
AMEI(__. ~ SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION J.'. ) ... 1fi:MBERS OF THE COUNCIL,. 1962 ( ./ Officers of the Association 57TH President, PAUL F. LAZARSFELD, President-Elect, EVERETT C. HuGHES, Brandeis University Vice-President, WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wisconsin ~N~"C'" ..AL ~EET::C~G Vice-President-Elect, LEONARD BROOM, University of Texas Secretary, , Editor, American Sociological Review, HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon Executive Officer, RoBERT 0. CARLSON, American Sociological Association Administrative Officer, JANICE H. HoPPER, University Former Presidents , , Berkeley WILBERT E. MooRE, for HowARD BECKER RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of W~U~hington Elected at Large , University of California, REUBEN L. HILL, Berkeley WILLIAM L. KoLB, Carleton College WILLIAM J. GooDE, Columbia University MELVIN TUMIN, Princeton University ilttitltJica1 WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wis­ THEODORE CAPLow;·columbia University consin , University of RALPH H. TURNER, University of California, RunoLF HEBERLE, Louisiana State Uni- Los Angeles versity DoNALD R. CRESSEY, University of Cali­ ALEX INKELES, Harvard University fornia, Los Angeles 41sstciatita ~ Elected from Affiliated Societies WALTER T. MARTIN, Pacific ALFRED McCLUNG LEE, Society for the FRANK R. WEsTIE, Ohio Valley Study of Social Problems WALTER FIREY, Southwestern CHARLES H. PAGE, Eastern HARoLD W. SAUNDERS, Midwest HENRY S. SHRYOCK, JR., District of Co­ RuPERT VANCE, Southern lumbia CHARLES P. LooMIS, Rural Editor, Sociometry, RALPH H. TuRNER, University of California, Los Angeles SECTION OFFICERS, 1962 Criminology Chairman, PAUL W. TAPPAN, University of California, Berkeley RI~f\IJ Chairman-Elect, LLoYD E. OHLIN, New York School of Social Work Secretary-Treasurer, DANIEL GLASER, University of of Education Chairman, BURTON CLARK, University of California, Berkeley ~~SG~f\1'4 Chairman-Elect, MARTIN A. TROW, University of California, Berkeley Secretary-Treasurer, DAVID GoTTLIEB, Michigan State University Medical Sociology Chairman, EVERETT C. HUGHES, Brandeis University . Chairman-Elect, HARVEY L. SMITH, 1Jniversity of North Carolina Secretary-Treasurer, SAMUEL W. BLOOM, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Methodology Chairman, LESLIE K:IsH, University of Michigan Chairman-Elect, HERBERT HYMAN, Columbia University WASHINGTON, D. C. Secretary-Treasurer, RoBERT McGINNIS, Social Psychology Chairman, GUY E. SWANSON, University of Michigan .::..'"O""G- ~9., 30., ~:1.., SE:J?'J:'- :1.., ~ Chairman-Elect, ALEX INKELES, Harvard University Secretary-Treasurer, FRED DAVIS, University of California, San Francisco :1.96~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Washington Square, New York 3, N. Y. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman: PAUL F. l.A..z.usFE.LD, Columbia University WILLIAM J. Gooo•, Columbia University WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wieconsin T.ALCO'M' P.lB.SONS, Harvard Univereity IIARoLD L. WILENSKY, University of Michigan SESSION ORGANIZERS The Ua .. of Sociology The Role of the SocioloP,t Per8i.Jtent Social Proble1M ORVILLE G. BmM, Jn. ALLEN H. BABTON CBABLES H. PAGE JoaN A. CLAusEN T ,U.COTT p ABBOKS RtcnARI> A. GLow ARD DANIEL o. PRICE AMlTAI w. ETZJONI HKNRT w. Rli.CKEN The Economy Enw ARD A. Suca>UN JoaN W. RILEY, Ja. RoBERT DUBIN DAYID L. StLLS CBARLEB Y. GLOcK DoNALD YouNG ABRAM J. JAFFE The Life Cycle CHARLES p. LOOMI8- DANIEL BELL Scientific Issues HARPLD L. WILENSKY THEODORE CAPLOW BBitNARD BJtREI.SON AmlABAM ZAuz:NtX: WILLIAM J. GOODE HERBERT H YMA.N M.u KAPLAN ALl'lllm McCLUNG LEE The Professioru GoRDON F. STBEIB RoBERT K. MERTON JosHUA A. FISHMAN FRED L. STRODTBECK NEIL J. SMELSER JOSEPH T. KLAP•n WAYNE WHEELER HENRY J. MEYER GIBSON WINTER Panel Discuuion Public Affair& lliNS ZEISEL THOMAS F. PETTlCBKW RAYMOND V. Bow EBB w. PHILLIPS D.lVlBON MoBJUs ].llfoWITZ WILBEB1' E. MoonE Symposium CLARENCE Surma HowABD Y. McCLUSKEY

Traditional Se.. loru MARsaALL B. eu',ARD Wn.LLUi L. KoLB SEYMOUR MARTIJI( LIP!IET NELSON N. FoOTE WILLlA.M A. KORNHAUSER LEO P'. SCBNOBE JosEPH R. GusFIELD GERHARD E. LENSKJ ERWIN o. SMtCEL Sea1lon. Under Section AUApice• RoaEJtT A. FELDMESSERt Sociology of Education LESLIE KIBH, Methodology HowARD E. FREEMAN, Medical SoCiology GxoacE G. R.E.A.DER, Medical Sociology EVEBETI' C. HUGHES, Medical Sociology J.AMEB F. SHORT, Jn., Criminology RoBERT F. WINCH, Social Psychology CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chairman: CoNRAD TllOBEB, Bureau of the Census A.ni.JtDnt to Chairman: PAUL F. MYEBB, Bureau of the Census

Adt>laory RoaUT T. BowER, Bureau of Social Science Research, RABoLD HoFPSDMMER, University of Maryland I,oc. STUART A. RICE, Surveys & Research Corporation RT. REv. Msca. PAUL H. Fuanrr, Catholic University HENRY RmcKEN, National Science Foundation of America Eu Ross, Trinity College AusnN v~ DEB SLICE, American University

Conference Headquarter• Formal E"ent. G. FRANKLIN EDwARDs, Howard University JERRY W. CoMBs, Jo., Bureau of the Census R~gtatratlon Projenlonal Tour• SAMUEL BAUM, Univemity EARL E. HUYcB:, Department of Health, Education and Interpretation Welfare NoRA LB..Jms, Department of State TVA Tour Employment CALVERT L. DEDmcK, Bureau of the Census CRA.RLES E. HUTCHINSON, American Sociological Asso­ Ho,... Ro•pltallty ciation PAUL C. GucJC, Bureau of the Census Horulnw Hoapltalitl' F 4THEB DANIEL L. LowERY, The Catholic Ud;veteity of ~ FRANCES SHBYOCK, Americal1 Sociological As80· America .. ciation FUm Public Spa

LU.iaon U!lth Rural Sociolo1flaU GL.4DYS K: Bowas, Department of AgricUlture

The facllities of the Emp_loyment Serviejo fo"r the_Dbtrlet of Columbia will be used at the meetings. Int~es_ted per89n.~ should report_ >to the PlaCement area, Room F 958, ~edia~y after regilrterlng. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATJ';:'~ PROGRAM THEME: PROGRAM OUTLINE "\;£} CAME RICAN THE USES OF SOCIOLOGY WEDNESDAY, August 29 PAGE The effort is made to take stock of the IO:OO A.M.-SECTIONS-Medical Sociology: Business Meeting ...... 6 ways in which sociological ideas and re­ Criminology: Business Meeting .•...... 6 SOCIOLOGICAL search data .have been applied to the cur­ II :00 A.M. Methodology: Business Meeting ...... 6 rent problems of American society. The 2:00 P.M. Medical Sociology: Special Session on Social Policy and sessions devoted to this theme are starred Medicine ...... 6 in the program outline (see opposite page); Social Psychology: Business Meeting ...... 6 ASSOCIATION 3:30 P.M. Social Psychology: Special Session on Social Interaction .. 6 the others being the established sessions 4:00 P.M. Sociology of Education: Business Meeting .•...... 6 for special fields. The. chairman of the ses­ 57th Annual Meeting sions on the Uses of Sociology have been THURSDAY, August 30 FRIDAY, August 31 SATURDAY, September I asked to think of their objectiv~s in the 8:30-IO:OO A.M. PAGE 9 :00-II :00 A.M. pAGE 9 :00-II :00 A.M. pAGE August 29- broadest terms, interpreting . them as best Criminology ...... 15 Registration ...... 7 *Adult and His Family. . . . . 22 suited to their own fields. I hope that soiJle· Human Ecology ...... 15 September 2, 1962 thing like a spectrum of utilll:y'will. devel?P *Agriculture ...... 22 *Observations on Desegrega- Crinlinology ...... 22 before. us leading from the use of soCial tion ...... 15 IO:OO A.M.-I2:00 M. *General Health ...... 22 theory in neighboring fields such as history and econon)ics~ at the *Religion and Political Proc- *Mental Health ...... 23 one end, to the utilization of particular empirical :;esearch by agen­ *Adolescent Values and Occu- ess ...... 16 *VVar and Peace ...... 23 cies wanting to pursue ? concrete goal more effectively, at the other pations ...... 7 Social Psychology ...... 16 ...... 16 end. *Large Scale Organizations... 7 *Mass Media ...... 7 *Sociology and Education ... 16 The chairman of the sessions dealing with utilities have been asked II :00 A.M.-I2 :00 M. Medical Sociology ...... 8 II :00 A.M.-I2 :00 M. to review for later publication whatever pertinent c?ntributio~s Methodology ...... 8 Business Meeting ...... 23 they have found, to point out neglected areas and available sociO· *Problematics of Applied So- Business Meeting ...... 17 logical findings and id,eas that have b~en. overlooke~. Because !he~e ciology ...... 8 I :30-3:30 P.M. Sociology of Religion ...... 9 I :30-3:30 P.M. is so little time for each session, onnss1on of pertinent matenal 1s *Agriculture ...... 17 bound to occur. It would be most helpful if m~rn?ers of the Ass_o­ *Foreign Relations ...... 17 *Armed Forces ...... 23 ciation would make suggestions about these om1ss10ns to the charr­ *Ministry ...... 24 I:30-3:30.P.M. *Manpower and Unemploy- men after each session. ment ...... 17 *Political Parties ...... 24 Occupations and Professions 18 Social Change ...... 24 Until 1937 the annual meetings of our Association were organized *Delinquent Behavior ...... 9 *Disasters ...... 9 *Organizational Change .... 18 Social Psychology ...... 25 around a ~entral theme. Since then it was generally held that the Family ...... 10 Political Modernization . . . . 18 *Sociology of Leisure ...... 25 diversification of the field made this procedure unworkable. But the *Mental Health ...... 10 *Social Research in Universi- *Unions and Sociology. . . . . 25 rapid expansion of sociology, both in number of soCiologists and in *Social Work ...... 10 ties ...... 19 the growth of research, makes its uses a matter of special concern. *Sociologist in Education. . . . 10 *Sociologist as Consultant ... 19 *Sociologist in Government .. 11 3:30-5:30 P.M. We do not want to create ·great expectations which we cannot ful­ 3:30-5:30 P.M. fill nor do we want to be excluded from the present surge of inter­ *Sociologist as Staff Member. 11 • American Studies ...... 26 • Adolescent Vslues and Occu- *Home-School-Community Re- est' in scientific activities in the country; thus, the theme of this pations ...... 19 year's meetings should provide a timely common denominator. lations ...... 26 3:30-5:30 P.M. *The Consumer .... ,· ...... 19 *Evaluation of Policy ...... 20 Old Age and Social Structure 26 Paul F. Lazarsfeld Professional Ethics: 0 pen *General Health ...... 11 Family Sociology ...... 20 President, American Sociological Meeting ...... 26 *Managerial Sociology ..... 12 Human Ecology ...... 20 Association, 1962 *Social Work ...... 27 *Problems of Aging ...... 12 Social Stratification ...... 20 *Sociology and Education .... 27 Social Deviance ...... 12 *Social Theory and Applied Social Organization ...... 13 Sociology ...... 21 PROGRAM THEMES: *Social Research Institutes. . . 13 *Work and Careers ...... 21 8:00P.M. INTERNATIONAL Sociology of Education. . . . . 13 *Strategies of Applied Soci- 8:00P.M. Presidential Address and In­ THE SOCIOLOGISTS, THE POLICY­ ology ...... 14 Special Evening Session .... 21 formal Gathering ...... 27 SOCIOLOGICAL MAKERS, AND THE PUBLIC SUNDAY, September 2 (Joint with the American Sociological 9:00-il:OO A.M. PAGE PAGE -ASSOCIATION Association) *Developing Areas ....'. . . . . 28 *Productivity and Supervision 29 *Foundations and Applied So- . *Sociology and Other Social ciology ...... 28 Sciences ...... 29 5th World Congress THE SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT *Law ...... , ...... 28 *Urban Planning ...... 29 ------." •...... ,28 · of Sociology * Sessions devoted to program theme: THE USES OF SOCIOLOGY (see opposite page). THE NATURE AND PROBLEMS Council, Conunittees, Boards, Special Meetings ...... See pages 30-32 September 2-8, 1962 OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY NOTE ESPECIALLY All Day Council' Meeting, Wednesday, August 29th. List of Exhibitors ...... see page 33 Also meeting in Washington, D.C.: Rural Sociological Society Society for the Study of Social Problems 6 7

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 10:00 A.M. 8:30-10:00 A.M. REGISTRATION-Main Lobby SECTION ON MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY: BUSINESS MEETING-Park Room 10:00 A.M.-12:00 M. SECTION ON CRIMINOLOGY: BUSINESS MEETING-Tamerlane Room THE LIFE CYCLE: ADOLESCENTS; VALUES AND OCCUPATIONAL ORI­ ENTATIONS-West Ballroom ll:OO A.M. Chairman, FRED L. STRODTBECK, SECTION ON METHODOLOGY: BUSINESS MEETING-Club Room GELIA T. CAsTILLO, University of the Philippines - "Occupational Sex Roles as Perceived by Filipino Adolescents" 2:00-5:00 P.M. PAUL D. SHEA, Harvard University SECTION ON MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY-SOCIAL POLICY AND MEDICINE: "Increasing Educational and Occupational Life Chances with the School A SESSION IN HONOR OF MICHAEL M. DAVIS-Main Ballroom Guidance Aid Developed by Samuel A. Stouffer" MosHE LISSAK, Hebrew University, Israel Chairman, HoWARD E. FREEMAN, Brandeis University "Social Status, Stratification Image and Social Choice" OsLER L. PETERSON and AssociATES, Harvard University Medical School ETHELYN DAVIS, Texas Woman's University "Medical Careers, Medical Care, and Health" "Occupational Orientations and the Self-Image of the Adolescent Girl" "Quantity and Quality of Medical Care and Health," OsLER L. PETERSON ALAN F. BLUM, University of Chicago, and RITA ]AMES SIMON New York "The Sequence of Career Decisions: The Postgraduate Training of School of Social Work ' "The Role of Primary Groups in the Inter-Generational Transmission of Physicians," FREMONT JAMEs LYDEN Socio-Political Information" "Patterns of Choice and Use of Physicians by Families," H. ]ACK GEIGER OsWALD fuLL, THE LIFE CYCLE: THE INDIVIDUAL IN LARGE SCALE ORGANIZATIONS "Proble:piS on the Borderline of Medical Sociology" -Palladian Room EVERETT C. HuGHES, Brandeis University Chairman, THEODORE CAPLOW, Columbia University "Some Comments" OsCAR GRusKY, University of California, Los Angeles Discussion: MicHAEL M. DAVIS, Chevy Chase, Maryland "Managerial Succession and Organizational Effectiveness" CABRo~L L. SHARTLE, JoHN R. Rizzo and GARY B. BRUMBACK, Ohio State Uni· - versrty 2:00P.M. "Dimensions of Organizational Value Acts" SECTION ON SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: BUSINESS MEETING-Park Room fuRRy M. MAKLER, Columbia University "The Measurement of Centralization/Decentralization in Formal Organ­ izations" 3:30-5:30 P.M. JoHN B. KNox, University of Tennessee SECTION ON SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: SPECIAL SESSION ON NEW AP­ - PROACHES TO THE STUDY OF SOCIAL INTERACTION-Park Room ''The Corporation: Some Argentine and American Attitudes" BARNEY G. GLASER, University of California Medical Center Chairman, GuY E. SWANSON, University of Michigan "The Local-Cosmopolitan Scientist" RoBERT F. BALES, Harvard University "A Computer Approach to- Content Analysis" THE PROFESSIONS: MASS MEDIA-Main Ballroom. RoBERT DuBIN, University of Oregon Chairman, JOSEPH KLAPPER, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. "Some Experimental Studies of Mead's 'Taking the Role of the Other' " HARoLD MENDELSOHN, University of. Denver DANIEL R. MILLER, University of Michigan "The Influence of Sociological Perspectives on Mass Communication "The Empirical Study of Dyadic Relationships" Research" MELVIN A. GoLDBERG, National Association of Broadcasters 4:00-6:00 P.M. "A Codification of Ignorance and Industry Need" SECTION ON THE SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION: BUSINESS MEETING­ HERBERT E. KRuGMAN, MARPLAN Premise Room "The Research of Tomorrow" 8 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(continued) THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(continued) 9

STUDIES IN MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY-Terrace Banquet Room SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION-Park Room Chairman, WILLIAM L. KoLB, Carleton Chairman, FRED DAVIS, University of California Medical Center Colle~e BERNARD LAZERWITZ, University of illinois RoBERT L. EICHHORN and RONALD M. ANDERSEN, Purdue University "The 'Three Generation' Hypothesis: An Investigation of Findings by "Personal Adjustment to Heart Disease: A Panel Study" Herberg and Lenski" NoRMAN A. ScoTCH and SoL LEVINE, Harvard School of Public Health GuNTER W. REMMLING, Southern Illinois University "Stress as a Variable" "Religion or Religiousness? Genesis and Present State of a Critical Theme GEORGE RosEN, School of Public Health and Adininistrative Medicine Columbia in American Religious Sociology" University ' JoHN KosA, University of North Carolina, and LEo D. RAcHIELE, Le Moyne Col­ ~I "Negativism: A Form of Reaction to Medical Innovation" lege RUE BucHER, Michael Reese Hospital "Spirit of Capitalism, Traditiomllism and the Catholics: A Re-examina- "The Psychiatric Residency and Socialization into the Profession" tion of Weber's Concepts" RoDNEY W. STARK, University of California, Berkeley "Class, Radicalism and Church Attendance in Great Britain" METHODOLOGY FRANZ ADLER, Los Angeles State College Chairman, LESLIE K:IsH, University of Michigan-Club Room "The Sociology of Religion as Part of a Generalized Sociology of Cre­ ative Behavior: A Conceptual Outline." HENDRICK W. VAN DER MERWE, University of Saskatchewan "A Method for the Study of Leadership" HARRISON C. WHITE, University of Chicago 1:30-3:30 P.M. "The Formal Structure of Preferential Marriage Systems" C. HoRACE IIAMu.ToN, North Carolina State College PERSISTENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS: DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR-Park "A Multivariate Technique for Inter-Correlated Nominal Scales" Room I PATRICIA A. FINN, The Mitre Corporation, and ANTON S. MoRTON, Massachusetts Chairman, RicHARD A. CLOWARD, New York School of Social Work, Columbia Institute of Technology · University I "Equating Scores from Subgroups" LYLE W. SHANNON, University of Wisconsin "Scaling Juvenile Delinquency" Discussion: PHILIP C. SAGI, University of Pennsylvania EDGAR F. BoRGATTA, University of Wisconsin JACKSON ToBY, Rutgers University LINDSEY CHURCfiiLL, University of California, Los Angeles "The Prospects for Delinquency Reduction in Industrial Societies" DAVID GoLD, State University of Iowa HANAN C. SELVIN and TRAVIS HrnscHI, University of California Berkeley "Methodological Issues in the Study of Juvenile Delinqu~ncy" SCIENTIFIC ISSUES: MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROBLEMATIC OF OLIVER C. MoLES, JR., University of Michigan APPLIED SOCIOLOGY-Premise Room "Role Models for Boy Assanlters and Thieves" Chairman, ALFRED McCLUNG LEE, PAUL LERMAN, JoHN A. MicHAEL and JAMES A. JoNES, New York School of Social Work, Columbia University SEVERYN T. BRUYN, ,Illinois College "Juvenile Delinquency in an Urban Area: A Comparison of Official and "Rhetorical Devices in Sociological Analysis" Reported Behavior" MERVYN L. CADWALLADER, San Jose State College "Obligation in an Age :of Decline" PERSISTENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS: DISASTERS-T~erlane Room JUDITH R. KRAMER, Brooklyn College "The Sociologist's Responsibility to the Minority Community" Chairman, ALLEN BARTON, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University J. KENNETH MoRLAND, Randolph-Macon Woman's College MEDA WHITE, University of Chicago "Roles of Citizen and Sociologist in Race Relations in the South" "Role Conflict in Disasters-A Re-examination" HELENA ZNANIECKI LoPATA, Roosevelt University HARRY MooRE, University of Texas "The Dysfunctional Effects of· the Dissemination of Social Science "Two Cases of Large-Scale Evacuation from Disaster Threat" Knowledge" FREDERICK L. BATEs, Louisiana State University Discussion: PAUL OREN, JR., University of Vermont "Long-Term Social Change .in Response to a Natural Disaster" G 10 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(continued) THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(continued) 11

GEORGE W. BAKER, Disaster Research Group, NAS·NRC "The Study of Human Behavior in Disaster: Its Status and Future RoBERT BIERSTEDT, New York University Development" "Sociology and General Education" Eu CHINOY, THE FAMILY-Premise Room "Popular Sociology" Chairman, NELSON N. FooTE, General Electric Company MAURICE R. STEIN, Brandeis University "Sociology as Poetry" JoHN H. BURMA, Grinnell College "Inter-Ethnic Marriages in Los Angeles" THE ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: THE SOCIOLOGIST IN GOVERNMENT MARVIN B. SussMAN, Western Reserve University, and LEE G. BURCHINAL, Iowa -Palladian Room State University "Reappraising Kin Networks in Urban Society" Chairman, HENRY W. RrncKEN, National Science Foundation ]AMES W. SWINEHART, University of Michigllll CHARLES E. HuTCHINSON, Air Force Office of Scientific Research "Sociill Class, Status Aspirations and Maternal Attitudes" Title to be announced HARVEY J. LocKE and MARY MARGARET THOMES University of Southern Cal- WARD S. MAsON and NAHUM Z. MEDALIA, Department of Health, Education, and ifornia ' Welfare "Communication between Family Members" "Positions and Prospects of Sociology in the Federal Government" EARL E. HUYcK, Office of the Secretary, United States Department of Health, Edu­ PERSISTENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS: USES OF SOCIOLOGY IN THE FIELD cation, and Welfare OF MENTAL HEALTH-Main Ballroom "Weber, Ward, Sociologists, and the Sociological Cosmos in Washington" Chairman, ]OHN A. CLAUSEN, University of California, Berkeley MoRRIS S. ScHWARTZ, Brandeis University . . THE ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: THE SOCIOLOGIST AS A STAFF "Uses of Sociology in Mental Health Treatment Programs" MEMBER-West Ballroom H. W AHREN DUNHAM, and Lafayette Clinic Chairman, JoHN W. RILEY, JR., The Eqnitable Life Assurance Society of the United "Uses of Sociology in Epidemiological Investigations of Mental Illness" States · · Discussion: WILLIAM A. CAUDILL, National Institute of Mental Health RoBERT 0. CARLSON, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey MELVIN KaHN, National Institute of Mental Health "In Business and Industry" HoPE J. LEICHTER, Jewish Family Service SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK: A MULTI-LEVEL APPROACH-Club "In Welfare and Community Service" Room ELBRIDGE SmLEY, Social Science Research Council Chairman, HENRY J. MEYER, University of Michigan "In Organized Social Science" EDWIN J. THOMAS, University of Michigan NATHANIEL H. SIEGEL and LEWis L. RoBBINs, Hillside Hospital "Interpersonal Helping Processes" "In Health and Medicine" RoBERT D. VINTER, University of Michigan LAURis B. WHITMAN, National Council of Churches "A Theory of Treatment Organizations" "In Organized Religion" EuGENE LITWAK and HENRY J. MEYER, University of Michigan "Theory and Practice in Community Change" 3:30-5:30 P.M.

Discussion: MoRRis JANOWITZ, University of Chlcago PERSISTENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS: GENERAL HEALTH PROBLEMS-Club ALFRED J. KAHN, Columbia University Room ·

THE ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST IN GENERAL EDUCATION-Terrace Chairman, EDWARD A. SucHMAN, New York Department ofHealth Banquet Room RoBERT STRAus, University of Kentucky Medical Center Chairman, CHARLES H. PAGE, Princeton University "Planning of Health Facilities" RoBERT A. NisBIT, University of Califo~ia Riverside MILTON I. RoEMER, University of California, Los Angeles, and RAY H. ELLING, "Sociology in the Aeademy" ' Cornell University "Sociological Research on Medical Care" I 12 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(continued) THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(continued) 13

STEPHEN A. RICHARDSON, Association for Aid of Crippled Children JAMES F. SHORT, JR., Washington State University "The Social Psychological Consequences of Handicapping" "Delinquency, Crime and Anomie: A Critique" HELEN MAYER HACKER, Department of Health, and LEON G. RoBERT K. MERToN, Columbia University GOLDSTEIN, United States Public Health Service Summary and Comments "Sociological Research on Accidents" SOCIAL ORGANIZATION-West Ballroom THE ECONOMY: THE USES OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY IN THE MAN­ Chairman, RoBERT RABENSTEIN, University of Missouri AGERIAL PROCESS-Palladian Room ALLEN D. GRIMSHAW, University of Indiana Chairman, ABRAHAM ZALEZNIK, Harvard School of Business "The Essential Instability of the 'Stahle' Society" RoBERT H. GUEST, Dartmouth College GEORGE A. IlnLERY, JR., University of Kentucky "The Managerial Uses Implications of Socio-Technical Systems Theory" "Communities, Prisons and Mental Institutions" HERBERT A. SHEPARD, Case Institute of Technology CHARLES B. PERBOW, University of Michigan "The Managerial' Uses Implications of Bureaucratic Theory" "Reality Shock: A New Organization Confronts the Treatment-Custody Dilemma" Lams H. 0RZACK, "Administrative Decisions and Roles in a New Organization" WILLIAM M. EVAN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "Peer Group Interaction and Organizational Socialization: A Study of JoNATHAN A. SLESINGER and ERNEST HARBURG, University of Michigan an Employee Turnover" "The Management of Executive Stress in Complex Organizations" MAYER N. ZAw and PATRICIA DENTON, University of Chicago RoGER WALKER, International Business Machines "From Evangelism to General Service: Transformation of a Welfare "Communications Analysis and Systems Design" Organizatio~" WILLIAM C. LAWTON, University of Arizona "Kio8hip Factors in Complex Organizations" THE LIFE CYCLE: PROBLEMS OF AGING-Tamerlane Room Chaimian, GoRDON F. STREm, Cornell University THE ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: CASE STUDIES OF SOCIAL RE­ SEARCH INSTITUTES-Terrace Banquet Room HARRY R. DicK and HrnAM J. FRIEDSAM, North Texas State University "Living Arrangements of Aged Persons Prior to Institutionalization" Chairman, DANIEL 0. PRICE, University of North Carolina HARDY PosMAN, Community Service Society, New York VERNON K. DmBLE, Columbia University "An Experimental Study of Geriatric Rehabilitation" "Midwest Administration Center" LEONARD Z. BREEN, Purdue University SYDNEY S. SPIVACK, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University "Community Conceptions of Aging: A Case Study of Problem Solution" "Bureau of Applied Social Research" DoNALD P. KENT and JuNE L. SHMELZER, Special Staff on Aging, Department STANLEY E. SEASHORE, Institute for Social Research, University of .Michigan of Health, Education and Welfare "Institute for Social Research" "The Uses of Sociology in a Federal Agency" SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION-Park Room Discussion: HAROLD L. SHEPPARD, United States Department of Commerce Chairman, RoBERT A. FELDMESSER, Brandeis University SOCIAL DEVIANCE AND DISORGANIZATION-Main Ballroom CHARLES E. BIDWELL, University of Chicago, and REBECCA S. VREELAND, Harvard University Chairman, MARsHALL B. CLINARD, University of Wisconsin "The Residential College as an Administered Community" Panel Discussion: EDWIN M. LEilrnRT, University of California, Davis KIYosm IKEDA, Oberlin College "Deviant Behavior and Anomie: A Critique" "Sociology and the Classroom: A Case Study" H. W AHREN DUNHAM, Wayne State University DAVID NASATm and JoE MisMo, University of California, Berkeley "Mental Disorder and Anomie: A Critique" "The Social Context of Academic Failure" ALFRED R. L!NDESMITH, Indiana University LAURE M. SHARP, Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc. "Drug Addiction and Anomie: A Critique" "The B.A. as a Professional· Degree" CHARLES R. SNYDER, Southern Illinois University EuGENE HAAs and LINDA COLLEN, Ohio State University "Inebriety, Alcoholism and Anomie: A Critique" "Administrative Practices in University Departments" 14 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962-(emttinued) 15

THE ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: STRATEGIES OF APPLIED SOCI­ OLOGY-Premise Room FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 Chairman, DAVID L. SILLs, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences MoYE W. FREYMANN, The Ford Foundation , 9:00-11:00 A.M. "Observations on the Involvement of Research Users CRIMINOLOGY-Park Room RoBERT LoNGOOD New York State Department of Health, and AllNOLD SJMMEL, Bureau of Ap~lied Social Research, Columbia University. . . Chairman, ]AMES F. SHORT, JR., Washington State University "Organizational Resistances to Social Science Innovations m the Field JoNATHAN FREEDMAN and RAMoN RivERA, University of Chicago of Public Health" "Education, Social Class, and Patterns of Gang Delinquency" HANS L. ZETTERBERG, Columbia University • , RoGER J. FISHER and DANIEL GLAsER, \}niversity of Illinois "Some Strategies for Putting Sociological Knowledge to Practical Use "Post-Prison Data on the Crime and Non-Crime Career Cycle" Discussion: MILTON D. GRAHAM, American Foundation for the Blind JoHN H. GAGNON, Indiana University "Female Victims of Sex Offenses" KARL F. ScHUESSLER and GERALD T. SLATIN, Indiana University "Factors in City Crime: 1950 and 1960"

HUMAN ECOLOGY: ALTERNATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS-Premise Room Chairman, LEo F .. ScHNORE, University of Wisconsin ALVIN BosKOFF, En10ry University "The Myth of the Homogeneous Suburb: A Case Smdy" KARL E. TAEUBER, Population Research and Training Center, University of Chicago "Negro Residential Segregation, ·1940-1960: Changing Trends in the Large of the United States" JAcK P. GmBs, University of Texas, and WALTER T. MARTIN, University of Oregon ", Technology, and the Division of Lalior: International Patterns" RoBERT LEE CRAIN, University of Chicago and National Analysts, Inc. "Inter-City Influence in the Diffusion of Fluoridation" MURIIAY A. BEAUCHAMP, University of Buffalo "The Strategy of Ecological Research: A Discussion"

SOCIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON DESEGREGATION-Palladian Room Chairman, THOMAS F. PETTIGREW, Harvard University BENJAMIN B. RINGER, The American Jewish Committee "Perceived Alignn~ents of ReligiouS and Racial Groups in the Contro­ versy over Schools" ELMER LucHTERHAND, Sarali Lawrence College, and TAKUYA MARUYAMA, Depart- ment of Planning, Westchester County, New York "A Desegregation Movement in a Northern Suburb" HAROLD I. LIEF, Tulane University "The Social Worlds of Negro Southerners and School Desegregation" KUBT W. BAcK, "Sociology Encounters the Southern Protest Movement for Desegrega· tion" Discussion: OscAR CoHEN, Anti,Deflllliation League of B'narB'rith · HENRY G. STETLER. Connecticut Colllllililsion of Civil Rights . ;.·. -c.·. ~r ; 16 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962-(continued) FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962-(eontinued) 17

ORGANIZED RELIGION AND THE POLITICAL PROCESS: THE ROLE OF NEAL GRoss, Harvard University RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES--Main Ballroom "The Use and Abuse of Sociology in Training Programs for Educational j Administrators" Chairman, MoRRis JANOWITZ, University of Chicago RoBERT A. FELDMESSER, Brandeis University Panel Discussion: THoMAs F. O'DEA, University of Utah "Sociology and the Social Science Curriculum of the American High GERHARD LENsKI, University of Michigan School" MARSHALL SKLARE, The American Jewish Committee

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY-West Ballroom II :00 A.M.-12 :00 M. · J Chairman, RoBERT F. WINCH, BUSINESS MEETING-Terrace Banquet Room FREDERICK ELKIN, University of Montreal . . , "Leadership and Mob Behavior in a College Fratermty 1:30-3:30 P.M. EDGAR F. BoRGATTA, University .of Wisconsin . . , "The Structure of Personality Characteristics THE ECONO~: AGRICULTURE (Joint with Rural Sociological Society)- Palladian Room · JoHN T. DoBY, Emory University, and RAYMOND F. SLETTO,_ 0~~ Stat~ University "A Stochastic Model for Three-Way Sociometric Chmces Chairman, CHARLES P. LooMis, Michigan State University RICHARD L. MElLE, University of Oklalwma PAUL A. MILLER, University of West "Situational Determinants of Leadership Roles" "Uses of Sociology in Administration" RoBERT A. DENTLER, Columbia University Teachers College, and BERNARD MACK· OLAF F. LARSON, Cornell University LER, Kansas Neurological Institute "Uses of Sociology in Action Programs" "Originality: Some Social and Personal Correlates" C. MILTON CouGHENOUR, University of Kentucky SOCIAL STRATIFICATION-Club Room "The Pace of Technological Diffusion" Chairman, WERNER S. LANDECKER, University of Michigan Discussion: M. E. JoHN, Pennsylvania State University ALVIN L. BERTRAND, Louisiana State University DANIEL KuBAT, Wells College "Social Mobility in a Totalitarian Society" PUBLIC AFFAIRS: FOREIGN RELATIONS--West Ballroom ELTON F. JAcKSON, , and IlARRY J. CROCKETT, JR., University of North Carolina Chairman, W. PHILLIPS DAVISON, Council on Foreign Relations "Occupational Mobility in the United States" DAVID RoDNICK, Iowa Wesleyan College JAY DEMERATH, University of California, Berkeley "Foreign Policies as Phases of National Culture" "Status Discrepancy and V ertieal Status: Criticisms and Suggested Rem­ edies" RoBERT T. BoWER, Bureau of Social Science Research, Washington, D. C. "Evaluating the Effect of Foreign Policy" JoAN W. MooRE, University of Chicago "Growth Patterns in Metropolitan Ul!per Classes" FELIKS GRoss, New York University and Brooklyn College "Methods of Tension Area Analysis" JoHN D. KELLEY, San Fernando Valley State College "A Re-examination of Max W eher's Theory of Stratification" THE ECONOMY: MANPOWER AND UNEMPLOYMENT-Tamerll\lle Room THE PROFESSIONS: THE USES OF SOCIOLOGY IN EDUCATION-Ter­ Chairman, PAUL C. GLicK, Bureau of the Census race Banquet Room Chairman, JosHUA A. FISHMAN, Yeshiva University MuRRAY GENDELL, "Analysis of Unemployme~t by Area" MARTIN A. TRow, University of California, Berkeley "Some Uses of Sociology in Higher Education" ALBERT FRANCES, Pan-American Union "Some Manpower and Employment Problems in Latin America" HANAN C. SELVIN and DAVID NASATm, University of California, Berkeley "The Use of Information on Student Group-Life by College Adminis­ PHILIP DESIND, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare trators" "Education and Manpower" 18 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962-(continued) FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962-(continued) 19

OCCUPATIONS AND PROFESSIONS-Premise Room ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: UNIVERSITIES AND APPLIED SOCIAL RESEARCH-Main Ballroom Chairman, ERWIN 0. SMIGEL, New York University Chairman, TALCOTT PARSONs, Harvard University JoHN L. CoLOMBOTOS, Columbia University RENSIS LIKERT, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan "Sex Role and Professionalism: A Study of High School Teachers" "The Perspective of the Administrator of a Research Facility" RALPH W. TYLER, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences SuzANNE KELLER, New York Medical College Title to be announced. "The Social Recruitment of the Diplomatic Elite" Discussion: GEORGE C. RoMANs, Harvard University PHILLIP A. FELLIN and EuGENE LITWAK, University of Michigan "Neighborhood Reference Group Theory with Bureaucratic and Entre- ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: THE SOCIOLOGIST AS CONSULTANT­ preneurial Careers-Replication and Extension" Club Room Discussion: , Columbia University Chairman, ORVILLE G. BRIM, JR., Russell Sage Foundation SANFORD M. DoRNBUSCH, "What is a Consultant?" THE ECONOMY: THE MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE­ Park Room SEYMOUR TILLEs, Harvard University "Defining the Consultant's Role" Chairman, ABRAHAM ZALEZNIK, Harvard University STANLEY H. UDY, JR., Yale University "Resolution of Ethical Conflicts" WARREN G. BENNIS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "Bureaucracy and Social Change: An Anatomy of a Failure" ORVILLE G. BRIM, JR., Russell Sage Foundation "The Problem of Fees" PAUL E. MoTT and FRANKLIN NEFF, University of Michigan RICHARD S. WHITE, Automation Engineering Laboratory, Inc. "Some Criteria for the Effective Acceptance of Organizational Change" "The Sociologist as Seen by a Client" FRED H. GoLDNER, International Business Machines "Role Strains of In-Company Research on Management" 3:30-5:30 P.M. Lours B. BARNES, GENE DALTON, and ABRAHAM ZALEZNIK, Harvard University THE LIFE CYCLE: ADOLESCENTS; VALUES AND OCCUPATIONAL ORI­ "The Authority Structure as a Change Variable" ENTATIONS-Palladian Room

MAREN LocKWOOD, Harvard University Chairman, ]AMES S. CoLEMAN, Johns Hopkins University "The Reduction of Interpersonal and Intergroup Tensions in the Man­ BERNICE MooRE and WAYNE HoLTZMAN, University of Texas agement of a Small Firm" "Subcultural Variations in Youth Attitudes apd Concerns" THEODORE D. KEMPER, ORVILLE G., BRIM, and LEONARD S. CoTTRELL, JR., Russell Sage Foundation SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF POLITICAL MODERNIZA­ "Beyond Self-Esteem: The Social Structure of the Adolescent Self-Image" TION-Terrace Banquet Room FRED L. STRODTBECK, University of Chicago Chairman, , University of California, Berkeley "The Social Psychology of Adolescence: The Half Century Between G. Stanley Hall and James S. Coleman" REx D. HoPPER,'Brooklyn College, and JANICE H. HoPPER, New York University "Latin American Man: A Changing Image" Discussion: WILLIAM A. CAUDILL, National Institute of Mental Health JEROME HIMELHOCH, Goddard College WENDELL .BELL, ]AMEs T. DuKE, ]AMES A. MAu, CHARLEs C. MosKos, JR., IvAR OxAAL, and ANDREW P. PHILLIPs, University of California, Los Angeles THE ECONOMY: THE CONSUMER-West Ballroom "Elites and Nationalism in the West Indies" Chairman, CHARLES Y. GLocK, University of California, Berkeley ARTHUR L. WooD, University of Connecticut CHARLES Y. GLocK and FRANCESCO NicosiA, University of California, Berkeley "Political Radicalism in Sinhalese Villages" "The Uses of Sociology in the Study of the Consumer"

RoBERT R. ALFORD, University of Wisconsin LEo BoGART, Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association "Modernization and Class-Polarization in the Anglo-American Political "Social Structure and Process in Research Utilization" Systems'' DAVID CAPLOVITZ, Columbia University "The Problems of Low-Income Consumers" DWAINE MARVICK, University of California, Los Angeles Discussion: HERTA HERZOG, Jack Tinker and Associates "Correlates of Democracy in Latin America" A. EDWARD MILLER, McCall's Magazine 20 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962-(continued) FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962-(continued) 21

SCIENTIFIC ISSUES: CONTINUITIES IN SOCIAL RESEARCH ON EVAL­ SCIENTIFIC ISSUES: SOCIAL THEORY AND APPLIED SOCIOLOGY- UATION OF POLICY; A SYMPOSIUM-Main Ballroom Terrace Banquet Room · Chairman, HERBERT H. HYMAN, Columbia University Chairman, RoBERT K. MERTON, Columbia University Panel: CHARLES R. WRIGHT, University of California, Los Angeles PITIRIM A. SoROKIN, Harvard University RoBERT A. DENTLER, Columbia University Teachers College "Basic Social E:ffects of Abstract Sociological Theories" TERENCE K. HoPKINS, Columbia University FRANKLIN M. BROWN, Ford Foundation Discussion: THEODORE F. ABEL, Hunter College HENRY W. RIECKEN, National Science Foundation WILBERT E. MooRE, Princeton University STEWART MACAULAY, University of Wisconsin Law School FAMILY SOCIOLOGY IN USE-Tamerlane Room "Non-Contractual Relations in Business: Functional Alternatives to Contract" Chairman, NELSON N. FooTE, General Electric Company Discussion: WILLIAM M. EvAN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology LEE M. WIGGINS, General Electric Company JEROME CARLIN, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia "Some Contributions of the Panel Technique" University RoLF MEYERSOHN, State University of New York "Applying a Basic Discovery in the Recording of Behavior" THE LIFE CYCLE: WORK AND CAREERS-Premise Room THOMAS P. MoNAHAN, County Court of Philadelphia Chairman, DANIEL BELL, Columbia University "When Married Couples Part" ELI GINZBERG, Columbia University NELSON N. FooTE, General Electric Company "Policy Issues in Manpower Research" "Literary, Statistical, and Practical Sociology" JAMES A. DAVIs, University of Chicago "The Role of Higher Education in Career Allocation" HUMAN ECOLOGY: PERSISTENT THEORETICAL ISSUES-Club Room PATRICIA SEXTON, New York University Chairman, LEo F. ScHNORE, University of Wisconsin "Career Expectations of the Negro Child" NoRMAN S. HAYNER, University of Washington S. M. MILLER, Syracuse University "Mexico City: Another Test Case for Ecological Theory" "Career Images of Working Class Youth" AMos H. HAWLEY, University of Michigan IVAR E. BERG, JR. and DAVID RoGERS, Columbia University "Community Power and Urban Renewal Success" "The Careers of Small Businessmen" 0MER R. GALLE, Population Research and Training Center, University of Chicago "Stratification and the Metropolitan Hierarchy: An Ecological Approach 8:00P.M. to Local Community Structure" SIDNEY M. WILLHELM, San Francisco, 'California SPECIAL EVENING SESSION-Main Ballroom "The Concept of the 'Ecological Complex': A Critique" Chairman, PAuL F. LAZARSFELD, Columbia University VINCENT H. WHITNEY, University of Pennsylvania ARTHUR ScHLESINGER, JR., Special Assistant to the President of the United "Schools of Thought in Human Ecology: A Discussion" States "A Humanist Looks at Empirical Social Research" Discussion: PHILIP M. HAUSER, University of Chicago SOCIAL. STRATIFICATION: CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS-Park Room GEORGE C. RoMANs, Harvard University Chairman, GERHARD LENSKI, University of Michigan EVERETT C. HuGHEs, Brandeis University RICHARD T. MoRRIS and RAYMOND J. MuRPHY, University of California, Los Angeles "Paradigm for the Study of Class Consciousness" JEROME G. MANIS, WestelJl Michigan University, and BERNARD N. MELTZER, Cen- tral Michigan University "Some Correlates of Class Consciousness among Textile Workers" JoHN C. LEGGETT, University of California, Berkeley "Sources of W orking-Ciass Consciousness" SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I, I962-(continued) 23 I 22

RAUL MuNOZ, HowARD STANTON, and HAzEL STANTON, Puerto Rico Department .j' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 of Health I "The Social Science Program of, the Puerto Rico Department of Health" 9:00-ll :00 A.M. GERTRUDE WooDRUFF MARLOWE, Philadelphia Department .of Health "The Social Science Unit of the Philadelphia Health Department" THE LIFE CYCLE: COUNSELING THE ADULT AND HIS FAMILY­ LEONARD S. COTTRELL, JR. and ELEANOR B. SHELDON, Russell Sage Foundation Premise Room "Social Scientists and the Practicing Professions" Chairman, WILLIAM J. GooDE, Columbia University EDWARD WELLIN, Rutgers University WILLIAM J. GooDE, Columbia University "Behavioral Scientists in Pnhlic Health" "Problems of the Adult: Can Sociology Be of Use?" SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH-Park Room LEO SROLE, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center "Using the Life Cycle in Interpreting Survey Data" Chairman, JOHN A. CLAUSEN, University of California, Berkeley CHARLOTTE BUHLER, University of California Medical School THOMAS S. LANGNER, Cornell University Medical College "Social Roles and the Life Cycle" "Broken Homes and Mental Illness" Discussion: PAUL F. LAZARSFELD, Columbia University CHARLES G. KAnuslUN, Columbia University "The Meaning of Presenting Problems: A Sociology of Defenses" THE ECONOMY: AGRICULTURE (Joint with Rural Sociological Society) JEROME K. MYERS, LEE L. BEAN, and MAX P. PEPPER, Yale University -Terrace Banquet Room "A Ten-Year Follow-up of Psychiah'ic Patients" Chairman, CHARLES P. LooMis, Michigan State University JoHN CUMMING and ELAINE CUMMING, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene JoHN HARP, Cornell University "On the Social Psychology of Stigma" "Uses .of Sociology in Overdeveloped Economies" LLOYD H. RoGLER and AuGUST B. HoLLINGSHEAD, Yale ·University IRWIN T. SAN,DERS, Boston University "Some Effects of Schizophrenia on the Interpersonal Relations of Hus- "Uses of Sociology in Community Analysis" bands and Wives" · CARL C. TAYLOR, Ford Foundation "Uses of Sociology in Economic and Social Development" PERSISTENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS: WAR. AND PEACE STUDIES-Pal­ Discussion: GEORGE M. BEAL, Iowa State University ladian Room EVERETT M. RoGERS, Ohio State University Chairman, AMITAI ETZIONI, Columbia University EVERETT C. HuGHEs, Brandeis University CRIMINOLOGY-West Ballroom "Collective Elements in International Tensions" Chairman, LLOYD E. OHLIN, New York School of Social Work CHARLES E. OsGOOD, University of Illinois HAROLD FINESTONE, Institute for Juvenile Research "Questioning Some Unquestioned Assumptions about National Defense" "Processes of Reformation and Recidivism among Italian and Polish Other to be announced Property Offenders" Discussion: DAVID RIEsMAN, Harvard University PETER G. GARAREDIAN, W asbiugton State University "Pressures Toward Conformity and Deviance: The Use of Legitimate and Illegitimate Alternatives in the Prison Commnnity~ ll:OO-I2:00 M. JosEPH W. EATON, "Innovation Process in Prison Administration" BUSINESS MEETING-Terrace Banquet Room STANTON WHEELER, Harvard University "Comparative Analysis of the Organizational Structure of Prisons" I :30-3:30 P.M. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: USES OF SOCIOLOGY FOR THE ARMED FORCES­ PERSISTENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS: GENERAL HEALTH PROBLEMS­ Palladian Room Clnh Room Chairman, RAYMOND V. BOWERS, University of Arizona Chairman, EDWARD A. SucHMAN, New York City Department of Health HERMAN J. SANDER, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D. C. EDWARD A. SucHMAN and DANIEL RosENBLATT, New York City Department of "The Uses of Sociology for Military Intelligence, Strategic Planning and Health Psychological Warfare" "Social Science Activities in the New York City Department of Health" I 24 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1962-(continued) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1962-(continued) 25 HARLEY 0. PREsTON, American Institute for Research, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM H. FRIEDLAND, Cornell University "The Uses of Sociology in Connection with Military Man-Machine "Charismatic Leadership in a Developing Society: The Case of Trade ·I Systems" Union Officials in Tangan,jli:a!' E. KENNETH KARCHER, }R., Office of Research and Development, Department of WILUAM KoRNHAUSER, University of 'California, Berkeley the Army, Washington, D. C. "Political Development and Rebellion" "The Uses of Sociology for Military Personnel and Training Programs" CHARLES H. CoATES, University of Maryland SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY-Premise Room "The Uses of Sociology in Military Management and Organization" Chairman, RICHARD D. ScHWARTZ, Northwestern University

THE PROFESSIONS: THE MINISTRY-Club Room GLENN M. VERNON, Brigham Young University . "Attitudes Regarding the Self Attributed to Significant Others" Chairman, GmsoN WINTER, University of Chicago CHARLES K. W ARBINER, University of Kansas RoBERT P. RANKIN, Chico State College "The Classification of Social Acts" "The Professionalization of the Calling: Functional Implications" SALOMON RETTIG and HARVE E. RAWSON, Ohio State University Ross P. ScHERER, Valparaiso University "The Risk Hypothesis in Predictive Judgments of Unethical Behavior" "Career Patterns in the Ministry; The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod" EuGENE A. WEINSTEIN, Vanderbilt University "Some Dimensions of Altercasting" SAMUEL Z. KLAusNER, Bureau of Social Science Research, Washington, D. C. "Rationales for Professional Collaboration" DoNALD G. McKiNLEY, Northwestern University w.~ WIDICK ScHROEDER, Chicago Theological Seminary . "Class, Resulting Family Structure, and the Socialized Child" "Lay Expectations of the Ministerial Role: An Exploration of Protestant­ Catholic Differentials" THE LIFE CYCLE: UTILIZATION OF LEISURE-Tamerlane Room CHARLES HARRINGTON and ELAINE CuMMING, New York State Department of Chairman, MAX KAPLAN, Boston University 'Mental Hygiene "The Clergyman as Be Reports His Place in the Counseling System" ABBOTT L. FERRiss, National Science Foundation "Application of Recreation Surveys" Yosmo FUKUYAMA, United.Church Board for Homeland Ministries, New York "The Support and Use of Sociological Research by Religions Bodies" CLEM MILLER, United States Congressman, California "Response to Ferriss" PUBLIC AFFAIRS: POLITICAL PARTffiS-West Ballroom RuDOLPH E. MoRRis, Marquette University "Use of Art Museums for Leisure Purposes" Chairman, MoRRis JANOWITZ, University of Chicago RAYMOND S. STITES, National Art Gallery, Washington, D. C. MARK ABRAMS, Research Services, Ltd., London "Response to Morris" "Public Opinion Polls and Political Parties: Great Britain" JoFFRE DuMAZEDIER, Centre D'Etudes Sociologiques, Paris LoUIS HARBis, Lonis Harris and Associates ~ "Content of Mass Leisure in Comparative European Research" "Public Opinion Polls and Political Parties: United States"

}AMES A. -RoBINSON, Northwestern University THE ECONOMY: THE USES OF SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE BY UNIONS­ "Use of Social Science Data about the Political Process by Congress" Terrace Banquet Room Chairman, HAROLD L. WILENSKY, University of Michigan SOCIAL CHANGE-Park Room ScOTT A. GREER, Northwestern University Chairman, WILLIAM KoRNHAUSER, University of California, Berkeley "Technological Change, Stratification, and the Future of the Labor Move- ment" ~ LEo LOWENTHAL, University of California, Berkeley "Intellectuals and Cultural Change in 19th Century England" BERNARD KARSH, University of lllinois CESAR GRANA, University of Chicago "The Impact of Changing Soeial Structure on the Organizing Strategy "The Traditional Intellectual in a Changing Society: The Case of Puerto and Tactics of Labor Unions" Rico" Discussion: DANmL BELL, Columbia University , University of California, Berkeley MICHEL }EAN .CRozmR, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris "The Problem of Social Development" EVERETT M. KAssALow, Industrial Union Departuient, AFL-CIO i • ( I

26 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I, I962-(continued) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I, I962-(continued) 27 I 3:30-5:30 P.M. HAIIRY ALPERT, University of Oregon "Ethical Problems of Sociologists in Government" 'I SCIENTIFIC ISSUES: THE USES OF SOCIOLOGY IN AMERICAN STUDIES I PHILIP M. HAUSER, University of Chicago (Joint with The American Studies Association)-West Ballroom "Ethical Problems of the ConsUltant" Co-Chairmen, WAYNE WHEELER, Kansas City Study of Adult Life, University of Chi- cago, and NEIL J. SMELSER, University of California, Berkeley THE PROFESSIONS: RESEARCH IN SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK­ THOMAS F. MARSHALL, Kent State University Tamerlane Room "Literature and Society" Chairman, JosEPH W. EATON, University of Pittsburgh RoBERT H. WALKER, The George Washington University "Measuring the Muse: Literature and Social Questions" LUDWIG L. GEISMAR, Rutgers University "A~plying an Operational Definition of Family Functioning in Deter­ HuGH DALZIEL DuNCAN, Rice University mining Need for Services'' "Sociology and the Study of American Society as Depicted in Literature" FLORENCE A. RUDERMAN, Child Welfare League of America Discussion: RALPH Ross, University of Minnesota "Leaders' Opinions on Welfare Issues: A Comparative Study of Seven Communities" SYMPOSIUM: SOCIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS IN HOME-SCHOOL-COM­ ANN W. SHYNE, Community Service Society of New York MUNITY RELATIONS-Park Room "The Application of Experimental Design in a Public Health Nursing Demonstration" · Chairman, HowARD Y. McCLUSKY, University of Michigan PHILLIP A. FELLIN and PAUL HANLON, St. Louis University Discussion: WILLIAM M. CAVE, University of Michigan "Reference Group Orientations That Permit Community Cohesion under EuGENE LITWAK, University of Michigan Conditions of Mobility" CARL R. MARBURGER, Great Cities School Improvement Project HowARD Y. McCLUSKY, University of Michigan VICTOR D. SANUA, Yeshiva University THOMAS S. PARSONS, University of Michigan and Flint, Michigan "The Use of Psychological Testing in Evaluating Social Work Students: Board of Education Preliminary Findings"

OLD AGE AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE-Club Rooni THE PROFESSIONS: USES OF SOCIOLOGY IN EDUCATION-Palladian Room · Chairman, GoRDON F. STIIEm, Cornell University Chairman, JosHUA A. FisHMAN, Yeshiva University VIVIAN WooD and BERNICE L. NEUGARTEN, University of Chicago "Social-Role Change and Mental Health in the Climacteric Years" NATALIE RoGOFF RAMsOY, Institute of Sociology, Oslo "The Factual Basis of a Sociology of Education" GEORGE L. MADDOX, Duke University "Activity and Morale: A Longitudinal Study of Selected Elderly Subjects" PETER Rossi, University of Chicago "Some Uses of Sociological TheQry" MARJORIE FISKE LoWENTHAL and PAUL L. BERKMAN, Langley Porter Neuropsy- chiatric Institute, San Francisco MARVIN BREssLER, New York University "Exploring the Problem of 'Normal' versus 'Abnormal' Aging" "The Conventional Wisdom of Sociology and Education" PHILIP TAIETZ and GoRDoN F. STIIEm, Cornell University RoBERT J. HAVIGHURST, University of Chicago "Aging and Retirement in the United States and Netherlands: A Cross- "Cross-National Differences Between Buenos Aires and Chicago Ado­ National Comparison" lescents" ETHEL SHANAS, University of Chicago "Some Observations on Cross-National Studies of Aging" 8:00P.M. Discussion: HAROLD L. ORBACH, University of Michigan PRESIDENTIAL SESSION-Main Ballroom COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: OPEN MEETING-Terrace Chairman, WILLIAM H. SEWELL, UniversitY of Wisconsin Banquet Room PAUL F. LAZARSFELD, Columbia University Chairman, RoBERT C. ANGELL, University of Michigan "The Sociology of Empirical Social Research" WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wisconsin "Problems of Collaborative Research" INFORMAL GATHERING-Terrace Banquet Room (,' r I 28 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1962-(continued) 29 I 'I THE ECONOMY: PRODUCTIVITY AND SUPERVISION-Park Room Chairman, RoBERT DUBIN, University of Oregon SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 GEORGE C. HoMANS, Harvard University "Productivity, Technology, and Man" 9 :00-ll :00 A.M. DELBERT C. MILLER, Indiana University "Supervisors: Evolution of an Organizational Role" PUBLIC AFFAIRS: DEVELOPING AREAS-Palladian Room FLOYD C. MANN, University of Mich.igan Chairman, WILBERT E. MooRE, Princeton University "Toward an Understanding of the Leadership Role in Formal Organiza­ tions" HuGo 0. ENGELMANN, University of Wisconsin "Mrica: A Study in Political Disparity" SCIENTIFIC ISSUES: USES OF SOCIOLOGY BY OTHER SOCIAL SCIENCES AILEEN D. Ross, McGill University -Premise Room "Student Indiscipline in a Developing Country" Chairman, NEIL J. SMELsER, University of California, Berkeley PHILIP RIEFF, University of Pennsylvania THE ROLE OF THE SOCIOLOGIST: THE FOUNDATIONS AND APPLIED "Uses of Sociology in Political Theory" SOCIOLOGY-West Ballroom AsA BRIGGS, University of Sussex, Brighton, England Chairman, DoNALD YouNG, Russell Sage Foundation "Uses of Sociology in History" DoNALD YouNG, Russell Sage Foundation ALFRED H. CoNRAD, Harvard University "Philanthropic Foundations, Social Research, and Human Betterment" "Uses of Sociology in Economics" ODIN W. ANDERSON, Health Information Foundation, University of Chicago DANIEL J. LEVINSON, Harvard University "Foundations and Applied Sociology in the Health Fields" "Uses of Sociology in Psychology" RicHARD M. CoLVARD, University of Texas "Foundations' Decision Making" PUBLIC AFFAIRS: URBAN PLANNING-Club Room Chairman, CLARENCE SENIOR, Brooklyn College THE PROFESSIONS: LAW-Tamerlane Room HERBERT J. GANS, University of Pennsylvania Chairman, HANS ZEisEL, University of Chicago "The Re-emergence of Social Planning"

HARRY KALVEN, JR., University of Chicago MEL JEROME RAVITZ, Wayne State University and Detroit City Council "Sociological Studies in the Field of Civil Liberties" ''The Sociologist as Policy-Maker in the Planning Process" GLENDON ScHUBERT, Michigan State University BYRON E. MuNsON, Ohio State University "Political Research in the Sociology of Law" "The Role of the Sociologist in the Planning Process" JEROME E. CARLIN, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University JosEPH B. FoRD, San Fernando State College and Los Angeles Planning Com· "The Sociology of the Legal Profession" Inission "Uses and Misuses of Statistics in Planning" JEWEL BELLUSH and MuRRAY HAUSKNECHT, Hunter College POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY-Terrace Banquet Room "Urban Planning and Citizen Participation"

Chairman, SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET, University of California, Berkeley HENRY CoHEN, Deputy City Adininistrator, 'New York City "An Administrator Looks at the Sociologist in Planning" TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University "Society and Polity" Discussion: HEINZ EULAU, Stanford University IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, Columbia University GEORGE E. GoRDoN CATLIN, London, England LuCIEN PYE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway 30 SPECIAL MEETINGS SPECIAL MEETINGS 31


COUNCIL, 1962-Suite 130C AUGUST 30, 9:00A.M. Wednesday, August 29 10:00 A.M. Meeting 12:00 M. Informal Luncheon Meeting-Blue Room 1963 COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES, Chairman, WILBERT E. MooRE-Truner­ 1:15 P.M. Meeting lane Room Thursday, August 30 4:30 P.M. Meeting .. 10:00 P.M. Informal Gathering-Trunerlane Room 1:30 P.M. (Refreshments Available) COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH, Chairman, HERBERT H. HYMAN-Room F964 COMMITTEE ON TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS, Chairman, Friday, August 31 4:30 P.M. Meeting (tentative) KINGSLEY DAVIs-Room F965

COUNCIL, 1963-Suite 130C 2:30P.M. Saturday, September 1 4:30 P.M. Meeting (tentative) STATE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMITTEE ON STATE LEGISLATION AND CERTIFICATION, Chairman, IRWIN T. SANDERs.:_Blue Room





8:00P.M. 1:30 P.M. SECTION ON CRIMINOLOGY: COUNCIL MEETING-Trunerlane Room 1963 COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS, Chairman, HARoLD SECTION ON MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY: COUNCIL MEETING-Room F964 L. WILENSKY-Room F965 SECTION ON METHODOLOGY: COUNCIL MEETING-Room F965 COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL STATISTICS, Chairman, THEODORE ANDERSON­ SECTION ON SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: COUNCIL MEETING-Club Room Room F964 AUGUST 30, 8:30A.M. PRESIDENT'S BREAKFAST FOR OFFICERS OF SECTIONS, PAUL F. LAZARS· 3:30P.M. FELD, Chairman-Blue Room COMMITTEE TO ADMINISTER ASIA FOUNDATION GRANT, Chairman, BRYCE RYAN-Room F965 AUGUST 31, 12:00 M. COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, Chairman, REx D. HoPPER -Blue Room PRESIDENT'S LUNCHEON FOR OFFICERS OF AFFIUATED SOCIETIES, COMMITTEE ON MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE STATISTICS, Chairman, C. PAUL F. LAzARsFELD, Chairman-Blue Room HoRACE HAMILTON-Room F964 I 32 SPECIAL MEETINGS 33 1: SEPTEMBER 1, 9:00 A.M. DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS ·! COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL ETHICS, Chairman, RoBERT C. ANGELL­ ' Tamerlane Room Individual Exhibits Co~ined Exhibits 12:00 M. American Book Company Abingdon Press LUNCHEON FOR MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REGIONAL REPRESENTA­ TIVES, Chairman, HAROLD W. PFAUTZ -Blue Room Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. QUARTERLY 1:30 P.M. The Association of American University Aldine Publishing Company Presses Barnes & Noble, Inc. AMERICAN ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, 1962 MEETINGS, INTERNATIONAL Atherton Press Beacon Press SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Chairman, RoBERT C. ANGELL-Room F964 Basic Books, Inc. Bureau of Business Research The Bedminster Press The Ohio State University The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. Chilton Company--'-Book Division SEPTEMBER 2, 7:30A.M. College and University Press Librairie Armand Colin Thomas Y. Crowell Company 1963 PROGRAM COMMITTEE BREAKFAST MEETING, Chairman, EvERETT C. Conference on Jewish Social Studies, HuGHEs-Blue Room CURRENT Inc. The Dorsey Press, Inc. The Dial Press 10:00 A.M. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc. The Free Press of Glencoe, Illinois Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company COMMITTEE ON THE SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM IN SECONDARY Great Books with the Syntopicon Emerson Books, Inc. "CHOOLS, Chairman, NEAL GRoss-Room F964 Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. Europaische Verlagsanstalt GmbH Harper & Row, Publishers Family ·Service Association of America & Holt, Rinehart Winston, Inc. W. H. Freeman & Company Houghton MiHlin Company CWK Gleerup Publishers Institut de Sociologic, Universite Libre OTHER MEETINGS Verlag Anton Hain de Bruxelles Herald Press AUGUST 31, 7:30 A.M. Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina Horizon Press, Inc. ALPHA KAPPA DELTA BREAKFAST, ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING­ International Publishers, Inc. Institute for Social Research Blue Room JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLU­ The University of Michigan TION Johns Hopkins Press JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND Littlefield, Adams & Company, SEPTEMBER 1, 11 :30 A.M. HUMAN BEHAVIOR Publishers J. B. Lippincott Company MD Publications LUNCHEON FOR THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY-Tamerlane Verlag J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Room The Macmillan Company McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. William Morrow & Company, Inc. David McKay Company, Inc. New York University Press National Council on Crime and Delin­ PSYCHIATRY quency Russell Sage Foundation The New American Library of World Charles Scribner's Sons Literature, Inc. The Society for the Scientific Study of Martinus Nijhoff Religion Oxford University Press, Inc. SOCIAL RESEARCH Population Reference Bureau Springer Publishing Company, Inc. Prentice-Hall, "Inc. University of Toronto Press Random House & Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Ronald Press Company Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. The University of Chicago Press Wayne State University Press D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. The Williams & Wilkins Company John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The World Publishing Company '!J•• :tt /u.J M~ . . . 0 Social Life anc/ Cultural Change INDEX OF PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS DON MARTINDALE, University of Minnesota Asserting that "only the individual creates or destroys social forms," Professor Abel, Theodore F ...... 21 Carlson, Robert 0...... 11, Back Cover Martindale analyzes the role and productivity of the intellectual class in the Abrams, Mark ...... 24 Castillo, Gelia T...... 7 ancient societies of , India, Israel, and Greece, and in modern Western Adler, Franz ...... 9 Catlin, George E. Gordon ...... 28 civilization. He suggests that these intellectuals not only have key roles within Alford, Robert R...... 18 Caudill, William A...... 10, 19 their social systems, but also are the main impetus of cultural change. Alpert, Harry ...... 27, 30, Back Cover Cave, William M...... 26 ~ 1962, 544 pages, $9.00 Andersen, Ronald M...... 8 Chinoy, Ely •.....••...... 11 Anderson, Odin W ...... 28 Churchill, Lindsey ...... 8 Anderson, Theodore ...... 31 Clark, Burton R...... Back Cover Moe/ern Social Theories: Selected American Writers Angell, Robert C...... 26, 32 Clausen, John A ...... 3, 10, 23 CHARLES P. LOOMIS and ZONA K. LOOMIS, Clinard, Marshall B...... 3, 12 Back, Kurt W...... 15 Cloward, Richard A...... 3, 9 both of Michigan State University Baker, George W ...... 9 Coates, Charles H...... 24 The theories of seven men~ who have heen instrumental in shaping contemporary Bales, Robert F...... 6 Cohen, Henry ...... 29 sociological theory-Becker, Davis, Homans, Merton, Parsons, Sorokin, and Wil­ Barnes, Louis B. • ...... 18 Cohen, Oscar ...... 15 lams-are analyzed in seven penetrating essays. The text, organized to facilitate com­ Barton, Allen H...... 3, 9 Coleman, James S ...... 19 parisons between these theories, also includes excerpts from taped conversations Baum, Samuel ...... 3 Collen, Linda ...... 13 with each theorist. 1961, 720 pages, $9.25 Bates, Frederick L...... 9 Colombotos, John L...... 18 Beal, George M...... 22 Colvard, Richard M...... 28 Bean, Lee L...... 23 Combs, Jerry W ...... 3 Urban Research Methods Beauchamp, Murray A...... 15 Conrad, Alfred H...... 29 Bell, Daniel ...... 3, 21, 25 Cottrell, Leonard S., Jr...... 19, 23 JACK P. GIBBS, University of Texas: Foreword by KINGSLEY DAVIS Bell, Wendell_ ...... 18 Coughenour, C. Milton ...... 17 A collection of stimulating readings introduces students to problems of urban Bellush, Jewel ...... ; ...... 29 Crain, Robert Lee ...... 15 research. Modern research methods utilized specifically in cities are described Bendix, Reinhard ...... Back Cover Cressey, Donald R...... Back Cover in Parts I-IV; Parts V-VIII study urbanization at the regional and national level. Bennis, Warren G...... 18 Crockett, Harry J., Jr...... 16 Berelson, Bernard ...... : ...... 3 1961, 647 pages, $12.00 Crozier, Michael Jean ...... 25 Berg, Ivar E., Jr...... 21 Cumming, Elaine ...... 23, 24 Berkman, PaulL...... 26 Cumming, John ...... 23 Bertrand, Alvin , L...... : . ... 17 Contemporary Research in Personality Bidwell, CharleS E...... 13 Dalton, Gene ...... 18 IRWIN G. SARASON, University of Washington Bierstedt, Robert ...... 11, 31 Davis, Ethelyn ...... 7 Bloom, Samuel W ...... Back Cover Davis, Fred ...... 8, Back Cover A significant and wide-ranging selection of recently published research papers Blum, Alan F. • ...... 7 Davis, James A ...... 21 that will provide the reader with up-to-date information on the field of personality Blumer, Herb_ert ..•...... 24 Davis, Kingsley ...... 31, Back Cover -the problems being studied, the procedures being used, and the theoretical Bogart; Leo ..••_ ...... 19 Davis, Michael M...... 6 issues being attacked. 1962, 424 pages, $7.00 Borgatta, Edgar F ...... 8, 16 Davison, W. Phillips ...... 3, 17 Boskoff, Alvin ..•.••...... 15 Dedrick, Calvert L...... 3 Bower, Robert T •...... ; ...... 3, 17 Demerath, Jay ...... 16 - ... at tle VAN NOSTRAND exlitu ... - Bowers, Raymond V. • ...... 3, 23 Dentler, Robert A...... 16, 20 Bowles, Gladys K...... 3 Denton, Patricia ...... 13 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AMERICAN SOCIETY Breen, Leonard Z...... 12 Desind, Philip ...... 17 IN MODERN SOCIETY by Don Martindale, University of Min­ Bressler, Ml!l11n , ...... •...... 27 Dibble, Vernon K...... 13 by Martin H. Neumeyer, University of nesota. Briggs, Asa . , .•.•.•...... 29 Dick, Harry R...... 12 Southern California. 1960 570 pp. $6.75 Brim, Orville G, Jr. • . , .. , ...... 3, 19 Doby, John T ...... 16 1961 435 pp. $6.50 Broom, Leonard , ·• .•.. , • 31, Back Cover Dornbusch, Sanford M...... 19 Brown, Franklin M. . , ...... 20 Dubin, Robert ...... 3, 6, 29 SOCIAL SYSTEMS: Essays on Their Per­ NEW FOUNDATIONS FOR Brumback, Gey _B ••••. , •. , ...... 7 Duke, James T ...... 18 sistence and Change. INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY Bruyn, Severyn T .• , ..•. , ...... , ...... 8· Dumazedier, Joffre ...... 25 by Charles P. Loomis, Michigan State by Melvin J. Vincent and Jackson Mayers, Bucher, Rue , ••••, •..•.•...•...... 8 Duncan, Hugh Dalziel ...... 26 University. both of University of Southern California. Buhler, Charlotte . , . , , , •...... 22 Dunham, H. Warren ...... 10, 12 Burchinal, Lee G, • ,_•• , •.. , ...... 10 1960 360 pp. $6.50 1959 460 pp. $6.00 Burma, John H. ••••...... 10 Eaton, Joseph W ...... 22, 27 Edwards, G. Franklin ...... 3 THE ACHIEVING SOCIETY Cadwallader, Mervyn I;.. • . , . , •.•..•... 8 Eichhorn, Robert L...... 8 by David C. McClelland, Harvard Uni- Caplow, Th!lpqo~e •. , .• ,3, 7, Back Cover Elkin, Frederick •...... 16 versity. Capolowitz, DaVId .. , ...... 19 Elling, Ray H...... 11 1961 525 pp. $7.95 Carlin, Jerome E ...... , ..... , .... 21, 28 Engelmann, Hugo 0...... 28 ~ "C 'I Etzioni, Amitai W ...... 3, 18, 23 Hausknecht, Murray ..•...•...... 29 Leggett, John C...... 20 Moore, Wilbert E ...... 3, 21, 28, 31, Eulau, Heinz ...... 28 Havighurst, Robert J ...... 27 Leichter, Hope J ...... 11 Back Cover Evan, William M...... 13, 21 Hawley, Amos H ...... 20 Lejins, Nora ...... 3 Morland, J. Kenneth ...... 8 Hayner, Norman S ...... 20 Lejins, Peter ...... 3 Morris, Richard T ...... 20 Faris, Robert E. L...... Back Cover Heberle, Rudolf ...... Back Cover Lemert, Edwin M...... 12 Morris, Rudolph E ...... 25 Feldmesser, Robert A...... 3, 13, 17 Herzog, Herta ...... 19 Lenski, Gerhard E. • ...... 3, 16, 20 Morton, Anton S...... 8 Fellin, Phillip A...... 18, 27 Hill, Reuben L...... Back Cover Lerman, Paul ...... 9 Moskos, Charles C., Jr...... 18 Ferriss, Abbott L...... 25 Hillery, George A., Jr...... 13 Levil)e, Sol ...... 8 Mott, Paul E...... 18 Finestone, Harold ...... 22 Himelhoch, Jerome ...... 19 Levinson, Daniel J ...... 29 Munoz, Raul ...... 23 Finn, Patrica A...... 8 Hirschi, Travis ...... 9 Lief, Harold I...... 15 Munson, Byron E...... 29 Firey, Walter ...... Back Cover Hoffsommer, Harold ...... 3 Likert, Rensis ...... 19 Murphy, Raymond J ...... 20 Fisher, Roger J...... 15 Hollingshead, August B...... 23 Lindesmith, Alfred R...... 12 Myers, Jerome K...... 23 Fishman, Joshua A...... 3, 16, 27 Holtzman, Wayne ...... 19 Lipset, Seymour Martin ...... 3, 18, 28 Myers, Paul F ...... 3 Foote, Nelson N...... 3, 10, 20 Homans, George C...... 19, 21, 29, 31 Lissak, Moshe ...... 7 Nasatir, David ...... 13, 16 Ford, Joseph B...... 29 Hopkins, Terence K...... 20 Litwak, Eugene ...... 10, 18, 26 Neff, Franklin ...... 18 Frances, Albert ...... 17 Hopper, Janice H ...... 18, Back Cover Locke, Harvey J ...... 10 Neugarten, Bernice L...... 26 Freedman, Jonathan ...... 15 Hopper, Rex D...... 18, 31 Lockwood, Maren ...... 18 Nicosia, Francesco ...... 19 Freeman, Howard E...... 3, 6 Hughes, Everett C...... 3, 6, 21, 23, 32 Longood, Robert ...... 14 Nisbet, Robert A...... 10 Freymann, Moye W ...... 14 Back Cover Loomis, Charles P ... 3, 17, 22, Back Cover Friedland, William H ...... 25 Hutchinson, Charles E ...... 3, 11 Lopata, Helena Znaniecki ...... , .... 8 O'Dea, Thomas F ...... 16 Friedsam, Hiram J...... 12 Huyck, Earl E ...... 3, 11 Lowenthal, Leo ...... 24 Ohlin, Uoyd E ...... 22, Back Cover Fukuyama, Yoshio ...... 24 Hyman, Herbert H ...... 3, 20, 31 Lowenthal, Marjorie Fiske ...... 26 Orbach, Harold L...... 26 Furfey, Paul H ...... 3 Back Cover Lowery, Daniel L...... 3 Oren, Paul, Jr...... , ...... 8 Luchterhand, Elmer ...... 15 Orzack, Lonis H...... 12 Gagnon, John H...... 15 Ikeda, Kiyoshi ...... 13 Lyden, Fremont James ...... 6 Osgood, Charles E ...... 23 Galle, Orner R...... 20 lnkeles, Alex ...... Back Cover Oxaal, lvar ...... 18 Gans, Herbert J...... 29 Macaulay, Stewart ...... 21 Garabedian, Peter G...... 22 Jackson, Elton F ...... 16 Page, Charles H...... 3, 10, Back Cover Mackler, Bernard ...... •...... 16 Parsons, Thomas S ...... 26 Geiger, H. Jack ...... 6 Jaffee, Abram J...... 3 Maddox, George L...... ; ...... 26 Geismar, Ludwig L...... 27 Janowitz, Morris ...... 3, 10, 16, 24 Parsons, Talcott ...... 3, 19, 28, 31, Makler, Harry M...... ; ...... 7 Back Cover Gendell, Murray ...... 17 John, M. E .. : ...... 17 Manis, Jerome G...... 20 Gibbs, Jack P ...... 15 Jones, James A ...... 9 Pepper, Max P ...... 23 Mann, Floyd C...... •... 29 Perrow, Charles B...... 13 Ginzberg, Eli ...... 21 Marburger, Carl R ...... 26 Glaser, Barney G...... 7 Kadushin, Charles G...... 23 Peterson, Osler L...... 6 Kahn, Alfred J ...... •...... 10 Marlowe, Gertrude Woodruff .. : ...... 23 Pettigrew, Thomas F ...... 3, 15 Glaser, Daniel ...... 15, Back Cover Marshall, Thomas F ...... 26 Glick, Paul C...... 3, 17 Kalven, Harry, Jr...... 28 Pfautz, Harold W...... 32 Kaplan, Max ...... 3, 25 Martin, Walter T...... 15, Back Cover Phillips, Andrew P ...... 3, 18 Glock, Charles Y...... 3, 19 Maruyama, Takuya ...... 15 Gold, David ...... 8 Karcher, E. Kenneth, Jr...... 24 Posman, Harry ...... 12 Karsh, Bernard ...... 25 Marvick, Dwaine ...... 18 Preston, Harley 0 ...... 24 Goldberg, Melvin A...... 7 Mason, Ward S ...... 11 Goldner, Fred H...... 18 Kassalow, Everett M...... 25 Price, Daniel· 0...... 3, 13 Keller, Suzanne •...... 18 Mau, James A...... 18 'Pye, Lucien ...... 28 Goldstein, Leon G...... 12 McClusky, Howard Y...... • 3, 26 Goode, William J. . ... 3, 22, Back Cover Kelley, John D...... 16 Kemper, Theodore D ...... 19 McGinnis, Robert ...... Back Cover Rachiele, Leo D...... 9 Gottlieb, David ...... Back Cover McKinley, Donald G..... : . ... , ..... ; .25 Ramsoy, Natalie Rogoff ...... 27 Graham, Milton D. ·...... 14 Kent, Donald P ...... 12 Kish, Leslie ...... 3, 8, Back Cover Medalia, Nahum Z...... ; .. II Rankin, Robert P ...... 24 Grana, Cesar ...... 24 Meile, Richard L...... 16 Ravitz, Mel Jerome ...... 29 Greer, Scott A...... 25 Klapper, Joseph ...... 3, 7 Klausner, Samuel Z...... 24 Meltzer, Bernard N...... 20 Rawson, Harve E...... 25 Grimshaw, Allen D ...... 13 Mendelsohn, Harold ...... •.',: 7 Reader, George G...... 3 Gross, Feliks ...... 17 Knox, John B...... 7 Kohn, Melvin ...... 10 Merton, Robert K...... 3, 13, 21 Remmling, Gunter W ...... 9 Gross, Neal ...... 17, 32 Meyer, Henry J ...... 3, io Rettig, Salomon ...... 25 Grusky, Oscar ...... 7 Kolb, William L ...... 3, 9, Back Cover Kornhauser, William ...... 3, 24, 25 Meyersohn, Rolf ...... 20 Rice, Stuart A. .•...... 3 Guest, Robert 'H...... 12 Michael, John A...... · ...... 9 Richardson, Stephen A...... 12 Gusfield, Joseph R ...... 3 Kosa, John ...... 9 Kramer, Judith R ...... 8 Miller, A. Edward ...... ' ... • W Riecken, Henry W ...... 3, II, 20 Haas, Eugene ...... 13 Krugman, Herbert E...... 7 Miller, Clem ...... ;25 Rieff, Philip ...... •...... 29 Rabenstein, Robert ...... 13 Kubat, Daniel ...... 16 Miller, Daniel R...... 6 Riesman, David ...... 23 Hacker, Helen Mayer ...... 12 Miller, Delbert C...... : . . 29 Riley, John W., Jr...... 3, 11 Hall, Oswald ...... , 6 Landecker, Werner S...... 16 Miller, Paul A...... , ... +7 Ringer, Benjamin B...... 15 Hamilton, C. Horace ...... 8, 31 Langner, Thomas S ...... 23 Miller, S. M...... 21 Rivera, Ramon ...... 15 Hanlon, Paul ...... 27 Larson, Olaf F...... 17 Mismo, Joe ...... : -'·"· .13 Rizzo, John R...... , ...... 7 Harburg, Ernest ...... 12 Lawton, William C...... 13 Moles, Oliver C...... •.... , .• 9 Robbins, Lewis L...... II Harp, John ...... , 22 Lazarsfeld, Paul F.' ...... 3, 21, 22, 27, 30, Monahan, Thomas P ...... ' ...... 20 Robinson, James A...... 24 Harrington, Charles ...... 24 Back Cover Moore, Bernice ...... •.. • .... 19 Rodnick, David ...... , ...... 17 Harris, Lonis ...... 24 Lazerwitz Bernard ...... 9 Moore, Harry ...... •.•••. 9 Roemer, Milton I...... 11 Hauser, Philip M..... 21, 27, Back Cover Lee, Alfred McClung .... 3, 8, Back Cover Moore, Joan W ...... , ..... , .. ; .. 16 Rogers, David ...... 21 c: Rogers, Everett M ...... 22 Stark, Rodney W ...... 9 Rogler, lloyd H ...... 23 Stein, Maurice R. • ...... 11 NOTES Rokkan, Stein ...... 28 Stetler, Henry G...... 15 Rosen, George ...... 8 Stites, Raymond S ...... 25 Rosenblatt, Daniel ...... 22 Straus, Robert ...... 11 Ross, Aileen D...... 28 Streib, Gordon F...... 3, 12, 26 Ross, Eva ...... 3 Strodtheck, Fred L ...... 3, 7, 19 Ross, Ralph ...... 26 Suchman, Edward A...... 3, 11, 22 Rossi, Peter ...... 27 Sussman, Marvin B...... 10 Ruderman, Florence A...... 27 Swanson, Guy E...... 6, Back Cover Ryan, Bryce ...... 31 Swinehart, James W ...... 10 Taeuber, Conrad ...... 3 Sagi, Philip C...•...... 8 Taeuber, Karl E ...... 15 Sander, Herman J ...... 23 Taietz, Philip ...... 26 Sanders, Irwin T ...... 22, 31 Tappan, Paul W ...... Back Cover Sanna, Victor D ...... 27 Taylor, Carl C...... 22 Saunders, Harold W ...... Back Cover Thomas, Edwin J ...... 10 Scherer, Ross P ...... 24 Thomes, Mary Margaret ...... 10 Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr...... 21 Tilles, Seymour ...... 19 Schnore, Leo F ...... 3, 15, 20 Toby, Jackson ...... 9 Schroeder, W. Widick ...... 24 Trow, Martin A...... 16, Back Cover Schubert, Glendon ...... 28 Tumin, Melvin ...... Back Cover Schuessler, Karl F...... 15 Turner, Ralph H...... 30, Back Cover Schw~ MorrisS...... 10 Tyler, Ralph W ...... 18 Schw~ Richard D...... 25 Scotch, Norman A ...... 8 Udy, Stanley H., Jr...... 19 Seashore, Stanley E...... 13 Selvin, Hanan C...... 9, 16 Vance, Rupert ...... •. Back Cover Senior, Clarence ...... 3, 29 van der Merwe, Hendrik W ...... 8 Sewell, William H ...... 3, 26, 27, van der Slice, Austin ...... 3 Back Cover Vernon, Glenn M...... 25 Sexton, Patricia ...... 21 Vinter, Robert D...... 10 Seymour, Frederick ...... 3 von Struve, A. W ...... 3 Shanas, Ethel ...... 26 Vreeland, Rebecca S ...... 13 Shannon, Lyle W ...... 9 Sharp, Laure M...... 13 Walker, Robert H ...... 26 Shartle, Carroll L...... 7 Walker, Roger ...... 12 Shea, Paul D...... 7 Wallerstein, Immanuel ...... 28 Sheldon, Eleanor B...... 23 Warriner, Charles K ...... 25 Shepard, Herbert A...... 12 Weinstein, Eugene A ...... 25 Sheppard, Harold L...... 12 W ellin, Edward ...... 23 Shmelzer, J nne L...... 12 W estie, Frank R...... Back Cover Short, James F., Jr...... 3, 13, 15 Wheeler, Stanton ...... 22 Shryock, Annie Frances ...... 3 Wheeler, Wayne ...... 3, 26 Shryock, Henry S., Jr...... Back Cover White, Harrison C...... 8 Shyne, ·Ann ·w ...... 27' White, Meda , ...... 9 Sibley, Elbridge ...... 11 White, Richard S ...... 19 Siegel, Nathaniel H ...... 11 Whitman, Lauris B...... 11 Sills, David L ...... 3, 14 Whitney, Vincent H ...... 20 Simmel, Arnold ...... 14 Wiggins, Lee M...... 20 Simon, Rita James ...... 7 Wilensky, Harold L...... 3, 25, 31 Sklare, Marshall ...... 16 1Villbe~ Sidney M...... 20 Slatin, Gerald T ...... 15 1Vilson, John M...... ' ...... 3 Slesinger, Jonathan A...... 12 1Vinch, Robert F ...... 3, 16 Sletto, Raymond F ...... 16 1Vinter, Gibson ...... 3 24 Smelser, Neil J ...... 3, 26, 29 1V ood, Arthur L...... ' .18 Smigel,. Erwin 0 ...... 3, 18 1V ood, Vivian ...... 26 Smith, Harvey L...... Back Cover Wright, Charles R...... 19 Snyder, Charles R...... 12 Young, Donald ...... 3, 28, 31 Sorokin, Pitirim A ...... 21 Spivack, Sydney S...... 13 ~ald, Mayer N ...... 13 Srole, Leo ...... 22 za!eznik, Abraham ...... 3, 12, 18 Stanton, Hazel ...... 23 e1sel, Hans ...... 3 28 Stanton, Howard ...... 23 Zetterberg, Hans L...... ' .14