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[email protected] (Con)textual Identities: British Women’s Autobiographical Accounts of Travel, India and the 1857 Mutiny by Elizabeth Christine Moss Canterbury Christ Church University Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2014 Moss 2 Abstract This dissertation analyses autobiographical writings by twelve British women who resided in India during the 1857 Mutiny: Katherine Bartrum, Charlotte Canning, Adelaide Case, Ruth Coopland, Caroline Dickson, Frances Duberly, Maria Germon, Georgina Harris, Julia Inglis, Matilda Ouvry, Georgina Paget and Harriet Tytler. The study contends that through exposure to travel, settlement and war, the writers use diaries, journals, letters and memoirs as a framework to construct (con)textual identities: textual personas that are strongly marked by context.