
The World 1s Largest By Guy Belleranti

Did you know the lorges1 fish in the world

is a genile shork with teeth so small it cannot

use them to ea1? This fish is the . An adult averages 25 feet

in length. Some reach LJO feet or more. That's as big as a full-sized school bus and

twice as big as o great !

How con a shark grow so Iorgo if it

t t l doesn' use its tee h to eat? It fi ter feeds! This meons it strains food from the i l t l lhrough a kind of f l er in its mouth. Ano her gian filter-feeder is lhe blue whale, but lhe i l whole she.irk f ltrn feeds slightly different y them Hie blue wl,ale. i A blue whole flters food through brush like pl ales called bcileen. The whole shark i doesn'I hove /Joleen, but i does have gills. fhe whale shmk's []ills ore exlro spcciol. They i ti hove br stly sec ons coiled gill rokers. i As !he whol e shork swi ms through lhc ocecm, i sucks wo l er, liny plonls, rnicl

i l i microscop c onimo s coled plankton into its five-foot wide mouth. When !he shark closes t its moulh, lhe water passes over i s c1ills oncl bock inlo the seo. However, ihe cJill 1okcrs l col cl cmd fl er ou t the p cmkl on. Tho shmk swol ows lhis plonklon The shmk's huge 1 i l l . l l rnou h olso co dies cmd swollows other srnoll cmimols, includinq fish, sl1rimp, cmcJ squid. l l l The whole shmk's gills cJo rnorc hon co ch plunk on. Like lhe �;ills of olhei fish, whole l l sl101k qi lls obsorb dissolvecl oxy9cn from he wo cr. This oxyge11 posses info llie ,Jills' bloocl

l i l vcssds. The heor then p1n-nps I his oxyqe:n-r c:h blood lo o her purls of lhe body. l l Anol ier cool ll1ins;.J obou lhe whole shork is lhc spots on ils body. l'oc:11 whole shork t l hos CJ u11ique spo poltern. Scientists s uclyin9 whole, slK11ks hove usecl lhis lo help lell one l whulc shark f1on1 ono hcr.

i l Did you know? Some people sJo d vinsi wi h whole shorks bccnusc of lhcir ucnllc no lure. i l i i Wou d YOU [/0 div n9 IN l1 u w11olc slirnk?

StJpct Tt:nchcr Woikshccl'::- The World's Largest Fish By Guy Belleronti

1. ['\med on the informolion in lhe orlicle. which foci oboul whole is not I rue? a. Whole sharks hove o unique potlern of spots on their bodies. b. Whale sharks filter plankton through their gill rakers. c. Whole sharks are mammals, like the blue whole. d. Whole sharks are about twice m big as greol white sharks.

2. According to lhe article, o whale shark is o just like which other lorge ocean cmimol?

3. How does o whole shark's gills help it wilh filler feeding?

4. The four in lhe box are mcnlioncd in the arlicle. On the lines below, rewrite the onimol nmnes in from smallest to largest.

great while shark whole shark plankton shrimp

5. loosed on your underslcmdinq of whot you reocl in the arliclc, whot do all Ille lollowiris.J lruils hove in comrncm·c'


• lcxipmcl spots • whole shmk mcnkin(Js

Supc1 ·1cuc:l1c1· Work';hecl'i www.s_upc1 !cucl1c1wo1 k;,l·1cc!_<;_._co1-r1 f>[(ll]i('. The World's Largest Fish By Guy Belleranti

Motch eoch vocobulory worcl from the reocling possoge witr1 the correct clefinilion.

___ 1. gentle a. toke in or soak up something

2. filter b. microscopic orgonisms thot floot ·,n the seo, which mony larger ori'1mals clepencl on for food 3. unique c. lubes in the body thot corry blood to lhe organs ond tissues

4. plonkton d. fully grown; mo lure

5. brislly e, distinctive; speciol

6. c1bsorb f. co uses food to move clown the tf1roo I

7. oxyqcn g. milcl mcmnerecl, kind, or lenc:lm

/3, blood vessels h. hcivinci o mu�f, c:mc:I prickly lcxlurc

9. swollows r. o chernic:ul clement humcms cmcJ cmirnols riced to brco111e in orclcr lo survive

10, ncJul1 j. slroin ou1 unwcmtcd rnnlcric1I

SUIJ()r lcnch(--_?J Work\hC;(}j', V\/\;J\N .Slipc11cuchc1w_0,1 kshc(:;1'> _(�()()I_ Name: Equivalent Fractions

Match the fractions on the left with equivalent fractions on the right. Write the correct letters on the lines.

1 a. 4 3 6 b.

3 C. 8

___ 4. 3 d. 4

1 e. 4 3 10

6. f. ___ 1 whole

1 2 g. 5 2

Circle the three fractions below that are equal.

2 4 5 6 4 6 8 9

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