AMEI(__. ~ SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION J.'. ) ... 1fi:MBERS OF THE COUNCIL,. 1962 ( ./ Officers of the Association 57TH President, PAUL F. LAZARSFELD, Columbia University President-Elect, EVERETT C. HuGHES, Brandeis University Vice-President, WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wisconsin ~N~"C'" ..AL ~EET::C~G Vice-President-Elect, LEONARD BROOM, University of Texas Secretary, TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University Editor, American Sociological Review, HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon Executive Officer, RoBERT 0. CARLSON, American Sociological Association Administrative Officer, JANICE H. HoPPER, New York University Former Presidents KINGSLEY DAVIS, University of California, Berkeley WILBERT E. MooRE, Princeton University for HowARD BECKER RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of W~U~hington Elected at Large REINHARD BENDIX, University of California, REUBEN L. HILL, University of Minnesota Berkeley WILLIAM L. KoLB, Carleton College WILLIAM J. GooDE, Columbia University MELVIN TUMIN, Princeton University ilttitltJica1 WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wis­ THEODORE CAPLow;·columbia University consin PHILIP HAusER, University of Chicago RALPH H. TURNER, University of California, RunoLF HEBERLE, Louisiana State Uni- Los Angeles versity DoNALD R. CRESSEY, University of Cali­ ALEX INKELES, Harvard University fornia, Los Angeles 41sstciatita ~ Elected from Affiliated Societies WALTER T. MARTIN, Pacific ALFRED McCLUNG LEE, Society for the FRANK R. WEsTIE, Ohio Valley Study of Social Problems WALTER FIREY, Southwestern CHARLES H. PAGE, Eastern HARoLD W. SAUNDERS, Midwest HENRY S. SHRYOCK, JR., District of Co­ RuPERT VANCE, Southern lumbia CHARLES P. LooMIS, Rural Editor, Sociometry, RALPH H. TuRNER, University of California, Los Angeles SECTION OFFICERS, 1962 Criminology Chairman, PAUL W. TAPPAN, University of California, Berkeley RI~f\IJ Chairman-Elect, LLoYD E. OHLIN, New York School of Social Work Secretary-Treasurer, DANIEL GLASER, University of Illinois Sociology of Education Chairman, BURTON CLARK, University of California, Berkeley ~~SG~f\1'4 Chairman-Elect, MARTIN A. TROW, University of California, Berkeley Secretary-Treasurer, DAVID GoTTLIEB, Michigan State University Medical Sociology Chairman, EVERETT C. HUGHES, Brandeis University . Chairman-Elect, HARVEY L. SMITH, 1Jniversity of North Carolina Secretary-Treasurer, SAMUEL W. BLOOM, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Methodology Chairman, LESLIE K:IsH, University of Michigan Chairman-Elect, HERBERT HYMAN, Columbia University WASHINGTON, D. C. Secretary-Treasurer, RoBERT McGINNIS, Cornell University Social Psychology Chairman, GUY E. SWANSON, University of Michigan .::..'"O""G- ~9., 30., ~:1.., SE:J?'J:'- :1.., ~ Chairman-Elect, ALEX INKELES, Harvard University Secretary-Treasurer, FRED DAVIS, University of California, San Francisco :1.96~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION New York University Washington Square, New York 3, N. Y. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman: PAUL F. l.A..z.usFE.LD, Columbia University WILLIAM J. Gooo•, Columbia University WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wieconsin T.ALCO'M' P.lB.SONS, Harvard Univereity IIARoLD L. WILENSKY, University of Michigan SESSION ORGANIZERS The Ua .. of Sociology The Role of the SocioloP,t Per8i.Jtent Social Proble1M ORVILLE G. BmM, Jn. ALLEN H. BABTON CBABLES H. PAGE JoaN A. CLAusEN T ,U.COTT p ABBOKS RtcnARI> A. GLow ARD DANIEL o. PRICE AMlTAI w. ETZJONI HKNRT w. Rli.CKEN The Economy Enw ARD A. Suca>UN JoaN W. RILEY, Ja. RoBERT DUBIN DAYID L. StLLS CBARLEB Y. GLOcK DoNALD YouNG ABRAM J. JAFFE The Life Cycle CHARLES p. LOOMI8- DANIEL BELL Scientific Issues HARPLD L. WILENSKY THEODORE CAPLOW BBitNARD BJtREI.SON AmlABAM ZAuz:NtX: WILLIAM J. GOODE HERBERT H YMA.N M.u KAPLAN ALl'lllm McCLUNG LEE The Professioru GoRDON F. STBEIB RoBERT K. MERTON JosHUA A. FISHMAN FRED L. STRODTBECK NEIL J. SMELSER JOSEPH T. KLAP•n WAYNE WHEELER HENRY J. MEYER GIBSON WINTER Panel Discuuion Public Affair& lliNS ZEISEL THOMAS F. PETTlCBKW RAYMOND V. Bow EBB w. PHILLIPS D.lVlBON MoBJUs ].llfoWITZ WILBEB1' E. MoonE Symposium CLARENCE Surma HowABD Y. McCLUSKEY Traditional Se.. loru MARsaALL B. eu',ARD Wn.LLUi L. KoLB SEYMOUR MARTIJI( LIP!IET NELSON N. FoOTE WILLlA.M A. KORNHAUSER LEO P'. SCBNOBE JosEPH R. GusFIELD GERHARD E. LENSKJ ERWIN o. SMtCEL Sea1lon. Under Section AUApice• RoaEJtT A. FELDMESSERt Sociology of Education LESLIE KIBH, Methodology HowARD E. FREEMAN, Medical SoCiology GxoacE G. R.E.A.DER, Medical Sociology EVEBETI' C. HUGHES, Medical Sociology J.AMEB F. SHORT, Jn., Criminology RoBERT F. WINCH, Social Psychology CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chairman: CoNRAD TllOBEB, Bureau of the Census A.ni.JtDnt to Chairman: PAUL F. MYEBB, Bureau of the Census Adt>laory RoaUT T. BowER, Bureau of Social Science Research, RABoLD HoFPSDMMER, University of Maryland I,oc. STUART A. RICE, Surveys & Research Corporation RT. REv. Msca. PAUL H. Fuanrr, Catholic University HENRY RmcKEN, National Science Foundation of America Eu Ross, Trinity College AusnN v~ DEB SLICE, American University Conference Headquarter• Formal E"ent. G. FRANKLIN EDwARDs, Howard University JERRY W. CoMBs, Jo., Bureau of the Census R~gtatratlon Projenlonal Tour• SAMUEL BAUM, George Washington Univemity EARL E. HUYcB:, Department of Health, Education and Interpretation Welfare NoRA LB..Jms, Department of State TVA Tour Employment CALVERT L. DEDmcK, Bureau of the Census CRA.RLES E. HUTCHINSON, American Sociological Asso­ Ho,... Ro•pltallty ciation PAUL C. GucJC, Bureau of the Census Horulnw Hoapltalitl' F 4THEB DANIEL L. LowERY, The Catholic Ud;veteity of ~ FRANCES SHBYOCK, Americal1 Sociological As80· America .. ciation FUm Public Spa<UJ PETER P. WINS, University of Maryland JoiUf M." WILSON, UJtivereity of Maryland Publicity E:chlblu A. W. voN StrRDVE, Bureau of the Census F~auc:tt SBYMoua, American University LU.iaon U!lth Rural Sociolo1flaU GL.4DYS K: Bowas, Department of AgricUlture The facllities of the United States Emp_loyment Serviejo fo"r the_Dbtrlet of Columbia will be used at the meetings. Int~es_ted per89n.~ should report_ >to the PlaCement area, Room F 958, ~edia~y after regilrterlng. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATJ';:'~ PROGRAM THEME: PROGRAM OUTLINE "\;£} CAME RICAN THE USES OF SOCIOLOGY WEDNESDAY, August 29 PAGE The effort is made to take stock of the IO:OO A.M.-SECTIONS-Medical Sociology: Business Meeting .................. 6 ways in which sociological ideas and re­ Criminology: Business Meeting .•...................... 6 SOCIOLOGICAL search data .have been applied to the cur­ II :00 A.M. Methodology: Business Meeting ........................ 6 rent problems of American society. The 2:00 P.M. Medical Sociology: Special Session on Social Policy and sessions devoted to this theme are starred Medicine .......................................... 6 in the program outline (see opposite page); Social Psychology: Business Meeting .................. 6 ASSOCIATION 3:30 P.M. Social Psychology: Special Session on Social Interaction .. 6 the others being the established sessions 4:00 P.M. Sociology of Education: Business Meeting .•............. 6 for special fields. The. chairman of the ses­ 57th Annual Meeting sions on the Uses of Sociology have been THURSDAY, August 30 FRIDAY, August 31 SATURDAY, September I asked to think of their objectiv~s in the 8:30-IO:OO A.M. PAGE 9 :00-II :00 A.M. pAGE 9 :00-II :00 A.M. pAGE August 29- broadest terms, interpreting . them as best Criminology . 15 Registration . 7 *Adult and His Family. 22 suited to their own fields. I hope that soiJle· Human Ecology . 15 September 2, 1962 thing like a spectrum of utilll:y'will. devel?P *Agriculture . 22 *Observations on Desegrega- Crinlinology . 22 before. us leading from the use of soCial tion ................... 15 IO:OO A.M.-I2:00 M. *General Health . 22 theory in neighboring fields such as history and econon)ics~ at the *Religion and Political Proc- *Mental Health ............ 23 one end, to the utilization of particular empirical :;esearch by agen­ *Adolescent Values and Occu- ess .................... 16 *VVar and Peace ........... 23 cies wanting to pursue ? concrete goal more effectively, at the other pations . 7 Social Psychology . 16 Social Stratification . 16 end. *Large Scale Organizations... 7 *Mass Media . 7 *Sociology and Education ... 16 The chairman of the sessions dealing with utilities have been asked II :00 A.M.-I2 :00 M. Medical Sociology . 8 II :00 A.M.-I2 :00 M. to review for later publication whatever pertinent c?ntributio~s Methodology . 8 Business Meeting . 23 they have found, to point out neglected areas and available sociO· *Problematics of Applied So- Business Meeting . 17 logical findings and id,eas that have b~en. overlooke~. Because !he~e ciology . 8 I :30-3:30 P.M. Sociology of Religion . 9 I :30-3:30 P.M. is so little time for each session, onnss1on of pertinent matenal 1s *Agriculture . 17 bound to occur. It would be most helpful if m~rn?ers of the Ass_o­ *Foreign Relations ......... 17 *Armed Forces . 23 ciation would make suggestions about these om1ss10ns to the charr­ *Ministry . 24 I:30-3:30.P.M. *Manpower and Unemploy- men after each session. ment .................. 17 *Political Parties .......... 24 Occupations and Professions 18 Social Change . 24 Until 1937 the annual meetings of our Association were organized *Delinquent Behavior . 9 *Disasters . 9 *Organizational Change .... 18 Social Psychology . 25 around a ~entral theme. Since then it was generally held that the Family ................... 10 Political Modernization . 18 *Sociology of Leisure ...... 25 diversification
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