University of Cincinnati
UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Date:___________________ I, _________________________________________________________, hereby submit this work as part of the requirements for the degree of: in: It is entitled: This work and its defense approved by: Chair: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Creative Shrinkage: In Search of a Strategy to Manage Decline A thesis submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Cincinnati In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF COMMUNITY PLANNING In the School of Planning of the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning By LI SUN ALLIGOOD Bachelor of Arts, Community Development Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, March 2001 Committee Chair: Menelaos Triantafillou, AICP, ASLA Committee Member: David Varady, PhD, FAICP Abstract Post-industrial cities in the Rust Belt of the United States have been losing population to their suburbs and other regions for decades. Even as the population and density of these cities de- crease, the infrastructure and physical area—and the cost to maintain them—remain the same. A new concept known as “Creative Shrinkage” calls for planning proactively for the possible or likely population shrinkage of a city by adjusting its physical size to its reduced population. This study explores the causes of urban growth and decline in Youngstown, Ohio and Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania and compares Pittsburgh’s conventional responses with the unconventional “Creative Shrinkage” responses adopted by Youngstown, and determines that Creative Shrink- age as utilized in Youngstown has several standard components that allow for its use as a strat- egy for declining cities. The study suggests a new federal program to assist declining cities with shrinkage and calls for a shrinkage-oriented planning model.
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