√Morning Glory School and College

Class: III Subject: Islam and Moral Education Chapter: 5 Study of Quran Majid Answer Sheet for second Term 1. Put the tick mark () on the correct answer: a. What is the language of Quran Majid? 1. Bangla 2. Hebrew 3. English 4. √ b. How many letters are there in Arabic? 1. 25 2. 29 √ 3. 30 4. 50 c. How many letters are there without Nuqta in Arabic language? 1. 12 2. 14√ 3. 17 4. 18 d. Which one of the following is the sign of jer? ﹷ.4 √ﹻ .3 ﹸ.2 ﹹ .1 . How many Harkats are there? 1. 4 2. 6 3. 5 4. 3√ f. How many letters (Harf) of Madd are there? 1. 4 2. 6 3. 5 4. 3√ Fill in the blanks: a. There are 29 letters in Arabic language. b. Arabic is read from right side. c. There is no Nuqta (any ) in 14 Arabic letters. d. Symbol of vowel is called Harkat in Arabic language. e. To read a letter of Arabic word in long breath is called Madd. f. The best person among you is he, who learns Quran Majid and teaches it to others. True or False: 1. There are 50 letters in Arabic. False 2. Arabic is read from left to right. False 3. There are Nuqta in 15 letters. True 4. Tashdeed looks like the head of the letter Seen. True 5. Another name Jazam is Sakin. True

Answer for short Questions:

a. How many Arabic Alphabets are there? Ans: There are 29 Arabic Alphabets are there. Arabic letter is to read from right to left.

b. What is Harkat? Ans: Zabor, Zer and Pesh are called Harkat. Exmple: Zabor Baa. Ba Zer Be Ba Pesh Bu

c. What is Nuqta? Ans: There are one or more dotes on or under Arabic letters. These dots are called. Nuqta means Dot.( .) d. What is called Tanwin? Ans: Double Zabor , Double Zer and Double Pesh are called Tanwin. Example: Mim Double Zabor =Man Mim Double Zer = Min Mim Double pesh = Mun

e. What is the language of the Quran Majid? Ans: Arabic is the language of the Quran Majid. There are twenty nine letters in Arabic.

Question for descriptive Answer: 1. How many letters in Arabic language? And what are they. Write them. Ans: There are 29 letters in Arabic language. They are-

2. What is Nuqta? Write five letters with Nuqta. Ans: There are one or more dotes on or under Arabic letters. These dots are called. Nuqta means Dot.( .) 3. What is Harkat? How many Harkats are there? Give examples. Ans: Zabor, Zer and Pesh are called Harkat. There are three Harkats. Exmple: Ba Zabor Baa. Ba Zer Be Ba Pesh Bu

4. What did Prophet say about reading Quran Majid? Ans: The Great Prophet said about reading Quran Majid, “the best person among you is he, who learns Quran Majid and teaches to others. 5. What is Jazam? Give examples. Ans:

6. What is Tanbeen? Give examples. Ans: Double Zabor , Double Zer and Double Pesh are called Tanwin. Example: Mim Double Zabor =Man Mim Double Zer = Min Mim Double pesh = Mun 7. What is Tashdeed? Give examples. Ans:

8. What is word? Describe with example how a word is formed. Ans:

9. Write Sura Al Fatiha from your memory. Page no: 58 10. Write Sura An Nas from your memory. Page no: 60 11. What is Madd? Write the letters of madd. Ans:

12. Write Sura Al Falaq from your memory. Page no: 59