The Fairmount Book
The Fairmount Book. "And high the mountain-tops, In cloudy air, The mountain-tops where is the throne of truth, Tops in life's morning-sun so bright and fair." - M. ARNOLD. .• '",.",,,.,,.,.,, 'f -'I" "lillo""!!"" "I 1:'" ". '!"fl'I' '/.""/11"" DR. WILLIAM PORCHER DUBOSE TO DR. W. P. DuBOSE, O UR BELOVED CHAPLAIN, We Fairmount girls dedicate this effort to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the school in which his sermons have inspired the spiritual life, and his life has been a most inspiring sermon, presenting to us in a lovable personality a rare combi- nation of loyalty to the church and vigor of thought, philosophical wisdom and enthusiastic faith, self renunciation and light - hearted happiness. • ~~ e~ Q.~~/:~H-'U. ~?~ a~ ~'M~~- \ ~ ~ A/~4,t.- /?~~. J~ /t(M-~ k~ r/..&. r ASiOI;.I"TE. _ 'DIToP. ... f~ ~~1tJf. ~- ...~ ~ ~~~N,. ~'lJjm I I -I :r: (Tl (Tl o • :; o ;u rJ) REV. W. P. DuBoSE, S. T. D., Chaplain, and Lecturer in Moral Science. • REV. WM. H. DuBoSE, M. A., Business Manager. MISS DuBoSE, Principal. MISS DuBoSE, English, History, Science. MISS MAY P. DuBoSE, Mathematics and Latin. MISS ESTHER WALTON, B. A., French and German. MISS ETHEL HALL, (Student of the Royal Academy of Music, London, and Graduate of the Leipzig Conservatory,) Vocal and Instrumental Music. MISS JULIA ROGERS, A. M., O. B., Elocution and Physical Culture. MISS JULIA STEELE, Assistant in English and Latin. MISS WADHAMS, Painting, Drawt'ng and Wood Carving. MISS PERONNEAU, Matron. CAMERON PIGGOT, M. D., Medical Adviser. \tbree (tbaptera from \tbe $tor\? of fairmount. BY OUR FIRST THREE PRINCIP Al.S.
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