A Textbook of Balochi Language
A TEXTBOOK OF BALOCHI LANGUAGE MISCELLANEOUS STORIES, LEGENDS, POEMS & BALOCHI ENGLISH VOCABULARY 1922 M. LONGWORTH DAMES Bengal Civil Service MIM IJIMll UC-NRLF C E 775 777 TEXT BOOK BALOCHI LANGUAGE, CONSISTING OP JV5ISCELLANE0US STORIES, LEGENDS, POEMS, AND BALOGHI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY M. LONGWORTH DAMES Bengal Civil Svroice. Lahore : P?aMi:D "^Y THE SOPERINTENDENT, GOVKUNMKNT PRINTIKO, PUNJAP, 1922. Price : Rj *i:6-0 or 5s. 4d, ^ ''^ IS A Text Book of the Balochi Language. Revised List ol Agents for the Sale of Punjab Govern ment Publication, Ih the United Kingdom. Constable & Co., 10, Street, The Manager, Book Orange Imperial Depfit.^ ' Leicester Square, London, W. C. Delhi. Kegan Paul, Trench, Tkubner & Co., * GuLAB Singh & Sons, Mufid-i-'Am Limited, 68-74, C«ter Lane, E.G., Press, Lahore. and 39, New Oxford Street, London, W. C. Manager, Punjab Law Book Dep6t, Anarkali Bazar, Lahore. Bernaed Quaritch, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond W. Street, London, Rama Krishna & Sons, Book-sellers and T. Fisher Unwin, Limited, No. 1, News Agents, Anarkali Street, Adelphi Terrace, London, W. C. Lahore. S. King & 2 P. Son, & 4, Great Honorary Secretary, Punjab Reli- Smith Street, Westminster, London, gious Book Society, Anarkali, S. W. Lahore. H. S. King & Co., 65, Comhill, and 9, M. Abbul Aziz, Manager, The Vaiil Pall Mall, London. » and Roze Bazar Electric Press, GRiNDLiT & Co., 64, Parliament Street, Amntsar. London, S. W. ^ L. Labhu Ram, Book-seller, Ludhiana. W, Thacker & Co., 2, Creed Lane, N. B. Mathur, Superintendent and London, E. C. Proprietor, Nazir Kanun Hind Press, LuzAC & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, Allahabad.
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