Alphaserver 4100 System
I ALPHASERVER 4100 SYSTEM ORACLE AND SYBASE DATABASE PRODUCTS Digital FOR VLM Technical INSTRUCTION EXECUTION ON ALPHA PROCESSORS Journal • Volume 8 Number 4 1996 Editorial The Digital Technicaljournal is a refereed The following arc trademarks of Digital Jane C. Blake, Managing Editor journal published quarterly by Digital Equipment Corporation: AlphaServer, Kathleen M. Stetson, Editor Equipment Corporation, 50 Nagog Park, AlphaStation, DEC, DECnet, DIGITAL, Helen L. Patterson, Editor AK02-3/B3, Acton, MA 017 20-9843. the DIGITAL logo,VAX, VMS, and ULTIUX. Hard-copy subscriptions can be ordered by Circulation sending a check in U.S. funds (made payable AIM is a trademark of AIM Technology, Inc. Catherine M. Phillips, Administrator to Digital Equipment Corporation) to the CCT is a registered trademark of Cooper Dorothea B. Cassady, Secretary published-by address. General subscription and Chyan Te chnologies, Inc. CHALLENGE rates are $40.00 (non-U.S. $60) for four and Silicon Graphics are registered a-ademarks Production issues and $75.00 (non-U.S. $115) for and POWER CHALLENGE is a trademark Christa W. Jessica, Production Editor eight issues. University and college profes of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Compaq is a regis Anne S. Katzcff, Typographer sors and Ph.D. students in the electrical tered trademark and ProLiant is a trademark Peter R. Wo odbury, lllustrator engineering and computer science fields of Compaq Computer Corporation. HP is receive complimentary subscriptions upon a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Advisory Board request. DIGITAL's customers may qualifY Company. HSPICE is a registered a·ade Samuel H. Fuller, Chairman for gifi: subscriptions and are encouraged mark of Metasoftware Corporation.
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