ISO/IEC International Standard 10646-1
Proposed Draft Amendment (PDAM) 7 ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.7:2008 (E) Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — AMENDMENT 7: Mandaic, Batak, Brahmi, Tangut, and other characters Page 1, Clause 1 Scope The Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP), Plane 3 of Group 00, is reserved for ideographic characters and is cur- In the list item specifying the supplementary planes, rently empty. after „(SIP)‟, insert ‘the Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP)’. Page 8, Sub-clause 6.4 Naming of charac- In the list item enumerating the plane names replace ters ‘BMP, SMP, SIP, SSP’ with ‘BMP, SMP, SIP, TIP, SSP’. Page 2, Clause 3 Normative references Insert a new item d) before list item d) which become e): d) follows the rule given in 28.7 for Tangut characters, Update the reference to the Unicode Bidirectional Algo- or rithm and the Unicode Normalization Forms as follows: Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#9, The Unicode Bidi- Page 14, Sub-clause 20.3 Format characters rectional Algorithm, Version 6.0.0, [Date TBD]. Insert the following entry in the list of formats charac- Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#15, Unicode Normali- ters: zation Forms, Version 6.0.0, [Date TBD]. 2D7F TIFINAGH CONSONANT JOINER Editor‟s Note: The dates for the Unicode Standard An- Page 23, Clause 28 Character names and nexes mentioned above will be determined in future annotations phases of this amendment process. Insert a new sub-clause 28.7 and update accordingly Page 2, Clause 4 Terms and definitions following sub-clauses and cross references. Insert the following before the current 4.44 Unpaired 28.7 Character names for Tangut characters RC-element (as previously amended) and update ac- For Tangut characters, the names are algorithmically cordingly all following term numbers and cross refer- constructed by appending their coded representation in ences.
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