10 | August 21-22, 2021 CHINA DAILY LIFE By Zhao Xu and its vast potential implications.
[email protected] “Snow was saying: You guys thinking in your Western-versus- n Sept 15, 1971, E. Grey Soviet communist way leaves out Dimond, 53, found him- one fourth of the population on self crossing the border Earth. There’s this whole other pop- A diamond hewn between Hong Kong ulation that is neither Soviet nor Oand the Chinese mainland, from Western, who are suffering through what he called “neon China” to New the remnants of imperialism, who A chance meeting in New Hampshire between E. Grey Dimond, a cardiologist, China, half a year before US presi- want more freedom and revolution dent Richard Nixon stepped onto in some cases, and who don’t want the latter’s life, and a quest by the former to get close to the ground at the airport in Beijing to be told by you guys that they to begin what he called his “week should preserve what they have that changed the world”. through your legal traditions. The cardiologist, today remem- “This provided Dr. Dimond with bered as the founder of the School of his ‘light bulb’ moment.” Medicine at the University of Mis- Then came Dimond’s China trip in souri-Kansas City, had a special mis- 1971, during which he was joined by sion on that trip. He was to verify his wife Mary and three of his fellow some reports filed by his fellow Kan- doctors, including his 85-year-old sas City native Edgar Snow, based teacher Paul Dudley White (1886- on the man’s own previous travel to 1973), a cardiologist who had served China during which he was invited as president Dwight D.