...— -______-—■ — ■■ ...... L I THE 1 BY A SNOW SLIDE. OHIO LEGISLATURE. FOREIGN. FROZEN SOUTH. FROM incorporation of unions requires State action. BURIED RPECIAL NOTICES. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WASHINGTON. favor this in connection with laws compelling em- the ployers and organizations to arbitrate their differ- Over the to the Florida Crop Published every day (Sundays excepted) by A Division of the Senate the of Damage ences as strikes are ruinous to all concerned.” lik Three Men Found Dead in a Wrecked Cermany Agitating Question INSURANCE. conclusion he “do not too conclude Cases. Will Not Exceed Two Millions. PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, Postmasters Appointed, says, hastily Hamilton County Silver that all public men are enemies. You make Cabin in Colorado. Coinage. At 97 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. your the Senate Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. Washington, Jan. 23.—These postmasters It hard to serve you when you us all under Cincinnati, O., Jan. 23.-In 23.—Referring Year. To mall sub- place W.D. LITTLE & Terms—Eight Dollars a have been appointed for Maine offices to- suspicion.” much excitement prevailed over to the damages by the recent freezing in CO., scribers, Seven Dollars a Year, II paid in advance. Mitchell favors the first six meas- yesterday, Demonstrations Held in Athens Congressman Presented by Their of the Florida, the Times-Union tomorrow morn- Rates of Advertising—One inch of space day: ures. opposes the seventh and Is doubtful of the Sickening Sights the majority and minority reports 31 EXCHANGE STREET, have the of column, or twelve lines nonpareil Rome-E. S. Phillips. eighth. To the seventh he says, “I would Five Companions. Hamilton election cases. It ended in Against England. ing will say: length from condition county E.tnbli.hed in I £43. constitutes a “square.” Bremen—Alonzo O. Butler. the treasurer time to time as the "From received, authenticated per- of a a division There is a conflict reports by $1.60per square, daily, first week; 76 cents per of the country would permit, call in all hills of the body. sonal investigation of an expert who has traveled con- Brave. less denomination than and issue and sil- of of the Reliable insurance against Fire or Lightning in first week after; three insertions or less, $1.00, Rewarding the $10 gold Jan. 23.—A from authority. The Republican portion The Latter to Prevent Creece from all through the State where the bulk of the orange other day after first 60 cents. ver to take their places.” On the eighth he says. Denver, Col., special Senate till this morning at 10 it First, that the actual at tinuing every week, The President has a medal adjourned crop U raised, appears: class American and Foreign Co's Lowest Rates. three insertions or 75 cents; presented gold ‘‘Our best men differ. Vested has rights The Marion Pass road has lhere Turkey. of Half square, less, A, Gra- capital Aspen says: o’clock, instead of taking a recess, Attacking money value to the growers oranges rendered 60 cents week after. to the following persons: Walter which all are bound to respect. and labor reason of frozen on tile Also Life and Accident Insurance. one week, $1.00; per Capital a fearful loss of life are two Senates at the present unmarketable by being master of the British “Rapid must hand in hand and the workman been titled been the scene of during virtually the Telephone 701. Iel7snly Special Notices, one-third additional. ham, brig go each The trees, is about 31,000,000, estimating origins! steam- a fair share of the time, contending for authority. Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction Transit,” for the rescue of American to profit.” the recent storm. The horrors of Thursday the Snow and Rain Havoc in crop at 900,000 boxes, which is quite low enough. inser- opposing sides were in caucus during Working Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three er “Hunter,” in March last, and to Henry Congressman Seymour—“I cordially sympathise Second, that young nursery stoek in the northern with tne end in but with some of have been intensified by developments yes- afternoon Russia. ANNUAL MEETINGS. tions or less, $1.50. Lockwood, Samuel Forbes, John Brown, view, disagree yesterday. part of the State is badly damaged by being top- because, iD they men were The members met at 10 o’clock no means be a total loss. THE Andrew Robert Robert In- your propositions, my judgment, terday. While hunting yesterday Republican killed, but that it will by MAINE STATE PRESS, Baker, Williams, are inimical to the interests advocate. I seats lemon trees near- and Thomas you carried down in this morning. All the Democratic Third, that bearing orange and Published Thursday Morning, at $2.50 graham, J. Vose Lightbrown think you make a mistake in to tie men up for the bodies Thursday’s Florida railroad, every the trying were vacant. The clerk not being present, Affairs. ly down to the line of the South a if in a liumane services in rescuing to methods of the desired was received of another av- Germany’s or PORTLAND SOCIETY OE ART. year; paid advance, $2.00 year. Whitney,for your special obtaining snow slide, word the Senator Ford to the are injured to the extent of losing a large part Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State crew James M. in No- end.” president appointed Jan. 24.—In the house of so that of'schooner Riley, the canon. The ava- and directed him of Berlin, lower the fall growth, on which the bloom comes, a in Waite—“I with alanche farther up to enter a call Press” (which has large circulation every vember last, also silver medals to David Congressman agree in general position, the Landtag today the National Liberals, the crop of 1880 will be reduced In that for for first in- as to of labor. at on the Senate showing the Republican members largely annual meeting of the Society of Art, part of the State) for $1.00 per square Paul, Charles Maikai, Levi Samoi, Joseph the views expressed protection lanche struck the latter place midnight Conservatives and Free Conservatives intro- region. Fourth, that In the same re- officers and the transaction of sertion. and 50 cents for each subse- These are to the front and ac- An adjournment was then taken pineapples THEthe election of per square A. and Maliia, for humane ser- questions pressing Sol present. a resolution satisfaction at gion, together with guavas and other tender tropi- Aka, George soon be Tuesday. Clayton Gannalt, Camp, duced expressing other business that may legally be presented, quent insertion. tion will taken as they are of weighty till 10 o’clock Monday morning. The Demo- cal , are killed to the roots, and will require any vices in rescuing the crew of American brig- the the in the speech from the throne will be held at the Rooms, Wednesday, consequence to society and must receive Charles Tuttle, Martin Riley, Jap Farris, cratic Senate until 4 o’clock in the passage a to that Society’s Address all communications to antine in December last. adjourned measures for of Ger year recuperate. Fifth, early .January 1886, at 7.30 m. Hesperian earnest and intelligent consideration of both the A1 Jones and Martin Pat- of that promising protection have been but can be replaced, 27th, p. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. August Goodwin, afternoon day. in East Prussia. The resolu- badly damaged, CHAS. G. HAINES, Secretary. State and National Governments.” at the time. The cabin man interests the loss on them the time and the jan20dtd Maine Men’s Measures. with terson were asleep principal being Congressman Buck—“I am in full accord to be as [i.ATEIt.] tion also affirms that the Landtag is ready to of and the loss of the extra im- where were was supposed safe, expense planting, International Steamship Co. The committee on gave a the to protect the and truly they Jan. 24.—The necessary to the state of an market. Sixth, that the whole THE WcATHER. shipping Friday propositions rights it was of heavy timbers, but when the Columbus, Republican por- vote a sum improve prices early prove the condition, and hotter toe opportunities built to the fruit and farm interests annual meeting of the stockholders of the hearing to a committee of the National Board it the trees as tion of the Senate will meet tomorrow fore- schools and promote colonial settlements. spot money damage of the laboring man. The first, second and fifth slide came down snapped of the State will not exceed The THEInternational Steamship Co. will be held at of Trade, who advocated Senator Frye’s noon, and if have a quorum will take up Board of Agriculture has sent to 32,000,000. are answered He were pipe-stems, hurling them they The trees are and their office. Steamboat Wharf, on WEDNESDAY, Washington, Jan. 25. bill. questions affirmatively. prefers though they contests. a resolution that showing great recuperative power, bounty the bank rather than that the gov- in the Hamilton county The best Prince Bismarck advising the will be 27th. 1886, at 3 o’clock p. m., for the present system against the cabin and crushing everything joss, being widely distributed, compar- January Indications for Portland and vicinity— The shipping committee have referred Mr. ernment issue to the until information te be had tonight is that none of is suffering from the deprecia- choice of Directors and the transaction of any money directly people a mass. Martin Riley and August Goodwin if the world atively easy to bear. Experienced growers are bill pilot- some better method can be found. He also favors members will be to- extraordinary means should other business that may legally come before them. Fair weather, slowly rising teinperature.pre- Dingley’s abolishing compulsory had their backs broken and Riley was suffo- the Democratic present tion of silver, not discouraged. The weather is now delightful. for control of the but an of H. J. LIBBY, Secretary. age sailing vessels in the coastwise trade, government telegraph, beyond the slide struck the timber, it morrow morning, but will come in at 4 be resorted to with object raising ceded early this morning by light snow. this he would hesitate to the business of the cated. When Portland, Jan. 18th, 1880.janiodtd to a sub-committee consisting of Mills of place the and when it is expected there will be a the of that metal. Germany, the res- in the hands of officials.” divided, a part rushing across gulch p.m., price Indications for today are Texas, of Maine and Dunn of Ar- country government conflict and delays, olution should do her utmost to support Free Baptist Quarterly Meeting. Dingley No reply lias been received from Senator Haw- burying a cabin on the opposite side, occu- parliamentary probably says, local snows in tlie followed kansas. The New York Pilot Association but no of a serious kind. that be made to that end. and 8AMiN. light morning, pied three men, without injuring them. trovble all efforts may The Rockingham quarterly meeting (Free AUCTION ley- _ by oppose it, but our vessel owners earnestly at the it is suggested, should ne- by fair weather, slowly rising temperature, These men worked their way out noon, government, was held on and Thurs- desire its passage. They are heavily taxed with with a view of Induc- Baptist) Wednesday to and EXHUMED FROM THE MINES. and started to rescue their friends. On Wed- gotiate England winds generally shifting easterly, for do not use or need. ALMOST A JAILBIRD. with Germany in the day at South Berwick. Rev. J. C. Osgood of O. BAILEY & CO. pilots they nesday evening, after cutting through nu- ing that country to join F. barometer. of silver of full value, and thus ena- Moderator and falling Work of merous fallen trees, they effected an entrance coinage South Berwick was chosen Congress. Postal ble to resume the unlimited Cautionary signals from Wilmington to Bodies Taken from the New- to the cabin and found three of the men dead Record of a Newly Appointed other countries Deacon Low of the South Berwick church The unfinished business of the Senate is Three of course, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants and the other five suffering terribly from suf- coinage of silver. The resolution, . the electoral count bill. A wide difference W. Mine. Agent of the Reform Administra- the bi-metallistic made an address of welcome. Reports from burg, Va., focation. Sol Camp lay on his face dead,and is warmly commended by Street. REPORT. of opinion among the Republican Senators tion. churches were made on Wednesday. Rev. Salesroom 18 Exchange LOCAL WEATHER the of Jap Farris was pinioned across organs. ... in to features of this body in the Reichstag on Portland, Me., Jan. 24, 188G. respect important the back neavy timbers. died in Jan. During the discussion Jerome Hancock of Maine addressed the con- measure was when it was last un- Prevents by Riley Indianapolis, Ind., 23.—Tonight E. O. BAILEY. C. TV. ALLEN developed The Presence of Fire Damp five after 'the disaster. His the Cameroon credits, Herr Windthorst, 7 A m 3PM 7 I» M P M minutes dying at the ference in the interest of the union 4 dtf 1 I llAMl [ 111 der and some of them have ex- Fred Steinhauer, transfer mail agent and Stoeker Herr Woer- proposed marl discussion, Further convulsions nearly caused the death of the Richter charged between the Free and the Christian 30.603 30.616 a wish that final action be Explorations. General and chief of a Baptist Barometer 30.566 30.593 30.552 pressed delayed man under him. Camp had sustained a ter- Union depot, received word from mann, deputy for Hamburg F. U. Peckham of — — denominations. Rev. Thermo’r. — 4.8 — 0.5 1.9 0.7 0.8 for a No definite has time. arrangement rible cut on the from which the blood Superintendent Jameson to the effect that large exporting house, with sending poison- — — head, Great Falls from the "I shall Dew Point —10.2 4.5 —10.2 4.2 2.4 on this but it is not im- VYoer- preached text, j— been made subject, flowed and before lie died he be- the postmaster-general had ordered the sus- ous brandy to negroes in Africa. Herr 77.4 83.0 56.3 I 85.0 92.0 Newburg, W. Ya., Jan. 23.—Accumula- profusely, be satisfied/’ etc., and Mrs. Peckham presid- Humidity. probable that the bill will be temporarily in a of his pay from and after the receipt mann that the charge was Wind. N N N IN N came terribly thirsty, and being position pension acknowledged ed over an meeting of the Wom- laid aside after some further discussion, and tions of gas in the mine have greatly retarded his of this notice. This was the first intimation true. He however, that he had interesting Velocity... 3 4 6 4 ;8 where he could hold his hands under partly said, en’s Mission at whicn Mrs. M. M. A. should this be done the Senate will be ena- the work of Since last had received of his dismissal. It never sent bad to of the German Society, Weather.. Cloudy Cloudy LtSnwIClear 'LtSmv exploration. evening bleeding head and lift them to his mouth, lie Steinhauer brandy any of Rev. I. D. Mrs. bled to take the Dakota bill or Bank- named and to them Dover, Stewart, up the men have not been able to so far his thirst with his own blood. All is stated that a man Barney Conroy colonies, but to French colonies, Mean bar ..30.678 Maximum tlier ... 3.9 go quenched osher of Dover and Miss. L. A. De Mer- daily ruptcy bill as tlie next subject for considera- when found. has been to the place, at the rec- only he had rum of the very worst Sills Mean tlier..— 1.2 Minimum tlier....— 5.6 went the men alive wrere nearly crazy appointed shipped Vclit ui mauc auuicaoco. /x icswiu* dally tion. Senator Blair has notice of his along the main shaft as they yesterday. ommendation of Congressman Con- Mean Max.vel.wtnd — 1GNW given w'ere and had bitten their Bynum. quality. daily d’wpt.— 7.6 d All undressed, tion was adopted recommending the estab- hum. intention to call up the education bi at the During the latter part of the night men pene- is as near a as any one A of the Berlin chamber of com- Mean daily .75.4 Total preelp.x hands and arms in their delirium, presenting roy regular jailbird syndicate each church of an annual cove- first convenient but none is was sentenced to the merce has called the of com- lishment by NEW opportunity, trated the side drifts to the stables, a all recover, can be. In 1872, he upon chambers GOODS! may through sickening spectacle. They nant meeting at which each member shall re- likely to occur during this week. The bill for two for grand larceny. merce of other German cities to send dele- where the mules were found dead. The but in the case of one or two it is extremely penitentiary years Kev. A. S. Hillman of Concord, N. H., MAINE. to divide the Sioux Indian reservation has the .1_ In 1877, he pleaded guilty to larceny and gates to a meeting to be held in Berlin on port. were the breast of the was the preacher on Wednesday morning. first right of consideration in the morning animals lying against robbery and was sentenced for two years. In the 28th for the purpose of uniting on reso- hour under the five minute and will the STYLES! Verdict of One Dollar. rule, coal opposite the stable, and had evidently FLOODS IN CALIFORNIA. 1879 he was indicted for riot and found guil- lutions denouncing monopoly of spirits SPRLW On Convicts on a Lark. be of tomorrow. Tues- was indicted for rob- bill. The Bundesrath has modified the bill probably disposed been blown from their stalls by the force of ty. The same year he Bangor, Jan. 23.—In the Supreme court, the of the late Vice President and and in 1883 he was in in tho Hirpntinn nf rpip.pt.im? thp authorities are the locks day eulogies thA AYnlocinn bery petit larceny, The county having in the case of M. Harmon of New Hendricks will be delivered. found of assault and bat- ment’s of monopolizing the manufac- George Creat Damage to Houses and Rail- dieted and guilty plan in Auburn jail overhauled and repaired. In the House tomorrow after the call of At 9.22 o’clock the first body was brought .tie nas Deen arresieu auuuei uuiuuei- ture of spirits, and as the bill,now stands the Hon. E. M. Stillwell, i._l.. _ tery. LADIES’' Haven, Ct., against are old and worn, and the prisoners of to surface. It to be that of Isaiah road Bridges. less times for minor offences. What influ- manufacturers are guaranteed a fixed price They fish and game commissioner, and George D. the proved Fine N.Y. Bools in all llie Leading the committees will have an opportunity to ence secured his appointment is not known, for all goods they produce. late have practiced the trick of unlocking warden for Franklin dur- Timmons, the fire boss, whose business it is Styles, Huntoon, game county, report any measures prepared by them but he lias been working for Frank Creel- It is rumored that Germany making their cell doors and enjoying themselves for kill- ing the week. Important bills now was to inspect the mine with a safety lamp A Woman and Two Children Drowned the friend of whom the overtures for a portion of the Samoan Isl- for $1000, for malicious prosecution past man, special Bynum, about corridors. The turnkey recently iu condition to be reported are those extend- before were to He was to have ands. The it is said, include the the a deer in close time at lake, the the men put work. at Los Congressman tried appointed post- proposals, WANTED. ing Bangeley the circulation national Angeles. in of the discovered one of their trieks, which was ing of banks,amend- the foot of the master when Mr. Hendricks succeeded allotment to England Savaii, largest returned a verdict for for $1 found about 300 feet from jury plaintiff ing the shipping laws and repealing the limi- getting in Grandfather Jones. island of the group, Germany taking Upolu very ingenious. One of the inmates made Your Difficult Feet to be Properly tation in It is on his with his arms ex- Stales damages. the arrears of pensions act. shaft, lying face, first with the port of Appia,and the United good use of his time when allowed the privi- at 421 CONGRESS tended at full The a Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 23.—Our titled ST., doubtful, however, whether any of these length. body presented getting the eastern island, inclnding Tert- lege of in the corridor, by un- Killed the Back horrible The limbs and ribs wire communication with the outside world HALLECK DEFENDED* remaining Sign of Gold Boot. Instantly Boy. will be reported in season to secure action sight. anus, GENERAL mila with the harbor Pogofago. screwing the outer casement of the lock and were broken in and the flesh Calais, Jan. 23.—Fred Smith, 13 years old, in the morning hour during the week. The many places, since Monday has just been established. A under the casing little pieces of bills most to be taken for action un- over the naked breast and arms was black as Completely Pacified. placing SALE. mule room of the cotton likely up sevfere rain storm commenced and Contradicts Gen- leather, and again setting the screws up SPECIAL a “back boy” in the a charred The features were in- Sunday Ceneral Boynton der the morning hour call of committees this log. deeply Pabis, Jan. 24.—Advices from Hai Phong tight. By this method, an opening just wide was almost killed this after- dented with coal dirt and were distorted out lasted till Wednesday, 4.44 inches falling. eral Wallace’s of Ladies’ English Walking Boots. mill, instantly week are those forfeiting sundry unearned Charge Quasi- say the whole of the Red river delta is com- enough for the admission of a knife-blade « in of all human resemblance. The ex- was a cloud Pebble Goat Button Boots, noon. After he had finished cleaning the land grants to railroads certain Southern coroner, Early Tuesday morning there Treason. pletely pacified. Gen. de Courcy has left w as gained, and all one had to do when the “ States and for the retire- State Senator John Jones, had his view route to n Foxed he was ordered about other duties. providing voiuntary jury burst in the and the Los Angeles Hai Phong for Hong Kong, en cell was locked was to^ush a blade Into the Dongola machinery the were and then mountains, Jan. 22.—The Commercial “ “ ment of naval officers. The Matson bill for remains. They identified, Cincinnati, back fne and the door Goat the rose with two France. opening, push holt, Straight It was supposed that he had gone, and remains as un- the undertaker them in a box river frightful rapidity, going Gazette a long telegraphic letter increase of widows’ pensions placed rough publishes Will Not Disarm. The locks are now being placed in These are from the factories to and removed them to above of 1884. The from General contradicting from Greece opened. goods machinery was started. He tried pick up finished business for the House after the his place of business, feet the flood damage Boynton, such condition that any attempt to open the of A. Carside & Son and James hour indications are where were for burial. the records General Lew Wallace’s reitera- Jan. 24.—Sir Horace Rumbeldt, something and was caught about the head. morniug Tuesday. The they prepared done in this city amounts to about $125,000. Athens, locks by any one beside the turnkey will re- & Sons, New York City. that its discussion is exhausted and The cage was at once sent down the shaft tion of his charge of qu isi-treason against British minister, informed Premier Dily- Boyd nearly A w’oman and two children were sult in a failure. Mrs. Larrabee’s Bondsmen. and in a few minutes it returned with drowned, out of Halleck’s alleged that was to that a vote will be reached early in the week. again, and Halleck, growing annis today England prepared 25 cheap houses washed several on the occasion of Jubal of The special order for Thursday is the deliv- another body. Mr. Evans identified the re- away, jealously of Grant send a fleet to prevent Greece from attack- Belfast, Jan. 23.—The January term hundred flooded, all in the section along the Where a Lost Mall Was Found. of the late mains as those of David at Early’s raid. General Boynton recites the the sea. Premier Dilyannis Bag BOOTS after ery eulogies upon Representative Miller.-cage-man river bed and not the ing Turkey by OUR WINTER the Supreme Court adjourned to-day of Illinois. the mines. His business was to attend to touching important of his reply to General Wallace’s irst that Greece would not disarm. The Commercial.] Efiwood Friday being private of the Two Pacific rail- points replied [Bangor The for of the cars from the main part city. Southern and turning to Wallace’s must be sold on or before March 1 a.session of three weeks. counsel bill day, efforts may be made to secure the the running entry statement, then, Greek fleet sailed today with sealed orders. A or two ago while the station men road bridges were wrecked, two other bridg- “General Wallace seems to night in order to reduce was convicted of man- consideration of the Fitz John Porter bill track on to the cage. His station was im- rejoinder, says: A demonstration was held today to pro- stock, Mrs. Larrabee, who es lost their and the city bridges of the were and pounding the wheels of which stands on the calendar but it mediately at the foot of the shaft. He was approaches, have a very dull sense of the gravity test the attitude of England. The sounding filed and the case goes high up to East Los wrecked in two places, against to invest slaughter, exceptions, is considerable debate will arise found about G o’clock last evening, after the Angeles charge which he makes, when without evi- met and to con- the up river train, after its arrival at the If you have only $2.00 expected one bridge on the ministry yesterday today to the law court. Mrs. Larrabee was released this measure in which event it cage had been loosened and sent leaving only passable dence, he repeats his belief that General sider Lord note which mentioned a much tattered and torn call at Sign of Gold Boot, upon may go out, lying river. The Southern Pacific railroad lost Salisbury’s depot in this city, bondsmen. over without final action until the next partly on the base of the cage. His appear- Halleck, then the adviser and active execu- that the course taken by England had been 421 Congress St. on bail, three of her sons being pri- three more bridges between here and Soledad mail bag was discovered hanging from the vate bill day. ance and injuries corresponded generally tive officer of the President and Secretary of consented to by the powers, especially by the trial Everett Larrabee testified _ Canon and miles of track. The first During with those of Fire Boss Timmons. Ten many War, was attempting to enact the role of Premier has had sev- undergear. A close examination of the bag train from the East arrived Thursday night Germany. Dilyannis for the defense. He said that his wife’s DINCLEY’S SHIPPING BILL. minutes later Isaiah Timmons’ son William, Benedict Arnold on a grand scale, and be- eral interviews with the king on the subject. revealed nothing but a mutilated newspaper, DURABLE. via Deming. It will take a week longer to into the hands STYLISH, SOLID, mother assisted the prisoner at the birth of aged about 18 years, was brought out. He tray the capital of the nation The newspapers unanimously condemn the the mail itself been lost before the get trains north. The damage to the South- a having Button she was the door-trapper of the and his of the enemy, to gratify personal spite unjustness of Lord Salisbury, and the re- At first the oc- Our $2.00 Kid and Goat the child. The prisoner testified that Its Provisions as mine, ern Pacific railroad is about $150,000. The train reached here. strange Finally Agreed Upon business was to tend the door from General Grant.” General Boynton serves are with to Bools are opening was against abroad reporting alacrity currence could not be accounted for, but it unequaled. never made threats the deceased California Southern railway badly on the first any against in Committee. the space about the foot of the shaft into the then goes to maintain position tlie summons to return to duty. that the and con- washed out at Colon pass, but is expected to ha ssince been learned bag or had any reason fordoing so. She said she main entry or drift. He was found lying on taken by him, and, in support of his argu- Jan. 23—'The com- be when passengers London, Jan. 24.'—The Daily News tents were destined to the office at Hermon Washington, shipping his face about six feet from the cage. repaired by Monday, ment in defense of General Halleck, gives did not object to having a doctor, but, on the away will to San Francisco via Waterman and strongly attacks Lord Salisbury for the at- Pond where they were thrown off, the train mittee of the House today finally considered His bones were broken in innumerable go the correspondence between Grant and Hal- GENTS’ asked to have one sent for. The There are no wires yet to San titude he has taken against Greece. at the time being in motion, and by accident contrary, Mr. bill to abolish certain fees for places, and his cloth trousers almost Mojave. leck at this time, and the orders, telegrams, Dingley’s heavy Francisco. has been made Cives Name of the fell underneath. said she had only an imperfect torn from his limbs. One more Ample provision etc., issued in camp and on the field. Herr Szabo the Congress and Balmorals $2.00 per prisoner officials’ services to American vessels and for entirely for flood sufferers. pair. Solid and serviceable. knowledge of midwifery, and on this occa- body, headless, was found by the explorers, Subject of His Charges. other purposes. The bill was considerably but was not identified. At 9.45 o’clock it THE STATE. Call and examine. These goods sion did the best she could, being assisted Miss Miller’s Jan. 23.—A number of deputies amended, and Mr. Dingley was instructed to was announced that no more bodies could be HEINOUS MURDER. Marriage. Vienna, will you. woman. in the Parliament please by the deceased’s mother and another for some hours. Jan. a statement Hungarian yesterday report it to the House andsecure action upon brought up Chicago, 24.—Regarding that Herr Szabo should give I1A1TCOTX COUBTl. as their At noon four ef- again demanded Two physicians testified experts, expert miners went down made the b, bb» a it at the earliest opportunity. The bill, as Action of a Kentucky Negro which the name of thelnffiejoi. brig has been chartered by the New York introduced to show that the the shaft for the purpose of investigating the ^in -on he said was a friend of owners of the Kosier mine of Castlne tako ——— --—• Wednesday last, to testimony being *. ——-■*——*^-.-1111)51 New^York/Telegramto^thc Herr and was one-third about 400 tons of low grade ore from their or a of it charged against the an interview is here Tisza, squandering copper neglect part era Jan. 23.—A most heinous McCormick, published to the After this -ilniij an of two returned. Henderson, of the revenues of Herr Szabo, in premises reflnery. cleaning Drisoner was not considered asTiBgieer By absence hours they this afternoon with Rev. R. J. Coghlan. The Hungary. Section 1 abolishes #u July 1, 1880, the fol- murder was committed at 2 with the demand of the Superintendent Richardson said: “The o’clock this reverend gentleman said that on the ‘Jth inst., compliance deputies, sumed. them. fees to collector^ and other officers of stated that the he referred to was the lowing mine is full of gas, and it is highly danger- three miles from this Calvin Miss Mr. McCor- person KENNEBEC COUNTY. Post Established. of steam vessels and morning city. Miller, accompanied by New Office customs, inspectors ous to work there under the condi- Baron Armin Podmanczky. There was a present a an entrance mick. came to his house and asked to be Two of Waterville’s S. D. and has commissioners for services to ves- Simpson, negro, forced to Mrs. sensation in the chamber on the announce- citizens, Savage Washington, Jan. 23.—Mr. Milliken shipping tions. The first thing to be done is to im- married in accordance with the rites of the O. P. liosely, have leased the Pico House at Los sels of the United States, to wit: Measure- Graves’ when she and her two ment of the baron’s name. The of a new prove the circulation of the air so as to residence, Catholic church. She volunteered a state- Hungarian Angelos, California, said to be one of the finest secured the establishment post ment of and the same; tonnage certifying drive this gas out. This will be a slow pro- daughters fled out of the front door followed ment that she had through a newspapers demand that Parliament ap- hotels in the place. be called in the town of Lin- or certificates previously gone THE SHOE DEALER. office to Grange issuing of licenses granting a week or more. The point a commission to inquire into the matter. Dr. Sew telle cess, and may require by the negro. The old lady was overtaken form of marriage with a man named Mac- The late Kev. of Water vote left tn Me. Jason Hill has been appoint- for registry; record of enrollment, including itmtin mnef o c- a ltn nftnnrln/i tn T line V/vr a on the of coln vilic, and killed, a bludgeon the instrument Kaye, but learned that she had never really A Official Sentenced to manuscript commentary Epistles St. Boot. all indorsements on the same, and bond and being Copenhagen John, which will be published the off Oold ed tunately been working all right, but the used. The said he was sent God to been married to him, and as a consequence ;in “Complete Sign postmaster. indorsement of change of master; cer- negro by Prison. Commentary on the New Testament." edited by oath; timbers surrounding it are badly strained by do the deed because Mrs. Graves would not had never lived with him, nor did he seem to TELEPHONE 502. A Arrested. and .manifest, including Dr. Hovey, ami now in course of publication. JiUlSSeodtf Burglar tifying receiving the weight of earth and rock pressing a be anxious to live with her as her husband. Copenhagen, Jan. 24.—Herr Berg, vice pray. The girls escaped to neighbor’s » of master’s oath; granting permits; granting was sen- Some of solid men are talking up Jan. 23.—Sheriff D. B. Stove against them, and should they break the mmse. uien went 10 Miss who was a total to president of the Folkething, who Hjdlowell’s Oxford, certificate of of tonnage dues; re- ouupsuu me resiuence Miller, stranger new shoe factory for the city. payment will necessarily have to stop. A flood- Father had obtained a tenced to six months’ on Sep- New came to Oxford Friday pump of Miles Brown near the of the tragedy, Coghlan, previously imprisonment between the of Hampshire bill of mortgage, hypotheca- place li/ianon 4n lYinpmr Millioh iiraa oVinnrn fn a po_ The trestle work empty spans cording sgle, ing of the mine will result. Another ex- of his cabin and tember 30th last, for being concerned in a the name of or or the of such drove him out took posses- the Augusta railroad bridge was completed Fri- night in search of a prisoner, by tion conveyance, discharge occur at moment. disturbance at a at Holste- plosion may any sion. The news spread and the and is in the usual form. “I do not polical meeting and cars can now be moved across. Tills some time mortgage or hypothecation; furnishing the rapidly day, Wm. Murray, who was arrested The scene about the foot of the shaft an d surrounded the cabin and stood Sorter,esire,” said Father Coghlan, ‘‘to add any- bro in Jutland and whose sentence was re- structure will not be used for the pas- crew list, including bond; furnishing certifi- neighbors temporary “spectacles and a store at Con- along the main drift is terrible, and shows the balance of the till to the report of the matter which ap- cently confirmed by the Danish supreme sage of trains until the Iron of the spans Is up. —AND— ago for breaking entering cation of title; certificate of protection to guard during night thing plainly the fearful force of the explosion. officers arrived from this After hard in the New York Sun. That report court, has been committed to prison. The Maine Central car in N. but managed to escape from jail seamen; bill of health, shipping and dis- city. peared repair shops Augusta way, II., Cars are broken, the track torn up, bulk- is but I always find to do. All the passenger cars asses. of as sec. R. work and battering down the barred doors substantially correct; deny having Doesn’t Want to Look Old. plenty Bye-Gl means of a cord-wood stick with charge seamen, provided by 53, heads blown to and in on the road the and it re- by fragments, several Simpson was captured and brought to Hen- said that Miss Miller and Mr. MacKaye were pass through shops, S., and sec. 2 of the same; apprenticing boys a crew of some 30 men to which he the bars of the window open. places great masses of earth and rock have derson. He feigns insanity and claims to not married, or that the marriage Rome, Jan. 23.—The health of the Pope is quires keep tilings pried to the merchant service; inspecting, examin- legally moving. A new saloon car is being constructed of Sheriff fallen from the roof, almost blocking up the have the devil and set the world was void in law'. As a license from the State much improved. He was able not only to Sheriff Stove procured the services and licensing steam vessels, including in- captured there and one in Waterville. ing drift. The effect farther back in the mine free. One of his first acts in was to at- attends to the legal part of the matter I nev- attend to his serious avocations this week, and his of certificate and copies thereof, jail Mrs. M. E. Andrews of in Boston Chadbourne of Oxford, by pronfpt spection must be much and I fear the er reflected whether a divorce was or was but even to give several sittings to a young Augusta,while or greater, bodies, tack the deputy jailer and but for and licensing of master, engineer, pilot when prompt Irish artist who is his He recently, had a valuable gold watcli stolen from services arrested Murray. found, will be much mutilated. We assistance would have killed him. There is not obtained. painting portrait. in her a fees amount to aoout _ her. She carried the watcli mate of vessel. (The did not cross into told the the other that the timepiece penetrate through the cuts talk him painter morning por was the Eastern The of Labor. It is provided that these officers pf lynching to-night. pocket and passing through Knights $300,000.) the air passage, for fear of the gas.” The Lancaster Bank. trait was excellent, but made him look too to take the train. There was a shall make a return to the Secretary of the depot evening Jan. 23.—About ten ago The female relatives of the dead men are old. “Take another look at me,” said the throng at the station, and when Gardiner, days of their services and Jaa. 22.—Bank examiner large purchasing Treasury performed, untold and several are UNWORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Clinton, Mass., father. “Am I not much younger than her ticket there was a Jam of about the tlie of II. W. Jewett & Co., lumber in that suffering tortures, Bank is the holy people employes where paid, wholly or part, by fees, losing their minds. Mrs. John Byers, whose Gatchell says the Lancaster that ? Mon Dieu, it’s true I have reached a wicket, and It was probable the robbery was com- a com- shall them compensacion worst skinned institution he has ever had mitted as the watch had been in her manufacturers of Gardiner, through the Secretary grant husband, son-in-law and three other rela- certain age, but you must not make an old then, pos- from the so as to make their com- A Massachusetts Democrat Boy- to do with. He and the receiver session a short time previously. mittee of the Knights of Labor organization treasury, tives are among the dead, is insane, and anything man of me.” what it would have been before cotted both say that it is barely possible that the KNOX COUNTY. of that that the wages of pensation others are liable to soon be in her sad con- by His Party. city, requested the passage of this act. stockholders may escape an assessment, but Damage Threatened by Rain and The wife of Marsden of schooner Emerson dition. Jan. 22.—At a meet- Capt. some twenty men out of the sixty employed Section 2 authorizes shipping commission- Faibiiaven, Mass., it will depend upon the amount realized from iSnow in Russia. Kokes, died of apoplexy on the voyage from Sisal to and seamen for the Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 24.—A Newburg the Democratic town committee last doutbful assets. Gen. Butler has been re- to New York, and was burled at sea. She was 4!* be advanced from 81.10 to 81.25 per day. This ers ship discharge ing of 23.—Snow and special a local relief committee has been St. Petersburg, Jan. old and a native of Rockland. coastwise trade. says a was tained by the directors of the Lancaster years the firm were not willing to do, preferring formed With Ellis as evening, resolution adopted declaring rain combined are working havoc with Section 3 amends Section 10 of the ship- Mayor treasurer, assist- National Bank to go to Washington and se- OXFORD COUNTY. to close the mill. After further con- ed bj prominent citizens and and Weston Howland, a prominent politician, un Southern Russia, causing grave apprehen- rather ping act of 1880, so as to authorize the pay- clergymen, cure the removal of the recently appointed Abner Davis, Esq., of Bethel, died at Boston about $400 was raised in the town. The sion lest the wheat crops should be sideration, it was thought that the matter ment of advance wages to liquidate any just worthy of the confidence of the party, citi- receiver, Mr. Corcoran if possible. early Highlands, Mass., last week. Mr. Davis was one families are all and all the men ruined. This is all the more discouraging to men execu- debt for board or clothing contracted poor needy, a of the most respected and active business of could be compromised. The district prior zens or neighbors, denouncing him as the Odessa merchants from the fact that to the shipping, not to exceed two months’ having been in debt. The coal company, is Bethel, and has long been prominent In busiuess tive committee of the Knights of Labor, issuing provisions from its store, and will traitor, declaring that they would not sup- An Unfortunate Clergyman. they have lately been extremely prosperous. circles. He represented the Fryebnrg district In pay. a thousand steamers the Maine in 1843 and came to Bethel of .1. W. of Rockland, 4 extends the of the also bury all the dead. Those bodies already Mr. Howland for and office, ana that Nearly -laden Legislature composed Kitteridge Section provisions Baltimore, Jan. 35.—Rev. A. I). Sylves- about and hi trade. found have been identified. The bodies were e has forever forfeited the name of Demo- cleared at Odessa for English ports alone thirty years ago engaged J. McGuire of Auburn, and W. S. Bowie limited liability section of the shipping act Sort ter, who left Halifax, N. S., suddenly last found in various some with arms crat. The trouble is over the last year. Though the crops failed in a few PENOBSCOT COUNTY. de- of 1884, so as to cover all vessels in the in- positions, Fairhaven week, leaving a number of unpaid bills, had of Gardiner met the firm and after some as if districts, the reached a total of The at which work will land trade, excepting canal boats, lighters extended about to pursue their usual postoffice. Tlie town committe favored Eb- received and a call to assist in the exports bridge Orono, upon should accepted commence at the close of the will liberation it was decided that work and work, and others with arms and limbs con- en Aiken, Jr., and circulated a petition, St. Luke’s church in this nearly £100,000,000. spring freshet, barges. rectorship of city. be one of the best on the whole line of the road, of the em- Sections (i and 7 substitute small tracted, as if in awful agony. All were ter- the same in the hands of Mr. How work here when his credentials be resumed to-day, the request 5, penal- placing He had begun Nihilistic says the Bangor Commercial. for certain violation of the ribly burned and gave evidence of having land to forward the claim. Mr. Howland of Threatenings. ties navigation were withdrawn by the Bishop Halifax, The of ployes being granted. of vessel is suffered great agony. It is thought all the forwarded the affidavits as to the abuses We are threatened with a revival of petition ship owners, managers, agents laws, where now a forfeiture the and the bishop forbade him from officiating again and masters to Congress, with regard to the de- 23.—The Knox l\ oolen Com- bodies will be recovered tomorrow the term of the the old Nihilist scare. Rumors of discover- Camden,Jan. involved. by during present incumbment, in this diocese and he will take the next clining business of West India cooperage ia being are to eleven hours, an- 8 that vessels evening. but held back the plotting to defeat and ies of secret presses and revolution- \Ye have a large assorimeuia.iu p"'pared pany, heretofore working Section provides foreign petition, steamer for England. A small salary printing circulated in Bangor. same scientific principles between Mr. Aiken by making false representations ary agencies are again current. The Ciar, adjust the upon nouneed to-day that they would begin Mon- found transporting passengers large expenses were the cAuse of his debts. SAGADAHOC COUNTY. the aid of the new or the United when A POORHOUSE BURNED. in favor of George A. Briggs. Sir. Howland’s who plucked up courage to go hy without reduction in places ports in. States, had'tardily The new list ol prices in the shoe at day and work ten hours been taken on board in claim that this was done to secure about among lus subjects, has been advised factory Test Lenses, such passengers have opponents An Insane Mother’s Deed. Richmond will run until July 1st. Optlialonioscopic and was influence to aid him in a to take The Nihilist for pay. This is their own proposition the United States, shall be liable to a fine of (Howland) getting special precautions. a scientific and practical instrument detecting Jan. 22.—Mrs. Work on the ice is going forward in good earn deter- for each landed. Five of the Forty Inmates Burned to position in the New Bedford custom house. .Covington, Ky., Georgie headquarters would seem, for the moment, all optical defects of the eye and a pleasant surprise. SI passenger wife of Mr. Grovener. tobacconist, est. the lenses needed for Section 0 empowers the Secretary of the Grovener, to be at Geneva. mining A committee from the Knights of Labor Death. was found this drowned in a cis- A soup house for the free distribution of their correction. to remit the fines in the morning soup Treasury provided in her arms the was in Bath last week. About sr>00 con- met the Company in conference not DEAD IN HIS CHAIR. tern at her home, holding Ireland’s New Chief opened for 25 cents. Rockportlce previous sections, when the offences are Socretary. stitutes the fund, which was raised by the efforts Spectacles but the body of her daughter Eva, aged three years. ■ ■ on payments, committed. Dublin. Jan. 24.—Rt. Hon. William of an ex-sea for and agreed weekly wilfully The Intensely Cold Weather Adds to It is the mother committed suicide captain. Eye-Glasses (| law oO not seiueu. liiey wm piuuauiy Section 10 construes the provision of supposed Henry Smith, chief secretary for Ireland, ar- Last week another contract was added to the for wages were the Distress. Murder of Two Persons in while insane. Spectacles ^ allowing a drawback on bituminous coal Brutal _ rived here today. He was escorted two list of tne New England BQlDUtliuiig In for oO be the same as on the Kennebec. by Company Eye-Glasses used as fuel by steam vessels, to apply only California. NEWS. detectives. Bath, making eight vessels to build. At that — GENERAL — ALSO A FIXE LINE OF Cuilty of Intent to Kill. to vessels of the United States, and to ves- Died in Prison. company’s yard five vessels are In process of Jan. 24.—The Ci.ovkbdale, Cal., Jan. 23.—The details construction. Work upon a schooner of about PEBBLES. Jan. three trial of sels of such foreign countries as allow a sim- Jackson, Miss., county CENUINE Saco. 23.—Tlie days’ reached here today of the murder of Jesse C. Among other public the will of J. D. London, Jan. 22.—Madame Louise Mow- 1100 tons for Boston parties will begin in a few ilar drawback to vessels of the United poor house was almost destroyed by fire at bequests Melville Bodwell, who assaulted Sheriff Wickersham, a prominent farmer, and his Farnsworth, just probated in Boston, gives $100,- rey. who with Mr. Stead, editor of the Pall days. States. Female for a to last was 7 o’clock this morning. There were 40 in- wife at their ranch about miles from 000 to Wellesley College building Mall Gazeite, and others was convicted in C. B. Harrington, who built the celebrated Bos- Roberts in Springvale August, Section 11 amends the tax section twenty be as a of fine arts. tonnage mnt.p* nrul nil pspnnprl hut fivp whr» used college November last in connection with the Arm- ton has a re- thisjown. Deputy Sheriff Crigler visited yacht Fearless, yacht nearly completed The this evening of the shipping act of 1884, which authorized Wolf 23 a ltussian at his finished to-day. jury the scene of the murder and found Wicker- Meltan, agud years, rag strong case and sentenced to six months im- yard. She Is for Boston parties, and is ex- assault the President to suspend the collection of perished. The remains of the victims were to be a turned a verdict of guilty of felonious sham sitting in a chair in his room died to-day in prison of pected flyer. the tonnage duty on vessels entered from dining day night, drank oil of vitriol instead of whiskey, Bright’s will brought to this city today. The dead are as dead, with blood oozing from a wound in his Srisonment,isease. SOMERSET COUNTY. with intent to kill. Exceptions prob any foreign port in North and Central and died this morning. follows: breast and head. Airs. NVickersham was Disasters Reported. The Democrats of Harmonv are One The case was the most im- America, etc., that had abolished similar Barker won a game in the checker uniappy. ably he filed. found dead in her bed with her championship of them writes to the Augusta Age protesting taxes on American vessels, and extends this Dolly Martin, aged GO, insane, an inmate for 12 upstairs, match at Providence Thursday. The previous Jan. 22.—The British bark Kose • term of court. London,' the office in the hands of the for $1.50 eacli portant of the present years. hands and feet bound and a wound in her nineteen were all drawn. against post Being Pebble Spectacles tender of an abolition of tonnage tax and games of Sharon, Captain Evans, has been burned former whom the present “ 1.50 Kate Avery, aged 70, insane, an inmate for 10 breast. Valuables on both bodies were in- Republican postmaster for inSearsport. dues to all other countries that No news has yet been received from the entomb- at sea. Her crew were saved. The Kese of incumbent has hired to run the office for him. He Eye-Glasses Burglars lighthouse years. that was not the and tact, which showed robbery ed miners at tlie mine. no Bartlett but Cool. Never become Scratched, have abolished or will abolish similar light- Jane an inmate for Nanticoke, Pa„ Sharon arrived at Buenos Ayres, Nov. 26, says they “have objection to Mr. Always Jan 24.—Nickerson’s store Atkinson, aged 70, insane, of the murder. All the wounds were to more durable than Glass. Seaiisport Imiise iIiiik unit f.ayp? rm American vessels 10 years. object The situation in the Pennsylvania coke regions from Montreal. don’t think Mr. Laughton has done as he ought two safes in the inflicted a circumstan- have done after the he had had was burglarized last night and entering their Zena Boynton, aged 02, deaf. by shotgun. Strong remains unchanged. Less than 1000 of the 10,000 Part of the crew of the ship Frank N. having assistance ports. to a Chinese Ah the Democratic in the appoint- Geo. O.Frye, C. broker, Section 12 directs the President to cause Charles Elliot, aged 70, blind. tial evidence points cook, ovens in that region are in operation. from Manilla for New before by party isecuring office occupied by J. Nickels, ship the who has dis- Thayer, York, ment.” Corner Franklin & Congress Streets. coal this tender to be made known to foreign gov- The is situated in a Kai, employed by couple Thos. Gilroy was stabbed by Robert Bradley reported burned at sea were saved. 11. H. broker, and J. H. Lane, building lonely spot, The murder was com- J. W. of Lewiston has written a new- eotllm Grant, ernments. four miles from The appeared. evidently during a barroom fight yesterday morning in New May, Esq., A •_ the tire, the origin and mucn on the subject of janlD_ were blown and $12 taken. city. mitted on Monday night. It is believed the York aud died soon afterward. Bradley was ar- applauded poem dealer, open of which is broke out in the in- Foreign Notes. which is having a unknown, an train on rested. “Calvin Record’s Demurrers,’’ and valuable papers were Chinaman took early Tuesday of the Su- TWO LIVES LOST. government bond CONNECTICUT LABOR UNIONS. mates’ kitchen, and the whole interior was The death is announced of Jean Baptiste wide circulation among the attorneys for San Francisco. Rev. Dr. J. P. Stricter, professor of moral phil- famous demurrers have safe near the front destroyed. The thermometer at the time a preme Court room. The undisturbed. Nickerson’s and belles letters at Washington aud Lee Proper Brcssaut, distinguished French but never before 10° below zero. All the inmates osophy been immortalized frequently, In untouched. It was evi- registered University, died In Staunton, Va., Saturday night, actor. valuable addition to Mr. Fatal Results of a Fire in Manches- store window was Measures They Want Supported by lost their and rushed out verse. It will make a no clothing, they Another Small Pox Scare. of softening of the brain. Parnell has instructed the Nationalist Bar.” the work of an There is in May’s "Inside the ter, N. H. dently expert. Their naked the snow. Thirty of the paupers A clerk in the warehouse electors of to vote for the Liberal Congressmen. Jan. 23.—It is that employed agricultural Armagh WASHINGTON COUNTY. affair clew. were brought to this city and housed. Some Montreal, reported of the Ames Plow Co., of Boston, has confessed candidate in the elec- Jan. 24.—A horrible New Haven, Conn., Jan. 2-1.—The amal- some of from the Pull- coming Parliamentary named Boyle, living at Manchester, of these will die from the effects of ex- the rugs and blankets that be was the one who blew open the safe In the tion in that division. An old man Ferry Poiut, mid- from Death. trades and labor union of this State been missing for about two weeks, and occurred on Cedar street shortly before A Sportman’s Escape gamated posure. John Doherty, a hired man, brought man car in which the small pox patient, office some time ago and took out the money box A Calais, has forwarded to the Senators and the Montery, Mex., despatch says it is an- it is feared be has been foully dealt with. in the suffocation of Mrs. to the Whig recently Rep- three of the lunatics down the fire in (Longley) who is said to have brought the which was afterwards found in attic. nounced that night, resulting Bangor, Jan. 24.—A special at escape Gen. Trevino has been ap- YORK COUNTY. resentatives of Connecticut, Washington, his thus disease from came here, were sold the seat of Barlow fatal Mrs. that Charles A. Allison of arms, saving their lives. There Chicago, Cartersville, county county pointed Mexican minister to Spain and ex- Thomas McHena and burning.of from Kineo states the following measures, and requested their some time to carters in this and the is in a state of intense excitement. Brothers of South Sanford, whose saw. face were only two more beside the inmates ago city, Ga., Saturday President Gonzales minister to France. Moulton Michael J. Callahan, whose right side, at Brassua of same: some a was a short time will have New York, a sportsman camping influence in support the about the when the fire broke out, and matter is being investigated. A late central night desperate character placed dynamite mill burned ago, their were burned to a crisp- place in of the veranda of U. S. Commis- in readiness to commence in and hand First—Tliat the lands be reserved lor act- rescued the other board of health bulletin says there is a small cartridge front uew mill operations and Jlrs. Cal- lake, 10 miles from Kineo, narrowly escaped public they inmates before help house and caused its They have several lots of broke out in Callahan’s bouse, ual settlers and not for railroads and speculators. scare at Iberville and that the authori- sioner Collins' explosion. March. purchased above re- the deep arrived. Win. Mills, one of the inmates, was pox WRECK AND RUIN timber which are in lahan’s with the death while trying to walk through Second—Abolition of the government contract case of trichine ever known in Nor- pine they engaged hauling to clothing ignited the man who first ties are exerting themselves to prevent a The first woman w as suffocated by non of convict with free issued Sanders’ Spelling the river. sults. The other latter He broke through system aud competition wich, Conu., occured last week. John, Maggie, ____ snow to the place. Book, and at one time he was worth a spread of the disease. The disease is also the smoke. near- American labor. quar- Nellie and Mamie McVey, children of Patrick Slc- Caused __ and Moose river nave made its at St. by the Explosion of a Loco- the ice of Brassua lake Third—A graduated tax on lands and incomes. ter of a million. reported to appearance Vev, were taken down from eating fat salt pork IN THE RINKS. four of labor under Alexis, Laurentedes and Farnham. a are all Is It a Hoax? ly fifty times in going a distance of Fourth—That competition foreign purchased of grocer. They very sick and motive Boiler. contract be prohibited. _ the result of the disease Is still uncertain. Jan. 24.—J. A. miles' At this point his cries fortunately of banks DORMAN B. EATON Madison, Wis., Jan. 23.—An of BIJOU SKATING PARLOR. *Sowrf! SciTUATE, Mass., Fifth—Establishment postal savings Emil J. Segfireit, an employee of a branch office explosion off the beach the habita- safe for small amounts. a locomotive boiler in the round house of the At the the Littlefield of this place, while were heard at WeUer’s camp, only and deposits Indicted for Maintaining a Lottery of the New York post office was arrested Saturday Bijou, following attractive programme up from Sixth—Incorporation of trades unions. Milwaukee and St. Paul depot oc- in a small teat y esterday, picked tion on the river and a of men rescued His having boen caught in the act of throwing a regis- Chicago, is offered : there will in party Seventh—Direct governmental issuance of mon- Resigns Position as Civil iService Scheme. last death and Tuesday evening surf a common lager beer bottle, tered Tetter into the sewer. He was observed to curred here night, causing be a the him. Mr. Allison had lost his shoes and without the intervention of banks. and nine game of polo, Concords vs. Bijous. The Cou- iu a but hand ey Commissioner. N. Jan. 23.—Green, Win- take the registered letter from the safe and when destruction. One man was killed which, written rough legible the government shall obtain con- Syracuse, V., cords are the the following and was frozen. He will Eighth—Tliat & boot and shoe sees started to run away but was caught in the timber and escap- champions of New Hampshire. on a small piece of paper, were stockings nearly trol of all and railroads, Jan. 23.—Dorman B. Baton, galls Co., the large retail badly injured by falling telegraphs, telephones Washington, street steam. completely de- Thursday the of Lewiston will lines ; recover. and that hereafter no charter or license be grant- dealers here, with branch stores in the prin- ing The explosion Independents or civil service commissioner, today sent to the Joke A. Driscoll, a Boston and the roof, and cross Benton, wrecked on Put in for a Harbor. ed to any corporation for construction opera- cipal towns of the State, were today indicted Capt. representative stroyed the boiler engine, sticks with the Bijous the Orst time. Feb- Crew of schooner Mabel ef the VMiau Brotherhood, was hi New York city of the middle section Devil's Back. 25. George Ross and tion of means of transporting Intelligence, passen- President the following letter tendering his by the grand jury for having maintained a all trie upper portion 4th the horse will In Dec. 1885, Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 24.—Tug Seguin Saturday In secret consultation with O’Donovan which contains six ruary skating Dolly, appear Bill oues saved. gers or freight. lottery scheme in violation of the statute. of the round house, Bugby only here the bark Woodbury resignation: Rossa, concerning the new "Fenian explosive” this rink for the first time. Dolly stands on her arrived to-day with of on Their scheme was to chances stalls which wero completely demolished, It is believed among seamen here A request for an expression opinion U. S. Civil Service I give purchasers said to be twenty times more powertul than dyna- head, walks a six inch plank, performs feats of generally into a short time ago, Commission, de- the timbers falling upon the five other the bottle was thrown overboard from which put Boothbay the above was made and the following is a D. Jan. ( for large amounts of money and goods mite. This agent of destruction, it is said, is to bo heavy balancing, distinguishing colors and many other that Washington, C., 20,1886. them to the lost her sails. has a the received: Sir:—I to tender upon a The drawing was used in England if the latter does not engines in that section, injuring a tricks. some outward bound vessel, in which having She cargo of condensation of replies beg very respectfully you my pendent drawing. freely grant I bn eve and the have Ireland Home Rule means, or less extent. he shock of the ex- Archie Daly concluded his successful engage- ef the lost vessel have teen am anxious to do resignation of the office of civil service commis- had New Year’s presents by peaceful greater survivors may from Cuba. Senator Ft&tt-I anything felt all over the ment and will commence an en- it is a logwood advance the inter- sioner, to take effect on the 9th day of March next. been distributed. found The railroad has created plosion was city, a mile from Saturday night rescued. Some, however, believe 2 o’clock which may justly Be done to The grand jury Pennsylvania company at Bidfleford tills He gives a Steamer Penobscot put in here at of My acceptance of the office, as you are well a new of its to be known as the scene of the disaster. gagement evening. hoax. ests of the laboring class. He enclosed'copies thirty indictments. department service, and the handsome costumes in __ thick storm in of contract labor aware, was accompanied with the declaration that the Railroad Relief the good performance this morning owing to a snow liis speeches against importation Pennsylvania Department, which he arc of mention. and the I could not consent to hold it than my ser of is a relief fund for the benefit of appears worthy especial Law. to Boston and favoring a government telegraph longer object which Enforcingthe Sunday the She will probably return attention to Ins vices might be useful in connection with tilts pre- of or bay. rights of labor. He also called a its employes in case accident sickness, Serious Stabbing Affray. R. Jan. Powell of lands the paration of tiie annual report of the commission, Successful Operations of Forger. and tlieir families in case of death. Members of the Vewport, I., 24.—Mayor as soon as the gale subsides. votes in favor of disposing only by BASE BALL. that he meant to make “Ivoteas l He tlie giving of any information which Congress 24.—A well fund are to contribute to from Salem, Mass., Jan. a ian order Friday homestead act. and added, speak. _ Kans4s City, Mo.. Jan., according salary, 24.-During dispute not control of might require and the new commissioners become 76 to last on Boston of the laws which re- from an favors government regulation but dressed young man, stating himself to bo cents $3.76 monthly. night street near the Peabody a rigid en/orcement Lawrence Barrett Suffering scheme, he familiar with their duties. The political question Ikornas be closed Sundays, and today railroads. "The postal savings says, J. came here recently and opened Calvin Pratt, who fradulcntly obtained over line, Griffin living eg Beaver street NOTES. £u re stores to Abscess. over the present which seems to have been raised over my nomi- Whitney, of most faithfully observed. "presents so few advantages an in the cattle busi- $12,000 by means of forgeries oil the Pacific Bank was seriously stabbed in the abdomen and Burnham of the Lawrence* 18S5 order has been abscess in enthusiastic over if, nation, and which did npt allow any earlier offer office, being ostensibly Manager and fish- Jan. 24.—While the system that I am not very of San Francisco, and fled to Japan, returned in cut in the There were in the and file Portlands of the vear may he marketmeu Boston, it.” He fa- Of my resignation, makes it proper for me to say ness. account* with several slightly chest. previous The°barbers! growers, throat is not considered but I don’t know as I should oppose fie opened of on the steamer City of Identified with Boston’s new team next reason. a complete sunuay s Lawrence Barrett’s when that when nominated me yiiil well knpw the banks and a of drafts charge Detective CeBey, party John Bresnahan aged 23, John Reagan mongers all have toad believe it will bp vors direct employment by the government you deposited number New York, which arrived yesterday. He lias been for some days with tho first time in half a cen- dangerous, his physicians wisdom of a com- fact that I was still an adherent of the Republican 23, and James Barrett 45, all belonging in negotiating restresi probably for the lus advantageous, but doubts the signed by Omaha banks, aggregating *1400. who are behind tile Boston club in the prouauiy are com- better for him to abstain from using the party, as I had been ftoui its in every Herbert Nichols, a brakeman on the Worcester, were all this gentlemen tradesmen plete abandonment! of tile contract system; origin, Two weeks ego he cashed and left the Peabody, and they arrested New and the probability la that and it has been de- sense that I was a when a these Nashua aud Rochester railroad was arrested lu England League, but as it is evident voice for two days more, convict not the honest Republican appointed to the clear- morning. Griffin says Bresnahan did the he will team. of the new order should compete against commissioner, either President Grant or by city. The drafts went Chicago Nashua, N. H„ yesterday, charged with stealing manage the nffiiiing will cided therefore to close the Globe theatre free; am opposed to the abolition of banks; by when out a knife was fonnd The Belfast club bes leased Its grounds ut that Mayor Powell means business they President and I have the honor of being ing house and were paid, but they a package containing $600. Some $570 was cutting large pocket this and Tuesday nights, iso doubt ayof government Issue of paper money yvlien Arthur, There is a for the season, and a team w-lll tie Old citizens say figs Monday only obedient servant, Dorman B. Eaton. reached to he forgeries. found under a earpet and it is thought the re- open in Barrett's pocket. but) city good got probably yield. that Barrett will be able to reappear laeed ou of gold, of sliver, of bullion, as your Omaha they proved there. » many exists imd deposits the made escape. mainder will be yet recovered. -mall chance for Griffin’s life. together lieen the most quiet Sunday ip great I fear an thing the To president. Whitney has probably good his on Wednesday. lrffedecmahlppaper currency; years. AMUSEMENT*. return his warrants aud did not libel the nilCELLAKEOl!!. FINANCIAL. __ THE PRESS. liquors, but returned them to the parties FIRST MORTGAGE COUPON BONDS from whom they were taken, he was guilty MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25. of violating the laws of the State. Do the — negotiated by — Prohibition leaders think it all right for 'A it 11 mi aud foininun- Co. HimuyniouH letters Benjamin F. Andrews to secretly return The Minnesota Loan and Trust Tickets. are eatlons. i'be name and atidress of the writer • to one of the most Bearing Meven Per Cent IntereM. Opera liquors Timothy Twigg, n all cases indispensable, not necessarily for pub- i notorious rumsellers in the city, in violation SALE ! — FOR SALE BY — faith. GRAND CLOSING OUT lication but as a guarantee of good ! Tickets and Librettos to “Bone of Castile” of law ? and Feb. 3rd now on sale at We cannot undertake to return or preserve ‘‘Martha,” and Ath, WILLIAM H. Stockbridge’3 Music store. jan21dlw that are not EMERY, cojnniunications used._ CURRENT COMMENT. 1SS Middle Hired, Portlaud. DR. WILSON, JANUARY 26th. Below are the names of a few Savings Banks in of Southern W'ill his lecturrs. Another indication progress is hold a amount repent popular Subjecti FOB MARYLAND. New England who large A BAD FIX TUESDAY, is and the fact that several New Orleans council- of these securities: The Brain the Index of every Mental Albany Express. Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co., Providence, R. I. Physical Condition. Public examinations will men are serving out terms in the I. Peo- county jail. The Hon. Arthur P. Gorman has,of course, Mechanics’ Savings Bank, Providence, R. conclude with the audience examining tne skull, the life States Senator from ple's Savings Bank, Providence, R. I, New Hamp- with symbols of accidents suffered in and B. Eaton has been re-elected United N. H. Keene the disease that caused death. First lecture. Dorman resigned and the in shire Savings Bank. Concord. Savings Maryland. Arthur is a “fixed” quantity N.H. Nashua Bank, Nashua, Wednesday, January 20th, at 8 and President will have to hunt up another civil Bank, Keene, Savings p. m., every Maryland politics. N. H. Littleton Savings Bank. Littleton, N. H. Lit- Wednesday until further notice. Free. service commissioner. Luckily for him he TIIE POWER OF SPOILS. tleton National Bank. Littleton, N. H. Library Hail. Mechanics. Building. janlSdtf d2m* has not got to searcli for a Democrat. Wash. Corr. Cincinnati Enquirer. ]anl2 Mr. Cleveland’s position to-day with his Perry Belmont has appointed a Republican him for the Fro. STEVENS, GILBERT’S party is just this: They respect We invite in and to visit this sale and secure a EXTRA, clerk of the foreign committee. The fact offices he has, and damn him for his princi- every lady Portland vicinity bargain. that lie did not know that he was a Republi- ples. To this complexion has it come at last. The power of spoils alone gives him Wednesday Evening. can when he appointed him detracts a good BROKER, the only support he has. The New Scliottisclie a deal from the credit Belmont is entitled to. 39 Street. Specialty A LAST OPPORTUNITY. Exchange from 8 to 9 o’clock. Boston Record. Odd Lots and Remnants at a Small on the Cost. janl We hope it is true as reported, that Morri- Percentage Original 8_ dtf_ The University junior exhibition son has come to the conclusion that any re- Colby Grain and Petroleum had two parts performed by young women. Stocks, it is he and Satins in remnants worth and for 25 37 1-2 50 75 cents on one vision of the tariff is hopeless. If The oo-edueated, however, took remote top- Silks $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00, cents, cents, cents, Bought, sold and carried margin of per cent, and upwards. Quotations constantly received. shows an appreciation of facts that he has ics—“Pompeii” and “Exile in Siberia” re- and $1.00. ODD FELLOWSHIP! What a chance that would have Private Wire* to Bonton and New York. hitherto received no credit for. spectively. been to woman a lift! worth Parties or 10 shares of stock have give suffrage Black Brocade Velvets $1.75 per yard, $4.00. buying selling JAMES the same advantages as those dealing in 100 or B.NICHOLSON, merchants are SENATOR LOGAN AND SECRET SESSIONS. The big New York calling Colored Brocade worth $5.00. 1000 shares. Past Graud Sire of Pennsylvania, will deliver bis Boston Record. Velvets, $2.00 per yard, •Senator Evarts to account on the silver Dress for CASH SETTLEMENTS. great lecture on Odd Fellowship, at have all a to Senator Logan wants to the Presi- Goods, Flannels, Plaids, Novelties, Linings, Striped Blanketing Wrappers, Gray Blankets, question. They signed request fight Quilted Orders by mall or telegraph promptly executed. dent in the open field, and therefore propos- eod3m CITY JAN. him to exert his influence in the Senate that The Red Blankets for Wrappers, White Blankets, Comforters, Quilts, Crib Crib Blankets. dec23 HALL,TUESDAY EVENING, es the abolition of the secret Night Quilts, — sessions. — UNDER THE AUSPICES OF the present compulsory coinage of silver “secrecy” is for the most part a musty old Remnants of Sheeting, Ginghams. Crashes, Turkey Red Damask, White Table Linens. shall be suspended. fiction. But tlie old-liners stick to the af- PORTLAND ENCAMPMENT. fectation of mystery as though it in some Towels from 5 cents each J. B. BROWN & SONS, upwards. MUSIC BY CHANDLER S FULL BAND The New Y'ork Herald Washington corres- way dignified their office. Silk Buttons, Ho- Fancy Goods, Laces, Ornaments, Girdles, Fringes, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Tidies, from 7.30 to m. 8.30. Doors pondent, a man who claims to know, says A LITTLE ADVICE ON THE TERRITORY QUES- 8,30 p, Lecture at and Silk open at 7 p m. the President lias abandoned his own con- TION. siery, Kid Gloves, Hamburg Edgings, Veilings, Muffs, Furs, Satin Cushings, Woolen Mittens, White Mr. Nicholson is a most No A m»AT1Q BANKERS, eloquent speaker. Louisville Courier-Journal. victions and appointed unfit men for office V M.M. KJ m other man has had so close connection too credulous personal at the solicitation of Democratic Congress- Democrats should not lend with or such cxtensvle knowledge of the distin- an ear to the to admit asmng- Ladies’ Cotton Gent’s Merino Gent’s Shirts. No. 218 Middle Street. guished men and important events in American men. If this be so we can admire Mr. propositions Underwear, Underwear, Cleve- tou as a state in order to secure the admis- Odd Fellowship. He is tonlay preeminently the foremost man the order. Odd Fellow w ill land for his convictions more than for the sion at the same time of Southern Dakota. fn Every hear him and that Is not an Odd Fellow The talk that is Democratic everybody manner in which he treats them. Washington FLULESS OF THIS SALES. Sterling ami Continental Exchange ought to hear him. Ticket* 25 ceu«» each, for should be taken with several of salt. bought anil Mold at mo*! favorable rate*. sale at the stores of W. S. Bauks. Geo. C. Frye & Co. Senator Payne has findiy concluded that It is lather fresh. and Goss, the shoe man 227 Middle street, also by Travelling and Commercial Letter* of the of each in the and Isaac of in connection with OUR AMERICAN POOII-llAIIS. laid no returned. secretary lodge city, the charges bribery cash. No aside; goods ia all the Prin- P. Odd Fellows’ Hall and at the door. Trains N. Y. Sun. Strictly goods Credit iMMued, available Clark, his election to the Senate are of his on G. T. B. and M. and M. C. R. B„ half fare, worthy sale for one if it will he to first cipal Citie* of Europe. R’y, It that the inquirus by the Senate As this is day, stormy postponed pleasant day. jail 18 dtd attention. In a letter to the committee of appears InveMtmeut Mecnritie* and Mold. committees into the cause of removals from Bought the Ohio house that has begun an investiga- the Democratic office have been signed by JanSl__eodtf instructive and tion of them he asserts his innocence and Senators as well as by the Republicans. In Amusing, Entertaining of Pooh-bah, as Senators they nm i rn nnnm/rn o nh asks to be heard provided any inculpating the language think it right to learn the special reasons for a evidence is presented. This is much better out of but as unuui\ui uu., turning Republicans office, MIL LETT & LITTLE. ruLLLii, LECTURE. than an attitude of silence. Friends of the Administration they will, Jan23 il3t doubtless, see that the President’s preroga- Bankers and The Attorney General lias concluded to in- tives are not encroached upon. A CHANGE FOR 1880. Brokers, trust of the suit the AND HEIi PEOPLE, REMEMBER THIS. the management against IIEli QUEEN MOTHERS, EXCHANCE STREET. REV. 0. F. WALTZE Y. All the of London use MUR- NO. 33 Bell Company to the Solicitor N. Tribune. lying-in hospitals of will deliver his Telephone DOCK’S FOOD. Augusta, popular lecture, As of were LIQUID entitled the General. he holds over a million dollars The people England pleased yes- In general use in fifty-two of the hospitals of Investment Securities a of their and worth of the stock of the company at whose terday by sight queen they London. cheered royally and lustily along the route In the Insane of London find it instigation the suit is brought it certainly Ayslum they for Sale. by which the royal lady drove from Buck- MR. GEO. H TAILOR. builds the patient np in less time than any other would have been indecent for him to to K, and that the mind. highly ingham palace Westminster. A good treatment, Improves observers DOWNWARD doubtless wondered as ROAD appear in me case, xic wouiu nave pui nun- many they thought of the last Enfranchisement Act, I am to inform the that after a term of as a cutter, AGENTS FOR GREEN & BATEMAN self in a still better position by resigning liis pleased public generally, years TO RUIN! how long it would be worth while to keep up and for the last five years as cutter for L. C. Young, I have purchased the old stand To the NewMardock office, for he will never be able to quite con- a show of in a like FreeHospital. NEW YORK, royalty country England, at Woodfords and shall continue the business as heretofore. I shall offer Special By A. H. TBISGS, a Patient. vince people that he has not taken a hand in which is really a great democracy. Never- Union Mutual AT CONGRESS and as line of HALL, Tuesday Prices for the next thirty days. I shall endenTor to keep stock np to full This new Hospital, you say, For on New York and Chi- Wednesday of the theless, there was no accident, and the transactions the management of the ease outside Woolens as can be found in Maine, and can make prices that will be an object for Will be finished on the first of May. Connected Evenings, January 26 and 27. Queen is personally dearer to her people for A noble structure ’tis and cago Exchanges. by private my city friends to examine. grand. courts._____ this performance. Probabiy it took pluck to Finely located, and well planned. wire. Quotations constantly displayed. Illustrated by a large number of Stere* for while Victoria is the most LIFE INSURANCE Large enough for all, decleodtf It is difficult to see what good can be sub- start, popular All of and Domestic Woolens, Suit* COMPANY, opticon Views thrown upon Canvas. of living sovereigns (and perhaps of dead grades Foreign Pantings, As It contains 30,000 feet of floor, served such controversies as is now going ; Of its kind the by ones), her life is always more or less in dan- ings, Overcoatings, &c., &c., always in stock. only Hospital s )u one individual ADMISSION 15 CENTS. on between Gen. Lew' Wallace and Gen. Boyn- on such occasions as this. to | Supported by ger Moreover, OF MAINE. ! Without contribution or taxation. SWAN & far in BARRETT, ton in regard to Gen. Halleck. The time to ride so an open carriage in bad weath- In all this great and glorious nation! Doors open at 7 o’clock, lecture to commence er is not a wise thing for a person of her age From sill to eave—from to at 7.45. Come one, come all, come attack Halleck, if there was any ground for wing wing, everybody. with a bad cold to do. Yet she likes a Con- The structure seems a jan23 d3t ORGANIZED IN 1S4S. living thing. doing so, was when he was alive and could servative Cabinet well enough to suffer for In living tones it seems to speak: defend himself. Then, if he was guilty of its sake. ONE MORE CHANCE ! “lam an ayslum for the weak, Bankers and Brokers Bijou Skating Parlor, Federal Street. And burdened and distressed. as Gen. Wallace he could A MUGWUMP VIEW. Admission: treachery charges, Has had thirty-five years’ experience The helpless, struggling and depressed, Evening New York Independent. i of have been punished for it directly or in- Deserving daughters Mother Eve, 186 MIDDLE STREET. We hope the President, as an act of cour- A Cold Watch Free!!! RECORD IH Beneath my roof will find relief; Ss':::::::::;.:ioS)Skate5.l0cents- directly. Now praise and blame fall on his here often come tesy, w ill respect the wishes of the Senate by Lady’s JTS Though many may Afternoon AdnaUnidn: ear and Filled with sad thoughts of friends, and home— Dealers in Bonds and Stocks. alike; the only effect of convicting furnishing such information in regard to his -AT — Their hearts with sickening fear be rife ^ates..*> cents. him will be to show that w’as one more and dismissals as be called Death losses paid, $7,89*2,511.71 £Jiere appointments may To come beneath the surgeon’s knife— INVESTMENT SECURITIES S:;:::::::") traitor in the LTnion ranks than has generally for, and, at the same time, we hope the Sen- Filled with the dizzy, nameless dread P. S.—Polo and all Other Exhibitions the admis- ate will not at any time demand sueh infor- Endow incuts paid. 3,110,251.96 That haunts the bed. sion will be 25 Afternoon Games been etherizing for Banks and Trust cents; Saturday supposed. mation as really a matter of right. There Their tears and fears will melt away Savings 10 cents. may be many cases where the Senate can not Morrison & Go’s New Surrendered policies, 5,592,112.81 Like dew before the orb of day. Funds constantly on declOdtf C. H. KNOWLTON. Manager The stated that Store, Kindness will the Lewiston Journal having Jewelry wipe away tear, hand|.f confirm the of conscientiously appointments banish doubt and General Neal Dow would not vote for the President without further information Dividends,. 1,208,602.71 Experience fear. Mayor 565 CONGRESS ST. And cheerful word and pleasant smile GRAND ASSEMBLY than have. It would be a great wrong a •— Deering the Argus sent a reporter to inter- they A TOTAL PAYMENT to Shall many lonely hour beguile. BY THE — on of fill the a Presents to some of our cus- the part the Senate to place of Having decided to give away a beautiful Gold Watch, also other Elegant of For none can here position fill WOODBURY*MOULTOY, view the General. The reporter returned with to be- SHOWINGPolicy-holders nearly good, experienced man by confirming the ap- tomers Feb. 1, we offer every lady and gentleman who visits the store before that time a chance In whom kindness does not blend with skill. call and CUMBERLAND ROWING ASSOCIATION the information that Gen. Dow was a strong pointment of one who is not, according to come the posessor of the same free of charge. We do not require you to buy anything, only millions op dol- No surgeon here who is not kind, see our newr store and name. and — AT — supporter of Mayor Deering. That point the facts before the senate at the time, com- register your Twenty-oneLABS, equal to Skilful, gentlemanly refined, petent to fill the place. Possibly, the And faithful, punctual to each call, ARMY & being settled we suppose tnere will no longer also, HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- To rich or poor, one and all. NAVY HALL, man dismissed may not be all that he is re- Jan. 28. Tickets admit- the of the in lor each year of No attendant here upon the sick BANKERS Thursday Evening, be any hesitation on part Argus to be; in which case the un- SIXLARS, paid policy-holders Music puted Senate, the company’s existence. Whose heart is not warm, deep and quick ting Gent and Ladies 50 cts. by Grimmer. advocating Mr. Deeriug’s nomination, or on doubtedly, have the facts, and to withhold & To feel for, relieve and sympathize jan22 dlw them would be MORRISON With and and the part of the Democracy of Portland in con- unjustifiable. The Senate CO., PRESENT ASSETS ARE $0,322,- pain, tears, sleepless eyes, Cor. Middle and Street. may, very properly, refuse to act in the ITS while Its liabilities are only $3,- To soothe the tired, throbbing head, Exchange to it. The Portland Democrats have 001.07, senting dark, and should refuse to do so 022.370.30. To soften, cool the fevered bed, PORTLAND THEATRE. always Him who favors always been in the habit of finding out what when, by its action, it is honestly believed Ho. 565 Under Grand Hall, Portland, Me. Remembering rain, Congress St., Army HAS THEREFORE A SURPLUS of For the cup of water in His name.” wanted and then it to that will be done in quarter, jan4 dtf TWO and Saturday, Jan. 29 and 30. Gen. Dow giving injustice any to the Massachu- suitable for NIGHTS—Friday and the public service IT $400,000.00 according How glad this founder’s heart must feel! Choice Securities, him. damaged thereby. setts standard, and of $733,200.00 by the New Coming in all its immeasurable greatness on its _ How full of pride and holy zeal, York standard. Banks and Trust own railroad train of To see this noble work go on,— Savings special that can to The very worst thing happen To see the healed leave one one,— MUTUAL Its mu- by Funds on hand. FLORIDA. UNION recognizing To know none in the white cots constantly 3 SIXTY FEET CARS. Ireland at this emergency is the resort by in its lay PianoMice! and Safe Investments. THE is the most liberal company to eodtf Profitable tuality, Worrying the doctor’s bills pay, of Irish kindred to the use of vio- its janl3_ anybody Special dealings with policy-holders. To hear the convalescents sing, W. J. GILMORE'S lence. A in London An orange, lemon, lime, fig and guava grove, dynamite explosion to- POLICIT CONTRACT is and PORTLAND with sugar cane, pineapples, bananas, cotton, plain The thanks that from glad hearts they pour, that could be traced to an Irishman would harvest definite In all its and no chance Great Big Company, bacco. sweet potatoes and vegetables (a ITS terms, The “God bless him” as he leaves the door. in the fertile and health- iTARRH every month in the vear), misconception. can be worth more to the men who are seek- To feel that what he he gives, of Florida. New New (COMPRISING 60 MEMBERS,) Complete Treatment, with Inhaler for ful highlands town, Eng- Sees it in good use while he lives. ing to revive the enrereion ltnlii'V flint the land at Belleview, Marion Co., Florida. TS colony I POLIOIESjUBE_ " * Not waiting till he has turned to dust, in the Famous Spectacle. CVCry form of Oatnrrli) $1. AA for or x.uuu set im enoiceat Ttvrctnna wg«*to* onuaua, most earnest and direct appeal the Queen CHICKERINS Five Acre* good After three years for any-cause excepffrauS trwa»»,r«-.,i ritcf Frail and fenced foi $400! He sees, he sees, full well he Knows TRUST could possibly make. It is a time for SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE. Where and how each dollar COMPANY, PATS DEATH WITHOUT goes, IN PORTLAND. Five Jcres of land so rich as not to require fer CLAIMS, Not every Irishmen who has the welfare of his IT DISCOUNT, Immediately the proofs are com- hoarded, squandered, vainly spent, Head tilizers. set to fruit and fenced for 8000 to 8800. But wisely used, and freely lent from do- Colds, Watery the now plete and satisfactory, and without waiting 60, 90, country at heart to restrain himself from the A Fresh Stock Now Opening, Similar groves, in five years from setting, To Him who said of the graces First National Bank Discharges of or any number of days. three, Building. Nose yield from 82,000 to 84.000 per annum. Care “The greatest of these is ing, or suggesting even, any illegal act. and Eyes, Kinging —AT— Charity.” such groves, with fertilizers, 8175 per year! Busi- Another name enrolled shall be Penn tin. lnn*.o t.nllr of O'Dnnovnn Pnssa. Noises in the Head, ISSUES POLICIES on all ness can never be “overdone,” as Florida has no approved On the of Nervous Headache and its pages philanthropy! a small even of this IT plans, and blatherskite and coward that he Is, may do Fever instantly relieved. competitor, and only portion Would like him were many more City, County and Railroad Bonds, and mucus State is adapted to this culture. Who would use their store CHAIHB8II. Choking dis- premium plan and freely, wisely other First-Class Securities. VALE.Sole Manager. harm at this juncture. membrane Of useful knowledge, and growing wealth lodged, THURSTONS, House* Builtfor $400 lo 911200, AdjustedNON FORFEITURE INVESTMENT PLAN Produced on a scale of cleansed and For the good, and aid, and of regal magnificence never healed, are ssectal features of this company and issued by light health, before SOLE cent, on cost! So many unheeded equalled in your city. The Senate has promptly gone to work on breath sweetened, smell, AGENT, can be rented at a good per Designs none other. day by day taste, and hearing re- and specifications furnished free. Good schools, In crowded cities would not fade away the Electoral Count and it is to be hoped For want of and fresh INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Prices, 75. 50 and 35 cents. Sale of seats coin' bill, stored, and ravages checked. church, sanitarium and hotels, railroad, stores ADVANTAGES of this are skill, pure air, Company And and Jelo eodtf mences Wednesday, Jan. 27. that before the session is concluded both Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings into the Throat, and best society, within 48 hours of Boston. Every- STRONG FINAN- rest, nourishment, and loving care; jan25dtd Street Portland. THEAGE, EXPERIENCE, So much and Pains in the Dyspepsia, Wasting of Strengtli 3 Free Block, thing guaranteed by responsible parties! Best CIAL LARGE want, suffering, we would not meet houses will have agreed upon some •easure Chest, CONDITION, SURPLUS, EQUIT- In and in and and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, etc., cured. plaoe In the world for winter or permanent homes ABLE and ATTRACTIVE PLANS, and conser- garret, alley, shop street; BUSINESS CARDS. So mothers doomed to that shall definitely provide for the settle- One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Sol- STOOLS AND COVERS. and for invalids! vative many young die. tu one week and management. Their last earth their children’s ment of that arise in the vent and one Dr. Sanford’s Inhaler, pack- Board from 84.60 to 87 per upwards. memory cry. disputes may pro- to Order.dtf to secure Who, left to the waves of a hardened age, of all Druggists, for 91. Ask for Sanford’s Now or never if you wish comfortable a world, jan!2_Tuning Call or send to any Agency Ofllee for circular in its STOCKS. HAWKES sum- Oft eddies of sin are whirled. cess of counting the electoral vote. Senator Radical Cure, a mire distillation of Witch- homes In the land of perpetual, comfortable of its plans. BROTHERS, Nor so of We have — — Hazel, Am. Pine, Ca. Fir, Marigold, Clover Blos- mer. at reasonable prices. Lands may be bought many girls pure soul, fine brain. established at the offce of our Portland DEALERS IX Edmunds’s bill, which has once been passed Left to out hours of soms, etc. on the Instalment plan. drag smotheredftiain, correspondents. the is a fair and and to acre. House lots Without the means for the time to Granite for by Senate, just measure, Potter Drug anil Chemicnl Co., Boston. Lands from 815 8100 per stop. Building, Cemetery, from to each. JAMES For a rest from store, or desk, or MESSRS. WOODBURY & the best thing for the Senate to do is to pass for Bonds. 810 8B00 SINKINSON, shop. MOULTON. and monumental Purposes, Proposals The good lands like ours on which vegetables Their strength still failing, their last hope gone, Cgy "KIDNEY PAINS" and that weary a Branch Office, for the purchase and sale on com- it again and send it to the House, and let the can be raise I the first year are Exceedingly MANAGER FOR MAINE AGENCIES, Still to struggle on. sensation ever with those of bravely trying mission of all Bonds and Stocks dealt in on the Bos- Office and Works foot of Wilmot ME. 'vMK$ present Nrnrcc in and are advancing In When timely skill and care would save St, PORTLAND, House take the of it or weak backs, over- Vluridu, rapidly ton, New York or Baltimore responsibility killing painful kidneys, value. Maine. Many a flower from an early grave. Chicago, Geo. E. Hawkes, Melvix J. Hawkes. worked or worn out by standing, walk- Uie terms of an indenture between the Portland, Exchanges. amending it if it sees fit. Under this bill, if \ mart eodtf WC ing, or the sewing machine, cured by Maine Central Railroad Company and tlie N. E. REFERENCES WHO HAVE VISITED AND IN God shower his blessings on every one Stocks purchased forCash or carried on Special Attention given to Cemetery Work, \ BY margin. dec 18 there is but one return from a State it is to Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, a new, Portland Trust Company, executed January 5, VESTED IN BELLEVIEW. Who works for the good, and the light of Man, to and will till February are also connected New d«m_ be counted unless the two houses concur in original, elegant, and speedy antidote pain 1885, the undersigned receive, Gen. J. L. Chamberlain, Brunswick, Me. And happy make the hearts tonight with York, Philadelphia. the sale of a suffic- inflammation. At druggists, 25c.; five for $1.00. 1,1880, sealed proposals for S. H. MATO. 121 Fulton St., Boston, Mass. Of those who labor for love and right, Chicago, Baltimore and Washington by private line. S. H. rejecting it. If there are two returns, unless Mailed free. Potter Druci and Chemical Co., ient number of the hereinafter described bonds to Prof. G. G. Bcsh, 90 Pleasant St., Dorchester, And of those bright souls who have ever sought Members of new York and Boston Stock Ex- REDMOND, sum thousand dollars both houses in one and ac- Boston. janI8MTh&w2w absorb the of sixteen (810,- Mass. To lift, enlarge the plane of thought, changes. agree rejecting Fund ac- 000) paid to said Company as a Sinking Rev. L. H. Hallock, 62 Neal St., Portland, Me. For the cause of science, and skill, and Truth, The quotations and the current stock news of the neither is to be counted. named Inden- the will cepting other, II (lie’s Honey the great Cough cure, 25c. 60c cording to the terms of the above Rev. I. D. Stewart. Dover, N. 81., and others. Or for the alleviation of Age and Youth day be bulletined at the office of Messrs. Sign and Ornamental ture. and full From sickness, suffering, error, Woodbury & Moulton. Painting Senator Sherman proposes In case of a dis- and $1. Glenn’s Sulphur Soup heals & beau- For pictorial pamphlets, maps particu- wrong. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. No proposal will be entertained at a price ex- lars, to Or to lift the fallen, or lead the strong, pute to decide it the vote of the members German Corn Remover killsCorns apply Cor. Middle and Exchange Sts. by tifies, 25c. ceeding 105 and accrued interest. Comfort their souls at the last great call, Having had an experience of over 12 years in and Whisker not this Founder them all. two of the cities of both houses in joint convention. Practi- and Bunions. Hill’s Hoir Dye, The is reserved to and all offers. Forget among largest in Massachusetts, (the right reject any Give him and last 7 in I feel Black and 60c. Pike’s Toothneke happiness, peace light, business,) confident in warranting cally tills would be putting all power over Brown, W. D. LITTLE & GO., Agents, Strength to keep the path of right. HILL tne best work and lowest Rheu- RICHARDSON, & CO., price*. the electoral count into the House. Xo plan Drops cure in one minute, 26c. Deans 81 Bless ldm, Father, in thy own sweet way, Exchange St, jan2 ISO 1-2 RIDDLE ST. matic Pills are a sure cure 60c And “raise him up” on the tinal Mass. dim* can be contrived which will not be to dec22 day. Bankers, Boston, open ia"16 eod2dp&wlynrm _dtf_ [Boston Traveller,November, 1883. Jan 11dtf some objections. Senator Edmunds’s plan DESCRIPTION OF BONDS. janl3 WS&Mtf Herbert G. Is not perfect, but it approaches much nearer BONDS ! Briggs, Maine Central Railroad Company C per cent. You are Invited to Visit than Senator Sherman's. Cordially perfection 10-20 bonds dated January 31, 1885. Interest Rockland.6s & 4s Bath.6s & 4s ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR Feb. 1st and 1st. payable Aug. No. Pacific Gold..6s Maine Central. .7s & 5s —OF— PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. JAIUJE BEAM Anson.4s P. & O. R. R....6S The hearing that has been ordered by the H. by Butler, Secretary. AMERICAN ANO FOREIGN Mayor and Aldermen on the question of jan23 d8t PATENTS, ARETAS No. to the Horse Railroad SHURTLEFF, 93 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. granting permission NEW STYLE PIANO FORTES Company to keep their tracks clear from No. 194 MIDDLE STREET, Portland. January 1,1884. janldtf snow, so that the cars may run on wheels, is ATLANTIC an important oue as concerns the general WILLIAM H. LQNGSDORF & CO., Of course the turns Bankers and public. question very MliW KUAHtll Brokers, 16 Broad Street, New York. much on the quantity of snow in the streets INVESTMENT Bonds rumished SOUNDto Executors. Trustees of Estates, and Indi- and the MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ability of the company to keep the PROF.CHS.LUDWIG VON SEEGER, vidual Investors. DEFAULTED BONDS of States, streets safe if the snow is removed. With a Professor of Medicine at the Royal University t Counties, Cities, and Railways bought and sold. the Austrian Order of the Iron Coupons and dividends collected, and informa- large accumulation of snow it may be found Knight of lloyal tion furnished relative to Crown ; Knight Commander of the Royal Spanish OF NEW securities of all kinds, to do as tins Prussian YORK, without charge. Horse and Gas stocks a impracticable this, but as long Order of Isabella ; Knight of the Royal Railway STEPHEN the Red the Studio, specialty.. Order Chevalier Photograph BERRY, of Legion of is possible it is in the interest of a large pro- of Eagle; _jay22eodlm Honor, die., <&c.t says: our portion of citizens that the company “ Insure Marine Risks LIEBIG CO’S COCA BEEF TONIC Against Only. EDUCATIONAL. fficok, mid (gcad should be allowed to run their ears on should not be confounded with the horde of trashy 478 1*2 Congress St., Job Wliidei^ cure is in no sense of the word a potent wheels. The horse curs have become almost oils. It No. 37 Plum Street. remedy. I am thoroughly conversant with its THE SECONDTERM Preble House. a This Company will take risks at their office, New a necessity fora large class in the communi- mode of and know it to be not only a Opp. Just the thing for Country Variety preparation Piano Fortes of the best make, the Hallet on and and — — also worthy very Store to sell Cost York, Vessels, Cargoes Freights, issue OF and the company been legitimate pharmaceutical product,but Sc Davis new Steinway & Son spectacles by. $30. open policies to risks ty, has. making large commendations it has received in all style upright piano, merchants, making binding of the high Parlor Grand; also orgaus of several styles and Will sell for $15. The above so called as water-borne. outlays to the service. The of the world. It contains essence of Beef, improve sleigh parts makes. Plano stools and covers. Tuning and re* This new and beautiful Studio lias just been Test Iron and Calisaya. which are dis- Opthalmoscopic Lenses, having CARTER'S KINDERGARTEN Haskell & service is imperfect, and and Coca, Quinine, done at short notice. WM. P. HASTINGS, fitted with all the new and Latest Improvements MRS. unsatisfactory, in Crown palling been found for the nse of Jones, solved pure genuine Spanish Imperial St.. Portland. oct20dtf for the of our and impracticable Premiums on inconvenience must result from the 114V2 Exchange greater perfection art, posses-? Marine Risksfrom 1st Begin. Monday, Feb. l.t. great Sherry.” ses probably the largest and finest skvlight north onr opticians, it is for sale at half price. January, 1884 to 31st Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervoup, December, Circulars may he obtained at Kindergarten, 148 eliange to many people. No doubt there are of Boston. These rooms are under the personal Bilious, Malarious or afflicted with 1884.83,958.039.44 Spring Street. MANUFACTURING CLOTHIERS Dyspeptic, supervision of Premiums on Policies not marked serious inconvenience in keeping the track weak Beware of Imitation*. janl8 eodtd kidneys. off 1st January, 1884. 1,447,766.70 / —AND— cleared, but the interests of the great mass EES MAJESTY'S FAYOEITS COSMETIC CLYCESXMS. SLEIGHS. Wales MR. J. M. Total Marine MRS. CASWELL’S of the population are to be considered in de- Used bu Her Royal Highness thr'.Princess of PECK, Premiums.85,606,796.14 Men’s and the For the Skin, Erup- I a llrst-class to call Furnishers at Whole- nobility. Complexion, invite people wanting Sleigh a and termining the question, and this means peo- tlons.Chapping.Roughness. $1.00. Of druggists. and thoroughly capable practical Photographer Premiums marked off from Jan. of large experience In all branches of the Art. 1, sale and Retail. not own horse* and cannot afford LIEBIG CO’S Genuine Syrup of Sarsa- 1884, to Dee. 31, 1884.$4,046,271.04 ple who do in pnrilla. Is guaranteed as the best Sarsaparilla Losses paid during same period. 2,109,919.20 Parlor Classes conveyances. Those who can indulge the market. EXAMINE MY STOCK. MOTTO:—Good Work at Moderate Cost. FINE TAILORING A SPECIALTY private — AND — I have some in these luxuries should be willing to yield N. Y. Depot 38 MURRAY STREET. dec2‘ AIJJI:—To Please. eodtf ASSETS: something to their less fortunate neighbors. 4ec7 M&Fnrmly Light Fancy Trotting Sleighs at Reasonable Prices School for Young Ladies and Misses, The horse cars are the conveyance, HASKELL & people’s and a good I keep all klnds'of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, JONES, ASK FOR THE MRS. A. B. 60 in No. 96 Park and every privilege should be granted them POOLE, at 20 cts., cts., 76 cts., $1.00 and upwards, $ Street, LANCASTER BUILDING. 470 CONGRESS ST With the Business Sleigh for $65.00, That Can't Be Beat! Rubber, Steel, Celluloid and Gold frames. 12,938^289.38. Will begin the second term ot the school year. consistent with the public safety. and fitted at Feb. attention is OPPOSITE PREBLE I will warrant all to be made of Ordinary presbyopic myopic, eyes Six Per Cent. Interest on amount 1,1886. Special given to the HOUSE. my sleighs good for and Out- present quantity of snow it is probably possi- W. L. DOUGLAS stock and the best of work. once. Oculists’ prescriptions Astigmatism common and higher English branches. An ad- (turn other difficulties filled and a lit guaran- standing Script Paid on and af- vanced class in will be formed for novis_ ble to tlie without serious Best material, fit, any C5or$6shoe; properly Composition keep tracks open perfect equals teed. ter Feo. 1885. hard work. Classes wiU’be formed in Holin'. every warranted. Take none unless 3, if the pair stamped METAPHYSICIAN in SAMUEL to ! Universal and the inconvenience private conveyances, "W. L. Douglas’ *3.00 C. E. WHITNEY, Literature, History of CHASE, Shoe, warranted.” Con- Dividend to Holders on Premium the English Language. The class in Art snow on each side is leveled. At present, — WILL BE AT — Policy gress, Button and Lace. 91 Preble cor. Lincoln St., History will begin the History of Mculptnre; cannot these St., • in 1884. this is not done and in If you get Terminating the class in Beading will take up and however, properly shoes from send C. H. analytically Carriage Painter, dealers, dec4dtf POBTI,AND,MK. LiMSOi JEWELER, Parndiso the and the Sign Inferno, liind. the when address on postal card Lost, many places streets are dangerous students are received into to W. L. Douglas, Brock- 201 MIDDLE STREET. 40 Special any of these No. 83 Preble Street. it is them safe 58 BROWN classes and into classes in General perfectly practicable to make ton, Mass. STREET, dlw existing Jan20 PI]«_CEWT. French and Particular attention to and without the History, Botany, Germnn. given liepainting covering tracks. LOSSES PAID Children REMOVAL. IN THIRTTOAYS AFTER PROOF. under twelve years of age will not be ad- varnishing Carriages. jan8d3w PORTLAND, P. L. S. B. S. mitted unless tiiey can enter classes. J. D. existing have moved our oHlce to the new block, a meeting af the Portland JONES, President, MRS. CASWELL will be at home to business call- ICNORINC THE LAW. Longshoremen’s CHARLES WE corner of Congress and Brown streets, 4X Benevolent Society, held Jan. 12, 1880, the DENNIS, Vice President, ers daily from one to three o’clock p. m. ISAAC’ YV. IIYER, EVERY OTHER WEEK FROM JAAPY 4th. W. H. 2d Vice President. The statute of the State relating to the where we have all the conveniences for doing first- following prices were adopted for the present year. MOORE, Jan 18_d2w class work. We shall continue to do work at our Jan. eodtf Domestic Cool, when not carried on steam- A. A. RAVEN, 3d Vice President, search and seizure of J. H. intoxicating liquors former low prices, and warrant all operations to ers, 12'i cents per ton, or 2 y2 cents eaeh for five CHAPMAN, Secretary. reads as follows: INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH be first-class and satisfactory In every particular. OR. PORTER'S | The Most Wonderful Family Remedy men. AND CLASS- Section 40 — If We make the Domestic lent, when carried on steamers, 15 any person competent to he a 711 onlF* st'*'1’' known. J. W. MUNCER & at III Civil or 3 cents each for Counsellor Witness suits makes cents ton ton five CO., ICAL sworn complaint be- BEST GUM TEETH FOB Rheumatism. Neural- per per men, STUDIES Law, fore of a eod3m $10.00, men to be stevedore or any judge municipal or police court, or janl 4 CURESgia, Sciatica, Weakness of extra paid by consignee. CORRESPONDENTS, that lie and warrant a lor less 15 cents or 8 cents Given to FIRST NATIONAL BANK trial justice, believes that intoxicating good fit; cheaper quality the Spine and Limbs,Lame Joints, Foreign Coal, per ton, private pupils by the snbscrfber, BUILDING. are unlawfully kept or money. each ton men. jan22 d3m liquors deposited in auv There it* Nothing Surprising HI | n | Sprains, Kidney Complaints,Diph- per forgive Portland, 19 1-2 St. in the State by any person, and that Gas for two or more teeth free of ebarg*. Nalt carried on domestic vessels, when shoveled Exchange place the In the that Benson’s Capcine Plasters are I II theria, Asthma, Sore feb3’85 dlmeodllm&w6w same are intended for unlawful sale fact II I I Croup, ton. 15 cents ton for live men. J. W. within the worthless, » and all and hy the per Salt, COPARTNERSHIP widely that cheap and plas- *I HL Throat, Lung Chest COLCOBD, NOTICES. Stale iu violation of law, such magistrate shall is- imitated; * * ™ when carried from foreign ports, he charged at ters names of similar sound, and similar ap- Diseases. Its effect Is like sue his warrant, directed to any officer with magic. the rate of 3% cents per for five men. having ottered for sale. Ar- NO PREPARATION ON lihd., 7 BOTH STREET. to serve criminal process, pearance in type, are freely DRS. E. EARTH Pis (con, 12V4 cents tier ton, or 2 V2 cts. each "PARLOR PRIDE" commanding ticles merit aiways have to B.&RW.LOCKWOOD, EQUALS IT. d£j LADIES, try Jan24 dtf Copartnership Notice. mu lo search the described in such of great and original men. TO. B. LOWERY. Pres. STOVE ENAMEL, «nd you will use flower premises But as they be- for five if-Av and in such com- compete with trashy imitations. DENTISTS. Thousands say so. Never foils to Hit Stoves and ITTE the undersigned have this complaint specially designated come deserved ne- Portland, Jan. 13,1880. Jan22d3t Polish. Pol your day formed a co- and and if said are there known they die out through jan7 eodlm give relief, and effects cures where flBBHigknooth.r under the plaint warrant, liquors the All twtee . once a week and Arm name of LOTII- glect. Meanwhile we warn the against 1 «■ all other remedies fail lUug.s year.the top i jPurtnership& found, to seize the same, with the vessels in public |raJ!!H (™t| th« Purpose of on so-called and * B. will have them beautifully enameled; t j%. J°r carrying which are contained, and them safely keep “Capsicum,” “Capsicin,” “Capucin,” ,,, Parties unable to obtain Vital DR. E. REED, yon and Geuts’ and they Capsiclne” Bur- I j Ask lLe'vh? e^,c,,'afM Furnishing action and make immediate plasters, whetner “Benton’s,” Wi. ML Vlb Oil of their will receive Clairvoyant and Botanic Physician, I an ornament to any room. your grocer I antl " ill until filial thereon, or MARKS, druggist, occupy stores 121 tons, otherwise. Tliev have no medicinal or chromo ,aJCi>o^«1^}nl2inc^Middle return of said warrant. curative it, express paid, by sending so “ove dealer for It. Circular., P5* St., (Tnompson Portland.. virtues are made to sell on Me I Ior Block,) whatever, and cents in stamps to Medical Rooms 592 Congress St., Portland, lent on of JO cents. For j fe., on orabout Feb. ********** the reputation of ask I and price list receipt Young Ladies and Children. 1,1886 Benson’s. When purchasing diseases that flesh is Section 41.—When liquors and vessels are for Benson s, deal with Dr Reed treats all chronic price!?™. PARLOR PKIDF. MKti.CO., W. W. I.OTHROP, only, DrJ. H. PORTER & C0„ P.0. Box 1757, 1 I in the the cannot respectable druggists Card to: all cases that are given up as incurable J PULTUN' ST.. 110ST0N. MASS. A < as sections, be heir S seized provided foregoing you deceived. The genuine has the Boston,Jlfoss. Portland, Jan. Book, — I 5,1886. such seizure shall Three Seals — and homeopathic physicians. officer who made bmnediately trademark on the doth and the AND by the allopathic lanl F&M3m Spring term will Feb. 1st. UA'jan7dlm whom such war- word cut in Cart'd without the u.e of take their case to treat and cure them. I find begin Monday, file with the magistrate before Capeiue the centre ritirrill 11 the will A new class in w under eases to die can rHE Italian ill be formed rant is returnable, a libel against such liquors -I*1"25 WILLIAM REED 1842.) ROBERT be Mineral Water. four lectures will be by Miss M. REED (M. with their full name and place of residence and Dirigo February, given be seen that officers making seizures D., Harvard, 1876.) iallie S, Crocker. Subject: Modern Kronen Paiut- It will Job Printer }„e 2-cent and $2.00. Examination second Iced water im 1 ,vn Hou«e, Tretn.ni stamp water ruins digestion; Dirigo srs. For particulars to IEW Return on the war- One Hundred Hollars AND At., treat and consultation free. and apply MODEL are no discretion. Boston, iroves is — — RANGE, given Reward. FIMTUff,*, light it; always palatable, refreshing WITH ITS PRINTERS*’ EXCHANGE, FI1.KM and AI.L «o m. and and a libel DI8E48BM Office Honrs—11 n. ui. tt p. novl0d3m lealthful. Delivered dally, cool refreshing HUMS WOLflAlPTER, rant must be made immediately, Consolidated Electric THU " Light Company of- __OF RECTVlU without j rom the spring. Our improved cans will keep the jaul8eod2w ,\o. 14S Mpring Ml. >ATENT REFLEX CRATE. against the seized must lie filed im- 11HEfers one hundred dollars reward to 97 1-2 Exchange St., Portland, Me. detention from business. Refer- vater cool from 36 to 48hours; use of cans free anyone — liquors nil Idfl — BY who shall secure the detection and arrest of 11 It V enee Send fur For Baltimore. vater 10 cents. SOLD ONLY mediately before the magistrate before whom any |r given. pamphlet. per gallon or persons guilty of maliciously lnter- FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. 4 p- “• TENNEY & the Therefore, when in with th« [ IUjO RUNDLETT BROS., Proprietors, DUNHAM, warrant is returnable. Ktng any way lights .poles or‘wires nt mi- THIS PAPERr^®,-e“S8 , All orders by mull or telephone (SSP,Hi,uiW1

w .. —^ RAILROADS. B. S019 21.05 CITT ABTEBIISEMEWT*. Alexander Stephenson... AGENTS WANTKP. Moses Gould. 2423 16.89 MISCEIitANKOUfl. _ 18.30 13 Moses Gould. 2625 Mobile & Ohio. 3007 -0.96 Falls and Bnekfield Railroad. MARINE NEWS. WANTED-Io sell the best sell- PORTLAND. Moses Gould. Romford Morris & Essex.131 CITY OF N. E. Board of Edn- TELE PRESS. Northern 25% household articles yet invented; large Weslyan Pacific. AGENTSing address cation. 2475 in Oot. 67% PORT OF PORTLAND. sure to sell. For particulars l/.2o Winter Eftoet 12,1885. do pref. profits and Sewer Assessments. Rosamond C. Caldwell. 2762 1J.19 Arrangement, Oregon Nav.iou 23. It. M, GORDON, Lewiston. Maine._2211 MONRAY MORNING, JANUARY 25. SATURDAY, Jan. between /iraekett and Tynrj via Grand Trank Bail way. Richmond & Danville. 78 I York Street Sewer, Connections money ill it: an article la Board of Mayor and^Tldermen, Streets• Mechanic Falls Junction Adams Express.140 Arrived. —Agents; 1880. Mixed train leaves with ladles; euelose stamp. January 13, f York street at 11.46 a. iu. American Express.l®2 New York—muse AGENTSverypopular at a in centre of 10 45 a m at Buckileld WIT AND WISDOM. Steamship Eleanora, Braggs Paxton, Mass. 22~* Beginning point rarrives U. 8. Express. 60 J. C. BARDwELl., and Sewers distant easterly 30 feet from the easterly side to J B Coyle, Jr. of the Committee on Drains Junction Wells. Fargo St John, Mi, Report line of Brackett street; thence easterly through Mechanic Falls Express.1J",, Steamer New Brunswick, Colby, and having to UUpussei'geratriin°leaves Can- once Francis Bird 36% Committee on Drains Sewers, a distance of 327 feet Buckfleld at 3.60 and Dr S G. Howe was found by Louisville & Nasn. via tor Boston. sake. or centre of York street 3.10 p. m., arrives in Eastport „__ for such lots 327 feet. in flannels and extended St Paul& Omaha. 30% Buenos Ayres THEestimated and assessed upon old sewer in York street. ton at 4.26 m. with Ills feet swathed Barque Gaspee, (Br) I’inkey, the sewers Length p. _ja.aVUG the next and do In Dauasr. of land as are benefltted by Sewer is of 10 in. laid 11 feet deep trains leave Canton at A15 and upon a chair. Calling day finding pref., ?9Vs Oct 23 via Barbadoes and Bermuda, parcels and enum- glazed pipe, Returning ... v and farm, containing constructed during the year 1886, feet 27 feet from Portland and Bos- him hi like position, he said: Unton Pacific 1 ..lid To Chase, Leavitt & Co. Brick-yard at point of beginning; 12 deep a. m., connecting for Lewiston, J bricks per of the Civil Engineer, 77 feet from matter?” do Land Grants . La Have, vvltn thirty wres capacity 100,000 erated in the City of 11.8 feet deep ton. Howe, what Is the Sch Ellen W Sawyer, Orchard. F, 1000 report not point beginning; from do and water all within feet this, such sums, exceeding of 9.4 feet deep !77 feet Stage connections with train at “I have the gont,” said Howe. Sinking Funds.1*1% 35,000 lbs fisli, season-clav saiid accompanying aml point beginning; daily passenger tide water 60 feet from such as we ronsider just equitable, 10 feet at terminus. Buckfleld for “You the such a temperance man as St Louis & San Fran. of kirn emund -10 feet benefit of beginning, and deep WestMinot for Hebron Academy; at have gout, 44?? Cleared. address submit the same for the ac- point at Can- do York- J » kirauSd i'or further particulars hereby respectfully West Sumner. Chase's Mills and Turner; YOU?'* pref. Steamship Bragg, New Maine. 23-1 190.8- Eleanora, Falmouth, ... ton (or Mexico Falls; “Yes.” said the great philanthropist. 1st pref. J. Wm, MERRILL, City’s proportion.... Peru, Dixtield, and Rumlord and I Erie 13% tioucommittee. Sum to be assessed.. saoi.oe also for Bretton’s Mills. “Yes, Bird, my ancestors drank wine; Lake & West ., Cousins Blake. buts and for easels Seh Imoeene, Surry—N SAUK—Bamboo tips Read and accepted. Area assessed. octOdtf L. L. LINCOLN. Supt. must foot the bills.” Sch C M Fort Clvde-NBlake. at low G. L. _____ El.160 GlUmore, Teel, and curtain-poles, prices. Rate ft... §1.09 Metropolitan Sch Monticello, Simmons. Bremen—N Blake. FOB 20-1 asd aldermen, i per lOOsq. 205-1000_ Union Pacific stock 221 Middle Street. Is Board of Mavor Am t. don’t Carter’s Little Liver Pills? for Boothbay BAILEY, 188b. ) Names. Area. Rate. Why you try Pacific. Sch Mary Elizabeth, Dunton, January 1J, all Central 42 aHo pressed on Drains MAINE CENTRAL are a cure for sick headache and 38 Clioate. SAUK-l horse cheap; liay iTnnn the rcnnrt of the Committee 2210 RAILROAD They positive Hannibal & St. Jo. near Thomas Leonard. Hattie or bale. B. M. JENNBBS, ordered tflat ahearing 26.3b the Ills disordered Liver. Only one do preferred. »® SAILED—Barque Alex brig FORby tbe ton itPis hereby Tucker.2414 ^ produced by Campbell; and tbe Falls, Me. andPSewers, matter °* Mary 16.82 after Canton. MBam; schs Fred Gray. A R Weeks, depot, Steep _AJ*A be given upon the Anna T. Davis. 1640 ts On aud TUESDAY, Dee. 1st, a dose. subject 29.06 pill _ Central Iowa. 17 fleet which put In for a harbor. Piano In first- ments, on Tuesday, the 16tU dayot■* **”?'aJ7* Olive W. Emery. 2060 « 1885, Passenger Trains Leave hale—One seven Octave at the room of the 21.40 Erie 2ds SUNDAY, Jan. 24. Chamber Set A. D. 1886, at 7.30 p. m., Olive W. Emery. I960 ns follows: Jennie’s sister is entertaining Mr. f?s/s class also one Chestuut g "..si Portland Little big For order; and Aldermen, Building. EzraScamuian. 4048 she can without Long Island. fl% aud one Pine Cham- Mayor City ^ Ml. Desert Sklbbers, and thinks get along Arrived. with black walnut trimmings, Read and Nahum heirs. For Bangor, Ellsworth, Ferry, the little ono on the Central Pacific lsts.113% beds each. Prices reasonable. passed. Littlefield 2 Vi'VL any assistance; so she pats Bristol. ber Set, with spring 4373 47.76 Vnnceboro, St. John. Halifax, and ike Denver & K. Gr. lsts.116 Sell Tivano, Geyer, NEAL John Hasty. § head, anti says: Bremen. Can be seen at 173 ST._19-1 of Portland, I 3694 Province.. St. Stephen and Aroostook were closed Kansas lsts. Den dlv.113 Sch Emma Clifton, Webber, City Darius H. Ingraham. ‘•Come, little pet, it’s time your eyes 13,1886.1 3*».74 1.20 p. m., via Lewiston, 1.26 and Nav. lsts.112% schooners with bay and seven in the window, Chris- City Clerk’s Office, Jan. Nathan Dyer. 3273 County, Oregon BELOW—Three SAUK—To hang will be via and for Bar Har. i sen tan Notice is hereby that a bearing Isaac Jackson Vs \ 111.16 p. m., Augusta; said “Mother told me to Lehigh & Wlikesbarre.105 with lumber, from the east bound west. tian cards; moraland hlsl™ct ve; y- given mat- heirs, aur.o 47 50 B. ‘““Guess not,” Jenny; FOR to all interested in the subject Elizabeth H. J. hor, and Baugor A Piscataqais K., when and Mr. Skibbers Fort Wayne.I45 where for 10 cents. Address the PORTLAND given Crocker,Vs } Belfast and my eves open yon of the sewer assessments of 1885, 2890 31.60 111.16 m., for Skowhegnn, keep FROM OCR CORRESPONDENT. P- O. Box 1639, Portland, Me. ter Id.*0!10,' Geo.H. Colby. p. were NOVELTY CO., the above whicn are 1.20, m., Waterville, together!” _ 10-4 ance with Report and Order, WM. A. GOODWIN, Dexter, 1.26,111.16p. New York Stocks. Eldora and on Sat- Mining GREEN’S LANDING. Jan 18-Ar,scbs made a of this notice. Civ. Eng. 7.10 a. p. m.; Frank L, —. part janl8dlhw3w City 1.20,1.26,111.16 Hal. no one article in the line of medicines [By Telegraph.] Geo F Keene, Wolston, and the at 6.16 m.; for There Is Bryant; SAUK—At WAY & SCANLAN’S, comer By order of Mayor and Aldermen. urdays only p. Augusta^ for the money as a NEW 23. 1880.—The are Julia 8, French, GEO. C. Clerk. «ardiner and Brnnswiek, 7.10 a. that so large a return YORK,Jan. 'following FORT CLYDE, Jan 22-Scli Fore & Cotton Sts., traverse runner pungs, BURGESS, City lowell, gives for stocks Portland, reported ashore FOR low for CITY OF PORTLAND. p. m.; Bath, 7.10 a. in., plaster, such as Car- closing quotations mining today: from St John, NB, for runner pungs; also 1 Concord wagon m., 1.25, 6.16,111.16 porous strengthening and POWDER single 1 l. on at 11.15 good ofl 6.16 and Saturdays only Colorado Coal.22 50 here on the rocks, has come casn. 26, p. m„ Weed and Belladonna Backache Plas- soon as repairs aie NUWKIl ASSESSMENTS*. Rockland and Knox and Lincoln ter’s Smart 6 50 on the railway. Will proceed p. m., Quicksilver. Pure. house on B. 7.10 a. 1.26 in.: Anbnrn and ters. do 00 Absolutely RALE OR RENT A small R., III., p. _ preferred.24 came off Eu- Sewer a. 6.00 m.; Lew Homes 00 msch Carroll T Baxter, before Leonard St., Deerlng. Terms reasonable, ItramhcUl Street Extension. Lewiston at 8.20 m., 1.20, p. take.;...,.21 reported;east soon of FOR NOTICE. a. in.. has been goiiig to 00 the Marine ways 21st and will proceed This Powder never varies. A marvel purity, ST.16~1 iston via Brnnswirk, 7.10 111.16 p. The Record’s staff small hoy Ontario.29 economical quire at 52 CARLETON at a point in centre of Bramhall scnool 3 65 as faverable weather offers. strength and wholesomeness. More Beginning m. Farmington* Iflonmoutb, Wintbrop, an Orthodox Sunday Horn Silver. be sold in com- street distant 1.6 feet east from the easterly who Aiuon. 1.20 be f.orJ*1,^,1tinfened, 'derivesderi>cs mshi 2 10 than the ordinary kinds, and cannot PUNGS FOB SAUK—Two the information of the public, evident- Oakland and North p. in.; kIy vpars and as may Caledonia. B. H. side line of Western Promenade; thence easter- a. m. a sort 1 FROM MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. with the multitude of low test, short weight two horse pungs with pole and that the Mayor wholly controls Farmington via Rrnnuwick, 7.10 of the divine relation to mankind by Bodie. 70 petition PEDDUEBS’peddlers’ the centre of Bramhall street a dis- FORly suppose ideas aim Addie Mor- alum or phosphate Sold only in cam. sold low. HORSE and CAR- ly through the following extracts from the City and 1.25 p. m. succession from Calvin fm Montevedio Dec 22d, barque powders. shafts -. will b# very sewer in Bramhall street. the matter, of direct apostolic Sid Baking Powder 106 Wall st., N.Y. tance of 40 feet to old to the Portland Railroad Com- Edwards. His mother was consequent- New York. RovAr, Co., RIAGE MART, Plum St. Ordinance relating Jonathan California Stocks. rill, Andrews, mar7 d*y _1&~1 Length 40 feet. AT UONGRESS ST. STATION much interested to know what idea wa3 in ms Mining Sid fm Pernambuco 2d hist, brig John C Noyes, laid 8 lv team harness, suit- Sewer is of 10 in. cement pipe feet deep snow or ice in said All trains Pullman trains will after lie had received (By Telegraph.) York. SAUE—3 set heavy shall be excepting night stop head the other night, when, Coker, New ,, .. *>!“'1|{Vhenever*tliere he ex- follow- able for lumbering or any heavy teaming. throughout. of six inches or less, saidrall- for passengers. a severe chiding for some offence, SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23.1886.—The Sid fm Rosario Dec 9, barque Augustine Kobbe, FOR streets to the depth pretty of stocks JAS. G. McGLAUFLIN, Harness Manufacturer, Cost of sewer $39.80. remove the same from their iThe 11.16 p. m. train is the night express with are official mining York. .. rn.ul rnmoanv may claimed:— ing closing quotations Costigan. New 15‘2 made on old sewer. 61 St. Assessments or such kind of snow sleeping ear attached aud runs every night Sun- “Oh, t wish I was God!” to-day: Ar at Nagasaki Jan 20, ship Ice King. Bartlett, Preble tracks by shovels by using she commissioner shall approve davs Included, but not through to Skowfiegan on “Why what do you wish that for?” asked. & Norcross. 2*4 Charles Street Sewer. nioiivh is the street Hale Philadelphia. off and outside of mornings or to Belfast and Dexter or “Because have to love me then!” & 2 Arat St Thomas Jan Minnie Abbie, 0 level it grade Monday you'd Con. Cal. Va. 21, brig in centre of Charles street provided they and other vehi- on Beginning at a point so as to allow sleighs beyond Bangor, Sunday mornings. Eureka. 2% Plummer, St Pierre. _ ,, thefr rails! 76 feet from the north- streets and over their rails Trains ar# due in Portland as follows: The morn- Best & Belcher. 75c Ar at Matanzas Jan 19, barque Jose E More, distant northwesterly cles to nass alon 33 for Sum to be assessed... 5.200—0 railroad is authorized to use last trin Doe. lfitli. that Bacon wrote plays. I wonder Fine X. Ohas Dennis, fi*on» ft. ompany Shakspeare’s Brig Perry, ^alvesjonleak- J. W. BEATTY & CO., Area assessed. 31,073 sq. number of or mount their cars on runners, If the will ever be satisfactorily settled.” Medium.36 @ 38 NC put into Nassau, NP, 15th, sleighs, tne PAYSON General Manager. question Wilmington, deck- Maine. dtf Rate for 100 sq. ft. 80.83 747-1000 to over tlielr road until TUCKER, Coarse...30 @ 32 ing and with loss of sails, boat, and part of the •» novlA Sneo. convey passengers F. E. BOOTH BY, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agt. will dis- BE8T THING KNOWN cars can be used on their tracks.” Michigan— load, and bulwarks stove. She probably frames. Area. Rate. Am't. condition of Portland, November 30. 1886.noaodtf cured me of rheuma- complaint with regard to the AtlilopUoros completely Extra and XX. TO LET. Any to me York W. Turner. 2600 » $ 21.77 said railroad should, therefore, be made It to a friend suf- Fine.30 @ 31 lliilbert, Southard, at New Geo. R. tism and I have recommended C,Brfg ^Jennie Island, WASHING^BLEACHING B. Brown est. 9816 82.20 Street Commissioner. BOSTON AND MAINE R. Medium.34 @ 35 from Pedro Keyes, reports, when off Fire John __ from neuralgia. I think it the best remedy mainsail and choice rooms at No. C39 Levi J. Jones. 2947 g 24.68 JOHN W. DEEKIUG. Major. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE, fering Common.28 @30 was struck by a squall and lost w hard or soft, hot or cold water. KENT—A few lh&M4w and I believe sun all heat steam, Charles A. Donnell. 2993 -1 25.07 20,1886. October 1881, I have ever known, ticatviu— street; by January in effect Sunday, 11, for rheumatism _ lower ..... AM AZ- Congress day, '* topsail. from SATES LABOR, TIME and SOAP FOK the location A 3618 29.46 '® * '• Clossou, at Nevv York St excellent bath room accommodations; Charles Donnell. *5 it is a thing. Joseph Gibson, Narragan- Fine and X. Sell Lackawana, satisfaction. 4638 J8.O1 DIVISION. good 35 been 16 days North of IN G I.Y, and gives universal house, its arrangements and perfect Charles B. Saunders. ^ WESTERN Medium .33 @ Domingo, reports having of the sanitary 4662 39.04 STEAMERS*. R. I. boat it. excelled eet. o __ sett avenue, Newport, Common.28 (a! 30 Hatteras with strong NE and NWgales, lost No family, rich or poor should be without drainage witli all its appointments is not John B. Brown TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND aw other sails. of imitations Fulled—Extra.27 @ 33 hi nwnv foresail, and split Sold by all Grocers. BEWARE in our city. Call at HOUSE._23~x For Boston at 0.16,*8.40 a. m.,•12.30,3.30 p. m. 40 Welch, at new wuii™ of diflerent woods in Supernne.25 @ Sell Carrie Bonnell, Well designed to mislead. PEARUNE is tbs Boston for Portland 8.30 A m., 1.00,3.30 p. ru. Tests of the durability been sixteen days North house in the westerly Brackett and Clark PACIFIC MAIL S. S. in No 1.18 @25 Sau Bias, reports having ONLY SAFE an4 LBT—Furnished Giay Street Sewer, between Mearboro and Pine Point 0.16, 8.40 a. in., England show that birch and aspen decayed from NE to labor-saving compound, of the and centrally four ComDing ana delaine— of Hatteras with continuous gales TOpart city; sunny exposure Streets. 5.45 m. Old Orchard, Saco, Biddo- three years: willow and horse chestnut hurricane from E always bears the above symbol, and name of 48% Exchange St. 3.30, p. Fine and No 1 @38 NW; Jau8th,liad a violent located. BENJAMIN SHAW, liennebank 8.40 a. m.. 12.30, anil red beech in five years; elm, combing.3G seas JAMES PIUL NEW YORK. centre of Gray street, To ford and 0.16, years; maple Fine delaine.34 @38 to WNW, barometer 28.10, with heavy Beginuineatapointin California, Wells Beach 8.40 a. hornbeam and Lombardy poplar, in seven and from the easterly side 3.30, 5.45 P- m. 6.16, nj., ash, Low and course. 29 ® 34 which flooded decks, filled cabin with water, distant 69 feet easterly North Great Falls, Do- oak, Scotch lir and Weymouth ptae, par- from the desirable tenement of seven thence through 3.30 p. m, Berwick, years; and Medium unwashed.27 @29 stove galley, washed everthing mavable LET-A very line of Clark street, easterly Lawrence and in seven while larch, jumper at 386 CONGRESS ST., room a distance of 249 feet to Japan, China, ver. Exeter, Ilavrrhill, tially years; 27 Was to part of cargo. TO rooms. Apply centre of Gray street, 3.30 m. the end of seven years. Low unwashed.25 @ decks. obliged jettison 1X1 with a 6.15. 8.40 a. m., 12.30, p. arbor vit;e were sound at 25 from New York foi 3. the west line of Brackett street, thence and Lowell, @ Sell Peseverance. Willard, ____ Sandwich Islands, New Zealand Australia. and Alton Bat California.14 of 26 feet to sewer in Rochester, Farmington 2o fouled a ItR float 22d and curve to left, a distance New York for on Texas.15 @ Portland, Pennsylvania floor of Nos. 31 and Steamers sail from Aspinwall 8.40 a. 12.30, 3.30 d. m., Manchester and 33 rail. IiKT—Second building. Brackett street. Total length 274 feet. m., under Canada @ stove small boat and on 3 ele- the 10th and 20th of each month, carrying 6.16 a. m.. from Canada J’retbjterlan, sig- pulled.25 for Bal- 33 Pearl street. 06x70, light sides, of in. 7.6 feet 1st, Concord (via Newmarket Junction) Clipped I)o Hattie S Williams, from Providence TO Sewer is 10 glazed pipe deep lor all the above named m. I was Combing. Sch heat and if desired; also passengers and freight 3.30 m.; via Lawrenoe, 8.40 a. nature of C. Blackett Robinson, J'ropr.; 20 was m Patuxent vator and steam power p. washed.18 @ timore, before reported missing, March 1st. throughout. m. 12.30 m. connects with Bur- Smyrna third 66x60, will be ready •The 8.40 a. and p. of oft-recurring bilious headaches by Unwashed.10 @ 15 river 22d, icebound. floor, 7-tf Cost of sewer. $197.08 of 10th does not connect for San Fran- and the 12.80 cured MEGQUIEk & JONES, No. 320 Fore St. G6.G9 P°Steamer Rail Lines to points West South; Buenor Ayres.26 @28 City’s proportion..... with for New York. dock Blood Bitters. $131.09 Sound Lmes .... Montevideo.27 @ 30 Domestic Ports. bench- Sum to be assessed... from San Francisco for Portland 8,46 a. LET-Joiner's shop with three good 16.971 ft. Steamers sail regularly Parlor Cars on trains leaving Good Carrollton, saw. In- Area assessed. sq. New Zealand a. m. and Our Cape Hope.25 @27 SAN FRANCISCO—Sid 10th, ship es, mortise machine and circular Japan, China and Sandwich Islands, m. and 12.30 p. m., and Boston at 8.30 We make our own skies very largely. @ 40 TO Rate per 100 Australian.32 288 Commercial sq.ft... $0.76_ ana Australia. .. 1.00 m. without and the pio- Lewis, New York. quire of A. K. P. LEIGHTON, _. p. hearts cast their shadows us, @ 2o Amount Lists and further the world for us— Ilonskoi.20 Alsosld 16tli, ship Armenia, Carter. Antwerp, street. Karnes. Area. Rate. For Freight, Passage, Sailing SUNDAY TRAINS jections of these shadows tinge or address the General a measure, The Wool market a strong tone, with with 52.506 ctls wheat valued at 72,000. _4tt information, apply to our world. We find on this earth, in preserves Charles M. Gore.11,071 $0.76 $84.16 for Boston 1.00,4.15 p. m.; arrive 6.30,8.46 p.m. see. A some Cld 21st. Ship Sea King, Getcliell. Queenstown. —Lower rent in house on Douglass St.; Eastern Agents. whatever we bring the eyes to joyous with a good demand from manufacturers; blatei, LET Charles M. Gore. 4000 37.24 and ex- SAN PEDRO— Ar 14th, ship Oriental, six on the flat, Sebago water; E. A. ADAMS & CO., EASTERN DIVISION. heart finds much Joy in any circumstances will be noticed in TOelghtrooms. no eud of gloom. change quotations. of GEO. W. BURNHAM, 1091 Howard Street Seiler Extension. For Boston at 2.00 and 00 a. m., tl.00 and perlences. A gloomy heart linds J II McLairen, rent *9. inquire 115 Slate Street, Cor. Broad St., Boatra. t9 hears music but a GALVESTON—Ar 22d, barque 8t. 16.00 p. m. Returning Leave Boston at 7.30 A everywhere; Congress ____ songful spirit Produce Market. Malauzas. at a point in centre of Howard For has no music in itself never hears a song- Boston Brooks, ,, Beginning feb8___dtt and 9.00 a.m. and 12.30 and 7.00 p. m. life that — side are PENSACOLA Ar 21st, barque Arlington, street distant 29 feet north of the northerly 6.00 ful note, even amid the sweetest and richest of BOSTON. Jan. 23. 1886.—The following to- To Let. Biddeford at 2.00 and 9.00 a. m„ 1.00 and line of thence northerly through at Leach. Aspiuwall...... now Congress Btreet; DOMINION LINE. p. m. For Portsmouth and Newbnryporf harmonies. day’s quotations of Provisions, Ac.: J F Merry, Matanzas. No. 47 Exchange street, occupied centre of Howard Btreet a distance of 101 feet to Cld 10th, brig Bradley, October 1. 2.00and 9.00 a. m., 1.00 and 6.00 p.m. For 13 short cuts 13 backs T Kimball, Dix, New York. L. C. Yonng; sewer in Howard street. Pork—Long cut 00; 25; Cld 21st, brig Mary STOKEby possession given old ARRANGEMENTS-1885-6 Amesbury 9.00a.m.and 6.00 p.m. ForSalem lean ends 13 25; A New of JOHN 1!. THOMAS, No. lol Middle feet. 1885-6-WINTER slade’s Epicurean Spices are sure to please 13 50; light backs 12 50; 00@13 Cld 22d, barque Freeda Willey, Willey, Enquire Length 101 and Lynn at 2.00 and 9.00 a. m.,. 1.00 and 6.00 25; mess at $12 25@ G Sargent, Touala. Sewer is of 10 in. laid 4 feet deep who want the best as they are the pork tongues $13@13 prime York: sch Wyer Sargent, glazed pipe, pm. PULLMAN CABS on above bains. those goods, at 9 25; mess, old, at Leveuter, Vesper, for Ma- street___aug29d at of and 6.8 feet at terminus. 12 75 ;extra prime 75@$10 In port 10th, barque point beginning ROYM MAIL SERVICE. tThe 0.00 a. m. and 1.00 p. m. trains connect Cultivated perfectly pure. do new at Western prime tontub 01 LIVERPOOL best Spices, powdered 10 75@11 00; $12 00; KOOJlft TO LET. Cost Sewor. $73.66 with Rail Lines to South and West. 10 75. sch Fannie A Gor- 24.62 mess pork at 75@11 JACKSONVILLE—Ar 22d, WOLFE’S City’s proportion. and tThe 6.00 m. train connects with night train Lard plb m tierces ;714@7%c in 10- Welch, Bangor. Sum to be assessed $49.OJ Sailing Between Liverpool Portland, j). oy2@0-'yic ham. York. _ FEDERAL bath for New _ in 5-lb 7%@8c in 3-lb sch Sarah A Fuller, LET- Rooms at 72 ST.; Are* assessed. and Halifax. lb nails; 7V2@7%c pails; SAVANNAH—Cld 22d, water.-2-t 7,627sq.ft. via.Moville Through Tickets to all points South and West TOroom, hot ami cold Rat* ft. 27-100 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. palls. Halt, Matauzrs. AROMATIC per 100 sq. $0.64 for sale at Portland Depot Tickoc Offices, D to size and S G for Portland. SCHIEDAM Hams 9i/4@10c lb, according bid 22d. sell Hart, chambers over B. B. DATES:_ and at Union Ticket Office, 40 Exchange small 22d, sell Jennie Middle- LET—The spacious Kame. Area. Kate. Ain't. _SAILING WHOLESALE MARKET. cure; 10@10W. CHARLESTON—Ar Farnsworth & Co. For full particulars ap- Street. PORTLAND Dressed at 5%c lb; country at 5c; Port To STEAMERS. hogs, city, p ton. Hatch. Royal. ,, & CO. Charles D. Richards. 3432 *0.64 27-100 *22.07 p j FLANDERS, Gen. P. & T. A. PORTLAND, Jail. 23,1886. Lizzie Carter, Caitei, ply to WOODMAN, TRUE Liverpool | pqSZT live 434 c. Oil tire bar 22d, barque SCHNAPPS. _21-tt John Bennett.4196 26.96 JAS. T. Gen’l Manager. which has characterized the to 275 17th December. FUKBER, The dull tone —Northern creamery, good choice, LET-2 furnished rooms, 20th November, "Sarnia j l'tf to New York fall made SC-Ar 20tli, schs Etna,York, pleasant, nicely Larch Street Sewer. Toronto 31st December, Jan5 markets for several days past, still continues, and 28 -.common good20@26c; "gEORiSeTOWN, As n general beverage and necessary with board at 262 CUMBERLAND ST. 19-1 10th December, j Vermont do 20 522c; selections 20 Charleston; Norouibega. Smith, Wilmington. TO 24tli December. ‘Oregon 14th January. to note in the situation. dairy 22@22c; T of water reudered at a in centre of Larch street, there is but little change to at 15520c; extra Western NO—Ar sch Charlotte corrective impure by Beginning point 1886. @24c ;common good YVILMINGTON. 22d, LET-Furnished lodging rooms with or from the and both a very creamery fair to at or other causes, distance 63 feet northerly northerly ‘Sarnia Jauuary. & SACO RIVER R. R. For flour, receivers jobbers report fresh made: 32@33e; good Bartlett, Amboy. decomposition board, near Portland Company. In- 7th January, |28th BRIDGTON Sibley. sch O D Wither TOwithout line Of Cumberland street; thence northerly business, but prices are 25 a30c; Western ladle packed, fresh, 17@2oc NEWPORT NEWS—Sid 21st, as Limestone, of &c., 105% St., dull and unsatisfactory than these Sulphate Copper, quire of J. C. WuODMAN, Exchange through centre of Larch street, a distance of BRISTOL SERVICE! higher o_uo- ell. Boston. _ 19-1 Oct. 1885. millers are firm ill Jobbing prices range l@2c Megatlilin. the Aromatic is superior to or of LAURA TRIBLEK, 01 Fore St. across Larch street Commencing 5, pretty steady and unchanged; tations. BALTIMORE—Ar 21st, sell A B Slierman, Hig- Schnapps 143 feet; thence westerly For Ar.amo.tb Doeh (Direct!. _ a distance A. M. P. M. \\ beat was a extra lower other for these pur- fur- and through land of Michael Flaherty, their views at about full figures. Cheese—Northern at 10@l0'/2c: Boston. ~ a *■ every preparation furnished with gins, I.KT—A finely room, of 72 feet to the or rear line of said & O. It. 3.00 firm on grades to Western at Ar sch Hattie S Willinms, Bray, Somerset. A trial of over 30 at westerly STEAMERS, Leave Portland (P. R.).9.00 on Wednesday and ruled according quality; OVaglO. 22d, public years nace heat and gas; in the second story, land of Avonmouth rffSSd *■ 4.46 trifle higher Otis, and Isaac i TO fortes Flaherty’s lot; thence westerly through | j Bridgtou Junction.10.33 Western Job lots Vic higher. Ar 23d, sells Normandy, uration in every section of onr country No. 22 Wilmot St. Also two 7-octave piano 5.46 and Friday, but to-day the Eastern extras at 24a 8oses. Margaret A. Hill and through a passage way 21st Dominion I 8tli December Bridgtou, arrive.11.35 Thursday Eggs—Neal by 26@26c; a low at 114% Exchange November,! B fin of Wolfe’s Schnapps, its un- to let at very figure, from No. 61 Washington street, a dis- December Leave 7.65 3.20 markets indicate a decline in rates. At Liverpool 2414c; Southern choice extras 23524c: N York Point 20tli, sch Broxie Rokes, Udolpho HASTINGS’S Warerooms. 18-1 leading 12th December,! Texas |30th Bridgton. t'ottI>Smitli's St., at W. r. tance of 210 feet to street; thence arrive. 10.40 6.86 An- and Vermont at 24524V2c; Western fresh at23@ Jacksonville for Baltimore. solicited endorsement by the medical Washington Portland, wheat is firm and holders ask an advance. to a distance 33 feet to sewer Rate, of Damage : W. F. choice held stock ;Western pick- PHILADELPHIA- Cld 22d. barque Edward a front heated and with a curve right, PERRY, Supt. the 24c; good 20@22 faculty and sale unequalled by any rno IiKT— A furnished room, and T A UVVVVTT ft T A other blizzard in the West has Impeded grain Eastern limed 20c. sch City of Augus- I witii nr without. hoard, suitable for in Washington street. Cabin.$50 and $80. .Ketum..$60 $150 led 19520c; Cusliihg. Bickmore, Cardenas; other distillation have insured for it the and re- o The first 203 feet is of 10 in. glazed pipe ..Return. .$60 oct5 movement seriously and light receipts will he Beans—Choice small hand picked pea at 1 Co ta, Meady, Boston. gentleman and wife or two young men. Inquire Intermediate$30 _____Qa Boston. of claimed for it. 16-7 the remaining 266 feet of, 12 in. glazed pipe, ■ Return at lowest rates Corn and Oats are 1 70 D bush; choice New York large hand picked Ar 22d. sell Mary A Drury, Nickerson. reputation salubrity 14 BROWN Steerage.... $13 ported for some days longer. al schs Seven- laid 9 feer at point of beginning, 10.4 feet do 1 5551 60; small Vermont hand picked pea NEWCASTLE, DEL—In port 21st, For sale by all Druggists and Grocers. STREET._ deep For or passage, apply to Yiojuic 143 feet from of 4 feet at rear freight Iirmiy neia; iiie prescut ouvh»j 7551 80 from tor Fernandina; Nellie point beginning, 1 tv-Six, Philadelphia 5 4 feet at DAVID TORKANCE & CO.. Portland and Worcester Line. last week, anti Massachusetts Baldwins, 150: do for E Amsden, do Bl’NINEM CHANCES. line of Flaherty’s lot; Washington 7,070,600 bush, against 9,188,003 Apples-Choice Woodbury, Cape Cod; Mary dec8dtf Foot of India Street. 1 No 1 1 50; street and 7.6 feet at terminus. week last fancy Maine baldwins 75; greenings for Boston. ,, bush for the same year. Hog V UDOLPHO WOLFE’S SON & GO., at a in centre of Larch 6,188,003 No 2 00. schs Morris YV Child, for Sagua: Orrie HALE—A variety of real estate, Again beginning point R. the week, apples 75c@I Also, great 246 feet trom the Portland & Rochester R. products have been quite Arm during Hay—Choice prime hay, $20 00@$21; fair to Drisko, for Cienfuegos. FORfarms, Ac., for sale or exchange; business street, distance northerly on Mabel ku several nne patents; vari- line of Cumberland street; thence and the recent advance in otir quotations pork good at $185$19; choice Eastern fitne $16@$18; Ar at Delaware Breakwater 21st, schs 18 BEAVER STREET. .wro"™* hluus-, northerly do at ous business; desirable lodging southerly Larch street, a distance of 40 ARRANGEMENT^OF TRAINS. Sugars are unchanged; de- fair to good ao at $16@$16; poor $13@$14: manufacturing through is still maintained. choice, $21 00. Hn$w’YORK—Avf&il,*sell Laekawana,ciossdn, NEW YORK. houses too numerous to mention; also have a farm ft. to the sewer Tn Larch street above described, International On and after Oci. East swale $11@$12. ltye straw, ,---- Monday, 12, uaruiici, uumuchw. dly whioh it enters B feet west of the centre of the mand slack. oat straw $115812 p ton. St Domingo; Lady nuen, marlO 1: Passenger Trains will leave for Southard, fiom street. are closing quotations Potatoes—Houlton rose 7oc;doHebron 5.a 89c; Ar 23df brig Jennie Hulbert, ?r?e^,aeX|0r»irie'8ra?9f« STEAMSHIP CO., '..;'JPortl«»d at 7.30 a. m., and The following to-day’s J Boston. 21-1 Sewer is of 10 in. laid 7 ft. ■ an Burbank Tremont Room 1C, glazed pipe, deep — N H Bose 65@70c; Me Central 65@70c; Row, — FOB ,.r.*_.Ji05 p m., arriving at Worcester Flour, Grain, Provisions, &c.: itose F Bird, Farwcll, Port Spain; at point of beginning and 10.4 at terminus. seedlings 70c ;N Y Hebrons 66570c ;do 60@ PCld 22d,ysSchs Sarah at 2.15 p. m. and 7.27 p. in. Returning, leaye Flour. Grain. Matanzas ; Cook Bor- SACK—One of the finest and best es- Cost of sewer.$474.76 11.16 do 60c. Almeda Willey, _*•{ 1 ft Q Oft ST.JOHN N. HALIFAX, N. S. Union Worcester, at 8.05 a. m. and «6c; prolifics Copeland, run steam EASTPORT, CALAIS, B., Depot, Mixed _ offices, by — and High Corn.51@52 Lunt. Port tablished Job printing — m. and 6.45 Superfine den, Spam. _ FOR AND ALL PARTS OF a. m., arriving at Portland at 1.26 p. oO Corn, bag lots....64*55 schs Anna W Barker, Snowman, Ponce doing a big cash business with orders Sum to be assessed. S31C.51 tow grades.3 25*3 Market. Old 23d, power, Prince Ed- p. ni. vSoring and Meal, bag lots. ..63*54 Chicago Cattle Galveston; Hannah F Can- ahead, net last year about $2,500, very low Area assessed.82,480 sq. ft. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Hattie Dunn, Poland, WHA? £© rsvs profit Breton. For Clinton, Ayer Junction, Fitchburg, car lots .. for a man with tliat un- Rate 100 ft...$0.97 46-100 wards Island, and Cape X& spring.,5 00*5 25 Oats, .41*42 By Telegraph.] ton, Bryant, Nuevitas. rent, fine opening capital per sq. Nashua, Lowell, Windham und Epping lots....42*43 A J Pahens, 1 eelt, business. COOPER & STEVENS, Patent Spring Oats, bag VJlilUAliU, tiail. ZO, 1000.——nvvvipw *, Passed the Gate 22d, schs derstands the Same. Area. Rate. Am't. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. at 7.30 n. m. and 1.05 p. m. 25 Cottonseed, steers at Nellie T Morse, A vegetable prepa- 3 Room Boston, 21-1 Wheats ..6 00*6 100: shipments 900; steady; shipping from New York for Wood’s lioll; strV.ly No. Tremont Row, 16, of this Line will leave Railroad Wharf, For Manchester, Concord, and poldts North car lot8**24 Knowls Olive A. Patterson..1931 « Steamers tuin]] straiclit 0(Xgj2500 3 and feeders 2 7o@410; cows, Baker, Amboy for Boston; Sophie Kranz, of a cheica *18.82 MONDAY and THURS- at 1.03 m. 00 60®6 90;stockers ration, composed S' 18.19 foot of State street, every p. _ 5 50 do bag... 25 00*26 00. Bernard M. JlcMannaman.1867 W uter- rou'er 25*5 bulls and mixed 2 00®4 do for Portland. FOUND. DAY at 5.00 P. M., for EASTPORT and ST. For Rochester, Springvale, Alfred, OOa.5 25 Sack’dBr’n 21st. seh Perseverance, ami skillful combination of I.os r AND of Portland.1938 3 18.88 clear do....5 __ Hogs—Receipts G,000; shipments 4000; steady; PERTH AMBOY-Ar City TAHV with nhnvf» nnnnftiitiftns. boro and 8aco Biren 7.30 n. m., 1.05 00 car lots. .19 00*20 00 & W illard, a. Devine,... .bh ** stone ground.4 75 <{5 roueli and mixed at 3 75@4 05; packing and ship- Willard, New York; Apphia Amelia, best remedies. Tha Mary \ irah ir 4.5 checked to m. and at 0.30 p. m. Returning, ..20 00 Nature's a leather hand Through tickets issued and baggage (mixed) st Louis st'gl do bag. 00*21 3 30®4 skips 2 50® New York Congress St., bag, John Carney, heirs, Va J. 91 0.45 a. m.. 11.20 a. ping at 4 05@4 40; light 05; a destination. received upto 4.00 p. m. fi.eave Rochester at (mixed) 5 75 Middlings, 19 50*23 00 schs John Douglas, discoverer does not claim it a containing a pocket book in which was Michael Welch.2000 19.49 [EjHfreight roller 50@5 3 PROVIDENCE—Sid 22d, LOST—On £ For Tickets and Staterooms, apply at the Union m. and 3.40 p. m„ arriving at Portland (mixed) 50 do bag lots,20 00*24 00 small sum of money. The finder will be rewanled Peter B.Reed.1903 § 18.64 ~ Nathan Esterbrook, Vesper, m. ciear do....5 25*5 Sheep—Receipts 400; shipments 00000; steady; Jordan, New York; cure for all the but Ticket Office, 40 Exchange St., or for other infor- 9.40 a. m., 1.25 p. m. and 6.45 p. Provisions. Western Texans at 2 00ft ills, boldly leaving at THIS OFFICE.75-1 Thomas Horan.i.,.,1570 16.30 Cumberland Winter Wheat natives 2 00®4 90; —; Baltimore. „. ,, T„„ by First National Bank For Jas Patrick 16.08 mation at Company’s Office, Gorham, Snccarappn, 75*000 Pork— 3 Lambs head 4 0035 75. FALL RIVER- In 22d. to lay up, sch warrants it cures form Kerrigan.1650 Westbrook and Woodford’s at 7.30 Patents.5 ,, 50,n 75. ft port every between Exchange St. 15.83 Building. 3. B. COYLE, JK„ Gen’l Manager. Mills, Fish. Backs ...14 00*14 of St George, and night Michael Flaherty.1624 m. A Brown, of Maehlas; Hyena, a a. ib., 1.05, 6.20, and mfxed at *6.30 p. Clear.... 13 50 of disease from a tor- LOST—Mondayand Atlantic St., a pocket book containing John Burke.16.36 16.94 port »„•!- 00*13 Markets. Sami Han. of St George. _ arising re- nov20___<*“ The 1.03 m. from Portland connects at Ayer Mess.1.1 00 Domestic A Trainer, sum of money and papers. The finder will be Catherine Devine.1505 15.5* p. [ 25*3 50 50*12 NEWPORT—Sid 22d, schs Mary liver, blood, dis- Jiinci. with Hoosac Tunnel Route for the L.ny|lk,re3 Mess Beef. 9 00 [By Telegraph.] Addle Snow, pid impure warded by leaving it at G4 ATLANTIC ST. Daniel heirs.1729 16.85 Largo BailkS 25 *3 GO 50*10 Wolston, Rockport for Newbern: Feeney and at Cnion Depot, Worcester, Ex Mess.10 00*10 50 York. ordered and where 14-1 and Francisco—2215 21.58 West, {or sm Si 2 75*3 00 NEW YORK. Jan. 23,1886.-Flour is|quiet; Norton, Rockland for New' kidneys, Joseph Mary MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY New York via Norwich Line and nil rail, 50 3 for New 18.48 .2 50*1 25 Plate ....11 00*11 sales 11.450bbls; State 2 9085 60; Ohio 16® In port 22d, schs Cliase, Snow, Hyannis a Cabinet Michael McDonough.1896 via also with N. Y, Ac N. E. R. R 11 00 3 there is broken down condi- place to get 2 elegant A. 36.50 Springfield, 1 OO Ex Plate. 50*12 5 40 ; Western at 2 903 5 50; Southern 40® 540; Kate Markee,Allen, Boston for Baltimore; Margaret Hill.3643 NEW YORK. for Haddock.’..’’.. 50*2 New; or Panel Photos for $1.00 at HARRIS S 33.04 For (“Steamer Maryland Route”) Philadelphia. 25 Lard— — bbls. Boston for Philadel- of the a FOUND—The Margaret A. Hill.3390 and Hake ,1 75'M2 receipts A F Crockett, Thorndike, tion System, requiring 518 St., Mechanics Baltimore, Washington, and the South, Tubs jj>..G%®6%c sales 120,000 bush No 2 Bed for GALLERY, Congress opposite West. HerrnVu- Wheat lower; and HALL. Oak and Cumberland Streets Seu'er. Steamers leave Franklin Wharf on Wednesdays with Boston 5 Albany R. R. for the Tierces ... sales do March 22d, sells F E permanent tonic, "scaledscaled 11 hx..l4S18cux «%*6%c February at 89%®90y8c; 72,00* P'DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR—Ar prompt ___74-2 and Saturdays at 6 p. m. Returning, leave Pier Close connection made at Westbrapk Junc- paUj.7 @7%c bush do for at 92% Beacli lor Baltimore; at a point in centre of Oak street * at 91Vs®9iyiC; 24,000 lApril Halloek, Belcher, from Red it never fails to restore the best te Wedding Cake Beginning 38, East River, New York, on Wednesdays and tion with through trains sf Maine Central R. R., lb.... 9 Vi * 10 c at do do. place buy distant 29 feet from the northerly side Mackerel ® bbl— Hams f> ft 93e ;o60.000 do May 93%®94%c; 96,000 Percy, Colwell, Eastport for is at DEERING’S 399 northerly at 4 p. m. J. B. COYLE, JR. at Grand Trunk Transfer, Portland, with through bush. In schs St sufferer. Such is BURDOCK FOUND—Tlje Bakery, Con^reMSt. line of thence through Saturdays Shore ls*19 00*21 00 do coveredlOVPall’A June 95®95%c: receipts 2750 DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR— port, Prospect street; northerly sept21-dtf General Agent trains of Grand Trunk R. R. Oil* Western at ;do for Carrie Walk- centre of Oak street a distance of 212 feet to the Shore -s. 7 00^ 8 00| Corn lower; Mixed spot 46@52c Croix, Handy, Gonaives Boston; BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all Through Tickets to all points West and South 6 00 sales bush; for Ira Bliss, Hudson, line of Cumberland street; thence with Med. 3s. 5 00& Kerosene- future at 48@51%c; 572,000 receipts er, Starkey, New York do; southerly may be had of S. H. Heilen, Ticket Agent. Port- Bent- are a curve to left a distance of 38 feet to sewer in 3 501 Port. Kef. Pet. <% 42,600 bush. for Edgarlown; Gen Howard, druggists, who authorized Bank Book Lost. land & Rochester at foot of Preble St., and Small.2 75<§ Elizabethport 1* An- Depot Produce. I Water White 10% Oats dull; State at 37®44c; Western 36®:44c; ley, Port Johnson for Narraganset ; Emma re- Cumberland street. of Rollins & Adams, No. 22 Exchange St. 13 hush. by the manufacturers to 250 feet. ,, -bilberries— IPratt sAst’l.pbbl. sales 35,000 bush; receipts 40,850 Tripp. Providence for Baltimore. have been notified that Bank Book No. Length •Does not at Woodford’s. ...13 steam gell, of 10 in. laid C feet Bostoni stop Brilliant.. Lard of S*wer is deep -iue..,,..3 50*4 50 lllevof’s lleef unchanged. Pork quiet. dull; viNEYAKD-HAVEN-Ar alst, ship Iceberg, fund the price to any pur- WE 30.695, in the name of Maria L. Gardner, glazed pipe Philadelphia oct!2dtfJ. W. PETERS, Supt. 'W.,,6 60*7 00 Ligonia.10% rendered 6 47 %• Treat, Iloilo via New York for Boston. is lost or stolen, and that a throughout. LINE. Capex chaser who is not Dennysvtile, Maine, at a in centre of Cum- DIRECT STEAMSHIP 175*1 851Silver White.10 dull. In Ves vius; schs ManitOUi Idaho, benefited by should be issued to to the Again beginning point 1 Sugar port, barque and duplicate her, subject distant 52 feet from the 75*1 851 Centennial...10% 23.1880.—Flour is South Jessie Hart, Ella, Lucy A Davis, Joe Carlton, use. of the State I .aw. berland street easterly MediumMedium....x CHICAGO. Jan. quiet; their requirements of Oak street thence and SATURDAY. , 71. Kmsius. 11 MAINE SAVINGS easterly side line produced; From BOSTON e*erj WEDNESDAY Portland and R. R. German mdl Uo.M fix eni Winter Wheat 4 40®5 85; Wisconsin 40"® J Wainwright. ... BANK, Ogdensburg Muscatel .. 2 50*3 50 Hath, Perth through centre of Cumberland street a 1 4 at 4 50®4 76; soft Spring Wheat BOSTON—Ar 22d, sells Sardinian, by Alpheus G. Rogers, Treasurer. westerly Yellow Eyes. 65*1 3 15*3 37 65; Michigan New Ada A Ter- PRICE, ©l-OO. distance of 74 feet, to old sewer in Cumberland TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Irish Potatoes ..00*76;5!l2^»Lfl,y’r 3 7084 00; Minnesota bakers 3 6034 50; patents Amboy; Richmond, Hall, York; Portland, Me., Jan. 8,1880. janlldlawM3w From PHILADELPHIA 0*017 FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. jo *12% at street. 3 Potatoes 4 25 Oik ****** *£ 4 GO a 5 low grades 2 00 a 3 00; Rye Flour ry, Terry, Eastport. .... From Long Wharf, Boston, St 00*4 ^10i% 00; loss of jib- Sewer is of 8 in. glazed pipe laid 3.8 feet deep Onions.3 60*3 75 ValenJ^* 3 30®3 60. Wheat lower; January 79Vi88044e; Scii Petrel, Decrow, Rockport, (with & p. m. From Pine Street Wharf, Dot. „_^ MIL8URN CO., WANTED. at point of beginning and 6.9 feet at terminus. a. m. Commencing Monday, 5,1885, h closed at 79%c; No 2 Spring at 79%®80c. Corn boom.) FOSTER, Prtft, Philadelphia, at 10 will Cabbages.$10*812 " ,.,.7% Nash, for Total length 324 feet. of until further notice Passenger Trains granulated * fi6° is lower 36%c. Oats quiet at 29V4@29yjc. Rye Cld 23d. barque Cliestina Reagan, NEW Insurance one-lialf the rate Turkevs.16*17 BUFFALO. YORK. Cost of Sewer. §922.67 follows: 9.00 a. m., for Extra C ■'* No2 at 5744c. Barleydull; No2at60® to know that B. F. WHIT- _’sailing vessel. Leave Portland as Chickens.12*15 steady; sells Souther, 307.56 Lasras. Seeds. ii2c, is lower at 10 85@10 8744. Lard low- Sid 23d, brig Stockton; Elbridge taken the store corner City’s proportion. for the West by the Penn. R. R., and Fabyans, Bethlehem, Littleton, Fowls .10*12 'iWk D and WANTED-A11NEY & CO. have Sum to be assessed. Freights 8t. Johns- — Ira $615.11 com- Ducks. Red Top 2 37 at 010 36 12 44. Boxed meats firm—shoulders B K Woodside, Georgia Berry. Sturgis, & in the Davis Block, South by connecting lines, forwarded free of ter, Woodsrille, Montpelier, @16 25*2 Congress Exchange Sts., — *.. .. ft. 10 >-• at 5 short Etta A Tanner. Area assessed a. 32,955 sq. Newport, Rnrlmgton, Swanton, Geese. *14 Timothy 8eed2 00*2 '-'■0.4 05: short ribs 30®5 32ya; and are now to make Ladies’ and Gents mission. bury, at4o„ PORTSMOUTH—Below 22d, sells Belle Brown, prepared Rate per 100 sq. ft. §1.80 65-100 and all points on connecting Clover. ...10%@llc «r,®5* 70, Boots in any at short notice. 23-7 Round Trip 918. Ogdensburg, Apples. clear at o- wheat. Rockland for New York; Montezuma, L A style, Passage 910.00. •lues. .2 50 fheeee. 4000 phis; 2,000 Perry, Name. Area. Rate Ain't...... Nodhcads... 00*2 and Rowena. Meals and Room included. for Bartlett and Intermediate .2 25 Vermont.... 10 @11% Receipts—Flour oat9. 39,000 bush; rye, Smith, Nautiius, machinist. A steady job to the 3.00 p. in., Snow 00*2 0, C> Holmes. 3492 §1.86 65-100 $ 66.18 or to 10 hush; corn, 64,000 bush man. Address, stating age, and Lucy For freight passage apply stations. Tallinau Swts2 00*2 25 N Y. factory *11% WANTED—Aright Paine... 7200 134.39 Buitee. 2,000 bush; barley,-49,Oo^ ", wiieitt, 6.000 Foreign Ports. LOCK BOX 270, Saccaranpa, Angeline E. R. SAMPSON, Agent, ARRIVALS. Nol Baldwins Shipments—Flour, <>,000 wages expected. Dorcas Wiswell... 1974 36.84 and Creamery tb... 24*25 bbi,?> •-'hush; rye, Ar at Yokohama Jan 21, ship Sachem, Bartlett, 3-7 31dtfTO Wharf, Boston. 10.40 a. m., from Bartlett and way stations. Greenings J> bush: corn, 38,000 bush; oats, 60,00o Me._2 Ebenezer True.... 2000 37.33 l.oug 1 25@2 00 Gilt Edge Vcr....21@23 New York. 54.67 3.53 p. m., from Swanton, Burlington and bush jbarley, 11,000 hush. S man of and moral Abba F. Dyer. 2929 ib 0,000 » r at Australia prev to Jan 20, barque Geo temperate all on through line. Evaporated ^ 8*llc Choice.Jf ®?® XXX to au Andrew Mulnix... 5152 96.16 points Lemons. Good. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 22,1880.—Flour steads-; WANTED—Ahabits, seeking employment, represent v'erry. Gottenberg. .. ,, Snot. at 3 own section. to Gardner Jordan.. 3622 67.61 J. HAMILTON, 00 3 0083 15; family at 3 2533 35; extra 65® Homer, l-1,, nrev to Vigilant. Gould, old established house in Ids Salary Florida.4 50*5 Store.10*12 2 21, ship and Nathan Wood. C686 122.93 “ALLANLLINE. Oetober 3,1885. oc3atf is lower: No exacted Messina.4 50 E««»- 4 70; patents 4 90@6 30. Wheat Ar at Shangi... begin $70 per mouth. References giv- 00*4 No 2 Mixed at 33% c. New York. 16 St., New York. and Montreal Stecets Sewer. 1885, Winter Arrangements. 1886. 50! Eastern Red at SOVic. Corn lower; ... Harry Stewart,Dean en: GAY BROS., Barclay Walnut, Willis Malagers.3 00*3 extras...2o@2(> Dec & Western...2o Oats firm; No 2 Mixed at 28'/,c. Provisions easy. Ar at Grenada lC,bt.0 gec7 dlawMGm center of Walnut street Oranges. [Canada Beginning at a point in n«t«l Portlnud Service. GRAND TRIM RAILWAY OF CANADA. ■ •-25 05. Fork §11. Bangor. ,, ,, Brown, y.- Liverpool Florida.4 50 Island.. Lard 6 00®6 llh.. V rrrmsre...'.*...".j distant 41 feet, easterly from the easterly side 00*4 11,000 At l’oit-de-Paix Jan 1, sell C K ,,tcr to know that Mrs. Dr. Limed.19*21 Receipts—Flour, 1.000 bbls; wheat, bu; Clie. & line of North street; thence easterly the From I From Portland bush for New Lizzie Major, Foster, for For Rheumatism, Neuralgia Sherman still remains at 42 South street, in through Liverpool! qtfamfR CHANGE OF TIME. corn. 58,000 bush; oats, 21,000 ; rye, 0,000 York; | WANTED.—Ladies center of Walnut street a distance of 760 feet to via Halifax. I via Halifax. of corns, joints and ingrow- | _I_ bush barley, 1,000 hush. BackacheJ treatment outgrowing a 9 feet west of the side line of Jan 5tli. sch Lester A Lewis. amps, Sprains, a Will point westerly THURSDAY, shipments—Flour, 5000 bbls; wheat *,000 bu; Ar at Aguadilia ing nails. Outgrowiug joints specialty. thence with a curve THURSDAY, On nod after 0«t. 9tli for Fiotida.) extra Eastern Promenade; Feb. 4 MONDAY, 12, 1NM, fnm. 7.000 rye, Ponce, sailed Burns and call at residence if desired without charge. Jan. 14 Sarmatian. Dominion-24.700* bush: oats 3,000 busli; 1,000 bu; Moody, (and Sciatica, Scalds,\ to a distance of 133 feet to a point 69 feet train* will run a* follow* x LIVERPOOL. Steamship At Jan 7tli, sell Came A Bucknam, removed for 25 right 21 Peruvian. 11 do bacon 19,- barley, 8,000 busli. Rarbadoes & Bars! Corns cents._21-1 east of the side line of Eastern Promen- hush wheat 51,000 do corn 370,400 Marauham. Frosted Feet westerly 28 Polynesian. 18 DEPARTURES. do lard 1 White Heagan, from f Bruises, thence with the Promen- 500 do butter, 306,720 do cheese 88,500 DETROIT, Jan. 23,1880.—Wheat—No Jan Elvina, Curtis, tin TTTANTED—A of wishes a ade; southerly parallel it March 4 cattle At Laguajra 9, barque and Aches. lady experience of line Feb. Caspian. For Auburn and A. twist on, 7.05 a. in.,|1.16 hells leather 328 head No 3 Red Sle bid. other Fains Vw situat ion as nurse. ApdIv 14 MECHANIC ade and 59 feet cast the westerly side 285 bbls apples 70 89VaC bid; New York. and all 25 Circassian. ami 6.20 m. 8400 bush. thereof a distance of 440 feet to Melbourne street 18_ p. 208 Receipts, ana effectual For (Jorham. 7.20 a.m. and 4. 00 o. m..mixed. sheep._ A safe, sure, ST,_21-1 sewer. accommodations unequalled. Cabin Spoken. Passenger For Jlontreal anil Railroad Receipts. Galls, Strains, to do general 1,333 feet. S50toS80; intermediate, *30; steerage, *20. Uorhnm, Chicago,1.30 Havana Market. 27 St Stephen, from for capable girl Length m. Jan. 23. 188C. Dec 2, lat 9 N. Ion W, ship remedy housework. at 170 CUMBER- The first 370 feet is of 10 in. glazed pipe, then For passage apply to H. & A. ALLAN, General p. PORTLAND. San on Horses. WANTED-A Enquire For 1.30 111. Port [By Telegraph.] New York for Francisco. Sores, Ac,, 21-1 jjy© roet ±z in. giazeu pipe, anu me remaining Agents, 80 State St. Boston; and C. P. Quebec, p. Received by Maine Central Railroad—For to Laliama, Woos- Scratches, LAND Passenger con Jan. 23. I880.-Sugar-Owlng Dec 3, hit 3 N. ion 27 W, brig STREET._ 665 feet of 16 in. laid 8 feet at 40 Exchange St. ; T. P. McGOWAN, ARRIVALS. and 29 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for HAVANA, trial will its merits. glazed pine deep WALDRON, merchan- unfavorable news received from abroad buyers ter, from New York for Bosario. One prove House. As good day board of 8 feet at a point 30 feet west 422 or for passage or freight to H. & necting roads 104 cars miscellaneous to point beginning, Congress St., From Lewiston and Auburn. 8.26 a. la. a reduction but holders refused as be found for tlie of the line of Eastern 6.8 feet at the A. No. 1 India St., Portland. dise. demanded Its are instantaneous. WANTED—Bakercan price; twenty-five Promenade, ALLAN, Agents, 12.06, 3.16 and 6.50 p. in. The market is quietand effects one room to let. feet at end of curve make concessions. very cent dinners a specialty; also line of the Promenade, 7.7 From 0.40 a. m. and 7.00 m.. is warm and 50c. 19-1 nov28__dtf Gorham, p. Boston Stock Market. prices are nominal. The weather Price 25c. and BAKER HOUSE, 2tl Free St. and 6.4 feet at terminus. mixed. ^Jsolc^veryvvhere. beginning at a point in center of Mon- AND MACHIAS LINE. [By Telegraph.] at waitress that lias Again PORTLAND, MT. DESERT From Chicago anil yiontreul, 12.05 p. m. Molasses sugar, regular to good polarization, MWF&wly compitent treal street distant 207 feet easterly from the of stocks arc received febl3 From Quebec, 12.05 p. m. Tile following quotations 2 reals WANTED—Ahad boarding-house or hotel experience. side line of North street; thence easterly B2% gold per quintal. WAIT- easterly Per Week—Winter tor 1886. Pullman Palace cars on train an fair to refining, at 82Vs &2% The best references required. Address, center of Montreal street a distance of Two Trips Arrangements Sleeping night Muscovado, good Ion Have a Perfect (tight, 1°-! through LONGFEL- Parlor cars on day train between Fostland an AU*h.', Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. 89% ShflrpWms! 1 RESS, Press office. 191 feet to the westerly side line of Willis street; The swift sea-going steamer a Montreal. Central 7s.. —.. •••. 49% 90 a Benson’s Plaster of a LOW, G. A. will leave Portland Mexican sugar, 92 to degrees polariziza- Bheumathim,Crick, Sprains. Neural- I when you demand Capcine thence with a curve to left distance of 40 feet Capt. Hopkins, & Railroad 83 "^Centrifugal teals Backache. to receive one. Yet there are as order cook. Address Tuesday and at 11 TICKET OFFICE Flint Pere Marquette pref. in hlids. I lags and boxes, at 3@3M> Sciatica, LamoSideorHlp.Kidney ■ druggist, to expect to the center of Willis, and northerly side line of every Friday Evening, tion, gia. Batches, the John Auburn, Maiue. 10-1 of m. train Boston do com. 16% in any part, lo»i* we to say, a few druggists of Cheap WANTED—SituationS. M. BATCH ELDER, thence center o’clock, or on arrival 7 p. from B Affections, Sore Chestorpain regret Montreal street; northerly through 35 St., and Foot of India Street w York and New England Railroad. 39% at and Matanzas who will to you to accept distance of 173 feet to the over B. & M. R. at Rockland, where Exohangs Dspot Ne iii'warehouses Havana variety try persuade wants to test the of Willis street, a R., touching Sticks a similar sounding who oonnootinnn nr*» inarlo for lnnrilno'M mi IVlHlhSPOt Belle Telephone.160% 4 900 boxes. 141.000 bags and 2,100 hogsheads; some worthless substitute with southerly side line of Walnut street; thence 74% boxes. merits of Mrs. Allen’s Instantaneous Croup witl^a and River with Boston & S. 8. TICKETS SOLD AT REDUCED RATES Eastern Railroad. the past week were 1,000 name, such as “Capsicin,” “Capsicum,” “Capueln, WANTED—Everybody curve to right a distance of 37 feet to sewer in Bay Bangor Co.; receipts during cures The great-* the at W. W. WHIPPLE & CO.’S drug Railroad c,s...... 122% during tin Hops. Acts instantly, qniokly. sometimes with Remedy to oall Castine, Deer So. West and Bar — — Eastern 08,000 hags and 1000 lilids; exports ssossss^al■ “Capsicine,” etc., prefixed ana Walnut street. Isle, Sedgwick, TO ever known. All reaay before Boston & Albany Railroad..1 <9 and 350 hbds, of est strengthening plaster or “Benton.” John will store, lilarket Square, February 1st, Harbors. Desert.) Mt. Desert connect- week 398 box, 11,500 bags coun try. name "Burton” Cheap. Length 441 feet. Total length, 1,774 feet. (Mt. Ferry, Canada. Chicago, Railroad.183% ■to apply. Bold by druggist and tore*,* for half a bottle free of charge. Mill- Detroit, Jlilwoukee, Boston & Maine which all to the United States. offer vou one of these wretched imitations get sample _19-1 The first 191 feet is of 10 in. and ing with morning train from Bangor. Omaha, Saffi- 1894 bags aBct. 76forll.00. Milled for prlM. to glazed pipe Cincinnati, Ht. I.oui*. Boston & Maine R. 7s. reg.123% at Havana to United Propriej^ the price of the genuine, as he can well afford at home the 250 feet of 12 in. laid bridge and Jonesport, arriving at Machiasnort Cake It.1-3 Freights rising; loading tors, HOP BLABTEB but a young man living remaining glazed pipe, uavr, Nt. Paul, Salt City» Portland. Saco A Portsmouth of S2 2oa;2 50 gold. CO.,Boggn;_MMji.__j^ its value being nothing, and its cost 8 feet at of 8 feet at west early in the evening. RETURNING, leave Ma- States per hud sugar, do. real a situation as bookkeeper, assistant book- deep point beginning, Denver, Han Franc toco, Boston & Lowell Railroad. 126% outside to more. are the only porous plasters WANTED—By 9 feet at north line of Mon- Monday and Thursday Morning at From on the north coast, pons, little Benson’s or where I can make myself useful; line of Willis street, chiasport every and all In the ports cure ailment keeper, clerk, 4 as at Mt. points Bates Manuf’g Co.138 the United States, at S2 75. that can be depended upon to every reference. Address treal street, 9 test at south line of Walnut street o’clock, touching above, connecting are will work for small pay; good mid Southwest. Spanish 2.39>4- subject to external treatment. They prompt, and 8 feet at terminus. Desert Ferry with trains for Boston. &c., and at Northwest, West gold S. 12, This Office. steamers of Boston & Line New York Stock and Money Market. sure and thorough. Protect yourself against decep- ___19-1 Cost of sewer. §1,871.79 Rockland with Bangor Exchange quiet. The gen, and in Portland at [By Telegraph.] Plaster tion by buying of reliable druggists only. and cattle owners to try City’s proportion. 623.93 for Boston, arriving midnight, Genera, Manager, and lias with for Markets. Hop uinebears the “Three Seals” trademark Shertnan Celebrated Scotch Con- Sum to bo assessed. §1247.86 (usually connecting Pullman Express on call | Hunter’s NEW YORK, Jan. 23, 1886.—Money European cut in the centre. WANTED—Horse exis- Boston and the West. taken at usual JOSEPIIH.^ last loan thefword “Capcine” dition Powders, the moM certain remedy in Area assessed. 179,007 sq. ft. Freight oel2dtf J. STEPHENSON, Supt. continues easy at 1@2 percent, being By Telegraph.] MWffljnrm rates and Ttckots and cent. janis tence for worms, colds, digestive derange- Rate per 100 sq.ft.... $.69 7f-^0Q forwarded with despatch. ^ Prime mercantile paper 4@5 per report coughs, on at 1%. LONDON, Jan. 23,1886.-[Beerbohm's best restorative and tonic in the world. staterooms board. For further information ap- and steady; actual rates 4 87 for off the coast, I JIPOBTED ments ; the yame. Area. Rate. Amt. Exchange quiet to Chamber of Commerece.] Cargoes ST., corner of Oak. 18-1 ply to agents at the various Landings. and 4 89 for demand: posted rates for sale, car- 653 CONGRESS PILES. 60-day bills of w heat and corn, none reported UNI I tU Lillie E. Hatch. 1657 § 11.55 E. CUSHING, Manager, bill and 4 90 for demand. Gov- wheat firm- £ 4 88 for 60-day on the passage and for shipment, WANTED—A competent girl in small of Portland.... 3530 24.61 janSdtf Railroad Wharf, Portland, Me. dull and Railroad bonds goes wheat film, and City the use of knife or ernment bonds steady. corn At spot WINES at new corner Wes- 3650 24.75 without ligature by was and er; steady. Liverpool, LIQUORS STATES GIRL,family. Inquire house, Chas. F. Gould. & but firm. The stock market quiet corn but steady. 13-1 , Dr C. T. Fisk. 88 Pleasant street, Auburn. quiet holders ask an advance; quiet Promenade and Bramhall street. A. Gould. 3736 ^ 26.04 Chired OF ALL KINDS. tern Sophia diseases of the Rectum successfully, i IVFRPOOL Jan. 23,1886. Cotton market is HOTEL. A. Gould. 3718 25.92 Treats .ill at tlie Stock Exchange aggre- an active Sophia £ detention from business. Seven years ex- The transactions 5d; Orleans at 5Vsd; sales 7.000 purchase for cash,by Beni. F. Noble. 3730 £ 26.00 without dullVuplandsat’ IK THE ORIGINAL PACKAGES, business experience: and hundreds of cases cured In different of Govern- bales and export 500 hales. WANTED-Tobusiness man with good Geo. R. Fickett. 4621 g BOSTON perience j speculation §2.21 the State. Bis- 3786 20.39 tical. 11s: Western, 4s 2d for new ; peas & Treats complicated K Michael Dailey. STEAMERS. New 4%s, coup... 6s corn,mixed R. STANLEY SON, Importers, NTT ANTED—Every one to know that the LE- 3790 26.42 Portland, Dec. 1, 1884. 6s 6d. Provision Pork, new mess at 60s for eases and those made Moses Gould. New 4s, reg. VY GANT STEEL LIN p I) T AT H K K O l P TRUNKS, 3840 26.77 We, the undersigned, having been successfully bacon at 30s for short clear and ME. chronic by malpractice. ! Alfred Woodman. prime Eastern; NO, 410 FORE ST„ PORTLAND, manfnactured tire LEAtHEEOID MANUFAC- 8870 26.98 treated by Dr. C. T. Fisk, can recommend him to 28s Gu for cheese 60s for American; No cure no pay, only tor by Moses Gould*...',. Pacific 6s of .. long clear; for for the TURING Me., are the lightest 27.19 $1-00 the confidence of the His method is sim- at tallow 26s for Amer- Also Uaneral Managers N'ew England medicine. CO., Kemiebunk, Moses Gould. 3900 FARE public. closing bids of stocks: lard, prime Western 33s; and bests trunks in the world. Ward- almost and no detention The following are to-day's Celebrated *ro« strongest Moses Gould. 3308 23.06 painless, requires ican. Consultation and Examination triuiks for ladies and sample Sle,■om business. & robe gentlemen; Albert Dijwang*?.*.21134 14T.33 FIRST-CLASS STEAMERS Chicago Alton.ir?^ in. to $ m> janloutt travellers, delivered any- THE & Alton from 9a. p» trunks for commercial Thomas 2910 20.29 FRED H. THOMPSON, 36 Union St. Chicago preferred .to*, MINERAL SPRING WATER, Send for illustrated cir- Burgees. Chicago, Burlington A Quincy.136v* SAILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. SUMMIT where in New England. Alexander B. Stephenson... 3661 25.52 RICH’D K. GATLEY, 69 and 61 Union 8L cular. janlSdSm I860 12.90 CITY Portland. . FBOM FOB FROM UABBIhOA. MAIWK Addle A. Jehus. TREMONT and FOREST GEO. HUMPHREY, 72 Parris St„ Erie York. Bremen.Jail 23 STORAGE Edward C. Monroe. 1865 13.00 D. K. GERTS. 466 Cumberland St., Portland. preferred—.„ Neekar.New OXT- Illinois Central.139 Sarnia.Portland.... Liverpool.. .Jan 28 for the DUPLEX Asa B. Russell. 1879 121S nufand LNDLA WHARF* JOHN F. MERRILL, 60 Cross St.. Portland. J,ake Shore. 83% York. Hayt Jan 28 WANTED-AgentsGEN GAS BURNER; can make from *75 Chapin Humphrey Hr’s. 1361 9.4J Por'tlaandC,rat 7e!?ci^p. ALBERT 30 Preble St., Portland. Alene.New DAWSOlf’S Fisli, This Bur- Boston at 5 o’clock p. m. (Sundays excepted.) CHASE, Portland Michigan Central. 68% York..Havana.Ian 28 First-class storage for Flour, to *100 per week with a small capital. F. Noble. 2424 16.90 secure a comfortable GARDINER WOOD. 6 Temple Place. City Washington.New than Benj. Passengers by this line New Jersey Central. 43% York Havana Jan 28 merchandise in tne ner produces two names, these uniting more Thomas and N. W. MORSE, 191 Federal St., Portland. Newport.New Cotton and other This Burgess. JdJQ $6.84 niffhtoA rest and avoid the expense inconven- N oitliwestern.106 Vs York..Havana Ian 30 re- double the illuminating power of Idol gas. Richard B. Lowell. 1783 12.43 bite at In Portland will Saratoga.New House. Warehouse enee of in Boston night. Names of manyladies treated Nortnwestern Feb 2 Portland Sugar is an established scientific fact, and at once ap- Lowell. 12-43 driving preferred.136 ATaakrC.New York.. Liverpool... Riohard B. J783 Tickets to New York, via the various be at the Doctor’s room. York Central. 103 York. 3 Otis Brothers elevator. to The between the two nip- 8430 23.01 Through given New *iiian0 .New .Kingston,&cFeb CURE ceipts given. parent all. opening Henry H. Burgess. Sound Lines for sale. Indies inquire at No. 318 Cumberland Street. island..128 York Havre Feb 3 NEURALGIC to a of 60 cent, of the 28.91 Railroad*and Rock Insurance. effects combustion per H. 8480 | St Germain.New Lowest rates of Apply ples Henry Burgees...... Freight taken as usual. gt. Paul 91 York..Cienfuegos..Feb 4 oxygen of the air. and as this does not pass of Portland. 1643 10.76 Cienfuegos.New is RELIABLE REMEDY to City pcltfJ. B. COYLE, Jit., Manager. St. Paulpreferred.121 Cientuegos..New York..Havana Feb 4 the OLD and J. S. DOUGLASS, Agent, through thenietcr,of coprs* there is nothing Rebecca Smith... 2611 18.20 4 t>f this Burner 49.96 ROOM 18, Union Pacific 49Vs .New York..Liverpool ...Feb for Rheumatism, Sciatica, pay for it, hence the great ecohotuy Daniel K. Reed. 7167 AT II. S. HOTEL, Neuralgia, lvl4dtf No. !t»8 Commercial a hun- Union Telegraph. 70 York. .. .Feb 4 Street.^ over all as it does, its cost 2186 15.24 Western Rhpatia New .Hamburg Headache, Earache, Toothache and every others, repaying, Alexander B. Stephenson... IN HEREBY (ilVET. flat from 9 a. m. to & Terre Haute. 42 York.. Liverpool... Feb 0 Nerv- dred times over. 60 cent, saved. T. 2186 15.24 Every Saturday, Alton rL fifl ... New other kind of ache by a Deranged Fully per AlexanderB. Stephenson... NOTICEthe subscriber has been duly appointed 90 ..Feb 0 produced for 14 La street, Boston. 2186 16.24 4 do pref. Pitvof Berlin ...New York..Liverpool. ous it is the remedy Known EARLY & SON, Grange Alexander B. Stephenson... of the Will of »»•,u *°au 6 System, greatest TIIEIIUROi\ 25c. ; one 3340 Executor eodtt Boston Air Line...*.100 Niagara New York Havana.Feb the above and is a Prices; Single sample burner, by mail, Alexander B. Stephenson... «J.28 marll 70 0 complaints, O. ELIZABETH N. TRUE, late of Portland, Burlington & Cedar Rapids. York..Bremen Frb dozen, *11.50 ; one gross, per express, C. D., 39% ?fa£ara....New 9 of and has and Cure, by Canada Southern.*. Wyoming .New York..Liverpool....Feb SURE CURE. *25. Special Date* to hi the County Cumberland, deceased, A rviyo"* Clause* Agents,_l*-2 I directs. obJDJjJ®.vears. Chesapeake & Ohio. }0% !..!. New York.. Rio Janeiro Feb 10 Alexander B Stephenson... 3410 43.77|| taken upon himself that trust as the law LAFiHiM was deal twenty-eight >8% Finance^ as inside. Read care- owning a to 43. the estate of 1st preferred . Can be used outside as well persou piano Alexander B. Ktepheneou... 3430 All persons having dciuanits upon Treat oil by most of tlie Philadelphia.New use it as direct- Salt instruments under ex- .4 06 name; Curednot?dfP®«S"?is £ York^Laguayra—^Feb^lO the testimonials. it and and WANTED—Everyknow that all 3460 said are t«> eathibit the wilh no benefit. Buy Table my B. deceased, fully Dairy Alexander Stejiheusoo... required DUday other* by sum* clean rendering called Del., Lack. & West. ed. All Druggists. clusive care will be kept inside, Alexander B. 4840 and all persons Indebted to said estate are months, and since then JANUARY 25. BEST. moths. Stephenson... 40.46 himdji^sofand 1 MINIATURE ALMANAC.•• IS THE them less liable to become damaged by Alexander B. 288T upon to make payment Sc, A plain, simple Tuner. P. 0. Stephenson... process! 8. l*W» E. Tenu.,V. A Ga... CEO. C. GOODWIN & CO.f J. D. CHENEY, Piano and Organ Alexander B. A. Executor. treatment Address T. PAGE, o'dii nl-Ifl-I state at Horse R. R. Stephen*). SAMUEL TRUE, u0'u&M&wi2w^«th do pref. TnB*"‘‘re‘"[jlrwr address, Deerlug. Me. Order Alexander B. 2487 St., New York City- Sun sets.,..4.41 .. ..T. 3.08 for it. Me No Other. 15-4 Stephen*™ Portland. Jan. 8,1880. janlldlawYTOw Houston A Texas. j Ask Your (Jroeer Station, Portland, Me. 2723 16.98 jjo Length of day .9.35 I... 9ft 2In decs Alexanders. Stephenson. Kansas & Texas.,“°% Moonrises.11.27 Helfiht.... j 9ftlin Missouri Pacific.. | anleodlm Agents for Neu* E glnml NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAINE FEDACOCICAL SOCIETY A Small Fire. RAILWAY MATTERS. FIRIVITIBE. MISCELLANEOUS. TELE PRESS. At about 6 o’clock Last evening a young Arrangements for the Bar Harbor lady employed at tlie central telephone office EASTERN RAILROAD. MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25. Another in the Easteni controver- SALE Meeting. saw the light of a fire in a small stable in the chapter GRAND ANNUAL Is in an letter to Trustee rear of the building, and a still alarm was sy appended open PURE BLOOD PORTLAND AND VICINITY. A meeting of the members of the Maine sent to the house of No. 5. Phillips, which explains itself: Company B. A. Means health and bad blood means engii^ Atkinson happiness; Willard P. Trustee under the Pedagogical Society, and others Interested a alarm was pulled Phillips, mortgage Subsequently general of the Eastern Railroad Company—Sir: Your let- Scroftda, Canker, Blotches, Salt Rheum, Cancer NEW ADVERTISEMENT* TO BAT. in securing a large attendance of teachers at from box No. 25. The fire caught from a ter to Mr. Edward Lesley, secretary, recently pub- Pimples, Boils, Ulcers, Tumors, Black Heads and shows how it is to to the annual session of the American Insti- lantern in the which is occupied by lished, vain attempt escape various other difficulties which are always the out- AMUSEMENTS. stable, uinileasant tacts by quibbliug and evasion. To Auction. tute at Bar was held at but was' growth of blood. Portland Theatre—Tlie Devil's Harbor, Reception Chas. S. Fairfield, the teamster, assist your treacherous memory, I would remind Sl Co.. impure you that, as a certificate holder, I made and Rev. is Pastor of the Pine on cold registered Linen Theo. Gerrisii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hall, City Building, Saturday forenoon. subdued, the intense easily although motions at the of Dee. Which Bonds, proper meeting 9, Housekeeping Goods J. M. Dyer & Co. called to Street M. E. Church, and author of “The Blue and Linen. Housekeeping The meeting was order by Super- made hard work for the firemen. The build- yon refused to entertain—as you did motious of of Portland. the A his had a severe City ,, other bondholders. The of the in Gray." member of family Steamship Co. intendent Thomas Tash, who nominated ing was not greatly damaged, and is owned reports meeting Notice—Maine the public prints show this plainly enough. and Jan, and 26. case of Canker In Mouth and Stomach, tried in To Let—Tenement. State Luce for chairman and an insur- Wednesday 26,21 have were Tuesday, Superintendent & who You when the bondholders, dissat- Thursday, Business by Tenney Dunham, present last Brown's Shorthand-Portland College. isfied with Corner Pearl and Middle various ways to get relief, at bought Mr. A. M. Edwards of Lewiston for secre- & Pink- your arbitrary rulings, adjourned the Sts., Wanted-Agents. ance of $100 in the agency of Morse meeting to Jan. 9, and had ample notice Sarsaparilla and wa3 cured. Rev. Mr. Gerrlsh Hoola.v—Sam Lee. and a certainly Hoolay, tary. ham. Mr. Fairfield had three horses of the Able lawyers present our former we For Sale- Horse. adjourned meeting. Encouraged by the unparalleled success of sales, will endorse the above. On of Mr. Tash a in at that had no doubt of its Room and Board-Cbadwick House. motion committee on number of harnesses, teams, etc., the meeting legality—among to EXCEED ALE PREVIOUS give our custom- attention of Mr. G. A. of is for whom was OrviUe D. Baker, attorney.general of ptopose EFFORTS,and would respectfully call the Parcher, Ellsworth, agent Owen, Moore & Co. nomination of three was appointed whose stable. The horses were all got out In safety Maine, its presiding officer. The meeting bad the ers and tbe public an opportunity to secure bargains never before all the housekeepers to our enormous the American Express Co., and owns a drug store. full attendance of and over in duty it is to nominate members for the vari- and some of the teams. One pung and a average bondholders, equalled. Elegant Dinner, Lunch and Tea Sets Bleached, Cream stock of House Furnishing Goods at this There was in that town an acquaintance of Ms HIS ONLY 84,000,000 of certificates were squarely repre- MEDICINE FOR 26 YEARS. ous committees for at tMs The wood and Fancy. our Branch which we are whose vocation was that of a sailor. Fram eating provided meeting. wagon were burned, however. sented. It was an honest meeting, its sentiment store, offering Chester, Orange Co., N. Y., April 7,1885. was at salt food Three committees were authorized, first, on yard of Morse & Fickett adjoins the stable, clearly expressed, and Its proceedings are a 33 cts. to he had contracted a bad case of humor; Brandretli’s Pills have been medicine matter of record. Bleached Damask from $2.50 my only “ “ “ “ hair came out, face and body covered with transportation, second, on local arrange- and had the fire worked into the great piles Your that the bond- 25 or the past twenty five years. By taking two extraordinary assumption Cream 1.25 blotches. He took one bottle on announcements and circu- would have holders have no other than to deposit “ “ “ for of a ments, third, of wood, heavy loss resulted. privilege “ every night thirty nights I cured myself their them no even to Red 26 1.00 lars. cords of votes—leaving right verify Turkey fery bad attack of Rheumatism and Biliousness. As it was, only a few edgings were the ballot—needs no comment. It is in keeping “ “ with the whole tenor aud Colored Border Damask from 25 1.00 Never to business Notice was given that dinner would be burned. Morse & Fickett had three horses of vour conduct, amply PRICES. lost a and attended my “ “ WINTER meal, confirms the truth of the statement made In the BROWNS the time. I have also found them one of served at the Preble House at which time in their stable, and the animals were re- 3-4 and 5-8 Damask from 50 10.00 during resolution adopted by the boudholders, that you Napkins “ “ the best blood purifiers and liver regulators In the committee on nominations would re- moved for fear that the fire might spread. most signally fail to comprehend the duties and Russia Crash from.7 .42 obligations of a trustee. Yours, Never in the history of the business the world. Will be glad to answer enquiries. port. horses were for the in a respectfully, The quartered night William B. Lawrence. American All prices. has there been a time when we were so Charles H. Westelvelt, At one o’clock about thirty guests sat blacksmith shop on Plum street. After the Boston, Jan. 23,1880. 121-2 cts. well to offer bargains of the Peace. Barnsley Crash frojri to .20 prepared genuine SARSAPARILLA Justice down to a sumptuous repast at the Preble. fire, the coats worn by the men, when re- NOTES. in every line. In our cod&w Scotch Crash.All prices. and it helped him more than anything he ever has jau25 _ After the courses were served Mr. Tash of moved, were found to be frozen so stiff that A number of the employes of the Grand Red End from. 1.00 to 2.50 When he went to sea a few days ago he bought a Advice lo Mather*.—MRS. WINSLOW'S the committee on stand Trunk railway were Saturday at Diaper nominations made the fol- they would upright on the floor. discharged a well Montreal it is for an in- large supply and said he should come home SOOTHING SYRUP should always be used when for, alleged, asking Class Linen from 7 1-2 cts. to .37 1*2 lowing report: crease “ “ teeth. It relieves the little Portland of wages. It is said that much dissat- man. children are cutting Committee on Transportation—W. J. Cortbell, Business College. Huck Damask and Towels from 6 1-4 1.00 isfaction exists among the employes on ac- Fancy “ “ Mr. Frank Curtis, the well-known boot and sufferer at once; itproduces natural, quiet sleep by Gorham: Thomas Tash, A. E. Chase, A Port- Portland; pleasant occasion occurred at the count of that action. Towels from 7 .87 Carpet Department shoe dealer in had trouble with Canker In and the little cherub Portland. Terry Bathing Bangor, relieving the child from pain, land Business The gross of the Rome, Water- Committee on Local Arrangements—N. A. Luce, College Saturday evening, par- earnings Linen Pillow Case Linen, Doylies, etc. Mar- Mouth and Stomach. This caused constant sour awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleas- town & for the ended Sheeting, Tray Cloths, Augusta; M. C. Fernald, Orono; A. F. Chase, ticipated in of the Ogdensburg quarter Crochet we shall continue to sell for a few days stomach, etc. Mr. Curtis has for the softens the by eighty-six present Dec. were in seilles Quilts from $1.00 upwards. #1.25 Quilts for $1.00. indigestion, ant to taste. It soothes child, Bticksport. 31, $504,870, against $470,824 more the we offered some days pupils who had assembled Ly invitation from 1884, an increase of The All the best makes of Bleached and Unbleached Cotton inwall widths, goods years tried to get rid of this humor, and only suc- allays all paiu, relieves wind, regulates the This committee has to add two $34,046. company as we shall close out ail the gums, power Levi A. has at lowest ago, pat- ceeded when he the use of Brown’s Sarsa- for Gray, principal, to spend a season of purchased, to be delivered this month, the prices. began bowels, and is the best known remedy diar- more to terns we cannot We have their number. six passenger coaches and two baggage, mail All Restaurant land Hotel Proprietors should take duplicate. Mr. Curtis authorizes the use of his name. from or other social intercourse. The early part of the Housekeepers, parilla. rhoea, whether arising teething Committee on Announcements and Circulars— and secure still a few roils of 10 wire goods which express cars, equipped with the Westing- advantage of this great opportunity to perfectly staple goods He is in better health than for years, fie says cents a bottle. L. H. Marvel, H. Clark, Auburn; evening was devoted to musical causes. Twenty-five Lewiston; C. exercises, house automatic air brakes and Miller plat- at less than cost of The are all new, ex- is the finest fabric iu the market, that SM&W&wly H. M. Gorham. the production. goods bought Janie __ Estabrooke, favored Mr. E. L. forms also 150 box cars and 50 of we shall sell at 79 and we company being by ; gondolas for tills sale, and we conlidently advise every one to buy all cents, posi- The chairmen of these committees are to 20 tons pressly When Cowper wrote of Tea as the cup that Burnham, Miss Mamie Ingalls, J. Vaughan capacity. can use. Our sale of Fine French Dress Goods will be con- tively assert that this is the best bar- The Boston & Maine Railroad they great BROWN’S cheers, he had never heard of Baker's Breakfast form a general committee of information Frank L. and others. At 9 Company gain in a Brussels ever Dennett, Gray operates 1100 miles of road. It tinued. Tapestry Carpet Tea cheers time but Cocoa front can be obtained. requires 413,- offered by us. are very desirable Cocoa. for tlie being, which all particulars o’clock an excellent oyster supper was 600 rails of 28 feet to the 37 1-2 cents. They rail; 3,515,600 ties; 75 ct. Dress Goods for but we more cheers one life. There is more and patterns, cannot get any through nothing The report was accepted adopted. served. In the course of 14,062,400 to The “ “ “ ilf tllA DAitiA linllnu,, ntwl .In ha4* the evening several spikes, equal 351,560 kegs. 1.00 50 refreshing or nothing upon which a man can do a Mr. J. W. Webster of Malden, treasurer of rails weigh 121,598 tons. It would “ college Isongs were well sung. A society require “ “ “ want on our shelves what we canuot better work than Baker’s Breakfast Cocoa. 22,685 cars and 1134 to the I. 25 75 S A RASPARILLA day’s of Instruction was engines transport the American Institute called the “P. B. C. Club” was Then we have a few rolls of it must be treated with Debating per- above. The cars, placed end to end, allow- duplicate. Like all good things, in the founation A great deal can be SAVED by supplying your wants now as the present and aided largely manently organized, and meetings will be ing 35 feet to tne ear, would cover 171 miles. a prime Tapestry Brussels which we are as wonderful medicine for liuinor. proper consideration, and pains must be taken LOW PRICES of this Special Sale cannot possibly be maintained. of plans for the proposed meeting at Bar held The selling at 75 cents, and still another lot W. A. Johnson is a clothing dealer on Pickering with the making. When it is made as it should weekly. students, before separa- Harbor. The indications are that there will MUSIC AND DRAMA. that we are selling at <17 cents, and the Square, Bangor. “I have had,” said Mr. Johnson, be, it is the most refreshing anil delightful bever- ting, tendered a vote of thanks to Mr. Gray cheapest grade at 59 cents. Our line of “a canker or humor about me for a time, be a attendance from Maine, New Eng- and his assistants for an long age in the world. large enjoyable evening. All Wool is now and Brunswick. low rates liARLOW, WILSON AND RANKIN. Carpets complete, which showed itself in my stomach and mouth and land and New Very a line a troublesome There was, of a crowded house at Port- we believe we can show larger I had a wldch I can best describe as “l have had cough and at hotels will be secured Past Crand Sire Nicholson. course, Street. feeling gen- on the railroads M, 511 in J. DYER & than can be seen in other store for more than five and have had advice of land the In the Congress any eral ability. Have tried many remedies, and at years, Theatre, notwithstanding drop CO., and full information will soon be given to Portland Encampment, No. 19, of this city, the state. We have made the three of the most skilled physicians; hut I found mercury, Saturday night. The minstrel entertain- priees last bought Brown's Sarsaparilla. X am free to the means of circulars and the have secured the services of James B. Nich- right and are cutting up very fast. We nothing to relieve and cure me till I used Adam- public by ment was an admirable one. The skating rink say that, so far as my experience goes, it is the olson, a Odd who will shall offer for a while a prime son's Botanic Cough Balsam. newspapers. distinguished Fellow, act was very droll, E. M. Hall proved himself a best thing for purifying the blood known.” address the at from “Mrs. GEORGE A. ROBBINS, Citizens of Maine interested in schools are people City Hall tomorrow remarkable banjoist, there were some capital If you have any disease arising impure Riverside, Me.'1 invited to avail themselves of the low rates night. He understands the order in all its voices in the organization, the Lenton Brothers blood, no matter how serious, you may be sure Brown's will cure If notd Jail 25 MW&S&w offered to teachers attending this meeting at bearings. It may be the last chance to listen performed acrobatic acts very skilfully and Dave that Sarsaparilla you. G-9. to Braham’s now song and dance was a feature. money will be refunded. Splendid cargo of Oysters received by Timmons Bar Harbor, July one who sat at Wildey’s feet and assisted great Children’s ILL WML CARPET j-uu .uM Kt \-1was & Hawes this day. Send in your orders—barrels, Among those present Saturday were State the fathers in building up an order that has amungciose 10 an eve- White Dresses, ning of fun. busliels or gallons. Providence Rivers a specialty. Superintendent Luce; Principal L. G. Jor- no rival in its chosen field of practical re IYY LODGE ENTERTAINMENT. Slightly soiled, at 58 62 1-2 65 cents and BROWN’S Clams the barrel or fresh opened tlie cents, cents, by by gallon. dan, of Lewiston; Principal Robertson, of lief. Let the hall be filled to overflowing. think- dlw A pleasing entertainment Ha'S given Saturday Marked down upwards. We believe any person JanlO Augusta; Professor of Bates Chandler’s Band will the to Chase, College; play following i evening by Ivy Lodge, D. of It., opened by an ad- To close out. ing of buying would be well repaid If ever there was a for one com- Marvel selections to the lecture: see over the specific any aupernuenaent ana Principal Ed- prior dress from genial Elder Crawford, whose theme, Prices call and the styles, look Little Liver Pills are a spe- ranging plaint, then Carter’s wards, of Lewiston; Principal Hanson of ...... XX. lkiv.ll.ll u.v "I've Got to Go," was treated in all its humorous stock and note the quantity we carry. should Noon anu to SARSAPARILLA woman From 25c cific for sick headache, and every Coburn Overture—Morning, Night.Snppe A We are to show our goods. It Classical Institute; Principal ('lark, Gems of Germany.Kuliner bearings. piano solo by Mrs. Shaw, a duet by pleased know a Brus- It is sold by all Druggists for $1.00; 0 bottles for this. One pill dose. of Awakening of the Lion.De Kontski Mrs. Hawes and Mr. and $4.00. costs yon nothing to look. Body Auburn; Superintendent Tasli and teach- I Parkman, songs by ARA Me Jan Folio Medley.Da mm sels carpets, in every $5.00. WARREN, Proprietor, Bangor, 10_d&wlw ers of Sammie Merrill and Justie Barbour reading by New lot prime respect, Portland; Superintendent Sampson, beautiful $1.00 Re- my27 eodlylstor4thpcF B. H. DOUGLASS & SONS’ CAPSICUM COUGH Wednesday evening the friends of Mr. Thomas Briggs, and a vocal number by I. H. Ber- Brown and patterns, per yard. of Saco; ex-Superintendent Snow, of Biade- member what we say, we are selling at DROPS are the result of over forty years' experi- Nicholson will him a and din- ry, were all finely rendered. Misses Etta Chase Corthell and give reception Blue ford; Principal teachers, from and Navy Winter prices. ence iu compounding cough mixtures. They are ner at the Falmouth. Alice Cobb. pupils in elocution of Mrs. A. N. the Gorham Normal school. About in Jerseys the best. oci i«w«r thirty Hawes, read their selections in admirable style. all were in attendance. The and Ear. The closed Will be sold at beautiful Eye evening with a report of the cntertain- Harj'eu’s Bazar.—This weekly pub- 1 A has been ment committee. $1.25. lication is a welcome visitor to the circle. PERSONAL. petition, numerously signed, DRAPERY CURTAINS. parlor NOTES. The number for the week has been receiv- addressed to Judge Goddard, J. P., for the Consumption ensuing Frank Mayo In "Nordcck" and Haverly’s Min- ed by N. G. Fessenden, 484 Congress street. Mr. George Burnett will enter Sailors’ necessary authority to organize, under the strels will be here soon. A beantiful line to select from. 25 The Grattans will give an laws of the State for the purpose of estab- entertainment Thurs- different Prices all the way Snug Harbor, Staten Island. day evening, Feb. 4th, in Kavanagh Hall. Grirn- patterns. an to SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Bodin succeeded Saturday in starving lishing institution for the treatment of mer’s orchestra will play numerous selections from $4 per pair $25. from the latest the “Mikado.” himself to death. diseases of the eye and ear. After the proper operas, including Several of the best singers among their young HASKELL. have con- BEFORE JUDGE The funeral of Arthur I). Mills, a late legal preliminary proceedings been lady friends will render solos. There will also be from | male solos and duets, in addition to which the ! J4in25 Saturday.—A. V. Cole, et als., appellants member of the took cluded the company will organize, probably an PARLOR decision of commissioners to Montgomery Guards, Schubert quartette will assist. The society will SUITS, Conquered county upon report Feb. locate ami landing in the city of place from the Catholic Cathedral yesterday. 8th._ ! also present a scene from Shakespeare, properly highway ferry and with Portland. This case came up for further hearing costumed, appropriate scenery. The en- Jeremiah Hacker, who formerly published The Cape Elizabeth Case. tertainment w ill in endless Walnut and this morning, but the matter was adjourned until Ferry conclude with a farce. variety; Cherry, AVHEN THE DOCTORS COULD when the court will hear a little paper called in this The counsel in the ! A new comedy organization, to be known as the Ebony frames, and upholstered in Hair Tuesday, February 2d, Cape Elizabeth ferry- Curtis the final arguments and give a decision in the in N. Happy Thought company, starts out on the Silk Mohair Petit city, is living Berlin, J. case were notified to be in court Sat- eastern circuit two weeks Cloth, Push, Plush, DO NO MORE. case. present from to-night in a new Hair entitled “Bose a Point, etc. A Tery handsome 7 piece Lewis Jr., libelant, vs. llattie J. Libby. Mr. John Slattery of Boston, a charter Goddard and play, & Coe,” “riaiculoslty” in Libby, urday morning. Judge Judge three acts, Mr. Cloth and Parlor Table with Marble Libel for divorce. Cause, adultery. Decision re- member by Joseph Bradford. Mr. Harry CITY OF PORTLAND. Suit of the Grattan Association, is visit- for the lias served. Symonds appeared remonstrants and Bloodgood been secured for the central for $42.00. Now don’t allow your- Portland. character, and a lias top Heuel Small for libelant. ing Messrs. Drummond and Cleaves for tlic pe- strong supporting company HOOLAY! HOOLAY!! self to believe that we shall give you Annie M. J. vs. Thomas Butler. been engaged in New York. Not the least amusing Butler, libelant, Capt. York of the Portland Cadets resigned titioners. a little small 2 cent table. On the con- Libel for divorce. Cause, desertion. Divorce de- The petitioners, it will be remem- feature ot the entertainment will be the twin CRIHAIiAH’S HEW YEAR FEB. 3. CHAS. A. CABRERA, 32 Hawley Street, and an election a Jim and raised and the it will be solid best - creed nisi. Saturday, of captain will bered, appealed from the decision of the bears, Dolly, trained by trary, walnut, Boston, Hass., writes: J. J. Lynch for libelant. be held comedian on his estate at North Conway, me Want Evlybody to Come See NOTICE OFF JC HEARING. ian marble 20x28 inches. Then we Monday evening next, Capt. Norton commissioners and asked for the ^oinilar top, Mary K. Cook, libelant, vs. Ebeuezer K. Cook. county ap- City Clerk’s Office. a Parlor What better of Booth's have beautiful Mohair Plush “One year ago I was apparently so far Libel for divorce. Cause, desertion. Divorce de- presiding. pointment of a committee as. testimony naturalness is hereby given that the Mayor and provided by in Bichard could be wanted Milt, all one color or combination or with that life creed nisi. a III, than the fact that NOTICEAldermen will give a to all persons gone Consumption my Friday evening large company of friends law, before whom the for a little taken to the hearing I. W. Parker for libelant. petition locating girl, theatre for the first SAM interested in the matter of keeping the tracks of colors, for $55.00. seemed only a question of days rather called upon Mr. and Mrs. F. time, and hearing the evil-minded monarch be- LEE, Dora Iteed, libelant, vs. Oscar M. Reed. Libel George Johnson, a public landing on Portland the Horse Railroad Company free from snow, to than months. With faith in the pier wail ills terrible arose in my for divorce. Cause alleged, desertion, cruel and on North to a dream, In lier seat, the 564 Street. allow of the ot their cars thereon, at their street, pay parting visit. Mr. be as earnestness of her Congress running of to me all gone, abusive treatment and Divorce decreed may again tried, on*appeal. Then the youthful feelings, and exclaim- on Jan- ability physicians help adultery. who has “I’m room, City Building, Wednesday Evening, nisi for the cause of Johnson, been bookkeeper for remonstrants made a ed, glad of it. you hateful old thing.” 7.30 o’clock. order of the Board. I tried almost every known remedy, adultery. motion to dismiss the A HAVEE GOOD TL1ME ALLEE SAMEE! uary 27th, Bv 8. L. Carlton for libelant. musical man tells the story of a celebrated GEO. C. Clerk. LOUNGES FOR THE MILLION! with no benefit. as a Hodgdon Brothers, has accepted a position The said that he had who BURGESS, City apparent Finally, John C. Cobb for libelee. appeal. judge intima- composer wrote to a friend, requesting the 23,1886. in * Portland, January jan25d3t last resort,1 was induced to try Dr. R. C. Lura E. Filigree, petitioner for leave to marry. Quincy. ted to the counsel for the remonstrants that pleasure of his company to “luncheon; key of Sam is Prepared to do All if he was G.” His a are Flower’s Lung Cordial. The first Leave granted. Hon. Increase Sumner Kimball of Sanford, satisfied that the effect of dismiss- friend, thorough musician, interpreted of Don’t forget this because we sell- very W. It. Anthoine for the motion would the invitation rightly, ana came to the Kinds Washing at Very dose me and with the first petitioner. the Nestor ing practically prevent the composer’s ing them lower than ever before, and gave relief, Court until 2d, at of the York county bar, is rapidly house for luncheon at one sharp. adjourned Tuesday, February from having a committee in ease Reasonable .Rates. have no excuse for not at our bottle I took a new lease of life, and I petitioners ■ FOR SALE. you buying 10 o'clock a. m. with no of Mr. Kim- his Takee Fiend and come see Sam Feb. failing, hope recovery. ruling should be decided to be erroneous, Lee, 8, winter because save can honestly say to-day that one spoon- SUBURBAN NEWS. New prices you money. ball is the last surviving member of Gov- he should appoint the committee without ex- Chinaman’s Year. jan25dlw ful of this remedy is worth more to the BRIEF JOTTINCS. amining the merits of the motion. His re- a ernor Kent’s Council of 1841—forty-live years PARIB, 1878. FAMILY to be sufferer from Lung troubles than gal- mark was based upon the statute which re- BOLD MEDAL, noKSJJE, supposed ago. FREEPORT. AiiUUDabout 12 years old, sound, kind and able; CHAMBER SUITS. lon of any other known remedy. A bot- quires #ie committee to be appointed at the BAKER’S safe for anyone to drive. Price *200.00. Address There were 29 arrests last week, of which Asapli B. son of True met witli a tle of it is now one of choicest pos- Rev. Hr. Field of preached an in- first term and not afterwards. He said fur- True, Joseph P. O. BOX 896. my Bangor jan2odtw* of a 13 were for drunkenness. ther that the counsel for the remonstrants re- very serious accident while cutting wood; a piece sessions, and at the first symptom teresting and instructive sermon at the High Prices plied, that he desired to be heard further struek hint on the eye, making a bad wound which Walnut, Ash, Cherry and Pine. cough or cold I fly to it for the relief it The Sarmatian, of the Allan line, will be street church up- yesterday morning, taking his on that and he had notified may result in his losing tire sight. .Breakfast Cocoa. NOTICE. $16, $18, $20, and up to $200. Mark never fails to due tomorrow. point, accordingly give.” text from Matthew 52. In that he would hear W Warranted absolutely pure what we and come and see the best xiii, the evening parties them further at YARMOUTH. annual of say Bosworth Post hold a Fri- Cocoa, from which the excess of meeting the Maine Steamship will camp-fire this time. He added that when he The Bifles are for Solid imitation) Chamber Hr. Field delivered a lecture, having for its disposed preparing an exhibition drill has THECompany for the choice of officers, and the Cherry (no DR. FLOWER’S COR- of the he should also the Oil has been removed. It three LUNG day evening. the Life of motion, appoint to be given 22nd. It Is that transaction of any other business that may legally Set with best Italian Marble top for subject Savanarola. February reported times the of Cocoa mixed come before con- committee, if he overuled the motion. strength them, will be held at their office, and Walnut for ever shown in DIAL is without the Steamer No. 3, and other parties, have Mr. E. Bath Light Infantry will take part. or $44, $40, question Nelligan, proprietor of the Nelligan Judge Goddard said that he was ready to with Starch, Arrowroot Sugar, Franklin Wharf, on Wednesday the third day of this of the of a As a number of workmen a country. tributed $87 for the relief mother House at Old has been be heard on the of the commit- were unloading cast and is therefore far more economi- February, 1886, at 3 o’clock p. m. most wonderful Luug ever Orchard, appointed to appointment Per remedy and iron about 1500 from a less than one cent a order, HENRY FOX, Clerk. ormer member. A generous act. an in tee, asked for a longer time. Judge agitator weighing pounds cal, costing important position the revenue depart- TTnslrflll fivpfl Pphmnrv 9nH t.ha /lav whnn sled at the it the foot Jan. 26, 1886. jan25dtd discovered. It eradicates the A of the Maine Associa- Paper Mills, dropped upon cup. It is delicious, nourishing, meeting Veteran of William S. Smith his so ment in Boston, at a salary of 81800 a year. he will hear the final and give his crushing large toe that digested, and HAIR MATRESSES, tion will be held in the Grand Hall In arguments it had to be amputated. strengthening, easily I.ET-Lower tenement; six rooms in house germ of CONSUMPTION AS NO Army His will be in decision in the case. In the mean invalids as headquarters the general post time lie admirably adapted for TONo. 34 Spruce St., to a small American fam- Boston DEF.RINO. REMEDY BEEN shortly. office said he wished the counsel to agree on a well as for persons in health. ily. Apply to JOHN W. DYER, No. 236 Commer- FEATHER HAS EVER building. The new BEDS, The Willis Circle will meet committee to be appointed in case the decis- circle—it has no name yet hut will c.al St. 26-1 Chautauqua Miss Harriet E. Pritchard of this con- Sold by Grocers everywhere* KNOWN TO DO. city be known as It stauds with- Mr. Fred No. 91 ion is in favor of the petitioners. He said probably the Golden Circle—met this evening with Eastman, tributes a SPRING pleasing prose article to the that at least one member of the committee last Wednesday evening witli Mrs. Daniel Beed. AND BOARD-Front room on first BEDS, out a rival for Emery street. Hass. Roomfloor, furnished or with COUGHS, COLDS, Cottage Hearth for February. The title is should be a lawyer of large experience. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. V. BASER & CO., Dorchester, unfurnished, board, President, at reasonable rates; also table board. Gents’ The Advertiser Saturday, had a very amus- C. M. Legrow; Mrs. Amanda Pollock; 83.00; and or House Furnish- BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, and “Sunday in the Ward,’’ and the sketch re- Secretary, Ladies $2.60 per week, the CHADWICK every description airs. jzamei mcu. HOUSE, draft of a ordinance on skat- The Harpswell School Case. itcasurer, rear at that will move our ing proposed lates to the Maine General Hospital, embody- Congress St., of Odd Fellows’ Hall. 25-1 ings prices goods, CONSUMPTION. The celebrated Harpswell school district as we do not intend that even a Maine ing an incident that occurred there one Sab- SHORTHAND Price A WANTED-In of case MARRIAGES. every part the Winter shall keep our store quiet. We $1.00 per bottle. copy The funeral of the late H. 1). Hadlock, Jr., has been in litigation for several years, State to bath morning. AGENTS introduce a new article. Address same that — — keep the number of salesmen took place from the Falmouth Hotel yester- and is again in court in the form of a crimi- AT THE AGENT, Press Office. 25-1 of Dr. Flower’s Rules for the Col. Blunt will remain in Portland. He is we have in the busiest season, so that nal action—The State of Maine indict- day afternoon, Bishop Neely officiating. relieved by Major Smith of the civil and by In tills city, Jan. 21, byKev. M. Crosley, Loren- customers will get better attention now Treatment of Consumption accom- here vs. Israel zo G. Shaw and May E. (frant. both ol Portland. Portland Business Steamer Longfellow arrived Saturday but has ment, Leayitt for perjury. College* than when the rush of business comes in military works, charge of river and In Westbrook, Jan. 20, by Kev. E. Martin, How- panies each bottle. and will leave Tuesday evening In 1882 school district No. 9 of ard H. Waterhouse and Miss the Spring. morning, harbor improvements and defences in Maine Harpswell Martha A. Pride, A new class in the System of for Macliias. erected a schoolhouse on Leavitt’s land. The both ot Westbrook. Phonograph and Typewriting will be formed KID UST. and Hew on GLOVE Lakes On- Hampshire, Erie, In Fariningdale, Jan. 19, Fred IV. Hunton of WVedne.dny Evening, Jnu. 27th, These Dr. Sarah W. Devoll will' lecture on “Spe- spot selected was a ledge, having a very Gardiner and Mies Marian Below is a list of styles of Kid Gloves La- tario and Champlain, and the St, Lawrence Peacock of Farming classes are in of a Stenographer. dale. charge practical FLOWER MEDICINE cial Physiology” to ladies at High street slight value, if any. Leavitt insisted that Pupils are taught individually and in classes. dies can obtain at our store. The low prices COMPANY, river. In Dee. AND Frank C. nrn AWA STOVES RANGES Aubtun, 24, Currier and Flora Terms reasonable. For further information ad- sf u-Li'nl, Fa aaII ...Ill_L 1.-1J church at 4.30 m. the house should have been located on Wood- * vestry p. today. General Manager James T. Furber of the E. Lane. dress The Portland Company are building a lot bury Purrington’s and be- In Auburn, Dec. 24, Calvin B. Currier and Mrs. L. A. good after lots are which we are sell- Boston & Maine has lot, accordingly jan25dtd GRAY, Principal. closed, oo BOSTON, MASS. purchased the estate of Mary F. Small. W'e believe we are -perfectly safe eodtf of tanks for the Cumberland mill, two gan action against the district. The school- out at half value. _dec22 paper the late Hr. Wm. Saunders, Ho. 5 Buffum In Auburn, Jan. 1G, Fred C. Jackson of Auburn ing in asserting that we are headquarters of them 12x64 feet. house was built and and Miss Flora A. Leavitt of Leeds. Three Button being on terms. It pending litigation, when Kids, regular goods, 39 cents for these necessities to our comfort, and street, Salem, private is under- In Turner, Jan. 1G, Annul C. Gilbert and Mary The value of foreign last week finished Leavitt moved into it and has occu- a pair. that we the heaviest line in New exports stood that Mr. Furber is going to erect a E. Gilmore. SPECIALS carry There were feet of it ever since as a In Jan. Clias H. of Four We arc a car load was $400,172.22. 608,738 block on the estate for pied dwelling house. Leav- Dixfleld, 10, Mayliew Wilton Button Kids,.regular goods, 50 cents England. using every the benefit of the and Miss Nellie M. Littlefield of Dixfleld. lumber itt a real a two weeks which fact tells its own story. long exported. men. began action against the district, In Jan. John W. Coombs pair. railroad Waldo, 13, and Thurza Come and see the line and remember The booksellers will close their stores this and the district an action of forcible entry E. Stephenson. Three Button, extra, 81.87, regular Mrs. Kinghorn, who lives on Pine street goods, that we will use you just as well if you the hours of 2 and 3 and detainer Leavitt. Both to 81 cents a afternoon, between near and dressed against cases close, pair. do not want to all cash down. We NOTICE! Brackett, got up Saturday pay to attend the funeral of the late Ed- have been reported to the law court. At Four Button and o’clock, and sat down the fire. In a few DEATHS. Kids, warranted, $1 a pair. sell on our Contract System morning by the term of the Special mund S. Hoyt. September court, Leavitt Five Button Kids, warranted record no documents at City Hail. Any moments sbe began to fee) badly and went swore that on the 8th of May last giinped tops, On and after November of Woodbury $1 a of the goods in our enormous stock, let 1st, 1885, Dunlap Commandery, Knights Templar, back to bed. She worse did not in the of James In Oils Jan. 22, pair. rapidly grew and Purrington presence city, Mary Naomle, only daugh- it be a a Chamber a Parlor will have as Judd and four other tender him ter of H. and 4 Four Button Carpet, Set, our Bath, next Tuesday evening, died in a short time. Heart disease was gentlemen Goorge Josephine Davis, aged TURNER BROS $2 Kids, finest made at $1.25. prices will be for the years 5 months. Sui t, a a pair of Drapery Cur- the Maine of the value of the schoolhouse lot or another of above we Range, guests Commandery Gardiner, cause of her death. She had not been feel- [ Funeral this afternoon, at 2.30 Every grade have proved by a Hair Mattress, Woven Wire location. On this statement, contradicted as Monday o'clock, tains, and from Portland and at No. 43| Warren street. Burial years of that are Knights Bangor. well for the week. a of was based. private. experience they the best Roll Desk, Sideboard, Chef- ing past jt was, charge perjury Leav- Hi Oils Jan. widow of the late Spring, Top The Circle will city, 23, Susan, for the to be and there foni Book Extension Sew- Longfellow Chautauqua Mr. John A. Curtis of Kenncbunk died itt was bound over by J udge Gould and in- Johu Kingbom, aged 48 goods money found, er, Case, Table, ■ years. meet at 7.43 at the dicted by the grand jury. The arraigned [Funeral this afternoon at 2 is no reason should Machine, Washing Machine, or any- Monday evening, o’clock, very suddenly Friday of heartdisea.se. Mrs. Monday o'clock, actually good why prices ing pleaded not and will be tried at 3 from her late residence, No. 53 Pine street. VELVETS. we handle we wiU sell for a CABINETS PER residence of Mr. Warren 229 Cumber- guilty, p. be reduced a stock on hand. thing quar- $5,50 DOZ. Cole, Mrs. only large Curtis, formerly Mary Cram of Port- m. in the Superior Court today. A large Jan. 23, Mary M. Bonney, widow of the late ter down and the balance on or land street. 73 8 months. 5 Button Embroidered weekly land, lias the of a number of number of collateral, civic and criminal Varney Bonney, aged years Back, Gimp Wrist, fair sympathy large afternoon at 2 at her $4.00 Broeade $2.00 monthly payments. Our system is A owners’ to for suits have grown out of the [Funeral Tuesday o’clock, Velvets, colors, 89 cents. ship petition Congress friends. The funeral will take original proceed- late residence, No. 16 Casco street. Burial “ and iionest. We make out the contracts place today. it is claim pri- the revival of cooperage, has been numerous- ings, causing theiimpoverlshment, vate. This is a wonderful bargain and is selling in the customer one and Mr. Curtis was well known of a $2.00 Broeade Plushes, $1.00 duplicate, gets PANELS throughout tlje cd, whole neighborhood. In this Jan. 23, John *6.00 PER 00Z. and it is said that Com- city, Bodin, aged 35 years “ faster and faster as it becomes known. we k the and in ly signed here, every State, been connected with several 7 months. eep other, anyone buying having Plain 75 cts. this mercial street firm is represented on the gen- u. o. c. c. In Willard, Cape Elizabeth, Jan. 23, Caroline, Velvets, Same as above extra fine at $1.39 per pair. way can tell in a minute how they publishing houses. wife of Samuel Jordan, aged 64 years. Six and 8 inch wrist stand, and in cases of sickness or finan- All persons work made at eral petition. Joshua L. who last in Banner U. O. G. at Great Mousquetaire, worth wishing present rates, Berry, died week Commandery, C., [Funeral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from cial trouble we are to should call in now, as after the above date the A meeting of the Woman’s Chris- her late Willard. $1, at 59 cents. always willing Young Portland at the age of 85 years, was for Chebeague has installed its officers. The residence, wait. Come see us. that prices will be as here mentioned. Turner’s Jan. Asa BLEACHED COTTONS. and Carpet positively Union will held at 514 At Island, 23, L. Drown, aged Seven Foster worth at 79 We would also call the attention of the to tian Temperance be a resident of West and a installation work was done 65 8 Ilook, Lacing, $1 now and down and public many years Bath, creditably by years months. parlor pay $5.00 our CLUB BATES, by which famines with street this at 3 o'clock. afternoon at 2 from cents. Exchange afternoon, brother of General of I). G. C., A. Littlefield, assisted E. Ham. [Funeral Monday o'clock, $5.00 per month. Buy the Parlor Suit their friends, by a little exertion in num- Berry Georgetown. by his late Turner’s Island. getting a ladies arc most invited residence, Burial at Three’Button White Kids at 59 cents. liiave been about so ber to set, can then contract for, and secure All young cordially For a dozen or more years he was of ilton, S. Hill, P. G. Commanders, and G. W. 10-4 20 you talking long, pay the keeper Kprlngvale. Tuesday. Lockwood, cts advantage of NPECIAI. PBICE* for their to be In Westbrook. Jan. 22. Mi s. Eliza I ■Dtt'Fll I Five. Button Opera Kids at $1.25. $10.00 down and $5.00 per month; you present. Hendricks head light, at the mouth of the II., F. A. Hamilton as the other installing portraits. We assert that we make no difference 82 l month. ■ will soon for it and never miss the The and Aldermen will give a hear- years 44 Fruit of 714e Six Button Extra Opera at $2. pay whatever between the UI'ALITV of such Con- Mayor river. The remains were taken to officers. The following officers were duly this afternoon 1 Loom, Sheepscot [Funeral (Monday) at o’clock, money. Decorate and make your homes tract or Club Photographs and our to all persons interested in the matter of at her late residence, Westbrook. the or See other advertisement in this for regular Work, ing Bath for burial. installed: by yard piece. paper the folks will for which we receive more, but in all cases endeav- In Jan. 22, Mrs. J. comfortable; young appre- the tracks of the street railroad free I\ N. C.—Albert Granell. Batli, Mary Conant, aged special sale. or to have it FIKST-CEASS ev- keeping 42 ciate and for it. It every thoroughly in N. C.—Edward Ross. years. help pay pays ery sense, and SATISFACTION Gl'ABAN- from snow, next Wednesday evening, at 7.30 Excursion to Cumberland Mills. In folks at home V. Fhlpsburg, Jan. 21, Gilmore P. Rogers, aged time to keep the yonng TEED. For further the N. C.—Hattie M. Iravis. 31 10 particulars about club On invitation of John E. W. years months. and surrounded home influences. call on or for o’clock. Warren, Esq., I’.—David O. Hamilton. In HAMBURGS. by good photography, address, circulars, W. H.—Howard Norway, Jan. 17, Mrs. Dealhra Proctor, aged RINES BROS. in Saturday afternoon, about 5.25 o’clock, agent of the extensive paper mills of S. I). Hamilton. 34 3 mouths. Jan23 <13t The goods shall be just as represented N. H. R.—Etta Emons, years no- every instance, and delivered in your there was a brilliant flash of lightning Warren & Co., at Cumberland Mills, about F. H. R.—Emery Hamilton. A and choice assortment large very houses free of charge. We have an enor-1 hv man v of our citizens. Its effect in thirty-five members of the Junior Literary Ti. T.—Stephen Hamilton. W. 1. G.—Rufus Towle. of at inons stock to select from at the telephone office was to throw down all Society of the Portland Young Men’s Chris- W. O. G.—James Hamilton. Three little Maids llamburgs just opened flash was dis- tian Association an to LOOK! the annunciators and the. very enjoyed excursion the low The Death Rate. Bright, fresh and charming, say they owe their prices. tinct there. mills on Saturday afternoon, a compliment- The whole number of deaths in this good health and clear complexions to Hood's Sar two Peering men in a sleigh, ary passage having been generously tender- city Having a very large stock of iUXAW night, have health Friday for last week was from the saparilla. Everyone may good by- men iu a ed them 10, following woolens on DONNELL had a with two Portland by Superintendent Peters of the Hood's which cures FEATHER TRIMMINGS hand which we are de- BUILDING, dispute causes: taking Sarsaparilla, scrofula, the of way, on Green Portland and Rochester Railroad. More salt rheum, dyspepsia, sirous of as much as sleigh about right .-WARDS-- biliousness, rheumatism, Reduced from $1.50 to $1.00. reducing pos- street. The Portlanders ciiased the Peering than two hours were spent, under the guide Diseases. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 Total. eatarrh, kidney and liver complaints, and all dis- sible during the next two Accident. i months, CORNER a revolver at of courteous in the of eases eaused or promoted by impure blood or low- men, and fired three shots from attendants, inspection Brain. 1 we shall make such a reduction in state of the system. If you feel tired and all them. the various departments. The visit must Consumption. 3 as will a J worn Hood’s prices insure speedy sale. PHOTOGRAPHER j will renew art store, have been one of as well as Croup. out, Sarsaparilla your the T. Stubbs' great profit _ _ _ _ In window of J. Diphtheria. i i strength, and vitalize and enrich your blood. Please give us a call while the se- to the excursionists. Heart. of on Congress square, is exhibited a fine crayon pleasure i The little daughter Mrs. Charles Brewster, lection is Inftam. ol Bowels.- 1 j Buffalo, N. Y., suffered with sties on her TURNER” complete. greatly BROS., N. 514 of Fred Dow, _ _ _ _ Street. photograph ex-Collcctor Old age.. x 1 eyes. Hood’s Sarsaparilla completely cured her. Pearl & Middle Congress 488 & 490 St. oct21 dtf which will be in the custom house. The Sarnia. Miss Carrie Ware, Milford, N. II., had a sore Congress° Sts., placed 9 dtf CORNISH ^_ Total. 3-32-11 10 •ome in her ear, which spread over her neck and jam BROS., The picture was taken by Hearn, and hand- A despatch received Saturday at the offices both sides of her face. In two ne uroat Worth-American Remedy days after she 249 Middle St. for} stated the Hood’s the sore com- Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bi somely framed by Mr. Stubbs. of the Dominion Line that Sarnia, began taking Sarsaparilla Portland, Jan. l, 188G. janseodsw Loss Washington Camp. menced to heal, and In a week It was all healed chitis, of Voice, Hoarse-, A Portland firm lias iuto the manu- at sea with her up. Portland., ness and Throat Affec- gone previously reported steering At a meeting of the Washington Comp, No. Jessie F. Dolbeare, Pascoag, R. I., had no appe- ASHTON’S I rite or felt tired the time. tions. facture of new barrels for apples. The firm gear disabled, was within forty miles of P. O. S. of last strength, and all Hood’s 3, A., held week, the follow, Sarsaparilla restored her and the stock for the iu the on her return to She appetite strength. buy barrels Ohio, Fastnet, Liverpool, ing officers were elected ; staves, heads and hoops shaped and all put probably reached the latter port yesterday. President—J, R. Marsh. Hood’s Branch Store Great House Vice President—B. A. Rand. Sarsaparilla of the together, the hoops and staves of elm, and mails were returned to on the Salt. Her Liverpool Master of Form and Ceremony—C. W. York. Boh! by all druggists. SI; six for $5. Prepared Factory-Filled bass. SOLD BY the heads of The barrels cost 25 cents steamer Borderer, by which she was spoken Secretary—F. H. B. Herald. By C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. each. to the Cunard line Treasurer—I. H. McDonald. FOR DAIRY USE. Nassau and were transferred Conductor—Daniel Rounds. 100 Doses One Dollar UNEQUALLED Furnishing Store, Hall, ALL RESPECTABLE a ~ | A man raised disturbance at the Salva- sailed for New York Inner Guard—R. W. u&wlvnrm steamer Gallia which Records. __. j tion Army meeting last evening, and Officers Outer Guard—A. E. Tuttle. Saturday. Trustee for months—J. K. Marsh. 827 CHEMISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. were eighteen FOR CIRCULARS. St„ Boston. and Merrill called iu. ■ ■■■ SEND Washington cures the Warren The ~1----— —-— jan7 eodtf Gray's Syrup worst forms of Coughs and to with the Colds. fellow objected strongly going Burglary. Marine Engineers. Gray ’s Hyrup curea Sore Throat and Hoarseness. officers, but was locked up, and will go be- after 1 At the annual meeting of the Maine Ma- SICK HEADACHE! Gray's Syrnp {fives immediate relief in Bronchitis. During Friday night—or shortly Gray * Syrup Is the best remedy for Asthma. rine IloFzo s. Gray s Hyrup relieves and fore the court Tuesday morning. o’clock as near as can be judged Engineers’ Association, held Thursday PATRICK k CO. dayis, Croup WhoopinaOoaah Saturday, 1. CONANT, Gray's Syrup an excellent palliative In Con- All the members of the Woman’s Auxiliary tlie officers were elected as follows; [Fapttd'qI relieve Dis- suniption. by noise of breaking glass heard by Mrs, evening, l#H *l \ I L l\0 They also PHOTOGRAPHER, 1 tress from AGENTS. aU to the Young Men’s Christian Association out of President—Henry W. Lindsey. Dyspepsia, affeCUonS ot Farrell—burglars broke a side light and Too °r*V.ufedChee9r at annual Vice President—Joseph Guilford. Indigestion ISO middle to be present the the store of ■ Street, meer of pupils the winter. prevent during Instruction* giv- ISAAC C.ATKINSON In an artistic but no one was hurt. A Jan. 27th. have the choice I have cured two children with It, and n in Crayon Portraiture from the Hat manner. New patterns, thorough were overturned, lege, Wednesday evening, 5iisg Trout Company organized by diphtheria. and. from low urn if I had known of tills remedy In 1 |fe. Also in Academic from workmanship, prices. a overturned the Othilie L. .lost, a well known Portland satisfied Drawing casgj, still horse attached to sleigh lady, of the following officers: season it would have saved the lives of two who 1 ife, and the living model. References: Pwif. otto < sleigh on Green street and spilled the occu- and an expert in stenography and type-writ- President—S. C. Strout, died of this dreadful disease. .rundmann, Boston, Prof. Henry Johnson. Bruns- C. fill A n A DCS la Oh hl