
Note : Geographical landmarks are listed under the proper name itself: for “Cape Sepias” or “Mt. Athos” see “Sepias” or “Athos.” When a people and a toponym share the same base, see under the toponym: for “Thessalians” see “.” Romans are listed according to the nomen, i.e. C. . With places or people mentioned once only, discretion has been used.

Abdera 278 A eaces II 110, 147 Abydus 222, 231 Aegae 272–273 Acanthus 85, 207–208, 246 Aegina 101, 152, 157–158, 187–189, 15, 189, 202, 204, 206, 251, 191, 200 347, 391, 393 Aegium 377, 389 Achaia 43, 54, 64; Peloponnesian Aegospotami 7, 220, 224, 228 Achaia, Achaian League 9–10, 12–13, Aemilius Paullus, L. 399, 404 54–56, 63, 70, 90, 250, 265, 283, 371, 16–17, 55, 63, 145, 233 375–380, 388–390, 393, 397–399, 404, Aeschines 281, 285, 288 410 ; Phthiotic Achaia 16, 54, 279, Aeschylus 156, 163, 179 286 Aetoli Erxadieis 98–101 Achaian War 410 Aetolia, Aetolian League 12, 15, 70, Achaius 382–383, 385, 401 204, 250, 325, 329, 342, 347–348, Acilius Glabrio, M. 402 376, 378–380, 387, 390–391, 393, Acragas 119, COPYRIGHTED165, 259–261, 263, 266, 39MATERIAL6–397, 401–404 352–354, 358–359 Agariste 113, 117 Acrocorinth 377, 388–389 Agathocles ( ’ son) 343, 345; Acrotatus 352, 355 (King of Sicily) 352–355, 358–359; Actium 410, 425 (King of ) 413–414 Ada 297 Agelaus 391, 410

A History of : 1300 to 30 BC, First Edition. Victor Parker. © 2014 Victor Parker. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. INDEX 459

Agesilaus 221, 231, 233–238, 240, 339, 344, 346, 375; (Gonatas) 343, 249–250, 263, 275, 294, 299, 324 345–349, 360, 365, 370–371, 373–379, Agis II 204 ; Agis III 305, 324; Agis 394; (Doson) 379, 388–390 IV 378, 389 (eia) (in ) 337–338, 368, Ahhiyawa 43 380, 382–383, 411; (on the Meander) Al Mina 91 338; (near ) 338 ; (in Alcaeus 77, 118, 369 ) 338 ; (Margiane) 338 Alcibiades 211–214, 218–219, 221–223 Antiochus (author) 77, 81; (Alcibiades’ Alcmaeonids 115–117, 122, 129–132 helmsman) 222 ; Antiochus I Alcman 104, 369 (Seleucid King) 338, 344, 346–349, II (King of Macedonia) 152 ; 367–368, 370–372, 377; Antiochus Alexander III (the Great) 16, II 338, 371–376, 380–381; Antiochus 164–165, 254, 270, 273, 278, III 365, 372, 375, 381–386, 394–396, 288–290, 294–313, 320–322, 324–326, 398, 400–403, 405, 413, 419 ; 328, 330–332, 334, 337, 340, 342, Antiochus IV 114, 405, 407, 344–347, 349, 352, 354, 370, 375, 411–412, 419, 422; Antiochus V 411; 401, 403, 415; Alexander IV 322, Antiochus VI 412 ; Antiochus 325–326, 329–330, 332; Alexander V VII 413, 415; Antiochus VIII 416, (’ s son) 341–342 ; (Tyrant 420; Antiochus IX 416, 420; of Pherae) 262 ; (’ s brother-in- Antiochus Hierax 381–382 ; law, King of Epirus) 270, 286; Antiochus III (King of (’ s son) 329 ; (Pyrrhus’ Commagene) 423 ; Antiochius IV son, King of Epirus) 361 ; (Antigonus (King of Commagene) 423, 426 Gonatas’ nephew) 376–377 ; ( (regent) 305, 320, 322–326, of Persis) 382 ; Alexander I (Seleucid 352; (Cassander’ s son) 341–342 King) 412, 415; Alexander II Antonius, M. 411, 423, 425–426 (Seleucid King) 415, 420; Alexander Apame(i)a (in Syria) 337, 343, 368; Jannaeus 420–421, 424; see also (on the Euphrates) 338 ; (in Greater X and XI ) 297, 338, 403; (in ) Alexander Romance 303–304 338 Alexandria (in ) 302, 327, 337, (near Illyria) 197, 392–394, 368–370, 420, 422, 425; 396–397; (on the Chalcidice) 246 ; (Eschate) 308 ; (near Issus) 337 (in Satrapy of ) 338 Alyzeia 251 Apollonius (poet) 369 ; (Satrap of Ambracia 15, 84, 100, 117–118, 197, Hollow Syria and Phoenicia) 406 199, 425 Apulia 267, 356–357, 360 Amorgos 278–279 Aquilius, M’ . 411, 417–418 90, 207–209, 211, 274–275 308, 310, 323–324, 385 Amphissa 288 A ratus 376–379, 388 Amyntas IV 274 ; (Satrap of Bactia + Arcadia, Arcadian League 2, 7–10, 12, Sogdiane) 309 18, 56, 98–99, 107, 250, 252, Anactorium 15, 84, 87, 100, 117 254–255, 286, 321, 377, 388–389 Anaxilas 82, 165 Archelaus (King of Macedonia) 273 ; 410 (general of Mithridates VI of Andros 2, 84, 217, 222, 279 ) 418 Anopean Path 159, 402 Archidamus II 201–202, 204; Anthela 16, 281 Achidamus III 270 ; Archidamus Antigonus (Monophthalmus) 43, 297, V 389 299, 320–321, 323, 325–334, 337, Archilochus 76, 80, 86, 96, 109, 154 460 INDEX

Archytas 267, 356–357 Athens 7, 11–14, 18, 43, 55, 60, 62, 77, Areus I 371 , 373 87–88, 90, 95–96, 104, 109–110, Arginussae 220, 223–224 112–118, 121–135, 138–141, 143–144, Argos 6, 10–12, 53–54, 60, 67–69, 98, 147, 152–158, 162, 164, 172–180, 101, 107, 110, 113, 115, 117, 130, 183–194, 196–225, 227–234, 236–237, 158, 183, 211–212, 234, 236–237, 239–240, 246–251, 254–255, 257–260, 240, 254, 286, 344, 361, 373, 266–267, 273–280, 282–289, 294–297, 379–380, 388–389, 391, 397–398 305–307, 320–321, 324, 326–327, 332, 308, 323–324, 331, 338 337, 339, 341, 343, 346, 373, Ariarathes I 325, 376; Ariarathes 375–376, 379–380, 396, 405, 418, 427 II 376 ; Ariarathes III 411 Athos 5, 85, 158, 208, 221 Ariobarzanes (Satrap of Persis) 305 ; “Ath.Pol.” 116, 123–125, 127, 223 (King of ) 417 Atintania 392–393 143, 144–146, 149 A tropates 307, 323–324 Aristarchus 369 (Macedonian nobleman) Aristobulus I 424 ; Aristobulus II 419, 294–295; 365, 382, 385, 424 393–394, 396, 401; Attalus III 411, 418 Aristomachus (two tyrants of Argos of Attica see Athens this name) 379 A ugustus 425–426 Aristophanes (comic playwright) 7, Axius 16, 274 191, 193, 197, 204; (Alexandrian scholar) 369 Babylon 305, 312, 323–325, 329, 331, Aristotle 94, 103, 109, 110, 124, 129, 338, 345, 367–368, 380, 383, 411, 413 250, 253, 273, 327, 357 Bacchiads 107, 111, 116, 199 Aristoxenus 357 Bactria 141, 307–308, 321–323, 332, 299, 343, 345, 385, 400, 407, 337, 380–383, 385, 401, 405, 413–414 417–418, 422–423; Lesser Behistun 148–149 Armenia 423, 426 Berenice (Ptolemy II’ s daughter) see Philip III 375–380, 416 ; (Ptolemy IX’ s 301, 303, 306, 311, 340, daughter) 421 ; (Ptolemy XII’ s 427 daughter) 422 Arsaces I 382 ; Arsaces II 385 ; Arsaces B essus 307–308 V see Mithridates I of Bithynia 233, 299, 347, 349, 370, 382, Arsinoë 345, 374 393, 404, 411, 417–418, 423, 427 Artabazanes 382–383 Black Sea, Euxine 77, 80, 85, 90, 117, Artabazus 277, 282, 294, 309 375, 413 143, 145–147, 149 Boeotia, Boeotian League 11–14, 32, 183 ; Artaxerxes II 225, 62–63, 70, 101, 139–140, 153, 232–234, 239–240; Artaxerxes 161–162, 164, 172, 189–190, 198, III 277, 294, 296, 302, 304, 312, 202, 207, 211, 220, 228, 231–232, 321, 401 ; Artaxerxes IV see 234, 236–237, 240, 246–252, 254–255, Artemisia 162 274–275, 279–280, 282–284, 286–289, Artemisium 159–162 294–295, 329, 333, 342, 346–347, Arzawa 43, 48, 50, 61 379–380, 388–389, 397, 402, 418 (Satrap of ) 296 ; (Satrap Bosporus (on the Propontis) 84, of ) 323, 329 171–172, 375 ; (Crimean) 263, Aspasia 197 417–418, 423 Athenaeus 369 Branchidae 85, 302 Athenian Empire/League see Athens Brasidas 201, 207–209 INDEX 461

Brea 87–88, 90 Chares (Athenian general) 275–277, Brettians 355, 359 282, 288, 294; (Alexander ’ s Byzantium 84–85, 90, 144, 146, majordomo) 300, 309 171–172, 183, 216, 222, 247, 254, Chersonese 117, 141, 147, 153, 177, 275–277, 279, 287, 329, 375 190, 223, 233, 278–279, 284, 286–287, 341, 400 Cadmeia 246–248 Chios 17, 43, 55, 146–147, 151, 156, Caecilius Metellus, Q. 410 163, 177, 183, 216, 220, 222, 247, Callias 175, 187, 190, 237 275–277, 279, 287, 299 Callicratidas 223 Chremonides, Chremonidean War 373, Callimachus 369 376 Callisthenes 300, 302–303, 306, 309 18, 47, 50, 140–141, 146, Camarina 261, 263, 352, 358 296–299, 301, 303, 323, 330, 334, Cambyses 141, 151 340–341, 343, 372, 374, 380, 385, Campania 270, 358–359, 361 400, 418, 423, 425, 427 Cannae 392 Cimon 175, 183, 186–187, 189–190 Cappadocia (on the Pontus) 299, 345, Cirrha see Crisa 381, 401, 405, 411, 423; (on the (Emperor) 423 Taurus) 296–297, 299, 320, 323, Clazomenae 145, 222, 239 325, 333, 343, 376, 380, 400–401, Cleisthenes (of Athens) 127, 131–133, 411, 417–419, 423 135, 138–139, 183, 192; (of Cardia 279, 287 Sicyon) 113, 115, 117 Caria 61, 144–145, 147, 178, 233, 235, Cleitarchus 301, 306 275, 297, 323–324, 329, 334, 338, Cleitus (offi cer under Alexander) 312 ; 340, 372, 374, 394–395, 400 (Satrap of Lydia) 323 Carmania 310, 323, 385 Cleombrotus I 247–248, 250, 252 C arystus 2, 174, 176 Cleomenean War 388–390 Cassander 325–327, 329–334, 339, Cleomenes I 87, 101, 131, 132, 341–342, 355 138–139, 144–145, 152; Cleomenes Cassandreia 348 II 352 ; Cleomenes III 388–390 ; Cassius Longinus, C. 425 (offi cer under Alexander) 303, 322 C atane 214, 262, 264, 352 Cleon 204–205, 208 Cato see Porcius Cleonae 379, 388 Caulonia 265, 361 (Philip II’ s wife) 294–295 ; Celaenae seee Apameia in Greater Phrygia 412–413, 415–416; Ceos 68, 278–279 Cleopatra I 419–420 ; Cleopatra Cephallenia 199, 251, 391 II 415, 419–420; Cleopatra III Cersobleptes 279, 284–286 420–421; Cleopatra IV 420 ; Cleopatra Chabrias 249, 275 V 420 ; Cleopatra VI 421 ; Cleopatra Chaeroneia 190, 283, 288–289, 380, VII 320, 411, 422, 424–426; Cleopatra 427 Selene (Juba II’ s wife) 426 Chalcedon 84, 90, 394 Cnidus 39, 216, 220, 231, 236 Chalcidice 18, 83–84, 89, 200, 202, Coës 119, 141, 144 204, 207–208, 213, 246, 250, Colophon 222 274–275 , 284 C ommagene 423, 426 Chalcis (on Euboea) 13, 68, 81–82, 86, Conon 223–225, 234, 237 89–90, 139–140, 165–166, 287, 333, Corcyra 15, 54, 62, 80, 83–84, 89, 373, 376, 379; (in Lebanon) 424–246 117, 197–200, 204, 251, 278, 355, 310, 332 379, 392 462 INDEX

Corinth 10–11, 15, 53–54, 77, 80, D amascus 371, 381, 415 82–84, 87, 89–90, 100–101, 107–110, Danube 151 , 287–288, 295 115–118, 139, 163, 165, 177, 187– Dardanians 370 , 390–391, 393 188, 192, 197, 199–200, 209, 211, Darius I 119, 141–143, 146, 148–149, 234, 236–237, 240, 254, 260, 268– 151, 158, 367; Darius II 217, 232; 270, 279, 281, 289, 295, 333, 339, Darius III 298, 301–305, 307, 312, 352, 373, 375–378, 380, 388–389, 343, 401 ; (King of Pontus) 423 391, 397, 399, 410–411; Corinthian Decelea 214–215 War 236–239 ; s ee also League of Deinocrates 353, 354 Corinth Delian League 173–175 Cornelius Scipio, L. 402 Delium 207 Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus, P. 399 Delos 17, 39, 173, 405 Cornelius Sulla, L. 417–418 Delphi, Delphic Oracle 14, 16, 54, 85, Coroneia 70, 190, 237, 283 102, 107, 110, 113, 115, 130, 152, Cos 17, 53, 162, 216, 222, 275, 277, 162, 279–282, 286–288, 347 279, 299, 374, 421 Delphic Amphictiony see Pylaean 320, 322, 324–325 Amphictiony 18, 24, 27–28, 39, 53, 55, 58, 68, 101, 139, 152 78, 86, 165, 299, 373 Demetrian War 379 Crisa 281–282 Demetrias 342–343, 345, 371, 373, 402 Critias 228 Poliorcetes 321, 327, 330, Critolaus 410 332–333, 339–346, 358, 360, 372, Croesus 123, 140 375; Demetrius II (King of Croton 78, 90, 265, 355, 361 Macedonia) 374, 377, 379, 382; Cumae 82, 166, 261, 270 Demetrius I (Seleucid King) 405, Cunaxa 232 411–412; Demetrius II (Seleucid Cyclades 17–18, 43, 55, 299, 372–373, King) 412–413, 415–416, 420; (King 394–395 of Bactria) 385, 413–415; (King of Cylon 121–123, 129, 132 the Indians) 414 ; (of 145, 164, 223 Phalerum) 326 ; (of Pharos) 390, 393; Cynoscephalae 397–398, 400, (son of Philip V) 403 402–403 (Athenian general) 96, Cynuria 10, 98, 101 215–216; (Athenian orator) 194, 230, Cyprus 18, 47–51, 56, 60, 65, 77, 250, 278, 285, 287 109, 141, 144–146, 165, 171–172, Dercylidas 233–234 187–188, 190, 225, 239, 263, 294, Dio 259, 266–268, 320 330, 332, 339, 341, 372, 375, 395, Diodorus 132, 142, 165, 175, 190, 220, 419–422 222–223, 235–237, 246, 249, 251, Cypselids 87, 117; Cypselus 87, 254–255, 275–277, 285, 306, 322–323, 107–108, 110, 113, 115–117 331–332, 337, 340, 355, 399 Cyrene 60, 78–79, 84–86, 88–89, 303, Diodotus (speaker in Mytilenaean 339, 354, 370–371, 395, 411, 419, debate) 204 ; 381–382 ; 421–422 Diodotus II 382 ; Diodotus Cyrupedium 345, 392, 398, 401 Trypho 412–413 Cyrus (the Great) 140–141, 151, 158, Dionysius I 261–266, 268; Dionysius 263, 346, 367, 422; Cyrus (the II 259–260, 266–269 Younger) 232–233, 300, 304 Diopeithes 286–287 Cythera 206, 208–209, 211 Dodecanese 17, 53, 55, 58 90, 219–224, 254 Dolopians 18, 279 INDEX 463

Dor 49–50, 187 159–162, 174, 190, 204, 216, 222, Doris (in Central Greece) 188, 282, 270, 279, 284, 287, 329, 333, 288 ; (in Minor) 16–17, 55–56, 376–377, 379–380, 388–389, 393 63 ; Dorians, Dorian Invasion 52–56, Eubulus 287 188, 279 Eucratides I 414–415 ; Eucratides Drangiane 308, 323–324, 385 II 414 (of Cardia) 320, 323, Ebir Nari see Syria 325–326, 328; 371 ; Ecbatana 300, 305, 307, 312, 338, 368 Eumenes II 402, 404–405 E gesta see Euphrates 48, 142, 232, 303, 337, 368, E gypt 24, 47–50, 63, 65, 77, 91, 380, 407, 419, 422 123–124, 141, 146, 151, 158, Euripides 95, 179, 258–259, 273 187–189, 220, 275, 283, 294, Euripus 12–13, 140 301–304, 320, 322–323, 325, 329–331, Europus (in ) 338 ; (in 333–334, 337, 339, 341–342, 345–346, Media) 338 349, 365, 368–369, 372, 374–376, Eurydice 320, 326, 416 381, 383–384, 390, 394–396, 399–400, Eurymedon 175–176, 186 407, 415, 419–422, 424–426 Eusebius 107, 123 Eion 174 385–386, 413–414; Eleusis 6, 7, 11, 90, 126, 133–134, 139, Euthydemus II 413 228–229, 341 ; Eleusinian Evagoras (son of Cypselus) 87 ; (King Mysteries 214 of Salamis on Cyprus) 225, 263, 294, Elis 9, 10, 32, 61, 199, 211, 371, 388, 370, 386 390–391, 393 Elymians 260, 262 Ferdowsi 304 Embata 276–277 Epaminondas 96, 252, 255, 262, 275 Gadatas 142–143 43, 144, 183, 222, 296–297, Gaius (Emperor, i.e. ) 423, 426 339, 345, 371, 374–375, 381, 400 Galatians 347–349, 360, 365, 370, 373, Ephialtes 186–187, 192 375, 381–382, 400, 417, 424, 427 Ephorus 89, 94, 166, 175, 190, 197, Gaugamela 303–305, 307 220, 223, 235–236, 246, 255, 259, G aza 302 267, 276 310–312, 323–324 Epidamnus 84, 89, 197, 199–200, 393 Gela 86, 261, 263, 353, 358 Epidaurus 2, 10–12, 117, 199, Gelon 81, 110–111, 165–166 202–203, 211, 254, 377, 388 Geomori 108, 111 Epirus 279, 284, 286, 294–295, 329, Gerousia 102–103, 127 342, 345, 355, 357, 359–361, 371, 390 Gordium 297 E resus 216, 222 Granicus 296 Eretria 13, 68, 80, 82, 89–90, 144, 152, Greater Dionysia 88, 179 262, 287 G yges 76, 109, 279 Erythrae 108–109, 177, 216, 222, Gylippus 214 276–277, 302, 344 Eteocretans 27 76, 162, 166, 178, 297 Eteocyprians 18, 144 Halycus 266, 268, 354 Ethiopia 65, 372, 380 Halys 140, 349 E truscans 56, 80, 166, 270 Hamilcar (Carthaginian general in early Euboea 2, 5, 11–13, 18, 32, 55, 59, fi fth century) 165, 261; (Carthaginian 68–69, 83–84, 91, 139–140, 144, 152, general in late fourth century) 353 464 INDEX

Hannibal (Carthaginian general in late Hollow Syria 326, 330, 333, 341, 346, fi fth century) 261 ; (Carthaginian 370, 383, 394–395, 406, 412, 419 opponent of ) 391–394, 396, “Homer” 33, 39, 42, 64, 115, 273, 401–402 369 Harpalus 303 Hydaspes 310 4 05–406 Hyphasis 310, 415 Heliswon 244–24 5 307, 311, 323–324, 326, 382, Hellespont 117, 144–145, 147, 151, 385 160, 172, 174, 178, 183, 222, 224, Hyrcanus II 424 233–234, 294, 299, 325, 329–330, 345, 380–381, 394, 396, 400 Illyria 50, 274, 284, 295, 379, 390–394, Helots 94 , 96–98, 100, 104, 185–189, 397, 404 205, 207, 231, 233, 238, 252–253; see Imbros 18 , 117, 239, 275, 279, 289 also Neodamodeis 301 , 308, 310–311, 330, 380, 312 385, 413–415; India I (satrapy) 309, Heracleia (Pontica) 90, 262–263, 375; 323; India II (satrapy) 310, 323; (Trachinia) 85, 87, 204, 207, 347; India III (satrapy) 310, 323 (on Sicily) 165 ; (on Gulf of Indus 141 , 309–311, 332, 368, 400 Taranto) 270, 359; (under 16–17 , 55, 63, 143–147, 149, Latmus) 400 152–153, 172–173, 178; Ionian (alleged illegitimate son of Revolt 2 , 77, 119, 143–148, 151–152, ) 332 165, 172; Ionian War 221–225 Hermione 10 , 12, 199, 380, 388 Iphicrates 237, 276 Herod I (King of ) 424 ; Herod Ipsus 332–334, 337, 339–341, 375, Agrippa I 426 ; 383, 394, 398 II 424 ; Herod (King of Isagoras 131, 138 Chalcis) 426 Isocrates 231 , 244, 246, 263, 281, 294 Herodotus 55 , 76–77, 85, 94, 101, 107, Issus 298–299 , 301–303, 305, 312, 109–110, 115–116, 121–124, 129–130, 337 132, 135, 141–149, 157–158, 160–166, Isthmian Games 113 , 398 172–173, 175–176, 178, 219–220, 238, Isthmus 1–3 , 5, 10–11, 13, 113, 158, 357, 402 162, 164, 201, 217, 237, 252, 341, Hicetas (fourth–century ruler of 373, 388 Syracuse) 268–269 ; (third–century Ithome 9 , 95, 185–186, 188–189, 201 ruler of Syracuse) 358 Hiero I 110 , 115, 166, 261, 263, 270; Jason (of Pherae) 250, 262; (High Hiero II 355 , 361–362 Priest) 339 ; (author) 339 Hieronymus of Cardia 323, 340, J erusalem 339, 406–407, 413, 419 344 413, 419, 424 165 , 261, 263 J onathan Maccabaeus 412 Himilco 2 61–264 426–427 Hipparchus 130–131 J uba II 426 Hippias 110, 117–118, 124, 130–132, Judas Maccabaeus 407, 411–412 141, 143–144, 153 Judea 338–339, 407, 411–413, Hipponium 265–266, 355, 358–359 419–420, 423–424, 426 Histiaea 177 , 190 J ulius Caesar, C. 369, 410–411, 422, Histiaeus 119 , 143, 146–147, 149 424–426 Hittites, Hittite Kingdom 12, 43, Junius Brutus, M. 425 47–49, 51–52, 54, 61 Justin 306, 382, 414 INDEX 465

Knosos, Kingdom of Knosos 12, 24, Lucanians 265, 267, 270, 355, 359–360 28, 29, 32, 36, 39–40, 42–43, 46, 58, 51, 61, 140, 297, 299, 372, 374, 68 400, 421 Lycrophron (Periander’ s son) 89, 109; Lacedaemonians see (Tyrant of Pherae) 262, 283 Lacinium 355 , 359 Lycurgus (Lacedaemonian lawgiver) 94 ; Laconia see Sparta (King of Sparta) 390 Lade 147 , 160, 162 Lycus 338, 343 Lamachus 21 3–214 Lydia 43, 76, 108–109, 123, 140, 141, Lamia, Lamian War 324 233–235, 279, 296, 299, 323–324, 385 Lampsacus 117, 184, 224, 400–401 Lygdamis 116–117, 130 Laodice (Seleucus II ’ s mother) 381 ; Lyncestis 16, 207 (Seleucus II’ s sister) 381 ; (Seleucus Lysander 224, 228, 230–234, 236 IV ’ s daughter) 405 Lysias 407, 411 Laodiceia (in Syria) 337, 368; (in Asia Lysimacheia 348, 394, 400 Minor) 338 ; (in Media) 338 Lysimachus 323, 332–334, 340–346, Laodiceian War see Third Syrian War 359, 374–375, 392 Laotychidas II 152, 172–173 Larissa (in the ) 233 ; (in Macedonia 16 , 152, 158–159, 200, Thessaly) 283 207, 250, 268, 272–275, 283–284, Lasthenes 412 287–291, 294–295, 297, 301–302, 305, Laureium 11 , 157 307–310, 312, 320–322, 324–328, 330, League of Corinth 289, 294–296, 304 324, 337, 342–349, 352, 355, Lefkandi 59 , 63, 68–69 358–360, 365, 368, 371, 373–380, Lelantine Plain, Lelantine War 13 , 68, 382–383, 387–404, 407, 410; 89–90 Macedonian War (First) 393–394, Lemnos 18 , 39, 92, 117, 239, 275, 279, 396; (Second) 396–397, 401; 289 (Third) 404, 410; (Fourth) 410 Leonidas I 161 , 164 Magas 370–371 Leontini 81 , 86, 262, 269, 352, 358 Magnesia (near Thessaly) 2, 5, 16–17, Leosthenes 3 24 159–160, 279, 286; (on the Lesbos 17–18 , 43, 55, 108, 147, 151, Meander) 184, 233, 338, 381 (?); (by 202, 216, 222–223, 299, 320 Sipylus) 345, 381 (?), 402–403, 405, Leucas 15 , 83, 87, 100, 117, 197, 199, 411 251 Mago 264, 269 Leuctra 231 , 251–255, 275 Malea 5 , 6, 98 Libya 66, 79, 85, 370, 372 Malian Gulf, Malis 159 , 279 Licinius Lucullus, L. 418 Mamertines 358 –362 Lilybaeum 264, 266, 354, 360 Mantinea 2 , 99, 100, 211–212, 220, Lissus 265 , 393 244–247, 254–255, 275, 388 399 Marathon 101 , 152–153, 156–158, Locri Epizephyrii 90, 259, 265, 268, 164 359 Mardonius 149 , 152, 164 Locris 14–15 , 62, 265, 279, 282, 305 286–288, 347, 389; Opuntian (Eastern, Media 140 , 183, 287, 323–324, 326, Hypocnemidian) Locris 14, 70, 90, 328, 331, 338, 343, 380, 382–383, 189–190, 282–283, 393; Ozolian 407; Media Atropatene 323–324, (Western) Locris 7, 14, 63, 90, 381, 383, 401, 413 189–190, 288, 347–348 Megacles 117, 130 466 INDEX

Megalopolis 305, 326, 371, 379, 388, My cene 10, 11–12, 26, 32, 36–37, 46 399, 404 Myonnesus 366, 402 Megara 7, 11, 78, 81, 84, 86, 89–90, Mytilene 77, 108, 118–119, 141, 144, 107–108, 112, 122, 126, 163, 178, 146, 177, 202–203, 216, 223, 230, 187–191, 197, 199–202, 247, 263, 300, 309 286–287, 373, 377; 81, 86, 89–90 Nabis 397–399 Megasthenes 300 Naucratis 91 322 N aupactus 14, 90, 189, 202, 204, 252, Melissa 117 348, 391, 410 Melos 68, 212, 279 Naxos (Cycladic island) 143–144, Memnon 298–299 174–177, 183–184, 251; (on Sicily) (Satrap of Lydia) 323 ; 117, 214, 262–263 (Greek King in India) 415 Neapolis 270 Menelaus (High Priest) 339, 407 300, 306, 310–312 Meno (Satrap of Syria) 302 ; (Satrap of Nemean Games 113, 391 Arachosia+ Drangiane) 308 ; (offi cer Neodamodeis 233, 238; see also under Agathocles) 358 Helots Mesopotamia (region) 141, 302; Nicaea 377 (satrapy) 323–324, 337–338, 368, (Satrap of India I) 309 ; 380, 413 (Satrap of Cappadocia) 323 ; Messene (on Sicily) 82–83, 165, 252, (Macedonian garrison 262–265, 352–353, 358, 361–362 ; commander) 326 ; (Offi cer of Messene or Messenia (on the Antigonus Monophthalmus) 331 ; Peloponnese) 4, 6, 9–10, 83, 90, (Satrap of Mesopotamia) 338 ; 95–96, 98, 100, 102, 165, 185, 252, (Seleucid commander) 412 254–255, 286, 341, 393, 410–411; 205, 208, 210–216, 264 Messenian Wars 83, 90, 95–98, 102 Nicomedes III 417 ; Nicomedes 78, 80–81, 86 IV 417–418 Methone (near Macedonia) 16, 275, Notium 220, 222–223 277, 279, 283; (on Peloponnese) 201 Methymna 115, 177, 202, 216, 223, Oenophyta 189 231, 247 Olympia, Olympic Games 9–10, 113, 2–4, 39, 43, 80, 90, 119, 115, 123, 259, 266, 321 140–141, 143–147, 177, 216, 222, Olympias 294–295, 320, 326, 329 263, 297, 299, 302, 343–344, 374–375 Olynthus 25, 208, 250, 284 (the Elder) 117, 132; (the Omphis 309, 323 Younger) 141, 147, 153, 175 Onesicritus 300, 306, 311 Mindarus 221 Onias 406 Minoans 24, 26–27, 29 Onomarchus 282–284 Mithridates I (King of Pontus) 345 ; Ophellas 354 Mithridates II 381 ; Mithridates Opis 312, 322 VI 417–418, 421–423; Mithridates I Opus 393 (King of Parthia) 413–414, 423 Orchomenus (in Boeotia) 190, 251, Mithridatic Wars 417–418 254, 283, 418; (in Arcadia) 388 382–383 O reus 287, 393 Motya 263–264 Orontes 91, 337, 381, 426 Mummius, L. 410 Orthagorids 110 Mycale 172 Ortygia 82, 262, 268–269 INDEX 467

Oxyartes 309, 323–324 II 200, 207; Perdiccas Oxyrhynchus Historian 220–221, III 274 ; (regent) 320, 322–323, 234–236 325, 376 P ergamum 233, 344–345, 365–366, Paeonians 274 369–371, 375–376, 380, 382, 385, Pagasae see Demetrias 393–394, 396–397, 399, 401–405, 411, Palaistinoi see Palestine 418, 423 Palestine (Palaiste, Palaistinoi/ Periander 77, 87, 89, 109–110, 115, Philistines) 47, 50, 63, 65–66, 117 141–142, 187, 337, 383, 394, 412, Pericles 178, 189–194, 197, 201–202, 420–421, 425 204, 211–212 P ammenes 282, 294 Perinthus 287, 400 175, 372, 374, 380, Perioeci (Lacedaemonian) 94, 164, 400 238, 389; (Thessalian) 16, 286 Panium 394, 398 Perrhaebi 16, 279, 286 Panormus 263, 266, 354 Persepolis, Persis 140, 300, 305–307, 61, 299, 417 312, 323, 328, 331, 338, 368, 380, Parmenio 294, 303, 307–308 382, 407 Parnon 8–10, 93, 98 Perseus (King of Macedonia) 399, 308–309, 323, 385 404–405, 407, 410 P aros 80, 86, 251 Persia 2, 16, 43, 76, 84–85, 101, Parthenon 178–179, 193 110–111, 119, 130, 139–149, 151–153, Parthia 104, 307, 323–325, 338, 155–165, 171–176, 183–184, 187, 382–383, 385, 401, 405, 413–414, 189–190, 192–193, 202, 217–218, 418, 420, 422 221–225, 232–237, 239–240, 248, Paul (apostle) 427 251–252, 254–255, 275, 277, 282, Pausanias (King of Sparta) 228–229, 283, 285, 287, 289–290, 293–294, 236–237; (Lacedaemonian 296–299, 301–305, 307–310, 312, 321, regent) 164, 172–173, 183–184; 323–325, 345–346, 349, 356, 365–368, (author) 94, 96, 231, 251; 370, 376, 385–386, 401, 422 (Macedonian pretender) 274; Phaleucus 283, 286 (Philip’ s assassin) 294 Pharnabazus 233–234 Peiraeus 201, 228–229, 237, 239, Pharos 265, 390, 392 248, 251, 326, 332, 341, 343, 346, Pharsala 424 373, 379 Phaÿllus 283 Peisistratids 112, 114–115, 118, 123, Pheidon 110, 113 130, 153, 179; Peisistratus 77, 113, Pherae 250, 262, 283 115–117, 124, 126, 129–131, 133 Philaids 130, 132, 186 (Satrap of India III) 310, 323; Philhetaerus 345, 370–371 (Satrap of Greater Media) 323, 326, Philip II 16, 250, 268, 270, 273–275, 328 277, 279, 283–289, 291, 293–295, Pellene 378, 388 320, 326, 341–342; Philip III Pelopidas 254, 274 Arrhidaeus 322, 325–326, 329–330; Peloponnesian League 98–101, 139, Philip IV 341 ; Philip V 379, 152, 158, 187, 192, 209, 211–212, 390–400, 402, 404; (Satrap of India 228, 244; Peloponnesian War 89, 101, II) 310 ; (Satrap of Bactria + 176–177, 189, 191, 196–225, 227–230, Sogdiane) 323 ; (Satrap of Parthia + 232, 234, 238, 260 Hyrcania) 323 ; (Cassander’ s Penthilidae 108, 111 general) 329 ; (Macedonian 468 INDEX

pretender) see Andriscus; (Seleucid Porcius Cato, M. 422 general) 411 ; (tetrarch) 424 P orus 310, 323 Philippi 425 Potidaea 87, 90, 100, 177, 200, 202, Philistines see Palestine 275, 278–279 Philocrates 284–285 Prasiae 10, 98, 390 Philocyprus 77, 109 Priene 278 Philomelus 280, 282 Propontis 84, 90, 172, 221, 237, 254, Phintias 355, 358 275–277, 400 Phleius 12, 199, 254, 380 Propylaea 178–179 Phocaea 80 Prusias I 393 ; Prusias II 394 Phocis, Phocian League 7, 14–15, Ptolemaïs (in Upper Egypt) 337 ; (in 161–162, 188–190, 250, 268, 270, Palestine) 337, 339, 383, 420 275, 277, 279–280, 282–284, 286–288, Ptolemy I 300–301, 306, 308, 311, 320, 347, 389, 402; Phocian War 14, 268, 322–323, 325–327, 329–334, 337, 270, 275, 277, 279–280, 282–286 341–342, 344–346, 368, 370, 372, Phoebidas 246, 249 374–375, 426 ; Ptolemy II 346, 349, Phoenice 394, 396 368, 370–376, 384, 394; Ptolemy Phoenicia 18, 49, 63, 66–67, 141–142, III 372–372, 374, 378, 380–381, 144–146, 187–188, 299, 302–303, 326, 383–384, 392, 400; Ptolemy IV 365, 372, 394–395, 400, 406, 425, 427 383–384, 394 ; Ptolemy V 384, Phormio 202 394–395, 398, 401, 407, 419; Ptolemy Phrataphernes 307, 323–324 VI 407, 412, 419; Ptolemy VIII 415, Phrygia (Hellespontine) 233–234, 277, 419–420; Ptolemy IX 420–421 ; 282, 287, 294, 296–297, 323–324, Ptolemy X 420–421 ; Ptolemy 385; (Greater) 234, 297, 299, 320, XI 421 ; Ptolemy XII 421–422 ; 323, 325, 333, 343, 349, 370, 381, 385 Ptolemy XIII 424–425 ; Ptolemy Pindar 115, 259, 281, 369 XIV 425 ; Ptolemy XV 425–426 ; Pisidia 225, 338 (general of Antigonus Pithecussae 82 Monophthalmus) 329 ; Pittacus 77, 118 (Ceraunus) 345–348, 370; (son of Plataea 13, 153, 156, 160, 162, 164, Ptolemy II and Arsinoë) 371, 374; 171–172, 183, 201–202, 204, 238, (son of Pyrrhus) 371 ; Ptolemy 251, 254, 281, 287 Apion 421 ; (brother of Ptolemy Plato (philosopher) 224, 259, 263, XII’ s) 421–422 ; (King of 266–267, 356 ; (King of Bactria) 414 Commagene) 423 ; (King of Pleistarchus 334, 340–341 ) 426 Pleistoanax 164, 190 Punic War (fi rst) 361–362, 399; 94, 102–104, 123, 125, (second) 391–392, 396; (third) 399 127–128, 306, 312, 340, 342, 344, 427 16, 275, 279, 329, 399, Polemon I 423 ; Polemon II 423, 426 404–405, 407 205, 378, 384–385, 391, Pylaean Amphictiony 16, 56, 279, 394–395, 399, 404 281–282, 287 Polycrates 110, 113–117, 141 Pylos 10, 96, 204–206, 208–209, 211, Polyperchon 320, 326, 329, 332, 352 222; Kingdom of Pylos 9, 12, 28, Pompeius Magnus, Cn. () 31–43, 46–47, 50, 52, 58, 61 417–419, 422, 424 Pyrrhus 258, 342–345, 355, 357, Pontus see Cappadocia on the Pontus 359–361, 371, 373, 392 Popillius Laenas, C. 407 Pythian Games 113, 281–282 INDEX 469

Quinctius Flamininus, T. 378, 397 S ellasia 390 Sempronius Gracchus, Ti. 411 R amses III 47–50, 52 Sepias 2, 160–162 Raphia 365, 383–384 Sestus 172, 279 Rhegium 82–83, 115, 165, 265, 268, Shikalaeans 51–52 359–361 Sibyrtius 310, 323 17–18, 43, 53, 86, 216, 222, Sicanians 262–263 275, 277, 279, 287, 298, 299, 333, Sicels 81, 85, 262–264, 269 369, 375, 396–397, 399–403, 405 Sicyon 54, 110–111, 113, 115, 117, Rhoxane 309, 322, 325, 332 189, 237, 262, 376–378, 388 Rome 114, 142, 231, 270, 276, 291, 339, 383 340, 349, 355, 357, 359–362, 365, Sigeium 117, 131, 141, 144 369, 378–379, 390–405, 407, 410–411, Simon (offi cial in Jerusalem) 406 ; 417–427 (Maccabaeus) 412–413, 423 Rubicon 424 Siris 81, 86 Siwah 302–303, 306, 321 Sacred War 7, 279–284, 286–288 Smyrna 400–401 Salamis (Saronic island) 156, 162–166, Social War (350s BC) 275–279, 171, 174, 183; (on Cyprus) 77, 109, 282–284, 287; (210s BC) 390–391; 225, 263, 294, 332, 370, 375, 386 (91–88 BC) 417 Salome Alexandra 424 Socrates 224, 267 Samnites, Samnite Wars 355, 359 Sogdiane 141, 307–309, 323, 332 S amos 17, 43, 55, 108, 110, 112–117, Solon 77, 109, 118, 123–129, 141, 147, 149, 151, 177, 192, 202, 132–133 217–219, 275–279, 285, 289, 299, Sophagasenus 385, 401 327, 373–374, 395, 402 Sophocles 179 Sandrocottus see Chandragupta Maurya So(si)stratus (Syracusan oligarch) 352 ; Sappho 77, 108 (ruler of Acragas) 358–359 130, 139–140, 143–144, 152, S parta 1, 8–10, 12, 53–54, 60, 63, 80, 162, 220, 234–235, 296, 343–345, 85–87, 89–90, 93–104, 107, 127, 371, 381, 385, 400 130–131, 138–139, 144–145, 152–153, Scopas (Aetolian commander) 390 ; 156, 158, 160–161, 164–165, 172–173, (Ptolemaic general) 394 183–194, 196–209, 211–212, 214–215, S cyros 18, 92, 174, 239, 289 217–219, 221, 223–224, 227–229, Scythians 80, 308, 417 231–238, 240, 244, 246–255, 263, “ Sea Peoples” 47–52 270, 275, 280, 289, 294, 305, 320, S egesta 260, 263 341–342, 355, 371, 373, 376, 378, Seleuceia (on the ) 337 ; (in 388–391, 393, 398–399, 410–411, 427 ; Syria) 337, 368, 381, 383; (by the see also Perioeci and Helots bridge, i.e. “Zeugma”) 337–338 Spartiates see Sparta Seleucus I 320, 322–323, 325, 329– Sphacteria 204–206, 209 334, 337–338, 340–346, 365, 367–368, Sphodrias 247–249, 251 370, 372, 381, 392, 394, 400–401, Sporades, Northern 18, 174; for 407 ; Seleucus II 380–382, 401; Southern Sporades see Dodecanese Seleucus III 382 ; Seleucus IV Stratonice 338, 400 404–406, 411 ; Seleucus V 416 Stratoniceia 338, 400 Selinus 78, 81, 89, 165, 260–261, 263, S trymon 158, 74, 207 266, 354 Sulla see Cornelius 470 INDEX

Susa, Susiane 143, 145, 183, 305, 312, Theron 165, 259 323, 331, 368, 380 Thespiae 63, 161–162, 247–249, Sybaris 78, 90 251–252 Sybota 199 Thessalonice 341–342 Syloson 110, 141 Thessaly 1, 12, 15–16, 54–55, 60, Syracuse 80–82, 89, 110–111, 115, 130–131, 151, 159–160, 162, 172–173, 165, 167, 197, 214–216, 258, 260– 207, 250, 254, 262, 274, 279, 270, 320, 337, 352–354, 356, 358–362 282–284, 286, 289, 295, 329, 333, Syria 47–48, 50, 91, 141–142, 299, 342–343, 345, 371, 379–380, 389, 301–303, 323, 325–326, 330, 334, 397, 401–402, 404 337–339, 341, 343, 368, 372, 375, Thibron 233–234, 237 377, 380–383, 413, 416–423, 425–427 Thoenon 358, 360 365, 425; (First) 16, 80, 88, 146, 152, 178, 202, 371–372, 380 ; (Second) 372, 375; 222, 233, 274, 278–279, 284–287, (Third) 372, 381–382, 392, 400; 295, 323–324, 332–334, 342, 344–345, (Fourth) 383–384, 394; (Fifth) 394, 349, 359, 376, 380–382, 392–393, 398 ; (Sixth) 407 400–401 Thrasybulus 222, 228, 237 Taenarum 97 Thronium 282, 393 Tanagra 189, 201, 250 81, 85, 89, 94, 96–97, 109, Taras 86, 89–90, 96, 267, 270, 352, 116, 121–123, 132, 154, 173–178, 355–361, 393 183, 185–186, 188–191, 193, 196–200, Tauromenium 259, 263–264, 269, 352, 203–208, 211–213, 216–217, 219–222, 360, 362 281 Ta xiles see Omphis 90, 265, 359 Taÿgetos 8–9, 93, 95, 195, 252 Thyreatis 10, 98, 101, 390 Tegea 2, 98, 100, 254, 321, 388 Tigranes 417–418, 422 Tempe 158, 162, 274 Tigris 147, 303, 312, 337–338, 383 Teuta 379 (Ptolemaic rebel) 374 ; Thaïs 306 (Satrap of Babylon) 411 Thasos 18, 80, 86, 152, 177, 184–187, Timocrates 234 202, 216, 222, 394 Timoleon 268–270 Theagenes 108, 112, 122 Timonassa 117, 130 Thebes, Kingdom of Thebes 12–13, 32, Timotheus 251, 254, 276, 285 58, 115, 161, 179, 199, 202, 228, 236, Tiryns 10–12, 32–33, 46 246–251, 254, 287, 295–296, 305 ; 218, 233–235 Phthiotic Thebes 391 Tithraustes 234 157, 162, 174, 183–184, Tolmides 189–190, 201 186 Triparadeisus 323, 325 Theocritus 337, 369, 372, 384 Triphylia 9, 391 Theognis 107–109 Troad 152, 183, 233 Theophrastus 327, 357 Troezen 2, 12, 162, 199, 377, 388 (King of Sparta) 95, 102; Troy, Trojan War 26, 39, 43, 64, 95, (historian) 96, 220, 274 357 Thera 3, 60, 77–80, 84, 86, 88–89 Tyre 303, 339, 383, 415 Theramenes 219, 222, 225 T yrtaeus 94–96, 102, 104, 154 Thermopylae 15–16, 56, 94, 159–162, 165, 204–205, 279, 281, 283, 288, Utica 354 324, 329, 347, 376, 379, 393, 402, 410 Uxii 370 INDEX 471

Vergina see Aegae 152, 158, 160, 162–164, 183, Vibius Marsus, C. 426–427 289, 307; (King of Armenia) 385

Xenocles 235–236 Zacynthos 201, 251 94, 220–221, 223–224, Z ama 396 228, 231–232, 234–239, 246, Zancle see Messene on Sicily 248–252, 255, 263, 276, 294, Zeugma see Seleuceia 300 385, 395, 400