The Diamond of Psi Upsilon Mar 1951
THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON MARCH, 1951 VOLUME XXXVll NUMBER THREE Clayton ("Bud") Collyer, Delta Delta '31, Deacon and Emcee (See Psi U Personality of the Month) The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Volume XXXVll March, 1951 Number 3 AN OPEN FORUiM FOR THE FREE DISCUSSION OF FRATERNITY MATTERS IN THIS ISSUE Page Psi U Personality of the Month 70 The 118th National Convention Program 71 Highlights in the Mu's History 72 The University of Minnesota 74 The Archives 76 The Psi Upsilon Scene 77 Psi U's in the Civil War 78 Psi U Lettermen 82 Pledges and Recent Initiates 83 The Chapters Speak 88 The Executive Council and Alumni Association, Officers and Mem bers 100 Roll of Chapters and Alumni Presidents Cover III General Information Cover IV EDITOR Edward C. Peattie, Phi '06 ALUMNI EDITOR David C. Keutgen, Lambda '42 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE DIAMOND J. J. E. Hessey, Nu '13, Chairman Herbert J. Flagg, Theta Theta '12 Walter S. Robinson, Lambda '19 A. Northey Jones, Beta Beta '17 S. Spencer Scott, Phi '14 (ex-officio) LeRoy J. Weed, Theta '01 Oliver B. Merrill, Jr., Gamma '25 (ex-officio) Publication Office, 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. Executive and Editorial Offices Room 510, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Life Subscription, $15; By Subscription, $1.00 per year; Single Copies, 50 cents Published in November, January, March and June by the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1936, at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912.
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