WANT MEETING WITH MAYOR-Controller Tom Flaherty (left) and Councilman William Robinson want the City to investigate its business dealings with local companies directly or indirectly involved with the Republic of South Africa. (MARK C. SOUTHERS Photo) THE PITTSBURGH COURIER, FEBRUARY 25, 1984 South African Link... Law Firm Requested To Sever Ties By PHIL TAYLOR practices, such as apartheid. sion, I believe it to be highly inap (Courier City Editor) Robinson said the firm has "done propriate that the firm of Baskins A Dowr.town law firm, which an excellent job legally" in serving and Sears, which is now a registered serves as the city's bond counsel the city, but expressed concern that agent of that government, serve the while also serving as an agent of the businesses contracted by the city are city in any capacity." apartheid-ruled Republic of South consistent with its policies. Flaherty also stated in his letter Africa, has stirred City Council to Both Robinson and Flaherty said that he did not believe it is the will of form a task force to examine more that although they have no proof, the City to "associate itself in anyway closely the city's investment policies. they allege the firm was responsible, with the odious and deplorable prac It is a move, one council member in part for bringing the South tice of the Republic of South Africa said, to "ensure compatibility with African Consulate to the city. or its agents." the principle of equal opportunity They have both requested a, Councilman Robinson, when ask and other precepts of democracy." meeting this week with the mayor to ed ifcity officials were somewhat em The task force urged by black city discuss Baskin and Sears South barrassed that its bond counsel has councilman William R. Robinson African connections. been a registered agent of the and approved on Monday (Feb. 20) The city controller in a letter to Ci Republic of South Africa for four by its other members, follows a letter ty Council dated Feb. 17 stated in years, reiterated that the firm has sent to Mayor Caliguiri by City Con part: "In view of the blatant apar done a "very fine job for us as bond troller Tom Flaherty which requested theid practices of the government of counsel." that the city sever its connections South Africa, their singular disregard He also said that the policies of the for basic human dignity, and their segregated state have already been with the law firm of Baskin & Sears. Continued on paree A-2_ Robert Rade Stone, City Council well-documented history of oppres- President will appoint council members only, to serve on the task force. Firm Asked To Sever Ties Since 1981, Baskin and Sears has Continued from Page A-I the Pittsb0rgh School Board, said received an estimated $500,000 in identified "as an embarassment to earlier Pittsburghers Against Apar renumeration from the city according most of the civilized world." theid will ask the mayor to find to Flaherty. In 1983, the firm was another law firm to represent the ci services rendered paid $1,106.65 for "I think that certainly the ad ty. to the County, according to the Ac ministration has a responsibility to Philip Baskin, a founding partner of the County counting Division look at this situation and others to in the legal firm, is a key fundraiser Controller's office. make sure that we're being consis for Democratic Presidential Can supported past resolu Robinson tent. People we do business with are didate--Walter Mondale's Weslern tions to rescind authorization for the the kinds of' people that we can Pennsylvania campaign and proli African state, preventing white-ruled publicly talk about and feel very pro nent area fundraiser Ior many con the establishment of honorary ud of," Robinson said Monday out Democrts. Partner, John Sears. was sulates in American cities. Members side council chambers. area campaign manager for President of Pittsburghers Against Apartheid, Jake Milliones. president of the Ronald Reagan in his 1980 presiden racial which opposes South Africa's anti-apartheid group and president of tial campaign. policies, protested the opening of an honorary South African Consulate Downtown in 1982. Robinson said the "spirit" of council's actions then were "not to be" indirectly or directly involved with governments or activities which Support undemocratic principles and The Pittsburgh Press, 0WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984 Influential law firm here lobbying for South Africa By Jon Sehmitz according to U.S. Justice Depart lars in political contributions made man. cut them (Baskin & Sears) loose." tation ... it does not necessarily ment records. by the law firn. Baskin answered a reporter's call The firm also has garnered hun follow that youfor." endorse what that The Pittsburgh Press The records also show that Bas Yesterday's developments added yesterday, but said he was too busy dreds of thousands of dollars in client stands kin & Sears took part in South to a mounting political problem for to discuss the matter. county and municipal authority Also speaking last week, Baskin The Downtown law firm of Bas Africa's effort to establish a consul Mayor Richard Caliguiri and City Caliguiri has maintained silence business, public records show. said, "If you had a policy that kin & Sears has played a major role ate in Pittsburgh two years ago. The Council. on the issue. For the second time in At the same time, Baskin and lawyers could represent only popu as a lobbyist for the apartheid gov effort was scuttled by a public Anti-apartheid and human rights two days, he declined to meet with other lawyers in the firm have lar clients, you wouldn't have much ernment of South Africa and partici outcry against the racial practices organizations are expected to apply reporters yesterday to discuss the donated thousands of dollars to of a legal system." pated in that nation's controversial of the South African government. extreme pressure in the coming subject. scores of state and local govern An examination of Baskin & attempt to open a consulate here in Dumisani Kumalo, a spokesman weeks for an end to the city's rela The mayor's reticence brought a ment officials, according to federal Sears's contract with South Africa 1982. for an African-American organiza tionship with Baskin & Sears, under sharp attack fiom Controller Tom and county records. shows that the firm's duties range The firm's contract with South tion, described Baskin & Sears yes which the law firm has collected Flaherty, who first raised the issue Caliguiri aides, as well as Baskin, far beyond those of legal counsel. Africa calls for it to lobby and terday as "the No. 1 apartheid nearly $500,000 in contracts in the of the law firm's role in a letter to have defended the firm's work for The $500,000-per-year contract, arrange contacts for South Africans lobbyist in the United States." last four years. Caliguiri last week. South Africa, saying it would be first signed in 1981, sets forth the with U.S. public officials, promote Kumalo, project director for the The firm's Philip Baskin is re "He's ducking it," Flaherty said. unfair for the city to exclude the following duties for the firm: the nation's exports to the United New York-based American Commit-' garded as among the city's chief "He doesn't have the political cour firm because of its other clients. * "To lobby, represent, advise States, work to improve South Afri tee on Africa, urged Pittsburgh offi .power brokers and is a longtime age to address this issue. He's seeing David Matter, Caliguiri's execi. and assist in the promotion of the ca's image here and provide politi cials to sever ties with Baskin & rive secretary, said last week, "Just confidant of the mayor. He formerly which way the wind is blowing. Continuedon page A6 cal advice, among other things, Sears and return thousands of dol- served as council's finance chair- "It's time to get out the knife and because you provide legal represen- Continued from page Al continues to be the official policy of said Councilwoman Sophie Masloff, fund-raisingIn addition, activities Baskin hashere organized for Wal guiri, Foerster and other political signatures needed to force a public political, economic and cultural ob the government." who received at least $1,100 from officials added more to his influence hearing in council. jectives of the South African gov City Council then passed a resolu Baskin & Soars lawyers during her dentialter Mondale, candidate. a Democratic Over the years,presi than did political donations. Kumalo said he would come to ernment in the U.S. tion opposing the consulate, one of 1981 campaign. "Every politician goes to Phil Pittsburgh to testify at such a hear 0 "To improve the image of the three anti-South Africa bills ap There is no question that the firm Baskin has been a successful fund Baskin for donations," Mrs. Masloff ing. His organization, established 32 (South African) government in the proved by council in the past two is politically active. raiser for state and national said. "Every local politician, every years ago, is working nationwide for U.S. in order to strengthen the long years. A report filed by the firm with candidates. ward chairman, every committee an end to public investment in South .standing friendship between the two South Africa "has historically the Justice Department, covering a Locally, County Elections De person ... he was always a soft Africa. countries. maintained officially sanctioned 7-month period of 1982, lists more partment records show that Baskin touch for everybody." Council members Wagner and * "To promote South African government policies that discrimi than $12,000in contributions to 22 and his associates have given exten Wagner said he believed Baskin's Mrs.
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