
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 05/13 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 328 - Mai 2013 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 editorial

THE BROKEN CIRCLE: Kino & Konzert im Schauburg Cinerama Theater, Karlsruhe Cast & Crew im Gespräch mit Wolfram Hannemann

5 JAHRE LEBEN: Baden-Württemberg-Premiere mit Cast & Crew

Liebe Filmfreundinnen und WIDESCREEN WEEKEND: Filmfreunde! Wolfram Hannemann führt in „Hello, Dolly!“ ein Wann sind Sie das nächste Mal „online“? Es lohnt sich wieder einmal auf unseren Youtube-Kanal zu surfen. Dort gibt es nicht weniger als gleich vier Neuzugänge zu entdecken. Alles natürlich wie immer in Full HD. Wir freuen uns über jeden Klick und jedes „Like“. Also ran an die Tasten und viel Spaß dabei!

Noch ein wichtiger Hinweis für alle, die sich schon auf das CinemaScope-Festival in der Karlsruher Schauburg gefreut haben: es findet leider vorerst nicht statt. Der Termin 01./0.2 Juni 2013 ist einer umfassenden Renovierung des Hauses zum Opfer gefallen. Einen Trost gibt es: aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben!

Ihr LASER HOTLINE Team JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS: Sportkletterer Stefan Glowacz und Holger Heuber im Gespräch mit SWR-Kinomann Herbert Spaich

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013

Star Trek Wars München hat mich wieder. Frisch aus der Schweiz zurück, lasse ich 15•-Kino-Tickets, zweisprachige Untertitel und nerventötende Filmpausen hinter mir. Als erstes ging es in meiner bayerischen Hei- matstadt auch nicht in den Biergarten oder auf den Marienplatz, sondern ins langjährige, heimi- sche Stammkino. Das sich einfach “Cinema” nennt, gegenüber vom NSU-Prozess in der Nymphenburgerstraße liegt und Filme in OV spielt. Für 5,50• tagsüber und nicht sehr viel mehr nächtens. So lobe ich mir das.

Einer der ersten Filme, die ich mir in München an- sah, war Into Darkness, das neueste Werk von J. J. Abrams. Ich bin von Kindesbeinen an ein Trekkie, kenne vor allem Next Generation auswändig, bin aber auch in den anderen Inkarnationen versiert. Wenn es je eine fiktionale Zivilisation gegeben hat, der ich angehören könn- te, Gene Roddenberrys Star Trek wäre meine Wahl.

Der Ausflug ins Kino war Familiensache. Vater, Mutter und ich suchten uns eine 2D-Vorstellung heraus (dankbarerweise spielt das “Cinema” die- se abwechselnd mit 3D) und pilgerten in den kine- matographischen Tempel. Gute zwei Stunden lang folgten wir dem aktuellen Abenteuer der neuen al- ten Enterprise. Ich schmachtete von Uhura bis Kahn alle an, labte mich an der Schiffsarchitektur und genoss besonders den Wortwechsel zwi- schen Uhura und den Klingonen. nem Film hätte sie mir wohl an dieser Stelle vor die Schuhe gespuckt. Offensichtlich hatten wir Auf dem Heimweg fragte mein Vater in die Runde: zwar im selben Film gesessen, aber zwei ganz “Und, wie hat er euch gefallen?” Zeitgleich antwor- verschiedene Versionen gesehen. teten meine Mutter und ich: “Der war FÜRCHTER- LICH!” und “Der war GENIAL!” Wir sahen uns an. Meine Mutter, Historikerin, liberal, europäisch, Entsetzen auf beiden Seiten. “Wieso bitteschön sieht in dem Abrams-Werk einen Propagandafilm. fürchterlich?!” “Hast du denn keine Augen im Die grauen, strengen Uniformen, die Einheitlich- Kopf? Der war scheußlich, einfach nur igitt!” keit der Kleidung in der Zivilbevölkerung (meist schnaubte meine Mutter und unterstrich ihre Wor- ebenfalls grau), der martialische Ton, die gewalti- te mit einem entrüsteten Rachengeräusch. In ei- gen Kampfszenen und die stählernen Wolkenkrat-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 der Angst praktizieren und dies immer wieder fata- zer – meine Mutter fühlte sich stark an die Riefen- le Folgen hat, im Land wie auch außerhalb. Doch stahl-Ästhetik erinnert. Mir gefielen die langweili- ich sehe in Abrams Film nicht eine Billigung oder gen, grauen Uniformen auch nicht unbedingt, ich gar Propagierung dieser Angst und des Fest- sehe darin allerdings eher einen Kostümbildner, haltens an Waffen, die diese mit sich führt, son- der das “Darkness” im Titel etwas zu wörtlich um- dern einen Spiegel, den er seiner Kultur hochhält. gesetzt hat. Bei der Zivilbevölkerung, die wenig Star Trek Into Darkness ist eine Reaktion auf das einfallsreich gekleidet ist, sehe ich ein cleveres Leben mit der Paranoia und den unberechenbaren Zitat aus den Serien, in denen ebenfalls ganze Konsequenzen einer solchen. Wieso es in Into Völker ähnlich angezogen sind, ohne viel Indivi- Darkness keine Behinderten oder Minderheiten dualismus, weil einfach das Budget einer Folge gibt? Weil im Star-Trek-Universum Krankheiten dazu nie reichte. Gewaltige Kampfszenen sind mir weitgehend ausgemerzt wurden, der Zusammen- selten zuwider und was das Riefenstahl-Argument halt groß ist und die Minderheiten integriert wur- betrifft, so wage ich es doch, mich politisch un- den. Der aktuelle Film zeigt, viel mehr noch als korrekt sehr weit aus dem Fenster zu lehnen und der erste im Jahr 2009, ständig Aliens und Men- zu sagen: Ich hasse die Botschaft und den Zweck schen verschiedenster Art, Herkunft und Körper- von Riefenstahls Filmen, aber rein ästhetisch ge- baus, die alle im Dienste von Starfleet stehen. Die fallen sie mir. Wie sie mit Licht und Schatten um- Militarisierung, die Admiral Marcus anschiebt, ging, wie sie Bilder durchkomponierte und es empfinden die Offiziere als fremdartig und gefähr- schaffte, eine unausweichliche Stärke zu projizie- lich. Und so endet der Film auch, das kann man ren, das war große Kunst und extrem zielführend, ohne etwas zu verraten sagen, mit einem Happy auch wenn das Ziel ein schreckliches war. End, nämlich dem Aufbruch in neue Welten, als Doch die Interpretation meiner Mutter ist diese: Entdecker und nicht Eroberer. Dieses Ende war Die gezeigten Bilder spiegeln eine Gesellschaft meiner Mutter nicht genug, war der Film doch so wider, die ohne Waffengewalt und ständigem Auf- fehlerbehaftet, dass es ihr aufgesetzt und be- rüsten nicht leben kann. Eine Gesellschaft, die schwichtigend vorkam. zwar friedlich tut, aber auf keinen Fall militärische Macht abgeben wird. Und auch, dass alle gesund, Ich habe Star Trek Into Darkness geliebt. Meine schlank und schön sind, dass keine Minderheiten Mutter hat ihn gehasst. Letztendlich muss man auszumachen sind, das ist meiner Mutter zutiefst J.J. Abrams wohl beglückwünschen, dass er einen suspekt. Film kreiert hat, der so viel Eigeninterpretation er- möglicht, zum Nachdenken und Diskutieren anregt Ich sehe das anders. Ich sehe auch in Star Trek und nicht nur Fanfutter ist. Ich jedenfalls werde Into Darkness Gene Roddenberrys Vision, wenn Star Trek treu bleiben und mich der Meuterei ge- auch nicht ganz so poppig glänzend und bunt. gen Captain Abrams nicht anschließen. Ganz Denn im Film ist es eigentlich nur Admiral Marcus, egal, ob mich meine Mutter dann bezichtigt “vor der eine solch pathologische Angst vor Krieg und Liebe ganz blind” zu sein. Terrorismus hat, dass er seine Starfleet-Schwüre Anna Rudschies bricht und aufrüstet. Aber ein Einzelner ist nicht die Gesellschaft. Die Crew der Enterprise trifft weitaus moralischere Entscheidungen als er. Si- cher gibt es Parallelen zu dem, was die USA mo- Anna freut sich über Feedback: mentan durchmachen. Es ist klar, dass sie späte- [email protected] stens seit der letzten Bush-Regierung eine Kultur

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 16. April 2013 spielenden Drama geht es um Wahrheit seinem Film HERZENSBRECHER so Die Geschichte in der Geschichte in und Fälschung und die Schritte, die ein manches Herz gebrochen hat. Dolan der Geschichte Schriftsteller bereit ist zu gehen, um geht bei seiner ultimativen Liebesge- In der ersten Pressevorführung der Erfolg zu haben. Mag sein, dass das schichte sogar so weit, dass diese in Woche ging es ums Schreiben und Ab- Drehbuch das eine oder andere Detail keiner Art und Weise an ein Geschlecht schreiben. der Handlung einfach unterschlägt, gebunden sein muss. Wenn Laurence aber es stört nicht weiter. Könnte es viel lieber Frau als Mann sein möchte, DER DIEB DER WORTE (1:1.85, DD nicht vielmehr darauf hindeuten, dass dann soll dies seine Liebe zu der rot- 5.1) alles (also auch die allererste Ebene) haarigen Fred keineswegs beeinträchti- OT: The Words einfach nur erfunden ist? Wirklich stö- gen. Auch wenn die ganze Umwelt ver- Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) rend hingegen ist die musikalische Un- stört darauf reagiert, es ändert nichts Land/Jahr: USA 2011 termalung des Films. Die ist oft etwas an der Liebe zwischen den beiden Un- Regie: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal übertrieben und insgesamt einfach zu gleichen. Über einen Zeitraum von viel. Auch hier gilt der Leitspruch: we- zehn Jahren schildert Dolan das Auf Darsteller : Bradley Cooper, Zoe niger ist manchmal mehr. Insgesamt und Ab dieser ungewöhnlichen Bezie- Saldana, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, aber bietet DER DIEB DER WORTE hung, deren Tiefpunkte alleine durch Olivia Wilde passable Kinounterhaltung. eine intolerante Gesellschaft ausgelöst Kinostart: 23.05.2013 werden. Exzessive Bilder, pulsierende Mittwoch, 17. April 2013 Rhythmen und immer wieder Close Ups Ein erfolgreicher Romanautor liest aus Ein Mann wird zur Frau prägen den fast dreistündigen Film, der seinem neuen Buch, in dem es um einen Dass wahre Liebe nicht an ein Ge- gerne auch etwas kürzer hätte ausfallen erfolglosen Schriftsteller geht, der zu- schlecht gebunden ist, demonstrierte dürfen. Die Darsteller sind grandios fällig auf ein unveröffentlichtes Manu- der heutige Spielfilm. und allesamt schillernde – wenn auch skript stößt. Diese fesselt ihn derma- schräge – Persönlichkeiten. Ziemlich ßen, dass er es kurzerhand als sein LAURENCE ANYWAYS (1:1.33, DD 5.1) gewöhnungsbedürftig allerdings ist eigenes Werk ausgiebt und damit sen- OT: Laurence Anyways das vom Regisseur gewählte Bildfor- sationellen Erfolg hat. Nicht einmal Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) mat: kein CinemaScope, kein kaschier- seiner Ehefrau erzählt er die Wahrheit. Land/Jahr: Kanada, Frankreich 2012 tes Breitwand – sondern das alte Doch eines Tages wird er beim Spazier- Regie: Xavier Dolan Academy-Format mit fast quadrati- gang im Central Park von einem alten Darsteller: Melvil Poupaud, Suzanne schem Bild. Die Dramaturgie dahinter Mann angesprochen, der offensichtlich Clément, Nathalie Baye hat sich zumindest mir nicht erschlos- die ganze Wahrheit kennt: er ist der Kinostart: 27.06.2013 sen. tatsächliche Autor der Geschichte... Was man in Brian Klugmans und Lee Kanada zu Beginn der 1990er-Jahre. Donnerstag, 18. April 2013 Sternthals Film zu sehen bekommt, ist Laurence, Literaturdozent, und Fred, Die Lust am Töten die Geschichte in der Geschichte in der Assistentin beim Film, sind bis über Herrlicher Sonnenschein, warme Tem- Geschichte. Die erste Geschichte ist die beide Ohren ineinander verliebt. Um peraturen – also ab ins Kino! von Clay Hammond (Dennis Quaid), alles in der Welt wollen sie keinesfalls der in einem Hörsaal aus seinem Roman zum Spießbürgertum gehören. Ein paar STOKER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) vorliest. Dieser Roman ist die zweite Monate später sorgt Laurence unfrei- OT: Stoker Ebene des Films, in dem Bradley willig dafür, dass dies auch niemals der Verleih: Fox Cooper als Rory Jansen zu sehen ist, Fall sein wird: er gesteht Fred, dass er Land/Jahr: USA 2013 der das gefundene Manuskript als das lieber Frau als Mann sein möchte! Zu- Regie: Park Chan-wook seine ausgibt. Ebene drei ist die Ge- nächst schockiert, gewöhnt sich die Darsteller: Mia Wasikowska, Nicole schichte innerhalb des Romans, in der junge Fred an den Gedanken und unter- Kidman, David Alford, Matthew Goode der alte Mann (Jeremy Irons) schildert, stützt Laurence aktiv bei seinem Frau- Kinostart: 09.05.2013 was es mit dem geheimnisvollen Manu- werden. Doch das Umfeld der beiden skript auf sich hat. Die letztere Ebene Liebenden reagiert mit Abneigung. Die Zweitsichtung im Rahmen einer ist gleichzeitig die inszenatorisch am Laurence verliert seinen Job, Fred ver- Pressevorführung konnte meine Mei- besten gelungene. Mit reduzierten Far- heimlicht ihre Schwangerschaft und nung zu diesem Thriller nur untermau- ben führt sie zurück in das Nachkriegs- treibt ab. Das aber ist erst der Anfang ern: unbedingt anschauen! Die Kurz- , wo sich ein amerikanischer Ex- einer ungewöhnlichen Liebe, die noch rezension nach der Erstsichtrung wäh- Soldat in eine Französin verliebt. Das ein ganzes Jahrzehnt vor sich hat... rend der “Fantasy Filmfest Nights” Glück des Paares jedoch wird einer Sein Film soll eine “Hommage an die gibt es hier schweren Prüfung unterzogen, deren ultimative Liebesgeschichte” sein, sagt Resultat ein unveröffentlichter Roman Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Xavier ist. In dem auf mehreren Zeitebenen Dolan, jener Kanadier, der bereits mit

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Freitag, 19. April 2013 den. Immerhin gibt es ein oder zwei auch, dass er endlich wieder zu seiner Soviel Dummheit ist gruselig nette Gags, die ohne die untere Hälfte Familie findet und den Begriff des “Er- Die Frage am Ende der Woche: womit der Gürtellinie auskommen. Bei einer folgs” nicht weiter am Bankkonto fest- habe ich das verdient? Nettospielzeit von nur 75 Minuten ist macht. Die Geschichte hat hier natür- das aber trotzdem noch zu wenig. Vor- lich schon fast märchenhafte Züge, SCARY MOVIE 5 (1:1.85, DD 5.1) warnung an alle Abspann-Gucker: der insbesondere dann, wenn man das letz- OT: Scary MoVie zieht sich wie Kaugummi. te Bild vor dem Abspann sieht. Was es Verleih: Constantin ist, soll natürlich hier nicht verraten Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Dienstag, 23. April 2013 werden. Trotz all der schönen Erkennt- Regie: Malcolm D. Lee Fish & Chips auf griechisch nisse in diesem Film bleibt der doch ein Darsteller: Ashley Tisdale, Simon Rex, Für mich war dies heute die letzte wenig träge in der Inszenierung. Etwas Erica Ash Pressevorführung vor meiner Reise zum mehr Pep würde man sich hier und da Kinostart: 25.04.2013 Widescreen Weekend in Bradford. dann doch wünschen.

Als Jody und Dan die verwahrlosten PAPADOPOULOS & SÖHNE (1:2.35, Donnerstag, 02. Mai 2013 Kinder von Dans Bruder aufnehmen, 5.1) Über das Älterwerden und das ahnen sie noch nicht, dass sie damit OT: Papadopoulos & Sons Coming Out etwas Böses in ihr Zuhause gebracht Verleih: Neue Visionen Es passiert mir immer wieder nach mei- haben: nämlich deren Mama. Die aber Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2012 ner Rückkehr vom Widescreen Week- ist nur für die Kleinen sichtbar. Und Regie: Markus Markou end aus Bradford: plötzlich sehen alle natürlich für die Videoüberwachungs- Darsteller: Stephen Dillane, Georges Kinobilder so winzig klein aus! kameras. Aber man müsste natürlich im Corraface, Ed Stoppard richtigen Moment auf den Monitor Kinostart: 27.06.2013 DIE MIT DEM BAUCH TANZEN schauen - was natürlich nicht passiert. (1:1.78, 5.1) Eine fettleibige Haushälterin mit Gerade als Harry, Millionär griechischer Verleih: Zorro Exorzismusambitionen, ein Geisterjäger, Abstammung, in ein riesiges Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 der in Wahrheit ein Dieb ist, eine Schar Kaufhaus aus dem Boden stampfen Regie: Carolin Genreith von Menschenaffen – sie alle werden möchte, wird er von der Finanzkrise Kinostart: 20.06.2013 Teil einer großen Dämonenjagd, an getroffen. Seine Überschuldung führt deren Ende es das Necronomicon zu zum Bankrott seines Unternehmens, Carolin Genreith ist zwar noch über 700 finden gilt... Mit einer Eröffnung wie das griechische Spezialitäten herstellt. Tage entfernt von ihrem 30. Geburts- dieser kann der Film eigentlich nur Gemeinsam mit seinen drei Kindern tag, doch bereitet ihr das Näherrücken noch zotenhaft werden: da liegen Char- muss er seine Villa verlassen. Der einzi- dieses Termins große Probleme: sie hat lie Sheen und Lindsay Lohan gemein- ge Fluchtort, der noch bleibt, ist das noch immer nicht das erreicht, was sie sam im Bett und kommen ziemlich längste geschlossene Fish & Chips bis dahin erreicht haben wollte. Also schnell zur Sache. Die artet dann natür- Restaurant, das er mit seinem Bruder beschließt die junge Filmemacherin der lich in akrobatische Kunststückchen Spiros betrieben hat, bevor er seine Großstadt zu entfliehen und sich aus. Damit geht die “Scary Movie”- Millionen machte. Spiros ist auch jetzt in ihrem Geburtsort, einem kleinen Dorf Reihe in ihre fünfte Runde. Co-Autor wieder die treibende Kraft: er will das in der Eifel, von Muttern therapieren zu David Zucker, Mitbegründer der extrem alte Familienunternehmen wieder auf lassen. Bildlich gesprochen versteht erfolgreichen sowie äußerst lustigen Vordermann bringen. Nicht sonderlich sich. Herausgekommen ist dabei ein “Nackte Kanone”-Filme, nimmt auch davon begeistert, packt Harry mit an wunderschöner Dokumentarfilm über hier wieder aktuelle (Horror)Filme auf und kommt so seinen Kindern und das Älterwerden und die Erkenntnis, die Schippe. So werden “Paranormal auch seinem Bruder wieder näher, von dass so manches Leben tatsächlich Activity”, “Mama”, “Black Swan”, denen er sich entfremdet hat... Markus erst mit 50 anfangen kann. Bestes Bei- “Evil Dead”, “Planet der Affen” und Markous Tragikomödie könnte zu kei- spiel dafür ist Carolins Mutter, die sogar “Inception” verulkt – allerdings ner besseren Zeit in die Kinos kommen schon seit vielen Jahren der örtlichen ohne dabei jemals richtig lustig zu sein. als jetzt, thematisiert sie doch die welt- Bauchtanzgruppe angehört. Gegen die Leider. Stattdessen dominiert Fäkal- weite Finanzkrise, der sein Protagonist Fröhlichkeit dieser Truppe haben Hit- humor bis zum Erbrechen (bitte wört- zum Opfer fällt. Und die Aussage des zewellen keine Chance! Alle Mitglieder lich nehmen). Wie beispielsweise jene Films ist dann auch umso klarer: “Back der Tanzgruppe haben die 50 längst App, mit der Frau prüfen kann, ob sie to the Roots” ist die Devise. So wird überschritten und geben sich gegen- schwanger ist oder nicht. Logisch, Ex-Millionär Harry durch den Banken- seitig Halt und Stütze im täglichen Le- dass man dazu auf das Smartphone zusammenbruch wieder regelrecht geer- ben. Einmal im Jahr rücken die Tänze- pinkeln muss und dieses dummerweise det – schwebte er doch seit langer Zeit rinnen per TGV und bewaffnet mit Sekt just in dem Moment auch noch klingelt. in ganz anderen, fast unmenschlichen und allerlei Kulinarischem nach Paris Der Rest muss hier nicht erläutert wer- Sphären. Erdung bedeutet natürlich aus, um in ihren exotischen Kostümen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog mitten auf der Straße erotische Man stirbt wieder langsam szeniert mit viel Krach und Bumm, die Formationstänze aufzuführen – mit un- Die letzte Pressevorführung dieser Wo- Darsteller hingegen sehr stereotyp be- glaublichem Erfolg. Carolin Genreith che artete in amerikanischen Patriotis- setzt. Wer ernsthaft erwägt diesen Film porträtiert in ihrem Film nicht nur die mus aus. anzuschauen, dem sei dringend gera- eigene Mutter, sondern auch noch an- ten, über die vielen Ungereimtheiten dere Tänzerinnen der Gruppe. Jede der OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN – DIE WELT großzügig hinwegzusehen. Das aber Frauen kann dabei auf einen großen IN GEFAHR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) dürfte sehr schwierig werden. Schatz an Lebenserfahrung zurückgrei- OT: Olympus Has Fallen fen und so einiges an Lebensweishei- Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) Montag, 06. Mai 2013 ten zum Besten geben. Fazit: 50 ist das Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Der Weltraum...unendliche Weiten neue 30. Carolin Genreith hat es tat- Regie: Antoine Fuqua Und wieder braust die Enterprise durch sächlich geschafft, endlich einmal ei- Darsteller: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eck- die Kinos – ein wachrüttelnder Auftakt nen lebensbejahenden Film über das hart, Finley Jacobsen, Morgan Freeman für eine extrem kurze Pressewoche. Alter zu machen. Kinostart: 13.06.2013 STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (1:2.35, OBEN IST ES STILL (1:1.85, 5.1) Just als eine offizielle Delegation aus 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) OT: Boven Is Het Stil Korea im Weißen Haus zu Gast ist, wird OT: Star Trek Into Darkness Verleih: Salzgeber genau dieses aus der Luft angegriffen. Verleih: Paramount Land/Jahr: Niederlande, Deutschland In Sekundenschnelle verschanzen sich Land/Jahr: USA 2013 2013 der amerikanische Präsident und die Regie: J.J. Abrams Regie: Nanouk Leopold Gäste im Schutzbunker. Doch leider Darsteller: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Darsteller: Jeroen Willems, Henri entpuppen sich die Gäste ebenfalls als Benedict Cumberbatch, Simon Pegg, Garcin, Wim Opbrouck Fieslinge und bringen so den gesamten Karl Urban Kinostart: 13.06.2013 Präsidentensitz in ihre Gewalt. Jetzt Kinostart: 09.05.2013 liegt es ganz alleine an Agent Mike Wenn er sich nicht gerade um das Vieh Banning, das Schlimmste zu verhin- Kaum hat er das Kommando über die auf seinem Bauernhof kümmern muss, dern... Man gibt sich wieder patriotisch Enterprise wegen Ungehorsamkeit ver- versorgt der Mittfünfziger Helmer sei- in Ami-Land! Kaum schwelt ein Kon- loren, erhält es Kirk wieder zurück, als nen bettlägerigen, alten Vater. Nach flikt mit dem bösen Nordkorea, schon es gilt, in den unendlichen Weiten des dem Tod seines Bruders blieb das alles zieht einen Film passend Weltraums einen Mörder dingfest zu an Helmer hängen, der von seinem Va- zum Thema aus dem Ärmel. Freilich machen, der einen Anschlag auf die ter immer nur Schläge und kaum Liebe geht man nicht so weit und macht Star Fleet verübte. In den unendlichen erhielt. Jetzt aber fasst Helmer den Nordkorea zum Schurken, sondern le- Entschluss, sein Leben selbst in die diglich einen Super-Terroristen, der Hand zu nehmen und quartiert den Va- rein zufällig aus Korea stammt. Aber ter in das oberste Stockwerk aus. Doch dem amerikanischen Publikum wird so die ungelebten Träume lassen sich das Popcorn-Essen besonders nicht ohne Weiteres herbeiholen... Das schmackhaft gemacht. Rein netto be- Drama unter Regie von Nanouk Leo- trachtet handelt es sich bei OLYMPUS pold zeigt am Beispiel des Helmer, wie HAS FALLEN um nichts anderes als schwierig es ist, im beginnenden Alter eine Neuauflage von STIRB LANG- nochmals ganz von vorne zu beginnen. SAM. Die aber ist alles andere als ge- Für Helmer wird es eine Erlösung erst lungen – es sträuben sich einem ein- mit dem Tode des Vaters geben. Bis fach zu oft die Nackenhaare! Offen ge- dahin muss er auch sein Coming Out sagt wäre es kaum verwunderlich, wenn unterdrücken, was ihm natürlich ange- plötzlich um die Ecke bie- sichts seines neu eingestellten gen würde, um Kollegen Gerard Butler Knechts schwerfällt. OBEN IST ES (der Mitproduzent des Films ist) zu STILL ist extrem langsam inszeniert unterstützen. So aber muss sich der und verweigert sich schönen Bildern. gute Gerard ganz alleine durch die vie- Das aber macht es dem Betrachter nicht len Ecken und Winkel des Weißen Hau- gerade einfach, einen Zugang zu fin- ses schleichen, um den Präsidenten den. Die Ästhetik eines Fernsehspiels und damit die ganze Welt zu retten. ist leider sehr präsent. Das Thema ist mehr als abgedroschen und Regisseur Antoine Fuqua kann Freitag, 03. Mai 2013 dem Stoff auch keine neuen Aspekte abgewinnen. Die Action ist solide in-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Weiten des Weltalls macht Kirk den (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Bösen schließlich ausfindig, nur um OT: The Place Beyond The Pines festzustellen, dass er offensichtlich Verleih: Studiocanal einem Verräter auf den Leim gegangen Land/Jahr: USA 2012 ist... Es ist schon atemberaubend, in Regie: Derek Cianfrance welch tollen Bilderwelten sich das ge- Darsteller: Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes, samte “Star Trek”-Universum inzwi- Bradley Cooper, Ray Liotta schen abspielt. Man möchte fast sa- Kinostart: 13.06.2013 gen: ein Quantensprung nach vorne seit der TV-Serie und auch den Kino- Luke arbeitet als Stuntman in der filmen mit der TV-Crew. Auch mit sei- Motorradshow eines Wanderzirkus. Als nem zweiten Spielfilm des STAR TREK die Truppe wieder in der Kleinstadt Reboots lässt Regisseur J.J. Abrams gastiert, in der Luke vor über einem optisch wie akustisch keine Wünsche Jahr eine Affäre mit der Kellnerin offen. Obgleich man natürlich bemän- Romina hatte, erfährt er zufällig, dass geln könnte, dass auch hier nicht wirk- aus der heissen Affäre ein Kind hervor- lich 3D benötigt wird, um die Illusion ging: Jason. Luke packen Vatergefühle perfekt zu machen. Natürlich hat man und er will Romina, die inzwischen mit es als alter “Trekkie” auch heuer wie- einem anderen Mann zusammenlebt, der etwas schwer, sich an die neuen zurückgewinnen. Als ihn Romina je- Gesichter in den alten Kostümen zu doch ablehnt, weil Luke kein finanziel- gewöhnen. Aber bei einer Länge von les Polster besitzt, beschließt er, Ban- 130 Minuten hat man dafür dann auch ken zu überfallen... Regisseur Derek reichlich Zeit. Zu viel, so scheint es, Cianfrance lässt seinen Film mit einer zweier Menschen untrennbar miteinan- denn so aufregend die visuelle Umset- der beeindruckendsten Eröffnungs- der verbunden ist. Hier ist es der von zung und die atemlose Action auch ist, sequenzen der letzten Zeit beginnen. Bradley Cooper gespielte Polizist, der nach 100 Minuten hat man sich satt Während die Anfangstitel zu lesen durch seinen heldenhaften Einsatz und gesehen. Bleibt noch die Frage nach sind, sieht man Ryan Gosling bei der seinen Mut, gegen Korruption in den der Story. Die ist eigentlich recht kon- Vorbereitung für seinen großen Auf- eigenen Reihen vorzugehen, die ventionell. Wieder einmal wird die alte tritt. Er tritt aus seinem Wohnwagen Hierarchieleiter hinaufstürzt. Gleichzei- Enterprise arg gebeutelt und geht am hinaus ins Freie, läuft über den Jahr- tig zeigt der Film am Beispiel von Lukes Ende fast komplett zu Bruch. Aber das markt, bis er schließlich sein Ziel er- Sohn Jason, dass die Suche nach den ist man ja mittlerweile gewohnt. Inter- reicht: die Motorrad-Stunt-Show. Er eigenen Wurzeln das ganze Leben be- essanter sind allemal die Figuren, die besteigt sein Motorrad, zwei Kollegen stimmen wird. THE PLACE BEYOND gut und gerne ins Philosophieren gera- flankieren ihn auf ihren Maschinen. THE PINES ist ein zweigeteilter, sich ten. Im neuen Film geht es insbesonde- Schließlich fahren die drei Männer in über fast zwanzig Jahre erstreckender re um die Freundschaft zwischen Spock eine riesige Motorradarena und begin- und höchst ungewöhnlicher Film, der und Kirk sowie die Erkenntnis, dass nen mit ihrer Show. Das alles wird kom- mit seiner Länge von 140 Minuten al- man auch einmal Fünfe grade sein las- plett ohne Schnitt präsentiert und lerdings etwas über das Ziel hinausge- sen muss – für einen Vulkanier natür- schafft dadurch eine unglaubliche schossen ist. lich nicht logisch nachvollziehbar. Die Nähe. Vollkommen unmerklich wird Ansätze sind im Drehbuch durchaus Gosling dabei durch einen echten BEFORE MIDNIGHT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) vorhanden, aber man hätte trotzdem Stuntman ausgetauscht. Aber auch der OT: Before Midnight gerne mehr davon gehabt. Simon Pegg weitere Verlauf des Films wird von Verleih: Prokino (Fox) als der neue Scotty bringt wie immer Chefkameramann Sean Bobbitt hervor- Land/Jahr: USA, Griechenland 2013 herrlichen Humor in die ganze Ge- ragend gestaltet. Wie bereits in DRIVE Regie: Richard Linklater schichte, die trotz allen Abstrichen so spielt Ryan Gosling auch hier wieder Darsteller: Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, durchaus angenehme Kinostunden den wortkargen Einzelgänger. Dieses Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick garantiert. Mal sind es keine Autos, sondern eben Kinostart: 06.06.2013 Motorräder, die er fährt. Und statt Dienstag, 07. Mai 2013 Fluchtfahrzeuge zu fahren und Men- Während ihres Griechenlandurlaubs Rasant, geschwätzig und episch schen zu ermorden, begeht er Bank- stellen Jesse und Celine nicht nur ihre Die letzten drei Pressevorführungen in überfälle. Das alles tut er natürlich gegenseitige Liebe, sondern auch ihre dieser Woche gab es heute gebündelt ähnlich wie in DRIVE für einen guten gesamte Existenz infrage. Wird eine auf einmal. Zweck: um sein kleines Kind und des- gemeinsame Nacht im Romantikhotel sen Mutter zu unterstützen. Cianfrance die beiden wieder zusammenführen? THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES zeigt in seinem Film, wie das Schicksal Nach BEFORE SUNRISE und BEFORE

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog SUNSET präsentiert Richard Linklater nen Zuschauer. Die dürften großen steckt in Schwierigkeiten. Die jungen mit BEFORE MIDNIGHT den dritten Spaß mit den beiden Schnecken (eine Frauen beschließen, sie jetzt endlich Film, der die Beziehung von Jesse und Weinberg und eine Nacktschnecke) kennenzulernen und reisen nach Ameri- Celine beleuchtet. Die hat sich natür- haben, die für allerlei Schabernack sor- ka... In einer Szene des Films be- lich nach den vielen Jahren, die seit gen. Was dem Spaß am Film leider Ab- schreibt Daan den Traum, den sie seit dem letzten Film vergangen sind, ziem- bruch tut, ist die in der Dynamik erheb- jeher von ihrer Mutter hatte: eine Frau, lich geändert. Und so diskutieren die lich reduzierte Tonmischung zumindest mit der man jedes Abenteuer unbescha- beiden Protagonisten nicht nur mit ih- der deutschen Fassung. Dadurch wirkt det übersteht, eine Art “Indiana ren Freunden in Griechenland über die der Film saft- und kraftlos, die orche- Jones”. Doch was die Zwillinge zu se- Dauerhaftigkeit von Beziehungen, son- strale Filmmusik von Danny Elfman hen bekommen ist sehr ernüchternd: dern vor allem auch gemeinsam zu Musik kommt nicht richtig zur Geltung die in einem abgewrackten Wohnmobil zweit. In langen Kameraeinstellungen und die Surroundeffekte verpuffen ein- fast verwahrlost lebende Frau soll ihre sieht man das Paar durch die griechi- fach. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass Mutter sein? In ihrem Film schickt Re- sche Landschaft flanieren und hört sie dies absichtlich so gemacht wurde, um gisseurin Antoinette Beumer das weib- diskutieren. Unweigerlich fragt man die jüngeren Zuschauer nicht zu äng- liche Trio auf einen Road-Trip durch sich, ob sich das Thema nicht eher für stigen. Amerika, der den Frauenzimmern bei ein Hörspiel oder gar ein Theaterstück allerlei seltsamen Begegnungen viel geeignet hätte. Als Film jedoch ist die Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013 Zeit gibt, sich gegenseitig kennenzuler- ganze Geschichte auf verlorenem Po- Mit Mum auf Tour nen. Dabei kommen sich nicht nur die sten. Schade eigentlich. Vollkommen anders als es kürzlich Seth Töchter und die sehr wortkarge Mutter Rogan mit Filmmutter Barbra Streisand näher, auch die lange schwelenden Dif- EPIC – VERBORGENES KÖNIGREICH gemacht hat, gingen im heutigen Film ferenzen zwischen den Schwestern (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) zwei Schwestern mit Mami auf einen kommen endlich offen auf den Tisch OT: Epic Road-Trip der besonderen Art. und werden ein für alle Mal aus der Verleih: Fox Welt geräumt. Der Film bietet neben Land/Jahr: USA 2013 JACKIE – WER BRAUCHT SCHON drei großartigen Darstellern auch eini- Regie: Chris Wedge EINE MUTTER? (1:2.35, 5.1) ge magische Momente inmitten der Kinostart: 16.05.2013 OT: Jackie grenzenlosen Landschaften, die das Verleih: Schwarz-Weiss Trio mehr schlecht als recht durchque- Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter reist die 17- Land/Jahr: Niederlande 2012 ren. Am Ende des schönen Films steht jährige Mary Katherine zu ihrem Vater, Regie: Antoinette Beumer die simple Erkenntnis, dass man sich – einem verschrobenen Forscher, der Darsteller: Holly Hunter, Carice van entgegen allem bisherigen Wissen – einem großen Geheimnis im Wald auf Houten, Jelka van Houten seine Mutter durchaus selbst aussu- der Spur ist, zu dem auch bald schon Kinostart: 18.07.2013 chen kann. seine Tochter gehören wird. Denn der plötzlich auf Mikrogröße geschrumpfte Sofie und Daan sind Zwillingsschwe- Teenager gerät in die Auseinanderset- stern und Anfang 30. Während Single zung der Leefmen, jenen Wesen, die Sofie gerade dabei ist, die Karriereleiter den Wald erhalten wollen, und den in ihrem Job zu erklimmen, versucht Buggers, die den Wald mit Fäulnis Schwesterchen Daan verzweifelt, mit übertünchen wollen. Mary Katherine ihrem Mann endlich ein Kind zu zeu- erlebt das Abenteuer ihres Lebens... gen, um sich als Mutter zu versuchen. Mit unglaublicher Liebe zum Detail Die Zwillinge hatten selbst nie eine lässt ICE AGE Regisseur Chris Wedge Mutter, sondern sind das Produkt zwei- den Mikrokosmos eines Waldes voll ter schwuler Männer mit Kinderwunsch wundersamer Wesen in atemberauben- und einem amerikanischen Hippie-Mäd- der Computeranimation auferstehen. chen als Leihmutter, das sich jedoch Und das in perfektem 3D, das vor Tie- gleich nach der Geburt ihrer Töchter in fenwirkung nur so strotzt. Dabei richtet die USA aufmachte und nie wieder ge- sich die Mischung aus GULLIVERS sehen war. Bis jetzt. Denn urplötzlich REISEN, DIE BORGER sowie vieler erreicht die beiden Schwestern ein Hil- anderer Fantasy- und Märchen- feruf aus den USA: ihre Mutter Jackie geschichten hauptsächlich an die klei-

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Trickfilm/Komödie 2003 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053124 () GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Mike, der Ritter... und der große 29.05.2013 Schild Ali Baba und die 40 Räuber 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053119 Mike The Knight Dir. Neil Affleck Ari-Baba To Yonjuppiki No Tozoku Der Flaschenteufel Dir. Hiroshi Shidara Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. Dir. Ferdinand Diehl Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1971 55min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Trickfilm 1952 61min. Intergroove Media(Picture Lake Film) Division(Europa) 26.04.2013 TACKER FILM 24.05.2013 03.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053062 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053129 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053223 Mike, der Ritter... und der große Asterix Collection (3 Discs) (Blu- : Extremis (OmU) Schild (Blu-ray) Iron Man: Extremis Mike The Knight ray) Action/Zeichentrick 60min. Dir. Neil Affleck Asterix - Operation Hinkelstein / Asterix - AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. Sieg über Cäsar / Asterix bei den Briten 07.06.2013 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Leo Bardischewski - Dir. Paul Brizzi, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053372 Gaetan Brizzi, Philippe Grimond, Pino van Division(Europa) 26.04.2013 Lamsweerde Iron Man: Extremis (OmU) (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053085 Abspann der berlinerischen Fassung, Abspann der schwäbi- schen Fassung, Dokumentationen, Trailer, Wendecover, ray) Die Monster AG (Blu-ray 3D, + Behind the Scenes, u.v.m. Iron Man: Extremis Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Komödie/Zeichentrick 1985-1989 235min. Action/Zeichentrick 63min. Monsters, Inc. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Dir. Peter Docter, Lee Unkrich, David Germany 18.07.2013 07.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053505 Silverman 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053404 Featurettes, Outtakes Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (OmU) Trickfilm/Komödie 2001 92min. Kikis kleiner Lieferservice (Blu- The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Astonishing X-Men: Gifted ray) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Dir. John Cassady Majo No Takkyubin 29.05.2013 Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2009 65min. Dir. Hayao Miyazaki 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053118 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989 103min. 07.06.2013 Universum Film(ufa animé) 05.07.2013 Die Monster AG (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053370 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053254 Monsters, Inc. Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (OmU) Dir. Peter Docter, Lee Unkrich, David The Lone Ranger (3 Discs) Silverman (Blu-ray) The Lone Ranger Featurettes Astonishing X-Men: Gifted Dir. Rudy Larriva Trickfilm/Komödie 2001 92min. Dir. John Cassady Zeichentrick/ 1966-1969 491min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2009 65min. Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) 26.07.2013 29.05.2013 07.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053318 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053117 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053403 Merida - Legende der Highlands My Little Pony - Freundschaft ist Dino-Zug - 1. Staffel, Teil 2, 40 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu- Magie, Folge 10 Folgen (3 Discs) ray) My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Dinosaur Train Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton Brave Wendecover Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Dir. Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 492min. Edel:Kids 17.05.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Steve Purcell (Ko-Regie) Kurzfilme, Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053127 Germany 18.07.2013 Audiokommentar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053480 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 94min. My Little Pony - Freundschaft ist The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dora - Rettet die kleine Meer- Magie, Folge 11 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic jungfrau 02.05.2013 Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton Dora The Explorer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053120 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Edel:Kids 17.05.2013 Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Mia and Me - Die Blütenfest-Prin- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053128 Bonusepisoden zessin Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 69min. Mia And Me Naruto - Die komplette erste Staf- Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Bill Speers, Anthony 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053154 fel, Flg 1-19 (3 Discs) Power Naruto Stricker Dir. Jeff Nimoy Das Dschungelbuch, DVD 9 Fantasy/Trickfilm 55min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2002-2007 433min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009-2011 55min. Edel Germany(Panini) 17.05.2013 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.06.2013 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053123 02.08.2013 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053514 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053431 Mia and Me - Die Höhle der Phineas und Ferb - Agentenalarm Findet Nemo (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Wahrheit Dir. Dan Povenmire Mia And Me ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick 2007 167min. Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Bill Speers, Anthony The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Finding Nemo Power GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Dir. Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich Stricker 13.06.2013 Aquarien 3D, Kurzfilm, Featurettes, Entfallene Szene, Alter- Fantasy/Trickfilm 55min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053116 nativer Filmanfang Edel Germany(Panini) 17.05.2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Professor Balthazar - Staffel 2.1 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Donald Pleasence, Carol Wolveridge - Dir. Dir. Boris Kolar, Ante Zaninovic, Zlatko 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053158 Michael Anderson Grgic Wendecover Science Fiction 1955-1956 104min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 66min. The Winx Club - 5. Staffel, Vol. 01 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.05.2013 The Winx Club - The Winx Club Pictures) 31.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053364 Fantasy/Zeichentrick 2004-2008 110min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053035 Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette 24.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053212 21 Street - Wie alles be- achte Staffel (5 Discs) gann The Smurfs The Winx Club - 5. Staffel, Vol. 02 21 Jump Street Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 729min. The Winx Club - The Winx Club Johnny Depp, , Home Entertainment (SPHE) Fantasy/Zeichentrick 2004-2008 110min. Frederic Forrest, Peter DeLuise, Dustin 25.07.2013 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Nguyen - Dir. Kim Manners 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053356 24.05.2013 Action/Kriminalfilm 1987 min. Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053213 Universum Film 05.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053232 neunte Staffel (4 Discs) Yakari - Der Zorn des Bisons The Smurfs Yakari 3096 Tage Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 596min. Dir. Xavier Giacometti Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Thure Lindhardt, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Amelia Pidgeon, Trine Dyrholm, Molloy 25.07.2013 Edel:Kids 31.05.2013 Dearbhla, Roeland Wiesnekker, Ellen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053357 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053125 Schwiers, Erni Mangold, Sebastian Weber, Tina Grawe, Angelina Noa, Nicholas Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Yakari - Hüter der Quelle Reinke, Thomas Loibl, Henry Schindler, siebte Staffel (6 Discs) Yakari Michael A. Grimm, Heike Koslowski, Ulla The Smurfs Dir. Xavier Giacometti Geiger, Arthur Streiling, Marion Freundorfer Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 884min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. - Dir. Sherry Hormann Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Edel:Kids 31.05.2013 Drama 2013 min. 25.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053126 Highlight Communications 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053355 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.09.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053365 Shaun das Schaf - 3. Staffel (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Film 3096 Tage (Blu-ray) Shaun The Sheep Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Thure Lindhardt, John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Amelia Pidgeon, Trine Dyrholm, Molloy Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Die 12 Geschworenen Dearbhla, Roeland Wiesnekker, Ellen Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 144min. Twelve Angry Men Schwiers, Erni Mangold, Sebastian Weber, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) , Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley, E. G. Tina Grawe, Angelina Noa, Nicholas 20.08.2013 Marshall, Jack Warden, Edward Binns - Dir. Reinke, Thomas Loibl, Henry Schindler, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053533 Sidney Lumet Michael A. Grimm, Heike Koslowski, Ulla Trailer Geiger, Arthur Streiling, Marion Freundorfer Shaun das Schaf - 3. Staffel Drama 1957 92min. - Dir. Sherry Hormann Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Special Edition, 3 Discs) Drama 2013 min. Germany(MGM/UA) 12.07.2013 Highlight Communications Shaun The Sheep 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053445 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.09.2013 John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053398 Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Die 12 Geschworenen (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 140min. Twelve Angry Men Der 6 Millionen Dollar Mann - Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley, E. G. Komplettbox (14 Discs) 20.08.2013 Marshall, Jack Warden, Edward Binns - Dir. The Six Million Dollar Man 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053519 Sidney Lumet Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurette, Trailer Lee Majors, Richard Anderson, Martin E. Shaun das Schaf - Bitte lächeln Drama 1957 95min. Brooks, Lindsay Wagner - Dir. Dick Moder, Shaun The Sheep Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Cliff Bole John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Germany(MGM/UA) 12.07.2013 Science Fiction 1974-1978 2853min. Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053251 Universum Film 05.07.2013 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 46min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053515 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) 12 Uhr mittags - High Noon (Blu- 20.08.2013 ray) Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn Leon Seidel, Louis Hofmann, Jacky Ido, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053518 High Noon August Diehl, Henry Hübchen, Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges, Peschel, Andreas Schmidt, Michael Der Spatz vom Wallrafplatz (4 Ian MacDonald, Thomas Mitchell, Katy Gwisdek, Kurt Krömer, Rosalie Thomass, Discs) Jurado, Lon Chaney jr., Otto Kruger - Dir. Peter Lohmeyer, Hinnerk Schönemann, Dir. Armin Maiwald Fred Zinnemann Margit Bendokat, Rosa Enskat, Mathias Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969-1976 724min. Dokumentation, The Making of, Filmmusik, Trailer, Wende- Herrmann, Christian Steyer, Heike Makatsch Studio Hamburg Enterprises 24.05.2013 cover Western 1952 80min. - Dir. Hermine Huntgeburth 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053311 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Featurettes, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Teaser, Germany(Arthaus Collection) 18.07.2013 Trailer, Bildergalerie, DVD-ROM-Part Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 98min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053504 Der Aufstieg der Turtles Majestic Filmverleih 28.06.2013 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rise Of 1984 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053010 The Turtles: Part 2 1984 Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn Dir. Michael Chang, Alan Wan Edmond O’Brien, Michael Redgrave, Jan Featurette, Doppelfolge Sterling, David Kossoff, Mervyn Johns, (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 132min.

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Leon Seidel, Louis Hofmann, Jacky Ido, 06.06.2013 August Diehl, Henry Hübchen, Milan 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053063 Anger Management - Die kom- Peschel, Andreas Schmidt, Michael plette 1. Staffel (Blu-ray) Gwisdek, Kurt Krömer, Rosalie Thomass, Der Alte - Collector’s Box Vol. 12 Anger Management Peter Lohmeyer, Hinnerk Schönemann, (Folgen 191-205) (5 Discs) Charlie Sheen Margit Bendokat, Rosa Enskat, Mathias Siegfried Lowitz (Folgen 1-100: Erwin Komödie min. Herrmann, Christian Steyer, Heike Makatsch Köster), Rolf Schimpf (Folgen 101-322/ Concorde Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 - Dir. Hermine Huntgeburth 340(1986-2007/2009): Leo Kress), Walter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053535 Featurettes, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Teaser, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kreye, Jan-Gregor Kremp, Michael Ande, Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 102min. Jan Hendriks (Folgen 1-101, Henning Apocalypse Earth (Blu-ray 3D) Majestic Filmverleih 28.06.2013 Schlüter (Folgen 1-78: Franz Millinger), (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053042 Wolfgang Zerlett (Folgen 32-114: Meyer AE: Apocalypse Earth Zwo), Charles M. Huber (Folgen 101-225: Adrian Paul, Richard Grieco, Michelle Alexandre Ajas Maniac (Blu-ray) Henry Johnson) Jones, Bali Rodriguez, Steve Bencich, Lau- (k.J.) Kriminalfilm 900min. ra Pacheco, Jayson McCardell, Gray MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Maniac Hawks, Hidalgo Erika, Jessica Russo - Dir. Products) 24.05.2013 Elijah Wood, Nora Arnezeder, Liane Thunder Levin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053360 Balaban, America Olivo, Sammi Rotibi, Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2013 89min. Genevieve Alexandra, Morgane Slemp, Sal Am Fuß der blauen Berge - Vol. 2 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Landi, Megan Duffy, Jan Broberg, Steffinnie Laramie 20.06.2013 Phrommany - Dir. Franck Khalfoun Making of, Featurette, Interviews, Trailer Robert Fuller, , Dennis Holmes, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053259 Thriller/Horror 2012 87min. Spring Byington, Stuart Randall, Robert Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.05.2013 Crawford jr., Hoagy Carmichael, Eddie C. Apocalypse Earth (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053334 Waller, Norman Leavitt, Ed Prentiss, James AE: Apocalypse Earth Anderson, Bartlett Robinson, John Pickard, Adrian Paul, Richard Grieco, Michelle Alexandre Ajas Maniac (k.J.) L.Q. Jones, Robert Wilke, Harry Lauter - Jones, Bali Rodriguez, Steve Bencich, Lau- Maniac Dir. William Witney, Lesley Selander, Jo- ra Pacheco, Jayson McCardell, Gray Elijah Wood, Nora Arnezeder, Liane seph Kane Hawks, Hidalgo Erika, Jessica Russo - Dir. Balaban, America Olivo, Sammi Rotibi, Booklet Thunder Levin Western 1959-1963 140min. Genevieve Alexandra, Morgane Slemp, Sal Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.06.2013 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2013 89min. Landi, Megan Duffy, Jan Broberg, Steffinnie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053068 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Phrommany - Dir. Franck Khalfoun Making of, Featurette, Interviews, Trailer 20.06.2013 Thriller/Horror 2012 83min. The Amazing Spider-Man (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053258 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.05.2013 ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053296 The Amazing Spider-Man Apocalypse Earth (k.J.) Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, AE: Apocalypse Earth Alien Predator (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, , Adrian Paul, Richard Grieco, Michelle Alien Origin Martin Sheen, , C. Thomas Jones, Bali Rodriguez, Steve Bencich, Lau- Chelsea Vincent, Trey McCurley, Peter Howell - Dir. Marc Webb ra Pacheco, Jayson McCardell, Gray Pedrero, Philip Coc, Daniela Flynn, Andres Action/Science Fiction 2012 136min. Hawks, Hidalgo Erika, Jessica Russo - Dir. Rash, Kent Noralez, Rupert Tablada, Saul Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Thunder Levin Pech - Dir. Mark Atkins 11.07.2013 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2013 85min. Outtakes, Making of, Trailer 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053405 Horror/Science Fiction 2012 88min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) - Season 1 20.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053241 20.06.2013 (4 Discs) (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20053260 American Horror Story Aquaphobia - Die Angst lauert Alien Predator (k.J.) Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Connie überall Britton, Dylan McDermott, Taissa Farmiga, Alien Origin September Runs Red Denis O’Hare, , Kate Mara, Chelsea Vincent, Trey McCurley, Peter Adam Beach, Caroline Redekopp, Xavier Lily Rabe, Jamie Brewer, Alexandra Pedrero, Philip Coc, Daniela Flynn, Andres Sotelo, Patrick S. Fry - Dir. Dan Forgues Breckenridge, Matt Ross, Morris Chestnut, Rash, Kent Noralez, Rupert Tablada, Saul Trailer Michael Graziadei, Zachary Quinto, Teddy Pech - Dir. Mark Atkins Thriller 2012 81min. Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Sears, Eve Gordon, Azura Skye, Kyle Da- Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Horror/Science Fiction 2012 84min. vis, Sarah Paulson, David Anthony Higgins, 20.06.2013 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Rebecca Wisocky, Shelby Young, Charles tba BestellNr.: 20053244 20.06.2013 S. Dutton, Brando Eaton, - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20053242 , Bradley Buecker, Alfonso Aquaphobia - Die Angst lauert Gomez-Rejon, David Semel überall (Blu-ray) Alphas - Season 1 (3 Discs) Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Featurette Horror/Drama 2011 min. September Runs Red Alphas Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Adam Beach, Caroline Redekopp, Xavier David Strathairn, Ryan Cartwright, Warren Germany 26.07.2013 Sotelo, Patrick S. Fry - Dir. Dan Forgues Christie, Azita Ghanizada, Laura Mennell, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053442 Trailer Malik Yoba, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, John Thriller 2012 84min. Pyper-Ferguson, Erin Way, Kathleen Anger Management - Die kom- Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Munroe, Steve Byers, Rachael Crawford, 20.06.2013 Jane Moffat, Valerie Cruz, Kathleen Gáti, plette 1. Staffel tba BestellNr.: 20053261 Daniel Kash, Elias Toufexis, Summer Glau, Anger Management Liane Balaban, Jameson Kraemer - Dir. Nick Charlie Sheen The Ark Copus, Matthew Hastings, Leslie Libman, J. Komödie min. Stranded Miller Tobin Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Christian Slater, Amy Matysio, Michael Science Fiction/Drama 2011 min. Home Edition) 20.08.2013 Therriault, Brendan Fehr - Dir. Roger Chri- Germany(Universal) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053521 stian

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Science Fiction/Horror 2013 min. Audiokommentar, Trailer, Wendecover Horror/Abenteuer 2012 94min. Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1964 92min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 19.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053265 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053255 Germany(Arthaus) 20.06.2013 The Ark (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053025 Die Bande des Captain Clegg Stranded Captain Clegg Christian Slater, Amy Matysio, Michael The Australian Job (Blu-ray) , Patrick Allen, Michael Therriault, Brendan Fehr - Dir. Roger Chri- The Hard Word Ripper, Martin Benson, Oliver Reed, stian Guy Pearce, Rachel Griffiths, Robert Yvonne Romain - Dir. Peter Graham Scott Science Fiction/Horror 2013 min. Taylor, Joel Edgerton, Damien Richardson, Bildergalerie, Originaltrailer, Booklet Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Rhondda Findleton, Kate Atkinson, Vince Abenteuer 1961 79min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053284 Colosimo, Paul Sonkkila, Kim Gyngell, Koch Media 24.05.2013 Dorian Nikona, Greg Fleet - Dir. Scott Ro- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053277 Arlington Road (Blu-ray) berts Arlington Road Biografien, Interviews, Trailer Barbaren Triple Feature Thriller/Action 2002 99min. Jeff Bridges, Tim Robbins, Joan Cusack, One Night With The King / Rusichi / Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Hope Davis, Robert Gossett, Mason Sangraal, La Spada Di Fuoco 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053343 Gamble, Spencer Treat Clark, Stanley Abenteuer 302min. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Anderson, Mary Ashleigh Green, Loyd Babylon Z - The Last Apocalypse Catlett, Jenni Tooley, Sid Hillman, Darryl 17.05.2013 Taiketsu Cox - Dir. Mark Pellington 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053018 Audiokommentar, Making of, Alternatives Ende, Trailer Yuri Beckers, Cecile Decker, Sarah Diener, Thriller 1998 113min. Liane Siems, Johanna Malsch, Tayfun Beautiful Creatures - Eine un- Koch Media 24.05.2013 Baydar, Justus Beckmann, Fabian sterbliche Liebe Monasterios, Jens Ristedt, Stephan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053292 Beautiful Creatures Schreck, Mirko Thiele - Dir. Sven Knüppel Alden Ehrenreich, Alice Englert, Jeremy Armee im Schatten (Studiocanal Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Science Fiction/Action 2007-2010 94min. Irons, , Emmy Rossum, Thomas Collection) (Blu-ray) KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 Mann, Emma Thompson, Kyle Gallner, Zoey L’ Armée Des Ombres 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053453 Deutch, Margo Martindale - Dir. Richard Lino Ventura, Simone Signoret, Paul LaGravenese Meurisse, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Serge Babymakers - Wenn’s so einfach Fantasy/Lovestory 2013 119min. Reggiani, Claude Mann, Paul Crauchet, wäre! Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Christian Barbier - Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville Home Edition) 20.08.2013 The Babymakers Behind the Scenes, Booklet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053517 Drama/Kriegsfilm 1969 145min. Olivia Munn, Noureen DeWulf, Aisha Tyler, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Desi Lydic, Kevin Heffernan, Paul Schnei- Beautiful Creatures - Eine un- der, Wood Harris, Jay Chandrasekhar, He- Germany(Arthaus) 20.06.2013 sterbliche Liebe (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053056 lena Mattsson, Collette Wolfe, Miles Fisher, Constance Zimmer - Dir. Jay Beautiful Creatures Ashes to Ashes - Zurück in die Chandrasekhar Alden Ehrenreich, Alice Englert, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis, Emmy Rossum, Thomas 80er, Die komplette Staffel Drei (3 Komödie 2012 min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 26.07.2013 Mann, Emma Thompson, Kyle Gallner, Zoey Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053240 Deutch, Margo Martindale - Dir. Richard Ashes To Ashes LaGravenese Making of Babymakers - Wenn’s so einfach Fantasy/Lovestory 2013 124min. Kriminalfilm/Drama 400min. wäre! (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 polyband Medien GmbH 28.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053532 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053393 The Babymakers Olivia Munn, Noureen DeWulf, Aisha Tyler, Bedingungslos Desi Lydic, Kevin Heffernan, Paul Schnei- Attack of the Yakuza (Blu-ray) Unconditional der, Wood Harris, Jay Chandrasekhar, He- (k.J.) Lynn Collins, Michael Ealy, Bruce McGill, lena Mattsson, Collette Wolfe, Miles Fisher, Broken Path Kwesi Boakye, Diego Klattenhoff, Cedric Constance Zimmer - Dir. Jay Johnny Yong Bosch, Pamela , Pendleton, Emily Rollins (Sam), Danielle Chandrasekhar Daniel Southworth, Tadahiro Nakamura, Lewis, Michael Beasley, Jacinte Komödie 2012 min. Motoko Nagino, Lanie Taylor, Jodie Moore, Blankenship, Steven Brown, Roger D. Universum Film(SquareOne) 26.07.2013 Cheryl Toma Sanders - Dir. Koichi Eldridge, Reegus Flenory - Dir. Brent 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053257 Sakamoto McCorkle Action 2008 97min. Bait - Haie im Supermarkt Trailer MIG Film 11.07.2013 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 94min. Bait 3D 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053092 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Phoebe Tonkin, Alex Russell, Julian 20.06.2013 Attack of the Yakuza (k.J.) McMahon, Xavier Samuel, Sharni Vinson, tba BestellNr.: 20053304 Cariba Heine, Alice Parkinson, Lincoln Broken Path Lewis - Dir. Kimble Rendall Ingmar Bergman - Frauenträume Johnny Yong Bosch, Pamela Walworth, Making of, Interviews, Trailer Daniel Southworth, Tadahiro Nakamura, Horror/Abenteuer 2012 90min. / Schiff nach Indialand (tlw. OmU) Motoko Nagino, Lanie Taylor, Jodie Moore, Universum Film(SquareOne) 19.07.2013 Frauenträume / Schiff nach Indialand Cheryl Toma Sanders - Dir. Koichi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053236 Dir. Ingmar Bergman Sakamoto Drama 1947-1955 177min. Action 2008 93min. Bait - Haie im Supermarkt (Blu- Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) MIG Film 11.07.2013 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 24.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053073 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053136 Bait 3D Die Außenseiterbande Phoebe Tonkin, Alex Russell, Julian Beverly Hills, 90210 - Die neunte McMahon, Xavier Samuel, Sharni Vinson, Bande A Part Cariba Heine, Alice Parkinson, Lincoln Season (6 Discs) Anna Karina, Sami Frey, Claude Brasseur, Lewis - Dir. Kimble Rendall Beverly Hills, 90210 Louise Colpeyn - Dir. Jean-Luc Godard Making of, Interviews, Trailer Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Tori Spelling,

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Jason Priestley, Brian Austin Green, Tiffani Western 1939 81min. Blood Money (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thiessen, Joe E. Tata, Vincent Young - Dir. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Blood Money Anson Williams, Chip Chalmers, Jeffrey Germany 04.07.2013 Zheng Liu, Pitbull, Gordon Liu, Alex Castro, Melman, Richard Denault, Christopher 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053463 Jeronimo Garcia, Brad McMurray, Carlos Hibler (als Chris Hibler), Kevin Inch, Micha- Alberto Vazquez, Masson Ge - Dir. Gregory el Lange, Artie Mandelberg, Joel J. Feigen- Black Rock (Blu-ray) (k.J.) McQualter baum, Harvey Frost, Roy Campanella II, Black Rock Trailer Frank Thackery, Charles Correll, Christian Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Katie Aselton, Action 2012 107min. J. Nyby II, Luke Perry, Jennie Garth, Micha- Alana Costello, Jay Paulson, Anslem Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim el Ray Rhodes Richardson - Dir. Katie Aselton Pictures) 18.06.2013 Drama 1998-1999 1268min. Thriller/Abenteuer 2012 87min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053098 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053152 GmbH & Co. KG 19.07.2013 Blood Money (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053352 Blood Money - Season 2, Zheng Liu, Pitbull, Gordon Liu, Alex Castro, Volume 2 (2 Discs) Black Rock (k.J.) Jeronimo Garcia, Brad McMurray, Carlos Big Time Rush Black Rock Alberto Vazquez, Masson Ge - Dir. Gregory Kendall Schmidt, James Maslow, Logan Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Katie Aselton, McQualter Henderson, Carlos Pena, Ciara Bravo, Alana Costello, Jay Paulson, Anslem Trailer Action 2012 104min. Stephen Kramer Glickman, Tanya Chisholm, Richardson - Dir. Katie Aselton Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Challen Cates - Dir. Jonathan Judge, Thriller/Abenteuer 2012 83min. Pictures) 18.06.2013 Stewart Schill, Mort Nathan, Paul Lazarus, Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053078 , Carlos González, GmbH & Co. KG 19.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053333 Jonathan A. Rosenbaum, Scott Fellows, Bloodsport - Eine wahre Ge- Joe Menendez Komödie/Musical 2012 357min. Blackmail Boys (OmU) schichte (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Blackmail Boys Bloodsport 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053153 Nathan Adloff, Taylor Reed, Joe Swanberg Jean-Claude van Damme, Donald Gibb, - Dir. Bernard Shumanski, Richard Leah Ayres, Norman Burton, Forest Bikini Spring Break Massaker Shumanski Whitaker, Roy Chiao, Philip Chan, Bolo (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Behind the Scenes, Trailer Yeung - Dir. Newt Arnold Drama 2010 67min. Trailer Girls Gone Dead good!movies(GMfilms) 31.05.2013 Action 1987 92min. Jerry Lawler, Linnea Quigley, Ron Jeremy, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053359 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Katie Peterson, Sal Governal, Beetlejuice, Germany(MGM/UA) 28.06.2013 Caley Hayes, Ryan Keely, Shea Stewart, Der blaue Max 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053049 Brandy Whitford, Krystyna Ahlers - Dir. The Blue Max Michael Hoffman jr., Aaron T. Wells George Peppard, Ursula Andress, James Bloodwork - Experiment außer Trailer, Bildergalerie Mason, Loni von Friedl, Karl-Michael Vogler Komödie/Horror 2012 107min. Kontrolle (Blu-ray) (k.J.) - Dir. John Guillermin KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 Bloodwork Trailer Travis Van Winkle, Mircea Monroe, Tricia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053494 Kriegsfilm 1965 150min. Helfer, John Bregar, Rik Young, Tamara Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Feldman, Joe Pingue, Eric Roberts - Dir. Bikini Spring Break Massaker 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053361 (k.J.) Eric Wostenberg Thriller/Horror 2011 99min. Girls Gone Dead Der blaue Max (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.07.2013 Jerry Lawler, Linnea Quigley, Ron Jeremy, The Blue Max 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053335 Katie Peterson, Sal Governal, Beetlejuice, George Peppard, Ursula Andress, James Caley Hayes, Ryan Keely, Shea Stewart, Mason, Loni von Friedl, Karl-Michael Vogler Bloodwork - Experiment außer Brandy Whitford, Krystyna Ahlers - Dir. - Dir. John Guillermin Michael Hoffman jr., Aaron T. Wells Trailer Kontrolle (k.J.) Trailer, Bildergalerie Kriegsfilm 1965 156min. Bloodwork Komödie/Horror 2012 103min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Travis Van Winkle, Mircea Monroe, Tricia KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053394 Helfer, John Bregar, Rik Young, Tamara 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053454 Feldman, Joe Pingue, Eric Roberts - Dir. Blood Eric Wostenberg Bis in alle Ewigkeit Blood Thriller/Horror 2011 96min. Tuck Everlasting Mark Strong, Paul Bettany, Brian Cox, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.07.2013 Alexis Bledel, William Hurt, Sissy Spacek, Stephen Graham, Zoe Tapper, Ben 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053297 Jonathan Jackson, Scott Bairstow, Sir Ben Crompton, Adrian Edmondson, Natasha Kingsley, Amy Irving, Victor Garber - Dir. Little - Dir. Nick Murphy Bloody Bikini Massacre (Blu-ray) Jay Russell Trailer (k.J.) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 91min. Drama/Fantasy 2002 min. 36 Pasos Koch Media 30.08.2013 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Noelia Balbo, Ines Sbarra, Ariana tba BestellNr.: 20053382 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Marchioni, Melisa Fernadez, Priscila Rauto, 11.07.2013 Blood (Blu-ray) Andrea Duarte - Dir. Adrián García Bogliano 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053190 Trailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes Blood Thriller/Horror 2007 102min. Black River Mark Strong, Paul Bettany, Brian Cox, Sunfilm Entertainment 02.05.2013 Allegheny Uprising Stephen Graham, Zoe Tapper, Ben 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053207 John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Olaf Hytten, Crompton, Adrian Edmondson, Natasha George Sanders, Brian Donlevy, Robert Little - Dir. Nick Murphy Bloody Bikini Massacre (k.J.) Barrat, Wilfrid Lawson, Chill Wills, Ian Trailer 36 Pasos Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 95min. Wolfe, Moroni Olsen, Eddie Quillan, John . Noelia Balbo, Ines Sbarra, Ariana Koch Media 30.08.2013 Hamilton - Dir. William A. Seiter Marchioni, Melisa Fernadez, Priscila Rauto, tba BestellNr.: 20053416 Wendecover Andrea Duarte - Dir. Adrián García Bogliano

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Trailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes Komödie/Science Fiction 1980 88min. Musikfilm 1977 121min. Thriller/Horror 2007 98min. Edel Germany(Breu Media) 24.05.2013 Edel Germany(Breu Media) 17.05.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 02.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053139 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053178 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053205 Caveman - Der aus der Höhle City of Industry - Die komplette 11. Staf- kam (Blu-ray) City of Industry fel (7 Discs) Caveman Harvey Keitel, Stephen Dorff, Famke Bonanza Ringo Starr, Barbara Bach, Dennis Quaid, Janssen, Timothy Hutton, Wade Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Shelley Long, John Matszak, Avery Schrei- Dominguez, Michael Jai White, Reno Wilson ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung ber - Dir. Carl Gottlieb - Dir. John Irvin Western 1959-1973 1268min. Komödie/Science Fiction 1980 91min. Thriller 1997 93min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Edel Germany(Breu Media) 24.05.2013 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Germany 06.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053151 28.06.2013 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053024 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053462 Chainsaw Slaughter (Blu-ray) Bones - Season Seven (4 Discs) (k.J.) Cleopatra (2 Discs) Bones Cleopatra Hack! Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Sir Rex Harrison, Danica McKellar, William Forsythe, Sean Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan , Pamela Brown, George Kanan, Jay Kenneth Johnson, Juliet Land- Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Cole, Roddy McDowall, Hume Cronyn, Mar- au, Adrienne Frantz, Tony Burton, Justin Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan tin Landau, Francesca Annis, Andrew Keir, Chon, Kane Hodder - Dir. Matt Flynn Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick Kenneth Haigh - Dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz Horror/Komödie 2007 89min. Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Audiokommentar Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1963 241min. 14.06.2013 Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053253 Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Germany 10.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053248 Steven DePaul, Kate Woods Chainsaw Slaughter (k.J.) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interview, Audiokommentar, Outtakes Hack! Cliffhanger - Nur die Starken Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. Danica McKellar, William Forsythe, Sean überleben (20th Anniversary Edi- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kanan, Jay Kenneth Johnson, Juliet Land- Germany 05.07.2013 au, Adrienne Frantz, Tony Burton, Justin tion, Uncut, Digital Remastered) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053440 Chon, Kane Hodder - Dir. Matt Flynn Cliffhanger Horror/Komödie 2007 86min. Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Michael Bordertown Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Rooker, Janine Turner, Rex Linn, Caroline Bordertown 14.06.2013 Goodall, Leon - Dir. Renny Harlin Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wende- Jennifer Lopez, Antonio Banderas, Sonia 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053217 cover Braga, Maya Zapata, Martin Sheen, Rene Action 1993 107min. Rivera, Kate Del Castillo, Randall Batinkoff, Checker Can - Der LKW-Check / STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Juanes - Dir. Gregory Nava Der Zug-Check Germany 20.06.2013 Trailer Checker Can 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053026 Thriller/Drama 2006 107min. Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- Falcom Investment AG 31.05.2013 hannes Honsell, Jesco Hoffmann Cliffhanger - Nur die Starken 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053130 Kinderfilm 50min. überleben (20th Anniversary Edi- Brawler (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universal Music Family tion, Uncut, Digital Remastered) Entertainment(Karussell) 17.05.2013 Brawler 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053315 (Blu-ray) Nathan Grubbs, Marc Senter, Pell James - Cliffhanger Dir. Chris Sivertson Checker Can - Der Salz-Check / Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Michael Trailer Rooker, Janine Turner, Rex Linn, Caroline Action 2011 88min. Der Kaffee-Check Goodall, Leon - Dir. Renny Harlin Mad Dimension GmbH 05.07.2013 Checker Can Interviews, Making of, Hinter den Kulissen, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053351 Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- Action 1993 112min. hannes Honsell, Jesco Hoffmann STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Brawler (k.J.) Kinderfilm 50min. Germany 20.06.2013 Brawler Universal Music Family 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053057 Nathan Grubbs, Marc Senter, Pell James - Entertainment(Karussell) 17.05.2013 Dir. Chris Sivertson 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053314 Coffin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Trailer Coffin Action 2011 85min. Die Chefin 2 (2 Discs) Kevin Sorbo, Bruce Davison, Johnny Mad Dimension GmbH 05.07.2013 Katharina Böhm, Stefan Rudolf, Jürgen Alonso, Patrick Barnitt, Sunny Doench, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053321 Tonkel, Nicole Marischka, Martin Umbach, Kipp Tribble, Derik Wingo, Moksha Olga von Luckwald, Hermann Beyer - Dir. Butter bei die Fische / Nägel mit McPherrin, Andrena Senola, Luke Barnett, Filippos Tsitos, Florian Kern David Banks, Ralph Cipriano - Dir. Kipp Köppen Kriminalfilm 2013 240min. Tribble, Derik Wingo Ulrike Kriener, Peter Heinrich Brix Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Komödie 2012 176min. 10.05.2013 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053192 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053182 25.07.2013 Cinderellas silberner Schuh 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053262 Caveman - Der aus der Höhle The Slipper And The Rose kam Richard Chamberlain, Gemma Craven, An- Coffin (k.J.) Caveman nette Crosbie, Dame Edith Evans, Christo- Coffin Ringo Starr, Barbara Bach, Dennis Quaid, pher Gable, Sir Michael Hordern, Margaret Kevin Sorbo, Bruce Davison, Johnny Shelley Long, John Matszak, Avery Schrei- Lockwood, Kenneth More - Dir. Bryan Alonso, Patrick Barnitt, Sunny Doench, ber - Dir. Carl Gottlieb Forbes Kipp Tribble, Derik Wingo, Moksha

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McPherrin, Andrena Senola, Luke Barnett, Karsenti, Katie Stuart, Lynda Boyd, Jon Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 593min. David Banks, Ralph Cipriano - Dir. Kipp Cuthbert, John Pyper-Ferguson, Christina Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Tribble, Derik Wingo Cox, Julie Dreyfus - Dir. Kari Skogland 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053155 Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Audiokommentare, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 83min. Szenen Der Diener (Studiocanal Action/Fantasy 1998 481min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Collection) (Blu-ray) 25.07.2013 Koch Media 10.05.2013 The Servant 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053245 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053274 Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles, Wendy Craig, College Animals 4 Cusack - der Schweigsame (Blu- James Fox, Catherine Lacey, Richard ray) Vernon - Dir. Joseph Losey Frat Party Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet Randy Wayne, Caroline D’Amore, Jareb Code Of Silence Drama 1963 114min. Dauplaise, Lauren C. Mayhew, Dan Levy, Chuck Norris, Henry Silva, Bert Remsen, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Robert Parks-Valletta, Katerina Mikailenko, Michael Genovese, Nathan Davis, Ralph Germany(Arthaus) 20.06.2013 Jesse Jane - Dir. Robert Bennett Foody, Allen Hamilton, Ron Henriquez, Joe tba BestellNr.: 20053058 Komödie 2009 min. Guzaldo, Molly Hagan, Ron Dean, Wilbert Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Bradley, Dennis Farina, Gene Barge - Dir. Django Nudo und die lüsternen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053267 Andrew Davis Mädchen von Porno Hill Trailer College Animals 4 (Blu-ray) Thriller 1985 100min. Steve Stunning, Cara Peters, Steve Vincent - Dir. Byron Mabe Frat Party Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 28.06.2013 Audiokommentar, Trailer Randy Wayne, Caroline D’Amore, Jareb Erotik 1968 76min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053047 Dauplaise, Lauren C. Mayhew, Dan Levy, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Robert Parks-Valletta, Katerina Mikailenko, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053363 Jesse Jane - Dir. Robert Bennett Dark Beach Komödie 2009 min. Uninhabited Dr. - Season 7 (6 Discs) Geraldine Hakewill, Henry James, Tasia Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 House M.D. Zalar, Bob Baines, Billy Milionis, Terry 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053287 Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Siourounis - Dir. Bill Bennett , Jesse Spencer, Pe- Thriller/Mystery 2010 min. Comedown ter Jacobson, Olivia Wilde, Paula Marshall - Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Comedown Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Daniel Attias, David 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053266 Geoff Bell, Adam Deacon, Jessica Barden, Straiton, Sanford Bookstaver, Tucker Sophie Stuckey, Duane Henry, Jacob Dark Beach (Blu-ray) Gates, Miguel Sapochnik, David Platt, S.J. Anderson, Calum MacNab, Slaine Kelly, Clarkson, Matt Shakman, Tim Southam Gemma-Leah Devereux, Christos Lawton - Uninhabited Audiokommentare, Featurettes Dir. Menhaj Huda Geraldine Hakewill, Henry James, Tasia Drama 2010-2011 967min. Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Zalar, Bob Baines, Billy Milionis, Terry Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Thriller/Horror 2012 90min. Siourounis - Dir. Bill Bennett 25.04.2013 Capelight Pictures 19.07.2013 Thriller/Mystery 2010 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053082 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053067 Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053286 Dr. Murkes gesammelte Nachrufe Comedown (Blu-ray) / Dr. Murkes gesammeltes Comedown Delta Force (Blu-ray) Geoff Bell, Adam Deacon, Jessica Barden, The Delta Force Schweigen Sophie Stuckey, Duane Henry, Jacob Chuck Norris, Lee Marvin, Hanna Dieter Hildebrandt, Robert Meyn, Dieter Anderson, Calum MacNab, Slaine Kelly, Schygulla, Martin Balsam, Robert Forster, Borsche - Dir. Rolf Hädrich Gemma-Leah Devereux, Christos Lawton - George Kennedy, Robert Vaughn - Dir. Interview Satire 1963-1965 145min. Dir. Menhaj Huda Menahem Golan Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Trailer MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Thriller/Horror 2012 94min. Action 1986 128min. Products) 03.05.2013 Capelight Pictures 19.07.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053108 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053089 Germany(MGM/UA) 28.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053044 Drift - Besiege die Welle Commissario Montalbano - Drift Volume V (4 Discs) Dexter - Die sechste Season (4 Sam Worthington, Xavier Samuel, Lesley- Ann Brandt, Robyn Malcolm, Myles Pollard, Commissario Montalbano Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Steve Bastoni, Sean Keenan, David Luca Zingaretti, Peppino Mazzotta, Angelo Dexter Bowers - Dir. Ben Nott, Morgan O’Neill Russo, Davide Lo Verde, Cesare Bocci Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, Des- Drama/Sport 2013 109min. (Mimì Augello), Marcello Perracchio, mond Harrington, C.S. Lee, Lauren Vélez, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 Roberto Nobile (Nicolò Zito), Giovanni David Zayas, James Remar, Christina tba BestellNr.: 20053380 Guardiano - Dir. Alberto Sironi Robinson - Dir. John Dahl, S.J. Clarkson, Kriminalfilm 1999 400min. Stefan Schwartz, Romeo Tirone, Ernest R. Drift - Besiege die Welle (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 31.05.2013 Dickerson, Seith Mann, Michael Lehmann Drift 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053138 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 629min. Sam Worthington, Xavier Samuel, Lesley- Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Ann Brandt, Robyn Malcolm, Myles Pollard, Die Cosby Show - Wie alles be- 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053171 Steve Bastoni, Sean Keenan, David gann Dexter - Die sechste Season (4 Bowers - Dir. Ben Nott, Morgan O’Neill Drama/Sport 2013 113min. Discs) (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 Komödie 1984-1992 min. Dexter tba BestellNr.: 20053414 Universum Film 05.07.2013 Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, Des- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053235 mond Harrington, C.S. Lee, Lauren Vélez, Dschingis Khan - Die Legende David Zayas, James Remar, Christina der 10 Reiter The Crow - Die Serie (3 Discs) Robinson - Dir. John Dahl, S.J. Clarkson, Genghis: The Legend Of The Ten The Crow: Stairway To Heaven Stefan Schwartz, Romeo Tirone, Ernest R. Baacanjab, T. Altanshagai, B. Jargalsaihan Mark Dacascos, Marc Gomes, Sabine Dickerson, Seith Mann, Michael Lehmann

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- Dir. D. Jolbayar, U. Shagdarsuren 12/12/12 - Evil Born Dieter Schwanda, Max Strecker, Sybille Abenteuer/Action 2012 88min. Sara Malakul Lane, Jesus Guevara, Carl Schindler, Josef Wageck, Bogislav von Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Doleson, Steve Hanks, Laura Alexandra Heyden, Wilhelm Schmidt, Engel- Pictures) 23.07.2013 Ramos, Samantha Stewart, Rachel Alig, Denis - Dir. Wolf Schmidt, Harald Schäfer tba BestellNr.: 20053378 Erin O’Brien, Katy-Ann Thompson - Dir. Booklet Jared Cohn Komödie 1961 1200min. Dschingis Khan - Die Legende Outtakes, Making of, Trailer MORE Music and Media(More Brands and der 10 Reiter (Blu-ray) Horror 2012 90min. Products) 31.05.2013 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053483 Genghis: The Legend Of The Ten 25.07.2013 Baacanjab, T. Altanshagai, B. Jargalsaihan tba BestellNr.: 20053348 Die Familie Hesselbach - Der - Dir. D. Jolbayar, U. Shagdarsuren zweite Teil der Kultserie (6 Discs) Abenteuer/Action 2012 92min. Evil Born (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Wolf Schmidt, Liesel Christ, Joost Siedhoff, 12/12/12 - Evil Born Pictures) 23.07.2013 Dieter Henkel, Rose-Marie Kirstein, Käthe Sara Malakul Lane, Jesus Guevara, Carl tba BestellNr.: 20053412 Jaenicke, Lia Wöhr, Helga Neuner, Gaby Doleson, Steve Hanks, Laura Alexandra Reichardt, Sofie Engelke, Sophie Cossäus, Du hast es versprochen Ramos, Samantha Stewart, Rachel Alig, Dieter Schwanda, Max Strecker, Sybille Erin O’Brien, Katy-Ann Thompson - Dir. Mina Tander, Laura de Boer, Lina Köhlert, Schindler, Josef Wageck, Bogislav von Jared Cohn Mia Kasalo, Katharina Thalbach, Max Heyden, Wilhelm Schmidt, Joachim Engel- Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Denis - Dir. Wolf Schmidt, Harald Schäfer Riemelt, Clemens Schick, Thomas Horror 2012 86min. Sarbacher, Greta Oceana Dethlefs, Alina Booklet Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Komödie 1961 1200min. Sophie Antoniadis, Anna Thalbach 25.07.2013 MORE Music and Media(More Brands and (Gabriela) - Dir. Alex Schmidt tba BestellNr.: 20053305 Products) 31.05.2013 Thriller/Mystery 2012 98min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053484 Falcom Investment AG 23.07.2013 Evil Hatebreed (Blu-ray) (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20053377 Kill Katie Malone Die fantastischen Fünf (k.J.) Dean Cain, Masiela Lusha, Jonathan ‘Lil J’ Du hast es versprochen (Blu-ray) Agent Beetle McDaniel, Stephen Colletti, Fernanda Daniel Lavigne, Emanuelle Carriere, Mina Tander, Laura de Boer, Lina Köhlert, Romero, Sylvia Panacione, Nick Hogan, Jennifer Vallance - Dir. Brett Kelly Mia Kasalo, Katharina Thalbach, Max Cassandra Jean, Twink Caplan, Shauntay Trailer Riemelt, Clemens Schick, Thomas Michaels - Dir. Carlos Ramos Jr. Action 2012 77min. Sarbacher, Greta Oceana Dethlefs, Alina Horror 2010 91min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.06.2013 Sophie Antoniadis, Anna Thalbach Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053185 (Gabriela) - Dir. Alex Schmidt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053498 Thriller/Mystery 2012 102min. Fast & Furious 5 (Special Edition, Falcom Investment AG 23.07.2013 Evil Hatebreed (k.J.) 2 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20053411 Kill Katie Malone Fast Five Dean Cain, Masiela Lusha, Jonathan ‘Lil J’ Ekel (2 Discs) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, McDaniel, Stephen Colletti, Fernanda Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Repulsion Romero, Sylvia Panacione, Nick Hogan, Ludacris, Matt Schulze, Sung Kang, Gadot Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, John Cassandra Jean, Twink Caplan, Shauntay Gadot, Tego Calderon, Don Omar, Elsa Fraser, Yvonne Furneaux, Patrick Wymark, Michaels - Dir. Carlos Ramos Jr. Pataky, Joaquim De Almeida, Shea Renee , Valerie Taylor, James Horror 2010 88min. Whigham, Jack Conley, Liza Lapira, Mich- Villiers, Helen Fraser - Dir. Roman Polanski Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 elle Rodriguez, Greg Cipes, Lou Beatty Jr., Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Interview, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053459 Horror/Drama 1964 100min. Joe Hursley - Dir. Justin Lin Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 21.06.2013 Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Exitus interuptus - Der Tod ist erst Action 2011 125min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053322 der Anfang / House of Pain (3 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Erdbeben (Blu-ray) Discs) (k.J.) 08.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053422 Earthquake Horror 311min. , Ava Gardner, Lorne VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 27.04.2013 Festung Greene, George Kennedy, Geneviève 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053105 Ursina Lardi, Peter Lohmeyer, Elisa Essig, Bujold, Richard Roundtree, Walter Karoline Herfurth, Antonia Pankow, Ansgar Matuschanskayasky - Dir. Mark Robson The Expendables 2 - Back for Göbel, Bernd Michael Lade, Rahel Ohm, Action 1974 122min. War (Limited Super Deluxe Box) Monika Lennartz, Christian Wittmann, Ans- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) gar Deuschel, Sandra Strohmenger, Lina 04.07.2013 The Expendables 2 Wichmann, Antonio Recupero, Tim Helmling, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053438 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Malin Verholen, Katharina Brell, Alexander Die etwas anderen Cops (Exten- , Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Schumacher, Lukas Deuschel, Lisa Fiorella ture, Bruce Willis, , Awenius, Falk Teubel, Florian Schmanke, ded Edition) (Blu-ray) Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Natalie Hrivnak, Felix Wolf, Jonas The Other Guys Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Fürstenau, Stephanie Schönfeld, Leon , Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Dir. Simon West Schuhmann, Maria Anne Müller - Dir. Kirsi Michael Keaton, Steve Coogan, Ray Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Marie Liimatainen Stevenson, Samuel L. Jackson, Dwayne Action 2012 103min. Drama/Jugend 2011 88min. Johnson, Larnell Stovall, Jalil Jay Lynch, Splendid Film 01.06.2013 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Roy T. Anderson, Andrew Secunda, Sara tba BestellNr.: 20053530 GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 21.06.2013 Chase - Dir. Adam McKay 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053021 Komödie/Action 2010 116min. Die Familie Hesselbach - Der er- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) ste Teil der Kultserie (8 Discs) Fighting Beat 1 & 2 11.07.2013 Wolf Schmidt, Liesel Christ, Joost Siedhoff, Pahuyut / Deu Suay Doo 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053406 Dieter Henkel, Rose-Marie Kirstein, Käthe Than Thanakorn, Amornrit Sriphung, Sura Jaenicke, Lia Wöhr, Helga Neuner, Gaby Theerakon, Nattanun Jantarawetch, Evil Born (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Reichardt, Sofie Engelke, Sophie Cossäus, Nahatai Lekbumrung, Pemanee Sungkorn,

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JeeJa Yanin, David Bueno, Marc Hoang - Action/Science Fiction 1974 83min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Dir. Piti Jaturaphat, Rashane Limtrakul Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 31.05.2013 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Trailer, TV-Spots 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053499 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053312 Action 2007-2009 186min. Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Fünf Freunde 2 Geheimkommando Spree / Ge- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053301 Valeria Eisenbart, Quirin Oettl, Justus heime Spuren (3 Discs) Schlingensiepen, Nele Marie Nickel, Kristo Booklet, Interview Fighting Beat 1 & 2 (Blu-ray) Ferkic, Peter Lohmeyer, Stefan Konarske, Kriegsfilm 1968-1969 min. Pahuyut / Deu Suay Doo Oliver Korittke, Heio von Stetten, Anatole Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Than Thanakorn, Amornrit Sriphung, Sura Taubman - Dir. Mike Marzuk 24.05.2013 Theerakon, Nattanun Jantarawetch, Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053310 Nahatai Lekbumrung, Pemanee Sungkorn, Highlight Communications JeeJa Yanin, David Bueno, Marc Hoang - (Deutschland)(Constantin) 26.09.2013 Das Geheimnis der Sahara - Die Dir. Piti Jaturaphat, Rashane Limtrakul 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053366 Original TV-Langfassung in 8 Epi- Making of, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Trailer, TV-Spots Action 2007-2009 186min. Fünf Freunde 2 (Blu-ray) soden (2 Discs) Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Michael York, Sir Ben Kingsley, Daniel Valeria Eisenbart, Quirin Oettl, Justus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053339 Olbrychski, Andie MacDowell, Miguel Bosé, Schlingensiepen, Nele Marie Nickel, Kristo David Soul, Diego Abatantuono - Dir. Ferkic, Peter Lohmeyer, Stefan Konarske, Die Flucht Alberto Negrin Oliver Korittke, Heio von Stetten, Anatole Mensch und Bestie Booklet, Entfallene Szenen Taubman - Dir. Mike Marzuk Götz George, Günther Ungeheuer, Katinka Abenteuer 1987 400min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 min. Hoffmann, Helmut Oeser, Herbert Kersten, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Highlight Communications Alexander Allerson, Kurt Sobotka, Nikola AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 07.06.2013 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 26.09.2013 Popovic - Dir. Edwin Zbonek 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053081 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053399 Drama/Kriegsfilm 1963 77min. Das Geheimnis des schwarzen Universum Film 05.07.2013 GallowWalkers (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053282 Dschungels (2 Discs) Gallowwalkers I Misteri Della Giungla Nera Wesley Snipes, Riley Smith, Kevin Fögi ist ein Sauhund Stacy Keach, Kabir Bedi, John Rhys- Howarth, Steven Elder - Dir. Andrew Goth De Fögi Isch En Souhund Davies, Günther Maria Halmer, Cornelia Horror/Western 2012 93min. Frederic Andrau, Vincent Branchet, Urs Hayes O’Herlihy, Virna Lisi - Dir. Kevin Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.07.2013 Peter Halter, Martin Schenkel, Jean-Pierre Connor tba BestellNr.: 20053415 von Dach - Dir. Marcel Gisler Booklet Trailer Abenteuer 1989 298min. Drama 1998 89min. GallowWalkers (k.J.) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing PRO-FUN MEDIA 24.05.2013 Gallowwalkers AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 05.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053386 Wesley Snipes, Riley Smith, Kevin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053323 Howarth, Steven Elder - Dir. Andrew Goth Forsthaus Falkenau - Staffel 22 (3 Horror/Western 2012 89min. Gelobtes Land (2 Discs) Discs) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.07.2013 The Promise tba BestellNr.: 20053381 Hardy Krüger jr., Gisa Zach, Martin Lüttge, , Christian Cooke, Perdita Weeks, Katharina Schüttler, Itay Tiran, Haaz Lion Sokar, Paulina Schwab, Luis Grünler, The Game - Spiel um dein Leben Günther Schramm, Veronika Fitz, Maxi Sleiman, Ben Miles, Smadar Wolfman, Ali Bet Your Life Warwel, Hans Stadlbauer, Manou Suliman, Holly Aird, Hiam Abbass, Lucas Billy Zane, Sean Carrigan, Corinne van Lubowski, Marianne Rappenglück, Petra Gregorowicz, Amir Najjar, Luke Allen-Gale, Ryck de Groot, Jeanne Bauer, Edward Bri- Zieser, Alexander Becht, Sabrina White, Colin Harris, Pip Torrens, Ulrich Noethen, gadier, Bernard Canepari - Dir. Louis Leonie Brill, Eisi Gulp, Eva-Maria Höfling, Yvonne Catterfeld, Yair Rubin, Maria Zreik, Morneau Johann Schuler, Eva-Maria Reichert, Mar- Iain McKee, Paul Anderson, Max Deacon, Action/Thriller 2004 86min. kus Ertelt - Dir. Andreas Jordan-Drost, Hel- Ben Batt, Mahmud Abu-Jazi, Raida Adon, FilmConfect Home Entertainment mut Metzger Guy Loel, Mark Spalding, , 17.05.2013 Drama 2010 min. Liam Evans-Ford, Lana Zreik, Adam Kotz, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053230 Universum Film(ZDF Video) 26.07.2013 Jamil Khoury, Eyal Rozales, John Warnaby, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053243 Benny Eldar, Alon Dahan, Salim Dau - Dir. Gangster Peter Kosminsky Frankensteins Todes-Rennen Edwin Boyd Making of, Featurette Scott Speedman, Kevin Durand, Kelly Reilly Drama 2010-2011 355min. Death Race 2000 - Dir. Nathan Morlando Winkler Film 21.06.2013 David Carradine, Simone Griffeth, Sylve- Interviews, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053270 ster Stallone, Mary Woronov, Roberta Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 101min. Collins, Martin Kove, Louisa Moritz, Wendy Koch Media 30.08.2013 Eine Geschichte aus Soho Bartel, Don Steele, Joyce Jameson - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20053383 Joseph Offenbach, Friedrich Schoenfelder, Paul Bartel, John Landis Erni Mangold, Walter Buschhoff, Georg Interview, Making of, Bildergalerie Gangster (Blu-ray) Action/Science Fiction 1974 80min. Lehn - Dir. Wilm ten Haaf, Rolf Hädrich Edwin Boyd Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 Kriminalfilm 1985 135min. Scott Speedman, Kevin Durand, Kelly Reilly 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053460 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.06.2013 - Dir. Nathan Morlando 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053201 Frankensteins Todes-Rennen Interviews, Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 105min. Der Geschmack von Rost und (Blu-ray) Koch Media 30.08.2013 Death Race 2000 tba BestellNr.: 20053417 Knochen David Carradine, Simone Griffeth, Sylve- De Rouille Et D’Os ster Stallone, Mary Woronov, Roberta Geheimcode B13 Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Collins, Martin Kove, Louisa Moritz, Wendy Peter Borgelt, Horst Weinheimer, Achim Armand Verdure, Céline Sallette, Corinne Bartel, Don Steele, Joyce Jameson - Dir. Petry, Jürgen Frohriep - Dir. Gerhard Masiero, Bouli Lanners, Jean-Michel Paul Bartel, John Landis Respondek Correia, Mourad Frarema - Dir. Jacques Wendecover, Making of, Interviews, Trailer Kriegsfilm 1967 240min. Audiard

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Drama/Lovestory 2012 122min. Swardson, Dave Sheridan, Marlene , Thriller 2012 93min. Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Alanna Ubach, Andrew Daly, Affion Capelight Pictures 19.07.2013 19.07.2013 Crockett, J. B. Smoove, Thede, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053088 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053071 Jordenn Thompson - Dir. Michael Tiddes Komödie 2012 85min. Graf Öderland Der Geschmack von Rost und Falcom Investment AG 04.07.2013 Bernhard Wicki, Agnes Fink, Hans Knochen (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20053076 Caninenberg, Nicole Heesters, Ernst De Rouille Et D’Os Jacobi, Leonard Steckel - Dir. Rolf Hädrich Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Ghost Movie (Blu-ray) Drama 1965 95min. Armand Verdure, Céline Sallette, Corinne A Haunted House Pidax film media(Pidax film) 28.06.2013 Masiero, Bouli Lanners, Jean-Michel Marlon Wayans, Essence Atkins, David 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053308 Correia, Mourad Frarema - Dir. Jacques Koechner, Cedric the Entertainer, Nick Audiard Swardson, Dave Sheridan, Marlene Forte, Die graue Armee Drama/Lovestory 2012 127min. Alanna Ubach, Andrew Daly, Affion Pharaoh’s Army Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Crockett, J. B. Smoove, Robin Thede, , Patricia Clarkson, Kris 19.07.2013 Jordenn Thompson - Dir. Michael Tiddes Kristofferson, Richard Tyson, Robert Joy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053091 Komödie 2012 89min. Frank Clem - Dir. Robby Henson Falcom Investment AG 04.07.2013 Western 1995 88min. Gesprengte Ketten tba BestellNr.: 20053095 MIG Film 11.07.2013 The Great Escape 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053457 Steve McQueen, , Lord Ri- Ginger & Rosa chard Attenborough, James Donald, Ginger & Rosa Great American Western Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence, James Elle Fanning, Alice Englert, Alessandro Collection (2 Discs) Coburn, David McCallum, Hannes Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Jodhi May, Der Besessene / Der geheimnisvolle Rei- Messemer, Robert Graf, Harry Riebauer, Timothy Spall, Oliver Platt, Annette Bening, ter / Hölle der tausend Martern / The Man Hans Reiser - Dir. John Sturges Oliver Milburn, Andrew Hawley - Dir. Sally from Monterey / Rage at Dawn / Das Audiokommentar Potter Schießen / Tal der Rache / The Trail Of Action/Kriegsfilm 1963 165min. Drama 2012 87min. The Silver Spurs Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Western 686min. Germany(MGM/UA) 12.07.2013 Home Edition) 12.09.2013 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 16.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053444 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053522 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053070 Gesprengte Ketten (Blu-ray) Ginger & Rosa (Blu-ray) Peter Greenaway (3 Discs) The Great Escape Ginger & Rosa Der Kontrakt des Zeichners / Ein Z und Steve McQueen, James Garner, Lord Ri- Elle Fanning, Alice Englert, Alessandro Zwei Nullen / Verschwörung der Frauen chard Attenborough, James Donald, Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Jodhi May, Anthony Higgins, Janet Suzman, Anne Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence, James Timothy Spall, Oliver Platt, Annette Bening, Louise Lambert, Joan Plowright, Juliet Coburn, David McCallum, Hannes Oliver Milburn, Andrew Hawley - Dir. Sally Stevenson, Joely Richardson, Andréa Messemer, Robert Graf, Harry Riebauer, Potter Ferréol, Brian Deacon, Eric Deacon - Dir. Hans Reiser - Dir. John Sturges Drama 2012 91min. Peter Greenaway Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Concorde Home Entertainment 12.09.2013 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Deleted Scenes, Einfüh- Action/Kriegsfilm 1963 173min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053536 rungen von Peter Greenaway, Interview, Making of, Trailer, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wendecover, u.a. Germany(MGM/UA) 12.07.2013 Girls Against Boys (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1982-1988 333min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053252 Girls Against Boys Germany(Arthaus) 04.07.2013 Danielle Panabaker, Nicole LaLiberte, Liam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053477 Ghost Club - Geister auf der Aiken, Andrew Howard, Michael Stahl- Schule David, Raul Casso, Reyna de Courcy, Die große Bibelverfilmung Promoción Fantasma Carmine DiBenedetto, Marlo Marron, Sophia Raúl Arévalo, Alexandra Jiménez, Andrea Perez - Dir. Austin Chick Collection (3 Discs) Duro, Jaime Olías, Àlex Maruny, Castillo Audiokommentar, Trailer The Ten Commandments Collection Anna (Ángela), Javier Bodalo, Aura Thriller 2012 93min. Dir. Guilio Base, Robert Dornhelm, Irving Garrido, Joaquín Reyes, Carlos Areces, Capelight Pictures 19.07.2013 Pichel Sílvia Abril - Dir. Javier Ruiz Caldera 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053087 Historienfilm 760min. Trailer AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim Fantasy/Komödie 2012 85min. Girls Against Boys (k.J.) Pictures) 21.06.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Girls Against Boys 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053327 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053101 Danielle Panabaker, Nicole LaLiberte, Liam Aiken, Andrew Howard, Michael Stahl- Das große Dings bei Brinks Ghost Club - Geister auf der David, Raul Casso, Reyna de Courcy, The Brink’s Job Schule (Blu-ray) Carmine DiBenedetto, Marlo Marron, Sophia Peter Falk, Peter Boyle, Gena Rowlands, Promoción Fantasma Perez - Dir. Austin Chick Warren Oates, Paul Sorvino - Dir. William Raúl Arévalo, Alexandra Jiménez, Andrea Audiokommentar, Trailer Friedkin Thriller 2012 89min. Duro, Jaime Olías, Àlex Maruny, Castillo Satire 1978 106min. Capelight Pictures 19.07.2013 Anna (Ángela), Javier Bodalo, Aura Edel Germany(Breu Media) 17.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053065 Garrido, Joaquín Reyes, Carlos Areces, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053176 Sílvia Abril - Dir. Javier Ruiz Caldera Girls Against Boys (Limited Editi- Trailer Das große Wikinger Triple Fea- Fantasy/Komödie 2012 89min. on, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ture Vol. 2 (3 Discs) Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Girls Against Boys Hrafninn Flygur / Skugga Hrafnsins / Erik, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053110 Danielle Panabaker, Nicole LaLiberte, Liam Il Vichingo Aiken, Andrew Howard, Michael Stahl- Jakob Einarsson, Edda Björgvinsdottir, Ghost Movie David, Raul Casso, Reyna de Courcy, Helgi Skúlasson, Egill Olafsson, Flosi A Haunted House Carmine DiBenedetto, Marlo Marron, Sophia Olafsson, Sveinn M. Eidsson, Reine Marlon Wayans, Essence Atkins, David Perez - Dir. Austin Chick Brynolfsson, Tinna Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sune Koechner, Cedric the Entertainer, Nick Audiokommentar, Trailer

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Mangs, Kristbjörg Kjeld, , Leon Ichaso Hitchcock , Fortunato Arena, Eleonora Drama 2000 98min. Hitchcock Bianchi, Aldo Bufi Landi, Alfio Caltabiano, KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 17.06.2013 Sir Anthony Hopkins, , Scarlett Carla Calo, Beni Deus, Eduardo Fajardo - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053464 Johansson, Danny Huston, Toni Collette, Dir. Hrafn Gunnlaugsson, Mario Caiano Jessica Biel, Michael Stuhlbarg, James Action 1965-1988 283min. Der Herr der Elfen D’Arcy, Michael Wincott, Richard Portnow, Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Beings Kurtwood Smith - Dir. Sacha Gervasi 17.05.2013 Malcolm McDowell, , Glynis Featurettes, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053017 Barber, Jameson Baltes, Brittney Bomann, Drama/Biographie 2012 94min. Leigh Greyvenstein, Anne Curteis, Ron Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Der Gründer - Sex, Aliens & Ka- Smerczak - Dir. Paul Matthews Germany 12.07.2013 nal Teleportal (2 Discs) Abenteuer/Fantasy 1998 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053424 Helmut Krauss, Santiago Ziesmer, Vera MIG Film 13.06.2013 Maria Göpfert, Pierre Kiwitt, Julie Trappett, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053237 Hitchcock (Blu-ray) Wolfgang Völz - Dir. Eric Hordes Hitchcock Komödie/Satire 2012 110min. Die Hexen von Oz (Extended Sir Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Turbine Media Group 17.05.2013 Uncut Edition) Johansson, Danny Huston, Toni Collette, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053228 The Witches Of Oz Jessica Biel, Michael Stuhlbarg, James Paulie Rojas, Sean Astin, Christopher D’Arcy, Michael Wincott, Richard Portnow, Grüne Tomaten (Blu-ray) Lloyd, Jeffrey Combs, Mira Sara, Lance Kurtwood Smith - Dir. Sacha Gervasi Fried Green Tomatoes Henriksen, Sasha Jackson, Ethan Embry, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar Drama/Biographie 2012 98min. Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart Billy Boyd, Eliza Swenson, Sarah Lieving, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick Brionne Davis - Dir. Leigh Scott Germany 12.07.2013 Searcy, Gailard Sartain, Stan Shaw, Cicely Fantasy/Action 2011 161min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053434 Tyson - Dir. Jon Avnet Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Featurette, Interviews, Biografie, Trailer, Wendecover 03.05.2013 Die Höhle der Gesetzlosen Komödie/Drama 1991 130min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053316 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Cave Of Outlaws Germany(Arthaus) 06.06.2013 Bildergalerie, Booklet Die Hexen von Oz (Extended Western 1951 73min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053055 Uncut Edition) (Blu-ray) Koch Media 10.05.2013 GSG 9 - Die Elite-Einheit: Die The Witches Of Oz 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053271 Paulie Rojas, Sean Astin, Christopher komplette 1. Staffel (4 Discs) Lloyd, Jeffrey Combs, Mira Sara, Lance Die Höhle der Gesetzlosen (Blu- Marc Ben Puch, Bülent Sharif, Andreas Henriksen, Sasha Jackson, Ethan Embry, ray) Pietschmann, Bert Böhlitz, Jores Risse, Billy Boyd, Eliza Swenson, Sarah Lieving, Cave Of Outlaws André Hennicke, Florentine Lahme - Dir. Brionne Davis - Dir. Leigh Scott Bildergalerie, Booklet Hans-Günther Bücking, Jorgo Fantasy/Action 2011 167min. Western 1951 76min. Papavassiliou, Florian Kern Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Koch Media 10.05.2013 Kriminalfilm/Action 2007 585min. 03.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053289 Edel Germany(Breu Media) 17.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053350 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053137 Hollywood Legenden - Collection Der Himmel über Berlin (Blu-ray) H.G. Wells - Hundred Years to Vol. 1 Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Solveig Dom- Dr. Detroit / Ghost Dad / Mistress - Die Come martin, Peter Falk, Curt Bois, Hans-Martin Geliebten von Hollywood / Mond über Things To Come Stier, Elmar Wilms, Sigurd Rachman, Beatri- Parador / Mr. Baseball / Where the Buffalo Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Sir ce Manowski, Lajos Kovács - Dir. Wim Roam Ralph Richardson, Margaretta Scott, Sir Wenders Drama/Komödie 570min. Cedric Hardwicke, Maurice Braddell, So- Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Kommentare, Biografie, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 16.05.2013 phie Stewart, Derrick de Marney - Dir. Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Fantasy 1987 127min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053072 William Cameron Menzies STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Science Fiction 1936 88min. Germany(Arthaus) 18.07.2013 - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053506 (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053188 Homeland Hanni & Nanni 2 (Special Edition) Hit & Run , Damian Lewis, Morena Hit And Run Baccarin, Mandy Patinkin, David Harewood, Jana Münster, Sophia Münster, Heino Kristen Bell, Dax Shepard, Bradley Cooper, Diego Klattenhoff, Hrach Titizian, Navid Ferch, Suzanne von Borsody, Anja Kling, Tom Arnold, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Negahban, Amy Hargreaves, Morgan Katharina Thalbach, Carolin Kebekus, Bar- Chenoweth, , Joy Bryant - Saylor, Jackson Pace, , bara Schöneberger, Hannelore Elsner, Mar- Dir. David Palmer, Dax Shepard Maury Sterling, Omid Abtahi, Taylor tin Ontrop, Aleen Jana Kötter, Joyce Abou- Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, B-Roll Kowalski, Chelsea Cardwell, Amir Arison, Zeid, Nele Guderian, Luisa Spaniel, Sven Action/Komödie 2012 96min. Sarita Choudhury - Dir. Michael Cuesta Gielnik, Monika Manz, Nasrollah Sagheb - Universum Film(SquareOne) 19.07.2013 Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Behind the Dir. Julia von Heinz 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053238 Scenes 2 Freundschaftsbänder Thriller 2011 min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 87min. Hit & Run (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Universal Pictures Germany(UFA Cinema) Hit And Run Germany 28.06.2013 04.07.2013 Kristen Bell, Dax Shepard, Bradley Cooper, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053043 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053430 Tom Arnold, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Homeland - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) Hendrix Chenoweth, Beau Bridges, Joy Bryant - Dir. David Palmer, Dax Shepard Homeland Hendrix Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, B-Roll Claire Danes, Damian Lewis, Morena Wood Harris, Billy Zane, Dorian Harewood, Action/Komödie 2012 100min. Baccarin, Mandy Patinkin, David Harewood, Vivica A. Fox, Christian Potenza, Michie Universum Film(SquareOne) 19.07.2013 Diego Klattenhoff, Hrach Titizian, Navid Mee, Kristen Holden-Ried, Christopher 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053256 Negahban, Amy Hargreaves, Morgan Ralph, Christopher Bolton, Ann Marin - Dir. Saylor, Jackson Pace, David Marciano,

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Maury Sterling, Omid Abtahi, Taylor Hoey, Jeff Corey, Erskine Sanford, Duke 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053507 Kowalski, Chelsea Cardwell, Amir Arison, Kahanamoku - Dir. Edward Ludwig Sarita Choudhury - Dir. Michael Cuesta Wendecover Inspektor Banks - Die komplette Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Behind the Abenteuer 1949 105min. erste Staffel (2 Discs) Scenes STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment DCI Banks Thriller 2011 min. Germany 04.07.2013 Stephen Tompkinson, Lorraine Burroughs, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053467 Germany 28.06.2013 Jack Deam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053011 Im Nebel Kriminalfilm 2010 360min. polyband Medien GmbH 10.06.2013 Vladimir Svirskiy, Wladislaw Abaschin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053106 Hyde Park am Hudson Sergei Kolesow, Nikita Peremotows, Yulia Hyde Park On Hudson Peresild, Kirill Petrow, Dmitrijs Kolosovws, Invader , Laura Linney, Samuel West, Stepans Bogdanows, Dmitry Bikowskiy, Invasor , Elizabeth Marvel, Olivia Vlad Ivanov, Igor Khripunow, Nadeschda Alberto Ammann, Antonio de la Torre, Karra Williams, Elizabeth Wilson, Martin Markina, Boris Kamorzin, Michail Ewlanow, Elejalde, Inma Cuesta, Sofía Oria, Alex Haf- McDougall - Dir. Roger Michell Sergei Russkin, Timofey Tribuntsew - Dir. ner, Isabel Blanco, Julio Pereira, Fran Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Sergei Loznitsa B-Roll, Bildergalerie, Trailer Peleteiro - Dir. Daniel Calparsoro Komödie/Drama 2012 92min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 127min. Trailer, Making of Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG good!movies(Neue Visionen) 24.05.2013 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 95min. 04.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053214 Senator Home Entertainment 16.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053425 tba BestellNr.: 20053547 Immer Ärger mit 40 Hyde Park am Hudson (Blu-ray) Invader (Blu-ray) Hyde Park On Hudson , , John Lithgow, Invasor Bill Murray, Laura Linney, Samuel West, Megan Fox, Maude Apatow, Iris Apatow, Alberto Ammann, Antonio de la Torre, Karra Olivia Colman, Elizabeth Marvel, Olivia Albert Brooks, Jason Segel, Annie Mumolo, Elejalde, Inma Cuesta, Sofía Oria, Alex Haf- Williams, Elizabeth Wilson, Martin Robert Smigel, Charlyne Yi, Chris O’Dowd - ner, Isabel Blanco, Julio Pereira, Fran McDougall - Dir. Roger Michell Dir. Peleteiro - Dir. Daniel Calparsoro Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Komödie 2012 129min. Trailer, Making of B-Roll, Bildergalerie, Trailer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 99min. Komödie/Drama 2012 96min. 18.07.2013 Senator Home Entertainment 16.08.2013 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053427 tba BestellNr.: 20053553 04.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053435 Immer Ärger mit 40 (Blu-ray) Iron Man 3 This Is 40 Iron Man 3 Der Hypnotiseur Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, John Lithgow, Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Hypnotisören Megan Fox, Maude Apatow, Iris Apatow, Cheadle, Sir Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, Tobias Zilliacus, Mikael Persbrandt, Lena Albert Brooks, Jason Segel, Annie Mumolo, Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau, Cobie Olin, Oscar Pettersson, Jonatan Bökman, Robert Smigel, Charlyne Yi, Chris O’Dowd - Smulders, William Sadler, William Hurt, Emma Mehonic, Helena af Sandeberg, Anna Dir. Judd Apatow James Badge Dale, Bridger Zadina - Dir. Azcárate, Eva Melander, Jan Waldekranz - Komödie 2012 134min. Shane Black Dir. Lasse Hallström Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action/Science Fiction 2013 126min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Trailer 18.07.2013 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 117min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053437 Home Edition) 04.10.2013 Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 11.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053541 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053074 In einem anderen Land Der Hypnotiseur (Blu-ray) A Farewell To Arms Iron Man 3 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Rock Hudson, Jennifer Jones, Vittorio De Iron Man 3 Hypnotisören Sica, , Mercedes Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Tobias Zilliacus, Mikael Persbrandt, Lena McCambridge, Oscar Homolka, Elaine Cheadle, Sir Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, Olin, Oscar Pettersson, Jonatan Bökman, Stritch - Dir. Charles Vidor Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau, Cobie Emma Mehonic, Helena af Sandeberg, Anna Trailer Smulders, William Sadler, William Hurt, Azcárate, Eva Melander, Jan Waldekranz - Kriegsfilm/Drama 1957 146min. James Badge Dale, Bridger Zadina - Dir. Dir. Lasse Hallström Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Shane Black Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053362 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 122min. Action/Science Fiction 2013 131min. Concorde Home Entertainment 04.10.2013 Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 11.07.2013 In einem anderen Land (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053093 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053549 A Farewell To Arms Ich habe sie gut gekannt (2 Discs) Rock Hudson, Jennifer Jones, Vittorio De Iron Man 3 (Limited Edition, 2 Sica, Alberto Sordi, Mercedes Io La Conoscevo Bene Discs, Steelbook) McCambridge, Oscar Homolka, Elaine Stefania Sandrelli, Mario Adorf, Ugo Iron Man 3 Stritch - Dir. Charles Vidor Tognazzi, Karin Dor, Nino Manfredi, Joa- Trailer Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don chim Fuchsberger, Jean-Claude Brialy, Kriegsfilm/Drama 1957 153min. Cheadle, Sir Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, Robert Hoffmann, Franco Fabrizi, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau, Cobie Veronique Vendell - Dir. Antonio Pietrangeli 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053395 Smulders, William Sadler, William Hurt, Booklet James Badge Dale, Bridger Zadina - Dir. Drama 1965 93min. In weiter Ferne, so nah! (Blu-ray) Shane Black AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Otto Sander, Peter Falk, Horst Buchholz, Action/Science Fiction 2013 126min. AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 14.06.2013 Nastassja Kinski, Heinz Rühmann, Bruno Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053273 Ganz, Willem Dafoe, Rüdiger Vogler, Sol- Cine Collection) 04.10.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053542 Im Banne der Roten Hexe veig Dommartin - Dir. Wim Wenders Audiokommentar, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Wake Of The Red Witch Wendecover Iron Man 3 (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) John Wayne, Gail Russell, Gig Young, Ade- Drama 1993 144min. Iron Man 3 le Mara, Luther Adler, Paul Fix, Eduard STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Franz, Grant Withers, Henry Daniell, Dennis Germany(Arthaus) 18.07.2013

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Cheadle, Sir Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053300 Karate Kid Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau, Cobie Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Smulders, William Sadler, William Hurt, Jack Hunter und die Jagd nach Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu, Zhensu Wu, James Badge Dale, Bridger Zadina - Dir. dem verlorenene Schatz (Blu-ray) Zhiheng Wang, Zhenwei Wang - Dir. Harald Shane Black Jack Hunter And The Lost Treasure Of Zwart Action/Science Fiction 2013 131min. Ugarit Action/Drama 2010 140min. Concorde Home Entertainment 04.10.2013 Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefen- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053548 stein, Susan Ward, Mario Naim Bassil, 11.07.2013 Sean Lawlor - Dir. Terry Cunningham 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053407 Iron Spy - Spionage für Anfänger Trailer Shpion Abenteuer 2008 94min. Der Kardinal Fedor Bondarchuk, Danila Koslowski, Wla- Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 The Cardinal dimir Epifanzew, Victor Werzbitskij, Kon- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053338 Thomas Tryon, Romy Schneider, Josef stantin Adaew, Anna Chipowskaja, Aleksei Meinrad, John Huston, Burgess Meredith, Gavrilow, Sergej Gazarow - Dir. Aleksej Jack Hunter und die Suche nach Carol Lynley, Jill Haworth, Raf Vallone, Andrianow dem Grab des Pharao John Saxon, Prof. Peter Weck - Dir. Otto Trailer Jack Hunter And The Quest For Preminger Action/Komödie 2012 104min. Akhenaten’s Tomb Drama 1963 168min. Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefen- Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053102 stein, Susan Ward, Mario Naim Bassil, Classic Selection) 12.09.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053523 Iron Spy - Spionage für Anfänger Alaina Huffman, Sinan Tuzcu - Dir. Terry Cunningham (Blu-ray) Trailer Der Kardinal (Blu-ray) Shpion Abenteuer 2008 94min. The Cardinal Fedor Bondarchuk, Danila Koslowski, Wla- Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Thomas Tryon, Romy Schneider, Josef dimir Epifanzew, Victor Werzbitskij, Kon- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053298 Meinrad, John Huston, Burgess Meredith, stantin Adaew, Anna Chipowskaja, Aleksei Carol Lynley, Jill Haworth, Raf Vallone, Gavrilow, Sergej Gazarow - Dir. Aleksej Jack Hunter und die Suche nach John Saxon, Prof. Peter Weck - Dir. Otto Andrianow dem Grab des Pharao (Blu-ray) Preminger Trailer Jack Hunter And The Quest For Drama 1963 175min. Action/Komödie 2012 108min. Akhenaten’s Tomb Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefen- Classic Selection) 12.09.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053111 stein, Susan Ward, Mario Naim Bassil, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053537 Italowestern - Enzyklopädie No. 2 Alaina Huffman, Sinan Tuzcu - Dir. Terry Cunningham Karl der Große (4 Discs) (k.J.) Trailer Dir. Gabriele Wengler Die sich in Fetzen schießen / Der Mann Abenteuer 2008 94min. Making of, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer aus Virginia / Vier Teufelskerle / Blei- Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Doku-Drama 90min. gericht 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053336 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Second Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Trailer Order Film) 10.05.2013 Western 1967-1977 359min. Die Jagd 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053034 Koch Media 24.05.2013 Jagten 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053278 Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Susse Keith Lemon - Der Film Wold, Alexandra Rapaport, Annika Keith Lemon: The Film Jack Hunter und das Zepter des Wedderkopp, Anne Louise Hassing, Lasse Leigh Francis, Laura Aikman, Verne J. Lichts Fogelstrom, Lars Ranthe - Dir. Thomas Troyer, Kelly Brook - Dir. Paul Angunawela Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Jack Hunter And The Star Of Heaven Vinterberg Featurette, Trailer, Audiokommentar Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefen- Drama/Thriller 2012 115min. Komödie 2012 86min. stein, Susan Ward, Mario Naim Bassil, Mert Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Yavuzcan - Dir. Terry Cunningham 23.08.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053103 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053546 Abenteuer 2008 94min. Keith Lemon - Der Film (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Die Jagd (Blu-ray) Keith Lemon: The Film 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053299 Jagten Leigh Francis, Laura Aikman, Verne J. Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Susse Jack Hunter und das Zepter des Troyer, Kelly Brook - Dir. Paul Angunawela Wold, Alexandra Rapaport, Annika Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Lichts (Blu-ray) Wedderkopp, Anne Louise Hassing, Lasse Featurette, Trailer, Audiokommentar Jack Hunter And The Star Of Heaven Fogelstrom, Lars Ranthe - Dir. Thomas Komödie 2012 89min. Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefen- Vinterberg Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 stein, Susan Ward, Mario Naim Bassil, Mert Drama/Thriller 2012 120min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053112 Yavuzcan - Dir. Terry Cunningham Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Trailer 23.08.2013 Krzysztof Kieslowski - Kurzfilm Abenteuer 2008 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053552 Collection (2 Discs) Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053337 Junior (Blu-ray) Interviews, Filmlektionen Junior Kurzfilm/Drama 165min. Jack Hunter und die Jagd nach Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emma Thompson, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde dem verlorenene Schatz Danny DeVito, Frank Langella, Pamela Classic Selection) 11.07.2013 Jack Hunter And The Lost Treasure Of Reed, Judy Collins, James Eckhouse, Aida 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053389 Ugarit Turturro - Dir. Ivan Reitman Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefen- Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer King Kelly - Drogen, Sex und an- stein, Susan Ward, Mario Naim Bassil, Komödie/Science Fiction 1994 110min. dere Katastrophen (k.J.) Sean Lawlor - Dir. Terry Cunningham Koch Media 10.05.2013 King Kelly Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053290 Louisa Krause, Libby Woodbridge, Abenteuer 2008 94min. Roderick Hill, Will Brill, Beth Dzuricky, Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Karate Kid (Blu-ray)

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Andrew Mer, Anthony Fazio, Ash Christian, Langrishe, Christopher Guard, Sir John Audiokommentar, Trailer Jonny Orsini - Dir. Andrew Neel Gielgud - Dir. Glenn Jordan Action/Abenteuer 2003 110min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 1978 117min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie/Satire 2011 89min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Germany 05.07.2013 Donau Film 26.07.2013 28.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053493 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053432 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053458 Lip Service - Die komplette 1. King of Queens - Die komplette Der letzte Bulle - Die komplette Staffel (OmU) Serie in der Lunchbox (36 DVDs) 4. Staffel (3 Discs) Lip Service The King Of Queens Henning Baum, Maximilian Grill, Proschat Ruta Gedmintas, Fiona Button, Laura , , Victor Williams, Madani, Karoline Schuch - Dir. Sophie Allet- Fraser Patton Oswalt, Larry Romano - Dir. Pamela Coche, Thomas Nennstiel, Zoltan Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interview, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2010 346min. Fryman Spirandelli, Peter Stauch Serienrückblick, Über die Autoren, Thanks to the Fans, Feier Audiokommentar, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.06.2013 der 200. Episode, Biografien Kriminalfilm 560min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053387 Komödie 1998-2006 4554min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Black Hill Pictures 24.05.2013 Division(Spassgesellschaft) 24.05.2013 John Liu Superstar Box (2 Discs) 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053280 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053281 (FSK 18) Das Klavier (2 Discs) John Liu Die letzte Kompanie Action/Eastern 515min. Anneliese Uhlig, Günter Strack, Maria Per Un Pugno Di Eroi Intergroove Media(Maritime Pictures) Körber, Andrea Dahmen, Ulrich von Horst Frank, Valeria Ciangottini, Karlheinz 31.05.2013 Dobschütz - Dir. Fritz Umgelter Booklet Fiege, Volkert Kraeft, Rolf Becker - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053029 Drama 1972 196min. Fritz Umgelter Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Booklet Jack London - Abenteuer Südsee Kriegsfilm 1967 93min. 14.06.2013 (3 Discs) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053320 Tales Of The South Seas AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 14.06.2013 William Snow, Rene Naufahu, Rachel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053275 Das Labor des Grauens Blakley, Rowena King, Mark Lee, Kimberley The Mutations Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch - Joseph, Adrian Wright - Dir. Ian Barry, Do- Donald Pleasence, Brad Harris, Tom Baker, nald Crombie, Robert Hartford-Davis, Ian Michael Dunn - Dir. Jack Cardiff Zweite deutsche Staffel (5 Discs) Gilmour, Karl Zwicky Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Audiokommentar The Virginian Abenteuer 1998 525min. Horror 1974 88min. James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, Studio Hamburg Enterprises 14.06.2013 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053319 Pictures) 21.06.2013 John McIntire, Gary Clarke - Dir. Don 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053325 McDougall (42 Folgen), Abner Biberman (25 Lost Girl - Die komplette erste Folgen), Anton Leader (14 Folgen) Season (3 Discs) LazyTown - Die Power Box (10 Western 1962-1971 1140min. Lost Girl Mammut Home Entertainment 11.07.2013 Discs) Anna Silk, Kristen Holden-Ried 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053543 Lazytown Kriminalfilm/Fantasy 2010 551min. Magnús Scheving, Julianna Rose Mauriello Lewis - Der Oxford Krimi: Staffel Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kinderfilm 2004-2007 min. 01.08.2013 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business 5 (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053369 Division(na klar!) 10.05.2013 Lewis 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053195 Kevin Whately, Laurence Fox, Rebecca Die LottoKönige - Staffel 2 (2 Front, Clare Holman Discs) John le Carre Edition (2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 2011 370min. Waldemar Kobus, Sandra Borgmann, Max Dame König As Spion / Der ewige Gärtner Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.05.2013 von der Groeben, Beate Abraham, Friederi- Gary Oldman, , Tom Hardy, Ralph 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053066 ke Kempter, Oliver K. Wnuk, Olga von Fiennes, Daniele Harford, Rachel Weisz - Luckwald, Wichart von Roëll, Eray Egilmez, Dir. Tomas Alfredson, Fernando Meirelles Die Liga der außergewöhnlichen Matthias Komm, Petra Nadolny, Paul Faß- Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Geschnittene Szenen, Wende- Gentlemen cover nacht, Katja Liebing, Philipp Danne, Ste- Drama 2005-2011 245min. The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen phan Möller-Titel - Dir. Dominic Müller STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Sir Sean Connery, Shane West, Stuart Komödie/Familie 2013 170min. Germany(Arthaus) 18.07.2013 Townsend, Richard Roxburgh, Peta Wilson, WDR mediagroup(Das Erste) 24.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053481 Tony Curran, Jason Flemyng, Naseeruddin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053132 Shah, David Hemmings, Max Ryan, Tom John le Carre Edition (2 Discs) Goodman-Hill, Jason Isaacs - Dir. Stephen Lovely Molly (Blu-ray) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Norrington Lovely Molly Audiokommentar, Bildergalerien, Entfallene Szenen Alexandra Holden, Gretchen Lodge, Dame König As Spion / Der ewige Gärtner Action/Abenteuer 2003 106min. Johnny K. Lewis, Tony Ellis, Ken Arnold, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, Ralph Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Katie Foster, Lauren Lakis, Daniel Ross - Fiennes, Daniele Harford, Rachel Weisz - Germany 05.07.2013 Dir. Eduardo Sánchez Dir. Tomas Alfredson, Fernando Meirelles 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053452 Audiokommentare, Erweiterte Szene, Featurettes, Entfallene Horror/Thriller 2011 100min. Szenen, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, TV-Spots, Wende- Die Liga der außergewöhnlichen Universum Film(SquareOne) 26.07.2013 cover, u.a. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053263 Drama 2005-2011 255min. Gentlemen (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Lovely Molly (k.J.) Germany(Arthaus) 18.07.2013 Sir Sean Connery, Shane West, Stuart Lovely Molly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053508 Townsend, Richard Roxburgh, Peta Wilson, Alexandra Holden, Gretchen Lodge, Tony Curran, Jason Flemyng, Naseeruddin Les Miserables - Die Elenden Johnny K. Lewis, Tony Ellis, Ken Arnold, Shah, David Hemmings, Max Ryan, Tom Katie Foster, Lauren Lakis, Daniel Ross - Les Miserables Goodman-Hill, Jason Isaacs - Dir. Stephen Dir. Eduardo Sánchez Anthony Perkins, Richard Jordan, Caroline Norrington Horror/Thriller 2011 96min.

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Universum Film(SquareOne) 26.07.2013 The Marine: Homefront Jake M. Johnson, Brooke Bloom, Nathalie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053246 Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin, Neal McDonough, Love - Dir. Max Winkler , Jared Keeso, Jeffrey Trailer Lucky Star - Mitten ins Herz Ballard, Ben Cotton, Steve Bacic, Sean Komödie/Lovestory 2010 86min. Ma Bonne Etoile Tyson, Darcy Laurie, Aleks Paunovic, Koch Media 09.08.2013 Christopher Lambert, Claude Brasseur, Nicola Anderson, Tony Alcantar - Dir. Scott tba BestellNr.: 20053384 Fleur Lise Heuet, Antoine Berry, Nicolas Wiper Robin, Franck Gourlat, Jean-Michel Noirey, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Biografie, Drehtagebuch Meerjungfrauen ticken anders Lola Naymark, Juliette de Prigny, Samuel Action 2013 86min. (Blu-ray) Labarthe - Dir. Anne Fassio Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ceremony Trailer Germany 28.06.2013 Uma Thurman, Michael Angarano, Lee Drama/Familie 2012 92min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053008 Pace, Rebecca Mader, Reece Thompson, Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Jake M. Johnson, Brooke Bloom, Nathalie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053353 The Marine 3 - Homefront (Blu- Love - Dir. Max Winkler ray) Trailer Lucky Star - Mitten ins Herz (Blu- The Marine: Homefront Komödie/Lovestory 2010 90min. ray) Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin, Neal McDonough, Koch Media 09.08.2013 Ma Bonne Etoile Michael Eklund, Jared Keeso, Jeffrey tba BestellNr.: 20053418 Christopher Lambert, Claude Brasseur, Ballard, Ben Cotton, Steve Bacic, Sean Fleur Lise Heuet, Antoine Berry, Nicolas Tyson, Darcy Laurie, Aleks Paunovic, Mein Freund, der kleine Elefant Robin, Franck Gourlat, Jean-Michel Noirey, Nicola Anderson, Tony Alcantar - Dir. Scott Ele, My Friend Lola Naymark, Juliette de Prigny, Samuel Wiper Jacob Paul Guzman, Gazan Khan, R. S. Labarthe - Dir. Anne Fassio Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Biografie, Drehtagebuch Shivaji, Amjad Khan Trailer Action 2013 90min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1993 104min. Drama/Familie 2012 96min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment MIG Film 11.07.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Germany 28.06.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053473 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053354 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053040 Men at Work - Die komplette er- - Die Tochter des The Master ste Season (2 Discs) Papstes The Master Men At Work Lucrezia Borgia, L’Amante Del Diavolo Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Danny Masterson, Michael Cassidy Olga Schoberová, , Nina Sandt, Amy Adams, Laura Dern, Barlow Jacobs, Komödie 2012 203min. Dada Gallotti, Franco Ressel, Leon Askin, Jesse Plemons, Ambyr Childers, Rami Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Corrado Monteforte, Ernesto Colli - Dir. Malek, Lorelai Hoey, Joshua Close, Jillian 04.07.2013 Osvaldo Civirani Bell, Kevin Walsh, Kevin O’Connor, Patty 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053371 Booklet McCormack, Christopher Evan Welch, Price Abenteuer 1968 98min. Carson, Sarah Shoshana David, Mike The Men Next Door (OmU) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Howard, Bruce Goodchild, Dan Anderson, The Men Next Door AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.06.2013 Matt Hering, Jeffrey W. Jenkins, Andrew Eric Dean, Michael Nicklin - Dir. Rob 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053328 Koponen - Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson Williams Drama 2012 132min. Trailer, Audiokommentar, Bloopers, Entfallene Szene, Behind Man soll nicht mit der Liebe spie- Senator Home Entertainment 26.07.2013 the Scenes len 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053247 Komödie/Erotik 2012 81min. cmv-Laservision 24.05.2013 Young At Heart 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053225 Doris Day, , Gig Young, Ethel The Master (Blu-ray) The Master Barrymore - Dir. Gordon Douglas Der menschliche Faktor Booklet Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Drama/Musikfilm 1955 117min. Amy Adams, Laura Dern, Barlow Jacobs, The Human Factor AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Jesse Plemons, Ambyr Childers, Rami Nicol Williamson, Lord Richard AG(Filmjuwelen) 05.07.2013 Malek, Lorelai Hoey, Joshua Close, Jillian Attenborough, Joop Doderer, Derek Jacobi, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053330 Bell, Kevin Walsh, Kevin O’Connor, Patty Sir John Gielgud, Robert Morley, Ann Todd, McCormack, Christopher Evan Welch, Price Richard Vernon - Dir. Otto Preminger Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm Carson, Sarah Shoshana David, Mike Thriller/Drama 1979 106min. The Man With The Golden Arm Howard, Bruce Goodchild, Dan Anderson, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Frank Sinatra, Eleanor Parker, , Matt Hering, Jeffrey W. Jenkins, Andrew Classic Selection) 12.09.2013 , Darren McGavin, Robert Koponen - Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053525 Strauss, George E. Stone - Dir. Otto Drama 2012 138min. Preminger Senator Home Entertainment 26.07.2013 Der menschliche Faktor (Blu-ray) Drama 1955 114min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053264 The Human Factor Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Nicol Williamson, Lord Richard Classic Selection) 12.09.2013 McQuade, der Wolf (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Attenborough, Joop Doderer, Derek Jacobi, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053524 Lone Wolf Mcquade Sir John Gielgud, Robert Morley, Ann Todd, Chuck Norris, David Carradine, Barbara Richard Vernon - Dir. Otto Preminger Maria und Joseph Carrera, Leon Isaac Kennedy, Robert Thriller/Drama 1979 110min. Je Vous Salue, Marie Beltran, L. Q. Jones, Dana Kimmel, R. G. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Myriam Roussel, Thierry Rode, Philippe Armstrong - Dir. Steve Carver Classic Selection) 12.09.2013 Lacoste, Anne Gauthier, Johan Leysen, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053538 Juliette Binoche, Manon Andersen - Dir. Action 1982 107min. Jean-Luc Godard Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Messengers Trailer, Wendecover Germany(MGM/UA) 28.06.2013 The Messengers Drama 1984 103min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053045 Kristen Stewart, Dylan McDermott, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Penelope Ann Miller, John Corbett, William Germany(Arthaus) 20.06.2013 Meerjungfrauen ticken anders B. Davis, Evan Turner, Theodore Turner, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053027 Ceremony Brent Briscoe, Dustin Milligan - Dir. Oxide Uma Thurman, Michael Angarano, Lee Pang, Danny Pang The Marine 3 - Homefront Pace, Rebecca Mader, Reece Thompson, Trailer

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Horror 2007 86min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053206 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053528 Falcom Investment AG 31.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053131 Mord an einem chinesischen Nachtzug nach Lissabon (Blu-ray) Buchmacher (Blu-ray) Jeremy Irons, Mélanie Laurent, Jack Messias des Bösen (k.J.) The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie Huston, Martina Gedeck, , Messiah Of Evil Ben Gazzara, Timothy Agoglia Carey, August Diehl, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin, Michael Greer, Marianna Hill, Joy Bang, Seymour Cassel, Robert Philips, Morgan Beatriz Batarda, Marco D’Almeida, Christo- Anitra Ford, Royal Dano, Elisha Cook Jr., Woodward, John Kullers, Al Ruban, Azizi pher Lee, Charlotte Rampling, Nicolau Charles Dierkop - Dir. Willard Huyck Johari, Virginia Carrington, Meade Roberts, Breyner, Jane Thorne, Burghart Klaußner, Wendecover Alice Friedland, Donna Gordon, Haji, Carol Adriano Luz, Sarah Bühlmann, Filipe Horror 1973 90min. Warren, Derna Wong Davis, Kathalina Vargas, Ana Lúcia Palminha, Joao Lagarto, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim Veniero, Yvette Morris, Jack Ackerman, José Wallenstein, Eloy Monteiro, Joaquim Pictures) 31.05.2013 Dave Rowlands, Trisha Pelham, Eddie Leitao, Jean-Pierre Cornu, Hanspeter Mül- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053036 Shaw, Sonny Aprile - Dir. John Cassavetes ler-Drossaart, Dominique Devenport, Max Englischer Director’s Cut Hubacher, Marcal Godinho, Helena Afonso, Missing in Action (Blu-ray) Thriller/Drama 1975 134min. Bruno Salgueiro, Maria D´Aires, Jorge Missing In Action Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Veríssimo - Dir. Bille August Chuck Norris, M. Emmet Walsh, Lenore Classic Selection) 18.06.2013 Drama 2012 111min. Kasdorf, David Tress, Ernie Ortega - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053208 Concorde Home Entertainment 30.09.2013 Joseph Zito 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053540 Trailer Die Nacht der Creeps (Director’s Kriegsfilm 1984 101min. Naked Fear (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Cut) Naked Fear Germany(MGM/UA) 28.06.2013 Night Of The Creeps Joe Mantegna, Danielle De Luca, Jenny 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053046 Jason Lively, Steve Marshall, Jill Whitlow, Tom Atkins, Wally Taylor, Bruce Solomon - Marlowe, Arron Shiver, J.D. Garfield, Mel Mitternachtskinder Dir. Fred Dekker MacKaron - Dir. Thom Eberhardt Making of, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer Midnight’s Children Original Kinoende, Trailer, Trivia-Untertitelspur, Trailer, Thriller 2007 103min. Satya Bhabha, Shahana Goswami, Rajat Wendecover Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Kapoor, Shabana Azmi, Seema Biswas, Horror 1986 86min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053345 Shriya Saran, Siddharth, , Rahul Winkler Film 07.06.2013 Bose, Darsheel Safary, Charles Dance, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053033 Naked Fear 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Vanita, Kulbushan Kharbanda, Sohail Khan, The Abducted Anita Majumdar, Zaib Shaikh, Anshikaa Die Nacht der Creeps (Director’s James Ray, Kathleen Benner, Ashley Shrivastava, Purav Bhandare, Samrat Cut) (Blu-ray) Francis, Michael Harrelson, Greg Joseph, Chakrabarti, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Night Of The Creeps Mike De Alba, Matt Bowman, Penelope Harish Khanna, Salman Rushdie - Dir. Jason Lively, Steve Marshall, Jill Whitlow, Jones - Dir. Jon Bonnell Deepa Mehta Tom Atkins, Wally Taylor, Bruce Solomon - Trailer Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Dir. Fred Dekker Thriller/Horror 2009 90min. Drama 2012 140min. Making of, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Original Kinoende, Trailer, Trivia-Untertitelspur, Wendecover 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053346 Home Edition) 20.08.2013 Horror/Komödie 1986 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053516 Winkler Film 07.06.2013 NCIS - Season 9.1 (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053150 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Mitternachtskinder (Blu-ray) Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael Midnight’s Children Die Nacht der unheimlichen Be- Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Satya Bhabha, Shahana Goswami, Rajat stien David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Kapoor, Shabana Azmi, Seema Biswas, The Killer Shrews Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Shriya Saran, Siddharth, Ronit Roy, Rahul James Best, Ingrid Goude, Baruch M. Featurettes Bose, Darsheel Safary, Charles Dance, Lumet, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Action/Kriminalfilm 494min. Vanita, Kulbushan Kharbanda, Sohail Khan, Alfredo de Soto - Dir. Ray Kellogg Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Anita Majumdar, Zaib Shaikh, Anshikaa Wendecover, 16:9 Version, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Super 8 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053156 Shrivastava, Purav Bhandare, Samrat Fassung, Chakrabarti, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Horror 1959 66min. NCIS - Season 9.2 (3 Discs) Harish Khanna, Salman Rushdie - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Deepa Mehta AG(Ostalgica) 05.07.2013 Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053329 Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Drama 2012 146min. David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Concorde Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 Nachtzug nach Lissabon Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053531 Jeremy Irons, Mélanie Laurent, Jack Entfernte Szenen, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Huston, Martina Gedeck, Tom Courtenay, Action/Kriminalfilm 489min. Mord an einem chinesischen August Diehl, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin, Paramount Home Entertainment 06.06.2013 Buchmacher Beatriz Batarda, Marco D’Almeida, Christo- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053157 The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie pher Lee, Charlotte Rampling, Nicolau Ben Gazzara, Timothy Agoglia Carey, Breyner, Jane Thorne, Burghart Klaußner, Das Netz Seymour Cassel, Robert Philips, Morgan Adriano Luz, Sarah Bühlmann, Filipe Mel Ferrer, Klaus Kinski, Heinz Bennent, Woodward, John Kullers, Al Ruban, Azizi Vargas, Ana Lúcia Palminha, Joao Lagarto, Elke Sommer, Andrea Rau, Susanne Uhlen - Johari, Virginia Carrington, Meade Roberts, José Wallenstein, Eloy Monteiro, Joaquim Dir. Manfred Purzer Alice Friedland, Donna Gordon, Haji, Carol Leitao, Jean-Pierre Cornu, Hanspeter Mül- Trailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie Kriminalfilm 1975 102min. Warren, Derna Wong Davis, Kathalina ler-Drossaart, Dominique Devenport, Max Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Veniero, Yvette Morris, Jack Ackerman, Hubacher, Marcal Godinho, Helena Afonso, 14.06.2013 Dave Rowlands, Trisha Pelham, Eddie Bruno Salgueiro, Maria D´Aires, Jorge 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053220 Shaw, Sonny Aprile - Dir. John Cassavetes Veríssimo - Dir. Bille August Drama 2012 107min. Thriller/Drama 1975 129min. Der neue Mann Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Hanns Lothar, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer, Karl Classic Selection) 18.06.2013 Home Edition) 30.09.2013 Lange, Brigitte Rau, Eva Bubat, Eva

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Kotthaus - Dir. Rolf Hädrich ray) Die Olsenbande fährt nach Jüt- Drama 1965 70min. Officer Down land Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.06.2013 Stephen Dorff, Dominic Purcell, James Olsen-Banden I Jylland 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053210 Woods, AnnaLynne McCord, David Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Boreanaz, Soulja Boy, Stephen Lang, Wal- New Girl - Season 1 (4 Discs) Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Jes Holtsö - ton Goggins, Beatrice Miller - Dir. Brian A Dir. Erik Balling New Girl Miller Bildergalerie, Trailer , Jake M. Johnson, Max Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kriminalfilm 1971 95min. Greenfield, Lamorne Morris, Hannah Simo- Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 97min. ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 ne, Justin Long, Damon Wayans jr. - Dir. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053162 Jake Kasdan, Peyton Reed, Jason Winer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053500 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Die Olsenbande fliegt über alle Szenen, Outtakes, Making of Ein Offizier und Gentleman (Blu- Komödie min. Berge Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ray) Olsen-Banden Over Alle Bjerge Germany 05.07.2013 An Officer And A Gentleman Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053441 Richard Gere, Debra Winger, Louis Gossett Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Jr., David Keith, Robert Loggia, Lisa Blount, Balling Nightwatching - Das Rembrandt- Lisa Eilbacher - Dir. Taylor Hackford Lesung, Trailer Komplott (2 Disc Special Edition, Audiokommentar, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1981 96min. Drama/Melodram 1982 126min. ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 OmU) Paramount Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053204 Nightwatching 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053172 , Emily Holmes, Michael Die Olsenbande fliegt über die Teigen, Toby Jones, Jodhi May, Natalie Die Oktonauten... und der hungri- Planken Press, Eva Birthistle, Adrian Lukis, Kevin ge Pilotfisch Olsen-Bandens Flugt Over Plankeværket McNulty, Gerard Plunkett, Michael Culkin, Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Richard McCabe, Matthew Walker, Fiona Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik O’Shaughnessy, Agata Buzek, Andrzej Julio Muri Balling Seweryn, Chris Britton, Adam Kotz, Maciej Kinderfilm 2010-2011 60min. Featurette, TV-Ansage, Trailer Zakoscielny, Jonathan Holmes, Krzysztof Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Kriminalfilm 1981 90min. Pieczynski, Anja Antonowicz, Jonathon Division(Europa) 26.04.2013 ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 Young, Jochum ten Haaf - Dir. Peter 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053020 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053203 Greenaway Drama/Biographie 2007 135min. Die Oktonauten... und der hungri- Die Olsenbande in der Klemme FilmConfect Home Entertainment ge Pilotfisch (Blu-ray) Olsen-Banden Pa Spanden 17.05.2013 The Octonauts Ghita Nørby, Poul Bundgaard, Ove Sprogøe, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053229 Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Morten Grunwald, Peter Steen, Preben Kaas, Poul Reichhardt, Paul Hagen - Dir. Ninja Bloodbath Julio Muri Kinderfilm 2010-2011 60min. Erik Balling Mask Of The Ninja Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Biografie, Trailer Casper Van Dien, Anthony Wong, Bellamy Kriminalfilm 1969 105min. Division(Europa) 26.04.2013 Young, Kristy Wu, Ron Yuan, Yuji Okumoto, ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053054 Brad Greenquist, Dana Lee - Dir. Bradford 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053161 May Die Olsenbande Trailer, Bildergalerie Die Olsenbande läuft Amok Olsen-Banden Action/Thriller 2008 86min. Olsen-Banden Går Amok Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.05.2013 Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Jes Holtsö, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053016 Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Peter Steen - Dir. Erik Balling Balling Chuck Norris Action Box (2 Discs) Lesung, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1968 77min. Audiokommentar, Trailer Forest Warrior / Top Dog / Sidekicks / Kriminalfilm 1973 95min. ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 Black Tiger ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053160 Chuck Norris, Terry Kiser, Max Gail, Clyde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053164 Kusatsu, Michele Lamar Richards, Beau Die Olsenbande - Der (voraus- Bridges, Jonathan Brandis, Anne Archer, Die Olsenbande schlägt wieder James Franciscus - Dir. Aaron Norris, Ted sichtlich) letzte Streich der zu Post Olsenbande Olsen-Banden Deruda’ Booklet Olsen-Bandens Sidste Bedrifter Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Abenteuer/Action 1978-1995 375min. Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Jes Holtsö Balling 14.06.2013 (Børge Jensen) - Dir. Erik Balling Interview, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053219 Audiokommentar, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1977 96min. Kriminalfilm 1974 88min. ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 Officer Down - Dirty Copland ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053168 Officer Down 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053165 Stephen Dorff, Dominic Purcell, James Die Olsenbande sieht rot Woods, AnnaLynne McCord, David Die Olsenbande ergibt sich nie Olsen-Banden Ser Rødt Boreanaz, Soulja Boy, Stephen Lang, Wal- Olsen-Banden Overgiver Sig Aldrig Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul ton Goggins, Beatrice Miller - Dir. Brian A Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Miller Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Axel Strobye - Balling Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Dir. Erik Balling Audiokommentar, Trailer Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 93min. Featurette, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1976 101min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.06.2013 Kriminalfilm 1979 105min. ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053465 ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053167 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053202 Officer Down - Dirty Copland (Blu- Die Olsenbande steigt aufs Dach

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Olsen-Banden Går I Krig 18.07.2013 Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053060 Payback - Tag der Rache (Blu- Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik ray) Balling Parade’s End - Der letzte Gentle- Offender Featurette, Trailer man (2 Discs) Joe Cole, Kimberley Nixon, Shaun Dooley, Kriminalfilm 1978 102min. Parade’s End Tyson Oba, G. Frsh, Malachi Kirby, Ruth ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 Benedict Cumberbatch, Rebecca Hall - Dir. Gemmell, Mark Harris - Dir. Ron Scalpello 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053169 Susanna White Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 min. Die Olsenbande stellt die Wei- Behind the Scenes Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Drama/Lovestory 287min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053285 chen polyband Medien GmbH 26.07.2013 Olsen-Banden På Sporet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053391 Ein Pferd fürs Leben Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Amazing Racer Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Parade’s End - Der letzte Gentle- Claire Forlani, Daryl Hannah, Louis Gossett Balling man (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Jr., Eric Roberts, Julianne Michelle, Jason Bildergalerie, Trailer Parade’s End Gedrick, Stephen Colletti, Michael Madsen, Kriminalfilm 1975 101min. Benedict Cumberbatch, Rebecca Hall - Dir. Tom Atkins, Steve Guttenberg, Krista Allen, ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 Susanna White Charles Durning - Dir. Frank E. Johnson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053166 Behind the Scenes Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Lovestory 287min. Drama/Familie 2012 88min. Die Olsenbande und ihr größter polyband Medien GmbH 26.07.2013 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.06.2013 Coup 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053420 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053455 Olsen-Bandens Store Kup Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Paranormal Ghost Story Ein Pferd fürs Leben (Blu-ray) Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Urban Ghost Story Amazing Racer Balling Jason Connery, Stephanie Buttle, Heather Claire Forlani, Daryl Hannah, Louis Gossett Biografie, Trailer Ann Foster, James Cosmo, Elizabeth Jr., Eric Roberts, Julianne Michelle, Jason Kriminalfilm 1972 95min. Berrington, Nicola Stapleton, Siri O’Neal, Gedrick, Stephen Colletti, Michael Madsen, ICESTORM Entertainment 21.05.2013 Andreas Wisniewski, Billy Boyd - Dir. Tom Atkins, Steve Guttenberg, Krista Allen, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053163 Genevieve Jolliffe Charles Durning - Dir. Frank E. Johnson Audiokommentare, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Entfalle- Trailer, Bildergalerie Out in the Dark (OmU) ne Szenen, Featurette Drama/Familie 2012 91min. Out In The Dark Horror/Drama 1998 85min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.06.2013 Nicholas Jacob, Michael Aloni, Jamil MIG Film 13.06.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053495 Khoury, Loai Nofi, Khawlah Hag-Debsy, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053239 Alon Pdot, Maysa Daw, Shimon Mimran, Das Piano (Blu-ray) Alon Oleartchik, Chelli Goldenberg - Dir. Paris, Texas (Blu-ray) The Piano Michael Mayer Harry Dean Stanton, Nastassja Kinski, Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Anna Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Dean Stockwell, Aurore Clément, Hunter Paquin, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon - Drama 2012 92min. Carson, Bernhard Wicki, John Lurie, Dir. Jane Campion PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.06.2013 Socorro Valdez, Sally Norvell, Sharon Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Audiokommentar, Inter- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053388 Menzel, Jeni Vici - Dir. Wim Wenders view, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Biografie, Drama 1992 116min. Over the Top (Blu-ray) Wendecover STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 1984 143min. Over The Top Germany(Arthaus) 06.06.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Sylvester Stallone, Robert Loggia, David 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053037 Germany(Arthaus) 18.07.2013 Mendenhall, , Rick Zumwalt, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053509 Chris McCarthy, Terry Funk, Bob Beattie, Pimp Bullies - Opfer eines Bor- Alan Graf, Greg ‘Magic’ Schwartz - Dir. Parked - gestrandet dells (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Menahem Golan Pimp Bullies Parked Trailer Adrian Bellani, Lizbeth Santos, Catalina Colm Meaney, Colin Morgan, Milka Ahlroth, Action 1986 93min. Rodriguez, Ving Rhames, Hemky Madera, Stuart Graham, David Wilmot, Michael Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Steven Bauer, Chiquinquirá Delgado, McElhatton, Tatianna Ouiliankina, Diarmuid Germany(MGM/UA) 28.06.2013 Marcos Bonetti, Laura Garcia, Kristen Noyes, Mark Butler - Dir. Darragh Byrne 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053048 Quintrall - Dir. Alfonso Rodríguez Drama 2011 90min. Action/Kriminalfilm 83min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs The Paperboy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim GmbH & Co. KG(Dualfilm) 21.06.2013 The Paperboy Pictures) 18.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053022 Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey, Nicole 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053099 Kidman, , David Oyelowo, Scott Glenn, Ned Bellamy, Nealla Gordon - Parks and Recreation - Staffel 1 Pimp Bullies - Opfer eines Bor- Dir. (2 Discs) dells (k.J.) Wendecover Parks And Recreation Pimp Bullies Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 104min. Komödie 2009 min. Adrian Bellani, Lizbeth Santos, Catalina Planet Media Home Entertainment Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Rodriguez, Ving Rhames, Hemky Madera, 18.07.2013 04.07.2013 Steven Bauer, Chiquinquirá Delgado, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053032 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053428 Marcos Bonetti, Laura Garcia, Kristen The Paperboy (Blu-ray) Payback - Tag der Rache Quintrall - Dir. Alfonso Rodríguez Action/Kriminalfilm 80min. The Paperboy Offender Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey, Nicole Joe Cole, Kimberley Nixon, Shaun Dooley, Pictures) 18.06.2013 Kidman, John Cusack, David Oyelowo, Tyson Oba, G. Frsh, Malachi Kirby, Ruth 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053079 Scott Glenn, Ned Bellamy, Nealla Gordon - Gemmell, Mark Harris - Dir. Ron Scalpello Dir. Lee Daniels Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 min. Piranha (k.J.) Wendecover Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 107min. Okhota Na Piranyu 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053269 Planet Media Home Entertainment Wladimir Maschkow, Swetlana Antonowa,

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Jewgeni Mironow, Victoria Isakowa, Sergej Germany(Arthaus) 04.07.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Garmash, Anna Ukolowa, Ramil Sabitow, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053474 11.07.2013 Andrej Merzlikin - Dir. Andrei Kawun 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053429 Trailer Portrait of a Zombie (Blu-ray) Action 2006 119min. (k.J.) Die Puppe des Gangsters New Age 21 Home Entertainment Portrait Of A Zombie La Pupa Del Gangster 31.05.2013 Patrick Murphy, Geraldine McAlinden, Rory Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053376 Mullen, Diane Jennings, Paul O’Bryan, Maccione, Pierre Brice, Dalila di Lazzaro - Dir. Giorgio Capitani Piraten der Schatzinsel Sonya O’Donoghue, Todd Fletcher, Steven Neeson, Gerry Shanahan, Bernie Fitzgerald Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1974 98min. Pirates Of Treasure Island - Dir. Bing Bailey KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 17.06.2013 Lance Henriksen, Tom Nagel, Rebekah Horror/Drama 2011 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053456 Kochan, Rhett Giles, Jeff Denton, James Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Ferris, Derek Osedach, Justin L. Jones, Pictures) 23.07.2013 Puppe, Icke & der Dicke David Shick, Chriss Anglin, Dean Arevalo, tba BestellNr.: 20053413 Tobi B., Stéphanie Capetanides, Matthias Josh Sobotik, Andrea Lui, Leigh Scott, Scheuring, Matthias Hinz, Vivien Bullert, Jennifer Lee Wiggins, Alexandra Boylan, Portrait of a Zombie (k.J.) Nadia Kibout, Heiko Pinkowski, Karoline Crystal Napoles, Thomas Downey, Amanda Portrait Of A Zombie Schuch, Alice Dwyer, Jasin Challah, Chri- Barton - Dir. Leigh Scott Patrick Murphy, Geraldine McAlinden, Rory stoph Humnig, Abdel Maksoud - Dir. Felix Trailer Stienz Abenteuer/Fantasy 2006 86min. Mullen, Diane Jennings, Paul O’Bryan, Komödie 2011 87min. Edel Germany(The Asylum) 24.05.2013 Sonya O’Donoghue, Todd Fletcher, Steven Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053180 Neeson, Gerry Shanahan, Bernie Fitzgerald - Dir. Bing Bailey GmbH & Co. KG(Drei-Freunde) 21.06.2013 Piraten der Schatzinsel (Blu-ray) Horror/Drama 2011 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053023 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Pirates Of Treasure Island Q - Sexual Desire (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lance Henriksen, Tom Nagel, Rebekah Pictures) 23.07.2013 Q Kochan, Rhett Giles, Jeff Denton, James tba BestellNr.: 20053379 Déborah Révy, Helene Zimmer, Gowan Didi, Ferris, Derek Osedach, Justin L. Jones, Johnny Amaro, Johan Libéreau, Jean-Fran- David Shick, Chriss Anglin, Dean Arevalo, - House Of 1000 çois Gallotte, Brice Fournier, Patrick Haut- Josh Sobotik, Andrea Lui, Leigh Scott, Dolls hier, Christelle Benoit, Léticia Belliccini, Jennifer Lee Wiggins, Alexandra Boylan, La Casa De Las Mil Muñecas Fabien Ara, Margot Heurtematte, Noémie Crystal Napoles, Thomas Downey, Amanda George Nader, Vincent Price, Wolfgang Leroux Cazaubon, Aurélia Arto, Yassine Barton - Dir. Leigh Scott Kieling, Ann Smyrner, Maria Rohm, Herbert Azzouz, Lise Kerverdo, Désirée Cyganek, Trailer Fux - Dir. Jeremy Summers Ludi Boeken, Pascal Judelewicz, Christine Abenteuer/Fantasy 2006 89min. Kriminalfilm/Erotik 1967 94min. Martin - Dir. Laurent Bouhnik Edel Germany(The Asylum) 24.05.2013 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053197 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie 14.06.2013 Drama/Erotik 2011 107min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053218 Polizeiruf 110 - Box 12 (4 Discs) KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053501 Booklet Primitive - Beware the Evil Kriminalfilm 1984-1985 620min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Within Q - Sexual Desire (k.J.) 14.06.2013 Primitive Q 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053200 Matt O’Neill, Hester van Hooven Ward, Déborah Révy, Helene Zimmer, Gowan Didi, Reggie Bannister, Jeff Ryan, S. Daxton Johnny Amaro, Johan Libéreau, Jean-Fran- Poltergeist - The Legacy: Die un- Balzer, Mayank Bhatter, Kristin Lorenz, çois Gallotte, Brice Fournier, Patrick Haut- heimliche Macht (Staffel 1) (6 Rachel Riley, Gregory Paul Smith, Monty hier, Christelle Benoit, Léticia Belliccini, Wall, Brett Worsham, Bruce Brown - Dir. Fabien Ara, Margot Heurtematte, Noémie Discs) Benjamin Cooper Leroux Cazaubon, Aurélia Arto, Yassine Poltergeist: The Legacy Horror 2011 82min. Azzouz, Lise Kerverdo, Désirée Cyganek, Derek de Lint, Martin Cummins, Robbi Anolis Entertainment 06.08.2013 Ludi Boeken, Pascal Judelewicz, Christine Chong, Helen Shaver, Kristin Lehman, Alex- tba BestellNr.: 20053375 Martin - Dir. Laurent Bouhnik andra Purvis, Patrick Fitzgerald, Daniel J. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Travanti, Simon MacCorkindale, Colleen Primitive - Beware the Evil Drama/Erotik 2011 103min. Rennison, Elizabeth Shepherd, Tom Butler - Within (Blu-ray) KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 Dir. Michael Robison, Allan Eastman, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053466 Primitive Brenton Spencer, Brad Turner, William Matt O’Neill, Hester van Hooven Ward, Fruet, Graeme Lynch, Garner Simmons, Raw - Der Fluch der Grete Müller Reggie Bannister, Jeff Ryan, S. Daxton Paul Lynch, Martin Cummins, Gilbert M. Raw - Der Fluch der Grete Müller Balzer, Mayank Bhatter, Kristin Lorenz, Shilton Ivana Konovic, Natascha Zink, Leonie Lee - Rachel Riley, Gregory Paul Smith, Monty Horror 1996-1999 946min. Dir. Marcel Walz Wall, Brett Worsham, Bruce Brown - Dir. Edel Germany(Breu Media) 17.05.2013 Horror 2012 min. Benjamin Cooper 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053183 Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Horror 2011 85min. 04.07.2013 Anolis Entertainment 06.08.2013 Natalie Portman Edition (3 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053268 tba BestellNr.: 20053410 Garden State / Leon - der Profi (Director’s Cut) / Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain Psych - 5. Staffel (4 Discs) Raw - Der Fluch der Grete Müller Zach Braff, Sir Ian Holm, Rob Liebman, Psych (Blu-ray) , Nicole Kidman, Renée James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Ivana Konovic, Natascha Zink, Leonie Lee - Zellweger, Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, Nata- Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten Dir. Marcel Walz lie Portman - Dir. Zach Braff, Anthony Nelson, Liam James, Sage Brocklebank, Horror 2012 min. Minghella, Luc Besson Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Audiokommentare, Trailer, Wendecover, Making ofs, Entfalle- Carlos McCullers II, Isaah Brown - Dir. Mel ne Szenen, u.a. Damski, Michael Zinberg, John Landis, Tim 04.07.2013 Drama 1994-2003 374min. Matheson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053288 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm/Komödie 669min. Recyclo Transformers (Blu-ray)

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Resiklo Universum Film 05.07.2013 Brooke Shields, Horst Buchholz, Sir John Ramon Revilla jr., , 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053233 Mills, Lambert Wilson, John Rhys-Davies, , Michelle Madrigal, Paolo Steve Forrest - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Contis, Benjie Paras, Bobby Andrews, Rottenknechte (2 Discs) Abenteuer 1983 106min. Mylène Dizon - Dir. Mark A. Reyes Helmut Schellhardt, Klaus-Peter Thiele, Kurt Edel Germany(Breu Media) 17.05.2013 Action/Science Fiction 2007 108min. Kachlicki, Fred Ludwig, Dietmar Richter- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053179 Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Reinick, Horst Giese, Volkmar Kleinert, Ruth 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053340 Kommerell, Dieter Mann, Dieter Montag, Der Salzbaron - Der komplette Günter Naumann, Klaus Piontek, Jaecki Historien-Mehrteiler (4 Discs) Riddle - Jede Stadt hat ihr tödli- Schwarz - Dir. Frank Beyer Christoph Moosbrugger, Michaela Rosen, ches Geheimnis. Kriegsfilm/Drama 1971 330min. Franz Buchrieser, Erwin Steinhauer, Marion Riddle Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Mitterhammer, Christine Buchegger, Kon- Elisabeth Harnois, Diora Baird, , 07.06.2013 stanze Breitebner - Dir. Bernd Fischerauer Bryan Lillis, Ryan Malgarini, Ben Bledsoe, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053317 Booklet, Interview, Trailer William Sadler, Cindy Chu - Dir. John O. Drama 1993 628min. Hartman, Nick Mross Rubinrot AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Thriller/Mystery 2011-2013 95min. Maria Ehrich, Jannis Niewöhner, Veronica AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 05.07.2013 Senator Home Entertainment 12.07.2013 Ferres, Laura Berlin, Uwe Kockisch, Ka- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053134 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053069 tharina Thalbach, Jennifer Lotsi, Josefine Preuß, Florian Bartholomäi, Kostja Ullmann, Sam Hell ist: Der Jäger Riddle - Jede Stadt hat ihr tödli- Gottfried John, Gerlinde Locker, Rüdiger Hell Comes To Frogtown ches Geheimnis. (Blu-ray) Vogler, Axel Milberg, Sibylle Canonica, Sam Hell, Roddy „Rowdy“ Piper, Sandahl Justina del Corte, Levin Henning, Johannes Bergman - Dir. R. J. Kizer, Donald G. Riddle Silberschneider, Chiara Schoras, Peter Jackson Elisabeth Harnois, Diora Baird, Val Kilmer, Simonischek - Dir. Felix Fuchssteiner Wendecover Bryan Lillis, Ryan Malgarini, Ben Bledsoe, Fantasy 2013 117min. Science Fiction/Action 1987 80min. William Sadler, Cindy Chu - Dir. John O. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim Hartman, Nick Mross Cine Collection) 30.09.2013 Pictures) 21.06.2013 Thriller/Mystery 2011-2013 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053527 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053326 Senator Home Entertainment 12.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053090 Rubinrot (Blu-ray) Sarahs Entscheidung Sarah’s Choice Rom - Blut und Spiele (2 Discs) Maria Ehrich, Jannis Niewöhner, Veronica Ferres, Laura Berlin, Uwe Kockisch, Ka- Rebecca St. James, Logan White, Dick van Empire tharina Thalbach, Jennifer Lotsi, Josefine Patten, Brad Stine, Staci Keanan, Julian Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Regan, Emily Preuß, Florian Bartholomäi, Kostja Ullmann, Bailey, Robert Miano, Sean McGowan - Dir. Blunt, James Frain, Jonathan Cake, Christo- Gottfried John, Gerlinde Locker, Rüdiger Chad Kapper pher Egan, Michael Maloney, Fiona Shaw, Vogler, Axel Milberg, Sibylle Canonica, Drama 2009 83min. Colm Feore, Michael Byrne, Orla Brady, Justina del Corte, Levin Henning, Johannes Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.06.2013 Trudie Styler, Graham McTavish, Dennis Silberschneider, Chiara Schoras, Peter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053186 Haysbert, Amanda Root, Ian Bartholomew, Simonischek - Dir. Felix Fuchssteiner Michael Culkin, Alan David, Roger Ashton- Fantasy 2013 122min. Sarahs Entscheidung (Blu-ray) Griffiths, Ed Stoppard, Caroline Ashley, Concorde Home Entertainment 30.09.2013 Sarah’s Choice Inday Ba, Felix Dexter, Alessandro Dieli, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053539 Rebecca St. James, Logan White, Dick van Julian Firth, Amelia Curtis, Giacomo Patten, Brad Stine, Staci Keanan, Julian Gonnella, Michael Jenn, Ian Redford, Clive Ruhe Sanft GmbH Bailey, Robert Miano, Sean McGowan - Dir. Riche, Anna Särnholm, Luca Venantini, The Comedy Of Terrors Chad Kapper Robert Willox, Bart Ruspoli - Dir. Greg Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Drama 2009 86min. Yaitanes, John Gray, Kim Manners Joyce Jameson, Basil Rathbone - Dir. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.06.2013 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2005 243min. Jacques Tourneur 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053199 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.05.2013 Komödie/Horror 1963 83min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053014 Edel Germany(Breu Media) 24.05.2013 The Savage Tales of Summer Rom - Blut und Spiele (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053177 Vale - 1. Staffel Dark Rising: The Savage Tales Of Sum- Empire Ruhe Sanft GmbH (Blu-ray) mer Vale Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Regan, Emily The Comedy Of Terrors Brigitte Kingsley, Landy Cannon, Matti Blunt, James Frain, Jonathan Cake, Christo- Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, McLean, Danielle Baker, Katherine Collett, pher Egan, Michael Maloney, Fiona Shaw, Joyce Jameson, Basil Rathbone - Dir. Andrew Cymek Colm Feore, Michael Byrne, Orla Brady, Jacques Tourneur Sammel-Postkarten, Interviews, Clips Trudie Styler, Graham McTavish, Dennis Komödie/Horror 1963 86min. Fantasy/Komödie 262min. Haysbert, Amanda Root, Ian Bartholomew, Edel Germany(Breu Media) 24.05.2013 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 13.06.2013 Michael Culkin, Alan David, Roger Ashton- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053196 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053122 Griffiths, Ed Stoppard, Caroline Ashley, Inday Ba, Felix Dexter, Alessandro Dieli, S.R.I. und die unheimlichen Fälle Saxana und die Reise ins Mär- Julian Firth, Amelia Curtis, Giacomo chenland Gonnella, Michael Jenn, Ian Redford, Clive (2 Discs) Saxána A Lexikon Kouzel Riche, Anna Särnholm, Luca Venantini, Kaiki Daisakusen Dir. Václav Vorlícek Robert Willox, Bart Ruspoli - Dir. Greg Yasumi Hara, Homare Suguro, Shin Kishida, Fantasy 2011 min. Yaitanes, John Gray, Kim Manners Seiji Matsuyama, Reiko Kobashi, Akiji Highlight Communications Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2005 250min. Kobayashi - Dir. Toshihiro Iijima, Akio Jissoji (Deutschland)(Constantin) 10.10.2013 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.05.2013 Booklet Kriminalfilm/Mystery 1968-1971 325min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053368 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053052 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.09.2013 Roseanne - Wie alles begann 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053302 Saya Zamurai (OmU) Saya-Zamurai Roseanne Sahara Takaaki Nomi, Sea Kumada, Itsuji Itao, Ryo, Roseanne Barr, John Goodman Sahara Rolly, Jun Kunimura, Masatô Ibu, Tokio Komödie 1988-1997 min.

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Emoto, Satoru Jitsunashi - Dir. Hitoshi Gibson, Vic Chao, Sean Lawlor, Dean Matsumoto Schattenkrieger - The Shadow Kreyling, Stephen Blackehart, Dustin Wendecover, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Filmpremieren- Cabal (Blu-ray) Harnish, Mark Hengst - Dir. Scott Harper, Featurette, Interview, Trailer Jack Perez, Leigh Scott Komödie 2011 100min. Saga - Curse Of The Shadow Science Fiction 2007-2009 257min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 21.06.2013 Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Richard Intergroove Media(TB Productions) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053324 McWilliams, Paul D. Hunt, James C. Morris, Eve Mauro, Danny James, Nichelle Aiden, 28.06.2013 Scary Movie (Blu-ray) Clare Niederpruem - Dir. John Lyde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053503 Fantasy/Action 2013 109min. Scary Movie Sentenced to Death Jon Abrahams, , Cheri Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 Last Light Oteri, Anna Faris, Regina Hall, Lochlyn 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053100 Forest Whitaker, Kiefer Sutherland, Aman- Munro, Dave Sheridan, Marlon Wayans, da Plummer, Kathleen Quinlan, Lynne Dan Joffre, Carmen Electra, Shawn Schlussmacher - Liebe ist nichts Moody, Clancy Brown, Cameron Dye, Tony Wayans, Kurt Fuller, David L. Lander, für Feiglinge. T. Johnson - Dir. Kiefer Sutherland Marissa Jaret Winokur, Mark Hoeppner, Matthias Schweighöfer, Milan Peschel, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Keenen Ivory Wayans - Dir. Keenen Ivory Catherine De Léan, Nadja Uhl, Anna Drama/Action 1993 101min. Wayans Bederke, Genija Rykova, Manuela Wisbeck, Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Komödie/Horror 2000 min. Heiner Lauterbach, Gennadi Vengerov - 14.06.2013 Highlight Communications (Deutschland) Dir. Matthias Schweighöfer, Torsten Künst- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053461 10.10.2013 ler (Co-Regie) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053402 Trailer, Teaser Sex Pot / Meine Braut, meine be- Komödie/Lovestory 2012 106min. Scary Movie 2 (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment sten Freunde und ich (Blu-ray) Sex Pot / Äntligen Midsommar! Scary Movie 2 Germany 05.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053423 Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans, Anna Komödie 2009 178min. Faris, Regina Hall, Tori Spelling, Christopher Schlussmacher - Liebe ist nichts Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.05.2013 Masterson, Kathleen Robertson, James 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053198 Woods, Andy Richter, Chris Elliott, Natasha für Feiglinge. (Blu-ray) Lyonne, Tim Curry, Richard Moll - Dir. Matthias Schweighöfer, Milan Peschel, Sieg der Liebe - Herzen im Sturm Keenen Ivory Wayans Catherine De Léan, Nadja Uhl, Anna (2 Discs) Komödie/Horror 2001 min. Bederke, Genija Rykova, Manuela Wisbeck, La Storia Di Chiara Highlight Communications Heiner Lauterbach, Gennadi Vengerov - Barbara De Rossi - Dir. Andrea Frazzi, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 10.10.2013 Dir. Matthias Schweighöfer, Torsten Künst- Antonio Frazzi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053401 ler (Co-Regie) Trailer Trailer, Teaser, Drehtagebücher, Featurettes, Musikvideo, Drama 1995 180min. Scary Movie 5 Outtakes, Making of, Clips, Bildergalerie Komödie/Lovestory 2012 110min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Scary Movie 5 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 07.06.2013 Ashley Tisdale, Simon Rex, Erica Ash, Katt Germany 05.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053279 Williams, Gracie Whitton, Lidia Porto, Char- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053433 lie Sheen, Tyler Posey, Katrina Bowden, Sightseers - Killers on Tour! Darrell Hammond, Ava Kolker, Heather Schwester Bonaventura Sightseers Locklear, Lindsay Lohan, Snoop Dogg, Claude Farell, Horst Tappert, Hilde Krahl, Alice Lowe, Steve Oram, Eileen Davis, Terry Crews, J. P. Manoux, Mac Miller, Mario Adorf, Nora Minor, Peter Capell, Edith Monica Dolan, Jonathan Aris, Kenneth Jerry O’Connell, Molly Shannon, Kate Schulze-Westrum - Dir. Wilm ten Haaf Hadley, Stephanie Jacob, Richard Lumsden, Walsh - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Drama/Kriminalfilm 1958 104min. Richard Glover, Rachel Austin - Dir. Ben Komödie/Horror 2012 min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.06.2013 Wheatley Highlight Communications 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053175 Komödie/Thriller 2012 88min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 10.10.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA+) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053367 Science Fiction 3er Pack 20.08.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053374 Scary Movie 5 (Blu-ray) Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus / Alien vs. Hunter / Transmorphers Scary Movie 5 , Dedee Pfeiffer, Wittly Jourdan, Sightseers - Killers on Tour! (Blu- Ashley Tisdale, Simon Rex, Erica Ash, Katt Randy Mulkey, Jennifer Couch, Jason S. ray) Williams, Gracie Whitton, Lidia Porto, Char- Gray, Matthew Wolf, Amy Weber, Shaley Sightseers lie Sheen, Tyler Posey, Katrina Bowden, Scott, Eliza Swenson, Griff Furst, Sarah Alice Lowe, Steve Oram, Eileen Davis, Darrell Hammond, Ava Kolker, Heather Hall, Erin Sullivan, Lorenzo Lamas, Deborah Monica Dolan, Jonathan Aris, Kenneth Locklear, Lindsay Lohan, Snoop Dogg, Gibson, Vic Chao, Sean Lawlor, Dean Hadley, Stephanie Jacob, Richard Lumsden, Terry Crews, J. P. Manoux, Mac Miller, Kreyling, Stephen Blackehart, Dustin Richard Glover, Rachel Austin - Dir. Ben Jerry O’Connell, Molly Shannon, Kate Harnish, Mark Hengst - Dir. Scott Harper, Wheatley Walsh - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Jack Perez, Leigh Scott Komödie/Thriller 2012 92min. Komödie/Horror 2012 min. Science Fiction 2007-2009 257min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA+) Highlight Communications Intergroove Media(TB Productions) 20.08.2013 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 10.10.2013 28.06.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053409 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053400 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053479 Schattenkrieger - The Shadow Silent But Deadly Science Fiction 3er Pack (Blu- Silent But Deadly Cabal ray) Jason Mewes, William Sadler, Jordan Saga - Curse Of The Shadow Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus / Alien vs. Prentice, Kim Poirier, Marc Hickox, Benz Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Richard Hunter / Transmorphers Antoine, Patrick McKenna, Jai Jai Jones, McWilliams, Paul D. Hunt, James C. Morris, William Katt, Dedee Pfeiffer, Wittly Jourdan, R.D. Reid, Anand Rajaram - Dir. Stephen Eve Mauro, Danny James, Nichelle Aiden, Randy Mulkey, Jennifer Couch, Jason S. Scott Clare Niederpruem - Dir. John Lyde Gray, Matthew Wolf, Amy Weber, Shaley Komödie/Horror 2011 81min. Fantasy/Action 2013 105min. Scott, Eliza Swenson, Griff Furst, Sarah Intergroove Media(Mammut Home Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 Hall, Erin Sullivan, Lorenzo Lamas, Deborah Entertainment) 14.06.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053080

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053215 14.06.2013 Boone jr. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053475 Action/Drama 2009 min. Silent But Deadly (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Silent But Deadly Small Town Secret (Blu-ray) Germany 26.07.2013 Jason Mewes, William Sadler, Jordan Elsewhere 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053486 Prentice, Kim Poirier, Marc Hickox, Benz Anna Kendrick, Paul Wesley, Tania Antoine, Patrick McKenna, Jai Jai Jones, Raymonde, Olivia Dawn York, Jeffrey Dani- Spartacus: Vengeance (4 Discs) R.D. Reid, Anand Rajaram - Dir. Stephen el Phillips, Shannon Holt, Kinna McInroe, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Scott Jon Gries - Dir. Nathan Hope Spartacus: Blood And Sand Komödie/Horror 2011 84min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Bildergalerie Liam McIntyre, Manu Bennett, Lucy Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 106min. Intergroove Media(Mammut Home Lawless, Peter Mensah, Nick Tarabay, Viva Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Entertainment) 14.06.2013 Bianca, Dan Feuerriegel, Katrina Law, Han- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053341 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053249 na Mangan Lawrence, Heath Jones, Craig Snake Club (k.J.) Parker, Ioane King, Pana Hema Taylor, Silent Hill / Silent Hill: Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Paul Glover, Snake Club: Revenge Of The Snake Revelation (Collector’s Edition, 2 Timothy Raby, Greg Ward, Tom Hobbs, Woman Dustin Clare, Brett Tucker, Kevin J. Wilson, Discs) Veronica Ricci, Randy Oppenheimer, Nina Brooke Williams, Luke Pegler, Peter Silent Hill / Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Kate, Arsee Hahn, Andrew J. McGuinness, McCauley, Joseph Naufahu, Bonnie Sveen, Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean, Laurie Holden, Cuyle Carvin, Krystal Ellsworth, Tracy Campbell Cooley, Jeffrey Thomas, Ellen Adelaide Clemens, Kit Harington, Carrie- Carr, Marlene Mc’Cohen, Keoni Carew, Hollman - Dir. Michael Hurst, Jesse Warn, Anne Moss - Dir. Christophe Gans, Michael Augusto Valverde, Robert Rhine - Dir. Da- Brendan Maher, Mark Beesley, Rick J. Bassett vid Palmieri Horror 2006-2013 212min. Trailer Jacobson, Chris Martin-Jones, T.J. Scott Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Horror 2012 82min. Historienfilm/Action 2012 min. Home Edition) 20.08.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053520 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053187 Germany 26.07.2013 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053487 Silent Hill / Silent Hill: Solo für Klarinette Revelation (Collector’s Edition, 2 Götz George, Corinna Harfouch, Tim Berg- Spartacus: Vengeance (4 Discs) Discs) (Blu-ray) mann, Barbara Auer, Tobias Schenke, Chri- (k.J.) stian Redl, Katharina Thalbach, Barbara Spartacus: Blood And Sand Silent Hill / Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Rudnik, Dietmar Mues, Walter Kreye, Mavie Liam McIntyre, Manu Bennett, Lucy Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean, Laurie Holden, Hörbiger, Nikolaus Paryla, Daniela Ziegler, Lawless, Peter Mensah, Nick Tarabay, Viva Adelaide Clemens, Kit Harington, Carrie- Saskia Vester, Heinrich Schafmeister, Bianca, Dan Feuerriegel, Katrina Law, Han- Anne Moss - Dir. Christophe Gans, Michael Miranda Toma, Marion Reuter, Jochen Bus- na Mangan Lawrence, Heath Jones, Craig J. Bassett se, Nicole Heesters, Ute Willing - Dir. Prof. Parker, Ioane King, Pana Hema Taylor, Horror 2006-2013 221min. Nico Hofmann Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Paul Glover, Concorde Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 Thriller 1998 91min. Timothy Raby, Greg Ward, Tom Hobbs, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053534 Universum Film 05.07.2013 Dustin Clare, Brett Tucker, Kevin J. Wilson, Sinister 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053234 Brooke Williams, Luke Pegler, Peter McCauley, Joseph Naufahu, Bonnie Sveen, Sinister Ein Sommernachtstraum Campbell Cooley, Jeffrey Thomas, Ellen Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance, Fred Dalton William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Hollman - Dir. Michael Hurst, Jesse Warn, Thompson, James Ransone, Clare Foley, Night’s Dream Brendan Maher, Mark Beesley, Rick Vincent D’Onofrio, Rob Riley, Tavis Smiley, Kevin Kline, , Rupert Jacobson, Chris Martin-Jones, T.J. Scott Janet Zappala, Victoria Leigh, Cameron Everett, Stanley Tucci, Calista Flockhart, Historienfilm/Action 2012 min. Ocasio, Ethan Haberfield, Danielle Kotch, , Christian Bale, Dominic West, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Blake Mizrahi, Nick King - Dir. Scott David Strathairn, Sophie Marceau, Roger Germany 26.07.2013 Derrickson Rees, Bernard Hill, Bill Irwin, Sam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053446 Horror 2012 110min. Rockwell, John Sessions, Max Wright, Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Gregory Jbara - Dir. Michael Hoffman Spielen und Sterben (OmU) Germany) 11.07.2013 Komödie 1999 115min. Spelen Of Sterven 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053426 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Tjebbo Gerritsma, Simon Gribling - Dir. Sinister (Blu-ray) Germany 05.07.2013 Frank Krom 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053443 Kurzfilme, Trailer, Bildergalerie Sinister Drama 1990 107min. Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance, Fred Dalton Sons of Anarchy - Season 2 (4 cmv-Laservision 24.05.2013 Thompson, James Ransone, Clare Foley, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053226 Vincent D’Onofrio, Rob Riley, Tavis Smiley, Discs) (k.J.) Janet Zappala, Victoria Leigh, Cameron Sons Of Anarchy Der Spinnenmörder Charlie Hunnam, , Ron Perlman, Ocasio, Ethan Haberfield, Danielle Kotch, Alma Seidler, Uta Sax, Dietmar Schönherr, Henry Rollins, Ryan Hurst, Tommy Blake Mizrahi, Nick King - Dir. Scott Volker Brandt, Peter Arens, Monika John, Flanagan, Kim Coates, Maggie Siff, Mark Derrickson Kurt Conradi - Dir. Gerhard Klingenberg Boone jr. Horror 2012 114min. Kriminalfilm 1978 88min. Action/Drama 2009 min. Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.06.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany) 11.07.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053211 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053436 Germany 26.07.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053358 Splinter (Blu-ray) Sleepaway Massacre (k.J.) Sons of Anarchy - Season 2 (Blu- Splinter Return To Sleepaway Camp Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wag- Vincent Pastore, Michael Gibney, Paul ray) (k.J.) ner, Charles Baker, Rachel Kerbs, Laurel DeAngelo, Jonathan Tierston, Isaac Hayes Sons Of Anarchy Whitsett - Dir. Toby Wilkins - Dir. Robert Hiltzik Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Ron Perlman, Featurettes, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2008 83min. Henry Rollins, Ryan Hurst, Tommy Horror 2008 79min. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Flanagan, Kim Coates, Maggie Siff, Mark Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Circle

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Three) 21.05.2013 , , DeForest Star Trek 09 - Der Aufstand 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053396 Kelley, James Doohan, , Wal- (Remastered) (Blu-ray) ter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Merritt Butrick, Star Trek: Insurrection Spring Breakers Christopher Lloyd, Judith Anderson - Dir. Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spring Breakers Leonard Nimoy Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates James Franco, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Audiokommentar, Featurettes McFadden, Marina Sirtis, F. Murray Abra- Anne Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Rachel Science Fiction 1984 106min. ham, , Anthony Zerbe, Gregg Korine, Heather Morris, Cait Taylor, Ashley Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Henry, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Michael Welch, Lendzion, Emma Holzer, Gucci Mane - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053142 Lorella Cuccarini, Mark Deakins, Breon Harmony Korine Gorman, Max Grodenchik, Stephanie Niznik, Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 90min. Star Trek 04 - Zurück in die Ge- Armin Shimerman, D. Elliot Woods - Dir. Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) genwart (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Jonathan Frakes 30.08.2013 Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home Audiokommentar, Featurettes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053545 Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1998 103min. Kelley, James Doohan, George Takei, Wal- Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Spring Breakers (Blu-ray) ter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Catherine 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053144 Spring Breakers Hicks, - Dir. Leonard Nimoy James Franco, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Audiokommentar, Featurettes Star Trek 10 - Nemesis Science Fiction 1986 122min. Anne Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Rachel (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Korine, Heather Morris, Cait Taylor, Ashley Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Star Trek: Nemesis Lendzion, Emma Holzer, Gucci Mane - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053143 Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Harmony Korine Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 94min. Star Trek 05 - Am Rande des Uni- McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Ron Perlman, Tom Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) versums (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Hardy, Dina Meyer, Kate Mulgrew, Shannon 30.08.2013 Star Trek V - The Final Frontier Cochran, Jude Ciccolella, Alan Dale, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053551 William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Berg, Michael Owen, Robertson Dean, Kelley, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, David Ralphe, J. Patrick McCormack, Wil Stahlnetz (9 Discs) Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Laurence Wheaton, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Helmut Peine, Achim Strietzel, Heinz Engel- Luckinbill - Dir. William Shatner Steven Culp, - Dir. Stuart mann, Gerda Maria Jürgens, Wolfgang Völz Audiokommentar, Featurettes Baird - Dir. Jürgen Roland Science Fiction 1989 106min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Audiokommentar, Featurettes Booklet Science Fiction 2002 116min. Kriminalfilm 1958-1968 1572min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053145 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053149 07.06.2013 Star Trek 06 - Das unentdeckte 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053191 Land (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Staub auf unseren Herzen Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country Star Trek - The Next Generation: Susanne Lothar, Stephanie Stremler, Micha- William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest el Kind, Birge Schade, Daniel Krauss, Os- Season 3 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kelley, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, kar Bökelmann, Luis August Kurecki, Flori- Star Trek - The Next Generation Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Kim Cattrall, an Loycke, Anett Heilfort, Jana Hampel, Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Mari- Christopher Plummer, Christian Slater, Da- Andreas Christ - Dir. Hanna Doose na Sirtis, Brent Spiner vid Warner - Dir. Drama/Komödie 2012 87min. Episoden Promotion, Audiokommentar, Featurettes Audiokommentar, Featurettes Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Science Fiction 1989-1990 1180min. Science Fiction 1991 113min. GmbH & Co. KG(Movienet) 19.07.2013 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053332 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053038 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053146 Star Trek 01 - Der Film Star Trek 07 - Treffen der Genera- Stirb langsam 1-5 (5 Discs) Die Hard / Die Hard 2 / Die Hard With A (Remastered) (Blu-ray) tionen (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Vengeance / Live Free Or Die Hard / A Star Trek I - The Motion Picture Star Trek: Generations Good Day ... William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, James Sir Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Bruce Willis - Dir. John McTiernan, Renny Doohan, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Harlin, Len Wiseman, John H. Moore Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Persis Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates Diverse Khambatta, Stephen Collins - Dir. Robert McFadden, Marina Sirtis, James Doohan, Action 1988-2013 min. Wise Walter Koenig, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Audiokommentar, Drehbuch, Featurettes March, Alan Ruck - Dir. David Carson Germany 28.06.2013 Science Fiction 1979 132min. Audiokommentar, Featurettes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053009 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Science Fiction 1994 118min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053140 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Stirb langsam 1-5 (5 Discs) (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053147 Star Trek 02 - Der Zorn des Khan ray) Star Trek 08 - Der erste Kontakt Die Hard / Die Hard 2 / Die Hard With A (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Vengeance / Live Free Or Die Hard / A Star Trek II - The Wrath Of Khan (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Good Day ... William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Star Trek: First Contact Bruce Willis - Dir. John McTiernan, Renny Kelley, Ricardo Montalban, James Doohan, Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Harlin, Len Wiseman, John H. Moore Walter Koenig, Bibi Besch, Merritt Butrick, Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates Action 1988-2013 min. Paul Winfield - Dir. Nicholas Meyer McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Alfre Woodard, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Audiokommentar, Featurettes James Cromwell, , Neal Germany 28.06.2013 Science Fiction 1982 113min. McDonough, Robert Picardo, Dwight 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053041 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Schultz, Patti Yasutake - Dir. Jonathan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053141 Frakes Störkanal Triple Box 1 (3 Discs) Audiokommentar, Featurettes Star Trek 03 - Auf der Suche nach Science Fiction 1996 110min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mr. Spock (Remastered) (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Dogtooth / Beautiful / 7 Days Drama/Thriller 2010 308min. Star Trek III - The Search For Spock 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053148 Splendid Film(I-On Störkanal) 26.07.2013

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20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053550 Abenteuer/Action 2012 102min. Der Superbulle Koch Media 09.08.2013 Störkanal Triple Box 1 (3 Discs) Ich spreng’ Euch alle in die Luft - Inspek- tba BestellNr.: 20053419 (k.J.) tor Blomfields Fall Nr. 1 Dogtooth / Beautiful / 7 Days Götz George, Eddi Arent, Ingeborg Schö- Tai Chi Zero (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Drama/Thriller 2010 296min. ner, Walter Barnes, Anthony Steel, Sieg- Tai Chi 0 Splendid Film(I-On Störkanal) 26.07.2013 fried Wischnewski, Karl Schönböck, Wer- Yuan Xiaochao, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Eddie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053544 ner Pochath - Dir. Rudolf Zehetgruber Peng, , , Jade Xu, Paul Bildergalerie, Nostalgiefassung Philip Clark - Dir. The Story of G.I. Joe - Schlacht- Action/Kriminalfilm 1967 82min. Abenteuer/Action 2012 98min. Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) gewitter am Monte Cassino Koch Media 24.05.2013 28.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053293 The Story Of G.I. Joe 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053476 Burgess Meredith, Robert Mitchum, Freddie Take Steele, Wally Cassell, Jimmy Lloyd, Bill Der Superstar Take Murphy - Dir. William A. Wellman Uno Strano Tipo Jeremy Renner, , Bobby Kriegsfilm 1945 88min. Adriano Celentano, Claudia Mori, Donatella Coleman, David Denman, Adam Rodriguez, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Turri, Luigi Pavese, Carlo Campanini, Bill McKinney, Emily Harrison, Griff Furst - Home Edition) 12.09.2013 Giacomo Furia - Dir. Lucio Fulci Dir. Charles Oliver 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053526 Trailer Trailer Komödie 1963 94min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2007 95min. Meryl Streep Edition (3 Discs) Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Die durch die Hölle gehen / Glaubensfra- 14.06.2013 25.07.2013 ge / Marvins Töchter 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053224 tba BestellNr.: 20053306 Meryl Streep, Christopher Walken, Robert De Niro, John Savage, Philip Seymour Switch - Ein mörderischer Tausch Take (Blu-ray) Hoffman, Amy Adams, Leonardo DiCaprio, Switch Take Diane Keaton - Dir. Michael Cimino, John Karine Vanasse, Eric Cantona, Mehdi Jeremy Renner, Minnie Driver, Bobby Patrick Shanley, Jerry Zaks Nebbou, Aurélien Recoing, Karina Testa, Coleman, David Denman, Adam Rodriguez, Audiokommentare, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Bruno Todeschini, Maxim Roy, Niseema Bill McKinney, Emily Harrison, Griff Furst - Drama 1978-2008 370min. Theillaud, Sophie Faucher, Stéphan Guerin- Dir. Charles Oliver STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tillié, Karim Saleh, Cyril Lecomte, Ludovic Trailer Germany(Arthaus) 04.07.2013 Schoendoerffer, Stéphane Demers, Pierre Drama/Kriminalfilm 2007 99min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053471 Leblanc, Lika Minamoto, Françoise Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Michaud, Laetitia Lacroix, Jacob 25.07.2013 Strippers vs. Zombies (Blu-ray) Desvarieux, Khalid Maadour, Sébastien tba BestellNr.: 20053349 (k.J.) Houbani - Dir. Frédéric Schoendoerffer Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! Thriller 2011 99min. Tasmanian Devils - Die Jagd hat Jessica Barton, Hollie Winnard, Lyanna Universum Film 07.12.2012 begonnen! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Tumaneng, Sean Harriman, Tiffany Shepis, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053512 Tasmanian Devils Juliet Reeves, Landon Ashworth - Dir. Danica McKellar, Kenneth Mitchell, Mike Jason Murphy Switch - Ein mörderischer Tausch Dopud, Roger R. Cross, Apolo Ohno, Rekha Horror/Komödie 2007 108min. (Blu-ray) Sharma, Terry Chen, Joseph Allan Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Switch Sutherland, Scott McNeil, Julia Sarah Stone 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053342 Karine Vanasse, Eric Cantona, Mehdi - Dir. Zach Lipovsky Nebbou, Aurélien Recoing, Karina Testa, Trailer Stubbe - Von Fall zu Fall: Folge Bruno Todeschini, Maxim Roy, Niseema Horror/Abenteuer 2012 97min. 1-10 (5 Discs) Theillaud, Sophie Faucher, Stéphan Guerin- Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Wolfgang Stumph, Stephanie Stumph Tillié, Karim Saleh, Cyril Lecomte, Ludovic 23.05.2013 Kriminalfilm 852min. Schoendoerffer, Stéphane Demers, Pierre 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053086 Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.05.2013 Leblanc, Lika Minamoto, Françoise 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053181 Michaud, Laetitia Lacroix, Jacob Tasmanian Devils - Die Jagd hat Desvarieux, Khalid Maadour, Sébastien begonnen! (k.J.) Subspecies (Blu-ray) Houbani - Dir. Frédéric Schoendoerffer Tasmanian Devils Subspecies Thriller 2011 107min. Danica McKellar, Kenneth Mitchell, Mike Angus Scrimm, Michael Watson, Laura Universum Film 07.12.2012 Dopud, Roger R. Cross, Apolo Ohno, Rekha Tate, Anders Hove, Michelle McBride, Irina 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053513 Sharma, Terry Chen, Joseph Allan Movila, Mara Grigore, Adrian Vâlcu - Dir. Sutherland, Scott McNeil, Julia Sarah Stone Ted Nicolaou Tai Chi Hero - Dir. Zach Lipovsky Horror 1990 90min. Tai Chi Hero Trailer Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Yuan Xiaochao, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Daniel Horror/Abenteuer 2012 93min. 28.06.2013 Wu, Qi Shu, Angela a Baby, Eddie Peng, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053497 Stephen Fung, Peter Stormare - Dir. 23.05.2013 Stephen Fung 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053064 Sunset Boulevard (Blu-ray) Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Sunset Boulevard Abenteuer/Action 2012 98min. Der Tatortreiniger 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Gloria Swanson, William Holden, Erich von Koch Media 09.08.2013 (Blu-ray) Stroheim, Nancy Olson, Cecil B. DeMille, tba BestellNr.: 20053385 Bjarne Mädel - Dir. Arne Feldhusen Fred Clark, Hedda Hopper, Buster Keaton, Booklet, Behind the Scenes, Hörfilmfassung, Webclips Anna Q. Nilson, H. B. Warner - Dir. Billy Tai Chi Hero (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 225min. Wilder Tai Chi Hero Studio Hamburg Enterprises(tellyvisions) Audiokommentar, Making of, Straßenkarte, Trailer, Bilderga- Yuan Xiaochao, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Daniel 07.06.2013 lerie, Prolog, Skriptseiten, Featurettes Wu, Qi Shu, Angela a Baby, Eddie Peng, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053115 Drama 1950 110min. Stephen Fung, Peter Stormare - Dir. Paramount Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 Stephen Fung Der Tatortreiniger 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053173 Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Bjarne Mädel, Nicole Marischka, Jean-

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Pierre Cornu, Alwara Höfels, Holger Stock- Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ving Rhames, Holly haus, David Bredin - Dir. Arne Feldhusen Top Gun (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray Hunter, Viola Davis, Oscar Isaac, Lance Komödie/Drama 2012 125min. 2D) (Blu-ray) Reddick, Rosie Perez, Emily Alyn Lind, Bill Studio Hamburg Enterprises(tellyvisions) Top Gun Nunn, Dante Brown - Dir. Daniel Barnz 07.06.2013 Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar Drama 2012 121min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053109 Anthony Edwards, Tom Skerritt, Michael polyband Medien GmbH 26.07.2013 Ironside, John Stockwell, Barry Tubb, Rick 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053421 Thursday - Ein mörderischer Tag Rossovich, Tim Robbins, Clarence Gilyard (Blu-ray) jr., Whip Hubley, James Tolkan, Meg Ryan, Die Unicorn und der Aufstand der Thursday Adrian Pasdar, Randall Brady - Dir. Tony Thomas Jane, Mickey Rourke, Paulina Scott Elfen (2 Discs) Porizkova, Aaron Eckhart, James LeGros, Audiokommentar, Making of, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Voyage Of The Unicorn Paula Marshall, Michael Jeter, Glenn Musikvideos, TV-Spots, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Beau Bridges, Chantal Conlin, Heather Interviews McEwen, Mackenzie Gray, John DeSantis, Plummer - Dir. Skip Woods Action/Drama 1986 109min. Adrien Dorval, Colin Heath, Kristian Ayre, Thriller 1998 87min. Paramount Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 Mark Gibbon, Kira Clavell, Kim Hawthorne, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053174 20.06.2013 Markus Parilo, Ocean Hellman, Wanda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053209 Total Recall (Blu-ray) Cannon, C. Ernst Harth, Mark Acheson, Colin Foo, Jay Brazeau - Dir. Philip Spink Total Recall Tigerland Trailer Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Fantasy 2000 165min. Tigerland Bryan Cranston, John Cho, Bill Nighy, Bill Koch Media 10.05.2013 Colin Farrell, Matthew Davis, Clifton Collins Nighy, Bokeem Woodbine, Ethan Hawke - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053272 Jr., Tom Guiry, Shea Whigham, Russell Dir. Len Wiseman Richardson, Cole Hauser - Dir. Joel Science Fiction/Action 2012 118min. Universal Soldier (Uncut, Digital Schumacher Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Remastered) Kriegsfilm/Drama 2000 97min. 11.07.2013 Universal Soldier Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053408 Germany 28.06.2013 Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053012 Das total versaute Cheerleader Ed O’Ross, Jerry Orbach, Ally Walker, Leon Rippy, Tico Wells, Ralf Moeller, Robert Tigerland (Blu-ray) Camp (k.J.) Trebor - Dir. Roland Emmerich #1 Cheerleader Camp Tigerland Audiokommentar, Making of, Alternatives Ende, Behind the Seth Cassell, Jay Gillespie, Erica Duke, Scendes, Trailer, Wendecover Colin Farrell, Matthew Davis, Clifton Collins Charlene Tilton, Diane Jay Gonzalez, Maura Action 1992 99min. Jr., Tom Guiry, Shea Whigham, Russell Murphy, Harmony Blossom, Brian Schulze - STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Richardson, Cole Hauser - Dir. Joel Dir. Mark Quod Germany 20.06.2013 Schumacher Outtakes, Making of, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053028 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, TV-Spots Komödie 2010 92min. Kriegsfilm/Drama 2000 101min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Universal Soldier (Uncut, Steel Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25.07.2013 Germany 28.06.2013 Edition) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20053307 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053050 Universal Soldier Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Timber Falls (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Trishna Ed O’Ross, Jerry Orbach, Ally Walker, Leon Trishna Timber Falls Rippy, Tico Wells, Ralf Moeller, Robert Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed, Roshan Seth, Kalki Josh Randall, Brianna Brown, Nick Searcy, Trebor - Dir. Roland Emmerich Koechlin, Anurag Kashyap, Aakash Dahiya, Beth Broderick, Sascha Rosemann, Bran- Audiokommentar, Making of, Alternatives Ende, Behind the Neet Mohan, Harish Khanna - Dir. Michael Scendes, Trailer, Wendecover den R. Morgan - Dir. Tony Giglio Winterbottom Action 1992 104min. Making of, Interview, Trailer STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Horror 2007 101min. Interviews Drama 2011 108min. Germany 20.06.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.05.2013 polyband Medien GmbH 26.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053059 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053397 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053107 Todeskessel Russland Unternehmen Tigersprung Trishna (Blu-ray) Flying Tigers Zvezda Trishna John Wayne, John Carroll, Anna Lee, Paul Igor Petrenko, Artem Semakin, Alexei Panin, Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed, Roshan Seth, Kalki Kelly, Gordon Jones, Mae Clarke, Addison Alexei Krawtschenko, Anatoli Guschtschin, Koechlin, Anurag Kashyap, Aakash Dahiya, Richards, Bill Shirley - Dir. David Miller Amadu Mamadakow, Juri Laguta, Andrei Neet Mohan, Harish Khanna - Dir. Michael Wendecover Jegorow, Yekaterina Wulitschenko - Dir. Winterbottom Action/Kriegsfilm 1942 90min. Nikolai Lebedev Interviews STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Making of Drama 2011 112min. Germany 04.07.2013 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 93min. polyband Medien GmbH 26.07.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053478 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053114 31.05.2013 Vampire Darkthrone - Rise of the 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053015 Um Klassen besser Antichrist Todeskessel Russland (Blu-ray) Won’t Back Down Dark Prince: The True Story Of Dracula Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ving Rhames, Holly Zvezda Rudolf Martin, Peter Weller, Michael Sutton, Hunter, Viola Davis, Oscar Isaac, Lance Igor Petrenko, Artem Semakin, Alexei Panin, Jane March, Roger Daltrey, Dan Badarau, Reddick, Rosie Perez, Emily Alyn Lind, Bill Alexei Krawtschenko, Anatoli Guschtschin, Claudiu Bleont, Christopher Brand - Dir. Joe Nunn, Dante Brown - Dir. Daniel Barnz Amadu Mamadakow, Juri Laguta, Andrei Chappelle Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar Historienfilm/Horror 2000 88min. Jegorow, Yekaterina Wulitschenko - Dir. Drama 2012 116min. Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Nikolai Lebedev polyband Medien GmbH 26.07.2013 31.05.2013 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053392 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053013 31.05.2013 Um Klassen besser (Blu-ray) Vater hoch vier 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053053 Wont’t Back Down

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Far Til Fire - Gi’r Aldrig Op! Victim - Traue keinem Fremden Warehouse 13 - Season 3 (3 Niels Olsen, Carla Sidse Mickelborg (Søs), (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Discs) Kathrine Bremerskov Kaysen, Jakob The Victim Warehouse 13 Wilhjelm Poulsen, Kasper Kesje, Jess Michael Biehn, Jennifer Blanc, Ryan Honey, Thriller/Mystery 537min. Ingerslev, Søren Bregendal, Martin Danielle Harris, Denny Kirkwood, Tanya Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Brygmann, Molly Blixt Egelind, Niels Newbould, Nicole Bilderback, Phoebe Price, 27.06.2013 Skousen, Ditte Hansen, Therese Glahn - Kym Jackson, Dana Daurey, Brianne Davis, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053170 Dir. Claus Bjerre Alyssa Lobit, Nidah Barber, Samuel N. Kinderfilm/Komödie 2005 84min. Benavides - Dir. Michael Biehn The Warlords (Blu-ray 3D) 3 Disc FilmConfect Home Entertainment Trailer (Blu-ray) 17.05.2013 Thriller 2011 83min. Tau Ming Chong 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053231 Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Jet Li, Andy Lau, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Jinglei 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053113 Vehicle 19 Xu, Zhou Bo, Gu Bao-ming - Dir. Peter Chan Vehicle 19 Trailer Victim - Traue keinem Fremden Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2007 316min. Paul Walker, Naima McLean, Gys De (k.J.) KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 Villiers, Kate Tilley, Leyla Haidarian, Tshepo The Victim 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053502 Maseko, Andrian Mazive, Welile Nzuza, Michael Biehn, Jennifer Blanc, Ryan Honey, Mangaliso Ngema - Dir. Mukunda Michael Danielle Harris, Denny Kirkwood, Tanya Warm Bodies Dewil Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wendecover Newbould, Nicole Bilderback, Phoebe Price, Warm Bodies Thriller/Action 2013 81min. Kym Jackson, Dana Daurey, Brianne Davis, Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Analeigh STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Alyssa Lobit, Nidah Barber, Samuel N. Tipton, Rob Corddry, Dave Franco, John Germany 15.08.2013 Benavides - Dir. Michael Biehn Malkovich, Cory Hardrict, Diana Laura - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20053485 Trailer Jonathan Levine Thriller 2011 80min. Horror/Lovestory 2012 95min. Vehicle 19 (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053104 Vehicle 19 Home Edition) 11.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053283 Paul Walker, Naima McLean, Gys De Violeta Parra (OmU) Villiers, Kate Tilley, Leyla Haidarian, Tshepo Violeta Se Fue A Los Cielos Maseko, Andrian Mazive, Welile Nzuza, Warm Bodies (Blu-ray) Francisca Gavilán, Thomas Durand, Mangaliso Ngema - Dir. Mukunda Michael Warm Bodies Patricio Ossa, Jorge López, Stephania Dewil Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Analeigh Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wendecover Barbagelata, Roberto Farias, Christian Tipton, Rob Corddry, Dave Franco, John Thriller/Action 2013 85min. Quevedo, Marcial Tagle, Luis Machín, Malkovich, Cory Hardrict, Diana Laura - Dir. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Gabriela Aguilera, Juan Quezada, Sergio Jonathan Levine Germany 15.08.2013 Piña, Pedro Salinas, Daniel Antivilo - Dir. Horror/Lovestory 2012 99min. tba BestellNr.: 20053511 Andrés Wood Concorde Home Entertainment 11.07.2013 Drama/Biographie 2011 110min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053295 Lino Ventura Collection (5 Discs) good!movies(Arsenal) 24.05.2013 Lino Ventura 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053331 John Wayne - Tal der Angst Thriller/Kriminalfilm min. Lawless Range Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Die Wache - Staffel 4, Folgen 14- John Wayne, Sheila Bromley, Frank Classic Selection) 30.09.2013 26 (3 Discs) McGlynn jr., Jack Curtis - Dir. Robert N. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053529 Hans Heinz Moser, Axel Pape, Siegfried Bradbury Kernen, Daniel Hajdu, Michael Zittel, Bernd Western 1935 53min. Verbrechen nach Schulschluß E. Jäger van Boxen, Holger Kunkel, Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Christian Wolff, Corny Collins, Heidi Brühl, Béatrice Bergner, Gernot Schmidt, Hans 14.06.2013 Peter van Eyck, Walter Clemens, Hans Heller, Karsten Dörr, Francesco Pahlevan, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053221 Nielsen, Richard Münch - Dir. Alfred Vohrer Beate Finckh, Mogens von Gadow, Matthi- Booklet as Haase, Lutz Reichert, Carmen Plate, Weekend Drama 1959 106min. Birge Schade, Michael Breitsprecher, Anja Week-End Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.06.2013 Freese, Martina Mank, Harald Kempe, Jana Mireille Darc, Jean Yanne, Jean-Pierre 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053193 Hora, Uwe Kockisch, Alexander Virgolini, Léaud, Juliet Berto, Anne Wiazemsky, Paul Irmelin Beringer, Eva Maron, Aram van de Gégauff, Blandine Jeanson - Dir. Jean-Luc Verflucht, verdammt und Rest, Nik Neureiter, Karin Schröder, Dana Godard Halleluja! (Blu-ray) Geissler, Daniel Hartwig, Eva-Maria Straka, Drama 1967 99min. Man From The East Mike Reichenbach, Patrick Bach, Tanya STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Terence Hill, Gregory Walcott, Harry Carey Neufeldt, Alexander Kiersch, Andrea Germany(Arthaus) 20.06.2013 Jr., Yanti Sommer, Dominic Barto, Riccardo Suwa, Ingo Brosch, Caroline Grothgar, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053031 Pizzuti, Enzo Fiermonte - Dir. E. B. Clucher Leon Boden, Anne Sarah Hartung, Christian Trailer, Featurette, Bildergalerie Spitzl, Mirco Wallraf, Meike Gottschalk, Weihnachtszauber Komödie/Western 1972 min. Mark Keller A Christmas Kiss Koch Media 24.05.2013 Kriminalfilm 1993-2003 602min. Elisabeth Röhm, Laura Breckenridge, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053294 Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.05.2013 Brendan Fehr, Jerrika Hinton, Laura 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053189 Spencer, Mark Joy, Mark DeAngelis, Erin Eine verheiratete Frau Brown, Jason Gardner - Dir. John Stimpson Une Femme Mariée Wanted: Dead or Alive (6 Discs) Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Macha Méril, Bernard Noel, Philippe Leroy, Wanted: Dead or Alive Drama/Lovestory 2011 89min. Roger Leenhardt, Rita Maiden - Dir. Jean- Steve McQueen, Wright King - Dir. George KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 Luc Godard Blair, Thomas H. Carr, Don McDougall 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053470 Trailer, Wendecover Western 1958-1961 886min. Drama 1964 91min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Welt am Draht (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 18.07.2013 Klaus Löwitsch, Mascha Rabben, Adrian Germany(Arthaus) 20.06.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053482 Hoven, Ivan Desny, Barbara Valentin, Karl 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053030 Heinz Vosgerau, Günter Lamprecht, Margit

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Carstensen - Dir. Rainer Werner Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer, TV-Spots Fassbinder Wilhelmina Action/Science Fiction 2000 100min. Kurzfilme, Biografie, Fotogalerie, Wendecover Chariklia Baxevanos, Günter Pfitzmann, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Science Fiction/Drama 1973 212min. Brigitte Mira, Kurt Pratsch-Kaufmann, Edith Germany 05.07.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Elsholtz - Dir. Thomas Engel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053447 Germany(Arthaus) 18.07.2013 Drama/Komödie 1966 125min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053510 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.05.2013 X-Men (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053135 X-Men Wenn es Nacht wird auf der Ree- Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian perbahn Der Winter, der ein Sommer war - McKellen, Famke Janssen, Jack Marsden, Erik Schumann, Heinz Reincke, Marianne Die Originalfassung in 6 Teilen (3 Halle Berry, , Tyler Mane, Ray Park, Rebecca Romijn, Bruce Davison, Hoffmann, Konrad Georg, Herbert Tiede, Discs) Karl Lieffen, Fritz Wepper, Jürgen Draeger, Matthew Sharp, Brett Morris - Dir. Bryan Sigmar Solbach, Christian Quadflieg, Anne- Rudolf Schündler, Erni Mangold - Dir. Rolf Singer liese Uhlig, Hans Caninenberg, Horst Frank, Olsen Action/Science Fiction 2000 104min. Günter Strack, Pinkas Braun, Klaus Höhne, Drama 1967 94min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ernst von Klipstein, Alice Treff, Claudia Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Germany 05.07.2013 Golling, Heinz Baumann, Sigurd Fitzek, Edu- 31.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053488 ard Wildner, Heinz-Werner Kraehkamp, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053019 Heinz Weiss, Angelika Bender, Werner X-Men 2 Wenn nicht nur die Sonne lacht Kreindl, Nicole Heesters, Georg Lehn, Rei- X-Men 2 Trailer, Musikvideo ner Schöne, Karl-Albert Bock, Liesel Sir Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian Kinderfilm 45min. Christ, Georges Claisse, Walter Flamme, McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, da music(Best Entertainment) 19.04.2013 Wolfgang Grönebaum, Wolfgang Kaus, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Brian 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053194 Uwe-Karsten Koch, Ursula Köllner, Ralph Cox, Alan Cumming, Bruce Davison, Anna Misske, Walter Renneisen, Eckhard Rühl, Paquin, Kelly Hu, Aaron Stanford, Katie Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf Erwin Scherschel, Emmerich Schrenk, Stuart, Michael Reid MacKay, Keely Purvis, frisst... Joost Siedhoff, Hermann Treusch, Michael Shawn Ashmore, Kea Wong, Daniel von Rospat, Lia Wöhr - Dir. Fritz Umgelter Klaus Kammer, Peter Ehrlich - Dir. Fritz Cudmore, Connor Widdows, Bryce Interview, Making of, Booklet Hodgson, Shauna Kain, Cotter Smith, Alf Umgelter Drama 1976 410min. Humphreys, Jill Teed, James Kirk, Booklet AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Drama 1962 244min. Olsson - Dir. Bryan Singer AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 14.06.2013 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Action/Science Fiction 2003 128min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053159 31.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053313 Winterdieb Germany 05.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053448 Western Union L’ Enfant D’En Haut Léa Seydoux, Kacey Mottet Klein, Martin Western Union X-Men 2 (Blu-ray) Compston, , Jean-François Randolph Scott, , Dean Jag- X-Men 2 Stévenin, Yann Trégouët, Gabin Lefèbvre, ger, Virginia Gilmore, John Carradine, Slim Sir Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian Dilon Ademi, Magne Havard Brekke - Dir. Summerville, Chill Wills, Barton MacLane - McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Ursula Meier Dir. Fritz Lang James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Brian Komödie/Drama 2012 97min. Bildergalerie, Booklet Cox, Alan Cumming, Bruce Davison, Anna good!movies(Arsenal) 24.05.2013 Western 1941 92min. Paquin, Kelly Hu, Aaron Stanford, Katie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053121 Koch Media 10.05.2013 Stuart, Michael Reid MacKay, Keely Purvis, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053276 World War Zombie Edition 1 (k.J.) Shawn Ashmore, Kea Wong, Daniel Cudmore, Connor Widdows, Bryce World War Zombie Western Union (Blu-ray) Hodgson, Shauna Kain, Cotter Smith, Alf Horror 289min. Western Union Humphreys, Jill Teed, James Kirk, Ty KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 Randolph Scott, Robert Young, Dean Jag- Olsson - Dir. Bryan Singer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053468 ger, Virginia Gilmore, John Carradine, Slim Action/Science Fiction 2003 133min. Summerville, Chill Wills, Barton MacLane - World War Zombie Edition 2 (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Fritz Lang Germany 05.07.2013 World War Zombie Bildergalerie, Booklet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053489 Western 1941 95min. Horror 289min. Koch Media 10.05.2013 KSM GmbH 17.06.2013 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053291 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053469 X-Men Origins: Wolverine The White River Kid XIII - Die Verschwörung, Die kom- Hugh Jackman, Danny Huston, Ryan Reynolds, Liev Schreiber, Dominic The White River Kid plette erste Season Monaghan, Lynn Collins, will.i.am, Daniel , Antonio Banderas, Ellen XIII: The Series Henney, Kevin Durand - Dir. Gavin Hood Barkin - Dir. Arne Glimcher Stuart Townsend, Greg Bryk, Aisha Tyler Featurette, Alternatives Filmende Komödie 1999 97min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 561min. Action/Science Fiction 2009 103min. MIG Film 11.07.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20053472 04.07.2013 Germany 05.07.2013 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053373 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053451 Wilde High School Teens kom- men gleich zur Sache (Blu-ray) X-Men X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Blu- (k.J.) X-Men ray) Hooking Up Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian X-Men Origins: Wolverine Corey Feldman, Brian O’Halloran, Bronson McKellen, Famke Janssen, Jack Marsden, Hugh Jackman, Danny Huston, Ryan Pinchot, Parker Croft - Dir. Vincent Scordia Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Ray Reynolds, Liev Schreiber, Dominic Trailer Park, Rebecca Romijn, Bruce Davison, Monaghan, Lynn Collins, will.i.am, Daniel Komödie/Drama 2008 96min. Matthew Sharp, Brett Morris - Dir. Bryan Henney, Kevin Durand - Dir. Gavin Hood Sunfilm Entertainment 04.07.2013 Singer Audiokommentar, Interview, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053344 Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Animierte Storyboard-Szenen, Making of, BD-Live

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Action/Science Fiction 2009 107min. Harrington, Rand Holdren - Dir. Enrico Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 14.06.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Clerico Nasino 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053250 Germany 05.07.2013 Thriller 2012 103min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053492 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.07.2013 Zombie World War (Blu-ray 3D, + 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053094 DVD) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) X-Men Trilogie (3 Discs) Z-108 Qi Cheng X-Men / X-Men 2 / X-Men:The Last Stand (4 Discs) Yvonne Yao, Morris Rong, Tai Bo, Jack Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Halle Yancy Derringer Kao, Dennis To, Chloe Lin, Sona Eyambe, Berry - Dir. Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner Jock Mahoney, X Brands, Kevin Hagen Josh-Hiyakawa Wilson, Kevin Lee - Dir. Joe Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar Booklet Chien Science Fiction 2000-2006 328min. Action/Western 1958-1959 650min. Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Studio Hamburg Enterprises 24.05.2013 Horror/Action 2012 172min. Germany 05.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053309 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053450 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053496 Der Zauberberg - Der komplette X-Men Trilogie (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Mehrteiler (2 Discs, Langfassung) Zombie World War (Blu-ray) (k.J.) X-Men / X-Men 2 / X-Men:The Last Stand Rod Steiger, Marie- Pisier, Christoph Z-108 Qi Cheng Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Halle Eichhorn, Flavio Bucci, Hans-Christian Yvonne Yao, Morris Rong, Tai Bo, Jack Berry - Dir. Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner Blech, Alexander Radszun, Margot Kao, Dennis To, Chloe Lin, Sona Eyambe, Erweiterte Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Untertitel der Produ- zenten, Trailer, Featurettes Hielscher, Gudrun Gabriel, Ann Zacharias, Josh-Hiyakawa Wilson, Kevin Lee - Dir. Joe Science Fiction 2000-2006 341min. Irm Hermann, Kurt Raab, Rolf Zacher, Tilo Chien Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Prückner, Charles Aznavour - Dir. Hans W. Horror/Action 2012 90min. Germany 05.07.2013 Geißendörfer Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053491 Interview, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053347 Drama 1981 329min. X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Zombie World War (k.J.) AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 07.06.2013 X-Men: The Last Stand Z-108 Qi Cheng 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053133 Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Sir Ian Yvonne Yao, Morris Rong, Tai Bo, Jack Kao, Dennis To, Chloe Lin, Sona Eyambe, McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Zombie 3er Pack (Blu-ray) (k.J.) , Rebecca Romijn, James Josh-Hiyakawa Wilson, Kevin Lee - Dir. Joe / Dawn Of The Marsden, Shawn Ashmore, Vinnie Jones, Chien Dead / Day Of The Dead Sir Patrick Stewart, , Dania Horror/Action 2012 86min. Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Richard Ramirez, Ellen Page, Michael Murphy, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 Liberty, David Emge, Ken Foree, Gaylen Shohreh Aghdashloo, Josef Sommer, Bill 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053303 Ross, Judith O’Dea, Russell Steiner, Duane Duke, Aaron Stanford, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. Jones - Dir. George A. Romero Brett Ratner Die zwei Leben der Veronika Audiokommentar, Bonusfolge „24 Season 4“ - die komplette 1. Horror 1968-1985 332min. La Double Vie De Véronique Folge Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Irène Jacob, Philippe Volter, Aleksander Action/Science Fiction 2006 99min. 31.05.2013 Bardini, Sandrine Dumas, Claude Duneton, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053051 Louis Ducreux - Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski Germany 05.07.2013 Drama 1991 88min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053449 Zombie Apocalypse - The Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Payback (k.J.) Classic Selection) 11.07.2013 X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand Zombie Apocalypse 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053390 (Blu-ray) Kenny James, Michael Empson, Michael X-Men: The Last Stand Harthen, Kelly Knoll, Ian Borden, Devin Der Zweite Weltkrieg - Classic Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Sir Ian Cameron, Kristen Ellison, Matt Carey - Dir. Collection (2 Discs) McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Ryan Thompson The Cruel Sea / Doktor Mladen / Die Hölle Kelsey Grammer, Rebecca Romijn, James Trailer von Korea / Target Zero / When Hell Broke Horror 2010 85min. Marsden, Shawn Ashmore, Vinnie Jones, Loose Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.06.2013 Sir Patrick Stewart, Ben Foster, Dania Kriegsfilm 525min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053184 Ramirez, Ellen Page, Michael Murphy, Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Shohreh Aghdashloo, Josef Sommer, Bill Zombie Biohazard - The Dead 14.06.2013 Duke, Aaron Stanford, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053222 Brett Ratner Outside Action/Science Fiction 2006 104min. The Dead Outside Zwölf Runden 2: Reloaded Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sandra Louise Douglas, Alton Milne, 12 Rounds: Reloaded Germany 05.07.2013 Sharon Osdin, Vivienne Harvey, John Sean Rogerson, Randy Orton, Cindy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053490 Erskine, Phylis Douglas, Robin Morris, Max Busby, Brian Markinson, Colin Lawrence, Adair - Dir. Kerry Anne Mullaney Patrick Gilmore, Tom Stevens, Kyle Cassie, Y/N - Yes/No (You Lie, You Die) Wendecover, Trailer, Making of, Audiokommentar, Bildergale- Janene Carleton, Chelsey Reist - Dir. Roel True Love rie Horror 2008 84min. Reiné John Brotherton, Ellen Hollman, Gabriel Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 14.06.2013 Featurettes, Audiokommentar Myers, Tyrees Allen, Clare Carey, Jay Action 2013 90min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053216 Harrington, Rand Holdren - Dir. Enrico Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Clerico Nasino Zombie Biohazard - The Dead Germany 28.06.2013 Thriller 2012 99min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053007 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.07.2013 Outside (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053075 The Dead Outside Zwölf Runden 2: Reloaded (Blu- Sandra Louise Douglas, Alton Milne, ray) Sharon Osdin, Vivienne Harvey, John Y/N - Yes/No (You Lie, You Die) 12 Rounds: Reloaded Erskine, Phylis Douglas, Robin Morris, Max (Blu-ray) Sean Rogerson, Randy Orton, Cindy Adair - Dir. Kerry Anne Mullaney True Love Wendecover, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Making of, Bildergale- Busby, Brian Markinson, Colin Lawrence, John Brotherton, Ellen Hollman, Gabriel rie Patrick Gilmore, Tom Stevens, Kyle Cassie, Myers, Tyrees Allen, Clare Carey, Jay Horror 2008 87min. Janene Carleton, Chelsey Reist - Dir. Roel

LASER HOTLINE Seite 37 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Reiné Fantasy 2012 87min. (Blu-ray) Featurettes, Audiokommentar Paramount Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away Action 2013 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053061 Erica Linz, Igor Zaripowv, Dallas Barnett, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Matt Gillanders, Jason Berrent, Lutz Germany 28.06.2013 Cirque du Soleil: Traumwelten Halbhubner, John Clarke, Caroline Lauzon - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053039 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, + DVD) Dir. Andrew Adamson (Blu-ray) Fantasy 2012 91min. Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away Paramount Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 Special Interest Erica Linz, Igor Zaripowv, Dallas Barnett, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053083 Matt Gillanders, Jason Berrent, Lutz Halbhubner, John Clarke, Caroline Lauzon - Das HB-Männchen und seine Cirque du Soleil: Traumwelten Dir. Andrew Adamson Abenteuer (2 Discs) Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away Fantasy 2012 91min. Dir. Roland Töpfer, Wolfgang Dresler Erica Linz, Igor Zaripowv, Dallas Barnett, Paramount Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 Interview, 65 Minuten weitere Zeichentrickfilme Dokumentation/Werbung 217min. Matt Gillanders, Jason Berrent, Lutz 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053084 TACKER FILM 31.05.2013 Halbhubner, John Clarke, Caroline Lauzon - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053227 Dir. Andrew Adamson Cirque du Soleil: Traumwelten

LASER HOTLINE Seite 38 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 39 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

business. He’s put more scum behind bars than just about anyone on the beat and his skills have earned him plenty of : Box Set 17 enemies, and he pays the price one dark night... Being Animation Ichigo and the Soul Reapers find themselves in a brutal battle poisoned and left for dead. But rather than meeting his end in against their own Zanpakuto, who are being controlled by a shallow grave, Jimmy gets a new beginning. Awakening to 4 Kids Favorites: Happiness Is... Muramasa. But the chaos in the Seireitei is just one part of find himself transformed, the evil elixir of his faceless foes Muramasa’s plan. His true objective lies in the World of the has changed him into a small boy - The perfect cover! Peanuts Living, and Ichigo is the key to his achieving ! Utilizing his unlikely new persona and cutting edge Animation, Based On A Comic Strip, Adventure, Animation, , Boxed Sets, technology, Jimmy is hot on the trail of his assailants as Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Conan Edogawa. Children’s, Classics, Family, Movies, Televi- Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Television 310min. sion, TV Movies min. Japanese, Mystery, Television 2008 Viz Entertainment 11.06.2013 Warner Bros. 04.06.2013 635min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116734 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116601 23.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116749 The Adventures Of Super Mario Bob’s Burgers: The Complete Se- Bros. 3: The Complete Series cond Season Case Closed: Season Two Adventure, Animation, Based On Video John Roberts, Andy Kindler, David Herman, (Repackage) , H. Jon Benjamin, Kristen Game, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Televisi- Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, on min. Schaal, Larry Murphy This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Japanese, Mystery, Television 2008 NCircle Entertainment 14.05.2013 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. If 600min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116549 you’re searching for a rare comedy that’s well done, look no Funimation 23.07.2013 further...Bob’s Burgers is serving up a second season of top- grade fun! This time around, struggling restaurateur Bob 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116748 An American Tail / Balto / An Belcher and his family crash the food truck circuit, get burned American Tail: Fievel Goes West by a bad review, find trouble in a taffy factory and dive into The Cat In The Hat: Show & Tell synchronized swimming. Enjoy the laughs - but save room for (Triple Feature) dessert! Sure Is Swell! , Bob Hoskins, Christopher Animation, Comedy, Fox, Television 2012 Animated Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, Plummer, Bridget Fonda, , min. Children’s, Dr. Seuss, Family, Fantasy, Phil Collins, Dom DeLuise - Dir. , 20th Century Fox MOD 07.05.2013 Preschool min. Simon Wells 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117073 NCircle Entertainment 09.07.2013 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116552 Animals, Animation, Children’s, Family, Case Closed: Season Five Movies, Triple Feature min. (Repackage) Dirty Pair: The Original TV Series Universal Studios 02.07.2013 The criminal mind is a twisted one and Jimmy Kudo knows the - Part 1 (Litebox) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116711 shady corridors of humanity like no other detective in the business. He’s put more scum behind bars than just about Kyoko Tongu, Saeko Shimazu, Naoki anyone on the beat and his skills have earned him plenty of Makishima Angelina Ballerina: Mousical enemies, and he pays the price one dark night.... Being poisoned and left for dead. But rather than meeting his end in Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Medleys a shallow grave, Jimmy gets a new beginning. Awakening to Japanese, Television 1985 325min. With musicals, dance-a-thons, and more, there’s always find himself transformed, the evil elixir of his faceless foes Bayview Entertainment 04.06.2013 something to keep Angelina in the spotlight! See what happens has changed him into a small boy - The perfect cover! when the mouselings’ plans to welcome the stars of Mousical Utilizing his unlikely new persona and cutting edge 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117059 the Musical are ruined... or are they? Watch as Gracie puts technology, Jimmy is hot on the trail of his assailants as the dance-a-thon in jeopardy when she becomes a very Conan Edogawa. Dirty Pair: The Original TV Series enthusiastic recycler. Get in on the fun when Viki finds her Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, inner artist in dance but with lots of paint! Join Angelina and Japanese, Mystery, Television 2008 - Part 2 (Litebox) her friends as they take center stage and enjoy the show! For Kei and Yuri, no two missions are ever the same. As the Animated Animals, Animation, Ballet, 615min. WWWA’s top Trouble Consultants, they take on all sorts of Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl power, Funimation 23.07.2013 odd jobs, like chasing down treasure in high-tech ruins, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116751 fighting off political assassins, even avenging the death of a Music 62min. plaster statue!? In the end, only one thing’s for sure: Anything 09.07.2013 that stands between these two and victory is sure to be 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116800 Case Closed: Season Four destroyed! (Repackage) Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Television 325min. Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 2 - The criminal mind is a twisted one and Jimmy Kudo knows the shady corridors of humanity like no other detective in the Right Stuf 06.08.2013 The Battle For Doldrey business. He’s put more scum behind bars than just about 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117070 For three years, Guts believed his mission was to pursue anyone on the beat and his skills have earned him plenty of Griffith’s dream together with him. But in order to become enemies, and he pays the price one dark night... Being Griffith’s equal and truly be called his friend, Guts realizes poisoned and left for dead. But rather than meeting his end in Dora & Blue’s Clues Double Fea- he will have to leave the Band of the Hawk. At the same time, a shallow grave, Jimmy gets a new beginning. Awakening to a bloody battle to capture the impenetrable Fortress of find himself transformed, the evil elixir of his faceless foes ture: Dora Musical School Days & Doldrey from the Empire of Chuder is about to begin. The has changed him into a small boy - The perfect cover! Blue’s Big Musical Movie Band of the Hawk will face an army 30,000 strong! Utilizing his unlikely new persona and cutting edge technology, Jimmy is hot on the trail of his assailants as It’s time to make music! First, help Dora and Boots on four Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Dra- musical adventures as they journey to music class, get the ma, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Japanese Conan Edogawa. Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Grumpy Old Troll to his Happy Dance, and more! Plus, join 2012 80min. Blue, Steve, Periwinkle, and all their friends in the sing- Japanese, Mystery, Television 2008 Viz Entertainment 06.08.2013 along, dance-along feature, Blue’s Big Musical Movie! 600min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116733 Funimation 23.07.2013 Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Double 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116750 Features, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Music, Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 2 - , Preschool, Television 176min. The Battle For Doldrey (Blu-ray) Case Closed: Season One Nickelodeon 23.07.2013 For three years, Guts believed his mission was to pursue 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116914 Griffith’s dream together with him. But in order to become (Repackage) Griffith’s equal and truly be called his friend, Guts realizes Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, he will have to leave the Band of the Hawk. At the same time, Duck Dodgers: Deep Space Duck a bloody battle to capture the impenetrable Fortress of Japanese, Mystery, Thrillers 1996 600min. Doldrey from the Empire of Chuder is about to begin. The Funimation 23.07.2013 - Season Two Band of the Hawk will face an army 30,000 strong! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116747 The Universally Loved Hero Is Finally Coming Home! Launch Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- into a spectacular series of zany adventures with everyone’s ray, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, favorite fighter of Martian tyranny! Duck Dodgers is always Case Closed: Season Three ready to swoop in and save the day, the planet, and the galaxy Japanese min. - with a little luck and a lot of help, that is. He may be an Viz Entertainment 06.08.2013 (Repackage) intellectual featherweight, but his duckbilled laser gun counts The criminal mind is a twisted one and Jimmy Kudo knows the as heavy artillery. So sit back, buckle up, and enjoy a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116756 shady corridors of humanity like no other detective in the hilarious flight of fantasy filled with light-years of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA intergalactic intrigue and futuristic fun. Season 2 is favor of sketching in a rainy garden, he has no idea how much Hey Good Lookin’ everything it’s quacked up to be! his life will change when he encounters Yukino. Older, but Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, perhaps not as much wiser, she seems adrift in the world. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Despite the difference in their ages, they strike up an unusual a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Comedy, Family, Science Fiction, Space, relationship that unexpectedly continues and evolves, without From creator , Hey Good Lookin’ is Television 286min. planning, with random meetings that always occur in the same an outrageous, nostalgic and adult take on a more innocent Warner Bros. 23.07.2013 garden on each rainy day. But the rainy season is coming to a time. Well, not that much more innocent: not every street close, and there are so many things still left unsaid and corner was a Happy Days setting. Our hero, Vinnie, leader of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117030 undone between them. Will there be time left for Takao to put the ragtag gang known as the Stompers, plays it his feelings into actions and words? Between the raindrops, cool. His lady, Roz, thinks he’s the most wonderful thing on Escape From Planet Earth between the calms in the storm, what will blossom in The two legs. And his off-the-wall, hot-wired friend Crazy Shapiro Garden Of Words? would die for the honor of Vinnie and the gang. They’re all , Brendan Fraser, sympathetic and familiar characters turned loose in a funky, Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, surreal cartoon landscape that really packs a punch, just as , Jessica Alba, George Lopez, Japanese, Romance, Television min. the ’50s-styled soundtrack of original by John Madara Rob Corddry Section23 Films 06.08.2013 and Ric Sandler evokes playful memories. With Fritz The Cat, The 3D animated family comedy catapults moviegoers to planet Heavy Traffic and Cool World, Bakshi made animation history Baab where admired astronaut Scorch Supernova (Brendan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116878 mixing mature themes and hip humor. If you know his work, Fraser) is a national hero to the blue alien population. A then Hey Good Lookin’ is up your alley. master of daring rescues, Scorch pulls off astonishing feats The Garden Of Words (Blu-ray) Animated Feature Films, Animation, with the quiet aid of his nerdy, by-the-rules brother, Gary (Rob Corddry), head of mission control at BASA. When When Takao, a young high school student who dreams of Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Movies 1982 BASA’s no-nonsense chief Lena (Jessica Alba) informs the becoming a shoe designer, decides to skip school one day in 77min. brothers of an SOS from a notoriously dangerous planet, favor of sketching in a rainy garden, he has no idea how much Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2013 Scorch rejects Gary’s warnings and bounds off for yet his life will change when he encounters Yukino. Older, but another exciting mission. But when Scorch finds himself perhaps not as much wiser, she seems adrift in the world. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116723 caught in a fiendish trap set by the evil Shanker (William Despite the difference in their ages, they strike up an unusual Shatner) it’s up to scrawny, risk-adverse Gary to do the real relationship that unexpectedly continues and evolves, without Irresponsible Captin Taylor: The rescuing. As the interplanetary stakes rise to new heights, planning, with random meetings that always occur in the same Gary is left to save his brother, his planet, his beloved wife garden on each rainy day. But the rainy season is coming to a Complete TV Series close, and there are so many things still left unsaid and Kira (Sarah Jessica Parker) and their adventure hungry son Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out: join the military, Kip. undone between them. Will there be time left for Takao to put his feelings into actions and words? Between the raindrops, get a cushy desk job, and then retire with a big fat pension Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Comedy, between the calms in the storm, what will blossom in The check. The perfect plan - until he wandered into a hostage Family, Movies, Science Fiction 2013 90min. Garden Of Words? situation and somehow managed to save an Admiral! Now Tylor, a man who wouldn’t know what discipline was if it bit Starz / Anchor Bay 04.06.2013 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- him in the backside, has been made Captain of the space 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116537 tional TV, Japanese, Romance, Television cruiser Soyokaze! The crew of this rundown ship is the min. craziest, rag-tag team of misfits you’re ever likely to see, and they’re not too fond of their complacent new leader. But they Escape From Planet Earth 3D Section23 Films 06.08.2013 had better learn to work together, because they’re about to go (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Di- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116966 head to head with the mighty Raalgon Empire! For better or for worse, the Earth’s fate has been placed in the hands of a man gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) : Movie Night who’s either a total idiot, or an absolute genius. Carol Sarah Jessica Parker, Brendan Fraser, Jacobanis as Harumi Nakagawa, David Brimmer as Lt. Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, Makoto Yamamoto and Veronica Taylor as Shia Has. Jane Lynch, Jessica Alba, George Lopez, Family, Preschool, Television 90min. Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Rob Corddry International TV, Japanese, Movies, Space, PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116597 Television 650min. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Bayview Entertainment 09.07.2013 standard Blu-ray players. The 3D animated family comedy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116640 catapults moviegoers to planet Baab where admired astronaut Heaven’s Lost Property Forte: Scorch Supernova (Brendan Fraser) is a national hero to the Complete Season 2 (Blu-ray) blue alien population. A master of daring rescues, Scorch Is This A Zombie?: Season Two - pulls off astonishing feats with the quiet aid of his nerdy, by- The hormonal, heavenly hijinks continue in Heaven’s Lost the-rules brother, Gary (Rob Corddry), head of mission Property: Forte! Tomoki’s life was normal until a wish- Alternate Art control at BASA. When BASA’s no-nonsense chief Lena granting angelic android named Ikaros fell from the sky and Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, (Jessica Alba) informs the brothers of an SOS from a started calling him master. Things got even crazier when notoriously dangerous planet, Scorch rejects Gary’s Ikaros’s fellow android, Nymph, came fluttering down to join Foreign, Japanese, Romance, Zombies warnings and bounds off for yet another exciting mission. But the fun. With the winged vixens adjusting to life on Earth, 300min. when Scorch finds himself caught in a fiendish trap set by the you’d think Tomoki’s dream of a peaceful existence might Funimation 16.07.2013 evil Shanker (William Shatner) it’s up to scrawny, risk- finally be coming true - but you’d be wrong! With his teenage adverse Gary to do the real rescuing. As the interplanetary impulses and dirty mind, Tomoki’s wishes are causing more 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116745 stakes rise to new heights, Gary is left to save his brother, chaos than ever before. Plus, there’s a curvy new android on his planet, his beloved wife Kira (Sarah Jessica Parker) and the scene - Astraea. She definitely looks as angelic as Ikaros Is This A Zombie?: Season Two - their adventure hungry son Kip. and Nymph, but there’s a change the beautiful blonde Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu- newcomer is up to no good! Limited Edition Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, ray 3D, Comedy, Family, Movies, Science Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Robots / Fiction 2013 90min. Foreign, Japanese, Romance, Zombies Androids 300min. Starz / Anchor Bay 04.06.2013 300min. Funimation 25.06.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116561 Funimation 16.07.2013 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117078 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116746 : Collection Two (Blu- Hetalia Axis Powers: Complete ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Ivan The Incredible Series Thure Lindhardt, Nicolaj Kopernikus - Dir. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Make pasta, not war forget everything you leaned in history Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic, class, and imagine all the nations of the world as cute guys Michael Hegner Television min. hanging out on a wildly inappropriate reality show. Now, toss Ivan Olsen is plagued by bullies at school, constantly pursued in every stereotype ever and prepare to pledge allegiance to by a gang whose greatest pleasure is filling his pants with Funimation 23.07.2013 your favorite nation in Hetalia Axis Powers! Maybe you’ll water, and taunted by his unsympathetic dad. Ivan can hardly 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116765 surrender to Italy’s charms. He’s a sweetie who’s always got believe his luck when a friendly witch mixes a magic potion a noodle in his mouth and he’s BFF with blue-eyed Germany that makes him „the best at everything“ for one single day. and shy . Sounds nice, right? Of course, their friendship Animation, Comedy, Family, Movies 2012 Fairy Tail: Season Two - Part One sort of causes WWII, but is that really such a big deal? Not if 80min. (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) it means those adorable allies France, American and England will be stormin’ the beach! No matter who comes out on top, Phase 4 Films 02.07.2013 Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, victory is yours! Now ditch your textbooks and try to keep up, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117165 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic, because history happens fast in Hetalia Axis Powers! Television 300min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, : The Flashpoint Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Interna- Funimation 23.07.2013 Paradox 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116766 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- vision 260min. Cary Elwes, Dana Delany, Ron Perlman, Funimation 09.07.2013 Kevin McKidd, Kevin Conroy, C. Thomas The Garden Of Words Howell, Danny Huston, Justin Chambers, When Takao, a young high school student who dreams of 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116744 becoming a shoe designer, decides to skip school one day in Nathan Fillion, Michael B. Jordan

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

We all wish for the chance to go back in time and change the Television 154min. tion (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital things, for The Flash, that coveted chance is within . He 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 traverses time to right a violent, decades-past crime against Copy) (Blu-ray) his mother, but the ripples of his good intentions prove 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116833 disastrous, as a fractured, alternate reality now exists in Rene Auberjonois, Pat Carroll, Jodi Benson, place of the familiar one. Stumbling through this twisted Christopher Daniel Barnes - Dir. Ron reality where even is nowhere to be found, The Legend Of Korra: Book One - Air Clements, John Musker Flash seeks the trusted wisdom of , only to find a David Faustino, , Janet With unforgettable characters, thrilling adventures, soaring grittier, more violent Dark Knight in his place. Together with Varney Academy Award-winning music (1989: Best Music, Original the help of Cyborg, they race to restore the continuity of Score, and Best Music, Original , „Under The Sea“), The Flash’s original timeline while this new world is ravaged by a From the creators of the Award-winning Avatar: The Last Airbender, comes a new TV series that continues the exciting Little Mermaid is one of the most celebrated animated films of fierce war between Wonder Woman’s Amazons and the all time. Now spectacularly transformed for the first time on Atlanteans, led by a battle hardened Aquaman. With breath adventures of element bending. When Avatar Aang passes, he is reincarnated as a girl named Korra, from the Southern Blu-ray with digitally restored picture and brilliant high- taking action and an all-star voice cast featuring Kevin definition sound! Venture under the sea where Ariel, a free- Conroy, C. Thomas Howell and Dana Delany, it’s a bold, Water Tribe. Against the wishes of her guardians, Korra leaves the safety of her home to travel to Republic City. spirited mermaid princess, longs to be part of the human emotional vision that will forever change the landscape of the world. After bravely striking a bargain with Ursula, a sneaky DC Universe! Before long, Korra’s Avatar skills are put to the test when she encounters a group of Chi-blockers led by a masked man sea witch, Ariel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. With Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On named Amon. With his Equalists followers, Amon plots to gain Flounder and Sebastian at her side, Ariel will need all of her , Movies, Superheroes 2013 control over Republic City and ultimately rid the world of the courage and determination to make things right in both of her 75min. „impurity“ of bending. Korra and her friends will stop at worlds. Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Disney, Warner Bros. 30.07.2013 nothing to capture him, leading to an Avatar adventure like nothing before in Legend of Korra: Book One: Air! Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Movies, Musi- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116735 Action, Adventure, Animation, Drama, cal, Romance 1989 83min. Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Television 2012 Disney / Buena Vista 01.10.2013 Justice League: The Flashpoint 289min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117043 Paradox (Blu-ray + DVD + Nickelodeon 09.07.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116669 The Little Mermaid: Diamond Edi- Cary Elwes, Dana Delany, Ron Perlman, Legend Of Korra: Book One - Air tion (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Kevin McKidd, Kevin Conroy, C. Thomas ray) Howell, Danny Huston, Justin Chambers, (Blu-ray) Rene Auberjonois, Pat Carroll, Jodi Benson, Nathan Fillion, Michael B. Jordan David Faustino, Dee Bradley Baker, Janet Christopher Daniel Barnes - Dir. Ron We all wish for the chance to go back in time and change the Varney things, for The Flash, that coveted chance is within reach. He From the creators of the Award-winning Avatar: The Last Clements, John Musker traverses time to right a violent, decades-past crime against Airbender, comes a new TV series that continues the exciting With unforgettable characters, thrilling adventures, soaring his mother, but the ripples of his good intentions prove adventures of element bending. When Avatar Aang passes, he Academy Award-winning music (1989: Best Music, Original disastrous, as a fractured, alternate reality now exists in is reincarnated as a girl named Korra, from the Southern Score, and Best Music, Original Song, „Under The Sea“), The place of the familiar one. Stumbling through this twisted Water Tribe. Against the wishes of her guardians, Korra Little Mermaid is one of the most celebrated animated films of reality where even Superman is nowhere to be found, The leaves the safety of her home to travel to Republic City. all time. Now spectacularly transformed for the first time on Flash seeks the trusted wisdom of Batman, only to find a Before long, Korra’s Avatar skills are put to the test when she Blu-ray with digitally restored picture and brilliant high- grittier, more violent Dark Knight in his place. Together with encounters a group of Chi-blockers led by a masked man definition sound! Venture under the sea where Ariel, a free- the help of Cyborg, they race to restore the continuity of named Amon. With his Equalists followers, Amon plots to gain spirited mermaid princess, longs to be part of the human Flash’s original timeline while this new world is ravaged by a control over Republic City and ultimately rid the world of the world. After bravely striking a bargain with Ursula, a sneaky fierce war between Wonder Woman’s Amazons and the „impurity“ of bending. Korra and her friends will stop at sea witch, Ariel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. With Atlanteans, led by a battle hardened Aquaman. With breath nothing to capture him, leading to an Avatar adventure like Flounder and Sebastian at her side, Ariel will need all of her taking action and an all-star voice cast featuring Kevin nothing before in Legend of Korra: Book One: Air! courage and determination to make things right in both of her Conroy, C. Thomas Howell and Dana Delany, it’s a bold, Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Dra- worlds. emotional vision that will forever change the landscape of the Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Disney, ma, Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Television 2012 DC Universe! Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Movies, Musi- Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On 289min. cal, Romance 1989 83min. Comic Book, Blu-ray, Movies, Superheroes Nickelodeon 09.07.2013 Disney / Buena Vista 01.10.2013 2013 75min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116725 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117041 Warner Bros. 30.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116757 Let’s Learn: Colors The Little Mermaid: Diamond Edi- Calling all colors! From painting and drawing to mixing Kimba The White Lion: The colors, kids will discover the art of color identification with tion (DVD + Blu-ray Combo) (Blu- these six Nick Jr. play dates! They’ll jump into coloring books Complete Series with Dora and the Wonder Pets, they’ll learn color mixing ray) Join Kimba along with his pals Pauly the Parrot, Daniel with the Bubble Guppies and Blue, and they’ll search for Rene Auberjonois, Pat Carroll, Jodi Benson, Baboon, and a charming assortment of other loveable colorful shape pieces with Team Umizoomi! Christopher Daniel Barnes - Dir. Ron Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, characters, as he follows in the footsteps of his late father, Clements, John Musker the great lion king, making the jungle a safer, better place for Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, everyone to live. This specially-priced set contains all 52 With unforgettable characters, thrilling adventures, soaring color episodes, presented in order according to Osamu Nickelodeon, Preschool, Television 120min. Academy Award-winning music (1989: Best Music, Original Tezuka’s original storyline. This new DVD set repackages all Nickelodeon 23.07.2013 Score, and Best Music, Original Song, „Under The Sea“), The 52 episodes of Kimba, The White Lion with remastered video 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116915 Little Mermaid is one of the most celebrated animated films of (from the previous collections) and an English-language audio all time. Now spectacularly transformed for the first time on track. Blu-ray with digitally restored picture and brilliant high- : The Incredible definition sound! Venture under the sea where Ariel, a free- Animated Animals, Animation, Anime, spirited mermaid princess, longs to be part of the human Family, Foreign, Japanese, Television Shrinking Adventure world. After bravely striking a bargain with Ursula, a sneaky 1145min. Join your favorite little adventurers for a huge mission, and sea witch, Ariel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. With Bayview Entertainment 09.07.2013 explore an amazing world where sunflowers soar sky-high Flounder and Sebastian at her side, Ariel will need all of her and tiny ants tower above you! The mission begins when the courage and determination to make things right in both of her 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116642 „Big-And-Small Machine“ breaks, turning everybody teensy- worlds. weensy! Soon, the team finds that at their small size, even the Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Disney, Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of tiniest objects can become enormous obstacles. It’s up to you Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Movies, Musi- to help the Little Einsteins find the missing piece and fix the cal, Romance 1989 83min. Awesomeness - Good Croc, Bad machine so they can make themselves big again. Help Rocket use his morphing powers to play with friendly baby bugs, and, Disney / Buena Vista 01.10.2013 Croc finally, discover a mysterious jungle where you’ll encounter a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117042 Brace yourself for awesome action and legendary laughs in newly hatched „Piccolo-Dactyl,“ a „Bass-A-Saurus Rex“ and this fun-filled animated TV series based on the Academy more tuneful dinosaurs. Packed with music, laughter and Award-Nominated hit movie Kung Fu Panda! As the chosen surprises, The Incredible Shrinking Adventure is gigantic fun Lupin III: The Woman Called Dragon Warrior and sworn protector of the Valley of Peace, for everyone! Po the panda is highly skilled, ever vigilant and hungry for Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Fukiko - Alternate Art (Blu-ray + justice...and dumplings. Together with the Furious Five- DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Crane and -Po must fend off Children’s / Educational, Disney, Family, fierce villains, including an evil version of himself (courtesy Preschool, Television 90min. Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, of the Mystical Mirror of Yin and Yang) and the toothy Croc Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Bandits! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116598 sion 320min. Action, Animated Animals, Animation, Funimation 30.07.2013 Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116768 Family, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, The Little Mermaid: Diamond Edi-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

forgetting in his efforts to ban certain forms of weapons, Preschool, Television min. including those used by tank-driving policewoman Leona Lupin III: The Woman Called Ozaki and her partner Al. Granted, the city’s Tank Police DO NCircle Entertainment 07.05.2013 Fukiko - Limited Edition (Blu-ray seem to cause a lot of collateral damage, but New Port’s a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116548 dangerous place. Especially with the felonious and partially + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) feline Puma sisters back on the prowl, and the Dai Nippon Princess Knight: Part One Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Geiken Corporation is building even more nefarious devices of evil intent that are finding their way into the hands of local (Litebox) Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- terrorists. Unfortunately for DNGC, they may be connected to sion 320min. the murder of Leona’s former partner, and once this hard- Once upon a time, in the faraway kingdom of Silverland, a headed heroine sinks her treads into a case, there’s no princess named Sapphire was born. Thanks to the prank of a Funimation 30.07.2013 backing up! And as for the Pumas? It’s going to be like mischievous little angel, Sapphire ended up with both the blue 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116767 and police dogs, but there are few problems that a little heart of a boy and the pink heart of a girl. Thus, the new little carefully applied mobile artillery can’t cure! There’s no place princess would be as rambunctious and brave as she was to hide, from the good guys OR the bad guys, as law and gentle and caring. However, all was not well in Silverland. By Medaka Box: The Complete order meets chaos theory in New Dominion Tank Police! law, only a son could inherit the throne. So, to stop the evil Duke Duralumon from being next in line to rule the kingdom, Collection Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- the King announced to his subjects that Sapphire was a boy! When newly elected Student Council President Medaka tional TV, Japanese, Television 180min. Now, several years later, everyone in the kingdom sees Kurokami instituted her idea for a suggestion box where Section23 Films 20.08.2013 Sapphire as a swashbuckling prince. Very few people know people can suggest problems that need to be solved, she was her secret. But the Duke still lurks in the shadows, waiting expecting things like rescuing lost puppies and giving advice. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116880 for a chance to make his move... So begins the story of What she and her best friend Zenkichi find instead, however, Sapphire - the courageous Princess Knight - as she fends off are the first hints of an unbelievable secret and their school, Nickelodeon Favorites: Rootin’ the Duke’s wicked schemes and fights for justice and the Hakoniwa Academy, and Medaka herself, are somehow at the happiness of her people! very center of the growing maelstrom! As what seemed like an Tootin’ Wild West Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, innocent past time turns into a dangerous game, Medaka and Yell „yee-haw“ for six Wild West adventures with your Japanese, Television 650min. her recruits to the Student Council discover new depths to Nickelodeon friends! Celebrate with a Bubble Guppies both themselves and their own unexpected abilities. And then cowgirl parade! Saddle up with Team Umizoomi and Dora! Bayview Entertainment 04.06.2013 things get really out of control! Get ready for a battle royal Sing and dance at a Fresh Beat Band hoedown, and help 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116643 unlike anything you’ve ever seen before as the simple power western animals with Diego and the Wonder Pets! It’s a of suggestion unlocks the secrets of Medaka Box! rootin’-tootin’ good time! Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Princess Knight: Part Two International TV, Japanese, Television Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Television 137min. (Litebox) 300min. Nickelodeon 06.08.2013 It’s a dark time in the kingdom of Silverland. The King is Section23 Films 27.08.2013 missing, and Duke Duralumon used a terrible potion to trick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117188 the Queen into revealing Sapphire’s secret. Now the entire 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116882 kingdom knows that their brave young „prince“ is actually a Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan - girl! As punishment for lying to the people, Sapphire and the Medaka Box: The Complete Queen have been locked away in lonely Coffin Tower. But Set Two Sapphire won’t give up hope. She’s created a new persona for Collection (Blu-ray) The Nura Clan faces a new threat: the 88 Demons of Shikoku, herself - the mysterious hero Phantom Knight - and she won’t When newly elected Student Council President Medaka led by Inugamigyobu-Tanuki Tamazuki! Tamazuki sets his plan rest until her kingdom is out of the evil Duke’s clutches for Kurokami instituted her idea for a suggestion box where in motion to weaken the Nura Clan by targeting their key good! people can suggest problems that need to be solved, she was source of power - the local deities of Ukiyoe Town. In the Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, expecting things like rescuing lost puppies and giving advice. absence of Supreme Commander Nurarihyon, Rikuo’s resolve Japanese, Television 650min. What she and her best friend Zenkichi find instead, however, to become the Third Heir is put to the test, as he must unite are the first hints of an unbelievable secret and their school, the clan to face Tamazuki and his malicious weapon the Right Stuf 06.08.2013 Hakoniwa Academy, and Medaka herself, are somehow at the Devil’s Blade! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117071 very center of the growing maelstrom! As what seemed like an Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, innocent past time turns into a dangerous game, Medaka and her recruits to the Student Council discover new depths to Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- The Rose Of Versailles: Part Two both themselves and their own unexpected abilities. And then sion min. - Limited Edition things get really out of control! Get ready for a battle royal Viz Entertainment 20.08.2013 unlike anything you’ve ever seen before as the simple power The French royalty’s indulgences have taken their toll on the of suggestion unlocks the secrets of Medaka Box! 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116740 common folk. While nobles live in opulence, children starve in the streets. Counts and countesses attend masquerade balls, Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, as families unable to afford medicine are forced to bury their Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan - loved ones. What were once pleas for equality are now sion 300min. Set Two (Blu-ray) enraged demands for radical change. Just as the times have changed, so has Oscar’s heart. Looking to challenge herself Section23 Films 27.08.2013 The Nura Clan faces a new threat: the 88 Demons of Shikoku, further, Oscar leaves the Queen’s side. She enlists with the 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116969 led by Inugamigyobu-Tanuki Tamazuki! Tamazuki sets his plan French Guards, common soldiers who put their lives on the in motion to weaken the Nura Clan by targeting their key line every night as they patrol the streets and keep the peace. source of power - the local deities of Ukiyoe Town. In the However, Oscar soon finds that an anti- sentiment Mike The Knight: Knight In Trai- absence of Supreme Commander Nurarihyon, Rikuo’s resolve resides everywhere, even amongst the guards that grudgingly ning to become the Third Heir is put to the test, as he must unite follow her orders. As the flames of revolution begin to spread, the clan to face Tamazuki and his malicious weapon the she soon finds herself torn between her loyalty to the crown Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Devil’s Blade! and her loyalty to France itself. Children’s, Family, Television min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, NCircle Entertainment 04.06.2013 ray, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Japanese, Television 480min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116551 Television min. Bayview Entertainment 09.07.2013 Viz Entertainment 20.08.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116641 Naruto Shippuden: Volume 15 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116760 After Pain’s attack, the Leaf Ninja set about rebuilding their Scooby-Doo!: Stage Fright village. Naruto and Sakura are thrilled to be reunited with One Piece: Season Five - First Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. crew as they Tazuna and his grandson Inari from the Land of Waves, who Voyage head to for a talent show, some museum tours and have come to help. While the restoration proceeds, the Leaf whole lotta pizza! The windy city is home to the hit TV show, Ninja and their friends reflect on past events that influenced Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- Talent Star, in which songwriting duo Fred and Daphne are the village and helped gain allies like the Sand. Plus, we get a national TV, Japanese, Pirates, Television finalists with some high hopes. Not to be left out, Scooby and glimpse back into Naruto’s training journey with Jiraiya, and Shaggy have a secret act in the works, which they are betting join the original Team 7 on a mission when Sasuke was still 320min. will take the contest by storm. Unlucky for them, the with them! Funimation 23.07.2013 competition is frightful at this talent contest as the show is Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116752 being broadcast from an opera house with a history of horrors Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Foreign, and a particularly vengeful phantom that has cursed the International TV, Japanese, Science show’s production. From costume changin’ chases to Pocoyo: Pocoyo’s Circus collecting creepy clues, the show must go on and with a Fiction, Television, Thrillers 300min. Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, natural talent like Scooby-Doo on the case, you can be sure Viz Entertainment 16.07.2013 that the laughs, thrills and adventure are always first place! Preschool, Television min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116739 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, NCircle Entertainment 27.08.2013 Family, Movies, Mystery min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116557 New Dominion: Tank Police - The Warner Bros. 20.08.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117054 Complete Collection Pocoyo: Pocoyo’s World When tanks are outlawed, only outlaws will have tanks. Or at least, that’s what Mayor Weatherby of New Port seems to be Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, Scooby-Doo!: Stage Fright (Blu-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) So Smart!: Baby’s Beginnings - Taz and his whole family round out Season 2 in thirteen episodes full of turbulent tomfoolery, endless eating and fast- Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. crew as they Shapes paced fun. Bring home your very own Tazmanian Devil and head to Chicago for a talent show, some museum tours and Meet Cecil the Circle, Suzie the Square and Traci the catch Taz-Mania all over again! Don’t worry, he doesn’t eat whole lotta pizza! The windy city is home to the hit TV show, that much Talent Star, in which songwriting duo Fred and Daphne are Triangle. They’ll introduce little ones to shapes that are part finalists with some high hopes. Not to be left out, Scooby and of everything, from fish and bubbles to clocks and trucks. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Shaggy have a secret act in the works, which they are betting Each brightly colored, animated scene is set to live classical Comedy, Family, Television 286min. will take the contest by storm. Unlucky for them, the music including Handel, Tchaikovsky and other great Warner Bros. 06.08.2013 competition is frightful at this talent contest as the show is composers! A deliberately gentle pace, engaging imagery, and being broadcast from an opera house with a history of horrors soothing music make So Smart! a winner for both children and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117048 and a particularly vengeful phantom that has cursed the parents. So Smart! is an award-winning brand, trusted by show’s production. From costume changin’ chases to parents for over a decade. This DVD series, Baby’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: collecting creepy clues, the show must go on and with a Beginnings, is created especially for babies 6 months and up, natural talent like Scooby-Doo on the case, you can be sure who are starting to discover the world around them. Enter Shredder that the laughs, thrills and adventure are always first place! Animation, Children’s / Educational, Family, Get lean, mean, and green with the Turtles team! Join Leo, Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Infant, Special Interest min. Donnie, Raph and Mikey as they take to the streets of NYC, Children’s, Family, Movies, Mystery min. Bayview Entertainment 16.07.2013 where every turn yields a new enemy. Get ready for non-stop battles against Kraang-droids, mechanical Mousers, a mutant Warner Bros. 20.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117022 alligator, and even the evil Shredder himself. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117057 Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- So Smart!: Baby’s Beginnings - mation, Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Shining Hearts: The Complete Sights & Sounds Martial Arts, Movies, Nickelodeon, Science Collection This bright, bold animated DVD introduces simple shapes, Fiction, TV Movies 2012 168min. Over the years, many strange things have washed up on the moving patterns and familiar objects that encourage babies to Nickelodeon 09.07.2013 shores of Windaria, a mysterious island where humans, elves laugh, „talk“ and interact. Each scene is set to classical music 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116670 and other beings all live in harmony. Rick, a former including Bach, Beethoven and other great composers! A swordsman who runs the Le Coeur Bakery with his three deliberately gentle pace, engaging imagery, and soothing beautiful coworkers Neris, Amil and Airy, knows this all too music make So Smart! a winner for both children and parents. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: well, having been found on the beach with a profound case of So Smart! is an award-winning brand, trusted by parents for amnesia himself. Perhaps that’s why Rick takes a quick over a decade. This DVD series, Baby’s Beginnings, is Season 3 interest in Kaguya, a girl who arrives in Windaria in a similar created especially for babies 6 months and up, who are The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are bursting straight out of fashion. Whatever the reason, it soon becomes apparent that starting to discover the world around them. the sewer and ready for some mind-blowing mutant-morphing his skills with a sword may be required to protect the lovely Animation, Children’s / Educational, Family, pizza- powered action! Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, castaway. For dark forces are on the move, the red moon is on Infant, Special Interest min. and Leonardo continue their epic quest to battle evil in this the rise and a deathly wind is blowing into Windaria in the Complete Season 3 Collection, featuring 47 out-of-the-shell form of pirates, brigands and other strangers, all of whom Bayview Entertainment 16.07.2013 episodes. Join the green machine and their friends as they seem to be seeking Kaguya! Or is it the mysterious pendant 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117023 help to save the world against , Shredder, Bebop and that she wears that they’re after? The one thing that’s sure is Rocksteady - one slice at a time. that there will be no time for loafing around the bakery now, Sonic Underground: Volume 1 Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On because everything’s about to come out of the oven and go Comic Book, Children’s, Martial Arts, Ninjas, into the fire in Shining Hearts! Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Superheroes, Television 1081min. Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, Based On Video Game, Children’s, Comedy, Lionsgate 23.07.2013 Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Television 420min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117018 Japanese, Television 300min. NCircle Entertainment 14.05.2013 Section23 Films 13.08.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116550 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116879 Tom And Jerry: In Space This is a compilation of fun-filled episodes with everyone’s Super Friends!: A Dangerous Fate favorite cat and ! Shining Hearts: The Complete - Season Five Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Collection (Blu-ray) It’s a race to the rescue as all your favorite Super Friends Family, Space, Television min. Over the years, many strange things have washed up on the are back in this all-new, crime fighting collection. Join the Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 shores of Windaria, a mysterious island where humans, elves crusade as Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and and other beings all live in harmony. Rick, a former Aquaman protect the innocent from legendary creatures, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116605 swordsman who runs the Le Coeur Bakery with his three rampaging robots and a rogues gallery that includes Mr. beautiful coworkers Neris, Amil and Airy, knows this all too Mxyzptlk, Bizarro and The Riddler. With the help of Wonder Tom And Jerry: Magical well, having been found on the beach with a profound case of Twins, Zan and Jayna and their space monkey Gleek, the amnesia himself. Perhaps that’s why Rick takes a quick Super Friends are ready to battle evil from Earth to the far Misadventures interest in Kaguya, a girl who arrives in Windaria in a similar reaches of space. It’s a collection of fearless feats that will This is a compilation of fun-filled episodes with everyone’s fashion. Whatever the reason, it soon becomes apparent that leap into your DVD collection! favorite cat and mouse! his skills with a sword may be required to protect the lovely Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On castaway. For dark forces are on the move, the red moon is on Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, the rise and a deathly wind is blowing into Windaria in the Comic Book, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Children’s, Family, Magic, Television min. form of pirates, brigands and other strangers, all of whom Superheroes, Television min. Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 seem to be seeking Kaguya! Or is it the mysterious pendant Warner Bros. 23.07.2013 that she wears that they’re after? The one thing that’s sure is 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116606 that there will be no time for loafing around the bakery now, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117047 because everything’s about to come out of the oven and go Tom And Jerry’s Giant Adventure into the fire in Shining Hearts! Superman And Friends: 75th Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, In this all-new original movie, Tom and Jerry are among the Anniversary Cartoon Collection last animals living in Storybook Town, a fairy tale-inspired Blu-ray, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, theme park - „where dreams come true, if you believe.“ Young Japanese, Television 300min. America’s favorite and cultural icon Superman Jack is desperate to save the park from the hands of a greedy made his comic book debut in 1938 and has rocketed to billionaire, setting out with his loyal cat and mouse friends to Section23 Films 13.08.2013 multimedia stardom over the past 75 years. This collection sell his prize cow for... some magic beans?! What follows is a 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116967 features the first of the character, in seventeen journey up a beanstalk to a magical land ruled by a massively shorts produced between 1941 and 1943 by mean and hungry giant, and home to fun, fabled fellows like and . Joining the beloved superhero in this Droopy, Spike and even a golden goose! Will Tom and Jerry So Smart!: Baby’s Beginnings - 75th anniversary collection are a colorful cavalcade of 20th put an end to their furry feud long enough to save Storybook Letters century icons - including , , and Town? You don’t need to wish upon a star. Join Tom and Jerry Casper - brought to life by some of the most imaginative on their amazing adventure and find out! This bright, bold DVD provides little ones with an exciting animators of the classic era! Now you can experience this introduction to the alphabet. Each letter of the alphabet slowly historical animation the way it was meant to be seen - in fully Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, builds and is represented by an object that starts with that restored color and clear, vibrant sound. Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2013 letter. Choose between a classical music soundtrack and Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On min. narration. A deliberately gentle pace, engaging imagery, and soothing music make So Smart! a winner for both children and Comic Book, Children’s, Family, Warner Bros. 06.08.2013 parents. So Smart! is an award-winning brand, trusted by Superheroes, Television min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116877 parents for over a decade. This DVD series, Baby’s Image Ent. 11.06.2013 Beginnings, is created especially for babies 6 months and up, who are starting to discover the world around them. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116523 Tom And Jerry’s Giant Adventure Animation, Children’s / Educational, Family, (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Infant, Special Interest min. Taz-Mania: Who Let The Taz Out - ray) Bayview Entertainment 16.07.2013 Season One Part Two In this all-new original movie, Tom and Jerry are among the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117021 Take another trip „to a land that’s down under, way under“ last animals living in Storybook Town, a fairy tale-inspired with ’ very own snarling, sputtering screwball! theme park - „where dreams come true, if you believe.“ Young

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Jack is desperate to save the park from the hands of a greedy Winx Club: Magical Adventure this pulse-pounding thrill ride filled with gripping suspense! billionaire, setting out with his loyal cat and mouse friends to Paramedic Nick Malloy (Orton) is plunged into a deadly game sell his prize cow for... some magic beans?! What follows is a The Winx Club TV Movie, Magical Adventure, finds Bloom of cat and mouse when he receives a terrifying phone call journey up a beanstalk to a magical land ruled by a massively living life as a princess of Domino, not realizing the Ancestral from a vengeful psychopath (Brian Markinson) connected to mean and hungry giant, and home to fun, fabled fellows like Witches and the Trix are joining evil forces, and not his past. The maniac threatens to unleash a murder spree Droopy, Spike and even a golden goose! Will Tom and Jerry understanding why Sky suddenly can’t escort her to the unless Nick can complete a series of 12 challenges without put an end to their furry feud long enough to save Storybook Princess Ball! Plus, enjoy 7 bonus episodes overflowing with involving the cops or missing a single deadline. With no time Town? You don’t need to wish upon a star. Join Tom and Jerry adventure from Season 5 including The Rise of Tritannus and to spare - and his own wife’s life on the line - Nick must piece on their amazing adventure and find out! The Power of Harmonix! together cryptic clues and hunt down the killer before it’s too Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Fantasy, late! Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Magic, Nickelodeon, Television 2013 min. Action, Movies, Thrillers 2013 95min. Fantasy 2013 min. Nickelodeon 13.08.2013 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 Warner Bros. 06.08.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117191 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116707 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116965 WordWorld: Picture Day! 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded (Blu-ray) : The Complete Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Brian Markinson, Randy Orton, Cindy Collection Children’s / Educational, Computer Animati- Busby - Dir. Roel Reine on, Television min. WWE superstar Randy Orton slams action into overdrive in When Yuki Sanada ends up living in Enoshima with his this pulse-pounding thrill ride filled with gripping suspense! grandmother, it’s just one more in a long line of transfers to a NCircle Entertainment 09.07.2013 Paramedic Nick Malloy (Orton) is plunged into a deadly game new school and new friends. Except Yuki doesn’t make 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116553 of cat and mouse when he receives a terrifying phone call friends easily, so he’s used to making do without any. All from a vengeful psychopath (Brian Markinson) connected to that’s about to change, however, when the other new transfer his past. The maniac threatens to unleash a murder spree student arrives in class - complete with a rod and reel - and Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Best Of unless Nick can complete a series of 12 challenges without announces that he’s an alien. Now as he learns to fine art of Daizy! involving the cops or missing a single deadline. With no time fishing, Yuki finds himself drawn into a friendship with Haru to spare - and his own wife’s life on the line - Nick must piece the alien, moody Natsuki the Fishing Prince, and the Join Wubbzy’s best friend Daizy in 6 spunky and fun-filled together cryptic clues and hunt down the killer before it’s too mysterious Akira with his pet duck, Tapioca. But there’s episodes... plus one bonus episode for extra fairy tale fun! late! something sinister afoot in Enoshima, and more than Yuki’s Watch Daizy as she moves in next door to Wubbzy, grows her new found friendships is at stake. If Yuki can’t make the catch own flower-shaped house from a seed, opens a pet salon, Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 2013 of the day, the whole of Japan, and perhaps the world itself, battles leaf-blower windstorms, and becomes Wubbzy’s 95min. will be caught in an alien net. Get ready for the biggest fish sidekick Flower Power. Share in the adventures of 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 tale ever in ~~Tsuritama! Wuzzleburg as Daizy, Wubbzy and friends learn the positive 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116728 Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, values of honesty, tolerance, fairness, and cooperation. Japanese, Science Fiction, Television Animation, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon, 300min. Television 2009 70min. 13 Film Horror: Volume One Section23 Films 20.08.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 09.07.2013 Rutger Hauer, Hugh Grant, Christopher 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116881 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117049 Lee, Elizabeth Hurley, Jason Scott Lee, Lance Henriksen, Jude Law, Jason Lon- Tsuritama: The Complete Young Justice: Season Two - Part don, Roy Scheider, , An- 2 - Game Of Illusions ders Hove, Craig Sheffer, Phil Fondacaro, Collection (Blu-ray) Lucky McKee, Elina Lowensohn, Kristen Danica McKellar, Jesse McCartney, Khary When Yuki Sanada ends up living in Enoshima with his Bell grandmother, it’s just one more in a long line of transfers to a Payton, Nolan North, Stephanie Lemelin new school and new friends. Except Yuki doesn’t make The action, intrigue and thrills continue with Season Two Part Collections, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Myths friends easily, so he’s used to making do without any. All Two of Young Justice! Watch as The Reach, spearheaded by & Legends, Supernatural & Paranormal, that’s about to change, however, when the other new transfer the quick-talking Ambassador and backed by the muscle of Thrillers, Vampires 1151min. student arrives in class - complete with a rod and reel - and Black Beetle, continues its manipulation of a trusting public announces that he’s an alien. Now as he learns to fine art of while maintaining its shadowy maneuvering with The Light. Bridge Home Entertainment fishing, Yuki finds himself drawn into a friendship with Haru Meanwhile, team members Robin, and Impulse go 16.07.2013 the alien, moody Natsuki the Fishing Prince, and the undercover to investigate LexCorp and its newfound 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116851 mysterious Akira with his pet duck, Tapioca. But there’s partnership with The Reach, the results of which could shift something sinister afoot in Enoshima, and more than Yuki’s the balance of power forever. So report in for 10 all-new new found friendships is at stake. If Yuki can’t make the catch adventures, as the risks have never been greater and the 15 Kick Butt Martial Arts Movies of the day, the whole of Japan, and perhaps the world itself, conflicts never so far-reaching. The epic finale will shatter will be caught in an alien net. Get ready for the biggest fish everything you know! Steven Seagal, Ernest Borgnine, Gina tale ever in ~~Tsuritama! Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Gershon, Ernie Hudson, Brandon Lee, Chri- Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Comic Book, , stopher McDonald, Jackie Chan, Michelle tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- Superheroes, Television 220min. Khan, Chuck Norris, Raymond Cruz, Phillip vision 300min. Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 Rhee, Paul Gleeson Section23 Films 20.08.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117118 Action, Collections, Drama, Martial Arts, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116968 Movies 1334min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Wheels On The Bus: All 04.06.2013 Around Town 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116543 Puppetry, CG animation and live-action combine to create fun, Film captivating musical adventures for children ages 1-5. The 21 & Over Wheels on the Bus brings to life the classic, beloved 12 Movies For The Man Cave children’s song along with creative, new verses and several Justin Chon, Sarah Wright - Dir. Jon Lucas, original songs written for this series. Nicole Kidman, Alec Baldwin, Jeff Daniels, Scott Moore Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Jay Mohr, Drew Barrymore, Woody From the writers of The Hangover comes a reckless and Preschool, Puppets 2013 min. Harrelson, Jon Stewart, Jamie Kennedy, raunchy comedy 21 years in the making! On the day before a critical med school interview, straight-A college student Jeff E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 Tara Reid, Marlon Wayans, Rob Schneider, Chang (Justin Chong, Twilight) gets a surprise visit from his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116797 Chuck Norris, David Spade, Artie Lange, two best buds (Skylar Astin, Pitch Perfect and Miles Teller, Shawn Hatosy, Vincent Cassel, Ashton Project X) to celebrate his 21st birthday. In no mood to party, Jeff finally agrees to a single drink, which quickly leads to an The Wheels On The Bus: Animal Kutcher, Robin Williams, Katt Williams over-the-top, out-of-control night filled with epic beer pong, Adventure Collections, Comedy, Drama, Fish-Out-Of- smoking hot coeds...and one angry buffalo. Can Jeff’s friends get their plastered pal cleaned up in time for his morning Puppetry, CG animation and live-action combine to create fun, Water, Movies, On The Job, Romance, Stoners 1098min. appointment? It’s worth a shot! captivating musical adventures for children ages 1-5. The Comedy, Friendships, Movies 2013 93min. Wheels on the Bus brings to life the classic, beloved Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 children’s song along with creative, new verses and several 02.07.2013 original songs written for this series. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117006 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116849 Preschool, Puppets 2013 min. 21 & Over (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116798 Brian Markinson, Randy Orton, Cindy tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Busby - Dir. Roel Reine Justin Chon, Sarah Wright - Dir. Jon Lucas, WWE superstar Randy Orton slams action into overdrive in Scott Moore

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From the writers of The Hangover comes a reckless and Collections, Drama, Historical / Period 6 Film Family Pack raunchy comedy 21 years in the making! On the day before a critical med school interview, straight-A college student Jeff Piece, History & Events, Movies, Religion/ Nicole Kidman, Patrick Swayze, John Ritter, Chang (Justin Chong, Twilight) gets a surprise visit from his Spirituality 450min. Rod Steiger, Susan Dey, Barry Williams, two best buds (Skylar Astin, Pitch Perfect and Miles Teller, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Project X) to celebrate his 21st birthday. In no mood to party, Rider Strong, Jason Weaver Jeff finally agrees to a single drink, which quickly leads to an 02.07.2013 Adventure, Drama, Family, Movies 470min. over-the-top, out-of-control night filled with epic beer pong, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116807 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment smoking hot coeds...and one angry buffalo. Can Jeff’s friends get their plastered pal cleaned up in time for his morning 04.06.2013 appointment? It’s worth a shot! 4 Film Bible Stories: Volume Two 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116541 20th Century Fox, Comedy, Friendships, James Dean Movies 2013 93min. Collections, Drama, Historical / Period 6 Souls 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 Piece, History & Events, Movies, Religion/ Julianne Moore, Jeffrey DeMunn, Frances 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117034 Spirituality 274min. Conroy, Nathan Corddry, Brian Anthony Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Wilson - Dir. Mans Marlind, Bjorn Stein 23:59 02.07.2013 After the death of her husband, Dr. Cara Harding’s (Julianne During a routine road march at an island military training 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116809 Moore) faith in God has been shaken, but not her belief in camp, an army recruit is found dead at exactly 23:59. This science. In an attempt to open her up to accepting mysterious and gruesome incident unearths a terrifying dark unexplainable psychiatric theories, her father introduces her secret of the haunted island, forcing the recruits to confront 4 Film Favorites: John Grisham to Adam, (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) a patient with multiple their deepest fears in order to find the truth about their (Repackage) personalities who takes on some of the physical friend’s death. characteristics of his other personalities. But, Cara quickly Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon, Sam discovers that Adam’s other personalities are murder victims Army, Chinese, Foreign, Horror, Military, and the more she finds out about him and his past, the closer Movies 2011 78min. Shepard, Denzel , Julia Ro- she and her loved ones are to becoming murder victims Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 berts, John Heard, Tony Goldwyn, Ossie themselves. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117008 Davis, Anthony Edwards, Anthony Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2010 LaPaglia, Stanley Tucci, Robert Culp, James 112min. 23:59 (Blu-ray) B. Sikking, William Atherson, Brad Renfro - Starz / Anchor Bay 02.07.2013 During a routine road march at an island military training Dir. Joel Schumacher, Alan J. Pakula 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117086 camp, an army recruit is found dead at exactly 23:59. This Collections, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal mysterious and gruesome incident unearths a terrifying dark Issues, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, 6 Souls (Blu-ray) secret of the haunted island, forcing the recruits to confront their deepest fears in order to find the truth about their Mystery, Thrillers 547min. Julianne Moore, Jeffrey DeMunn, Frances friend’s death. Warner Bros. 16.04.2013 Conroy, Nathan Corddry, Brian Anthony Army, Blu-ray, Chinese, Foreign, Horror, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116701 Wilson - Dir. Mans Marlind, Bjorn Stein Military, Movies 2011 78min. After the death of her husband, Dr. Cara Harding’s (Julianne Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 4 Film Heat On The Street: Moore) faith in God has been shaken, but not her belief in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117036 science. In an attempt to open her up to accepting Volume Two unexplainable psychiatric theories, her father introduces her Richard Harris, Denzel Washington, James to Adam, (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) a patient with multiple 27 Dresses / Bride Wars (Double personalities who takes on some of the physical Earl Jones, Dennis Hopper, Peter Coyote, characteristics of his other personalities. But, Cara quickly Feature) (Blu-ray) Chris Sarandon, Traci Lords, Mariel He- discovers that Adam’s other personalities are murder victims and the more she finds out about him and his past, the closer Comedy, Double Features, Friendships, mingway she and her loved ones are to becoming murder victims Movies, Romance min. Action, Collections, Crime, Drama, Movies, themselves. 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 Thrillers 388min. Starz / Anchor Bay, Horror, Movies, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116959 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Mystery, Thrillers 2010 112min. 04.06.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 02.07.2013 2nd Serve 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116540 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117093 Guillermo Diaz, Dash Mihok, Cameron Monaghan - Dir. Tim Kirkman 4 Film Westen: Sam Elliott & Tom 8 Film Action: Christian Bale & A former tennis pro forced to work at a public recreation Selleck Joseph Gordon-Levitt center must regain his self-respect and lead his team of oddball amateurs to victory in a prestigious, annual James Whitmore, David Janssen, Tom Helen Hunt, Christopher Walken, Sean tournament showdown. Selleck, Sam Elliott, Bo Hopkins Bean, Jeff Daniels, Christian Bale, Joe Comedy, Movies, Sports, Tennis 2012 min. Action, Collections, Cowboy, Drama, Mantegna, Gary Sinise, Virginia Madsen, Green Apple Entertainment 27.08.2013 Movies, Western 430min. Ted Danson, Sam Rockwell, Viggo 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117164 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Mortensen, Taye Diggs, Heath Ledger, Isla 02.07.2013 Fisher, Rose Byrne The 300 Spartans (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116810 Action, Collections, Movies, Science Diane Baker, Ralph Richardson, Donald Fiction, Thrillers min. Houston, David Farrar, Richard Egan - Dir. 4 Kid Favorites: Mary-Kate & Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Rudy Mate Ashley Travel The World 02.07.2013 Based on actual event occurring in 480 B.C. Greece. This 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116843 scintillating drama stars Richard Egan as the Greek soldier Ashley Olsen Leonidas, who led 300 Spartan soldiers against an Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Family, Movies, overwhelming Persian army in the Battle of Thermopylae. 8 Film Bible Stories Collection Unable to recruit the soldiers he needs to defend a critical Road Trips min. Greek mountain pass against Persia’s King Xerxes, Leonidas Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 Omar Sharif, , James Dean nonetheless prepares for battle. When warned that the number 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116602 Collections, Drama, Movies, Religion/ of arrows his tiny army will face „will blot out the sun“, Spirituality 724min. Leonidas replies that his army will „fight in the shade.“ With Echo Bridge Home Entertainment it’s superb cinematography, realism and musical score, this 5 Shells story of courage and self-sacrifice is inspired filmmaking at 04.06.2013 it’s best. Chad Brummett When their parents are brutally murdered by bandits, two 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116542 Adventure, Ancient Greece / , Blu- young girls, Matti and Joslyn are left completely alone in a ray, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, world destroyed by the financial meltdown. With the weight of 8 Film House Party Collection History & Events, Movies, War 1962 responsibility on her shoulders, a shotgun in hand, and only 5 , Keenen Ivory Wayans, Mar- 108min. shells to protect them. Matti decides they must go find their only relative they know of, their grandmother, who they have tin Short, Shawn Wayans, Tara Reid, 20th Century Fox 23.07.2013 never actually met. Marlon Wayans, Rob Schneider, Molly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117107 Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction Shannon, , Ashton Kutcher, 2012 93min. Cedric The Entertainer, Jane Lynch, Mila Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 4 Film Bible Stories: Volume One Kunis, Kristen Bell, Jenna Dewan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116863 Omar Sharif, Orson Welles Action, Collections, College Life, Comedy,

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Drugs & Dealers, Fish-Out-Of-Water, heartwarming comedy about the unexpected detours we encounter on the road to happiness. Year in and year out, Movies, On The Job, Romance 711min. 8 Movie Family Adventure: Princeton admissions officer Portia Nathan (Fey) has lived Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Volume Three her life by the book. But during her annual recruiting trip, she 16.07.2013 finds herself reconnecting with a former college classmate, Ernest Borgnine, Mickey Rooney, Slim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116850 free-spirited teacher John Pressman (Rudd). As she bends Pickens, Burt Reynolds, , the entrance rules for one of his very unconventional Jason Priestley, Geoffrey Lewis, John students, Portia puts at risk the future she thought she always 8 Mile wanted, and finds her way to a surprising and exhilarating life Denver, Maureen McCormick, Bo Hopkins, she never dreamed of having. From director Paul Weitz (In Kim Basinger, Mekhi Phifer, Brittany Jonathan Jackson, Mary Elizabeth Good Company), and co-starring Michael Sheen and Lily Murphy, Eminem - Dir. Curtis Hanson Winstead, John Schneider Tomlin, it’s the feel-good movie critics call „funny and fresh!“ Eminem wins by a knockout!“ raves , as the (Glenn Kenny, MSN Movies) Grammy Award-Winning phenomenon makes his feature film Adventure, Animated Animals, Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 debut in this gripping story about the boundaries that hold us Drama, Family, Movies 724min. 107min. back-and the courage that can set us free. For Jimmy Smith, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jr. (Eminem), life is a daily fight just to keep hope alive. Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Feeding his dreams in Detroit’s vibrant music scene, Jimmy 02.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117099 wages an extraordinary personal struggle to find his own 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116845 voice-and earn a place in a world where rhymes rule, legends are born and ever moment...is another chance. From Academy Admission (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Award winner Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential) and Oscar- 8 Movie Family Collection: tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) winning producer Brian Grazer (A Beautiful Mind), 8 Mile is Volume Six the triumphant film Time Magazine hails as „Powerful!“ and Gloria Reuben, Paul Rudd, Tina Fey - Dir. applauds as „Electrifying“ and , Tim Curry, Jennifer Tilly, Paul Weitz „Mesmerizing! Robert Wagner, Alfre Woodard, Gregory Tina Fey and Paul Rudd star in this hilarious and Drama, Movies, Music, Rap 2002 111min. Smith, Yasmine Bleeth, Bill Cobbs, Fred heartwarming comedy about the unexpected detours we Universal Studios 09.07.2013 encounter on the road to happiness. Year in and year out, Ward, Dean Cain, Dean Winters, Zac Efron, Princeton admissions officer Portia Nathan (Fey) has lived 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117119 Miranda Cosgrove her life by the book. But during her annual recruiting trip, she Adventure, Animals & Nature, Collections, finds herself reconnecting with a former college classmate, 8 Modern Movies Of War free-spirited teacher John Pressman (Rudd). As she bends Drama, Family, Friendships, Horses, Movies the entrance rules for one of his very unconventional Collection min. students, Portia puts at risk the future she thought she always Echo Bridge Home Entertainment wanted, and finds her way to a surprising and exhilarating life Sean Bean, Anne Francis, Angela Bassett, she never dreamed of having. From director Paul Weitz (In Malcolm McDowell, Tom Sizemore, Daniel 02.07.2013 Good Company), and co-starring Michael Sheen and Lily Baldwin, Sarah Chalke, Nick Cannon, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116847 Tomlin, it’s the feel-good movie critics call „funny and fresh!“ Dennis Weaver, Jay Hernandez, Raza (Glenn Kenny, MSN Movies) Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Jaffrey 8 Movie Family Collection: 107min. Collections, Drama, Military, Movies, Thril- Volume Six Universal Studios 09.07.2013 lers, War 697min. Rod Steiger, Marlee Matlin, Joe Piscopo, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117113 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Richard Kind, C. Thomas Howell, Dennis 02.07.2013 Weaver, George Hamilton, Mark Rendall, The Adventures Of Mickey Matson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116844 Emma Roberts Adventure, Collections, Family, Movies min. And The Copperhead Treasure 8 Movie Action Thrillers Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ernie Hudson, Christopher Lloyd, Lee Jack Nicholson, Brad Pitt, Julianne Moore, 02.07.2013 Arenberg Juliette Lewis, Mark Wahlberg, Charlize 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116848 Adventure, Family, Magic, Movies 2012 Theron, Joaquin Phoenix, Cate Blanchett, 93min. Giovanni Ribisi, Heath Ledger, Mark 9 Days: Whipped, Chained And Screen Media Films 16.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117088 Ruffalo, Teri Polo, Rose Byrne, Marg Tortured By A Psychopath Helgenberger, Anjelica Huston David Alan Graf Action, Collections, Drama, Movies, Airport Horror, Movies, Torture 2012 80min. Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 814min. George Kennedy, Maureen Stapleton, Dean Allegro Entertainment 28.05.2013 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Martin, Jacqueline Bisset, Van Heflin, Dana 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116624 02.07.2013 Wynter, Helen Hayes, Burt Lancaster, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116813 Lloyd Nolan, Jean Seberg, Barbara Hale - Abducted: Kidnapped And Dir. George Seaton 8 Movie Action: Volume 8 Brutalized Combining a gripping story, intense action and ground- Today is Chris McMahon’s wedding day, until masked breaking special effects, Airport paved the way for a whole Samuel L. Jackson, Richard Harris, Randy kidnappers brutally take him by force and throw him in the new style of disaster film and became a trend-setting box Quaid, Ving Rhames, Denzel Washington, back of a van. On his terrifying journey he will be gagged, office blockbuster. The tension filled adventure stars Burt beaten and accused of a murder he committed as a child, an Lancaster as the manager of an international airport who must James Earl Jones, Dennis Hopper, Peter juggle personal crises with professional responsibilities as Coyote, Lou Diamond Phillips, Robert Ulrich allegation he vehemently denies. Horror, Kidnapping, Movies, Mystery, Thril- he attempts to keep his blizzard-torn facility open to rescue a Action, Collections, Drama, Killer Beauties, bomb-damaged jetliner. Featuring a stellar ensemble cast that lers, Torture 2011 86min. Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Revenge, also include Dean Martin, Jacqueline Bisset, George Kenne- Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 dy, Maureen Stapleton and Helen Hayes, this unforgettable Thrillers 777min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116716 film was nominated for 10 Academy Awards including Best Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Picture and remains a suspense-filled trip from take-off to 02.07.2013 dramatic landing. Disasters, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1970 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116812 Abduction Of Eden Beau Bridges, Jamie Chung 137min. After a night out with friends, Hyun Jae (Jamie Chung) Universal Studios 09.07.2013 8 Movie Family Adventure: accepts a late night ride home from a young firefighter. What 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117120 Volume Four begins as a night of promise quickly turns into when she is abducted and imprisoned in Vegas as a sex Pierce Brosnan, Ernest Borgnine, Kenneth slave. Renamed „Eden“, she learns she must build the trust of Alien Apocalypse / Man With The Branagh, Graham Greene, Barry Corbin, her captors (Matt O’Leary) and sacrifice everything in a Screaming Brain / My Name Is John Denver, C. Thomas Howell, Thomas desperate plea to survive. Drama, Movies, Thrillers 97min. Ian Griffith Bruce (Bruce Campbell Triple Phase 4 Films 11.06.2013 Action, Adventure, Animals & Nature, Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116565 Collections, Desert, Family, Movies, Ted Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Stacy Keach, Wilderness 708min. Peter Jason - Dir. Bruce Campbell, Josh Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Admission Becker 02.07.2013 Gloria Reuben, Paul Rudd, Tina Fey - Dir. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Hor- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116846 Paul Weitz ror, Movies, Science Fiction, Triple Feature Tina Fey and Paul Rudd star in this hilarious and

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262min. Pellington Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 97min. Image Ent. 09.07.2013 A gripping contemporary thriller about the terrible truths that Phase 4 Films 30.07.2013 can hide behind everyday appearances, Arlington Road is an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116890 intense, edge-of-your-seat journey that reveals just how little 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117170 we know about the world around us... Widowed when his FBI An American Girl: Saige Paints agent wife is killed by a right-wing group, college professor Assault On Wall Street (Blu-ray) Michael Faraday becomes obsessed with the culture of these The Sky groups - especially when his new neighbors, the all-American Edward Furlong, Eric Roberts, Dominic Meet nine-year-old Saige, a talented artist with a passion for Oliver and Cheryl Lang (Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack), Purcell - Dir. horses, in this modern-day story about finding your voice! start acting suspiciously. With each twist, the mystery Jim is an average New Yorker living a peaceful life with a Saige is excited about the new school year, until she deepens and the looms - is Faraday just consumed well paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, everything discovers that art - her favorite class - has been cut. On top by fear and driven by paranoia, or has a lethal conspiracy changes when the economy crashes causing Jim to lose his of that, her best friend, Tessa, seems to be spending more and been born on Arlington Road? job, home and wife. Filled with anger and rage, Jim snaps and more time with another girl. For help, Saige turns to her Conspiracies, Drama, Movies, Terrorism, goes to extreme lengths to seek revenge for the life taken from grandma Mimi (), a well-known artist and Thrillers 1999 118min. him. horsewoman, who inspires her to take action. Can Saige find Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 97min. the courage to overcome her fears, and save the art program Image Ent. 16.07.2013 and her friendship with Tessa? Heart-warming, empowering, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116896 Phase 4 Films 30.07.2013 and fun, it’s a movie for every girl who has ever dreamed big. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117184 Art & Architecture, Children’s, Family, Arlington Road (Blu-ray) Friendships, girl power, Movies 2013 Jeff Bridges, Joan Cusack, Tim Robbins, Atomic Age 100min. Hope Davis, Robert Gossett - Dir. Mark Victor and Rainer are typical young French hipsters on their Universal Studios 02.07.2013 way to Paris, swigging Red Bull, bantering about the Stone Pellington Roses, and musing about what awaits them. Checking into a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116566 A gripping contemporary thriller about the terrible truths that club, Victor hits on the girls, while Rainer spikily rebuffs the can hide behind everyday appearances, Arlington Road is an advances of a male admirer. Testosterone surges, bravado An American Girl: Saige Paints intense, edge-of-your-seat journey that reveals just how little leads to a face-off...just another night on the town. Until it’s we know about the world around us... Widowed when his FBI not. Atomic Age is a stunningly shot character study perfectly The Sky (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital agent wife is killed by a right-wing group, college professor capturing what it’s like to be a young man, fumbling their way Michael Faraday becomes obsessed with the culture of these through a sexual awakening, whilst negotiating the delicate Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) groups - especially when his new neighbors, the all-American bonds of friendship. Meet nine-year-old Saige, a talented artist with a passion for Oliver and Cheryl Lang (Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack), Drama, Foreign, French, Gay / Lesbian horses, in this modern-day story about finding your voice! start acting suspiciously. With each twist, the mystery Saige is excited about the new school year, until she deepens and the question looms - is Faraday just consumed Interest, Movies 2012 70min. discovers that art - her favorite class - has been cut. On top by fear and driven by paranoia, or has a lethal conspiracy TLA Releasing 14.05.2013 of that, her best friend, Tessa, seems to be spending more and been born on Arlington Road? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116662 more time with another girl. For help, Saige turns to her Conspiracies, Drama, Movies, Terrorism, grandma Mimi (Jane Seymour), a well-known artist and Thrillers 1999 118min. horsewoman, who inspires her to take action. Can Saige find Attack From Beneath Image Ent. 16.07.2013 the courage to overcome her fears, and save the art program Graham Greene - Dir. Jared Cohn and her friendship with Tessa? Heart-warming, empowering, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116985 and fun, it’s a movie for every girl who has ever dreamed big. When giant monsters crawl out of the Atlantic Ocean and Art & Architecture, Blu-ray, Children’s, attack the Eastern Seaboard, the US Government is forced to Armynel trust A.I. Robots to defend the country. Family, Friendships, girl power, Movies Action, Giant Monsters!, Movies, Science 2013 100min. David Novack Savannah is a personal assistant at a law office. She works Fiction 2013 90min. Universal Studios 02.07.2013 alongside her lover Felicia, a lawyer at the firm. On the Asylum Home Entertainment 09.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116567 surface, their relationship seems perfect but it’s soon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117202 revealed that Savannah’s struggling with a dark secret. Bad dreams soon become nightmares and then progress to American Graffiti hallucinations. Finally, she can’t take it anymore and decides Attack From Beneath (Blu-ray) Harrison Ford, Richard Dreyfuss, Cindy to tell Felicia. Felicia tries to help by introducing her to her psychiatrist Dale Webster, or doctor Dale, as he’s known by. Graham Greene - Dir. Jared Cohn Williams, Candy Clark, Paul LeMat, Although quite eccentric, his methods usually yield results. When giant monsters crawl out of the Atlantic Ocean and Mackenzie Phillips, Suzanne Somers, Ron After Savannah undergoes hypnosis, doctor Dale suspect’s attack the Eastern Seaboard, the US Government is forced to Howard, Charles Martin Smith, Wolfman sexual abuse. He also learns of a mysterious woman named trust A.I. Robots to defend the country. Action, Blu-ray, Giant Monsters!, Movies, Jack - Dir. George Lucas Armynel. After coming out of the session, Savannah has no memory of this woman or the event. Still the dreams persist Science Fiction 2013 90min. From director George Lucas () and producer with each one bringing more hysteria. After learning of Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather), American Graffiti is a Armynel a rift begins to develop between Savannah and Asylum Home Entertainment 09.07.2013 classic coming-of-age story set against the 1960s backdrop of Felicia. Felicia decides to blow off steam and go for a run. To 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117218 hot rods, drive-ins and rock ‘n’ roll. Starring Ron Howard, Savannah’s horror, George, an enraged co-worker, runs Richard Dreyfuss, Harrison Ford, Cindy Williams, down Felicia. This event triggers the murders of George and Mackenzie Philips and Suzanne Somers in their breakout Savannah’s boss Larry. Suspicion mounts as all eyes are now Austin & Ally: All The Write roles, this nostalgic look back follows a group of teenagers focus Moves as they cruise the streets on their last summer night before Crime, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, college. Nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Calum Worthy Picture, Best Director, American Graffiti features the howling Mystery, Thrillers 2012 74min. The odds of making it in the music biz are a billion to one, but sounds of Wolfman Jack and an unforgettable soundtrack with Brain Damage Films 16.07.2013 with the unlikely partnership of Austin and Ally, they are songs by Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, The Beach Boys and Bill 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116519 headed straight to the top. Get ready to rock out on DVD with Haley & His Comets. ’s hottest musical duo, Austin & Ally, in All AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Coming-Of- The Write Moves! Austin Moon (Ross Lynch) is an Age, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Assassins Tale extroverted musician and singer, and Ally Dawsom () is a brilliant but shy who has an extreme Movies, National Film Registry, Nostalgia, Michael Beach, Anna Silk case of stage fright. After Austin performs Ally’s song in a Romance, Troubled Youth 1973 113min. Johnny Solo, a small time hood with his hands in everything, music video that goes viral, the two must combine their talents Universal Studios 09.07.2013 believes he’s hit the jackpot when he learns the identity of to create a true musical tour-de-force. Together with their mafia legend Carlo Manfredi’s illegitimate child. Double- best friends Trish (Raini Rodriguez) and Dez (Calum 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117121 crossing everyone he works with, he decides to sell his Worthy), they chase after their dreams - and take some information to a tabloid reporter. But in life, timing is hilarious detours along the way! everything, and Johnny Solo’s clock is ticking. Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Family, Music, Antwone Fisher / Courage Under Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Television 2011 156min. Fire / The Siege (Triple Feature) Movies 2013 92min. Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 MTI Home Video 09.07.2013 (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117056 Action, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117001 Military, Movies, Politics, Terrorism, Thril- Awesome Killer Audition: It’s lers, Triple Feature, War, War In The Middle Assault On Wall Street East min. Edward Furlong, Eric Roberts, Dominic Murder Being A Star Awesome Magazine decides to branch out and make a movie. 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 Purcell - Dir. Uwe Boll They hold auditions which attract hopefuls, all believing they 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116975 Jim is an average New Yorker living a peaceful life with a have what it takes. X-Factor style, the judges throw them off well paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, everything the stage. Each one comes with the desire to be famous and changes when the economy crashes causing Jim to lose his the will to do almost anything to get it. But something goes Arlington Road job, home and wife. Filled with anger and rage, Jim snaps and wrong as one actor decides he knows best and takes control goes to extreme lengths to seek revenge for the life taken from of the proceedings with a loaded gun. Jeff Bridges, Joan Cusack, Tim Robbins, him. Hope Davis, Robert Gossett - Dir. Mark Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 75min.

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Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 Maria Stella Splendore, Marta Anderson, Grace Park, Stephanie Jacobson, Aaron 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116629 Nadia Destro - Dir. Oswaldo De Oliveira Douglas, Rekha Sharma - Dir. Edward Action, Collections, Drama, Erotica, James Olmos, Felix Alcala Babe Exploitation, Movies, Prison 460min. Action, Blu-ray, Double Features, James Cromwell, Magda Szubanski - Dir. Blue Underground 30.07.2013 Intergalactic War, Movies, Science Fiction, Chris Noonan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116787 Television, TV Movies, War min. Academy Award Winners, Adventure, Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Animals & Nature, Comedy, Drama, Family, Banshee: The Complete First 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116584 Fantasy, Movies 1995 92min. Season Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Ivana Milicevic, Ulrich Thomsen A Beautiful Mind / Cinderella 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117122 From the creator of , this exciting new Cinemax Man (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) action drama charts the twists and turns that follow Lucas Hood (Antony Starr), an ex-convict who improbably becomes Bruce McGill, Ed Harris, Renee Zellweger, Babette’s Feast: 2 DVD Edition - sheriff of a rural, Amish-area town while searching for a Christopher Plummer, Russell Crowe, The Criterion Collection woman he last saw 15 years ago, when he gave himself up to Jennifer Connelly, Paul Giamatti, Craig police to let her escape after a jewel heist. Living in Banshee Stephane Audran, Birgitte Federspiel, Bodil under an assumed name, Carrie Hopewell (Ivana Milicevic) is Bierko, Judd Hirsch, Anthony Rapp, Josh Kjer, Bibi Anderson, Jarl Kulle, Ebbe Rode - now married to the local DA, has two children (one of whom Lucas, Paul Bettany, Adam Goldberg, Pad- may be Lucas’), and is trying desperately to keep a low dy Considine - Dir. Ron Howard Dir. Gabriel Axel profile - until Lucas arrives to shake up her world and At once a rousing paean to artistic creation, a delicate rekindle old passions. Complicating matters is the fact that Universal Studios, Biography, Biopics, Blu- evocation of divine grace, and the ultimate film about food, the Banshee is riddled by corruption, with an Amish overlord, Kai ray, Boxing, Double Features, Drama, Men- Oscar-winning Babette’s Feast is a deeply beloved cinematic Proctor (Ulrich Thomsen), brutally building a local empire of tal Illness, Movies, Sports min. treasure. Directed by Gabriel Axel and adapted from a story drugs, gambling and graft. With the help of a boxer-turned- by Isak Dinesen, this is the layered tale of a French barkeeper named Sugar Bates (Frankie Faison), Lucas is Universal Studios 04.06.2013 housekeeper with a mysterious past who brings quiet able to stay on even footing with Kai and his thugs, and even 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116585 revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of manages to bring a measure of tough justice to Banshee. But starkly pious villagers in late nineteenth-century Denmark. eventually, Lucas’ appetite for pulling heists pulls him and Babette’s Feast combines earthiness and reverence in an Carrie into a dangerous cauldron of duplicity, exac Before Sunrise / Before Sunset (2 indescribably moving depiction of pleasure that goes to your head like fine champagne. Action, Crime, Drama, HBO, Mystery, Tele- Pack) Art House, Book-To-Film, Criterion vision, Thrillers 2013 600min. Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy - Dir. Richard Collection, Danish, Drama, Foreign, HBO Home Video 30.07.2013 Linklater Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Romance 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116770 2 Packs, Art House, Comedy, Drama, 1987 103min. Movies, Romance 185min. Criterion 23.07.2013 Banshee: The Complete First Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116674 Season (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116853 (Blu-ray) Babette’s Feast: The Criterion Ivana Milicevic, Ulrich Thomsen Being Human: Season Five Collection (Blu-ray) From the creator of True Blood, this exciting new Cinemax Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow, Michael Stephane Audran, Birgitte Federspiel, Bodil action drama charts the twists and turns that follow Lucas Socha, Damien Molony Hood (Antony Starr), an ex-convict who improbably becomes Season five of Being Human is the biggest and boldest yet. Kjer, Bibi Anderson, Jarl Kulle, Ebbe Rode - sheriff of a rural, Amish-area town while searching for a We join Hal, Tom and Alex as they continue their search for Dir. Gabriel Axel woman he last saw 15 years ago, when he gave himself up to their lost humanity, but once again a threat lurks around every At once a rousing paean to artistic creation, a delicate police to let her escape after a jewel heist. Living in Banshee corner. There is the volatile and deluded Crumb - a newly evocation of divine grace, and the ultimate film about food, the under an assumed name, Carrie Hopewell (Ivana Milicevic) is recruited vampire, and the sinister Mr. Rook - head of a Oscar-winning Babette’s Feast is a deeply beloved cinematic now married to the local DA, has two children (one of whom secret government department tasked with keeping treasure. Directed by Gabriel Axel and adapted from a story may be Lucas’), and is trying desperately to keep a low supernatural activity under wraps. With bills to be paid, our by Isak Dinesen, this is the layered tale of a French profile - until Lucas arrives to shake up her world and heroes take jobs in Barry’s kitschiest hotel. But alongside the housekeeper with a mysterious past who brings quiet rekindle old passions. Complicating matters is the fact that tacky décor and the cocktail umbrellas dwells an evil greater revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of Banshee is riddled by corruption, with an Amish overlord, Kai than anything Hal, Tom and Alex have faced before. On the starkly pious villagers in late nineteenth-century Denmark. Proctor (Ulrich Thomsen), brutally building a local empire of face of it, Captain Hatch is just another foul-mouthed decrepit Babette’s Feast combines earthiness and reverence in an drugs, gambling and graft. With the help of a boxer-turned- old man but he hides a dark secret that threatens not only our indescribably moving depiction of pleasure that goes to your barkeeper named Sugar Bates (Frankie Faison), Lucas is heroes’ friendships but the entire world. head like fine champagne. able to stay on even footing with Kai and his thugs, and even manages to bring a measure of tough justice to Banshee. But BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Art House, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Criterion eventually, Lucas’ appetite for pulling heists pulls him and Foreign, Ghosts, International TV, Collection, Danish, Drama, Foreign, Carrie into a dangerous cauldron of duplicity, exac Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Romance Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, HBO, Vampires, Werewolves 2013 min. 1987 103min. Mystery, Television, Thrillers 2013 600min. BBC Home Video 20.08.2013 Criterion 23.07.2013 HBO Home Video 30.07.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117029 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116692 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116788 Being Human: Season Five (Blu- Backdraft Barney: Imagine With Barney ray) Donald Sutherland, Kurt Russell, Scott Come along for an imagination extravaganza! Join Barney and Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow, Michael Glenn, William Baldwin, Jennifer Jason his friends as they use their imaginations to visit places near and far, and explore their creativity through drawing, song Socha, Damien Molony Leigh, Rebecca De Mornay, Robert De Niro and dance! The dinos explore a tropical island paradise when Season five of Being Human is the biggest and boldest yet. - Dir. Ron Howard they bring a painting to life, and go for a ride when they build We join Hal, Tom and Alex as they continue their search for From Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard, their very own bus and airplane using imagination and their lost humanity, but once again a threat lurks around every Backdraft is a visually stunning, emotionally charged, action- teamwork! The dinos always know how to have a tee-rific time corner. There is the volatile and deluded Crumb - a newly thriller about the adventurous lives of professional with creativity and good friends! recruited vampire, and the sinister Mr. Rook - head of a firefighters. Kurt Russell and William Baldwin star as two Children’s, Children’s / Educational, secret government department tasked with keeping feuding siblings carrying on a heroic family tradition as Dinosaurs, Family, Preschool, Television supernatural activity under wraps. With bills to be paid, our Chicago firefighters. When a puzzling series of arson attacks heroes take jobs in Barry’s kitschiest hotel. But alongside the is reported, they are forced to set aside their differences to 88min. tacky décor and the cocktail umbrellas dwells an evil greater solve the mystery surrounding these explosive crimes. Scott Lionsgate 09.07.2013 than anything Hal, Tom and Alex have faced before. On the Glenn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Rebecca DeMornay, Donald 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116801 face of it, Captain Hatch is just another foul-mouthed decrepit Sutherland and Robert De Niro also star in this critically old man but he hides a dark secret that threatens not only our acclaimed suspense story that features Academy Award- heroes’ friendships but the entire world. nominated Special Effects and Sound with some of the most Battlestar Galactica: The Plan / BBC, Blu-ray, British, Comedy, Drama, awe-inspiring fire sequences ever filmed. Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, International TV, Action, Disasters, Drama, Firefighters, Battlestar Galactica: Razor Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, Movies, Thrillers 1991 137min. (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Vampires, Werewolves 2013 360min. Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Edward James Olmos, Michelle Forbes, BBC Home Video 20.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117123 Dean Stockwell, Mary McDonnell, Kate 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117045 Vernon, Callum Keith Rennie, Michael Bad Girls Behind Bars Collection Hogan, Michael Trucco, James Callis, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, The Best Little Whorehouse In

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Texas UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Dir. Katie Aselton Three young women - Sarah (Kate Bosworth), Abby (Katie Charles Durning, Burt Reynolds, Jim Steve Buscemi, Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moo- Aselton) and Lou (Lake Bell) - get together for a private Nabors, Dolly Parton, Dom DeLuise - Dir. re, John Turturro, John Goodman, David campout at one of the iconic settings of their childhood, an Colin Higgins Huddleston - Dir. Joel Coen empty island off the coast of Maine, to renew their bond of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas documents in rousing From the Academy Award-winning Coen brothers (Fargo, sisterhood. They quickly learn, though, that the island is song and dance a new Texas Legend, which now joins the True Grit), The Big Lebowski is a hilariously quirky comedy anything but empty, when they encounter three men, who have Alamo as a historical institution immortalized in story, song, about bowling a severed toe, White Russians and a guy come to the island to hunt. A misunderstanding quickly turns book, play and movie. The demise of the real life Chicken named . . . The Dude. Jeff „The Dude“ Lebowski doesn’t want to tragedy, and the three women soon find themselves the Ranch inspired the musical stage play, and now the big any drama in his life . . . heck, he can’t even be bothered with targets of the hunt. What started as a simple playdate to recall screen version stars Burt Reynolds as Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd a job. But, he must embark on a quest with his bowling old times is now a race for survival. and Dolly Parton as the Chicken Ranch’s proprietress, Miss buddies after his rug is destroyed in a twisted case of Action, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, Thrillers Mona. The two join together not only in romance, but to fight mistaken identity. Starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, 2012 83min. big city TV crusader Melvin P. Thorpe (Dom Deluise) in his Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Philip Seymour Hoffman and efforts to expose the Chicken Ranch to public scandal, and John Turturro, experience the cultural phenomenon of The Lionsgate 30.07.2013 thus close it down. Dude in the „#1 cult film of all time!“ (The Globe) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117079 Comedy, Music, Musical 1982 115min. Universal Studios, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Film Noir, Kid- Black Rock (DVD + UltraViolet) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117124 napping, Movies, Stoners, Thrillers 1998 Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Katie Aselton - 119min. Dir. Katie Aselton Best Of Warner Bros.: 20 Film Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Three young women - Sarah (Kate Bosworth), Abby (Katie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116568 Aselton) and Lou (Lake Bell) - get together for a private Collection - Thrillers campout at one of the iconic settings of their childhood, an Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Harry empty island off the coast of Maine, to renew their bond of Bikini Royale sisterhood. They quickly learn, though, that the island is Guardino, Andy Robinson, , anything but empty, when they encounter three men, who have John Vernon, James Mason, Dorothy Monique Parent, Nicole Sheridan, Christine come to the island to hunt. A misunderstanding quickly turns Malone, Clint Eastwood, John Larch, Rene Nguyen to tragedy, and the three women soon find themselves the Beverly Lynne stars as Special Agent Tanya X in her second targets of the hunt. What started as a simple playdate to recall Santoni, Eva Marie Saint, Martha Vickers, adventure (following up on Girl from B.I.K.I.N.I.) where she old times is now a race for survival. Jessie Royce Landis - Dir. Alfred attempts to unmask enemy agents who are passing top secret Action, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Hitchcock, Don Siegel, Howard Hawks missile plans via high stakes poker games. This exciting and sexy sequel is from the cult movie mavens at Retromedia 83min. Action, AFI Top 100, Boxed Sets, Classics, Entertainment and also stars Nicole Sheridan, Christine Lionsgate 30.07.2013 Collections, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Cult Nguyen, and Monique Parent. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117068 Film / TV, Detectives, Film Noir, Movies, Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Spoofs & Mystery, National Film Registry, Spies & Parodies 2009 80min. Black Sabbath: Standard Edition Secret Agents, Thrillers min. Retromedia 23.07.2013 Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117025 Remastered 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117114 Boris Karloff, Mark Damon, Michele Mercier, Bikini Royale 2 Jacqueline Pierreux, Massimo Righi, Glauco Onorato, Susy Anderson, Rika Dialina, Lidia The Big Lebowski Beverly Lynne, Jayden Cole, Brandin Alfonsi - Dir. Mario Bava Steve Buscemi, Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moo- Rackley - Dir. Fred Olen Ray A beautiful woman is terrorized by call from an ex-lover who re, John Turturro, John Goodman, David Get ready for more Double-O thrills as Special Agent Tanya X has escaped from prison for the pleasure of killing her...a infiltrates a high-priced call girl ring in order to uncover a family becomes a feeding ground when their father returns Huddleston - Dir. Joel Coen deadly nest of enemy spies in the third film of the famous Girl From the Academy Award-winning Coen brothers (Fargo, home wounded after ridding the countryside of a hideous from B.I.K.I.N.I. series. Can she crack the mystery of the vampire...a nurse is haunted by reproaches from the Beyond True Grit), The Big Lebowski is a hilariously quirky comedy missing girls in time or will her erotic escapades be her about bowling a severed toe, White Russians and a guy after stealing aring from the finger of a dead medium! Join undoing once and for all? This thrilling and sexy adventure is Boris Karloff as he hosts (and stars in) this trilogy of terror named . . . The Dude. Jeff „The Dude“ Lebowski doesn’t want from the cult movie producers at Retromedia Entertainment any drama in his life . . . heck, he can’t even be bothered with tales - presented in its original aspect ratio and remastered in and stars Beverly Lynne (reprising her role as Tanya X), HD for the first time, with every shock intact! Black Sabbath a job. But, he must embark on a quest with his bowling Brandin Rackley, and Jayden Cole. buddies after his rug is destroyed in a twisted case of was recut for its American theatrical release. This is the mistaken identity. Starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Spoofs & original Italian- language versionwith optional English Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Parodies 2010 81min. subtitles. Movie only edition. John Turturro, experience the cultural phenomenon of The Retromedia 23.07.2013 Anthologies, Classics, Foreign, Ghosts, Dude in the „#1 cult film of all time!“ (The Boston Globe) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117026 , Horror, Italian, Movies, Supernatural Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, & Paranormal, Vampires 1963 86min. Dark Comedy, Film Noir, Kidnapping, Birds Of A Feather Kino Video 16.07.2013 Movies, Stoners, Thrillers 1998 119min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116925 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Gucci Mane - Dir. Curtis Franklin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117125 Drama, Movies, Music 2012 79min. Screen Media Films 25.06.2013 Black Sabbath: Standard Edition The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray + Digi- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116525 Remastered (Blu-ray) Boris Karloff, Mark Damon, Michele Mercier, tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Birds Jacqueline Pierreux, Massimo Righi, Glauco Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Jessica Tandy, Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor, Onorato, Susy Anderson, Rika Dialina, Lidia Buscemi, Julianne Moore, John Turturro, Suzanne Pleshette - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Alfonsi - Dir. Mario Bava David Huddleston - Dir. Joel Coen Nothing equals The Birds for sheer terror when Alfred A beautiful woman is terrorized by call from an ex-lover who From the Academy Award-winning Coen brothers (Fargo, Hitchcock unleashes his foul friends in one of his most shok- has escaped from prison for the pleasure of killing her...a True Grit), The Big Lebowski is a hilariously quirky comedy king and memorable masterpieces. As beautiful blond Melanie family becomes a feeding ground when their father returns about bowling a severed toe, White Russians and a guy Daniels (‘Tippi’ Hedren) rolls into Bodega Bay in pursuit of home wounded after ridding the countryside of a hideous named . . . The Dude. Jeff „The Dude“ Lebowski doesn’t want eligible bachelor Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), she is vampire...a nurse is haunted by reproaches from the Beyond any drama in his life . . . heck, he can’t even be bothered with inexplicably attacked by a seagull. Suddenly thousands of after stealing aring from the finger of a dead medium! Join a job. But, he must embark on a quest with his bowling birds are flocking into town, preying on school children and Boris Karloff as he hosts (and stars in) this trilogy of terror buddies after his rug is destroyed in a twisted case of residents in a terrifying series of attacks. Soon Mitch and tales - presented in its original aspect ratio and remastered in mistaken identity. Starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Melanie are fighting for their lives against a deadly force that HD for the first time, with every shock intact! Black Sabbath Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Philip Seymour Hoffman and can’t be explained and can’t be stopped in one of Hollywood’s was recut for its American theatrical release. This is the John Turturro, experience the cultural phenomenon of The most horrific films of nature gone berserk. original Italian- language versionwith optional English Dude in the „#1 cult film of all time!“ (The Boston Globe) AFI Top 100, Animals & Nature, Classics, subtitles. Movie only edition. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Anthologies, Blu-ray, Classics, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1963 Dark Comedy, Film Noir, Kidnapping, Ghosts, Giallo, Horror, Italian, Movies, 120min. Movies, Stoners, Thrillers 1998 119min. Supernatural & Paranormal, Vampires 1963 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 86min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117126 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117132 Kino Video 16.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116995 The Big Lebowski (Steelbook + Black Rock (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + (Blu-ray) Blaze You Out Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Katie Aselton - Elizabeth Pena

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Lupe - a strong-willed aspiring DJ - and her younger sister legends Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Cab features only available on DVD! Alicia live in a community suffocated by generations of heroin Calloway. ABC, Crime, Drama, Nurses & Doctors, use. When Alicia witnesses her boyfriend’s murder and Action, Blues, Blu-ray, Buddy Pictures, disappears , Lupe braves the town’s dangerous Television 2013 559min. underworld to find her. She quickly discovers that in order to Cars & Motorcycles, Chases, Classics, Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 save the person that matters most she must harness the power Comedy, Movies, Music, Musical, Road 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116596 that exists within, and not stop until her sister is home safe. Trips, TV Remakes 1980 min. Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Bonanza: The Official Sixth 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117133 Lionsgate 30.07.2013 Season - Volume One 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117069 Boardwalk Empire: The Complete Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, Dan Blok- ker, Lorne Greene Blood And Sand (Blu-ray) Third Season One of the longest running and most popular of all television Steve Buscemi, Kelly Macdonald, Shea programs, Bonanza has become a part of American mythology. Rita Hayworth, Tyrone Power Jr. For fourteen seasons, audiences enthusiastically tuned in to Tyrone Power (The Mark of Zorro) and Rita Hayworth Whigham, Bobby Cannavale, Michael see the High-Sierra adventures of the Cartwright clan. (Gilda) lead a star-studded cast in this „magnificent picture“ Shannon Nestled amongst the pines above the shores of Lake Tahoe is (L.A. Examiner) about a legendary matador’s path to fame and One of HBO’s signature shows, this one-hour drama series the Ponderosa, the thousand-square mile home of Ben the temptations threatening to lead him astray. Based on the chronicles the life and times of Enoch „Nucky“ Thompson Cartwright and his sons, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe. Guest novel by Vicente Blasco Ibanez and winner of an Academy (Golden Globe winner Steve Buscemi), Atlantic City’s players were a veritable Who’s Who of classic Hollywood Award®, Blood And Sand is a „potent drama of love and undisputed czar at a time when Prohibition proved to be a and upcoming superstars, and timeless stories continue to danger, pride and death“ (Variety). After spending years on major catalyst in the rise of organized crime in America. appeal to contemporary audiences of all ages. the road building a name for himself, Juan Gallardo (Power) Picking up 16 months after Season 2 ended, Season 3 begins Classics, Cowboy, Television, Western returns to his hometown to claim the hand of his childhood on New Year’s Eve 1922-23. The Roaring ’20s are about to love and continue his rise toward becoming the country’s start; though the economy is booming, alcohol has become 1964 912min. greatest matador. But when he catches the eye of a beautiful scarce, competition is fierce, and gangster violence is heating 07.09.2013 seductress (Hayworth) intent on making him her own, Juan up. Amidst this backdrop, Nucky, whose marriage to Margaret 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116665 will learn that the battles that matter most are fought outside (Kelly Macdonald) has become a sham after she signed away the ring. his highway windfall to the church, faces new competition in Drama, Movies, Romance, Sports 1941 the person of Gyp Rosetti (new cast member Bobby Bonanza: The Official Sixth Cannavale), who builds a new strategic bulkhead between 125min. and Atlantic City in an effort to siphon off Nucky’s Season - Volume Two 20th Century Fox 09.07.2013 alcohol business. The conflict brings out the best and worst Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, Dan Blok- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117106 in Nucky, who proves his brutal mettle in a series of violent encounters. New and familiar faces also undergo compelling ker, Lorne Greene metamorphoses as the 12 new episodes of Boardwalk Empire One of the longest running and most popular of all television Blood For Irina (Blu-ray + DVD unfold. programs, Bonanza has become a part of American mythology. Crime, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period For fourteen seasons, audiences enthusiastically tuned in to Combo) (Blu-ray) see the High-Sierra adventures of the Cartwright clan. A psychological, bloody vampire tale and a fever dream Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Politics, Tele- Nestled amongst the pines above the shores of Lake Tahoe is inspired by Herzog, Rollin and Franco, Blood For Irina turns vision 2012 733min. the Ponderosa, the thousand-square mile home of Ben its lens on Irina, a predator stalking the streets at night HBO Home Video 20.08.2013 Cartwright and his sons, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe. Guest looking for blood. Having lived over a century and now living players were a veritable Who’s Who of classic Hollywood in a run-down seaside motel with the motel manager, it’s clear 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117151 and upcoming superstars, and timeless stories continue to they may have reached the end of the road. However, the appeal to contemporary audiences of all ages. appearance of a broken prostitute may yet change everything. Boardwalk Empire: The Complete Classics, Cowboy, Television, Western Three people living life on the fringe, trapped in a world of 1965 811min. literal and figurative decay, who may have more in common Third Season (Blu-ray + DVD + than they even know. Paramount Pictures 09.07.2013 Horror, Movies, Vampires 2012 min. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116666 TLA Releasing 14.05.2013 Steve Buscemi, Kelly Macdonald, Shea 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116697 Whigham, Bobby Cannavale, Michael The Bourne Identity (Blu-ray + Shannon Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- One of HBO’s signature shows, this one-hour drama series The Blues Brothers chronicles the life and times of Enoch „Nucky“ Thompson ray) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown, (Golden Globe winner Steve Buscemi), Atlantic City’s undisputed czar at a time when Prohibition proved to be a Matt Damon, Brian Cox, Chris Cooper, Carrie Fisher, Aretha Franklin, Cab major catalyst in the rise of organized crime in America. Franka Potente, Clive Owen - Dir. Doug Calloway, Ray Charles, Henry Gibson - Dir. Picking up 16 months after Season 2 ended, Season 3 begins Liman John Landis on New Year’s Eve 1922-23. The Roaring ’20s are about to Racing to unlock the secret of his own identity, he discovers Comedy icons John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star in the start; though the economy is booming, alcohol has become the deadly truth: he’s an elite government agent, a 20 million outrageously funny musical comedy The Blues Brothers. After scarce, competition is fierce, and gangster violence is heating dollar weapon the government no longer trusts. Now this top the release of Jake Blues (Belushi) from prison, he and up. Amidst this backdrop, Nucky, whose marriage to Margaret operative is the government’s number one target in this super- brother Elwood (Aykroyd) take their blues band back on the (Kelly Macdonald) has become a sham after she signed away charged, thrill-a-minute spectacular loaded with „non-stop road in an attempt to raise money for where his highway windfall to the church, faces new competition in action!“ (Bill Zwecker, FOX-TV) they were raised. Havoc ensues as the brothers seek the person of Gyp Rosetti (new cast member Bobby Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Crime, redemption on their „mission from God“. Directed by John Cannavale), who builds a new strategic bulkhead between Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House), the soul-stirring New York and Atlantic City in an effort to siphon off Nucky’s Drama, Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret comedy classic features musical performances by blues alcohol business. The conflict brings out the best and worst Agents, Thrillers 2002 119min. legends Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Cab in Nucky, who proves his brutal mettle in a series of violent Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Calloway. encounters. New and familiar faces also undergo compelling metamorphoses as the 12 new episodes of Boardwalk Empire 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116648 Action, Blues, Buddy Pictures, Cars & unfold. Motorcycles, Chases, Classics, Comedy, Crime, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period The Bourne Identity (Blu-ray + Movies, Music, Musical, Road Trips, TV Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Politics, Tele- Remakes 1980 min. vision 2012 733min. Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Universal Studios 09.07.2013 HBO Home Video 20.08.2013 ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117127 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117172 Matt Damon, Brian Cox, Chris Cooper, Franka Potente, Clive Owen - Dir. Doug The Blues Brothers (Blu-ray + Di- Body Of Proof: The Complete Liman gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Racing to unlock the secret of his own identity, he discovers Third Season the deadly truth: he’s an elite government agent, a 20 million John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown, Dana Delany, Jeri Ryan, Geoffrey Arend dollar weapon the government no longer trusts. Now this top Carrie Fisher, Aretha Franklin, Cab Dana Delany is back as Dr. Megan Hunt, facing her greatest operative is the government’s number one target in this super- Calloway, Ray Charles, Henry Gibson - Dir. challenge yet in ABC’s Body Of Proof: The Complete Third charged, thrill-a-minute spectacular loaded with „non-stop Season. In the wake of Inspector Peter Dunlop’s death, action!“ (Bill Zwecker, FOX-TV) John Landis Megan returns to work to find her new partner is an old flame. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Crime, Comedy icons John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star in the Will her history with Detective Tommy Sullivan make working Drama, Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret outrageously funny musical comedy The Blues Brothers. After side by side impossible? Their search for justice becomes the release of Jake Blues (Belushi) from prison, he and even more personal when a serial killer takes Megan’s Agents, Thrillers 2002 119min. brother Elwood (Aykroyd) take their blues band back on the daughter, Lacey, hostage. get ready for a season of Universal Studios 04.06.2013 road in an attempt to raise money for the orphanage where provocative twists and turns all leading up to the ultimate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117134 they were raised. Havoc ensues as the brothers seek mystery of Megan’s life. The stakes are higher and the thrills redemption on their „mission from God“. Directed by John are bigger than ever in ABC’s Body Of Proof: The Complete Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House), the soul-stirring Thrid Season, complete with never-before-seen bonus The Bourne Supremacy (Blu-ray comedy classic features musical performances by blues

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+ Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- wickedness and evil, armed with faith lasers (not guns) The Bronte Sisters (Blu-ray) special martial arts skills, and the power of the Holy Bible, ray) these young boys display courage in the midst of battle while Isabelle Adjani, Isabelle Huppert - Dir. An- Matt Damon, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles, Franka delivering their friends and community from dangers that range dre Techine from the terrible Evil Bots to the bully on the street corner. In a remote English village, three sisters - Charlotte, Emily Potente, Gabriel Mann, Karl Urban, Joan And while they did it, they also help teach about literacy, and Anne - live a simple life with their brother, Branwell, and Allen - Dir. Paul Greengrass math, and science skills along the way. This action-packed their father, the pastor Patrick Brontë. Although compelled to They should have left him alone. Academy Award® winner animated series is full of faith-based adventure, drama, and take posts as governesses or private tutors, the four siblings Matt Damon is back as expert assassin Jason Bourne in this fun for kids of all ages. nurture their artistic aspirations. Branwell’s poems begin to stunning, non-stop action hit. Fuelled by awesome fight Family, Religion/Spirituality, Television 2012 interest other writers and each of the sisters publish a scenes and some of the most breathtaking chase sequences 120min. successful novel. The family’s good fortune, however, is short ever filmed, it’s a state-of-the-art espionage thriller that E1 Entertainment 02.07.2013 lived, and soon tragedy strikes. explodes into action and never lets up! Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116776 Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance 1979 Chases, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, 120min. Thrillers 2004 109min. The Brass Teapot E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Michael Angarano, Alexis Bledel, Juno 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116803 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116649 Temple John and Alice live in small-town America-married, very much in love, and broke. But an accident leads them to a roadside The Mel Brooks Collection (Blu- The Bourne Ultimatum (Blu-ray + antique shop where Alice is spontaneously drawn to a ray) Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- mysterious brass teapot. It isn’t long before they realize that this is no ordinary teapot and that perhaps they have found Mel Brooks - Dir. Mel Brooks ray) the answer to all of their financial woes. John and Alice must Just saying his name invokes a smile. One of cinema’s most Matt Damon, Scott Glenn, David Strathairn, decide how far they will go to fulfill their dreams of wealth. celebrated, prolific and funniest filmmakers, Mel Brooks has Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Fantasy, built an enviable career, delivering hit after hit after hit, each , Julia Stiles, Joan Allen, Pad- Magic, Movies, Thrillers 2012 101min. one as memorable and quotable as the next. This exclusive dy Considine, Edgar Ramirez - Dir. Paul nine-disc set includes some of the most sidesplitting, gut- Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 Greengrass busting, guffaw-inducing films ever made, as well as a highly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117009 collectible 120-page hardcover book exploring the professio- Matt Damon returns as highly trained assassin Jason Bourne, nal and personal life of this titan of comedy. „Enjoy! Revel! who is on the hunt for the agents who stole his memory and Live!“ as Mel says.... and „have yourselves one sweetheart of true identity. With a new generation of skilled CIA operatives The Brass Teapot (Blu-ray) a good time.“ tracking his every move, Bourne is in a non-stop race around the globe as he finally learns the truth behind his mysterious Michael Angarano, Alexis Bledel, Juno Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Director / past. Loaded with incredible fight and chase sequences, it’s Temple Writer Box Sets, Movies, Spoofs & the exhilarating movie with „mind-blowing action“ (Roger John and Alice live in small-town America-married, very much Parodies min. Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) that you can’t afford to miss! in love, and broke. But an accident leads them to a roadside 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Listen to our Exclusive Podcast with Bourne Producer Frank antique shop where Alice is spontaneously drawn to a Marshall! mysterious brass teapot. It isn’t long before they realize that 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116946 Academy Award Winners, Action, this is no ordinary teapot and that perhaps they have found Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Mystery, Spies the answer to all of their financial woes. John and Alice must Bruce Almighty & Secret Agents, Thrillers 2007 116min. decide how far they will go to fulfill their dreams of wealth. Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Comedy, , Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Anis- Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Fantasy, Magic, Movies, Thrillers 2012 ton, Philip Baker Hall - Dir. Tom Shadyac 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116650 Comic genius Jim Carrey stars with Jennifer Aniston and 101min. Morgan Freeman in the entertaining comedy hit of the year Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 that critics are applauding as a „laugh a minute“ (Jim Boy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117037 Ferguson, FOX-TV). Bruce Nolan (Carrey) is a TV reporter Taika Waititi - Dir. Taika Waititi who believes the entire universe is against him. In a The year is 1984, and on the rural East Coast of New Zealand life-altering encounter, the Big Guy Upstairs (Freeman) Michael Jackson’s „Thriller“ is changing kids’ lives. „Boy“ is The Breakfast Club endows Bruce with all of His divine powers and challenges a dreamer who lives with his brother Rocky, a tribe of Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Bruce to take on the big job to see if he can do it any better. deserted cousins and his Nan. While Boy idolizes Michael Bruce Almighty is the wildly funny comedy featuring „Jim Jackson his other hero is his father, Alamein (played by Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Carrey at his best!“ (, Hot Ticket) director /writer Taika Waititi), who is a distant memory to him, Paul Gleason - Dir. John Hughes Comedy, Fantasy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, but is the subject of Boy’s dreams and fantasies. Boy imagines Comedy, Drama, Friendships, High School, Movies, On The Job 2003 102min. his father as a deep sea diver, a war hero and a close relati- ve of Michael Jackson (he can even dance like him), but in Movies, Romance, Troubled Youth 1985 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 reality he’s „in the can for robbery“. When Alamein returns 97min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117138 home after seven years away, Boy is forced to confront the Universal Studios 09.07.2013 man he thought he remembered find his own potential and learn to get along without the hero he had been hoping for. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117137 Bubblegum And Broken Fingers Inspired by the Oscar nominated Two Cars, One Night, Boy is A Roller Coaster set of events in the Nevada desert unveil a the hilarious and heartfelt coming-of-age tale about heroes, The Breakfast Club (Blu-ray + Di- mysterious briefcase to three women who learn they are magic and Michael Jackson. willing to stab, shoot and kill to keep it. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 90min. gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Movies, Kino Video 09.07.2013 Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Anthony Mi- Mystery, Western 2011 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116923 chael Hall, Ally Sheedy, Paul Gleason, Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 Emilio Estevez - Dir. John Hughes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116858 Boy (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Friendships, High School, Taika Waititi - Dir. Taika Waititi Movies, Romance, Troubled Youth 1985 The Bunny Game The year is 1984, and on the rural East Coast of New Zealand 97min. Horror, Movies 2010 min. Michael Jackson’s „Thriller“ is changing kids’ lives. „Boy“ is Universal Studios 09.07.2013 a dreamer who lives with his brother Rocky, a tribe of TLA Releasing 31.07.2012 deserted cousins and his Nan. While Boy idolizes Michael 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117147 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116687 Jackson his other hero is his father, Alamein (played by director /writer Taika Waititi), who is a distant memory to him, The Bronte Sisters but is the subject of Boy’s dreams and fantasies. Boy imagines The Bunny Game (Blu-ray + DVD his father as a deep sea diver, a war hero and a close relati- Isabelle Adjani, Isabelle Huppert - Dir. An- Combo) (Blu-ray) ve of Michael Jackson (he can even dance like him), but in dre Techine reality he’s „in the can for robbery“. When Alamein returns In a remote English village, three sisters - Charlotte, Emily Horror, Movies 2010 min. home after seven years away, Boy is forced to confront the and Anne - live a simple life with their brother, Branwell, and TLA Releasing 31.07.2012 man he thought he remembered find his own potential and their father, the pastor Patrick Brontë. Although compelled to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116698 learn to get along without the hero he had been hoping for. take posts as governesses or private tutors, the four siblings Inspired by the Oscar nominated Two Cars, One Night, Boy is nurture their artistic aspirations. Branwell’s poems begin to the hilarious and heartfelt coming-of-age tale about heroes, interest other writers and each of the sisters publish a Bus Stop (Blu-ray) magic and Michael Jackson. successful novel. The family’s good fortune, however, is short Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 90min. lived, and soon tragedy strikes. Marilyn Monroe, Betty Field, Don Murray, Kino Video 09.07.2013 Biography, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, Eileen Heckart - Dir. Joshua Logan Marilyn Monroe gives and acclaimed performance in the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116993 French, Movies, Romance 1979 120min. romantic classic directed by Joshua Logan that features Don E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 Murray in his Oscar-Nominated role! When Bo (Murray) a Boys Of Valor: Volume One 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116793 naive rodeo rider, meets saloon performer Cherie (Monroe), he falls head over boots in love. After her literally lassoes A superhero team of brothers fighting against spiritual

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Cherie onto a bus headed for Montana, where he plans to to film. unexpected! marry her, Cherie escapes of the bus - smack in the middle of AFI Top 100, Classics, Film Noir, Movies, Action, Classics, Comedy, Movies, Murder a snowstorm. But if Bo can learn to reign in his emotions, he might convince Cherie to warm up to him in this rewarding Revenge, Stalkers, Thrillers 1962 106min. Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Thieves, film. Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Thrillers 1963 114min. Classics, Comedy, Movies 1956 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117139 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 20th Century Fox 30.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117141 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117109 Car Wash , , Antonio Charade (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Caged Women Fargas, Lorraine Gary, Franklyn Ajaye, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Hidden deep in the remote South American jungle is a place of Professor Irwin Corey, Jack Kehoe, Ivan hideous terror. Surrounded by deadly impenetrable Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, James swampland stands a dark and desolate castle - a prison of Dixon, The Pointer Sisters, Clarence Muse - Coburn, - Dir. Stanley depravity run for the twisted tastes of rich aristocrats. It is a Dir. Michael Schultz Donen place of misery and despair, where beautiful young women are Everybody is cleaning up and getting down in this classic Hollywood legends Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn light up held captive as helpless sexual playthings for their masters. comedy-the first „disco slacker“ movie from the decade that the screen in the stylish thriller Charade. Regina (Hepburn) At the mercy of brutal guards, the enslaved inmates can only brought you the tube top, the polyester suit and lots of good finds herself pursued through the streets of Paris by several wait in dread for their turn to be used as „sport“ in a series of times. It’s just a typical day in the lives of the employees, men in search of the fortune that her murdered husband stole vile rituals - the most feared of which is the terrifying jungle customers and passersby of a car wash-but what from them. As her world becomes entangled with suspense, „hunt“. The women find comfort in each other’s hearts and a day! There’s a would-be robbery...an assembly line of the murder and plots twists, she finds herself leaning on a suave, bodies as their passion for sex is enhanced within the prison weirdest, baddest, shadiest characters you’ve ever met...and charming stranger (Grant) whose motives are unclear. walls. When Janet, a pretty American tourist, is arrested and lots of booty-bumping music to pass the hours till quitting time. Beautifully directed by Stanley Donen and co-starring James jailed for a crime she never committed, she soon falls victim to Featuring outrageously hilarious performances by George Coburn, George Kennedy and Walter Matthau, this timeless the prison’s evil superintendent. Frightened, alone and Carlin, „Professor“ Irwin Corey, the Pointer Sisters, and classic will keep you guessing until the very end. Expect the seemingly without hope of rescue, Janet’s horrific nightmare Richard Pryor as Daddy Rich, a flamboyant Reverend who unexpected! is only just beginning. preaches the goodness of the dollar, Car Wash is a timeless Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Movies, Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Erotica, classic celebrating an era devoted to living life in the fast Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Exploitation, Movies, Prison 1991 87min. lane. Classics, Comedy, Crime, Movies, On The Thieves, Thrillers 1963 114min. Full Moon 30.04.2013 Job 1976 97min. Universal Studios 09.07.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117005 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117149 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117140 The Call (Blu-ray + DVD + Charlie Casanova UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Casino (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Damien Hannaway Halle Berry, Michael Imperioli, Morris UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Charlie Casanova is the critically acclaimed, highly Chestnut, Abigail Breslin, Michael Eklund - controversial film from writer/director Terry McMahon. It’s Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Dir. Brad Anderson the story of an upper-class genius-level sociopath, Charlie Kevin Pollak, Frank Vincent, James Woods, Barnum. Charlie is an educated, fast-talking egotist, who In this heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat thriller, veteran 911 refuses to be bound by the restrictions of morality, law, or operator Jordan (Academy Award Winner Halle Berry, Alan King, Don Rickles - Dir. Martin even reality. When he kills a girl in a hit-and-run, he Monster’s Ball, 2001) takes a life-altering call from a teenage Scorsese determines his fate with a deck of cards. girl (Academy Award nominee Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci star in director Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Movies, Sunshine, 2006) who has been kidnapped and thrown into the Martin Scorsese’s riveting look at how blind ambition, white- trunk of a madman’s car. But with the clock ticking, Jordan hot passion and 24-karat greed toppled an empire. Las Vegas, Thrillers 2010 94min. soon realizes she must confront a killer from her past to put 1973, is the setting for this fact-based story about the Mob’s Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 an end to a serial killer’s haunting rampage. Also starring multimillion-dollar casino operation, where fortunes and lives 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116632 Morris Chestnut. were made and lost with a roll of the dice. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Drama, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Movies, Serial Killers, Thrillers Gambling, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies Children Of Men / Repo Men 2013 94min. 1995 179min. (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, Forest 25.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117148 Whitaker, Liev Schreiber, Jude Law, Clive 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117076 Owen, Charlie Hunnam, Chiwetel Ejiofor, The Change-Up (Blu-ray + Digital Alice Braga, Carice Van Houten - Dir. The Call (DVD + UltraViolet) Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Alfonso Cuaron, Miguel Sapochnik Halle Berry, Michael Imperioli, Morris Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman, Leslie Chestnut, Abigail Breslin, Michael Eklund - Double Features, Drama, End Of The World, Mann, Alan Arkin, Olivia Wilde - Dir. David Dir. Brad Anderson In The Future..., Movies, Politics, Science Dobkin In this heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat thriller, veteran 911 Fiction, Thrillers min. operator Jordan (Academy Award Winner Halle Berry, Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman star in the outrageous Monster’s Ball, 2001) takes a life-altering call from a teenage comedy from the director of Wedding Crashers and the Universal Studios 04.06.2013 girl (Academy Award nominee Abigail Breslin, Little Miss writers of The Hangover. One drunken night, two friends 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116586 Sunshine, 2006) who has been kidnapped and thrown into the admit that they wish they had the other’s life. Mitch trunk of a madman’s car. But with the clock ticking, Jordan (Reynolds) thinks Dave has it all: a beautiful, loving family soon realizes she must confront a killer from her past to put and a high-paying job at a prestigious law firm. But Dave Childrens Hospital: The Complete an end to a serial killer’s haunting rampage. Also starring (Bateman) thinks Mitch’s stress-free life without obligation or Fourth Season Morris Chestnut. consequence is the real dream come true. The next morning they wake up, hung-over, in each other’s bodies, and proceed Henry Winkler, Megan Mullally, Ken Marino, Drama, Kidnapping, Movies, Serial Killers, to freak out! With time not on their side, Mitch and Dave Thrillers 2013 94min. comically struggle to avoid completely destroying each other’s Rob Huebel, Lake Bell, Rob Corddry, Malin Sony Pictures Home Entertainment lives before they can find a way to get their old ones back. Akerman, Erinn Hayes Universal Studios, Comedy, Fish-Out-Of- This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 25.06.2013 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117060 Water, Movies 2011 118min. TV’s sickest medical series returns for its fourth twisted Universal Studios 04.06.2013 season, winner of the 2012 Emmy® Award for Outstanding 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116651 Short-Format Live-Action Entertainment. A satirical jab at Cape Fear network medical dramas, Childrens Hospital explores the Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Ber- lives of a group of self-absorbed doctors who put their libidos Charade first and patients second. Amnesia, Madonna sightings, gen, Telly Savalas, Martin Balsam, Jack single-mom promotions, assassination attempts, Mafia Kruschen, Barrie Chase, Lori Martin - Dir. Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, James kingpins and the accidental electrocution of one of its stars J. Lee Thompson Coburn, Walter Matthau - Dir. Stanley are just some of the topics addressed by series regulars Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum star in the shocking tale of Donen Malin Akerman, Lake Bell, Rob Corddry, Erinn Hayes, Rob revenge and murder, Cape Fear. Sam Bowden (Peck) is a Hollywood legends Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn light up Huebel, Ken Marino, Megan Mullally, Henry Winkler and a small-town lawyer whose worst nightmare comes true when the screen in the stylish thriller Charade. Regina (Hepburn) gaggle of celebrity guests in these 14 short and insanely the criminal (Mitchum) he helped put away returns to stalk his finds herself pursued through the streets of Paris by several funny episodes. Which only goes to show that when it comes beautiful young wife (Polly Bergen) and teenage daughter men in search of the fortune that her murdered husband stole to Emmy-winning comedy, medical accuracy really does (Lori Martin). Despite help from the local police chief (Martin from them. As her world becomes entangled with suspense, matter. Balsam) and a private detective (Telly Savalas), Sam is murder and plots twists, she finds herself leaning on a suave, Comedy, Nurses & Doctors, Television 2012 legally powerless to keep Max from playing his sadistic game charming stranger (Grant) whose motives are unclear. min. of cat and mouse. Finally, Sam must put his family’s lives at Beautifully directed by Stanley Donen and co-starring James stake in a deadly trap that leads to one of the most Coburn, George Kennedy and Walter Matthau, this timeless Warner Bros. MOD 09.04.2013 suspenseful and heart-pounding confrontations ever committed classic will keep you guessing until the very end. Expect the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116722

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injured in a hate crime. Like American History X and Romper Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton, Sylvester Stomper, Combat Girls is extremely dynamic, powerful The Chronicles Of Riddick: filmmaking. Stallone, Dan Hedaya, Claire Bloom, Jay O. Unrated Director’s Cut (Steelbook Artsploitation Films, Drama, Foreign, Sanders, Charles Hallahan, Viggo Mortensen, Amy Brenneman, Karen Young + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + German, Movies 2012 100min. Artsploitation Films 09.07.2013 - Dir. Roger Donaldson, Rob Cohen UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116926 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Disasters, Vin Diesel, Nick Chinlund, , Double Features, Movies min. Thandie Newton, Linus Roache, Colm Combat!: Season Four Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Feore, Karl Urban, Yorick Van Wageningen, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116587 Vic Morrow, Rick Jason - Dir. Richard Don- Alexa Davalos, Keith David - Dir. David ner, Robert Altman Twohy One of television’s most popular series, Combat offers a Daredevil / Elektra / The League Vin Diesel (XXX, The Fast and the Furious) stars in this gritty, unflinching look at American soldiers battling in Europe Of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Blu- electrifying, special-effects-fuelled action spectacular! After during World War II, confronting imposing odds and years of outrunning ruthless bounty hunters, escaped convict demonstrating remarkable levels of ingenuity and courage. Vic ray) Riddick suddenly finds himself caught between opposing Morrow and Rick Jason head a stellar cast in the critically forces in a fight for the future of the human race. Now, waging acclaimed long-running war drama, featuring an incomparable Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, incredible battles on fantastic and deadly worlds, this lone, list of guest stars from Hollywood’s Golden Age as well as Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Femme reluctant hero will emerge as humanity’s champion - and the top directorial talent. last hope for a universe on the edge of annihilation. Powered Fatales, Killer Beauties, Movies, by groundbreaking visual effects and pulse-pounding, thrill-a- Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Milita- Superheroes, Triple Feature, Vigilante minute action, The Chronicles of Riddick is „a roller coaster ry, Television, War, World War II 1966 Justice min. ride that leaves you kicking and screaming for more!“ (Holly- 1461min. 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 wood Hotwire) Image Ent. 16.07.2013 Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116976 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116897 Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, Space 2004 135min. Dark Dealer Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Crazy Kind Of Love Three desperate men become unwilling participants in a Virginia Madsen, Amanda Crew, Graham hellish game of blackjack - the stakes: the frightening fates 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116569 that await each of them. Like other classic horror anthologies Rogers of the past, The Dark Dealer blends supernatural horror, Chupacabra Vs. The Alamo While re-evaluating her life, a mother relies on her stoner son action and sensuality into a sinister stew with an explosive and his awkward brother to keep life interesting. When an climax. Erik Estrada, Julia Benson unlikely romance blossoms between the youngest son and the Action, Comedy, Gambling, Horror, Movies, Erik Estrada takes on a deadly pack of blood-thirsty girl next door, she realizes the key to her happiness can be Chupacabras loose in the Texas desert. found where she least expects it. Mystery, Supernatural & Paranormal 1995 Comedy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 85min. 88min. 90min. Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Phase 4 Films 09.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116630 04.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117166 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116539 Dark Skies Cyrus / My Cousin Vinny (Double Josh Hamilton, J.K. Simmons, , Clip Feature) (Blu-ray) Dakota Goyo - Dir. Scott Stewart Fourteen-year-old Jasna (the mesmerizing Isidora Academy Award Winners, Art House, Blu- From the producer of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Simijonovic) flees her dreary home life for a world of drug and Sinister comes Dark Skies: A supernatural thriller that alcohol-fuelled parties, recording all the debauchery on her ray, Comedy, Double Features, Drama, follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and cell phone. She seeks release through her thuggish boyfriend, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Lawyers / Legal wife Daniel (Josh Hamilton) and Lacy Barrett (Keri Russell) but he treats her as nothing more than a roughed-up sex Issues, Movies, Romance min. witness an escalating series of disturbing events involving object. As her loneliness mounts, Jasna finds herself unable their family, their safe and peaceful home quickly unravels. to control her desires...or her life. 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 When it becomes clear that the Barrett family is being 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116961 targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, Drama, Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, Daniel and Lacy take matters in their own hands to solve the Movies, Serbian 2012 100min. mystery of what is after their family. Artsploitation Films 11.06.2013 Damages: The Complete Fifth Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116875 Season 2013 97min. , Ryan Phillippe, Rose Byrne, Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Coffin Baby Lori Jo Nemhauser 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116536 Bruce Dern, Clifton Powell, Brian Krause, To win at all costs, sometimes you pay the ultimate price. In the final season of the award-winning legal thriller, Dark Skies (Blu-ray + DVD + Jeffrey Combs, Chauntal Lewis - Dir. Dean powerhouse attorney Patty Hewes (three-time Emmy and two- Jones time Golden Globe winner Glenn Close) and her ex-protégée UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Behind the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, a derelict hotel Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne) face off in a fatal double becomes the private operating room for a serial killer. With a showdown: the wrongful death case against a charismatic, Josh Hamilton, J.K. Simmons, Keri Russell, beautiful young woman as his captive audience, the international cyber-hacker (Ryan Phillippe, Flags of Our Dakota Goyo - Dir. Scott Stewart unstoppable madman hauls his living victims back to the Fathers), and a devastating custody battle pitting Patty From the producer of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and rotting hotel where each grisly slaying is more ingenious than against her own son - resulting in a series finale as explosive Sinister comes Dark Skies: A supernatural thriller that the last. Bruce Dern (Django Unchained), Jeffrey Combs as it is unexpected. Special guest stars also include Golden follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and (Re-Animator) and Chantal Lewis (Séance) star in this heart- Globe® winner Jenna Elfman (TV’s Dharma & Greg) and wife Daniel (Josh Hamilton) and Lacy Barrett (Keri Russell) stopping horror that will take you inside a psychopath’s Michael Gaston (Inception). witness an escalating series of disturbing events involving twisted imagination. Drama, FX, Lawyers / Legal Issues, their family, their safe and peaceful home quickly unravels. Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, When it becomes clear that the Barrett family is being Mystery, Television, Thrillers 2012 529min. targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, Slasher, Thrillers 2012 97min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Daniel and Lacy take matters in their own hands to solve the Image Ent. 09.07.2013 16.07.2013 mystery of what is after their family. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116891 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117098 Starz / Anchor Bay, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2013 97min. Combat Girls Damian Lewis Double Feature Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116560 Sayed Ahmad Jodhi May, Robert Lindsay, Damian Lewis - This gritty, violent teen coming-of-age drama centers on two Dir. Stephen Poliakoff girls who become fascinated with the neo-Nazi youth Darkest Night movement. A commercial hit in Germany, the story follows two BBC, British, Double Features, Drama, young women from the German suburbs: 20-year-old Marisa is Foreign, International TV, Movies, Televisi- DJ Perry, Anne Gautier a hardcore Neo-Nazi believer, a semi-skinhead who’s been in On December 25, 2003, an upscale Filipino family gathers at a the movement for years and whose body is adorned with Nazi on, TV Movies 179min. remote place in the Sagada Mountains for a Christmas Day tattoos; and 14-year-old Svenja, a sheltered, spoiled, BBC Home Video 27.08.2013 reunion dinner. It’s a happy occasion where the main straight-A student who only becomes fascinated with the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117115 character, Susan, announces her marriage engagement to her group because of her neo-Nazi boyfriend. They begin as boyfriend, Ken, whom she brought with her. Suddenly, the attention-seeking adversaries but become best friends, though group is cut off from civilization and plunged into darkness by their loyalty is shaken when Marisa decides she wants to Dante’s Peak / Daylight (Double forces that defy natural laws and shut down all types of leave the movement behind, a decision helped by her unlikely modern technology. One by one, the family members die or friendship with a scared young Afghan boy whose brother she Feature) (Blu-ray) disappear in weird and horrific ways. The few who are left,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA including Susan, struggle for survival and against family Lee Marvin, Chuck Norris, George Kenne- Garces, Federico Luppi, Irene Visedo, Ber- conflicts and demonic forces, to find out what’s „out there“ and what is happening. Finally, Susan and the few left alive must dy, Martin Balsam, Robert Vaughn, Robert ta Ojea - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro understand the cult writings in an old book, to prevail against Forster, Bo Svenson, Susan Strasberg, The most personal film by Guillermo del Toro (Cronos) is also demonic forces that threaten to consume them all. They have Shelley Winters, Kim Delaney, Lainie among his most frightening and emotionally layered. Set during to understand and overcome a dark, pagan religion and the the final week of the Spanish Civil War, The Devil’s need for exorcism, as well as family secrets, in order to Kazan, Joey Bishop, Hanna Schygulla - Dir. Backbone tells the tale of a ten-year-old boy who, after his survive. The alternative is life in a hellish „heaven“ more Menahem Golan freedom-fighting father is killed, is sent to a haunted rural terrifying than death. Political extremists have taken innocent people hostage...and orphanage full of terrible secrets. Del Toro effectively Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 only super-soldiers Chuck Norris and Lee Marvin can rescue combines gothic ghost story, murder mystery, and historical them in this „astounding mix of fact, fantasy and heavy-duty melodrama in a stylish concoction that reminds us-as would 99min. adventure“ (Variety). Co-starring Martin Balsam and Shelley his later Pan’s Labyrinth-that the scariest monsters are often Brain Damage Films 16.07.2013 Winters, The Delta Force is 130 non-stop minutes of explosi- the human ones. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116520 ve, wall-to-wall action! When a U.S. passenger plane is Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, seized by vicious hijackers and taken to Beirut, the President Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Mexican, Movies, calls in The Delta Force - a crack team of commandos led by Mystery, Spanish, Thrillers 2001 108min. Date Night / Mr. & Mrs. Smith Colonel Nick Alexander (Marvin) and Major Scott McCoy (Norris). Against all odds, the men blast into the compound Criterion 30.07.2013 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) and - taking no prisoners - rescue the hostages. But the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116675 Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, mission is not yet over. A few remaining passengers are being Comedy, Dark Comedy, Double Features, „escorted“ to Teheran, initiating a desperate race against time as Alexander and McCoy try to save them - and avenge The Devil’s Backbone: The Fish-Out-Of-Water, Killer Beauties, America’s honor - before it’s too late. Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Action, Blu-ray, Military, Movies, Special Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) min. Forces, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Eduardo Noriega, Marisa Paredes, Inigo 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 1986 128min. Garces, Federico Luppi, Irene Visedo, Ber- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116957 MGM / UA 09.10.2012 ta Ojea - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro The most personal film by Guillermo del Toro (Cronos) is also 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116951 among his most frightening and emotionally layered. Set during Dead Man Down (Blu-ray + DVD + the final week of the Spanish Civil War, The Devil’s The Demented Backbone tells the tale of a ten-year-old boy who, after his UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) freedom-fighting father is killed, is sent to a haunted rural Colin Farrell, Terrence Howard, Dominic Kayla Ewell, Sarah Butler orphanage full of terrible secrets. Del Toro effectively Sarah Butler (I Spit On Your Grave), Kayla Ewell (The combines gothic ghost story, murder mystery, and historical Cooper, Noomi Rapace - Dir. Niels Arden Vampire Diaries), Richard Kohnke (The Carrie Diaries) and melodrama in a stylish concoction that reminds us-as would Oplev Michael Welch (The Twilight Saga) star in a different breed his later Pan’s Labyrinth-that the scariest monsters are often Victor (Colin Farrell), a professional killer and the right hand of zombie shocker: Six college friends head out for a weekend the human ones. man to an underground crime lord in (Terrence getaway at a Louisiana bayou estate. But when rogue Art House, Blu-ray, Criterion Collection, Howard), is seduced and blackmailed by Beatrice (Noomi terrorists launch a missile attack on the Gulf Coast, a new Rapace), a crime victim seeking retribution. Their chemistry kind of horror is unleashed. Now a biological weapon has Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Mexican, and intense relationship leads them to execute a violent and infected the entire region with a rabies-like virus that turns Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2001 108min. cathartic plan for revenge. the local townspeople into fast-moving, rage-crazed, flesh- Criterion 30.07.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, chomping hordes. The area is quarantined. The madness is spreading. The carnage is out of control. And for six friends 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116694 Thrillers 2013 118min. trapped in a nightmare of insane violence, how far will they be Sony Pictures Home Entertainment forced to go to survive? : The Snowmen 09.07.2013 Drama, Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Tom Ward, Matt Smith - Dir. Steven Moffat 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117215 Terrorism, Thrillers, Zombies 2013 92min. Christmas Eve, 1892, and the falling snow is the stuff of Starz / Anchor Bay 30.07.2013 fairytales. When the fairytale becomes a nightmare and a Dead Man Down (DVD + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117155 chilling menace threatens Earth, an unorthodox young governess, Clara, calls on the Doctor for help. But the Doctor UltraViolet) is in mourning, reclusive and determined not to engage in the The Demented (Blu-ray + DVD problems of the universe. As old friends return, will the Colin Farrell, Terrence Howard, Dominic Doctor really abandon humankind, or will he fight to save the Cooper, Noomi Rapace - Dir. Niels Arden Combo) (Blu-ray) world and Christmas from the icy clutches of this mysterious Oplev Kayla Ewell, Sarah Butler menace? Victor (Colin Farrell), a professional killer and the right hand Sarah Butler (I Spit On Your Grave), Kayla Ewell (The British, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, man to an underground crime lord in New York City (Terrence Vampire Diaries), Richard Kohnke (The Carrie Diaries) and Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel Howard), is seduced and blackmailed by Beatrice (Noomi Michael Welch (The Twilight Saga) star in a different breed Rapace), a crime victim seeking retribution. Their chemistry of zombie shocker: Six college friends head out for a weekend min. and intense relationship leads them to execute a violent and getaway at a Louisiana bayou estate. But when rogue BBC Home Video 28.05.2013 cathartic plan for revenge. terrorists launch a missile attack on the Gulf Coast, a new 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116831 Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers kind of horror is unleashed. Now a biological weapon has 2013 118min. infected the entire region with a rabies-like virus that turns the local townspeople into fast-moving, rage-crazed, flesh- Doctor Who: The Snowmen (Blu- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment chomping hordes. The area is quarantined. The madness is 09.07.2013 spreading. The carnage is out of control. And for six friends ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117198 trapped in a nightmare of insane violence, how far will they be Tom Ward, Matt Smith - Dir. Steven Moffat forced to go to survive? Christmas Eve, 1892, and the falling snow is the stuff of Drama, Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, fairytales. When the fairytale becomes a nightmare and a Death Race: Unrated (Steelbook Terrorism, Thrillers, Zombies 2013 92min. chilling menace threatens Earth, an unorthodox young governess, Clara, calls on the Doctor for help. But the Doctor + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Starz / Anchor Bay 30.07.2013 is in mourning, reclusive and determined not to engage in the UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117174 problems of the universe. As old friends return, will the Doctor really abandon humankind, or will he fight to save the Jason Statham, Ian McShane, Tyrese world and Christmas from the icy clutches of this mysterious Gibson, Joan Allen - Dir. Paul W.S. Detention Of The Dead menace? Anderson Justin Chon, Alexa Nikolas, Jayson Blair, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Fantasy, Foreign, Welcome to the Death Race, where hardened convicts and Christa B. Allen, Jacob Zachar International TV, Science Fiction, Televisi- smoking-hot navigators race tricked-out cars in the most The Breakfast Club meets Zombieland in this head-busting on, Time Travel 60min. twisted spectator sport on Earth! Sentenced to the world’s zombedy. A group of teenagers trapped in detention fight for most dangerous prison for a murder he did not commit, Jensen survival after their turn into a ravenous zombie BBC Home Video 28.05.2013 Ames (Jason Statham) has only one chance to get out alive - horde. Can a stoner, a jock, a bully, a goth, and a nerd put 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116937 win the ultimate race to the death. Also starring Tyrese aside their differences for one night to take on the undead? Gibson, Death Race is a „supercharged, sick and satisfying“ Will they live to see the morning? Fat chance! This is High (Nathan Lee, ) ride that will keep you School after all. Dodgeball: Unrated / There’s pinned to your seat all the way to its insane, metal-crushing Comedy, High School, Horror, Movies, Play- Something About Mary (Double end! To-Film, Zombies 2012 87min. Action, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, In The Feature) (Blu-ray) Starz / Anchor Bay 23.07.2013 Future..., Movies, Prison, Racing, Science Comedy, Double Features, Movies, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117154 Fiction, Thrillers 2008 111min. Romance, Sports min. Universal Studios 25.06.2013 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116570 The Devil’s Backbone: 2 DVD Edi- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116963 tion - The Criterion Collection The Delta Force (Blu-ray) Eduardo Noriega, Marisa Paredes, Inigo Doom / Street Fighter (Double

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Feature) (Blu-ray) Volume Two Malcolm McDowell, Paige Howard, David Damian Chapa, Raul Julia, Wes Studi, Karl Heather Locklear, Jack Coleman, John Dastmal Chian Urban, Rosamund Pike, Kylie Minogue, Raz James, John Forsythe, , Linda Movies, Thrillers 2012 90min. Adoti - Dir. Steven de Souza, Andrzej Evans, Pamela Bellwood Millennium Entertainment 02.07.2013 Bartkowiak This hugely popular prime-time follows the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116835 exploits of the Carringtons and Colbys, both „oilrich“ family Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, dynasties in Denver, CO, as they accrue and manipulate Blu-ray, Double Features, Horror, Monsters, power and wealth. The Employer (Blu-ray) Movies, Science Fiction, Space min. CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Dysfunctional Malcolm McDowell, Paige Howard, David Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Families, Soap Opera, Television 1987 Dastmal Chian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116588 554min. Millennium Entertainment, Movies, Thrillers Paramount Pictures 09.07.2013 2012 90min. Doom: Unrated (Steelbook + Blu- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116668 Millennium Entertainment 02.07.2013 ray + DVD + Digital Copy + 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116939 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The End Of Love Karl Urban, Rosamund Pike, Raz Adoti - Dir. (Digibook + Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Mark Webber, Shannyn Sossamon - Dir. Andrzej Bartkowiak tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Mark Webber A frantic call for help from a remote research station on Mars Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Drew Drama, Movies 2012 min. sends a team of mercenary Marines into action. Led by The Barrymore, Erika Eleniak, Dee Wallace, C. Rock and Karl Urban, they descend into the Olduvai Millennium Entertainment 16.07.2013 Thomas Howell, K.C. Martel, Robert Research Station, where they find a legion of nightmarish 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117095 creatures, lurking in the darkness, killing at will. Once there, MacNaughton - Dir. Steven Spielberg the Marines must use an arsenal of firepower to carry out Relive the adventure and magic in one of the most beloved their mission: nothing gets out alive. Based on the hugely motion pictures of all-time, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, from Enemy At The Gates popular video game, Doom is an explosive action-packed thrill Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg. ride! Captivating audiences of all ages, this timeless story follows Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes, Ed Harris, Bob Action, Based On Video Game, Blu-ray, the unforgettable journey of a lost alien and the 10-year-old Hoskins, Ron Perlman, Rachel Weisz Horror, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction, boy he befriends. Join Elliot (Henry Thomas), Gertie (Drew Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Barrymore) and Michael (Robert MacNaughton) as they come Space 2005 113min. together to help E.T. find his way back home. Now digitally History & Events, Movies, Thrillers, War, Universal Studios 25.06.2013 remastered with enhanced picture and sound for its 30th World War II 2001 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116571 Anniversary, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is „one of the great Paramount 01.01.2013 American films“ (Leonard Maltin) that forever belongs in the hearts and minds of audiences everywhere. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117128 Dream House (Blu-ray + Digital Adventure, AFI Top 100, Aliens, Blu-ray, Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Classics, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Enemy At The Gates (Blu-ray) Rachel Weisz, Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts, Friendships, Movies, National Film Registry, Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes, Ed Harris, Bob Elias Koteas, Marton Csokas - Dir. Jim Science Fiction 1982 115min. Hoskins, Ron Perlman, Rachel Weisz Universal Studios 02.07.2013 An all-star cast lights up the screen in this riveting epic Sheridan hailed as „a vivid dramatization of one of history’s titanic Will Atenton (Daniel Craig) quit a high-profile job in Manhat- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116731 turning points.“ (Gene Shalit, Today) The year is 1942 and the tan to relocate his wife, Libby (Oscar®-winner Rachel Nazis are cutting a deadly swath through Russia. Under the Weisz), and their two daughters to a quaint New England Eddie: The Sleepwalking leadership of Khrushchev (Bob Hoskins), the citizens of town. But as they settle into their new life, they discover their Stalingrad are mounting a brave resistance, spurred by the perfect home was once the murder scene of a mother and her Cannibal exploits of their local hero, Vassili Zaitsev (Jude Law). An children. When Will investigates, he’s not sure if he’s seeing expert sniper, Vassili’s deeds have become legendary - ghosts or if the tragic events are somehow related to his past. Thure Lindhardt, Dylan Smith, Georgina thanks to propaganda produced by Vassili’s best friend, a The only clues come from his mysterious neighbor, Ann Reilly political officer named Danilov (Joseph Fiennes). To stop (Oscar®-nominee Naomi Watts), who helps him piece When Lars’ art dealer Ronny arranges a teaching job in a Vassili, the Germans dispatch their best sniper, Major Konig together this haunting puzzle. Full of twists and suspense, small town as a „therapeutic measure“ to stir up his creative (Ed Harris), to Stalingrad. When Vassili and Danilov both fall this psychological thriller will have you on the edge of your juices, things don’t quite turn out as planned. At first, life in in love with a beautiful soldier (Rachel Weisz), Danilov seat. the peaceful town seems rosy, as he settles in and impresses deserts his friend, leaving Vassili to face his German Universal Studios, Drama, Movies, Murder beautiful colleague Leslie by taking in the brawny, mute Eddie counterpart alone. As the city burns, Vassili and Konig begin Mysteries, Thrillers 2011 92min. after his caregiver passes away. Lars soon discovers tha the a cunning game of cat and mouse, waging a private war for Universal Studios 04.06.2013 façade of serenity hides something unimaginable... Eddie courage, honor and country. suffers from a rare form of sleepwalking that transforms him Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116652 from a docile, cereal-obsessed art student into a ravenous cannibal. Initially horrified by Eddie’s dark secret, Lars History & Events, Movies, Thrillers, War, becomes enthralled by the not-so-gentle giant: at long last, World War II 2001 min. Drop Dead Diva: Season Four here’s the muse he’d been searching for! Paramount 01.01.2013 , Ben Feldman, April Bowlby, Cannibalism, Comedy, Horror, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117135 Brooke Elliott, Josh Stamberg, Jackson Teachers 2012 83min. Hurst, Kate Levering Music Box Films 06.08.2013 Enlightened: The Complete Se- Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Lawyers / Legal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117094 Issues, Television 2012 563min. cond Season Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Eddie: The Sleepwalking Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Sarah Burns 18.06.2013 Created by Mike White and Laura Dern, this half-hour HBO Cannibal (Blu-ray) comedy series centers on Amy Jellicoe (Dern), a well- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116646 intentioned employee of a Southern corporation Thure Lindhardt, Dylan Smith, Georgina who, after flipping out and going to anger-management rehab, Reilly emerges with a singular, if at times hilariously misguided, Dynasty: The Seventh Season - When Lars’ art dealer Ronny arranges a teaching job in a mission to make her company more responsible. When we last Volume One small town as a „therapeutic measure“ to stir up his creative saw her, Amy finally presented her research outlining juices, things don’t quite turn out as planned. At first, life in Abaddonn Industries’ toxic sins, but after being laughed out of Heather Locklear, Jack Coleman, John the peaceful town seems rosy, as he settles in and impresses the room, she became even more determined to expose the James, John Forsythe, Joan Collins, Linda beautiful colleague Leslie by taking in the brawny, mute Eddie company not only as a polluter, but a bastion of corporate after his caregiver passes away. Lars soon discovers tha the greed and corruption. Having convinced co-worker Tyler Evans, Pamela Bellwood façade of serenity hides something unimaginable... Eddie (White) to let her use his IT password to retrieve This hugely popular prime-time soap opera follows the suffers from a rare form of sleepwalking that transforms him incriminating emails, Season 2 picks up with Amy immersed in exploits of the Carringtons and Colbys, both „oilrich“ family from a docile, cereal-obsessed art student into a ravenous gathering evidence against Abaddonn. In this season’s eight dynasties in Denver, CO, as they accrue and manipulate cannibal. Initially horrified by Eddie’s dark secret, Lars episodes, Amy enlists the help of journalist Jeff Flender power and wealth. becomes enthralled by the not-so-gentle giant: at long last, (Dermot Mulroney), and as they work together on a searing CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Dysfunctional here’s the muse he’d been searching for! exposé, she dreams of a „bigger“ life and develops romantic Families, Soap Opera, Television 1986 Cannibalism, Comedy, Horror, Movies, yearnings for the handsome, well-travelled reporter. Meanwhile, Amy’s ex Levi (Luke Wilson) is still at Open Air 743min. Teachers 2012 83min. Treatment Center in Ha Paramount Pictures 09.07.2013 Music Box Films 06.08.2013 Comedy, Drama, HBO, Mental Illness, Tele- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116667 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117105 vision 2013 274min. HBO Home Video 13.08.2013 Dynasty: The Seventh Season - The Employer 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117152

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returns to the firm and discovers that Reed & Reed is on the Mystery, Television, Thrillers 2012 360min. verge of financial collapse. To save the firm, up-and-coming trial attorney Ben Grogan (Ryan Johnson, CSI: NY) is E1 Entertainment 16.07.2013 Aaron Eckhart, Neil Napier, Liana Liberato, brought on as a partner. However, Kate finds herself both 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116781 clashing with Ben’s aggressive, ambulance-chasing ways and Olga Kurylenko - Dir. Philipp Stolzl yet, romantically drawn to him. Further complicating matters When former CIA agent Ben Logan (Aaron Eckhart) finds are Kate’s relationships with managing partner/stepmother Firefall: An Epic Family himself suddenly targeted for termination, he is propelled into Lauren Reed (Virginia Williams, How I Met Your Mother) and Adventure an all-out, frenzied run for his life with the only person left soon-to-be-ex-husband A.D.A. Justin Patrick (Michael who needs him alive: The 15 year-old daughter he barely Trucco, Revenge). Watch all 13 original, witty, and absolutely While visiting Yosemite National Park, in California, five knows. The result is a stylishly intricate, non-stop espionage unpredictable episodes of the series critics call „funny and groups of people will embark on an epic adventure. Facing thriller that unravels an international conspiracy against a sexy“ (Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times). family challenges, the perils of the wilderness, and an raw emotional underpinning. Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, enraged mutant , each family will discover who they Action, Conspiracies, Movies, Thrillers really are, what really matters, and will fight to survive on On The Job, Television, USA Network 2012 2012 100min. their way to witness the flaming waterfall of fire: The Firefall. min. Action, Adventure, Family, Movies, Starz / Anchor Bay 16.07.2013 Universal Studios 11.06.2013 Wilderness 2012 101min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117192 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116918 Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116714 Escape From L.A. Falcon Steve Buscemi, Kurt Russell, Pam Grier, Kerry Fox, Marton Csokas, Emilia Fox, Flashdance (Blu-ray) Bruce Campbell, , Stacy Keach Hayley Atwell Jennifer Beals, Belinda Bauer, Michael - Dir. Based on the bestselling crime fiction by Robert Wilson. Nouri, Lilia Skala - Dir. Adrian Lyne Action, Cult Film / TV, Gangs, Movies, Inspector Jefe Javier Falcón (Marton Csokas, The Lord of the The music, the dancing, the romance, the leg warmers...oh, Prison 1996 min. Rings) prowls Seville’s serpentine alleys to uncover the what a feeling! Get ready to re-experience all the drama as Paramount 01.01.2013 malice lurking in the magnificent city. A smart, intuitive Alex (Jennifer Beals) bravely fights her way out of the detective, Falcón exposes hard truths and corruption... even welding gear, off the stripper pole and onto the dance-school 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116825 when it costs him dearly. This cinematic British production floor. Flashdance, the pop-culture phenomenon of the ’80s is leverages the seductive beauty and sinister undercurrent of back and flashier than ever with brand-new featurettes Escape From L.A. (Blu-ray) its setting to craft compelling characters and complex, exploring the history, the look, the music and much more! haunting mysteries. In these two feature-length thrillers The Academy Award-winner for Best Song, „Flashdance - What A Steve Buscemi, Kurt Russell, Pam Grier, Blind Man of Seville and The Silent and the Damned - Falcón Feeling,“ it’s the hit film that inspired a generation. investigates a murder connected to his father’s murky past Bruce Campbell, Peter Fonda, Stacy Keach and the apparent suicide of a businessman whose former Ballet, Blu-ray, Dancing, Drama, Indepen- - Dir. John Carpenter misdeeds impact the present. Falcón also contends with his dent Women, Movies, Music, Romance Action, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, Gangs, attraction to a glamorous widow (Hayley Atwell, The 1983 94min. Duchess, ) and simmering tensions with his Movies, Prison 1996 min. ex-wife, Inés (Emilia Fox, The Pianist), and her handsome, Paramount 13.08.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 high-flying lover, Judge Esteban Calderón (Santiago Cabrera, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116758 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116830 Heroes). Also starring Charlie Creed-Miles (Injustice) and Kerry Fox (Cloudstreet), with guest stars including Bernard British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Mystery, Floating City : The Television, Thrillers min. Aaron Kwok, Josie Ho Complete Eighth Season In 1940s Hong Kong, the poorest families had no choice but to Acorn Media 02.07.2013 abandon their children. Bo Wah Chuen (Aaron Kwok), a (Repackage) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116904 mysterious blue-eyed Asian boy, is ostracized and shunned. As he works his way up from lowly laborer to an esteemed Peter Boyle, , Doris Roberts, engineer for the British colonies, a shy but beautiful wife by Brad Garrett, Madylin Sweeten, Patricia Family Ties: The Seventh And his side, and another woman’s attention growing that could Heaton, Sawyer Sweeten, Sullivan Final Season feed both his heart and his career, Bo remains haunted. Affairs & Love Triangles, Chinese, Drama, Sweeten Michael J. Fox, Michael Gross, Justine Bat- Foreign, Movies 2012 104min. Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a eman, Meredith Baxter Birney, Tina Yothers successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and Well Go USA 20.08.2013 parents, who happen to live across the street. Steve and Elyse Keaton (Michael Gross and Meredith Baxter- (The Girl), Peter Boyle (While You Were Sleeping), Birney), once 1960s radicals, now find themselves in Reagan- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117196 Doris Roberts (Remington Steele), and Brad Garrett (Til Era American trying to raise a traditional suburban family. Son Death) round out the stellar cast. Alex P. Keaton (Michael J. Fox) is an ambitious Young Floating City (Blu-ray) CBS, Comedy, Family, Television 2003 Republican and his sister Mallory (Justine Bateman) is a shallow victim of the corporate culture, obsessed with music, Aaron Kwok, Josie Ho 690min. clothes and boys. Their only normal kid is young Jennifer In 1940s Hong Kong, the poorest families had no choice but to HBO Home Video 07.05.2013 (Tina Yothers), a bit of a tomboy. abandon their children. Bo Wah Chuen (Aaron Kwok), a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116854 Comedy, Family, girl power, NBC, Television mysterious blue-eyed Asian boy, is ostracized and shunned. 1988 640min. As he works his way up from lowly laborer to an esteemed Paramount Pictures 13.08.2013 engineer for the British colonies, a shy but beautiful wife by Exhumed his side, and another woman’s attention growing that could 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117189 Debbie Rochon, Sarah Nicklin, Michael feed both his heart and his career, Bo remains haunted. Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Chinese, Reed, Ted Marr, Kristin Kayala A moody, atmospheric horror in the Hammer tradition, Exhumed Fatal Call Drama, Foreign, Movies 2012 104min. is the tale of a twisted family who, unable to leave their home, Kevin Sorbo, Jason London, Danielle Well Go USA 20.08.2013 turn their captivity into a disturbing and violent game that will 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117213 challenge their very reality. From Richard Griffin (The Disco Harris, Exorcist, Murder University). Starting a new life in the big city, Mitch meets Amy while out with co-workers. Amy, a woman out of his league, draws him Flying Lessons Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2011 90min. into an exciting romance. Soon, Mitch finds himself accused of Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 murder and on the run, relentlessly pursued by both the law Cary Elwes, Joanna Cassidy, Maggie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116715 and an unknown killer. Confronted by both his past and his Grace present, Mitch must find an ultimate solution before time runs out! Drama, Movies 2010 min. The Expelled Movies, Thrillers 2012 90min. Millennium Entertainment 30.07.2013 David Schofield, Eliza Bennett, Roxanne MTI Home Video 23.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117097 McKee - Dir. Johannes Roberts 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117002 Horror, Movies, Teachers, Thrillers 2010 Follow The River 79min. Femme Fatales: The Complete Ellen Burstyn, Sheryl Lee, Eric Schweig - Screen Media Films 09.07.2013 Second Season Dir. Martin Davidson 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117089 Adventure, Drama, Historical / Period Rick Copp, Tanit Phoenix, Christine Donlon The sexy, crime from the creators of Femme Piece, Movies, TV Movies 1955 93min. Fairly Legal: Season Two Fatales Magazine returns for its critically acclaimed second Echo Bridge Home Entertainment season. Inspired by and styled in the tradition of pulp stories, 09.07.2013 Michael Trucco, Ryan Johnson, Sarah film noir and graphic novels, each of the twelve episodes tells Shahi, Virginia Williams the stories of dangerous women who find extraordinary ways 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116814 Kate Reed (Sarah Shahi, The L Word) never faced a fight she of coping with their problems, channeling their survival didn’t want... to win. A former lawyer, she’s now a mediator instincts and bringing out their inner guile. Foolish Wives (Blu-ray) who loves to resolve others’ conflicts. But it’s often her own Erotica, Femme Fatales, Killer Beauties, conflicts that could use some attention. In season two, Kate Mae Busch, Rudolph Christians, Maude

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George, Miss Du Pont, Dale Fuller, Al Adventure, AFI Top 100, Based On TV 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116984 Edmundsen, Cesare Gravina, Malvine Polo, Show, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Mystery, Louis K. Webb, C.J. Allen, Edward Reinach, Thrillers, TV Remakes 1993 130min. Get Smart / Yes Man (Double Fea- Erich Von Stroheim - Dir. Erich Von Stroheim Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 ture) (Blu-ray) As artistically brilliant as it is gleefully perverse, Foolish 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117111 Wives is Erich von Stroheim’s epic-scale account of an James Caan, Jim Carrey, Alan Arkin, American diplomat’s wife (Miss. Dupont) who falls under the Terence Stamp, John Michael Higgins, spell of a phony Russian Count (von Stroheim). With his Galaxy Quest trademark eye for visual metaphor and gritty detail, von Danny Masterson, Anne Hathaway, Bradley Stroheim infuses the aristocratic splendor of Monte Carlo Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tim Al- Cooper, Zooey Deschanel, Steve Carell, (rebuilt in all its majesty on the Universal backlot) with an air len, Sam Rockwell, Tony Shalhoub, Daryl Molly Sims, Rhys Darby - Dir. Peter Segal, of moral depravity. The result is a Grimm’s fairytale romance Mitchell - Dir. Dean Parisot Peyton Reed that is no less fascinating today than it was 80 years ago. The For four years, the courageous crew of the NSEA Protector - Man You Loved To Hate blends revealing interviews, rare „Commander Peter Qunicy Taggart“ (), „Lt. Tawny Action, Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, photographs and clips from von Stroheim’s legendary and Madison“ (Sigourney Weaver) and „Dr. Lazarus“ (Alan Comedy, Double Features, Movies, Spies & lesser-known works to create a fascinating tribute to one of Rickman) - set off on thrilling and often dangerous missions in Secret Agents min. American cinema’s most complex artists. space...and then their series was canceled! Now, twenty Classics, Drama, Movies, National Film years later, aliens under attack have mistaken the Galaxy Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 Registry, Silent Film 1922 85min. Quest television transmissions for „historical documents“ and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117130 beamed up the crew of has-been actors to save the universe. Kino Video 30.07.2013 With no script, no director and no clue, the actors must turn in 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116996 the performances of their lives in this hilarious adventure Gibsonburg Jeffrey Lyons (NBC-TV) calls „The funniest, wittiest comedy Gibsonburg is based on the true story of the only high school of the year.“ baseball team to win a state championship with a losing For Richer Or Poorer Aliens, Comedy, Movies, Science Fiction, record. The team’s first year coach helped guide them from a Chris Spencer, Clifton Powell, Buddy 6-17 regular season to 8 post season victories and the state Space, Spoofs & Parodies 1999 min. title. This magical, coming of age film deals not only with Lewis, Angell Conwell, Rockmond Dunbar, Paramount 01.01.2013 baseball, but the trials, tribulations, romances and mysteries LeToya Luckett - Dir. Roger Melvin 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116808 that faced the teens along the way. Kya is a spoiled prima donna with a taste for the finer things Baseball, Based-On-A-True-Story, Drama, in life, and Aubrey is her handsome, doting husband who High School, Movies, Mystery, Romance, indulges her every whim... even if they can’t afford it. But Galaxy Quest (Blu-ray) Sports 2012 101min. when Aubrey loses his well-paying job, and has to flip Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tim Al- burgers to pay the bills, Kya’s got to kiss her expensive Monarch Home Video 18.06.2013 len, Sam Rockwell, Tony Shalhoub, Daryl fashions goodbye and look for a job of her own! Can a high- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116838 maintenance princess learn that real happiness doesn’t come Mitchell - Dir. Dean Parisot with a price tag? Twenty years after cancellation, the stars of the Galaxy Quest African Americans, Comedy, Drama, television series cling to their careers appearing at sci-fi : The Complete Movies, Romance 2012 88min. conventions and electronic store openings. When a Sixth Season (Repackage) Image Ent. 09.07.2013 distressed interstellar race mistakes the show for „historical documents,“ Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen) and his crew of has- Sean Gunn, Edward Herrmann, Lauren 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116892 beens are unwittingly recruited to save them from a genocidal warlord. Galaxy Quest: Deluxe Edition features brand-new Graham, Alexis Bledel, Scott Patterson, bonus features and an all-star ensemble, including Sigourney , Kelly Bishop, Melissa McCarthy, Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Blu- Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub and Same Rockwell in Keiko Agena, Yanic Truesdale, Matt ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) this hilarious adventure that boldly goes where no comedy has gone before. Czuchry, Patricia Fass Palmer (Blu-ray) Can it be the Gilmore Girls if the Gilmore girls aren’t Aliens, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies, Science together? At the end of Season 5, Rory dropped out of Yale Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Mila Kunis, Kristen Fiction, Space, Spoofs & Parodies 1999 and moved into Emily and Richard’s poolhouse- decisions that Bell, Bill Hader, Jonah Hill, Jack McBrayer, min. broke Lorelai’s heart. That’s handy, because one half of that heart can be deliriously happy with the big new step in her Russell Brand - Dir. Nicholas Stoller Paramount 01.01.2013 love affair with Luke. Meanwhile, the other half grieves, and it Peter (Jason Segel) is a struggling musician who finds his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116827 seems everyone in town wants mother and daughter to reunite. world turned upside down when his TV celebrity girlfriend, But it may take an unexpected out-of-towner to make it Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), dumps him for a tragically hip happen. Of course, there’s much more: Lane gets a surprise rock star. It’s the hysterically funny look at how far one man Gattaca that leaves her reeling with joy. Luke gets a surprise that may will go to forget a girl - and all the fun he finds along the way! Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, Jude Law - send the Luke-and-Lorelai relationship reeling. What’s no Universal Studios, Comedy, Movies, surprise is the snappy, wish-I’d-said-that Gilmore dialogue, Dir. Andrew Niccol knowing humor and insightful storytelling fans adore. Season Romance 2008 118min. As one of the last „natural“ beings born into a genetically Universal Studios 04.06.2013 6 starts now! engineered world, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has none Comedy, Drama, Television 2005 945min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116653 of the pre ordered DNA that will guarantee him success. Desperate to realize his dream of exploring space, Vincent Warner Bros. 28.05.2013 assumes the identity of a genetically superior athlete (Jude 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117046 Fortune Cookie Prophecies Law). Avoiding detection using the athlete’s genetic markers, At an isolated cottage, two couples crack open fortune Vincent becomes a rising star at Gattaca Aerospace, cookies that prophesize their imminent death. After one of attracting the attention of a stunning co worker (Uma Ginger & Rosa them dies suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Armed with only one Thurman). But when a flight director is brutally murdered, a Oliver Platt, Elle Fanning - Dir. Sally Potter Buddha Chain, that can protect only the person wearing it, the clue left at the crime scene threatens to shatter Vincent’s plans in this riveting sci-fi classic. Two teenage girls - Ginger (Elle Fanning) and Rosa (Alice remaining three people must now solve the mystery of the Englert) - are inseparable: they play truant together, discuss fortune cookies. Can they stop the prophecies before it’s too Clones, Drama, Fantasy, Killer Technology, religion, politics and hairstyles, and dream of lives bigger late? Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers than their mothers’ frustrated domesticity. But, as the Cold Drama, Horror, Movies, Mystery 112min. 1997 106min. War meets the sexual revolution, and the threat of nuclear Osiris Entertainment 04.06.2013 holocaust escalates, the lifelong friendship of the two girls is Image Ent. 09.07.2013 shattered by the clash of desire and the determination to grow 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116634 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116893 up. Drama, Friendships, Historical / Period The Fugitive: 20th Anniversary Gattaca (Blu-ray) Piece, Movies 2012 90min. Edition (Blu-ray) Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, Jude Law - Lionsgate 23.07.2013 Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Dir. Andrew Niccol 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116936 Ward, Joe Pantoliano, Andreas Katsulas, As one of the last „natural“ beings born into a genetically engineered world, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has none Girl Meets Boy Jeroen Krabbe - Dir. Andrew Davis of the pre ordered DNA that will guarantee him success. Catch him if you can. The Fugitive is on the run! Harrison Desperate to realize his dream of exploring space, Vincent Richard Riehle, Ben Savage Ford and Tommy Lee Jones race through the breathless assumes the identity of a genetically superior athlete (Jude Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 87min. manhunt movie inspired by the classic TV series. Ford is Law). Avoiding detection using the athlete’s genetic markers, prison escapee Dr. Richard Kimble, a Chicago surgeon Vincent becomes a rising star at Gattaca Aerospace, Screen Media Films 04.06.2013 falsely convicted of killing his wife and determined to prove attracting the attention of a stunning co worker (Uma 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116524 his innocence by leading his pursuers to the one-armed man Thurman). But when a flight director is brutally murdered, a who committed the crime. Jones (the 1993 Academy Award clue left at the crime scene threatens to shatter Vincent’s Golden Globe and Los Angeles Film Critics Award winner as plans in this riveting sci-fi classic. The Girl Next Door / Miss March Best Supporting Actor) is Sam Gerard, an unrelenting bloodhound of a U.S. marshal. They are hunted and hunter. Clones, Drama, Fantasy, Killer Technology, (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) And as directed by Andrew Davis (Under Siege), their non- Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers Comedy, Double Features, High School, stop chase has one exhilarating speed: all-out. 1997 106min. Movies, Road Trips, Romance, Sexy Academy Award Winners, Action, Image Ent. 09.07.2013

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Comedies min. her complicated web of NYC friends, ex-friends, boyfriends, By far the most ambitious, unflinchingly graphic and and ex-boyfriends. This season, Hannah forges ahead in her stylistically influential western ever mounted, The Good, the 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 writing pursuits and begins seeing someone new, but her Bad and the Ugly is an engrossing actioner shot through with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116972 enthusiasm is tempered by the responsibility she feels her a volatile mix of myth and realism. Clint Eastwood returns as now-ex Adam (Adam Driver), convalescing after his Season 1 the „Man With No Name,“ this time teaming with two finale accident. Let down by works and still lonely after gunslingers (Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef) to pursue a The Girl calling things off with Charlie, Marnie (Allison Williams) cache of $200,000 and letting no one, not even warring Geoffrey Rivas, Abbie Cornish - Dir. David needs her best friend and former roommate more than ever, but factions in a civil war, stand in their way. From sun-drenched lingering awkwardness - and some surprising turns - only panoramas to bold,hard close-ups, exceptional camera work Riker drive a wedge further between the pair. Meanwhile, still- captures the beauty and cruelty of the barren landscape For two years Ashley Colton (Abbie Cornish), a rough, married Jessa (Jemima Kirke) returns from her honeymoon in andthe hardened characters who stride unwaveringly through ragged beauty in her mid-twenties, has walked a tightrope, Mexico, supplying Hannah with new, wild ideas. Shoshanna it. Forging a vibrant and yet detached style of action that had trying to prove that she is fit to be a mother and regain (Zosia Mamet) takes charge of her new identity as a sexually not been seen before, and has never been matched since, The custody of her son. A surprise visit from her father (Will active woman - and copes with the emotions that come along Good, the Bad and the Ugly shatters the western mold in true Patton), a truck driver living in Mexico, brings Ashley back with it - as Ray (Alex Karpovsky) has an out-of-sight, out-of- Clint Eastwood style. into a turbulent and unresolved relationship. On a trip to mind attitude towards their relationship. The girls have their Nuevo Laredo, she discovers that her father is smuggling Classics, Movies, Spaghetti Westerns, ups and downs, but the show’s raw poignancy and fresh humo Western 1966 162min. immigrants across the border. Ashley glimpses a solution to Comedy, Drama, Friendships, HBO, her problems and is lured by the prospect of easy money into MGM / UA 07.05.2013 Romance, Television 2013 390min. the role of a coyote. Her improvised plan quickly goes awry, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116947 and Ashley finds herself stranded with a young girl whose HBO Home Video 13.08.2013 mother disappeared in the late night river crossing. Along the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117173 way, she discovers something unexpected, something she Government Agents Vs. Phantom didn’t even know she had - her own mothering instinct. Drama, Foreign, Movies, Spanish 2012 Glove: Two-Disc Special Edition Legion 95min. Kim Sang-nam (Jung Jae-young, Moss) is a hero on the Walter Reed, Dick Curtis, John Pickard, Virgil Films And Entertainment 02.07.2013 pitcher’s mound, but thanks to his drunk and disorderly Franklin Adreon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116637 behavior off the field, he now faces the prospect of a lifetime Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying expulsion from Korea’s pro-baseball league. Desperate to materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to salvage his public image, Sang-nam’s manager hauls him to foreign powers. The Girl the countryside to serve as the guest coach for the baseball team at a school for the hearing impaired. With just 10 Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Movies Sienna Miller, Toby Jones players, Chungju Sacred Heart’s team has challenges other 1951 167min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using high school baseball teams don’t. They can’t hear the crack of Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. the bat, so it’s harder to follow the ball. Their ability to English director Alfred Hitchcock, a.k.a. The Master of communicate on the field is limited, making teamwork more 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116631 Suspense, is revered as one of the greatest creative minds in difficult. And they have to fight against others’ pity and the history of cinema. Known for his psychological thrillers, perceptions, just to be seen as competitors. The students and Graceland Hitchcock’s leading ladies were cool, beautiful and preferably their advisers are enthusiastic about entering their first blonde. One such actress was Tippi Hedren, an unknown national tournament. But Sang-nam is cynical about the team’s Intense and unpredictable, Graceland is the story of family fashion model given her big break when Hitchcock’s wife saw chances - until he sees glimpses of his younger self reflected man Marlon Villar, the longtime chauffeur of Manuel Chango a her on a TV commercial. Brought to Universal Studios, in the boys as they play. Their shared love for the game may corrupt Filipino politician One afternoon, while he and his Hedren was shocked when the director, at the peak of his be enough to change the course of their lives... daughter accompany the politician’s daughter home, their car career, quickly cast her to star in his next feature, 1963’s The Baseball, Drama, Movies, Sports 2011 is ambushed in a kidnapping attempt. During the confusion of Birds. Little did Hedren know that as ambitious and terrifying the ambush, the kidnapping goes horribly wrong and the as the production would be to shoot, the most daunting aspect 144min. wrong girl is taken and held for ransom. Marlon is determined of the film ended up coming from behind the camera. Starring Bayview Entertainment 23.07.2013 to save his daughter, but between the conflicting motives of Toby Jones as Hitchcock and Sienna Miller as Hedren, The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117024 the kidnappers and Chango, Marlon is forced into a terrible Girl tells the story of the director’s obsessive relationship downward spiral. As events unfold, Marlon, Chango, and their with his leading lady during the making of The Birds and families are forced into a game of deceit and betrayal that will Marnie. As he attempted to sculpt Hedren into the perfect A Good Day For A Hanging leave no one innocent. Crime, Drama, Foreign, Kidnapping, Movies, blonde of his imagination, Hitchcock became obse Robert Vaughn, Fred MacMurray, Joan Drama, Film About Film, HBO, Movies, Tele- Philippine, Thrillers 2012 84min. Blackman, Maggie Hayes - Dir. Nathan vision, TV Movies 2012 90min. Image Ent. 23.07.2013 Juran HBO MOD 19.03.2013 Six men think they saw Eddie „The Kid“ Campbell (Robert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116899 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116724 Vaughn, The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) shoot down Marshal Cain in cold blood. But only respected lawman Ben Cutler (Fred Graceland (Blu-ray) MacMurray, The Caine Mutiny would swear to it in court. For Girls: The Complete Second Ben was determined to see The Kid hang for the crime. But Intense and unpredictable, Graceland is the story of family Season was it because Campbell was a murderer or because Cutler’s man Marlon Villar, the longtime chauffeur of Manuel Chango a daughter (Joan Blackman, Blue Hawaii) was The Kid’s corrupt Filipino politician One afternoon, while he and his Zosia Mamet, Lena Dunham, Adam Driver, sweetheart, and no father would ever let his little girl marry at daughter accompany the politician’s daughter home, their car outlaw? Sentenced to the gallows, Campbell’s sensitive is ambushed in a kidnapping attempt. During the confusion of Allison Williams, Jemma Kirke the ambush, the kidnapping goes horribly wrong and the Following the urban adventures of a group of 20-something demeanor soon convinces everyone that he’s been framed. Everyone, that is, except for Ben Cutler. For only Ben knows wrong girl is taken and held for ransom. Marlon is determined women, the series focuses on Hannah Horvath (Dunham) and to save his daughter, but between the conflicting motives of her complicated web of NYC friends, ex-friends, boyfriends, whether The Kid’s truly guilty or not, and justice will be done, even if he has to take the law into his own hands. the kidnappers and Chango, Marlon is forced into a terrible and ex-boyfriends. This season, Hannah forges ahead in her downward spiral. As events unfold, Marlon, Chango, and their writing pursuits and begins seeing someone new, but her Action, Adventure, Classics, Crime, families are forced into a game of deceit and betrayal that will enthusiasm is tempered by the responsibility she feels her Movies, Western 1958 85min. leave no one innocent. now-ex Adam (Adam Driver), convalescing after his Season 1 finale accident. Let down by works and still lonely after Image Ent. 02.07.2013 Crime, Drama, Foreign, Kidnapping, Movies, calling things off with Charlie, Marnie (Allison Williams) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116888 Philippine, Thrillers 2012 84min. needs her best friend and former roommate more than ever, but Image Ent. 23.07.2013 lingering awkwardness - and some surprising turns - only drive a wedge further between the pair. Meanwhile, still- The Good Life 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116986 married Jessa (Jemima Kirke) returns from her honeymoon in Tangi Miller, Christian Keyes, Richard Mexico, supplying Hannah with new, wild ideas. Shoshanna Green Zone / The Kingdom (Zosia Mamet) takes charge of her new identity as a sexually Gallion - Dir. Christopher Nolen active woman - and copes with the emotions that come along Based on a true story, Christopher Nolen’s The Good Life (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) with it - as Ray (Alex Karpovsky) has an out-of-sight, out-of- follows the relationship of Marianne and Jacques Vandelay, a mind attitude towards their relationship. The girls have their married couple whose friends and family think of as the Greg Kinnear, , Kyle Chandler, ups and downs, but the show’s raw poignancy and fresh humo „perfect“ couple. But as Jacques looks to become an Chris Cooper, Matt Damon, Jeremy Piven, entrepreneur and Marianne starts feeling her own professio- Comedy, Drama, Friendships, HBO, nal pressure to succeed, both begin to sacrifice their vows Richard Jenkins, Brendan Gleeson, Romance, Television 2013 390min. and risk losing their marriage to accomplish their selfish , Danny Huston, Jason Bat- HBO Home Video 13.08.2013 goals. eman, Amy Ryan, Khalid Abdalla - Dir. Peter 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117153 Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 83min. Berg, Paul Greengrass E1 Entertainment 16.07.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Double Features, Drama, Girls: The Complete Second 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116785 FBI, Military, Movies, Terrorism, Thrillers, Season (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital War, War In The Middle East min. The Good Bad And The Ugly (Blu- Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Copy) (Blu-ray) ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116589 Zosia Mamet, Lena Dunham, Adam Driver, Lee Van Cleef, Aldo Giuffre, Clint Allison Williams, Jemma Kirke Grindhouse Galore: Guns, Babes Following the urban adventures of a group of 20-something Eastwood, Mario Brega, Eli Wallach - Dir. women, the series focuses on Hannah Horvath (Dunham) and Sergio Leone And Gore

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Collections, Horror, Killer Beauties, Movies, Volume One the girls must deal with the trials and tribulations of everyday teenage life including a new arch-nemesis in the form of Revenge 2012 601min. Amanda Blake, James Arness, Dennis classmate Charlotte. The magical story known to fans is Allegro Entertainment 14.05.2013 Weaver, Milburn Stone presented as a 90-minute movie. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116623 Matt Dillon (James Arness) is in charge of Dodge City, a Australian, Drama, Family, Fantasy, town in the Wild West where people often have no respect for Foreign, Friendships, High Seas, Internatio- the law. He deals on a daily basis with the problems The G-String Horror associated with frontier life: cattle rustling, gunfights, brawls, nal TV, Movies, Television, TV Movies Debra Lamb standover , and land fraud. Such situations call for 90min. A production company shooting a in a 100 year old sound judgment and brave actions: of which Marshal Dillon New Video DVD 11.06.2013 movie palace turned strip club is attacked by the inhabitants has plenty. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117204 as they revolt and take over the movie for their own purposes Action, Adventure, CBS, Classics, Televisi- with shocking results. The shapeshifting phantasm of a on, Western 1963 min. murdered stripper possesses an actress in a savage attempt A Halloween Puppy to escape the prison of the decaying theater. She makes her Paramount Pictures 06.08.2013 getaway to pursue her lurid destiny. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117186 Eric Roberts, Kristine DeBell Horror, Movies 2012 74min. Animals & Nature, Family, Holidays, Movies, Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 : The Ninth Season - Television, TV Movies 2012 80min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116721 Rapid Heart Pictures 02.10.2012 Volume Two 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116869 Amanda Blake, James Arness, Dennis The G-String Horror (Blu-ray) Weaver, Milburn Stone Hamlet Debra Lamb Matt Dillon (James Arness) is in charge of Dodge City, a A production company shooting a horror film in a 100 year old town in the Wild West where people often have no respect for This vibrant and colorful new cinema version of William movie palace turned strip club is attacked by the inhabitants the law. He deals on a daily basis with the problems Shakespeare’s most popular tragedy features a powerful as they revolt and take over the movie for their own purposes associated with frontier life: cattle rustling, gunfights, brawls, performance in the lead role by rising star William Houston. with shocking results. The shapeshifting phantasm of a standover tactics, and land fraud. Such situations call for With superb supporting performances by the cream of British murdered stripper possesses an actress in a savage attempt sound judgment and brave actions: of which Marshal Dillon acting talent including Christopher Timothy, Iain Cuthbertson to escape the prison of the decaying theater. She makes her has plenty. and Gareth Thomas, the plot unfolds in an atmospheric setting getaway to pursue her lurid destiny. Action, Adventure, CBS, Classics, Televisi- against a stunning visual backdrop. Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Performing Horror, Movies 2012 min. on, Western 1964 min. Arts, Plays On Stage, Shakespeare, Apprehensive Films 14.05.2013 Paramount Pictures 06.08.2013 Special Interest 114min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117221 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117187 Kultur 30.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117206 Guido H2O: Just Add Water - Mermaid Gary Busey, Armand Assante, Billy Zane, Magic Hands Of The Ripper (Blu-ray + Alki David - Dir. Colin Campbell Explore the Gold Coast and all the adventures that come with Action, Comedy, Crime, Gangs, Movies it in H2O: Just Add Water - Mermaid Magic. With their best DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 2011 min. friend Emma off traveling with her family, Cleo and Rikki are Eric Porter, Angharad Rees, Jane Merrow - about to face their last year of high school. But together with Allegro Entertainment 14.05.2013 Lewis, they’re confident they know everything there is to Dir. Peter Sasdy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116619 know about Mako Island. Soon they realize a new, potentially An infant girl watches in horror as her father, the infamous dangerous force is developing and a boy with freakish free- „Jack the Ripper“, brutally murders her mother. Years later, diving skills could hold the key to understanding the powerful young Anna (Angharad Rees) is now under the care of a fake The Guillotines energy. Thankfully they find an ally in Bella, a new girl in psychic and has been forced into prostitution. At the end of a town who reveals an equally surprising twist: she too is a séance one evening, a woman is mysteriously killed. Dr. John Xiaoming Huang Pritchard (Eric Porter) suspects Anna is the murderer but A secret brotherhood of assassins - The Guillotines - once mermaid! Together, the new trio faces phenomenal challenges as they discover the dark secrets of Mako Island. The cannot understand how she could do this unspeakable act. favored by the Emperor, are now a force of terror and Using new Freudian psychoanalysis techniques, Pritchard oppression under a new regime. Exiled to a remote village and magical story known to fans is presented as a 90-minute movie. experiments on Anna and discovers a shocking secret. The hunted by a squad of fighters with firearms that challenge spirit of the „Ripper“ is alive and well, and may be possessing their cold steel, The Guillotines must now outwit and outfight Australian, Drama, Family, Fantasy, his own daughter! Can this evil be stopped before it’s too enemies from both sides. Foreign, Friendships, High Seas, Internatio- late? Completely restored in high-definition and released Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Chinese, nal TV, Movies, Television, TV Movies uncut for the first time on Blu-ray in the U.S., Hands Of The Foreign, Movies 114min. 90min. Ripper is a film widely recognized as one of the most Well Go USA 13.08.2013 gruesome Hammer horror films ever made. New Video DVD 11.06.2013 British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Serial Kil- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117195 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117205 lers, Slasher, Thrillers 1971 85min. Synapse Films 09.07.2013 The Guillotines (Blu-ray) H2O: Just Add Water - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117146 Xiaoming Huang Metamorphosis A secret brotherhood of assassins - The Guillotines - once favored by the Emperor, are now a force of terror and In H2O: Just Add Water - Metamorphosis, Emma, Cleo and Hang ‘Em High (Blu-ray) oppression under a new regime. Exiled to a remote village and Rikki are three very different sixteen-year-old girls with one Imger Stevens, Ed Begley, Clint Eastwood, hunted by a squad of fighters with firearms that challenge thing in common: they’re mermaids. After finding themselves their cold steel, The Guillotines must now outwit and outfight accidentally stranded at sea floating toward mysterious Mako Pat Hingle - Dir. Ted Post enemies from both sides. Island, they discover an underwater channel and swim to Classics, Movies, Western 1967 116min. safety. They enter a wonderful, underwater world, but the Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Chi- nature of their new power draws them into wild adventures. MGM / UA 07.05.2013 nese, Foreign, Movies 114min. The girls get off the island as fast as they can and back to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116948 Well Go USA 13.08.2013 ‘normal’ life. One by one, however, the girls find life is never going to be normal again, especially knowing the secret of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117212 their magic powers could be revealed to the world! The Hanging For Django magical story known to fans is presented as a 90-minute Mario Brega, William Berger, Anthony Stef- Gunfight At The O.K. Corral / The movie. fen - Dir. Sergio Garrone Australian, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Man Who Shot Liberty Valance In this classic making its home video debut, Foreign, Friendships, High Seas, Internatio- an evangelical bounty hunter teams up with another to bring (Double Feature) nal TV, Movies, Television, TV Movies an outlaw gang that has been sneaking illegal immigrants over John Wayne, John Ireland, Andy Devine, 90min. the border to sell as slaves to justice. Action, Classics, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Vera Miles, Lee Van Cleef, Kirk Douglas, New Video DVD 11.06.2013 Western 1969 93min. Lee Marvin, Burt Lancaster, Jo Van Fleet, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117203 Kino Video 23.07.2013 Rhonda Fleming, Ken Murray, James 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116924 Stewart - Dir. John Ford, John Sturges H2O: Just Add Water - Sea Classics, Double Features, Epics, Movies, Change Hanging For Django (Blu-ray) National Film Registry, Western min. Three magical mermaids are back with plenty of underwater Warner Bros. 04.06.2013 adventures in H2O: Just Add Water - Sea Change. Life is Mario Brega, William Berger, Anthony Stef- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116603 back to normal for Emma, Cleo and Rikki after fooling fen - Dir. Sergio Garrone everyone into believing they’ve lost their powers. The girls In this classic spaghetti western making its home video debut, go swimming on the underwater reefs and shop for the latest an evangelical bounty hunter teams up with another to bring Gunsmoke: The Ninth Season - clothes - until the next full moon, which sends their powers an outlaw gang that has been sneaking illegal immigrants over into chaos! Even while learning to control their new abilities the border to sell as slaves to justice.

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Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Foreign, Italian, AMC, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Historical / Bell - Dir. Dan Garcia Movies, Western 1969 93min. Period Piece, Outlaw Country, Revenge, Collections, Drama, Horror, Movies, Kino Video 23.07.2013 Television, Western 2012 430min. Mystery, Thrillers 365min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116994 E1 Entertainment 16.07.2013 Phase 4 Films 23.07.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116792 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117169 Hansel & Gretel Get Baked (Blu- ray) Hellboy II: The Golden Army The Host Yancy Butler, (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Diane Kruger, Saoirse Ronan, Max Irons - Stoner siblings Hansel and Gretel battle an evil witch (Lara gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Dir. Andrew Niccol Flynn Boyle) who uses a magical blend of marijuana to lure in From Stephenie Meyer, the creator of the worldwide teenage bait. Will this be the last high of their lives? John Hurt, Ron Perlman, Jeffrey Tambor, phenomenon The Twilight Saga, comes this daring and Comedy, Fairy Tales, Horror, Movies, Selma Blair, Luke Goss, Doug Jones, Anna romantic thriller based on The New York Times #1 bestselling novel. When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking Stoners, Witches & Warlocks 2012 87min. Walton - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro over humans’ bodies and erasing their minds, Melanie Stryder New Video DVD 25.06.2013 The fate of mankind hangs in the balance when a ruthless (Saoirse Ronan) risks everything to protect the people she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117219 prince awakens an unstoppable army of creatures and wages cares about most, proving that love can conquer all in a war with the human world. It’s up to Hellboy and his team of dangerous new world. The Host is a passionate and powerful paranormal outcasts to face off with the forces of darkness in epic love story co-starring Diane Kruger, Jake Abel, Frances Happy Gilmore the ultimate battle of good versus evil! From the visionary Fisher, Max Irons and William Hurt. director of Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy II: The Golden Army Adam Sandler, Carl Weathers, Julie Bowen, takes you into fantastical worlds with imaginative creatures Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Christopher McDonald, Richard Kiel - Dir. and thrilling fight sequences unlike anything you’ve ever seen Book-To-Film, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Dennis Dugan before! 2013 126min. Adam Sandler stars as Happy Gilmore in this over-the-top Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Universal Studios 09.07.2013 comedy that scores a hole in one for hilarity. After his dream Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117085 of stardom on the hockey ice melts, Happy Gilmore discovers Superheroes, Supernatural & Paranormal he has a gift that could bring him glory on the greens. Trouble 2008 120min. is, with his hot head and hard-hitting drives, Happy doesn’t The Host (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital just play golf . . . he destroys it. With the help of a retired Universal Studios 25.06.2013 golfer (Carl Weathers) and a hot publicist (Julie Bowen), can 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116572 Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Happy perfect his game and tame his temper to win the Diane Kruger, Saoirse Ronan, Max Irons - tournament prize money? With unforgettable appearances by Dir. Andrew Niccol Bob Barker, Christopher McDonald and Kevin Nealon, this Hiding In Plain Sight From Stephenie Meyer, the creator of the worldwide comedy favorite features non-stop laughs that are par for the What would you do if you lost everything? The answer is a course! phenomenon The Twilight Saga, comes this daring and grim reality for Darius and Josey Blackmon. A hardworking romantic thriller based on The New York Times #1 bestselling Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Golf, Hockey, couple plagued by bad luck and tough circumstances, they novel. When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking Movies, Sports 1996 92min. watch their middle-class lifestyle crumble away as over humans’ bodies and erasing their minds, Melanie Stryder Universal Studios 09.07.2013 unemployment took its brutal toll. Now they have no shelter (Saoirse Ronan) risks everything to protect the people she for their two children except the family car. Struggling to cares about most, proving that love can conquer all in a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117144 survive and to maintain appearances, Darius is at the end of dangerous new world. The Host is a passionate and powerful his rope. His hope is almost gone, but faith may offer and epic love story co-starring Diane Kruger, Jake Abel, Frances Heebie Jeebies answer, if he can only overcome the pride that holds him back. Fisher, Max Irons and William Hurt. Filmmaker M. Legend Brown crafts a devastatingly honest, yet Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Michael Badalucco, Brad Krevoy, H. Daniel uplifting look at a secret struggle that may be closer than you Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Movies, Romance, Gross think. When a haunted gold mine is reopened after a 150 years, a Drama, Movies 2012 120min. Thrillers 2013 126min. horrific supernatural creature escapes to exact vengeance on E1 Entertainment 16.07.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 a small Southern town. Emitting a maddening mist that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116783 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117092 paralyzes it’s victims with fear or Heebie Jeebies, the monster tears them apart leaving a bloody path of destruction. As helpless locals are ripped to shreds and the reign of terror Hitchcock Hot Fuzz (Steelbook + Blu-ray + begins, the deputy sheriff (Robert Belushi, Valentine’s Day) and coroner (Cathy Shim, The Watch) join forces to find a Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) way to destroy the creature before their no town left to save. Johansson, Toni Collette, Danny Huston, (Blu-ray) Emmy Award winner Michael Badalucco, Marion Ross Jessica Biel, Michael Stuhlbarg - Dir. Sacha (Happy Days) and ’90s scream queen Jennifer Rubin also Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jim Broadbent - star in this spine-tingling chiller. Gervasi Oscar Winners Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren are Dir. Edgar Wright Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, spellbinding in this provocative story about the making of one From the creators of Shaun of The Dead comes the Hot Fuzz TV Movies 2013 85min. of cinema’s most iconic films. Plagued by both a reckless ego Ultimate Edition! Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and nagging self-doubt, Hollywood legend Alfred Hitchcock unstoppable cop who, with the help of a bumbling partner (Hopkins) becomes obsessed with a grisly murder story that (Nick Frost), turns up the heat in a small, quiet town and 25.06.2013 the studios won’t back. Determined, he risks his reputation, delivers some big-city justice. See all of the action and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116647 his home and even the love of his wife Alma (Mirren), as he comedy in this Ultimate Edition that features non-stop sets out to make the film. Ultimately, Hitch wins Alma over, entertainment, heart-pounding thrills and outrageous laughs! and the two collaborate to create an enduring masterpiece - Action, Blu-ray, British, Buddy Pictures, Hell On Wheels: The Complete Psycho. Also starring , Toni Collette and Comedy, Cops, Crime, Foreign, Movies Second Season Jessica Biel, Hitchcock is „a knockout from start to finish“ (Rex Reed, New York Observer). 2007 121min. Colm Meaney, Anson Mount, Common Biography, Biopics, Book-To-Film, Drama, Universal Studios 25.06.2013 The second season of AMC’s post-Civil War series Hell on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116573 Wheels continues the story of former Confederate soldier Film About Film, Movies 2012 98min. Cullen Bohannon, whose journey is filled with turmoil and 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 danger as he struggles to leave a troubled past behind. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116834 House Of Cards: The Complete Centered around the traveling town that follows the construction of the transcontinental railroad, the series First Season examines the greed and corruption in man’s fight for power. Homefront Kevin Spacey, Kate Mara AMC, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Homefront is touching and emotional look at three very diffe- Drama, Politics, Television, TV Remakes Piece, Outlaw Country, Revenge, Televisi- rent soldiers, held hostage in a small, dank prison cell, moved to share their last memories of home with one another as their 2013 674min. on, Western 2012 430min. lives hang in the balance. Private Aaron Phillips is a young, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 16.07.2013 green soldier on his first tour of duty, when he is taken 11.06.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116782 hostage by the enemy. Lt. Steven Hill is a soldier in the Reserves that has been called up to active duty, when his unit 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117061 is ambushed. Sgt. Bryan Monroe is a veteran soldier on his Hell On Wheels: The Complete fourth and final tour of duty when he falls into enemy hands. House Of Cards: The Complete Who will survive? Who will be changed forever? Second Season (Blu-ray) Drama, Military, Movies 2012 110min. First Season (Blu-ray + Colm Meaney, Anson Mount, Common E1 Entertainment 02.07.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The second season of AMC’s post-Civil War series Hell on Wheels continues the story of former Confederate soldier 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116777 Kevin Spacey, Kate Mara Cullen Bohannon, whose journey is filled with turmoil and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Drama, danger as he struggles to leave a troubled past behind. Horror 4 Pack: Volume 4 Centered around the traveling town that follows the Politics, Television, TV Remakes 2013 construction of the transcontinental railroad, the series Michael Madsen, Katie Parker, Courtney 674min. examines the greed and corruption in man’s fight for power.

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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116743 11.06.2013 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117077 (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Inescapable (Blu-ray) ray) Marisa Tomei, Joshua Jackson, Alexander The (Steelbook + Blu-ray + Siddig - Dir. Ruba Nadda Steve Buscemi, Steve Carell, Mason Cook - DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) Twenty-five years ago Adib (Alexander Siddig, Syriana, Cairo Dir. Don Scardino Time), a promising young officer in the Syrian military police, (Blu-ray) Comedy, Magic, Movies 2013 100min. suddenly left Damascus under suspicious circumstances. Abandoning the love of his life Fatima (Marisa Tomei, The Nick Nolte, Jennifer Connelly, Eric Bana, New Line Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 Wrestler, The Ides of March), he made his way to Canada Josh Lucas, Sam Elliott - Dir. Ang Lee 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116964 and wiped the slate clean. With a beautiful wife, two grown Get ready for larger-than-life action as the Marvel Super daughters, and a great job in Toronto, Adib is confident he’s Hero bursts from comic book pages to the big screen in The built a successful life from scratch. But when his daughter Hulk! Eric Bana stars as David Banner, Whose involvement The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Muna suddenly disappears in Damascus, his past threatens to in a freak lab accident exposes him to gamma radiation. As a (DVD + UltraViolet) violently catch up to him. Teaming up with a Canadian result, whenever the mild-mannered man becomes angry, he emissary (Joshua Jackson, Fringe), Adib must now confront transforms into a huge, rampaging creature that destroys Steve Buscemi, Steve Carell, Mason Cook - the turmoil he thought he left behind so many years ago in everything in his path. Banner’s ex-girlfriend Betty Ross Dir. Don Scardino order to find Muna. Both a tense mystery and a stirring (Academy Award winner Jennifer Connelly) believes that his character drama, Inescapable is an action-packed thriller father (Nick Nolte) may hold the answer to the desperate Comedy, Magic, Movies 2013 100min. driven by the undying and uncompromising love between a situation, but can she make the connection in time to save a New Line Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 father and his daughter. terrified world? Directed by Academy Award winner Ang Lee, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116876 MPI, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance The Hulk is bursting with heart pounding adventure and explosive special effects! 2012 93min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, The Incredible Hulk (Steelbook + MPI 02.07.2013 Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes 2003 Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116764 138min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Into The White Tim Roth, William Hurt, Liv Tyler, Tim Blake 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116574 Florian Lukas, Stig Henrik Hoff, David Nelson, Edward Norton, Ty Burrell - Dir. Kross Louis Leterrier Human Antfarm April 27, 1940 - Two enemy fighter planes are shot down. Academy Award nominee Edward Norton stars as scientist After crash-landing, the stranded survivors, both German and This is the sensation that exploded across the country at the Bruce Banner, a man who has been living in shadows, British crew members, are forced to seek refuge in an isolated biggest horror conventions. Rarely does a movie cause such scouring the planet for an antidote to the unbridled force of cabin in order to withstand the harsh spring in the a stir in such an extreme crowd. Now you can enjoy the movie rage within him: the Hulk. But when the military masterminds mountainous wilderness of Norway. And by doing so, these that caused deafening laughter, throat-shredding screams, who dream of exploiting his powers force him back to enemies of war must band together, as their survival depends and a storm of praise. It’s the story of a victim who becomes civilization, he finds himself coming face to face with his most upon it. inhabited by army ants that aggressively defend their host. formidable foe: the Abomination - a nightmarish beast of pure Bullies beware! aggression whose powers match the Hulk’s own! Also Action, Drama, History & Events, Movies, Bugs, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction 2012 starring Liv Tyler, Oscar nominee Tim Roth, and Oscar War, World War II 2012 100min. winner William Hurt, The Incredible Hulk is „steeped in action Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 91min. and spectacular special effects“ (Claudia Puig, USA Today) Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 and delivers a mind-blowing final showdown that can only be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116717 summed up with one word... Incredible! Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Into The White (Blu-ray) Hunky Dory Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes 2008 Florian Lukas, Stig Henrik Hoff, David 113min. Minnie Driver - Dir. Marc Evans Kross Universal Studios 25.06.2013 British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Teachers April 27, 1940 - Two enemy fighter planes are shot down. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116575 After crash-landing, the stranded survivors, both German and 2011 110min. British crew members, are forced to seek refuge in an isolated Millennium Entertainment 23.07.2013 cabin in order to withstand the harsh spring in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117096 Indescribable mountainous wilderness of Norway. And by doing so, these Discover the true story behind the classic Christian hymn enemies of war must band together, as their survival depends „The Love of God.“ Amidst financial pressures and the upon it. I Love You, Beth Cooper / All uncertainties of WWI, Pastor Frederick Lehman begins to Action, Blu-ray, Drama, History & Events, About Steve (Double Feature) write a song about the love of God. When he gets stuck on the Movies, War, World War II 2012 100min. third verse, ten-year-old Blynn comes to the rescue by calling Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 (Blu-ray) a sibling council and laying out a strategy to help Papa write the song. Along the way they waste a lot of paper, explore an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117038 Comedy, Double Features, High School, old asylum, meet a real Jewish Rabbi, and learn about events Movies, Romance min. that took place more than eight centuries earlier. Faced with failure and grief, Blynn is left grappling with a desire to love An Irish Vampire In Hollywood 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 God. Can Papa help Blynn discover the truth about God’s With creatures, faeries, mad scientists, castles, twins, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116960 love? Featuring the vocals of Guy Penrod. leprechauns and lots of blood - this surreal, mystical fantasy Drama, Family, Movies, Religion/Spirituality (with a generous dose of humor) depicts a fight between good and evil with the heart of Ireland as its prize. A surreal treat The Ice Storm: The Criterion 2012 94min. not to be missed. Collection (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 Fantasy, Horror, Magic, Movies, Vampires 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116794 Sigourney Weaver, Elijah Wood, Jamey 2012 90min. Sheridan, Kevin Kline, Christina Ricci, Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 Tobey Maguire, Henry Czerny, Adam Hann Inescapable 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116628 Byrd, Joan Allen - Dir. Ang Lee Marisa Tomei, Joshua Jackson, Alexander Suburban Connecticut, 1973. While the Watergate hearings Siddig - Dir. Ruba Nadda Is There Life Out There? blast from the TV, the wayward Hood and Carver families try Twenty-five years ago Adib (Alexander Siddig, Syriana, Cairo to navigate a Thanksgiving break simmering with unspoken Time), a promising young officer in the Syrian military police, Keith Carradine, Reba McEntire - Dir. David resentments, sexual experimentation, and cultural confusion. suddenly left Damascus under suspicious circumstances. Hugh Jones With crystalline clarity, characteristic subtlety, and even a Abandoning the love of his life Fatima (Marisa Tomei, The Drama, Movies, TV Movies 1994 92min. dose of wicked humor, Academy Award-winning director Ang Wrestler, The Ides of March), he made his way to Canada Lee adapts Rick Moody’s acclaimed novel of American and wiped the slate clean. With a beautiful wife, two grown Echo Bridge Home Entertainment malaise into a trenchant, tragic portrait of lost souls. daughters, and a great job in Toronto, Adib is confident he’s 09.07.2013 Featuring a cast of tremendously talented adults (Kevin Kline, built a successful life from scratch. But when his daughter 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116816 Joan Allen, Sigourney Weaver) and kids (up-and-coming Muna suddenly disappears in Damascus, his past threatens to stars Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, Elijah Wood), The Ice violently catch up to him. Teaming up with a Canadian Storm is one of the finest films of the nineties. emissary (Joshua Jackson, Fringe), Adib must now confront It’s A Disaster Affairs & Love Triangles, Art House, Blu- the turmoil he thought he left behind so many years ago in order to find Muna. Both a tense mystery and a stirring David Cross, - Dir. Todd ray, Coming-Of-Age, Criterion Collection, character drama, Inescapable is an action-packed thriller Berger Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Historical / driven by the undying and uncompromising love between a A group of close friends meet for their monthly „couples Period Piece, Movies, Substance Abuse father and his daughter. brunch“, one of whom brings along her new boyfriend. What Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance 2012 starts as a typical gathering, turns into an impromptu therapy 1997 113min. session / airing of domestic grievances. Compounding the Criterion 23.07.2013 93min. awkward situation is a sudden, mysterious attack on the city. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116693 MPI 02.07.2013 Trapped in the house and unsure of their fates, these

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA seemingly normal adults become increasingly unhinged to 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116790 Navin Johnson, adopted son of poor black sharecropper hilarious, surprising, and revealing results. family, whose crazy inventions lead him from rags to riches Comedy, End Of The World, Friendships, and right back to rags. Along the way, he’s smitten with a lady Movies, Romance 2012 90min. Jacob On The Road motorcycle racer, survives a series of screwball attacks by Jacob and his adventurous friends sneak away during a class deranged killer, becomes a millionaire by inventing the „Opti- Oscilloscope Laboratories 04.06.2013 trip to the museum and encounter a group of monkey grab“ handle for eyeglasses - and shows why he’s the hottest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116664 mannequins in a showcase. But these are not ordinary comic performer in America today. monkeys or mannequins. Jacob is quickly drawn in to a AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Movies, It’s A Disaster (Blu-ray) mysterious monkey world and a debate about the origin on the Slapstick 1979 94min. human species. Along the way Jacob meets Jay, a museum Universal Studios 09.07.2013 David Cross, Rachel Boston - Dir. Todd security guard who doubles as a guide for wandering children in the would of the mischievous monkeys. Can Jay help Jacob 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117145 Berger find a safe way out of this crazy mess? Let’s find out as we A group of close friends meet for their monthly „couples follow Jacob On The Road. brunch“, one of whom brings along her new boyfriend. What The Jerk (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + starts as a typical gathering, turns into an impromptu therapy Adventure, Children’s, Family, Movies 2012 session / airing of domestic grievances. Compounding the min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) awkward situation is a sudden, mysterious attack on the city. E1 Entertainment 16.07.2013 Steve Martin, , Catlin Trapped in the house and unsure of their fates, these seemingly normal adults become increasingly unhinged to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116784 Adams, Mabel King, Jackie Mason - Dir. hilarious, surprising, and revealing results. Carl Reiner Comedy, End Of The World, Friendships, Jawbreaker / Hollywood Knights / That wild and crazy guy, Steve Martin, makes his film debut in Movies, Romance 2012 90min. this wild and crazy comedy hit The Jerk. Steve portrays Peggy Sue Got Married / Navin Johnson, adopted son of poor black sharecropper Oscilloscope Laboratories 04.06.2013 family, whose crazy inventions lead him from rags to riches 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116689 Heathers (Back To School and right back to rags. Along the way, he’s smitten with a lady Favorites Quad) motorcycle racer, survives a series of screwball attacks by deranged killer, becomes a millionaire by inventing the „Opti- Jack The Giant Slayer (Blu-ray + Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, Nicolas grab“ handle for eyeglasses - and shows why he’s the hottest DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Cage, , Tony Danza, Rose comic performer in America today. McGowan, Rebecca Gayheart, Michelle AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Ian Pfeiffer - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola, Micha- Movies, Slapstick 1979 94min. McShane, Nicholas Hoult, Eddie Marsan, el Lehmann, Darren Stein, Floyd Mutrux Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Eleanor Tomlinson - Dir. Bryan Singer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117150 Jack the Giant Slayer tells the story of an ancient war that is Comedy, High School, Movies, Multi-Feature reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway Discs 387min. between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed Image Ent. 30.07.2013 Jersey Shore Lingerie Party on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116901 Massacre into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, Debbie Rochon, Stephanie Hudson its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to Jaws (Digibook + Blu-ray + DVD + Seven Strippers arrive for a relaxing vacation at the Jersey face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in Shore town of Sandy Hook but get much more than they legend... and gets the chance to become a legend himself. Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- bargained for when a superstorm hurricane strikes the town Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fairy Tales, ray) at the same time a serial killer is on a rampage. It’s up to Fantasy, Magic, Movies, War 2013 114min. these exotic dancers to fight the forces of nature, and a Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw, Roy New Line Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 demented killer, during a superstorm if they are going to Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton - survive. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116789 Dir. Steven Spielberg Horror, Movies, Serial Killers 88min. Directed by Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg, Jaws Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 Jack The Giant Slayer (DVD + set the standard for edge-of-your-seat suspense quickly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116718 becoming a cultural phenomenon and forever changing the UltraViolet) movie industry. When the seaside community of Amity finds Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Ian itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the Killer Elite (Blu-ray + Digital town’s chief of police (Roy Scheider), a young marine McShane, Nicholas Hoult, Eddie Marsan, biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and a grizzled shark hunter Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Eleanor Tomlinson - Dir. Bryan Singer (Robert Shaw) embark on a desperate quest to destroy the Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Robert De Jack the Giant Slayer tells the story of an ancient war that is beast before it strikes again. Featuring an unforgettable score reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway that evokes pure terror, Jaws remains one of the most Niro, Ben Mendelsohn, Dominic Purcell, between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed influential and gripping adventures in motion picture history. Yvonne Strahovski - Dir. Gary McKendry on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, High Seas, Jason Statham (The Italian Job), Academy Award® nominee reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack, Clive Owen (Inside Man) and Academy Award® winner into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, Horror, Movies, National Film Registry, Robert De Niro (Raging Bull) star in Killer Elite, „one of the its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to Sharks, Thrillers 1975 124min. best action thrillers of the year!“ (Richard Roeper) When two face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in Universal Studios 02.07.2013 of the world’s most elite operatives , Danny, a retired contract legend... and gets the chance to become a legend himself. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116732 killer (Statham), and Hunter, his longtime mentor (De Niro) go Action, Adventure, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, up against the cunning leader of a secret military society Magic, Movies, War 2013 114min. (Owen), their hunt takes them around the globe from Jeffrey to Paris, London, and the Middle East. As the stakes rise New Line Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 along with the body count, Danny and Hunter are soon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116771 Sigourney Weaver, Patrick Stewart, Steven plunged into an action-packed game of cat-and-mouse where Weber, Michael T. Weiss, Bryan Batt - Dir. no one is what they seem. Based on a shocking true story, it’s Christopher Ashley an explosive, no-mercy thrill ride where the predator Jack The Giant Slayer 3D (Blu-ray ultimately becomes the prey. Steven Weber stars as Jeffrey in this adaptation of Paul Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) Rudnick’s witty stage play about the New York gay experience in the HIV era. Distressed by the AIDS epidemic, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2011 117min. (Blu-ray) Jeffrey decides to swear a vow of celibacy. No sooner does Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Ian he take the oath than he meets Steve, a handsome, charming dreamboat who could be the love of his life, but who is also 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116654 McShane, Nicholas Hoult, Eddie Marsan, HIV-positive. Jeffrey’s fantasies and anxieties are hilariously Eleanor Tomlinson - Dir. Bryan Singer played out with the support of an all-star cast that includes Killing Lincoln PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Sigourney Weaver, , Kathy Najimi, Nathan is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Lane, Dukakis, Bryan Batt and in a brilliant casting Tom Hanks, Billy Campbell - Dir. Adrian Moat A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all twist, Patrick Stewart (as an interior decorator who is both Based on The New York Times best-selling novel, Killing standard Blu-ray players. Jack the Giant Slayer tells the Jeffrey’s confidant and soundest advisor). Lincoln is the suspenseful, eye-opening story of the events story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farm- Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, surrounding the assassination of U.S. President Abraham hand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a Lincoln. While some aspects of the plot to slay Lincoln and fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first Movies, Romance 1995 94min. cripple the newly forming union are widely known, much more time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they Hen’s Tooth 09.07.2013 of the history unfolds in this insightful thriller. As actor John once lost, forcing the young man, Jack, into the battle of his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117055 Wilkes Booth becomes increasingly obsessed with removing life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the Lincoln from office, a secret cabal forms, and ultimately love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the empowers Booth to carry out an event that will change unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend... and The Jerk America forever. Narrated by Oscar Winner Tom Hanks and gets the chance to become a legend himself. Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters, Catlin produced by Tony Scott and Ridley Scott, this historical Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, masterpiece stars Billy Campbell (TV’s The Killing) in a Adams, Mabel King, Jackie Mason - Dir. Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Magic, Movies, War spectacular turn as President Lincoln. Carl Reiner Biography, Biopics, Drama, History & 2013 114min. That wild and crazy guy, Steve Martin, makes his film debut in Events, Movies, Presidents, TV Movies, New Line Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 this wild and crazy comedy hit The Jerk. Steve portrays

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War 2013 120min. Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill - Dir. Judd Apatow only mean that her last exorcism was just the beginning. 20th Century Fox 11.06.2013 The writer and director of The 40-Year-Old Virgin delivers Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- another hilarious hit comedy! They say that opposites attract. session, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116709 Well, for slacker Ben (Seth Rogen) and career girl Alison (Katherine Heigl), that’s certainly the case, at least for one lers 2013 89min. Killing Lincoln (Blu-ray) intoxicated evening. Two months and several pregnancy test Sony Pictures Home Entertainment later, Ben and Alison go through a hysterically funny, anxious 18.06.2013 Tom Hanks, Billy Campbell - Dir. Adrian Moat and heartwarming journey that leads to huge laughs in the Based on The New York Times best-selling novel, Killing most outrageous comedy of the year! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117028 Lincoln is the suspenseful, eye-opening story of the events Comedy, Movies, Romance 2007 129min. surrounding the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Last Resort: The Complete First Lincoln. While some aspects of the plot to slay Lincoln and Universal Studios 09.07.2013 cripple the newly forming union are widely known, much more 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117156 Season of the history unfolds in this insightful thriller. As actor John Wilkes Booth becomes increasingly obsessed with removing Andre Braugher, Scott Speedman, Dichen Lincoln from office, a secret cabal forms, and ultimately (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Lachman, Daisy Betts empowers Booth to carry out an event that will change gital Copy) (Blu-ray) The U.S. ballistic submarine Colorado sits 500 feet below the America forever. Narrated by Oscar Winner Tom Hanks and Indian Ocean when orders come in to fire nuclear missiles at produced by Tony Scott and Ridley Scott, this historical Leslie Mann, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd, Pakistan. Captain Marcus Chaplin (Andre Braugher) and XO masterpiece stars Billy Campbell (TV’s The Killing) in a Jason Segel, Jay Baruchel, Martin Starr, Sam Kendal (Scott Speedman) both question the legitimacy of spectacular turn as President Lincoln. Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill - Dir. Judd Apatow the order and ask for confirmation, but instead receive missile Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, History fire from another U.S. submarine. Left for dead at the bottom of The writer and director of The 40-Year-Old Virgin delivers the ocean, the Colorado finds refuge on an exotic island. As & Events, Movies, Presidents, TV Movies, another hilarious hit comedy! They say that opposites attract. troops come toward the island, the members of the crew must War 2013 120min. Well, for slacker Ben (Seth Rogen) and career girl Alison work to clear their names and find out who is involved in a 20th Century Fox 11.06.2013 (Katherine Heigl), that’s certainly the case, at least for one conspiracy of nuclear proportions. From creators Karl intoxicated evening. Two months and several pregnancy test Gajdusek (Oblivion) and Shawn Ryan (TV’s ), Last 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116730 later, Ben and Alison go through a hysterically funny, anxious Resort:The Complete Series is a critically-acclaimed drama and heartwarming journey that leads to huge laughs in the filled with actionand suspense. most outrageous comedy of the year! ABC, Action, Drama, Military, Mystery, King Lear Comedy, Movies, Romance 2007 129min. Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2012 The dark and brooding world inhabited by King Lear and his Universal Studios 09.07.2013 three daughters must rank as one of the greatest works of 558min. invention in the Shakespearean canon. Brian Blessed directs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117175 and stars in this production. Blessed is magnificent in the title Sony Pictures Home Entertainment role in this powerful new cinema version of the bard’s great 02.07.2013 tragic work. Lab Rats: Every Family Has Its 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117027 Drama, Performing Arts, Plays On Stage, Glitches Shakespeare, Special Interest 194min. Billy Unger The Last Starfighter Kultur 25.06.2013 Comedy, Disney, Family, Television 2013 Robert Preston, Lance Guest, Catherine 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116677 120min. Mary Stewart - Dir. Nick Castle Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star The King Of the Streets 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116685 League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Kodan Yue Feng (Yue Song) is a young thug with exceptional Armada.“ So begins an adventure of galactic proportions in streetfighting abilities. He will stop at nothing to defeat all The Last Starfighter. After Earthling Alex (Lance Guest) challengers - until, in an tragic accident, he kills a fellow Land Of The Lost / MacGruber conquers the Starfighter video game, he is recruited by alien competitor and is sent to prison. Eight years later, Yue Feng (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Centauri (Robert Preston) to be part of an elite legion of emerges a changed man. He no longer fights, and is looking fighters. Leaving behind his trailer park home for the outer for a new life of peace and fulfillment. But it’s brutal on the Val Kilmer, Powers Boothe, Ryan Phillippe, regions of space, Alex becomes the last hope for the streets, and redemption doesn’t come easy. His brotherhood is Will Ferrell, Anna Friel, Will Forte, Jorma beleaguered Star League and hundreds of worlds including destroyed, family members murdered, and a loved one Earth. Loaded with out-of-this-world bonus features and humiliated - a deadly chain reaction that leaves him no choice Taccone, Kristen Wiig, Danny McBride - Dir. digitally remastered for optimum picture quality, The Last but to unleash his power in the name of justice. Brad Silberling, Jorma Taccone Starfighter 25th Anniversary Edition is the ultimate video Chinese, Crime, Foreign, Movies, Prison, Adventure, Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, game fantasy come true! Action, Adventure, Intergalactic War, Revenge 88min. Comedy, Dinosaurs, Double Features, Movies, Science Fiction, Space 1984 Well Go USA 06.08.2013 Jungle, Movies, Time Travel min. 101min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117194 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116590 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117157 The King Of the Streets (Blu-ray) Yue Feng (Yue Song) is a young thug with exceptional The Last Exorcism: Part II (Blu- streetfighting abilities. He will stop at nothing to defeat all Last Will And Testament Of Rosa- challengers - until, in an tragic accident, he kills a fellow ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) lind Leigh competitor and is sent to prison. Eight years later, Yue Feng Muse Watson, Spencer Treat Clark, Ashley emerges a changed man. He no longer fights, and is looking Vanessa Redgrave for a new life of peace and fulfillment. But it’s brutal on the Bell, Andrew Sensenig, Marc Abraham, After the mysterious death of the reclusive Rosalind Leigh streets, and redemption doesn’t come easy. His brotherhood is Thomas A. Bliss, Eric Newman (Vanessa Redgrave), her estranged son, Leon (Aaron Poole), destroyed, family members murdered, and a loved one Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell) is back in the relative safety of arrives at her house to take stock of his inheritance. But humiliated - a deadly chain reaction that leaves him no choice civilization and sent to live in a group home where she’s there’s more to this house than dark corners and dusty but to unleash his power in the name of justice. encouraged to leave her past behind and start a new life. Just antiques. Rosalind has left something behind... and it has Well Go USA, Chinese, Crime, Foreign, as Nell settles in, she is tormented by the seductive demonic been waiting for Leon. Now a force from beyond the grave will presence that once possessed her. She realizes that the evil pursue him through a night of lurking terror and a desperate Movies, Prison, Revenge 88min. force is back with unimaginably horrific plans which could struggle to survive. Well Go USA 06.08.2013 only mean that her last exorcism was just the beginning. Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117211 Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- Thrillers 2012 80min. session, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- Image Ent. 30.07.2013 A Kiss For Jed lers 2013 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116902 Lee Arenberg - Dir. Maurice Linnane Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 19 year old Orla wins „Follow a Star“ on an Irish national TV 18.06.2013 Leap Year / Love Happens (Doub- station. Her prize is a quest to find Country star Jed Wood - 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117044 give him a kiss and report on her adventure on the next le Feature) (Blu-ray) week’s program. Ray Timmons a middle aged documentary John Lithgow, Aaron Eckhart, Martin cameraman is the only person available to document her on The Last Exorcism: Part II (DVD + her quest. Together they travel to New York, meet up with a Sheen, Jennifer Aniston, Judy Greer, Adam jaded sound man and set about chasing down Jed. UltraViolet) Scott, John Carroll Lynch, Amy Adams, Comedy, Movies 2012 86min. Muse Watson, Spencer Treat Clark, Ashley Matthew Goode, Dan Fogler - Dir. Anand Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 Bell, Andrew Sensenig, Marc Abraham, Tucker, Brandon Camp 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116864 Thomas A. Bliss, Eric Newman Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Comedy, Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell) is back in the relative safety of civilization and sent to live in a group home where she’s Double Features, Movies, Romance min. Knocked Up encouraged to leave her past behind and start a new life. Just Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Leslie Mann, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd, as Nell settles in, she is tormented by the seductive demonic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116591 presence that once possessed her. She realizes that the evil Jason Segel, Jay Baruchel, Martin Starr, force is back with unimaginably horrific plans which could

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Stan Lee’s Lightspeed Criterion 09.07.2013 eruption of its characters’ ids. The result is a rattling 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116690 masterpiece, as provocative as its source material. Nicole Eggert, Michael Flynn, Lee Majors, Adventure, Art House, Blu-ray, Book-To- Jason Connery, Daniel Goddard - Dir. Don Film, British, Classics, Criterion Collection, E. Fauntleroy A Little Bit Zombie Drama, Foreign, Movies, Thrillers 1963 The covert world of government ‘Ghost Squad’ agent Daniel Shawn Roberts, Kristopher Turner, Crystal Leight (Jason Connery of The Secret Life Of Ian Fleming and 90min. ) comes crashing down when he is critically injured Lowe Criterion 16.07.2013 in a building collapse triggered by the genetically mutated Infected by a virus during his bachelor party, Steve attempts 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116691 terrorist called Python (Daniel Goddard of Beastmaster). But to resist a deadly transformation from man to monster. But his when Leight’s radiation treatments are sabotaged, he strange mannerisms and overwhelming desire for brains are discovers that he has the ability to move at hyper speeds only the least of his worries. With an obsessed Zombie Hunter hot Love And Honor by risking potentially fatal metabolic damage. What happens on his trail, Steve must learn to resist his greatest temptations when an inexperienced superhero buys his suit from a stoner all while keeping it together so as not to incur the wrath of his Chris Lowell, Aimee Teegarden, Teresa store clerk? Why is his former scientist friend turned snake- Bridezilla-to-be. Palmer, Liam Hemsworth skinned psycho plotting the horrific Operation FireSky? And Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, When young soldier Dalton Joiner (Austin Stowell, The will the fastest man on the planet allow millions to die - Science Fiction, Zombies 2012 87min. Secret Life of the American Teenager) finds out that his including himself - to save the woman he loves? Lee Majors girlfriend Jane (Aimee Teegarden, Friday Night Lights) back (The Six Million Dollar Man) and Baywatch babe Nicole Phase 4 Films 16.07.2013 home has dumped him, he vows to sneak out of Vietnam during Eggert co-star in this violent and action packed thriller from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117168 his one-week leave to win her back. His best friend Mickey Executive Producer and comic book legend Stan Lee! Wright (Liam Hemsworth, The Hunger Games) will do Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, The Little Things anything to help his buddy out - as long as there might be a Science Fiction, Superheroes, Television, few girls along the way. In just seven days they must get to Australian, Drama, Foreign, Movies, the States, change Jane’s mind and make it back to the war TV Movies 2006 88min. Supernatural & Paranormal 2010 84min. without getting caught. But when they arrive stateside they Image Ent. 09.07.2013 find Jane and her beautiful, committed activist friend Candace Allegro Entertainment 28.05.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116894 (Teresa Palmer, Warm Bodies) at the heart of the anti-war 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116621 movement. Now the young soldiers must make some life changing decisions as they spend a week learning the truth Liar Liar about love, honor and commitment. Set against the backdrop of The Lone Ranger: 80th the landmark summer of 1969, Love And Honor is a Cary Elwes, Jim Carrey, Jennifer Tilly, heartwarming romantic drama featuring a passionate young , Maura Tierney, Justin Anniversary Collection cast. Cooper, Amanda Donohoe - Dir. Tom Jay Silverheels, Clayton Moore Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, This collection celebrates the 80th Anniversary of the Lone Romance, Vietnam War, War 2013 96min. Shadyac Ranger character, who first appeared in a radio show in Comedy, Movies 1997 87min. 1933. The successful show became a national sensation, MPI 23.07.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 spawning an equally popular television show that ran from 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116872 1949 to 1957, as well as comic books and movies. This 2- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117158 DVD set features the pivotal first 16 episodes of the show, starring Clayton Moore. Learn the legend of The Lone Ran- Love And Honor (Blu-ray) Liar Liar (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + ger, including his infamous black mask, his „fiery horse with Chris Lowell, Aimee Teegarden, Teresa the speed of light“ and his faithful friend Tonto. Also included Palmer, Liam Hemsworth UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) is an episode from Season 5 of the series which shows the When young soldier Dalton Joiner (Austin Stowell, The Cary Elwes, Jim Carrey, Jennifer Tilly, evolution of the program. Hi-Yo Silver! Away! Action, Adventure, Classics, Family, Televi- Secret Life of the American Teenager) finds out that his Swoosie Kurtz, Maura Tierney, Justin girlfriend Jane (Aimee Teegarden, Friday Night Lights) back sion, Western min. Cooper, Amanda Donohoe - Dir. Tom home has dumped him, he vows to sneak out of Vietnam during Image Ent. 11.06.2013 his one-week leave to win her back. His best friend Mickey Shadyac 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116522 Wright (Liam Hemsworth, The Hunger Games) will do Comedy, Movies 1997 87min. anything to help his buddy out - as long as there might be a Universal Studios 09.07.2013 few girls along the way. In just seven days they must get to The Lone Ranger: Collector’s Edi- the States, change Jane’s mind and make it back to the war 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117176 without getting caught. But when they arrive stateside they tion find Jane and her beautiful, committed activist friend Candace (Teresa Palmer, Warm Bodies) at the heart of the anti-war The Life Of Oharu: The Criterion Adventure, Classics, Television, Western movement. Now the young soldiers must make some life Collection min. changing decisions as they spend a week learning the truth Anderson Merchandisers 07.05.2013 about love, honor and commitment. Set against the backdrop of Ichiro Sugai, Kinuyo Tanaka - Dir. Kenji 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116913 the landmark summer of 1969, Love And Honor is a Mizoguchi heartwarming romantic drama featuring a passionate young A peerless chronicler of the soul who specialized in cast. supremely emotional, visually exquisite films about the Lord Of The Flies: 2 DVD Edition - Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, circumstances of women in Japanese society throughout its The Criterion Collection Romance, Vietnam War, War 2013 96min. history, Kenji Mizoguchi (Ugetsu) had already been directing MPI 23.07.2013 movies for decades when he made The Life of Oharu in 1952. Tom Chapin, Hugh Edwards, Roger Elwin, But this epic portrait of an inexorable fall from grace, starring 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116944 the incredibly talented Kinuyo Tanaka (The Ballad of Tom Gaman, James Aubrey - Dir. Peter Narayama) as an imperial lady-in-waiting who gradually Brook descends to street prostitution, was the movie that gained its In the hands of the renowned experimental theater director Love Me Tender (Blu-ray) director international attention, ushering in a new golden Peter Brook, William Golding’s legendary novel on the Elvis Presley, Debra Paget, William period for him. primitivism lurking beneath civilization becomes a film as raw Campbell, Robert Middleton, Richard Egan, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, and ragged as the lost boys at its center. Taking an innovative documentary-like approach, Brook shot Lord of the Flies with Neville Brand - Dir. Robert D. Webb Japanese, Movies, Samurai 1952 137min. an off-the-cuff naturalism, seeming to record a spontaneous Moviegoers were introduced to Elvis Presley in this film set Criterion 09.07.2013 eruption of its characters’ ids. The result is a rattling during the dying hours of the Civil War. Elvis sings four 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116672 masterpiece, as provocative as its source material. songs, including the title song. The year is 1865, and the Adventure, Art House, Book-To-Film, Bri- three Confederate Reno brothers don’t know the war has tish, Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, ended. They manage to steal a Union Army payroll, and head The Life Of Oharu: The Criterion for home with the money. While Vance (Richard Egan) can Foreign, Movies, Special Editions, Thrillers think only of the love of his life, Cathy (Debra Paget), it turns Collection (Blu-ray) 1963 90min. out that the brothers h ave been reported dead, and Cathy has Ichiro Sugai, Kinuyo Tanaka - Dir. Kenji married their youngest brother Clint (Elvis Presley). Vance Criterion 16.07.2013 accepts this until he learns that Cathy still loves him. To Mizoguchi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116673 complicate things, the U.S. Army knows of the brothers’ theft A peerless chronicler of the soul who specialized in and is hunting them down. supremely emotional, visually exquisite films about the Drama, Movies, Music, Musical 1956 89min. circumstances of women in Japanese society throughout its Lord Of The Flies: The Criterion history, Kenji Mizoguchi (Ugetsu) had already been directing 20th Century Fox 30.07.2013 movies for decades when he made The Life of Oharu in 1952. Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117110 But this epic portrait of an inexorable fall from grace, starring Tom Chapin, Hugh Edwards, Roger Elwin, the incredibly talented Kinuyo Tanaka (The Ballad of Tom Gaman, James Aubrey - Dir. Peter Narayama) as an imperial lady-in-waiting who gradually Major League (Blu-ray) descends to street prostitution, was the movie that gained its Brook director international attention, ushering in a new golden In the hands of the renowned experimental theater director Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen, Corbin Bern- period for him. Peter Brook, William Golding’s legendary novel on the sen, Rene Russo, Wesley Snipes, James Book-To-Film, Criterion Collection, Drama, primitivism lurking beneath civilization becomes a film as raw Gammon, Bob Uecker, Margaret Whitton - and ragged as the lost boys at its center. Taking an innovative Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Samurai 1952 documentary-like approach, Brook shot Lord of the Flies with Dir. David S. Ward 137min. an off-the-cuff naturalism, seeming to record a spontaneous She’s beautiful, smart, goal-oriented, and she just inherited

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 65 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the Cleveland Indians. Unfortunately, she wants to move the his followers, a blood-soaked saga that takes you from their Miami Vice / Inside Man (Double franchise to Miami, and a losing season is her only ticket to drug-fueled orgies, to their grisly massacres, and into the Florida. So she signs the wildest gang of screwballs that ever legacy of depravity that survives today. It is a singular vision Feature) (Blu-ray) spit tobacco. They’re handsome, but they’re hopeless! Her of nihilistic evil that remains alarmingly original, catcher (Tom Berenger) is a washed-up womanizer who unapologetically graphic and shockingly real. These are the Jamie Foxx, Gong Li, Justin Theroux, Colin struck out in life. Her ace pitcher (Charlie Sheen) is a most infamous crimes of our time as depicted by one of the Farrell, Naomie Harris, Luis Tosar, Barry punked-out crazy who struck out with the law. And her third most dangerous underground filmmakers of all time. This is Shabaka Henley - Dir. Michael Mann baseman (Corbin Bernsen) is more concerned about fielding The Manson Family. Action, Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, Cops, endorsements than grounders. Throw in a busload of other Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, History & Events, Crime, Detectives, Double Features, Drama, misfits and you’ve got yourself a hilarious line-up that’s Horror, Movies, Mystery, Serial Killers, destined for disaster. Or is it? Drugs & Dealers, Movies, Thieves min. Thrillers 2003 95min. Baseball, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies, On The Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Severin 11.06.2013 Job, Sports 1989 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116592 Paramount 01.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117058 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117084 Mara Midsomer Murders: Series 1 Julian Wadham, Prunella Scales, Trudie Mamma Mia! The Movie Jenny, as a girl, witnessed a murder in her home that scarred her for life. Trying to process her trauma, Jenny returns to the Styler, Richard Briers, Phyllida Law Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, scene of the crime as an adult. Along with a couple of friends What evil lurks beyond the well-trimmed hedges of Christine Baranski, Stellan Skarsgard, Julie she intends to relax and enjoy herself during a weekend in Midsomer..The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their this secluded house in the middle of the woods. However, the most sinister secrets in these darkly humorous British Walters, Amanda Seyfried, Dominic Cooper stay turns into a trip to Hell when it turns out there’s an television mysteries. John Nettles (Bergerac) stars as the - Dir. Phyllida Lloyd intruder in the house. unflappable Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby with Daniel Sophie has just one wish to make her wedding perfect: to Horror, Movies 2012 77min. Casey (The Wingless Bird) as his brash young assistant, have her father walk her down the aisle. Now she just has to Sergeant Troy. Based on the novels by Caroline Graham, a find out who he is. Join the music, laughter and fun of the Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 modern master of the English village mystery. Guest stars irresistibly charming Mamma Mia! The Movie. Academy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116719 include Richard Briers, Prunella Scales, Julian Wadham, Award-winner Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast, including Phyllida Law and Trudie Styler. The mysteries: Death’s Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth as well as up-and-comers Shadow -A string of bizarre murders in Badger’s Drift lead to Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper, in this musical Martin: The Complete Fifth the discovery of a long-buried secret. Strangler’s Wood -The celebration of mothers, daughters and fathers, and true loves Season (Repackage) strangling of a beautiful Brazilian woman, whose body is lost and new ones found. Based on the Broadway smash-hit found in Raven’s Wood, harks back to three earlier murders. and filled with the ABBA songs you know and love, it’s the Martin Lawrence, Garrett Morris, Tisha Blood Will Out -Rival clans of travelers disrupt the peace of feel-good experience that will have you singing and dancing Campbell, Carl Anthony Payne II, Tichina Martyr Warren and incense the local magistrate. Beyond the over and over again. Grave -Unearthly happenings in and around the Aspen Tallow Arnold, Thomas Mikal Ford museum create an atmosphere of terror. Comedy, Movies, Musical, Romance 2008 Wazzup, everyone?!? It’s sad, but it’s true - the final season 109min. of Martin is here. But hold up, there are still tons of laughs to British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Universal Studios 09.07.2013 be had before Martin (Bad Boys, Wild Hogs) and the gang Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television, head off into the sunset. New jobs, wacky romances, haunted Thrillers 1999 400min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117159 houses, fancy cruises, identical cousins are just a few of the problems Martin, Gina, Tommy, Cole and Pam will face before Acorn Media 30.07.2013 Mamma Mia! The Movie (Blu-ray the end comes! It’s a hysterical sendoff to one of the most 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116906 outrageous comedies in history! + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Comedy, Fox, Television 1996 535min. Midsomer Murders: Series 2 HBO Home Video 23.04.2013 ray) Nigel Davenport, Robert Hardy, Timothy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116738 Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, West, James Bolam, Terence Rigby, Christine Baranski, Stellan Skarsgard, Julie Orlando Bloom, John Nettles, Daniel Casey Walters, Amanda Seyfried, Dominic Cooper The Matchmaker The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most - Dir. Phyllida Lloyd Arik, a teenage boy growing up in Haifa in 1968, gets a job sinister secrets in these contemporary British television Sophie has just one wish to make her wedding perfect: to working for Yankele Bride, a matchmaker. Yankele, a mysteries. Based on the characters created by Caroline have her father walk her down the aisle. Now she just has to mysterious Holocaust survivor, has an office in back of a Graham, modern master of the English village mystery, the find out who he is. Join the music, laughter and fun of the movie theater that shows only love stories, run by a family of series stars John Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable irresistibly charming Mamma Mia! The Movie. Academy seven Romanian dwarves in the seedy area by the port. Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby with Daniel Casey (The Award-winner Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast, including Yankele introduces Arik to a new world, built on the ruins of Wingless Bird) as his eager young assistant. Guest stars Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth as well as up-and-comers an old one. As Arik begins to learn the mysteries of the human include Robert Hardy, Terence Rigby, James Bolam, Nigel Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper, in this musical heart through his work with Yankele, he falls in love with Davenport, Orlando Bloom and Timothy West. The Mysteries celebration of mothers, daughters and fathers, and true loves Tamara, his friend’s cousin. Tamara has just returned from Dead Man’s Eleven - A cricket bat used as a murder weapon lost and new ones found. Based on the Broadway smash-hit America full of talk of women’s rights, free love and rock and implicates the son of a Fletcher’s Cross tycoon. Death Of A and filled with the ABBA songs you know and love, it’s the roll. The disparate parts of Arik’s life collide in unexpected, Stranger - When a tramp dies fleeing from fox hunters in feel-good experience that will have you singing and dancing often funny and moving ways as he lives through a summer Upper Marshwood, the investigation uncovers a trail of over and over again. that changes him forever. Avi Nesher’s latest film mixes murderous deceit. Blue Herring - Death is no stranger at a comedy with drama as it tells a coming-of-age story unlike any home for the elderly, but at Lawnside a series of deaths Comedy, Movies, Musical, Romance 2008 ever seen before. causes the residents to suspect foul play. Judgement Day - 109min. Passion River, Drama, Foreign, Israeli, Midsomer Mallow has a shot at the Perfect Village title, Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Movies 2010 112min. provided it can keep a vicious murderer at bay. British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117177 Passion River 30.07.2013 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2000 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117067 Manhunt Of Mystery Island 400min. Acorn Media 30.07.2013 Kenne Duncan, Roy Barcroft, Linda Stirling Matlock: The Ninth And Final 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116907 - Dir. , Wallace Grissell, Season Spencer Gordon Bennet Clues lead a young couple to a Pacific isle, where the two Andy Griffith, Daniel Roebuck Midsomer Murders: Series 3 find Mystery Island to rescue the girl’s father, who is being Matlock is a legal drama series starring Andy Griffith as Celia Imrie, Samantha Bond, Victoria held prisoner by the evil Captain Mephisto, a pirate from 200 defense attorney Ben Matlock - a Harvard-educated, fiery years ago who uses his Transformation Machine to travel southerner who charges $100,000 a case to brilliantly defend Hamilton, Gillian Kearney, John Nettles, forward in time and disguise himself as one of the four owners his clients by finding the real killer. Daniel Casey, Anthony Bate, Sarah Alexan- of Mystery Island. Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder der, Kenneth Colley Action, Adventure, Movies, Pirates, Mysteries, NBC, Senior Interest, Television British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Science Fiction 1945 219min. 1994 832min. Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 Paramount Pictures 16.07.2013 Thrillers 2004 500min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116860 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116671 Acorn Media 30.07.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116908 The Manson Family (Blu-ray) Me, Myself & Irene / Shallow Hal Marc Pitman, Leslie Orr - Dir. Jim Van (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Midsomer Murders: Series 4 Bebber Comedy, Double Features, Mental Illness, Gemma Jones, Hugh Bonneville, Wendy It has been hailed as „amazingly disturbing“ (Dread Central), „extreme and uncompromised“ () and „one of the Movies, Romance min. Craig, John Nettles, Daniel Casey, Paul best true crime films ever made“ (DVD Talk). Now from the 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 Venables - Dir. Peter Smith, David Tucker, punishing mind of writer/producer/director Jim Van Bebber 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116973 Sarah Hellings comes his epic of hallucinatory horror like you’ve never seen The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most it before: This is the ultimate account of Charles Manson and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA sinister secrets in these contemporary British television PBS Home Video 23.04.2013 (Blu-ray) mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern master of the English village mystery, the series stars John 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116889 Eddie Murphy, Cuba Gooding Jr., Dan Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable Detective Chief Aykroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis, Frank McRae, Inspector Barnaby with Daniel Casey (The Wingless Bird) as Mr. Selfridge (Blu-ray) his eager young assistant. Guest stars include Hugh Don Ameche, Nick Nolte, James Remar, Bonneville, Gemma Jones, Wendy Craig, and Paul Venables. Jeremy Piven Ralph Bellamy, Marlon Wayans, Thandie The Mysteries Tainted Fruit - A wealthy young landlady in British, Drama, Foreign, Mini-Series, PBS, Newton, Eddie Griffin, Malcolm Campbell - Midsomer Malham fears for her life after she callously ignores the plight of an elderly tenant. Ring Out Your Dead - Television 2013 min. Dir. John Landis, Walter Hill, Just before a big competition, someone starts killing members PBS Home Video 23.04.2013 Warner Bros., Buddy Pictures, Comedy, of the church bell-ringing team in Midsomer Wellow. Murder 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116983 Cops, Marriage Woes, Movies, On The Job, On St. Malley’s Day - After a murder at the Devington School in Midsomer Parva, members of an elite student club close Romance, Triple Feature min. ranks. Market For Murder - In lovely Midsomer Markey, a Mold Warner Bros. 04.06.2013 ladies reading group starts losing members to murder. A Worm 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116611 In The Bud - A woman is found dead in Setwale Edward X. Young British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Government scientists create a fast-growing, genetically engineered strain of mold to wipe out cocoa fields - but this My Best Enemy Murder Mysteries, Television, Thrillers 2001 Mold also feeds on human flesh! When the mildew is 500min. mysteriously released in a secret lab, it wages its own war on Moritz Bleibtreu, Georg Friedrich, Ursula Acorn Media 30.07.2013 a group of unsuspecting scientists and military officials, who Strauss are forced to fight their way to safety while trying to stop the Victor (Moritz Bleibtrau, Run Lola Run, ), the son of 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116909 Mold from reaching the outside world. wealthy Jewish art dealers, and Rudi, the son of their Horror, Movies, Science Fiction 2012 servant, are best friends despite their class differences and Midsomer Murders: Series 5 86min. the fact that they both love the same girl, Lena (Ursula Strauss, Revanche). But World War II upends everything, Bernard Hepton, Anna Massey, Emily Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 turning Rudi into a Nazi and Victor into a helpless pawn. Mortimer, Sarah Badel, Joanna David, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116626 Helpless, that is, until a priceless drawing by Michelangelo becomes crucial to Nazi plans and only Victor’s family knows Jonathan Firth, John Nettles, Paul where it is. The ensuing game of cat and mouse between the Chapman, Daniel Casey, Nicholas Le Movie 43 two old friends results in plane crashes, stolen identities and Prevost - Dir. Jeremy Silberston, Baz Taylor Dennis Quaid, Richard Gere, Greg Kinnear, solving the biggest mystery of all: the key to Lena’s heart. What evil lurks beyond the well-trimmed hedges of Liev Schreiber, Kate Winslet, Hugh Combining the dangers of World War II with the twists and Midsomer... The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal turns of Ocean’s Eleven, My Best Enemy is an entertaining their most sinister secrets in these contemporary British Jackman, Common, Will Sasso, Emma tale of turmoil and triumph. television mysteries. Based on the novels by Caroline Stone, Charlie Saxton - Dir. Bob Odenkirk Comedy, Drama, Foreign, German, Movies Graham, modern master of the English village mystery, the You’ve never seen anything quite like Movie 43... The year’s 2011 105min. series stars John Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable most outrageous and daringly original comedy, featuring the Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby with Daniel Casey (The ultimate star-studded cast. No inappropriate storyline is off MPI 09.07.2013 Wingless Bird) as his eager young assistant. Guest stars limits... including a „ballsy“ blind date, a middle school 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116823 include Emily Mortimer, Jonathan Firth, Anna Massey, Joanna „period“ piece and more. Please don’t sue us if you die David, Bernard Hepton, Nicholas Le Prevost, Sarah Badel, laughing. and Paul Chapman. The Mysteries The Killings at Badger’s Comedy, Movies, Sketch Comedy, Slapstick My Cousin Vinny / Back To Drift - The death of an elderly woman and the persistence of School / City Slickers (Triple Fea- her lifelong friend draw Barnaby into a case that reveals the 2013 94min. sordid side of this quaint village. Written in Blood - 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 ture) (Blu-ray) Investigating the brutal murder of a Midsomer Worthy writer, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117007 Barnaby discovers that the victim had been living a fictitious Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, life. Death of a Hollow Man - In Causton, Barnaby and his Blu-ray, College Life, Comedy, Fish-Out-Of- family take part in an amateur theatrical production of Amade- Movie 43 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Water, Friendships, Lawyers / Legal us that pro Issues, Mid-Life Crisis, Movies, Road Trips, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Copy) (Blu-ray) Romance, Triple Feature, Western min. Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television 1997 Dennis Quaid, Richard Gere, Greg Kinnear, MGM / UA 09.10.2012 500min. Liev Schreiber, Kate Winslet, Hugh 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116980 Acorn Media 30.07.2013 Jackman, Common, Will Sasso, Emma 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116910 Stone, Charlie Saxton - Dir. Bob Odenkirk You’ve never seen anything quite like Movie 43... The year’s Nanny McPhee / (Doub- most outrageous and daringly original comedy, featuring the Missing In Action (Blu-ray) ultimate star-studded cast. No inappropriate storyline is off le Feature) (Blu-ray) limits... including a „ballsy“ blind date, a middle school , Emma Thompson, Olivia Chuck Norris, James Hong, M. Emmet „period“ piece and more. Please don’t sue us if you die Walsh, Lenore Kasdorf, David Tress - Dir. laughing. Williams, Colin Firth, , Jason Joseph Zito 20th Century Fox, Comedy, Movies, Sketch Isaacs, Ludivine Sagnier, Richard Briers, Action, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, M.I.A. / Comedy, Slapstick 2013 94min. Jeremy Sumpter - Dir. P.J. Hogan, Kirk P.O.W., Military, Movies, Special Forces, 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 Jones Vietnam War, War 1984 101min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117035 Action, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Double MGM / UA 09.10.2012 Features, Drama, Fairy Tales, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116949 The Mummy (Steelbook + Blu-ray Fantasy, Movies, Myths & Legends 213min. Universal Studios 04.06.2013 + DVD + Digital Copy + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116607 Missing In Action 2: The UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Beginning (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Arnold National Lampoon’s Animal Chuck Norris, Steven Williams, Bennett Vosloo, John Hannah, Jonathan Hyde - Dir. House (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Ohta, Cosie Costa, Joe Michael Terry - Dir. Stephen Sommers Lance Hool Experience the ultimate adventure like never before with The UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Chuck Norris returns as Colonel James Braddock in this Mummy 2-Disc Deluxe Edition! From director Stephen Som- John Belushi, Donald Sutherland, Cesare intense, action-packed prequel to the original hit. Captured mers (producer of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor) during a daring mid-air rescue operation, Braddock and his comes an epic filled with intense action, incredible excitement Danova, Verna Bloom, Tim Matheson, John men are imprisoned by the insane Colonel Yin, who stops at and stunning special effects. Inspired by the timeless 1932 Vernon, Thomas Hulce - Dir. John Landis nothing to break their spirits. For Braddock, the choice is Universal horror film, this breathtaking journey unearths a Starring comedy legend John Belushi, National Lampoon’s clear. With fists, high explosives and sheer courage, he 3,000-year-old legacy of terror. Follow two explorers Animal House is the ultimate college movie filled with food becomes an army of one! (Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz) as they search for long- fights, fraternities and toga parties! Follow the uproarious Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Thrillers, lost treasure in the sun-baked Egyptian desert. The time has escapades of the Delta House fraternity as they take on Dean come to re-discover this extraordinary classic packed with Wormer (John Vernon), the sanctimonious Omegas, and the Vietnam War, War 1985 95min. unbelievable bonus features and a digitally restored picture. entire female student body. Directed by John Landis (The MGM / UA 09.10.2012 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Blues Brothers), the most popular college comedy of all-time 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116950 also stars Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland, Karen Allen, Movies, Mummies 1999 125min. Kevin Bacon, Tom Hulce and Stephen Furst along with Otis Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Day and the Knights performing their show-stopping rendition Mr. Selfridge 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116576 of ‘Shout’. Jeremy Piven AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, College British, Drama, Foreign, Mini-Series, PBS, Eddie Murphy: Triple Feature Life, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Natio- Television 2013 min. nal Film Registry 1978 109min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 67 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Pinochet, facing international pressure, calls for a referendum about discovering your passions, following your dreams and on his presidency in 1988, opposition leaders persuade a finding yourself. It’s the 1960s and Rock and Roll is changing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117178 brash young advertising executive, Rene Saavedra, to the world. Inspired by a bold new era and his success in a spearhead their campaign. With scant resources and constant local band, Douglas (John Magaro) drops out of college to Necessary Roughness: Season scrutiny by the despot’s watchmen, Saavedra and his team pursue his musical dreams, only to discover the harsh devise an audacious plan to win the election and free their realities of the music industry. Douglas is forced to choose Two country from oppression. between listening to his father or listening to his heart in a Callie Thorne, Mehcad Brooks Chilean, Drama, Foreign, History & Events, film Rolling Stone calls „A gritty, graceful salute to Rock & Movies, Politics 2012 118min. Roll.“ Golden Globe nominee Callie Thorne (Rescue Me) returns in Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Season Two of the critically acclaimed series Necessary Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll 2012 112min. Roughness. It’s a new football season, and as the Hawks get 25.06.2013 ready to take the field again, Dr. Dani Santino (Thorne) has a Paramount Pictures 30.04.2013 new set of issues to tackle both personally and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117216 professionally. Between juggling a new relationship with Matt 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116920 (Mark Blucas), handling her own unpredictable teenagers, and dealing with emotional athletes on and off the field... No One Will Know Not Fade Away (Blu-ray) including the wild antics of star player TK King (Mehcad On the surface, Nathan and Aubrey are the perfect couple. Brooks, True Blood) the pressure is definitely on Dani to hold They’re young, attractive, wealthy, ambitious, and recently James Gandolfini, Jack Huston, John it all together. Watch all 16 episodes back to back and engaged. The film opens on the day of their engagement party Magaro, Will Brill - Dir. David Chase uninterrupted of the series critics are calling „a true winner“ at Aubrey’s parent’s house, a stunning estate on a remote bay From David Chase, creator of , comes a story (John Griffiths, US Weekly). outside of San Francisco. Their guest list includes a few about discovering your passions, following your dreams and Drama, Football, Sports, Television, USA close friends from their childhood. Terrance, an outgoing, finding yourself. It’s the 1960s and Rock and Roll is changing Network 2012 min. energetic, life-of-the-party type; Kaitlin, a free spirit; Mimi, an the world. Inspired by a bold new era and his success in a energetic gossip and lush; and Mark, who’s on edge about the local band, Douglas (John Magaro) drops out of college to Universal Studios 11.06.2013 whereabouts of his girlfriend, Elle, who was supposed to meet pursue his musical dreams, only to discover the harsh 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116919 him at the party. What the guests don’t know is that Nathan realities of the music industry. Douglas is forced to choose and Aubrey are covering up a murder. The picture perfect between listening to his father or listening to his heart in a couple’s secret is safe as long as they can stick together and film Rolling Stone calls „A gritty, graceful salute to Rock & Niagara (Blu-ray) maintain their composure during the party. Roll.“ Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotten, William Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 86min. Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Wright, Richard Allan, Jean Peters, Casey Osiris Entertainment 18.06.2013 Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll 2012 112min. Adams, Lurene Tuttle, Russell Collins, Don 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116636 Paramount Pictures 30.04.2013 Wilson - Dir. Henry Hathaway 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116992 A vacationing couple, George and Rose Loomis (Joseph North And South Cotton and Marilyn Monroe), rent a quaint bungalow at romantic Niagara Falls. But Rose and her lover plan to Patrick Stewart, Rosalie Crutchley, Robin Nunsense murder the unsuspecting George - in the falls! A dramatic Bailey - Dir. Rodney Bennett Rue McClanahan, Christine Anderson, departure from her more upbeat roles, Monroe’s fascinating Based on Elizabeth Gaskell’s classic Victorian love story. performance as the scheming murderess paints a powerfully Independent-minded Margaret Hale (Rosalind Shanks, A Semina De Laurentis, Christine Toy, Terri dark portrait of human sexuality. Question of Guilt) moves with her parents to Milton, a White - Dir. Dan Goggin, David Stern Classics, Drama, Love Gone Bad, Movies, manufacturing city in England’s north. Compared to the Join a live audience to watch the Little Sisters of Hoboken bucolic south where she was raised, Milton stifles Margaret display their divine talents in a zany benefit revue. In an effort Mystery, Thrillers 1953 89min. with industrial smoke and soot - and she takes an instant to raise money for their fallen Sisters-unfortunate victims of a 20th Century Fox 30.07.2013 dislike to John Thornton (Patrick Stewart, X-Men, Star Trek: convent cooking accident-Mother Superior (The Golden 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117108 The Next Generation), the ambitious and severe mill owner. Girls’ Rue McClanahan) and her order of eccentric and But amid a workers’ strike and family misfortunes, Margaret endearing nuns show the lighter side of being Catholic. With begins to reconsider her sentiments. Based on the celebrated riotous dance numbers, show-stopping songs and side- A Night For Dying Tigers novel by Elizabeth Gaskell (Cranford, Wives and Daughters), splitting wit, you’ll swear Nunsense was heaven-sent! This this classic BBC period drama depicts the tensions of the video of the long-running hit musical features scenes not Jennifer Beals, Gil Bellows, Kathleen Victorian era, as traditional society clashes with the coming included in the television broadcast. Robertson, Lauren Lee Smith, Tygh of the modern world. Both a slow-burn romance and a clear- Comedy, Musical, Performing Arts, Religion/ Runyan, Leah Gibson - Dir. Terry Miles eyed view of the Industrial Revolution, North & South Spirituality, Special Interest 112min. Jack’s extended family gathers for his farewell dinner before captivates with a magnetic performance from future star he goes to prison for 5 years. As the reunion devolves, the Stewart. Kultur 25.06.2013 truths behind the family’s long history of conflict and tragedy Acorn Media, British, Drama, Historical / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116680 are surprisingly revealed. Period Piece, Romance, Television 1975 Drama, Movies 2010 90min. 207min. Nunsense 2: The Sequel Monarch Home Video 30.07.2013 Acorn Media 02.07.2013 Rue McClanahan, Christine Anderson, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117201 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116905 Semina De Laurentis, Christine Toy, Terri White - Dir. Dan Goggin, David Stern Nightjohn North Face (Blu-ray) Emmy Award-winner Rue McClanahan (The Golden Girls) Beau Bridges, Gabriel Casseus - Dir. reprises her role as Mother Superior in the continuation of Simon Schwarz, Benno Furmann, Ulrich the trials and tribulations of the Little Sisters of Hoboken. Charles Burnett Tukur, Georg Friedrich, Florian Lukas, Jo- Join the madcap Sisters-who have been bitten by the „theater Drama, Movies, TV Movies 1996 96min. hanna Wokalek - Dir. Philipp Stolzl flea“ and are now just a bit slicker—as they give a thank you Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Based on a true story, North Face is a gripping edge-of-your- performance for all those who supported their first benefit. But 09.07.2013 seat adventure drama about a 1936 expedition to climb the of course, in the middle of their show, chaos erupts! First, the most dangerous rock face in the Alps, the North Face of the Franciscans come to claim Sister Mary Amnesia, winner of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116819 Eiger-aka the „Murder Wall“. The Eiger has never been the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, as one of their successfully climbed and, as the Berlin Olympics approach, own. Then, the nuns learn there is a talent scout in the No Nazi propaganda urges German alpinists to vanquish the audience who wants to see them strut their stuff. With mountain for the glory of the Fatherland. Initially reluctant, hilarious musical humor and enough laughs to make you cry, Gael Garcia Bernal, Alfredo Castro, Antonia two top young climbers, Toni Kurz (Benno Furmann, „Joyeux America’s favorite nuns have outdone themselves in Nun- Zegers, Marcial Tagle - Dir. Pablo Larrain Noel“) and Andi Hinterstoisser (Florian Lukas, „Good Bye sense 2: The Sequel. Based on a true story, when Chilean military dictator Augusto Lenin!“), are persuaded to take up the challenge by their Comedy, Movies, Musical, Religion/ Pinochet, facing international pressure, calls for a referendum childhood friend Luise (Johanna Wokalek, „The Baader Spirituality, TV Movies 1994 109min. on his presidency in 1988, opposition leaders persuade a Meinhof Complex“), now an aspiring photojournalist in Berlin, Kultur 25.06.2013 brash young advertising executive, Rene Saavedra, to and her boss (Ulrich Tukur, „The Lives of Other“), a loyal spearhead their campaign. With scant resources and constant Nazi looking for a good story. Soon the climb is on and what 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116681 scrutiny by the despot’s watchmen, Saavedra and his team begins as a quest for glory becomes a desperate fight for devise an audacious plan to win the election and free their survival. Nunsense 3: The Jamboree country from oppression. Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu- Chilean, Drama, Foreign, History & Events, ray, Drama, Foreign, German, Historical / Vicki Lawrence, Deborah Del Mastro, Nan- Movies, Politics 2012 118min. Period Piece, Mountain Climbing, Movies, cy Johnston, Jennifer Smith, Scott Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Sports 2008 121min. Wakefield - Dir. David Stern Picking up where the two previous Nunsense shows left off, 25.06.2013 Music Box Films 25.06.2013 Nunsense 3: The Jamboree finds Sister Amnesia (Emmy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117199 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117102 winner Vicki Lawrence) on the road promoting her new country , I Could’ve Gone to Nashville. She is accompanied by some familiar faces along with two new No (Blu-ray) Not Fade Away characters: Father Virgil Manly Trott (aka Father Holly- Gael Garcia Bernal, Alfredo Castro, Antonia James Gandolfini, Jack Huston, John wood), a radio personality who happens to be Sister Mary Leo’s older brother and Sister Mary Wilhelm, the Zegers, Marcial Tagle - Dir. Pablo Larrain Magaro, Will Brill - Dir. David Chase superintendent of nursing at Mount St. Helen’s. The big Based on a true story, when Chilean military dictator Augusto From David Chase, creator of The Sopranos, comes a story question - will Sister Amnesia be asked to perform at the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 68 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA pinnacle of country music stardom, the Grand Ole Opry House Out Of Africa (Blu-ray + Digital Abigail Spencer, Joey King - Dir. Sam Raimi in Nashville? Nunsense 3: The Jamboree is filled with Disney’s fantastical adventure Oz The Great And Powerful, tongue-in-cheek parody, foot-stomping dances, heartfelt Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) from the director of the Spider-Man trilogy, follows Oscar ballads and fast-paced comedy. Adding to the fun, Rue Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus musician with McClanahan (Nunsense, Nunsense II - The Sequel) returns dubious ethics. When Diggs is hurled away to the vibrant as Mother Superior. Brandauer - Dir. Sydney Pollack Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot - until he meets Comedy, Movies, Musical, Religion/ Winner of 7 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Out Of three witches (Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Spirituality 1998 123min. Africa is a cinematic masterpiece filled with breathtaking Williams), who aren’t convinced he’s the great wizard passion and majestic imagery. Robert Redford and Meryl everyone’s expecting. Reluctantly drawn into epic problems Kultur 25.06.2013 Streep star in the fascinating true story of a woman who facing Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116682 travels to Kenya to be with her cold husband and falls in love and who is evil before it’s too late. Putting his magical arts to with a mysterious adventurer. Directed by Sydney Pollack, use through illusion, ingenuity - and even some wizardry - this epic tale of love, loss and self-discovery amid the Oscar transforms himself into the great Wizard and a better The Nunsense Collection: 4 Disc stunning vistas of the African continent is an unparalleled man as well. filmmaking achievement. Adventure, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Set Academy Award Winners, Adventure, AFI Movies 2013 130min. Rue McClanahan, Christine Anderson, Top 100, Biopics, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 Semina De Laurentis, Christine Toy, Terri Epics, Movies, Romance 1985 161min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116997 White, Vicki Lawrence - Dir. Dan Goggin, Universal Studios 04.06.2013 David Stern 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116655 Boxed Sets, Comedy, Movies, Musical, Oz The Great And Powerful 3D Religion/Spirituality 445min. Out Of The Woods (Blu-ray 3D + Digital Copy) (Blu- Kultur 25.06.2013 Jason London, Edward Asner, Missy Crider ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116683 - Dir. Stephen Bridgewater Ted Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Rachel Weisz, Drama, Family, Movies, TV Movies 2005 Bill Cobbs, Michelle Williams, James Fran- Office Space / Napoleon 87min. co, Zach Braff, Tony Cox, Mila Kunis, Dynamite (Double Feature) (Blu- Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Abigail Spencer, Joey King - Dir. Sam Raimi ray) 09.07.2013 PLEASE NOTE: This title is a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double Features, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116815 Disney’s fantastical adventure Oz The Great And Powerful, Family, High School, Movies, On The Job, from the director of the Spider-Man trilogy, follows Oscar Oz The Great And Powerful (Blu- Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus musician with Work Sucks min. dubious ethics. When Diggs is hurled away to the vibrant 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 ray + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot - until he meets 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116958 three witches (Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Ted Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Rachel Weisz, Williams), who aren’t convinced he’s the great wizard Bill Cobbs, Michelle Williams, James Fran- everyone’s expecting. Reluctantly drawn into epic problems The Old Curiosity Shop co, Zach Braff, Tony Cox, Mila Kunis, facing Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it’s too late. Putting his magical arts to Drama, Movies, TV Movies 1995 120min. Abigail Spencer, Joey King - Dir. Sam Raimi use through illusion, ingenuity - and even some wizardry - Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Disney’s fantastical adventure Oz The Great And Powerful, Oscar transforms himself into the great Wizard and a better from the director of the Spider-Man trilogy, follows Oscar man as well. 09.07.2013 Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus musician with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116817 dubious ethics. When Diggs is hurled away to the vibrant Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Disney, Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot - until he meets Family, Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2013 Omega Doom three witches (Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle 130min. Williams), who aren’t convinced he’s the great wizard Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 Rutger Hauer, Shannon Whirry, Tina Cote, everyone’s expecting. Reluctantly drawn into epic problems facing Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117031 Norbert Weisser - Dir. Albert Pyun and who is evil before it’s too late. Putting his magical arts to Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, In use through illusion, ingenuity - and even some wizardry - The Future..., Movies, Robots / Androids, Oscar transforms himself into the great Wizard and a better Passenger 57 (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Technology 2004 84min. man as well. Wesley Snipes, Bruce Payne, Tom Adventure, Blu-ray, Disney, Family, Image Ent. 16.07.2013 Sizemore - Dir. Kevin Hooks Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2013 130min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116898 Action, Aerial Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 1992 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117032 One Man War 84min. Warner Bros. 06.08.2013 Dan Haggerty Oz The Great And Powerful (Blu- When Cole Jackson (Dan Haggerty) returns home after many 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116761 years away he discovers the town is in the grip of fear as ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- high level politicians secretly dispose of toxic chemical waste The Pathfinder and kill anyone who gets close to the truth. Dan Haggerty ray) (Grizzly Adams) stars in this action-packed tale of crime and Ted Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Rachel Weisz, Kevin Dillon, Graham Greene, Laurie Hol- revenge. Special Features: original trailer. Bill Cobbs, Michelle Williams, James Fran- den - Dir. Donald Shebib Action, Drama, Movies 85min. co, Zach Braff, Tony Cox, Mila Kunis, Adventure, Drama, Movies, TV Movies Retromedia 18.06.2013 Abigail Spencer, Joey King - Dir. Sam Raimi 1996 104min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116545 Disney’s fantastical adventure Oz The Great And Powerful, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment from the director of the Spider-Man trilogy, follows Oscar 09.07.2013 Oogieloves: The Big Balloon Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus musician with dubious ethics. When Diggs is hurled away to the vibrant 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116818 Adventure Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot - until he meets three witches (Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Paul (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Chazz Palminteri, Cary Elwes, Cloris Williams), who aren’t convinced he’s the great wizard Leachman, Christopher Lloyd, Toni everyone’s expecting. Reluctantly drawn into epic problems UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Braxton, Jaime Pressly - Dir. Matthew Dia- facing Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it’s too late. Putting his magical arts to Sigourney Weaver, Blythe Danner, John mond use through illusion, ingenuity - and even some wizardry - Carroll Lynch, Jason Bateman, Simon Pegg, It’s Schluufy’s birthday, and the Oogieloves, along with their Oscar transforms himself into the great Wizard and a better Nick Frost, Seth Rogen, Bill Hader, Kristen friends are organizing a party. (Shh! It’s a secret.) Everything man as well. is going along just perfectly until J. Edgar trips and loses the Wiig - Dir. Greg Mottola last five magical balloons - OH NO! They’ll need plenty of Adventure, Blu-ray, Disney, Family, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Shaun Of The Dead) creative thinking, teamwork and enthusiasm to rescue these Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2013 130min. reunite as sci-fi geeks taking a pilgrimage to America’s UFO one-of-a-kind balloons in time for the big celebration. With the Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 heartland. There they meet a smart-ass alien, Paul (voiced by help of their best friends and the support of many Seth Rogen), who takes them on an insane road trip. As they extraordinary new friends whom they meet along the way, can 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117033 struggle to return Paul home, the little green man might just they recover the magical balloons in time for the party? take the outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes. From the Adventure, Children’s, Family, Movies Oz The Great And Powerful (DVD director of Superbad, Greg Mottola, and with a stellar 86min. supporting cast including Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig, Bill + Digital Copy) Hader, Joe Lo Truglio, Jane Lynch and Sigourney Weaver, Lionsgate 16.07.2013 Ted Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Rachel Weisz, Paul is a must-own comedy adventure not to be missed! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116935 Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Comedy, Bill Cobbs, Michelle Williams, James Fran- Movies, Science Fiction 2011 104min. co, Zach Braff, Tony Cox, Mila Kunis,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Talman, Dan Tobin, Barbara Hale, William 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116987 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116656 Hopper Perry Mason is an attorney who specializes in defending The Pit And The Pendulum (Blu- seemingly indefensible cases. With the aid of his secretary Paul (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD Della Street and investigator Paul Drake, he often finds that ray) + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- by digging deeply into the facts, startling facts can be revealed. Often relying on his outstanding courtroom skills, Jonathan Fuller, Tom Towels, Lance ray) he often tricks or traps people into unwittingly admitting their Henriksen, Oliver Reed, Mark Margolis, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Sigourney Weaver, guilt. Rona De Ricci, Frances Bay, Stephen Lee, CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Blythe Danner, John Carroll Lynch, Jason Jeffrey Combs, William J. Norris - Dir. Stu- Legal Issues, On The Job, Television 1966 Bateman, Seth Rogen, Bill Hader, Kristen art Gordon 778min. Wiig - Dir. Greg Mottola Under the direction of Torquemada (Golden Globe nominee Paramount Pictures 13.08.2013 Lance Henriksen), the Grand Inquisitor of Spain, a young Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) baker’s wife, Maria, is falsely accused of witchcraft and reunite as sci-fi geeks taking a pilgrimage to America’s UFO 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117190 dragged before the Inquisition. Torquemada is enchanted by heartland. There they meet a smart-ass alien, Paul (voiced by Maria’s beauty and subjects her and her husband Antonio to Seth Rogen), who takes them on an insane road trip. As they Phantom heinous torture hoping to probe that his own desires are a struggle to return Paul home, the little green man might just result of her bewitching powers. With the help of Esmerelda, take the outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes. From the Ed Harris, David Duchovny, Lance Maria’s cellmate and a confessed witch, Maria must save her director of Superbad, Greg Mottola, and with a stellar Henriksen, William Fichtner, Jason Beghe - husband Antonio from Torguemada’s ultimate machine of supporting cast including Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig, Bill torture - the razor sharp pendulum poised over the Hader, Joe Lo Truglio, Jane Lynch and Sigourney Weaver, Dir. Todd Robinson inescapable pit of hell. Paul is a must-own comedy adventure not to be missed! At the height of the cold war, the world holds its breath when Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Horror, Movies, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Comedy, a Soviet submarine armed with nuclear missiles goes missing Thrillers, Witches & Warlocks 1991 97min. Movies, Science Fiction 2011 110min. in the Pacific. On board the vessel, the battle-tested captain (Harris) and a rogue KGB agent (Duchovny) are waging a Full Moon 10.05.2013 Universal Studios 25.06.2013 life-and-death game of cat and mouse. With enemy forces 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117104 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116577 closing in and time running out, the captain fights to keep control with nuclear armageddon hanging in the balance. Starring four-time Academy Award nominee Ed Harris, Golden Pitch Black: Unrated (Steelbook + Payback: Straight Up - The Globe winner David Duchovny (TV’s The X-Files), and Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) William Fichtner (Armageddon). Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers, War UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Mel Gibson, David Paymer, Kris 2013 98min. Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Kristofferson, Gregg Henry, Maria Bello, 20th Century Fox 25.06.2013 John Glover, Lucy Liu, William Devane - Dir. Keith David - Dir. David N. Twohy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116832 When their ship crash-lands on a remote planet, the marooned Brian Helgeland passengers soon learn that escaped convict Riddick (Vin Mel Gibson gives an unforgettable performance in this explo- Phantom (Blu-ray) Diesel) isn’t the only thing they have to fear. Deadly sive film from director Brian Helgeland (L.A. Confidential), creatures lurk in the shadows waiting to attack in the dark, which features a superb supporting cast including William Ed Harris, David Duchovny, Lance and the planet is rapidly plunging into the utter blackness of a Devane, Mario Bello and Lucy Liu. The Director’s Cut allows Henriksen, William Fichtner, Jason Beghe - total eclipse. With the body count rising, the survivors are you to see Payback like you’ve never seen it before: through forced to turn to Riddick and his eerie eyes to guide them the eyes of its director. Experience a different version of Dir. Todd Robinson through the darkness to safety. With time running out, there’s Porter’s (Gibson) drive to avenge those who took his money At the height of the cold war, the world holds its breath when only one rule: Stay in the light. and left him for dead. Witness the real Payback. a Soviet submarine armed with nuclear missiles goes missing Action, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, in the Pacific. On board the vessel, the battle-tested captain Science Fiction, Space 1999 112min. Movies, Revenge, Thrillers 1999 min. (Harris) and a rogue KGB agent (Duchovny) are waging a life-and-death game of cat and mouse. With enemy forces Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 closing in and time running out, the captain fights to keep 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116578 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117080 control with nuclear armageddon hanging in the balance. Starring four-time Academy Award nominee Ed Harris, Golden Globe winner David Duchovny (TV’s The X-Files), and Planet Of The Apes (Repackage) Peggy Sue Got Married William Fichtner (Armageddon). Tim Roth, Mark Wahlberg, Helena Bonham Helen Hunt, Jim Carrey, Nicolas Cage, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Thril- Carter, Kris Kristofferson, Paul Giamatti, Kathleen Turner, Joan Allen - Dir. Francis lers, War 2013 98min. Michael Clarke Duncan, Estella Warren - Ford Coppola 20th Century Fox 25.06.2013 If you could live your life over again would you change 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116938 Dir. anything? Kathleen Turner, portraying Peggy Sue, gets the Rule the planet with this thrilling, action-packed epic from chance to answer this tantalizing question in Francis Ford legendary director Tim Burton (Sleep Hollow, Batman). After Coppola’s acclaimed romantic comedy. Co-starring Joan Pieta a spectacular crash-landing on an uncharted planet, brash Allen, Nicolas Cage, Helen Hunt and Jim Carrey, Peggy Sue Hired by moneylenders, a man lives as a loan shark brutally astronaut Leo Davidson (Mark Wahlberg) finds himself Got Married is a humorous, heartfelt fantasy about the golden threatening people for paybacks. This man, without any family trapped in a savage world where talking apes dominate the opportunity almost everyone has longed for at least once. therefore with nothing to lose, continues his merciless way of human race. Desperate to find a way home, Leo must evade Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Movies, life regardless of all the pain he has caused to a countless the invincible gorilla army led by ruthless General Thade (Tim number of people. One day, a woman appears in front of him Roth) and his most trusted warrior, Attar (Michael Clarke Romance, Supernatural & Paranormal 1986 claiming to be his mother. He coldly rejects her at first, but Duncan). Now the pulse-pounding race is on to reach a 103min. gradually accepts her in his life. He decides to quit his cruel sacred temple that may hold the shocking secrets of mankind’s Image Ent. 30.07.2013 job and to live a decent life. Then suddenly the mother is past- and the last hope for its salvation! Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, End 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116903 kidnapped. Assuming that it would be by someone he had hurt in the past, he starts to track down all the people he had Of The World, Movies, Planet Of The Apes, harassed. The man finally finds the one, only to discover most Science Fiction, Time Travel 2001 120min. Peggy Sue Got Married (Blu-ray) horrifying dark secrets better left unrevealed. Crime, Drama, Foreign, Kidnapping, Korean, 20th Century Fox 28.05.2013 Helen Hunt, Jim Carrey, Nicolas Cage, Movies 2012 104min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116564 Kathleen Turner, Joan Allen - Dir. Francis Image Ent. 23.07.2013 Ford Coppola Plastic If you could live your life over again would you change 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116900 anything? Kathleen Turner, portraying Peggy Sue, gets the Colleen Boag chance to answer this tantalizing question in Francis Ford Pieta (Blu-ray) Another woman has gone missing on the hottest day of the Coppola’s acclaimed romantic comedy. Co-starring Joan year. The death toll rises with the temperature, and while Allen, Nicolas Cage, Helen Hunt and Jim Carrey, Peggy Sue Hired by moneylenders, a man lives as a loan shark brutally everyone else is staying in, Albert Mullin is out, prowling the Got Married is a humorous, heartfelt fantasy about the golden threatening people for paybacks. This man, without any family streets and alleyways. But the end is near and Albert knows opportunity almost everyone has longed for at least once. therefore with nothing to lose, continues his merciless way of it. He says he’s always known. life regardless of all the pain he has caused to a countless Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Movies, number of people. One day, a woman appears in front of him Horror, Movies 2012 80min. Romance, Supernatural & Paranormal 1986 claiming to be his mother. He coldly rejects her at first, but Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 103min. gradually accepts her in his life. He decides to quit his cruel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116720 job and to live a decent life. Then suddenly the mother is Image Ent. 30.07.2013 kidnapped. Assuming that it would be by someone he had hurt 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116988 in the past, he starts to track down all the people he had Political Animals: The Complete harassed. The man finally finds the one, only to discover most horrifying dark secrets better left unrevealed. Series Perry Mason: Season 9 - Volume Crime, Drama, Foreign, Kidnapping, Korean, Sigourney Weaver, Ellen Burstyn, Carla 2 Movies 2012 104min. Gugino, Sebastian Stan , Richard Anderson, William Image Ent. 23.07.2013 Politicians are a breed of their own, striving to serve their country while their personal dramas play out under the media

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 70 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA spotlight’s glare. Golden Globe award winner Sigourney Profile Of A Killer And will the famous quartet be able to patch up their Weaver stars as Elaine Barrish Hammond, a former first lady differences in time for Beecham House’s gala concert? and current Secretary of State, who struggles to keep her Crime, Movies, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2012 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Music 2012 99min. family together as she deflects probing questions from prize- min. winning journalist Susan Berg (Carla Gugino). While Starz / Anchor Bay 18.06.2013 resolving international crises alongside manipulative Grand Entertainment Group 18.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116804 colleagues and strategizing her own Oval Office bid, Elaine 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117014 must also cope with her brilliant ex-husband’s philandering exploits and her twin sons’ struggles with drugs and guilt. Quartet (Blu-ray) Watch this captivating First Family weather the all-too-real Psycho Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Billy dynamics of political and personal life with grit, intelligence, Martin Balsam, Vera Miles, Janet Leigh, and vulnerable honesty in all 6 provocative episodes of Connolly, Pauline Collins - Dir. Dustin Political Animals: The Complete Series. Anthony Perkins, John Gavin, John McIntire Hoffman Drama, Mini-Series, Politics, Television, - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Beecham House is abuzz. The rumor circling the halls is that One of the most shocking films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock’s the home for retired musicians is soon to play host to a new USA Network 2012 360min. Psycho changed the thriller genre forever. Join the Master of resident. Word is, it’s a star. For Reginald Paget (Tom Warner Bros. 06.08.2013 Suspense on a chilling journey as an unsuspecting victim Courtenay), Wilfred Bond (Billy Connolly) and Cecily 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117116 (Janet Leigh) visits the Bates Motel and falls prey to one of Robson (Pauline Collins) this sort of talk is par for the cinema’s most notorious psychopaths - Norman Bates course at the gossipy home. But they’re in for a special shock (Anthony Perkins). Named #1 on the AFI’s 100 Years... 100 when the new arrival turns out to be none other than their Portlandia: Season Three Thrills list, this notorious film has become a cultural former singing partner, Jean Horton (Maggie Smith). Her phenomenon. Featuring one of the most iconic scenes in film subsequent career as a star soloist, and the ego that Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein history - the famous „Shower Scene“ - Psycho is „still accompanied it, split up their long friendship and ended her Portlandia is IFC’s hit sketch comedy series created, written terrifying after all these years“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic marriage to Reggie, who takes the news of her arrival by, and starring Fred Armisen (SNL) and Carrie Brownstein Movie Guide). particularly hard. Can the passage of time heal old wounds? (Wild Flag, Sleater-Kinney). The show is driven by a series And will the famous quartet be able to patch up their of hilarious character-based shorts all of which take place in AFI Top 100, Classics, Horror, Horror Series, Movies, Mystery, National Film differences in time for Beecham House’s gala concert? „Portlandia“, the creators’ dreamy and absurd rendering of Starz / Anchor Bay, Comedy, Drama, Portland, Oregon where 90s culture reigns supreme and Registry, Psycho (Series), Serial Killers, Movies, Music 2012 99min. political correctness is all the rage. Thrillers 1960 109min. Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Television 2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 18.06.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 242min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116826 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117160 Music Video Distribution 09.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116753 Punk Vacation (Blu-ray + DVD Race To Freedom: The Under- ground Railroad Portlandia: Season Three (Blu- Combo) (Blu-ray) A peaceful California town is shaken after the brutal murder Janet Bailey - Dir. Don McBrearty ray) of a diner owner by a gang of vicious punks. When the Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein daughter of the slain man attempts to avenge her father’s TV Movies 1994 91min. Portlandia is IFC’s hit sketch comedy series created, written death, she’s held hostage by the gang resulting in an epic Echo Bridge Home Entertainment by, and starring Fred Armisen (SNL) and Carrie Brownstein battle between punks and rednecks. (Wild Flag, Sleater-Kinney). The show is driven by a series Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Cult Film 09.07.2013 of hilarious character-based shorts all of which take place in / TV, Movies, Thrillers 1987 93min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116820 „Portlandia“, the creators’ dreamy and absurd rendering of Portland, Oregon where 90s culture reigns supreme and CAV 09.07.2013 political correctness is all the rage. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117112 Raging Bull / Rocky / The Usual Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Television 2012 Suspects (Triple Feature) (Blu- 242min. Pusher ray) Music Video Distribution 09.07.2013 Richard Coyle, Bronson Webb Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116769 Based on the edgy and explosive series by visionary director Nicolas Winding Refn, Pusher stars Richard Coyle as a drug Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Boxing, dealer who grows increasingly desperate over the course of a Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Power Rangers Samurai Vol. 5: week after a botched deal lands him in the merciless clutches National Film Registry, Romance, Sports, The Ultimate Duel of a ruthless crime lord. The more desperate his behavior, the more isolated he becomes until there is nothing left standing Tragedies, Triple Feature min. With Master Xandred’s power surging out of control, the between him and the bullet his debtors intend to fire his way. MGM / UA 09.10.2012 Sanzu River seeping into our world, and giant Moogers running on a rampage, the Power Rangers Samurai must enter Action, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116979 the Tengen to retrieve the most powerful samurai weapon Thrillers 2012 89min. yet - The Black Box! But when Deker kidnaps Jayden, the Starz / Anchor Bay 25.06.2013 Rectify remaining Samurai - Kevin, Emily, Mia, Mike and Antonio - must join forces to battle the web-shooting Arachnitor, dream- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116917 Aden Young, Abigail Spencer, Luke Kirby, invading Rhinosnorus, and giant Spitfangs. Even after Mia Adelaide Clemens learns the tragic origin of Dayu and Deker, nothing can stop Pusher (Blu-ray) After spending 19 years on Death Row for the rape and the ultimate duel between Deker and the Red Ranger in these murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. final four episodes! Richard Coyle, Bronson Webb His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence, Action, Adventure, Children’s, Family, Based on the edgy and explosive series by visionary director thrusting him back into a world he no longer knows. Having Fantasy, Martial Arts, Samurai, Science Nicolas Winding Refn, Pusher stars Richard Coyle as a drug spent his adult life waiting to die, Daniel must now learn how dealer who grows increasingly desperate over the course of a to live again. But, his reentry into the outside world may be as Fiction, Television 92min. week after a botched deal lands him in the merciless clutches unforgiving as prison. He is haunted by the past, dogged by Lionsgate 16.07.2013 of a ruthless crime lord. The more desperate his behavior, the the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116842 more isolated he becomes until there is nothing left standing adapt to his new life, his return will reignite the fears of a between him and the bullet his debtors intend to fire his way. small town and threaten to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. His freedom could The Presidio (Blu-ray) Movies, Thrillers 2012 89min. tear it in half. Meg Ryan, Sean Connery, Mark Harmon, Starz / Anchor Bay 25.06.2013 Drama, Television 2012 360min. Jack Warden - Dir. Peter Hyams 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116991 Starz / Anchor Bay 18.06.2013 Lt. Col. Caldwell (Sean Connery) and Police Inspector Jay 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116805 Austin (Mark Harmon) don’t like each other. Not even a little bit. That’s because Caldwell helped run Austin out of the Quartet military police a few years back. And now these natural Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Billy Red Widow: The Complete First enemies are forced to team up to solve a brutal murder at The Season Presidio military compound. To make matters worse, Inspector Connolly, Pauline Collins - Dir. Dustin Austin has taken a sudden and passionate interest in a Hoffman Goran Visnjic, Radha Mitchell, Luke Goss, beautiful, feisty young woman (Meg Ryan), who just happens Beecham House is abuzz. The rumor circling the halls is that Jaime Ray Newman, Sterling Beaumon to be Lt. Col. Caldwell’s daughter. First, sparks fly between the home for retired musicians is soon to play host to a new From the screenwriter of the Twilight series comes a the young lovers. Then fists and bullets start flying as this resident. Word is, it’s a star. For Reginald Paget (Tom compelling new drama about the lengths one mother will go to action-packed thriller kicks into high gear and tears up the Courtenay), Wilfred Bond (Billy Connolly) and Cecily protect her family amidst a dangerous journey to discover the streets of San Francisco. Robson (Pauline Collins) this sort of talk is par for the truth behind her husband’s murder. Housewife Marta Action, Blu-ray, Military, Movies, Thrillers course at the gossipy home. But they’re in for a special shock Walraven (Radha Mitchell) adores her husband, children and 1988 97min. when the new arrival turns out to be none other than their their idyllic Northern California life together. But beneath the former singing partner, Jean Horton (Maggie Smith). Her suburban dream lies a dark and dangerous world, and when Paramount 13.08.2013 subsequent career as a star soloist, and the ego that life presents unforeseen tragedy, the perfect facade comes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116762 accompanied it, split up their long friendship and ended her crashing down. Now Marta must drop all illusions, embrace marriage to Reggie, who takes the news of her arrival her new reality, and dig deep to discover reserves of courage, particularly hard. Can the passage of time heal old wounds? resilience and ingenuity she never knew she had. Relieve the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA suspense, danger and emotion of all eight episodes, complete questionable talent as they make their way in a stolen car Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, Mr. T, with never-before-seen bonus features that will pull you across Europe to a film festival in the Arctic Circle. Hoping to deeper into her web in ABC’s Red Widow: The Complete get the actor a meeting with a famous director, they encounter Hulk Hogan - Dir. Sylvester Stallone First Season. a series of bizarre encounters, and it’s uncertain whether Rocky battles his most powerful adversary yet-the ferocious their dreams of fame will come true. In French with English Clubber Lang (Mr. T) - in this hard-hitting actioner that ABC, Crime, Drama, Television, Thrillers, comes out swinging with adventure, humor and emotionally TV Remakes 2013 301min. subtitles. Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2010 charged human drama. For what may be the most exciting and Disney / Buena Vista 28.05.2013 fast-paced film in the series, Sylvester Stallone writes, 91min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116595 directs and stars with explosive passion and intensity. As Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 Rocky Balboa (Stallone) fights his way into the hearts of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116633 millions, life couldn’t be better. He scores ten consecutive Redline wins, lands lucrative endorsement contracts, and becomes famous throughout the world. But when Clubber Lang KOs John Billingsley, Joseph Williamson, Kunal Robotech: 2 Movie Collection Rocky in a humiliating defeat, it becomes apparent that the Sharma, Nicole Gale Anderson, Kevin „Italian Stallion“ has lost his edge. Considering hanging up The Robotech saga continues in this exciting new adventure. his gloves, Rocky receives encouragement from an unlikely Sizemore Lieutenant „Lancer“ Belmont, a veteran of the Robotech’s New ally: his old nemesis, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers). With Action, Movies, Terrorism, Thrillers 87min. Generation, recounts his journey from before his first Creed’s help, Rocky strives to regain the „eye of the tiger“ Screen Media Films 23.07.2013 encounter with Scott Bernard to the aftermath following before confronting Lang in a grueling rematch for the world Admiral Rick Hunter’s expedition to liberate the Earth from heavyweight championship. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117090 the mysterious Invid race. Join your favorite characters once again in this follow-up to the smash-hit Robotech series. Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 1982 99min. MGM / UA 07.05.2013 Ring Of Fire Action, Adventure, Double Features, Giant Robots, Movies, Robots / Androids, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116954 Jewel, Matt Ross, John Doe - Dir. Allison Science Fiction, TV Movies min. Anders Rocky IV (Blu-ray) June Carter Cash wrote Johnny Cash’s most famous song, Lionsgate 23.07.2013 „Ring of Fire,“ while she was falling in love with the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117013 Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, fascinating and difficult musician who was the love of her life. Carl Weathers, Dolph Lundgren, Michael Ring Of Fire will take us inside that volatile relationship, as seen through the eyes of their son, John, as well as profiling Rocky Balboa Pataki, Brigitte Nielsen, Tony Burton - Dir. the woman who patiently supported one of country music’s Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Milo Sylvester Stallone biggest stars even as she found her own idiosyncratic path to East meets West when Rocky takes on vicious Soviet fighter stardom. A born performer, she was part of country music’s Ventimiglia, Antonio Tarver, Geraldine who literally killed his last opponent! Sylvester Stallone royal family, the Carter Family, whose music was heard all Hughes - Dir. Sylvester Stallone writes, directs and stars in this war between nations, in over America. Later, she and Cash performed together When he loses a highly publicized virtual boxing match to ex- which the only battle is in a boxing ring. Rocky Balboa onstage together and lived the high life, maintaining their champ Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), reigning proudly holds the world heavyweight boxing championship, lifelong bond and a semblance of a home life for their son, heavyweight title holder Mason Dixon (Antonio Tarver) but a new challenger has stepped forward: Drago (Dolph through good times and bad, largely due to the strength and retaliates by challenging the Italian Stallion to a nationally Lundgren), a six-foot-four, 261-pound fighter who has the perseverance of June’s great love. Ring Of Fire will take us televised, 10-round exhibition bout. To the surprise of his son backing of the Soviet Union. This time, Rocky’s training beyond the portrayal of June as she was seen in Walk The (Milo Ventimiglia, TV’s Heroes) and friends, Rocky agrees to regimen takes him to icy Siberia, where he prepares for a Line, giving us more of her own colorful family history, her come out of retirement and face an opponent who’s faster, globally televised match in the heart of Moscow. But nothing famous sense of humor, and her pioneering role as one of the stronger and thirty years his junior. With the odds stacked can truly prepare him for what he’s about to face - a first ladies of country music. firmly against him, Rocky takes on Dixon in what will become powerfully charged fight to the finish, in which he must defend Biography, Biopics, Drama, Movies, Music, the greatest fight in boxing history, a hard-hitting, action- not only himself, but also the honor of his country! Romance, TV Movies 2013 90min. packed battle of the ages! Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 1985 91min. Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 2006 min. A&E 04.06.2013 MGM / UA 07.05.2013 MGM / UA 07.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116676 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116955 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116874 Rocky V (Blu-ray) Road Hell Rocky Balboa (Blu-ray) John Link - Dir. Pete Jacelone Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, When a horrific accident forces a deeply dysfunctional couple Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Milo Burgess Meredith, Sage Stallone, Tommy to check into a decrepit motel, a lecherous and deranged desk Ventimiglia, Antonio Tarver, Geraldine Morrison - Dir. John G. Avildsen clerk arranges for them to witness three unholy visions of the Hughes - Dir. Sylvester Stallone Upon returning home from his latest triumph, Rocky (Sylve- macabre. But when cautionary tales of bloodlust, deadly When he loses a highly publicized virtual boxing match to ex- ster Stallone) learns that all of his money has been lost by an creatures and a world filled with the undead don’t faze these champ Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), reigning unscrupulous financial advisor. To make matters worse, his two narcissists, stronger measures are right at hand. heavyweight title holder Mason Dixon (Antonio Tarver) fight related injuries force his retirement from the ring. So, Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2011 retaliates by challenging the Italian Stallion to a nationally Rocky, his wife Adrian (Talia Shire) and his son Rocky, Jr. 76min. televised, 10-round exhibition bout. To the surprise of his son (Sage Stallone) move to their old low-rent neighborhood in (Milo Ventimiglia, TV’s Heroes) and friends, Rocky agrees to South Philadelphia. There, the fighter must resolve the deep- Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 come out of retirement and face an opponent who’s faster, rooted resentment held by his son, a bitterness that grows 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116856 stronger and thirty years his junior. With the odds stacked when Rocky trains Tommy Gunn (Tommy Morrison), a young firmly against him, Rocky takes on Dixon in what will become boxer who soon rises to national prominence. When Tommy the greatest fight in boxing history, a hard-hitting, action- turns against his mentor and publicity taunts him, Rocky Road To Perdition (Blu-ray) packed battle of the ages! knows he must fight once more. Tom Hanks, Jude Law, Paul Newman, Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 2006 Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 1990 Jennifer Jason Leigh, Daniel Craig, Stanley 102min. 105min. Tucci - Dir. Sam Mendes MGM / UA 07.05.2013 MGM / UA 07.05.2013 Two-time Academy Award®-winner Tom Hanks stars as 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116952 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116956 Michael Sullivan, a father fighting to keep his only son from traveling the Road To Perdition. Directed by Oscar®-winner Sam Mendes, this towering motion picture achievement has Rocky II (Blu-ray) Room On The Broom been acclaimed by audiences and critics alike as one of the year’s most extraordinary films. Also starring Academy Award Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Children’s, winner Paul Newman and Oscar nominee Jude Law, Road To Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, Tony Family, Holidays, Movies, Witches & Perdition weaves a mesmerizing tale of a father and son Burton - Dir. Sylvester Stallone Warlocks min. bound together by tragedy and betrayal. On an unforgettable It’s the rematch of the century as Rocky Balboa takes on NCircle Entertainment 06.08.2013 journey of honor, vengeance and redemption, they confront Apollo Creed in this powerful follow-up to one of the most overwhelming odds-and forge an indestructible bond. Hailed acclaimed movies in film history. After club fighter Rocky 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116555 for the powerhouse performances of its stars and the stunning Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) goes the distance with the world impact of its story, Road To Perdition is an electrifying heavyweight champion, boxing fans clamor for a rematch. But Sahara experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Rocky, having sustained massive injuries in the bout, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On Comic announces his retirement. Though he tries to make a new start Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn, Book, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional for himself, Rocky realizes that he can’t escape his true Penelope Cruz, William H. Macy, Delroy calling. The ring beckons once more, and the „Italian Stallion“ Families, Historical / Period Piece, Mobsters must prepare for the fight of his life. Lindo, Lambert Wilson, Glynn Turman - Dir. & The Mafia, Movies 2002 min. Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 1979 Breck Eisner Paramount 01.01.2013 Scouring the ocean depths for treasure-laden shipwrecks is 120min. business as usual for a thrill-seeking underwater adventurer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117081 MGM / UA 07.05.2013 (Matthew McConaughey) and his wisecracking buddy (Steve 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116953 Zahn). But when these two cross paths with a beautiful doctor Robert Mitchum Is Dead (Penelope Cruz), they find themselves on the ultimate treasure hunt. Soon the three are in for the ride of their lives Olivier Gourmet Rocky III (Blu-ray) as they cross the blistering North African terrain, pitting their This hilarious addition to the road-movie genre follows a skills against ruthless enemies bent on world destruction. In a desperate agent (Olivier Gourmet) and an insomniac actor of Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, race against time, this trio of unlikely heroes must unravel the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 72 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA clues, solve the mystery and save the world in „...a delirious DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) 113min. escape into adventure-serial heaven“ (Stephen Holden, The Universal Studios 25.06.2013 New York Times) the whole family can enjoy. (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116580 Action, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Buddy Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer - Dir. Brian De Pictures, Comedy, Desert, Fighting, Movies, Palma Thrillers 2005 min. In the spring of 1980, the port at Mariel Harbor was opened, Serenity (Steelbook + Blu-ray + Paramount 01.01.2013 and thousands set sail for the . They came in DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117129 search of the American Dream. One of them found it on the sun-washed avenues of Miami... wealth, power and passion (Blu-ray) beyond his wildest dreams. He was Tony Montana. The world Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Nathan Fillion, Sahara (Blu-ray) will remember him by another name... Scarface. Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Cult Film / Chiwetel Ejiofor, Summer Glau - Dir. Joss Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn, TV, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Film Noir, Whedon Penelope Cruz, William H. Macy, Delroy Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, National A passenger with a deadly secret. Six rebels on the run. An Lindo, Lambert Wilson, Glynn Turman - Dir. assassin in pursuit. When the renegade crew of Serenity Film Registry 1983 170min. Breck Eisner agrees to hide a fugitive on their ship, they find themselves in Universal Studios 25.06.2013 an action-packed battle between the relentless military might Scouring the ocean depths for treasure-laden shipwrecks is of a totalitarian regime who will destroy anything - or anyone business as usual for a thrill-seeking underwater adventurer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116579 - to get the girl back and the bloodthirsty creatures who roam (Matthew McConaughey) and his wisecracking buddy (Steve the uncharted areas of space. But, the greatest danger of all Zahn). But when these two cross paths with a beautiful doctor Scent Of A Woman / Sea Of Love may be on their ship. From the mind of Joss Whedon (TV’s (Penelope Cruz), they find themselves on the ultimate Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel) comes a new edge-of-your- treasure hunt. Soon the three are in for the ride of their lives (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) seat adventure loaded with explosive battles, gripping special as they cross the blistering North African terrain, pitting their Al Pacino, James Rebhorn, John Goodman, effects and fantastic new worlds! skills against ruthless enemies bent on world destruction. In a Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, race against time, this trio of unlikely heroes must unravel the Ellen Barkin, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, Space clues, solve the mystery and save the world in „...a delirious Gabrielle Anwar - Dir. Martin Brest, Harold escape into adventure-serial heaven“ (Stephen Holden, The 2005 119min. Becker New York Times) the whole family can enjoy. Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116581 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Desert, Fighting, Triangles, Blu-ray, Coming-Of-Age, Cops, Movies, Thrillers 2005 min. Crime, Detectives, Double Features, Drama, Paramount 01.01.2013 Friendships, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Sesame Street: Arts And Crafts 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117136 Romance, Serial Killers, Tearjerkers, Thril- Playdate lers min. Learn to be art smart with your friend Elmo and these two artsy Sesame Street episodes. When Zoe’s pet rock, Rocco, Sandbar Universal Studios 04.06.2013 needs a friend, Elmo uses arts and crafts to build a new friend Rick Rossovich 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116608 out of ordinary things on Sesame Street. Do you know what a You might be asking yourself what ever happened to the 80’s collage is? It’s a bunch of things put together to make a wingman Rick Rossovich (Top Gun) for the last decade? Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Blu- picture, and Elmo’s going to make one with the help of his According to this new film Sandbar, he is on a drug fueled Sesame Street friends. Both of these stories are followed by bender in the middle-of-nowhere Ohio... In the freewheeling ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) the rest of their full hour episodes filled with additional art dark comedy Sandbar, Ronnie McCubbing (Rick Rossovich), films and favorite segments like Elmo the Musical and Elmo’s a haunted ex-Marine spends the day with his estranged 22- (Blu-ray) World. year-old son (Mike Dwyer) in an attempt to salvage their Kieran Culkin, Mae Whitman, Jason Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, splintered relationship. Along for the ride is the father’s Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street, Televi- young and uninhibited girlfriend (Katie Keene), who threatens Schwartzman, Mark Webber, Chris Evans, to unravel all his plans. , Alison Pill, Brie sion 120min. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 min. Larson, , Brandon Routh, Warner Bros. 09.07.2013 Virgil Films And Entertainment 16.07.2013 Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Johnny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116741 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116852 Simmons, Ellen Wong, Satya Bhabha - Dir. Edgar Wright Sesame Street: Do The Alphabet Santorini Blue Game on! Scott Pilgrim just met the girl of his / Imagine That (Double Feature) dreams.....literally. But in order for them to date, he must Richard Belzer defeat her seven evil exes - a rogues’ gallery - including an Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Double Felix and Alexandra’s tender marriage unravels after a infamous skateboarder, a vegan rock star and fearsome Features, Family, Puppets, Sesame Street, devastating betrayal. The story travels on an international identical twins! From the genre-smashing director of Hot Fuzz journey of discovery from New York City to Santorini, Greece and Shaun of the Dead comes „a true original“ (Entertainment Television min. while addressing this very question. Weekly) powered up by wit, action and groundbreaking Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, Drama, visuals that you will want to watch again as soon as it’s over! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116865 Movies 2013 103min. Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love Osiris Entertainment 11.06.2013 Triangles, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Sesame Street: Sleepytime 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116635 Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 2010 113min. Songs & Stories / Quiet Time Scarface (Blu-ray + Digital Copy Universal Studios 04.06.2013 (Double Feature) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116657 Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Double + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Features, Family, Puppets, Sesame Street, Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer - Dir. Brian De Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Television min. Palma (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 One of the most influential gangster epics of all time, Scarface 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116867 is the rags-to-riches story of Cuban immigrant Tony gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) „Scarface“ Montana, who finds wealth, power and passion beyond his wildest dreams...at a price he never imagined. Kieran Culkin, Mae Whitman, Jason Sex, Lies And Depravity From acclaimed director Brian De Palma (Carlito’s Way) and Schwartzman, Mark Webber, Chris Evans, Oscar®-winning writer Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of Sex, Lies and Depravity follows Jake, and his letters to July), this action-packed Blu-ray features an eye-popping Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Alison Pill, Brie childhood friend Arran. After one volatile night, Jake storms remastered picture, explosive 7.1 audio track and exclusive Larson, Michael Cera, Brandon Routh, out of the family home and by chance meets Ethan, a young, bonus features. A modern-day classic, Scarface stars Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Johnny gay, streetwise charmer. Jake struggles to keep the lid on the Academy Award® winner Al Pacino (The Godfather) in an truth of his real identity and his new found affair with Ethan. unforgettable performance as one of the most ruthless Simmons, Ellen Wong, Satya Bhabha - Dir. Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 117min. gangsters ever depicted on film and Academy Award® Edgar Wright Music Video Distribution 18.06.2013 nominee Michelle Pfeiffer (The Fabulous Baker Boys). Game on! Scott Pilgrim just met the girl of his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116870 Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Cult Film / dreams.....literally. But in order for them to date, he must TV, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Film Noir, defeat her seven evil exes - a rogues’ gallery - including an infamous skateboarder, a vegan rock star and fearsome Sexual Freedom: Sex Stories 3 Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, National identical twins! From the genre-smashing director of Hot Fuzz Film Registry 1983 170min. and Shaun of the Dead comes „a true original“ (Entertainment After shocking us with the first two installments of Sex Weekly) powered up by wit, action and groundbreaking Stories, Director Ovidie brings the trilogy to its titillating Universal Studios 09.07.2013 visuals that you will want to watch again as soon as it’s over! conclusion. Like its predecessors, this French film is lush 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117179 and sensual and is told from a female perspective. Prepare Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love yourself for a captivating journey into the heart of Sexual Triangles, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Freedom. Tapping into the current craze of reality television, Scarface (Steelbook + Blu-ray + Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 2010 Ovidie stars as Léonie-Marie, a journalist for a reality TV program that explores the strange romances of people who

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 73 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA live on the margins of society. When her latest assignment Kate Ashfield, Lucy Davis, Simon Pegg, Sinbad: Season One (Blu-ray) takes her to the countryside to interview the members of a swingers’ commune, Leonie-Marie can’t help but show her Nick Frost, Dylan Morgan - Dir. Edgar Elliot Knight stars as Sinbad, an impetuous young man on a skeptical side. But as the men and women of the commune Wright quest for redemption, condemned to keep searching for a way teach her about the „free love“ lifestyle, she begins to Action, Blu-ray, British, Buddy Pictures, to lift the curse that chains him to the seas, until he can find question her more traditional beliefs about love and sex. Have the goodness in himself. The 8th century Arabia is a melting her new interview subjects uncovered the secret to true Comedy, Cops, Crime, Dark Comedy, Double pot of cultures, faiths and creatures, full of life and dynamism sexual freedom? Features, Foreign, Horror, Movies, but also threatening and volatile. Before their journey is over, Sinbad and his crew of outcasts will not only have to brave Comedy, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French, Romance, Zombies min. their own demons, but some of the most dangerous enemies Movies 85min. Universal Studios 04.06.2013 imaginable. Breaking Glass Pictures 09.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116609 Action, Adventure, BBC, Blu-ray, British, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117063 Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Magic, The Silence Television 2012 min. (Blu-ray) Ulrich Thomsen, Wotan Wilke Mohring BBC Home Video 03.09.2013 Samuel L. Jackson, Vanessa Williams, Dan The Silence begins on a hot summer day, when a girl names 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117131 Pia is brutally murdered in a field of wheat by Peer, as his Hedaya, Christian Bale, Richard Roundtree, helpless friend Timo watches. Exactly 23 years later, another Toni Collette, , Jeffrey Wright 13-year-old, Sinikka, is missing, her bicycle abandoned in the Sincerely Yours - Dir. same spot, leading police to suspect the same killer may be at Liberace Who delivers ten times out of ten? Samuel L. Jackson is Shaft, work again. Recently widowed detective David and his This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using the man and the movie. John Singleton (Boyz ‘N’ The Hood), colleague Janna struggle to solve the mystery of these paral- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. He directs this gritty action packed thriller. With Uncle John lel crimes with the help of Krischan, the retired investigator of dazzled America for decades with his musical artistry. Now Shaft (Richard Roundtree reprising his original role) as the unresolved case. While Sinikka’s distraught parents are fans as well as those curious about this exciting entertainer’s mentor, it’s no surprise that today’s Shaft is the coolest dude trapped in an agonizing period of waiting and uncertainty, unique appeal can relive the Liberace magic in his only and the hottest action around. To stop a racist killer (Christi- their daughter’s fate rips open unhealed wounds in the heart starring film, Sincerely Yours. In a poignant story scripted by an Bale) Shaft’s got to track down the only eyewitness that of Pia’s mother and sends Timo in search of Peer and their Irving Wallace, Liberace plays a concert pianist threatened can put him behind bars (Toni Colette). As Shaft closes in, so own old desires. by deafness. Plunged into despair, he finds escape from does the danger. Armed with attitude and up against corrupt Crime, Drama, Foreign, German, Movies, personal sorrow by secretly involving himself in the problems cops and venomous druglords he’s out to make crime pay up. Thrillers 2010 118min. of strangers. Liberace touches the heart and delights the ear Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Detectives, Movies, with sparkling renditions of 31 selections from Chopin to Music Box Films 23.07.2013 Chopsticks. Along the way he romances Joanne Dru and Thrillers 2000 99min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116868 Dorothy Malone, trades barbs with old pro William Demarest Paramount 13.08.2013 and in a warmly humorous nightclub scene, pokes fun at his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116763 own image as the 1950s matinee idol of the little-old-lady set. The Silence (Blu-ray) From beginning to end, Sincerely Yours perfectly captures the Ulrich Thomsen, Wotan Wilke Mohring charisma and sheer musicality of the legendary Mr. Shake It Up The Silence begins on a hot summer day, when a girl names Showmanship. Bella Thorne Pia is brutally murdered in a field of wheat by Peer, as his Drama, Movies, Music, Musical, Romance helpless friend Timo watches. Exactly 23 years later, another 1955 116min. Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Family, Televi- 13-year-old, Sinikka, is missing, her bicycle abandoned in the sion 120min. same spot, leading police to suspect the same killer may be at Warner Bros. MOD 14.05.2013 Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 work again. Recently widowed detective David and his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117208 colleague Janna struggle to solve the mystery of these paral- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116599 lel crimes with the help of Krischan, the retired investigator of the unresolved case. While Sinikka’s distraught parents are Sissi: Forever My Love Shaun Of The Dead (Steelbook + trapped in an agonizing period of waiting and uncertainty, Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Bohm, Magda their daughter’s fate rips open unhealed wounds in the heart Schneider - Dir. Ernst Marischka Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + of Pia’s mother and sends Timo in search of Peer and their own old desires. Romy Schneider makes cinematic history in her career UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) defining role as an Austrian princess caught between love Crime, Drama, Foreign, German, Movies, and royal responsibilities. This world-renowned clasic Penelope Wilton, Bill Nighy, Kate Ashfield, Thrillers 2010 119min. follows the lives of Princess Elizabeth (Sissi) and her Lucy Davis, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Dylan Music Box Films 23.07.2013 husband Franz Josef from courtship through marriage. Morgan - Dir. Edgar Wright 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116943 Drama, Movies, Romance 1962 139min. Get ready for a gut-busting, bone-mashing good time in the E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 hilarious horror comedy, Shaun Of The Dead. There comes a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116795 day in every man’s life when he has to get off the couch...and Silent House (Blu-ray + Digital kill some zombies. When flesh-eating zombies are on the hunt for a bite to eat, it’s up to slacker Shaun (Simon Pegg) and his Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Sixteen Candles best pal to save their friends and family from becoming the Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese, Eric Sheffer Molly Ringwald, Justin Henry, Anthony Mi- next entree. Satisfy your bloodthirsty appetite with the movie Stevens - Dir. Laura Lau, Chris Kentis that and film critics alike are hailing as the chael Hall, Paul Dooley - Dir. John Hughes funniest and scariest movie of the year. Novelist Stephen King Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene) stars in this suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat thriller presented in real time Samantha Baker (Molly Ringwald) is ready to make the most gushes „it’s a 10 on the fun meter and destined to be a cult of her Sweet Sixteen birthday... If only someone would classic.“ and Newsweek calls Shaun Of The Dead „a bloody as one shocking, uninterrupted shot. When Sarah (Olsen) finds herself sealed inside her family’s secluded lake house remember it. She’s your average teen, enduring creepy hoot!“ It’s a screamingly hilarious zomedy that will have you freshmen, spoiled siblings, confused parents and the „Big dying with laughter. with no contact to the outside world, panic soon turns to terror as events become increasingly ominous. Directed by Blonde on Campus“ who stands between her and the boy of Universal Studios, British, Comedy, Dark filmmaking duo Chris Kentis and Laura Lau (Open Water), it’s her dreams. From writer/director John Hughes (The Breakfast Comedy, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Romance, a tension-filled journey that Scott Mantz of Access Hollywood Club, Weird Science), Sixteen Candles is a warm-hearted Zombies 2004 100min. raves is „Beyond terrifying! Clever, gripping, intense and coming-of-age comedy that helped define a generation! Comedy, High School, Movies, Romance Universal Studios 25.06.2013 scary as hell!“ Universal Studios, Blu-ray, Drama, Horror, 1984 93min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116582 Movies, Thrillers 2011 86min. Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117161 Shaun Of The Dead / Hot Fuzz 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116658 (Double Feature) Sixteen Candles (Blu-ray + Digi- Jim Broadbent, Penelope Wilton, Bill Nighy, Sinbad: Season One tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Kate Ashfield, Lucy Davis, Simon Pegg, Elliot Knight stars as Sinbad, an impetuous young man on a Molly Ringwald, Justin Henry, Anthony Mi- Nick Frost, Dylan Morgan - Dir. Edgar quest for redemption, condemned to keep searching for a way to lift the curse that chains him to the seas, until he can find chael Hall, Paul Dooley - Dir. John Hughes Wright the goodness in himself. The 8th century Arabia is a melting Samantha Baker (Molly Ringwald) is ready to make the most Action, British, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, pot of cultures, faiths and creatures, full of life and dynamism of her Sweet Sixteen birthday... If only someone would Cops, Crime, Dark Comedy, Double Fea- but also threatening and volatile. Before their journey is over, remember it. She’s your average teen, enduring creepy Sinbad and his crew of outcasts will not only have to brave freshmen, spoiled siblings, confused parents and the „Big tures, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Romance, their own demons, but some of the most dangerous enemies Blonde on Campus“ who stands between her and the boy of Zombies min. imaginable. her dreams. From writer/director John Hughes (The Breakfast Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Action, Adventure, BBC, British, Fantasy, Club, Weird Science), Sixteen Candles is a warm-hearted 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116594 Foreign, International TV, Magic, Television coming-of-age comedy that helped define a generation! Comedy, High School, Movies, Romance 2012 min. 1984 93min. BBC Home Video 03.09.2013 Shaun Of The Dead / Hot Fuzz Universal Studios 09.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117117 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117180 Jim Broadbent, Penelope Wilton, Bill Nighy,

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Slow Fade Summit Entertainment 11.06.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Thomas, surrounded by influences of the world, slowly begins 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116559 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117162 to fade into a person of the world. Seeking pleasure and doing what feels good is all he knows. But as he follows this path, it begins to tear apart his relationships with his mom and Solomon Kane Spartacus (Blu-ray + Digital Copy girlfriend. In a moment of desperation and anger, Thomas Max Von Sydow, James Purefoy - Dir. Mi- + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) loses control. Yet, in that lowest point, he meets an unlikely mentor who begins to show him how to choose what is right. chael J. Bassett Laurence Olivier, Kirk Douglas, Jean Captain Solomon Kane is a brutally efficient 16th Century Drama, Family, Movies 2012 85min. killing machine. Armed with his signature pistols, cutlass and Simmons, Peter Ustinov, Charles Laughton, E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 rapier, he and his men unleash their bloodlust as they fight for Tony Curtis - Dir. Stanley Kubrick 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116796 England in war after war on all continents. As the story Spartacus, the genre-defining epic from director Stanley opens, Kane and his band of pillagers are carving a bloody Kubrick, is the legendary tale of a bold gladiator (Kirk path through hordes of defenders in an exotic city in northern Douglas) who led a triumphant Roman slave revolt. Filmed in Smokey And The Bandit (Blu-ray Africa. But, when Kane decides to attack a mysterious nearby glorious , the action-packed spectacle won four castle to plunder its rumored riches, his mission takes a Academy Awards, including Best Cinematography and Best + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- fateful turn. One by one, Kane’s men are picked off by demonic Art Director. Featuring a cast of screen legends such as ray) creatures until he alone is left to face the Devil’s own Reaper Laurence Olivier, Charles Laughton, Peter Ustinov, Jean — dispatched from the depths of Hell to lay claim to his Simmons, John Gavin and Tony Curtis, this uncut and fully Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, hopelessly corrupt soul. Though Kane at last manages to restored masterpiece is an inspirational true account of man’s Jerry Reed - Dir. Hal Needham escape, he knows that he now must redeem himself by eternal struggle for freedom. Get ready to tear up the highway with the Bandit (Burt renouncing violence and devoting himself wholly to a life of Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Reynolds), a fun-loving, fast-talking trucker who takes on his peace and purity. 100, Ancient Greece / Rome, Biography, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical / craziest haul yet - delivering 400 cases of beer from Biopics, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Epics, Texarkana to in just 28 hours. With Sheriff Buford T. Period Piece, Movies, War 2009 104min. Historical / Period Piece, Movies 1960 Justice (Jackie Gleason) hot on his trail and eager to teach Starz / Anchor Bay 16.07.2013 him some respect for the law, the Bandit joins forces with 197min. good ol’ boy Cledus (Jerry Reed) and runaway bride Carrie 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117193 (Sally Field). Gear up for huge laughs, pedal-to-the-metal Universal Studios 09.07.2013 action, and some of the wildest car crashes ever filmed! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117182 Action, Blu-ray, Chases, Classics, Comedy, Sox: A Family’s Best Friend Crime, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Romance David DeLuise : The Spy Who Animals & Nature, Family, Fantasy, Magic, 1977 96min. Helped Me Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Movies 2012 85min. Allegro Entertainment 14.05.2013 Sean Astin, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117181 Nobody does it better than Special Agent Oso, the lovable 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116620 stuffed bear who makes having fun while learning brand-new Smokin’ Aces / Lock, Stock And skills as easy as 1-2-3! Whether he’s climbing a mountain or Space 1999: Season One making a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, agent-in-training Two Smoking Barrels / The Fast Oso takes kids on „Special Assignments,“ helping them master Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Nick Tate everyday life tasks. Under the watchful eyes of senior agents And The Furious: Tokyo Drift In the year 1999, a spectacular explosion at a lunar nuclear Wolfie and Dottie, and mysterious Mr. Dos, Oso uses common (Triple Feature) waste dump sends the moon out of Earth’s orbit. In this sense, cool spy gadgets and three special steps to complete seminal sci-fi series from producer Gerry Anderson his assignments in the nick of time. Packed with thrilling Ray Liotta, Andy Garcia, Alex Rocco, Ben (Thunderbirds, UFO), the men and women of Moonbase Alpha adventures, catchy songs and tons of fun, The Spy Who Affleck, Jason Flemyng, Jeremy Piven, are left with no way home and the Earthling citizens are Helped Me proves that with help from you, there’s nothing Dexter Fletcher, Nick Moran, Jason forced to embark upon the greatest adventure of their lives, Oso can’t do! encountering bizarre life forms and strange phenomena as Adventure, Children’s, Disney, Family, Statham, Stenen Mackintosh, Vinnie Jones, they struggle to survive among the awe-inspiring wonders of Mystery, Preschool, Television 110min. Ryan Reynolds, P.H. Moriarty, Alicia Keys, outer space. Disney / Buena Vista 18.06.2013 Common, Jason Bateman, Martin Adventure, Aliens, Cult Film / TV, Drama, In 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116600 Henderson - Dir. Guy Ritchie, Joe Carnahan The Future..., Science Fiction, Space, Tele- Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Comedy, vision 1975 min. Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, Movies, Thril- A&E 07.05.2013 Speed / Broken Arrow / lers, Triple Feature min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116615 Entrapment (Triple Feature) (Blu- Universal Studios 02.07.2013 ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116712 Space 1999: Season Two Action, Aerial Action, Blu-ray, Caper, Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Nick Tate Chases, Crime, Hostage Crisis, Military, Snitch (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + In the year 1999, a spectacular explosion at a lunar nuclear waste dump sends the moon out of Earth’s orbit. In this Movies, Thrillers, Triple Feature min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) seminal sci-fi series from producer Gerry Anderson 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 (Thunderbirds, UFO), the men and women of Moonbase Alpha 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116977 Susan Sarandon, Barry Pepper, Benjamin are left with no way home and the Earthling citizens are Bratt - Dir. Ric Roman Waugh forced to embark upon the greatest adventure of their lives, Dwayne Johnson explodes into action as a man determined to encountering bizarre life forms and strange phenomena as Spider-Man (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) bring a Mexican cartel to its knees. Johnson stars as a they struggle to survive among the awe-inspiring wonders of successful businessman who learns his son faces 10 tough outer space. (Blu-ray) years in a Federal hole for drug possession. Convinced it Adventure, Aliens, Cult Film / TV, Drama, In Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, Cliff was a set-up, he volunteers to become an undercover informant and infiltrate a ruthless cartel. Now, with his back The Future..., Science Fiction, Space, Tele- Robertson, Tobey Maguire, Rosemary against the wall and his life totally on the line, he must expose vision 1976 300min. Harris, J.K. Simmons, James Franco - Dir. the true criminals before they discover his identity. A&E 07.05.2013 Sam Raimi Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116616 Average teenager Peter Parker is transformed into an Thrillers 2013 112min. extraordinary superhero after he is accidentally bitten by a Summit Entertainment 11.06.2013 radioactive spider. When his beloved uncle is savagely Spartacus murdered during a robbery, young Peter vows to use his 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116563 powers to avenge his death. Deeming himself Spider-Man, he Laurence Olivier, Kirk Douglas, Jean sets about ridding the streets of crime, bringing him into Simmons, Peter Ustinov, Charles Laughton, conflict with malevolent super-villain „Green Goblin.“ Snitch (DVD + Digital Copy + Tony Curtis - Dir. Stanley Kubrick Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, UltraViolet) Spartacus, the genre-defining epic from director Stanley Blu-ray, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Kubrick, is the legendary tale of a bold gladiator (Kirk Susan Sarandon, Barry Pepper, Benjamin Douglas) who led a triumphant Roman slave revolt. Filmed in Superheroes 2002 121min. Bratt - Dir. Ric Roman Waugh glorious Technicolor, the action-packed spectacle won four Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dwayne Johnson explodes into action as a man determined to Academy Awards, including Best Cinematography and Best 14.05.2013 bring a Mexican cartel to its knees. Johnson stars as a Art Director. Featuring a cast of screen legends such as successful businessman who learns his son faces 10 tough Laurence Olivier, Charles Laughton, Peter Ustinov, Jean 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116970 years in a Federal hole for drug possession. Convinced it Simmons, John Gavin and Tony Curtis, this uncut and fully was a set-up, he volunteers to become an undercover restored masterpiece is an inspirational true account of man’s Spring Breakers (Blu-ray + Digital informant and infiltrate a ruthless cartel. Now, with his back eternal struggle for freedom. against the wall and his life totally on the line, he must expose Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) the true criminals before they discover his identity. 100, Ancient Greece / Rome, Biography, James Franco, , Ashley Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers Biopics, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Benson, Selena Gomez - Dir. Harmony 2013 112min. Period Piece, Movies 1960 197min. Korine

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Four frustrated college girlfriends (Selena Gomez, Vanessa The winner of seven Academy Awards including Best Picture, 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine) plot to fund their The Sting stars Paul Newman and Robert Redford as two con best spring break ever by burglarizing a fast-food shack. But men in 1930s Chicago. After a friend is killed by the mob, they 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116727 that’s only the beginning... during a night of partying, the girls try to get even by attempting to pull off the ultimate ‘sting.’ No get arrested. Hungover a nd clad only in bikinis, the girls one is to be trusted as the twists unfold, leading up to one of Strike Back: Season Two appear before a judge and get bailed out unexpectedly by the greatest double-crosses in movie history. The con is on! Alien (James Franco), an infamous local dealer who takes Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Buddy Sullivan Stapleton, Philip Winchester them on the wildest spring-break trip in history. Pictures, Classics, Comedy, Con-Artists, A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped Action, Art House, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, from today’s headlines, Strike Back is a one-hour drama Crime, Drama, Movies, National Film Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2012 94min. focusing on two members of a top-secret British anti-terrorist Registry, Revenge 1973 130min. organization known as Section 20: Michael Stonebridge Lionsgate 09.07.2013 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 (Philip Winchester), a married Brit who has moved from field 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116942 work to training recruits as Season 2 opens, and Damien 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116659 Scott (Sullivan Stapleton), a U.S. Delta Force operative, discharged on the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, who made Spring Breakers (DVD + Digital the most of his second chance to help Section 20 bring down The Sting an international terrorist last season. Again co-produced by Copy) Robert Shaw, Robert Redford, Paul Cinemax and the U.K.’s Sky TV, the ten Season 2 episodes James Franco, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley (45each) follow Stonebridge, Scott and new boss Rachel Newman - Dir. George Roy Hill Dalton (Rhona Mitra) as they scour Africa in pursuit of a Benson, Selena Gomez - Dir. Harmony The winner of seven Academy Awards including Best Picture, fresh covey of criminals, each vying for possession of a box Korine The Sting stars Paul Newman and Robert Redford as two con of valuable nuclear triggers that could launch Armageddon if Four frustrated college girlfriends (Selena Gomez, Vanessa men in 1930s Chicago. After a friend is killed by the mob, they they fall in the wrong hands. Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine) plot to fund their try to get even by attempting to pull off the ultimate ‘sting.’ No Action, British, Drama, Foreign, Military, best spring break ever by burglarizing a fast-food shack. But one is to be trusted as the twists unfold, leading up to one of that’s only the beginning... during a night of partying, the girls the greatest double-crosses in movie history. The con is on! Mixed Martial Arts, Special Forces, Televisi- get arrested. Hungover a nd clad only in bikinis, the girls Academy Award Winners, Buddy Pictures, on, Thrillers 2011 450min. appear before a judge and get bailed out unexpectedly by Classics, Comedy, Con-Artists, Crime, Dra- HBO Home Video 06.08.2013 Alien (James Franco), an infamous local dealer who takes them on the wildest spring-break trip in history. ma, Movies, National Film Registry, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116772 Action, Art House, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Revenge 1973 130min. Movies, Thrillers 2012 94min. Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Strike Back: Season Two (Blu-ray Lionsgate 09.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117163 + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116840 Sullivan Stapleton, Philip Winchester The Sting (Blu-ray + Digital Copy A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped Star Trek: The Next Generation - + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) from today’s headlines, Strike Back is a one-hour drama focusing on two members of a top-secret British anti-terrorist Redemption (Blu-ray) Robert Shaw, Robert Redford, Paul organization known as Section 20: Michael Stonebridge Wil Wheaton, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Newman - Dir. George Roy Hill (Philip Winchester), a married Brit who has moved from field The winner of seven Academy Awards including Best Picture, work to training recruits as Season 2 opens, and Damien LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates The Sting stars Paul Newman and Robert Redford as two con Scott (Sullivan Stapleton), a U.S. Delta Force operative, McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes men in 1930s Chicago. After a friend is killed by the mob, they discharged on the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, who made Another epic 2-part Star Trek: The Next Generation episode try to get even by attempting to pull off the ultimate ‘sting.’ No the most of his second chance to help Section 20 bring down re-edited as a feature-length presentation. Follow Captain one is to be trusted as the twists unfold, leading up to one of an international terrorist last season. Again co-produced by Picard and Lieutenant Worf as they fight to end a Klingon the greatest double-crosses in movie history. The con is on! Cinemax and the U.K.’s Sky TV, the ten Season 2 episodes Civil War. (45each) follow Stonebridge, Scott and new boss Rachel Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Buddy Dalton (Rhona Mitra) as they scour Africa in pursuit of a Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Cult Film Pictures, Classics, Comedy, Con-Artists, fresh covey of criminals, each vying for possession of a box / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Crime, Drama, Movies, National Film of valuable nuclear triggers that could launch Armageddon if Television 1991 86min. Registry, Revenge 1973 130min. they fall in the wrong hands. Action, Blu-ray, British, Drama, Foreign, Paramount Pictures 30.07.2013 Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Military, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Forces, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116990 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117183 Television, Thrillers 2011 450min. Star Trek: The Next Generation - HBO Home Video 06.08.2013 Stoker 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116791 Season 4 (Blu-ray) Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode, Mia Wil Wheaton, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Wasikowska Subspecies / Bloodstone: LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates Academy Award Winner Nicole Kidman, Mia Wasikowska and Matthew Goode star in this „darkly wicked, beautifully Subspecies II / Bloodlust: McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes executed mystery“ (Los Angeles Times) by critically In the fourth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the acclaimed filmmaker Park Chan-wook (Oldboy). Following the Subspecies III (Triple Feature) crew of the Enterprise explores alien cultures in all-new tragic death of her father on her eighteenth birthday, India Anders Hove, Denice Duff, Kevin Spirtas, ways. Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) struggles Stoker (Wasikowska) meets Charlie (Goode), her charismatic with the nightmarish horror of assimilation into the hive-mind uncle, whom she never knew existed. When Charlie moves in Angus Scrimm, Michael Dellafemina - Dir. of the Borg. The ruthless empire of the Cardassians emerges with India and her unstable mother (Kidman), both are drawn Ted Nicolaou as an important nemesis for the Federation. Suspicion of to his charming and calming demeanor. But it soon becomes Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Romulan sabotage aboard the ship leads to a paranoid power clear that Charlie’s arrival was no coincidence, and that the struggle. And political maneuvers within the Klingon Empire shocking secrets of his past could affect India’s future...or Science Fiction, Triple Feature, Vampires draw Worf (Michael Dorn) into an inevitable civil war. shatter it completely. 270min. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Cult Film Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 Full Moon 10.05.2013 / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, 99min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117142 Television 1990 1180min. 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 Paramount Pictures 30.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116706 Superman Unbound: Special Edi- 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116989 tion Stoker (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Starbuck Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, (Blu-ray) Fantasy, Movies, Superheroes 2013 75min. Patrick Huard - Dir. Ken Scott David Wosniak, a 42 year-old lovable but perpetual screw- Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode, Mia Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 up, finally decides to take control of his life. A habitual sperm Wasikowska 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116866 donor in his youth, he discovers that he’s the biological father Academy Award Winner Nicole Kidman, Mia Wasikowska and of 533 children, 142 of whom are trying to force the fertility Matthew Goode star in this „darkly wicked, beautifully clinic to reveal the true identity of the prolific donor code- executed mystery“ (Los Angeles Times) by critically Patrick Swayze: Triple Feature named Starbuck. acclaimed filmmaker Park Chan-wook (Oldboy). Following the (Blu-ray) Comedy, Movies 2011 110min. tragic death of her father on her eighteenth birthday, India Patrick Swayze, Helen Hunt, , E1 Entertainment 23.07.2013 Stoker (Wasikowska) meets Charlie (Goode), her charismatic uncle, whom she never knew existed. When Charlie moves in Gary Busey, Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116786 with India and her unstable mother (Kidman), both are drawn to his charming and calming demeanor. But it soon becomes Liam Neeson, Tony Goldwyn, Keanu clear that Charlie’s arrival was no coincidence, and that the Reeves, Lori Petty, Adam Baldwin, Michael The Sting (Blu-ray + Digital Copy shocking secrets of his past could affect India’s future...or J. Pollard - Dir. Jerry Zucker, John Irvin, + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) shatter it completely. Kathryn Bigelow 20th Century Fox, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Robert Redford, Paul Newman, Robert AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Thrillers 2013 99min. Shaw - Dir. George Roy Hill Ghosts, Movies, Supernatural &

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Paranormal, Tearjerkers, Thrillers, Triple Full Moon 21.05.2013 Movies, Thieves 2011 105min. Feature, Vigilante Justice min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116773 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Warner Bros. 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116661 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116612 The Three Stooges Masters Of Mayhem Transmigration The Tails Of Abbygail: New Shemp Howard, Larry Fine, Moe Howard, Drama, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction Friends And Adventures Joe DeRita 2011 96min. Abbygail and her friends have a slumber party at the barn with Classics, Collections, Comedy, Movies, Allegro Entertainment 14.05.2013 Mr. Big Bob, the miniature horse and his new roommate, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116622 little white barn mouse named Swiss. Swiss tells a story with Screwball, Slapstick min. clues about the whereabouts of one of their missing friends, Millennium Entertainment 04.06.2013 Pirate Dog. Champ tells everyone, sadly, that he’s leaving. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116703 : Season 3 He’ll be working on a „Special Canine Rescue All 37 episodes of the third season of Rod Serling’s classic, Operation“...but he has good news too! Champ introduces his groundbreaking series, now presented in pristine high- baby son Champson who will be staying home! Abbygail plans Tigerland / Hart’s War / definition for the first time ever, along with hours of new and a weekend full of adventure for all of her friends: an overnight Windtalkers (Triple Feature) (Blu- exclusive bonus features not available anywhere else! camping trip down to the river! They enjoy swimming, Classics, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, collecting seashells and the glow of a campfire. Skully is ray) certain he’s spotted himself a pirate...could this be Pirate Science Fiction, Supernatural & Dog? Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Jungle, Military, Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 1961 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Children’s, Movies, Triple Feature, Vietnam War, War, 950min. Family, Movies 2012 60min. World War II min. Image Ent. 09.07.2013 Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 MGM / UA 09.10.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116895 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116855 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116978 Uncle Buck / Fletch (Double Fea- That ’70s Show: Season Two (Blu- To Catch A Thief ture) (Blu-ray) Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Jessie Royce ray) Joe Don Baker, Chevy Chase, John Candy, Landis, John Williams - Dir. Alfred Kurtwood Smith, Tanya Roberts, Lisa Robin Tim Matheson, Jean Kelly, Amy Madigan, Hitchcock Kelly, Ashton Kutcher, Don Stark, Danny Richard Libertini - Dir. Michael Ritchie, John AFI Top 100, Classics, Crime, Movies, Masterson, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Hughes Mystery, Romance, Thieves, Thrillers 1955 Wilmer Valderrama, Topher Grace, Debra Universal Studios, Comedy, Double Fea- min. Jo Rupp tures, Family, Fish-Out-Of-Water, girl Paramount 01.01.2013 Comedy, Family, Fox, High School, Televisi- power, Movies, Mystery min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117171 on 1999 min. Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Mill Creek Entertainment 16.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116610 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116971 To Catch A Thief (Blu-ray) Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Jessie Royce Unexpected Places The Thick Of It: Seasons 1 - 4 Landis, John Williams - Dir. Alfred Cody is a troubled son who continues making bad choices into Peter Capaldi, James Smith, Chris Addison Hitchcock adult life. Watching his descent causes his mother Pam almost The Thick of It smashes its way through the corridors of AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, unbearable grief. Mother and son hit bottom together. Cody power in a bulldozer of amusing slip-ups and sharp satire. Movies, Mystery, Romance, Thieves, Thril- struggles with addiction and crime while Pam is affected in all This brilliant and hilarious series chronicles the blunders of the relationships in her life including her marriage. Her faith the fictitious Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship, a lers 1955 min. is shaken and she feels more alone than ever, She’s hanging government department barely registering on the national Paramount 01.01.2013 on by a thread. But God intervens to open both their eyes to radar. In this Ministry, every announcement is followed by a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117185 redemption and restoration. whirlwind of u-turns, every policy is a scramble and every Drama, Family, Movies, Religion/Spirituality mishap is met with abuse from the Prime Minister’s policy 2013 112min. enforcer. Garlanded with rave reviews and packed with Touched By An Angel: The Eighth awards, this irreverent, brilliant, and painfully funny series is E1 Entertainment 02.07.2013 justly seen as a jewel in the BBC’s crown. Season 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116779 BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Della Reese, John Dye, Roma Downey TV, Television min. A trio of angels Monica (Roma Downey), Tess (Della Reese), Unforgettable: The First Season and Andrew (John Dye) are dispatched from heaven with a BBC Home Video 06.08.2013 special mission: to inspire people facing sometimes unseen Dylan Walsh, Poppy Montgomery, Jane 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116604 crossroads in their lives. Monica, an angel who at times still Curtin, Michael Gaston needs some guidance with her earthly assignments, reports to The series follows a former New York City police detective This Girl Is Badass Tess, her tough, wise and always loving supervisor. Also on named Carrie Wells, who suffers from hyperthymesia, a rare hand is Andrew, who, in addition to his duties as the Angel of medical condition that gives her the ability to remember Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies, Thai Death, now helps out as a caseworker on various everything. She is reluctantly asked by her former boyfriend 2011 99min. assignments. Gloria, an angel for the 21st century, continues and one-time partner to join his homicide unit after he asks for to seek guidance from Monica performing her angelic duties. help with solving a case. The move allows her to do the one Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.05.2013 While the angels may not bring solutions to every problem, thing she has been trying to remember, that of finding out how 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116688 they always deliver a message of hope. her sister was murdered. CBS, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Religion/ CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Television This Girl Is Badass (Blu-ray) Spirituality, Television 2001 988min. 2011 930min. Paramount Pictures 30.07.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Martial Arts, Paramount Pictures 09.07.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116916 Movies, Thai 2011 99min. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116705 Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.05.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116699 Tower Heist (Blu-ray + Digital Unwelcome Strangers Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Jonathan Aube Thor The Conqueror Eddie Murphy, , Alan Alda, Tea Johnny(Scott DeFalco) became a hardened soul when he witnessed his father’s murder. Fifteen years later he still Maria Romano, Conrad Nichols, Christopher Leoni, Matthew Broderick, Judd Hirsch, cannot shake the haunting memories that led him to a life of Holm, Malisa Lang, Raf Falcone - Dir. Casey Affleck, Michael Pena, Gabourey crime. His older brother Martin (Jonathan Aube) who never Anthony Richmond Sidibe - Dir. Brett Ratner understood Johnny, became a respectable prosecutor with a Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy lead an all-star cast in this lovely wife. The brothers make an attempt to reunite and that A tale of mythology and magic, of how Thor, a legendary god, is when the trouble starts. triumphs over overwhelming odds to great victory and the hilarious comedy caper about a luxury condo manager (Stil- destruction of his foes. His parents were slain at birth. Thor ler) who leads a staff of workers to seek payback on the Wall Crime, Horror, Movies 2008 87min. is raised by Etna, the birdman. Taking the beautiful warrior Street swindler (Alan Alda) who defrauded them. With only Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 virgin, Ina, as his companion, his exploits lead to a days until the billionaire gets away with the perfect crime, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116861 confrontation with Gnut, the slayer of his father. Blinded, how unlikely crew of amateur thieves enlists the help of petty can Thor overcome Gnut and his horde? Watch the story of crook Slide (Murphy) to steal the $20 million they’re sure is Thor The Conqueror, to this day recalled in legend and in hidden in the penthouse. From the director of the Rush Hour Upstream Color series, „Tower Heist is so fun, it’s criminal!“ (Associated rock drawings. Shane Carruth, Amy Seimetz, Andrew Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2012 Press) Action, Blu-ray, Caper, Comedy, Crime, Sensenig - Dir. Shane Carruth 85min.

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A woman (Amy Seimetz) is abducted and hypnotized with an Thrillers 2012 124min. Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, organic material harvested from a specific flower. When she falls for a man (Carruth), the two come to realize he may also Artsploitation Films 23.07.2013 German, Movies 2011 70min. have been subjected to the same process. They search 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116927 TLA Releasing 14.05.2013 urgently for a place of safety within each other and struggle to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116663 assemble the fragments of their wrecked lives, unknowingly drawn into the life cycle of a presence that permeates the Varsity Blues: Deluxe Edition microscopic world. Jon Voight, James Van Der Beek, Paul Wal- War Flowers Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction ker, Ron Lester, Scott Caan - Dir. Brian Tom Berenger, Jason Gedrick, Christina 2013 90min. Robbins Ricci - Dir. Serge Rodnunsky New Video DVD 07.05.2013 Paramount, Drama, Football, High School, In an inspired story of tragedy and love during the Civil War, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116704 a mother and daughter desperately struggle to survive - Until Movies, Sports 1999 min. an unlikely connection saves their family. Starring Christina Paramount 01.01.2013 Ricci (Sleepy Hollow, Monster), Bren Foster (Days of Our Upstream Color (Blu-ray + DVD 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117075 Lives, Bad to the Bone), Tom Berenger (Inception, Training Day, Major League) and Jason Gedrick (Backdraft, Promised Combo) (Blu-ray) Land). Shane Carruth, Amy Seimetz, Andrew Varsity Blues: Deluxe Edition American Civil War, Drama, Family, Movies Sensenig - Dir. Shane Carruth (Blu-ray) 2012 min. A woman (Amy Seimetz) is abducted and hypnotized with an Green Apple Entertainment 30.07.2013 organic material harvested from a specific flower. When she Jon Voight, James Van Der Beek, Paul Wal- falls for a man (Carruth), the two come to realize he may also ker, Ron Lester, Scott Caan - Dir. Brian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116593 have been subjected to the same process. They search Robbins urgently for a place of safety within each other and struggle to Warehouse 13: Season Four assemble the fragments of their wrecked lives, unknowingly Paramount, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, drawn into the life cycle of a presence that permeates the Football, High School, Movies, Sports 1999 Saul Rubinek, Brent Spiner, Sam microscopic world. min. Huntington, Joanne Kelly, Eddie McClintock, New Video DVD, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Paramount 01.01.2013 Genelle Williams Science Fiction 2013 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117083 Prepare for more paranormal thrills, chills and excitement as New Video DVD 07.05.2013 Warehouse 13 returns with more action-packed mysteries 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116726 than ever before! After the destruction of the Warehouse, the The Victorville Massacre agents risk the use of a mythical artifact in an attempt to Horror, Movies 2011 90min. restore all they’ve lost. But the use of this dangerous artifact The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season could change the Warehouse team and the world forever. Indican Pictures 30.04.2013 Featuring guest appearances by Brent Spiner (Star Trek: The 4 (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116885 Next Generation), Sam Huntington (Being Human) and other sci-fi favorites, this five-disc set includes all 20 Season Four Dick Van Dyke, Carl Reiner, Don Rickles, episodes plus a cache of classified bonus content including a Mary Tyler Moore, Morey Amsterdam, Ri- A Viking Saga: The Darkest Day never-before-seen chapter of the animated web series Grand chard Deacon, Rose Marie, Carl Reiner Mark Lewis Jones, Marc Pickering Designs. Classics, Comedy, Television 1963 810min. Inspired by true events. Cast into a violent and bloody world Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Spies & Image Ent. 02.07.2013 of murder, Hereward, a novice monk, must deliver the Holy Secret Agents, Supernatural & Paranormal, Gospel of Lindisfarne - a book of great beauty and power - to Television 2012 min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116982 the safety of the Iona monastery, while being pursued by a Viking death squad hell- bent on its capture. On his way to Universal Studios 09.07.2013 Van Helsing (Steelbook + Blu-ray the monastery, he meets a fierce and skilled swordsman who 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117017 answers his prayers and dedicates his life to protecting + DVD + Digital Copy + Hereward while he delivers the book. In the midst of their journey, they are confronted by Vikings ready to kill in order Warm Bodies (Blu-ray + Digital UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) to get what they want, leaving Hereward and his protector at Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Kate Beckinsale, Hugh Jackman, David their mercy. John Malkovich, Nicholas Hoult, Rob Cord- Wenham, Richard Roxburgh, Shuler Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies, Vikings dry, Teresa Palmer, Dave Franco, Analeigh Hensley, Will Kemp - Dir. Stephen Sommers 88min. The director of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns brings Lionsgate 23.07.2013 Tipton - Dir. Jonathan Levine three of Universal’s classic monsters back to life like never 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117012 A funny new twist on a classic love story, Warm Bodies is a before in the action-packed Van Helsing! Legendary monster poignant tale about the power of human connection. After a hunter Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman, X-Men) must rely on the zombie epidemic, R (a highly unusual zombie) encounters help of the beautiful and mysterious Anna Valeris (Kate Visible Scars Julie (a human survivor), and rescues her from a zombie Beckinsale, Underworld) as he engages in an epic battle with attack. Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, the ultimate forces of darkness - Dracula, the Wolf Man and Tom Sizemore, Jillian Murray and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for Frankenstein’s Monster! Get ready for non-stop action and Stacy heads for the mountains to escape her abusive survival, R becomes increasingly more human ? setting off an spectacular adventure in this pulse-pounding thrill ride boyfriend, but instead ends up in a backwoods bloodbath exciting, romantic, and often comical chain of events that loaded with eye-popping visual effects and exciting bonus campaigned by a set of disturbed twin girls. begins to transform the other zombies and maybe even the features! Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 101min. whole lifeless world. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Summit Entertainment, Comedy, Horror, Frankenstein, Historical / Period Piece, 16.04.2013 Movies, Romance, Zombies 2013 98min. Horror, Monsters, Movies, Vampires, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116538 Summit Entertainment 04.06.2013 Werewolves 2004 132min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116562 Universal Studios 25.06.2013 Visible Scars (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116583 Tom Sizemore, Jillian Murray Warm Bodies (DVD + Digital Copy Stacy heads for the mountains to escape her abusive + UltraViolet) Vanishing Waves boyfriend, but instead ends up in a backwoods bloodbath campaigned by a set of disturbed twin girls. John Malkovich, Nicholas Hoult, Rob Cord- Lukas (Marius Jampolskis) is assisting a scientific research dry, Teresa Palmer, Dave Franco, Analeigh team by functioning as a patient in a series of Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, Horror, heavilymonitored (and medicated) sensory deprivation Movies, Thrillers 2013 101min. Tipton - Dir. Jonathan Levine experiments wherein he is attempting to make some form of Echo Bridge Home Entertainment A funny new twist on a classic love story, Warm Bodies is a contact with the subject, Aurora (Jurga Jutaite), a young poignant tale about the power of human connection. After a woman who has been locked in a comatose state for some 09.07.2013 zombie epidemic, R (a highly unusual zombie) encounters time. Doctors initially hope for just a vague reaffirmation of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116828 Julie (a human survivor), and rescues her from a zombie consciousness, but the experiment takes an unexpected twist attack. Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, when Lukas and Aurora actually develop a strong psychic link and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for in their mutually altered forms of consciousness... and their The Visitor survival, R becomes increasingly more human ? setting off an link quickly evolves into a romantic, sexually charged Cibrâil is a young Turkish policeman living happily with his exciting, romantic, and often comical chain of events that relationship. As Lukas hides this data from his researchers, girlfriend in Berlin. He has integrated seamlessly into local begins to transform the other zombies and maybe even the he and Aurora meet secretly and passionately in a series of culture, is socially active and financially stable. On the whole lifeless world. surreal dreamscapes created by their collectiveminds, but surface, it looks perfect but something is causing him to have Comedy, Horror, Movies, Romance, their union is tragically doomed to collapse around them. sleepless nights. When his girlfriend’s attractive male cousin Zombies 2013 98min. Exploring the tantalizing possibilities of forming a true, all- arrives from Rome, Cibrâil is instantly drawn to the encompassing bond withone’s lover, Vanishing Waves is handsome, charming visitor. And the restless feelings he has Summit Entertainment 04.06.2013 hypnotic, erotic, wholly engrossing, and wildly thought- suppressed for years begin to bubble to the surface, setting 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116558 provoking cinema that transcends any perceived limitations of off a chain of events that will turn everyone’s lives upside the science fi down. The Visitor is a sensual drama, exploring the dramatic Foreign, Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, consequences and rewarding journey of a man triggered into John Wayne: 6 Movie Collection embracing who he really is.

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John Wayne Riseborough (W.E., Shadow Dancer) David Morrissey (The Wings Collections, Movies, Western 315min. Walking Dead) and Peter Mullan (Tyrannosaur, War Horse). Action, Adventure, Crime, Movies, Thrillers Gary Cooper, Richard Arlen, Clara Bow, Millennium Entertainment 04.06.2013 2013 99min. Charles Rogers - Dir. William A. Wellman 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116702 Director William A. Wellman’s masterpiece is the first film to MPI 23.07.2013 win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Featuring a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116873 meticulous restoration and a newly recorded soundtrack We Were Soldiers based on the original score, Wings comes to DVD for the very Mel Gibson, Madeleine Stowe, Greg Welcome To The Punch (Blu-ray) first time. This timeless story of love and loss follows two men Kinnear, Barry Pepper, Chris Klein, Keri who go to war and the girl they leave behind. Popular Jason Flemyng, David Morrissey, Mark Twenties „It“ girl Clara Bow stars in this unforgettable World Russell, Sam Elliott - Dir. Randall Wallace Strong, Peter Mullan, James McAvoy, Elyes War I epic alongside Richard Arlen, Charles „Buddy“ Rogers Army, Based-On-A-True-Story, Drama, and the legendary Gary Cooper in a cameo appearance. The Gabel, Andrea Riseborough - Dir. Eran Military, Movies, Vietnam War, War 2002 aerial battle sequences still rank among the best in motion Creevy picture history. min. Three years ago, master criminal Jacob Sternwood (Mark Academy Award Winners, Action, Aerial Paramount 01.01.2013 Strong, Sherlock Holmes, Zero Dark Thirty) escaped London Action, Classics, Drama, Military, Movies, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117074 during a daring robbery that left detective Max Lewinsky (James McAvoy, X-Men: First Class, Wanted) physically and Romance, War, World War I 1927 min. emotionally scarred. When a failed heist puts Sternwood’s Paramount 01.01.2013 We Were Soldiers (Blu-ray) son in a hospital, the fugitive is forced to come out of hiding - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116686 giving Max his second chance to get the one criminal who got Mel Gibson, Madeleine Stowe, Greg away. But as Max returns to the pursuit of his arch-nemesis, Kinnear, Barry Pepper, Chris Klein, Keri he begins to uncover evidence of a vast conspiracy that may Wings (Blu-ray) Russell, Sam Elliott - Dir. Randall Wallace put him in even greater danger than his personal vendetta. Gary Cooper, Clara Bow, Charles Rogers - Mel Gibson and Randall Wallace, the star and writer of From executive producer Ridley Scott, Welcome To The Braveheart, reunite for this action packed war movie that Punch is a sleek, modern thriller co-starring Andrea Dir. William A. Wellman features explosive battle sequences, thrilling aerial Riseborough (W.E., Shadow Dancer) David Morrissey (The Director William A. Wellman’s masterpiece is the first film to photography and unforgettable military heroes who fought for Walking Dead) and Peter Mullan (Tyrannosaur, War Horse). win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Featuring a their country, their loved ones and their freedom. The year is Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, meticulous restoration and a newly recorded soundtrack 1965 and America is at war with North Vietnam. Commanding Thrillers 2013 99min. based on the original score, Wings comes to Blu-ray for the the air cavalry is Lt. Col Hal Moore (Gibson), a born leader very first time. This timeless story of love and loss follows committed to his troops. His target: the la Drang Valley, called MPI 23.07.2013 two men who go to war and the girl they leave behind. Popular „The Valley of Death.“ As Moore prepares for one of the most 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116945 Twenties „It“ girl Clara Bow stars in this unforgettable World violent battles in U.S. history, he delivers a strong promise to War I epic alongside Richard Arlen, Charles „Buddy“ Rogers his soldiers and their families: „I will leave no man behind... and the legendary Gary Cooper in a cameo appearance. The dead or alive. We will all come home together.“ This heroic What Happens In Vegas / Just aerial battle sequences still rank among the best in motion story of commitment, courage and sacrifice also stars Married (Double Feature) (Blu- picture history. Madeline Stowe, Greg Kinnear, Sam Elliott, Chris Klein, Keri Academy Award Winners, Action, Aerial Russell and Barry Pepper. ray) Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Military, Army, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, Comedy, Double Features, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance, War, World War I 1929 Drama, Military, Movies, Vietnam War, War Movies, Road Trips, Romance min. min. 2002 min. 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 Paramount 01.01.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116974 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116696 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117082 White Fang The Wizards Return: Alex Vs. Wedding Band: The Complete Mickey Rooney, John Neville, Burt Alex Series Reynolds, Jaimz Woolvett, Jason Priestley, Jake T. Austin, Selena Gomez Harold Perrineau Jr., Brian Austin Green, Bo Hopkins Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Molly Sims, Megan Fox Animals & Nature, Collections, Drama, Fantasy, Movies 2013 120min. You’re cordially invited to party it up with the Wedding Band, Family, Movies 807min. the hilarious and light-hearted new comedy starring Brian Disney / Buena Vista 25.06.2013 Austin Green and Harold Perrineau. Follow the outrageously Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116684 funny ups and downs of four friends who are members of a 16.07.2013 fun-loving rock band called Mother of the Bride. They 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116821 haven’t figured out their personal lives, but they do know one A Woman Named Mary: The thing for sure - weddings are the best place to meet women, Miracle Of Lourdes drink up and rock out. Featuring A-list guest stars like Megan White Frog Fox and Molly Sims, this Wedding Crashers-meets-The On August 13th, 2011, 30,000 people attended a single Wedding Singer comedy mash-up marries the two key Joan Chen, Booboo Stewart performance of Robert Hossein’s epic pageant, A Woman elements to any great party... terrific music and lots of White Frog is the story of an extraordinary teenager on a Named Mary. The Virgin Mary appears to a young girl named laughter. journey to the universal power of family, friendship and love. Bernadette Soubirous at the Massabielle grotto, and she tells After the death of his popular brother Chaz (Harry Shum, Jr., Bernadette the story of the Gospel; of Jesus’ baptism, the Comedy, Drama, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, TBS, Glee ), Nick (Booboo Stewart, The Twilight Series), who choosing of the Apostles, the healing of the sick, the parables, Television 2012 424min. suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, struggles to carry on. the feeding of the multitude, the story of the adulterous woman, 20th Century Fox 11.06.2013 Nick’s parents (played by Joan Chen and BD Wong) have the resurrection of Lazarus, Judas’ betrayal, the Last Supper, their own problems coping with the loss, but Chaz’s best Christ’s arrest on the Mount of Olives, his appearance before 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116710 friend Randy (Gregg Sulkin, Wizards Of Waverly Place) Pilate, the flagellation, the Way of the Cross, the crucifixion, takes Nick under his wing. As Chaz’s family comes to under- and the resurrection. The setting for this world premiere was The Wedding Party stand his secret life, they will be forced to reconcile the boy the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the heart of the they thought they knew with the man he really was. White Sanctuary in Lourdes. A company of more than 120 people, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2010 Frog is a universal story of the power of family, friendship and including large-scale sound, lighting, costumes, artistic and min. love positioned to appeal to a broad audience in the same way technical crews was set up, enabling an extraordinary epic to Grand Entertainment Group 18.06.2013 as Ordinary People and Stand By Me. unfold before 18 cameras and an audience of 2 million Wolfe Video, Drama, Gay / Lesbian television viewers. Starring Séverine Berthelot as Mary, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117015 Pierre-Laurent Barneron as Jesus, and Manon Le Moal as Interest, Movies 93min. Bernadette, with the voices of Bridgette Fo Wolfe Video 16.07.2013 Welcome To The Punch Performing Arts, Plays On Stage, Religion/ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116928 Spirituality, Special Interest 81min. Jason Flemyng, David Morrissey, Mark Kultur 25.06.2013 Strong, Peter Mullan, James McAvoy, Elyes Will A Man Rob God? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116679 Gabel, Andrea Riseborough, Johnny Harris Robin Givens, Darius McCrary - Dir. Curtis - Dir. Eran Creevy Three years ago, master criminal Jacob Sternwood (Mark Von Wonder Women Strong, Sherlock Holmes, Zero Dark Thirty) escaped London Corey and his family grew up listening to their pastor preach Nancy Kwan, Ross Hagen, Maria De during a daring robbery that left detective Max Lewinsky about the importance of donating money to the church. But the (James McAvoy, X-Men: First Class, Wanted) physically and more they seemed to give, the richer the preacher became. Aragon emotionally scarred. When a failed heist puts Sternwood’s Confused about the church’s intentions, Corey decides to When top level athletes start to disappear, insurance giant son in a hospital, the fugitive is forced to come out of hiding - take matters into his own hands and investigate how far a man Lloyd’s of London hires slick investigator Mike Harber (Ross giving Max his second chance to get the one criminal who got will go before he robs God. Hagen) to unravel the mystery. What Mike discovers is an away. But as Max returns to the pursuit of his arch-nemesis, Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 89min. island in the controlled by the evil Dr. Tsu (Nancy he begins to uncover evidence of a vast conspiracy that may Phase 4 Films 09.07.2013 Kwan) where she and her sidekick () run an organ put him in even greater danger than his personal vendetta. transplant operation with the help of a deadly, all-girl army. From executive producer Ridley Scott, Welcome To The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117167 Action, Erotica, Horror, Movies, Thrillers Punch is a sleek, modern thriller co-starring Andrea

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1973 82min. old flame. Stacey confides that she is married to Michael, a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117016 vile and abusive husband who is secretly re-animating Retromedia 18.06.2013 corpses in order to build a new Nazi Army. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116544 Drama, Horror, Movies, Zombies 2011 History Of The Eagles: The Story 90min. Of An American Band (Blu-ray) Would You Rather Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 Biography, Blu-ray, Documentary, Music, Jeffrey Combs, Brittany Snow, Sasha Grey 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116862 Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest 2013 min. What would you do if a millionaire offered you a chance to solve all your life’s problems? After the tragic death of her Capitol Records 30.04.2013 parents, Iris (Brittany Snow, Pitch Perfect) is desperate to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117040 make ends meet while caring for her terminally ill younger brother. When seemingly philanthropic aristocrat Shepard Lambrick (Jeffrey Combs, Re-Animator) expresses an interest Music Learn To Play: Acoustic Guitar in helping them by inviting her to an exclusive dinner party Guitar, Instructional, Music, Special Interest that offers the chance at untold riches, Iris finds herself in a group of similarly desperate individuals all looking to make Jussi Bjorling: He Sang With A min. some easy money. But the guests soon find themselves trapped Tear In His Voice Topics Entertainment 30.04.2013 in Lambrick’s mansion and forced to play a sadistic game of 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116526 Would You Rather, where only the winner will get out alive. World famous tenor Jussi Björling never let success go to his As the game progresses, Iris must decide how far she will go head. He preferred sitting on a bridge with a fishing rod in his to save her brother—and herself. Featuring a terrific hand. Despite his enormous success, in many ways he Learn To Play: Electric Guitar ensemble cast that includes Sasha Grey (The Girlfriend remained a shy boy. He sacrificed his health and maybe even Experience), Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (Army Wives), Eddie his life for the sake of the music. This definitive film biography Guitar, Instructional, Music, Special Interest Steeples () and Charlie Hofheimer (Mad includes testimony by Jussi’s children Anders, Lars, Ann- min. Men), Would You Rather is an edge of your seat horror Charlotte (with much attention to their time together at Siarö) Topics Entertainment 30.04.2013 thriller that invites you over for a quiet evening of murder and his cousin Märta; former co-stars Kerstin Meyer, Kjerstin Dellert, Aase Nordmo-Løvberg; experts like Stefan 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116527 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 93min. Johansson and Harald Henrysson. MPI 09.07.2013 Classical Music, Foreign, Opera, Manon Lescaut (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116822 Performing Arts, Special Interest, Swedish Sarah Connolly, Kevin Sharp, paolo 77min. montarsolo, Antonello Palombi, Patrick Would You Rather (Blu-ray) Kultur 30.07.2013 Denniston, Roberto De Candia, Adina Jeffrey Combs, Brittany Snow, Sasha Grey 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117207 What would you do if a millionaire offered you a chance to Nitescu, Christopher Lemmings - Dir. solve all your life’s problems? After the tragic death of her Humphrey Burton parents, Iris (Brittany Snow, Pitch Perfect) is desperate to Bon Jovi: The Second Phase Manon Lescaut, Puccini’s first major success, is a work of make ends meet while caring for her terminally ill younger Although the music media may often fail to give Bon Jovi the impassioned emotions based on the 18th-century novel by brother. When seemingly philanthropic aristocrat Shepard credit they deserve, the serious rock connoisseur is quite Abbé Prévost, depicting the doomed infatuation of Chevalier Lambrick (Jeffrey Combs, Re-Animator) expresses an interest aware that these guys have, for 30 years now, delighted fans des Grieux for beautiful, fun-loving Manon. Puccini clothes in helping them by inviting her to an exclusive dinner party with every new release, sold over a 100 million and the story in warmly passionate music that makes a direct that offers the chance at untold riches, Iris finds herself in a remain one of the sexiest bands around. Those who ‘get it’ appeal to the listener’s emotions. „...Humor is threaded group of similarly desperate individuals all looking to make hardly need a nerdy, bespectacled rock journo who’s never through the action - Manon’s Parisian retinue is a wonderful some easy money. But the guests soon find themselves trapped had a girlfriend to tell them what they should listen to! parade of high camp, and as events spiral towards her arrest in Lambrick’s mansion and forced to play a sadistic game of Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special the action moves with the deftness of a French farce. It is Would You Rather, where only the winner will get out alive. Interest 2013 63min. faultlessly plotted.“ - The Guardian As the game progresses, Iris must decide how far she will go Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing E1 Entertainment 02.07.2013 to save her brother—and herself. Featuring a terrific Arts, Special Interest 1997 126min. ensemble cast that includes Sasha Grey (The Girlfriend 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116775 Experience), Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (Army Wives), Eddie Kultur 30.07.2013 Steeples (My Name Is Earl) and Charlie Hofheimer (Mad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117220 Men), Would You Rather is an edge of your seat horror Kurt Cobain: The Boy In The thriller that invites you over for a quiet evening of murder (bio), Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 93min. Bubble Mindless Behavior: All Around It’s closing in on 20 years since the death of one of the 20th MPI 09.07.2013 Century’s most recognizable and esteemed musicians and The World 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116829 performers, yet the long period since this tragic event seems Documentary, Hip-Hop, Music, Pop Music, to have done nothing to dilute the enormous influence and huge inspiration that Kurt Cobain had at time of his passing. R&B, Special Interest 2013 86min. Young Frankenstein / Robin He remains today as potent an icon as he ever did - testament Millennium Entertainment 09.07.2013 Hood: Men In Tights (Double Fea- to the skill, honesty and passion that this extraordinary 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117004 individual possessed. ture) (Blu-ray) Documentary, Music, Special Interest 2013 Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double 86min. Mindless Behavior: All Around Features, Frankenstein, Mad Scientists & E1 Entertainment 02.07.2013 The World (Blu-ray) Deadly Doctors, Movies, National Film 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116778 Millennium Entertainment, Documentary, Registry, Spoofs & Parodies, Thieves min. Hip-Hop, Music, Pop Music, R&B, Special 20th Century Fox 31.07.2012 Grateful Dead: Downhill From Interest 2013 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116962 Here Millennium Entertainment 09.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117101 Mickey Hart, Jerry Garcia, Bill Kreutzmann, Zambo Phil Lesh, Brent Mydland, Bob Weir Brad Harris, Gisela Hahn, Attilio Dottesio Concerts, Jam Bands, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, One Direction: Life On Stage Deep in the jungles of central Africa, a lone figure moves One Direction has evolved into one of the greatest boy bands swiftly through the trees. Often heard, sometimes seen, but Special Interest, Stoners 1989 150min. of all time. Their strong voices and energetic performances never forgotten, the legend of Zambo is about to become real! Shout Factory Music 09.04.2013 are unparalled. To date they have sold over 14 million singles In another life he was framed for a murder he didn’t commit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116645 and 8 million albums. Their achievements include two BRIT and left to rot in a filthy African prison, only to deftly escape Awards and three MTV Video Music Awards. However make into the wilderness. Friend to both man and animal, Zambo no mistake, their success is no coincidence. One Direction is selflessly protects the African people from the oppressive Grateful Dead: Truckin’ Up To one of the hardest working bands in music, touring the world forces of the outside world. As the legend of Zambo becomes incessantly. This documentary film goes beyond the music and too big to ignore, an expedition led by explorers Professor Buffalo explores the challenges and triumphs of One Direction, Woodworth, Perkins, and Juanez presents Zambo with his Concerts, Jam Bands, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, depicting Life on Stage. greatest fear: discovery. With only his strength, wits, and the Special Interest, Stoners 1989 min. Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special help of the jungle itself, Zambo is in for the fight of his life! Interest, Teen Pop 2013 85min. Adventure, Jungle, Movies, Myths & Shout Factory Music 09.04.2013 Music Video Distribution 04.06.2013 Legends 2012 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116644 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116713 Full Moon 21.05.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116774 History Of The Eagles: The Story Of An American Band Tosca: Live In Rome Placido Domingo, Zubin Mehta, Catherine Zombie Lover Biography, Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Malfitano Kemal Yildirim, Rami Hilmi - Dir. Jason Impey Roll, Special Interest 2013 min. This ‘live’ version of Puccini’s superbly dramatic opera was Dillon Slater, a young hipster thug with a complicated past, Capitol Records 30.04.2013 recorded in Rome in the exact locations and at the precise finds himself on the run and accidentally runs into Stacey, his

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 80 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA times of day as Puccini had written into his score. The action and revealing conversations with Rick himself, An Affair of Watch the heroes of the sky during World War II with 10 films opens in Rome’s beautiful 16th-century church of Sant’ the Heart focuses on Rick’s decades-long career and the featuring actual footage of combat in this must-have collection Andrea della Valle, where Cavaradossi (Plácido Domingo) is unique connection he shares with his fans. This irresistible, for fans of Allied military aircraft! See American fighter innocently painting, moves to the Farnese Palace where entertaining and funny documentary proves there’s far more to aircraft, such as the P-47 Thunderbolt the celebrated heavy Tosca (Catherine Malfitano) dramatically stabs the lustful the pop superstar than „Jessie’s Girl.“ bombers designed by Boeing: the B-17 Flying Fortress and Scarpia (Ruggero Raimondi), and finally to the battlements of Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special the B-29 Superfortress. And see Great Britain’s Royal Air the Castle Sant’ Angelo at dawn the following day where Force planes in action, from fighters, such as the Supermarine Cavaradossi is cruelly killed, and Tosca takes her own life. Interest 2012 93min. Spitfire and the reliable night bomber, the Avro Lancaster, to Foreign, Italian, Music, Opera, Performing Breaking Glass Pictures 16.07.2013 multi-role aircraft, like Coastal Command’s Consolidated PBY 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116887 Catalina. Go back in time on real bombing raids, watch Arts, Special Interest 115min. military instructional films starring Hollywood stars like Kultur 25.06.2013 Jimmy Stewart, and witness actual footage of air combat from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116678 An Affair Of The Heart (Blu-ray) World War II. This is a must-have collection of Allied military The first-ever feature documentary about Grammy-winning aircraft every history and aviation fan should have! musician, songwriter, actor, and New York Times best-selling Aerial Action, Documentary, Special Tosca: Live In Rome (Blu-ray) author Rick Springfield and his ardently loyal fan base. Interest, War, World War II min. Placido Domingo, Zubin Mehta, Catherine Featuring live concert footage, celebrity and fan interviews, and revealing conversations with Rick himself, An Affair of Topics Entertainment 21.05.2013 Malfitano the Heart focuses on Rick’s decades-long career and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116530 This ‘live’ version of Puccini’s superbly dramatic opera was unique connection he shares with his fans. This irresistible, recorded in Rome in the exact locations and at the precise entertaining and funny documentary proves there’s far more to times of day as Puccini had written into his score. The action the pop superstar than „Jessie’s Girl.“ As Goes Janesville opens in Rome’s beautiful 16th-century church of Sant’ Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special As Goes Janesville reports from ground zero of the Andrea della Valle, where Cavaradossi (Plácido Domingo) is recession-ridden heartland. When bankrupt General Motors innocently painting, moves to the Farnese Palace where Interest 2012 93min. shut down their century-old plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, in Tosca (Catherine Malfitano) dramatically stabs the lustful Breaking Glass Pictures 16.07.2013 2008, thousands of workers lost their jobs. Meanwhile, local Scarpia (Ruggero Raimondi), and finally to the battlements of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116981 business leaders seized the moment to woo new companies the Castle Sant’ Angelo at dawn the following day where with the promise of lower wages, reduced regulation, and tax Cavaradossi is cruelly killed, and Tosca takes her own life. breaks. To that end, they formed a powerful alliance with Foreign, Italian, Music, Opera, Performing Afro Caribbean Step Aerobics newly-elected Republican governor Scott Walker, whose Arts, Special Interest 115min. With Debra Bono „divide and conquer“ anti-union strategy would come to rip Kultur 25.06.2013 apart the state, triggering an historic recall election, and Debra Bono thrusting Wisconsin politics onto front pages nationwide. A 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116695 Debra Bono’s Afro-Caribbean Step DVD mixes African dance cautionary tale for a polarized country, the film follows three with traditional step choreography. The experienced stepper years in the lives of laid off workers struggling to survive, will get a good workout and, if you don’t know step, you can business leaders trying to reinvent their local economy, and a try the workout on the floor until you are ready. This DVD state senator caught in the middle. As Goes Janesville, so contains playful heart-pumping step choreography, a 48- goes America. Special Interest minute workout that includes warm-up and cool-down, and an Documentary, Special Interest 2012 88min. intense 8-minute abdominal workout. Instructor Debra Bono is Facets Video 28.05.2013 a continuing education specialist for ACE and AFAA. She and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116806 40 Years Later: Our People her husband Gene design music for fitness video & audio products with a multicultural flavor. Her choreographic Bill Cosby, Mos Def experience comes from directing her own modern dance The Autobiography Of Nicolae In the 40 Years since the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin company for over a decade and she currently teaches dance Luther King Jr., how far have African Americans advanced in at the Center for Modern Dance Education in Hackensack, Ceausescu American society? This film touches on the socioeconomic NJ. Afro-Caribbean Step is on the regular class schedule at During the summary trial that he and his wife were submitted status of Blacks in America, the election of Barack Obama and Feminine Fitness Super Aerobic Complex, also in Hacken- to, Nicolae Ceausescu is reviewing his long reign in power: explores the question „does racism still exist?“ sack, NJ. 1965-1989. From a formal point of view, The Autobiography of African Americans, Documentary, History & Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Nicolae Ceausescu proves that it is possible to only use Events, Special Interest 2013 60min. Interest min. existing images to yield films focused on recent history, yet with an epic vein similar to that of the historical fiction Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 Bayview Entertainment 02.07.2013 cinema. This is an eminently syntactic endeavor, where 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116857 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116638 montage plays a twofold part: mise-en-scene, as it builds scenes that do not exist as such in the rushes, and classical editing, connecting scenes together. 56 Up Alien Encounters Of The 4th Kind Biography, Documentary, Foreign, History & Starting in 1964 with Seven UP, The UP Series has explored This comprehensive DVD includes three of the most this Jesuit maxim. The original concept was to interview 14 fascinating abduction cases in UFO history. Separate Events, Romanian, Special Interest 2011 children from diverse backgrounds from all over England, programs focusing on Alien Implants, the Alien-Human hybrids 180min. asking them about their lives and their dreams for the future. known as „Indigo Children“ and the famous case of Travis Kino Video 02.07.2013 Every seven years, renowned director Michael Apted, a Walton (basis for the film Fire in the Sky). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116922 researcher for Seven UP, has been back to talk to them, Aliens, Documentary, Science Fiction, examining the progression of their lives. From cab driver Tony Special Interest, UFOs 2012 180min. to schoolmates Jackie, Lynn and Susan and the enigmatic The Bassmasters: The Complete Neil, as they turn 56 more life-changing decisions and Music Video Distribution 21.05.2013 surprising developments are revealed. A towering 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116627 2012 DVD Collection achievement in the annals of cinema, The UP Series is, according to critic Roger Ebert, „an inspired, almost noble Collections, Fishing, Special Interest, use of the film medium. Apted penetrates to the central mystery Alive! With Damue: Low Impact Sports 822min. of life.“ Team Marketing 21.05.2013 Documentary, Special Interest 2012 138min. And Callisthenic Exercise Alive! With Damue is a dynamic new health and fitness DVD 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117003 First Run Features 02.07.2013 by Damue Bagwell designed to help maintain and lower blood 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116754 pressure, cholesterol levels and diabetes. The fact is that Bidder 70 these three problems affect millions of Americans today and although complication from these ailments can be prevented, In 2008, as George W. Bush tried to gift the energy and mining Adventures With Purpose: Eco most people do not know the simple steps to maintaining a industries thousands of acres of pristine Utah wilderness via Travel healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many others don’t take these a widely disputed federal auction, college student Tim steps until their health is already seriously compromised. DeChristopher decided to monkey-wrench the process. In Adventures with Purpose, the popular and award-winning Damue discovered that he suffered from high blood pressure Bidding $1.7 million, he won 22,000 acres with no intention to program seen nationwide on public TV, host Richard Bangs at the age of 18. He had an unhealthy diet of fried foods and drill. For this astonishing (and successful) act of civil helps you understand how you can make a positive impact on foods containing high volumes of salt. Unaware that his diet disobedience he was sent to federal prison. Bidder 70 tells places you visit. These programs are more than a sightseeing and high blood pressure were a serious problem, his kidney the story of this peaceful warrior whose patriotism and trip. You won’t just see or Greece or Hong Kong! function went down to 5%. With Damue’s kidneys functioning willingness to sacrifice have ignited the climate justice You will learn and explore. Find out about each place’s so poorly he was forced to undergo dialysis and later movement. culture, history, and discover how the past affects tourism received a kidney transplant. As Damue explains, „Getting a Crime, Documentary, Environmental, Special today. second chance with life I felt rejuvenated, but I didn’t see the Interest 2013 73min. Documentary, Special Interest, Travel & same joy in others. I noticed that they were always First Run Features 16.07.2013 Leisure min. complaining and had serious depression issues. My social 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116999 Topics Entertainment 21.05.2013 workers would ask me to come to meetings to be an examp Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116532 Interest 60min. Big Swell Bayview Entertainment 02.07.2013 Shot in Hi-Definition and Super 16mm, The Big Swell follows An Affair Of The Heart 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116639 the life cycle of a massive winter swell from its birth in the The first-ever feature documentary about Grammy-winning heart of a violent storm in the North Pacific through to its musician, songwriter, actor, and New York Times best-selling death throes in the form of giant waves breaking at a author Rick Springfield and his ardently loyal fan base. Allied Aircraft Of World War II notorious surf break in Northern California. The story is told Featuring live concert footage, celebrity and fan interviews, through the words of renowned surfers and marine

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 81 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA forecasters. The anticipation of the swell’s arrival provides a 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117210 audiences and revolutionized modern dance. This glimpse into the lives of this select group of people that make documentary, narrated by Tilda Swinton, includes footage of these massive winter waves their passion bordering on revivals of Ballets Russes performances by the Joffrey Ballet obsession. In the process, it explains how and why such The Central Park Five and the New York City Ballet. Also featured are sets and waves come into being and what they are capable of. In the costumes from Diaghilev’s innovative productions, as well as end, the film provides a chance to witness a group of people Crime, Documentary, Special Interest 2012 interviews with dancers, musicians, and scholars. tempt fate in one of the most dramatic and frightening ways min. Ballet, Dancing, Documentary, Special conceivable, but also see nature in one of its truly powerful PBS Home Video 23.04.2012 Interest 2013 min. and graceful moments. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116708 Documentary, Environmental, High Seas, Microcinema DVD 21.05.2013 Special Interest, Sports, Surf min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116932 FilmWorks 23.07.2013 The Central Park Five (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117019 Crime, Documentary, Special Interest 2012 Fighting The Nazis min. Get more than 9 hours of some of the best World War II The Bitter Buddha PBS Home Video 23.04.2012 movies in this exclusive boxed set, Fighting the Nazis. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116729 Witness Nazi aggression during the war, including horrific Paul Provenza, Zach Galifianakis, Sarah footage of concentration camps, and see films with a British Silverman, Patton Oswalt, B.J. Novak, perspective on the fight against Hitler’s Nazi Party. Plus, Gregory Crewdson: Brief watch the first three movies in Frank Capra’s Why We Fight Eddie Pepitone series. Prelude to War, which won a Best Documentary This documentary takes an unconventional journey with a true Encounters Oscar, The Nazis Strike and Divide and Conquer were „comic’s comic“. For a few decades, Eddie Pepitone has Zeitgeist Films is proud to present the home media debut of released in 1942 and ’43. Capra, who had been a successful proven to be a startling force in the alt-comedy scene. In Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters. This critically lauded, director for 20 years already, enlisted Hollywood star Walter ~~The Bitter Buddha~~ we follow Eddie as he deals with a ten-years-in-the-making documentary on the eponymous Huston to narrate the World War II propaganda films. The middle-age career surge, while struggling with selfdoubt, photographer documents the elaborate process behind his series was shown in theaters and on military bases around sobriety, and a challenging family history. Friends and fans meticulously composed, highly cinematic, large-scale images the United States, but were thought to have revolutionized the alike, Zach Galifianakis, Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, BJ of small-town American life. Following its high-profile SXSW art of documentary filmmaking. Novack, , and many more appear in this loving debut, the film enjoyed a celebrated theatrical release in more Documentary, Holocaust, Special Interest, portrait of an artist. than 50 markets across the U.S. War, World War II min. Comedy, Documentary, Special Interest Biography, Documentary, Drama, Topics Entertainment 21.05.2013 2012 91min. Photography/Art, Special Interest 2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116529 Passion River 23.07.2013 77min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117066 Zeitgeist Films 21.05.2013 Full Contact Competition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116618 Buckwild: Season 1 - Uncensored Fitness, Instructional, Special Interest min. Bayview Entertainment 30.07.2013 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using The Days Of The Commune a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117051 Buckwild is an authentic comedic series following an In the spring of 2012, Zoe Beloff brought together a group of outrageous group of childhood friends from the rural foothills actors, activists and enthusiasts to perform Brecht’s play The of West Virginia who love to dodge grown-up responsibilities Days of the Commune (1949) in solidarity with Occupy Wall The Gatekeepers and always live life with the carefree motto, „whatever Street. Thinking about Occupy as a radical theater of the Charged with overseeing ’s war on terror-both happens, happens.“ Money might be tight in their neck of the people, Belof conceptualized this project as a „work in Palestinian and Jewish- the head of the Shin Bet, Israel’s woods, but whether they’re throwing a dump truck pool party progress“. Rather than stage the play in a theater, the group Secret Service is present at the crossroads of every decision or building their own human slingshot, nothing stops them from performed the work, scene by scene, in public spaces around made. For the first time ever six former heads of the agency making their own entertainment. Love and relationships come New York City, starting in Zuccotti Park. These public agreed to share their insights and reflect publicly on their and go, but their bond with family and friends is always at the rehearsals ran from March through May, the months of the actions and decisions. The Gatekeepers offers an exclusive core for this eccentric group where anything goes!“ Paris Commune’s brief existence in the spring of 1871. The account of the sum of their successes and failures. It MTV, Reality, Television 2013 min. Paris Commune was the first great modern Occupation, where validates the reasons that each man individually and the six workers turned their city into a progressive democracy of the as a group came to reconsider their hard-line positions and MTV MOD 14.05.2013 people. Bringing this movement into dialogue with Brecht’s advocate a conciliatory approach toward their enemies based 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117209 radical restaging, and with contemporary social movements, on a two-state solution. Beloff asks us to image new possibilities for changing the world in the face of seemingly impossible odds. Documentary, Foreign, Interview, Israeli, Canada Explorer Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special Special Interest 2012 101min. Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special Interest 2013 165min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Interest, Travel & Leisure min. Microcinema DVD 21.05.2013 09.07.2013 Topics Entertainment 19.03.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116931 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117200 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116531 The Definitive Guide To The Mob The Gatekeepers (Blu-ray) Cannibal Possession: Heart Of Ice What is life really like in the American mafia? How do you get Charged with overseeing Israel’s war on terror-both Palestinian and Jewish- the head of the Shin Bet, Israel’s An historian specializing in the cannibal legend of Wendigo is in, get made and make money? And what happens when you get in too deep? The Definitive Guide To The Mob answers all Secret Service is present at the crossroads of every decision horrified when aspects of the „Greyhound Bus“ killing made. For the first time ever six former heads of the agency resembles details from an interview he did. of these questions and more by turning to the ultimate authority: former Colombo family captain Michael Franzese. agreed to share their insights and reflect publicly on their Cannibalism, Crime, Documentary, History & Michael grew up in this world, following in the footsteps of actions and decisions. The Gatekeepers offers an exclusive Events, Horror, Special Interest 2012 his father, Colombo family underboss Sonny Franzese, and he account of the sum of their successes and failures. It 80min. earned more money for the organization than anyone since Al validates the reasons that each man individually and the six Capone. Michael also did what no made man has ever done as a group came to reconsider their hard-line positions and Music Video Distribution 16.07.2013 before or since: he publicly quit La Cosa Nostra - without advocate a conciliatory approach toward their enemies based 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116859 going into witness protection - and lived to tell the tale. This on a two-state solution. fast- paced, two-hour special takes viewers on a step-by- Documentary, Foreign, Interview, Israeli, step journey through the world’s most famous criminal Special Interest 2012 101min. Catfish: The TV Show organization as lived by one of its most notorious members. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using You’ll find out exactly how the mob works - and wonder how Sony Pictures Home Entertainment a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Michael Franzese is still alive. 09.07.2013 How do young people who’ve embraced the digital age find Action, Adventure, Documentary, History 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117217 love? Often, it’s by connecting online with people they’ve never met in person. These days, messaging on iPhones has Channel, Mobsters & The Mafia, Special replaced the dinner date, and emailing through social media Interest, Television 90min. Gilad: Lord Of The Abs - Abs On sites often substitutes for face-to-face conversations. The A&E 16.07.2013 Fire problem with this approach - the guy or girl you’ve fallen for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117087 could be lying about who they really are. Now, from the Gilad producers of the acclaimed documentary film, Catfish, comes a Want to build a strong stable core and lose weight at the same new MTV series that brings together couples who’ve Serge Diaghilev And The Ballet time? Abs on Fire: Fat Burning Core Workout from fitness interacted solely through their LCD screens. Over the course legend Gilad is the perfect DVD for you. Gilad starts you out of months or years - these romantics have become smitten - Russes slowly with basic moves then builds you up to impressive but what will happen when they meet in real life for the first The impresario Serge Diaghilev was the creator and driving routines. The fat burning kicks in during bursts of high energy time? In each episode, with the guidance and help of the star force of the Ballets Russes. He persuaded, cajoled, and intervals utilizing multi-plane core moves, your heart rate of the Catfish movie, Nev Schulman, and his filmmaking pal, the greatest talents of the early twentieth century to peaks, and the pounds melt away through each successive Max Joseph, a hopeful romantic partner will go on an emotio- join his company. Artists (Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse), routine. Get ready to set your abs on fire! Why an Entire nal journey to discover the truth about their significant other. composers (Igor Stravinsky and Erik Satie), choreographers Series Devoted to Abs? When he set out to develop the Has that object of affection been telling the (Michel Fokine and George Balanchine), and dancers (Vaslav perfect abs workout, Gilad soon realized one workout MTV, Reality, Television 2012 672min. Nijinsky and Anna Pavlova) all collaborated to realize wouldn’t cut it. In order to hit every aspect of this important MTV MOD 14.05.2013 Diaghilev’s dream of a seamless fusion of the arts. The and complex muscle group, he developed the Lord of the Abs spectacular productions of the Ballets Russes dazzled series, a comprehensive abdominal cross- training system

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 82 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA designed to give you the core strength you need to improve social hierarchy. Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, Special every aspect of your physical functioning - while burning Animals & Nature, BBC, Documentary, High away fat and sculpting your own 6-pack in record time! Interest 2012 108min. Suitable for all levels. Seas, International TV, Sharks, Special Virgil Films And Entertainment 02.07.2013 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Interest, Television min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116742 Interest min. BBC Home Video 23.07.2013 Bayview Entertainment 11.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116736 How The States Got Their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116546 Great White Shark: A Living Le- Shapes: Season Two Brian Unger Gilad: Lord Of The Abs - Hard gend (Blu-ray) Every state has a shape... and every line has a story to tell. Core! Get up close and personal with one of the most vicious How The States Got Their Shapes is a quiz show about what predators of our oceans, the Great White Shark! We think of really divides the states and how those rivalries have shaped Gilad great whites as fearsome aquatic killers, but do we know them the nation and its people. This season, Brian Unger hits the The goal of this DVD workout is to increase your explosive as well as we think? In this presentation from BBC’s road to uncover the history hidden in our map through man-on- core strength and overall stamina. Fitness guru Gilad takes acclaimed Natural History Unit, Mike Rutzen, the world’s the-street quizzes and head-to-head competitions that reveal you through four carefully designed circuits: each circuit gets foremost great white shark diver, follows great whites as they the surprising history of places we thought we knew. progressively more challenging as you develop your feed, at proximity never before achieved. Mike’s unique Exploring from the crooked lines of the east to the boxy cardiovascular endurance and core strength, and burn off ability to communicate with them using his body language shapes of the west, Brian teams up with average Americans to unwanted fat. The progressive circuit approach empowers allows him to swim amongst them unscathed. Mike explores reveal how America took shape, giving them an opportunity to beginners to improve at their own pace while giving advanced why occasionally attack people. He also challenges the view make some cash and show their state pride by proving how users a complete hard-core workout. Get ready to rock! Why that their feeding is unstructured and frenzied, to prove well they know their United States. an Entire Series Devoted to Abs? When he set out to develop instead that they obey the subtle rules of a complex form of Americana, Documentary, History & Events, the perfect abs workout, Gilad soon realized one workout social hierarchy. History Channel, Special Interest, Televisi- wouldn’t cut it. In order to hit every aspect of this important Animals & Nature, BBC, Blu-ray, on 441min. and complex muscle group, he developed the Lord of the Abs Documentary, High Seas, International TV, series, a comprehensive abdominal cross-training system A&E 09.07.2013 Sharks, Special Interest, Television min. designed to give you the core strength you need to improve 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116802 every aspect of your physical functioning - while burning BBC Home Video 23.07.2013 away fat and sculpting your own 6 pack in record time! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116759 Suitable for all levels. In Organic We Trust Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Documentary, Food & Cooking, Special Interest 60min. Hammerhead Interest 2012 82min. Bayview Entertainment 11.06.2013 Get the inside story on the world’s most unique and strange Passion River 11.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116547 shark, the Hammerhead. The hammerhead shark’s oddly shaped head has puzzled scientists for ages. There simply 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117143 must be a reason for it - evolution does not create monsters Girls Gone Wild: Horniest for no good reason. Or does it? Whatever the hammer is for - increased aerodynamics, maneuverability, to detect prey The Jeffrey Dahmer Files Brunettes 2 hidden on the ocean floor or to smell in „stereo“ - one thing is What drives a seemingly mundane man to commit a series of Who needs blondes when these gorgeous brunettes are ready certain, hammerheads are highly successful and possess acts so heinous that it captured the attention of a horrified for action? We crisscrossed the country and kept finding one hunting skills that no other shark can match. In this nation? In the summer of 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested girl hotter than the next. Leslie gets us started on a high note exploration of the hammerhead, it becomes clear that it is so in Milwaukee and sentenced to 957 years in prison for killing on the Girls Gone Wild bus with her perfect breasts. much more than just an oddity. 17 people and dismembering their bodies. The Jeffrey Dahmer Meanwhile fresh off the beach shy girl Alexis leads us back Animals & Nature, BBC, Documentary, Files explores this Midwestern city by meeting those who upstairs for a little fun. Back in the hotel Katie shows off all of Foreign, High Seas, International TV, knew Dahmer during and after his hidden killing spree. her assets, as she can’t keep her hands off herself. Brought Recollections from Milwaukee Medical Examiner Jeffrey in from the cold and onto our bus Brittany really heats things Sharks, Special Interest, Television min. Jentzen, Police Detective Patrick Kennedy, and neighbor up. Boston bad girl Krystal shows off her sexiest moves and BBC Home Video 23.07.2013 Pamela Bass are interwoven with archival footage and lets us know that she swings both ways. Leading us upstairs 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116737 everyday scenes from Dahmer’s life, working collectively to with a great view all the way to her bedroom, Brittany puts on disassemble the facade of an ordinary man leading an a show with her killer body and tells us exactly how she likes ordinary existence. it. You won’t be able to get enough of Girls Gone Wild: Hecho En Mexico Biography, Cannibalism, Crime, Horniest Brunettes 2! Alejandro Fernandez, Diego Luna - Dir. Documentary, Mystery, Special Interest Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Duncan Bridgeman 2012 76min. GGW Brands, LLC. 02.07.2013 Hecho en Mexico (Made in Mexico) is an inspiring road trip MPI 23.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117052 through modern-day „Mexicanity“. The film showcases the richness of Mexican music and artistry. Elders and youth 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116871 come together to speak about their craft, their homeland and Girls Gone Wild: Young, Blonde & what it means to be Mexican. From poets and singers to JFK: 50 Year Commemorative Naked actors and cultural leaders, Hecho en Mexico takes you into the inner circle of an extraordinarily rich and diverse culture. Collection Blondes do it better! Watch as Jennah gets the party started by showing off her perfect breasts in the back of the club. Documentary, Foreign, History & Events, John F. Kearney Stunner Mekhael flashes her beautiful body on board the Latin, Music, Special Interest 2012 100min. Collections, Documentary, Presidents, Girls Gone Wild bus, while back at the hotel, Tiffany lets us Lionsgate 16.07.2013 see how naughty she really is during some hot solo action. Special Interest min. Plucked right off the beach, hottie Elaina strips and tells us 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116841 Topics Entertainment 23.07.2013 she likes it rough. We also ran into Amanda, who was 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117072 partying hard during spring break. She shows off her Herman’s House gorgeous beach body - minus her bikini - and lets us see all of her favorite positions. Co-ed hottie Bree made sure she left Herman Wallace may be the longest-serving prisoner in Kendra On Top: Season One no doubt about her wild side. Best of all, Coco turns up the solitary confinement in America - 40 years and counting in a heat and steams up our camera lenses as we join her in the 6-by-9-foot cell. This award-winning documentary is a moving Kendra Wilkinson, Hank Baskett shower. These naughty blondes can’t wait to show you why account of the remarkable expression his struggle finds in an Funny. Outrageous. Sexy and unpredictable. Those are the they have more fun in Girls Gone Wild: Young, Blonde & unusual art project proposed by New York artist Jackie words that describe Kendra Wilkinson Baskett and her Naked! Sumell. Featuring a full-scale model of Herman’s cell and hilarious adventures in Hollywood. Whether she’s posing for detailed plans of his dream home, the art project has brought a beautiful photo shoot atop the Empire State Building or Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. thousands around the world face-to-face with the cruel and dancing in a mud bog for a music video (with the LoCash GGW Brands, LLC. 02.07.2013 unusual punishment of long-term solitary confinement. Cowboys), Kendra balances being a wife to former NFL 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117053 Imagining Wallace’s dream home began as a game and became football player Hank Baskett and mother to Hank IV with an interrogation of justice and punishment in America. managing her career as a model, best-selling author and pitch Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special woman for Love Candy, her very own romance line. No matter Great White Shark: A Living Le- what she faces, Kendra „stays on top“ with her winning Interest 2012 81min. combination of humor and heart. And joining her on her gend First Run Features 08.07.2013 journey through life are her celebrity friends (Hugh Hefner, Get up close and personal with one of the most vicious 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117000 Holly Madison, Louis Van Amstel, Jessica Hall, et al.) and predators of our oceans, the Great White Shark! We think of family. great whites as fearsome aquatic killers, but do we know them Reality, Television 2012 480min. as well as we think? In this presentation from BBC’s The House I Live In MPI 30.07.2013 acclaimed Natural History Unit, Mike Rutzen, the world’s The House I Live In captures heart-wrenching stories from foremost great white shark diver, follows great whites as they individuals at all levels of America’s War on Drugs. From the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116933 feed, at proximity never before achieved. Mike’s unique dealer to the grieving mother, the narcotics officer to the ability to communicate with them using his body language senator, the inmate to the federal judge, the film offers a Krav Maga: Self Defense Poker allows him to swim amongst them unscathed. Mike explores penetrating look inside America’s longest war, offering a why occasionally attack people. He also challenges the view definitive portrait and revealing its profound human rights Tour 1 that their feeding is unstructured and frenzied, to prove implications. instead that they obey the subtle rules of a complex form of Only four days before the final of a great poker tournament

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 83 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA takes place. One problem: „The Boss“ - an emblematic figure A&E 02.07.2013 intriguing and imaginative music videos for many of the of organized crime who takes part in the game and is really 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116617 album’s tracks featuring u determined to eliminate his rivals. He is going to send his best Documentary, Hip-Hop, Music, Special men to put the other competitors out. But what he doesn’t know Interest 2012 min. is that that they master self-defense and radical techniques of Lost & Found all kinds. Self-Defense Poker Tour is a teaching film which Microcinema DVD 21.05.2013 tells a story but also helps you to discover another way of Fate and faith conspire to create a beautiful and surprising 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116929 learning: an explosive mixture of fun, originality, and, above partnership between orphans targeted by the murderous all, very efficient techniques that you can use in self-defense militia of Joseph Kony and hardcore inmate-artists in an as executed by world famous specialists. Showcased are Oregon penitentiary. They are connected by two retired, small Night defenses for when you are grabbed, strangled, kicked, and town America teachers who help the orphans and inmates find punched; attacks with sticks, knives, and guns; and attacks something they both had lost: hope. Their story will take your Australian, Documentary, Foreign, Special by several aggressors are covered. heart and not let go. Interest 2008 min. Instructional, Special Interest min. Documentary, Special Interest min. Grand Entertainment Group 11.07.2013 Bayview Entertainment 02.07.2013 Passion River 18.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117100 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116884 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117064 Paranormal Occult: Magick, An- A Labor Of Love Joanna Lumley’s Nile gels And Demons Joanna Lumley Henri Charr - Dir. Dan Goldman Devils And Demons, Documentary, Magic, A Labor Of Love: Vinegar Syndrome proudly presents the Growing up abroad as an army brat, Joanna Lumley home video debut of what Roger Ebert called „an absorbing (Absolutely Fabulous) always dreamed of one day seeing the Special Interest, Supernatural & Paranormal document (that) captures the human reality of the sexual mighty Nile. This trip of a lifetime marks a dream come true. 2012 250min. experience“ A Labor Of Love documents the heart felt and Traveling by fishing boat, ferry, cruise ship, plane, train, car, Allegro Entertainment 28.05.2013 earnest attempt by a naive Chicago filmmaker to create an X and Zapcat, Joanna follows the world’s longest river from rated movie. Between struggles with the cast, the production mouth to source. The 4,000-mile journey takes her from the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116625 forges on in a manner which Variety called „intelligent and teeming city of Alexandria to the verdant forests of Rwanda, thoroughly entertainin - a frequently hysterical group portrait“ from the heat of the Sudanese desert to the highlands of Passport To Adventure: High End and Hadrian Belove of Cinefamily acclaimed as „a lost vérité Ethiopia, through multiple countries and across thousands of masterpiece - a movie-about-movies documentary classic.“ years of history. Enthusiastic, witty, and warm, Joanna is the Travel ideal travel companion. She’s game for almost anything, from Documentary, Special Interest 1976 68min. sleeping on a crowded deck to slogging through mud and Travel the world with Passport to Adventure hosts Julie CAV 11.06.2013 judging an „Ancient Egypt Night“ contest. She charms Conover and Mark Jennings. Ski, hike, bike, sail, swim, eat 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116799 everyone she meets: ship captains, crocodile hunters, and meet the locals across Europe, Asia and the Americas in nomads, whirling dervishes, and Sudanese beauty queens. 23 episodes of this popular public television show. See the With Joanna as your guide, this affable travelogue is „a joy to best out-of-the-way destinations on the planet and go on The Last White Knight watch“ (Daily Mail, U.K.). Joanna Lumley has appeared in hundreds of unique adventures, from riding horseback through many hit television series and films, and she is an outspoken the ruins of an ancient Indian fortress to exploring Europe’s Morgan Freeman, Harry Belafonte advocate for human rights and animal welfare. best-preserved medieval villages and castles. You think that we, as a society, have come a long way from the Documentary, Special Interest, Travel & time when there were lynchings, murders, and harassing just Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special because the color of your skin was different. But have we? Interest, Travel & Leisure 2009 184min. Leisure min. With the current murders that have happened in Texas that Image Ent. 16.07.2013 Topics Entertainment 21.05.2013 point to a white supremacy group it brings you back to the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116533 happenings of 60’s and Mississippi when Medgar Evers, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116912 NAACP Field Secretary, was shot in the back while walking in to the house where he was living. Byron de la Beckwith Sr. Bill Moyers: On The Hudson A Place At The Table was charged and convicted with that murder. Bob Dylan wrote 50 million people in the U.S.- one in four children-don’t know a song of which Beckwith was the subject and the movie, Bill Moyers where their next meal is coming from, despite our having the Ghosts of Mississippi tells the story about these events. Bill Moyers tells the story of the mighty Hudson River, whose means to provide nutritious, affordable food for all Americans. James Woods played Beckwith for which he received an 315-mile course travels from its source in the Adirondack A Place at the Table shows us how hunger poses serious Academy Award nomination. Byron’s son, Byron de la Mountains to its outlet at New York harbor... and runs through economic, social and cultural implications for our nation, and Beckwith Jr. tells us in this film that the person responsible is so much of the nation’s history, literature, and art. In a journey that it could be solved once and for all, if the American public still walking around, free! that alternates between the wonders of nature and the decides-as they have in the past-that making healthy food African Americans, Documentary, History & handiwork of man, Moyers examines both the beauty that available and affordable is in the best interest of us all. attracted the Hudson River school painters and the potential Events, Special Interest 78min. that lured America’s early industrialists. Along the way, he Documentary, Special Interest 2012 84min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 25.06.2013 draws on the insights and experiences of those whose lives Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116521 have been inextricably linked with this American Eden and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117011 who have fought to make it a second-chance wilderness, a paradise lost and then regained. In a broadcasting career The Law In These Parts spanning 40 years, journalist Bill Moyers has distinguished A Place At The Table (Blu-ray) Documentary, Military, Special Interest min. himself at PBS, NBC, CBS, and Newsday. His many honors 50 million people in the U.S.- one in four children-don’t know include lifetime achievement Emmy and Peabody awards. where their next meal is coming from, despite our having the Cinema Guild 04.06.2013 Animals & Nature, Art & Architecture, means to provide nutritious, affordable food for all Americans. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116886 Documentary, Special Interest min. A Place at the Table shows us how hunger poses serious economic, social and cultural implications for our nation, and Image Ent. 16.07.2013 that it could be solved once and for all, if the American public Leap Frog: The Complete Scout 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116911 decides-as they have in the past-that making healthy food & Friends Learning Collection available and affordable is in the best interest of us all. Documentary, Special Interest 2012 84min. Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, Eddie Murphy: Raw Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 Preschool, Special Interest 144min. Eddie Murphy - Dir. Robert Townsend 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117039 Lionsgate 16.07.2013 Comedy, Concerts, Special Interest, Stand- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116934 Up 1987 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Reveron: Documentary By Juan Legends Of The Old West 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116535 Andres Bello This extraordinary collection from History brings home some Around 1920, a young artist moves to a solitary spot by the of the American West’s most famous and infamous characters. N.A.S.A.: Caribbean sea, in the Venezuelan shores. He seems to be Live the adventures of the famed William F. Cody in Buffalo heading against the stream. While his contemporaries pursue Bill and His Wild West. In Wild Bill Hickok, see how the N.A.S.A.: The Spirit of Apollo is an intimate, behind the an ideal of progress, he produces a unique work that ends up controversial lawman, scout, gunslinger and professional scenes look at the making of N.A.S.A.’s (North America South placing him among the most significant figures of modern Latin gambler became a folk hero. Take a ride with The Legendary America) landmark debut LP, The Spirit of Apollo. Created by American art. This documentary centres on the life of Armando Cowboys to explore the world of stampeding cattle, blazing two close friends and musical aficionados from opposite Reverón, exploring the deep meaning of his decisions - a life gunfights and life on the range. Uncover the mindset, hemispheres, and DJ Zegon, the album features and an oeuvre equally passionate and puzzling. motivation and sometimes questionable methods of those who jaw dropping collaborations between many of the pair’s Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special swore to uphold the law in a lawless time in The Law Behind heroes, legends, and modern musical luminaries. The Interest 2009 69min. the Tin Star. Meet The James Gang, the disenchanted corresponding film documents the fruition of the project’s Confederates who became the West’s most notorious outlaws, central theme and focus: ignoring boundaries and bringing Microcinema DVD 21.05.2013 and The Texas Rangers, the feared and fearless men who people together from completely different worlds in order to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116930 tracked down vicious criminals like them. Gather round for create unique and unexpected art. Directed by Syd Garon and these legendary stories of a legendary time and place in Sam Spiegel, N.A.S.A.: The Spirit of Apollo follows Sam and American history. Ze’s globetrotting musical adventures with , The Sacred Science Action, Adventure, History & Events, George Clinton, RZA, M.I.A., , , Spank Looking for a new prescription for serious illness? Take eight Rock, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, , , , intrepid patients, add a team of indigenous medicine men and History Channel, Outlaw Country, Televisi- Sizzla, of the , E-40, Kool shamans, and mix for 30 days in the Peruvian . on, Western 2012 282min. Keith, , , , Cee Lo Green and Suffering from conditions ranging from Parkinson’s to prostate many more. In addition to the music, the film contains cancer to diabetes, these patients are motivated by a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 84 Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) Mai 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA commitment to heal naturally and sheer desperation to end figures, Trek Nation is a journey to understand one of the their suffering. Immersed in nature, silence and solitude, world’s largest cultural phenomena, the man behind it, and the shamanic medicine ceremonies open them to the emotional and Bert Stern: Original Mad Man legacy he’s left us all. psychological issues underlying their dis-ease. The Bert Stern, Allegra Kent Documentary, Science Fiction, Special experienced shamans mindfully harvest and prepare specific Bert Stern: Original Mad Man is the definitive voyage into the Interest, Star Trek 2010 88min. remedies for their patients, with treatments that include life and work of one of the greatest American photographers of healing songs and spiritual counsel. Entering the heart of all time. An original Madison Avenue „mad man,“ Stern’s MPI 09.07.2013 healing in the heart of the Amazon, we find that saving the images helped create modern advertising; his ground-breaking 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116824 rainforest really does mean saving ourselves. campaign for Smirnoff forever changed the industry. The Adventure, Documentary, Drama, History & iconic photos he took of celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Events, Illness & Disease, Special Interest Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Audrey Hepburn, Shirley UFC 159: Jones Vs. Sonnen 2011 77min. MacLaine, Sophia Loren, Twiggy, and the infamous Lolita Jon Jones, Chael Sonnen image from Kubrick’s film, minted Stern - along with Irving On April 27th, UFC champion and king of the light Passion River 16.07.2013 Penn and Richard Avedon - as a celebrity in his own right. heavyweight division, Jon „Bones“ Jones returns to New 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117065 Indeed, his photos from Monroe’s „Last Sitting“ are Jersey, where he first won his world title. He will face one of considered to be the ultimate images of the 20th century icon. the most polarizing figures in mixed martial arts, Chael Son- After marrying legendary ballet dancer and Balanchine muse nen, the self-proclaimed „Gangster from West Linn.“ Fresh Sid The Science Kid: Sid Wings Allegra Kent, the kid from Brooklyn was sitting on top of the from their stint as coaches on The Ultimate Fighter season 17, It! world...until a dramatic fall from grace. Jones and Sonnen will now settle the score in a super fight Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special for the ages. Children’s, Children’s / Educational, PBS, Interest 2012 89min. Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Science, Television min. First Run Features 16.07.2013 Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 300min. NCircle Entertainment 09.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116998 Starz / Anchor Bay 30.07.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116554 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117050 Street Boxing 2: Self Defense Kathy Smith Timeless: Cardio Fat Against Weapons War On Whistleblowers: Free Burner This second DVD volume of Street Boxing instruction deals Press And The National Security Two 20 Minute Quick Workouts for Maximum Results! Kathy with defense against weapons. Instructors Eric Quequet & says, „Welcome to my Timeless Collection! I hope you’ll enjoy Robert Paturel explain many of the challenges you face in this State these DVDs containing my favorite and most memorable kind of situation, but also show how to escape from an New Robert Greenwald doc highlights four cases where workouts from the past. What was great then is still great aggression when there’s no other way or if a human life is at whistleblowers noticed government wrongdoing and took to today and I think you’ll agree that a great workout is, indeed, stake. Techniques have been filmed on location and with plain the media to expose the fraud and abuse. It exposes the Timeless! Let’s face it. Life is busier than ever before. That’s clothes (in real-life locations: gardens, parking lots, cars, in surprisingly worsening and threatening reality for why I developed my time-saving approach to working out. front of your home, etc.). The techniques appear to be simple whistleblowers and the press. Includes interviews with With my Cardio Fat Burner DVD you get two 20-minue yet they require serious work for application in real-life whistleblowers Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Franz workouts designed to give you maximum fat burning results in situations. Eric Quequet (a former member of the Presidential Gayland Thomas Tamm and award-winning journalists like minimum time! Do these routines individually or combine them security staff) and Robert Paturel (a member of the French David Carr, Lucy Dalglish, Glenn Greenwald, Seymour for an incredible 40-minute calorie blasting workout. No S.W.A.T. as a full-time member and instructor) share the same Hersh, Michael Isikoff, Bill Keller, Eric Lipton, Jane Mayer, & matter how much time you have, it all counts and it all adds up ground experience, the same expertise in fighting sports but more. to incredible results. Let’s make it happen!“ also the same experience of quality teaching in various Documentary, Politics, Special Interest 2013 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special styles. These two experts share a passion for fighting sports and their close work relationship within the ADAC (Academy 66min. Interest min. of Martial Arts) led to a concrete and original research work: E1 Entertainment 30.07.2013 Bayview Entertainment 16.07.2013 simplicity, realism, efficiency. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117062 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117020 Boxing, Instructional, Special Interest min. Bayview Entertainment 02.07.2013 Why We Laugh: Funny Women 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116883 La Source Whoopi Goldberg, , Kim Documentary, Special Interest 2012 71min. Wayans, Holland Taylor, Lily Tomlin, Kathy Passion River 21.05.2013 The Thing (Blu-ray + Digital Copy Griffin, Joan Rivers, Brett Butler, Sheryl 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116700 + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Underwood, Judy Tenuta, Rita Rudner, Eric Christian Olsen, Joel Edgerton, Mary Judy Gold, Aisha Tyler, Wendy Liebman - Sourlands Elizabeth Winstead, Ulrich Thomsen, Trond Dir. Bernard Gourley Animals & Nature, Documentary, Environ- Espen Seim - Dir. Matthijs Van Heijningen Personal and in-depth interviews with some of the most mental, Special Interest min. From the producers of Dawn of the Dead comes the chilling prominent female voices in comedy and entertainment, and prelude to John Carpenter’s cult classic film. When enriched by live performance footage from some of the most Passion River 04.06.2013 paleontologist Kate Lloyd (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) travels talented female comedians working today. Funny Women 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116921 to an isolated outpost in Antarctica for the expedition of a sheds light on the legacy of the female comedian and the lifetime, she joins an international team that unearths a dedication, courage and passion that is required to be remarkable discovery. Their elation quickly turns to fear as successful in a male-dominated business such as stand-up South America: Quest For they realize that their experiment has freed a mysterious comedy. These courageous women have broken the mold and Wonder being from its frozen prison. Paranoia spreads like an created a new and more inclusive landscape that extends epidemic as a creature that can mimic anything it touches will beyond the comedy-club stage. Outspoken, personal, Visit four of South America’s most wondrous places-Easter pit human against human as it tries to survive and flourish in unapologetic, bold and extremely funny... Why We Laugh: Island, Iguaza Falls, Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Is- this spine-tingling thriller. Funny Women. lands-in this one-hour program filmed in HD and originally Comedy, Dark Comedy, Documentary, Inter- enjoyed on public television. The host and producer of the Aliens, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Horror, popular series Adventures with Purpose, takes viewers on Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2011 view, Special Interest 2012 87min. new journeys in the Richard Bangs’ Quest series. 103min. Lionsgate 02.07.2013 Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special Universal Studios 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116614 Interest, Travel & Leisure min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116660 Topics Entertainment 19.03.2013 The Wiggles: Taking Off! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117091 Travels To The Edge Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, Documentary, Special Interest, Travel & Music, Preschool, Television min. Steam Trains Through The Leisure min. NCircle Entertainment 13.08.2013 Seasons Topics Entertainment 21.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116556 You don’t need a ticket to ride these trains! Come aboard for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116534 some fantastic steam locomotives in Steam Trains through the Wild Deep Seasons, from the former Southern Pacific 4-6-0 #2248 to the Nickel Plate Road’s #587, in this six-film collection! Plus, Trek Nation Documentary, Special Interest min. travel the Denver & Rio Grande Western narrow gauge line, Millennium Entertainment 16.07.2013 and the Durango & Silverton and Cumbres & Toltec railroads! J.J. Abrams Go on scenic train rides in every season and through all sorts Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, also known as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116837 of breathtaking terrain. Experience all four seasons aboard the „Great Bird of the Galaxy,“ passed away in 1991. His son, steamers and all the beautiful scenery that comes with each Eugene „Rod“ Roddenberry was only 17 years old. As a Wild Deep (Blu-ray + DVD Com- one, from golden autumns and white winter wonderlands to teenager, Rod never knew the impact his father had on the springtime greens and sun-drenched summers. world, but as a man, he’ll find out. Trek Nation is an bo) (Blu-ray) enlightening documentary that details Rod’s trek across Documentary, Special Interest, America to discover his father through the touchstones Gene Documentary, Special Interest min. Transportation min. left behind: his friends, his work and his influence. Including Millennium Entertainment 16.07.2013 Topics Entertainment 21.05.2013 surprising, revelatory conversations with Star Trek actors, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116940 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116528 fans, family friends and some of entertainment’s most iconic

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talented women who are probably smarter than you, most likely sexier than you and definitely funnier than you. You’ve William & Kate: A Royal Life seen , Rachel Feinstein, Nikki Glaser and Kate Middleton Marina Franklin on Comedy Central, 30 Rock, with Jay Leno, Last Comic Standing and more. Now Documentary, Romance, Royalty, Special these top comediennes and four close friends come together in Interest 101min. New York City for one hilarious night of stand-up comedy. Telefonische Millennium Entertainment 09.07.2013 From racism to pregnancy, nothing is off limits as each comic Bestellannahme: 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116836 delivers her own sharp point-of-view that kills audiences time Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr and again. Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2012 Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Women Who Kill 72min. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Marina Franklin, Rachel Feinstein, Amy E1 Entertainment 09.07.2013 Schumer 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116780 It’s okay to feel intimidated - it’s one night out with four Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- und Feiertags (Baden- Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen.

Newsletter 05/13 (Nr. 328) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2013) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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