Portland Daily Press: January 25,1886
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...— -______-—■ — ■■ ....... L I THE 1 BY A SNOW SLIDE. OHIO LEGISLATURE. FOREIGN. FROZEN SOUTH. FROM incorporation of unions requires State action. BURIED RPECIAL NOTICES. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WASHINGTON. favor this in connection with laws compelling em- the ployers and organizations to arbitrate their differ- Over the to the Florida Fruit Crop Published every day (Sundays excepted) by A Division of the Senate the of Damage ences as strikes are ruinous to all concerned.” lik Three Men Found Dead in a Wrecked Cermany Agitating Question INSURANCE. conclusion he “do not too conclude Cases. Will Not Exceed Two Millions. PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, Maine Postmasters Appointed, says, hastily Hamilton County Silver that all public men are enemies. You make Cabin in Colorado. Coinage. At 97 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. your the Senate Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. Washington, Jan. 23.—These postmasters It hard to serve you when you us all under Cincinnati, O., Jan. 23.-In 23.—Referring Year. To mall sub- place W.D. LITTLE & Terms—Eight Dollars a have been appointed for Maine offices to- suspicion.” much excitement prevailed over to the damages by the recent freezing in CO., scribers, Seven Dollars a Year, II paid in advance. Mitchell favors the first six meas- yesterday, Demonstrations Held in Athens Congressman Presented by Their of the Florida, the Times-Union tomorrow morn- Rates of Advertising—One inch of space day: ures. opposes the seventh and Is doubtful of the Sickening Sights the majority and minority reports 31 EXCHANGE STREET, have the of column, or twelve lines nonpareil Rome-E. S. Phillips. eighth. To the seventh he says, “I would Five Companions. Hamilton election cases. It ended in Against England. ing will say: length from condition county E.tnbli.hed in I £43. constitutes a “square.” Bremen—Alonzo O. Butler. the treasurer time to time as the "From received, authenticated per- of a a division There is a conflict reports by $1.60per square, daily, first week; 76 cents per of the country would permit, call in all hills of the body. sonal investigation of an expert who has traveled con- Brave. less denomination than and issue and sil- of of the Reliable insurance against Fire or Lightning in first week after; three insertions or less, $1.00, Rewarding the $10 gold Jan. 23.—A from authority. The Republican portion The Latter to Prevent Creece from all through the State where the bulk of the orange other day after first 60 cents. ver to take their places.” On the eighth he says. Denver, Col., special Senate till this morning at 10 it First, that the actual at tinuing every week, The President has a medal adjourned crop U raised, appears: class American and Foreign Co's Lowest Rates. three insertions or 75 cents; presented gold ‘‘Our best men differ. Vested has rights The Marion Pass road has lhere Turkey. of Half square, less, A, Gra- capital Aspen says: o’clock, instead of taking a recess, Attacking money value to the growers oranges rendered 60 cents week after. to the following persons: Walter which all are bound to respect. and labor reason of frozen on tile Also Life and Accident Insurance. one week, $1.00; per Capital a fearful loss of life are two Senates at the present unmarketable by being master of the British “Rapid must hand in hand and the workman been titled been the scene of during virtually the Telephone 701. Iel7snly Special Notices, one-third additional. ham, brig go each The trees, is about 31,000,000, estimating origins! steam- a fair share of the time, contending for authority. Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction Transit,” for the rescue of American to profit.” the recent storm. The horrors of Thursday the Snow and Rain Havoc in crop at 900,000 boxes, which is quite low enough. inser- opposing sides were in caucus during Working Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three er “Hunter,” in March last, and to Henry Congressman Seymour—“I cordially sympathise Second, that young nursery stoek in the northern with tne end in but with some of have been intensified by developments yes- afternoon Russia. ANNUAL MEETINGS. tions or less, $1.50. Lockwood, Samuel Forbes, John Brown, view, disagree yesterday. part of the State is badly damaged by being top- because, iD they men were The members met at 10 o’clock no means be a total loss. THE Andrew Robert Robert In- your propositions, my judgment, terday. While hunting yesterday Republican killed, but that it will by MAINE STATE PRESS, Baker, Williams, are inimical to the interests advocate. I seats lemon trees near- and Thomas you carried down in this morning. All the Democratic Third, that bearing orange and Published Thursday Morning, at $2.50 graham, J. Vose Lightbrown think you make a mistake in to tie men up for the bodies Thursday’s Florida railroad, every the trying were vacant. The clerk not being present, Affairs. ly down to the line of the South a if in a liumane services in rescuing to methods of the desired was received of another av- Germany’s or PORTLAND SOCIETY OE ART. year; paid advance, $2.00 year. Whitney,for your special obtaining snow slide, word the Senator Ford to the are injured to the extent of losing a large part Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State crew James M. in No- end.” president appointed Jan. 24.—In the house of so that of'schooner Riley, the canon. The ava- and directed him of Berlin, lower the fall growth, on which the bloom comes, a in Waite—“I with alanche farther up to enter a call Press” (which has large circulation every vember last, also silver medals to David Congressman agree in general position, the Landtag today the National Liberals, the crop of 1880 will be reduced In that for for first in- as to of labor. at on the Senate showing the Republican members largely annual meeting of the Society of Art, part of the State) for $1.00 per square Paul, Charles Maikai, Levi Samoi, Joseph the views expressed protection lanche struck the latter place midnight Conservatives and Free Conservatives intro- region. Fourth, that In the same re- officers and the transaction of sertion. and 50 cents for each subse- These are to the front and ac- An adjournment was then taken pineapples THEthe election of per square A. and Maliia, for humane ser- questions pressing Sol present. a resolution satisfaction at gion, together with guavas and other tender tropi- Aka, George soon be Tuesday. Clayton Gannalt, Camp, duced expressing other business that may legally be presented, quent insertion. tion will taken as they are of weighty till 10 o’clock Monday morning. The Demo- cal fruits, are killed to the roots, and will require any vices in rescuing the crew of American brig- the the in the speech from the throne will be held at the Rooms, Wednesday, consequence to society and must receive Charles Tuttle, Martin Riley, Jap Farris, cratic Senate until 4 o’clock in the passage a to that Society’s Address all communications to antine in December last. adjourned measures for of Ger year recuperate. Fifth, early vegetables .January 1886, at 7.30 m. Hesperian earnest and intelligent consideration of both the A1 Jones and Martin Pat- of that promising protection have been but can be replaced, 27th, p. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. August Goodwin, afternoon day. in East Prussia. The resolu- badly damaged, CHAS. G. HAINES, Secretary. State and National Governments.” at the time. The cabin man interests the loss on them the time and the jan20dtd Maine Men’s Measures. with terson were asleep principal being Congressman Buck—“I am in full accord to be as [i.ATEIt.] tion also affirms that the Landtag is ready to of and the loss of the extra im- where were was supposed safe, expense planting, International Steamship Co. The committee on gave a the to protect the and truly they Jan. 24.—The necessary to the state of an market. Sixth, that the whole THE WcATHER. shipping Friday propositions rights it was of heavy timbers, but when the Columbus, Republican por- vote a sum improve prices early prove the condition, and hotter toe opportunities built to the fruit and farm interests annual meeting of the stockholders of the hearing to a committee of the National Board it the trees as tion of the Senate will meet tomorrow fore- schools and promote colonial settlements. spot money damage of the laboring man. The first, second and fifth slide came down snapped of the State will not exceed The THEInternational Steamship Co. will be held at of Trade, who advocated Senator Frye’s noon, and if have a quorum will take up Board of Agriculture has sent to 32,000,000. are answered He were pipe-stems, hurling them they The trees are and their office. Steamboat Wharf, on WEDNESDAY, Washington, Jan. 25. bill. questions affirmatively. prefers though they contests. a resolution that showing great recuperative power, bounty the bank rather than that the gov- in the Hamilton county The best Prince Bismarck advising the will be 27th. 1886, at 3 o’clock p. m., for the present system against the cabin and crushing everything joss, being widely distributed, compar- January Indications for Portland and vicinity— The shipping committee have referred Mr. ernment issue to the until information te be had tonight is that none of is suffering from the deprecia- choice of Directors and the transaction of any money directly people a mass. Martin Riley and August Goodwin if the world atively easy to bear.