
Marine wildlife of southern WA IDENTIFICATION GUIDE




W W A A E E I I S S L L T T A A E R E R R R N A UNS TA U S T • • • • • • • • Top tipsforconservingmarinelife . marine these of sightings DEC by reporting assist to how and distress in animals marine report to how including region, this in fauna threatened or significant and Western southern in parks marine about information provide to Australia, ExxonMobil from support with (DEC), of Environment and Conservation Department by the produced been has guide This . and penguins little seals, fur Zealand New lions, sea for areas breeding important providing islands offshore of thousands and Reserve, Nature Pool Hamelin in stromatolites old year 2,000 the Park, Marine Bay in dugongs of population world’s the largest and meadows seagrass extensive world’s most the as diverse as wonders protect These seadragon. leafy and lion sea Australian the as such Australia, southern to unique of proportion alarge to home reefs rocky extensive contain border Australian South the to Bay Shark from waters marine The marine wonders ’s Protecting Stay atleast 100metresfrom . whalesparallel Approach to theirdirectionof travel. of Fisheries andhelp protectourfish, someofwhich are uniqueto WA! forthe future. Abideby fishsize, bagandpossessionlimitsset by theDepartment populations. Ifyoushould findadeadmarinemammalorturtle youshouldalsoadvise DEC. The informationcollectedisusedtobettermanageandprotect WA’s marinewildlife If youfindataggedturtleorotheranimal, please notethenumberandcontactDEC. please callDEC’s 24-hour Wildcare Helplineon94749055. If youfindastranded, sick, injuredorentangleddolphin, , whaleorseabird, fantastic spotstogosnorkellingasthey have especiallyabundantmarinelife). zones aresetasideassanctuarieswhere youcanlookbutnottake(theseareasare When inamarineparkpick upamarineparkbrochureand ‘know yourzones’. Some and ifyoufindany floatingatseaoronthecoast, pleasepick it up. Take yourrubbish(suchasdiscardedfishinggear, baitstraps andplasticbags)home, Support a ‘Clean Marine’ environment andsave marineanimalsfromaslowdeath. Anchor insandtoprotectfragile reefandseagrass communities. and inchannelswheredolphins, turtlesandothermarinewildlifefeed. When boating, ‘go slowforthosebelow’, especiallyover seagrass beds, shallowareas

Cover: New Zealand (photo – Oceanwide Images). This page: Bottlenose mother and calf (photo – Wildimagenation). Management of our unique marine animals WA’s Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 provides for species, subspecies and varieties of native wildlife to be listed as threatened or specially protected if they are under identifiable threat of extinction, are rare, or otherwise in need of special protection. The Minister for Environment may also list ecological communities that are at risk of becoming destroyed. In WA, threatened species or subspecies are ranked as critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN) or vulnerable (VU). Those that are not ranked as threatened across their whole range but which may be under threat in WA, or believed to require special attention for any other reason, are termed ‘priority fauna’ (P1 to P4). Other fauna is given special protection (SP) under WA legislation. In this guide the current ‘listing’ of each species, if applicable, is given in brackets after the common name. DEC develops management plans for specially protected species and recovery plans for threatened marine animals to actively plan for and manage the conservation of marine wildlife in WA coastal waters. Long-term systematic integrated marine monitoring, together with evaluation and reporting of change, is a key management strategy for measuring the success of marine fauna management plans, as early detection of problems allows adaptive management for the conservation of these species. DEC’s Marine Monitoring Program is working to inform managers, by recording the status of marine fauna, the threats they face and our management responses. You can help in

this task (see the back page of this guide). New Zealand fur seal (photo Boogaard/DEC). – Eva Marine parks – protecting oceans of life

WA’s coastline spans more than 13,500 kilometres and is home to some of the world’s most remarkable ecosystems and marine wildlife, including massive blue whales, playful Australian sea lions and several threatened species of . Many of the state’s marine plants and animals are found nowhere else in the world. Our marine areas are unique and many of them rival their terrestrial counterparts in scenic grandeur. They include vast seagrass meadows and their grazing dugongs at Marine Park (in an amazing World Heritage Area), the caverns and reefs of and Rottnest Island Marine Reserve that support colourful tropical fish, and the extensive limestone reefs of Jurien Bay Marine Park, which are like a temperate version of Ningaloo Marine Park. Marine parks protect natural features and aesthetic values while enabling recreational and commercial uses that do not compromise conservation values. Within marine parks there may be four types of management zones: • Recreation zones providing for conservation and recreation, including . • General use zones managed to conserve natural resources while allowing sustainable as well as petroleum exploration and production where they will not affect sensitive marine habitats. Most recreational activities can be undertaken in such zones, which form the bulk of most marine parks. • Sanctuary zones (‘no take’ areas) providing the strongest form of protection for the marine environment. The public is encouraged to visit and enjoy sanctuary zones, whether by diving, boating or simply exploring rock pools. • Special purpose zones managed for a particular use or issue, such as protection of habitat or nursery grounds, seasonal events such as watching or a particular type of commercial fishing. Commercial and recreational activities may be allowed if compatible with the primary purpose of a special purpose zone. Downloadable brochures (including detailed zoning maps) on all of WA’s marine parks are

available at www.dec.wa.gov.au. Marmion Marine Park (photo – Ann Storrie).

Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description cinerea) (Neophoca Australian sealion(SP) and unpredictable. wild be can they as times, at all the in 10 at least metres and land on lions sea from metres five at least You stay should round). year stay juveniles and females the (where Jurien near islands on breed and males all are around lions sea The cycle. breeding 18-month unusual an has species This lobsters. rock and small cuttlefish, octopus, squid, fish, capture to metres 300 of depths to dive can It Australia. South in Island Kangaroo of east just Island, Pages to Geraldton, near Islands Abrolhos Houtman the from islands offshore on beaches sandy on rests and breeds It Australia. in solely found one only the hind legs for terrestrial locomotion. terrestrial for legs hind their use to ability their and pinna their have lost seals elephant and seals leopard as such True seals seals. true not are and pinna, or earflaps, visible have seals fur Zealand New and lions sea Australian kilograms. 80 around weighing and metres 1.5 to up growing males, than smaller are below.yellow They creamy and above grey silvery are Females . and crown acreamy with brown, chocolate is fur Their kilograms. 300 weigh and long metres two about reach may Males earflaps. external small and snout Sea lions have a blunt, -like have dog-like ablunt, lions Sea This is the rarest in the world, and and world, the in lion sea rarest the is This

Photo – Kevin Crane. (SP) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description forsteri) (Arctocephalus New Zealandfurseal(SP) temperature. This behaviour is normal and is called thermoregulation. called is and normal is behaviour This temperature. body their reduce and down cool to wind the to flippers their expose water and the in rotate often seals fur ayear. Zealand New within weaned are Pups suckle. to regularly returning at sea, 10 feed leave to about then days, for it with remain They long. centimetres 60 about pup black asingle produce Females cows. eight to up of ‘harems’ form and to females access for fight Bulls December. in born pups most with mid-January, and late November between breed seals fur Zealand New days. several for may last day. trips the Fishing during rests and at night, feeds mostly It shearwaters. and penguins as such seabirds eats also the water,sometimes in it takes but it which fish, schooling of avariety and kilograms and one to 1.5 metres long. long. metres 1.5 to one and kilograms 50 35to only are which cows, the than larger much are They length. in metres 2.5 to up reach and 120180 kilograms to weigh can and mane have bulls a colour. The brown to grey adarker is and lion sea Australian the than snout pointed more The New Zealand fur seal has a has seal fur Zealand New The This species has a liking for squid, octopus octopus squid, for aliking has species This

Photo – Ian Herford/DEC. NEW ZEALAND FUR SEAL (SP) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description tropicalis) (Arctocephalus Subantarctic furseal Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 and do not approach the seal too closely. too seal the 9474 on approach not Helpline do and 9055 Wildcare call DEC’s 24-hour please description its fitting seal exhausted an find should you If currents. ocean WA’s to by strong north coastline further carried sometimes Young are animals at sea. spring and winter the of much spends population the of most pups, with cows for Except night. at mostly fish, small for forages species This Ocean. Islandin Southern the at as Macquarie such subantarctic, broad but short in proportion to the rest of the body. the of rest the to proportion in short but broad are adults of flippers The prominent. especially not are and the to close lie flaps The pointed. still although flat, and short is muzzle The shoulders. broad and neck mane,thick ‘mohawk’, athick have with along adistinctive males Adult neck. and face yellow acontrasting with fur brown chocolate has species this kilograms, 55 to 30 only females and 165 to 95 weighing kilograms The smallest of the seals found in Australian waters, with males males with waters, Australian in found seals the of smallest The Subantarctic fur seals occur throughout the the throughout occur seals fur Subantarctic

A juvenile subantartic fur seal (photo – Matt Dasey/DEC). SUBANTARCTIC FUR SEAL particularly inthebreedingseason. Very rarely, they findtheir way tothe WA coast. extremely large proboscis(), whichisusefulforproducingbellowingsounds, kilograms duringpregnancy. Malesaremuchlarger thanfemalesandhave an These enormoussealscanweighupto3,000kilograms. Females canreach900 Southern elephantseal occasionally swim off-courseandfindtheirway tothe WA coast. surrounding Antarctica, andfeedinginthesurroundingwaters. Individualswill seals spendtheirentirelives resting, breedingandmoultinginthepack-ice zone size, reachinglengthsof2.5metresandweights400kilograms. Crabeater brown toblonde, becominglighterinsummer. Malesandfemalesare similarin Crabeater sealshave slenderbodiesandlongsnouts. Their furranges fromdark Crabeater seal and subantarcticregions. inexperienced juveniles. They aremorenormallyfoundthroughouttheAntarctic to reach WA shores, however, are likelytobeemaciatedandaregenerally kilograms, withmalesalittlesmallerthanfemales. Any animalsthatmanage Larger specimenscanreachlengthsupto3.5metresandweighover 500 ferocious predatorshave large , longcaninesandsharplypointedmolars. The leopardsealhasalarge head, aslenderbody andlongforeflippers. These Leopard seal Other seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) leptonyx) (Hydrurga (Lobodon carcinophagus) (Lobodon (Mirounga leonina) leonina) (Mirounga

Clockwise from top left: Leopard seal, crabeater seal (photos – Oceanwide Images), (photo – Gilbert Stokman/DEC). Please stay well clear of any of these seals and call DEC’s Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 should you see one. OTHER SEALS Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description australis) (Eubalaena Southern rightwhale(VU) average, they calve once every three years. three every once calve average, they On bays. sheltered in line surf the near calve to shore to close come cows the spring and winter early in but ocean, open the prefer whales right summer In summer. during areas polar the in occur to thought is water.feeding the Most from sieve to plankton used are jaws upper their from hanging baleen of plates 20. to up of Horny groups in congregate occasionally but pairs, calf and mother produce a high, V-shaped blow. ahigh, V-shaped produce blowholes twin belly. the on The usually markings, white often are There brown. light to blue-black from ranges colour body and flat, and triangular broad, are flippers The . dorsal no is There bowed. distinctively is jawline lower the and length, body total the of aquarter to up is head The individual. each for different are callosities by the formed . lower Patterns the on and the above , the on blowholes, the behind head, the of top the on callosities called growths have mammals horny These long. 18 metres mayand reach tonnes 80 to up weigh whales right southern abus, of size the About October. to June about from year each land on points vantage from watching sightseers These large, stocky whales can often be seen by boaters, or or by boaters, seen be often can whales stocky large, These Southern right whales are usually seen in in seen usually are whales right Southern

Photo – Andrew Halsall © WA Museum. SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALE (VU) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description marginata) (Caperea Pygmy rightwhale moving into sheltered bays. bays. sheltered into moving summer, and sometimes spring during inshore migrate to thought is It plankton. minute on feeds and pairs in or alone found usually is species This wild. the in recorded as few have been misidentified, likely is and whale minke the resembles strongly it sea At is weak. blow the and visible isn’tusually fin dorsal its surface, at the periods short only spends It hemisphere. southern the of waters temperate broad and notched. notched. and broad are flukes tail the and beneath, colouring lighter with black, or grey are flippers and body upper The whales. baleen other in than body the to proportion in smaller is head arched narrow, The callosities. no are There flippers. narrow and fin dorsal a small whales, right southern than shape streamlined more have a They long. metres six at about whale baleen smallest the is whale pygmy right The related. . lower bowed However, closely not are they astrongly with whales baleen are whales right Like southern right whales, pygmy whales, right southern Like The pygmy right whale is found only in cool to to cool in only found is whale pygmy right The

Photo – B Parker. Please report any pygmy right whale sightings to www.marineparks.wa.gov.au/contact-us. PYGMY RIGHT WHALE Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description musculus) (Balaenoptera Blue whale(EN) ) near the surface and probably don’t deeply. dive probably and surface the near crustaceans) (tiny krill of swarms dense on mostly feed They areas. feeding in seen sometimes are groups but pairs, in or alone usually are They areas. these in feed may also and Island Rottnest from offshore and park marine Capes Ngari proposed the in WA the coast near seen are whales Blue regions. polar in areas feeding summer and waters tropical or subtropical in areas birthing winter between kilometres raised when they dive, but not in the pygmy blue. the in not dive, but they when raised sometimes are flukes tail notched large, The vertical. high, is metres nine to up blow, The flippers. pointed slender and blowholes, the of front in ridge central a with topped head, U-shaped flat have abroad, whales Blue whale. blue true the than shorter slightly only However, is at 21 blue, ‘pygmy’ the 24 to metres, Ocean. Indian the in abundant most is and hemisphere southern the in only the pygmy blue subspecies ( subspecies pygmy blue the WA are off whales blue Most 160 than tonnes. more weigh and metres 30 than more reach can females but 25 26 to is metres, length body. Average its on back well fin dorsal stubby and colour bluish-grey mottled size, by its distinguished The largest living on Earth, the blue whale is is whale blue the Earth, on animal living largest The Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda musculus Balaenoptera Each year, blue whales migrate thousands of of thousands migrate year, whales blue Each ), which occurs occurs which ),

Photo – DK Coughran. Please report any blue whale sightings to www.marineparks.wa.gov.au/contact-us. BLUE WHALE (EN) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description novaeangliae) (Megaptera (VU) to a whale and a vessel should not separate a group or mother and calf. and mother or agroup separate not should avessel and awhale to 100 than metres closer approach not should boats so disturbance to sensitive are Whales north. heading when do they than shore to closer much stay to tend they migration, southern the on by calves accompanied often are they As Antarctica. in grounds feeding their to south travel they November and August between and Kimberley the in grounds calving their to north migrate whales humpback mature adult may weigh up to 45 tonnes. 45 to may up weigh adult mature a and 18 is metres length maximum The long. 15 metres approximately are Adults patterning. black with white usually is fluke tail the of underside The sides. and undersides white with blackish, are They dives. it when back its arches whale the as thatshows fin dorsal ahumped and edge, front the on knobs with flippers pectoral long have very They (tubercles). their on knobs and grooves throat Humpback whales have distinctive have whales distinctive Humpback From June to July, Western Australian Australian July, to From June Western

Photo – Holly Raudino. HUMPBACK WHALE (VU) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description macrocephalus) (Physeter Sperm whale(P4) separate ‘bachelor pods’. ‘bachelor separate live in males adult The lives. whole their spend usually they which 20, within 10 and between of groups live in offspring their and Females area. Albany the in mainland the to close relatively waters deep in However, occur they sick. unless shore, near seen rarely are deep. They 180 metres at least waters in with other bulls or with giant squid, which they eat. they which squid, giant with or bulls other with fights of aresult as scarred may heavily be Males forward. projects and lopsided is blow bushy, the and five-metre-high head the of left the on is blowhole The diving. before raised often are flukes tail triangular the and powerful and large is tail The flippers. stubby short, with brown or grey dark is body The teeth. huge of rows jaw contains lower cylindrical body. The the of length the of third a than more age, may form with and, calves in length body the of a quarter is which head, rectangular huge by the recognised easily are They females. in 11 and males metres in 15 of metres lengths average with tonnes 60 to up The largest of the toothed whales, sperm whales can weigh weigh can whales sperm whales, toothed the of largest The Sperm whales are found throughout the world world the throughout found are whales Sperm

Photo – Stephen Wong/marinethemes.com. SPERM WHALE (P4) Other largewhales with a white lower jaw and white baleen plates. plates. baleen jawwhite and lower awhite with bi-coloured, is head The whales. baleen than other fin dorsal ataller has species This tonnes. 90 to up weigh and length in 25 27 to metres reach whales Fin Fin whale(VU) head. abi-coloured and body the of top the on ridge have and central long asingle 17 21 and metres between streamlined, and long are They seen. rarely are whales threatened These Sei whale(VU) high. metres three to two about are blows Their flukes. tail their raise not do but diving while backs their arch whales Minke ridge. raised asingle is there which on head triangular sharply narrow, the is feature distinctive WA’s most off Their seen coast. occasionally are whales minke long, metres eight at about whales great seven the of smallest The Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) (Balaenoptera (Balaenoptera physalus) physalus) (Balaenoptera (Balaenoptera borealis) (Balaenoptera

Clockwise from top left: Minke whale (photo – Holly Raudino), sei whale, fin whale (photos – DK Coughran). Please report any sightings of these species to www.marineparks.wa.gov.au/contact-us. OTHER LARGE WHALES Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description Bottlenose food available them. to food of amount the reducing thus decline, in are species key prey dolphins’ the that possible also is It dolphins. of killing illegal and disease pollution, degradation, and destruction habitat strikes, boat equipment, fishing in entanglement include risks Other sharks. white great and whales killer include predators their and fish, eat Dolphins Mia. at Monkey dolphins friendly its for renowned particularly is Park Marine Bay Shark WA’s of all but in found be can parks They marine ocean. open the in offshore well or rivers, even in and estuaries in coast, ( dolphin ( dolphin bottlenose Indo-Pacific coastal the and waters, older, whereas common bottlenose dolphins do not. do dolphins bottlenose common older, whereas get they as belly the on speckles black develop dolphins bottlenose Indo-Pacific kilograms. 650 150 and between weigh and length in metres four to two are belly. Adults grey alight and back grey have they adark general In found. are they where on depending colour and shape size, in vary can and fin, dorsal have aprominent streamlined, and sleek are dolphins Bottlenose abottle. resembles that ‘’ or snout rounded havethey ashort Tursiops truncatus Tursiops Tursiops aduncus Tursiops The common dolphin bottlenose common The ), largely found in offshore ), in largely found offshore ) are so named because because named so ) are Bottlenose dolphins may be seen along the the along may seen be dolphins Bottlenose

Photo – Tourism WA. BOTTLENOSE DOLPHINS Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description crassidens) (Pseudorca False killerwhale beach such as at Augusta’s Flinders Bay in 1986 1988. in Bay and at Augusta’s Flinders as such beach a on dramatically themselves strand sometimes whales killer false of herds Large water. the from leaping sometimes ride, bow readily and playful are whales False killer cohesion. social have to strong appear and groups age all and sexes both of 100 than individuals more of herds form often They waternearby. deep is there unless land approaching rarely oceanic, be to tend but waters, cooler in coast the to close seen sometimes are They seas. temperate and world’s tropical are about 1.5 metres at birth. metres 1.5 about are Calves males. for 5.4 and metres females for metres 4.6 is grey. length light Average sometimes are head the of sides the and chest, agrey with black is species This edge. front the on elbow or hump havedistinct a flippers tapered narrow, the and curved and high is fin dorsal Its snout. a rounded with head tapered anarrow, and body slender long, This medium-sized whale has a has whale medium-sized This False killer whales are found throughout the the throughout found are whales False killer

Photo – Oceanwide Images. FALSE Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description melas) (Globicephala Long-finned pilotwhale whale stranding. largest Dunsborough—WA’s at themselves beached whales pilot long-finned 1996, In 320 masse. en strand often and groups large live in They oceanic. essentially are whales Pilot hemisphere. southern the of waters temperate cold the in distributed widely and abundant are mammals These whistling. by communicate and clicks of navigate to by means thought are whales Pilot females. than rate have mortality ahigher also they and females, for compete than females. females. than larger males with metres, 6.5 is length maximum The peak. at the than base at the longer is back the on fin low The eyes. the behind streak agrey and back, the on patch saddle agrey usually is there and They havebulbous a whales. pilot finned short- of those than elbow an of more with length, body the of afifth at least and tip at the pointed are flippers sickle-shaped long, The undersides. the on shape anchor apinkish from apart black, to These whales are brownish-grey brownish-grey are whales These The males have fighting scars, so probably probably so scars, have fighting males The

Photo – Saul Gonor/marinethemes.com. LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE Hyperoodon, Ziphius Hyperoodon, Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description whale beaked Cuvier’s whale Shepherd’s beaked True’s whale Strap- Gray’s beaked Blainville’s whale beaked whale beaked Andrew’s whale bottlenose Southern whale beaked Arnoux’s name Common WA waters. Nine speciesofbeakedwhaleshavebeenrecordedin Berardius, (Mesoplodon, Beaked whales rescued but three died. three but rescued Four were 2003. in Busselton near stranded whales Gray’s seven beaked when as such strand, occasionally They pods. small live in generally They seen. rarely are they means blows, inconspicuous their with together This, more. or minutes 30 mayand for dive squid and fish sea deep on feed They coast. the approach whale, may reach just under 10 metres. The flippers are generally very small. small. very generally are flippers The 10 under metres. just maywhale, reach beaked Arnoux’s The largest, long. metres five to four adults with whale, beaked Andrew’s is species smallest The open. fully to unable jaw is the and meet almost they until back, and up grow teeth the whales, jaw.lower strap-toothed male In the on tusks or teeth protruding have males two The scarred. heavily be to tend species some of below. Males colouring lighter with above black or grey dark are they and degrees, varying to blowhole) the of front in bulge (the melon Tasmacetus species These whales all have dolphin-like , defined from the the from defined beaks, have all dolphin-like whales These

) and Beaked whales inhabit deep water and rarely rarely waterand deep inhabit whales Beaked

Scientific name Mesoplodon grayi Mesoplodon densirostris Mesoplodon bowdoini Mesoplodon planifrons Hyperoodon arnuxii Berardius Ziphius cavirostris Ziphius shepherdi Tasmacetus mirus Mesoplodon layardii Mesoplodon

A stranded Gray’s beaked whale (photo – DK Coughran). BEAKED WHALES Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description delphis) (Delphinus Common dolphin Tasmania in 1975. in stranded one large group alone—although usually are dolphins common strand, they air. the Where through somersaulting and breaching riding, bow enjoy to seem mammals boisterous These cycle. life and sex to according may segregated be 1,000, which than more to dozens from ranging herds, in live dolphins Common areas. and temperate subtropical tropical, throughout distributed widely are They species. dolphin abundant world’s the most of one the location, but is approximately two metres. two approximately is but location, the to according varies length body. Average streamlined slender,and a flippers pointed fin, dorsal triangular aprominent has also species colour. This in lighter are but patterns same the display Calves beak. black lower jaw, to well-defined long a with flipper from stripe a dark and sides their on yellow or tan and grey light of pattern have hourglass an dolphins Unlike bottlenose dolphins, common common dolphins, bottlenose Unlike These predominantly offshore inhabitants are are inhabitants offshore predominantly These

Photo – Oceanwide Images. COMMON DOLPHIN Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description coeruleoalba) (Stenella Striped dolphin of more than 1,000 was reported off Geraldton in 1979. in Geraldton off reported was 1,000 than more of Aschool by rescuers. ocean the to returned were 1989, in most before Augusta at 24 of stranded Agroup groups. separate in living adults non- and calves) their with (along adults mating juveniles, with 100 500, and between usually groups, large live in They ride. bow waterand the from leap often and and playful active are dolphins Striped seas. and tropical temperate, subtropical all across distributed widely and common reasonably is It waters. coastal in birth. at ametre about are calves while metres, 3.5 about reach may Adults fin. dorsal the towards flippers the behind and above from up curves blaze A shoulder sides. grey lighter with belly awhite has and top on bluish-grey body.is It the of end the to the from to eye,and flipper from running stripe adark has This distinctively patterned dolphin dolphin patterned distinctively This This species lives offshore and is rarely seen seen rarely is and offshore lives species This

Photo – Joao Quaresma/marinethemes.com. STRIPED DOLPHIN subgroups of 12 or more, but sometimes form herds of several hundred. hundred. several of herds form sometimes but more, or 12 of subgroups stable live in They offshore. well waters temperate and subtropical tropical, in abundant and widespread reasonably are Risso’s dolphins grown. fully when long metres four and three between are They fin. dorsal sizable a and flippers shaped sickle- long, include features Other groove. avertical has melon the of front the and upward slants The beak. no has head square blunt, The white. almost appear they that may have many animals scars so Older scratches. and scars numerous with covered are which bodies, their of over most grey otherwise are animals Adult chest. the on patch have anchor-shaped awhite Risso’s dolphins Risso’s dolphin animals. orinjured old, sick and calves the on feed to whales humpback migrating follow often and waters WA visit occasionally whales Killer 40. and two between of pods live in They metres. nine than more may and reach females than larger generally are Males metres. eight and six between is length Average . dolphin-like more and have tall. shorter Females to metres up maybe 1.8 which of males, fins straight the especially high, extraordinarily are fins dorsal The beaks. indistinct with heads rounded and flippers have broad whales white and black stocky These Killer whale and dolphins Other speciesofwhales (Orcinus orca) (Orcinus (Grampus griseus) (Grampus

Top: Killer whale (photo – Holly Raudino). Bottom: Risso’s dolphins (photo – Stephen Wong/marinethemes.com). Report any sightings of killer whales or Risso’s dolphins to marineparks.wa.gov.au/contact-us.OTHER WHALES AND DOLPHINS Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description dugon) (Dugong Dugong (SP) Their movements are usually slow and graceful. graceful. and slow usually are movements Their seafloor. the move along they as made cloud sand by the followed be can area over an movement Their herds. small live in and mammals marine herbivorous only the are They 20 metres. than more of at depths seagrass on feed to known are deep, but metres five to waterone shallow quite in usually seagrass, on feed cows’, ‘sea as to dugongs referred Often Park. Marine Bay Jurien as south far as reported occasionally are but north, Park Marine Bay Shark from waters warm the front of the head. head. the of front the near are nostrils Their shape. head adistinctive and flippers have paddle-like also They back. upper the haveon fin no dolphins) (unlike but adolphin) (like tail fluked have aflattened They kilograms. 400 over weigh and long metres three to up grow can Adults brown. pale are body. Young calves rotund Dugongs are light brown, with a with brown, light are Dugongs In WA, dugongs live mostly in the shallow shallow the in live mostly dugongs WA, In

Photo – Oceanwide Images. DUGONG (SP) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description coriacea) (Dermochelys Leatherback turtle(VU) photos (email @dec.wa.gov.au). (email photos any receive or any of sightings know to keen be DEC would WA in waters. known poorly very is that species athreatened is turtle leatherback The depths. great to through surface the from food taking waters, ocean open and coastal both through widely forage They WA. in nest not do they any of turtle, distribution light spots and five distinctive ridges that run along its full length. length. full its along run that ridges distinctive five and spots light of smattering a with colour in blackish and largely is leathery shell The flippers. front huge and shoulders large relatively has also turtle sea This kilograms. 500 amassive weigh can turtle the and long 1.6 metres reach can alone shell The leatherback turtle is the largest of all sea turtles. Its Its turtles. sea all of largest the is turtle leatherback The While leatherback turtles have the widest have widest the turtles leatherback While

Photo – Linda Reinhold. LEATHERBACK TURTLE (VU) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description mydas) (Chelonia Green turtle(VU) juveniles and adults also live in temperate south-west waters year round. year waters south-west temperate live in also adults and juveniles of numbers Small Current. Leeuwin the in south swept being after storms winter in south-west the along beaches on up washed sometimes are They April. to January from sea the to journey and nests their way of out their dig hatchlings The Australia. northern of islands many and offshore beaches mainland some on nest to ashore come females the months, summer However, the sea. during at life entire its almost spends species the turtles, sea other Like legislation. WA under threatened as listed is and oceans warm-temperate and tropical and weigh from 100 125 to kilograms. from weigh and long ametre about reach Adults beneath. coloured cream are They shell). the of side either on scales large (the scales costal of pairs four with mottling, grey with The high-domed shell of the green turtle is light to dark green green dark to light is turtle green the of shell high-domed The The green turtle is found in all of the world’s the of all in found is turtle green The

Photo – Tourism WA. Far left illustration – Unlike the flatback turtle, the green turtle has no preocular scale. GREEN TURTLE (VU) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description caretta) (Caretta Loggerhead turtle(EN) Helpline on 9474 on Helpline 9055. DEC’s call Wildcare please one, 24-hour find you Should coastline. western entire the along beaches onto blown are youngsters the long, centimetres eight to five between shells with 100 grams, about Weighing only region. Cape West North the and Park Marine Bay Shark in areas breeding northern from Current Leeuwin by the south kilometres of thousands carried often are hatchlings turtle winter, In loggerhead round. year waters temperate livesouthern in loggerheads adult and juvenile of large numbers Small lines. long with fish people where ocean the in occurs also but estuaries and seas shallow warm inhabits mostly turtle loggerhead the Australia, in nests that turtle threatened much lighter below. lighter much and above brown dark to tan usually is It illustration). the in green in (shown scales costal of pairs five has and elongated quite heart-shaped, less or more is shell The length. body the of afifth at least comprises head the where turtle only the is loggerhead –the characteristic is head huge The 150 kilograms. to up Most loggerhead turtles are less than a metre long and weigh weigh and long ametre than less are turtles loggerhead Most The most most The

Photo – Linda Reinhold. LOGGERHEAD TURTLE (EN) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description ) ( Great (VU) even bite outboard motors. outboard even bite and boats small approach will and unafraid, and inquisitive are They so. or years 100 past over the them to attributed being deaths several with people, attack will whites Great adults. sick and old and calves young the on prey to WA coast, the along migration southern their during whales humpback follow will species The Park. Marine Ningaloo as north far as recorded been occasionally has it although colonies, lion sea and seal near particularly state, the of half southern the in mostly found is it WA, In waters. temperate prefers it though hemispheres, southern and northern the throughout oceans subtropical and temperate in unconfirmed reports of sharks up to seven metres. sevenmetres. to up sharks of reports unconfirmed with long, metres six at least to grow below. They white and surface upper the on greyish-brown to grey are and body torpedo-shaped stout, moderately Great white sharks have a sharks white Great The great white shark is distributed widely widely distributed is shark white great The

Photo – Kelvin Aitken/marinethemes.com. GREAT WHITE SHARK (VU) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description typus) (Rhincodon disturb, harm or fish for whale sharks in Australian waters. waters. Australian in sharks whale for fish or harm disturb, to illegal is It tail. shark’s large the from metres four at least and body and head its from metres three at least stay they as long as fish, giant this with swim safely can snorkellers size, enormous its Despite food. abundant with at locations feeding unless groups in seen rarely are and late 2011. solitary be to tend They in beach at a filmed one Fremantle with south, further sometimes and Bay Shark in Park National Island Hartog Dirk from offshore seen However, often are they Park. Marine Ningaloo in common are they year each mid-July to mid-March From around reefs. and atolls coral of lagoons the and waters coastal shallow and there are five large pairs of gills. gills. of pairs five large are there and shark the of side each along run ridges Three belly. awhite with shark), whale individual each to unique apattern (in stripes and spots white of lots with grey, marked mostly is body The head. the of front the near eyes small two and flathead broad a wide, metres 1.5 to up amouth has It above. and of metres 14 to lengths growing fish, largest The whale shark is the world’s the is shark whale The Whale sharks are known to inhabit both deep deep both inhabit to known are sharks Whale

Photo – Tourism WA. Please report any sightings south of Geraldton to www.marineparks.wa.gov.au/contact-us. WHALE SHARK Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description taurus) (Carcharias Grey nurseshark(VU) through fishing. through depleted have greatly but been people to harmless generally are sharks These metres. 15 40 and between of at depths usually islands, and reefs rocky inshore of vicinity the in and caves, rocky or gutters sandy deep near or in hovering seen often are sharks nurse Grey shelf. continental the off recorded been occasionally has It landmasses. continental around waters temperate and subtropical more active at night. active more be to thought are and swimmers strong but slow are They 3.6 metres. at least to grow sharks nurse body. Grey the of rear the to and fin tail the on may occur spots brownish or below. Reddish white off- and above greyish-brown to body, grey stout The grey has a large alarge has shark nurse grey The The grey nurse shark is found in inshore inshore in found is shark nurse grey The

Photo – AQWA. GREY NURSE SHARK (VU) Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description eques) (Phycodurus Leafy seadragon(P2) www.dragonsearch.asn.au. to beach) the on up washed found ones dead (including dragons sea of any sightings report Please Augusta). to Busselton from stretch will (which park marine Capes Ngari proposed the in are dragons sea leafy of sightings most WA, In . in Promontory Wilsons to Park Marine Bay Jurien the from Australia, of coastline southern the from recorded been only has species This reefs. covered seaweed near patches sand on and meadows seagrass beds, seaweed length of 45 centimetres. 45 of length atotal reach can body. They the across stripes or bands thin with yellowish-brown to green are adults Most spot. to difficult extremely it making seaweed, of pieces floating resembles dragon sea leafy the Due to its leaf-like appendages, appendages, leaf-like its to Due The leafy sea dragon lives among rocky reefs, reefs, rocky among lives dragon sea leafy The

Photo – Ann Storrie. LEAFY SEA DRAGON (P2) southern royal albatross Gibson’s albatross sooty albatross black-browed albatross Salvin’s albatross wandering albatross Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross Indian yellow-nosed albatross grey-headed albatross Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description northern royal albatross Amsterdam albatross Common name Fourteen speciesofalbatrossarelistedasthreatenedinWA Thalassarche (Diomedea, Albatrosses nutrients and along the edge of continental shelves. continental of edge the along and nutrients by up-welling enriched those especially waters, oceanic cool, from mainly feed They period. non-breeding each during world’s the oceans around kilometres, 15,000 to up distances, vast travel individuals islands, Ocean Southern Tristan albatross light-mantled albatross shy albatross wingspan of any bird. any of bird. wingspan widest the has and seabirds all of largest the is albatross wandering the metres, 3.5 to up awingspan and 1.1 metres 1.35 to from lengths With bills. huge These birds are best recognised by their enormous size and and size enormous by their recognised best are birds These While they breed on subantarctic and other other and subantarctic on breed they While and Scientific name D. exulans D. epomophora D. dabbenena D. amsterdamensis Diomedea T. salvini T. T.melanophrys T.chrysostoma T.chlororhynchos T.cauta carteri Thalassarche P.palpebrata fusca Phoebetria sanfordi D. gibsoni D. Phoebetria Phoebetria VU VU VU VU EN VU EN VU VU VU VU VU VU species CR ) Listing

Yellow-nosed albatross (photo – Simon Allen). ALBATROSSES Habitat and behaviour Habitat and Description minor) (Eudyptula Little penguin themselves and are particularly vulnerable to disturbance. vulnerable particularly and are themselves cool to open the in stand often penguins Moulting process. stressful this during feed to sea to go not do Penguins replaced. then and masse en shed is plumage or January, December in period three-week to two a During fish. small other and whitebait pilchards, on feed penguins Little abundant. is food unless raised is one only usually but hatch, often chicks Two five of weeks. over aperiod parents by both shared is Incubation September. and June between eggs two of clutches lay more or one females Breeding 10 about years. live for age, and of years four or three at about breed penguins Little Centre. Discovery Penguin at the them see can Visitors WA. in colony breeding largest the probably is and penguins than those elsewhere in Australia. in elsewhere those than larger are Park in Shoalwater the Marine Islands Birds akilogram. about weigh and tall centimetres 40 about stand Adults 17 the species. of penguin The little penguin is the smallest smallest the is penguin little The Penguin Island supports about 1,200 little little 1,200 about supports Island Penguin

Little penguin moulting (photo – Michael James/DEC). LITTLE PENGUIN Helping stranded marine mammals

Strandings of marine mammals sometimes occur along WA’s extensive coastline. If you should come across a stranded whale, dolphin or seal, whether it is a solitary or mass stranding, please ensure both your own and the animal’s safety. What to do: 1. Think about your safety first. 2. Call the Department of Environment and Conservation’s 24-hour Wildcare Helpline on (08) 9474 9055. 3. While waiting for assistance, try not to make too much noise. 4. Keep the animal’s skin moist (but do not cover the blowholes or nostrils with water). 5. Listen to the instructions of the wildlife officer. What NOT to do: 1. DO NOT put your safety or the safety of others at risk. 2. DO NOT stand close to the head or tail. 3. DO NOT touch the animal more than is necessary and especially do not push or pull on the flippers, flukes or head, or cover the blowhole. 4. DO NOT attempt to push the animal back out to sea. This will only add to its suffering.

5. DO NOT apply sunscreen even if the animal’s skin is burnt. Henderson Photographics. – Photo Reporting marine wildlife incidents

Injured or entangled marine animals should be reported to DEC’s Wildcare Helpline (9474 9055). If you find a dead animal (of a species featured in this guide), or wish to report an unusual sighting, please note down as many details as you can from the list below: • time and date of the sighting or event • species name and description (take pictures if possible) • number of animals • size or special markings on the animals (note if there are juveniles or adults present, or both) • location (use a GPS if available, recording latitude and longitude including degrees, minutes and seconds and note the full readout, including decimal places). Please also note the datum your GPS has been set to (preferably WGS84 or GDA94) • incident type, for example, sighting, by-catch, collision • any comments that could help explain the event • your contact details to assist us if we need to do any follow-up. Pass this information to www.marineparks.wa.gov.au/contact-us. If you plan regular visits to an area where you note protected species, and are willing to help marine managers and scientists from DEC learn more about threatened and other little known marine wildlife species or to find out more about community monitoring initiatives that DEC is developing under the WA Marine Monitoring Program, please see contacts below. DEC Shark Bay District Office Phone (08) 9948 1208 DEC Moora District Office Phone (08) 9652 1911 DEC Swan Coastal District Office Phone (08) 9405 0700 DEC Busselton District Office Phone (08) 9143 1488 DEC Walpole District Office Phone (08) 9840 0400 Marine Science Program and WA Marine Monitoring Program Phone (08) 9219 8000 or email [email protected] Photo – Kevin Crane/DEC. Download this guide from www.marineparks.wa.gov.au

E R N ME R N M Information current at April 2012 V V E E O O N N G G T T



W W A A E E I I S S L L T T A A 20120009-0412-5M E R E R R R N A UNS TA U S T © Government of Western Australia 2012