Canada Province of Québec District of Montréal
CANADA SUPERIOR COURT PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC (Commercial Division) DISTRICT OF MONTRÉAL _________________________________________ No.: 500-11-049079-151 IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF: QUÉBEC LITHIUM INC., QLI MÉTAUX INC., RB ENERGY INC. AND SIROCCO MINING INC. Debtors -and- KSV KOFMAN INC. Receiver/Petitioner -and- HALE CAPITAL PARTNERS, L.P. -and- INVESTISSEMENT QUÉBEC, a legal entity having a place of business at 600, de La Gauchetière Street West, Suite 1500, Montréal, Québec H3B 4L8 -and- 9554661 CANADA INC., a corporation having a place of business at 130 Adelaide Street, Suite 3420, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3P5 -and- 2242974 CANADA INC. (formerly CONSTRUCTION PROMEC INC.), a corporation having a place of business at 1300 Saguenay Street, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, J9X 7C3 -and- 9190-5778 QUEBEC INC., a corporation having a place of business at 82, 10th Avenue West, Amos, Québec, J9T 1W8 -and- 3391612 CANADA INC., a corporation having a place of business at 105, R.R. 2, Barraute, Québec, J0Y 1A0 - 2 - -and- LES STRUCTURES GB LTÉE, a corporation having a place of business at 105 Montée Industrielle-et-Commerciale, Rimouski, Québec, G5M 1A8 -and- 2985080 CANADA INC., a corporation having a place of business at 138 Chemin des Boisés, Val- d'Or, Québec, J9P 4N7 -and- CONSTRUCTION NORASCON INC., a corporation having a place of business at 1705, Route de l'Aéroport, CP 370, Amos, Québec J9T 3A7 -and- J.Y. MOREAU ÉLECTRIQUE INC., a corporation having a place of business at 160 boul. Industriel, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, J9X 5C1 -and- 2950-0519 QUÉBEC INC., a corporation having a place of business at 160 boul.
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