Dr. Hartmut Sandner Institute for Applied Training Science Marschnerstr. 29 D-04109 Leipzig
[email protected] Core elements of successful elite sport systems - The example of GDR elite sport and modern national elite sport systems of today During a press conference in the middle of the 70s the former head coach of the West German national fencing team, the famous, Emil Beck, was asked about this view on the elite sport system of the GDR. He told the journalists that “the GDR elite sport is managed like one of our successful commercial enterprises.” This statement really summarizes a lot of what characterized the performance based GDR elite sport system, but, on the other hand, it does not explain the different goals, structures and elements of this approach in the former GDR’s elite sport. In addition it does not tell us anything about the social and political system that created this elite sport approach and if this system was unique or not, nor does is tell us why this system was as successful as it was. But before presenting core elements of the GDR elite sport system as well as similar features in successful national elite sport systems of today I would like to make a few introductory remarks. When preparing this paper for the conference today it became clear to me that I can only present to you a selection of major approaches, organisations, structures and mechanisms that characterized this elite sport system and its development during 40 years. It will not be possible to outline a picture that really covers all the features.