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[email protected] 29/08/2019 Grand Lepic 30 rue Lepic, 75018 Paris Entrance Code: 28B14 2nd floor, first door on the left Telephone: 01 71 24 23 70 Metro: Blanche (line2), Abbesses (line12) The Romans called it Mons Mercurii, after erecting a hilltop shrine to their god of commerce. Medieval folks referred to it as Montmartre, or “Hill of Martyrs”, after legend stated that their patron saint tucked his decapitated head under his arm and walked from this hill to a more comfortable resting place north of Paris. In more modern times the village of Montmartre at Paris’ highest point, is best known for many painters who frequented its sidewalk cafés. Living and breathing their art and often trading it for a hot meal. Montmartre attracted such great artists as Picasso, Modgliani, Renoir, Manet, Toulouse Lautrec and Van Gogh. Walking around here it is easy to see the indelible mark from Montmartre’s colorful past. The narrow cobble stoned streets are still home to painters capitalizing on the artists whose space they have taken on the Place du Tertre. So take the time to explore the village of Montmartre and see why its sloping streets are still the obsession of painters, photographers and tourists alike. Enjoy ! 1 Table of contents Page 3. Top Tips Page 4-5. Amenities, phone Page 5 TV Page 6 High Speed Internet Page 7 Mac Laptop Page 8-9 Appliances Page 10 Heating, recycling and metro Page 11-12 La Poste, Local Food & Wine, Museums and Monuments Pages 13-14 Maps of the area Pages 15-28 Restaurant suggestions Pages 29-31 Walking Tours Pages 32-33 French Vocabulary Page 34 Useful numbers Page 35-36 Our other Properties 2 Top Tips.… ➢ CHECK-OUT On the day you check-out be sure to turn everything off and close all windows securely.