PROGRAM of the -"tHIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING 12 THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE OTHER CONVENTIONS Other societies meeting in Chicago, with the names of their secretaries are: ~~etica~ ~;citfflf!icaf -£o:(l'ef'/··· American Association for Labor Legislation, John B. Andrews, New York City. American Association of University Teachers of Insurance, Chester A. Kline, University of Pennsylvania. American Business Law Association, S. Homer Smith, Temple University. American Finance Association, Kenneth Field, Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology. American Marketing Association, Albert Haring, Indiana University. American Statistical Association, R. L. Funkhouser~ Washington, D. C. Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Paul R. Rider, Washington University. "') Rural Sociological Society, T. Lynn Smith, Louisiana State University. Tax Policy League, Mabel L. Walker, New York City.

NOTES The picture of which appears on the cover of this program was obtained through the courtesy of the Department of of . Dr. Alfred McClung Lee, Chairman of the Society's Committee on Pub­ lic Relations, has available for representatives of the press copies of papers and other materials dealing with the convention's proceedings. The press room is II 58. Rooms II7I-II77-1 120-1124-1128 are reserved for exhibits. Members of the Society will note that an informal Smoker has been sub­ stituted for the annual dinner meeting. Members attending the smoker will be guests of the University of Chicago.

MEMBERSHIP IN THE SOCIETY Membership in the American Sociological Society is open to persons who have an interest in the objectives of sociological scholarship and research. There are six classes of membership. Annual members pay $6.oo per year; stu­ dent members, $4.00 per year; joint membership of husband and wife, $7.00 per year; subscribing members, $w.oo per year; sustaining members, '$25.00 per year; and life mem­ bers who make a single payment of one hundred dollars. All classes of members receive the American Sociological Review. Inquiries concerning membership may be directed to t~e secretary. Wti,I;lA).r GR:

President FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 RoBERT M. MAcivER, Columbia University 8:30A.M. Registration of members and guests of the Society and reservation of breakfast and luncheon tickets. Flor­ First Vice-President entine Foyer. STUART A. QuEEN, Washington University g:oo-w:oo A.M. Business Meeting for reports of committees and rep­ resentatives of the Society. Florentine Room. Second Vice-President 1o:oo-12:ooA.M. Division on Social Research. Raymond Bowers, Uni­ JAMES H. S. BossARD, University of Pennsylvania versity of Rochester, Chairman. Florentine Room. Topic: The "Inductive-Deductivi!" Method in Social Secretary-Treasurer Research: its theory and application. "The Inductive-Deductive Method in .Social Re­ HAROLD A. PHELPs, University of Pittsbmgh search," Mark A. May, Yale University. "Sex Regulation and Social Structure," George P. Former Presidents Murdock, Yale University. Edward A. Ross Howard W. Odum "A Learning Theory of Imitative Behavior," John George E. Vincent E. S. Bogardus Dollard and Neal E. Miller, Yale University. J.P. Lichtenberger L. L. Bernard Round Table discussion of these papers by W. F. Charles A. Ellwood E. B. Reuter Ogburn, C. Kirkpatrick, L. S. Cottrell, Jr., R. K. Robert E. Park E. W. Burgess Merton·. John L. Gillin F. S. Chapin Division on Social Theory. E. T. Hiller, University of William I. Thomas H. P. Fairchild Illinois, Chairman. Casino. John M. Gillette Topic: The Search for Sociological Problems. . . William F. Ogburn Frank H. Hankins Addresses by , University of Illmots; Edwin H. Sutherland George A. Lundberg, Bennington College. Open discussion for one hour. Elected Members of Ex;cutive Committee This meeting will be continued at one o'clock. *Rural Sociological Society. Topic: The Concept, George A. Lundberg Lowry Nelson Social Process: Its Meaning and Usefulness in the Donald R. Young Joseph K. Folsom Study of Rural Society. Room II64. Warner E. Gettys RobertS. Lynd 12:oaM. *Luncheon Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Committee on Local Arrangements Francis I Room. Luncheon Conference on Marriage Problems. Joint , Chairman Thomas D. Eliot Meeting of the Sections on the Family and Sociology Thomas A. Egan and Psychiatry. Room 1170. A. P. Schorsch "The Psychodramatic Point of View," Bruno Solby, M.D., Psychodramatic Institute, Beacon, New York. "The Psychoanalytic Point of View," Franz Alexander, M.D., Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago, Illinois. "The Sociological Point of View," Leonard S. Cot- All meetings except the business sessions are open to th.e publjc and, unless otherwise indicated, are held at the Congress Hotel .. Tickets fot luncheons trell, Jr., Cornell University. . "The Point of View of the Family," J. G. Franz, Ohto should be obtained as early as possible, and reservations for btea.kfast .meet­ ings should be made at the registration desk. Meetings designated by the State University. asterisk are not under the direct auspices of the Socie~. 1:oo- 3:00P.M. Division on Social Theory. (Continued) Casino 2 3 PROGRAM OF THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING 5 4 THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Topic: The Search for Sociological Problems. Zeleny, State Teachers College, St. Cloud, Minne­ "Sociology and the Other Sciences," Read Bain, Miami sota. University. Howard Becker, University of Wisconsin. "A Sociometric Approach to Psychopathological and Open discussion for one hour. Socio-Pathological Phenomena," George A. Lund­ Section on the Sociology of Religion Murray H. berg, Bennington College. Leiffer, Garrett Biblical Institute, Chairman. Eng­ Discussion: Willard Waller; George Devereux. lish-Walnut Room. Section on Criminology. Nathaniel Cantor, University "What Constitutes a Sociology of Religion?" of Buffalo, Chairman. Pine Room. Papers willl be read by Abraham Cronbach, Hebrew "Basic Crime Prevention," Saul D. Alinsky, Director, Union Coll~ge, Franz Mueller, College of St. Thomas, Industrial Areas Foundation. ·Samuel C. Kincheloe, Chicago Theological Seminary. To be followed by an hour of discussion. Summary by Robert E. Park, University of Chicago. Section on Sociology and Social Work. Walter W. Discussion from the floor. Pettit, New York School of Social Work, Chairman. Section on Political Sociology. H. A. Miller, Temple Room II64. University, Chairman. Pine Room Balcony. Discussion to be opened by George S. C. Benson, Topic: Methods of Meeting Domination. Director, Curriculum in Public Administration, In­ "The Chinese," J. Stewart Burgess, Temple University. stitute of Public and Social Administration, Uni­ "The Jews," Werner Cahnman, Chicago, Illinois. versity of Michigan. "The Czechoslovaks," Joseph S. Roucek, Hofstra "Federal Influence on Standards of Welfare Admini­ College. stration," Robert T. Lansdale. "The Spanish, the French and the English," Eric "The Effect of the Expansion of Public Welfare Ser­ Estorick, New York University. vices on Education for Social Work," Marion Hath­ Section on Cominunity. Robert A. Polson, Cornell way, Secretary, American Association of Schools of University, Chairman. Room II64- Social Work. "An Analysis of the Status System of a Modern Com­ *Committee on Conceptual Integration. Albert Blumen­ munity," W. Lloyd Warner, University of Chicago. thal, State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri, Discussion: Everett C. Hughes, University of Chi­ Chairman. Room I I Io. cago; Willard Waller, Barnard College, Columbia "A Preliminary Definition of Definition," Maurice University. Parmelee, Washington, D. C. Section on Educational Sociology. Francis J. Brown, "The Most Useful Definition of Definition," L. L. New York University, Chairman. Pine Room. Bernard, Washington University. Topic: The Sociology of Childhood. Panel discussion on the definition of definition and its "Group Life of the Adolescent," Paul H. Furfey, implications for the C. C. I. Catholic University of America. Discussants: E. E. Eubank, Hornell Hart, and two "Group Life of the Young Child," LaBerta A. Batt­ others. wick, Winnetka Nursery School Public Schools. 4:00P.M. Meeting of the Nominating Committee. Room II02. "The Child and the Social Structure," , Pennsylvania State College. 5:ooP.M. Meeting of the Executive Committee. English-Walnut Room. 3 : oo- 5: oo P.M. Section on Sociology and Psychiatry. J. L. Moreno, Beacon, New York, Chairman. Pine Room Balcony. 8:ooP.M. General Meeting, Joint Session for Presidential Ad­ "The Sociometric Foundation of Social Theory, with dresses with the American Statistical Association. special emphasis on the concepts 'tele,' 'social atom,' William F. Ogburn, University of Chicago, Chair­ and 'network'," Helen H. Jennings, Teachers College, man. Grand Ballroom, Stevens Hotel. Columbia University. "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Statisti­ "Sociometric Measurement in Education,'' Leslie Day cians," F. Leslie Hayford, New York City, President of the American Statistical Association. 6 THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROGRAM OF THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING 7 "Some Reflections on Sociology During a Crisis," "The Relation of Institutions to Urban Population Robert N. Maciver, Columbia University, President Characteristics, United States, I935,'' Amos H. of the American Sociological Society. Hawley, University of Michigan. Discussion by Edgar A. Schuler, Louisiana State Uni­ versity; James H. S. Bossard, University of Pennsyl­ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 l vania, and open discussion. 7:45A.M. *Annual Breakfast Meeting, Mid-West Sociological i Division on Social Psychology. John Dollard, Yale Society. South Grill. University, Chairman. Gold Room. "Homicide and Race Conflict in the South," H. C. 8: oo A.M. *Annual Breakfast Meeting, Ohio Valley Sociological Brearley, Peabody College. Society. Room I I74· "Differential Class Attitudes toward Corporate Prop­ *Annual Breakfast Meeting, Rural Sociological Society. erty in Akron, Ohio," Alfred W. Jones, Institute for Room II70. Applied Social Analysis, New York. -*Annual Breakfast Meeting, Alpha Kappa Delta, to be "Personality Problems in Chinese Culture," Bingham followed by a business meeting. English-Walnut Dai, Fisk University. Room. *Rural Sociological Society. General program with *Breakfast Meeting, University of Minnesota. Room round-table discussion. Room II64. II02. Topic: Rural Planning: Its Social and Community *Breakfast Meeting, Harvard University. Room I I ro. Organization Aspects. Division on Social Research. Raymond Bowers, Uni­ 9:oo-10:oo A.M. Business Meeting of the Society. Florentine Room. versity of Rochester, Chairman. Pine Room. 10:oo-r2:oo A.M. Division on Population and Social Biology. Norman E. Topic: Methodological Problems in the Study of Social Himes, Colgate University, Chairman. Florentine Disorganization. Room. "Methodological Problems in the Study of Social "Similarities of Marriage Partners in Intelligence," Disorganization," E. R. Mowrer, Northwestern Uni­ Mapheus Smith, University of Kansas. versity. "Differential Fertility Among Married Women Enu­ "The Effects Upon Tenant Families of Rehousing in a merated in the National Health Survey," Clyde V. Public Housing Project," F. S. Chapin, University Kiser, Milbank Memorial Fund, New York. of Minnesota. "Present-Day Population Transfers," Imre Ferenczi, Round-table discussion of these papers by R. C. Fuller, International Labor Office. F. N. House, R. S. Sletto, and S. A. Stouffer. "Research Possibilities in the 1940 Census," Philip M. r :oo- 3 :oo P.M. Section on Educational Sociology-Joint Session with Hauser, Assistant Chief Statistician for Population, the Rural Sociological Society. Bureau of the Census, Washington. John H. Kolb, University of Wisconsin, Chairman. "Class Birth-Rates in England and Wales, 1921-31," Florentine Room. John W. Innes, Columbia University. Topic: Social Interaction of School and Community. "Population Thought and Policy in England Since "The Interaction of School and Community in a World War I," D. V. Glass, London School of Democratic Society," Julian E. Butterworth, Cornell Economics. University. Division on Human Ecology. Robert E. L. Faris, Bryn Section on the Family.-Joint Session with the Na­ Mawr College, Chairman. Francis I Room. tional Conference on Family Relations. Meyer F. "The Development of Delinquent Traditions in the Nimkoff, Bucknell University, Chairman. English­ Urban Environment," Malcolm McCallum, Chicago WaiD.ut Room. Area Projects. Topic: Prediction of Success or Failure in Marriage. "The Extension of Urban Characteristics into Sur­ "Some Data on Marital Adjustments of Intellectually rounding Rural Areas," E. T. Hiller, University of Gifted Subjects," Lewis M. Terman and Winifred B. Illinois. Johnson, Stanford University. 8 THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROGRAM OF THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING 9

"Predicting Adjustment in Engagement and Marriage," Panel discussion: Cooperative Research in Conceptual E. W. Burgess and Paul Wallin, University of Chi­ Integration: A Discussion of the Research Procedure, cago. Program and Organization of the C. C. I. Discussion: Hornell Hart, Duke University. Discussants: F. S. Chapin, G. A. Lundberg, L. L. Section on Sociology and Psychiatry. J. L. Moreno, Bernard and R. B.ain. Beacon, New York, Chairman. Pine Room Balcony. Section on the Sociology of Religion-Joint Session "The Leadership Process in Pre-Military Organiza­ l with the Rural Sociological Society. David E. Lind­ zations," Albert J. Murphy, Office of Education, strom, University of Illinois, Chairman. Francis I Headquarters Second Corps Area, U. S. Army. Room. "Informal Groupings in a Spanish-American Village," Topic: Significant Church Programs for Rural Com­ Charles P. _Loomis, Acting Head, Division on Farm munities. Population and Rural Welfare, U. S. Department of Papers will be read by L. G. Ligutti, Executive Secre­ Agriculture. tary, National Catholic Rural Life Conference; Mark "A New Theory of Treatment in Social Case Work," Rich, Secretary, Department of Town and Country Mary B. Treudley, Wellesley College. Work, American Baptist Home Mission Society. Discussion: C. C. Taylor; R. S. Lynd; R. M. Maciver. Discussion from the floor. Section on Criminology. Nathaniel Cantor, University 3:oo- s:oo P.M. Section on Political Sociology. H. A. Miller, Temple of Buffalo, Chairman. Pine Room Balcony. University, Chairman. English-Walnut Room. "The Limits of Penal Treatment," Hans Von Hentig, "The Probiem of Democracy in the Increasing Govern­ Director, Colorado Crime Survey. mental Control of Today," Charles J .. Bushnell, To be followed by an hour of discussion. University of Toledo. Section on Social Statistics-Joint Session with the "The Proletarian Movement," Johann Mokre, St. American Statistical Association. Clark Tibbitts, Uni- Louis University. versity of Michigan, Chairman. Florentine Room. "Class Conflict in the United States," C. C. North, "New Features of the 1940 Population Census," Leon Ohio State University. E. Truesdell, Chief Statistician for Population. Section on Sociology and Social Work-Joint Session "General Population Statistics," Henry S. Shryock, with the American Association for Labor Legislation. Statistician, Population. John B. Andrews, Secretary American Association for "Employment and Income Statistics," A. Ross Eckler, Labor Legislation, Chairman. North Ballroom, Stev­ Chief, Economic Statistics. ens Hotel. "Occupation and Industry Statistics," Alba M. Ed­ "Multiple Pensions or Extended Coverage?" John J. wards, Chief, Occupation and Industry Statistics. Corson, Federal Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors' "Housing Statistics," Howard G. Brunsman, Chief, Insurance. Housing Statistics "Old Age Pension Overhang," Edwin E. Witte, Uni­ "The Use of Sampling in the Census," Philip M. versity of Wisconsin. Hauser, Assistant Chief Statistician for Population. Discussants: Helen Fisher Hohman, Northwestern Uni­ Discussion. versity; Lea D. Taylor, Chicago Commons, Chairman Social Action Section ofNational Conference to So­ s:oo P.M. Meeting of the Executive Committee. Room 1102. cial Work; Paul Haensel, Northwestern University. 8 :oo P.M. Smoker under the auspices of the University of Chicago. *Committee on Conceptual Integration. Albert Blumen­ Hutchinson Commons, University of Chicago Campus. thal, State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri, Chairman. Pine Room. "Is Ambiguity Desirable in Certain Social Science Con­ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 cepts?" George A. Lung berg, Bennington College. 8:ooA.M. *Annual Breakfast Meeting, Rural Sociological Society. "Comments on Professor Lundberg's Paper," Herbert English-Walnut Room. Blumer, University of Chicago. *Breakfast Meeting, Social Science Section of the Illi- IO THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROGRAM OF THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING II "Recent Major Efforts at PrediCtion: A Review and nois State Academy of Science. Rooms I I74 and I 176. *University of Chicago Breakfast. Francis I Room. Evaluation," Elio D. Monachesi, University of Min­ 9: oo-I 2:30 General Meeting of the Society to be followed by the nesota. Annual Business Meeting of the Society and the "What is Needed in Federal Criminal Statistics to Make Election of Officers. Florentine Room. Them Useful in the Calculation of Risks," C. C. Van Topic: The Challenge of the Times to the Sociologist. Vechten, U.S. Bureau of the Census. "The Nature of the Challenge," , Har­ "The Possibility of Prediction from Knowledge of Con­ vard University. stitutional Types," William H. Sheldon, Harvard "Sociologists and the Supreme Values of our Times," University. Howard Becker, University of Wisconsin. Discussion from the floor. Discussants: Willard Waller; Paul H. Landis. Section on Sociological Theory and Social Problems. Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers. Richard C. Fuller, University of Michigan, Chair­ man. Room n64. w:oo-I2:oo A.M. *Rural Sociological Society. General Meeting with "Two Sociological Frames of Reference Contrasted," round-table discussion. Room n64. Stuart A. Queen, Washington University. Topic: Public Welfare and Family Social Work in "The Natural History of a Social Problem," Richard Rural Areas. R. Myers, University of Michigan. Round-table discussion: James H. S. Bossard, Univer­ I2:45 P.M. *Luncheon Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. sity of Pennsylvania; Cecil North, Ohio State Uni­ Pine Room Balcony. versity; Mabel Elliott, University of Kansas; Verne Wright, ; Henry Meyer, 2:ooP.M. Meeting of the New Executive Committee and of Washington State College. Newly Elected Chairmen of Sections. Room I 102. 2:oo- 4:00P.M. Section on Community. C. Horace Hamilton, North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineer­ HEADQUARTERS ing, Chairman, English-Walnut Room. "Status Systems and the Socialization of the Child," The headquarters of the Society will be the Congress Hotel where a regis­ Allison Davis, Dillard University. tration and information desk will be maintained. Members are requested to Discussion: Robin Williams, University of Kentucky. register as soon as possible after arrival. "Cultural Factors in Land Use Planning," John H. Reservation should be made at an early date. The rates at the Congress Provinse, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hotel are: Single room, $3.00 and up; double room, $5.00 and up; suites Discussion: George W. Hill, University of Wisconsin. $8.oo and up. Section on the Family. Meyer F. Nimkoff, Bucknell The rates at the Stevens Hotel are: Single room, $3.00 and up; double University, Chairman. Francis I. Room. room, $4.50 and up (with twin beds, $6.oo and up). Topic: The Family and War. Other hotels located near the Congress and Stevens Hotels are: Atlantic "Selected Effects of War Upon the Family," James (Clark and Jackson); Bismarck (Randolph and Wells); Blackstone (Michi­ H. S. Bossard, University of Pennsylvania. gan Avenue at 7th); Great Northern Gackson and Dearborn); Harrison "Familism and War," Carle C. Zimmerman, Harvard (Harrison and Wabash); LaSalle (Madison and LaSalle); Morrison (Madi­ University. son and Clark); Palmer House (15 East Monroe); Sherman (Clark and Discussion: Bernhard J. Stern, Columbia University; Randolph). Eric Estorick, New York University; Clifford Kirk­ patrick, University of Minnesota. Section on Social Statistics. Clark Tibbitts, University TRANSPORTATION University of Michigan, Chairman. Pine Room. "The Implications and the Promise of Prediction in No convention rate has been allowed by the various passenger associa­ Sociology," Walter C. Reckless, Ohio State Univer­ tions. However, it is suggested that members consult their local ticket office sity. about possible round trip or Christmas rates. '