Breakfast A wholesome start to your day! 06:00 am - 11:00 am


BAKER’S BASKET (3 PIECES PER ORDER) FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT JUICE / JUS BUAH SEGAR ANEKA PILIHAN (3 JENIS PER PESANAN) Choices: Orange, watermelon, apple, vegetables Choice of danish, croissant, chocolate croissant, fruit danish, low fat muffin, doughnut, white toast, Jus peras segar dengan pilihan: Jeruk, semangka, apel, sayuran brown toast , glutten free , rye bread, baguette, soft roll, hard roll, whole wheat toast served with unsalted butter, honey, strawberry jam, blueberry jam, marmalade, nutella / butter Pilihan roti danish, croissant polos, croissant coklat, roti danish buah, muffin rendah lemak, donat, HOT BEVERAGES / MINUMAN PANAS roti tawar, roti gandum, roti bebas glutten, roti tepung rye, roti baguette, roti lembut, roti gulung / Coffee | Teh / keras atau gandum utuh yang disajikan dengan mentega tawar, madu, selai strawberry, selai blueberry, selai jeruk marmalade, nutella coklat atau selai kacang Choices of Tea / Pilihan Teh: Jasmine, green tea, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey, darjeeling Teh jasmin, teh hijau, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey atau darjeeling EGG / TELUR Choices of Coffee / Pilihan Kopi: 2 farm eggs cooked as per your liking with tomato & chili ‘’, served with grilled Latte, espresso, cappuccino, decaf, , black coffee by pot tomatoes, hash brown, baked beans, mushroom, beef bacon & your choice of Kopi susu, espresso, cappuccino, kopi tanpa kafein atau kopi hitam dengan pot chicken sausages or beef sausages 2 telur yang dimasak sesuai dengan keinginan anda dengan saus tomat & sambal cabai, disajikan dengan tomat panggang, hash brown, tumis jamur, kacang panggang, daging sapi asap & [ 125 ] sosis ayam atau sosis sapi sesuai pilihan Anda

Choices of Egg / Pilihan Telur: Regular or all white with choice of boiled, poached, scrambled, omelete or fried Telur dadar atau telur dadar putih dengan pilihan telur rebus, telur kukus, orak-arik, omelet atau telur goreng

Topping Selection / Pilihan Isi: Mushroom, bell pepper, , chili, cheese, olives, tomatoes, ham or chicken Jamur, paprika, bawang, cabai, keju, tomat, zaitun, ham atau ayam

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Breakfast A wholesome start to your day! 06:00 am - 11:00 am


BAKER’S BASKET (4 PIECES PER ORDER) MAIN PLATTER (SELECT ONE) / HIDANGAN UTAMA (PILIH SATU) ANEKA PILIHAN ROTI (4 JENIS PER PESANAN) Option 1: Choice of danish, croissant, chocolate croissant, fruit danish, low fat muffin, doughnut, white toast, Chinese congee served with chicken, salted egg, preserved vegetables & bean brown toast , glutten free bread, rye bread, baguette, soft roll, hard roll, whole wheat toast served Bubur khas cina disajikan dengan ayam, telur asin, sayuran & kembang tahu with unsalted butter, honey, strawberry jam, blueberry jam, marmalade, nutella / peanut butter Sliced fruit platter with choices of pineapple, papaya,watermelon, melon, local sweet Pilihan roti danish, croissant polos, croissant coklat, roti danish buah, muffin rendah lemak, donat, Irisan buah segar dengan pilihan Nanas, Pepaya, Semangka dan Melon dan Buah lokal roti tawar, roti gandum, roti bebas glutten, roti tepung rye, roti baguette, roti lembut, roti gulung keras atau gandum utuh yang disajikan dengan mentega tawar, madu, selai Strawberry, Option 2: selai blueberry, selai jeruk marmalade, nutella coklat atau selai kacang Fried dough sticks & selection of 2 dim sums Keripik kering (cakwe) & pilihan 2 Sliced fruit platter with choices of pineapple, papaya, watermelon, melon, local sweet FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT JUICE / JUS BUAH SEGAR Irisan buah segar dengan pilihan nanas, pepaya, semangka & melon & manis lokal Choices: Orange, watermelon, apple, vegetables Jus peras segar dengan pilihan: Jeruk, semangka, apel, sayuran / SUSU KEDELAI Choices: Hot / Cold HOT BEVERAGES / MINUMAN PANAS Pilihan panas / dingin Tea / Coffee | Teh / Kopi Choices of Tea / Pilihan Teh: FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT JUICE / JUS BUAH SEGAR Jasmine, green tea, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey, darjeeling Choices: Orange, watermelon, apple, vegetables Teh jasmin, teh hijau, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey atau darjeeling Jus peras segar dengan pilihan: Jeruk, semangka, apel, sayuran Choices of Coffee / Pilihan Kopi: Latte, espresso, cappuccino, decaf, hot chocolate, black coffee by pot HOT BEVERAGES / MINUMAN PANAS Kopi susu, espresso, cappuccino, kopi tanpa kafein atau kopi hitam dengan pot Tea / Coffee | Teh / Kopi Choices of Tea / Pilihan Teh: [ 105 ] Jasmine, green tea, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey, darjeeling Teh jasmin, teh hijau, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey atau darjeeling

Choices of Coffee / Pilihan Kopi: Latte, espresso, cappuccino, decaf, hot chocolate, black coffee by pot Kopi susu, espresso, cappuccino, kopi tanpa kafein atau kopi hitam dengan pot [ 110 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Breakfast A wholesome start to your day! 06:00 am - 11:00 am

FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT JUICE / JUS BUAH SEGAR THE INDONESIAN Choices: Orange, watermelon, apple, vegetables Jus peras segar dengan pilihan: Jeruk, semangka, apel, sayuran

MAIN PLATTER (SELECT ONE) / HIDANGAN UTAMA (PILIH SATU) HOT BEVERAGES / MINUMAN PANAS Option 1 : with egg, chicken, pickles, prawn , vegetables Nasi goreng dengan telur, ayam, kerupuk acar udang, sayuran Tea / Coffee | Teh / Kopi Option 2 : Chicken with shredded chicken, pickles, , vegetables Choices of Tea / Pilihan Teh: dengan ayam suwir, kerupuk acar udang, sayuran Jasmine, green tea, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey, darjeeling Option 3 : with egg, chicken, pickles, prawn cracker, vegetables Teh jasmin, teh hijau, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey atau darjeeling Mie goreng dengan telur, ayam, kerupuk acar udang, sayuran Choices of Coffee / Pilihan Kopi: EGG / TELUR Latte, espresso, cappuccino, decaf, hot chocolate, black coffee by pot Kopi susu, espresso, cappuccino, kopi tanpa kafein atau kopi hitam dengan pot 2 farm eggs cooked as per your liking with tomato ketchup & chili ‘sambal’, served with grilled tomatoes, hash brown, baked beans, mushroom, beef bacon & your choice of chicken sausages or beef sausages [ 110 ] 2 telur yang dimasak sesuai dengan keinginan anda dengan saus tomat & sambal cabai, disajikan dengan tomat panggang, hash brown, tumis jamur, kacang panggang, daging sapi asap & sosis ayam atau sosis sapi sesuai pilihan Anda

Choices of Egg / Pilihan Telur: Regular or all white with choice of boiled, poached, scrambled, omelete or fried Telur dadar atau telur dadar putih dengan pilihan telur rebus, telur kukus, orak-arik, omelet atau telur goreng

Topping Selection / Pilihan Isi: Mushroom, bell pepper, onion, chili, cheese, olives, tomatoes, ham or chicken Jamur, paprika, bawang, cabai, keju, tomat, zaitun, ham atau ayam

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Breakfast A wholesome start to your day! 06:00 am - 11:00 am

BAKER’S BASKET (3 PIECES PER ORDER) A LA CARTE ANEKA PILIHAN ROTI (3 JENIS PER PESANAN) Choice of danish, croissant, chocolate croissant, fruit danish, low fat muffin, doughnut, white toast, brown toast , glutten free bread, rye bread, baguette, soft roll, hard roll, whole wheat toast served with EGG / TELUR unsalted butter, honey, strawberry jam, blueberry jam, marmalade, nutella / peanut butter [ 125 ] 2 farm eggs cooked as per your liking with tomato ketchup & chili ‘sambal’, served with grilled Pilihan roti danish, croissant polos, croissant coklat, roti danish buah, muffin rendah lemak, donat, tomatoes, hash brown, baked beans, mushroom, beef bacon & your choice of roti tawar, roti gandum, roti bebas glutten, roti tepung rye, roti baguette, roti lembut, roti gulung chicken sausages or beef sausages [ 95 ] keras atau gandum utuh yang disajikan dengan mentega tawar, madu, selai strawberry, 2 telur yang dimasak sesuai dengan keinginan anda dengan saus tomat & sambal cabai, disajikan selai blueberry, selai jeruk marmalade, nutella coklat atau selai kacang [ 125 ] dengan tomat panggang, hash brown, tumis jamur, kacang panggang, daging sapi asap & sosis ayam atau sosis sapi sesuai pilihan Anda [ 95 ]

Choices of Egg / Pilihan Telur: WAFFLE, OR Regular or all white with choice of boiled, poached, scrambled, omelete or fried Served with maple syrup, berry compote, pineapple compote or grilled banana comp, sauce [ 80 ] Telur dadar atau telur dadar putih dengan pilihan telur rebus, telur kukus, Wafel, panekuk atau dadar gulung disajikan dengan saus maple sirup, manisan beri, manisan nanas orak-arik, omelet atau telur goreng atau manisan pisang panggang, saus gula aren [ 80 ] Topping Selection / Pilihan Isi: Mushroom, bell pepper, onion, chili, cheese, olives, tomatoes, ham or chicken CEREALS / SEREAL Jamur, paprika, bawang, cabai, keju, tomat, zaitun, ham atau ayam Choice of cornflakes (sugar free), al bran, muesli, oatmeal porridge, koko crunch or bircher muesli served with skimmed milk, fresh milk or soya milk [ 65 ] Pilihan cornflakes (bebas gula), al bran, muesli, bubur oatmeal, koko crunch atau SIDE ORDER / PESANAN PENDAMPING bircher muesli disajikan dengan susu skim, susu segar atau susu kedelai [ 65 ] Selection of grilled pork bacon, chicken sausage, beef sausage or smoked salmon [ 25 ] Pilihan irisan daging babi asap, sosis ayam, sosis sapi atau salmon asap [ 25 ] YOGHURT / YOGURT Low Fat or plain yoghurt, natural yoghurt, fruits yoghurt, unsweetened yoghurt [ 40 ] Susu asam rendah lemak atau susu asam polos, susu asam alami, susu asam buah, VEGETABLE SIDE ORDER / SAYURAN PENDAMPING susu asam tanpa pemanis [ 40 ] Grilled tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms, hash brown potatoes, baked beans & sautéed vegetables [ 20 ] Tomat panggang, tumis jamur, kentang goreng, kacang merah dengan saus tomat FRESH FRUIT (SELECT ONE) / BUAH SEGAR (PILIH SATU) panggang & tumis sayuran [ 20 ] Choices of Whole : Banana, orange, apple [ 65 ] Piliohan buah utuh : Pisang, jeruk, apel [ 65 ] Choices of Cut : Pineapple, papaya, watermelon, melon [ 65 ] Pilihan buah potong : Nanas, pepaya, semangka, melon [ 65 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Breakfast A wholesome start to your day! 06:00 am - 11:00 am

SALAD (SELECT ONE) / SALAD (PILIH SATU) Option 1 : Farm fresh leaves (iceberg, foresee & lollo rosso) [ 65 ] BEVERAGES / MINUMAN Pilihan daun selada segar (iceberg, frisee & lollo rosso) [ 65 ] Option 2 : Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, onion, olives, carrot, avocado, corn or capsicum) served with vinaigrette or cocktail [ 65 ] FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT JUICE / JUS BUAH SEGAR Sayuran (tomat, timun, bawang, zaitun, wortel, alpukat, jagung atau paprika) Choices: Orange, watermelon, avocado, vegetables [ 60 ] disajikan dengan cuka vinaigrette atau saus cocktail [ 65 ] Jus peras segar dengan pilihan: Jeruk, semangka, alpukat, sayuran [ 60 ]

CHEESE PLATTER / ANEKA KEJU DAIRY / MINUMAN SUSU Choice of edam, gruyere, baby bell or chedar cheese [ 105 ] Choices: Hot or cold fresh milk, low fat milk, soya milk, cold or hot chocolate [ 55 ] Pilihan keju edam, keju gruyere, keju baby bell atau keju chedar [ 105 ] Susu segar panas atau dingin, susu rendah lemak, susu kedelai, cokelat dingin atau panas [ 55 ]

PREMIUM COLD CUTS / ANEKA IRISAN DAGING TEA / TEH Choice of smoke salmon, beef salami or chicken lyioner served with & [ 110 ] Jasmine, green tea, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey, darjeeling [ 30 ] Pilihan salmon asap, salami daging sapi atau ayam lyoner disajikan dengan Teh jasmin, teh hijau, peppermint, english breakfast, earl grey atau darjeeling [ 30 ] mustard & pelengkap [ 110 ]

COFFEE / KOPI FRIED / NASI GORENG Latte, espresso, cappuccino, decaf or black coffee by pot [ 35 ] Served with egg, vegetables, shredded chicken, pickles & prawn cracker [ 75 ] Kopi susu, espresso, cappuccino, kopi tanpa kafein atau kopi hitam dengan pot [ 35 ] Nasi goreng disajikan dengan telur, sayuran, abon ayam, acar & kerupuk udang [ 75 ]

CHICKEN PORRIDGE / BUBUR AYAM Served with egg, shredded chicken, prawn cracker, cakwe, soybeans & [ 65 ] Disajikan dengan telur, suwiran ayam, kerupuk udang, cakwe, kedelai & daun bawang [ 65 ]

TRADITIONAL CHINESE PORRIDGE WITH CONDIMENTS / BUBUR AYAM CHINA Served with chicken, fish, beef or plain [ 75 ] Bubur tradisional Cina, disajikan dengan ayam, ikan, daging sapi atau polos [ 75 ]

DIM SUM (SELECT 2) / PILIH DUA Choice of shumai, hakau, steamed rolls or egg custard buns [ 115 ] Pilihan , hakau, steamed rolls atau egg custard buns [ 115 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah All Day Dining Good for good times! 11:00 am - 24:00 pm



Crispy romaine with caesar dressing, anchovy, grated parmesan, Served with special horseradish & pickles [ 90 ] poached egg, croutons, beef bacon chips [ 75 ] Salmon asap dengan roti yang dilapisi krim, disajikan dengan Selada romaine disajikan dengan saus caesar, anchovy, crouton, krim horseradish & acar [ 90 ] taburan keju parmesan & daging sapi asap [ 75 ] SPRING ROLLS / ORGANIC “BEDUGUL” SALAD Authentic java dish with chicken, vegetables & chili sauce [ 60 ] Mix Salad, organic vegetables, crouton, red wine vinaigrette [ 70 ] Special salad original jawa disajikan dengan ayam, sayuran & sambal [ 60 ] Selada campur sayuran organik, potongan roti panggang & disajikan dengan saus cuka anggur merah [ 70 ] BALSAMIC TOMATO & AVOCADO

GREEK SALAD WITH FETA CHEESE & TOMATO CHERRY CONFIT Thins slice of tomato & avocado with mix salad & balsamic vinaigrette [ 75 ] Potongan tomat & alpukat dengan campuran daun selada & saus balsamic [ 75 ] Black olives, cucumber, bell pepper & mint [ 85 ] Zaitun hitam, mentimun, paprika & daun mint [ 85 ] THAI BEEF SALAD

WRAPPED GADO-GADO Grilled beef comes with mixed greens, cucumbers & spicy nam jim [ 80 ] Sapi panggang disajikan dengan selada hijau, mentimun & saus pedas ala Thailand [ 80 ] Steamed mix vegetables, , quail eggs, crackers served with rice & [ 65 ] Gado-gado Betawi dengan sayuran rebus, tahu, telur puyuh, emping Melinjo disajikan dengan & kacang [ 65 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah All Day Dining Good food for good times! 11:00 am - 24:00 pm



Trio of shitake, enoki & button mushroom finished 180 gr of beef patties with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, served with [ 110 ] with oregano cream [ 77 ] 180 gr burger daging sapi dengan selada, tomat, timun, keju, Sup berisi jamur shitake, enoki & jamur kancing dilengkapi disajikan dengan kentang goreng [ 110 ] dengan krim oregano [ 77 ] BLACK DOUBLE CHEESE BEEF BURGER SEAFOOD Double Beef patty char grilled, crispy beef bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, Fish catches of the day, calamari, mussels served with grilled bread & aioli [ 120 ] served with cajun potato wedges [ 150 ] Ikan, cumi, kerang, disajikan dengan roti panggang & saus ala Mediterania [ 120 ] Daging Sapi Panggang, diisi dengan daging asap sapi renyah, selada, tomat, keju cheddar, disajikan dengan irisan kentang cajun [ 150 ] CREAM OF PUMPKIN SOUP CLUB SANDWICH With beef bacon & grissini [ 65 ] Sup krim labu kuning disajikan dengan sapi asap & roti stik ala Italia [ 65 ] Beef bacon, roasted chicken, , cheese, tomato, lettuce, served with French fries [ 117 ] Roti isi dengan irisan daging sapi tipis dengan ayam panggang, telur, keju, tomat, selada, AYAM disajikan dengan kentang goreng [ 117 ]

Yellow herbs chicken broth, vermicelli, bean sprouts, tomatoes, cabbages, served with chili sauce [ 60 ] SMOKED SALMON BAGUETTE Soto dengan kaldu ayam bumbu kuning, bihun, kecambah, tomat, kubis, dan disajikan dengan saus sambal [ 60 ] Organic sliced tomato, onion, cucumber, cream cheese in baguette served with fries [ 120 ] Ikan salmon asap yang disajikan dengan roti baguette Perancis, tomat, ketimun, daun selada, krim keju & Kentang goreng [ 120 ]


Beef sausage with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, Served with french fries [ 100 ] Roti isi sosis sapi dengan isian selada, timun, tomat, keju, disajikan dengan kentang goreng [ 100 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah All Day Dining Good food for good times! 11:00 am - 24:00 pm



Marinated grill chicken rolled with cheese, lettuce & flour tortilla served with guacamole, Spaghetti pasta served with classic bolognese sauce, parmesan cheese & crouton [ 95 ] pica de gallo, sour cream & tomato salsa [ 120 ] Pasta spageti disajikan dengan saus Bolognese klasik, Parmesan keju Ayam digulung bersama keju dan selada dalam tortila, disajikan dengan guacamole, & crouton bawang putih [ 95 ] pica de gallo, krim masam & saus salsa tomat [ 120 ] VEGETABLES PASTA SPRING ROLLS / LUMPIA Fettuccini with tomato sauce, garlic, vegetables & parmesan cheese [ 85 ] Authentic java dish with chicken, vegetables & chili sauce [ 60 ] Pasta fettuccini disajikan dengan saus tomat, bawang putih, sayuran & keju parmesan [ 85 ] Special salad original jawa disajikan dengan ayam, sayuran & sambal [ 60 ] PENNE CARBONARA CALAMARI Penne pasta served with parmesan cheese, egg yolk, beef bacon & garlic bread [ 90 ] Fried Squid rings served with French fries, tartar sauce & tomato salsa [ 80 ] Penne pasta disajikan dengan keju parmesan, kuning telur daging sapi & Cumi goreng berbentuk disajikan dengan kentang goreng, roti bawang putih [ 90 ] saus tartar & saus salsa tomat [ 80 ] CHCIKEN CORDON BLEU FISH N’ CHIPS Deep breast filled with smoked beef and cheese served with French fries, tartar sauce, chili sauce and tomato sauce [ 115 ] Deep fried battered fish served with French fries, tartar sauce, tomato & chili sauce [ 95 ] Dada ayam berbalut tepung panir dengan isian daging asap Ikan berbalut tepung panir goreng disajikan dengan kentang goreng, saus tartar, dan keju disajikan dengan kentang goreng,saus tartar, saus sambal dan saus tomat [ 115 ] saus tomat & saus sambal [ 95 ]


Tortilla chips with cajun ground beef, tomato salsa & sour cream [ 90 ] Keripik tortila disajikan dengan daging sapi cincang, bumbu cajun, salsa tomat & krim asam [ 90 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah All Day Dining Good food for good times! 11:00 am - 24:00 pm


Chicken curry with potato & carrot served with steam rice [ 125 ] All grilled items are served with seasonal vegetables plus your choice of one side dish: Kari ayam khas “Singapore “dengan kentang dan wortel, disajikan dengan nasi putih [ 125 ] Semua menu disajikan dengan sayuran plus satu pilihan hidangan pendamping:

Choice of Side Dishes / Pilihan Hidangan Pendamping : THAI STEW FISH GREEN CURRY Mashed potato, wasabi mash potato, green salad with & lime vinaigrette, French fries & cajun potato wedges Catch of the day’s fish, cooked in green thai curry sauce with eggplant, & fresh herbs served with steam rice [ 120 ] Kari Ikan segar ala bumbu hijau Thai dengan terong, basil & rempah segar disajikan dengan nasi putih AUSTRALIAN BEEF TENDERLOIN 200gr [ 245 ] [ 120 ] Daging sapi has dalam Australia [ 245 ] MALAYSIAN

CHICKEN BREAST [ 125 ] Spicy prawn noodle, rice vermicelli, yellow seafood broth, bean sprout & tofu [ 110 ] Daging Ayam [ 125 ] Laksa disajikan dengan mie udang pedas, bihun, kaldu seafood kuning, taoge & tahu [ 110 ]

SALMON STEAK [ 185 ] STIR FRIED BOK CHOY & MUSHROOM SHITAKE Ikan salmon steak [ 185 ] Tumis bok choy & jamur shitake [ 65 ] Choice of Sauce / Pilihan Saus: Béarnaise, lime & cream sauce, red wine sauce, mixed peppercorns sauce, mushroom sauce, rosemary jus sauce, natural jus sauce WOK STIR FRIED FRESH TROPICAL VEGETABLE WITH TOFU Sayuran cap cay dengan tahu [ 65 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah All Day Dining Good food for good times! 11:00 am - 24:00 pm


Charcoal mix grilled of beef, chicken, lamb served with rice or rice, Kentang tumbuk [ 30 ] peanut sauce & Indonesian pickles [ 110 ] Sate sapi, ayam, kambing disajikan dengan lontong, bumbu kacang & acar [ 110 ] SAUTÉED MIXED VEGETABLE Tumis sayuran [ 35 ] NASI GORENG KAMPOENG

Selection of traditional fried rice served with , fried egg & cracker [ 90 ] STEAMED RICE Pilihan nasi goreng tradisional disajikan dengan sate, telur ceplok dan emping [ 90 ] Nasi putih [ 25 ]


West Sumateran curried beef with milk, herbs & spices, Extra condiments are provided upon request / Ekstra Bumbu akan disediakan sesuai permintaan: served with mixed raw vegetable, egg & steam rice [ 135 ] HP sauce / saus HP, tomato ketchup / saus tomat, mustard / saus mustard, Kari daging sapi Sumatera Barat dengan santan, rempah-rempah disajikan / saus mayones, tobasco sause / saus tobasco, maple syrup / saus mapel dengan sayuran , telur balado & nasi putih [ 135 ] Signature MAIN COURSE - SIDE DISHES IMPORTED CHEESE SELECTION Edam, parmesan, baby bell or camembert cheese, apricot , nuts, grapes & crackers [ 105 ] ORGANIC STEAMED CARROT & BROCCOLI Pilihan keju impor, potongan buah aprikot, kacang, anggur & [ 105 ] Wortel & brokoli rebus [ 26 ] CHOCOLATE FONDANT FRENCH FRIES Warm chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream - 20 minutes of cooking time [ 80 ] coklat hangat disajikan dengan es krim rasa vanila - 20 menit waktu memasak [ 80 ] Kentang goreng [ 35 ]

CREAM BRULÉ MIX SALAD Dressed with seasonal dried fruits [ 70 ] Mix lettuce, tomato, onion, carrot & balsamic dressing [ 25 ] Krim vanilla disajikan dengan buah kering musiman [ 70 ] Campuran sayuran selada, tomat, bawang, wortel & saus balsamik [ 25 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah All Day Dining Good food for good times! 11:00 am - 24:00 pm

TIRAMISU Classic Italian coffee flavored cake with finger biscotti & mascarpone cheese [ 85 ] Kue Itali cita rasa kopi yang klasik dengan finger biscotti & keju mascarpone [ 85 ]

BAKED CHEESE CAKE Served with berry sauce [ 75 ] Kue keju di sajikan dengan saus beri [ 75 ]

BANANA SPLIT Three scoops of ice cream, banana, chocolate & caramel sauce [ 75 ] 3 skup es krim disajikan dengan buah pisang, coklat & saus karamel [ 75 ]

PISANG GORENG KIPAS Served with brown sugar, cheese & vanilla ice cream [ 65 ] dengan gula merah, keju & es krim vanilla [ 65 ]



Es krim [ 25 ]

Flavour Selection / Pilihan Rasa: Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Late Night The answer to your late night cravings! 00:00 am - 06:00 am



2 farm eggs cooked as per your liking with tomato ketchup & chili ‘sambal’, served with grilled Calamari served mix salad, tar-tar sauce, tomato ketchup & lime wedges [ 65 ] tomatoes, hash brown, baked beans, mushroom, beef bacon & your choice of Cumi goreng disajikan dengan campuran salad, saus tartar, saus tomat & irisan jeruk nipis [ 65 ] chicken sausages or beef sausages 2 telur yang dimasak sesuai dengan keinginan anda dengan saus tomat & sambal cabai, disajikan dengan tomat panggang, hash brown, tumis jamur, kacang panggang, daging sapi asap & MEDITERRANEAN BRUSCHETTA sosis ayam atau sosis sapi sesuai pilihan Anda Toast baguette, fresh diced tomato, basil, garlic & black olive served with small salad [ 60 ] Toast Baguette, tomat potong dadu segar, basil, bawang putih & zaitun hitam disajikan dengan salad kecil [ 60 ] Choices of Egg / Pilihan Telur: Regular or all white with choice of boiled, poached, scrambled, omelete or fried Telur dadar atau telur dadar putih dengan pilihan telur rebus, telur kukus, TEMPE KEMUL orak-arik, omelet atau telur goreng Fried soya bean cake lightly battered with Indonesian spiced Topping Selection / Pilihan Isi: served with chili & sweet soya sauce [ 55 ] Mushroom, bell pepper, onion, chili, cheese, olives, tomatoes, ham or chicken Tempe goreng khas Wonosobo disajikan dengan cabe & kecap manis [ 55 ] Jamur, paprika, bawang, cabai, keju, tomat, zaitun, ham atau ayam


PLAIN CAESAR SALAD Classic creamy tomato soup served with garlic toast [ 77 ] Krim sup tomat klasik disajikan dengan roti panggang rasa bawang [ 77 ] Crispy romaine with caesar dressing, anchovy, grated parmesan & croutons [ 65 ] Selada romaine disajikan dengan saus caesar, anchovy, taburan keju parmesan & cruton [ 65 ] SOP BUNTUT

THE COBB SALAD Braised Indonesian soup served with steamed rice & condiments [ 95 ] Sup buntut rebus disajikan dengan nasi putih & pelengkapnya [ 95 ] Mixed salad, beef bacons, chicken, avocados, tomatoes, blue cheese, quail eggs & red wine vinaigrette [ 75 ] Selada campur, daging sapi asap, ayam, alpukat, tomat, keju biru, telur puyuh & disajikan dengan saus cuka anggur merah [ 75 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Late Night The answer to your late night cravings! 00:00 am - 06:00 am

LIGHT BITES CLASSIC GOURMET HOT DOGS Beef sausage with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, cheese served with french fries [ 100 ] Roti isi sosis sapi dengan isian selada, timun, tomat, Keju disajikan dengan kentang goreng [ 100 ] SPICY CHICKEN FAJITAS WRAP

Marinated grill chicken rolled with cheese, lettuce & flour tortilla served with guacamole, pica de gallo, sour cream & tomato salsa [ 120 ] MAIN COURSE Daging ayam digulung bersama keju dan selada disajikan dengan guacamole, pica de gallo & krim masam dengan saus salsa tomat [ 120 ] MIE GODOG SPRING ROLLS / LUMPIA Egg noodle soup with egg, shredded chicken, caisim & crackers [ 65 ] Authentic java dish with chicken, vegetables & chili sauce [ 60 ] Mie kuah ala Semarang dengan telur, ayam suwir, caisim & kerupuk [ 65 ] Special salad original jawa disajikan dengan ayam, sayuran & sambal [ 60 ] NASI GORENG CHEESE FRIES Served with egg, vegetables, shredded chicken, pickles & prawn cracker [ 75 ] French fries topped with melted cheddar cheese [ 65 ] Disajikan dengan telur, sayuran, ayam suwir, acar & kerupuk udang [ 75 ] Kentang goreng disajikan dengan lelehan keju cheedar [ 65 ] BUBUR AYAM

Served with egg, shredded chicken, prawn cracker, cakwe, soybeans & leek [ 65 ] BURGER & SANDWICH Disajikan dengan telur, ayam suwir, kerupuk udang, cakwe, kedelai & daun bawang [ 65 ]

SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE BEEF BURGER Spaghetti pasta served with classic bolognese sauce, parmesan cheese & garlic crouton [ 90 ] 180 gr of beef patties with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, served with french fries [ 110 ] Pasta spaghetti disajikan dengan saus Bolognese klasik, parmesan keju & crouton bawang putih [ 90 ] 180 gr burger daging sapi dengan selada, tomat, timun, keju, disajikan dengan kentang goreng [ 110 ] PAN SEARED SALMON FISH CLUB SANDWICH Served with organic tomato carpaccio, onion caramelized, green salad & balsamic vinaigrette [ 155 ] Beef bacon, roasted chicken, fried egg, cheese,tomato, lettuce, served with french fries [ 117 ] Disajikan dengan tomat carpaccio organik, bawang merah, sayuran hijau & cuka balsamik [ 155 ] Roti isi dengan irisan daging sapi tipis, ayam panggang, telur, keju, tomat, selada, disajikan dengan kentang goreng [ 117 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah Late Night The answer to your late night cravings! 00:00 am - 06:00 am



Served with brown sugar, cheese & vanilla ice cream [ 65 ] Pisang goreng yang disajikan dengan gula merah, keju & es krim vanilla [ 65 ]


Served with berry sauce [ 75 ] Kue keju disajikan dengan saus beri [ 75 ]



Apricot chutney, nuts, grapes & crackers [ 97 ] Pilihan keju impor, potongan buah aprikot, kacang, anggur & biscuit [ 97 ]

*All prices are subject to government tax and service charge *All prices are quoted in “000” Indonesian Rupiah