Online Finding
COLLECTIONS OF CORfillSPONDENCE hKD ~~NUSCRIPT DOCill1ENTS ') SOURCE: Gift of M. F., Tauber, 1966-1976; 1978; Gift of Ellis Mount, 1979; Gift of Frederick Tauber, 1982 SUBJECT: libraries; librarianship DATES COVERED: 1935- 19.Q2:;...·_· NUMBER OF 1TEHS; ca. 74,300- t - .•. ,..- STATUS: (check anoroor La te description) Cataloged: Listed:~ Arranged:-ll- Not organized; _ CONDITION: (give number of vols., boxes> or shelves) vc Bound:,...... Boxed:231 Stro r ed; 11 tape reels LOCATION:- (Library) Rare Book and CALL~NtJHBER Ms Coll/Tauber Manuscript RESTRICTIONS ON USE None --.,.--....---------------.... ,.... - . ) The professional correspondence and papers of Maurice Falcolm Tauber, 1908- 198~ Melvil!. DESCRIPTION: Dewey Professor' of Library Service, C9lumbia University (1944-1975). The collection documents Tauber's career at Temple University Library, University of Chicago Graduate LibrarySghooland Libraries, and ColumbiaUniver.sity Libra.:t"ies. There are also files relating to his.. ~ditorship of College' and Research Libraries (1948...62 ). The collection is,d.ivided.;intot:b.ree series. SERIESL1) G'eneral correspondence; inchronological or4er, ,dealing with all aspects of libraries and librarianship•. 2)' Analphabet1cal" .subject fi.~e coni;ainingcorrespQndence, typescripts, .. mJnieographed 'reports .an~,.::;~lated printed materialon.allaspects of libraries and. librarianship, ,'lith numerou§''':r5lders for the University 'ofCh1cago and Columbia University Libraries; working papers for many library surveys conducted by Tauber, including 6 boxes of material relating to his survey of Australian libraries; and 2 boxes of correspondence and other material for Tauber and Lilley's ,V.S. Officeof Education Project: Feasibility Study Regarding the Establishment of an Educational Media Research Information Service (1960); working papers of' many American Library Association, American National Standards~J;:nstituteand other professional organization conferences and committee meetings.
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