
24 The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas resources and associated

Whitetip ( longimanus), is an oceanic shark found in tropical and warm-temperate of the Atlantic, possibly in the , in the western and in the Pacific. It is usually found far offshore in the open sea but it sometimes occurs in as shallow as 37 m inshore, particularly off oceanic islands or in continental areas where the shelf is very narrow. It is regularly caught with pelagic longlines, also handlines and occasionally pelagic and even bottom trawls. It is utilized fresh, smoked and dried salted for human consumption, for hides, for (processed into the ingredients for shark- soup), and for oil (extracted for vitamins) and fishmeal. Although it is one of the most common oceanic FIGURE 22 , recorded catches total (Prionace glauca) only 187 tonnes in 2004. Blue shark (Prionace glauca) (Figure 22), has a worldwide distribution in temperate and tropical oceanic waters. It is one of the most abundant and the most heavily fished shark in the world, often as in pelagic longlines , but also on hook-and-lines, in pelagic trawls, and even FIGURE 23 bottom trawls near the coasts. Catches of requiem sharks ( Carcharhinidae) In 2004 more than 36 000 as reported to FAO tonnes were recorded. Catches of requiem sharks 100 (Figure 23) reported to FAO Sharks - Carcharhinidae 90 were less than 10 000 tonnes Pacific Ocean 80 in the 1950s, increasing to 40–

) Indian Ocean 50 000 tonnes in the 1960s and 70 1970s. After a brief decline 60 in the early-1980s, reported catches have increased more 50 or less steadily to more 40 than 87 000 tonnes in 2004. h (thousand tonnes (thousand h 30 Catches are reported from the Catc Atlantic, Indian and Pacific 20 Oceans with blue shark, 10 spot-tail shark (Carcharhinus

0 sorrah, a coastal non-oceanic 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 species taken primarily within EEZs) and being the most important species.

3.2.6 Hammerhead, and sharks (family Sphyrnidae) The family Sphyrnidae comprises nine species: the (Eusphyra blochii), the ( corona), the whitefin hammerhead (Sphyrna couardi), the (Sphyrna lewini), the scoophead (Sphyrna media), the (Sphyrna mokarran), the bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), the (Sphyrna tudes), and the (Sphyrna zygaena). The members of the family are considered coastal; occasionally occurring in brackish water with a global distribution mostly in warm waters. Highly migratory species 25

Although all species are caught, only the scalloped hammerhead and the smooth hammerhead are reported as individual species in the FAO statistics. The smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena) was believed to be an amphitemperate species (i.e. occurs in temperate water in the northern and southern hemispheres, absent from the tropics), but it is now known to occur in the tropics. It has a circumglobal distribution. It is an active, common, coastal-pelagic and semi-oceanic species. It is caught with pelagic longlines, handlines, as well as bottom and pelagic trawls. The scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) (Figure 24) has essentially a circumglobal distribution in coastal and semi-oceanic warm temperate and tropical seas. It occurs over continental and insular shelves and in deep water adjacent to them, often approaching close inshore and entering enclosed bays and estuaries. Its depth range is from the intertidal at the surface to depths of about 275 m. It is probably the most abundant hammerhead. This species is apparently highly FIGURE 24 mobile and in part migratory, Scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) forming huge schools of small migrating individuals. Owing to its abundance, the species is common in inshore artisanal and small-scale commercial fisheries, as well as offshore operations. It is caught with pelagic longlines, fixed bottom longlines, fixed bottom nets, and even bottom and pelagic trawls.

The young are easily caught FIGURE 25 on light longline gear. Given Catches of hammerhead, bonnethead and scoophead sharks its life-history characteristics, (family Sphyrnidae) as reported to FAO the scalloped is expected to have very low resilience to exploitation and fisheries for the species should be managed with great caution. Although its worldwide distribution and known high abundance gives the species some protection globally, the risk of local depletions remains a serious concern. Catches of Sphyrnidae have been reported only from the Atlantic Ocean since 1991 (Figure 25). The catch was near 2 200 tonnes in 2004.

3.2.7 sharks Mackerel sharks (currently family , although UNCLOS Annex 1 refers to them as Isurida) have a worldwide distribution in temperate and tropical seas. There are five species in the Lamnidae family: the great ( ), the shortfin mako ( oxyrinchus), the longfin mako (Isurus paucus), the shark ( ditropis), and the (Lamna nasus). 26 The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas fishery resources and associated species

FIGURE 26 The The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) (Carcharodon carcharias) (Figure 26 and 27), is mostly amphitemperate found in coastal and offshore areas of continental and insular shelves. Its depth range goes from the surface to below 1 000 m and individuals have been observed to cross ocean basins and enter deep tropical waters during migration (Bonfil et al., 2005). The great white shark is of little interest FIGURE 27 to commercial fisheries, but Geographic distribution of the great white shark its sensitivity to harvest has (Carcharodon carcharias) (from Compagno, 2001) led to its listing on CITES Appendix II in 2004. It is also listed on Annex II to the Protocol “Endangered or Threatened Species” of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea, and protected by several countries including , , of America, . The shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) (Figures 28 and FIGURE 28 29) is a coastal and oceanic (Isurus oxyrinchus) circumglobal species found in temperate and tropical waters, generally warmer than 16 °C. It occurs from the surface down to at least 150 m. The shortfin mako may be the fastest shark and one of the swiftest and most active . This is an important species for longline fisheries where it occurs, because of its high quality . It is also a prime prized by sport anglers. Given its life-history characteristics, the shortfin mako is expected to have medium resilience to exploitation (relative to other sharks). Its worldwide distribution and relatively high abundance in some areas probably means it is not currently at risk, but like all elasmobranch it can be easily overfished and localized depletion is always a risk. According to ICCAT (2005) the possibility that the in the north Atlantic is below that producing Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) cannot be ruled out, but in the south Atlantic it is probably above. Highly migratory species 27

The longfin mako FIGURE 29 (Isurus paucus) (Figures 30 Geographic distribution of the shortfin mako shark and 31) is an oceanic, warm (Isurus oxyrinchus) (from Compagno, 2001) water, epipelagic species, probably circumtropical, but records are sporadic with the result that the distribution is poorly known. The species is probably often mistaken for the apparently far more common shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) or included with records for it. However, it was apparently common in the western Atlantic and possibly in the Central Pacific (whether it is FIGURE 30 still common is unknown), (Isurus paucus) but rare elsewhere. It is probably taken regularly in tropical pelagic longline fisheries for and as bycatch. In addition to longlines, the species is taken with hooks and lines and with anchored gillnets. Little is known about the state of longfin mako shark populations. Without such information, management should be cautious with fisheries that FIGURE 31 catch this species. Geographic distribution of the longfin mako shark The (Lamna (Isurus paucus) (from Compagno, 2001) ditropis) (Figures 32 and 33) is a common coastal-littoral, offshore and epipelagic shark, found in cool waters of the north Pacific, at depths from the surface to below 150 m. Salmon sharks are common in continental offshore waters but range inshore to just off beaches; they also are abundant far from land in the North Pacific Ocean basin. This species has been fished in the North Pacific in the past by oceanic longliners and offshore gillnetters. They are also caught in salmon seines, by salmon trollers towing hooks, and possibly by bottom trawlers off Alaska. They are occasionally trammel-netted by fishermen off and as bycatch in gillnets set for swordfish and thresher sharks off California. Sports anglers in Alaska and catch salmon sharks using rod and reel much like porbeagle anglers 28 The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas fishery resources and associated species

FIGURE 32 in the North Atlantic. The Salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) species is considered heavily fished even though most of the catch is discarded bycatch. It has a negative image as an abundant and low-value pest that avidly eats or damages valuable salmon and wrecks gear, which encourages fishers to kill it. Knowledge of its biology is limited despite its abundance, but its fecundity is very low and the species probably cannot sustain FIGURE 33 current fishing pressure for Geographic distribution of the salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) (from Compagno, 2001) extended periods. The porbeagle (Lamna nasus) (Figures 34 and 35) is a coastal and oceanic, amphitemperate species, with its centres of distribution in the North Atlantic, and in a circumglobal band of temperate water of the southern Atlantic, southern Indian, southern Pacific and Antarctic Oceans. The porbeagle is most abundant on the continental offshore FIGURE 34 fishing banks, but it is also Porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) found far from land in ocean basins and occasionally close inshore. This shark usually occurs in cold water, less than 18 °C and down to 1 °C. The porbeagle is found at the surface down to depths of about 350 m or more, singly and in schools and feeding aggregations. may come inshore and to the surface in summer, and over winter offshore beneath the surface. Catches in Europe indicate that the porbeagle segregates by size (age) and gender. Porbeagles of the western North Atlantic seem to constitute a single stock that undertakes extensive migrations between southern Newfoundland (Canada) in summer to at least (USA) in the winter. Long-term tagging data suggest that there is no mixing between this population and that of the eastern North Atlantic. Porbeagles breed on both sides of the North Atlantic. This species has been heavily fished commercially and utilized for human consumption in the temperate North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, but is also caught as bycatch in the Southern Highly migratory species 29

Hemisphere (e.g. it is the FIGURE 35 second most common shark Geographic distribution of the porbeagle shark taken as bycatch of the New (Lamna nasus) (from Compagno, 2001) Zealand longline fishery). Stocks in the North Atlantic have shown signs of serious overexploitation as indicated by a large decline in catch. The western Atlantic stock is currently considered overexploited. For the Northeast Atlantic, ICES (2005) concluded that the stock is depleted and no fishery should be permitted. In the past, porbeagles were considered a nuisance to FIGURE 36 commercial fishermen because Catches of mackerel sharks (family Lamnidae) as they wrecked light gear set reported to FAO for bony fishes (such as nets) and bit fish off hooks. 12 Porbeagle are an important Sharks - Lamnidae bycatch of Japanese longliners 10 Southern Ocean (negligible) and probably of the pelagic ) Pacific Ocean fishing fleets of other countries 8 Indian Ocean (negligible) fishing in the southern Indian Atlantic Ocean Ocean and elsewhere in the 6 Southern Hemisphere, where information on catches is h (thousand tonnes (thousand h poor and may be little-utilized 4 except for fins. Catc Reported catches of 2 Lamnidae increased sharply from less than 2 000 tonnes 0 in the mid-1950s to almost 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 10 000 tonnes in 1963 (Figure 36). More recently, reported catches have increased steadily from about 1 000 tonnes in the early-1980s to almost 6 500 tonnes in 2004, mostly shortfin mako (5 000 tonnes) and porbeagle (1 000 tonnes) sharks.

3.2.8 The fisheries As highlighed in FAO (2000b), sharks are long-lived, slow-growing, and producing few offspring. These characteristics are associated with low productivity. They imply that the production of recruits is closely linked to the spawning stock of adults. Stock recovery should be expected to be slow in the event that overexploitation depletes stocks. The number of shark species is small compared with the number of species of bony fishes, but they occupy a variety of habitats from near shore to the ocean abyss. They are most numerous at depths less than 200 m in tropical and warm temperate marine habitats. Shark fisheries pre-date recorded history, and every part of these has been used for some purpose. Shark meat is important food consumed fresh, dried, salted or smoked. In many communities fins of sharks are among the world’s most 30 The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas fishery resources and associated species

expensive fishery products. Shark cartilage and other products are increasingly sought for medicinal purposes. Few fisheries use the whole however: some use only the meat, others only use the fins, or livers or skin. In the majority of cases where only a portion of the animal is used, the rest is discarded at sea, which makes species identification of the catch difficult. Fisheries for sharks are common throughout the world and use a variety of fishing gears and vessels. Sharks are taken mainly by gillnet and hook or trawl in industrial and artisanal fisheries. Small amounts are taken in traditional and recreational fisheries (game fishers and divers) and in beach gillnet and drumline fishing as bather protection programmes. There are several fisheries directed at one or a small number of species of shark, but most sharks are taken in multispecies fisheries where the fishers tend to target more highly valued traditional bony fish species. The following categories of shark fisheries can be identified: coastal hook and gillnet fisheries, demersal trawl bycatch fisheries, deep-water bycatch fisheries, pelagic bycatch fisheries (primarily bycatch in tuna longline and purse seine fisheries) and freshwater shark fisheries. Since most shark catch is taken as bycatch, most of the catch is reported as unidentified shark, mixed fish or is not reported at all. This lack of species identification of the catches and lack of information on fishing effort means basic data for fishery assessment are not available for most species. An important concern about fisheries that catch sharks is that harvest strategies designed to maximize economic and social benefits from multi-species fisheries have a high probability of depleting the least productive species (such as sharks), unless methods for making fishing more selective (thus able to avoid like sharks) are developed and implemented. As fishing effort increases, older and larger individuals and larger species disappear from the assemblage to be replaced by smaller counterparts. This results in a gradual drift towards shorter-lived, faster- growing species, which negatively effects biodiversity.

3.2.9 State of the highly migratory oceanic shark stocks The state of the stocks has been described under each species. In general, sharks are vulnerable to overexploitation and depletion, especially locally. In the absence of stock specific information on the state of fisheries and fishery resources, it is prudent to consider the state of shark populations as 10% of the highly migratory oceanic being at least fully exploited, and to apply sharks are moderately exploited, 35% a precautionary approach to management. fully exploited, 40% overexploited and The general state of exploitation of oceanic 15% depleted sharks is summarized in Table 2, where it is shown that of the 33 species group-area combination, 13 are unknown (39 percent). Of the remaining 20, none are considered underexploited or recovering, 10 percent are considered moderately exploited, 35 percent fully exploited, 40 percent overexploited, and 15 percent depleted. In terms of biomass, this implies that 35 percent of the stocks are at or around 50 percent of their unfished biomass and 55 percent are well below that level. As for tuna and tuna-like species, the status of oceanic sharks fishery resources has been described as being considerably worse (Baum et al., 2003; Baum and Myers, 2004). However, while agreeing that there have been declines in the populations of some species, the scientists involved in the assessments of northwest Atlantic and Gulf of sharks, conclude that the magnitude of the changes are smaller than those reported in the aforementioned publications (Burgess et al., 2005). Notwithstanding the divergence of views and as already stressed by FAO in the early-1990s (Garcia and Majkowski, 1992) the situation of world oceanic shark stocks is definitely a source of serious concern. Highly migratory species 31

TABLE 2 Summary of the state of exploitation of highly migratory oceanic sharks

1 Catches (tonnes) State of Species/stocks 2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 exploitation Bluntnose sixgill shark 1 7 2 30 N ( griseus) (Cetorhinus maximus) 389 287 180 505 239 O-D (Alopias pelagicus) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A F-O Thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus) 5 2 16 163 F-O Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus) 654 614 464 423 321 F-O Thresher shark (Alopias spp.) 519 599 454 714 488 shark (Rhincodon typus) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A F 11 680 9 330 8 384 5 305 4 358 N - M (Carcharhinus falciformis) Whitetip shark 175 187 N (Carcharhinus longimanus) Blue shark (Prionace glauca) 18 605 20 545 23 493 31 194 36 647 N Winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N Scalloped bonnethead N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N (Sphyrna corona) Whitefin hammerhead N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N (Sphyrna couardi) Scalloped hammerhead 38 515 798 139 491 F-O (Sphyrna lewini) Scoophead (Sphyrna media) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N Great hammerhead N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N (Sphyrna mokarran) Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N Smalleye hammerhead N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N (Sphyrna tudes) Smooth hammerhead 35 27 40 119 207 N (Sphyrna zygaena) Sphyrnidae 2 008 2 217 1 996 2 369 1 477 Great white shark 2 4 D (Carcharodon carcharias) Shortfin mako 2 853 3 344 5 615 5 937 4 948 M-F-O (Isurus oxyrinchus) Longfin mako 4 3 1 1 N (Isurus paucus) Salmon shark N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A F-O (Lamna ditropis) Porbeagle (Lamna nasus) 2 865 2 135 1 010 1 031 1 380 O-D

1Catch data from FAO FISHSTAT Plus 2Symbols: N = Not known; U = Underexploited; M = Moderately exploited; F = Fully exploited; O = Overexploited; D = Depleted; R = Recovering.

3.3 OTHER HIGHLY MIGRATORY SPECIES The species in this section, unlike and to some extent sharks, have not attracted large or high profile fisheries. Therefore, there is little information about these species and their state of exploitation, other than reported catches and some information on their biological characteristics and geographical distribution, summarized in the FAO Species Identification and Data Programme (SIDP) Web site, Fishbase and other FAO information resources.

3.3.1 Pomfrets The pomfrets (family Bramidae) include eight genera and 21 species. Annex 1 of UNCLOS refers to the family Bramidae without listing individual species. Thus all 21 species are considered highly migratory with respect to UNCLOS. The Bramidae is a family of pelagic, benthopelagic and bathypelagic fishes found in temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. The main characteristic of 32 The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas fishery resources and associated species

FIGURE 37 most of the species is that they The Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama) are oceanodromous, that is, they migrate within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, with migrations being cyclical, predictable and covering more than 100 km. The worldwide landings of pomfrets are poorly documented. The FAO fishery statistics database lists Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama) (Figure 37), Pomfrets, and ocean breams not elsewhere included FIGURE 38 Catches of pomfrets and ocean breams as reported to FAO (nei). The time series shows strong oscillations. Maximum landings were close to 20 Pomfrets and ocean breams 18 000 tonnes in 2001, from 18 Pacific Ocean 18 countries fishing in the 16 Atlantic Ocean Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, ) 14 but in 2004 7 000 tonnes were recorded (Figure 38). 12 Because pomfrets are mostly 10 caught as a bycatch in other

8 fisheries, there is very limited

h (thousand tonnes (thousand h biological information on the 6

Catc species. Pomfrets are included 4 in management plans in the

2 United States of America and Australia, but they do 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 not appear to be assessed by international fisheries bodies. Although their state of exploitation is not known, there is no indication of overexploitation. According to FAO (2005a), they appear to be fully exploited in the eastern Indian Ocean, and moderately exploited in the Southwest Pacific.

3.3.2 Sauries Sauries belong to the family. The species included in Annex 1 of UNCLOS are the Atlantic saury ( saurus), the ( saira), the saury (C. adocetus), and the king gar (Scomberesox saurus scombroides). The list contains three species and one subspecies belonging to one of the species cited. The species Scomberesox saurus has two subspecies: S. saurus saurus and S. saurus scombroides. It is therefore assumed that Scomberesox saurus in Annex 1 is Scomberesox saurus saurus. All these species are pelagic, schooling and oceanodromous. The Atlantic saury (Scomberesox saurus saurus) lives near the surface in the North Atlantic, in the Baltic Sea and throughout the Mediterranean. The Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) (Figures 39 and 40), is widely distributed in the North Pacific. It is generally found offshore, usually near the surface and migrates seasonally. It is the object of a substantial fishery and is a popular fish in . Most of the reported catches are Highly migratory species 33

from this species. The saury FIGURE 39 (C. adocetus), is a tropical The Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) species of the Eastern Pacific. The king gar (Scomberesox saurus scombroides) lives in brackish and marine waters, it is only of minor commercial importance and it occurs in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans with FIGURE 40 Geographic distribution of the Pacific saury circumglobal distribution (Cololabis saira) (from Eschmeyer, Herald and in temperate waters of the Hammann, 1983) southern hemisphere. Only six countries have reported saury landings to FAO. Landings have fluctuated between 200 000 tonnes and 600 000 tonnes since 1950, without a clear long-term trend since the early-1970s (Figure 41). Japan accounts for 49 percent to 98 percent of the reported total landings. The Pacific saury accounts for more than 95 percent of the reported landings. Slightly more than FIGURE 41 350 000 tonnes were reported Catches of sauries as reported to FAO in 2004. 700 Similar to pomfrets, sauries Sauries Pacific Ocean are included in national 600 management plans in some Atlantic Ocean (negligible) ) countries but they are not 500 a species of direct interest for international fisheries 400 bodies. Although their state of exploitation is not known, 300

sauries are unlikely to be tonnes (thousand h overexploited. 200 Catc

3.3.3 Dolphinfish 100 The two dolphinfishes of the Coryphaenidae family, 0 the common dolphinfish 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 (Coryphaena hippurus) and the Pompano dolphinfish (Coryphaena equiselis), are included in Annex 1 of UNCLOS. Both species follow boats and associate with floating objects which may be used as attracting devices in fisheries. The common dolphinfish (C. hippurus) (Figures 42 and 43) is generally common in most warm and temperate seas, at 21 to 30 ºC in the Atlantic (including the Mediterranean), the western and eastern Indian Ocean and in the western central Pacific. It is an epipelagic species (i.e. living or feeding in surface waters to depths of 200 m). 34 The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas fishery resources and associated species

FIGURE 42 The Pompano dolphinfish The common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) (C. equiselis) has a worldwide distribution in tropical and subtropical seas. It is primarily an oceanic species but may enter coastal waters. More than 40 countries reported dolphinfish landings to FAO (C. hippurus only). Reported landings show a sustained increasing trend

FIGURE 43 from 7 000 tonnes in 1950 Geographic distribution of the common to almost 50 000 tonnes dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the early-2000s (modified from Collette, 1999) (Figure 44). Slightly more than 50 000 tonnes were reported in 2003 and 2004. Seven reporting entities have consistently declared landings since 1950. The Pacific Ocean accounts for more than half of the catches, with Japan and Province of China being by far the largest contributors. Some dolphinfish fisheries within EEZs are actively managed, sometimes using interesting spatial approaches FIGURE 44 Catches of dolphinfish as reported to FAO (e.g. the lampuki fishery in Malta). Although the state of 60 exploitation is not known, Dolphinfish dolphinfish are unlikely to be 50 overexploited. Pacific Ocean

) Indian Ocean 3.3.4 State of other highly 40 Atlantic Ocean migratory fish stocks As discussed above, the state 30 of exploitation of other highly migratory species of pomfrets, h (thousand tonnes (thousand h 20 sauries and dolphinfish is

Catc poorly known or not known,

10 and in most cases there is not even reliable information on catches. Nevertheless, in 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 some cases a more or less educated guess of the most likely state of exploitation is possible based on fragmented information on life history patterns, geographical distribution, and available catches. This information is summarized in Table 3. Pomfrets are moderately or fully exploited in the Indian Ocean, while the state of sauries and dolphinfish is unknown, but based Highly migratory species 35

on available information it seems unlikely that they are being overexploited. Thus, would be either moderately or fully exploited, although this will need to be confirmed, particularly prior to any further expansion of the exploitation.

TABLE 3 Summary of the state of exploitation of selected other highly migratory species

Catches1 State of Species/stocks exploitation2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Pomfrets (several species) 10 038 17 732 6 692 4 389 6 996 M-F Sauris (several species) 306 550 381 344 337 554 457 003 357 632 N(M-F?) Dolphinfish (Coryphaena spp.) 42 698 47 554 48 651 53 676 52 657 N(M-F?)

1Catch data from FAO FISHSTAT Plus 2Symbols: N = Not known; U = Underexploited; M = Moderately exploited; F = Fully exploited; O = Overexploited; D = Depleted; R = Recovering.