Attachment 5

Public Involvement Report

2005 Winter Field Geotechnical Investigation Program in the Settlement Area — Tulita District 2005WinterFieldGeotechnicalInvestigationPrograminthe SahtuSettlementArea— TulitaDistrict PublicInvolvementReport











Table 1. Public Involvement Meetings 4 Table 2. Summary of Public Involvement Comments and Concerns 7 2005WinterFieldGeotechnicalInvestigationPrograminthe Sahtu SettlementArea — TulitaDistrict PublicInvolvementReport


This section describes the public involvement program used to gather, assess and consider input from the communities in the Tulita District of the Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA) regarding the activities proposed in this land use permit application. The public involvement program has been designed and conducted in accordance with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board’s Public Involvement Guidelines for Permit and License Applicants to the Mackenzie Vallei’Land and Water Board dated October 2003 (the Guidelines).

Public feedback and concerns regarding the 2005 Winter Geotechnical Investigation Program in the Sahtu Settlement Area — Tulita District (the Program) were collected during meetings held in Tulita, Nonnan Wells, and Deline in 2003 and 2004. Concerns gathered during these public involvement meetings have been considered for this land use permit application.

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Consistent with the Guidelines, the objectives of the public involvement program include:

• advising the community that an application is forthcoming

• introducing the geotechnical activities to key stakeholders, including SSA communities, aboriginal organizations and regulatory authorities, who might be affected by the Program

• identifying and responding, where possible, to public concerns

• incorporating concerns and traditional knowledge

• demonstrating how negative impacts will be reduced

• providing an indication of how a specific proposal was modified or prepared to reflect the public concerns

• demonstrating the extent of public involvement

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The principles underpinning the public involvement program include the following attributes:

• transparency: providing comprehensive and relevant information about the activities that is clearly understandable for non-technical people

• inclusiveness: ensuring that local people, aboriginal groups and regulatory parties that might be affected by the activities are given the opportunity to participate in the public involvement program

• respect: ensuring that the views and opinions, the culture, language and level of education of all participants as well as the protocols and traditional communication structure are respected

• reasonableness: ensuring that the process and time required for reviewing and providing concerns and comments of the residents are reasonable

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Information regarding this land use permit application was provided to the Tulita District through open house meetings and focus group sessions. Various mediums used to advertise the scheduled meetings in the local communities, included:

• distributing posters and bulletins throughout the local communities,

• placing postcard announcements in all residence mailboxes

• advertising public involvement meetings on local CBC Radio in and

• mailing letters to RRCs, Land Corporations and other key organizations inviting them to appoint representatives to attend the focus group sessions

Geotechnical investigation work proposed in 2003 was deferred into the 2005 Program, and now includes investigations at the proposed compressor station facility site at , a proposed infrastructure site at Little Smith Creek, and a screw anchor study site outside of Tulita.

Table I includes the public involvement meetings conducted in 2003 and subsequent 2004 meetings relating to the Program proposed for the Tulita District. Deline District is not included in the scope of work for the Program. However, the Deline community might benefit from employment opportunities resulting from the Program and was included in the public involvement meetings. The dates, locations and communities or organizations that participated in the meetings are also included in Table 1.


Meeting Date Location Meeting (Attendees) Format Community or Organizations Time May15,2003 NormanWells(25) Open House Public 5:00p.m.. 7:00p.m. May16,2003 NormanWells(19) Meeting Chamberof Commerce 11:30a.m.- 12:30p.m. May22,2003 NormanWells(3) Focus Group RRC . . 12:00p.m.- 1:00p.m. ErnieMcDonaldLandCorporation

May22,2003 Tulita(61) Open House Public 5:00p.m.- 7:30p.m. May22,2003 Tulita(8) Focus Group RRC

TulitaLandCorporation 3:00p.m.- 4:30p.m. FortNormanMetisLandCorporation

August6,2003 NormanWells(10) Open House Public 5:30p.m.- 7:00p.m. August13,2003 NormanWells(9) Focus Group RRC . . 12:00p.m..1:00p.m. ErnieMcDonaldLandCorporation

August13,2003 Tulita(3) Focus Group LandCorporations 4:00p.m.- 5:00p.m.

August 13,2003 Tulita(22) Open House Public 5:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.

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Meeting Date Location Meeting (Attendees) Format Community or Organizations Time May19,2004 Tulita(14) Focus Group TulitaLandCorporation TulitaDeneBand RRC TulitaDistrict 8:45a.m. - 10:30am. HamletofTulita EconomicDevelopment TulitaSelfGovernment June 23, 2004 NormanWells(3) Meeting ErnieMcDonaldLandCorporation NIA NormanWellsTownManager NormanWellsMayor June 24, 2004 Tulita(3) Meeting FortNormanMetisLandCorporation

July 7, 2004 Deline(14) Open House DelinePublic 4:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

July 8, 2004 Deline(4) Meeting DelineRRC 9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m. DelineElders July 12,2004 NormanWells(1) Meeting CEO Sahtu Healthand SocialServices 1:20p.m. Authority July 12,2004 NormanWells(1) Meeting NormanWellsRCMPConstable 3:30p.m. July 13,2004 NormanWells(4) Meeting GISMapping-Sahtu 9:00am. Student,&Sahtu RenewableResource Board(SRRB) WildlifeTechnicianfor Sahtu WildlifeManagementfor Sahtu July 13,2004 NormanWells(10) Meeting ErnieMcDonaldLandCorporation 12:30p.m. (EMLC)Members July 13,2004 NormanWells(2) Meeting Membersof Education,Cultureand 1:00p.m. EmploymentProgram July 13,2004 NormanWells(1) Meeting Dept.of Indianand NorthernAffairs 3:00p.m.

July 13,2004 NormanWells(36) Open House Public 5:00p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

July 14,2004 NormanWells(1) Meeting Municipaland CommunityAffairs (MACA), 9:30am. - 10:00a.m. GNWT July 14,2004 NormanWells(1) Meeting NormanWellsCross-CountrySkiClub NIA

July 15,2004 NormanWells(6) Meeting NormanWellsTownCouncilMembers 12:00p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

July 27,2004 Tulita(2) Meeting SRRB 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. July 27,2004 Tulita(37) Open House Public 4:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

July 28,2004 Tulita(1) Meeting Hamletof Tulita 10:00a.m. - 10:30am.

August11, 2004 Deline(28) Meeting SSAEldersRepresentativesfromDeline, 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Tulita,NormanWells,FGHand ColvilleLake September 22,2004 Calgary(3) Meeting TulitaLandCorporation 11:00a.m. - 11:30a.m.

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The public involvement program has included 29 meetings held in communities within the Tulita and Deline District which were attended by approximately 332 individuals. Imperial provided the following information regarding the Program:

• the proposed Program will involve drilling approximately 164 geotechnical holes at 35 sites:

• 144 geotechnical holes at 24 borrow sites,

• 16 geotechnical holes at three river crossings,

• 12 geotechnical holes at four frost heave sites,

• 16 geotechnical holes at one facility site,

• 10 geotechnical holes at the one infrastructure site,

• 20 geotechnical holes at the screw anchor study site

• the geotechnical holes will be drilled to a depth of 15 to 20 meters at the river crossing sites

• the proposed screw anchor study will be conducted to collect technical test data on the installation and load capability of pipe hold-down anchors

• the Program will incorporate infonnation collected through the Traditional Knowledge studies in the affected areas

• the objective of the Program is to gather information for an assessment of the soil and ground conditions

• the information obtained from the Program will be used in the engineering and construction studies for a potential pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley and for preparing subsequent regulatory applications

• the Program is proposed to commence in early January 2005 and end by mid April 2005

• environment and wildlife monitors from local communities will serve as integral members of the team

• Program personnel will be housed in two 65 man portable rigs; one located near Saline River and the other located near Tulita

• potable water for Program needs will be hauled in from either Tulita or Norman Wells. Waste and sewage will be hauled to the nearest approved disposal facilities

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Table 2 describes the comments and concerns raised during the Tulita and Deline District open houses and focus group sessions. It also provides the responses to those comments and concerns.


RESPONSES,FOLLOW-UPANDCHANGESTO COMMUNITYCOMMENTSAND COMMUNITY THEPROGRAMRESULTINGFROMCOMMUNITY INPUT Norman Wells Bell212helicoptersdisturbthe mooseand Localenvironmentaland wildlifemonitorswillbe caribouand itwouldbe better ifthese types workingwithImperialand willprovideinputintothe of helicopterswerenotused at all. areas that shouldbe avoidedbyhelicopter.Therewill also be less helicopterworkintheTulitaDistrictas there arewinterroads available. Utilizationof heavyequipmentto push trees Treeclearingequipmentwillincludea hydroaxe which duringclearing,especiallydeciduoustrees, willcut trees close to groundlevel. causes root balls.Imperialshould avoid pushingtrees outofthe ground withheavy equipment. TheBearRivercrossing locationwas Analternatecrossinglocationwasrecommendedwhere identifiedas havingrapidsand thin ice the riveris less rapid.Imperialagreedto considerthe conditionsand wouldbe unsuitableas a recommendedlocation. winteraccess crossinglocation. Thecommunitywasconcernedthat the Theprojectrouteis wellbackfromthe face of Bear Rock projectmaybe tooclose to the faceofBear andfartherawayfromthe winterroad. Rock. Concernwas raisedaboutthe impactthe Amapofthe ski trailswas providedto Imperial.Imperial projectmayhaveonthe cross-countryski willreviewthe cross-countryskitrailroutes and make trailsand snow mobiletrails inthe vicinityof arrangementsduringthe Programto minimizethe NormanWells. impactto the ski trails. TheTownof NormanWellsnoted that last Imperialintendsto utilizesomeTownof NormanWells winterthere was higherthan anticipated facilitiesandwillset uptwocamps,one nearTulitaand waterusage at a campthey had authorized one near SalineRiver.Theywillinformthe Townofthe because the campoperatorhad notclearly plannedusage. notifiedthe Townofthe planned usage. Tulita Localresidents continuallyask the SRRBfor Imperialwillprovidea scheduleoffieldworkand other informationon whatprojectactivitiesare Programactivitiesto the SRRB.SRRBwillpost the beingconductedinthe area howeverthe scheduleintheirofficefor localresidents to reviewas SRRBis usuallyunawareof the projectwork required. plannedforthe area. Concernwasraisedoverthe proximityoftwo Imperialhas recognizedthe communityconcernand borrowsites inthe BearRockarea. Itwasfelt these twosites willnotbe investigatedduringthe thatthese existingsites (7.108Pand 7.109P) Program. should not be used forthe Project,as they wouldbecomelargerdisturbances overtime. Thecommunityrecommendedthat the Tulita Imperialwillworkwiththe HamletofTulitaand the Tulita geotechnicalcampbe placed inthe Hamletof Districtto establishacceptablegeotechnicalcamp Tulita.Theyalso suggested that the Saline locationsforthe Program. Rivergeotechnicalcamp be includedinthe LittleSmithCreekinfrastructuresite location.

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RESPONSES, FOLLOW-UPANDCHANGESTO COMMUNITYCOMMENTSAND COMMUNITY THE PROGRAMRESULTINGFROMCOMMUNITY CONCERNS INPUT Deline Thecommunityelders notedthat there are Gravesiteswillbe avoidedand alternativesites forthe sacred areas aroundBlackWater Riverthat compressor station at BlackWaterRiverwillbe are not markedon the maps.These areas considered.TheBlackWaterRiverwasidentifiedduring needto beavoided, heritage resource surveys and the Traditional KnowledgeStudyas a locationrequiringextraattention.

Thecommunitysuggested that inputbe Imperialrecognizesthat the Eldersare knowledgeable sought fromlocalEldersespeciallyaround about the landalongthe proposedpipelineroute.As BlackWaterRiversince this is a sacred area well,Imperialutilizescommunityrepresentatives, and they holdthe knowledgeabout these recommendedbythe localRRCs,to accompanythem sacred areas. duringsummerreconnaissanceflightsto planprograms. Restorationand survivalofthe landand Imperialnotedthat duringthe winterwork,sometrees wildlifeforfuturegenerationsis a major wouldbe removedhoweverexperienceindicatesthat the concernforthe community.Animalsare very vegetationwillgrowbackand the animalswillreturn. sensitiveto activityon the land and the communitydoes notwantthe wildlifeto leavethe area permanently.

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