r;fl Report on the G 33a ~

WHITNEY URANIUM MINES LIMITED (N. P. L.) PROPERTY, Vassan township, Abitibi-East County, Northwestern Quebec; By V. Corriveau, Prof. Eng. June 10th., 1955. INTRODUCTION The property described in this report consists of eight (8) mining claims, located a short distance to the south of Amos Lithium, New Jerzey Zinc, Lithium Corporation of America and Nolybdenite Corporation of Canada properties which are ~~. all located for the most part in the adjoining township of , and where numerous beryl, lithium and molybdenum showings have been found over the pas t years. The holdings of Quebec Lithium Corporation, the center of all interests at present, a s a result of the finding of a major lithium deposit now being prepared for production on a scale of one thousand tons per day, are located some ten miles to the northeast of the present property. The WHITNEY URANIUM NINES property is underlain by the same type of rocks as that in which the Quebec Lithium Corporation, finds its ore bearing pegmatite dykes. The contact of the granit traverses most of your ground from north to south, and further to being in the immediate neighbourhood of numerous lithium showings, this is the right place to look for pegmatite dykes; there- - 2 fore the ground must be considered as worthy of systematic surface exploration. The object of the present report is to study the best means of exploring the property and appraise the chances an intensive program of exploration would have to discover com- mercial lithium ore deposits. PROPERTY TITLES AND LOCATION The claims described in this report are numbered A- 201?77 to A-201788 inclusive, and were staked in virtue of Miner's Certificates 83135'claims 1 and 2; 83143 claims.1 k and .2; 83136 claims 1 to 4 inclusive and 83137 claims 1 to 1 4 inclusive, as shown on the official recording maps of the Quebec Department of Mines. They were recorded at the Amos Bureau of Mines care of L. G. Cossette, who has since had the proper transfers and titles documents delivered to Whit- ney Uranium Mines for registration in your company's name.

The claims occupy lots 7 to 14 inclusive, and lots A, B, C, ~~ D & E, in range VIII (8) Vassar township, Abitibi-East County,\ 1 Province of Quebec. Nominally, the claims have an area of --- 800 ac res, including the bed of creek La Corne located on your property. The ground has been staked last November and is in good standing until early days of this month in 1955. Mining rights are renewable from year to year, provided 125 days of assess- ment work are performed on every 200 acres of land, and a tax of 25 cents per acre is paid. The claims are located in the northwest corner of Vassan township, and the property is readily accessible by highway No. -3- 60 going across the west part-of your ground, and is about half way between the towns of Amos and Val d'Ort where sup- plies, accomodations, transport and electric power are all readily available. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY General Features The main value of the Whitney Uranium Mines property at present, is its location in a favrouable section of the La Corne Batholith area. For several years it has been known that lithium bearing pegmatite dykes existed near the borders of this batholith. The sudden expansion of the uses of lithium in industry which took place in the past years, made the deposits of La Corne township particularly valuable and gave an impetus to the major development of the Quebec Lithium Mines who has outlined over 15 million tons of ore. Numerous other mining companies are actively engaged in the search for other large deposits, and your property warrants extensive exploration for such a deposit. Recent uses of lithium have expended enormously even though it is a rather newcomer in the mining industry. It became an additive to. greases and is a very important ingre- dient in.the manufacture of certain, still secret war and defense items. It also has, further to strategic applications, a great power potential, since it is used in the H-bomb and other thermonuclear weapons, while it is a mighty performer in peacetime industry which extends to virtually every indus- try nowadays. It w as used as a fuel for German submarines during the last War. These known uses, which for the lack of -4- space, I have to skip over lightly, will serve as a prelude for future applications for lithium. They are indicative however, of an extremely promising outlook for the lithium mining industry as a whole and for this district in particular. Quebec, through good fortune of location, is in possession of an extensively mineralized area centered in La Corne township, adjoining immediately north of Vassan township, which area - scientists and geolo- gists are convinced - hold the world's largest known deposits of lithium. Production of lithium compounds has increased tenfold since 1947. Interesting data on the utilization of lithium are given In 1) A report of the Battelle Institute to the President (1952) ; 2) The "Chemical Week" magazine, November 6, 1952 is- sue; 3) A more recent report of the "Minerals Economics sub- committee of the Senate Interior Committee on the Accessibi- 1 ity of Strategic Ea terials to the United States in Time of War and For our Expending Economy". General. Geology The general , geology of the property appears on the fol- lowing Government maps: 1."Fiedmont Sheet" Maps No. 206A and 999A, issued by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1929 and 1950 respecti- vely. 2. "Fiedmont Map-Area Abitibi County, Quebec" by L. P. Tremplay, Memoir 253 of the Geological Survey of Cana- da issued in 1950. 3."Fegmatitic Beryllium and Lithium Deposits, - La Corne Region,Abitibi County, Quebec" by Robert B. Rowe, Geologica Survey of Canada, Paper 53-3, issued in 1953. - 5 - 4. "Structural Features of the Preissac-La Corne Batho- lith, Abitibi County, 'Quebec", by K. R. Dawson, Geo- logical Survey of. Canada, Paper 53-4 issued in 1954. 5. The area has been air photographed by the Federal Go- vtrnment and the corresponding photographs can be purchased through the National Air Photographic Li- brary in Ottawa. Geology_ of the Property It must be emphasized that the property is almost entirely covered by overburden. Geological maps published who are above referred to, show a few outc rops in the east section of your 800-acre claims group. On a recent visit to the property, we have observed the granite contact can easily be seen on one of these outcrops. Furthermore the prospectors of the previous owner from whom you have acquired the ground, have uncovered a quart vein, where a few specs of molybdenite could be seen, and this find surely deserves further investigation due to the fact of your company's close location to the only molybdenite producing mine in Canada. More s tripping and trenching should be done along this vein, and it should be blasted into, in or- der to get fres h material for chemical assaying and channel samplings. New outcrops and possibly pegmatite dykes as w ell could be found by searching thoroughly and carefully along the north-sou th granite contact that crosses the east part of your property. The 1 ithium deposits in the area, have all been found in pegmatite dykes so far, but all pegmatite dykes do not ne- cessarily contain lithium. Actually, thousands of dykes occur in the area, particularly in and around. the muscovite granite, which your property borders for, nearly one mile on the west contact of the La Corne Batholith. Those carrying lithium in - 6 - appreciable amounts are distributed in a "T"-shaped area composed of a northern east-west zone close to the north .boundry of the main intrusives, and a wide, central north- south area between the intrusives, roughly centered along the La Motte-La Corne township line, and striking directly toward your property, as shown on Figure 1 of Paper 53-3, by Robert B. Rowe cited above. Properties in the Area Your property is located a short distance south of Amos Lithium, where a recent find has been made near Lake Baillargé, not very far from a previously known spodumene-bearing dyke. The importance of the new discovery cannot be ascertained yet, but it must be noted that the previous showing of Amos Lithium located at the western end of Range III (3) of La Corne town- ship, a few miles north of your ground, was described by W. N. Ingham and N..Latulippe in their brochure M-3744, on "Lithium Deposits of the La Corne Area" for the Quebec Department of Mi- nes, as follows: ."The dyke is up to 40 feet wide and has been traced on surface for a length of 1,200 feet. It contains lar- ge crystals, some 3 feet long, of green spodumene, books of clear green mica, clean while feldspar, a few grains of black côlumbite-tantalite, and molybdenite." As previously stated, in the township to the north of Vas- s an where your property is located, northeast of your area, Quebec Lithium Corporation has blocked out by diamond drilling 15 million tons of ore with a spodumene content of 20%. Shaft sinking and mill constructions are progressing rapidly, with production scheduled to start at the end of this year or early in 1956. %his will be the first lithium mine in Canada. -7- The Molybdenite Corporation of Canada has produced over ten million pounds of molybdenite and bismuth concentrates. This mine is only a short distance to the northwest of your ground, along the same highway that traverses the west part of your property. Other companies with properties in the area, include New Jersey Zinc, Lithium Corporation of America, La Corne Lithium Nines = a Ventures subsidiary - Gaitwin Explorations, Tide Lake Lithium, Lyndhurst Mining, Valor Lithium, Mass-Beryl Lithium, Magnet Consolidated, Regcourt Gold Mines,. International Lithium and .Canadian Lithium. These and many other companies will join in the search for this strategic mineral during the coming prospecting season. RECOMMENDATIONS Your property has had very little prospecting work done yet if any, except a few scratch here and there along the known rock outcrops. Although modern geopi}ysical methods still can- not differentiate between granite dykes and the granite which they intrude, yet a resistivity or geophysic survey can be of real help for the exploration of the claims by diamond drilling, since it determines the contacts of the different rock forma- tions in general. Furthermore, since some radioactive mineral has been indentified in many of the lithium bearing dykes dril- led to-date in the La Corne Area, I recommend the following systematic program: 1. That a scintillometer and a geophysical survey be simultaneously carried on your property, and that it should be made by a competant and reputable firm, using picket lines that should not be more than 300 feet apart. -8- 2. While the above surveys are made, a prospecting party should examine the property thoroughly, for detailed rock outcrops and geological mappings. Soundings should be made at 'every possible location along the picket lines, in order to outline the sections where exploration could be done by means of bulldozing and/or pick and shovel trenchings and strippings which are yet less expensive than drilling. 3. The costs of 1 & 2 would be about $4,000. or $5,000. depending on the sections that will be amenable to bulldozing; stripping and rock trenching. 4. Subsequently to the above',,I would recommend a cross- sectional diamond drilling program to explore the areas that will appear most promising as a result of the surveys and sur- face work programs. CONCLUSIONS The location of WHITNEY URANIUM MINES' lithium claims and the importance of the deposits discovered in the area, leads me to believe that the minimum exploration program outlined above is well' warranted. Developments in the new uses for lithium, and what we see around here, surely justifies that you give your immediate at- tention to the property covered in the present report, so that the recommendations I have made above, bekarried and completed if it is pospible, during the present prospecting season. The diamond drilling program if warranted, can be carried during winter months.

Resp balitted, ~ Vi rrTveau, Prof. Engineer . .4 P. Q. BOX. 80! PHONE 641

' VINCENT CORRIVEAU Professional T' Arit0o, Que.


With reference to my report dated June 10th., 1955 on 'WHITNEY URANIUM MINES LIMITED property, Vassan town- ship, Abitibi East County, Province of Quebec, I, Vincent Corriveau of Amos in the Province of Quebec, hereby state and certify: 1. That I am a Professional Engineer with residence on Second Avenue West, Amos, Quebec. 2.. That I am a Bachelor of Engineering, McGill

u University, 1951 Graduate. 3. That I am a member in good standing of the Cor- poration of Professional Engineers of the Pro- vince of Quebec. 4. That I have no interest whatsoever, neither direct nor indirect, in the properties described by this report, nor do I expect to receive any. 5. That I personally visited the property on May 31st 1955. 6. That my report is based on intimate knowledge of the Amos-Val d'Or Area. Dated this 10th day of June .L2