
National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of (NPOA-Sharks)

November 2013 South Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Private Bag X2, Rogge Bay, 8012 Tel: 021 402 3911 Fax: +27 21 402 3364 www.daff.gov.za

Design and Layout: FNP Communications and Gerald van Tonder

Photographs courtesy of: Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), Craig Smith, Charlene da Silva, Rob Tarr Foreword

South Africa’s is endowed with a rich variety of marine living is signatory to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries – voluntarily agreed to by members of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) – and, as such, is committed to the development and implementation of National Plans of Action (NPOAs) as adopted by the twenty-third session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries in February 1999 and endorsed by the FAO Council in June 1999.

Seabirds – aimed at reducing and promoting the conservation of seabirds Fisheries and now regularly conducts Ecological Risk Assessments for all the commercial practices.

Acknowledging the importance of maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem and the possibility of major detrimental effects due to the disappearance of large predators, South from the list of harvestable . In accordance with international recommendations, South Africa subsequently banned the landing of a number of susceptible species, including oceanic whitetip, silky, thresher and hammerhead sharks.

improves monitoring efforts for foreign vessels discharging shark products in its ports. To ensure long-term sustainability of valuable, but biologically limited, shark resources

The NPOA-Sharks presented here formalises and streamlines ongoing efforts to improve conservation and management of sharks caught in South African waters. The Fisheries in the area of shark research and capacity development including, but not limited to, the establishment of a dedicated shark research section at the Chief Directorate: Fisheries biology, ecology and stock status of commercially harvested shark species.

Situated at the boundary of the Atlantic and the Indian and two Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), the Agulhas and the Benguela LMEs, South Africa is destined to play a key role in ensuring the responsible harvesting of marine living resources associated with beyond. The development of the NPOA-sharks is further testimony to the dedication of its

Ms Tina Joemat-Pettersson Minister: Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Republic of South Africa

Table of contents










7.3 11






proposed action, responsibilities, priorities and timeframes.


Table 3. Assessment framework for NPOA-Sharks.







Table 1. Comparison of relative numbers of species of South African and world

chondrichthyan fauna






APPENDIX 3 1 Executive summary

The global increase of shark catches raises concern about the sustainability of these resources. Sharks share life-history characteristics that make them susceptible to unwanted by-catch that is discarded at , much of which is unrecorded and unregulated, which complicates the management of these resources. Taking cognisance of these developed an International Plan of Action for Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-Sharks). The guideline is to promote the conservation and management of sharks and their long term sustainable use, and is based on principles of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, to which South Africa is a signatory. To achieve this goal the IPOA- Sharks recommended that member states of the FAO should develop a voluntary National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (NPOA-Sharks). South Africa has one of the most diverse shark faunas in the world and many species are caught with regard to the sustainable management and conservation of sharks have already been South African National Plan of Action for sharks (NPOA-Sharks) provides information on the status of chondrichthyans in South Africa and examines structure, mechanisms and regulatory framework related to research, management, monitoring, and enforcement This information is then used to identify, group and prioritize issues particular to the South with associated responsibilities and time frames. Once adopted, this voluntary guideline will provide a mechanism for identifying and resolving the outstanding issues around management and conservation of sharks to ensure their optimal, long-term, sustainable

2 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Acronymns CCAMLR: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

COFI: FAO Committee on Fisheries

DAFF: Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation

FRD: Fisheries Research and Development

ICCAT: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

IOTC: Tuna Commission

IPOA-Sharks: International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks

IUU Fishing: Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing

MCS: Monitoring, Compliance and Surveillance

MLRA: Marine Living Resources Act

MLRF: Marine Living Resources Fund

MRM: Marine Resources Management

MSC: Marine Stewardship Council

NPOA-Sharks: National Plan of Action for Sharks

PEI: Prince Edward Islands

RR: Resources Research

SABS: South African Bureau of Standards

SAR: Shark Assessment Report

TAC: Total Allowable Catch

TAE: Total Allowable Effort


OMP: Operational management Plan

ASPM: Age Structured Production Model

SANBI: South African National Biodiversity Institute

SAIAB: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity


PUCL: Precautionary Upper Catch Limit

RFMO: Regional Organisation

SASSI: Southern African Initiative

3 Glossary

ABUNDANCE: Degree of plentifulness pertaining to sharks. situations, taking into account that FISHING EFFORT: Measure of the population or a stock. BIODIVERSITY: the variability among HABITAT: means any area which contains in the environment and human values. living organisms from all sources suitable living conditions for a species. The precautionary principle therefore including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine promotes that measures be implemented and other aquatic ecosystems and the HIGHLY MIGRATORY SPECIES OR to prevent degradation of the ecosystem ecological complexes of which they are STOCKS: Marine organisms whose life where there are threats of serious or part; this includes diversity within species, cycle includes large scale systematic irreversible damage even in the absence between species and of ecosystems. movement patterns, usually through the [Convention on Biological Diversity]. EEZ of two or more countries as well as into international waters. RATIONAL USE: Decisions on resource : or standing stock. The utilization are derived from conclusions total of a group or stock of living JOINT PRODUCT: Term used to describe in a consistent way given the available the utilisation of by-catch species. information. it, in an area at a particular time. REQUIEM SHARKS: Any shark of the short lines carrying hooks are attached family Carcharhinidae, predominantly unit taken incidentally in addition to the to a longer main line at regular intervals. grey in appearance, live-bearing and Longlines are either laid on the bottom or migratory. is directed. Catch may be retained or suspended horizontally at a predetermined returned to the ocean as , usually SHARKS: For the purpose of this dead or dying. MANAGEMENT: The art of taking describe all chondricthyans (sharks, CATCH: The total number (or weight) of measures affecting a resource and its skates, chimeras and rays). exploitation with a view to achieving certain STAKEHOLDER: An entity (individuals or production of that resource. Management organizations) having a stake or interest in a physical resource, ecosystem service, COLLAPSE: Reduction of a stock such as catch quotas or closed seasons. institution, or social system, or someone who is or may be affected by a public causes to levels at which the production MIGRATION: Systematic (as opposed policy. is negligible compared to historical levels. to random) movement of individuals of a stock from one place to another, often STOCK: stocks are subpopulations CONSERVATION: Of natural resources. related to season. A knowledge of the The act of maintaining, protecting migration patterns helps in targeting high intrinsic parameters (growth, recruitment, or enhancing natural resources and ecosystems. shared stocks. DEMERSAL: Living in close relation with population dynamics, while extrinsic MIGRATORY SPECIES: Organisms the bottom and depending on it. Example: factors (immigration and emigration) are that move over national boundaries, and Cods, Groupers and lobsters are hence require international cooperation to demersal resources. The term “demersal enable their management. SUSTAINABLE USE: Actions that maintain the long-term production of a the adult. NON-CONSUMPTIVE USE: Refers to renewable resource. DIRECTED : Fishing that is directed at a certain species or group of same resource. For example, the viewing of marine mammals or other wildlife does same resources. sea, dead or alive, whether or not such OPTIMAL: Most favourable or desirable. vessel. PELAGIC: Sharks that frequents surface waters or occur in the , not ECOTOURISM: Travel undertaken to associated with the bottom but may make witness the unique natural or ecological diurnal migrations between the surface quality of particular sites or , including the provision of services to facilitate such travel. PRECAUTIONARY APPROACH: Is the ability to exercise prudent foresight FINNING: The practice of removing to avoid unacceptable or undesirable

4 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Introduction

There is international concern over the The objective of the IPOA-Sharks is to ensure the conservation and management of sharks global increase of shark catches against implement harvesting strategies consistent with the principles of biological sustainability involving all stakeholders in research, management and educational initiatives within the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (for example, requiring the retention of Fishing is therefore regarded as the Plan of Action for the Conservation and report on implementation is required every two years. South Africa has a responsibility to develop a SAR and to adopt a NPOA-Sharks as good practice and consistent with its role as a signatory to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, it is Member Party of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), a Co-operating Non-Contracting Party of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and the Commission for the Conservation of Southern to (Appendix 1, Species Summary). Most species are poorly understood and constitute stocks of relatively low biomass (Appendix 1, Species Summary) However, a number of species are caught in appreciable quantities in directed and non-directed shark offshore trawl.

The South African National Plan of Action for sharks (NPOA-Sharks) provides information on the status of chondrichthyans in South Africa as well as on structure, mechanisms and regulatory framework related to research, management, monitoring, and enforcement (The NPOA-sharks does not address issues pertaining to the non-consumptive utilization Department of Environmental Affairs). This information is contained in section 7 and provides the baseline for South Africa as required by the IPOA-Sharks in terms of a Shark Assessment Report.

This information is then used to identify, group and prioritize issues particular to the South with associated responsibilities and time frames in order to attain the goals set out in the vision statement:

5 Vision

The effective The NPOA-Sharks recognizes the need to determine and implement harvesting strategies conservation and based management, and consistent with a Precautionary Approach. Furthermore, it strives to identify and direct attention, in particular, to vulnerable or threatened shark stocks, minimize by-catch capture of sharks and contribute to the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem structure and function. The NPOA-Sharks recognizes the potential of non-consumptive use of sharks through optimum balance between consumptive and non-consumptive use, maximizing their Although the NPOA further recognizes that pollution, coastal development and climate would be used to provide the basis for a revision of the NPOA-Sharks, taking into account

6 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Baseline information

Species information of sharks caught in South African management tools The South African EEZ straddles two Fisheries Management uses various and, if one considers the sub legally mandated to manage sharks in management tools which have contributed Antarctic Prince Edward Islands, includes terms of the Marine Living Resources Act to the conservation and sustainable all marine bio-zones, from tropical to polar. Consequently, South Africa has one the Regulations promulgated thereunder. species due to their compromised of the most diverse faunas of cartilaginous Other additional acts that have relevance have been afforded to the conservation of sharks include the special protection status under the South African chondrichthyofauna include National Environmental Management: Regulations of the MLRA, e.g. the great the National Environmental Management: In addition, spotted gully and raggedtooth sharks have been commercially delisted in terms of the Regulations of the MLRA This high level of diversity and endemism process, which is managed by Fisheries engenders South African responsibility in managing sharks, is supported by a Management. The allocation takes into in conserving and managing sharks that occur in South African waters and Oceans and (Department of limiting the number of vessels, crew and protecting those that enter South African Environmental Affairs), South African Total Allowable Catch (TAC) or Total waters periodically. National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Allowable Effort (TAE) for target species as well as precautionary catch limits for Management agencies and by-catch species. legislation Institute, South African National Parks, The Branch Fisheries Management, of Cape Nature, Bayworld, Iziko Museum the Department of Agriculture, Forestry of Natural History and the South African and Fisheries is the lead governmental Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB). agency responsible for the management

Target/ Fishery Area By-catch Demersal Shark Longline West and South Coast Smoothhound spp and soupfin sharks Target Large Pelagic Longline Offshore to beyond EEZ Blue and mako sharks Target and By-catch Bather Protection Program East Coast Large Carcharhinids species Target Traditional Linefish Smoothhound spp and soupfin sharks Target St Joseph net West Coast St Joseph sharks Target Recreational Linefishery Large Carcharhinids Target Tuna Pole Offshore to beyond EEZ Blue and Mako sharks By-catch Hake Longline Common smoothhound and soupfin sharks By-catch m depth Inshore Trawl , Scyliorhinidae, smoothhounds spp, By-catch m depth soupfin sharks, St Joseph and Rajids.

Offshore Trawl West Coast, to Squaliform, Scyliorhinidae, soupfin sharks, By-catch Rajids and Chimeara. Prawn Trawl Carcharhinid, Sphyrnid, Squalidae, Dasyatidae By-catch and Rajidae species Midwater trawl South and East Coast Pelagic sharks By-catch West, South & East Coast Smoothhound spp, soupfin, St. Joseph sharks, Target and and illegal) and Rajidae. by-catch Patagonian Tooth fishery Prince Edward Islands Deep water scyliorhinids, six gills, Rajidae By-catch Rocklobster trap Scyliorhinid spp By-catch Aquarium trade Small Carcharhinids and Scyliorhinidae Target

7 Baseline information (continued)

A number of coastal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have also been that catch sharks as a component of promulgated along the South African their by-catch, e.g. hake longline, inshore Large pelagic longline fishery coastline with the aim of conserving biodiversity hot spots and providing established in 1997 as an experimental In so doing partial protection is afforded catches are also made in the tuna pole, to some coastal shark species such as ragged tooth sharks, cow sharks, smooth hounds, cat sharks and juvenile requiem are not necessarily retained. In the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) along the entire coastline of South Africa. Sharks shark species has been reduced through target sharks and those with appreciable by-catch are discussed separately. shark (Prionace glauca) is the most tuna pole, which prohibit the landing of common shark species caught followed by shark. Recreational bag limits have been PROFILES Other sharks caught include silky shark Demersal shark longline ( falciformis), thresher Harvesting of sharks in south shark (Alopias vulpinus, A. pelagicus africa to target shark (pelagic and demersal and A. superciliosus), oceanic whitetip The total South African shark catch is species combined). Many of the permits (Carcharhinus longimanus), scalloped were not utilized as permit holders hammerhead ( lewini), and other generally held permits in other more Carcharhinid species. The large pelagic be divided into two principal components, to obtain these permits was to exploit loopholes in the regulations to catch hake demersal shark longline-, traditional et al., 1993). Due to poor performance the allocation was also to terminate the the number of permits was decreased as well as the bather protection program Due to an administrative oversight the Sharks are also caught as both by- catching and marketing demersal sharks catch and as a targeted species in the and common smoothhound sharks (Mustelus mustelus) only increased in this target pelagic sharks (mainly targeting of this document, the large pelagic are also regarded as targeting sharks due to the relatively high shark catch that are species. During this period the large and skates (Rajidae.) (33 t). catch limit of sharks (i.e. sharks landings The current demersal shark longline is restricted to coastal waters and uses weighted longline with hooks to target obscurus) and bronze whaler sharks. t of bronze whalers and 9 t of skates. In Total Applied Effort (TAE) of 6 vessels. the same year the large pelagic longline London, where biodiversity increases and the narrows up the East Coast of South Africa. Vessels are large pelagic rights. tracked by a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) that directly links to the Fisheries Management base station. All landings are managed under a Precautionary are independently monitored and skippers are required to complete logbooks per annum, based on shark catch ratios longline set. There is generic reporting of skates and carcharhinid species. There no shark by-catch restrictions applied is an overlap of species caught in this and extrapolating for the development

8 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks has already reduced the number of nets, introduced drumlines, and has removed winter run. Traditional linefishery source for vitamin A. Post World War II sharks were targeted as a cheap source of protein for African countries. More recent catches have been driven by market demand and the seasonal availability species were compromised. tuna longline vessel (Photo: Craig Smith) Subsequently effort levels were reduced program that uses shark nets and foreign charter vessels are restricted drumlines from Richards Bay to Port all of whom which retain access to sharks. Edward. The primary objective of the program is to protect bathers and other and consists of small motorized vessels. resource users from – for domestic vessels, but due to the principally, from those sharks that are smoothhound, hardnose smoothhound expiry of the observer contract with the regarded as potentially dangerous. This is (M. mosis) and whitespotted smoothhound service providers no observer coverage achieved by reducing the local populations (M. palumbes), Carcharhinid spp. could be obtained for domestic vessels of the target species at designated (S. zygaena) and bathing beaches. Thie species targeted species composition, length frequencies, include large carcharhiids and lamnids, live releases, and discards. All vessels but other shark species, , rays and are also caught. Between 1999 landings are weighed and independently monitored. Logbooks are required to beaches was reduced in order to reduce be completed on set-by-set basis. All along the entire length of the South African coastline. Vessels are monitored are submitted to ICCAT and IOTC on an in place of some remaining nets as a by VMS. Landings are not monitored, annual basis but South Africa’s capacity to measure to reduce by-catch but without but land-based observers have been compromising bather protection. The determine species composition, biological in terms of permit conditions. Landings excluding animals released alive, was 35 samples, and length frequencies. Daily of certain shark species are banned due t. All mortalities are biologically sampled catches are recorded in logbooks and are to concern over their conservation status and have contributed substantially to life- submitted on a monthly basis. Logbook namely, silky sharks, oceanic whitetip, history studies. One of the problems with all thresher sharks, and all hammerhead this program is that the target reference to under-estimate the total shark catch. level is set to minimise attacks on bathers. Furthermore, catches are not reported on This target reference level may be below species level. Shark species caught in this personnel remains a challenge. the biologically sustainable level. In Kwazulu-natal bather protection program to introduce schemes that will reduce negative impact on all biodiversity. In

9 Baseline information (continued)

Lagoon (Photo: Robert Tarr)

St Joseph fishery two “haarder” gill nets. They are however entitled to retain any St Joseph by-catch. regulated by output control in terms of chimeras, locally referred to as St. Joseph bag-, size and area limits and requires sharks (Callorhinchus capensis), operates tons of St Joseph per annum. The reduced the purchase of a permit. Catches of most on the west Coast of South Africa and sharks are restricted by a bag limit of one may be linked to increased trawl catches, shark per day and the sale of the catch is holders. Landing of other sharks is not not permitted. Illegal sale of shark catches targeting breeding aggregations. The are of concern together with the exceeding in this sector. The St Joseph time series of abundance indices from west coast surveys shows a decline in St required to report any catches to Fisheries Management. Another challenge is posed nets have a fall of 3m and are no longer increase in the last few years so that the overall trend is slightly negative however remains unregulated. The catch and release of sharks, although promoted, zero. may also pose a problem as there is little information on post-release survival. Recreational linefishery The permit entitles the holder to have in their possession two St Joseph and two mullet-directed (haarder: Liza spp.) gill nets at any-one time. Those individuals that have permits that are restricted to “haarder” may only be in possession of

10 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Trawl PROFILES Tuna pole Africa the largest of which is the south and is common, and includes considerable west coast demersal component targeting quantities of a large number of species, the Cape hakes Merluccius capensis including Squalus spp, Scyliorhinids, and M. paradoxus and other lucrative has been the primary target species of September to May along the west coast In the past decade the number of vessels in this sector has dropped from a historic for Cape hakes can be separated into operating currently. All vessels in this sector are monitored by VMS and all the does not have a history in catching shark, offshore and inshore trawl components. landed catch is monitored. A proportion of the operations at sea is subjected to increased encounters with pelagic sharks. South Africa and account for more than Program which has attained a maximum The landing of sharks is currently banned in terms of permit conditions and hence all sharks are required to be released at sea. There is no on board observer coverage remains centered on the South African to discharge monitoring but generic hake resource which comprises two categorization of products remains whether proper release procedures are species, the shallow-water Cape hake challenging. implemented to ensure the post-release and the deep-water Cape hake. Prior to Offshore trawl is monitored by VMS and skippers are South African EEZ in 1977, the Cape The offshore hake trawl industry in South required to record catches in a daily hakes were subjected to increasing Africa is one of the largest sectors of logbook, which is submitted to Fisheries levels of exploitation after the First Management on a monthly basis. A pilot World War, with the incursion of foreign restricted from operating deeper than monitoring program has been conducted restriction on the west coast, but they the declaration of the EEZ, South Africa Therefore, the vessels used in this Hake longline implemented a relatively conservative management strategy by imposing going stern trawlers. A comprehensive Total Allowable Catches (TACs) set at levels aimed to rebuild the hake stocks, collected information on target and and annual catches have subsequently non-target species, the results of which comprises two zones: the West Coast have been used in management advice. Furthermore, measures to reduce impacts Merluccius paradoxus, and the South determined annually by the application of on benthic habitat have been introduced, an Operational Management Plan (OMP). including ‘ring-fencing’ existing trawling hake Merluccius capensis. An observer grounds to reduce the amount of habitat by-catch program is operational in this affected. Surveillance capacity has also component is recorded at a group level – labeling has resulted in additional focus is now covered by a Vessel Monitoring on the management of by-catch species. System (VMS). Trawling is a particularly Nevertheless, the shark by-catch usually Inshore trawl produces a high level of by-catch. Species caught include deepwater sharks, skates both hake species and East-coast sole and rays. Low value shark species are however a subsequent stock collapse (Austroglossus pectoralis) and is restricted discarded only once the main catch has o been sorted, potentially resulting in an increased mortality of released by-catch in operation, there was an appreciable in the east. The vessels operating in is a common occurrence. Presently the which are smaller than those active in offshore trawl landings are largely not monitored during discharge and catch are ecosystem-based management 11 Baseline information (continued)

Midwater trawl Historically adult Cape horse (Trachurus capensis) have been caught as by catch within the offshore hake trawl horse mackerel catch was taken by purse- seine on the west coast, but that resource has disappeared. A Japanese midwater Precautionary Upper Catch Limit (PUCL) to Right Holders for targeted midwater trawl survey aboard the RV Ellen Khuzwayo (Photo: Charlene da Silva) (The bulk of the catch is made by one stingrays (Dasyatidae), hammerhead (Carcharhinus ), raggedtooth sharks (Sphyrnidae), requiem sharks sharks (Carcharias taurus), spotted (Carcharhinidae), (Squatina gully sharks ( megalopterus), africana) and (Scyliorhinidae). pyjama sharks ( africanum), the south coast (west of Cape Agulhas). Deepwater by-catch is dominated by and leopard catsharks (Poroderma Squalus spp and rajids (Dipterus spp and pantherinum) no by-catch restrictions for round (Etrumeus whiteheadi) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) has a TAE basis with seasonal shallow water been recently established on the west area restrictions designed to mitigate coast. The vessels use excluder devices Chondrychthyan catches are typically to reduce the capture of marine mammals and pelagic sharks. catch released alive. By-catch retention A number of species of pelagic shark there is nonetheless concern that the of sharks, rays or are not are recorded in the by-catch all of which permitted in the Western Cape. a shark biodiversity hotspot, particularly is discarded once the main catch has Patagonian toothfishery been sorted, potentially resulting in an for regionally endemic demersal shark increased mortality of released by-catch species. Some data have been collected species. Permit conditions require a eleginoides) using Spanish longline trips. Beach seine fisheries around Prince Edward and Marion Islands Prawn trawl (an extension of South Africa’s EEZ). Five a reallocation of rights saw a reduction Cape Vidal and . Catches beach seine operations. Nets range from were allocated on board two vessels. discarded by-catch. Chondrichthyans are mainly discarded, with the exception of squalid at times. The trawl vessels permitted to retain sharks all sharks are considerable quantities of shark are also managed with VMS reporting, observer stretched cod-end mesh nets. Shallow with the exception of protected shark coverage (one observer per vessel) and water chondrichtyan by-catch include species status such as great white sharks monitoring of all landings. Daily logbooks

12 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (P. glauca) one of the most commonly caught Crocodile sharks (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai) are caught occasionally by tuna longline vessels and are usually released (Photo: Charlene da Silva) satellite tag during National research surveys aboard the RV Ellen Khuzwayo (Photo: Charlene da Silva) are required to be completed by set. Shark Markets catches are considered small, but there The Marine Living Resources Act incentives for the targeting of large sharks in South Africa, including aspects of carcasses are mainly exported to could have on species that are long-lived the processing, sale and trade of most marine living resources. In terms of and porbeagle, exported to . protocols for shark release procedures the MLRA, sharks may not be landed, A recent analysis of trade data between are needed and require enforcement. transported, transshipped or disposed South Africa and indicated Rocklobster fishery of without the authority of a permit. The discrepancies in import versus export The West Coast rocklobster (Jasus market is divided into three separate statistics. Thus, it does not currently appear feasible to use trade data as demersal shark carcasses or “logs”, a proxy indicator for shark catches in an offshore component using traps. South Africa. A detailed description of No sharks are caught in the hoopnets, exporting of pelagic shark steaks. Each the South African shark meat harvest, however catches in the offshore component operates separately although including processing, handling and export information, can be found in Da Silva and caught in traps include Scyliorhinids which and pelagic sharks. In the demersal may not be sold for commercial purposes and are consequently discarded. The separated depending on the value of mortality and handling mortality. cleaning processes and mercury content. Aquarium trade are considered ideal as mercury levels Limited trade of raggedtooth sharks, small and rays exists in South Africa. Sharks are caught with rod the past decade, the export market for and line and transported to the aquarium South African shark meat has grown or holding facility. A small number of considerably. The majority of processed sharks are exported to international shark is sold to Australia, where there is aquariums per year. This trade is currently managed on an ad-hoc basis and a formal regulatory framework might be needed. dried and exported to Asian markets.

13 From issues to action

The Challenges are clustered around seven broad groups: and assessment, Sustainable management, Optimum use, Capacity and infrastructure, Enforcement of compliance and Regulatory tools. the South African context and require particular actions by one or more stakeholder groups. Suggesting responsibilities for remedial actions will enable South Africa to effectively implement these actions within the suggested timeframes. As many issues are interlinked and require a particular sequence of actions, the actions were prioritized to make the execution of this plan viable within its four –year life span. Priorities are given on four levels, Immediate, High, Medium and Low and required timeframes are indicated to facilitate progress monitoring and evaluation. As there is limited budget dedicated to the implementation of this plan, the actions are expected to be achievable within existing allocations of funds to research, management and conservation agencies. As the lack additional funding from international agencies should be facilitated after the formal adoption of this plan.

14 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks and timeframes.

Issue Respon- Time- cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Data and Shark In catch All Fisheries Create a FRD Immediate 1 reporting species statistics, sharks excluding the identification guide identification are often lumped and into generic protection Develop permit MRM Immediate 1 reporting categories. program conditions Education and MRM Working High Implementation Review progress FRD and MRM Medium Observer There is All sectors Re-establish, re FRD Immediate 1 coverage currently no excluding the -assess and observer expand observer coverage except protection coverage for the foreign program flagged pelagic tuna longline fleet.

Observer All sectors Define and set FRD Immediate programs do not excluding the sampling collect data that requirements per are adequate to protection fishery sector assess impact of program fishing on species that are not landed. Initiate new FRD High sampling strategy

Discharge Discharge of fish Offshore trawl, Review discharge FRD, MCS High monitoring is only monitored traditional monitoring in selected linefish, tuna coverage and fisheries. Catch pole, quality of reporting is not information verified.

Establish additional FRD and MCS High discharge monitoring requirements

15 From issues to action (continued)

Issue Respon- Time- cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Data and Reporting Directed Recreational Develop and FRD High reporting of directed catches implement a catch of sharks land based and “joint are only monitoring product’” reported for program commercial expanding sectors. coverage Landed Line, net Instigate FRD, MRM Medium catch is not monitoring of and MCS weighed recreational landings

There is no Recreational Engage with FRD and Medium mandatory recreational Recreational reporting initiative for MRM web-based Working catch recording There is All except Set target FRD High 1 no routine Large for observer collection Pelagic coverage of length longline Develop FRD High frequencies morphometric and relationships conversion to allow for factors do not conversion exist for most factors species. Shared Identify FRD and High stocks overlaps MRM Engage with MRM Medium neighbouring countries and set-up data sharing agreements

16 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Fishery Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description sector Action sibility Priority frame Estimation of Unable to Identify short FRD High 1 discards quantify falls total shark Develop FRD High 1-3 mortality monitoring associated procedures with by-catch and implement through observer program Classi- Taxonomical FRD Immediate Ongoing that catch of all rays, and is uncertain rays, skates and assess- for a number skates and deepwater ment of of shark deepwater shark shark species shark species using species species genetics and morphometrics (Barcoding of Life Programs) Stock There are Collection FRD Medium Ongoing delineation several of additional stocks that genetic material might be through genetically national distinct to research areas in SA, surveys and while others observer are appear program to be shared with other countries.

17 From issues to action (continued)

Fishery Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description sector Action sibility Priority frame For many FRD Immediate 1 knowledge of species, example life history basic South African information marine on life history status i.e. age and reports growth and Prioritise FRD High 1 reproductive species capacity is not Source FRD High 1 available or research fragmented. capacity i.e. students

Collect and FRD High 1-3 work up biological material from national research surveys and observer program Spatio- Information Most Reference FRD Immediate 1 temporal gaps exist gap analysis behaviour around spatio- Prioritise FRD High 1 temporal species behaviour Source FRD High 1 i.e. research capacity i.e. of nursery students and mating areas for Collect and FRD High 1-3 live-bearing work up sharks. biological material from national research surveys and observer program

18 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Fishery Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description sector Action sibility Priority frame Ecosystem Habitat Inshore Engage with FRD Medium ongoing changes alteration and EcoFish induced by through offshore project that is Fishing trawl investigating activities the trawl i.e. pupping effects of the grounds of benthos demersal sharks. Cascading Ecosystem FRD Low Ongoing effects on the modeling ecosystem by using ecosym the removal and of apex predators Lack of Formally, Prioritize FR High formal for stock species for assessments status only assessment three of the Identify FRD High suitable have been assessment assessed models compre- Collect FRD High hensively, and collate relevant species were material assessed Undertake FRD High . assessments

19 From issues to action (continued)

Fishery Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description sector Action sibility Priority frame Sustain- Lack of formal Two species All Develop FRD and High able management were management MRM manage- protocol for assessed protocol ment target and in terms “joint product of a per- Implement FRD Medium species” recruit and management an ASPM, protocol respectively, Management MRM Medium according to actions (input the available control, output data. There controls, Marine is no formal Protected protocol on Areas) based assessments on protocol and recommend- ations in any of the Lack of Most sharks All Review MRM High 1 coordination are caught of shark by more than non-extractive impacts on management Currently sharks there is Integrate into MRM High no formal management mechanism protocol for shark management MRM High across involve sharks take the NPOA Furthermore, into account no formal during the mechanism to development consider non- and extractive use implementation i.e. tourism. of species Inter-sector management plans

20 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Lack of Funding Explore funding DAFF Medium funding for shark opportunities from directed International research and agencies. management is therefore limited Optimum Concern High levels of Collect material FRD Medium use around heavy metal from national health risk of contamination research shark meat are suspected surveys and consumption for many top observers for predators, priority species including most shark species, making them potentially unsafe for Analyze data FRD High human consumption.

Minimize catch FRD and as a safety MRM precaution

Lack of Mitigation Review existing FRD Medium knowledge or measures mitigation mechanisms for unwanted measures to reduce species Develop best FRD Medium Proper practice release mortality release protocols per protocols for unwanted by- Incorporate MRM Medium catch best practice release protocols into Permit conditions

21 From issues to action (continued)

Issue Respon- Time- cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Retained Finning. International FRD sharks are Dumping of review of not fully carcasses, potential shark utilized killing of products unwanted by-catch, no by-catch Engage FRD and Medium mitigation. Technicons and MRM There is no Universities investigation to develop into value possible shark adding and products, development meat as well of products as leather i.e. shark and Review leather etc. possible Large sharks Pharmaceutical are caught for products not utilized. Engage with MRM Medium relevant sections within DAFF regarding developing alternate livelihoods through full utilization of shark products ie. Leather, markets for unwanted low value species such as St. Joseph sharks

22 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Traceability Product Introduce SASSI High of shark names standardization products from cannot be of product catch to sale matched with species names i.e. generic white Custom Engage with High 1-3 HS codes Customs to review product generic codes for sharks and not the individual species.

Fillet All Fisheries Review of FRD Medium genetic coding is a problem tools.

Fins cannot Fin FRD Medium always be guide species level Illegal recreational sale

23 From issues to action (continued)

Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Capacity Lack of Lack of Determine FRD & Medium and infra- awareness awareness requirements MRM structure and education for educational to change material miscon- Implement Medium ceptions training and about sharks awareness and shark program Ensure MCS and High compliance MRM Fishery with permit pollution conditions eg. discard of bait box packaging Develop DAFF Medium responsible programs pertaining to sharks Lack of Lack of Develop DAFF High capacity departmental capacity to capacity timeously and where complete necessary assessments outsource and biological shortfalls analysis Repre- Large Shark expert DAFF Immediate Ongoing sentation Pelagic from FRD at shark Fishery attend relevant international international meetings working groups and working groups of relevant RFMO

24 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Com- Lack of Finning All Fisheries Development DAFF: High pliance enforcement of pelagic of a MCS with sharks monitoring input from and FRD and Inability to enforcement MRM identify shark strategy species

Recreational sale of commercially valuable shark species

Exceeding recreational bag limits

Interpretation and knowledge of permit conditions pertaining to sharks

25 From issues to action (continued)

Respon- Time- Issue cluster Issue Description Fishery sector Action sibility Priority frame Regula- Inadequate All Fisheries Review and Legal with Immediate 1 tory Tools regulatory competitions develop input from Reference to are not regulatory FRD and sharks regulated tools MRM adequately

Fisheries permit conditions pertaining to sharks are not informed by overarching regulatory frameworks

Inadequate measures to control imports and exports of sharks.

26 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Monitoring and evaluation

Progress will be evaluated annually by the EAF-working group. Upon conclusion of the four-year operational period of the plan, the overall progress of the NPOA-Sharks will be evaluated against its goals and objectives. The layout allows for an assessment of individual actions, their outputs and their outcome in terms of the overall vision. If an action is not completed, an explanation for the lack of completion should also be included. Reasons for not Responsible Original completing Action agencies Timeframe Output Outcome the action

27 References

Research, Fisheries, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

W.H., Schulein, F.H., 1993. Progress towards the development of an integrated management

28 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Acknowledgements

Smith, Ms. Charlene da Silva, Mr. Chris Wilke and Ms. Larvika Singh are acknowledged for drafting the NPOA-Sharks. Thanks go to the staff of the Fisheries Component of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for technical and logistical support, thanks to all members, observers and invited experts from the Chondrichthyan Working Dr. Leonard Compagno, Dr. Malcolm Smale and Dr. Sheldon Dudley for their invaluable assistance with previous drafts and shark assessment reports. Furthermore we would like to thank all the individuals and organisations who commented on the gazetted draft.

Fishermen holding shark liver to be used for the production of vitamin A (DAFF archival picture)

29 Appendix 1

L.J.V. Compagno Species composition of south africa sharks Despite its relatively short coastline, South Africa has one of the most diverse faunas Most species are known from the intertidal to the epipelagic zone and the mid-slope, there Classification of taxa orders, the Heterodontiformes (bullhead sharks), the (mackerel sharks), the Orectolobiformes (carpet sharks), and the Carcharhiniformes (ground sharks). The Squalomorphii include the (cow and frilled sharks), the and the (batoids). While living elasmobranchs were usually subdivided into Squalomorphii. The Rajiformes are the immediate sister group of the Pristiophoriformes, and with them forms the sister group of the Squatiniformes.

has similar relative numbers of species of chimaeroids, but has higher numbers of squaloids, lamnoids, hexanchoids, carcharhinoids, and lower numbers of orectoloboids (which are The approximately nine batoid suborders also show divergence between Southern Africa and the world, with South Africa having relatively more Pristoids and fewer Rhinobatoids, Rajoids and Myliobatoids. In addition, there is no representation of the small suborders batoid diversity, particularly of deep-water rajoids and tropical East Coast myliobatoids, may increase with further exploration of the South African chondrichthyofauna. There waters that in the future, are likely to be found in South African waters.

The Prince Edward Islands (Marion and Prince Edward Islands) are isolated South African possessions in the Southern Indian Ocean. Their sub-Antarctic chondrichthyan fauna is little known, and has only been elucidated through the activities of international long-line So far, two of the three species recorded (Hydrolagus sp. and nasus) are also known from South Africa but the third, Amblyraja sp. is presently not recorded, and is of uncertain identity. It is probable that additional collections will reveal more species around the Prince Edward Islands, and include antarcticus, which occurs nearby on other species of skates and possibly squaloid sharks, chimaeras, and other taxa will be discovered in the area. Distribution patterns The South African chondrichthyan fauna is zoogeographically complex, and includes a variety of unique species. These include wide ranging species, local endemics and regional Southern African endemics that have minimal overlap with adjacent areas. South Africa, and by extension Southern Africa, is a center of endemism for a variety of taxa, most (Rajoidei) and chimaeras (Chimaeriformes).

30 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Taxa World South Africa No. species No. species Class 1171 Subclass 95.7 95.6 336 66 37.1 Order Heterodontiformes 9 1 Order Lamniformes 15 1.3 6.6 Order Orectolobiformes 3 1.7 Order Carcharhiniformes 51 Superorder Squalomorphii Order Hexanchiformes 6 5 Order Squaliformes 119 33 Order Squatiniformes 1.5 1 Order Pristiophoriformes 9 1 Order Rajiformes 633 66 36.5 Suborder Pristoidei 7 3 1.7 Suborder Rhinoidei 1 1 Suborder Rhynchobatoidei 6 1 Suborder Rhinobatoidei 5 Suborder Platyrhinoidei 3 Suborder Zanobatoidei Suborder Torpedinoidei 77 6.6 6 3.3 Suborder Rajoidei 13.3 Suborder Myliobatoidei 17.3 Subclass Order Chimaeriformes

Distribution and habitat data are listed False Bay to East London in the Eastern Very few South African cartilaginous for all South African cartilaginous South African species are listed below by Additional data is presented on range distribution off the provincial (Table sharks including the bluntnosed sevengill and depth extensions, and catch data on 3). Diversity increases from west to east, and white sharks have a wide range of , and occur oceanically, on the Natal. slopes, and inshore. Some shelf species favour muddy bays or sandy beaches, Habitat patterns while others favour coral or rocky reefs. Knowledge of the fauna species. There are lesser contributions by habitat into species of the continental The South African chondrichthyan fauna While there may be some overlap in that the discovery of Southern African and distribution, shelf chondrichthyans, and (beyond the shelves and above the slopes to some extent deep-slope species, can and sea bottom). In comparison with some behind those of the rest of the world, and further be subdivided into cool-temperate, other areas – including the Eastern North that prior to being recorded off South warm-temperate and subtropical-tropical Africa, wide-ranging species were usually species.Cool-temperate areas include the rich slope fauna. The slope fauna forms described from other regions. There are Northern Cape and Western Cape to Cape extralimital species that include Southern followed by the continental shelf fauna. African and other wide-ranging species, south coast of the Western Cape from A few species penetrate fresh water. that may be recorded off South Africa in

31 Appendix I (continued)

Distribution type No. species Eastern Atlantic to South-Western Indian Ocean Atlantic 7 3.9 Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean 5 Atlantic coast of Africa 1.1 Southern African endemics Subequatorial African endemics 5 South-eastern African endemics 1 South African endemics 15 Indo-Pacific 16.6 Western Indian Ocean Wide-ranging Total

the future – in particular, those from the inshore tropical, deep Table 5 presents an estimate of how well the South African slope, and oceanic environments. Several undescribed South African species are known, but have not been formally described. In addition, further exploration may reveal new undescribed arbitrary. Three is scored where extensive long-term sampling programs have been undertaken – such as Marine and Coastal Management’s offshore demersal surveys of the west and 1999. Recently a long-standing record of the North Atlantic skate Amblyraja radiata was found to be based on an Antarctic and sampling that have yielded relatively few surprises in the last Southern Indian Ocean species, A. taaf, which had only been decade or two, and anglers in most parts of South Africa that shark (Megachasma pelagios) was stranded on a beach in the habitats. South Africa, southern Africa, and the African (Smale Habitat category Ranking knowledge of the chondrichthyan fauna has increased markedly 1 to 3 1 to 3 explorations have occurred. For example, during the period contemporary researchers were engaged in collecting specimens and examining material in systematic collections. Conversely, there was a reduction in the rate of discoveries when there was limited or no interest in the fauna or its exploration. Epipelagic zone

Table 4. Habitat categories of South African cartilaginous chondrichthyan fauna is patchy, and areas like the Northern o. Cape coast are sketchily known. In contrast, the larger Habitat category species % total Oceanic 13 Continental shelves 59 anglers – are very well known. However, small species that can Shelves, fresh-water 6 3.3 slip through the meshes of shark nets, and those that are of no Shelves to oceanic 5.5 Shelves to slopes 17 Likewise, the -dwelling species in the far north that are not Continental slopes 67 caught in shark nets are also relatively unknown. The offshore Slopes to oceanic 3 1.7 Shelves to semi-oceanic and Southwest coasts includes some of the best known demersal Wide range in habitats 1.1 and epibenthic chondrichthyan faunas. In contrast, on the East Total Coast, the upper slope faunas are sketchily known. The middle

32 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Distribution category o. species % total Eastern Cape 1 15 51 Northern Cape Northern and Western Cape 5.5 Northern, Western Eastern Cape 16 1.1 Western Cape 13 Western and Eastern Cape 5.5 5 Total

coast and from limited parts of the South include the bigeye sand tiger ( Natal shark nets. These samples are coast of South Africa. This is primarily a noronhai), largetooth cookiecutter shark derived from individuals that occasionally result of sampling by the Africana. The ( plutodus), and spined pygmy wander close inshore. Important offshore fauna in those areas that have not been shark ( laticaudus). Pelagic commercial species such as the silky, sampled are sketchily or poorly known. long-liners have found the whitetail blue, and oceanic whitetip sharks are not caught in the shark nets, and thus sketchily known on the West coast of the well Southwest and records are few and far between. This is South Africa – due to early collections by Southeast of South Africa. It may be an unfortunate situation, particularly when the RV Pickle, the current RV Africana, recorded in South African waters in the consideration is given to the intensity of and commercial exploratory trawling future. Some dwarf oceanic species such and deep-set long-lining – but are poorly as the taillight shark (Euprotomicroides Atlantic and Southern Indian Ocean that known elsewhere. Some wide-ranging zantedeschia) and the longnose pygmy are targeting scombroids, large non- deep slope species such as the false shark (Heteroscymnoides marleyi) are batoid sharks, and the pelagic cat shark (Pseudotriakis microdon), the rarely found, as are the pigmy shark (by-catch species). In addition, there is bigeye sand tiger (Odontaspis noronhai), (Euprotomicrus bispinatus), cookiecutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis), and the large pelagic sharks. Unfortunately, there haeckeli) have not been collected, but are semipelagic broadband lanternshark have been few pelagic long-line surveys of to be expected in very deep water. The sharks in the epipelagic zone of Southern deepwater skate Cruriraja durbanensis mako ( paucus) may occur off South Africa to match demersal work that has was collected once by the RV Pickle off been undertaken off the West and South coast of South Africa and Namibia. The In most areas, there is little knowledge of while Amblyraja robertsi was described distribution of the large oceanic batoids of the distribution of large common offshore the Family Mobulidae (devil rays) is poorly oceanic sharks. These include the blue known off South Africa. The relatively few (Prionace glauca), silky (Carcharhinus research trawler, Walter Herwig). In the records that exist are derived from either falciformis), oceanic whitetip (Carcharhinus longimanus), bigeye and additional specimens from the same Natal shark nets. Devil rays are rarely pelagic threshers (Alopias superciliosus locality. caught by long-lines, but were susceptible to giant pelagic gill nets during the past As elsewhere, the South African oceanic (Isurus oxyrinchus). In comparison with few decades. elasmobranch fauna is undiverse, and the , there are is well known to poorly known in the astonishingly few offshore records of The white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) epipelagic zone. It is poorly known in the these large pelagic sharks, and for that is well-known from coastal records off mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones. matter the associated pelagic stingray the southwest and east coasts of South New records are expected for certain (Pteroplatytrygon violacea). What little we Africa, where it regularly occurs close wide-ranging species that have not inshore, but this species is poorly known currently been recorded from South Africa, and in Southern African north of on the west coast or for that matter Southern Africa. These of South Africa, Namibia, Angola and

33 Appendix I (continued)

Mozambique. In addition, it is poorly known in the epipelagic zone, References which it apparently readily penetrates, as do other members of the Family . Such inadequate knowledge of its distribution systematics and biodiversity in southern Africa.. Transactions of and movements makes protecting this threatened species problematic. Abundance of the fauna sharks and rays of southern Africa. Struik Publishers, . A simple scale of the relative abundance of South African from the western Indian Ocean and South (photographed, observed, etc.). Species that are infrequent are species). An additional category, abundant, might be used for be distinguished.

Abundance Category o. Species % Total Rare Infrequent 16.6 Unabundant 39 Common Total species

It is important to note that despite a high level of species diversity in the South African chondrichthian fauna, stock sizes remain relatively small. This low abundance is a function of the limited but diverse habitats that effectively compress the ranges of many species. Concomitant with the low abundance is a limited vulnerable to over exploitation.

34 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Appendix 2

here only refer to sharks and rays. Annexure List Common name Species Prohibited species Leopard Poroderma list for commercial pantherinum and recreational fishers Ragged tooth Carcharias taurus Spotted gully Triakis megalopterus Striped catshark Poroderma africanum Carcharodon carcharias Pristidae Cetorhinus maximus shark Rhinocodon typus Exploitable list Elasmobranchs Elasmobranchii Excluding Carcharodon carcharias Leopard catshark Poroderma pantherinum Ragged tooth Carcharias taurus Spotted gully Triakis megalopterus Striped catshark Poroderma africanum

35 Appendix 3


Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Squalo- 1-10 morpha Hexanchi- Hexanchidae Heptranchias formes perlo Cow sharks Cow and Bonnaterre, frilled sharks 0 X Sharpnose sevengill shark “Sixgill” cepedianus Spotted <1-10 O X X sevengill shark “Cowshark” griseus Bonnaterre, <1 X Bluntnose sixgill shark “Sixgill shark”

36 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks /

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) longline Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Chlamydose- Chlamydo- lachidae selachus africana Frilled sharks Ebert & Compagno, <1 X Southern African Frilled shark Squali- Centro- formes scyllium Lantern fabricii Bramble, shark sleeper Reinhardt <1 X sharks “Dogshark” <1 X X spp Lantern sharks “Dogshark” Centropho- Centro- ridae phorus spp <1 X “Dogshark”

37 Appendix 3


Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data spp <1 X X sharks “Dogshark” Somniosidae Centroscym- nus spp Sleeper sharks Sleeper <1 X sharks “Dogshark” Dalatiidae Isistius brasiliensis Quoy and <1 X X Cookiecutter shark

Squalidae (Squalus asper)* sharks asper <1 X Merrett, 1973 Roughskin spurdog “Dogshark”

38 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, <1 X X “Dogshark” Squalus megalops Macleay, 11- X X African 100 shortnose “Dogshark” Squalus mitsukurii Jordan & <1 X X Shortspine spurdog “Dogshark”

39 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Carcharhi- Carcharhi- Carcharhinus niformes nidae amboinensis Requiem Müller & sharks sharks Pigeye or <1 Java shark “Copper shark” or “bull shark” Carcharhinus brachyurus 201- X X 300 Bronze whaler or Carcharhinus brevipinna Müller & 1-10 X Spinner shark “Copper shark”

40 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Carcharhinus falciformis Bibron, In Müller & 1-10 X Silky shark “Copper shark” Carcharhinus leucas Valen- ciennes, In Müller & 1-10 X Bull or Zambezi shark “Copper shark” Carcharhinus limbatus Valen- ciennes, 1-10 X In Müller & Blacktip shark

41 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Carcharhinus longimanus 1-10 X Carcharhinus melanop- terus Quoy & 1-10 X X Blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus plumbeus <1 Sandbar shark Carcharhinus obscurus Lesueur, 11- X X 100 “Copper shark”

42 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Galeocerdo cuvier Péron & Lesueur, In 1-10 X Lesueur, Prionace glauca 301- Linnaeus, X X 400 Blue shark Rhizoprio- nodon acutus Rüppell, <1 X Milk shark Triakidae Galeorhinus Hound- sharks, Linnaeus, 401- smooth- X X hounds, 500 topes, gully tope shark and whiskery sharks

43 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Mustelus mustelus Linnaeus, 300- X X 400 Smooth- hound shark Mustelus palumbes Smith, 1957 11- Whitespot X X smooth- 100 hound shark “Smooth- hound shark” Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg, Hardnose 1-10 X or Arabian smooth- hound shark “Smooth-

44 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Triakis megalop- terus 1-10 X X Spotted gully shark “Smooth- houndshark” Scyliorhi- nidae saldanha Catsharks Barnard, <1 X Saldanha catshark Halaelurus natalensis 1-10 X X Tiger catshark lineatus Bass, D’Aubrey & <1 X 1975 Lined catshark

45 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Haploble- pharus edwardsii Voigt, In 1-10 X X Haploble- pharus fuscus

1-10 X Brown shyshark “Happy eddy” Haploble- pharus pictus Müller & 1-10 X Dark shyshark Holohalae- lurus regani 1-10 X Izak or halaluja catshark

46 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Poroderma africanum 1-10 X X Striped catshark or pyjama shark Poroderma pantherinum Smith, In Müller & 1-10 X X Leopard catshark capensis Smith, In Müller & 1-10 X X Yellow- spotted catshark

47 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Sphyrnidae Sphyrna lewini Hammer- head, Smith, In or 1-10 X X Scalloped sharks hammerhead “Hammer- head shark”

Sphyrna mokarran Rüppell, 1-10 X X hammerhead “Hammer- head shark”

Sphyrna zygaena Linnaeus, Smooth 1-10 X X Hammer- head “Hammer- head shark”

48 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Lamni- Lamnidae Carcharodon formes carcharias Mackerel Mackerel sharks Linnaeus, sharks <1 X X shark

Isurus oxyrinchus 501- X X 600 mako shark Lamna nasus Bonnaterre, <1 X Porbeagle shark Alopiidae Alopias pelagicus Thresher Nakamura, sharks 1935 Pelagic or 1-10 X small tooth thresher “

49 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Alopias superciliosus

Bigeye 1-10 X X thresher shark “Thresher shark” Alopias vulpinus Bonnaterre, 1-10 X X Thresher shark Pseudocar- Pseudocar- chariidae charias kamoharai Crocodile sharks Matsubara, 1-10 X X 1936 Odontaspi- Carcharias didae taurus Sandtiger sharks 1-10 X X Spotted ragged-tooth shark

50 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Pristiophori- Pristiopho- Pliotrema formes ridae warreni Saw sharks 1-10 X X and saw Sixgill sharks Squatini- Squatinidae Squatina formes africana Angel sharks Angel <1 X X sharks and African angel sanddevils shark Torpedini- Torpedinidae Torpedo formes fuscoma- Torpedo rays culata Electric rays Black- 1-10 X X spotted torpedo “Ray” or “skate” Tetronarce nobiliana Bonaparte, 1-10 X X Torpedo ray “Ray” or “skate”

51 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Torpedo sinuspersici Variable or 1-10 X marbled torpedo ray “Ray” or “skate” garmani Sleeper rays Natal electric <1 X X ray “Ray” or “skate” Narke capensis 1-10 X X “Ray” or “skate” Rajiformes Arhyncho- batidae smithii Skates and rays Softnose Müller & skates 11- X X African 100 softnose skate “Ray” or “skate”

52 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Rajidae spp 11- X X Hardnose “Ray” or 100 skates “skate” alba Lacepède, 11- X X 100 White or spearnose skate “Ray” or “skate” caudaspi- nosa)* caudaspi- nosa (von 11- Bonde & X X 100 Munchkin skate “Ray” or “skate”

53 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data confundens)* barnardi (Norman, 1935) 1-10 X X Bigthorn skate “Ray” or “skate” leopardus)* leopardus (von Bonde 11- & Swart, 100 Leopard skate “Ray” or “skate” linnaeus)* miraletus (Linnaeus, 11- X X 100 Twineyed skate “Ray” or “skate”

54 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data pullopunc- tata)* Dipturus pullopunctata 11- X X 100 Slime or graybelly skate

“Ray” or “skate” ravidula)* ravidula (Hulley, 1-10 X X Smoothback skate “Ray” or “skate” spinaci- dermis)* spinaci- dermis 11- Barnard, 100 roughskin skate “Ray” or “skate”

55 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data springeri)* Dipturus springeri Wallace, 10- 1967 X X 100 Roughbelly skate “Ray” or “skate” straeleni

Poll, 1951 201- X X Biscuit skate 300 “Ray” or “skate” ( wallacei)* wallacei (Hulley, 11- X X 100 Yellow- spotted skate “Ray” or “skate” Anacantho- spp 11- batidae X X “Ray” or 100 Legskates “skate”

56 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Rhinobatidae (Rhinobatos annulatus)* Acroterio- batus annulatus Smith, In 11- Müller & X X 100 Lesser sandshark or little “Sandshark” (Rhinobatos blochii)* Acroterio- batus blochii Müller & 1-10 X Bluntnose Rhinobatos holcorhyn- chus (Norman, <1 X X Slender “Sandshark”

57 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data (Rhinobatos leucospilus)* Acroterio- batus leucospilus Norman, 1-10 X “Sandshark” (Rhinobatos ocellatus)* Acroterio- batus ocellatus Norman, <1 X Speckled “Sandshark” Rhyncho- (Rhinobatos batidae )* Rhyncho- batus (Forsskål, <1 X X 1775) “Sandshark”

58 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Mylioba- Myliobatidae Aetobatus toidei narinari Eagle rays Stingrays Euphrasen, 1-10 X Spotted eagleray or bonnetray Myliobatis aquila Linnaeus, Common 1-10 X X eagle ray or bull ray “Eagle ray” or “bull ray” Pteromy- laeus bovina Saint-Hilaire, 1-10 X Duckbill ray “Eagle ray” or “bull ray” Mobulidae Mobula spp <1 X Devil rays Devil rays Manta spp <1 X Manta rays

59 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Dasyatidae Dasyatis brevicau- Whiptail datus stingrays <1 X X Short-tail stingray “Ray” or “skate” (Dasyatis kuhlii)* Neotrygon kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1-10 X Blue-spotted stingray “Ray” or “skate” Dasyatis chrysonota 1-10 X Blue stingray “Ray” or “skate”

60 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data (Dasyatis violacea)* Pteroplaty- trygon violacea 11- (Bonaparte, X X 100 Pelagic stingray “Ray” or “skate” Himantura cf. gerrardi Sharpnose <1 X X stingray “Ray” or “skate” Himantura uarnak Forsskål, 1775 <1 X Honeycomb stingray “Ray” or “skate”

61 Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Taeniura lymma Forsskål, 1775 Bluespotted <1 X ribbontail stingray “Ray” or “skate” Gymnura natalensis Thompson, 1911 11- X 100 Diamond or “Ray” or “skate” Chimaeri- Chimaeridae Hydrolagus formes spp. Shortnose Chimaeras chimaeras <1 X or silver chimaera sharks Rhinochi- maeridae raleighana Longnose <1 X chimaeras Narrownose chimaera

62 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks Genus/

Family Species Estimated catch 2010 (t) pelagic longline Gill and beach seine net Bather protection Fishery-dependent data Fishery- independent data Rhinochi- <1 X maera spp Callorhin- Callorhin- chidae chus capensis Elephant 801- Duméril, X X 900 St. Joseph shark species: 51-75

record both species separately, species names are shown as they appear in databases (in brackets) with new names if they have been re- described. Common names individual sharks, skates and rays are reported as are shown in quotation marks