Red China and (Tex Avery) and Hong Kong. famous landmarks. W-173..Half Pint Palomino (7) State 50. .7001-1 . .(10) Jon. This Is Finland 4077 . (9) July 13 (Barney Bear) A visit to Hawaii, with the camera focusing on W-l 74 .. Impossible Possum (7) Virgin Island, U.S. A. . . 4078 . . (9) May 18 the usual tourist spots, as well as its sugar and (Barney Bear) A camera tour of the beautiful island. Jack H. pineapple plantations. W-l 75 . . Sleepy Time Squirrel (7) Harris filmed this while on location at St. Croix (Barney Bear) U.D.T.— Underwater Demolition Team . 7010-2 shooting the feature film, "Dinosaurus." (Cinema- W-176. .Bird-Brained (9) Nov. Scope) Dog ( 7 ) (Barney Beor) Features the training of the U.S. Navy's demoli- tion team of underwater fighters at St. Thomas in ONE-REEL SPECIAL Virgin Islands. the Football Highlights of '59. 4004 .(10) Dec. '59 Paramount SPECIALS The big games and players of the 1959 football season. CARTOON CHAMPIONS (Reissues) Coll of the Holy Land .. 7055-7 .. (19) Nov. (Technicolor) Story of the late Henrietta Szold, founder of SPECIAL FEATURETTE Hadassah organization, who was famous for her SI 9-1 .. Better Bait Than Never.. (7) Sept. '59 a Melephant, The. 4001 pioneer work in Palestine with refugee children ©Boy Who Owned S19-2 . .Surf Bored .. Sept. '59 '59 (7) from Europe during both World Wars. (2-D) (19) Nov. SI 9-3 .. Huey's Ducky Daddy.. (7) Sept. '59 Color. The whimsical tale of a boy who wanted a ©Tiger in the Sea .. 7054-0 . (1 0) July SI 9-4 . The Seapreme Court.. (7) Sept. '59 live elephant as a pet, so his mother "gives" him De Luxe Color. An actual filming of the experience . '59 S19-5 Crazy Town . (6) Sept. the elephant in the zoo. His pride of ownership of Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark with a S19-6 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow .. (7) .. Sept. '59 is resented by his playmates, but he soon learns man-eating tiger, which took place in a small SI 9-7. . '59 Cage Fright . (7) Sept. to share and accepts them as equal owners. Nar- Indian SI 9-8. .Pig-A-Boo. (7) Sept. '59 village. (CinemaScope) rated by . Gayle-Swimmer-An- SI 9-9 . . Frightday the 13th.. (7) Sept. '59 Your Royal Highness .. 7051 -6 .. (10) Apr. thony Production.

S19-10 .True Boo . (7) Sept. '59 A compilation of newsreel clips of England's Royal TWO-REEL SPECIALS SI 9-1 1 . Northwest Mousie..(7) Sept. '59 Family, with special emphasis on Princess Mar- '59 (Color) S19-12 Surf and Sound . (7) Sept. garet, who is shown as a child at her father's '59 '59 S19-13.0f Mice and Menace.. (7) Sept. coronation, and at her sister Elizabeth's wedding Majestic Island . .4002 .. (18) Nov. 1,

S-l 9-14 . Ship-A-Hooney .(7) Sept. '59 and subsequent coronation. (2-D) An island empire on Taiwan (Formosa), where part

184 BAROMETER Section A 1

of the population are Free Chinese and the re- the birth of the state of Israel, with highlight Documentary Featurette. Filmed inside San Quentin main- mainder lives under Communism on the scenes showing Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion prison before California's most famous criminal land. Story told through the eyes of a Chinese in his home on the Negev desert. Narrator: Ed- his made final trip to the gas chamber after 1 1 V2 rice farmer, his wife and their three children. ward G. Robinson. Produced and written by Leon yeors of repeated postponements. Story covers (CinemaScope) Uris, author of "Exodus." (CinemaScope.) those 1 V2 years through interviews with the police officer who nabbed him, the prosecutor who con- Twenty-Five Yeorgs Ago Today. . 4005 WORLD-WIDE ADVENTURE SPECIALS victed him, others (17l/ Apr. 1 and connected with the case. 2 ) 7001.. (Color Reissues) Narrated Quentin Americans gather at Madison Square Garden to by Reynolds. Terrence W. Cooney (TWO REELS) Production. (Bentley Films is releasing this in the denounce the first anniversary of Hitler's rise New York area, while Sterling World Distributors to power. Also shows the legalization of New Jungle Terror.. (20) Sept. 19, 59 is handling the Los Angeles area.) York's racetrack betting, King Alexander's as- Secret rituals of savage head-hunters of French sassination, the Lindbergh kidnaping, a California Guiana. ©Latin Quarter, The . . (30) . Films-Around-the-World

7002 . Danger Is gold rush, and end of Dillinger's crime career. My Business .. (1 8) Mar. 5 Technicolor Featurette. A visit to the artists colony A wild animal-trapping expedition in the Florida of Paris known as the Montmartre section, with 4012..WALTER LANTZ CARTUNES Everglades with Ross Allen. glim-pses of artists and their work, a masquerade (Technicolor) 7003.. Snow Carnival .. (20) July 2 ball, sculptors at work, pottery and tapestry 7501..The skiing winter 4011.. Kiddie League.. (7) Nov. 3, '59 wonderland at Aspen, Colo making, et cetera. (Woody Woodpecker) Narrator: Gary Cooper. ©Look to the Sun..( 8 '/ ) West Wind Prods. Mouse Trapped..(7) Dec. 8, '59 2 Eastman Color Featurette. Doc) (ONE REEL) A look into the future (Hickory, Dickory and space Royal Duck Shoot.. '59 age via the new Kitt Peak Observatory. 401 3 . . Billion-Dollar Boner.. (7) Jan. 5 (10) Oct. 17, 4016..(Woody Woodpecker) Duck hunting with the Maharajah of Bharatpur. Mischief Makers, The. .(27). Kingsley Int'l 4014. Witty Kitty.. (7) Feb. 2 7502 . . Daredevils on Wheels .(10) Nov. 28, '59 Featurette. (French-made; English narration.) A (Hickory, Dickory and Doc) Motorcycle racing in the Briitsh Isles. gang of mischievous boys spy on and persecute a A/t-ier n \A/ j _1. A _ /» \ W _ _ O 7503.. Happy Holidays .. (9) Feb. 6 pair of young lovers. The boys learn about love- (Woody Woodpecker) A vacation in fabulous Acapulco. making and sensuality before the tragic ending, in .Jungle 4019.. Heap Big Hepcat .(7) Mar. 30 7504. Man Killers.. (9) Apr. 16 which the teenage lover dies and the girl is left (Woody Woodpecker) A man-eating Bengal tiger invades a native village, desolate. Based on a novelette, "Virginales," by is tracked down and . destroyed. 4017 . . Ballyhooey . (7) Apr. 20 Maurice Pons. Stars: Gerard Blain, Bernadette (Woody Woodpecker) 7505. .Hunting the Fox. (10) May 28 Lafont. Director: Francois Truffaut. 4018. How to Stuff a Woodpecker. (7) May 18 A fox hunt through Virginia's picturesque coun- (Woody Woodpecker) tryside. ©Moonbird . . (9) Edward Harrison Color Cartoon. Two small tots attempt capture 7506. . That's Bully. to Bats in the Belfry . (7) June 15 .(9) June 11 a (Woody Woodpecker) Bulls run wild through the streets in Pamplona, bird in their garden by digging a hole and baiting the bird with food. Tiring 4020. .Woody's Ozark Lark.. (7) July 13 Spain, chasing would-be matadors into the bull- of watching 4031..(Woody Woodpecker) ring. them, the bird finally walks right into the house with them. Produced by John Hubley for Story- 4021 .. Fished Hooked . (7) Aug. 10 board, Inc. Feline . Sept. 7 4022 . . Freeloading (7) Serials 4023.. Hunger Strife.. (7) Oct. 5 4033.. COLUMBIA Overture .. (9) Kingsley-Union Features a background musical score by the Vienna WALTER LANTZ CARTUNES (Reissues) ('The Mighty Thundo"). .4140 Philharmonic Orchestra, and is a film record of (Technicolor) (15 chapters) June 30—Reissue the transformation of areas of the world. A United 50.co in Morocco.. (7) Nov. 10, '59 , Gloria Dea, Leonard Penn, Jack Notions film produced -by Thorold Dickinson and (Woody Woodpecker) Ingram. Directors: Spencer Bennet, Wallace A. G. L. Polidoro. 4032. Alley to Bali. .(7) Dec. 29, '59 Grissell.

Patterson-Johansson Fight .. (21 United Artists . .July (Woody Woodpecker) ) Lost Planet, The ("Conqueror of Outer Space") Shows the full five rounds, with slow-motion in- Under the Counterspy .. (7) Jan. 26 4160.. (15 chapters) Feb. 11 —Reissue serts, of the Floyd Patterson-lngemar Johansson (Woody Woodpecker) Judd Holdren, Vivian Mason, Ted Thorpe, Forrest Huckster. heavyweight championship re-match held at the 4034. Hot Rod (7) Feb. 23 Taylor. Director: Spencer Bennet. (Woody Woodpecker) Polo Grounds in New York on June 20, 1960, in which Patterson knocked out Johansson. Narrator: 4035.. Real Gone Woody.. (7) Mar. 23 ("Phantom Raiders 7301.. Chris Schenkel. 7302..(Woody Woodpecker) of the Deep") 4120 '59 4036 .. Convict Concerto .. (7) Apr. 27 (15 chapters) Sept. 24, — Reissue ©Petra—The Red Rose City. .(11). .Casino Film Exch. (Woody Woodpecker) Buster Crabbe, Lois Hall, Tommy Farrell. Directors: Color. (With narration.) Seen are the ruins, archi- Spencer Bennet, Thomas Carr. 7306.. tectural wonders, et cetera, of the ancient city of 7307.. Petra, located on the eastern side of the Dead Sea. Warner Bros. 7310..BLUE RIBBON HIT PARADE Miscellaneous Pull My Daisy.. (29) G-String Prods. (Technicolor Reissues) Novelty Featurette. Deals with the complex world Echo From Appomattox. . (27>/j) West Wind Prods. An of the American Beatnik, as envisioned through Drip Along Daffy.. (7) Sept. '59 Featurette. Created out of a collection of photo- 12, the narration of the self-styled King of the Beat- '59 7314.. 0.ten an Orphan.. (7) Oct. 3, graphs from the Civil War -period, plus a look at niks, Jack Kerouac.

. '59 7315..7303. Putty Tat Trouble . (7) Oct. 24, 1861-65 battlefields today. 7316.. '59 7304 . Hot Cross Bunny.. (7) Nov. 21, ©Rhapsody of Steel.. (23) Jam Handy ©Awakening, The.. (30) Lester A. Schoenfeld 7305.. A Bear for Punishment .. (7) .... Dec. 12, '59 Technicolor Animated Featurette. (Gratis to ex- Color Travelog. A camera journey through Israel, A Bone for a Bone.. (7) Jan. 2 hibitors.) Tells the story of steel, for which the with views of -rural life and of caves in which The Prize Pest.. (7) Jan. 30 background music was recorded -by the Pittsburgh famous scrolls are being discovered, as well as 7308. .Tweety's S.O.S. ..(7) Feb. 20 Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Dimitri the tremendous accomplishments backed by the 7309 .. Lovelorn Leghorn.. (7) Mar. 12 Tiomkin. Commentator: Gary Merrill. U.S. Steel energy of a virile people. 7724.. 51.epy Time Possum.. (7) Apr. 9 Production. 7311.. Cheese Chasers.. (7) Apr. 30 Berlin. .(16) Casino Film Exch. Running, Jumping and Standing Still Film, The 7312 . Who's Kitten Who.. (7) May 21 Berlin yesteryear, it Shows of then as looked after (10) Kingsley-Union 7313 . The Ducksters . . (7) June 18 the World War II bombings. Also shows the post- Comedy. British-made. A sort of silent days com- Chow Hound . (7) July 9 war dividing of the city into Eastern and Western edy, best described as "one person watching an- French Rorebit..(7) Aug. 6 sectors, and the efforts of the Western side to other in a field." Consists of prancing, bops on A Ham in a Role.. (7) Aug. 27 rebuild with U.S. aid. 7702.. the head, pratfalls, etc., by grotesquely garbed BUGS BUNNY SPECIALS ©Black Cat, The. .(22) Cont'l Dist'b'g men. The only sound heard is a series of bird (Technicolor) Eastman Color Animated Featurette. Edgar Allan calls. Stars Peter Sellers. Poe's classic horror tale of a 7721 .. Bunny.. (7) Sept. 5, '59 man brought to the Scribbling Kitten.. (14) Brandon Films '59 gallows by his nemesis, a black cat, is told 7722. .A Witch's Tangled Hare. (7). . Oct. 31, Animated Cartoon. Japanese-made. Awarded first through the weird and paintings created 7723.. People Are Bunny.. (7) Dec. 19, '59 macabre prize in 1957 at the Japanese International Film Fenton. Horse Hare.. (7) Feb. 13 by John Narrator: Basil Rathbone. Festival. 7725.. Person to Bunny.. (7) Apr. 2 Holiday Lester ©Ceylon .. (15) A. Schoenfeld Skyscraper. .(20) Joseph Burstyn 7726 .. Rabbit's Feat.. (7) June 4 Color Travelog. British-made. A camera tour of Traces the construction of a New York skyscraper Ceylon, taking in its cities and countryside, its tea MERRIE MELODIES—LOONEY TUNES from its initial planning stoge to its completion. (Technicolor Cartoons) making industry and harvesting. ©Song of the Canaries .. (17) .. Lester A. Schoenfeld 7701. Broken Leghorn.. (7) Sept. 26, '59 Children Who Draw.. (30) Brandon Films Color Travelog. A visit to the Canary Islands, with (Foghorn Leghorn) Featurette. (Japanese-made; English narration.) views of Las Palmas, its market places, et cetera, Wild Hurry.. '59 is About (7) Oct. 10, Filmed with hidden cameras, this a study of and a notive dance -performed by a youth and (Roadrunner and in Coyote) human relations a classroom for tiny tots, ond -maiden. 7703 .. Unnatural History.. (7) Nov. 14, '59 catches their expressions as they experiment with

7704 . .Tweet Dreams . '59 7714.. (7) Dec. 5, crayons and paints. Director: Susumi Hani. Iwanami ©Staccato for Toy Trains (Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird) Piets. Production. ( 8 ) George K. Arthur, Go Piets.

7705 . . Fostest With the Mostest . .(7) Jan. 9 Color. Features a musical composition by Elmer ©Dolly's Holiday .. Cont'l Dist'b'g (Roadrunner and Coyote) (16) Bernstein, built around the movement and sound Color. (Italian-made; narration.) 7706. .West of the Pesos. .(7) Jan. 23 English-dubbed of toy trains. (Speedy Gonzales) Narrated by Anne Sargent, as the voice of a dog

who wanders off into the country while his master ©Tickets Please . (20) Lester A. Schoenfeld 7707 . Wild, Wild, World. (7) Feb. 27 is Color Travelog. train ride 7708. .Goldimouse and the Three Cats. .(7). .Mar. 19 away for the day, then invades a barnyard and A from Capetown in gets back home to find his master has gone to South Africa to the interior, with views of the . 7709 Who Scent You . (7) Apr. 23 (Pepe Le Pew, the Skunk) bed. Director: Giorgio Ferroni. countryside and unusual architecture, and stops at 7710. Hyde and Tweet.. the famous Kimberley diamond mines, Johannes- Go (7) Moy 14 ©Glass.. (8) George K. Arthur, Go Piets. (Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird) burg and Pretoria. The conductor doubles as a Technicolor. Filmed in the Netherlands, and shows musician, to the delight of his passengers. 771 1 . . Crockett-Doodle-Do . .(7) June 25 the art of gloss making, in both ancient and (Foghorn Leghorn) modern methods. The rhythm of the hands at ©When My Ship Came In. .(17). Lester A. Schoenfeld 7712 . Mouse and Garden.. (7) July 16 work is synchronized with jazz music. Color Travelog. A visit to the island of Majorca, (Sylvester Cat) famous for its artificial pearl and glass blowing 7713. .Ready, Difficult to Be Adult. Casino Film Woolen and Able. .(7) July 30 How on (14). Exch. industries, as well as a perennial sun, luxurious (Sheep-dog presents in life and Wolf) Humorously the upheaval the of foliage, and picturesque windmills that provide Mice Follies.. adults in family after (7) Aug. 20 a a new baby has orrived, water for the farms. and compares the rushing life of an adult SPECIAL with the slow, relaxing tempo of a child's life. ©Young Leaves .. ( 8 ) .... George K. Arthur, Go Piets. ©Israel. .7910. .(35) Feb. 20 Justice and Caryl Chessman Color. A presentation of J a panese flower arrange- Technicolor Documentary Featurette. A story of (45) .... Bentley Films ond Sterling World Distrs. ments and paintings of flowers and leaves.


Page Page Page Page

Allied Artists Corp 49 DeLuxe Laboratories, Inc 123 Korlson, Phil 165 Rodgers, Jimmie 161

Altec Service Company 154 Douglas, Kirk 152 Rogers & Cowan 159 American Broadcasting-Para- Lantz, Walter 167 Rosenberg, Aaron 158 mount Theatres, Inc 177 Lemmon, Jack 53 Embassy Pictures Corp 17 American International Pictures 18 4, Levin, Henry 161 Engel Productions, Inc., Schary Productions 126, 127 Anglo Amalgamated Film Samuel G 138 Lewis Productions, Inc., Jerry. . 41 Distributors, Ltd 105, 114 Schine Circuit, Inc 181 Evergreen State Amusement Lion International Films 118 Arthur, Robert 162 Corp 57 Siegel, Sol C 132 Lippert, Robert L 8 Associated British-Pathe, Ltd.. 115 Sinatra, Frank 140, 141 Loew's Theatres, Inc... 177 Avalon, Frankie 85 Skouras Theatres Corp 58 Fabian 90 Slate, Jeremy 46 Famous Players Canadian Magna Theatre Corp 58 Small, Edwardi 163 Corp., Ltd 170 Ealjac Productions 37 Mann, Daniel 158 Spiegel, Sam 29 Filmgroup, Inc 169 Blanke, Henry 163 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Stewart, James 134, 135 Fox Intermountain Theatres, Pictures 2, 3 Brackett, Charles 166 Inc 57 Sturges, John 33 Metropolitan Playhouses, Inc... 58 British & American Film Fox Midwest Theatres, Inc... 57 Press, Ltd 120 Miller, David 162 Fox West Coast Theatres Corp. 57 Bryanston Films, Ltd 120 Mirisch Company, The.... 34, 35 Taylor, Elizabeth 148 Bryna Productions 124 Mitchum, Robert .76, 77 Technicolor Corp 42 Brynner, Yul 130, 131 Twentieth Gebhardt Productions, Fred. ... 1 66 Century-Fox Film Corp 6, 7 German, Inc., W. J 75 National Screen Service.. 3rd Cover

Goetz Productions, Inc., William 28 National Theatres & Productions 186 Clover Television, Inc 57 Governor Films, Inc 117 United Artists Theatre Cohen, Herman 165 Circuit, Inc 58 Grant, Cary 145 27 144, Columbia Pictures Corp Universal-International Green, Mitzi 88 . . Back Cover Commonwealth Theatres 181 Pictures 11, 13 Peck, Gregory 80, 81 Conte, Richard 153 Pevney, Joseph 88 Curtis, Tony 52 Hitchcock, Alfred 149 Preminger, Otto 39 Viscount Films, Inc 167 Holden, William 51 Hope, Bob 89 Darrin, Diana 46 RKO Theatres 179 Warner Corp., Stanley 170 Hudson, Rock 55 Day, Doris 54 Radio City Music Hall 170 Warner Bros. Pictures 15 Dean, Margia 175 Rank Organization 116 Wayne, John 84

De Grunwald, Ltd., Anatole..ll9 IATSE 57 Regal Films International .. 1 22-D Widmark, Richard 173



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