BROADSIDE 5,000 Negatives; And, Over 200 Original De Hand in His Own Car to Mill Valley
NEWSLETTER OF THE THEATRE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Volume 9, Number 4 Spring 1982 New Series SAVE AMERICA'S PERFORMING ASTRITLA IN PROVIDENCE ARTS RESOURCES! The TLA Annual Program Meeting, held The Theatre Library Association will in conjunction with the 1982 ASTR Con- present a Conference on Preservation ference to be held at Brown University, Management in Performing Arts Collec- November 19-21, is being organized by tions in Washington, D.C., April 28-May 1, Martha Mahard, Assistant Curator, The- 1982. With the assistance of the Conserva- atre Collection, Harvard University. She tion Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, FREEDLEYITLA AWARDS plans a program appropriate to the confer- the Theatre Library Association has de- ence theme, Nineteenth Century Theatre. vised a program tailored for the special Nominations have been invited for the Your suggestions are welcome. preservation problems of performing arts 1981 George Freedley Award and The The Several exhibits will be on view during collections in libraries, museums, histor- atre Library Association Award to be pre- the conference. The John Hay Library will ical societies, media centers, and perform- sented by the Association on Monday, mount an exhibit on American Drama Dur- ing arts companies. May 24, in the Vincent Astor Gallery, The ing and About the Civil War The Museum Utilizing case studies from the field, New York Public Library at Lincoln Center. of Art of the Rhode Island School of De- consultants will specify preservation tech- The George Freedley Award, established sign will mount a special exhibit on japan- niques and management options for the In 1968, in memory of the late theatre his- ese Theatre from their extensive Oriental contents of mixed-media collections: torian, critic, author, and first curator of Collection.
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