Office Address Home Address Department of Common Street & Anthropology One College Street Douglas, MA 01516 Worcester, MA 01610 [email protected] (508) 793-2630 (609) 865-0651


2013 Ph.D. in Sociology Rutgers University, Department of Sociology Dissertation: If This Thing Had Never Happened: Moving on From Hurricane Katrina Supervisor: Dr. Karen Cerulo

2001 M.A. in Sociology University of Houston, Department of Sociology Thesis: Art and Meaning: A Logistical Study of Mexican Muralism (1920-1940) and the Federal Art Projects (1933-1943) Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Kotarba

1997 B.A. (double) in Philosophy and Economics University of Texas--Austin

1995 B.B.A. in Finance University of Texas--Austin


2013 Assistant Professor College of the Holy Cross Department of Sociology & Anthropology

2012 Instructor College of the Holy Cross Department of Sociology & Anthropology


Sociology of Risk Social Disruption Social Suffering Climate Degrowth The Environmental Precariat Urban Marginality Social Justice Culture & Cognition Visual Sociology


Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. (forthcoming). “Secondary Violences as Social Policy in the Aftermath of a Disaster: A Corollary to Naomi Klein’s Disaster Capitalism.” Humanity and Society. Jones, Ellis, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. (forthcoming). “Ethical Brews: New England, Networked Ecologies, and a New Craft Beer Movement.” In Untapped: Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of the Craft Beer Revolution, edited by Nathaniel G. Chapman, J. Slade Lellock, and Cameron Lippard. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne, Yuki Kato, and Catarina Passidomo. (forthcoming). "Re-Building Others’ Communities: A Critical Analysis of Race and Nativism in Nonprofits in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina." Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2015. “Waiting in The Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans: A Case Study on the Tempography of Urban Marginalization.” Symbolic Interaction 38(4): 539-556. Peterson, David, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. 2015. “Kafkaesque Bureaucracies as Natural Breaching Experiments: Interactional Failures and the Search for Institutional Agency.” Symbolic Interaction 38(2): 195-212. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2015. " The Cultural Geography of Community Suffering." Pp.269-280 in World Suffering & the Quality of Life, edited by Ronald E. Anderson. New York, New York: Springer. Francis, Ara, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. 2015. "Hurricane Katrina, Family Trauma, and the Micro-Politics of Suffering". Pp. 401-411 in World Suffering & the Quality of Life, edited by Ron Anderson. New York, New York: Springer. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. “Disasters as Hyper-Marginalization: Social Abandonment in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans.” 2014. Pp. 281-308 in Urban Ills: Post-Recession Complexities of Urban Living in the Twenty-First Century in Global Contexts, edited by Carol Camp Yeakey, Vetta Sanders Thompson, and Anjanette Wells. Boston: Lexington Books. Carol Camp Yeakey, Vetta Sanders Thompson, and Anjanette Wells. Boston: Lexington Books. Kato, Yuki, Catarina Passidomo, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. 2014. “Political Gardening in a Post-Disaster City: Lessons from New Orleans.” Urban Studies 51(9): 1833-1849. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne, and Andrew Varuzzo. 2014. “’Double Diversion’ and the Environmental Good: Framing a Disproportionate Solution to an Ecological Threat as a Problem for the Commons.” Pp. 73-89 in William R. Freudenburg, A Life in Social Research: Research in

Social Problems and Public Policy, Volume 21, edited by Susan Maret. UK: Emerald Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2012. “A Quiet Suffering: Some Notes on the Sociology of Suffering.” Sociological Forum 27(2): 528-535. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2012. “A New Geography of Trouble.” Pp. 119-133 in Black Beaches and Bayous: The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster, edited by Lisa A. Eargle and Ashraf M. Esmail. New York: University Press of America. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2010. “The Space for Culture and Cognition.” Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, Media, and the Arts 38(2): 184-203. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2008. “Remembering the Forgetting of New Orleans.” Pp.129-139 in What is a City? Rethinking the Urban after Hurricane Katrina, edited by Phil Steinberg and Rob Shields. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne, and Janet Lorenzen. 2008. “Contemporary Leisure Frontiers for Americans.” Pp. 75-92 in Loisir et Liberté en Amérique Du Nord, edited by Pierre Lagayette. Paris: Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2007. “(Re)Creating Culture Through Tourism: Black Heritage Space in New Jersey.” Pp. 59-68 in Tourism, Culture and Regeneration, edited by Melanie K. Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne, and Janet Lorenzen. 2006. “Signifying Practices and the Co-Tourist.” Tourismos 1(1): 9-26. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2006. “‘Mis en Fiction du Monde’: Les Lieux de Mémoire and New Orleans.” Space and Culture 9(1): 92-94.

Edited Volumes & Special Issues

Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2015. “The Sympathetic State and Social Disruption.” Social Justice Research 28(3). Dolgon, Corey, Daina Cheyenne Harvey, and James Pennell. 2015. “Teaching Humanist Sociology.” Humanity and Society 39(2).

Book Reviews

Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2016. Crisis Cities: Disaster and Redevelopment in New York and New Orleans, by Kevin Fox Gotham and Miriam Greenberg. Contemporary Sociology 45(1): 46- 48. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2014. Mennonite Disaster Service: Building a Therapeutic Community after the Gulf Coast Storms, by Brenda Phillips. Humanity & Society 38(3): 345-347. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2012. Divided Cities: Belfast, Beirut, Jerusalem, Mostar, and Nicosia, by Jon Calame and Esther Charlesworth. Societies Without Borders: The Journal of Human Rights and Social Sciences 7(3): 380-384. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2009. Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality, by Loïc Wacquant. Sociological Inquiry 79(1): 137-138. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2008. The Art of Listening, by Les Back. Contemporary Sociology 37(5): 483-484. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2007. The Playful Crowd: Pleasure Places in the Twentieth Century, by Gary Cross and John Walton. Journal of Heritage Tourism 2(1): 64-65.

Other Publications

Dolgon, Corey, Daina Cheyenne Harvey, and James Pennell. 2015. “Teaching Humanist Sociology.” Humanity & Society 39(2): 131-134. Henricks, Kasey, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. 2015. "Black Dollars, White Pockets: Looting By Another Name." Humanity & Society 39(1) 3-8. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2012. “Failure to Respond.” Contexts 11: 8. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2011. “Comments on Javier Auyero’s ‘Chuck and Pierre at the Welfare Office’: The Forum Mailbox.” Sociological Forum 26: 183-184. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. 2007. “Comments on Laurie Mulvey and Samuel Richards’ ‘Thoughts on a Conversational Approach to Race Relations: The Forum Mailbox’.” Sociological Forum 22: 558-559

Working Book Manuscripts

Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. Welcome to the Lower Ninth Ward: Living with Ecological Violence. [In discussion with Rutgers University Press.] Jones, Ellis, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. Networked Ecologies: Exploring New England’s Craft Beer Revolution. DeGloma, Thomas, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. Culture, Cognition, and Conflict: The Sociomental Character of our Moral and Political Disputes. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. Social Disruption, Culture, and Media: How We See Disasters.

Working Papers & Projects

Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. “Cultures of Risk: When Seeing is Not Believing.” (for The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology, edited by Wayne H. Brekhus and Gabe Ignatow). Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. Special issue, “Climate, Risk and Environment” for Sociological Forum. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. “Ethnographic Violence: Doing Ethnography in Places of Suffering.” Lorenzen, Janet, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. “Approaching Green from Different Directions: New Orleans to the Jersey Shore.” Prepared for Emergent Possibilities for Global Sustainability Intersections of Race, Class and Gender. Phoebe Godfrey and Denise Torres (Eds). Routledge. Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. “Climate Change in the Bucolic Ghetto: Making Sense of Large Scale Disasters in Marginalized Communities Through Eco-Uncertainty.” Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. Special issue, “Environmental Activism” for Humanity & Society. Varuzzo, Andrew, and Daina Cheyenne Harvey. “Environmental Privilege and Green Space: Social Disparities in the Distribution of Worcester’s Tree Canopy.” Harvey, Daina Cheyenne. “Cities as Cultural Boundaries: Discourse Strategies and Newspaper Coverage of the Federal Arts Projects, 1933-1943.”


Guest Curator, Katrina Then & Now: Artists as Witness, Part I: Documenting, Describing, and Dealing with Disaster. Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery. September 2 2015- October 10 2015 Guest Curator, Katrina Then & Now: Artists as Witness, Part II: The Rebirth of Art. Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery. October 22 2015 – December 18 2015


2015 Campus Compact, Campuses for Environmental Stewardship and the David Educational Foundation ($4000) (with Michelle Sterk Barrett, Andrea Borghini, Stephanie Crist, and Kelly Wolfe-Bellin) 2015 Bachelor-Ford Summer Research Grant, Holy Cross, 2015 ($3800) 2015 Research and Publications Grant, Holy Cross ($1400) 2015 Faculty Development Grant, College of the Holy Cross ($800) 2014 Robert L. Ardizzone (’63) Junior Faculty Research Award, Holy Cross ($2000) 2014 Bachelor-Ford Summer Research Grant, Holy Cross ($3500) 2014 Research and Publications Grant, Holy Cross ($1000) 2013 Holy Cross Rising Star Award 2013 Faculty Development Grant, College of the Holy Cross ($1,000) 2011 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, (Honorable Mention) 2010 University and Louis Bevier Dissertation Fellowship, (Alternate) 2010 Rutgers University Initiative on Climate and Social Policy, ($3,000) 2010 National Periship Award, ($10,000) 2010 Graduate School-New Brunswick, Award for Excellence in Teaching 2009 The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy, 2009 ($4,000) 2009 SAGE/Pine Forge Teaching Innovation and Professional Development Award, American Sociological Association, Section on Teaching and Learning 2009 Presidential Fellow, Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Carnegie Foundation 2008 Presidential Fellow, Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Carnegie Foundation 2007 Harry C. Bredemeier Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Sociology Department, Rutgers University 2006 Greenblat Award, Sociology Department, Rutgers University


Environmental Sociology Sociological Perspectives Social Disruption and the City Social Statistics Disaster Sociology: NY2NOLA Cities and Environment Disasters, Media & Culture

2015 Zhenxi Qi (Departmental Honors Thesis ·Supervisor) 2015 Tara Hank (Departmental Honors Thesis ·Supervisor) 2015 Victoria Pennacchio (Washington Semester Capstone ·Reader) 2014 Ethan Jacques (WGST Capstone ·Supervisor) 2014 Andrew Varuzzo (Directed Readings, Urban Forestry) 2014 Jacqueline Saltarelli (Departmental Honors Thesis ·Reader) 2013 Francis DeLeo (College Honors Thesis ·Reader) 2013 Martha Walters (Departmental Honors Thesis ·Reader) 2013 Andrew Varuzzo (Mellon Fellowship ·Supervisor)

2012 Hana Carey (Departmental Honors Thesis ·Reader) 2012 Elizabeth McManus (Departmental Honors Thesis ·Supervisor)


2015 “Ethical Brews: Social and Environmental Responsibility in the New England Craft Beer Movement” (with Ellis Jones). Association for Humanist Sociology, Portland. 2015 “Dealing with Disaster: Doing Devious Things with Our Minds.” Eastern Sociological Society, New York 2014 “Environmental Activism For Whom? The Common Problem for the Problem of the Commons” (with Andrew Varuzzo). Association for Humanist Sociology, Cleveland. 2014 “’Where’d All You White People Come From’: Alienation through Aid in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Federal Levee Failures.” Association for Humanist Sociology, Cleveland. 2014 “Give me a Pigfoot and a Bottle of Beer: Performance of Food in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, San Francisco. 2014 “’Disaster Capitalism’, Regular Capitalism, and the Search for a Big Mac: Undermining Assumptions of ‘What Is To Be Done’ for Marginalized Communities in the Aftermath of Disasters.” International Sociological Association, World Congress of Sociology, Japan. 2014 “A Tale of Two Sorrows: Hurricane Katrina, Parenting Trouble, and the Politics of Suffering” (with Ara Francis). International Sociological Association, World Congress of Sociology, Japan. 2014 “’Where’d All You White People Come From’: Alienation through Aid in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Federal Levee Failures”. International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Japan. 2014 “The Invisible Work of Reproducing Environmental Inequalities: Framing Environmental Solutions to Ecological Threats as Problems for the Commons.” (with Andrew Varuzzo), The Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore. 2013 “Race, Capitalism, and Environmental Disruption”. Association for Humanist Sociology. Arlington. 2013 “Cultural Sociologist in Search of Cognition, Will Travel: Locating Culture and Cognition in Ethnography”. American Sociological Association, New York. 2013 “Secondary Violences as Social Policy in the Aftermath of Environmental Disruption: A Corollary to Naomi Klein’s Disaster Capitalism” Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York. 2013 “Carrots and Sticks: Sustainable Consumption in the Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina”. The Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative, The Future of Consumerism and Well-Being in a World of Ecological Constraints, Clark University, Worcester. 2013 “Problems with Building Sustainable Communities in a Time and Place of Peril: A Postcard from the Lower Ninth Ward”. The Eastern Sociological Society, Boston. Sustaining Communities/Sustainable Lives: Social Change, Social Action, and Social Justice. 2013 “Dilemmas in Defining and Creating Sustainable Communities: Lessons from the Lower Ninth Ward.” The American Society for Public Administration, New Orleans 2013 “Political gardening in a post-disaster city: Lessons from New Orleans”. From the Outside In: Sustainable Futures for Global Cities and Suburbs, National Center for Suburban Studies, Hofstra University, Long Island. (With Yuki Kato and Catarina

Passidomo). 2012 “Secondary Violences and Disastrous Space: The Hyper-Marginalization of the Lower Ninth Ward in the Aftermath of Katrina.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver. 2011 “A Case Study on the Tempography of Urban Marginalization: A View From Below the City.” Urban Affairs Association, New Orleans. 2011 “Cognitive Styles and Cultural Response to Trouble.” American Sociological Association, Las Vegas. 2011 “‘That’s Just Another Thing. We Use To It’: Living in a Geography of Trouble.” American Sociological Association, Las Vegas. 2011 “‘There’s God, Then There’s Mac”’: Responses to Living in a Geography of Trouble.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Las Vegas. 2011 “Waiting in The Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans: A Case Study on the Tempography of Urban Marginalization.” Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. 2010 “The Science Behind Social Problems.” Southwestern Sociological Association, Houston. 2010 “Suffering at the Margins: Everyday Life and Uncertainty in the Lower 9th.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Atlanta. 2009 “A Space for Culture and Cognition.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco. 2009 “Spaces and Schemas.” Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore. 2009 “It's Never About Race: Examining Extra-Racial Discourse in a Post-Racist America.” Graduate Forum on Race and Ethnicity, Center for Race and Ethnicity, Rutgers University, New Brunswick. 2008 “The Black History Month and Cultural Memory.” Graduate Forum on Race and Ethnicity, Center for Race and Ethnicity, Rutgers University, New Brunswick. 2007 “Memory, Space and Inequality: Mnemonic Continuity and the Spaces of the Traumatized City.” Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. 2007 “Remembering the Forgetting of New Orleans.” American Association of Geographers, San Francisco. 2006 “The Social Organization of Shared Spaces: Creating Boundaries with Brands.” International Visual Sociology Association, Urbino, Italy. 2006 “History in Twenty-Eight Days: Mnemonic Saliency and the Black History Month.” American Sociological Association, Montréal. 2006 “Cultural Boundaries and Tourism: The Rise of the Co-Tourist.” (with Janet Lorenzen), American Sociological Association, Montréal. 2006 “Consuming Space: Signifying Practices Within Generic Spaces.” (with Janet Lorenzen), Eastern Sociological Society, Boston. 2006 “The Mnemonic Parsing of the City.” Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, 2006 “Seeing is not Always Believing: Differentiating the Collective Memory of Spatial Iconography from the Experience of Iconic Places.” Eastern Sociological Society, Boston. 2006 “Cognition, Slavery and Tourism: Forgetting the Present, Remembering the Past.” Invited Presentation. ESS Mini-Conference on Culture and Cognition, Eastern Sociological Society Boston. 2006 “A Time and a Place for Space: Problems for Spatial Relations during a Time of Cultural Regeneration.” Second Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Brown University, Providence. 2005 “Between Cultural Preservation and Cultural Perversion: Comparative Ethnoscapes on New Jersey and Louisiana Plantations.” World Congress of The International Institute of

Sociology, Stockholm. 2005 "The Production of Place: Racializing Space for the Virtual Tourist." American Sociological Association, Philadelphia. 2005 “Signifying Place: Tourist Practices in Contested Space.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Philadelphia. 2005 “Producing, Consuming, and Managing Culture: (Re)Discovering Black Heritage Sites.” Eastern Sociological Society, Washington D.C. 2005 “Between Place and Space: The New Jersey Plantation as Heritage Site and Space of Anamnesis.” Southwestern Sociological Association, New Orleans. 2004 “Leisure, Space and Consumption: Contemporary Leisure Frontiers for Americans." (with Janet Lorenzen), Leisure and Liberty in North America, Sorbonne, Paris. 2004 “A New Deal for the New Deal Art: Framing and the Federal Arts Projects.” Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, George Mason University, Arlington. 2001 “A Sociological Theory of Meaning: Towards a New Sociology of Art.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Anaheim. 2001 “Conceptualizing the On-line Teaching of Popular Culture as Popular Culture.” (with Joseph Kotarba), Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Anaheim. 2001 “The Sociologistics of Meaning.” Southwestern Sociological Association, Fort Worth. 2000 “Democratic Constraints on Contemporary Culture: An Ethnographic Analysis of Gate- Keeping in Houston Art Museums and Galleries.” Southwestern Sociological Association, Galveston.


Editorial Boards

Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography (2015-2016) Humanity & Society (2013-2016) Sociological Forum (2012-2016)

Elected & Appointed Positions

Nomination Committee, AHS (2015-2017) Secretary-Treasurer, Section on Teaching and Learning, ASA (2015-2017) Chair, Environment and Technology Division, SSSP (2014-2016) Committee on Committees, SSSP (declined) Book Review Editor, Urbanities (2015-2016) Co-Editor, Newsletter for the Teaching and Learning Section, ASA (2014-2016) Graduate Student Council Representative, Culture Section, ASA (2010-2012) Managing Editor, Sociological Forum (2007-2012) Chair, Student Forum Advisory Board, ASA (2006-2007) Student Forum Advisory Board, ASA (2005-2007)

Association for Humanist Sociology (AHS)

Organizer, Presider (2015) Organizer (2015) Chair, Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award Committee (2015)

Co-Chair Nomination Committee (2015-2016) Presider, Disaster Capitalism (2014) Organizer & Presider, Race, Capitalism, and Environmental Disruption (2013)

Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)

Organizer, Teaching with Technology (2015) Organizer, Environmental Racism (2015) Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, Environment and Technology Division (2015) Organizer and Presider, Urban Environment Relations (2014) Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, Teaching Social Problems Division (2013) Organizer and Presider, New Directions and Cutting Edge Approaches to Teaching Social Problems (2011) Co-Organizer and Presider, Teaching Social Problems Is Doing Social Problems Work (2010)

Eastern Sociological Society (ESS)

Co-Organizer, Mini-Conference in the Sociology of Culture and Cognition (2015) Presider & Discussant, Presidential Panel on Sociology of Disasters (2015) Presider, Constructing Political Identities (2015) Presider, Culture, Cognition, and Emotion (2015) Presider, Performing the Arts and Artistic Organizations (2015) Presider, Margins, Liminality, and Boundary Work (2015) Presider, New Frontiers in Culture and Cognition (2015) Presider, Culture, Classification, and the Construction of Identities (2015) Book Award Committee (2007) Organizer & Presider, Visualizing Place (2006)

American Sociological Association (ASA)

Ex-Officio member of the American Sociological Association’s Committee on Teaching (2015- 2017) Voting Member of American Sociological Association’s Section Council (2015-2017) Presider, Environmental Justice (2014) Publications Committee, Teaching and Learning Section (2013-2015) Moderator/Facilitator, Environment-Cities (2013) Co-Organizer, Utopias and Rebuilding: Cities and Communities after Disaster (2012) Presider, Race Relations in the US South (2011) Committee Member, Nominations Committee, Section on Teaching and Learning (2010) Presider, Space, Place and Identity (2009) Presider, Residential Segregation and Integration (2009) Discussant & Presider, Culture and Consumption (2008) Organizer, Demystifying the Publication Process: Editors of Sociology Journals Speak with Students, Panelists: Karen Cerulo, Gary Alan Fine, Dana Britton (2007) Discussant &Presider, Conceptualizing, Constructing, and Commodifying Culture (2007) Presider, Race and Ethnicity (2007) Discussant, Community Case Studies (2006) Presider, Crossing Borders: U.S. Imperialism, Corporate Welfare, & International Economies

(2006) Committee Member, Communications and Outreach Committee (2005-2007) Committee Member, Student Travel Grant Committee (2005-2007) Committee Member, Research Grant Committee (2005-2006) Presider, Cultural Difference and Cultural Incorporation (2005)

Holy Cross

Presidential Task Force on the Environment (2015) Appointed to the Community Standards Board (2015-2017) Organized and Hosted the Second New England Regional Conference on Teaching the Social Sciences (Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (Holy Cross); Department of Sociology and Anthropology (Holy Cross); Association for Humanist Sociology; Teaching Social Problems Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems; Office of Community Based Learning (Stonehill College) (2014) Participated in the Studio Art Review (2014) Appointed as a Faculty Representative to SynergE (2014) Focus Group for Dinand 2020 (2014) Nominated for a Green Game Changer Award 2014 (SynergE Worcester initiative) (2014) Tenure Track Line Proposal Committee (2013) Co-Organized the First New England Regional Conference on Teaching the Social Sciences (2013)

Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Holy Cross

AKD Director (2016) Imse Award Committee (2015) Reviewed Honors Applications as part of incoming Departmental Honors Committee (2013, 2015) Participated in Departmental Open House (2013, 2014, 2015) Greisch Family Summer Fellowship Committee (2013, 2014, 2015) Graduate Studies and Fellowships Committee (2013-2014) Graduate Student Advisor (2013-2014) Served on the Department’s Honor’s Committee (2012-2013, 2015-2016)

Manuscript Reviewer (Occasional)

Social Problems Rutgers Journal of Sociology City and Community The Journal of Heritage Tourism Sociological Forum Symbolic Interaction Contexts Oxford University Press The Sociological Quarterly Polity Press Contemporary Sociology

Pine Forge Press Societies Without Borders Social Psychology Quarterly Humanity & Society Social Currents


The Association for Humanist Sociology American Sociological Association Eastern Sociological Society Society for the Study of Social Problems Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction International Sociological Association IUAES Commission on Urban Anthropology Sociologists Without Borders (occasional) Urban Affairs Association (occasional) Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (occasional)