#Progressive Governance Digital Summit 2020: draft agenda

Restart! A progressive agenda for a new normality in the post-pandemic world 15-19 June 2020

Day 1 Day 1

Monday TIME Opening kick-off session

17:00 - “Assessing the state of center-left parties & politics in Europe and the US in times of an unprecedented global crisis 19:00 - and how the think tank community can make a difference” (invite-only session) (Audience: Initial fireside chat for this year´s co-hosting organisations & selected guests, 60-75 Pax in total CEST (approx. 20-25 Pax discussants, another 40-50 Pax as further “observer”), by-invitation-only)

1. Welcoming remarks by DPZ + political patron & brief introduction of the partner consortium 2. Lightning talks: The state of progressive politics in Europe and North America curated by strategic and impact partners 3. A progressive view from the capitals: latest developments from each country 4. Critical self-reflection: How do the economic and social crises affect the work of think tanks? How can we contribute to spark change in the right direction?

Maria João Rodrigues Neera Tanden Ellen Ueberschär Matthew Taylor

Day 2 Day 2

Tuesday TIME Welcome address & Opening keynote session

14:00 - “What’s at stake: progressive visions for a post-Covid future” 15:30 (Audience: approx. 300-500 Pax in total, broader public & media)

1. Brief Welcome CEST 2. Setting the Scene: International solidarity in times of crisis & scenarios for a progressive post-crisis future 3. Keynote Talks (TED-style) · “Transformation”: Creating a sustainable recovery & just transition agenda · “Democracy” theme:Winning the struggle for liberal democracy · “Leadership” theme: Building capacities for progressives to govern · “Europe+” theme: Making a progressive case for Europe & new multilateralism 4. Q&A & Debate

Yascha Mounk - What’s at stake for democracy? Ophélie Omnes - What’s at stake for Europe? Maja Göpel - What’s at stake for transformation? Jeremy Cliffe - What’s at stake for progressives?

Digital coffee break

Transformation & recovery Democracy Leadership Europe+

4 breakout/workshop sessions 15:45 Each digital room involves at least 1 chair, 2 initial contributors, 5-20 discussants by-invitation-only. The sessions are either confidential or public. If public - there is an additional public stream where registered participants have the opportunity to provide questions and comments on the breakouts. 17:00

CEST Transformation Reimagining the social contract: A blueprint for good work

Lightning talks by: Johannes Anttila, Alan Lockey, Julia Jousilahti, Fabian Wallace-Stephens Respondents: Thorben Albrecht, Jenni Karjalainen, Jonnie Penn

Transformation Europe’s new green deal: Building a social-green momentum to tackle the climate crisis

Speakers: , Miguel Matos, Anna Cavazzini

Democracy Advancing the transatlantic alliance: Caring about diversity is good. Being diverse is better.

Speakers: Michael Werz, Alma Zadic (invited), Chair: Kübra Gümüsay

Europe+ Big data, fragmented voice: Building a European civic movement on data rights (timing TBC) Speakers: Renate Samson, Asheem Singh, Ann Cathrin Riedel

Digital coffee break

17:15 5 breakout/workshop sessions - 18:30 Each digital room involves at least 1 chair, 2 initial contributors, 5-20 discussants by-invitation-only. The sessions are either confidential or public. If public

CEST there is an additional public stream where registered participants have the opportunity to provide questions and comments on the breakouts.

Transformation #Tech4Society: New Technologies and the economy

Speakers: Robert Atkinson, Svenja Falk, Danyal Bayaz Chair: Max Neufeind

Leadership Cities as Changemakers. How to tackle global challenges at the local level? Speakers: Kata Tutto, Sergi Campillo (tbc), Ulrich Hörning Chair: Maria Skóra

Europe+ (De-)Globalisation and the economics of belonging Speakers: Martin Sandbu, Arianna Giovannini, Will Hutton Chair: Roger Liddle

Democracy Resilient livelihoods and behavioural adaptation to COVID-19 Speakers: Nadia El-imam, co-founder Edgeryders Chair: Daniel Hires

Democracy Populist strategies and narratives in times of COVID-19: old stories & new technologies Speakers: Andreas Audretsch, Giuliano da Empoli, Andrea Petö Chair: Adele Stan

Digital coffee break

19:00 “Europe after Merkel - 20:00 Strategies for a new progressive agenda 2022plus”

CEST Clément Beaune meets Wolfgang Schmidt

Digital coffee break

Young leaders visions debate 20:15 - (Audience: approx. 300-500 Pax in total, broader public & media) 21:30 “Power to the next generation: which society and economy do we want to live in?” CEST 1. Shifting the dial: voices from practitioners & perspectives from societies on the brink 2. Upcoming political leader’s debate on envisioning a bright future for the many, not the few

Speakers: , Magdalena Biejat, Richard Kaniewski, Ria Schröder, Ophélie Omnes

Day 3 Day 3

Wednesday 12:00 Lunchtime keynote debate - 13:30

“How to tackle the new wave of nationalism & illiberal populism” CEST

This session will explore: what we have learned from the past five years on the surge of populist, what is new, and if the coronavirus will bring forth a second wave of nationalism, or raise trust in democratic institutions.

(Audience: approx. 300-500 Pax in total, broader public)

Q&A & Debate

Speakers: Catherine De Vries & Matthew Goodwin

14:00 Seminar session - 15:00 “Latest research on the current state of center-left parties, movements & politics in Europe and the US” CEST

This session will take a closer look at the current political landscapes, polling methods and how to decipher public opinion, as well as how progressives are organising themselves to gain electoral victories (or, not).

Speakers: Ania Skrzypek, John Halpin, Sybren Kooistra

Digital coffee break

Transformation & recovery Democracy Leadership Europe+

2 breakout/workshop sessions

Each digital room involves at least 1 chair, 2 initial contributors, 5-20 discussants by-invitation-only. The sessions are either confidential or public. If public

there is an additional public stream where registered participants have the opportunity to provide questions and comments on the breakouts.

15:15 Transformation - Making just transformations possible: it’s identity stupid! 16:30 Speakers: Robert Misik, Sabrina Schulz, Jessica Eckdish

CEST Chair: Charlotte Billingham & David Rinaldi

Europe+ Transatlantic relations & the future of European foreign policy Speakers: , Max Bergmann, Lia Quartapelle Chair: Sudha David-Wilp

Digital coffee break

3 breakout/workshop sessions 16:45 - Each digital room involves at least 1 chair, 2 initial contributors, 5-20 discussants by-invitation-only. The sessions are either confidential or public. If public 18:00 there is an additional public stream where registered participants have the opportunity to provide questions and comments on the breakouts. CEST Transformation Combining economic recovery and social equity in Europe Speakers: Zoe Billingham, Enna Gerin, Silja Häusermann


Wealth tax (title TBC) Speakers: Bharat Ramamurti, Alex Himelfarb

Democracy Beyond voting - about the benefits of deliberation Speakers: C laudia Chwalisz, Miriam Levin

18:00 - 18:30 Keynote firework of ideas


18:30 Talking politics - 20:00 “Political campaigning: How to win majorities in turbulent times” (interactive debate including political analysts, strategists & activists) CEST

Speakers: Muthoni Kraal, Anna Gainey, Ismael Emelien, Robert Heinrich Chair: Matt Browne

20:15 Leaders’ panel (session TBC) - 21:30 “The art of politics: why we (desperately) need a global leadership revolution”


Day 4 Day 4

Thursday 15:00 Leaders panel I - 16:30 “Post-pandemic world order and the future of multilateralism”

CEST Judy Dempsey Neera Tanden

Digital coffee break

16:45 Leaders panel II

- “New left politics and alliances” 17:45 CEST Paul Mason Maria João Rodrigues (TBC) Jagmeet Singh

Digital coffee break


Digital coffee break

19.30 Grande finale session

- 20.45 “The shifts in geopolitics: progressive answers to (de-)globalisation in a post-Covid world”

CEST Mariana Mazzucato Olaf Scholz Frans Timmermans (TBC)

Day 5 Day 5

Friday Grande finale & outlook

13:30 “Connecting the dots: a progressive vision for reimagining the social contract” - 15:00 Closing keynote and vision for the future CEST (Audience: Closing fireside chat of the co-hosting organisations & selected guests outlining the next steps, approx. 30 Pax in total, by-invitation-only + public live-stream,

optional: ex-post video publishing)

Speakers: Matthew Taylor, Maja Göpel