porto folio Kampung Potronanggan RT 006 No.1, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta 55191
[email protected] | +62 818 260 261 (Tomo) TABLE OF CONTENT Background Vision - Mission – Method Organisaon Structure COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Post Disaster Poor Kampung / Informal Comprehensive Planning Heritage Conservaon Workshop and Training Network Meeng and Visits Compeon, Exhibion and Seminar ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS Alternave Technology Development Architectural Project Design Architecture has a wide scope knowledge. Experts classified it as multi-dimension because the purpose is to accommodate community’s daily activities like housing, working, praying, trading, and others. Allocation of Architecture knowledge should also reach all community’s layers which is related to human’s life. Community Architect is an alternative to mainstream architects, but still one of architect professions. Architect is commonly known as commercial job. Community architect is a movement-oriented group with personal dedication as a response to social issues at large. Example in natural disaster which is incidental phenomenon with the need of fast treatment and recovery process as soon as possible. However beside natural disaster, the increasing of number and density of urban poor kampung in Indonesia so eviction be a social disaster. Limitedness of formal approach in planning and management of the city arise alternative needs and holistic approach that more concerned to community values and socio-cultural BACKGROUND aspects. Arkomjogja Tsunami Aceh at 26 Desember 2004 was required us as people to stand and give fully solidarity for able helping suit to sector/expertise. Labor mobilization with various expertise massive happened to think hard for rebuild their life. This is where we gather from.