University of Nebraska Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Books in English Digitized Books 1-1-1840 Narrative of the war in Affghanistan in 1838-39 (Volume 2) Henry Havelock, Captain Follow this and additional works at: Part of the History Commons, and the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Havelock, Henry Narrative of the war in Affghanistan in 1838-39. London: Henry Colburn, 1840. volume 2 This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Books at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Books in English by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. OF THE WAR IN AFFGHANISTAN. IN 1838-39. BY CAPTAIN HENRY I-IAVELOCIC. 13~~REGIMENT (LIGUT INPANTBY), AIDE-DE-CAMP TO MAJOR-GENEILAL 8In tVILLOUGlIDY COTTON, G.C.D. AND. x.c.H., ' COIIIMANDING THE DCNGAL FORCES IN APFGHANISTAN. IN TWO VOLUMES. LONDON: HENRY COLBURN, PUBLISHEIE, 13, GREAT MARLDOROUGII STREET. 1840. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Ueac~.iption of Cnnd~har-Its defences, streets, bnz~ars, buildings, costumes, and commodities-Flight and pros. pects of its late rulers-Title bestowed on Hnjee I<han ICakur-Bombay tro~psreach Cnndaliar-Recognition of Shah Shooja-He receives the officers of the British army in grand durbar-Murder of Lieutennot Inverarity -Preparations for on advance on Cabool-Shnb Shooju encamps without the walls of Cnndahar-Observations. i CHAPTER 11. The army breaks up from Candubru.-Its health and means of subsistenoe-Head-quarters fixed at Gbojun Symptoms of affection for Sbnh Shooja-l)efcction of the nephew of Dost Mabomet ICbnn-Reconnaissance of Ghuznee-Storm andcopture of Ghuznee-Moohj~n~- mud Hyder Khan made prisoner-R.Iagnanin~ity of the Shah-Booty and Ins8 on botb sides-Flight of Dost Moohumnrud Khan-Capture of his artillery-Shah Sllooja enters Cnbool-Observationa * .