RAMADHAN BUFFET 2017 (27/5, 30/5, 2/6, 5/6, 8/6, 11/6, 14/6, 17/6, 20/6 & 23/6/2017)


Appetiser Thai Som Tum Salad (Live), Sotong Kangkung, Kerabu So Hoon dengan Sotong, Tauhu Sumbat, Kerabu Betik Muda dengan Udang Harimau, Kerabu Nangka Muda dengan Ayam, Kerabu Daun Selom dengan Kelapa Parut, Kerabu Pucuk Paku dengan Daging Salai, Mentah, Acar Buah, Ulam Ulaman Tradisonal (Pegaga, Daun Selom, Ulam Raja, Jantung Pisang, Kacang Botol, Tempe Goreng), Sambal Belacan, Sambal Mangga, Sambal Tempoyak, Cincaluk, Budu, Sambal Gesek, Ikan Bulu Ayam Masin, Ikan Sepat Masin, Ikan Kurau Masin, Ikan Perkasam, Telor Masin, Keropok Ikan, Keropok Udang, Keropok Sayur dan Papadum

Live Stall 1 - Soup Sup Aneka Berempah ( Daging, Ayam, Daging, Perut, Tulang Kambing, Tulang Rawan, Ekor, Gear Box) ( Mee Kuning, Bee Hoon, Kuey Teow) Condiments – (Taugeh, Daun Bawang, Daun Sup, Bawang Goreng, Cili Kicap) Roti Benggali

Bubur Bubur Lambuk Berherba dengan Sambal

Main Dishes Kari Ayam Kapitan, Perut Sapi Masak Lemak Cili Padi, Fried Chilli Crab, Ikan Pari, Sambal Tumis Petai Sotong, Fried Eggs with Vegetables, Braised Broccoli and Double Mushroom with Crab Meat Sauce, Nasi Minyak Cendawan, Nasi Putih

Live Stall 2 - Japanese Section Assorted Sushi and Sashimi, Assorted Tempura Udon / Soba & Sukiyaki

Live Stall 3 – Western Corner Assorted Pizzas (Margarita, Beef Pepperoni, Frutti Di Mare ), Spaghetti, Penne & Fettuccine with Bolognese, Carbonara and Tomato Concasse Sauce, Grilled Mini Steak with Black Pepper Sauce, Lamb Stew, Mashed Potato, Buttered Garden Vegetables, Baked Salmon with Creamy Lemon Butter Sauce, Beef Lasagna, Cream of Mushroom Soup

Live Stall 4 - Sizzler Hot Plate / Wok (Shell Out) (Assorted Vegetables, Squid, Sliced Fish, Clam, Prawn, Mussel, Bamboo Clam) (Sauces: Sweet & Sour, Black Oyster, Black Pepper & Tom Yam)

Live Stall 5 - Lok Lok Steamboat & Mee Tarik Yong Tau Foo with Chilli and Sweet Sauce, Varieties of Seafood & Meat Ball with Chicken Stock and Tom Yam, Dim Sum – 5 types

Live Stall 6 - Chicken Rice Chicken Rice (Roasted & Steamed) with Condiments & Sauce, Roasted Crispy Duck with Plum Sauce

Live Stall 7 - Noodle Asam with Condiments, Penang Fried Kway Teow & Fried Mee with Pickled Chilli

Live Stall 8 - Aneka (Chicken, Beef, Lamb & Ox-stripe) with Condiments & Peanut Sauce

Live Stall 9 - Masakan Kawah / Nasi Pak Yus Asam Pedas Ekor dengan Keladi & Bendi, Lidah Goreng Pedas, Kari Kepala Ikan Mangga Muda, Ayam / Puyuh Goreng Berempah & Kawah Daging Tetel

Live Stall 10 - Lemang, Nasi Impit served with Daging “Kuali” and Serunding Ayam, Serunding Daging

Live Stall 11 - Deep Fried Deep Fried Shimeji Mushroom, Button Mushroom & Oyster Mushroom

Live Stall 12 - Roasted Whole Lamb Mint Sauce, Air Asam, Black Pepper Sauce & Mushroom Sauce, Arabic Salad, Hummus, Baba Ghanoush and Arabic Bread

Live Stall 13 - Special Roti John (Beef or Chicken) with Chilli Sauce and Mayonnaise

Live Stall 14 - Shawarma Chicken with Tossed Salad, Tomato, Onion, Gherkin and Cheezy Sauce

Live Stall 15 - Cucur Cucur Udang, Cucur Ikan Bilis, Cucur Sayur, , Ubi Keledek Goreng, Cempedak Goreng, Sukun Goreng, Keropok Lekor Served with Chilli Sauce & Black Chilli Sauce

Live Stall 16 - Ikan Bakar + Otak-otak Ikan Terubuk / Ikan Pari / Ikan Merah / Bawal Hitam Served with Air Asam, Chilli Soy Sauce and Sambal Bawang

Live Stall 17 - , Roti Telor, Roti Boom, Mini Murtabak Ayam & Daging With Dhall, Potato Curry & Pickled Onion

Live Stall 18 – Putu Mayam Served with Fresh Grated Coconut and Brown Sugar

Live Stall 19 - Mamak Delights Rojak Pasembur with Peanut Sauce & Crackers

Live Stall 20 – ‘Healthy Option Counter’ Sandwiches with assorted fillings (Tuna with Spring Onion, Sardine with Bird Eye Chilli, Sliced Turkey Meat, Cold Cuts, Smoked Salmon, Roasted Beef Slices, Chicken Teriyaki with Condiments and Dips (Croissant, Ciabatta, Focaccia, Whole Meal, French Loaf & Rye Bread)

Live Stall 21 – Fruit Counter (Palm Tree) Variety of Kurma (3 Types), Jambu Batu, Jambu Air, Starfruit, Jackfruit, Pineapple, Sun Melon, Honeydew, Watermelon, Papaya, Dragon Fruit, Pomelo, Banana & Selection of Seasonal Local Fruits Served with Asam Powder & Rojak Sauce, Rojak Buah

Live Stall 22 – Dessert Assorted Traditional Malay (10 Types), Tapai Pulut, Wajik, Dodol, Rempeyek Kacang, Rempeyek Ikan Bilis, Muruku, Kerepek Ubi, Kerepek Ubi Pedas, Assorted French Pastries, Blueberry & Apple Crumble, Bread & Butter Pudding with Vanilla Sauce, Selection of Mousse Cakes (Tiramisu, Strawberry, Passion Fruit, Chocolate), Cream Caramel, Fruits Flan Assorted Jellies in Glass, Coconut Jelly & Nata De Coco, Pulut Serawa Durian & Bubur Kacang Hijau Durian / Bubur Cha-Cha / Bubur Pulut Hitam / Bubur Kacang Merah

Live Stall 23 – Dessert Waffle & Pancakes with Condiments (Durian Icing, Chocolate, Strawberry Puree, Fried Pretzels), Ice Cream with Condiments (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Sweetcorn, Cookies & Yam), ABC with Condiments, Roti Jala Pandan and Serawa Durian

Live Stall 24 - Tarik Live ( & Nescafe Tarik), & Blended Fruity Smoothie

Live Stall 25 - Beverage Corner Cincau, Soya Bean, , Ice Lemon Tea, Sugar Cane Juice, Jagung, Sirap Selasih, Grape, Guava Asam Boi, Kurma Cordial