Atnerican Library Association
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E:RTlCAL FlU:: e.,.. \ Atnerican Library Association 1876-1911 OFFICIAL PROGRAM THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING Pasadena, California, May 18-24, 1911 COUNCIL, 1910-11 OFFICERS The Executive Board 1910-11 James I. Wyer, Jr., New York state library. Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf, Buffalo public library. President W. Dawson Johnston, Columbia university library. C. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library, Chicago. ]. I. W.YER, JR., New York State library Alice S. Tyler, Iowa state library commission. W. C. Lane, Harvard university library. First Vice-Preside11t Henry C. Legler, Chicago public library. Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress. MRs. H. L. ELMENDORF, Public library, Buffalo Purd B. W'right, Kansas City free public library. Seco11d Vice-President Ex-Presidents Now Members W. D.WiSON JoHNSTON, Columbia university library F. M. Crunden, St. Louis, Mo. Melvi! Dewey, Lake Placid Club, New York. Executive Board S. S. Green, Worcester, Mass. W. I. F letcher, Amherst college library. The president, two vice-presidents and six other mem H. M. Utley, Public library, Detroit. bers, as follows: J. C. Dana, Free public library, Newark. W. H. Brett, Public library, Cleveland. For term expiring 1911 Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress. W. C. Lane, Harvard univer.>ity library. ) C. W. ANDREWS, The J ohn Crerar library R. G. Thwaites, Wisconsin historical society. I ALICE S. TYLER, Iowa library commission H. ]. Carr, Public library, Scranton, Pa. }. S. Billings, New York public library. E. C. Richardson, Princeton university library. For term e.-rpiring 1912 F. P. Hill, Brooklyn public library. C. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library. W. C. LANE, Harvard university library A. E. Bostwick, Public library, St. Louis. HENRY E. LEGLER, Public library, Chicago C. H. Gould, McGill university library. N. D. C. Hodges, Cincinnati public library. For term expiring 1913 HERBERT PuTNAM, Library of Congress Presidents of Affiliated Societies PURD B. WRIGHT, Public library, Kansas City, Mo. Clara F. Baldwin, League of library commissions. D. C. Brown, National association of state libraries. Secretary G. S. Godard, American association of law libraries. GEORGE B. UTLEY, 78 E. Washington street, Chicago Elected by the Association at Large Treas11rer Term expires 1911 G. S. Godard, Connecticut state library. CARL B. RoDEN, Public library, Chicago T. W. Koch, University of Michigan library. Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress. Tru-stees of the Endowmet~ t Fu11d Alice S. Tyler, J owa library commission. P. B. Wright, Kansas City free public library. W. W. APPLETON, New York City (Term expires 1911) I W. KIMBALL, Newark, N. }. (Term expires 1912) I Term expires 1912 C. l W. T. PoRTER, Cincinnati, Ohio (Term expires 1913) .,I Mary E. Ahern, "Public Libraries," Chicago. ,.I' 3 R. R. Bowker, "Library Journal," New York. C. S. Greene, California state library. Gardner M. Jones, Public library, Salem, Mass. G. T. Little, Bowdoin college library. Thomas L. Montgomery, State library, Harrisburg, Pa. H . G. Wadlin, Boston public library. W. F. Yust, Free public library, Louisville, Ky. H. C. Wellman, Springfield city library. Term expires 1913 Term expires 1915 W·alter L. Brown, Buffalo public library. George F. Bowerman. Public library, Washington D. C. Adelaide R. Hasse, New York public library. I• W:· N. C. Carlton, Ne\vberry library, Chicago. ' Henry E. Legler, Chicago public library. Lmda A. Eastman, Cleveland public library. Samuel H. Ranck, Grand Rapids public library. Mary F. Isom, Library association, Portland, Ore. Edith Tobitt, Omaha public library. l Judson T. Jennings, Public library, Seattle, W-ash. Tertn expires 1914 Nina E. Browne, Boston, M·ass. COMMITTEES H. W. Craver, Carnegie library, Pittsburgh. M'yra Poland, Osterhout library, Wnlkes-Barre, Pa. Local Committee C. B. Roden, Chicago public library. B. C. Steiner, Enoch Pratt free library, Baltimore. Nellie M. Russ, librarian public library, Pasadena. Board of trustees of the Pasadena public library. Term expires 1915 Gladys Brownson, librarian Throop polytechnic institute, Pasadena. Johnson Brigham, Iowa state library. Winifred E. Skinner, librarian Throop academy, Pasadena. L. J Burpee, Carnegie library, Ottawa, Ont. Jessie Haines, librarian Solar observatory, Pasadena. Eliza G. Browning, Public library, Indianapolis. Miss M. E. Wakefield, librarian Pasadena high school J Julia T. Rankin, Carnegie library, Atlanta, Ga. D. M. Linnard, manager Hotel Maryland, Pasadena. ' I Sulu Wagner, Public library, St. Louis. Frank ]. Hogan (representing Country Clubs), P asadena. A. J. Bertonneau, secretary Board of Trade, Pasadena. Elected by the Council H elen E. Haines, Pasadena. P urd B. W right, librarian public library, Kansas City. Term expires 1911 Minnie M. Oakley, public library, Los Angeles. W. P. Cutter, United Engineering library, New York. Andrew Keogh, Yale university library. Reception Committee H . L. Koopman, Brown university library. Cornelia Marvin, Oregon public library commission. Mrs. H enry ]. Carr, Scranton, Pa., Chairman. Lutie E. Stearns, Wisconsin free library commission. Mary E. Ahern, "Public Libraries," Chicago. J osephine A. Rathbone, Pratt Institute free library. Term expires 1912 Minnie M. Oakley, Los Angeles public library. Gratia Countryman, Minneapolis public library. Wellie M. Russ, public library, Pasadena, Cal. Mary E. Hazeltine, Wisconsin library school. Frances ]. Olcott, Carnegie library, Pittsburgh. Caroline M. Hewins, Hartford public library. H elen T. Kennedy, Wisconsin library school. Theresa Hitchler, Brooklyn public library. Theresa Hitchler, Brooklyn public library. Beatrice Winser, Newark free public library. Clara F. Baldwin, Minnesota library commission. Term expires 1913 Entertainment Committee W. T. Peoples, New York mercantile library. Mary W. Plummer, Pratt institute library school. Mrs. F. B. Linn, Free public library, Santa Barbara, Cal., Mary E. Robbins, Simmons college library. Chairman. John Thomson, F ree library of Philadelphia. Harriet A. Wood, Portland library association. P . L. Windsor, University of Illinois library. Purd B. Wright, Kansas City free public library. May C. Nerney, California state library. Term expires 1914 ]. F. Daniels, Riverside public library. Mrs. S. C. Fairchild, Albany, N. Y. 4 5 PROGRAM MEETINGS. Thursday, May 18 Official headquarters will be at the H otel Maryla1td. General sessions will be held in the Attditorittm of the 4:30p. m. Executive board. Shakespeare Club H ouse, 220 S. Los Robles avenue, two 8:15 p. m. Addresses of welcome. blocks from H otel Maryla11d. Meetings of affiliated asso For the City of Pasadena- Or. Robert J. Burdette. ciations and sections will be held in the Music Room, the F or the Pasadena public library- Ron. William Thum, Grill Room, the Billiard R oom and Bwrgalow 81. mayor of Pasadena and ex-officio president of the Time of M eeti11gs library board. Greetings on behalf of the California library associa Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are appointed for tion-L. W. Ripley, president. the following hours: Response-The president of the American library asso M-orning sessions 9:30 ciation. Afternoon sessions 2:30 Informal reception by the local committee, the speakers Evening sessions 8:15 of the evening and the offic ers of the Association. Registration Friday, May 19 Everyone in attendance at even one session, and whether a member of the association or not, is requested to register 9:30 a. m. Council. at Headquarters. 9:30 a. m. American association of law libraries. Membershi p a11d Dttes President's address-G. S. Godard. Organization and purposes of the Association-A. J. Members in arrears for dues and library workers wish Small, Iowa State law library. ing to join the Association will find the Secretary or his Reports of officers and committees. representative at H eadquarters. The history and functions of the Department of Jus ) EXHIBITS tice- 0. J. F ield, Department of Justice, Washing ton, D. C. An exhibit of children's books has been prepared by The bibliography of the California laws and codes. Miss F rances J. Olcott, chief of Children's department of Law and legislative library conditions in T exas. the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Observations on Indian tribal legislation and laws. It consists of the following three parts: Ohio reports- E. A. Feazel, Cleveland law library asso- Exhibit A: Mediocre and harmful fiction. ciation. Exhibit B : Some good popular books which may take The use by law libraries of Library of Congress cards the place of mediocre and harmful fiction. C. H. Hastings, Library of Congress. Exhibit C: Editions of some classic and standard The vaseline treatment of leather bindings- G. E. books for children. Wire, County law library, Worcester, Mass. Miss Marie H. Law, assistant in the children's depart Round table: Should law librarians be trained in li ment of the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh, will have -oi brary work? charge of the exhibit and will be glad to give information concerning any of the books. This exhibit will be held I 2 :30 p. m. First general session. at the Shakespeare Clttb H ottse. President's address-What the community owes the Special attention is also called to the exhibit of t~e library-]. I. Wyer, Jr., New York state library. Training School for children's librarians of the Carnegie Ou tline: The place of the public library In the social order Is now pretty definitely fixed. Its functions library of Pittsburgh. The various commercial exhibits, and the scope of its activities have been pretty although having no official connection with the Associa well determined by a generation of experiment and tion, will be found of value and interest to librarians. by an abundant discussion of what the library owes the community. It is now proper to look at the other side of the PERSONAL CONFERENCE. shield. The community owes the library carefully chosen and sympathetic trustees, open-mindedness, To further personal conference and to increase its profit, a modicum of patience, reasonable financial sup members are invited to leave at Headquarters the names port and a. better understanding of its work and of persons they wish to meet and of subjects in which requirements.