Complete Protocol
125th Bergedorf Round Table Reinventing Europe – Cultural Dimensions of Widening and Deepening January 24th–26th, 2003, Elb Lounge Hamburg CONTENT Picture Documentation 1 Participants 18 Summary 19 Protocol Welcome 21 I. History and Reality of European Culture 23 II. Tasks of Cultural Policy in the Context of Europe’s Widening and Deepening 59 III. Europe’s Cultural Role in the World 89 Annex Participants 125 “Völkertafel” 132 Recommended Literature 134 Glossary 135 Index 149 Previous Round Tables 154 The Körber-Foundation 173 Acknowledgements, Project Information, Imprint 174 INITIATOR Dr. Kurt A. Körber CHAIR Otto von der Gablentz, Ambassador (ret.), President of Europa Nostra, The Hague SPEAKERS Prof. Dr. Hélène Ahrweiler, Danuta Glondys, President, European University, Paris Director, Villa Decius, Krakow Prof. Dr. Üstün Ergüder, Dr. Ursula Keller, Director, Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul Director, Literaturhaus Hamburg Monika Griefahn MdB, Dr. Bernhard Maaz, Chairwoman, Parliamentary Cultural Committee, Curator of the Old National Gallery, Berlin Berlin Doris Pack MEP, Prof. Yudhishthir Raj Isar, European Parliament, Strasbourg/Brussels Independent Scholar and Consultant, Paris Prof. Dr. Ugo Perone, Hywel Ceri Jones, Director, Cultural Department of the Italian Embassy, Executive Chairman, European Policy Centre, Brussels Berlin Prof. Dr. Karl Schlögel, Jan Roß, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder DIE ZEIT, Berlin Dr. Gary Smith, Arne Ruth, Director, American Academy, Berlin Journalist, Sundbyberg Gijs de Vries, Prof. Dr. Johano Strasser, Member of the European Convention, The Hague Author, President, PEN Germany, Berg Dr. Levin von Trott zu Solz, Bergedorf Round Table, Berlin PARTICIPANTS Hortensia Völckers, Director, German Federal Cultural Foundation, Jean-Baptiste Cuzin, Halle/Saale Ministry of Culture and Communication, Paris Gottfried Wagner, Catherine David, Secretary General, European Cultural Foundation, Director, Witte de With, center for contemporary art, Amsterdam Rotterdam Dr.
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