Their Place Under the Sun Women Reclaim

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Their Place Under the Sun Women Reclaim hen the the Indonesian Democratic Party Struggle (PDI-P) came out of the general elections with the majority of votes, and the popularity of its leader Megawati Sukarnoputri increased day by day, it pushed the issue of “gender” right into the centre of the nation’s attention. Sentiments against a woman filling the position of the nation’s president were expressed by a Wnumber of religious and political leaders as well as individuals. The ensuing debate then reached a point where a group of women deemed it urgent to issue a statement refuting the use of religious dogma to discredit a woman’s political right to become president. In less than 48 hours, the statement, which was released on 22 June 1999, received support from over 300 indiv- iduals—women and men—and organisations who agreed that women’s political rights should be honoured in line with the 1945 Constitution and the law. The group, named the Civil Society for the Political Rights of Women, stressed the significance of upholding justice and democracy and rebuild the political rights of Indonesian women regardless of age, class, education, religion, ethnic background and political beliefs. Specifically, the state- ment says there is no explicit stipulation in the Al-Qur’an that a woman cannot become a leader. Indonesian Signatories inclu- ded human rights ac- tivists like Saparinah Sadli and Marzuki Women Reclaim Darusman, Dharma Wanita Presidium head Hartini Hartarto, gender specialist Their Place Mayling Oey, noted lawyers Rita Kolibonso and Todung Mulya Lubis, the National by Carla Bianpoen Mandate Party (PAN) Under the Sun Deputy Chair Toeti Heraty Roosseno, res- pected economist Mohammad Sadli, playwright Ratna Sarumpaet, NGO acti- vist Erna Witoelar, political scientists Chusnul Mar’iyah and Smita Notosusanto. But more than any- one else in the long list of signatories, the names of Siti Nuriyah Women Demand: Stop the Violence, a rally held in con- junction with the International Anti-Violence Day on 25 November 1998 all photos courtesy of Carla Bianpoen Women in Action No. 3, 1999 27 Wahid, Omi Komaria Madjid to reporters immediately after the ment’s World Bank-supported and Khofifah Indar Parawangsa vote count. Her disappointment labour-intensive projects that caught attention. Siti Nuriyah particularly referred to the politi- were to accommodate laid-off is a Muslim activist, the head cal manoeuvring to prevent workers as a result of the eco- of over 200 pesantren putri (re- Megawati from becoming the nomic and monetary crises. ligious boarding schools for President. In fact, many women The demand was made to the girls) and is also the wife to who had initially been critical of World Bank president and the Muslim leader Abdurrahman Megawati came to back the de- National Development Agency Wahid. Omi Komaria is well feated presidential frontrunner. by members of the Lotus Foun- versed in the teachings of her That she has won the vice-presi- dation in co-ordination with religion and the wife of Mus- dency gives reason to rejoice. Yet, other NGOs. The Lotus Foun- lim scholar Nurcholis Majid. from a gender perspective, the dation is essentially a lobby Khofifah Indar Parawansa, a whole process was disappointing group that pursues women’s former legislator, was then a and telling of the position of rights as human rights. proponent of the National women. Particularly so, as the But it was a mix of continu- Awakening Party. women dynamics in 1998 were ous price hikes, the overall Khofifah, in a subsequent leading towards the political mood of oppression and sombre television commentary, said arena. But frankly, at that time, apprehension, and the dark fear that nowhere in the constitution hardly anybody was imagining of popular explosions, that made nor in any law or regulation was such a dramatic unfolding of the women realise they needed to gender specifically mentioned as gender issue. do something to prevent blood- a requirement for the presi- shed. At that time, the only safe dency, and neither had there 1998-A Change in Dynamics thing to do was to act under cover been any objections to these le- The year 1998 will remain of the traditional concept of the gal provisions. as a year of shattering experi- role of women. On 23 February The statement, which re- ences. It will also be remem- 1998, the Suara Ibu Peduli or ceived media coverage, triggered bered as a year in which wom- the Voice of Concerned Mothers a continuous flow of supporters. en’s dynamics emerged in an (SIP) decided to hold a peaceful Yet, this did not help much in unprecedented force, uniting rally at the roundabout in front the final manoeuvres of politi- women of all walks of life, of the of Hotel Indonesia at the city cal players. most diverse ethnic, religious centre. As concerned mothers, Even Abdurrahman Wahid, and educational backgrounds, they prayed and sang songs typi- the leader of over 30 million including the active participa- cal of everyday mothers, but also members of the Nahdatul tion of Catholic nuns and Mus- urged the government to provide Ulama, who had initially said he lim scholars. This immense up- food and milk at affordable had no problem with a woman surge in women’s dynamics led prices. becoming president and had the breakthroughs that would The initiative came from staunchly supported Megawati, have been unimaginable in the young women intellectuals to- became her opponent in the previous 32 years. No doubt it gether with long-time feminist eleventh hour. Political ma- was the tumbling economy, the Toety Herati Roosseno, a profes- noeuvring further led the way ensuing political turbulence, sor of philosophy, who assumed to his election as president in and an overall oppressive ap- that as mothers, they would not what is called the most demo- prehension that had provoked be shot at. Indeed they were not, cratic election since 32 years women’s inner strength. While but three of them were harshly ago. From a gender perspective, the word “revolution” may be too taken to the police station where this was a blow to the cause of strong a term to describe wom- they had to undergo a 23-hour gender, and democracy. en’s reaction, it does reveal the interrogation. The warrant was Noted women’s activist sentiments prevailing at that presented only an hour before and legislator Nursjahbani time. their release. Their case at- Katjasungkana, for one, ex- An early sign of women’s tracted massive local and in- pressed her profound disap- “changing” dynamics was evi- ternational attention, intro- pointment though she was not a dent when women demanded at ducing a new wave of young fervent supporter of Megawati. “I least 20 percent of women’s women to prominence. do feel very sad,” she conveyed participation in the govern- The investigation at the 28 Women in Action No. 3, 1999 daunted by death threats, anonymous letters and harass- ing phone calls, they continued helping the victims in whatever form possible, and have been untiringly speaking out against violence on women. Their re- vealing reports of the violence and the wide media coverage were instrumental in actions taken to put pressure on the government. Although the most published names were Ita F. Nadia and Karlina Leksono, they stand for numerous others who often risked their lives or livelihood because of their in- Mari Berdamai means Let's make peace. The two women are Saparinah Sadli, volvement in the team. 73, chair of the National Commission on Violence Against Women and Herawati Diah, 83, chair of the Women's Movement for Voters Education While the entire people un- derwent a kind of shock at the police office and the legal pro- taneous gathering of women revelations on the massive cedure in court drew sympathy from all walks of life. Breaking rapes, government authorities from the public and received traditional barriers of ethnicity, persisted in denials that it had wide media coverage, with pic- religious and class back- happened at all. But the more tures of Karlina Leksono and grounds, they came together at they denied, the more people Gadis Arivia appearing in al- a time of overall oppression came together in a united front. most every news media. when gatherings were looked In less than one month, the SIP persisted in the role of at with great suspicion. statement drafted on 16 June mothers, providing affordable Not surprisingly, the location by about 16 women of interdis- milk for children under five and was held secret up to the last ciplinary academic and profes- the elderly. Their effort received possible moment. Another sional backgrounds found sup- much support with donations unique and important feature port from 4,000 people, later flowing in, and housewives from was that the prayer was for all, called the Civil Society on Vio- other parts of Jakarta started putting to the fore the virtues of lence Against Women. But grouping, requesting SIP to al- bold and courageous women from President Jusuf Bacharuddin low them to use the logo to sup- the history of all religions. It ex- Habibie remained silent. port milk distribution in their pressed a united and impas- Following further deteriora- specific area. sioned critique of prevailing in- tion of the social situation, wo- While SIP persisted in the justice and unlawfulness. Today, men decided to see the Presi- mother’s role, they also contin- Seruni continues to organise dent. A delegation of 22 women ued to support political aspira- women in peace-making efforts. was received on 15 July. Led by tions, playing a key role in the Perhaps the most known senior activist and human supply of survival food for the and publicised during that year rights defender Prof.
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